Peer Review Rubric: Assessing Levels of Course Media Usage

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PEER REVIEW RUBRIC: Assessing Levels of Course Media Usage


Limited Interactive Qualities

Beginning Interactive Qualities

Developing Student‐Centered Qualities

Student Centered Qualities

Element A

Instructor mediates exchanges. Activity limited to one brief introduction at the beginning of the course.

In addition to one brief introduction at the beginning of course: One other exchange of personal information among students, designed to increase social rapport (i.e.: written bio of personal background and experiences).

In addition to one brief introduction at the beginning of course and one other exchange of personal information among students, include: One other in‐class opportunity designed to increase social rapport among students.

Course limits opportunity for communication student to Communication student; student to instructor; Building Levels and student to content. Activities require students to communicate with the instructor on an individual basis only (i.e.: asking/responding to instructor questions). Activities limited to one technology tool to facilitate communication.

In addition to the requiring students to communicate with the instructor on an individual basis only and one technology tool to facilitate communication, include: One other activity that requires students work with one another (i.e.: in pairs or small groups) to share results within their pairs/groups. Activities that use two technology tools to facilitate communication.

In addition to the requiring students to communicate with the instructor on an individual basis; one activity requiring students to work with one another to share results within their pairs/ groups; and two technology tools to facilitate communication, include: One other activity that requires students to work with one another (e. g., in pairs or small groups) and share results with one another and the rest of the class. Activities use three technology tools to facilitate communication.

In addition to one brief introduction at the beginning of course; one other exchange of personal information among students; and one other in‐class opportunity designed to increase social rapport among students, include: One other outside‐of‐ class opportunity designed to increase social rapport among students. In addition to requiring students to communicate with the instructor on an individual basis; one activity requiring students to work with one another to share results within their pairs/ groups and another activity to share with the rest of the class; and three technology tools to facilitate communication, include: One other activity that requires students to work with one another (e. g., in pairs or small groups) and outside experts and share results with one another and the rest of the class.

Social Rapport‐ Building Levels

Element B

PEER REVIEW RUBRIC: Assessing Levels of Course Media Usage Element C Course Engagement Levels

Element D Learning Levels

Content is provided but Guidance in using content Guidance in using content Guidance in using content guidance is limited to pre‐ materials is limited to pre‐ materials is limited to pre‐ materials is limited to pre‐ reading outlines. reading outlines and one reading outlines, at least reading outlines, and at Higher order thinking (i.e.: other clearly written one other clearly written least one other clearly analysis, problem solving, or assignment instruction. assignment instruction, and written assignment critical reflection) is limited Higher order thinking (i.e.: at least one other instruction, and at least to one course assignment. analysis, problem solving, or assignment rubric. two other assignment Only 1 supplementary critical reflection) is Higher order thinking (i.e.: rubrics. content resource or activity required in at least two analysis, problem solving, or Higher order thinking (i.e.: is available for advanced course assignments. critical reflection) is analysis, problem solving, or study. At least 2 supplementary required in at least two critical reflection) is content resources are assignments and is required for at least three available for advanced explained or supported by activities and is explained study. providing examples of with examples or models. "good answers". At least 4 supplementary At least 3 supplementary content resources are content resources are available for advanced available for advanced study. study. Course provides one At least one entire At least two At least three visual, one textual, one assignment has options assignments have assignments have kinesthetic, and one to integrate one visual, options to integrate options to integrate auditory activity or one textual, one one visual, one textual, one visual, one textual, learning object. kinesthetic, and one one kinesthetic, and one kinesthetic, and auditory learning style. one auditory learning one auditory learning style. style.

Purpose: 1) To develop course into engaging media for students, rich in aesthetics and interaction. 2) To practice assessing courses by using a Peer Review. 3) To give feedback to your peers by utilizing a rubric.

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