Community Strengthening Grants round TWO 2023
Is your community group looking for funding for a project or program?
Applica�ons open on 1 September for the second round of Golden Plains Shire Council’s Community Strengthening Grants Program 2023. Grants of up to $10,000 are available in four categories:
• Healthy Ac�ve Living – to support recrea�on, sport, health and wellbeing projects
• Crea�ve Community – to support arts and culture projects
• Environment and Sustainability – to support projects that improve the environment
• Community Safety – to support projects that equip communi�es to be safe and resilient
Groups must match the amount of funding sought, either in cash or through in-kind contribu�ons, such as volunteer work on the project. Applica�ons are open un�l 2pm, Monday 2 October 2023.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss your applica�on with Council’s Community Grants team. Please enquire as soon as possible to allow adequate �me to discuss your applica�on prior to the submission deadline
For more informa�on visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au or contact Council’s Community Development & Grants Officer at 5220 7111 or email communitygrants@gplains.vic.gov.au
Seniors Fes�val returns for a Shire wide celebra�on in October!
Senior members of the community are encouraged to get out and about during the 2023 Victorian Seniors Fes�val with a range of events on offer for Golden Plains residents to enjoy throughout the month of October.
The Victorian Seniors Fes�val is a state-wide fes�val for Victorians over 60, focusing on providing fun and good �mes.
Council is pleased to again host the Victorian Seniors Fes�val in Golden Plains and has partnered with local organisa�ons and community groups to provide a calendar of events for our local seniors, with free or low-cost events and ac�vi�es taking place across the Shire.
There is a great �metable of local events on offer across Golden Plains with opportuni�es for par�cipants to get ac�ve playing golf, par�cipate in technology and art group classes, engage with other seniors in the Shire at the Linton Men’s Shed or enjoy delicious morning teas and lunches, plus much more!
Several ac�vi�es will be delivered at no cost, while some ac�vi�es will have a low-cost par�cipa�on fee. Registra�on is required for Council run events and transport op�ons are also available.
To view the full calendar of events, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au. For further informa�on, contact Council’s Ac�ve Ageing and Inclusion team via email at ageingandinclusion@gplains.vic.gov.au or call 5220 7111.
If you’re thinking of selling a Rural or Lifestyle acreage property on the Bellarine, the Barwon or beyond then think Peter Lindeman. Peter spent 20 years managing farms before jumping the fence to sell them; and over the last 20 years he’s helped clients achieve extraordinary results, more often than not surpassing their expectations. Why not let Peter show you how he can help you achieve an outstanding result for your property.
Seller review
ThesaleofKelownawasquick,painlessandbrilliantlyhandledbyPeterLindeman, fromEldersGeelong,andwecan’tthankhimenough.Petercamehighlyrecommended, byafriend,andhecertainlyliveduptohisimpressivereputation.He’ssuchalovely chap.Easytochatwith.Hasyearsofexperience.Andgenuinelycaresabouthisclients andbuyers.Plusheturnedaloadofheritagequinces,fromourorchard,intothemost deliciousjellyandpaste.Istherenoendtotheman’stalents!Ifyouthinkyoucan’tuse anAgentfromoutoftown,thinkagain.Wedid.Andwecouldn’tbehappier.Eldersare veryluckytohavethisGeelongTeam!
Buyer review
PeterLindemanwasanabsolutegentlemanthroughoutthenegotiation’sforaproperty IrecentlypurchasedintheWesternDistrict.Itwasadifficultfewdaystogetthrough butPeterwaskindcaringandhonest!Whatmorecanyouaskforfromtheagentwhen purchasingsomethingthatmeanssomuchtoyou.I’dliketotakethisopportunityto thankyousincerelyPeterforhelpingmeachievemydreamofowningthispropertythat IhavelovedandheldsodeartomesinceIwasasmallboy:-)
Seller review
Peterwasouragentforafarmsale.Wehadengagedhimwithothertransaction, andaswiththeothershedidnotdisappoint.Hegaveusallhehadtogetusagreat result.Havingbeeninalargenumberofpropertytransactionsovertheyearsheis unquestionablythebestagentwehavehad. Wecouldn’trecommendhimhighlyenough.
Buyer review
Wereallycouldn’tsayenoughabouthowprofessional/helpfulPeterLindemanwas duringandafteroursearchforapropertyinVictoria.Wewereveryparticularwhatwe wantedandwhere;locationiskey!PeterListenedtowhatwewantedneverwastedour timeshowinguspropertiesthatdidn’tfitourneeds.Trickynegotiation,butthanksto Peteritallturnedoutverywell.
Wednesdays Playgroup at Inverleigh Hall P12
9th September Inverleigh Food Swap P28
14th September Midday. Seniors at Inverleigh Public Hall P28
12th September Inverleigh Football Club Family Day P21
17th September Legs for Legacy P21
23rd September Biggest Morning Tea P13
27th September Turtle Bend Committee AGM P13
meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall
on the 3rd Wednesday of each month @7 :30pm (Except January) VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME
President: Hilary Hamilton
Treasurer: Luanne Thornton
Leigh News Editor: Peter Trevaskis
The Progress Association has been actively working towards improving the amenity of Inverleigh for over 40 years. Of course all such organisations need volunteers and the Association is no exception. Without them nothing happens. If you have some ideas for the town you would like to achieve, you are welcome to join us and help achieve them.
Some of the projects completed by the Progress Association include:
Public Toilets Progress Association members worked for many years with Council to have new block built. They are used more than any other toilets in the Shire.
The Clock a new clock was recently installed on the clock tower in our main street.
Town Entrance Signs. IPA worked for many years to procure the 2 Entrance Signs (Hamilton Highway East and West) welcoming travellers to our town.
The Inverleigh Historical Society was formed in 2004. It operates under the auspices of the Inverleigh Mechanics Institute and Public Hall Committee.
Our Aims are to collect and preserve items of local historic interest and to promote research and interest in local history.
meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall
0n the 4th Wednesday of each Month @ 2pm
(Except December & January) VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME
We welcome all donations to our collection or the opportunity to copy material. We are most grateful to the many people who have kept the Historical Society in mind as they sorted through their own collections. We undertake many interesting projects and have enjoyable meetings, which you are welcome to attend.
Peter’s Editorial
It was recently brought to my attention that a stock transport vehicle dumped the contents of its effluent tank/tanks at the road side parking area just past Harvey road, on the Hamilton Highway, heading towards Geelong., Stock trucks carrying sheep or cattle are fitted with collection tanks under the tray of the trucks and trailers. All to body waste from the animals is collected during transport and is required to be emptied as "suitable" dump points, not on the road or road reserves.
I have contacted the EPA and they will follow up with any drivers who empty their effluent tanks on the road or road reserves.
If you observe any similar behaviour please take a note of the Carriers name if displayed on the vehicle and also the registration number. Providing these details to the EPA on 1300 372 842 will give them enough information to follow up with those concerned.
This is of serious concern, not just to the public, but also to other livestock in the area and could have serious impact to motorists, farmers and their livelyhood.
Enter : EPA 1300 372 842 into your phone now and be ready to report any similar incidents in the future.
From the Mayor’s Desk September 2023
As Spring arrives, and warmer days approach, Council has exciting plans for the upcoming months.
Notably, the online events calendar now features Council’s road grading schedule, making it easier for residents to keep track of maintenance on unsealed roads.
With a commitment to grading 714 kilometres of unsealed Council roads at least once a year, the grading calendar keeps residents informed about road upkeep.
Residents can now visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/events to see where Council’s graders will be.
It was also great to see a number of tenders approved for various road improvement projects worth nearly $4 million in the Shire, along with
maintenance contracts for plumbing and general services.
These exciting developments reflect Council’s commitment to enhancing the road network and maintaining the Shire’s buildings and facilities.
The next Councillor Listening Post will be held on Saturday 7 October from 9.30 to 11am at the Golden Plains Farmers’ Market in Bannockburn.
I encourage all residents to take the opportunity to head down to the market at the Bannockburn Heart and speak with local Councillors.
Councillors embrace the opportunity to continue to engage with residents on local issues and get a better understanding of what matters to them in the community.
The next round of the Community Strengthening Grants Program is open from 9am, Friday 1 September until 2pm, Monday 2 October, 2023.
Grants of up to $10,000 are available in four streams: Healthy Active Living – to support recreation, sport, health and wellbeing projects; Creative
Community – to support arts and culture projects; Environment and Sustainability – to support projects that improve the environment and; Community Safety – to support projects that equip communities to be safe and resilient.
Community Strengthening Grants are a valuable source of financial support for local events, projects and programs in our Shire.
I encourage all Golden Plains community groups to apply. We look forward to receiving many great grant applications in the second round of the 2023 program.
To apply for a Community Strengthening Grant, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/community/ grants/community-strengtheninggrants or contact Council’s Community Development & Grants Officer at communitygrants@gplains.vic.gov.au or call 5220 7111.
Golden Plains Shire Council is inviting the community to submit Expressions of Interest for participation in its Advisory Committees: Arts, Culture & Heritage Advisory Committee, and Active Ageing & Inclusion Advisory Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for community members to engage directly with local issues and play a vital role in shaping the future of our Shire.
We encourage individuals from all backgrounds and expertise
to submit their Expression of Interest to ensure a diverse representation within these Committees. By joining Council Committees, you can make a meaningful impact, influence the design and delivery of community initiatives and programs while identifying advocacy issues. Expressions of Interest are open until 5pm, Thursday 21 September and can be made online at goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations
For more information, contact Council on 5220 7111 or email enquiries@gplains.vic.gov.au.
Have you ever stopped to admire and wonder about our amazing Dry Stone Walls in and around the Western district?
Recently the Leigh Landcare group held a Dry Stone Walling workshop. We were fortunate to have David Long as our teacher for the day. David is a master craftsmen in Dry Stone Walling and local Inverleigh people would be aware of David’s workmanship in our “Welcome to Inverleigh” signs, east and west of the township. A great part of David’s work is repairing dry stone walls enabling them to be admired for another one hundred years. David also builds amazing garden features and does private commissions.
A big thank you to Joy, Russell and Ben Coad for hosting the enthusiastic group of twenty five budding wallers. We were very fortunate to have good weather conditions and Russell gave us a very interesting short history of their property. The Coad family are very fortunate to have some beautiful dry stone walls on their property.
Fabulous Fantails
Spring is just around the corner and this is a wonderful time to see birds. An early morning walk in the Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve is like walking through a beautiful concert as birds sing to attract a mate, maintain their pair bond and defend territory. A whopping 120 bird species having been recorded in the reserve, providing opportunities for the novice and veteran birder alike.
One of the more common species, the Grey Fantail (Ripidura albiscapa), never fails to delight. With little fear of humans, this small (~8g) flycatcher is always on the move, with agile and graceful flight it peruses insects. Naturally inquisitive, fantails will often approach an observer. Females and males sport the same dapper grey feathers, with a white throat, eyebrow, bars on the wings and tail edges. They get their name from fanning out and then closing their tail feathers – a behaviour thought to help startle insects.
You can attract Grey Fantails and other species to your yard by planting local native shrubs and trees. A densely planted property border for example, will attract many small birds. Be sure to include many native shrubs along and under the trees, as a dense shrub layer provides cover, nesting habitat and food.
Dr Christa Beckmann, Western Sydney University and Inverleigh resident.
Our project was to repair a broken section of wall and by the end of the day the wall was totally restored in strength, functionality and beauty.
Some short dry stone wall facts-
• Most local walls would date back about 150 years.
• They were built by emigrant farm workers, from Ireland, Scotland and UK.
• The wallers would usually work in pairs, one on either side of the wall, good wallers could build 5-15m in a day.
Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve Forthcoming Events.
·Wildflower Walk Sunday 1st October, 1.30- 4.00
·Bird Walk Sunday 15th October 10.00-12.00
Both start from the Common Road entrance. There will be a second Wildflower Walk on Sunday 12th November. Details in later edition. Please contact Keith Windle for further information windle.keith@gmail.com
In all our relationships, whether with our life partner, extended family member, neighbour, or community organisation, we will have times when issues need to be addressed. But we are scared that doing so, thinking it will make the situation worse, damage relationships even further; especially if we are new to an organisation or a family. Being a Priest in a Church, I know. It is understandable to want to keep the peace. But, avoiding the issue has consequences. Here are four benefits to encourage us to avoid avoiding. We will be comfortable for future issues
When we avoid or minimize problems, it can start to feel like we are losing a sense of belonging and participation within the relationship or organisation. Someone else is calling all the shots. Raising issues in a healthy, respectful, and assertive way builds self-confidence, creates a space of mutual acceptance, and helps us feel more comfortable addressing future issues instead of letting them fester.
We will improve connections
When we try to pretend an issue doesn’t exist it creates distance between us and our partner or the other people in the organisation. We might even try to avoid spending one-on-one time with the other person or wanting to withdrawer from the organisation. Addressing issues eliminates the distance and brings us closer as a team.
We will minimize resentment
When we don’t raise issues the resultant feelings usually don’t go away. They become the elephant in the room, like weeds in a garden, taking over, and causing irrational responses of anger over unrelated, tiny issues. Raising the issue in an appropriate time and place is like regularly weeding the garden. It is not a fun job and takes motivation to begin, but it gets rid of feelings that are becoming destructive.
Smiles for Gaining Fitness – Low Impact Class
Each Monday from 10 - 10.45 am you will find a group of people, under the guidance of Narelle Scott
It makes us and our relationships stronger Addressing issues can be uncomfortable because it also means that we might need to do some self-reflection of why the issue disturbs us and how to raise it without being aggressive. It may take patience and it may take more than one conversation, that’s okay. But, when we have courage to have the difficult conversations, we can learn more about each other and ourselves, gain confidence to handle anything together, and our relationships grow.
While it might seem like all is well when things are harmonious, beneath the surface can hide unaddressed issue creating resentment and distance between us and our partner or the other members of the community organisation. Addressing the issue appropriately, instead of avoiding it, in healthy relationships, will make us glad we did.
Based on https://www.prepare-enrich.com/blog/4-bigreasons-to-stop-avoiding-the-issue/
Prepare/Enrich is a low-cost programme we offer to explore relationship strengths and growth areas in times of transition: preparing for a wedding, an addition to the family, change in career, approaching retirement, or just to evaluate and strengthen your relationship. Please contact us for an appointment.
The Revd Dr Timothy Smith
VicarInverleigh+Bannockburn+Meredith Anglican Parish ALL are welcome
Living the Gospel in our Community revdrtim@hotmail.com
0412 673 152
of Active Achieve, working (and laughing) their way to enhanced health and fitness.
The Low Impact group is for any age and focuses on balance, full body strength, mobility and flexibility. It meets at the Inverleigh Netball Courts.
Participants commented on how their fitness and flexibility has increased, how Narelle helps them to progress at their own pace, at how social and supportive the group is and that they are simply having fun.
Narelle runs multiple sessions throughout the week including Mat Pilates & Boot camp sessions. She has also recently opened a Boutique Reformer Pilates Studio in Inverleigh.
To find out more check out www.achieveactive.au
August 2023 Calendar
Our Girls Love Their Footy
The Inverleigh Historical Society Calendar for September 2023 shows the first female football team to play for the Inverleigh Hawks – the U12 team in 2022. While the first premiership game of the Australian Football League Women’s Competition was played in February 2017, and the first junior female league in Geelong began in 2015, it was not until 2022 that the Inverleigh Hawks fielded a female team. The development of the new Inverleigh Football and Netball Club rooms provided enough change room space and facilities to enable getting female football teams up and running.
The club was right behind coach, Gemma Hayden, Team Manager Narelle Scott and the players in the newly formed U12 Female team, waiving membership fees to encourage girls to participate. The team was entered in the Geelong and District Girls Football League, which grades each team and puts them in the most suitable division. The team trained on Wednesdays and played on Sunday mornings.
As the first season progressed, more and more players joined the team. Players came from Inverleigh & surrounds and some families drove out from Geelong to train and play with the team. Under 12’s play for a result on the day, but the games are non-competitive and there is no ladder. The emphasis is on having fun and developing skills.
In 2023 the Inverleigh Hawks again fielded an U12 Female team, coached by Clint Long with Hayley Hinchliffe as team manager. In May, the team was privileged to do an inspirational tour of the Geelong Cats Stadium to see the Geelong Cats Women’s team players in a training session and to listen to their coaches.
A new team for 2023 was the U14 combined Inverleigh Bannockburn team, called the “Raiders”. The team was coached by Jayke Short and Connor Jervies with Narelle Scott as Team Manager. Training alternated between Bannockburn and Inverleigh on Wednesday nights, with games on Sunday mornings. The team wore Inverleigh Socks, Bannockburn shorts and a neutral coloured jumper featuring the colours of both clubs.
There have been some great positives coming from having a combined team including creating new friendships, becoming really close as a team, and being able to draw on the support and skills of both clubs.
The U14 team finished 3rd on the ladder, losing in the semi-finals to the Surf Coast Suns. A great effort in their first season.
All the players showed noticeable development in their skills and teamwork. Most important of all, they had fun and absolutely loved playing football. The Inverleigh Football Netball Club is proud of how successful the introduction of Female Football has been, and the plan is to keep the teams growing in the years to come.
Join us for some fun this Winter
Inverleigh Playgroup welcomes all parents, grandparents and carers with children aged 0-4. Come along and try a session!
We run a weekly play session which brings families together to learn and develop through informal play activities and social interaction. Our aim is to provide a variety of experiences, toys and activities for children to enjoy, and create an inclusive atmosphere where care givers can have a hot drink, relax and build connections that last beyond playgroup. New members are always welcome, we hope to see you at a session soon!
Please join our Facebook page to keep up to date with weekly events and special announcements!
When: Wednesdays during school terms
Time: 9.15 – 11.15am
Where: Inverleigh Public Hall
Cost: $5 per family
What to bring: Please bring a piece of fruit to be cut and shared, a drink bottle and a hat Tea & coffee provided
Spring has Arrived
Spring is now here and with it comes flowering plants, hay fever and vegetative growth.
We have been fortunate over the last six weeks that the rainfall has slowed up and given the soil a chance to absorb the excess water that was present in June and early July. It has also provided much better growing conditions than the previous few months, that were overcast with not much sun and very cold conditions , therefore not good growing conditions.
Now the sun has come out, the growth is starting to happen and over the next 3 to 4 months there should be a lot of grass and tree growth,
What does this mean to firefighters and residents living in rural fire prone areas?
It is time to prepare, clean up around your home and work place, check your fire plans and fire fighting equipment. Now this might sound very familiar to a lot of you and it certainly is, as the message is largely the same each year and each year presents its own unique circumstances. It is not a time to become complacent and think that nothing has happened for a while and it will be the same as last year. We have been very fortunate for the last few years to have wet, cool summers with very low fire activity.
This year looks like it might be very different as nearly all the experts are predicting hotter and drier months ahead and this seems to already be underway in parts of NSW and QLD.
There has also been plenty of destructive fires in the Northern hemisphere due to very hot conditions, setting records in fact. So it is very likely that we might get a hotter summer here this year.
Lets hope that we don’t have extremes like we are witnessing over seas and we have a more normal summer with very little fire activity. You can do your bit by having a property that is prepared and fire ready so if a fire does come your way, you and your property have the best chance possible.
Ewen Peel.Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
You are invited to our Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. Let's get together and enjoy a cuppa so we can support those impacted by cancer.
Mary Foster
Meredith Memorial Hall
Saturday, September 23rd
Theme� Hippie�Flower Power
Silent Auction, Raffle, Games, Lots of Food
September 15th Cost $25
Mary 0424037542
Do you love Teesdale’s Turtle Bend precinct?
The Teesdale Turtle Bend Committee welcomes you to our Annual General Meeting at 7 pm, Wednesday 27 September.
The Teesdale Turtle Bend Committee brings our community together for events such as the Live@ Turtle Bend Lantern Parade and Music Festival. We also oversee precinct management, including improvements like the Blue Tongue Lizard Bridge, and more!
Turtle Bend is the cultural heart of our community. You can help ensure Teesdale remains a connected, vibrant place to live, without committing a lot of time! Come along, meet our friendly committee, and learn how easy it is to be involved!
When: 7pm, Wednesday 27 September.
Where: Mud brick kitchen, Teesdale Primary School. For more information, call Claire: 0427 984 122 or Lana: 0408 104 630.
Thanks to:
Ross & Caroline Wilson of Shelford and Mora Leach of Inverleigh for faithfully supplying the monthly rainfall figures. Your efforts are very much appreciated.
Golden Pens - Write side up
G’Day from the penners for September. This month’s contribution is a beauty from Peter. Taking inspiration from waiting to get some inspiration is truly a poet’s dilemma and joy. To be able to produce a worthy piece of work such as this, is what sets poets apart from those of mortal men, as I wax lyrical about the joy of being able to write poetry. Peter doesn’t write a lot of poetry, his forte is short stories, but when he does indulge us, it is usually top rate. Thanks Peter. Keep up the good work.
If you like what you read from our articles, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We can be contacted via email: goldenpens4@gmail.com
All comments and feedback are graciously received.
Cheers, Wendy
Waiting for Inspiration
As floats the common cabbage moth upon the autumn breeze, Or wanders ‘round the hungry chook beneath the orchard trees, So twist and turn my thoughts they do, intent to verse produce While sitting at my writing desk, with thoughts of orange juice.
Blue cloudless is the morning sky, sun’s shadows climb the wall
But nothing seems to come to mind for poetry at all.
The day it beckons forcefully, and beckons once again.
Will I let it beat me though? Will I put down my pen?
But vision splendid has not come, nor rapture e’er so sweet.
Nor burst of inspiration to knock me off my feet.
So, like the common cabbage moth, my thoughts they wander on, I’ll go do something else, I think. I’ll see you all anon.
©Peter Wilding 2023WANTED – Coordinator for the Inverleigh Book Bazaar 2024
Inverleigh Public Hall Committee is seeking a community minded person who has a passion for books to coordinate the 2024 Inverleigh Book Bazaar in May.
If you have plenty of spare time, are enthusiastic about keeping this special Inverleigh event going, are well organized, reliable and a good communicator, you are the volunteer we are looking for.
The Hall Committee members will give support, guidance, links to other Book Bazaar volunteers, and practical assistance to help the coordinator organise a wonderful event.
The Inverleigh Book Bazaar has been run for many years as the major fundraiser for the Inverleigh Public Hall, ensuring that the hall is well looked after for all of us to use.
Please call Katrina Robson, our previous Book Bazaar Coordinator and Hall Committee member, on 0400 527 352, if you think this could suit you and would like to know more.
Trading Hours: Friday. 10am to 2pm, Sat. 10am to 1pm, Sun. 10am to 1pm Monday to Thursday appointments can be made to open, just contact Wendy, on 0407 350 437 or enquire within the store.
Locally owned and operated by Wendy De Francesco, this shop is located at Shop 1/29 High Street, Inverleigh (next to the CFA).
Local Creations specializes in upcycled furniture and home décor, they also offer a custom furniture painting service with various styles that can be enquired in the store.
Local Creations has a range of stock and also supports small local businesses with items ranging from handmade:
-Candles -Soaps -Skin Care Products - Tote Bags
-Local Artwork- Even something for your pooch
I was pleased to be invited to the Inverleigh seniors meeting at the Inverleigh Hall recently and everyone in attendance looked to be having a nice afternoon. As well as speaking about policing in the area I also learned some things about the support available to assist seniors to remain in their homes from the other speaker at the meeting.
I have had some complaints about people dumping litter in Common Road recently. There has also been a chopped up car dumped off Inverleigh-Teesdale Road in the Common. If anybody sees this kind of behaviour I am sure the council or EPA would be happy to receive the information and Parks for incidents in the Common or even just let me know and I can liase with these authorities.
I am sure you are noticing the increasing burnout marks on the Hamilton Hwy at Pollocksford Road and more recently at Harvey Road. If anybody knows anything about the drivers/vehicles involved please let us know. It is a terrible look for the area.
I am still receiving complaints of youths on trail bikes in the Inverleigh township on Kinross, Cleveland Drive, Faulkner Road, Hopes Plains Road etc. Complaints include riders, speeding, driving dangerously, doing mono’s, getting close to motor vehicles, riding at dusk in poor light and in the dark. Riding into the new housing estates under construction (where people shouldn’t be anyway). Many people live in the township for the semi-rural lifestyle and want to enjoy the peace and quiet. There are another lot of people who have other ideas and provide and allow their children to ride motor bikes on blocks which are not big enough or challenging enough for them, so they migrate onto the local roads and into the Common. Just in case someone hasn’t read my previous articles: It is illegal to ride motorcycles on roads, parks, reserves etc without a motorcycle licence and a registered motorcycle. Unlicensed riding fine $962, Ride unregistered motorcycle $577.
On a Saturday afternoon recently, I turned into Kinross Drive when I saw a youth on an unregistered red motorcycle coming towards me. He immediately stopped did a U turn and decamped quickly probably getting up to 70 – 80 km/h in the 50 km/h zone street. He flew into the new development area past a road worker standing beside a large road grader working on the new surface there. The rider nearly lost it at the end T intersection while turning left and decamped through the new estate into the rear of
the Common. About 20 minutes later the same motorcycle and another one this rider wearing a yellow Fluro top did the same thing again. Their risky riding and behaviour appalled me, it was a wonder they didn’t come off because people make poor decisions when fleeing Police as can be seen on numerous shows on television.
Earlier in my time here a simple visit to the parents often solved the problem with the parents stopping their children from riding on the roads. Presently I am finding that the visit to parents is not working.
If you are going to provide your child with a motorcycle, then you make the time to take them to a legal place where they can ride. A simple check on the internet brings up places to consider and the rules/laws relevant to the various areas.
If the problem persists, I will be requesting our special solo (off road) unit to come down and do some shifts to catch the youths.
I will also be asking the Parks Victoria off road rangers to come back to the Common to do some patrols to catch offenders.
I will request the divisional drone with operator to do some aerial filming of the behaviour and the addresses the youths are coming from and then attending and charging the riders.
In the Northern suburbs Police there after community concerns engaged in operations which identified riders, warrants were executed, bikes seized/impounded, and riders charged.
For the people involved:
Have some respect/consideration for your neighbours Respect the amenity of the community in which you live.
Have some respect for the law and authority whether it be Police, Parks or council rangers.
If residents are not happy with the youths behaviour feel free to let the youths and their parents know. I would want to know if my child was up to no good. Community members already know properties where some of the youths are coming from because you are telling me. Drop them a note or if you encounter them down the street have a polite conversation about it and let them know how you feel about the behaviour. Keep safe
Contact Peter or Dianne 5265 1757 or 0418 514 926
Estia Health Bannockburn is currently offering 2 weeks FREE respite.
Estia Health Bannockburn is a Residential Aged Care home and has availability for both respite and permanent care. Call Kelly on 0419 030 510 if you would like to have a look at our wonderful home and find out more details on Aged Care.
Call Kelly on 0419 030 510 before this offer expires (31 August) and to book your personal tour today. Current availability for both respite and permanent care.
71 McPhillips Road, Bannockburn 5281 1991.
Build Your Digital Skills – Google Photos
Bannockburn Library
Got lots of photos on your smartphone, tablet, PC or USB and want to know how to store them? Come along to this session for an introduction to Google Photos - a free photo sharing and storing service. Feel free to bring your own phone or laptop, or use one provided by the library!
This is a FREE session and is proudly supported by the Victorian State Government's Digital Literacy for Seniors Program and Geelong Regional Libraries.
Bookings online or phone 4201 0661.
Thursday 14 September 2:30pm-3:15pm
Teddy Bears’ Picnic: Intergenerational Story Time
Bannockburn Library
Calling all grandparents, carers, and seniors to a very special Story Time. We will be joined by a local kindergarten group or bring along your grandchild/ren. After teddy-themed stories and songs we will enjoy a picnic together in the Bannockburn Library courtyard Morning tea provided - but don't forget to bring your favourite teddy bear!
Thursday 19 October 10:30am-11:30am
Book Chat
Last Monday of the month 10:30am-11:30am
Bannockburn Library
Come along and enjoy a conversation about the books you have been reading, hear recommendations and meet other readers. All welcome.
Sunday 17th September 2023
The Battle of Poziers marks the birth place of Legacy where, in seven weeks of fighting, Australia suffered 23,000 casualties of these 6,000 men were killed or died of wounds. It also was where one Aussie Digger made a promise to another to take care of the missus and kids.
Since then Legacy has supported countless Veteran Families honouring the promise made on that battlefield and continues to do so to this day and will continue this commitment onwards.
The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay 2023 commenced when the torch left Poziers for London and then, on Friday 23rd April, left for Western Australia.
It is now being carried by Torch Bearers around Australia and will arrive in Geelong, Sunday 17th September 2023 and will be carried by Torch Bearers through the City from 10am at Johnstone Park and travel a route towards Osborne Park and back on a different route to the finish at Steam Packet Gardens for the lighting of the Cauldron as the Finale to the Geelong Leg of the Legacy Centenary Torch Relay 2023 and then heads to Ballarat for their relay commencing 19th September.
I have the Honour of being selected to be one of the Torch Bearers for Geelong Legacy as a past member and an ex- serviceman in recognition of the amazing support that Legacy provides.
If Members of the Community would like to sponsor on my leg of the relay you can do so by going to:
"search for torch bearer" Malcolm Johns. I appreciate your support for this Centenary and for Legacy.
Malcolm Johns
Come and Try Sessions and
Pennant Training
• Sunday 10th September 10am
• Sunday 17th September 10am
• Sunday 24th September 10am (Active Golden PlainsSpring in to Summer event, BBQ provided, contact details below to book for this event)
Why not give bowls a try?
• Equipment and instruction will be provided.
• Skill drills will be set up to teach and challenge you.
• New bowlers, experienced bowlers - all welcome.
• Pennant training will be happening at the same time.
• Fun is guaranteed.
• Stay for a cuppa and a chat.
• Free activity!
Need more info? Contact Michele on 0417 150 548
CJ's Mini Excavator Hire
: confined space excavation
: Post Hole Auger, 300 & 400mm
: Landscape Preparation
:Trenching, 250-400-1M buckets
: Thumb grab attachment for easy green waste removal
:Solar & Electric Gate Openers
Text or Ring Kelvin Woods 0400 559 559
"Ballarat Chooks Information Page"
Please Like my page!
13th September
@ Eastern Reserve, Hopkin st, Winchelsea.
@ Lawsons Park, Inverleigh.
16th September
@ B&S Stockfoods - Bannockburn Pullets for Sale:Hyline Brown
Sexed and Vaccinated
Please phone or text Kelvin on 0400 559 559
Phone: 0407 850 041 located in Inverleigh
Cooking Edition
We have had a very busy term in the kitchen!
As well as being our Junior Class teacher, Ms Welch is also a qualified chef and provides the most amazing experiences for our students through our weekly cooking program. Students have learnt to make pastry from scratch, turning it into a range of savoury pies and sweet tarts. We have also explored cuisine from around the world , making burritos, cottage pie, dumplings and vanillekipferl cookies.
It is always impressive to see our students stepping out of their comfort zone and trying a range of different flavours and textures such as bamboo, water chestnuts and coriander.
•Luxury Facials – 40 minutes
•Mini Facials – 20 minutes
•Pamper Package – 1 hour
•Makeup Services
•Gift Vouchers available
Withover 11 years in the beauty industry, I
Inverleigh Primary School STEM Showcase
On Thursday 10th August Inverleigh Primary School held our first STEM Showcase. Students were excited to share their creative thinking and problem-solving skills through the various projects that were on display. We were excited to welcome parents, grandparents and other family members into our classrooms to share our STEM learning!
RSL and Lions combine to create community garden beds. The community garden beds (pictured) are being developed as a combined project of Inverleigh RSL & Leigh Valley Lions at the rear of the RSL club rooms in High St Inverleigh.
When completed, the beds will be an easily accessible garden for people of all ages – without the need to stoop & bend to attend the plants.
Sunday 22nd October 12 – 3 pm Inverleigh Public Hall
• Bring along photos and documents from the past and the present for us to scan and add to the collec@on
• Have a look at the Historical Society Collec@on photos, old maps, and ar@cles about the town and its people, and view some of the videos being made around the town in our current project ‘Inverleigh Community Stories’.
• Purchase books about Inverleigh’s history - $20 each.
Enquiries – Chris@ne Windle 0403 267 286
White Lotus Reiki and crystals is a small business based in the picturesque township of Inverleigh Vic.
White Lotus offers Traditional Usui/Tibetan Reiki, a practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes a positive mental state through gentle touch.
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key), is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Life Energy”, the vital, creative force that flows through everything. When used as a therapy, referred to as The Usui System of Natural Healing, it is an energy balancing technique for improving and maintaining health, based on the principle that a balanced energy system leads to a healthy mind and body.
White Lotus also offers the opportunity to purchase beautiful crystal jewellery, carved crystals and individual pieces of Mother Earth’s natural wonders, ethically sourced from around the world. There is also an array of books and homewares to choose from which can also be viewed on Facebook and Instagram.
FB: Whitelotus Reiki and crystals Instagram: whitelotus_reiki
For further information or to arrange an appointment for Reiki or to personally view crystal shop, contact Jane on 0417 143 669. or email whitelotus_reiki@outlook.com
MONTHLY FOOD SWAPS are held in INVERLEIGH on second Saturday of the month
9:30 to 10:00 @Sonny Cafe and in BANNOCKBURN @ St. Mary MacKillop School
4th Saturday each Month
Est. 14th July 2014
This branch meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at Teesdale Hall, Main Road Teesdale
All ages welcome. It is not an “oldies” group. If you are interested in attending please contact:
Shirley 0447 873 763
Lions Club of Inverleigh
Leigh Valley
"Lions Club newspaper collection".
Leigh Valley Lions Club collects newspapers & magazines for recycling.
Funds raised are used for both local & international Lions projects. Community members are asked to deposit their papers in "LIONS" marked wheely bins located at Inverleigh Hall & beside the Bannockburn Library in High St. Pick up of large amounts can be arranged by text or phone to Secretary John Crowe 0414 674 156.
Inverleigh’s OP Shop
Mondays: 1 – 4 PM
Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays
9 AM – 1 PM
Closed School Holidays
EFTPOS and Cash
Do not accept: Electrical Goods, Car Seats, Furniture, Your Rubbish
Op Shop Bannockburn have relocating to St. Johns Anglican Church
11 Byron Street Bannockburn
Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 to 4 Saturday 10 to 1
Justices of the Peace
Mr Keith Windle
77 Dundas Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298
Mrs E McDonald 47 High Street
Inverleigh Ph: 5265 1270
For only $15 each Chain you can get your chains looking brand new 0447 516 857 or 0407 850 041 TODAY TO GET YOUR CHAINS READY FOR THE WINTER. DROP OFF OR PICKUP IS AVAILABLE
Golden Plains Baha’i Community
The Baha’i Faith upholds the oneness of God, the oneness of Religion and the oneness of mankind. Religion should unite all hearts and bring spirituality and world peace. The equality of men and women is essential to create peace.
Spiritual education for all. We have no clergy as it is up to each person to investigate truth for himself. “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens” Baha’u’llah For more information: bahai.org or Bannockburn 52 812 102, Teesdale 52 815 143, or Ross Creek 53 420 286
Mr Peter Bufton
110 Savage Drive INVERLEIGH Ph: 0448 694 204
Mr Rod McKenzie
7 Ruxton Crt.
Bannockburn Ph: 0408 527 704
Mr Stephen Gilligan SHELFORD
Ph: 0409 432 933
A00041565N meets for rally every 2nd Sunday
Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321
New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact
Pres. Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Sect. Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048
St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish of Meredith
Contact Details:
Parish Priest Father Joseph mob. 0404 598 558
Office Phone: 5286 1230
Office open Wednesday & Friday 9.30am to 4.30 pm
Winchelsea - St. John the Baptist @ 5pm Sat. Sep. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Anakie – St. Brigid @ 9am Sun. Sep. 3, 17
Meredith – St. Joseph @ 9am Sun. Sep. 10, 24
Bannockburn – St. Mary MacKillop @ 11am Sun. Sep. 3, 10, 17, 24
Inverleigh – Sacred Heart @ 4pm Sun. Sep. 17
“Forwedonotpreachourselves, but ChristJesustheLord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5)
Sunday Service at Inverleigh
10 am.
For further information: Rev.SurendraWesley 0428489222
Anglican Church
Church Services each Sunday
8 am Inverleigh
10 am Bannockburn
5pm Meredith
38 High Street, Inverleigh
Rev’d Dr. Tim Smith 0412 673 152 Geoff Morgan 0408 106 559
Inverleigh and District Red Cross
Meet monthly in Inverleigh Public Hall at 1.30pm.
June 19th.
Annual Meeting August 14th, 12 noon Lunch.
October 9th.
December 11th (Xmas lunch to be decided).
Heather Bogie President 0408 521 090.
Cathy Altmann Secretary 0409 024 578.
Inverleigh Hall Hall Hire Contact
The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset.
If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact Anne-Maree Tarbett 0417 512 240
Welcomes existing and new members alike.
We are so much more than just Tea and Scones ladies!
Social Meetings 7.30pm every last Wednesday of the month (except Dec/Jan).
Meet in Presbyterian Church Hall. inverleighcwa@gmail.com or Eliza Peel Ph 0438 351 483
Park Street
Reasonable Rates
Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Tai Chi @ Teesdale Community Hall
Thursday’s 9.30am
phone: 0414 944 926
Bring a craft, learn a new craft or come for a walk, chat and cuppa.
Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday’s , 9.30am - 1.30pm At Teesdale Community Hall
*BYO craft and lunch
*Tea & Coffee provided.
Cost $5 Joining fee. $3 per session Contact Lesley 0400 547 157 or Shirley 0447 873 763
(Formerly Community Hall)
Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.
For bookings, phone Dale on 0428 386 724
Phone 13 11 14 LIFELINE
Meredith And District Motor Cycle Club
We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month for our ride day (NO RACING AND NO QUADS /4 WHEELERS)
We have 2 tracks: One that is set up as a motocross track that is marshalled and we also have a smaller flat track for kids/ beginners to learn to ride.
St Johns is in attendance as well as a canteen.
For more information please: head over to our Facebook page MADMCC or call 0415 503 869.
wish to advise the Scrap Bin is CLOSED until the end of January 2023.
LOVE TO SING BUT THINK YOUR TERRIBLE? INVERLEIGH SING SESH IS FOR YOU? Further info: call Robyn 0408 346 222 or follow us on facebook.
Meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall @ Midday on 2nd Thursday each Month for a Meeting, guest speaker and afternoon tea and 4th Thursday each month for an outing.
Exercise Classes Each Thursday from 10am till 10:30.. At the Inverleigh Public Hall. Cost $5 each
Seniors Meeting at Inverleigh Hall
14th September @Midday
We will have lunch together ($10 each) and following, enjoy some indoor activities, including indoor bowls, cards and board games.
Seniors Outing 28th August to a location yet to be decided Meet at Inverleigh Hall @ Midday to Carpool
for more info contact- President: Peter Trevaskis 0407 100 791 Secretary:Liz Platt 0423 301 519. Treasurer: Val Robertson 5265 1492
5/14 High Street Bannockburn.
Phone: 4217 3810
We are open:
Tuesday's 9am to 7:30pm
Wednesday 9am to 5pm
Friday's 9am to 4pm
Appointments for ALL Childrens needs are available during the School Holidays.
Tuesday's 9am to 7:30pm
Friday's 9am to 4pm
Winter Sports are approaching too. Make an appointment now for Mouth Guards
Creating bright smiles for the whole family
•Spring is here!
•Kitten Season
•Did you know?
Spring is here!
Here are some tips and what to look out for to keep your pets safe coming into spring:
• Be aware of any harmful flowers and plants – common plants such as lilies, tulips & daffodils are toxic to cats and ivy, foxglove and wattles are toxic to dogs just to name a few.
• Fleas, ticks and heartworm are always around but are more prevalent during the warmer months which means it is important to be on top of flea and parasite control.
• Check your pet for grass seeds that can become lodged into paws, ears, eyes and coat.
A simple treatment to protect against fleas, ticks, ear mites and worms – including tapeworm which means you don't have to give your cat an extra worming tablet.
Treating only for fleas, treats only half the problem. Make sure you treat your cat for worms too. Administered monthly, NEXGARD SPECTRA for Cats delivers optimal parasite control for both internal and external parasites.
• Grass allergies are common during Spring, allergic reactions can cause itching, hair loss and sneezing.
Kitten Season
Cats start breeding when the days start getting longer, usually around August. They can continue to breed throughout spring and summer.
Cats are breeding machines. A queen cat (the term used for a female cat) can start to breed from as young as 4 months of age and can produce up to two litters every season. This means animal shelters and rescue groups are often overwhelmed with kittens and cats needing homes.
Desexing your cat is an important part of responsible pet ownership and there are many benefits including the following:
• Unwanted pregnancies. Your cat should be desexed before they reach the age at which they can start breeding which is around 4 months of age.
Welcome back Chloe!
We would like to welcom e vet nurse Chloe back to Bannockburn Vet Clinic.
• Less behavioural issues such as spraying. A queen in season can become agitated, meow loudly repeatedly and rub up against everything. Tomcats can also be a handful becoming agitated, spraying urine and desperate to go outside.
• Less likely to roam which reduces the risk of them getting into fights and being exposed to infectious disease such as FIV (Feline AIDS)
• Reduced risks of health problems. Females are less likely to get mammary cancer and will not get uterine infections.
You can contact our clinic on 03 5281 1221 if you would like to book your cat in for their desexing procedure.
Did you know?
Fleas thrive in the warmer weather.
Spring is often when we may realise that we may have let flea and parasite control lapse over the winter months.
Chloe has worked with us previously and we are very happy to have her back. Make sure to say hi if you see her at the clinic
There are many flea and parasite products available such as Simparica Trio or Revolution for Dogs and Nexgard Spectra Spot On for Cats.
Call us on 03 5281 1221 or drop into the clinic to discuss which product is best for your pet.
36 Leigh News
Surfcoast Taxis
inc Winchelsea & Bannockburn Taxis
Our fleet of vehicles are growing to all late models and we are now covering an extended area including: Winchelsea, Colac, Bannockburn, Inverleigh, Great Ocean Road and Geelong.
We have a fleet of 10 seater Maxi Vans, all with Capacity to carry wheelchairs.
Surfcoast Taxis Pty. Ltd.
All Bookings: 0408 325 992
Fax: 5267 2699
Email: bannotaxis@gmail.com
(Admin or Stan 0429 672 888)
66A Batson Street, Winchelsea, 3241.
NDIS provide number 4050001044
NDIS provide number 4050001048
Back to Steiglitz
Annual Reunion Day
Sunday 29th October 2023
10am to 2pm
Calling all those interested in family ancestory, Gold
History, indigenous/ native flora fauna and cultural stories.
We will be holding another community celebration to bring together all those interested and connected to the past and present life of Steiglitz. If you have an interest or passion that celebrates crafts or life from our pioneers or ancestors you may want to come and share with us on the day.
Stallholders/ musicians/ buskers welcome.
Please contact Lauren 0499 623 130 loz.b.1@outlook.com
Do you have a business and would like to advertise your services by sponsoring our raffles or activities on the day?
Please send me your details to: peppcorn@yahoo.com or ring Kathy on 0407 556 796
Our highly trained and compassionate vets and nurses understand how important your pet is to you and work with you to care for your pet, providing skilled diagnostics, treatment and recovery plans alongside preventative health management.
Supporting your community
When you choose to bank with Bendigo Bank, good things happen in your community.
Like our sponsorship of Inverleigh Fire Brigade
And when you belong to one of Australia’s biggest banks, good things happen with your banking too.
Feel good about who you bank with.
Find out more. Call us on 5267 3189 or search Bendigo Bank Winchelsea & District.
Bannockburn Surgery is a fully accredited medical practice that provides comprehensive GP services and have been practising within the community for more than 30 years. Bannockburn Surgery is the largest practice within the shire.
We are an accredited teaching practice – training medical students, nursing students and future GPs.
We also offer the following services:
Diabetes Education
Q Fever (Testing & Vaccines)
Yellow Fever (Vaccine)
16 High Street, Bannockburn VIC 3331
Tel: (03) 5281 1481
Online bookings available
Directory of Clubs, Services and Organisations
Below is a directory for clubs, organisations and services operating in Inverleigh, Teedale, Shelford and surrounding areas. If you are interested in obtaining further information about an organisation, please feel free to ring and have a chat with them. Any club or organisation who wishes to be listed, please forward details to us and we will include your listing. We would also appreciate being kept up to date with contact details.
Anglican Church Inverleigh (St Pauls) 38 High Street, Inverleigh services: please check Leigh News for current times
contact: Rev. Dr Tim Smith
Ph: 5265 1284 / 0412 673 152
Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve. President: Keith Windle, Phone 0429 651 298 windle.keith@gmail.com
Geelong & District Carriage Drivers
Christa Jones 0408 342 403 gdcd.secretary@gmail.com
Inverleigh Bowls Club
Pres. Adrian Hurring 0418 593 849
Sec. Jenny Peel 0418 301 939
Inverleigh Cemetery Trust
Chairman: Bruce McDonald 0408 567 979
Sextant: Alex (Sandy) McCallum 0408 378 752
Secretary: Tonya Allen. 0411 624 309 inverleighcemetery@gmail.com
Inverleigh Cricket Club
Pres: Marcus Warton ph. 0400 199 309
Inverleigh CWA
Eliza Peel 0438 351 483 Inverleighcwa@gmail.com
Inverleigh Football/Netball Club
President: David Haste 0425 810 983
Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club Keith Robson 0408 270 107 inverleigh.lions@gmail.com
Inverleigh Golf & Disc Golf Club
President: Greg Erwin 0408 651 744 Email: golf3321@bigpond.com
Inverleigh Historical Society
Christine Windle 0403 267 286 Liz McDonald 0417 066 433
Inverleigh Playgroup
President: Anna K. 0415 588 454
Secretary: Holly W. 0432 632 130
Inverleigh Progress Assoc.
President:Hilary Hamilton 5265 1384
Inverleigh Riding Club
Leighdale Equestrian Centre
Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012
Inverleigh RSL Sub-Branch
President: Deema Johnston 5281 1106
Inverleigh Tennis Club
Shane Lubcke 0410 483 690
Leigh District Landcare Group
Sec: Sharon MacDonald 0448 582 348 shazmullen@hotmail.com
Leigh District Adult Riding Club
President: Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Secretary: Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048
Victoria Park Reserve Bookings, Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Murgheboluc Recreation Reserve.
Fiona Inglis. 0421 679 770
Shelford Cricket Club
Robert Rice (Pres) 0459 491 698
Shelford Progress Association
Sec: Glenn Jeffery 0413 317 779
CWA Native Hut Branch
Shirley Wild Ph: 0447 873 763
Leighdale Equestrian Centre
Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675
or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012
Leighdale Pony Club Inc.
Pres: Tom McCann 5265 1169
Sec: Sue Moran 0437 914 454
Teesdale Branch Liberal Party
Charlie Hartup 5281 5222
Teesdale Cricket Club
Alister Woods. 0439 395 456
Teesdale Pre School
Mandy Bartlett. 5281 5488
Teesdale Sporting Complex
Mrs Kay Hower. 5281 5389
Teesdale Tennis Club
Mrs Judy Evans. 5281 5328
Teesdale Community Hall
Dale Smithyman 5281 5486
Working Sheepdog Club
Glenn Agnew 0427 325 905
Bannockburn & District Men's Shed
Syd McConachy (Pres) Geoff Wild (Sect) 0407 835 731
-S E S
Emergency 000
Windstorm and Flood 132 500
Controller: Nathan Hansford Mob: 0409 811 138
Ring 000
5222 2233 or 13 11 14 B’burn Surgery 5281 1481 B’burn Vet 5281 1221
Taxi 0408 325 992
Water 1300 656 007 Power Failure 13 24 12
If you would like your Club or Service included in this directory, or if you need to update any details above, please contact the Editor.
44 Leigh News
2 October to 18 December
$250 x 10-week course, $30 casual session
3 October to 12 December
$550 x 10-week course
4 October to 6 December
$550 x 10-week course
5 October to 7 December
$550 x 10-week course
MAKERS’ CREATE | FRIDAYS 10am - midday
6 October to 15 December
$25 per session
* All materials included. All classes suitable for all levels of ability.
Email: Hinterlandartschool@gmail.com
Phone: 0493 479 447
Hinterland Art School Winchelsea acknowledges the support of DEVELOP: 2022 Arts Development Seed Fund
Leigh News © 2013, Inverleigh Progress Association Inc.
The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication.
The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers.
Circulation: 750.
Editorial and Advertising
Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month
Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed.
Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to:
“Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or leighnews@bigpond.com
Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.
The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association.
While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.
Our opening hours (7 days) will be:
- Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
- Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
- Sunday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
- Public holidays = CLOSED
Pharmacy Features
* Professional
- Vaccination Clinic
- Free Blood Pressure Testing
- Diabetes Australia (NDSS) Agency
- Home Medicine Reviews
- Webster-paks
- Free Prescription filing service
- Free Prescription reminder service (medAdvisor)
- Extensive range of Vitamins & Supplements
- Medela Breastpump Hire
- Hiring of crutches
- Weight Loss products
- Ear & Nose piercing
- FREE Home Delivery Service to:
o Bannockburn
o Teesdale/Shelford
o Inverleigh
o Lethbridge
o Batesford
- afterpay available
- Roogenic Tea stockist
- Passport Photos (Aust. & International)
* Other Products & Services
- Loyalty Program
* FREE to join
* 5 cents for every $1 spent on non-prescription products is added to your loyalty (no expiry)
* 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR
- Baby Club
* FREE to join
* $5 bonus when joining
* 10 cents for every $1 spent on mother & child products is added to your loyalty (no expiry
* 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR
- Extensive GIFTS to choose from, including:
* Glasshouse & Circa Home
* Handbags & Wallets
* Jewellery
* Robert Gordon
* Fragrances
* Aromatherapy & Wellbeing
* Infants & children’s gifts
- MooGoo products
- Natio
- Nude by Nature
- Sukin Organic Products