Linley Sambourne's Diary, 1871

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Sunday 1 January (blank) Monday 2 January (blank) Tuesday 3 January (blank) Wednesday 4 January Blondin lame. Thursday 5 January Gave reading at Town Hall. Farina in to supper. Tried Blondin on common. Friday 6 January Rode over to see how Mrs Carr was. Dr Carr liked Blondin. Saturday 7 January Went to Meet at Grunby Green with O.B.H. Blank day. Home early. Sunday 8 January (blank) Monday 9 January (blank) Tuesday 10 January (blank) Wednesday January 11 Dreadful snow. Out for Ride. Led Blondin home from Langley. Saw Miss Bacon. Thursday 12 January (blank) Friday 13 January (blank) Saturday 14 January (blank) 1


Sunday 15 January At Reed’s. Lowe & Knowls brothers there. Monday 16 January (blank) Tuesday January 17 Out Hunting. Saw Woodward the elder from Hurlington. Wednesday 18 January Worked. Thursday 19 January Out Hunting. Blank day. Met Mercer etc. Alice at Aunt’s in evening. * * Friday 20 January Mamma went to the North. Capt Bennett came to see me. Saturday 21 January Out hunting. Met Capt Bennett. Saw Woodward for first time. Sunday 22 January Stopped at Home. At uncle’s. Monday 23 January (blank) Tuesday 24 January (blank) Wednesday 25 January (blank) Thursday 26 January (blank) Friday 27 January (blank) Saturday 28 January Went to town. To see Blake. Old Masters & Drury Lane.



Sunday January 29 At Lewylby. Ledger & Turner there. Monday 30 January No hunting. Worked. Paid Bailey. Tuesday 31 January Had Alice photographed for Gypsey bonnet. Wednesday 1 February At Hutton & Woodward’s in evening. Thursday 2 February Worked all day. Woodward Hutton & Dunn in in the evening. Friday 3 February Got wet at Harefield. Called at Tollington(?). Worked in evening. Aunt not well. Saturday 4 February Out hunting. Blank day. Went to Woodward’s in evening. Met his brother. Lost 15/- at whist. Sunday 5 February Went for walk in the morning. At uncle’s in evening. Home early. Monday 6 February Out Hunting. Splendid day. Stag ran from Langley to Latimer. Rode home with Tolley. At Hutton’s & Woodward’s in evening. Tuesday 7 February Worked. Sent screw & Fox off. Wednesday 8 February Blondin due. Went for ride to Langley. Worked. Thursday 9 February Worked late on initial. Went for ride in morning. Friday 10 February Went to town. Saw Blake. Fanny’s party. Met West. (Red ink: 1st met my wife.) 3


Saturday 11 February Seedy after party. Walked over Archway. Fanny & Conny Thanes here. Sunday 12 February Miss Thanes here. Wet day. Went to Old Church. Monday 13 February Hutton & Woodward in in the evening & W. Heron. Out for ride. Tuesday 14 February Out Coursing, bad day. Finished block. Wednesday 15 February Worked. Paid Pulbrook. At Hutton’s & Woodward. Won £1.13.0. Thursday 16 February Cheque sent. Saved Morten. At Hutton’s. James Dunn & Woodward. Lost £2.10.0. Aunt knocked her head. Friday 17 February Went out for Ride. Up to town after. Dined at Blakes. Slept there. Christie there. Played whist. Saturday 18 February Went to Colney Hatch. Saw Mrs Willis & Pullinger. Received cheque from Henry Barr £156.9.8d. Dined at Blakes. Home again. Sunday 19 February Barker & Fanny at Aunt’s. Went for ride to Freeman’s. To Old Church in evening. Monday 20 February Paid bills for Aunt. Went to Hanwell for Barker. At Uncle’s in the evening. Tuesday 21 February Trained down to Taplow. Hunted with Queen’s. Came home & slept. Went to Robert’s, won £1.1.6 Wednesday 22 February Went to town to meet Smith. Dined at Crosby Hall. Saw Lulu. Came home & slept.



Thursday 23 February Worked. Wrote letters. Blondin lame. Went to Woodwards. Lost £4.0.0 to Hutton. Friday 24 February Worked. Sent two blocks off. At my Uncle’s. Saturday 25 February Went to Harriers Drag at Squire Way. Supper with Hutton. Mackerel. Sunday 26 February Went up to town. Called at Madame’s, Blakes, & dined at Reeds. Mr & Mrs Gilbert there. Met Hutton & Woodward in train. Monday 27 February Worked. Sent initial off. At Hutton’s. Lost £1.15.0. Tuesday 28 February Out hunting with Queen’s. Met at Iver Heath. Wrendels. Good run to Penn common. Hutton in in the evening. Wednesday 1 March Worked on Fashions. Out for Ride. Had a fall. Went to Grunsdale’s in evening. Thursday 2 March Finished Block & sent it off. Went to Woodwards. Won 12/-. Friday 3 March Went out coursing. Blank day. Walked home with Gardner. Went in to supper at Mr Heron’s. Saturday 4 March Went to see Uncle. Out with Harriers in afternoon. Had severe fall. At Uncle’s & Woodward’s in evening. Sunday 5 March Went for walk. Dined at Home. Rode to Langley. Gyp went. Home early & to bed. Monday 6 March Worked. Sent policeman & T pot Head off. At Woodward’s. Nose bad. Won 8/- Loo. 5


Tuesday 7 March Nose still bad. Went to James. Up late. Lost 7/6 at loo. Nose still very bad. Wednesday 8 March Worked hard. Aunt & cousins at Aunt’s. Sent Master McGrath & Essence off. Thursday 9 March Went hunting to Garth’s monument. Most frightfully wet. Got soaked. Went to Huttons played double dummy, won 4/6. Told me about overdraw. Friday 10 March Went with Alice to be photographed. Worked in evening. Most frightfully in the blues. Rode round by Harefield, Called on James. Went to Uncle’s. Won £2.3.0 at Loo. Saturday 11 March Rode over to see the Windsor steeplechases. Met King. Dined with him. Home by 10.0pm. Sunday 12 March Went up to town. Called on Thornton. Check suit. Walked in the Kensington Gardens. Home early. Monday 13 March Went for ride in morning. Paid in cheque. Bought photographs. Worked in the evening. Tuesday 14 March Went for ride. Got very wet. Worked. At Huttons. Lost £3.5.0 to Woodward. Wednesday 15 March Blondin due. Took Aunt up to town, awful Snow. At Barker’s in evening. Lost £1.12.0. Thursday 16 March Came home early. Hunted with O & B. H. Bad day. Snow. James, Hutton to supper. Lost £2.10.



Friday 17 March Worked hard all day at Costume Dress. At Hutton’s in evening. Loo. Won £2.0.0. Saturday 18 March Hunted with Sir Robert H Harriers. Splendid day. Saw Miss Bacon. Lost stud. Dined at Rickmansworth. Lost 8d to Uncle. Woodward left. Sunday 19 March Went to dine at Uncle’s. After to German Reed’s late. Stopped in town. Mrs R.Jenkins. Monday 20 March Came home at 11. Revolution in Paris. Sent clothes to Blackford. Worked & sent Block off. Tuesday 21 March Princess Louise married. Went to Windsor & saw the Princess. Met James & Hutton & Farina & Judson. Wednesday 22 March Went for ride to Greenford. Mamma came home. Thursday 23 March Farina came. Out hunting. Met young Wise. Hutton & Far in in the evening. Friday 24 March At Farina’s sale. Bought Verandah & Hall seats. Good sale. Saturday 25 March At Farina’s. (illeg). Got up rope(?) & put up the Verandah. Sunday 26 March Fine day. Went out for walk. Rode to town. Called at Houghton, Barker & Carters. Home at 12.30. Met Scotch girl. Monday 27 March Worked hard all day. Sent two Blocks off. Tuesday 28 March Out with the Queens at Beaconsfield. Capital day. Alice at Aunt’s. Row with Wilks at the Chequers. 7


Wednesday 29 March Very seedy in the morning. Sprained wrist. Worked in evening. Did not go out at all. Thursday 30 March Wrist bad still. Worked hard all day. Farina went to Southampton. Friday 31 March Went to Steeplechases. Glorious day. Farina tight. Home with King. (Red ink: Kingsbury). Saturday 1 April Up very early. Went with Robert to Brentford. Saw Race. Oxford lost. Saw Blake. Dined with Lune, met King & went to theatre with Mrs K & him. Home by last train. Sunday 2 April Went for walk Langley in afternoon. Uncle’s in evening. Monday 3 April Worked hard all day. Pipe at Chequers after. Tuesday 4 April Went to meet at Rocking’m. Beautiful day. Saw Miss Bacon. Mamma went. Took stag at Colham Green. Made a Druid. Wednesday 5 April Worked hard all day. Thursday 6 April Worked hard all day. Sent 3 blocks off. Friday 7 April Dined at home with Farina. Rode over to Gerrards X. At Uncle’s after. Barker & Newton there. Lost 6/-.. Saturday 8 April Worked. Went over to see Barker at Ealing. Henlow there & Mamma. Like house very much. Sunday 9 April Went up to town. Called at Paytons & Thornton. Went to Reed’s. Marion engaged. Fit of the Blues. 8


Monday 10 April Hunted with Queens. Trained over to Taplow. Went to Wycombe. Rode home with Brooks. Very tired. Tuesday 11 April Went with Farina & Murray to Ashford to see Day. Dinner with Woolls & James after. Farina left. Wednesday 12 April Worked all day. Sent off block Hare & Fox. Went to Uncle’s in the evening. Thursday 13 April Worked all day. Went for ride in evening. Made out acct & to Chequers after. Friday 14 April Worked in morning at Gurcher(?). Went for ride. Genl & Mrs Dennys called. Hutton in in the evening. Saturday 15 April Worked in the morning. Very windy day. Worked all the evening. Sunday 16 April Went for walk. To Uncle’s in afternoon. Barker there. Ride in evening. Monday 17 April Went up in town to be made a Mason. Was initiated. British Lodge. Home again. Garner in train. Tuesday 18 April Got up at 5.30. Rode to Maidenhead. Breakfast there. Meet at Redstone Farm. Wet soaking day. 23 miles home. Called at Wise’s. Went to Druids. Blondin due. Wednesday 19 April Very tired. Idle day. Went to Garner’s in evening. Thursday 20 April (red ink) Death of Frewelynn Goodall. Worked in House. Carpet etc. Went to Chequers in the evening.



Friday 21 April Went out in morning. Went for ride in afternoon. Saw Mrs Bacon & Miss B. Home & to my Uncle’s. Saturday 22 April Went up to town with Woodbridge. To Blake’s. Called on Mr Brooks & Bradbury. Went to Reed’s entertainment. Turkish Bath. Joan D’arc. Home. Sunday 23 April Nip found. Rode over to Ealing to see Barker. Went to Church & home again. Jones wrote from Windsor. Monday 24 April Rode to see old Jones. Found him at 17 Park St Windsor. Very dark night. Mrs Burkiss & Miss B. came over in pony carriage. Tuesday 25 April Dined with Robert & Farina. Worked in morning. Went to Druid’s dinner. Home early. Wednesday 26 April Went over to Day’s for sketch of Pitt. Round home by Staines & Datchet. Saw Miss Bacon. Home & Worked. Thursday 27 April Worked all day. Heavy showers. Farina in in the morning. Sent Block off. Friday 28 April Worked all day. Went to Uncle’s in evening. Row about Gardener. After to Chequers. Saturday 29 April Worked all day. Farina called. Went to Chequers in evening. Sunday 30 April Awfully wet day. At Rockingham House. Home in evening. Monday 1 May Worked in morning. Rode to Barkers. Stopped at Ealing. Miss Barker there.



Tuesday 2 May Rode up to town. Went to see Swain & Academy. Dined at Scotch Stores & rode in the Row. Back to Ealing & slept at Barkers. Wednesday 3 May Rode home in morning. Blues very bad. Worked on Essence. Thursday 4 May Worked all day. Sent initial off. Went to Th(illeg). Ear bad. Friday 5 May Worked all day. At Uncle’s in the evening. Ear bad. Saturday 6 May Went for ride in morning. At Uncle’s. Roebuck there. Went to Slough. (illeg). At dinner at Uncle’s. Won. Ear bad. Sunday 7 May Up late. Went to Uncle’s after dining. Barker & Miss B there. To church in evening & Chequers after. Ear very bad. Monday 8 May Worked all day. Did girl & Hair. Thunder shower. Alice & Miss Cottrells in. Ear bad. Tuesday 9 May Worked. Did two Blocks. Went to Chequers in evening. Ear bad. Wednesday 10 May. Ear burst. Went up to town to meet Aunt. Came home early. Saw Swain. Went to Langley & saw the Bacons. Thursday 11 May Paid £40 to Bank. Worked. Went for ride in evening. Hutton in to supper. Toozeys in too. Friday 12 May Worked all day. Saturday 13 May Worked. Rode over to General Dennys. Worked in evening.



Sunday 14 May Dull day. Worked all day. At Uncle’s in evening. Monday 15 May Went up to town. Called on Swain & dined at Freemasons Hall. Tuesday 16 May Worked. Mrs Bacon & Miss Bacon, Arthur & Alice in to tea. Wednesday 17 May Worked all day. Thursday 18 May (blank) Friday 19 May Worked on Butterfly. Rode to Gerrard’s X in evening. Home early. Saturday 20 May Worked on Butterfly dress. Rode to Langley. Supper at King’s. Sunday 21 May Called at Uncle’s in afternoon. Bruneson(?) there. Rode to Gerrards X & back. Barston(?) there. Monday 22 May Worked all day. Went in evening to Uncle’s to dinner. The Garners there. Tuesday 23 May Worked Hard. Sent two blocks off. Blondin lame. Went to Billiard Room for first time. (Morells). Alice went to her uncle’s. Wednesday 24 May Blondin due. Derby Day. Went up with Garvin & Woolls etc. Nice day. Favomus won. Turkish Bath & home. Blondin went to Green. Thursday 25 May Worked. Did Essence initial. Went to Billiard Room. Lost on Derby. Lost 11/6 to Uncle. Friday 26 May Worked. Went to Ealing. Saw Barker & Miss Bunson. Home by 9.30.Played a game at Billiards. 12


Saturday 27 May Worked. Sent two blocks off. Had some pools in evening, quoits. Sunday 28 May Went to town. Saw Payton, Thornton, Reeds & Leupold. Saw Miss Rosa in train. Monday 29 May Drew note of hand £60. Went to meet Blake & Mrs B. Dined at home, at Uncle’s in evening. Drayton after. Tuesday 30 May Worked. Quoits in evening with James. Played with Ringham(?) at Billiards. Wednesday 31 May Worked. Sent block off. Quoits with James & Billiards after. Lost 3/-. Thursday 1 June Worked all day. Friday 2 June Dr Carr called & brought drawings. Lent(?) inferno(?). Worked on Punch, played Pool etc. Saturday 3 June Went up to town. Met Greenwich. Took drawings with me. Saw Mr Brooks etc. Went in Exhibition Olympia, theatre & home. Missed the train & walked from Drayton. Sunday 4 June Mrs Lulbyduck(?). Went to Uncle’s & walked to Drayton after. Saw Blondin. Arthur went too. Monday 5 June Worked. Sent two blocks off. Played pool at Rosins(?). Tuesday 6 June Worked, sent Essence initial off. Played Pool & lost at cigars. Wednesday 7 June Worked. Sent block with Punch in row off. Met James at Chequers after. 13


Thursday 8 June Went to Ascot with King & wife M(illeg) & Miss Millington. Cold day. Mortimer won Cup. Home to supper at King’s & home after. Friday 9 June Rather seedy. Got up late. Worked. Played Quoits. In Chequers after. Saturday 10 June Worked a little. Walked with Farina to Drayton. Saw Blondin. Home & played Quoits afterwards. Sunday 11 June Went to see Brown at Latimore House Maidenhead. Taken up to town in train. Monday 12 June Worked on Ascot block. Played match at Quoits after. Lost. Tuesday 13 June. Worked. Went up to town for first Punch Dinner. Home after. Met Garner. Walked from Drayton. (Red ink: 1st Punch Dinner.) Wednesday 14 June Did Essence Block. Thursday 15 June Worked on Pocket Book. Went to Uncle’s. Played double dummy. Pool & home. Friday 16 June Worked. Sent Pocket Book block off. Played quoits with William Heron. Home. Hutton & Farina there. Saturday 17 June Worked hard. Did three blocks. Sunday 18 June Worked hard. Did Thimble & Needles. At Uncle’s in evening afterwards. Monday 19 June Worked all day. Did Croquet girl.



Tuesday 20 June Did Bee Wright. Went to Ealing in afternoon, there all night. Wednesday 21 Went to Greenwich. Saw Gosling etc. Dined at Sydney’s. Took sketch, home by 9.30. Thursday 22 June Did Essence block. Friday 23 June Worked hard. Capn & Mrs Dennys in to dinner. Mamma queer. Quoits. Saturday 24 June Worked Hard all day. Farina in to supper. Played billiards. Won. Sunday 25 June Rode with Robert Deane to Langley. Fell on lawn. Ledger there. Monday 26 June Worked on Theatres (Pk book). Went round to see them at Rockingham house. Lost at Pool. Tuesday 27 June Finished Pk. B. Block. Played Quoits in evening with candles. Wednesday 28 June Blondin due. Worked. Sent Essence & P.B.B. off. Played Quoits. Thursday 29 June Worked. Went & sketched Coomes at Barracks. Played Quoits with James. Cards after at Chequers. Home late. Friday 30 June Went with the Kings to Review at Bushey. Splendid day. Home at eleven. Saturday 1 July Worked on Grenadier. Went to Fanny Barker’s to fetch Aunt. Met Hunt, Mrs Robuck, Ransford etc. Sunday 2 July At home & at Uncle’s. Went for walk in evening. 15


Monday 3 July Miss Johnson came to Uncle’s. Worked. Finished Grenadier & Ascot. Quoits in evening. Lost at Billiards. Tuesday 4 July Worked did Essence. Quoits in evening. Wednesday 5 July Worked did 2 Initials. Quoits in evening with Gunday etc. Whist. Thursday 6 July Worked. Farina in. Quoits in afternoon. Gunday etc. Game of Whist at Uncle’s. Friday 7 July Worked. Miss Walters came. Alice & Miss Johnson in to tea. Quoits. James in to supper after. Saturday 8 July Went up to town. Called on Blake & Mac. Went to Tower & Monument. Saw Mr Brooks. Home early. Quoits. Slept. Sunday 9 July Very wet. Went to Uncle’s in afternoon. To church with Miss Walters. Monday 10 July Worked. Sent Pocket Book Block off. Tuesday 11 July Worked. Made sketch of Sailor from Miss W. Worked in evening. Wednesday 12 July Worked on Sailor Girl. Went to Barkers to dinner. Hutton in at home. Wet. Home late. Thursday 13 July Worked sent two Blocks off. Wet day. Nearly bowled out at Uncle’s in evening. Friday 14 July Wrote lots of letters. Farina in. Mrs Houghton came. Quoits. Tring betrothed. 16


Saturday 15 July Very hot. Worked on Pocket Book. Went to Uncle’s. Arthur in Row. Played Bowls. Won 4/-. Sunday 16 July Went on Cob to see Burnand. Very hot. A’ Beckett there. Rode home. Lost my way. Got home at 1.0 pm. (Red ink:) 1st met a’Beckett. Monday 17 July Mr Walter in Wax about Windsor. Took Miss W. to Windsor in afternoon. Met my cousins there. Miss W went home. At Uncle’s in evening. Tuesday 18 July Worked at Pocket Book. At Uncle’s in evening. Mrs Taplin came. Wednesday 19 July Worked on Essence. Uncle Henry sent P.O.O.for 7.6.9. Played Quoits. Thursday 20 July Worked. Went up to town. Saw Reed act. Home. Friday 21 July Worked on Punch & Daughter. Went with Robert Deane to the Bacons. Pleasant evening. Walked home. Saturday 22 July Worked on Punch & Daughter. Played Quoits. Won. Sunday 23 July Went up to town early. Called on Madame Douet at Reed’s. Stayed at Hotel. Monday 24 July Worked. Sent block off. 7 games of Quoits with James. Played Billiards. Home. Brought little bull terrier home. Tuesday 25 July Wet morning. Worked. (illeg) in. James & Miss F(illeg) to supper. Wednesday 26 July Worked. Sent Essence off. Played Quoits Murray. Went to W. Heron to supper. 17


Thursday 27 July Worked on Parl. Farina in. Went to Uncle’s. Lost 4/6. Quoits with H Murray. Billiards after. Friday 28 July Worked at Parl Block. Played Quoits. Fire escape. Home after. Hutton there to supper. Saturday 29 July Went up to Town with sketch of Parl. Saw Blake, Macpherson, Courtenay & Brooks. At Reeds after & English Gentleman. Sunday 30 July Went for walk. At Uncle’s. Spaniard & Barker there. Monday 31 July Worked on Big block. Worked at Play billiards after. Yeomanry out. Tuesday 1 August Worked on Big Block. Yeomanry out. New Billiard Room after. Wednesday 2 August Blondin due. Received cheque. Paid in. Thursday 3 August Played Quoits with members of Yeomanry. Lost at Pool. Friday 4 August Worked on big block. Pool after. Met Beverly Fox etc. Dunne’s I.O.U. last day £7.5. Saturday 5 August Worked hard & late on Big block. Sunday 6 August Macpherson came down. Walked to Gerrards X. Monday 7 August Yeomanry inspections. Made sketches. Hot day. Blake came down with cheque. Tuesday 8 August Worked hard on Block. Nearly finished. 18


Wednesday 9 August Sent Big Block off. Went to Drayton Races (yeomanry). Webb’s horse killed. Mr Shaw came. Thursday 10 August Made up accounts. Quoits. Bath & Billiards. Found will. Friday 11 August Went out. Had Hair Cut. Went with Marshall to fetch Blondin. Won 2/Pools. Saturday 12 August Went up to town. Saw Blake. Called on Olive & Mrs Parker. Dined at Blakes. Saw Shirley B. Blondin came home. Sunday 13 August Dined at home. Out at Uncle’s in afternoon. Very hot. Monday 14 August Worked. Did initial. Mrs Bastin ill. Went for ride. Norman’s ricks burnt. Fete at Colne House. Saw King. Tuesday 15 August Worked & wrote letters. Went for ride. Met Uncle. Had croquet home. Played Pool. Wednesday 16 August Out for ride after work, Went down to Cowley Lock. Home. Thursday 17 August Worked. Sent Essence off. Blondin physiced. Played Quoits with H. Murray. Lost. Home, read. Won at Pool. Friday 18 August Worked hard. Did Punch shooting. Won 2 Pools at Morell’s. Home. Saturday 19 August Went up to Town with Mr Shaw & Aunt. Called at Bouverie St. Went to exhibition & Richard III. Bought crop. Montromency. Sunday 20 August Went to Church with Mr Shaw. Met Gunnan. Went to Grimsdales after dinner. Rode to see Mrs Bacon. Mrs Bastin buried. 19


Monday 21 August Nice day. Very hot. Rode to Farnham Royal. Saw Picture at Burnham. Dined with Blackburn. Home. Tuesday 22 August Worked on Pocket Book. Saw King in evening. Played Pool. Wednesday 23 August Went for ride to Gerrards X. Saw Bullin. Worked in morning on Law. Thursday 24 August Worked hard. Parrot went to Boltins. Went for ride in evening to Hillingdon. Friday 25 August Miss Orton came down. Fanny & Alice called. Went for ride to Gerrards X. Home. Saturday 26 August Worked in morning. Went for ride in evening. Uncle Arthur in to supper. Met Old Morton on Common. Sunday 27 August Fine day. Rode over with Robert. Dinner to the Bacons. Home in evening. Monday 28 August Worked all day. Sent Grenadier & King Charles off. Tuesday 29 August Worked. Barrett came in evening too late. Edridge came too late. Wednesday 30 August Worked. Sent Collars & soldier off. Thursday 31 August Turner drew up paper for Aunt. Drew Bactin in garden. Won Pools. Friday 1 September Drew Barnett. Mr & Mrs Heron in to supper.



Saturday 2 September Farina called. Sketched him on Block. Finished Gentle Craft. Took whole Pool & home. Sunday 3 September Went up to Reed to dine. Saw Marion. Very funny. Slept at Grosvenor Hotel. Monday 4 September Got up at half past seven. Much in Blues. Kept at West Drayton. Went in town & for ride. Dressed & went to Reed’s performance. Saw Marion. Terribly bitten with Mosquitos. Tuesday 5 September (blank) Wednesday 6 September (blank) Thursday 7 September Worked. Very late at Pool at the Chequers. King drunk. Ride round common in evening. Friday 8 September Rode over to Farnboro’ by way of Staines etc to see troops. No bed. Long walk to Aldershot. To bed early. Bad attendance. Saturday 9 September Got Blondin. Rode to Camp. Saw a’Beckett. After seeing troops went to Odium. Slept there. Good accommodation. Played Billiards. To bed. Sunday 10 September Rode into Camp. Saw a’Beckett. Made York Town. Dined there. X old maid. Slept there. Monday 11 September Up in morning & saw Field day. Splendid sight. Met Trooper at Hartley Row. Supped at Blackwater. Met Old Gentleman. Bed early. Tuesday 12 September Up & started for home. Taken prisoner. Met young lady & went to wood. Virginia Water. Met Aunt at Windsor. Mr Shaw had an accident. 21


Wednesday 13 September Up. Farina in. Burnand was to have come. Worked. Went to Chequers & home again. Thursday 14 September Blondin kicked in stable, wattle fly. Went to Aunt’s. Fanny there. Friday 15 September Wrote letters etc. Farina left for the North. Saturday 16 September Polished up things & off again to the troops, put up at Wheatsheaf. Very dull. Called on Mrs Bacon Jun. Sunday 17 September Got up early. Met Scotchman. Walked round Virginia Water. Dinner. Saw Volunteer Engineers. Rode to Bagshot. Told by girl. Monday 18 September Got up early & off to troops. Good day. Back to hotel. No one there. Sketched & to bed. Nightmare. Saw Tom Penn. Tuesday September 19 Got up & off to troops. Best day of all. After dinner home again. Mr Layton dined at Aunt’s. Uncle there. Wednesday 20 September Worked. Thursday 21 September Went in afternoon to Sale at Hillingdon House. Friday 22 September Mr Shaw went home. Worked after. Bought Wash basin etc. Bath. Saturday 23 September Worked on Autumn Manoeuvres block. Sunday 24 September At home. Rode over to see Blackburn. Met Captain Fenton, Sterne & Miss Vallance. (Red ink:) 1st met Sterne.



Monday 25 September Worked all day on Autumn Manoeuvres. Chequers after. Tuesday 26 September Finished full page of Autumn Manoeuvres. Went up to town. Saw Swain. Got umbrella. Saw Mrs Reed & David Garrick. Home. Took two pools at Chequers. Wednesday 27 September Set things straight. Went for ride to Langley. Mrs Barton ill. Miss B in town. Home & Chequers after. Thursday 28 September Designed Crest & Monogram. Went up to town. After to Langley. Saw Mrs & Miss B, Turner etc. Home & Chequers after. Friday 29 September Worked. Wet day. Uxbridge Fair. Went to Chequers played Pool etc. Old Walker there. Saturday 30 September Went over to lunch with Sterne & Blackburn. Fine day. Met Vallance etc. Dinner at Blackburn’s. Slept at Sterne’s. Sunday 1 October At Sterne’s in the morning, went for walk in Bushes. Home, got very wet. Changed things, went to dinner at Reed’s. Slept at Grosvenor Hotel. Monday 2 October In town. Called on Blake & Mac, a’Beckett etc. Saw Reed & home early. Tuesday 3 October Worked on Blackburn’s Block. Quiet day. Chequers in evening etc. Wednesday 4 October Sent block off to London early. Went with Aunt in afternoon to Langley. Saw Mrs Bacon. Home by train 2 hours. Caught slight cold. Thursday 5 October Got up early. Hunted for first time with O.B.H. Row between Way & Blunt. Home. Nap & worked after.



Friday 6 October Worked. Sent Boy to Burnand. Farina . Wrote. Went to Uncle’s, won 7/6. Saw Mercer & James. Lost a game of Billiards. Saturday 7 October Worked all day on Pocket Book. Went to Chequers after. Lost at Pool. Met Dr O’Connor. Bad cold. Sunday 8 October Went over to Burnands. Met Twiss, Sullivan & Blount. Pleasant day. Cold very bad. Monday 9 October At Burnands. Rode home in the afternoon. Cold bad. Aunt X. Doctor O’Connor in to supper. Bed early. (Buscar came). (illeg illeg) Tuesday 10 October Worked. Mrs Garman in to dinner. Aunt queer. Uncle, Garman & James in to supper. Uncle tight. Lost £1.10.0. Sent Block off. Wednesday 11 October Worked. Went for ride after to Langley. Saw Miss Bacon. Home. Dark night. Met Richardson. Played at Chequers. Won 5/-. Thursday 12 October Aunt’s Birthday. Worked. Went for ride round Canal. Sent Pocket Book Block off. Played at Chequers. Lost 5/-. Friday 13 October Worked all day. Sent Block off. Went to Chequers after. Saturday 14 October Out in morning. Ordered things. Went for ride with Mac & George Woolls. Rather screwed. Sunday 15 October At home. Wrote letters & worked. Went for walk & to bed early. Monday 16 October Up early & went to Beaconsfield. (Hargrieves). Cub hunting with Old Berkeley. George Woolls went. Home at 1.30. Slept. Work after.



Tuesday 17 October Worked on Pocket Book. Chequers in evening. Wednesday 18 October Lambert shot. Uncle called. Worked. Finished P.B.Block. Out in evening. Played Pool at both rooms. Lost. Thursday 19 October Worked all day. Went out in evening. Played shellout & home late. Friday 20 October Got up. Hunted with Harriers. Good run. Home again. Worked. Finished P.B.Block. Saturday 21October Went to town. Saw Reed. Met Burnand at Garrick. Went to Brighton. Blackburn came. Pleasant day but not night. Ritter Currels(?) there. Sunday 22 October Got up & swam. Molloy came in. After Lord Suffolk. (Red ink: Lord Southwold I think. June 5th 94.) C.Hall etc. Blackburn not well. Went for drive & home after. Monday 23 October Got up & swam. Went for walk on Pier with Molloy & Burnand. Lunched with Lady Clara Sheppard. Musical evening after dinner & to bed. Tuesday 24 October Got up & swam. Breakfast later. Burnand worked. Went on Pier. Worked, drew heads. Dinner & music after. Wednesday 25 October Got up & swam. Left by 1.10. Bill £14.0.0. Called on Swain. Dined at London. Called on Madame Leupold & home. Thursday 26 October Worked. Mrs Bacon & Miss Bacon came to dinner. Mr Heron & Mrs H in to supper. Friday 27 October Worked. Sent Toby to Blackburn. Chequers & played pool after. Poor James lost his appointment. 25


Saturday 28 October Worked. Sent two initials off. Went to Chequers after. Sunday 29 October At home. Went for ride to Gerrards X. Wrote letters & Chequers after. Monday 30 October Worked. Blondin singed. Wet day. Went up to town to Madame’s ball. Saw them all. Slept at Prince of Wales. Tuesday 31 October Got up & trained down to Slough. Breakfast with Robert. Hunted with Queens for first time. Bad day. Home. Miss Ivory in to dinner. At Hutton’s in evening. Wednesday 1 November Put room in order. Worked. Miss Payne married. Worked, sent two Blocks off. Thursday 2 November Miss Walter came. Friday 3 November Mamma came to Ealing. Worked. Hutton in to supper with the Herons. Called at Uncle’s. Mamma came home. Saturday 4 November Worked. Grieve came down. Out for ride to try & find Harriers. Wet. Went to Chequers. Lost at Pool. * at night. Sunday 5 November Went with Green for walk. Miss W met us. Sucking pig from Marshall for dinner. * at night. Church. Monday 6 November Worked hard on Blackburn’s blocks, sent 4 off. * in day time. Went out for a little & home again. Tuesday 7 November Got up went to Meet at Hillingdon. Hunted with Queens Hounds. Fairish run. Went to sleep. Hutton in.



Wednesday 8 November Went up to town. Went to Greenwich & to Mr Brook’s. Dined at London & to Reed’s after. Thursday 9 November Went with Aunt & Miss Walter to Gerrards X. Old Berkley meet. Home. Met Buxton at train. Went to Lord Mayor’s Banquet. Met Sawyer, Turner etc. Home by last train. * at night. Friday 10 November Up late. Worked. Did Lord Mayor’s block. (Red ink: Wore Green Ulster.) Saturday 11 November Went up to town. Saw Blake, Renwick, Blackburn & Brooks, Bradbury & B(illeg). Home early, Reed’s. Wrote letters. Chequers after. Sunday 12 November At Barkers. Mamma there. Quiet day. Rode home very cold. Monday 13 November Worked. Designed Calendar. Went to Chequers after. Tuesday 14 November Got up. Hard frost. Hunted with Queens hounds. Good day. Stag taken at Langley. James in to supper. Cards. Wednesday 15 November Worked all day on Block for Calendar. At William Heron’s in evening. Dutch girl there. Linoleum put down. Thursday 16 November Wrote letters. Worked hard on big block for Almanack. Hutton in to supper. (Red ink: Mary W in room by (illeg)) Friday 17 November Worked all day. Finished Big Block for Almanack. Out for a stroll & home. Saturday 18 November Went for ride to Hodson’s Harriers from there to Drag. Rode with both. Home. Mamma in to dinner & tea.



Sunday 19 November Went for a walk to meet Mamma. Miss Walton. Up to town & Burnands after. Met Wilson & Mr & Mrs English there. Spiritual séance etc. Monday 20 November Got home in middle of the day from Edgware. Worked in afternoon & evening. Hutton in to supper. Tuesday 21 November Went for ride to Mann’s. No hunting on acc’t of frost. Home. Swore Affadavit at Bird’s with Aunt. Miss Walters & T went up to town. Late for dinner at Blackburn’s. Met Miss Armstrong etc. (Red ink: Mary Walters went back.) Wednesday 22 November Came from Blackburn’s. Sent Besscar home. Met Alice & Chick at train (Red ink: Chick Roebuck.) Worked. Sent Pocket Book block & another off. Bad cold came on. Thursday 23 November Worked. Sent two Almanack Blocks off. Chequers after. Cold very bad. Friday 24 November Out hunting with Harriers. Blondin refused. Home. Cold worse. Worked in evening. Sent off Block for Almanack. Saturday 25 November Cold better. Went to see Day. Rode home from Ricks. Did five blocks for W(illeg) & (illeg). O’Connor in to supper. Sunday 26 November Cold rather. Went for walk. At Reed’s after. Called on Madame. Home early. Monday 27 November Worked hard all day on Costume for Strand. Aunt Sarah in. Chequers. To bed early. Tuesday 28 November Out with the Queens. Good day. Met at Gurneys. Took stag at Appleton. Went to town after to Burnands. Met Mrs Walpole at Station.



Wednesday 29 November At Burnands. Up late. Worked all day at costumes. Went to town. Saw Swain. Strand Theatre & home again. Thursday 30 November Row with Aunt about money. Jane had warning to go. Worked. Sent Cancer off. Wrote letters. Did costumes & to bed early. Friday 1 December Out with Harriers. Met at Langley. Home. Got wet. Weight st 12.7. Worked. Sent Virgo off. Saturday 2 December Went up to town. Met Burnand at Strand Theatre. Saw Mr Brooks. Went to Reed’s. Dined with Taf. Home by 8.20. Mamma came home. Sunday 3 December Worked hard all day. Did (illeg) costumes & wrote letters. At Uncle’s in evening. Monday 4 December Worked hard all day. Sent two blocks off. At Chequers in evening. Hard Frost. Tuesday 5 December Hard Frost. Worked hard all day. Finished Almanack. Wednesday 6 December Went for ride with Woolls. Aldworth etc. G.W. thrown. Worked in evening. Thursday 7 December Rode Woolls’ new horse with Wortham to Gerrards X. Snow & hard Frost. Worked after. Friday 8 December Went to skate at Miss Eadis’ pond. Saw James. Work after. Saturday 9 December Went to Town. Called on Tavenborough(?) & Mr Brooks.



Sunday 10 December Macpherson came. Went to Skate at Langley. Saw the Bacons. Home to dinner. Monday 11 December Worked. Lent Capn Dennys skates. Frost broke suddenly. Did costumes for Mrs Reed. Tuesday 12 December Did costumes for Mrs Reed. Wenr to dine at Blackburns. Met Capn Fenton. Wednesday 13 December (Red ink: X X 1st Regular Punch Dinner.) Went to Punch Dinner for 1st time, regular. Called at Blakes etc. Thursday 14 December Out hunting with O.B.H at Bin Ways. Blank day. Row with fellow at fence. Friday 15 December Worked hard all day did two initials. Saturday 16 December Went to Town. Saw Burlesque rehearsed. Went after to see Pygmalion. Good. Sunday 17 December At home. Wrote letters. Went round to Uncle’s & home after. Monday 18 December Worked hard all day. Did Beefeater. Chequers in evening. Tuesday 19 December Out hunting. Saw Bunton thrown. To town after, Punch dinner. Burnands’ after. Wednesday 20 December Blondin due (Paid). Went to Town. Lunched with Captain Fenton. Met Blake at Olive Barrs’. First night of Burlesque. Burnands after.



Thursday 21 December Rushed home. Got Austrian Uniform. Back to Town. At Madame’s Fancy Ball. Friday 22 December Came home. Very tired. Worked. Put Uniform on & went to Chequers after. Saturday 23 December Put uniform on & was photographed. Blake came to see Aunt. Sunday 24 December Got up. Went to Reed’s after. Saw Marion. * X o. Home early. Monday 25 December Went to St Andrews Church. Ride with Barker on Wooll’s horse. Dinner at Rock’m House. Tuesday 26 December Worked all day, did two blocks. Chequers in evening. Wednesday 27 December Went up to Town. Met Mr White in train. Saw English. Called on Bradbury etc. Saw The Bells & home. Thursday 28 December Worked on Punch. Did Cupid & hearts. Sent it off. Friday 29 December Went to Meet. Rode Wooll’s black charger. Great run. Stag taken at Barnet. Home by town. Saturday 30 December Worked all day. Very stiff from ride. Did two blocks for Blackburn. Sunday 31 December Went up with Captain Dennys to town. Went to Reeds after to dinner. Parker there. Mr & Mrs Knox & Jago. Pleasant evening. Saw Old year out & New year in. Kissed Kate. Long talk withTaf after. To bed. £7.17 for Blondin from (illeg).


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