Leigh News - Inverleigh. March Edition

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Leigh News

An Inverleigh Progress Association Publication ISSN 0313-8453


MARCH 2022

Volume 48 Number 2

Above-Life in Inverleigh - February Food Swap (Our food swap is held on the 2nd Saturday of the month 9:30 to 10:00 @ Sonny Cafe & Store) If you would like to be part of the community, please read the article on page 9.

2 Leigh News WHAT'S ON? 6th March 10th March 12th March 16th March 22nd March

Dachshund Derby @ Shelford -Page 5 Seniors @ Inverleigh Hall-Midday Food Swap @ Sonny 9:30 IPA Meeting @ Inverleigh Hall 7:30 Historical Society @ Inverleigh Hall 7:30

28th & 29th May Inverleigh Book Bazaar (More details next month).


Inverleigh Public Hall

on the 3rd Wednesday of each month @7 :30pm (Except January)

VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME President: Hilary Hamilton Secretary: Luanne Thornton Treasurer: Tony Waayers Leigh News Editor: Peter Trevaskis

meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall

0n the 4th Tuesday of each Month @ 2pm

(Except December & January) VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME

The Progress Association has been actively working towards improving the amenity of Inverleigh for over 40 years. Of course all such organisations need volunteers and the Association is no exception. Without them nothing happens. If you have some ideas for the town you would like to achieve, you are welcome to join us and help achieve them. Some of the projects completed by the Progress Association include: The Federation Bridge which was built to commemorate the centenary of Federation in 2001. Walking Tracks were established with lots of support from the community, including fencing and tree planting. Public Toilets Progress Association members worked for many years with Council to have the old toilets removed and a new block built, which did not detract from the entrance to our town. They are used more than any other toilets in the Shire. The Clock a new clock was recently installed on the clock tower in our main street, clearly visable from the General Store across the road. Town Entrance Signs. IPA worked for many years to procure the 2 Entrance Signs (Hamilton Highway East and West) welcoming travellers to our town.

The Inverleigh Historical Society was formed in 2004. It operates under the auspices of the Inverleigh Mechanics Institute and Public Hall Committee. Our Aims are to collect and preserve items of local historic interest and to promote research and interest in local history. We welcome all donations to our collection or the opportunity to copy material. We are most grateful to the many people who have kept the Historical Society in mind as they sorted through their own collections. We undertake many interesting projects and have enjoyable meetings, which you are welcome to attend.

Convenor - Bronwyn Price, Secretary - Christine Windle, 0403 267 286, inverleighhistsoc@gmail.com

Peter’s Editorial Hello again folks!

It has been busy around Inverleigh this last weekend with Disc Golf at the Inverleigh Golf Club. I'll have a report next month hopefully, but it was a very big event. Also Geelong and District Carriage Drivers have a big event coming up on the long weekend in March (details page 3), and not forgetting the Book Bazaar at the end of May. Driving through Inverleigh just after lunch on a Sunday, I was amazed at the amount of activity around the retail outlets in town. There seemed to be people and cars everywhere. People stop to enjoy lunch and what a great place to have a break from driving east or west, to or from Melbourne and Warrnambool and perhaps even beyond. On page 40, I have included some photos from years gone by, of flooding in Inverleigh. Couple this with the article on page 9, to participate in the invitation to provide stories, photographs, memories etc. of Inverleigh. I'll add my encouragement for you to join in and participate in digitally preserving past and present, local, social and community historical artefacts via writings, photographs, video and audio interviews. Please give it a go! Your Community will appreciate it.

Leigh News 3

Geelong & District Carriage Driving club is hosting the

Hanns Horse Transport Victorian Combined Driving Championships!!!

Feel free to pop down to the Leighdale Equestrian Centre at Teesdale - Spectators have free entry!!

4 Leigh News TOWER HILL- HOME FOR SIX GENERATIONS The March image in the 2022 Inverleigh Historical Society calendar features a family group at one of the earliest surviving homes in Inverleigh. This photo is of “Tower Hill” taken in 1910 and shows the south side of the house and various members of the Peel family as well as some other friends and relatives. The land on which the house sits on was settled in 1856 by George and Harriet Peel and it is located just south of the railway line on the Leigh River. Harriet is the lady sitting in the foreground with a basket at her feet. She would have been about 82 years old when this was taken. She lived to be ninety. Her son Charles is standing behind her and he was the youngest of 15 children, 10 of which survived to be adults. He would be about 39 at the time this was taken. He lived all his life at “Tower Hill” and lived for 95 years. His son George is standing near the veranda post. George later served in the AIF during World War One and then upon his return lived and farmed at Gnarwarre. The three other people are Mary Northfield (holding a towel) Leigh Faulkner next to the tank and the man beside him is unknown. The house as pictured here, can be seen to be made from stone and bricks. Some of the stone was transported to Inverleigh by George from an earlier house he had built in Herne Hill and later dismantled soon after arriving in Geelong in 1852. Later in the 1920’s most of this was covered with a render. The area where they are standing

formed a covered walk way between the kitchen and the living areas. Typical of houses of the time was the detached kitchen, so if it caught fire there was a chance the whole house would not be lost. There were other renovations and changes made in the late 1920’s early 30’s that altered parts of the house and in particular the roof lines. At this stage it would have had five bedrooms, sitting room, kitchen and cellar. There was also an extensive flower garden and an orchard and the photographer would have been standing amongst the flowers. The detached kitchen concept was still in use until 2002 when it was renovated and modernised and the area where the people are standing became a court yard and both sides of the house were joined. “Tower Hill” has been in the Peel family since the land was first surveyed and granted in 1856 and has seen six generations so far. Ewen Peel.

Historical Society Calendar. A delightful image of two Eastern Grey kangaroos with joeys adorns the front cover of the 2022 calendar. It is also the January image of the yearly calendar, produced for the Inverleigh Historical Society. The kangaroos are an integral part of the Inverleigh Flora & Fauna Reserve (historically referred to as the Common)

and are most regularly seen on the golf course, roadsides in the Common, and within the township environs when seeking food. The 2022 Calendar is now available for $15 Copies can be purchased at Sonny Cafe & Store or by calling Liz McDonald 5265 1270.

Leigh News 5

6 Leigh News

Leigh News 7


*Fresh Fish now available *Smallgoods- handmade on the premises. Click & Collect

Shop 2, 11/9 Burns St, Bannockburn.

Phone: 5281 2283

Spit Roast Oven Hire Available

go to our website: goldenplainssuprememeats.com.au

Open: Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 2:30pm

An independent agency specialising in quality residential and rural lifestyle property. The team you can trust for your real estate needs... Servicing Inverleigh and Western Victoria. Malcolm Condie 0407 034 410 Simon Horne 0488 440 303 3/29 High Street Inverleigh, Victoria 3321


8 Leigh News

AS YOUR LOCAL FEDERAL MP I want to help. I am out and about in our community listening. If you have issues, please let me know. 03 5261 7683 Libby.Coker.MP@aph.gov.au

26/500-540 Torquay Road Armstrong Creek VIC 3217

Libby Coker MP

Member for Corangamite


Suzanne Stocks 0438 526514

Freshl Picked y

C�RTIFI�D ORG��IC B�RRI�S ~Farm Gate Sales~

Tuesdays & Fridays 10am-4pm r ry s e B am J

other times welcome by appointment. please phone ahead for fruit availability

81 Savage Drive, Inverleigh Strawberries & Raspberries in Season

Golden Plains Stories – Callout to the Communit y Golden Plains Stories is a community-driven project that aims to digitally preserve and present local, social and community historical artefacts via writings, photographs, video and audio interviews. Working with community members, this ambitious project will develop a digital museum (website) for Golden Plains Shire communities and visitors. This project is led by newly arrived Golden Plains local Dr Li Ping Thong (RMIT University), a digital media researcher and educator keen to work with the community to produce and preserve our shire’s rich history. This project is in partnership with the Golden Plains Shire Council, funded by the Public Records Office of Victoria. Local historical societies (such as the Inverleigh Historical Society) will also be consulted. The good news is we’re kicking off this project with Inverleigh first, and we need your help! We seek community contribution of content (photographs, writings, stories, local history knowledge) and participation in video and audio interviews. The content is anchored in the themes of places, memories and local history. Examples could be: •Participating in interviews (film/audio) on local history •Stories about objects of significance that have ties to memories and histories of Inverleigh •Memories and lived experiences of Inverleigh and people (ie, school, church, pub, roads, buildings, members of the community) •Interesting writings, photographs, music, object, archive footages of Inverleigh •Offering filming access to historical landmarks, heritage buildings, scenic locations


Leigh News 9

Depending on your contribution, you may be invited to be filmed or recorded. This is entirely optional – all participants will be required to complete a participant consent form prior to filming/recording. All contributions will be credited appropriately within the Golden Plains Stories website. If you have something to contribute for this project, e-mail gpstories@outlook.com or message/call Christine on 0403 267 286 to make a simple submission (a short description on what you could contribute). Selected submissions will be included into Golden Plains Stories and we will be in touch! Dr Li Ping Thong, E-mail: gpstories@outlook.com Should be fun – are you in? Golden Plains Stories is a great project for people of all ages to dabble in without having to make a longterm commitment. You might have a great photo or video of last year’s flood waters, or of a platypus, or of kids having fun at the waterhole. Or you might be able to talk about why you like to go to the Surprise Shop, or be happy to be filmed crossing over Federation Bridge with pals after school. What are your ideas? If you would like to help develop the ideas, scan photos, learn to interview or work in greater depth on the project with a small group of locals, your assistance would be much appreciated. Please get in touch – we need you. Christine, 0403 267 286.

10 Leigh News

Lions Club recent Skin Check Clinic

On the 21st and 22nd of January this year, the local Lions Club arranged for a visit by the Lions V District Cancer Foundation Skin Check and Awareness Unit. This unit travels all over Victoria and beyond offering free skin checks for residents. The visit to Inverleigh can only be described as a total success with 120 plus locals taking advantage of the opportunity to be checked over. Organised by the Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club, Lions members David Walpole, John Crowe, Geoff Wild (photo), the day was totally booked out and many walk up clients were also able to take advantage of this great opportunity. The unit has visited 20 towns since June 2021 and in excess of 1700 skin checks have been completed. Inverleigh's visit was also supported by Bruce Hudson, who is chairperson of the Victorian Lions Council Foundation. (Bruce is the gentleman in the hat). Local coordinator is well known identity Lions Club member Wendy Hellebrand, pictured lower left in the group photo above, not only volunteers in the operation of the unit, but was greatly involved in setting up the unit initially. Since the Clinic was held, there has been feedback from the GP,s about several clients having skin lesions removed. Also, following the visit to Inverleigh, local residents Keith Robson, David Walpole and Rolf Hellebrand have volunteered, along with many others, to transport the unit around the state. Well done to all involved and thank you all for your work and helping us all rest easy knowing we need a further check up with a specialist or that we are all clear and look forward to another visit by this wonderful Lions Club service. Peter Trevaskis.

a big success in Inverleigh! V Districts Cancer Foundation Skin Screening Inverleigh Screening



Total screened



Number of males



Number of females



People referred



Percentage of people referred



Met criteria



Life Threatening Lesions



Total number of Lesions



Screened last 6 months



Screened between 6-12 months



Screened over 1 year



Never Screened



Leigh News 11 Dear President, Stuart and Members of the Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley, Thank-you for the wonderful support, kindness and humility shown to us all at the hosting of the Mobile Unit at Inverleigh on the 21st and 22nd of January 2022. What great weather and a perfect location. To the catering team, support team, administration team and all the Community of Inverleigh for their generous donations, we thank-you and are extremely grateful. I personally would like to thank my fellow members for their enthusiasm and commitment to this amazing Lions Project. "I was so proud of you all". Attached are the statistics for both days and the donation amount from the Community. Cash donations: $294.70 Tyro machine: $125.00 Total donations $ 419.70 Due to the high demand for hostings of the Lions V Districts Mobile Skin Check and Awareness Unit, the Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley will not be able to have a second hosting until after an interval of two years, early 2024. The Club is booked in for 2024. Warm wishes, Wendy Hellebrand Roster and Dermoscopists Coordinator.


Are you retired? Are you Semi-retired? Are you proposing to retire? Are you in your 60’s or over?

If you are… then you may be interested in our group simply called the ‘Golden Oldies’. We are a group of men who get together socially on a regular basis for dinners and outings for companionship and a hearty laugh about all manner of things in life. We inaugurated as a group in 1999-2000 and are still successfully operating. We have succeeded because we are a no fuss group ran on a simple structure where all the men are stakeholders with what is happening and how things are done. It is all friendship and fun with a great time to be had. We meet at the Bannockburn cultural Centre at 6pm, on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Don’t delay, find out further by Contacting the following Members: Peter TREVASKIS 0407 100 791: Rod McKENZIE 0408 527 704: Trevor COOK 0410 231 940.

12 Leigh News

Leigh News 13

News from Inverleigh Red Cross.

Inverleigh Public Hall 71 High Street, Inverleigh On the last weekend of Autumn

Saturday 28th May 2022


Sunday 29th May 2022 9am—4pm Book donations are now welcome, please contact: Katrina 0400 527 352 - Inverleigh

At our February meeting we had four guests from "Knitted Knockers". Jennifer, the President, gave us a talk on what they do. Knitted Knockers was started in Australia in 2013. They have approx. 10 knitters, basically knitting breasts to fill the gap after breast surgery. They are very comfortable and can be worn while swimming. The knockers are free and Jennifer fits all patients. They are a good alterative to prothesis breasts. The group also knit other articles like tea cosies, fingerless gloves & articles for Prem babies, which are sold at market stalls. For more information: ring Secretary Sue on 0418 310 302.

14 Leigh News Golden Pens Write side up

Contact Helen Collins on 0418 340 387 for all your Interior Design & Styling needs and she will work with you to create beautiful & functional spaces

G'day from the penners for March 2022. With all the holidays finished and school back in full swing, it's time to get down to some serious writing, albeit with lots of fun and laughs. Our fortnightly meetings are going well at the library, and at this stage I must give the new manager, Laura, a big thank you. She has welcomed us with open arms and a very friendly smile. If you haven't been in to say hello yet I highly recommend you pop in and say g'day. Our poem this week is by Bridh, a jolly individual who keeps us entertained with his off the shelf writings. We hope you enjoy it and remember that our group can be contacted via our email goldenpens4@gmail.com Until next month, happy writing and reading.

Bush Dreaming (Ballan, Victoria) Evening: the country quietly turns to bush. See the sunset, feel the magic, but watch how roadside vegetation spreads like shadow, while the traffic shrinks to a noisy stream of lights as trees in paddocks dream of re-growth and companions linked by branch and bird. “Be fruitful and feed your parasites well.”

Thanks to: Ross & Caroline Wilson of Shelford and Mora Leach of Inverleigh for faithfully supplying the monthly rainfall figures. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

Night: and from the mystic Land of Dreams come those who know the trees by name, and know a land so very changed, and changed to bad and worse. Morning: dreams fade, while the sun dries old tears on cold leaves.

Golden Plains Shire Senior Citizen of the Year 2021 Leigh News 15 Congratulations to Peter Trevaskis, Golden Plains Shire Council Senior Citizen for 2021. I caught up with Peter to ask him about the award and his contributions to our community. Peter said that he was really honored to have been nominated and delighted to have been selected for the award. He explained that he is passionate about taking an active role in caring for and participating in our community. Peter certainly shows great commitment to that passion with the volunteer roles that he undertakes. Peter and his wife, Dorothy, moved to Inverleigh in November 2000, looking for healthy fresh air and a sense of community. At that time Peter was still working in commercial Air Conditioning, often leaving and returning to Inverleigh in the dark. In 2015, Peter was newly retired and keen to become more involved locally. At that time, the editor of the Leigh News, Gratton Fraser, had just moved to Queensland and the Inverleigh Progress Association was looking for a replacement. Peter’s technology skills made him a good fit for the role, and in just four weeks he was able to learn how to use the software and put out his first edition of 32 pages in August 2015. These days the Leigh News regularly runs to 52 pages. Peter’s aims as editor include creating the most user friendly situation for contributors, readers, and advertisers, providing opportunities for local content, local contacts and useful information, and encouraging recognition and celebration of people and events. He takes photos, interviews people, writes articles and an editorial, and endeavors to promote a ‘positive’ feel with stories which acknowledge good service, deeds and news. He is the Vice-President of the Inverleigh Progress Association. In addition to running the Leigh News, the IPA works on many projects such as the town entrances, community survey, the river walks, the youth precinct proposal, and maintaining the old lock up. Peter said that new members, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome and that the IPA is a great way for people to become involved in the community. Residents who have individual projects they too are passionate about can work with and through the IPA, concentrating on their projects without being distracted by other IPA matters. Inverleigh Senior Citizens club is very close to his heart. He is currently President and works with a committee to develop a program of social and information activities and support for our senior citizens. Peter provides some technological support, which is very helpful for folk who do not have equipment or skills. He enjoys the social connections and sharing the fascinating wealth of knowledge and experiences that the group provides.

As a member of the Connect and Share sub-committee of the Inverleigh Public Hall Committee, he contributed to a grant application for equipment and internet access for the hall and to last year’s program of sessions teaching digital literacy skills to community members. Another of Peter’s interests is the Golden Oldies Men’s Group which meets in Bannockburn monthly for a dinner and get-together. A guest speaker is a feature of these meetings. The idea behind this group is to get to know people, provide support for each other, and to enjoy the various presentations. He helps members from Inverleigh participate in the group, particularly those living alone and without transport. Peter loves a game of bowls and plays for the Inverleigh Bowls Club. He described his skills as ‘OK??’ and concentrates on helping developing players train up in Division 10 in Pennant, hopefully preparing them for bigger and better things in their individual bowling careers. He is a member of the club executive, which works on the running and further development of the club. The themes of community connection, support and good times shine through Peter’s volunteer roles. His outstanding contributions to our community make him a truly worthy recipient of the Golden Plains Shire Council Senior Citizen award for 2021. We are very lucky indeed that our fresh air and lifestyle drew him and Dorothy to Inverleigh. Christine Windle

16 Leigh News

Leigh News 17

POLICE REPORT FOR MARCH 2022 Hello All, I have had some recent damage to another toilet block this time in Teesdale at the cricket reserve where unknown offenders have damaged pipes and fittings of the toilet block. Please be vigilant and if you see people up to no good at community facilities please call 000 and we can attend and check them out. I have seen and spoken to quite a few youths in Teesdale and some in Inverleigh riding around town on their bicycles without wearing helmets. The current fine is $227. Please ensure your children are wearing helmets when they go riding. Don’t let it be them returning home with the fine in their hand expecting you to pay it. Older youths and parents should all be wearing helmets especially as an example to the younger children. Please take heed because I am getting sick of warning the youths and will just start issuing the fines!!!!! Every now and then I hear some mutterings about Police just issuing speeding fines and being revenue raising. Intercepting speeding motorists as well as addressing a safety concern also gives us a reason to intercept vehicles, check occupants and see who is getting about the area. Occupants of one vehicle I intercepted were involved in a murder investigation in Geelong a while ago and I assisted the homicide squad with their details and Body Worn camera footage of the intercept and occupants. A vehicle and occupant intercepted speeding was also involved in a robbery down Apollo Bay and another vehicle I intercepted for low level speeding had items on the vehicle (which I had photographed) which linked him to a Burglary in Meredith. From intercepting speeding drivers I have identified persons wanted for questioning by other police stations, people wanted on warrants and I have also identified numerous criminals, outlaw motorcycle club members and suspended/disqualified and drink drivers. We gain a lot of intelligence from intercepting vehicles.

Just this February alone from intercepting speeding vehicles I detected the following drink drivers. • 9.20 pm, Hamilton Hwy Inverleigh driver doing 75/60 zone, found to be unlicensed and went 0.170% • 5.20 pm Shelford-Mt Mercer rd Shelford driver 120/100 zone went .102% Breath alcohol. • 10.15 am on a Sunday Shelford-Mt Mercer rd Shelford driver 128/100 .139% Breath alcohol • I also detected suspended drivers speeding: 117/100 zone Driver suspended and another 76/60 Hamilton Hwy Inverleigh driver suspended. Four of the vehicles above were impounded for 30 days with a cost of over $1000 just to retrieve the vehicle. They all will receive summonses to appear at the Geelong Magistrates Court due to the nature of the charges. The people above were driving on your roads in your community and if I hadn’t intercepted them for speeding they may not have come to my attention. If you are involved in an accident with people drink/drug driving or driving without a licence their insurance company will not cover them so you would need to have your own insurance cover to use if you are unfortunate to be in this situation. I have attended another quad type motorcycle/all terrain vehicle roll over recently on private property where an occupant was conveyed to hospital. Please take care in these vehicles and ensure roll bars are equipped if possible, wear seatbelts if fitted and also consider helmets. Please be aware you can be charged with drink/ driving on private property if you are found to be over the limit often through blood samples taken at hospital after collisions/incidents . Keep safe Chris

18 Leigh News


NORTH ALTONA ROCK BLASTING CO PTY LTD Lot 2, Lower Plains Rd Lethbridge OPENING HOURS MONDAY – FRIDAY 7am – 4pm (Saturday by appointment)

Phone: 5281-7190 or Paul 0429 361 378


Email:lethbridgequarry@bigpond.com paulgalea.narb@gmail.com

Note: No credit given and NO EFTPOS on premises

Leigh News 19

20 Leigh News Inverleigh Community Plan Survey Thank you to all those who took the time to complete our Inverleigh Community Plan Survey, which was conducted in November 2021. It was a long survey and the Inverleigh Progress Association, which instigated it thank all those who completed the 61 questions. Some people missed questions, but their answers to all the others have been considered. Once collated the complete survey with comments will be posted on the Inverleigh.org.au website for everyone to read. Local organisations, survey respondents and others, who want to can be involved in achieving the outcomes. You will be very welcome. Recent achievements have been the Play Space, after school youth club for a period last year, new signage around the river paths – soon to be put up, consultation with council resulting in new surface material in Cambridge Street. There is always a need for committed volunteers. For example, Victoria Park needs new toilets and an upgrade to its facilities. Nothing happens without forethought and planning by committed individuals and groups. There are many other opportunities for people to be involved in our community. Do you have the time to give? A good place to start is the Progress Association which meets on the third Wednesday evening of the month at 7.30 PM. We are always happy to have new members and visitors, who want to contribute to working together and / or with Council to achieve projects that will benefit the community. IPA Committee.

Situation Vacant INVERLEIGH FOOTBALL & NETBALL CLUB Following the recent renovations to the club, including the kitchen facilities and increasing the function and dining space, the Inverleigh Football and Netball Club is looking for caterers. This will be an overhead free opportunity for a Caterer, Hotel, Individual or group to provide and manage the provision of food for the following: - Thursday Evenings (March to Sept) - Game Day (Dining area and Canteen) - The Club and other events during this period Please provide EOI to: inverleighfnc@gmail.com For further information Contact President - David Haste 0425 810 983 Secretary - Ian Wheeler 0414 350 923

Leigh and District Landcare Group Catch up and where to from here!

Come along & join us at the Inverleigh Hotel, 23 rd March. Dinner 6.30 pm or come along for a short meeting at 7.30 pm. RSVP 20/3 We will hear an update from Bronwyn, from the Geelong Landcare Network; on the citizen's science eDNA platypus search, Dung Beetle Project, and the up and coming Farming for our Future workshop with Colin Seis, the regenerative farming trailblazer and cover cropping pioneer on 26th March. From our group, we thank Lucy McEachern for sharing her lovely gardens & amazing sculptures for our enjoyable Christmas get-together back in December, also Barwon Ridge wines and delightful music from our very own local couple Lisa & Joannes Roose. We had some great feedback from that evening and now it is time to put some of those ideas on our calendar for the coming year. Earth canvas-environmental art show, visiting gardens, music, little farm workshop, were just some of the ideas we received from the evening. So come along, connect with your community and enjoy being together.


Leigh News 21


Text or Ring Kelvin Woods 0400 559 559 "Ballarat Chooks Information Page" Please Like my page!

to buy tractors and farm machinery any amount payment in Paddock 0427 472 124

Next Deliveries: on 26th March 2022, B & S Stock Pet Supplies Bannockburn The girls will be 14 weeks old, sexed and vaccinated. CJ's Mini Excavator Hire

: confined space excavation : Post Hole Auger, 300 & 400mm : Landscape Preparation :Trenching, 250-400-1M buckets : Thumb grab attachment for easy green waste removal :Solar & Electric Gate Openers

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Leigh News




All General & Rural Plumbing


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24 Leigh News




P: 5267 2266|accounts@allaboutmowers.com.au|www.allaboutmowers.com

Leigh News


Phone: 0407 850 041

We are based in Inverleigh. Media release Wednesday 2 February 2022

DON’T WAIT TO ACT, WARNS CFA More than half of all Victorians living in areas at high risk of bushfire believe they will definitely get an official warning if threatened by a bushfire, a CFA survey has revealed. CFA’s Bushfire Community Survey, undertaken annually since 2009 -10, also showed more than a third (36%) expected they would be told when to leave if threatened by a bushfire, meaning many Victorians could be leaving it too late to act. CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan said while emergency services are well prepared and Victoria has an effective integrated warning system, including the VicEmergency app and emergency broadcasters, there may be some circumstances when Victorians may not get a warning. “Fires can spread within minutes. On hot, dry and windy days fires can start quickly and threaten lives and homes. You need to be prepared and paying attention to the weather conditions ahead of time. The community needs to know their triggers and use their senses such as sight and smell as well as their common sense to enact their fire plan,” Chief Officer Heffernan said. “Grassfires are prevalent this season and can move at speeds of up to 25km per hour and jump highways.” While this year’s fire season outlook indicates a lower risk of prolonged bushfires, grass fires remain a high risk across the state after strong rainfall and fuel growth during spring and summer. “Do not drive into or through high risk areas on hot, dry, windy days. Plan an alternate route or delay your travel, if possible. Those living in or visiting regional Victoria should monitor conditions every day and have a bushfire safety plan in place,” Chief Officer Heffernan said. The survey also showed nearly one in five (17%) believe they will definitely get help from CFA if impacted by bushfire, while more than a third (35%) believe they are likely to. “CFA’s mission is to save lives and property and of course we will do everything we can to respond to everyone who needs us, but there are times during major bushfires when we simply can't get a truck to every house,” Chief Officer Heffernan said. “People need a plan – exactly what are you going to do for your family, loved ones, pets and other animals if a fire occurs and a fire truck may not be able to get there? If you have a plan, you can act to survive.” Victorians should know where to find the best information to stay safe and never rely on just one source of information. Victoria’s integrated warning system includes the Vic Emergency website, app and social media channels, VicEmergency Hotline 1800 226 226, emergency broadcasters including ABC radio, Sky News TV, commercial radio and select community radio stations. Warnings are issued when an incident is occurring, and you need to act. Make sure you understand the three levels of warnings and additional messages such as ‘Evacuate Now’: • Advice – An incident is occurring or has occurred. Access information and monitor conditions. • Warning (Watch & Act) – An emergency is developing nearby. Conditions are changing and you need to act now to protect yourself and your family. • Emergency Warning – You are in imminent danger and need to act now. • Evacuation – An evacuation is recommended or procedures are in place to evacuate. For more information contact CFA Media on: 1300 CFA MEDIA (24 hours) or cfamedia@cfa.vic.gov.au

26 Leigh News



08:30am to 4:30pm


09:00am to 1:30pm



Phone: 52811182 Mobile: 0407080909
























Leigh News

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PH: Jamie #0430 604 465 Email: jamie@allexcavations.com.au



are held in INVERLEIGH on second Saturday of the month 9:30 to 10:00 @Sonny Cafe and in BANNOCKBURN @ St. Mary MacKillop School 4th Saturday each Month



This branch meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at Teesdale Hall, Main Road Teesdale. All ages welcome. It is not an “oldies” group. If you are interested in attending

please contact: Shirley 5281 5354

Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley "Lions Club newspaper collection". Leigh Valley Lions Club collects newspapers & magazines for recycling.

Funds raised are used for both local & international Lions projects. Community members are asked to deposit their papers in "LIONS" marked wheely bins located at Inverleigh Hall & beside the Bannockburn Library in High St.

Pick up of large amounts can be arranged by text or phone to Secretary Keith Robson 0408 270 107.

NOTICEBOARD ST PAULS SURPRISE SHOP INVERLEIGH During March all PINK clothing Tickets will be $1, so come on in and grab some awesome bargains. Closed School Holidays All donations can be left at the shop door or during opening hours. OPENING HOURS: Monday 1-4pm , Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9am – 1pm Come follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ St.PaulsSurpriseShop The volunteers, who operate this Opportunity Shop thank you for your donations, which help many in our community by providing a large range of inexpensive clothes and other household items. We welcome items in good condition, not stained or broken. We are not able to sell electrical items. We receive a great deal of material and it is all gone through to select material which experience tells us will sell. Unfortunately a great deal of material ends up in rubbish bins or is taken to the Geelong Recycling Centre or to a bonfire somewhere. All this costs the Op Shop money and our volunteers time. If material does not sell at your garage sale, it will not sell from the Op Shop. Please sort through all your goods carefully before donating them and dispose of your own rubbish. Thank you all. Op Shop Volunteers

Golden Plains Baha’i Community

The Baha’i Faith upholds the oneness of God, the oneness of Religion and the oneness of mankind. Religion should unite all hearts and bring spirituality and world peace. The equality of men and women is essential to create peace. Spiritual education for all. We have no clergy as it is up to each person to investigate truth for himself. “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens” Baha’u’llah For more information: bahai.org or Bannockburn 52 812 102, Teesdale 52 815 143, or Ross Creek 53 420 286

St. Johns Anglican Op Shop Bannockburn are relocating to

St. Johns Anglican Church

"Opening Soon" @ 11 Byron Street Bannockburn

Justices of the Peace

Mr Keith Windle 77 Dundas Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298 Mrs E McDonald 47 High Street Inverleigh Ph: 5265 1270

Mr Peter Bufton 110 Savage Drive INVERLEIGH Ph: 0448 694 204 Mr Rod McKenzie 7 Ruxton Crt. Bannockburn Ph: 0408 527 704 Mr Stephen Gilligan SHELFORD Ph: 0409 432 933


meets for rally every 2nd Sunday @10.00am Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321 New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact

Pres. Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313 Sect. Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048 P O BOX 87 INVERLEIGH VIC 3321


St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish of Meredith

Contact Details: Parish Priest Father Joseph mob. 0404 598 558 Office Phone: 5286 1230 Office open Wednesday & Friday 9.30am to 4.30 pm Mass Times:

Tue and Thurs 9 am St Mary MacKillop, Bannockburn 9.30-10.30 am Fr Joseph available for enquiries Wed and Friday 11 am St. Joseph’s, Meredith First Friday of the month Exposition, Adoration, Benediction will be held and Reconciliation available, 10.15 Meredith, followed by Mass. First Sunday of the month Family Mass, 11 am, Bannockburn Youth group Sun. 13/3, 27/3, 12.15 followed by lunch, Bannockburn , contact Monique 0432 040 906 Friday 4/3 World Day of Prayer, Uniting Church, Meredith 10.30 am Sat. 19/3 ST. JOSEPH’S Day, Meredith 11 am, bring a plate Sat. 6 pm Vigil, St. John the Baptist, Winchelsea Sun. 11 am St. Mary MacKillop, Bannockburn Sun. 13/3, 27/3, 9 am St. Joseph’s, Meredith Sun. 6/3, 20/3, 9 am St. Brigid’s Anakie Sun. 20/3 , 4 pm Sacred Heart, Inverleigh Tues. 22/3, Sacramental Enrolment, Bannockburn 7 pm Other Sacraments: •Reconciliation, Anointing, Baptisms, Matrimony, Funerals call: 5286 1230 for details. •Sacramental program (Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation) will be operating. Call the office for details/ timing/ enrolment for 2022.

Weekly Bus Service

provided for residents without transport to shop inGeelong! The Bus leaves the

LEIGH PRESBYTERIAN PARISH Inverleigh Shelford Teesdale

“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5)

Sunday Service at Inverleigh 10 am. VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME For further information: Rev. Surendra Wesley 0428 489 222


Phone 13 11 14


Leigh News


Anglican Church Inverleigh Church Services each Sunday 9am Inverleigh 11am Bannockburn 5pm Meredith 38 High Street, Inverleigh Rev’d Dr. Tim Smith 0412 673 152 Geoff Morgan 0408 106 559 John Bolitho 0418 319 695

Inverleigh and District

Red Cross

Meet in Inverleigh Public Hall at 1.30pm. The dates for the year (2022)are: April 11th at 1.30pm. June 20th at 1.30 pm. August 8th at noon. October 10th at 1.30pm December 12 time and place to be decided for Xmas lunch.

Secretary: Cathy Altmann 0409 024 578 President & Chairperson: Barb Meek 0409 050 046

Inverleigh Hall

Every FRIDAY at 9:30 am and leaves Geelong at 2:15pm for the return trip. Just use your MYKI Card.

Can You Help Here?

Our Public Hall needs the lawns maintained. Can you join the roster to mow the lawns once or twice a year? If so, please contact:

Anne-Maree Tarbett 0417 512 240

Inverleigh Hall Hall Hire Contact The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset. If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact

Anne-Maree Tarbett

0417 512 240

INVERLEIGH CWA BRANCH Welcomes existing and new members alike.

We are so much more than just Tea and Scones ladies! Contact Eliza for details of meeting times once restrictions ease. inverleighcwa@gmail.com or Eliza Peel Ph 0438 351 483



Tai Chi @

Teesdale Community Hall Thursday’s 9.30am phone: 0414 944 926

NOTICEBOARD KNIT, KNATTER AND THAT GROUP-TEESDALE Bring a craft, learn a new craft or come for a walk, chat and cuppa.

We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month for our ride day

Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday’s , 9.30am - 1.30pm At Teesdale Community Hall

We have 2 tracks: One that is set up as a motocross track that is marshalled and we also have a smaller flat track for kids/ beginners to learn to ride.

*BYO craft and lunch *Tea & Coffee provided. Cost $5 Joining fee. $3 per session Contact Lesley 0400 547 157 or Pat 0417 339 161

TEESDALE MECHANICS INSTITUTE (Formerly Community Hall) Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale

FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.

For bookings, phone Dale on 5281 5486 or 0428 386 724

"Linton" Town-wide


Sunday 27th March 2022 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For more information please call:

Garage Sale

Free maps at takeaway from 8 a.m. Welcome to our town & its treasures

Meredith And District Motor Cycle Club


St Johns is in attendance as well as a canteen. For more information please: head over to our Facebook page MADMCC or call 0415 503 869.

VICTORIA PARK wish to advise

the Scrap Bin is OPEN at present. INVERLEIGH SING SESH


Further info: call Robyn 0408 346 222 or follow us on facebook.


President: Ann Hancock 0410 453 958 Secretary: Shirley Wild 0447 873 763

Phone 13 11 14



Leigh News


Your taxation specialist! •Accountants • Business Advice • Superannuation • Taxation Services • Financial Planning • Audit Services

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Postal: P.O. Box 40, Winchelsea 3241 Tel: (03) 5267 2673 Fax: (03) 5267 2465 Email: winch@surftax.com.au Certified Practicing Accountants

Matthew Carr Painter & Decorator

Interior, Exterior, Repaints and Wallpapering Fully qualified Quality workmanship

5/14 High Street Bannockburn.

Phone: 4217 3810 We are open: Tuesday's 9am till 7:30pm Friday's 9am to 4pm Saturdays: by appointment.

Appointments for ALL Childrens needs are available during the School Holidays. Tuesday's 9am to 7:30pm Friday's 9am to 4pm Winter Sports are approaching too. Make an appointment now for Mouth Guards

0438 559 635 8 McCallum Rd Inverleigh

General & Children's Dentistry Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry Dentures - new, repairs & relines

Creating bright smiles for the whole family

32 Leigh News




L Solar Power (with Batteries) Solar & Heat Pump Hot Water On-Grid & Off-Grid Domestic & Commercial energysolutions@breaze.org.au D.I.A. ACCREDITED

03 4309 4027


Meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall @ Midday on 2nd Thursday each Month for a Meeting, guest speaker and afternoon tea and 4th Thursday each month for an outing. 10th March 2022 @ Inverleigh Hall. Meet at midday for light lunch ($5) and games. Plenty of time for Chit Chat too. 24th March 2022 we are off for an outing. Full details will be discussed and decided at our meeting earlier in the month. President. PeterT 0407 100 791 Secretary.Joy Gray 5265 1566 Treasurer. Val Robertson 5265 1492

Leigh News


Local Towing Operator, DAVO's TOWING can handle all your towing needs, as you can see from the attached photos. David and Isabell are available to answer all your questions related to moving cars and machinery.

Give them a call

0429 958 769

Paul Corcoran 0416 491 546 Paul O Grady 0414 932 018

57 Rankin Road, Inverleigh. Instagram @paulsbricklayinggeelong Email: paulsbricklayinggeelong@gmail.com

MUSHROOM COMPOST is now available Contact Peter or Dianne 5265 1757 or 0418 514 926 to arrange for pick up from Inverleigh Shelford Road INVERLEIGH

$4 per Bag or $50 per M3


NOW AVAILABLE 8 Seater maxi-cab, plus wheelchair access

34 Leigh News


We would like to welcome Dr Rithvik and Dr Niki to the team at Bannockburn Veterinary Clinic. They are both looking forward to meeting your wonderful pets and of course their owners.

Puppy Training

Puppy and dog training classes are running at the clinic.

Pocket Pets Pocket pets such as mice, rats, ferrets, rabbits and guinea pigs make ideal pets for people in smaller dwellings or who have smaller yards. Despite their smaller size, pocket pets require just as much care and responsibility as our larger pets. Smaller animals are masters when it comes to concealing symptoms of pain or illness. For this reason , it is important to bring them in for regular vet checks to ensure any health issuses are diagnosed and treated before they start to effect your pet's quality of life. At home it is important to monitor their food intake, body condition, toileting and to check their eyes, ears, mouth and feet. Rabbits: Calici Virus is present in Australia and is a fatal disease for rabbits. Kittens (baby rabbits) should have a course of 3 vaccinations at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age then every 6 months. Adult rabbits that have not previously been vaccinated should have a course of 2 vaccinations 4 weeks apart then every 6 months. Rabbits teeth have open roots that enable them to grow constantly throughout their life and teeth problems are common. Provide your rabbit with a diet that is rich in fibre to help it wear down its teeth. Monitor your rabbit for any reluctance to eat or drooling as this may indicate a tooth problem. Rabbits should be treated monthly for fleas and worms. Guinea Pigs: Guinea Pigs teeth grow continuously at a rate of 2-3mm per week and need to be worn down by constant chewing. You will need to provide your guinea pig with grass, hay or a gnawing block.

Leigh News 35

*Classes are run on a Saturday *They are approximately 1 hour. *Classes run over 6 weeks. *Cost of classes are $165.00 If you have any further questions or wish to put your name on the waiting list for the next classes please contact the clinic.

Fresh vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, cabbage or carrots should be included in your guinea pigs diet. They also need Vitamin C rich foods such as citrus or kiwi fruit as guinea pigs do not synthesise their own Vitamin C. They are prone to getting mites and mange so a monthly preventative like Revolution is advisable. Ferrets: Ferrets are carnivores. They require a diet that is high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates and fibre. Ferrets require vaccinating against canine distemper. Distemper is a highly contagious viral disease with a high fatality rate. Ferrets require two vaccinations a month apart, then a yearly booster. Ferrets can contract heartworm and should be on a monthly preventative such as Revolution, which will also treat fleas and mites. Ferrets should be desexed at 6 months of age. Desexing reduces their strong scent. If female ferrets are not going to be used for breeding they should be desexed as they will remain in season until mated. Staying in season can lead to bone marrow supression, anaemia and blood clotting conditions.

Mice and Rats: Mice and Rats are omnivores they can be fed pellets from pet stores. Fresh vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, cabbage, apple and celery should be included in their diet as well as grass hay. Mice and Rats do not require vaccinations. Rats and Mice require worming every 3 months. Rats and Mice can develop a range of health conditions and diseases similar to those seen in cats and dogs. The most common, skin infections, dental problems or gastroenteritis and the more serious being tumours and pneumonia. Regular health checks are important to ensure good quality of life for your pocket pet.

Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 7.30am – 6.30pm Saturday 8.00am – 1.00pm Telephone: 03 52811 221 OUR SERVICES

OUR VETS v v v v

Dr. Peter Bond Dr. Kelly Bond Dr. Kylie Flanagan Dr. Peter Richardson

We recognise animals large and small are part of your family and our team is committed to providing the best health care available.

1759 Midland Highway, Bannockburn www.bannockburnvet.com.au

ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

Annual Health Checks Surgical Facilities Digital X-Ray Equine Facility Large Animal Home Visits Dentistry AQIS Pathology

36 Leigh News

Services Available Acute Hospital Urgent Care Residential Aged Care Dementia Specific Care Home Care Packages Physiotherapy Dietician District Nursing Diabetes Education Occupational Therapy Planned Activity Groups Community Health Groups Palliative & Continence Care Podiatry Maternal Child Health

5267 1200

Servicing Winchelsea, Bannockburn, Beeac, Moriac, Rokewood, Teesdale & districts *Not all services available in all areas

VACANCIES Residential Aged Care, Respite & Home Care Packages Hesse Rural Health Winchelsea For further information or to book a tour please call (03) 5267 1200 *Home Care covering Winchelsea, Beeac, Bannockburn and extended rural areas

Leigh News 37 MOWING AND





PH: 0467 180 592

E: 4weiler10@gmail.com

Ride on mowing Push mowing Garden tidy up Green waste & rubbish removal ü Deck cleaning & repairs/maintenance ü Handyman services ü Lots more! ü ü ü ü

Call Chris for a no obligation free quote.

Come along for a cuppa and chat at Inverleigh Playgroup! Inverleigh Playgroup is a weekly play session for children aged 0-4 years. We offer a range of activities and free play with a large collection of toys and equipment. Run by a volunteer committee of parents, Playgroup provides a great opportunity to meet other families from the community. New members are always welcome. When: Wednesdays during the school term Time: 9.30 – 11.15am Where: Inverleigh Public Hall (venue updates are posted on our Facebook page) Cost: $4 per family, BYO healthy snack Please check our Facebook page for important information regarding current COVID restrictions and other announcements Inverleigh Playgroup President: Anna Kichakov 0415 588 454

38 Leigh News

Leigh News 39

40 Leigh News At this time our thought go to Queensland and Northern NSW and the Floods they are experiencing. Below are some Inverleigh Photos of Floods in 1952 and 1978. House on High Street June 17th 1952

Inverleigh Hotel Flood of 1952 Flood of 1978

Danny’s Firewood & Tree Ser vices *Sugar Gum Firewood. 4.5 mtr Trailer or 8 mtr Truck......... "delivered" *Tree Removal and Clean Up *Paddock Clean Up *Telehandler with Elevated Work Platform & Log Grab *13 tonne excavator, *small kubota tractor with grab *13 mtr cherry picker. *Firewood Processor, Wood Splitter & Saw Bench Contact: Danny Busbridge 0438 355 383

GO HARD CONCRETING specializing in all forms of concreting for free Quotes contact

Ray Sarcevic Mobile: 0418 524 661

Leigh News 41

Our new Complete Home Loan… …takes care of you completely. Great rates and 100% offset make the Complete Home Loan one of our most exciting home loans yet! So whether you’re buying your first or next home, refinancing or investing, the Complete Home Loan has you covered. Chat to a home loan specialist today, phone Community Bank Winchelsea on 03 5267 3189 or search Bendigo Bank home loans.

bendigobank.com.au Terms and conditions, fees, charges and lending criteria apply. All information including interest rate is current as at 7 September 2020 and may be subject to change. Full details available on application. Credit provided by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 Australian Credit Licence 237879. A1419239 OUT_1497386, 10/09/2020

42 Leigh News

Dispute Resolution & Litigation Debt Collection Property Law Wills & Estates Powers of Attorney Business Law Family Law By appointment only

22 Willis Street, Winchelsea ph. 5221 8777

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Leigh News 43


NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Golden Plains Shire Council is supporting young people to develop their leadership and event management skills with opportunities to join two new youth-led programs. Young people will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience as part of the new FReeZA Youth Events Crew and Youth Activation Committee. The programs will support young people to have a voice within the Golden Plains community and support other young people across the Shire. Based out of the new Golden Plains Youth Hub, the programs will run weekly throughout the school term, beginning in Term 2. Young people aged 12 to 25 years who have an interest in music, event management, arts, community events or just want to connect with new people and learn new skills are encouraged to submit an expression of interest to join the FReeZA Youth Events Crew. As part of the Crew, participants will meet weekly on Thursday afternoons, gaining event management experience and an insight into career pathways in the music and events industries. The group has previously coordinated successful youth-led music events, including the Golden Plains Battle of the Bands. FReeZA is a Victorian Government initiative that supports young Victorians to get involved in their community by planning and running drug, smoke and alcohol-free music and cultural events for other young people. The new Youth Activation Committee will advise Council on a broad range of issues affecting young people in Golden Plains, providing opportunities for committee members to share their ideas and have their say on the issues that matter most to them. The Committee will meet weekly on Tuesday afternoons and provide feedback on the operation of the new Golden Plains Youth Hub, as well as youth events and programs. They will also have the opportunity to work on exciting new projects, ensuring the voice of young people is strongly represented in their development and execution. Young people aged 14 to 22 years interested in advocacy and looking for opportunities to make change in their community are encouraged to submit an expression of interest to join the Youth Engagement Committee. Council’s Youth Engagement Committee is funded by the Victorian Government’s Engage! Program. Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble encouraged Golden Plains youth to join the new groups and be a representative for young people in the Shire. “Council is committed to providing opportunities for youth in Golden Plains to share their passion and ensure the voices and interests of young people are represented in the community. These programs help young people to build their leadership capabilities and support other young people across the Shire. “The Golden Plains Youth Hub provides a safe and inclusive space for young people in the Shire and the FReeZA Youth Events Crew and Youth Activation Committee are the first of a range of new youth programs that will activate this exciting new space. “We look forward to seeing the ideas of young people come to life with new events and programs, and are eager to support young people to advocate for themselves and other young people in the Shire.” For more information or to submit an expression of interest, visit goldenplains.com/consultations or contact Council’s Youth Team on 5220 7111 or email youth@gplains.vic.gov.au.

– ENDS –

Released by: Eric Braslis, CEO, Golden Plains Shire Council Media contact: Susan Talpey, Coordinator Communications, Engagement and Advocacy, Golden Plains Shire Council P. 5220 7147 │M. 0421 923 399 │E. susan.talpey@gplains.vic.gov.au

44 Leigh News



03 5281 2226 Monday to Friday 8.00 am – 6.00 pm Saturday 8.30 am – 1.00 pm Our highly trained and compassionate vets and nurses understand how important your pet is to you and work with you to care for your pet, providing skilled diagnostics, treatment and recovery plans alongside preventative health management.

12 MILTON STREET BANNOCKBURN furlifevet.com.au/goldenplains


Best Mates is Fur Life Vet’s preventative and protective healthcare program designed to keep your pet healthier and happier for longer.

Leigh News 45

A New Way To Receive Care

PERSONALISED IN-HOME CARE & COMPANIONSHIP IN THE GEELONG REGION Home Instead Geelong Established in 2018, Home Instead Geelong is the region’s trusted choice for in-home care and companionship. Giovanni and his wife Giselle started the business with CAREGivers keen to make a difference to the way care is provided to ageing adults in their local community. Giselle Siano, a Geelong local and registered pharmacist, has worked in hospital and community sectors for more than 10 years. Giovanni Siano discovered his passion for the industry while working as an aged care business consultant. In less than three years, Home Instead Geelong now employs more than 200 people and delivers over 12,000 hours of care each month. Their focus is on employing local people, providing quality training and development, and supporting the local economy.

based approach to care, coupled with a passion for supporting seniors in their local community Home Instead personally match their clients with like-minded CAREGivers, who will be their regular helper. Clients have complete control over when they receive assistance, whether it be once every few weeks or 24/7 in-home care. Their dedicated team is also available on the phone 24/7, meaning you can rest assured help is never far away. And best of all they have the flexibility to adapt to ever changing needs. Navigating Your In-home Care. There are two streams of in-home care; governmentsubsidised or self-funded.

“We have seen the challenges that seniors and their families face and understand that family members and friends can’t always be there. Our aim is to empower as many people as possible to fulfill their potential, which is why we decided to open Home Instead Geelong.”

In-home care can be arranged immediately with no wait list or assessment needed. A trained Home Instead CAREGiver could be assigned to you in less than two hours if care is needed urgently.

Care Consultants can explain the What they do various options and programs From one hour to 24 hours a day, available, how they work, what trained CAREGivers are there you need to do to access them Giovanni Siano. when you need them. Home and can also submit the referral Instead provides assistance for you. with daily personal care activities, home help and companionship and also offer dementia care, respite Government-subsidised programs include Home Care Packages, Hospital Transition Care, Respite Care and palliative care. and Veterans Home Care, and services can also be CAREGivers can assist with running errands, funded via NDIS. grocery shopping, light housekeeping, prescription Self-funded in-home care reminders, travel needs, showering and toileting. is available as a one-off, Having help around the home with personal tasks short-term or ongoing, allows ageing adults to maintain their privacy and and tailored to personal dignity while receiving the help they need to live preferences and budget. comfortably and independently. The Home Instead Difference Home Instead is dedicated to enhancing the lives of ageing adults and their families, with a relationship-

For more information visit homeinstead.com.au, or call 5201 9090

A life well lived should continue at home. Call today for a no-obligation care consultation 5201 9090 Each Home Instead® franchise is independently owned and operated. ©M&S Warner 2021.

46 Leigh News Gain your CERTIFICATE III while on the job.

Apply Today You Can Care

Are you looking for a rewarding career where you get paid while gaining your Certificate III in Individual support? Our CAREGivers are able to complete their placement requirements while working. We are looking for CAREGivers who: • Are passionate about supporting ageing adults and their families. • Are permanent Australian residents, living in our local community. • Have a reliable car with compulsory third party insurance.

If this sounds like you, APPLY TODAY to start your NEW CAREER tomorrow.

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Rural & Residential Property Experts

Ken McDonald Licensed Estate Agent 0418 524 150

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Matt Poustie Sales Manager | Auctioneer 0400 902 146

Tony Hyde Licensed Estate Agent 0401 736 136

Rural & Residential Property Experts

Leigh News 47

A Family Owned Agency Sell with a local agency who supports their community. Being major sponsors for Bannockburn Football & Netball Club , Bannockburn Men's Shed, Bannockburn Bowls Club, Teesdale Cricket Club & Inverleigh Family Bowls Day 2021.



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48 Leigh News

Bannockburn Pharmacy Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 6:30pm Saturday: 8:30am – 1:00pm Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed

6 High Street Bannockburn VIC 3331 Ph: (03) 5281 1519 Fax: (03) 5281 1450 Email: bannockburn.pharmacy@nunet.com.au Owners: Scott Wilkes & Damian Bennett

Pharmacy Features

* Professional - Vaccination Clinic - Free Blood Pressure Testing - Diabetes Australia (NDSS) Agency - Home Medicine Reviews - Webster-paks - Free Prescription filing service - Free Prescription reminder service (medAdvisor) - Extensive range of Vitamins & Supplements - Medela Breastpump Hire - Hiring of crutches - Weight Loss products - Ear & Nose piercing - FREE Home Delivery Service to: o Bannockburn o Teesdale/Shelford o Inverleigh o Lethbridge o Batesford

- afterpay available - Roogenic Tea stockist - Passport Photos (Aust. & International)

* Other Products & Services - Loyalty Program * FREE to join * 5 cents for every $1 spent on non-prescription products is added to your loyalty (no expiry) * 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR - Baby Club * FREE to join * $5 bonus when joining * 10 cents for every $1 spent on mother & child products is added to your loyalty (no expiry * 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR - Extensive GIFTS to choose from, including: * Glasshouse & Circa Home * Handbags & Wallets * Jewellery * Robert Gordon * Fragrances * Aromatherapy & Wellbeing * Infants & children’s gifts

- MooGoo products - Natio - Nude by Nature - Sukin Organic Products

Leigh News


16 High Street Bannockburn VIC 3331 Tel: 03 5281 1481 Fax: 03 5281 1978 www.bannockburnsurgery.com.au Dr Cameron Profitt Dr Margaret Somerville Dr Andrew Bell Dr Samantha Buchholz Dr John Henderson Dr Carolyn Grigg Dr Benjamin Fry Dr Rupali Jain COVID 19 During these times our practice opening hours vary significantly. Please phone the clinic or book online for all available appointments. Bannockburn Surgery is a fully accredited medical practice that provides comprehensive GP services and has been practising in the community for more than 30 years. Bannockburn Surgery is the largest practice in the shire. We are an accredited teaching practice, training future GPs. Our current Registrar doctor is Dr Veronica Stubbs We also offer the following services Diabetes Education: Jessica O’Shannassy Precise Podiatry: Peter Angelucci Speech Pathology – Ceri Webb Q fever (Testing & Vaccines) Yellow fever (Vaccine) New patients welcome

Time for a new local phone book for Inverleigh Name:


Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Home Phone Number:


Mobile 1:

Name. ……………………………………… Number.………………………………………

Mobile 2:

Name. ……………………………………… Number. ………………………………………

Each year, when there is a Federal Election, the Inverleigh Progress Association produces a local Phone book for Inverleigh and Murgheboluc. If you would like your details included , updated or removed for this phone book, please send details to:

leighnews@bigpond.com or P.O. Box 247, Inverleigh.

or 0407 100 791.

We will begin compiling the new edition for distribution later in the year. If you are unsure what your listing includes or even if you are included, just contact me. Peter Trevaskis (Leigh News Editor)

50 Leigh News Leigh News © 2013,

Leigh News - Advertising Costs from 1st January 2020

Inverleigh Progress Association Inc. The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication. The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers. Circulation:

1/9 PAGE


$17.50 85 64

1/4 PAGE







Editorial and Advertising Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month. Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed.

Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to: “Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or

$29.00 130




Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.

The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association. While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.





Contact: The Editor (Peter Trevaskis) 0407 100 791 leighnews@bigpond.com www.inverleigh.org.au Deadline is 25th each month (except NO January issue) Limited printed Colour is available (contact Editor) ALL electronic copies are in Full Colour



HALF A4 PAGE $47.00. (COLOUR $88.00)




$85.00. (COLOUR $160.00)



For further information about advertising and cost in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or leighnews@bigpond.com Professional ad design tailored to your needs at competitive pricing Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 5265 1610 Committee Members: Hilary Hamilton (President) Luanne Thornton (Secretary) Phone 5265 1256, Tony Waayers (Treasurer), Peter Trevaskis (Editor) 0407 100 791.

STAND PIPE – WATER PUMP KEY HOLDERS NOTICE Invoices have been sent to all key holders by post or email. The annual fee is still $44 for 2022 This should be paid before the 31st March 2022 this being the end of the IPA financial year 2021-2022 A late fee of $7.00 will be charged for late payment. When payment is made by direct debit please make sure the invoice number is quoted. Tony Waayers Treasurer IPA

Leigh News Directory of Clubs, Services and Organisations Below is a directory for clubs, organisations and services operating in Inverleigh, Teedale, Shelford and surrounding areas. If you are interested in obtaining further information about an organisation, please feel free to ring and have a chat with them. Any club or organisation who wishes to be listed, please forward details to us and we will include your listing. We would also appreciate being kept up to date with contact details

INVERLEIGH AREA Geelong & District Carriage Drivers Christa Jones 0408 342 403 gdcd.secretary@gmail.com

St Pauls Anglican Church Inverleigh 38 High Street, Inverleigh services: please check Leigh News for current times St Pauls Anglican Church Inverleigh contact: Rev. Dr Tim Smith Ph: 5265 1284 / 0412 673 152 Inverleigh Bowls Club Pres. Adrian Hurring 0418 593 849 Sec. Suzy Coleman 0431 080 977 Inverleigh Cemetery Trust President: Sandy McCallum 0408 378 752 Secretary: Des Guinane. 0409 224 811 Inverleigh Cricket Club Pres: Marcus Warton ph. 0400 199 309 Inverleigh CWA Eliza Peel 0438 351 483 Inverleighcwa@gmail.com Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club Keith Robson 0408 270 107 inverleigh.lions@gmail.com Inverleigh Golf & Disc Golf Club President: Greg Erwin 0408 651 744 Email: golf3321@bigpond.com Inverleigh Historical Society Katrina Robson 0400 527 352 Liz McDonald 5265 1270 Inverleigh Playgroup President: Suzy 0431 080 977 Secretary: Deb 0428 794 500 Inverleigh Progress Assoc. President:Hilary Hamilton 5265 1384 Secretary: Luanne Thornton 5265 1256 Inverleigh Riding Club Leighdale Equestrian Centre Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012 Inverleigh RSL Sub-Branch President: Deema Johnston 5281 1106 Inverleigh Tennis Club Shane Lubcke 0410 483 690

Leigh District Landcare Group Sec: Maxine Campbell 5265 1210 Leigh District Adult Riding Club President: Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313 Secretary: Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048 Victoria Park Reserve Bookings, Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313


Murgheboluc Recreation Reserve. Fiona Inglis. 0421 679 770


Shelford Cricket Club William Green (Pres) 0416 575 367 Andrew Clarke (VPres) 0439 634 891 Shelford Progress Association Pres: Heather Stone 5281 3241 Sec: Glenn Jeffery 0413 317 779


Before and After School Care from 7.30am to 8.45am. - 3.15pm to 6pm Teesdale Primary. 5281 5218

Bannockburn Probus Club Shirley Wild (Pres) 0447 873 763 Sandra Bance (Sect) 0490 049 953

SES Emergency 000 Windstorm and Flood 132 500 Controller: Nathan Hansford Mob: 0409 811 138

EMERGENCY Police, Ambulance, Fire, SES

Ring 000

LifeLine 5222 2233 or 13 11 14 B’burn Surgery 5281 1481 B’burn Vet 5281 1221 B’burn Taxi 5281 1777

CWA Native Hut Branch Shirley Wild Ph: 5281 5354

Barwon Water 1300 656 007

Leighdale Equestrian Centre Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012

Power Failure 13 24 12

Leighdale Pony Club Inc. Pres: Tom McCann 5265 1169 Sec: Sue Moran 0437 914 454 Teesdale Branch Liberal Party Charlie Hartup 5281 5222 Teesdale Cricket Club Alister Woods. 0439 395 456

Geelong Hospital Accident & Emergency 5226 7564 Golden Plains Equine Vets 0437 467 097 Golden Plains Medical Centre 5281 2320 Wildlife Rescue 0500 540 000

Teesdale Pre School Mandy Bartlett. 5281 5488 Teesdale Sporting Complex Mrs Kay Hower. 5281 5389

Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service 1800 015 188

Advertisers Index Accountant 16,40 Banking 41 Berries 8 Bricklaying 33 Builder 19 Butcher 7 Cartage 27 Cafe & Store 26 CCTV & Alarms 24 Chemist 16,48 Chooks 22 Church Notices 29 Compost 33 Concreting 40 Crushed Rock 18 CWA 29 Data Cabling 24 Dental 31 Doctor & Health Serv. 22,36,49 Dog Grooming 27 Driver Tuition 32 Earthmoving 38 Electrician 27,32 Equine 39 Excavation 19,21,22,27 Firewood 40 Food Swaps 28 Funeral Director 23 Grain 37 Garden Supplies 26 Gardening 37,39 Hall Hire 27 Home & Living 44 Hobby Farm Maintenance 41 Home Care 46 Home Care Staff Training 47 Hot Water 32 Interior Design 14,19 Joy Flights 13 Justice of the Peace 28 Legal Services 42 Liquid Waste 36 Motor Mechanic 42 Mowers 24 NBN Setup 24 OSHC 26 Painter & Decorator 31,38 Playgroup 37 Plumbing Services 23,31,42 Rainfall 13 Real Est. 7,46,47,48 Taxi 33 Tax Returns 31 Towing 33 Tree Services 40 Tyres 40 Veterinary 34,35,44 Wool Buyer 36

Shire Ranger 5220agency 7111 An independent specialising in quality residential Teesdale Community Hall Dale Smithyman 5281 5486and rural lifestyle property. Teesdale Tennis Club Mrs Judy Evans. 5281 5328

Working Sheepdog Club Glenn Agnew 0427 325 905

you would like your Club for your The teamIfyou can trust or Service included in this directory, or Bannockburn & District Men's if you need toneeds... update any details above, real estate BANNOCKBURN AREA

Shed Syd McConachy (Pres) Geoff Wild (Sect) 0407 835 731

please contact the Editor. leighnews@bigpond.com


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52 Leigh News


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