Inspired by Islamic Art, Garden of Paradise

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St ep4: Addoul i nest omakeyourf l ower s andl eavesr eal l yPOP!

St ep1: Tr aceandt r ansf eryour l eaforf l oweront owat er col ourpaper ( uset hei nst r uct i onsi nt hi sgui de) .

Youcanuseadar kershadeoft hecol our i nyourwash,oracont r ast i ngcol our . Exper i mentandhavef un!

St ep2: Pai ntawashofcol ouri nt oyour f l owerorl eafshape. A“ wash”meansmi xi ngt he pai ntwi t hl ot sofwat er t ocr eat eaver yl i ght col our .

St ep3: Onceyourwashhasdr i ed, adddet ai l st oyourl eaf orf l ower . Youcanusegouachet oadd asol i dcol ouroveryour wash,orwat er col ouri f youwantt hepai ntt o l ookmor et r anspar ent

Youcanuset hesamecol our s ast het i l esi nLei ght onHouse, oryoucanchooseyourown col our s!

Ho wt oDr a wa ndPa i nt

Par adi s eFl o we r s f r o m Le i g ht o nHo us e

Wor k s he e tde s i g ne db yAy e s haGa mi e t I ns t a g r a m:@a y e s ha _i l l umi na t e s @a y e s ha _i l l us t r a t e s We bs i t e :www. a y e s ha g a mi e t . c om

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