lita cabellut
trilogie the van trilogy de of twijfel doubt
lita cabellut
trilogie the van trilogy de of twijfel doubt
Strong Woman Billie Holiday (detail) 2013
lita cabellut
this collection is about looking into the psychological condition of being human. what i explain is that in life there are no losers, no winners, neither good nor bad. it’s a great theatre where we require or impose different roles with outfits oppositely contradictory to our previous condition. it is the beauty and the beast at the same time. it is very important that the explanation and interpretation of these pieces give you space for noticing. with freedom for the viewer to identify with the chosen character. i’m not talking about institutions, compassion and guilt. i tried to make a nude portrait of the human condition. in this collection i am faithful to my teachers, my examples that consequently were concerned with what worries me. us.
the trilogy of doubt
2013 290 × 210 cm
lita cabellut
quartet of conscience
2013 90 × 76 cm
the Trilogy of challenge
2013 50 × 50 cm
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