Lebenskleidung - Our journey

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ROOTS IN KERALA, INDIA Lebenskleidung is a story of many

A year later, Enrico returned to

In Germany, Christoph Malkowski

coincidences, one that finds its

Berlin while Benjamin stayed in

and another friend joined the

genesis in the southern Indian

India for a bit longer.

team. The beginnings were humble

state of Kerala. In the year 2006 Enrico Rima and Benjamin Itter – two of the cofounders – were in India for a year, studying at the

upon a herbal dyeing unit in the

many challenges and learn along

Within a short time, they learnt

heart of Kerala. The small company

the way.

about the dire condition of the

dyed fabrics and garments using

Indian farmers. Rampant use of

ancient Ayurvedic knowledge,

The most elementary was to find

poisonous pesticides (most of

leaving no environmental footprint

the right fabric for the bedlinen.

which are banned in Europe) along

and having a healing effect to the

with mounting financial pressures


laborated with the Appachi Cotton

pushed the farmers to suicide. The

Project in Tamil Nadu, India for the

The direct consequence of the rising global textile demand was evident. Huge quantities of cotton produced for the western market – offered at unrealistically low prices. Furthermore, there are other serious issues of contaminated rivers, effluents of chemical dyes being dumped in local lakes and exploitation of labour at the production facilities.

another we wanted to be part of the solution.”

After much research, they col-

led to serious health risks and even

among cotton farmers.

industry, we knew that one way or

With limited knowledge of the textile industry, they were sure to face

problem was particularly alarming

dous problems facing the textile


apartment in Berlin.

Shortly thereafter, Ben chanced

Kerala University.

”As we became aware of the tremen-

and they worked out of a small

”The name ‘Lebenskleidung’ itself was derived from the Sanskrit

right fabric for the bedsheets. This firm cultivated high quality organic cotton as it should be: biodynamic, completely without pesticides and with fair and fixed purchase prices for the farmers.

and ‘Vastra’



At the end of 2008, the first batch

word ‘Ayurvastra’. ‘Ayur‘ means life

Witnessing the ground reality first

of Ayurvedic bedsheets arrived in

hand, both Enrico and Benjamin


found themselves deeply interest-

Inspired by the simplicity of this

ed in the subject and questioning

sustainable approach, Lebens-

Very quickly, they learned that the

the very process and conditions

kleidung was founded with the idea

market was not really waiting for

under which clothes were pro-

of bedlinen as the first product.

a herbally dyed bedlinen venture.


The name Lebenskleidung itself was

However, they made an interesting

derived from the Sanskrit word

observation …

Ayurvastra. Ayur means life and Vastra clothing.

FOCUS ON ORGANIC FABRICS Many people were also interested

they were dyed naturally, they

in the plain fabrics for the sheets.

were unfortunately not yet meeting international standards. This

Soon after the Lebenskleidung team

became a major concern for many

were introduced to another herbal


dyeing unit in India. Aura Herbal Wear in Mahatma Gandhi’s own

Meanwhile, Rütli-Schule, a school

home state of Gujarat specialized

that launched a number of social

in plant dyeing and even printing.

projects in Berlin, introduced the “Made in Neukölln” project. Along


They were able to expand their

with the fashion production com-

product portfolio to include towels

pany Common Works, they received

produce a fabric meeting highest

and, for the first time, fabrics.

requests for Global Organic Textile

quality standards.

Lebenskleidung along with Aura

cotton jersey fabrics. Utilizing

With a growing number of de-

showcased their newly curated

their established network in India,

lighted customers, the challenge

Over the years, we’ve learned a lot.”

collection at Biofach fair 2010 in

Lebenskleidung was able to deliver

now was to meet the soaring

Nuremberg. This was the first

the fabric immediately. To respond

demand of orders coming in. All

major turning point and the

to the demand effectively, Lebens-

this was still being operated from

customer response was more than

kleidung made the decision from

a small flat in Berlin, with limited

encouraging. They started working

now on to also offer certified

resources, mounting work-load,

with their first big customer for

organic cotton fabrics without

and financial constraints.

towels followed by a prominent

herbal dyeing.

”It is not that easy to sustainably

Standard (GOTS) certified organic

They approached GLS Bank, the

German retailer.


Sustainable fashion was now wit-

world’s first bank financing solely

nessing steady growth in Europe.

sustainable enterprises and

Several local designers opted to

projects, and soon Lebenskleidung

work with Lebenskleidung as a re-

was able to secure funding and

liable partner of choice.

set up a fabric warehouse, invest

Lebenskleidung ensured 100 %

in stocks and grow the portfolio

transparency, traceability, and


handled the entire chain of logis-

In 2011, Lebenskleidung was fea-

tics. The first online shop was set

By the end of 2011, as the last

tured in an ongoing documentary

up and they started their so-called

stages of the TV documentary was

series on German television as one

collective orders in order to pre-

being shot, Lebenskleidung moved

of several promising new start-ups.

finance the fabrics as a purchasing

into their new and current premise

Exciting times were ahead.

community. It was ideal for emerg-

at Leuschnerdamm 13 in Berlin-

ing designers, allowing them to

Kreuzberg. This was indeed a huge

place orders of small quantities.


The business slowly gained momentum with many fabric shops and designers showing great interest in the herbally dyed fabrics. These were beautiful, but since


To secure the supply chain from India was difficult in terms of delivery times and quality control. So Lebenskleidung searched for new partners and found them in Turkey. The product range soon grew as

Over the years, the demand for

Besides the annual certification

well: in addition to organic cotton,

Lebenskleidung’s fabrics has multi-

according to the GOTS, the found-

woolen fabrics, silks and organic

plied. From small to established

ers of Lebenskleidung are active in

linen were also included.

and premium fashion labels source

many other organizations.

their fabric from Lebenskleidung.

QUALITY ASSURANCE Collaborating with WKS Textilveredlungs-GmbH, Lebenskleidung was able to outsource the quality control aspect. With their help, it was easier to ensure that all fabrics met internationally recognized

Enrico is a member of the board of

”Quality does not

directors of the International Association of Natural Textiles (IVN), in which Lebenskleidung is active

come easy. It is

since many years.

the result of hard

Benjamin works closely with the

work, commitment and love.”


Consortium of Green Fashion India, which promotes a sustainable textile production in India. He is a regular visiting faculty at fashion schools in India to raise awareness for eco-consciousness in fashion.

Lebenskleidung now with the ware-

The majority of the fabric pro-

house not only offered great fabric

duction was shifted to Portugal

The company is also engaged in

to its customers, but also the de-

in 2016.

the German Association for

sired flexibility in order quantities.

Sustainable Textiles, the interLebenskleidung continuously fos-

national nature textile fair INNATEX

All this while supporting a fair and

ters new partnerships with fabric

and is a member of the association

socially compliant production.

producers, with a single goal in


mind: to provide high-quality fabric

”No matter if 1 m or 100 m – additionally to the production-internal quality control, each fabric that reaches us will be checked and evaluated separately in Germany on a light table. You won’t receive any faulty fabrics.”

and choice.

Lebenskleidung fabrics are now found not only in many boutiques

Active collaborations and exchang-

and collections in Europe, but also

es within the ecosystems help to

in Australia, the USA, Japan or

achieve just that.

South America.

Only the best and most innovative certified fabric reaches the Lebenskleidung warehouse.

From left to right: Christoph Malkowski, Enrico Rima and Benjamin Itter.

”Our goal is to provide high quality and ethically produced fabrics to the industry. But our efforts would be futile without all the dedicated designers who create art, beauty and uniqueness through their work. And for this we would like to express our sincere gratitude.”

— Benjamin, Christoph, Enrico

Itter, Malkowski, Rima GbR Leuschnerdamm 13, Aufgang 3 10999 Berlin, Germany phone: +49 (0) 30 548 105 17 e-mail: info@lebenskleidung.com www.lebenskleidung.com

organic fabric certified to GOTS by CERES-076

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