Boys Journal/Planner

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UlL TfFu Ct ec PE Sp es rE R hips s n o i t a l re

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “When you were my age, what were the five biggest concerns you had in your life with other people? What did you do to seek help and who did you ask?”

Any questions?


Share your thoughts with Dad or another man you trust about… “How do you feel when you are treated and spoken to like a young boy and how do you react?”

Any ideas and advice for you?

N YOUNG MA e challeng


What were three stories you saw in the media or on the internet where grown men acted like boys?

Monday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Tuesday What is something you should do more often to be kind to yourself?

Wednesday What have you learned from giving and receiving feedback?

Thursday Listen to your favourite song. What emotions do you feel?

Friday What are little things that you should show more gratitude for?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


S e’s LIiFfE Y NeEy rn uR oU jO J

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “When you were my age, how did you feel about not showing your feelings to make others think you were tough and that you had power and were in control”

Any questions?


By getting the balance right between healthy eating, daily exercise, adequate sleep and positive attitudes, you will give yourself wonderful opportunities to become your best possible self. As soon as you feel that you are starting to neglect one of the big four, talk to your family and Trusted Champions and ask them to help you restore the balance. Feeling great and having healthy wellbeing is all about focusing and sharing Acknowledgement: Rath, Boniwell & Breus

Which of the big four are you doing well, and ones not so well?

What is one positive action you could take to benefit each of the big four?

Resilience skill - use, optimism and hope, to do this. last word “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” Plato 24

Monday What body language shows that you are optimistic for the future?

Tuesday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Wednesday Why do you need to be kind to unkind people?

Thursday What things make you feel the emotion joy?

Friday What are you looking forward to most on the weekend?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


UlL TfFu Ct ec PE Sp es rE R hips s n o i t a l re

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “How did you recognise when other peoples’ expectations of what a respectful relationship should be was different to yours? What did you find were the most common differences?”

Any questions?


Share your thoughts with Dad or another man you trust about… “What men you admire and look up to, what do they do to earn your respect, and what qualities they have that you would like to build in yourself”

Any ideas and advice for you?

N YOUNG MA e challeng


Who are five people who do things for you that you often take for granted and who you really should say thank you to? Then have the courage do so.

Monday What does regular practice do for your brain and your memory?

Tuesday What groups of people do you feel you belong to?

Wednesday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Thursday When have you connected with yourself by colouring in? Try it.

Friday What habits do you have which show that you are a caring person?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


S e’s LIiFfE Y NeEy rn uR oU jO J

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “What pressures did you have from advertising and television about how you should act as a young man when you were my age? Were any particularly powerful?”

Any questions?


By understanding that many of the good things in your life come from outside of yourself, you will have an opportunity to make the choice to be grateful for them. Showing gratitude for the little everyday things you have is a powerful generator of positive emotions for you. Pausing and noticing what is going well in your life, and then choosing to be grateful is a great short cut to feeling happiness and healthy wellbeing. Acknowledgement: Emmons, McQuaid & Kern

What are five little things that happened today that you could and should be grateful for?

Who is a hidden person in your life who you should thank for many things they do you? Thank them.

Resilience skill - use, empathy, to do this. last word “Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.” Roy T Bennett 28

Monday Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about.

Tuesday What are little things you could do to be a better young citizen?

Wednesday When is a time your emotions were in charge of your thinking?

Thursday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Friday What is a setback you bounced back from that you are grateful for?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


UlL TfFu Ct ec PE Sp es rE R hips s n o i t a l re

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “What were three positive and three negative emotions you experienced when building your relationships? Please have fun showing the body language you used for each of them.”

Any questions?


Share your thoughts with Dad or another man you trust about… “What is a long-term special goal or accomplishment that you really want to achieve and why? Who could help you to get what you want and how?”

Any ideas and advice for you?

N YOUNG MA e challeng


What are three privileges you have been granted by adults, and what are two responsibilities for each of them you should follow through on?

Monday What types of body language should you avoid using?

Tuesday When are times your mirror neurons have copied others’ moods and expressions?

Wednesday What did you do to exercise today?

Thursday What are your minimum needs to be happy?

Friday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


S e’s LIiFfE Y NeEy rn uR oU jO J

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “What were your greatest successes and your greatest failures when you were my age growing up? What did you learn from these experiences?”

Any questions?


By knowing that your thoughts and experiences cause your brain to never stop changing, you will be able to grow your brain’s abilities in areas and skills you wish to develop. This is called neuroplasticity. Through making the choice to deliberately practise and repeat these things often, you will strengthen existing and create new brain pathways to enable you to do them easier and faster. Make your plastic brain work to become your best possible self. Acknowledgement: Pascual-Leone & Dweck

What are five skills or areas of your life which you would like to develop?

For each of these, what things will you deliberately practise to grow your brain’s abilities.

Resilience skill - use, flexibility of thinking, to do this. last word “Picture your brain forming new connections as you meet the challenge and learn.” – Carol Dweck 32

Monday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Tuesday What is something you are passionate about doing?

Wednesday Who is someone who should say sorry to? Do it.

Thursday When is a time that you were proud of how you controlled your impulses?

Friday Why could you be grateful for JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) on social media?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


UlL TfFu Ct ec PE Sp es rE R hips s n o i t a l re

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “What strengths did you use to help you to cope with each of these challenging situations when you were my age? 1. Not invited to a party your friends were going to? 2. Not picked in a team or for a role you practised hard for?”

Any questions?


Share your thoughts with Dad or another man you trust about… “What do you think of young men who use violence to sort out their problems with other young men and young women? What are better ways to sort things out?”

Any ideas and advice for you?

N YOUNG MA e challeng


Choose one thing that you really want to do, but so far in your life, have been afraid to try. This week use your strengths to risk failure to give it a go.

Monday What is something in your life that means a lot to you?

Tuesday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Wednesday What are your family’s needs and feelings about at present?

Thursday What are you looking forward to most today?

Friday What emotions do you feel when you exercise regularly?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


S e’s LIiFfE Y NeEy rn uR oU jO J

Ask Dad or another man you trust to share their thoughts about… “When you were my age, when were times you didn’t think about the consequences before participating in risk taking activities? What happened?”

Any questions?


By discovering the uplifting power of using your strengths to give of yourself to help others to enjoy a healthier state of wellbeing and expecting nothing in return, you will be rewarded with feelings of thriving and flourishing. Doing this can include, doing what you say you will do, showing others matter, listening with your eyes, ears and heart, doing the right thing, doing the thing right and focusing on building respectful relationships. Acknowledgement: Frankl & Nakanishi

When is a time you have been selfless and given of yourself to make others’ lives better?

What is something you could and should do today to show others matter?

Resilience skill - use, self-belief, to do this. last word “No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anne Frank 40

Monday What is a mistake you made that helped you to succeed?

Tuesday When have you shown courage to forgive someone?

Wednesday What went well today that you are grateful for no matter how small?

Thursday What are special times you have had that filled you with positives?

Friday What can you do to show gratitude for your teachers?

Sat/Sun What went well this week that you are grateful for no matter how small?

big four BIG FOUR CHECK IN: This week how did you...

feel in yourself?

exercise daily?

eat healthy?

sleep deeply?


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