Autumn 2013 Manifesto Booklet

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Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Manifesto Booklet Autumn Term 2013

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

BAME Officer Candidates The BAME Students' Officer shall: 1. Be a liberation officer of the Students’ Union and represent the needs and opinions of BAME students to the Executive and to the University where necessary. 2. Be the key point of contact for BAME students within the Union and provide them with information, advice and about discrimination and racism, and campaigns against racism and under-representation; - work with the NUS Black Students' Campaign and organisations like the TUC, the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR) and the 1990 Trust to support national initiatives. 3. Act as the lead delegate for NUS Black Students’ Conference and ensure the Students’ Union fully engages in the democratic processes of the NUS Black Students' Campaign, e.g submitting motions and sending delegates to conferences. 4. Run appropriate campaigns specific to BAME students. 5. Co-ordinate with the University where applicable. 6. Hold regular forums, online and/or offline, to gather the opinions of BAME students. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO SELF-IDENTIFY AS BAME TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION.

MANIFESTO Qamar Khan BAME Officer and Union Council       

One World Campus Reserved Seats for Colour Diverse Executive Reduce International Fees Abolish English Language Fees World Peace Festival Black History Month

Celebrating Our Diversity I am a first year Management Studies student joining the Leicester Management School. I have experience in representing people and working as part of organisations. I was the first elected person of colour onto the National Executive Council of a UK Trade Union MSF (Manufacturing Science Finance). I served the TUC (Trades Unions Congress) Race Relations Committee and have worked in the area of Societal Peace, Community Unification and Interfaith Dialogue. I therefore present myself as a candidate for the position of BAME Officer. ne World Nation/Campus: We talk a great deal of about unity across the world but do we treat each other with equality. The main thrust of my manifesto is to achieve a single World Nation on our campus where equality exists for all. Reduce International Fees: Why are International Student Fees greater than European & Local Fees? If we truly feel that we want to invite the world to our campus then why do we discriminate when it comes to charging fees? I would campaign to make the two sets of fees the same. I would also abolish student fees. World Peace Festival I am already organising a World Peace Festival which is planned to take place in March 2014. I have not hesitated in working with the Student Union and Societies in making this a reality. I have also not waited to be elected to a position before I did this campaign. Abolish English Language Course Fees When we invite international students to the UK to study our system of education are we really inviting them with open arms? We place a barrier of conducting all our courses in English and then we ask International students to study the English Language first and charge them too. The European Union gives rights to workers to travel across its international

borders without any requirement for fluency in the language of that country. It is considered a human right to maintain your own language. Black History Month: Once again I have not waited for any kind of position. I pressed the Student Union to support my campaign to commemorate Black History Month and this is now underway. Daily Facebook posts are being implemented with quotes from Rev Martin King and Nelson Mandela. We have interviews and articles appearing in the Ripple, LUST and LUSH media outlets and are planning an event on 31 Oct in the Student Union Square. Trade Union Movement: I have been the Chair of a National Race Equality Committee where I led policies and strategies that enabled rights and powers to be recognised for ethnic minority people both at work and in the community. Race Relations: I have worked closely with the Race Relations Committee of the TUC (Trades Unions Congress) in London where I led policy for trade unions across the country and Europe. Experience: I have the background and experience to achieve all the things I have talked about in my manifesto. I have worked as an elected representation is one of the largest trade unions (with more than a million members). Actions NOT Words: I am about getting things done. When you vote for me you are voting for setting targets and getting them done. I do not take no for an answer. Qamar worked closely with leading Black politicians on issues of Race Equality and Race Relations. He has pressed the campaign for the rights of Minority Ethnic Communities across the UK and Europe. His projects included working closely with Lord Paul Boateng. Currently a life peer in the House of Lords, Paul served as a Cabinet Minister in the Home Office in the 1997 Labour Government and went onto become the High Commissioner for South Africa, appointed by the President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Disabled Students’ Officer Candidates The Disabled Students’ Officer shall: 1. Be a Liberation Officer of the Students’ Union and represent the needs and opinions of disabled students to the Executive and to the University where necessary. 2. Be the key point of contact for disabled students within the Union and provide them with information, advice and referrals where necessary. 3. Scrutinise both the Students’ Union’s and University’s equal opportunities policies to ensure they protect the rights of, and promote the involvement of disabled students, ensuring that the equal opportunities policy is properly implemented at all times. 4. Work with the Executive team in producing materials and resources to inform and educate all students about the nature of discrimination against the disabled. 5. Work to ensure that this Union is accessible to all disabled students and lobby the institution to fight for access for all. 6. Act as the lead delegate for NUS Disabled Students’ Conference and ensure that this Union fully engages in the democratic processes of the NUS Disabled Students’ Campaign, for example by submitting motions and sending delegates to Disabled Students’ Conference. 7. Run campaigns appropriate to disabled students. 8. Co-ordinate with the University where applicable. 9. Hold regular forums, online and/or offline, to gather the opinions of disabled students. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO SELF-IDENTIFY AS DISABLED TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION.

Vote Stephen GREEN for Disability Officer Please vote for me as I believe I can represent the lives of disabled students on a basis that promotes a disabled friendly environment and discourages ableism. As Vice President of the Mathematics Student Staff Committee, Peer Supporter, Noether House President and Course Rep, I have a wide range of experience with communicating with people and dealing with their concerns regardless of the situation. With my connections with the Access Ability Centre, I have first-hand experience of the concerns disabled students have with the current system. If voted in, I will promise to deal with these concerns as thoroughly as possible to ensure that everyone can make the most out of their University experience without fear of discrimination. My campaign policies can be summed up with:

Guaranteed to respond to ableism with a Zero Tolerance policy Represent students and their proposals and act to improve the quality of access across the University.

Excellent links with the Access Ability Centre that allows everyone’s needs to be met regardless of nature of disability.

Each student will have their concerns dealt with as a priority and solutions will be integrated into the University so no such problems will happen again

Not happy with current provision? Vote Stephen Green today!

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

LGBT+ Officer Candidates The LGBT+ Officer shall: 1. Be a Liberation Officer of the Students’ Union and represent the needs and opinions of LGBT students to the Executive and to the University where necessary. 2. Be the key point of contact for LGBT students within the Union and provide them with information, advice and referrals where necessary. 3. Co-ordinate with the LGBTQA and attend their events whenever necessary. 4. Scrutinise both the Students’ Union’s and University’s equal opportunities policies to ensure that they protect the rights of, and promote the involvement of, LGBT students, ensuring that the equal opportunities policy is properly implemented at all times. 5. Work with the Executive team in producing materials and resources to inform and educate all students about LGBT students’ issues, particularly those surrounding discrimination; campaign on a local level against discrimination. 6. Work with the NUS LGBT Campaign and other organisations such as trade unions and relevant LGB organisations. 7. Act as the lead delegate for NUS LGBT Conference and ensure that this Union fully engages in the democratic processes of the NUS LGBT Campaign, for example, submitting motions and sending delegates to conference. 8. Run appropriate campaigns specific to LGBT students. 9. Co-ordinate with the University where applicable, for instance the University’s LGBT network. 10. Hold regular forums, online and/or offline, to gather the opinions of LGBT students. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO SELF-IDENTIFY AS LGBT+ TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION.

r e c fi f O + T B G L r o f t Vote Ellio Hi! My name’s Elliot Arrowsmith and I’m hoping to be your first choice for the SU’s first ever LGBT+ Officer I’m in my second year now, and I’m studying LLB Law with French Law and Language. As one of the NUS LGBT Conference Delegates from last year, I have the experience and knowledge to be able to lead the LGBT+ movement within this Union.

My Experience

and part of many things. I know the Union a be to nce cha the had e hav I , sity In my time at this Univer g at the University. campaigns in the Union and workin of t par a ng bei to nks tha l wel them so the University love to be able to further my work in ld wou I and e her life my of t par e Campaigns have become a hug through this. My experience includes: 2013 • NUS LGBT Conference Delegate Officer 2013-2014 • LGBTQ Association Campaigns and Treasurer 2013-2014 • Labour LGBT Officer 2012-2013 2013-2014 • Librarian of the Orchestral Society iety • Active member of the Feminist Soc University of Leicester vice’s Student Engagement Team at the Ser nt me elop Dev eer Car the of er • Memb

A more inclusive union

Although this Union has tak en huge steps over the years to become more inclusive, to do. Gender neutrality is there is still loads left something that is not yet co mplete and this needs to be Additionally, as with most a priority this year. LGBT+ campaigns, so much focus appears to be on LGB to change. So many people people. I want this don’t typically identify as LG B and more workshops and put on that are sensitive to events need to be the needs of the many peop le who are forgotten at the enough anymore to display Un ion . It simply isn’t Stonewall posters and to co nstruct a few gender neutr al facilities.

nts Creating a safe space for studenee ds to improve on this.

for vulnerable students. This Union NUS Conferences promote safe space for the needs of m, this simply is not enough to cater roo n mo com a has n atio oci Ass While the LGBTQ any liberation group for that matter. from s ent stud for or , sity ver uni this somewhere hundreds of LGBT+ students at is imperative that we find in all of this it r, yea this und aro ved mo ng bei With so many rooms es the SU simply isn’t go and feel completely at ease. Sometim can ups gro on rati libe from s ent of £9000 where stud en students here are paying upwards Wh t. tha ect resp st mu we and ple a safe space for some peo ke it as enjoyable as possible for them. ma to y dut a e hav we e, her be to r yea a

Out in Sport

only one third of LGBT Research has shown that t at university. Half of people participate in spor culture to be ‘alienating’. those that don’t, find the ere is so much to do in At a University where th ply unacceptable. ‘Out terms of sports, this is sim ng up in Students’ Unin Sport’ campaigns spru t year and we are now ions across the country las is a place where many falling behind. University the first time or become people will try sports for e first time. If we can seriously involved for th s come out in support of make our sports societie the start of huge change LGBT+ rights, we can be should feel excluded in sports culture. Nobody s of their sexuality or from sports on the ground gender.

Better welfare


According to st atistics, LGBT+ people are at a significantly hig her risk, than th e rest of the pop ulation, of suff ering mental il lnesses. The reas for this are incr o n s easingly comple x and aren’t full understood. H y owever, what w e can be doing, a Union, is pro as viding better su pport for LGBT students here at + Leicester. Whil e the LGBTQ Association pro vides great sup port for many dents here, som stuetimes more sp ecialist support required. As so is meone who iden tifies as disable I understand th d, e difficulties to o many people facing in findin ar e g the right help and this is why I pledge to figh t for better wel fare services fo r LGBT+ people .

If you elect me I promise to...

• Push for gender neutrality across the Union. • Start caucuses in the union, to better understand the needs of all LGBT+ people, not just those who are LGB. • Campaign for improvements to Student Welfare. What they do is good, but more funding is needed. • Get more people involved with the NUS elections, to further promote LGBT+ campaigns. • Provide better support to those with access needs, be it publications in a different format or online forums for those who cannot attend events and workshops at the Union. • Create learning events for heterosexual/cis people, because education is the only way to fight ignorance. • Be held fully accountable to the newly formed Union Council so that democracy and equality can be upheld. • Work on making motions passed at the NUS LGBT Conferences over the years policy in this Union.

Contact me!

-Second Year History and American Studies student -Course Rep -Self identifying female bisexual

As the LGBTQ+ Liberation Officer for the Union Council I will have a platform from which to ensure the interests of all LGBTQ+ students at the University of Leicester are given due considered at every level of decision making. As a self identified bisexual I have personal experience with many of the pressing and unique issues being faced by LGBTQ+ students and it is as much in my interests as it is in yours that I put my all into tackling them. I am in contact with many of the LGBTQA and plan to consult with the committee when appropriate as such opportunities arise. Last year I was nominated for the Student of the Year Award as well receiving recognition for my work as a course rep. I have completed the Leicester Award for leadership and Management which helped me hone the necessary skills for this position.

Email me:

I have always believed in equality for all people and groups. My name is Tom Whyke. I am a first year Biological science student. I am running for LGBT+ liberation officer because I feel that it is important for all groups to be equal. I have faced inequality in my life and it is something that I am committed to fighting against. I am both enthusiastic and passionate about all my causes, platforms and ideas. If people who identify themselves as LGBT+ want someone who will always stand up for their rights in the union, then vote for me!

Why should you vote for me? -I have always been passionate about LGBT+ causes -Equality is at the heart of every single one of my aims and objectives -I have the experience of being the Student Leader for Social and Pastoral support in my school -I will always be there for every single LGBT+ member -I am very social, friendly and approachable - I have so much enthusiasm that I feel I could bring to the position. - I am an active member of the LGBTQ Association and will work closely with them to assure that all LGBT+ rights are maintained within the Union

My Aims and Objectives An increase in the number of LGBT+ in union council positions -For the union council to truly be representative of the whole student body. A representative number of LGBT+ students must be present. I will campaign for more LGBT+ students to stand in elections.

A zero tolerance policy to ALL FORMS of Homophobia, Sexism, Transphobia and Racism -All forms of homophobia, sexism, transphobia and racism should work on a zero tolerance policy.

Union bouncers to receive LGBT+ training -The bouncers employed to work at the O2 academy receive special training regarding gender. They do not currently receive any training which will help safeguard the LGBT+ members during the events.

Mental health awareness, support and education -Mental health is something that I am very involved with. Suffering with depression and anxiety myself, I believe that more support is needed for people suffering with anything from low self esteem to bipolar disorder. I also hope for the mental health staff already in the university to become more aware of LGBT+ issues.

More campaigns to increase LGBT+ awareness in the Union -I believe the best way to stop homophobia, transphobia, sexism and intolerance is to educate those who don't understand or haven't had a chance to learn about LGBT+.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have on my objectives. So please, if you want to ask any questions, however trivial they may seem, send me an email at;

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Women’s Officer Candidates The Women’s Officer shall: 1. Be a liberation officer of the Students’ Union and represent the needs and opinions of women students to the Executive and to the University where necessary. 2. Be the key point of contact for women within the Union and provide them with information, advice and referrals where necessary. 3. Scrutinise both the Students’ Union’s and University’s equal opportunities policies to ensure they protect the rights of, and promote the involvement of women, ensuring that the equal opportunities policy is properly implemented at all times. 4. Work with the Executive team in producing materials and resources to inform and educate all students about the nature of discrimination against women. 5. Work with the NUS Women’s Campaign and other organisations such as trade unions and relevant women’s organisations. 6. Act as the lead delegate for NUS Women’s Conference and ensure that this Union fully engages in the democratic processes of the NUS Women’s Campaign, for example by submitting motions and sending delegates to Women’s Conference. 7. Run appropriate campaigns specific to women students. 8. Co-ordinate with the University where applicable. 9. Hold regular forums, online and/or offline, to gather the opinions of women students. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO SELF-IDENTIFY AS A WOMAN TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION.

RACHEL FOR WOMEN’S OFFICER The current Women’s Movement in Leicester is virtually non-existent. Women students are noticeably less active and engaged with the Students’ Union, making up only 35% of elected Parliament Officers and Student Group Leaders (2012-13) and many students do not feel safe going out in the Union or in town. If I am elected Women’s Officer, I want to change this. I want to create a strong Women’s Movement striving for equality between genders, and prove that Leicester is a safe, active Union for all genders.


- Second-Year Ancient History and History Student - President, Feminist Society - President, Hope Not Hate Society - Union Parliament Officer 2012-13, supporting proposals including Fair Representation and Liberation Officers - NUS Women’s Campaign Conference Delegate 2013 - Treasurer, Ancient History and Archaeology Society - Head of Music, LUSH Radio 2012-13 - Course Rep, 2012-13 - SU employee

SUPPORT THE NEEDS OF ALL WOMEN STUDENTS - Ensure that safe spaces for study are available around exams and essay deadlines, so you can study without needing to be objectified on ‘Spotted’ pages or similar - Work with the Experience Officer to ensure that a ‘Ride Now, Pay Later’ scheme for the Union’s taxi agreement is publicised and implemented by the Students’ Union - Develop a Women’s Network on campus to create a direct channel of communication between women students and the Students’ Union, and elect representatives from underrepresented groups to sit on the committee and ensure that the Union takes the opinions from women of different backgrounds seriously - Negotiate ways to lower the cost of sanitary products being sold on campus - they are not a luxury product and their pricing should reflect this - Look at ways of creating cloakroom subsidies for students, so we aren’t penalised for taking essentials on a night out @rholl92 |


- Work with women student group leaders to research how and why they involve themselves in our union. By finding out why women do get involved we can begin to work on involving more! - Hold leadership and public speaking training sessions open to all women in order to get our voices heard effectively - Ensure that the work done this year with liberation training is continued in the future


To make sure that incidents of harassment and assault are properly dealt with, I will: - Work to implement the Zero Tolerance Charter in pubs, clubs and bars across Leicester and start up Hollaback! in Leicester to track and tackle harassment outside the Union - Do Zero Tolerance campaigning during the day in order to ensure the message remains more than just a stamp on a night out - Ensure that there is at least one woman member of security staff present on every Union night to safely report incidents to and to seriously respond to incidents of sexual harassment


To tackle this, I will: - Equip women students in male-dominated subjects with the tools they need to get ahead in their chosen field - Work with local schools and FE institutions to encourage women students to follow up interest in STEM subjects - Meet regularly with the Education Officer and Course Reps to get feedback within male-

dominated departments - Create a women’s mentoring system within departments for those who need it. This will create role models for women who want to pursue their ambitions in science, engineering, mathematics and technology


- Improve Childcare on Campus and seminar flexibility for student parents childcare limitations primarily affect women - so all women are able to partake in the activities they want, when they want - Hold regular open discussion forums to find out what issues you want tackled - we are not all the same and our campaigns should reflect that - Work with women’s sports teams to make sure that they are given the same recognition within the Union as our men’s teams - Build links with the NUS Women’s Campaign so our union is able to be a

progressive, representative institution for women from all backgrounds

@rholl92 |

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Postgraduate Officer Candidates 1. To represent the interests of all Postgraduate Students. 2. To encourage the engagement of all Postgraduate Students with the Students’ Union. 3. To coordinate campaigns for Postgraduate student views. 4. To regularly talk and listen to Postgraduate Students of the University of Leicester Students’ Union . 5. To complete the engagement circle by ensuring all activity and outcomes are fed back to Postgraduate Students of the University of Leicester Students’ Union. 6. To be responsible for communication of the Executive team to the Postgraduate Students of the University of Leicester Students’ Union. 7. To maintain and promote the University of Leicester Students’ Union policies to Postgraduate Students. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A POSTGRADUATE TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION.

MANIFESTO Ares Navarro Post Graduate Officer 2013 I studied History of Art in the University of Lleida (Spain) last year and now I am studying a MA Art Museum and Gallery Studies in the School of Museum Studies. The student community at the University of Leicester is exciting, exhilarating, enthusing and much more. As all things in life, it is also a challenge to understand, settle and acclimatise into the environment. Post Graduate students usually have just one year to do all these things. I want to be there to help make the transition as smooth as possible. As part of my manifesto I promise to deliver a series of milestones during my time as your Post Graduate Officer:       

A Stall at Freshers Welcoming New Undergraduates A Web Page on the Student Union website Help & Support for Post Graduate Students in settling into campus life Social Gatherings Extend the common room facilities across the Campus Raise levels of contact with PhD students Networking for Students across the various faculties

My Experience: I am currently the Rep for Art Museum and Gallery Studies and also the Museum Studies Departmental Rep. I have extensive experience having been the President of the Student Union at the University of Lleida in Spain. I have served at all levels of student participation and representation: I have been a member of the

Governing Council, an active member of the Board of the Faculty of Arts and also in the Department of History of Art and Social History. I organized together with other councils various manifestations against rising university fees as well all the demonstrations against Spanish and Catalan government cuts in education, health care and

justice. As a result I have experience in supporting students whilst challenging the powerful administration of the University.

are a strange thing, a supernatural or something far away. The truth is that we are the future of Undergraduate students so we need to create a link between both positions. In my experience, to be in contact with Postgraduate students can help you to decide what type of studies you want to do after your bachelor degree. Networking & Postgraduate Community: The primary activities tend to be aimed at Undergraduates. I would ensure that social events and networking gatherings are planned and established so Postgraduate students are able to get to know each other. It is known that we are a large community with a lot of international students that they have different culture, so I think that is very important to share all the culture things to each other to learn and develop. This also goes a great deal towards developing a community amongst students.

Having Fun: Studying and working hard is coupled with having fun. I have organised Fresher’s Fairs and major music events as celebrations of culture and student community, so what if we include and integrate the Postgraduate students with the University with their own events? Postgraduate students need to be listening: what we need? What we want? What we expect? Post Graduate students: a strange thing? Sometimes when Postgraduate students explain to other people or Undergraduate students what we are studying, it’s seems that we

Rights & Facilities: Postgraduates get overlooked when it comes to allocated resources within the Student Union. I would ensure that we extend the current common room facilities within the Union and also outlying departments such as the School of Education and the School of Museum Studies. PhD Students: This has been a lost community. Largely unheard of on the campus, we need to raise the profile of these talented people. I would seek to bring the PhD community together and once again rise to their profile through networking coffee mornings/afternoons and social events.

Harry Holkham – Postgraduate Officer Who am I? Hi I’m Harry and I’m a third year PhD student in the department of Cell Physiology and Pharmacology. I’m currently trying to predict negative effects of drugs on the heart. I did my undergraduate degree at the University of Surrey and was involved with the Union there. I came to Leicester in 2010 to start my PhD. During my first year I was a sub warden of Opal court, this role gave me an incredible insight into some of the issues that students (postgraduate research, taught and undergrads) face. I’ve also been on placements as part of my PhD, highlighting some of the problems associated with distance learning from the University of Leicester. I’m away from Leicester until the end of November, working for the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, advising MPs and Peers on science issues – giving me value experience in policy formation. Earlier this year I was also involved with the National Union of Students’ investigations into postgraduate funding. In January I was involved in an accident which resulted in me having to suspend my studies for around 7 months. Therefore some of the issues I mention below have a personal motivation behind them; however, I hope you agree that they would be beneficial to all postgraduate students. My manifesto has rapidly turned into something that resembles more a thesis that a few succinct points. However, I wanted to flesh out what I want to do and how I think it should be done – in contrast to some manifestos from previous years which have simply stated empty claims such as “more fairness”, “improve employability” or that the union should have an “evidence based drug policy”.

What do I want to do? Student Rights There are a number of parallels between a postgraduate course and job. They both take up a large percentage of your time, you are often expected to be in a certain place at certain times, and you are expected to work to keep your supervisors happy. However, in other ways it is not like a job. For example if we were employed by the University of Leicester the University work life balance policy would apply to us (, as would the maternity policy ( and the annual leave policy ( The 6 page policy document relating to staff sickness ( is greatly in contrast to the ¾ of a page for postgraduate students ( - page 20). One lays down policy about support options, adjustments to facilitate returning to work, and where to get advice – the other solely discusses where to take your sick note. I would like to encourage the University of Leicester to, where possible; make these policies apply to postgraduate students as well as staff and where that is not possible to work on creating policies specifically for postgraduate students. Where policies already exist I would like to ensure that these are adhered to. Monitoring Earlier this year, I started trying to find some details of postgraduate students and completion rates. How many PhD students make it all the way through? If they don’t when do they leave (early on or are they all but viva)? And what do they leave with (do they get an MPhil?)? Some universities, such as Cambridge, provided this information on their website. I tried to find out how Leicester is doing, so I placed a freedom of information act request with the University of Leicester. A month later I had my reply – they didn’t have a clue. I would like to get the University of Leicester monitoring postgraduate student progression. So they can identify where these bottle necks occur and to whom. Identifying these bottle necks will allow the University of Leicester to then address the issues that cause these people to not complete.

This is not an issue that is specific to the University of Leicester; however, it is one that the University of Leicester need to address quickly. A report published by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) ( showed that the completion rates of postgraduate students at the University of Leicester were significantly worse than other UK universities, falling in the bottom 5. I don’t know about you but that is something that I feel we need to address! Student Development One of the House of Lords select committees produced a report towards the end of 2012 relating to Higher Education in Science, Engineering and Maths ( The report covered a wide area, including postgraduate taught courses and postgraduate research courses (read paragraphs 79 onwards). This report makes a number of suggestions and comments, many of them are still applicable to subjects not covered by the report (e.g. the humanities and arts). For example regarding work based placements and links to industry, ensuring a wide area of expertise and ensuring that those completing postgraduate courses have the “core” set of skills required for their future working career. I would like to encourage the University of Leicester to lead the way in implementing these changes, to ensure that the degrees offered by the University of Leicester are well respected by industry, academia and the public sector. Action plans Every student coming into Leicester have their strengths and weaknesses, we are not all perfect. From what I have observed, these are rarely identified and managed correctly. There are numerous cases where students have been identified as having a weakness, but nothing was put in place to aid improvement in this area. Whether this is a weakness in their knowledge, writing skills or laboratory competence it should be identified and an action plan created to address this. Again, there are policies for managing staff performance management ( and their development ( but not for students (strange considering that is our primary objective). PhD student welcome packs We all remember (most of) our freshers’ week, mine was in 2006. A new city, new people and a new institution. Even when you start a new job it is often associated with introductions, tours and meet and greets. The induction for postgraduate students could be vastly improved. I know the union has mooted the idea of a postgraduate student welcome pack. I think these needs to be pushed forward and made ready within the year. In addition, I think we need to improve the integration of postgraduate students into the welcome week programme. I’m open to suggestions It would be impossible for me to know and imagine every problem faced by postgraduate students. If there is something that you want doing or changing I would be open to listening and giving it a go. I will also work with the rest of the Union and the University to try and proactively reach out to postgraduate students. There are currently issues relating to the Union accessing email lists of postgraduate students from the University – I would attempt to come to a workable solution so the Union can engage more with postgraduate students.

Conclusion I’ve have experience with policy at the UK parliament, I’ve engaged with the national union and have engaged with a number of PhD students at the University of Leicester. I’ve laid out some plans as to how I am going to improve the postgraduate student experience and would like you to vote for me so I can put these into practice. If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to email me

FoR A Memorable Post Graduate Officer-Choose RAM Ensuring you get an Exceptional Post Graduate Experience Who I am : Hai I am Ramkumar, having various experiences such as Manager, Journalism supervisor and consultant for the college I studied, I can deliver the best from top to bottom. Leicester union is known for Exceptional Union Exceptional Experience, now I would like to add exceptional post graduate experience.

What I will do If elected I will take active step to make every good idea i.e. your dream to become an action by the following way Real time consulting opportunities with companies: Use your expertise to provide real time solution to real companies Dinner with a Winner:An opportunity to network an achiever in your field with a guest lecture followed by discussion & dinner Mid semester feedback: Get a feed back before you face the actual exam and be free Idea pool: Students can give their ideas, good ideas with a plan would take be to the next level to make it an action through action activators. Action Activators: This would be team of five to eight student who want take up and idea and take it forward in to action and results of the idea before and after would be observed and the ideas that made real impact would be updated to the University for Standardisation

International Keizen : Keizen is the term referring continuous improvement, I would ensure that there is always a room for development and we are dynamic in moving towards it Post Graduate Evening: In spite of many interesting stuff in University, Post Graduate students at times feel a little difficult to feel at home always. Post Graduate Evening will be an informal meeting in which students can get all guidance and mentoring he/she needs. Why me, Well 3 Years of Work Experience in Education Consulting With Post graduate degrees (MCA,MSc and MBA) may not be very interesting but I used in create real positive impact look for a few out of many examples below Selected as one among 200 talented youths internationally to make action plan for United Nations Millennium Development goals. Initiated and successfully Executed fist ever Green impact project in History of school of management. Initiated the Quality circle forum as a single person and Coordinated 18 Quality circles across different departments So you know who I am Vote for Ram

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Sports President Candidates

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

John Foster Hall President Candidates Hall Presidents are the principle link between students living in Halls and the Students’ Union. They communicate regularly with students and bring any relevant issues to the appropriate body. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN A HALL TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION. FOR INSTANCE, YOU CAN ONLY VOTE FOR JOHN FOSTER HALL PRESIDENT IF YOU LIVE IN JOHN FOSTER.

A politician with the name Nick you can trust

Standing out from the crowd Vote Nick Canham City of Leicester


Here are a number of my key points:  Increased number of washing machines  Reduced cost for the use of washing machines  The introduction of a 1 hour drop in session every two weeks and updates on progression of your issues within the Students Union  Opening up of the John Foster bar more regularly and the showing of sporting events  The introduction of more common rooms, with T.V facilities

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Opal Court Hall President Candidates Hall Presidents are the principle link between students living in Halls and the Students’ Union. They communicate regularly with students and bring any relevant issues to the appropriate body. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN A HALL TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION. FOR INSTANCE, YOU CAN ONLY VOTE FOR OPAL COURT HALL PRESIDENT IF YOU LIVE IN OPAL COURT.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Mary Gee Hall President Candidates Hall Presidents are the principle link between students living in Halls and the Students’ Union. They communicate regularly with students and bring any relevant issues to the appropriate body. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN A HALL TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION. FOR INSTANCE, YOU CAN ONLY VOTE FOR MARY GEE HALL PRESIDENT IF YOU LIVE IN MARY GEE.


Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Nixon Court Hall President Candidates Hall Presidents are the principle link between students living in Halls and the Students’ Union. They communicate regularly with students and bring any relevant issues to the appropriate body. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN A HALL TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION. FOR INSTANCE, YOU CAN ONLY VOTE FOR NIXON COURT HALL PRESIDENT IF YOU LIVE IN NIXON COURT.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Gilbery Murray & Stamford Hall President Candidates Hall Presidents are the principle link between students living in Halls and the Students’ Union. They communicate regularly with students and bring any relevant issues to the appropriate body. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN A HALL TO VOTE IN THIS ELECTION. FOR INSTANCE, YOU CAN ONLY VOTE FOR GILBERY MURRAY & STAMFORD HALL PRESIDENT IF YOU LIVE IN GILBERY MURRAY & STAMFORD.

VOTE FOR MADELEINE HILL HALL I am an PRESIDENT approachable person so if GMSUNION AND you have any problems just COUNCIL speak to me STUDENT I will make LIFE your voice be What will I do I shall listen to any problems that you have with your accommodation and any ideas that you have that will make it better. I shall speak on behalf of you as a whole and get what you want across. If there are any issues at the hall that you want the union to know about, I am here to get these issues across. A few of my ideas so far are to have a sheltered place for all bike stands, as I am myself a cyclist and know how annoying it can be cycling with a wet bike in the mornings. Another is to have another communal area other than the S bar or kitchens, as S bar is only open for some of the time and for those who have whole days off may wish to spend it somewhere else than their study room or kitchen, this could be resolved by the S bar being open longer. Finally my third idea so far is a more practical area for the launderette or a bigger launderette. The one we have in GMS currently is far too small for the quantity of people who use it and need to come up with a solution.


I have been elected previously for roles which require skills and qualities such as required for this role

I can also help with other things such as student life related issues. Such as welfare/ society and housing.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

There are no candidates running for: • Salisbury Houses Hall President • Freemen’s Common Hall President • Beaumont & Digby Hall President If you live in either of these Halls and would like to run for Hall President please email Jason Gouveia ( and he will get back to you with all the relevant information.

Union Speaker Candidates

n o i n U r o f e i l l E e t o V r i a h C l i Counc My name is Ellie Greathead and I am running for Union Council Chair. I want to help represent the student voice by creating a Union Council that is more accessible and inclusive for the student body.

Vote for me as the first female Chair of Union Council! Making Union Council Accessible and Inclusive

• Create a safe space; ensuring people are free to express their views without fear of intimidation. • Push female involvement, ensuring the seats reserved for women are used wisely and that women feel they can get involved. • Ensure the new online submission of proposals is working effectively and all proposals are taken seriously. • Ensure everyone is given an opportunity to talk, enforcing time limits on discussions to prevent certain people from dominating, as well as asking for input from various self-defining groups to be sure their voices are heard. • Make a more accessible Union Council with ‘Council Tasters’ where Union Council will be held in a different venue, such as Oadby Student Village.

Zero Tolerance Week

• I propose holding a Zero Tolerance Week, which would be assisted by Union Council, to help raise awareness of the zero tolerance policy that the Students Union has. • Explain to students what sexual harassment is, how to report it and also the repercussions of sexually harassing another person. • Turn the Students Union into a safe space for all, free from the fear of sexual harassment. • During this week I would want to encourage students to take a pledge and stand in solidarity against sexual harassment.

• • • • •

Previous Experience

Officer Without Portfolio for Arts Humanities & Law on Union Parliament, 2011-2012 Involved in writing Zero Tolerance Policy President of the Burlesque Society, 2011-2012 Course Rep for American Studies, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 Member of University of Leicester Labour Students

Contact Me facebook/ellie.greathead | @EllieGreathead |

Vote Harry K

“It’s time for change”

FOR UNION COUNCIL As a passionate, engaging and confident speaker I will deliver our key problems right onto the forefront of each and every discussion.

Do you want to see… Abolishment of the minimum spend of £5 on card?

A shop at Halls instead of trekking to ASDA?

More Washing Machines?

Change at reception for laundry?

An ATM at Halls?

If so Don’t Delay, vote Harry K

I will promote fairness in the Union, ... for ensure every voice is heard, and stimulate debate on key student issues... I will campaign for a better Union experience I campaign for YOU

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Steering Group Candidates




WHO AM I? • Down to Earth, hard-working, and easy to approach Mancunian • I believe in fighting for the rights of ordinary students • 3rd year Interdisciplinary Science student • Vocal environmental and anti-cuts campaigner and activist • President of Socialist Students • Dedicated Officer of Union Parliament for two years • Course rep. for two years; won the Union’s Gold Star Award


1 Dan



• No to sky-high tuition fees - tax the rich to fund free education • Stop cuts and privatisation - kick big business out of education • Cap and slash rents - university accomodation must be affordable for all • Stop the privatisation of the Student Loan Company • Build campus anti-cuts campaigns wherever courses and services are threatened with cuts and closure • Protest, occupy, and strike for our education • Solidarity with our lecturers and support staff • Build for a student strike supporting our staff when they take strike action on 31st October

HANNAH WARREN STEERING GROUP My role as steering group member: 

Oversee that the council runs smoothly and correctly.

Decide which sections of the council deal with each issue.

Ensure that decisions are converted to action!

Why I would be good for the position: 

I have good experience of managing teams and projects, including being competition secretary for the swimming club, course rep and a member of the university’s student staff partnership research team. I am organised and have good planning and communication skills. I am driven to making the union better by making sure your opinions are heard and dealt with correctly!

If you want your union to be steered in the right direction then vote for me!

I will promote fairness in the Union, ... for ensure every voice is heard, and stimulate debate on key student issues... I will campaign for a better Union experience I campaign for YOU

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Union Council Education Zone Candidates

Elect Aaron Colgrove for Union Council Education Zone Building Stronger Education for an Exceptional Student Experience

ABOUT AARON 4th year archaeology and ancient history distance learning student Member of the Institute for Archaeologists, Kansas Anthropological Association, Kansas City Archaeological Society and member of the Union Parliament last year WHY VOTE FOR AARON As a member of parliament last year, I am already familiar with procedures and by-laws which will allow me to start work immediately on the issues students feel critical in regards to education As a distance learning student, I can relate first hand to the education barriers that distance learning students are encountering currently and can use those experiences to improve the overall education experience for all students both on campus and abroad as many of these barriers on being expressed by both types of students MY PLANS FOR THE YEAR Faster, Higher quality standards in regards to exam feedback for all students All lectures recorded and categorized by academic subject for any student to access whether on-campus or distance learning via Blackboard All required readings or suggested readings for classes be available electronically for easy access to all students CONTACT ME If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via email or Facebook. I look forward to hearing your ideas or concerns: or HOW TO VOTE Students are able to vote online by going to and voting opens Monday October 21st at 10:00 to Tuesday October 22nd at 17:00.

VOTE FOR ADAM HEATHER - I’m a first year student studying Physics with Astrophysics - Previous experience at secondary school level - Campaigning for more library copies of key books, and that lectures can be replayed on Blackboard

RELIABLE! FRIENDLY! Will fight for your ideas, big and small!


Vote #1 Chao Hu For Education Officer

Hi, I’m Chao and standing to be your education officer for the coming year. I’m currently in my final year of a degree in Banking & Finance.

Over the last two years, I’ve been heavily involved involved in the SU in a variety of positions, such as course rep. All of these have been incredibly rewarding and have given me the vision and experience needed to act as an Education Officer. I’m not exactly political, but I believe it is really important to have someone who is dedicated to representing students throughout your university life. All too often, the focus on promoting our courses and teaching better can be over-shadowed by more fun aspects of being a student. Elect me and I’ll try my best to ensure we have great academic experiences as well as lots of fun!

Vote at from 10.00am Monday October 21th till 5.00pm Tuesday October 22th

#1 Your Studies C Chao Hu Studying is why we are all here. Vote for me and I will work hard to make Why you should vote for me…

sure your opinions and suggestions heard at all levels. We need to work together to make a great university!

Your Library Most of us will meet each other in the library on a fairly regular basis. But is it really meeting our needs? If elected, I will run a campaign to get feedback on the library to get better facilities and services. 21.10.2013 Your Feedback

We’ve all been there- racking you brains on all night to do the best piece of coursework ever created… only to get a grade and a line of feedback at the end. I will campaign for an agreed level of feedback for EVERY piece of coursework.

4 Edu “Speaking up for you”



I'm Charles du COUËDIC de KERÉRANT, 4th Year Law Student (LLB / Maîtrise), studying abroad.

Why you should vote for me: I am a friendly, approachable person and very organised. Through my experiences as a Course Representative and a Union Officer I have proven my ability to work confidently in a team or on my own. I always involve myself in whatever field I am put within, and am dedicated to putting ideas into practice

Role/Involvement so far: -­‐ Union Officer: Students’ Union Parliament Awards:

2010/11, 2011/12 & 2012/13 -­‐ Law Student Rep 2010/11, 2011/12 & 2012/13

Law Student Staff Committee & School of Law Academic Committee

-­‐ College of Arts, Humanities & Law Student Representative 2011/12 College Academic Committee & College Management Board

-­‐ Ballot Box Officer (Executive Elections 2011, Union Parliament, etc.) -­‐ Fresher Rep 2011, Union Parliament Stall (Fresher Fair 2011), etc

* Best Course Representative: Study Abroad 2012/13 * Nominated for Officer of the Year Award 2012/13 * Officer of the Year Award 2011/12 * Best Course Rep in Department Award (Overall University Winner) 2011/12 * Education Officer of the Year Award 2010/11 * University of Leicester Course Rep of the Year Award 2010/11 * University’s Teaching Partnership Award

What will I do if I am elected: - Work on improving department communication with students, including to non campus based students - Work on improving feedback given to students on both assessed and non assessed work - Continue to work on the improvement of the accessibility of Union Officers and Union Council meetings to all Students (including Distance Learners and Students on Year Abroad) - Continue to work on Union Council and Students’ Union Transparency Who can vote and How to vote: Any student can vote! Voting will take place online: From Monday 21st October 10am until the Tuesday 22nd October 5pm More information:

Union Council


My name is Elysia Patel, and I am 4th year Law and French student. I am running for Union Council Education Zone and I think you should vote for me! I am friendly, approachable, and passionate about improving education at our University. 1. Written feedback on ALL exams. 2. I believe that all core text books should be transformed into EBOOKS. 3. The University Bookshop should provide students with a cheaper service. Why are books from Waterstones and Amazon cheaper? 4. Timetables should be released earlier. This is a particular problem for students who have other responsibilities alongside their degree.

EMILY WRIGHT Make the WRIGHT choice @emmy4493

Who am I? • 3rd year history student • Won best new officer of year of union parliament 2012/13 • Involved in two society committees • An active member of the local community

What do I want to do for you? • Continue working for better consistency within departments. I want to make sure the quality of your degree is not decided by which tutor you have. • Create an anonymous complaint system which goes straight to your course reps. This way you can get issue solved as soon as possible. • More examples of different types of assignments to help you know what is expected. • But most importantly It’s not me it’s YOU! I want to continue to be the approachable and available voice of union council.

VOTE HOLLI FOR EDUCATION!! Hi I’m Holli, a second year studying BA Modern Languages and am running for a position in YOUR union parliament within the EDUCATION zone!!!

Why vote for HOLLI? 

Last year I acted as a Course Representative, enabling me to see the massive importance of the student voice and what a difference it can make to the quality of academic experience we receive. This role also gave me experience of representing students and effective

What I will do?  Fight for better collaboration

between departments for those studying joint honours.  Campaign




communication skills with both students and

feedback from coursework and

staff in order to resolve student issues.


As Vice President of the Modern Languages Society allows me to interact with many different students and understand the academic issues they face.

 More copies of books that are in high demand so students have equal access to learning materials.

 I am very approachable and will strive to represent YOU and YOUR thoughts.

How and when to vote? 21st and 22nd October in DWLibrary Foyer or online @

Contact me: Email:



Vote JOHN GILLOTT #1 for EDUCATION ZONE! Hello, I am John, a 2nd year student studying Computer Science. I am running for a seat within the Education Zone on Union Council because I want to represent your views on education and improve the learning environment for all students studying at the university. Present Roles:   

President of the Computing Society Student Representative for the College of Science and Engineering Course Representative

Past Roles:  

Academic Officer for Computer Science Equal Opportunities Officer for the College of Science and Engineering

Experience: Prior to this year I was an active member of Union Parliament, participating in every session and engaging students on topics relevant to their education such as Lecture Recordings, the Student View Survey and Hidden Course Costs. In addition to this I am also a course representative, recognised within my department as an enthusiastic, approachable and well-informed representative. What I will lobby for: 

 

A policy to ensure feedback relating to a module assessment is returned within a reasonable time prior to that assessment. A web page where you can access all assessment feedback and marks. Guidelines for contacting tutors and graduate teaching assistants such as the timeliness of email responses and office hours. The optimisation of reading teaching materials (slides, module notes and books) on mobile devices such as e-readers, tablets and laptops.

Vote JOHN GILLOTT #1 for EDUCATION ZONE at from Monday 10am to Tuesday 5pm.

REAL WORK EXPERIENCE I have real work experience in this role and want to help you get real, valuable, experience as part of your course. This is invaluable to your persoanl development and graduate career prospects. I was a CORPORATION MEMBER and governor for a large sixth-form college and I am also a PAID ADVISOR for several education and careers bodies.



I strongly believe in the lecture capture programme that the union is working on and want to ensure it’s successful roll out, but this is just the start of what needs to happen.

It’s a basic but really important point that you can’t reach you potential on your own without good feedback on which to develop your skills. It’s not just about improving but being the best you can be. I support exam feedback but more importantly much more detailed development advice.

I want to see all materials for courses online and structured in a way that is logical, easy to use and just works. This will also cut extra course costs. Students need access and there is no excuse today.




Union Council

Education Zone

Robert Greenhill I’m Rob, 2nd Year Humanities and Arts, and I’m running for Union Council’s Education Zone. Why should I get your vote? I have a track record of constructive engagement and representation. Last year I was elected to Union Parliament, became a member of the Student Experience Enhancement Group (SEEG) and named Course Representative of the Year 2013. If elected, I will act on behalf of all University of Leicester students - distance learners, part-timers, mature students, international students, postgraduates and ERASMUS students as well as the 18-24 demographic. No extravagant claims – I will turn up on time, make myself available, listen before I speak and take the role seriously.

Vote#1 Robert Greenhill Education Zone Union Council


EDUCATION OFFICER My Goals • Increased Transparency. • Greater student input on policy making. • Module performance reports available to students Second Year Medical Geneticist

I am running on a campaign to increase the input students have in their education. While the infrastructure for communicating our input is there, I believe that there is very little transparency when it comes to acting on suggestions, issues and complaints. My aims would be to increase transparency and give students as much control over their education at this university as possible.

Vote to control your future.

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Union Council Society & Community Zone Candidates


AND COMM UNIT Y ZON Get involved! E email me at follow me on twitter @aaronjelcock

About me I am a Third year History and Politics student from Yorkshire. I have an avid interest in politics, being a member of both the Leicester Politics society and Socialist Students. During my three years at Leicester I have actively engaged many students in numerous campaigns, whilst proactively promoting my views across various social networking sites. I am a charismatic individual who hopes to be given the opportunity to enthusiastically support students from every walk of life.

What i stand for • I believe Education is a right and not a privilege, and that free higher education should be a basis for an intellectually developed modern society • Solidarity between students and University staff and lecturers • The long term commitment to greater student organisation in order to bring a proper voice to all students and better local society as a whole • The maximization of democracy within the Students Union and beyond • I am against the privatization of the Student Loans Company • Ensuring that all university halls are at an acceptable standard, but affordable for all • The safety of all students in the surrounding area

Vote Alexia for Society and Community! Who am I?   

Third Year Psychology student Union Parliament Officer last year Previously on the LGBTQA committee

What do I believe in?   

Every student’s right to feel safe on campus Equality, regardless of race, gender, or sexuality Representing the wider student body

What will I do?   

Introduce a ‘Safe Space’ policy Combat ‘Lad Culture’ within the Union Listen to your views and suggestions! 

r i N a t O s E i S N l O Z A BIN Y T I N U O M M R CO

ivist t c a ar nti-w a d n ice a t s u j ocial S • n Unio

ent’s d u t the S n i g orkin • At UoL for the past five years and lived all w f o ience r across the city e p x e ’ s r a • Built a deep understanding of the issues ee ye r h T • . facing local residents d ergra d n • Know how students at university can u phy a r g o become involved A Ge B r a • I’ve been been to the ‘Critical Mass’ monthly al ye • Fin protest bike rides for almost two years • Currently involved in the Anti-Bedroom-Tax campaign in Braunstone. I’m also currently in • No to tuition fees - tax the rich to fund free contact with the team behind the ‘Leicester Community Support Village’ squatted space education • On campus I’ve been part of an effort by • Stop the cuts and ‘ConDem’ austerity ‘People & Planet’ to petition UoL that like a • No to the privatisation of the Student Loan number of other Uni’s, it ensures that Company uniforms bought by the university are • Build the student movement, with or without ethically sourced and not from sweatshops • Nationally I’ve attended demo’s organised the NUS • Student involvement in local and national by the StopG8 campaign, The People’s Assembly and Socialist Students including protests, occupations, and various direct actions.


Why me?


I say...

strikes • Increase accountability of the Union Executives • Cap and slash rent prices - university accommodation must be affordable • Our Students' Union to support our staff and • Co- Sports editor at The Ripple their trade unions; no more layoffs, budget cuts, • Elected the Sports Secretary for Mary Gee Halls in 08/09 or unnecessary management pay rises

What else have I done?

• Created the UoL Handball Club (as a favour) and was acting President for a year • Currently creating the Red-Haired society (GRSBAT)



Helping YOU to improve OUR University Hi there. I’m Elliot Azim, a third year politics student running for the society and Community Zone in the Union Council. I believe that that the Union is a great avenue for students’ views to really be heard, and I believe that I can be the voice to project them! Please #Vote4Elliot My Main Aims;  To improve community relations by improving communication between students and Union members  To listen to YOUR views on how to improve the University  To be a loud and confident voice in the Union to guarantee YOUR voices will be heard  To make reporting an issue easier for students via a private Twitter and Facebook account  To guarantee the ‘zero tolerance’ view on sexual harassment at University is kept to and obeyed by students, by campaigning for harsher punishments for offenders


• 4th Year: History/American Studies • Vice Chair of large university society Many people at the university are not aware of what Union Council actually does. The council should be truly representative and strive to include all students at the university in the decisions and actions taken by the council.

Vote Harry Saunders # 1 for Union Council! Union Council: Society and Community Zone About Me

My Experience/Skills

• Experienced campaigner – most notably on the 2012 Obama re-­‐election campaign. • Public Speaking experience across a range of academic subjects and political issues. • Passionate Debater with extensive experience.


• Make Union Council more Accessible:

• Greater Engagement with the Community: The SU should prioritise building links with the local, non-­‐university community here in Leicester. I will ensure that this relationship is as beneficial for both parties as possible. •

Well-­‐Planned and Realistic Campaigns: If elected, I will ensure that all campaigns are well-­‐prepared, achievable, and have broad support from the university’s student body.

• Contact Me:, @hsaunders5, harry.saunders.5 (Facebook)

HUNG BUI Union Officer Candidate Society & Community Zone About

Why choose me? Communicating passion

 MsC Banking & Finance


 IT

Open minded

 Supercars

If elected, what then?

 Books  Travelling  Making friends

Always listening, always understanding Ask globally, help locally How to vote? Go Student ID: 139027833 Department of Economics


VOTE MEM FOR UNION COUNCIL! I am an energetic third year Geography student interesting in joining the Union Council for Society and Community. I have spent the last year volunteering with the Environment Team and exploring social enterprise in practice. Being active within the local community in Leicester, I was exposed to new people and places, helping me to develop new personal interests and skills. The exposure was life-changing and I would like to get more people involved!

Main areas of interest: 1. Raise awareness about food security by encouraging students to buy locally and support local allotments 2. Draw attention to waste management and recycling to manage our impact and work towards a ‘No waste’ policy 3. Engage the University of Leicester student body with the Leicester city landscape. I intend to work closely with students and local enterprises to improve community cohesion through realistic and achievable projects

I hope to get the student body more actively immersed in Leicester culture. This can help provide a platform for the discovery of personal interests that, through personal ventures and volunteering; can build up into marketable skills and traits for future employers.

-Second Year History and American Studies student

As a newly elected member of the Council: +I will have the insight of an outsider but the connections of an insider. +With those connections I can represent YOU; the student voter. +I will be paying attention to YOUR concerns and presenting them to the council. +By pushing for common sense responses to important issues as they arise I can use the position to make real, positive and lasting change. +A vote for Rebecca Sarna for Society and community is a vote for passionate representation and commitment to the post.

Email me:

I want to be your Union Council Officer for Society and Community this academic year. I feel strongly about this role because as a queer working-class woman, I represent a demographic of the student population that has so far been given a very small voice. I want to improve the quality of student life for minorities and ensure that everyone feels safe on campus, so that you can take advantage of your time at University and enjoy life in Leicester to its full potential.   

Third year English student Editor for News and Comment at the Ripple Managed Harry Wells’ successful campaign to be elected as Distance Learning Officer in 2013

The key areas I want to focus on this year are detailed below…

Make Zero Tolerance intersectional: Our current Zero Tolerance Policy is a step in the right direction, but there’s still a long way to go. All students should feel safe on campus. I believe that the Zero Tolerance Policy should be extended to cover all forms of discrimination, specifically racism and ableism. We have a duty as a Union to all our students to ensure that whilst they are on campus, they can peruse their studies and socialise without fear of being harassed, harmed, or abused.

End ‘Lad Culture’: I want the Union to take part in MMU FemLib’s study of lad culture in British Universities. Students would be asked to fill out a questionnaire on their experiences of sexual harassment, violence and sexism whilst at University. This is a fantastic opportunity to follow-up the NUS’s ‘Hidden Marks’ study and be the front runners in tackling ‘Lad Culture’ on campus head-on. I would also like to push for all men’s sport societies to attend a workshop on sexual harassment, in order to raise awareness and put an end to sexism in our Union. Furthermore, I will bring (or help to bring) a proposal to Union Council to commit the Union to a campaign to rid “Lad Culture” from our campus and societies.

Ban ‘Blurred Lines’: British Universities have been shown to have extraordinarily high rates of rape and sexual assault, and so a song that trivialises consent is not appropriate material to be played on Union nights out. Statistically, 1 in 7 of our women undergraduates will have experienced rape. We need the Union to be a safe space, where rape survivors can happily attend all our events without being exposed to material that could trigger them.

Vote Segun

Balogun for the

Society and Community Zone on the Student Council! I am a first year History and Politics student who is passionate about improving the wellbeing of students on campus. It’s not about me, it’s about you! I pledge to voice your concerns and make sure your ideas are heard and considered in order to improve the overall happiness of students on campus. My absolute aim is to serve your interests!

Proposals  Pledge to fight for a more affordable bus fare, one that appreciates the financial hardship we are all experiencing.  Pledge to fight for cheaper compulsory course books in the Library bookshop. What happens if the prices are non-negotiable? You could partner up with a website that sell second books at a very convenient price.  Provide university careers information earlier  Accommodation improvements, where and when needed to ensure you get your money’s worth  Improved relations between halls of residence e.g. through sports events and socials as I believe student integration is vital to an improved experience of university, in terms of accommodation and departments More information email vote at:

VOTEW ANG M I AN Uni onCounci lOf f i cerf orSoci et y& Communi t yZone St udent sar eabl et ovot ebygoi ngt owww. l ei cest er uni on. com/vot e

W hatwi l lM i an dof oryou?


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Cont actme Facebook: ht t ps: / / www. f acebook. com/ kei r a. wang. 5 Twi t t er :@WangMi an324 Emai l :MW324@st udent . l e. ac. uk

Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

Union Council Student Life Zone Candidates

Hi, I’m Brad, a third year English and History Student who wants to represent you guys on Union Council. I have the experience necessary to ensure great representation on your behalf and am passionate about aspects of Student Life such as societies, sports, and welfare! Check out my record below along with a few things I’d like to see happen this year. Last Year in Parliament…      

Started a campaign to combat sexual harassment throughout Leicester Ended the Union’s support of tuition fees Ran a campaign to get students registered to vote Went to NUS Conference to represent our Union Delivered a gender balanced NUS delegation for the future SU Officer of the Year Award

This year in Council…  Charity focused societies shouldn’t have to charge members to join and be charitable! The compulsory £3 should be removed if a charity society wants  We should improve welfare provision on at the Students’ Union especially in mental health which needs to be done via consultation with those affected  Push the Union to work on an approved landlords scheme so students don’t get taken advantage of by dodgy landlords


VOTE for EDEN RICHARDSON As a member of the Student Life zone of the Union Council, I will work to improve your experience here at the University of Leicester. I will seek to improve transportation for students through advocating for more affordable bus passes with the option for a monthly student pass. I will also explore affordable and easy to use options for transportation in the evenings similar to the discontinued Safety Bus. I will seek to reduce discrimination and stigma surrounding mental illness by raising awareness for mental health and ensure that students are well informed about the resources and help available to them. I will plan and promote non-alcoholic events during the Freshers’ Festival and throughout the academic year. I believe that starting University should be a fun experience for each student whether they drink or not. Most importantly as a member of the Student Union Council, I will listen to you and make sure your ideas are considered by the people who make the decisions affecting your life while you study here.


Emily Harvey for Union Council – Student Life Zone Hi, my name is Emily Harvey and I'm a second year currently studying history and politics. I’d like to run to become a member of Union Council, within the Student Life Zone. Please do not hesitate to email me regarding my manifesto at I want to represent YOU.

A Few of My Aims  Introducing more Quotas in Union Council elections, such as quotas for LGBT* students, ethnic minorities, etc. to ensure everyone is fully represented by the Union.  Introduce more Scholarships for students, and make Scholarships more widely known to all students.  More lights in Victoria Park at night  Look at reducing the prices in the shops in the Student Union, including Rymans and Nourish, and introduce more range in foods for those with dietary requirements, including more vegan and vegetarian options  Monitor the new Zero Tolerance policies in place, and push for improvements if and when needed.

My Experience  I attended the NUS LGBT* Conference this year and this helped me gain experience of the NUS movement and how it is run and works. It also has many similarities to the way Union Council works, meaning I have already had experience at being an effective Union Council member. I am also Co-Chair of the University of Leicester LGBTQ Association, so have already worked closely with the Student Union and gained experience of being a successful leader within a team.  I have been a Course Rep since joining university last year, and during this time I have been developing my skills of impartiality and ability to fairly represent my subject peers. I have been awarded Best Newcomer for my work, and have also been nominated for the Leicester Student of the Year Award. I also work as a Student Ambassador, so have good experience at representing the university.  I have also been nominated for the Leicester Student Award for my volunteering work. Through volunteering and being a course rep, I have gained the skills to efficiently dedicate time to things I am passionate about, and fit this around my studies: a skill I believe will be useful to being an effective member of the Union Council team, representing YOUR views.

Vote Harry K

“It’s time for change”

FOR UNION COUNCIL As a passionate, engaging and confident speaker I will deliver our key problems right onto the forefront of each and every discussion.

Do you want to see… Abolishment of the minimum spend of £5 on card?

A shop at Halls instead of trekking to ASDA?

More Washing Machines?

Change at reception for laundry?

An ATM at Halls?

If so Don’t Delay, vote Harry K



STUDENT LIFE ZONE Who am I? I am a second year English and American Studies Student. Contact me at


add me on facebook!

If elected for the Union Council, I will focus on-

 IMPROVING AWARENESS OF MENTAL HEALTH AND THE UNIVERISTY’S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES I will pledge to campaign for more awareness and information about mental health for students across the entire university, with an aim to eliminate the social stigma that surrounds the issue through a specific mental health awareness week. Alongside this, I also pledge to improve the University’s mental health services so that it reaches out to more students who are in need of support.

 A MORE DIRECT LINK TO STUDENT PARLIAMENT- GETTING YOUR VIEWS ACROSS I want more focus on student’s opinion regarding their University and the policies that Parliament puts through. It’s only by listening to you we ensure that what the University can do for you is constantly improved and worked on. Therefore, I wish to improve the communication between student’s voices and Parliament; where more students can put their specific problems across with the confidence that they will be listened to.

 AN ALTERNATIVE FRESHERS WEEK So that more students feel included in their first few weeks at University, I will focus on introducing an alternative fresher’s week. Alongside the standard fresher’s week, the alternative will offer affordable events organised specifically for those who don’t drink. The University has a wide variety of entertainment to offer and I believe that we can use this more effectively for students to enjoy. Voting opens on MONDAY 21st October at 10:00AM and closes on TUESDAY 22nd October at 5:00PM

VOTE Voting open 21st – 22nd October: Hi! I’m Katie, a 3rd year Spanish & Politics student, saxophonist, rower, Red Leicester enthusiast, and lover of all things Leicester. I’m currently on my year abroad in Gran Canaria, and I’m running to represent Study Abroad, ERASMUS, and joint degree students within the Union Council’s Student Life Zone. I believe that as an active member of the SU, and with my experience as a course rep, I am the best person to represent YOU and YOUR needs to ensure that the Students’ Union continues to provide you with the best student experience. Tweet me!


Email me!


If elected, I promise to stick to the pledges I make, and represent your views to the best of my ability.

LOUDER STUDENT VOICE What did YOU think about the temporary ban on Blurred Lines in the O2? The safety bus being discontinued? The Scholar being closed during the day? Changes to society funding? At the time, a lot of people weren’t aware of these developments. I think it’s every student’s right to be well informed about the actions of their Union, and for their opinions to be considered BEFORE a final decision is made.

RAISED AWARENESS Who’s in the Union Council? What do they do? When? Every student should know who the members of the Union Council are. If they don’t know who to talk to, who will represent them? Whether it’s a photo board in Percy Gee or online, I think it’s important that students are aware of whom they can go to. I’d hope that increased knowledge about the Council’s role would result in increased awareness and support for its actions, such as the recent signing of the Time to Change pledge.

IMPROVED ENGAGEMENT More and more degrees are offering the year abroad option, as well as distance learning courses. Distance learners need to be more engaged, and I’d like the Union Council’s activities to be more accessible and visible to campus students and off-campus students in order to improve engagement on all counts. Perhaps the SU could send out an e-bulletin just after council meetings take place!

REPRESENT YOU I consider myself an approachable and friendly person, as well as a good listener. I would hope that this would encourage you to share your views with me so that you can trust me represent your views passionately, confidently, and effectively. You can count on me to be active within the council and engage with the student body!

Vote #1 Katie for a #1 Experience!

Vote Maddy for Student Life ! Hi ! I’m Maddy Naderali and I’m running for Union Council (Student Life zone). I’m a 2nd year Law with French student and many of you will know me as a co-chair of the LGBTQ Association. I want to help improve the quality of your experience as a University of Leicester student and ensure everyone is able to make the most of their time here.

My Aims : -


To ensure the Union is a safe space for all students – I am a strong supporter of the Zero Tolerance policy. To provide representation for minority groups to ensure everyone’s voices are heard when Union Council decisions are being debated. I’m disabled, BME, and a member of the LGBTQ community so I understand a range of specialist concerns. To work closely with student groups. To promote the values of democracy and equality. To uphold a strong link between myself and the rest of the student body so that I can be a point of contact for students with concerns or ideas for Union progression.

Some Relevant Experience: -

Current Co-Chair of the LGBTQ Association (and held a non-exec committee position last year). Active member of the Feminist Society. Part-time employee at Nourish. User of the AccessAbility centre.

VOTE FOR MADELEINE HILL HALL I am an PRESIDENT approachable person so if GMSUNION AND you have any problems just COUNCIL speak to me STUDENT I will make LIFE your voice be What will I do I shall listen to any problems that you have with your accommodation and any ideas that you have that will make it better. I shall speak on behalf of you as a whole and get what you want across. If there are any issues at the hall that you want the union to know about, I am here to get these issues across. A few of my ideas so far are to have a sheltered place for all bike stands, as I am myself a cyclist and know how annoying it can be cycling with a wet bike in the mornings. Another is to have another communal area other than the S bar or kitchens, as S bar is only open for some of the time and for those who have whole days off may wish to spend it somewhere else than their study room or kitchen, this could be resolved by the S bar being open longer. Finally my third idea so far is a more practical area for the launderette or a bigger launderette. The one we have in GMS currently is far too small for the quantity of people who use it and need to come up with a solution.


I have been elected previously for roles which require skills and qualities such as required for this role

I can also help with other things such as student life related issues. Such as welfare/ society and housing.

VOTE OLIVER BARBOUR FOR UNION COUNCIL – STUDENT LIFE Why? • I want to lower the cost of living for the student body


Many of the things found in and around the university are simply too expensive for the student body, especially considering the tuition fee hike. For example the ludicrous price of a bus pass, or the cost of healthy food in the union. I want to help make Leicester University life more affordable

• I want to STOP the major commercial institutions dominating our union


I want to remove major unethical institutions like Starbucks from our union, or else provide awareness to their business practices and ethical alternatives! Leicester University should aim to serve the students and Leicester the city. Not million pound businesses. Contracts given to these conglomerates should be given to local businesses, to help the city’s economic growth

• I want to integrate Leicester University more into Leicester


Leicester university is an important part of the Leicester community, which has helped it push for city of culture 2017, however being situated in an area outside the centre (for both living and working) means that the student body does not have as much knowledge of the city as it should. I would like to help remedy this

• International aid


Having spent a year abroad I understand the needs and alienation felt by international students. I would like to help integrate them more into the council, to not only ensure international students have the best experience but also to help Leicester benefit from its vast international population

So there you go, I have four major policies and plan to raise them as issues straight away. I have suggestions on how to remedy them and ideas to essentially tackle social injustice

About me: •

I am a third year LLB Law student.

Currently studying at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany for my year abroad.

Record: • Helped with the Voter Registration Campaign to sign students up the electoral register. • Campaigned with the Zero Tolerance Group to ensure that Leicester Students’ Union is a safe space for all, including: LGBT+, Disabled, BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic), and Women. • Campaigned for a Living Wage to make sure all workers at the University get paid a fair wage. Employees at the Students’ Union now receive the Living Wage.

Objectives: • Push for more support for students with mental health problems; including an anonymous, official, online forum which can be moderated, where students can share their experiences and ask others for advice. o

This will be a valuable for all students, but especially Distance Learners, as they may not have access to the same resources as ‘regular’ students.

• Voice the concerns of Distance Learners, potential Distance Learners, and articulate the problems faced by Women and BAME students. • More water fountains throughout the campus and library. • Keep up the momentum on the Zero Tolerance campaign and encourage the Union to liaise with clubs, bars, police and taxi services throughout Leicester. We must ensure greater coverage for students to enjoy a truly safe night out. • Campaign for the Living Wage to be extended to all workers affiliated with the University, including those working at Halls of Residence.

Email: pa142@le Facebook: facebo Twitter: @pouneh ahari


Who am i?

• 3rd year law student • Previous degree in politics • Social justice and peace activist

student movement • Support liberation of women and peoples of colour • Stop the privatization of the Student Loan Company • Stop cuts and privatisation • Protest, occupy, and strike for our education • Build a campus anti-cuts campaign wherever courses are threatened with cuts and closure • Solidarity with our lecturers and support staff

N my exp erienc E e Volunteer/activist: • Afghan Canadian Students Association • University Translation Association Executive committee: • Palestinian Canadian Students Society • Amnesty International • Palestinian Solidarity Campaign

t i o d s ’ t Le ! r e h t e g o T • I will actively seek out and listen

to your views • Let’s push forward, and translate engagement into real action

Get involved: Contact me on

VOTE FOR TARINE FELIX FOR UNION COUNCIL STUDENT LIFE ZONE I’m a third year BA Politics and Economics Student. I am not new to facing big responsibilities as I am currently the treasurer for Leicester Vixens Burlesque Society. I think, it is now time for me to face bigger responsibilities and that is to be to be responsible to and represent what students like you want! If elected, ***BETTER STUDY LIFE IN CAMPUS I am a firm believer that in order to pass our exams we have to have a full stomach. It would be nice to have a cafeteria where students can both eat and study quietly without being told off. ***NIGHT BUSES FOR STUDENTS I would like to use my position to campaign for availability of cheaper night buses during student night outs. This will ensure that students can get home safely and cheaply than a standard taxi. ***BETTER ROOM BOOKINGS FOR SOCIETIES Being a member of 3 societies, I would like to ensure that more rooms are available for societies to use. At the moment there has been loads of misunderstanding about rooms being book twice at the same time by two different societies. I would like to make sure that this will be prevented in the future so that students will integrate with their societies more. ***TO REPRESENT YOU! I want nothing more than to represent my fellow students like you!




About me Create Provide More opportunities for you to engage with the university environment so you can better express your views: I think we need

A 3rd year Psychology with More autonomy for Cognitive Neuroscience societies so you can have student who has a strong the best possible events history of involvement with and socials to enjoy: our Students’ Union and Societies should be able to University. As an elected people to feel more able rely on the Students’ Union member of last year’s Union and comfortable in to help them take the Council I have consistently expressing their opin- decisive first steps of voted in favor of our student ions and views so that popularizing themselves, community and even everyone enjoys the but they also should have passed a proposal to reform student life. My aim is to more independence in the the Students’ Union way they are financed. This marketing strategy and utilize my current posi- would provide for better improve the way it tion of volunteer for the socials and more Engagement integration communicates with Student between students on individual level. Team at the Students’ different societies, having I have also been elected as Union to make sure that mega events where more the Equal Opportunities everyone can find their than two or three societies Representative for my spot and interest to be can take part in so we can course in my 2nd year and am a volunteer for both the Student Engagement Team and the local charity Victim Support. I have some great YOUR views to Union Council so that we can deal with ideas of improving our matters that are relevant to everyone: Every student university experience and deserves to have an active say in student matters and this this is how I intend to do is what I aim to provide for. By being elected for Union Council I want to represent your views and opinions by this: consulting with you on what you want to see improved and changed in our Students’ Union or University so we can always be in touch with what the fellow students Contact me at: Facebo ntLife and join my elec an email at ydn1@stud tion event or drop m to talk ab e out what you feel ne eds to be improved.



Expand the environment of inclusivity, equality and diversity at our university: We have achieved a lot in the past several years on this matter but we can do so much more. My aim is to start new campaigns that will not only keep these three virtues at the heart of our Students’ Union and University but also cement and further develop them by celebrating our rich culture and provide a platform of expression for everyone.

Support Expand the environment of inclusivity, equality and diversity at our university: We have achieved a lot in the past several years on this matter but we can do so much more. My aim is to start new campaigns that will not only keep these three virtues at the heart of our Students’ Union and University but also cement and further develop them by celebrating our rich culture and provide a platform of expression for everyone.

Running for a council position as part of the STUDENT LIFE ZONE


I would like to share some ideas that could benefit both current and future students as a member of the student council. I am determined to improve the WELL-BEING of us all and give something back to the university and its students for the great experience I’ve had here. These are some of the things I’ll be campaigning for:

• Better & Cheaper Transport! – Cheaper transport and at better times! It’s unacceptable that we have such high fares. It would be greatly beneficial for students’ finances and support the local economy to a higher degree. • Student guide! – Not all students are made aware of some of the amazing spots, public spaces and sights this city has to offer – both at the high end and lower end of the price chain. I think a student guide can help ensure we make better use of diverse venues and places the city offers for eating, drinking, chilling, partying etc. • Begin more active political campaigning as a student body! – The privatizations, welfare cuts, education cuts, health care “reforms” are only a small part of what this Antipathetic tory government has placed on society. I think we should be doing more to raise awareness and campaign against policies. • More cohesion of internationals and national students!! – I think it will benefit both internationals and domestic students to promote more mixed events so that they can both benefit from a cultural exchange, because at the moment I believe there is still some separation of the





Exceptional Union, Exceptional Experience

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post? Do you think you can do a better job? Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.) If R.O.N. gets more votes than any of the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run allowing other candidates to come forward.

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