Course Track
Has this course been taught online by you or someone else?
Develop syllabus. Revise SLOs (Step 1 of 3 Step Process) Identify 3 changes to make. Collaborate with Affordable Learning Solutions. Add 1 Project-Based activity/assignment. Record 3 favorite lectures. Add 1 video to course. Load and populate Course Template on BB. Map SLOs to activities (Step 2 of 3 Step Process) Peer Review Course (Step 3 of 3 Step Process)
TRACK 1: New Course (never taught online)
YES: By other YES: By self
Do you have a syllabus ready for this course?
Do you have a syllabus available for this course?
Needs to develop or revise syllabus. Needs to develop courseware. Complete 3 Step Process.
Do you have access to course material?
Do you have materials developed for this course?
TRACK 2: Existing Course (hybrid or fully online)
Develop syllabus. Revise SLOs (Step 1 of 3 Step Process) Identify 1 or 2 new solutions for course. Consult with Affordable Learning Solutions. Select 2 favorite topics and turn into wikis Add 2 videos. Map SLOs to activities (Step 2 of 3 Step Process) Peer Review Course (Step 3 of 3 Step Process)
TRACK 2: Existing Course (hybrid maybe, or fully existing online)
Develop syllabus. Revise SLOs (Step 1 of 3 Step Process) Add multiple learning styles to activities Submit topics to Affordable Learning Solutions Select 2 favorite topics and turn into wikis Add 1 video Videotape guest speaker Map SLOs to activities (Step 2 of 3 Step Process) Peer Review Course (Step 3 of 3 Step Process)
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