Peer Review Facilitator Guide

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By now, you have already reviewed your course using the attached rubric on your own. Now, as you conduct the Peer Review, a set of fresh eyes will review your course effectively. You may have some elements, but they may not be easily found. Thus, a student would have a hard time themselves. So, with a set of fresh eyes it is easy to note where improvements are needed. Let’s get started:


CONFIRM THAT YOUR PEER’S COURSE is launched on BB 9.1 and ready for your perusal. Using the Peer Review Rubric, browse through your peer’s course.

Rank the course on a scale of Basic, Beginning, Developing Student-Centered, or Student Centered for each below:    

Element A Element B Element C Element D

AFTER YOU’VE RANKED YOUR PEER’S COURSE as stated above, complete Peer Review Outcomes.

Document the Practices and Evidence for each below:    

Element A Element B Element C Element D

Hints: Under Practices, please choose the qualities that were evident in your findings. See the bullet list for each quality found in the PR Rubric. Under Evidence, please list the actual course content that you found that supports the practice. *An example is illustrated on the first page of the Peer Review Outcomes.


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