Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1892

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Notes on front pages of diary: List of Roy’s things taken to Eton Wednesday Jany 20th 1892 -----------------3 cotton night shirts 3 winter drawers 3 ditto vests 3 summer drawers 3 ditto vests 20 collars 12 shirts (ought to be 14) 5 prs. stockings 6 prs. stockings 14 hand’s 2 night vests 2 Eton suits complete 1 extra pr. Trowsers 1 evening best suit complete 1 long overcoat 1 dressing gown 3 prs. boots 2 prs. Shoes

Cures for colds etc Soothing & healing antiseptic Dr Mackenzie’s catarrh cure

List of books read during /92 -----------------“Honneur d’artiste” p. Octave Hausler(?) “Les Francs paces” p. Clemence Robert “Pitt” by Ld. Rosebery “Our Mutual Friend” Dickens 1

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 “Noir et Rose” G. Ohnet. “La mare au diable” G. Sand “La debacle” Emile Zola “Esther Vonhomsigh”(?) by (blank) “The pleasures of life” Sir J. Lubbock Voltaire’s book on religion etc Chaucer’s “Prologue to Canterbury Tales” “Priests Nun’s story” “Knight’s story” “The two Householders” & “A Xmas Sermon” by (blank) “A Nile story” by George Fleming “A far away Melody” by (blank) “L’homme à l’oreille cassée” par E. About “ Madame de Drenk” par N. Gréville “Tom Jones” H. Fielding “An Englishman in Paris” by Mon. Vandam “Germaine” by E. About “Le roman d’une Princesse” par Carmen Sylva Queen of Bohemia “Life of Angelica Kaufmann” by Gerard “Notable Women” by H. Black “Le landemain de la mort” par Figuier “La confession d’un enfant du siecle” A. de Musset

Maids Spencer’s maid Fanny Kenward, Holmselea, Addiscombe, Croydon Housemaid or Parlour, £20. Bad.

Endings to French letters: Agréez, Madame, mes salutations empressées. Recevez Madame, l’assurance de mes sentiments distingués.

Calls to make 2

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 -----------------Best glass in pantry cupboard looked thro’ with Alice July 28th /92 -----------------10 Crimpley tumblers 12 Long soda tumblers 4 Cut glass ditto 2 Goblets 12 Crested barrel tumblers small water jug & glass 1 Common water jug 11 Brown hock glasses 6 Purple ditto 18 Champagne crested glasses 17 Sherry ditto 24 Claret ditto 15 Port ditto 12 Ice plates 17 Finger bowls 3 odd wine glasses 2 odd champagne tumblers 3 odd liqueur glasses 1 odd bedroom tumbler 3 odd brown sherry glasses 2 red ditto 2 common glass preserve stands 1 old whiskey decanter 1 new decanter 6 specimen glasses 2 Bohemian pickle glasses 12 specimen liquoir barrels -------------------

Glass out July 1892 (Alice)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 4 glass entrée dishes 4 cut glass finger bowls 12 champagne tumblers 8 specimen glasses 6 liquoirs 6 best tumblers 12 sherry glasses 11 port ditto 1 water jug 3 custard cups 4 decanters 1 glass salt cellar 2 red sugar basins

Tea service July/92. Alice

6 plates 5 saucers 2 cups

Best 6 tea cups & saucers 2 plates to match 4 odd blue ditto 1 ditto slop basin 1 cream jug

Coffee set 2 white jugs 3 savory dishes 6 coffee cups & saucers 1 tripod white dish 6 green plates 4 ditto leaves 4


Silver put away in cupboard during summer absence July/1892 1 bread basket 19th July. Silver in pantry cupboard, looked thro’ with Alice. -----------------------1 large tea tray 1 wine cooler 1 Rouen coffee mahine 1 Orton tea pot & stand 1 cake basket 2 soda water stands 1 odd tea pot 1 metal odd ditto 1 breakfast dish 1 ink stand 1 silver service coffee pot ------------------------Silver in spare room drawer Silver & glass claret jug Horn jug & 2 mugs Blondin’s hoof 3 silver mugs 19th July

(Notes copied from back of 1891 diary and integrated with 1892 entries.) 1st Jany Lovely day. Out morg. with Roy vy. tiresome makes himself sick eating always. To church with Maud & walked after met Mrs. (illeg). Maud & Roy to party at Mrs. Burnand’s. All dine together tonight. Mad. paid books for me. Burnt carbolic. Awful headache. 2nd Jany 5

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Dit a la cuisinière qu’elle ne me convient pas. Parlage avec cuisinière qu’elle n’est pas assez propre. Monday 4 January Dear Lin’s birthday. V. pleasant little dinner. Roy & Lin rode to Mount Pleasant. No hunting. Maud & Mad. to meet with Bucks at Mount Pleasant, long walk. Maud lunched at Bucks after.

Tuesday 5 January Milly out afternoon. Lin to London by 4 train for 1st night Irving Henry VIII. Called after on Mrs. F.C.B, had tea there. Chicks & self dined there evg. V. jolly evg. Mr Borradaile, Mr & Mrs. Hammond came in after dinner.

Wednesday 6 January Out morg. shops. Bitterly cold strange blizzard came on suddenly at 11 o’clock, after & before fine. X. Alice out all day for holiday. Maud for walk & with Bucks to lunch after lessons & to Mrs. O’Reilly’s evening party with the Burnands. I dined alone with Mrs. Burnand, talked about Zita. Sent £29 to Bk, Lin’s cheque for month’s housekeeping, owes me £4.10 of it. Find Bk. here not entered £2.2.0 cheque Mother gave me & think I sent to Bk.

Thursday 7 January Lin ret’d fr. London 1 o’c. Roy & self met him. George to fetch bag. Sent dress to Nana. Mad’lle. paid remaining books for me. Parlage avec cuisinière elle aimera beac. de rester. Lin took photo of young Hodgemen. Lin & Roy rode after lunch. Sent postal order of 3/6 to Whiteley for vases, number order 9657702 & 9 added in pencil. Stamps 6d, sent old dress to Nana 9d, 3/6 order. Boxes sent off, Nos 16286, 16618, 45437, 52617, 30756, & Saumur Champagne box with various numbers marked on it.

Friday 8 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Lovely day, bitterly cold. Snow morg. on ground. Roy & self for walk to Bates to order things for tomorrow. To Blackburn’s about bill. Met Weigalls asking Maud to go to performance in Ramsgate. Coals in 3 tons. Promised to let Maud go to tea at Lady Rose’s with Mademoiselle & on fr. there. Changement dans l’ouvrage. La cuisinière faisant vestibule. La fille salle à manger. Grosse tête chambre de Lin etc.

Saturday 9 January Snow. Bitterly cold. Lin & Roy rode. Out morg. shop’g. Paid Fisher’s bill 8/- owing since /86. Maud’s tea party 12. Bucks, Percells, Burnands, O’Connel. Rosie B. to dinner, Frank unable to come. Bought & pd. for lemons 6d. Lin took Rosie back. Sunday 10 January Snow. Maud & self to church. Not so cold. 2/- to pew opener, 1/- plate. Walked on Parade with Lin, Roy & Maud. Met Weigalls & Burnands. Lin & Roy for long walk after lunch. Alice out afternoon.

Monday 11 January Snow & v. cold. Pain in chest & back fumigated with carbolic acid & turpentine flans. Called after lunch on Mrs. Ross, Admiral more like an old lady full of local gossip, & on Miss Greaves who has taken flat belonging to boarding house, a Mrs. Tennant there. Lin & Roy played billiards. V. dirty & sloppy out. Millie went home all afternoon, her mother ill with rheumatism.

Tuesday 12 January 2 months Millie. Duke of Clarence & Avondale v. ill influenza. Lovely morg. Hard frost. Out shop’g morg. Ordered smelts, salad, pigeons & bacon. Put advertisement in paper for next Saty for housemaid in Millie’s place. Roy, Mad. Maud & Ethel B. on ice! Mr & Mrs Burnand to dinner. Lin cannot ride, hard frost. Sent children’s P. O. savings books to Post. Très fâchée avec Mad. qu’elle a essayer de faire peur à Roy en disant qu’un ghost lui viendrait pendant la nuit, je lui (illeg) parlé. Lydia managed dinner very nicely. Petite marmite soup. Smelts. Leg mutton 7

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 haricot beans potatoes browned. Roast pigeons celery salad. Mince pies apple ginger & custard. Cheese ramekins, dessert.

Wednesday 13 January Theatrical performances at Mrs. Burnand’s for a charity. Books heavy. Sent Rosie 7/6 for it, gave maid 1/-. Prince Eddie very ill complications set in. Called on Miss Greaves & left 2 books. Mrs. Tennant there. Mary B. came back & sat with me some time. Lin & Roy rode to Saare. Bitterly cold hard frost at night.

Thursday 14 January X. Prince Edward of Wales (Duke of Clarence & Avondale) died of influenza this morg. 9.10 AM. Went & sent telegrams for Lin to Mr Burnand. Met Montague Williams & C. B. & wife, heard sad news thro’ them. Paid Bates bill 6/4 & Brown’s for Maud’s stays 7/9. Maud, Roy & Mad. to ice all morg. Roy looks tired.

Friday 15 January Mrs. Bartram’s at home 4 to 7. Postponed on ac’t of Duke of Clarence & Avondale’s death. Called on Mrs. Banks, out (or not well) & had tea with Mrs. C. Burnand, saw Baby, v. weezy. Lin working hard. Everyone talking of Duke’s sad & sudden death, made doubly so by his approaching marriage with Princess May of Teck. Maud Mad. & Roy to ice all morg. & afternoon, Roy took Maud went on had tea at Lady Rose Weigall’s. Lady Rose called, was unfortunately out.

Saturday 16 January Mrs. Bartram’s at home 4 - 7. Postponed on ac’t of Duke’s death. Paid Lydia £1.15.4 due 30th Dec. Pd Mad’lle £10.0.0 due 5th Jany, 3 months wages. Pd Alice £1.10.0 due 10th Jany. Lin & Roy to London by 9.40 going to Pantomime & King’s theatre, return tomorrow. Lovely day but v. windy & rough. Maud to lunch at Mrs. Buckmaster’s. Mary & Ethel B. to tea. Put advertisement in paper for housemaid only saw one morg. Letters fr. C. Stokes & C. Hartree. 8


Sunday 17 January Dear Lin & Roy return. Went to Church with Maud 1/-. Prayers for Royal family in present sorrow & for the cessation of present plague of influenza. On Parade after with Will Buck. Met Lin & Roy & Bill Weigall, called & saw Miss Greaves. Mrs. Charlie & Connie came after lunch. Maud & self walked back with them & to Miss Gould’s to tea.

Monday 18 January No frost. Lin & Roy riding to meet. Parlage avec Mad’lle qu’elle nous quittera en Juillet. Elle p(illeg) être si fâcher que je suis triste moi-même. Only one housemaid fr. advertisement, & a fright Tuesday. Called after lunch on Mrs. Vaile, all colds, Mrs. Buck, out, & Mrs. Pugin. Home & read to Lin. Finish Scott’s “Marmion” charming. Wrote to Rider Haggard thanking him for pheasants.

Tuesday 19 January Mended Roy’s things all morning. Lin & Roy rode morg. Lunch extra early. I went with Cuthbert & Roy in Hodgeman’s dog cart to Westwood & St Peters to dear father’s grave, looked v. nice. Called & asked after Mrs. Tassel, v. ill with rheumatic fever. Tassel called for Millie & she went back with him. Great commotion on return about boys taking on Lin’s bag, v. angry with them. He loked so tired & worried made me quite unhappy. Lin to London for Bancroft dinner. Mad. & self packed Roy’s things. Cuthbert here to tea & supper. Lydia out. Maud to lunch & tea at Mrs. Buckmaster’s & the usual walk (illeg) hope the last this season.

Wednesday 20 January Roy & self to London by S. E. Rly 9.40 A.M. Funeral of Prince Eddie Duke of Clarence & Avondale at Windsor. Roy returns to Eton. I sleep at Mother’s & return Thursday. Cab to Rams Sta. 2/-, porter 6d, cab to Mother’s 2/6. Lin met us, Roy lunched with him. All London closed & in mourning. Lunched with Mother at Albert H. Mansions. Lin & Roy came to tea. Lin & self saw Roy off fr. Waterloo to Eton in Mother’s carriage. 9

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Dear Roy rather down. Dined with Mother alone. Saw Emma, told me Jolly had taken overcoat, Dodd had broken up chairs for firewood, & none of Lin’s drawings in wardrobe. V. vexed. Says house v. muddly at Staf.Ter. altho’ they keep 6 servants. Kitchen there so dirty.

Thursday 21 January Had had bad night, so annoyed with self, forgot Roy’s best hat, umbrella & key to hat box. Dense fog afraid could not return. Mother had fly & Bates went with me to C. X. Lots of school boys returning. Flyman 1/-, commissionaire 1/-, pattern & papers 8d. Bates 2/6, fly here 3/6, porters 8d. Total expenses to town 13/8. George met me at Sta. Dear Maud & Mad. also. I thought Lin looking better. Sent off drawing.

Friday 22 January Clear & bright, most refreshing after the horrid fog London. Maud out early for walk & escaped Bucks. Sent off Roy’s umbrella & hat etc. Letter fr. dear Roy all right but of course not happy yet but hope to be so soon. House seems freer without Millie, wish I had not kept her so long. X. Petit ami. Wondered why I had felt so irritable & cross all week, 4 days too soon. Maud working better at her lessons. Lydia paid books for me managed nicely £5.10.8½ without stores. £6.0.0 with Roy at home & 4 servants, sh’d be less soon without Roy & Millie.

Saturday 23 January Miss Stancombe to tea 4 o’c. In bed till 12. Lin rode after luncheon. Enjoyed chat with Stancombs, younger one Ida quite pretty. Letter fr. Mrs. Buck asking Maud to luncheon tomorrow, going to tea instead. Sent off dear Roy’s hat box ret’d fr. Margate, had to be re addressed, umbrella & chocolate.

Sunday 24 January Maud & Mad. to St George’s church, met Weigalls. Lin rode after luncheon. In bed till 12. Maud to tea Mrs. Buck’s & for walk, brought her home at 8 o’clock. 10


Monday 25 January In bed till 12. Went for drive with Mr Wills in dog cart past Westwood. Lin hunted came back very tired. Connie B. called, asked her & Cuthbert to dine tomorrow. Mrs. O’Connell called, lent her 7 of “Gentlewoman” & Black & Whites. Another letter fr. dear Roy.

Tuesday 26 January X. Paid Millie Tassel one month & two weeks wages at rate of £8 a year. 19/6 pd. £1.0.0 she left a week ago. Her boxes go today. Lin rode after lunch. Mrs. O’Reilly & Miss Wishaw called. Lydia paid books. Connie B & Cuthbert to dinner. Mr Burnand better.

Wednesday 27 January Lin went to London by 4 train. Out morg. shop’g. Mrs. Tennant called. Visionary & wild. Everyone more or less ill with influenza. Alice out & to bed early.

Thursday 28 January Put up clean curtains in dining room. Lin returned. Out shop’g morg, ordered broom for George. & saucepan for M’s washing! Globe for hall lamp. Letter fr. dear Roy & Lady Margaret. Met Col. Croker, wife v. ill, & several other invalids. Mr Burnand better but cannot go out for long while, in London. Lin & self dine at Mrs. Wills 7.30. Lin for ride after lunch. Girls down v. late wish they would try to be earlier, so much worry for self & them. Sent Maud to enquire about confirmation classes, Vicarage.

Friday 29 January Busy all morg. After lunch walked to call on Lady Rose W. out, & called on Mrs. Hammond, stayed some time with her, bought 4 eggs on way home 8d. Lin v. busy, read “Our Mutual Friend” to him. Girls down very nice & early, feel they are trying to please. 11


Saturday 30 January Another adv. for housemaid. Busy all morg. Lin & dear Maud rode at 2 o’c until 4.30 & M enjoyed it immensely & looked pretty & graceful in saddle & trotted well. I called on Mrs. Bartram & saw her. Maud to go for her 1st confirmation class Wed at 3. Another letter fr. dear Roy. Maud had her music lesson at 12 o’c.

Sunday 31 January Maud & self to church. Maud & Mad. to Miss Gould’s to tea. Lin & self walked after lunch to Mrs. Montefiore’s & had tea there. Monday 1 February Nellie K. coming for a visit. Glorious evg.

Tuesday 2 February Nelly & self went to see rooms for Barkers & enquired after influenza friends. Sat & talked afternoon. Lin & Maud rode. V. windy had to stop at Tassel’s to put up hair. Lin gave Tassel 2/6. Mr Burnand came down fr. town after severe attack influenza.

Wednesday 3 February Lovely morg. Poured about 12 o’c. Sent to enquire for Mr Burnand, better. Lin went hunting, then called & saw Mr Burnand. V. shocked to see how ill he looked. Lin went to town by 4 train. Nelly & self went about housemaid & walked about an hour, met Miss Gould & Mrs. Pugin. X. Maud to her first confirmation class, like it v. much. Mad’lle told us stories evg. Alice & George out evg.

Thursday 4 February Lovely morg. Lin returning fr. London. Announcement of Sir Morel Mackenzie’s death fr. influenza after only few days illness. Out all morg. with Nelly.

Friday 5 February 12

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 X. Maud’s little F. Lovely day. Read to Lin morg. After lunch Nelly & self called on Mrs. Wills. Mrs. S. went out. Looked at Venus & Mercury, v. beautiful near new moon.

Saturday 6 February Lovely morg. Emptying harbour. Nelly & self walked shop’d. On Pier after, met Maud & Mad. Lin out riding. Mrs. Sambourne in bed to lunch. Little Bartlett to tea with her German governess. Servants up very late altho’ I rang bell.

Sunday 7 February Nellie & self to Church. Maud’s cold bad. Walked on Parade with Nellie. Lin & Maud walked to Mr Weigall’s. Nellie & self walked after lunch to Mr Gould’s & Mrs. Evans. Mrs. G. called here & Mr Evans remained to tea.

Monday 8 February Pouring wet all day. Lin out for ride after lunch. Maud in bed with bad cold & X. Petit ami. Got up for tea & came down to dinner. In all day read to Lin. Tuesday 9 February Cold east wind. Lin out hunting, home to lunch. Out morg. shop’g. Met Mr Montefiore. Williams v. ill. Went to enquire after Mr Burnand. Stayed in all afternoon. Miss Stancombes to tea. Lin working. Nell & self practiced. Could not read, throat bad. Maudie’s cold v. bad. Another letter fr. dear Roy.

Wednesday 10 February Received December cheque annuity £25. Wet dull morg. Girls up very late. Tight feeling on chest, stuffy, & altogether feel v. seedy. Maudie’s cold still v. heavy & Mademoiselle looks ill too. Hope dear Lin will keep well, we wretched women sure to get all right again. X. Sent cheque to post. Lin not going to London this week. Alice v. seedy had to go to bed before dinner. Nelly & self laid table etc. George waited, not badly for 1st time. 13


Thursday 11 February Dull morg, cleared off beautifully after. Washed up breakfast, did lamps & silver & did rooms, made beds & dusted drawing room. Walked for an hour before lunch. Alice down to lay luncheon, seems little better. Called to enquire after Mr Burnand, better. Lin riding after lunch. Maud, Mad. & Ethel out after lunch. Nell & self cleaned silver.

Friday 12 February Walked with Nell morg. to Granville, saw rooms taken by C. Barker. Morel Mackenzies, Boughtons & Davisons at Granville. Nellie went to London by 4 o’c train. Mad. M & self saw her off. Lin v. hard at work. Cleaned all silver before going out.

Saturday 13 February Lovely day v. cold. Lin hunting. Mr Barker with him.Tilda came down by S. E. Granville. Brought lovely flowers. Mr & Mrs. Boughton to dinner. Mr B. went on after with Lin to Mr Burnand’s. Lin won £1, gave it me for children. Had cozy chat with Mrs. B. after dinner. Walked with Maud after lunch to shops. Mrs. Evans densely dull called, & Miss Gould. Played v. pretty piece by Lagarre called “Marguerite”. Letter fr. Nellie. Cleaned all silver.

Sunday 14 February Dull. Tilda & Maud to Church. East wind. Tilda & Maud on Parade with Lin. Mrs. Barker & Davisons came to tea. Lin & C. O. B. for long walk. Lin & self to Granville to dine with Barker.

Monday 15 February Blizzard. Rained violently all day. Cleaned silver, practiced, wrote to Midge. Fanny & C. O. Barker to dinner. Dullish & no conversation worth remembering.

Tuesday 16 February 14

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Tilda & self after cleaning silver for an hour went for walk, freezing & v. slippery. Servants down v. late. Tilda et moi chez Mrs. Evans & Miss Witchaw faisant des demandes apres les fl(illeg). Fanny Barker to tea & spent 2 hrs here. Lin & C.O.B. for long walk came here to tea. N. East wind.

Wednesday 17 February Heavy fall of snow early fr. 8.30 till 9.30. Sweep here for kitchen. Tilda & self cleaned silver for half an hour after breakfast. Clear & sunny so went out at 11. Met Mr & Mrs. Barker. Tilda, Lin & self dine at Granville with Barkers tonight 7 o’c. Tilda & self take tea at Mrs. Evans.

Thursday 18 February Bitterly cold. Cleaned silver & cut out Maud’s confirmation dress all morg. Tilda & self walked on Pier after lunch & called on Mrs. Burnand. Fanny B. & Rosie Burnand to dinner 8 o’c. Charlie Barker wired could not come, detained in London. Lin hard at work, read to him hour fr. “Mutual Friend”. Servants down v. late.

Friday 19 February X. Petit ami last night. In bed till 12.30. Very bad in night. Snow still thick on ground. Lin hard at work. Girls v. late again, can’t blame Alice as Lydia is so much older. Lydia paid books £6.7.6, v. heavy.

Saturday 20 February Cold & dull. Snow still thick on ground. Maud & Madmoiselle to see “Box & Cox” 5/-. Lin in all day read “Mutual Friend” to him. Lin went after dinner to Mrs. Burnand’s, heard of Mr Furniss being obliged to give up his lecture tour on ac’t of health. Mr Milliken at Burnands, Mr & Mrs. Evans, Mr Ready & 2 other gentlemen. Barkers returned to London.

Sunday 21 February Pouring wet day. In bed till 12 o’c. Mr & Bill Weigall called to tea & stayed long while. Fishing smack drifted close to Pier along sand, had to 15

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 be tugged off. Great excitement, all Rams. out. Mr & Mrs. Evans to see. Finished “Honneur d’Artiste” p. Octave Feuillet.

Monday 22 February Lovely morg. In bed till 12, did washing. Bates called & told us Mother was at Albion Hotel here. Sent off “Honneur d’Artiste” to Mrs. Humphreys. Letter fr. Roy.

Tuesday 23 February Glorious day. Cold wind. Mr Weigall dined here 8 o’c, enjoyed evg. Left at 11.15 o’c. Tilda did shop’g & ordering morg. I ordered fish, met Montague Williams, seems v. weak & ill after influenza. Went on & sat with Mother hour at Albion Hotel. Tilda & self cleaned silver 1½ hour morg.

Wednesday 24 February Dull & wet. Sent off 4 boxes empty by L.C.D. Rly, 3 to stores, one to Apolinaris company. Girls down v. late, had to send away every bit of silver fr. table, v. dirty. Tilda & self cleaned silver for ½ hour after breakfast. Cut out remainder of Maud’s confirmation dress. First performance of Mrs. Burnand’s play at theatre, we go tomorrow. Bates called, Mother will be out all day, staying at Albion Hotel. Long account of Cannes scandal. Alice out for short time after dinner.

Thursday 25 February Mrs. Burnand’s theatricals. Walked morg. Had tea 4 o’c. Girls v. late. Let Alice go to see play. George out too for school treat. Tilda Maud & self walked to theatre after dinner, places next to Mr & Mrs. Banks. “Meg’s Diversion” by Craven & “Marquis of Mince Pie” by Mr Burnand. Mrs. Burnand excellent in both. Mr Hardy v. good. Winnie charming, rest so so. Mr Warren, M’s music master Marquis, fat & comely one!

Friday 26 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Dull & foggy day. Went to Margate by train with Mother, to Cobbs, & cold lunch at Faggs. V. dear indeed. Back by train. V. tired. Read to Lin. Found Mrs. Clarke had called. X. Dining room all turned out, carpet up & chimney swept. Girls early!

Saturday 27 February Fogy morg. Tilda & self cleaned silver as usual. Girls v. late as usual. Tilda & self went & saw Mother just off to London fr. Albion Hotel with Bates. Lin hunted, home to lunch. Worked at M’s confirmation skirt after lunch, then read an hour to Lin, had tea, & Tilda & self went for walk. Called on Mrs. Witchaw, v. ill, poor Miss W. quite worn out. Tried to get her grapes but 6/- a lb, too awful. Maud to tea at Vicarage. Mad. paid books again v. heavy £6.0.0. Met Mr Wills & Mr Weigall.

Sunday 28 February Dull & cold. To Church with Maud & Tilda, parade after. Tlda & self to Mrs. Gould’s to tea, german, met Dr & Mrs. (illeg) there. X. Maud little F. Lin working hard all day did not go out. Tilda & self called on Mrs. Burnand, heard all about theatricals & Mr Norden’s vagaries. Enquired for Mrs. Witchaw.

Monday 29 February College performance. Tea Mrs. Banks. Fine but cold. Cleaned silver & worked at Maud’s dress. Tilda Lin & self dine at Mrs. Burnands 7.30 tonight. X. Maud seedy. Mad’lle strange mood lunch, jumpy & exciteable. Saw housemaid, evidently not accustomed to ladies, no M’ams, otherwise not bad looking. C’d not take her with such manners. Go to Westwood 3.30 with Mrs. Kerrie to call on Mrs. Clarke. Lin to tennis at Mrs. Buckmaster’s. Lydia out to Church & Alice after for short time. Westwood looking lovely. Called on Mrs. Banks on way home. V. pleasant evg. at Mrs. B’s.

Tuesday 1 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Mrs. Fowler’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. College performance. V. cold snow & hail during night. Girls v. late. Maud going with Burnands to Convent theatricals. Mad. & Tilda to monastery. Cleaned silver & did Maud’s dress morg. Lin hunted. Alice out after tea & evg. Strong wind snow & rain when Tilda & self walked to Mrs. Warre’s after lunch to get warm. V. pretty house no end of clocks & china. V. pleasant evg. Mrs. F’s. Alexanders, Clarkes, Daniels, Hammonds (he took me in) the Thomsons etc. Large house but v. cold.

Wednesday 2 March Bitterly cold. Cleaned silver & got on well with Maud’s dress. Snow or sleet on ground. Mr & Mrs. B. gone to London. After lunch Tilda & self walked to St Lawrence Vicarage, fetched umbrella left last night. Lin not going to town. Ordered 6d cream for tomorrow, 6d stamps & 3d (illeg illeg). Lin sent off drawings. Posted cheque for £25 house money in Grange Rd.

Thursday 3 March Mrs. Clarke to tea here 4 o’c. Tilda & self shop’d morg. Flowers etc. Mrs. & Miss Warre came & Connie B. & Miss Parkin to tea. Mrs. C. unable to come, sent book of “Pitt” by Ld. Rosebery. Reads after guests gone to Lin & found “Pitt” most interesting. Letter fr. Emma & darling Roy. Lin doing beau. drawing of Ld. Salisbury, Balfour etc.

Friday 4 March Still bitterly cold. Maud & Tilda full of chilblains. Cleaned silver, ironed 12 handkerchiefs & worked at Maud’s dress morg. & read to Lin. After lunch paid books & called on Mrs. Berry & Miss Witchaw & Mrs. Pugin. Miss W. sent me lovely hyacinth.

Saturday 5 March Lovely day. V. cold out of sun. Paid Bourne’s bill for M’s nightdresses & lining. £1.4.1½, tomatoes 7d, cotton 5d, 2 dog licences 15/-, postal order for Smith & Larkes 7/6 & 6d stamps. Boots at Sandorns 4/8, tickets 18

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Fullers 18/- Drew cheque for £2.15.0. Tilda & self to tea at Edith V. Coles. Lady Rose W. called, seemed pleased we asked Mr W. to dine during her absence.

Sunday 6 March V. cold slight snow. Letter fr. Mrs. Robb. In all day. Mr Weigall called. V. cold.

Monday 7 March Mr & Mrs. F.C.B. & Mr Hammond to dinner 7.30. Cleaned silver & shop’d. 4/- pd. out of pocket. Mrs. Berry & Miss Gould called. Vy. pleasant evg. all in good spirits. Lin slight cold. V. happy about Mr Burnand saying Maud’s drawing of Mrs. B, sh’d go into Punch!!! Seemed charmed with her drawing. Letter fr. dear Roy. Bitterly cold.

Tuesday 8 March Sent cheque of £8.5.0 to London & County Bank. Alice wages £3.0.0. Lydia £3.6.8. Bitterly cold. Stiff neck, v. painful. Did silver & M’s dress morg. Henny very ill, gave her brandy & oil. Lydia out. Lin went to town by 4 train.

Wednesday 9 March Neck v. bad, hurts all down back. Silver & M’s dress morg. M. slept in my room, fire in it. Alice out by tea time & evg. George out also.

Thursday 10 March Very busy morg. with silver & M’s dress. Neck v. painful & back. Lin returned by 11 train. Worked hard all afternoon & evg, M’s dress. Lydia paid my books for this & I hope remaining fr. last week’s.

Friday 11 March Robbs been 12 weeks at Staf. Terrace today. Tilda left by 1.15, S.E. train. Om. late will never rely on it again. Very cold, hard frost morg. Roads all frozen. Finished with exception of sash & neck rib. Maud’s confirmation 19

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 dress. Lin slight cold. My neck better but do not feel well. Mrs. S. v. upset about letter fr. Mrs. Glossop. Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. B. Thornton called. Did silver alone, took ¾ of an hour.

Saturday 12 March Rec’d £7.3.0 Midge’s Dec. quarter. Edgar comes by Granville. Went shop’g after lunch. V. tired with doing silver morg. & odds etc. Maud v. seedy in bed still pain in her waist & looks hot & feverish. Slept in my room but had v. bad night. Find Mad’lle no help in illness too dirty & untidy for me. Edgar only arrived at 7.50. V. late dinner, enjoyed talk. Lin on to Club with Ed. after for game of billiards. X. Received £7.3. balance of Midge’s money.

Sunday 13 March Gave Maud castor oil before breakfast, was v. feverish all night gave her 4 doses of diaphoretic. Went alone on parade met Borradailes, Hammonds & Burnands etc. Edgar walked to St Peters & back. Lin rode with Mr Burnand. Edgar left by 5.45 train. Maud in drawing room to lunch, still looks hot & feverish. Paid 3 visits fr. oil.

Monday 14 March X. Put £7.3.0 into P.O. Savings Bank for Midge. Lovely morg. Cold wind. Silver & linen. Letter fr. Roy asking for more money. Took flowers over to St Peters in fly. Called at Vicarage, out, & took Mrs. S. & Mad’lle with me. Dear Maud remained with Lin drawing. Lin rode morg. with Mr Burnand. Maud better but still complains of pain.

Tuesday 15 March Perfect blizzard after lunch. X. Petite amie. Dear Maud down to breakfast, did a few lessons, practised & did 2 charity drawings for Mrs Burnand. Mr & Mrs. O’Connel to dinner, fearful night. Mr O’C charming, stayed till 11 o’c. X. Letter fr Mr Ainger about Roy’s behaviour, making us v. unhappy cannot imagine where he gets his manners, which have


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 always made me uneasy. Lin rode morg. with Mr Burnand & sent Maud’s drawing to him.

Wednesday 16 March Dull morg. Wrote Roy. Sincerely hope he will do better. Took Mad. & Mrs. S. & Maud for hour’s drive, 3/6. Letter fr. Mrs. Buck’r about her son’s accident, football. Maud went to Mr Bartram’s about her confirmation.

Thursday 17 March Lovely day, much warmer. Lin v. busy with extra drawing. Letter fr. Roy to Lin v. sorry & promising to do better. Took Mrs. S, Mad. & Maud for 2 hrs drive, new man. Called at St Lawrence Vicarage saw Fowlers. Mrs. Hammond there. Left Ld Rosebery’s book “Pitt” at Westwood, out, saw Millie with Mrs. Fitzgerald’s children there. 5/-. Maud & Mad. to tea at Miss Gould’s. Lill Laver here to tea, stayed long while, seems still v. weak fr. influenza. Mrs. Buckmaster sent me some lovely mauve iris. Her son Willie had bad accident at football. Lin sent off drawing.

Friday 18 March Glorious morg. X. Robbs move out of Stafford Terrace today after 3 months tenancy. Take Maud & Lill Laver for drive at 3 o’c. 10/- fly man for 4 hours drive, 2 yesterday & 2 today. Called on Mrs. Warre & Lady Rose Weigall, saw pictures. Feel unaccountably tired.

Saturday 19 March Tea. Asked Mrs. Fowler, Mr & Mrs. Wills, Misses Stancombe to tea. Mrs F. most amusing. Finished M’s dress for confirmation. Maud & Lin walked & saw Mr Weigall’s pictures. Lin on to play tennis at Mrs. Buck’s. Letter fr. Roy, slight cold. Letter fr. Emma & key. House been kept very badly & v. dirty.

Sunday 20 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 To tea at Miss Gould’s. Walked morg. with Maud on Parade, her back so painful. After lunch Maud & self called on Mrs. Burnand, saw (illeg) & Mr a’B there & had tea, then in to Miss Gould’s. Mrs. Fowler & Frank & Connie B. there. Alice out afternoon. Lin rode morg & met Mrs. Fowler.

Monday 21 March Darling Maud to be confirmed at 3 o’c St George’s church Ramsgate by Bishop of Dover. Lovely day. Go for drive at 11 o’c with Mr Wills, to Convent & over it, enjoyed it immensely. Sent off “Les Francs fuges” p. Robert. X. Sent 12/4½ to Marshall & Snelgroves for Maud’s dress (row of figures) 10/-, sent rest in stamps. Very pretty sight confirmation. Took over 3 hours, so many communicants. Connie B. & Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett came for tea, stayed some time. Maud looked v. sweet in her dress but all v. tired. Mrs. S. sat with me. Lin hunted with foxhounds, had good day.

Tuesday 22 March Pouring wet day. Letter fr. F. Robb. Packed 2 boxes, one for stores & the other Apolinaris company. Turned out schoolroom cupboards. Poor “Piebald” birdie v. ill but feeds, seems to suffer fr. Henny’s complaint. Put up books for “Sailors Home” & “Porters”.

Wednesday 23 March La mort de “Pie”. X. Send off Apolinaris empties & store ditto. 40916 case fr. A.N. Stores, full of empties. Lin to London by Gran. with 12 packages. Dear little “Pie” died this morg, seemed to suffer as “Henny” did as he fed yesterday, did not (illeg) him anything. V. sorry to lose him, our only 1891 bird. Cleaned cage myself. Sent Roy’s overcoat to Florrie Blair, papers to Sailors’ Home & to “Railway Porters”. Lydia out. Lady Salisbury’s at home every Wednesday. Called after lunch on Mrs. O’Reilly, Lillie L, had tea there, on Miss Gould, Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Burnand there. Lill came home with me, lent her 6 books. My fan arrived fr. Sir G. Reid.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Thursday 24 March Maud & self to tea at 4 o’c at Mrs. Warre’s. Busy packing all morg. 5 boxes with Alice. Mad’lle v. kind also & anxious to help. Walked with Maud to Mrs. Warre’s & had delightful afternoon, most kind. Saw all the ivory ornaments etc done by Mr Warre. Heard about Lady Rose & Mrs. Fowler’s disagreements, hope to keep clear of all quarrels. Stayed till 6 o’c & walked home. Lin v. busy, rode. He returned fr. town about 12 bringing back empties.

Friday 25 March Maud to tea at Mrs. Buck’s, Bill there. Alice & self went to London by Gran. with 6 boxes, returned by Gran. Unpacked at Staff. Ter in 1½ hrs. Found all much as usual, no more dust than if house had been empty. Brass evidently never polished & velvet Cromwell chair spoilt but £80 is £80 & will cover small damages. Very tired on return. Alice good in helping me. Home comfortably in time to rest before dinner. Lin very busy.

Saturday 26 March Fine & warm. Out morg with Lillie up & down parade. Did silver & flowers. Wire fr. Mr Blunt cannot come, too seedy. Lin rode & looked over Convent. Called on Mrs. Ross after lunch, met Sissie a’B. Walked on Parade with her & came here to tea & walked back to Mrs. Burnand’s with her. Met Connie & Rosie B. coming here for tea tomorrow. Maud to lunch at Mrs. Buck’s. Bill there again. Dr. Carr to tea here, stayed ages, old friend of Lin’s & Mrs. S’s, wild extravagant creature, takes gloomy view of future!!!

Sunday 27 March Dull wet foggy day, fortunate Mr Blunt did not come. In all day read & tried to rest. Maud Lin & self went in to Mrs. F. C. B’s after dinner. Mr Bastard! there, played race game, Maud won 6/3, Lin about same. Squire & a’Beckett there.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Monday 28 March Packed & arranged things generally. Maud Lin & self dined at Mrs. F.C.B’s. V. pleasant dinner, a’Becketts there. Played race game after dinner. Mr Grain & 2 non creditable youths & Mr Bastard came in after dinner, also Squire & Mrs. H. who called on me afternoon. Lost at race game. Lin rode after lunch. Walked up Parade with Mr Burnand & Miss Witchaw morg. V. cold N.E. wind gave a gale at night. Had fly to & from F.C.B’s.

Tuesday 29 March Cold N.E. wind. Cleaned & packed silver before 12. Dressed, walked with Mr F.C.B, Mad’lle & Maud to Mrs. Warre’s & lunched there. Most kind, & well managed house. Mr Warre gave me lovely little ivory Easter Egg & showed me his work room. Whole house neat, orderly & well kept. Drove after lunch to Westwood, Mrs. V. out, & to Vicarage, saw Mrs. Whitehead, & home. Lin riding after lunch. Maud called on Miss Gould. X. Sent Tuesday 29th March cheque of £30 for house & travelling expences to London County Bank.

Wednesday 30 March Glorious day. Lin off at 9.40, great commotion as usual. Engaged man for luggage. Packed hard, so much more to do. Lill Laver came & hindered. Vinten came for inventory. Lydia out.

Thursday 31 March We return to London en masse! by 1.15 train. with 36 boxes! Lovely day. Grand escapade with champagne in carriage! Mrs. S’s eye knocked by Alice’s umbrella, must be most painful. Man followed our buss altho’ we told him not, was most rude here & annoyed Lin v. much. Dogs having battle royal under our skirts in om. as we drove into Stafford Ter. Had to drag them away fr. each other. Unpacked same night & nearly everything in place same night. Fly om


C. X. Guards 2/6 24



C. X. om


4 tickets


Porters here 5/2 dogs

6. 0

Friday 1 April Unpacked till lunch getting straight v. quickly considering 36 boxes. Mrs. S’s eye better. Effie & Ethel E. called at tea time. I went after lunch hunting for rooms for Mrs. S. Saw Mrs. Stace’s, wants £2.2.0 a week & looks floppy & dusty, has 3 children. Called Miss Harcourt & asked her landlady if she could recommend rooms. Saw some beautifully clean rooms in Edwards Sqre & pleasant landlady & clean neat maid. Much taken with them, ask only £1.5.0 all told. Dined at 9.15.

Saturday 2 April X. New coachman came. Lovely day. Potted ferns, bought 2 for 1/4 at door. Waddie with Gwen & Eve called morg, staying for week at Mother’s, Tilda also. Maud & self took cab to Maiden Lane, Rules, where met Lin had excellent lunch & on to pantomime “Humpty Dumpty” good but v. vulgar. Mademoiselle met us there & Effie & Ethel English & Spencer. Cabbed home 3/-, 2/- going. Mrs. Cox had tea here with Mrs. S. who seems to like her, hope rooms & all will turn out well. Aunt Linda called. X. New Coachman came, usual bother with sheets etc.

Sunday 3 April Glorious morg. Went with Maud who looks languid & seems seedy to Pro Cathedral, were on our way to St Paul’s but met Santley who said he was going to Pro so followed him. Lin rode to Barkers but returned for luncheon. Sp. & Hilda came morg, latter much improved. Maud & Lin to see Kensington pictures! Mrs. S. had bad night her eye so painful. Lin & self dine at Sir B. Bakers 7.30. Alice out afternoon & evg.

Monday 4 April 25

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 X. 2 Postal orders taken out by Emma, Newland Ter. for Mrs. Andrews & Mrs. Turner. Lovely day. Busy morg. with linen & turning out drawers. After lunch drove with Mrs. S. to 14 Edwards Sqre saw rooms & Mr Cox, quite a gentleman. Mrs. S. seemed pleased with her room. Left her, home & went to Mother & with her to Sloane Street. V. crowded, shops lovely. Lin’s cold very bad sent for carbolic & made him inhale. Mother looks v. well. Tilda & Tabs’ 2 chicks still there. Saw Sp’s housemaid, think wages very high unless a thorough servant. X. Mrs. Andrews £1.7.1, Mrs. Turner 3/6. 2/- cabs to & fr. Mrs. S’s rooms.

Tuesday 5 April Lovely day. Maud out early with Mad’lle. Lin’s cold better tho’ still v. heavy. Sent Mrs. Andrews P.O. order for £1.7.1 and Mrs. Turner 3/6, paying books up completely at Ramsgate. Bought 2 prs gloves Derry’s after lunch. Miss Clerke, Mrs. H. Levy & Alice Linley called. Lydia cleaned my room v. nicely.

Wednesday 6 April Take Maud to Dr Robson Roose, to be there at ¼ to 11. £1.1.0. Paid cab 1/8. Mrs. Sambourne goes to her new rooms at Mrs. Cox, 14 Edwardes Sqre. Met Mrs. Lucy & Mr Milliken at Dr R’s who says Maud’s back is weak & she must go to a surgeon Dr Noble Smith. Walked part of way home, met Tilda who came with us. Lovely day. Took Mrs. S. in cab to her rooms 5 o’c, look charming. Maud & Mad. came after with flowers. Untold relief! Mrs. Heilbut called. Cab for Mrs. S. 1/6. Lydia out evening.

Thursday 7 April Lovely day. Silver & brass in drawing room dirty. La cuisinière (illeg) une mauvais humeur en bas E. Walked to Mother’s after lunch & had tea there & bought rib. 2d. Lin rode, found mare’s nose injured fr. switch where? Called & saw his mother, seems v. happy & comfortable. Mad’lle went later. Lin’s cold better but does not look well, headache. Thinks he smoked & drank too much “Punch dinner”. Sp. called morg. when Lin was photoing self as “France”. Went off in huff as Lin was so busy. 26


Friday 8 April Darling Roy returns home fr. Eton, arrives at 9 o’c A.M. Mrs. Clarke 10, 11.30.

Saturday 9 April X. Petit ami au soir. Boat race. Lovely day. Mad. & self in cab to Mrs. Donaldson’s, had to walk fr. there to wharf, road up. Lin, Maud & Roy in cart with mare, new man Fernel (sic, Purnell) with them. Mad. returned after race. Cambridge lost by nearly 3 boats lengths, Roy delighted.

Sunday 10 April Lovely day. Lin & Roy riding over to Wimbledon to lunch with Barkers. Maud & Mad. in Park for walk. Sp. & Hilda to tea. Mad. to Mrs. S. for tea, v. well & happy there. Horrid cold in head & feel generally seedy. Banbury came morg. to see Roy. Roy went & had tea with him at Queens Gate on return fr. Wimbledon, & walk. Afraid we cannot go abroad, sh’ll certainly not be fit for fatigue by Thursday. Lydia to Church morning.

Monday 11 April Washing 2 weeks £1.6.0. In bed all day till 6, cold v.bad, chest hurts v. much. Got up 6, room felt so untidy & uncomfortable. Roy had 5/- of his money & went on Serpentine with Banbury. Mad. & Maud to see Mrs S. Lydia took Mrs. S’s washing to her.

Tuesday 12 April In bed till 12.30. V. seedy. Sp. came. Mrs. Spofforth & Nellie called. Saw Sp’s maid, seems sorry not to come & seems willing & obliging & Sp. says is good servant. Roy to Olympia to see “Venice”.

Wednesday 13 April In bed till 12. Feel v. weak & seedy. Sp. called usual grizzle of Oakes! Maud has cold. Mrs. Cox called about Mrs. S. Veut encore plus d’argent


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 (illeg). No Punch dinner. Lin hard at work beautiful drawing in progress à propos of (illeg).

Thursday 14 April Lovely day. V. cold. Rained morg. & little snow, fine later. Mother came & bought me some lovely flowers & stayed some time in my bed room. Maud bad cold, & Alice. Lin & Roy out to lunch. Emma pd. books, v. high, also £1.0.0 to Mrs. S. & 4/6 to Miss Harcourt for medicine. X. Drove in brougham for first time with new man, Purnel, drove mare, not as good manners as Jolly but better driver I fancy. Called on Aunt Linda, Mrs. Hartree & Mrs. H. Power & brought new (illeg) shoes at Marshall & Willets. Mother also brought me 6 bottles of beautiful port. Jane came with little boy, seems v. happy. Gave her 1/-.

Friday 15 April Lovely morg, little warmer but still cold wind. Came down to breakfast. Maud & Roy cold too bad for church, noisy coughs. Roy & Lin after lunch to town & tea at Club. I walked & saw Mrs. S. looking v. red & untidy. Had tea with her. Cozy room clean & pretty little maid & Mrs. Cox looking v. neat & nice as usual. Mad. & Maud had tea with me in drawing room. Alice had cold.

Saturday 16 April Bitterly cold. Snowed a little morg. Bought 4 plants. Packed up silver for Broadwood & Glossop, Sheffield to be re-done. Mended china, chair etc. Lin & Roy to “Olympia” after lunch, came back to dinner ¼ to 7 after being shown over kitchens etc at “Olympia” & being treated “au Prince”. Went off together to “Adelphi” theatre to see “The trumpet calls”. Maud & self went in brougham at 3 with mare to Queens Rd, bought chocolates. Mde. Bocquet away. Bought sausages & primroses. Colds all bad still. 4 plants


2 lbs sausages 1.8 flowers

6 28



odds, ties etc 14.10½ Pd

£1. 0. 0 ½

Sunday 17 April Lovely day. Bitterly cold. Maud & self to St Paul’s for communion. Had to come out cough so bad. On way home met Mrs. Coward going to Communion service at St Mary Abbots, she took Maud. Very disappointed not to be with her as it is her first “Communion”. Mrs. S. spent day here. V. well but does not like to think it. Called enquired for Mrs. Orton, getting better. Lin rode 3½ hours. Sp. dined here, seemed junpy. Called morg. with Hilda could not ask him to lunch, too many, & child so uncanny(?). Emma out.

Monday 18 April Lovely day. Very cold. Snow in many parts of country ½ foot deep. Arranged wardrobe in pantry with Lin, all but top shelf mine now. Maud washing handkerchiefs, 30. Roy round to Mrs. S. & stayed some time after tea. Raining hard 6.30. Lin busy tidying all day. Colds much as usual. Mother’s birthday at Con’s, Fittleworth.

Tuesday 19 April Drove mare to Fisher’s about dress, v. dear. No one called. Lin rode evg.

Wednesday 20 April Alice out. Fine day, warmer. Went at 2.30 to Maskelyn & Cooke’s, Lin, M, Roy & self. V. good performance, vanishing man wonderful. Walked with Maud morg. to dressmaker, wants £3.30. Called at “Work House” & “Cripples Home”. Lin rode ¼ p. 9 till ¼ p. 10 o’c. Roy v. troublesome evening, to bed at 9. Books v. heavy £6.16.5. ? no company.

Thursday 21 April Lovely day. Ans’d letter fr. Eff about Annie & hope there will be no mistake. Mother returns from Con’s. Take Maud to Noble Smith at 4.30 29

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 about her back, spine bones. £2.2.0 fee. V. kind. Long rigmarole about backs generally, can see dear M’s is a little out but thankful we have had advice soon. Go Monday to be fitted with support. New man v. dense in finding places, don’t believe he can read. Cleaned all furniture in morg. room, Alice did boards, put up curtains, took 3 hours. Went to Fishers ordered dress £8.18.6, grey & white vest. Mad. to see Mrs. S, v. cross.

Friday 22 April Lovely day, v. warm. Went with Maud to Miss Manning about M’s dress, wants £4.5.6 for it. V. dear, if I had time c’d do it for £2.17.9. After lunch drove with Roy to in brougham to Bond St. Treated Roy to 3 éclats (sic) walked up & down Bd. St. Awfully pretty women & smart dresses. Left letter at Proff. Flower’s & to Natural History Museum, & home. Roy very good & sweet. Maud to be fitted at 6 o’c, & to see Mrs. S. Lin dining at Metropole with Gordon & other directors of Hotels. Letter fr. Mr Welch, abroad, not pd. my or Midge’s March quarter. Expenses today 2/6.

Saturday 23 April X. M’s little F. Mr Hartree’s dinner 7.45. Try on grey dress Fishers, unable to go. Went after lunch with Roy & M. to Lyric Theatre to see “Mountebanks”. Mad’lle & Lin met us there. V. good but not equal to rest of Gilbert’s pieces with Sullivan, Cellier’s music pretty only. On to New Gallery after, Private View. No particular striking picture. Watts portrait of Walter Crane most attractive to us! Met Tademas, Danes, Blackburns, Mrs. a’ Beckett & Pat, Tommy v. ill. Just time to get home & have cup of tea & dress. Excellent dinner at Mr Hartree’s. 3 strange men, 2 officers off ship Mr H. came fr. Ceylon in. Miss Stan(?) & Miss Samuda. Mr H. gave us each a Ceylon bowl. Furnel (sic) drove unpleasantly to theatre, slack rein & jerks like Jolly.

Sunday 24 April Mrs. Palmer’s dinner 7.45. Lovely day. Went with Maud morg. to Mother’s, out. Sat in Park, om 2d. Cab home 1/-. Lin & Roy to Zoo, met V. & Lady M. Watney. Harold & Hilda Paxton came to ask Roy to supper, 30

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 w’d not go. V. pleasant evg. at Mrs. Palmer’s. Gen. du Plat there, silly as usual. Home late. Alice out after tea & evg. again.

Monday 25 April Dr. Smith 12.30. Dress fitted. Pouring wet. Lydia & Alice late morg. Maud & self in cab to Dr. Smith, 2/-. Had instrument fitted, apallingly heavy & complicated, made Maud quite poorly. Had my dress fitted at Fisher’s & home in bus 6d. Went directly after lunch in brougham with Lin to Academy, left Lin & called on Mrs. Joshua, de la Rue, Alexander, & Mother. Had tea there. Judy staying with Mother. Called & saw Mr Paxton.

Tuesday 26 April Miss Warre & Susie a’B. coming to tea. Mrs. Paxton. Shop’d morg. Cakes 1/-, flowers 1/-, mending material for Roy 1/1½, sponge cakes for Mrs. S. 6d, comb & hairpins 1/6, total 5/1½. Took Maud to be fitted with her dress at Miss Manning’s. Maud & Mad’lle in carriage at 12o’c for patterns. Con came after lunch & stayed some time, looks wonderfully well. Called morg. & sat some time with Mrs. Sambourne. Lin riding. Sp. Mr Paxton, Miss Warre & Mrs. a’Beckett & Pat called.

Wednesday 27 April Annie T. between 2 & 3 o’c. Did not come. Took Roy to Christie Minstrels, v. good. Came on pouring wet whilst there. Lin at Academy with Mr Burnand doing work Furniss generally does, caricaturing pictures. Carriage worries increase, medicine for horses, harness does not fit!!! etc etc. Shall be thankful when it’s given up. Cleaned out drawing room cabinet with Maud, Mad. & Roy, latter v.v. tiresome, quite wore me out. Lydia out.

Thursday 28 April Asked Miss Gill to luncheon. Ap’t with Mr Smith at 12 o’c. Dull wet morg & v. cold. French jury have let off “Navachol”(?) Spanish anarchist. Cowards, & world will suffer. Lady M. Watney called. Mrs. S. to lunch! & 31

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 tea! Sent Alice to Mother with Midge’s letter. Mrs. Paxton & Maud called, latter grown v. handsome & v. tall. Lin doing Academy caricatures. Bought hat £1.10.0 Maison Nouvelle. Maud’s materials for hat 10/5¾, veil 1/3½.

Friday 29 April Asked Miss Gill to tea. Private View at Academy. Mrs. Calderon at home 4 - 5.30. Rec’d Midge’s & my quarter’s money for March, £50 cheque, due 13th March. Had good look round pictures none v. remarkable. Fine blue seascape of Moore’s sold for £1000. President’s “Garden of Hesperides” “Sea giving up dead”, Dicksie’s “Leila”. Many pretty dresses, stripes all fashion, long skirts, full sleeves & sashes to bottom of skirts. Zouaves v. fashionable. Lin hard at work all day dined at 11.15.

Saturday 30 April Two Miss Davis’ to lunch. Maud ap’t with Mr Smith at 10.30. Box for “A Fool’s Paradise”. Mr Smith gave me book on spinal complaints! Walked thro’ Bond St. Met Eykyne girls. Om. going & returning 10d, cakes 1/6. Doctor £1.1.0. Lin Roy & self in cab to theatre, Maud & two Miss D’s in brougham. Bad mutton! Miss D & self in cab returning 2/- & M. & Ethel in brougham. Roy & Lin to Club. Drawing room not turned out. “Fool’s Paradise” disappointing at end, well acted by Hare, Kerr, Irving jnr, Kate Rorke & Olga Nethersole. Letter fr. Tabs, arrives Monday at Alexandra Hotel fr. South of France.

Sunday 1 May Took Roy & Maud to 9.30 service St. M. Abbots. Roy v. troublesome, so rude & noisy. Went to Mother’s, just starting for church, walked with her to St. M.A’s & went on to see Mrs. S. & home. Roy so rude about port wine made me quite ill & had good cry, unable to go down to lunch. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis, refused to take Roy. Think Roy more unhappy at his own disappointment than sorry to make me unhappy, hope I am wrong. Strange heavy day with yellow light. Lydia out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Monday 2 May X. Black Monday. Emma going & new housemaid coming fr. Con’s, Annie Tallant. Dull morg. Maud Paxton for walk with Mad’lle & M. Roy subdued & v. quiet. Cleaned silver wine cooler. Pouring wet. Out morg. Pass book in, find I have nearly £100 to my own account. Bought 2 prs of shoes at once 16/8 on strength of it at Barkers. Roy & self called at Alexander Hotel for Tabs, not arrived yet, to tea at Mrs. Palmer’s, & left cards at Mr Hartree’s. Raining hard, came home. Lin working hard at “Illustrated London News” Jubilee drawing.

Tuesday 3 May Maud’s ap’t Mr Smith 11 o’c. £1.1.0. Took Roy with us. Fisher’s to be fitted, dress as bad as ever. Called Mrs. Mackinlay, both children to tea there at 4 o’c till 5.30. Barkers, ordered lamb, haddock & dressed crab, bought cakes & mint 1/-. New maid très verte l’idée de demander autant! Ne vaut pas plus que seize livres. Kitchen clock fell down! Water & tea cold first morg. E. goes! Mr Farquharson & cousin clergyman, Aunt Linda & Ethel, Miss Sandeman, Mr Paxton, Fanny B. & Mary Carter called. Lord Kingsborough sent me a cake stand for tea.

Wednesday 4 May Dear Roy returns to Eton. Busy packing & mending all morg. Mad. helping. Maud to lunch & tea at Mrs. F.C.B’s , 27 Boltons. Roy & self to Mrs. S’s at 4.30, to Mother who gave him 10/- & Mrs. Burnand who gave him 5/- when he fetched Maud. Alice out directly after lunch. Annie did dining room, is not neat in her work & is very slow. Mad’lle took Roy to Paddington & saw him off.

Thursday 5 May Mrs. Palmer’s fancy dress ball. Cold & dull. Shop’g morg. Ordered 2lbs 4oz fillet beef, 1lb beans 1/4. Took M. to Mrs. P’s. Mad’lle fetched her 9.30. Lin working awfully hard at Illustrated London News drawing, Jubilee Drawing, altered face & bothered himself. Unable to dine till 10 o’c. V. tired. 33


Friday 6 May Mrs. Medley at home 4.30. Shop’g morg. Ordered cakes 1/6, haddock 9d fr Barkers. Mary & Ethel B. to lunch & tea. Maud Paxton stood to Lin for drawing & stayed luncheon. April weather, alternate showers. Called about kitchen clock which fell down after Emma left, will do it thoroughly at Meigers for 12/-. X. Petit ami. Called after lunch on Mrs Donaldson all down measles. Mrs. Kemp, Mona had just had operation of 13 teeth extracted, 3 doctors chloroform & entire set false teeth to follow! Expense! To Mrs. Medley’s, & to dine with Mother. Home by 9 o’c, put Maud to bed, bad cold & sore throat.

Saturday 7 May Ap’t Mr Smith £1.1.0. Unable to go, Maud’s cold v. bad, sore throat. Self in bed till 12.30. Lin rode. Mare’s mane v. dirty, Lin v. angry riding with Messrs Stone, Wyndham etc all who have horses at livery & much better done. Maud & self after lunch to Mrs. Lewis’s, Mrs. Vicat Cole’s & Madame B. out. Bought Maud diaphoric for her cold 1/3, jelly 1/- & meat juice 1/6, total 3/9. Emma’s little bird dead & Waddie’s v. ill. Gave it salad oil & brandy with warm milk & bread. Bird better, put it in fresh cage. Maud going to sleep in spare room. Pd. Mad’lle salary, 3 months due 5th of April & her book £13.10½. Pd. Lydia 3 months ditto to 30th April £3.6.8. Pd. Alice 2 months ditto to 10th inst £3.

Sunday 8 May Lovely day. Maud’s throat still bad & she looks heavy about eyes. Lin rode morg. with “Two Pins” Club & lunched at Richmond. Played tennis after with Sir A. Hickman. Sp. & Douglas, Miss English & two Miss Davis’ called. Mad’lle beautiful in new gown & hat looking v. nice, went to see Mrs. S. Emma came. V. sorry about her bird. Waddie’s bird better. Lydia to church morg.

Monday 9 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Mrs. Carbutt at home 4 o’c. App’t Mr Smith 1.30. Took M. to doctor £1.1.0. To Fisher’s, dress abominable. Saw Mr Fisher, v. angry about dress, promised it sh’d be altered. To Madame B, decided to wait. To Mrs. Warre’s. Called on Miss Lutyens. Lin rode before breakfast. Tuesday 10 May Lovely day. Only Mrs. Burnand & Connie & Marion Pollock called. In all day. Lin rode early.

Wednesday 11 May Mrs. Medley at home Lyric Club private entertainment 10 o’c, Corney Grain. Maud & self dine at Mrs. Burnand’s. Miss Davis’ tennis party 4 to 7. Lydia paid books £11.1.0½ fortnight. Called with Maud after lunch at Mr Davis’, left M. Alma Tadema, Symonds, Wyllie, Macmillan, Lehmann, Möller, Paxton, Spofforth & Gale. M. & self dined at Mrs. Burnand’s. Charming house. Lin rode morning. Entirely forgot Mrs. Medley’s. Annie out. Fishers sent dress, better but still has alterations to be made. Mrs. S. here all day.

Thursday 12 May Mrs. Paxton’s tea 4 - 7. Alice out. Out morg. to Barkers, walked thro’ Kensington with Dr. Smiles. Ordered cod for tonight, not A1, & new potatoes. Studs 10½, linen cotton 3d, loaf 1d & radishes 3d. Lin rode before breakfast. K. clock back. Called after lunch & left blue & red velvet dresses at Miss Mannings. Called on Mrs. Kemp, Mother, Lady M. W, Alexandra Hotel. Tabs gone, only there Wed night. Entered £22.17.0 in Midge’s P.O. Order book, the full limit, wd not let me enter £25. £2.3.0 left don’t know where to put it! Stayed some time at Mrs. Flower’s most kind, charming mus at Lady de Burgh. Took Maud to Mrs. Paxton. Motley crowd. Kind but uninteresting. Lin dining at Reform Club with Mr J. Livesey. Every corner in House now fitted with corner cupboards!

Friday 13 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Mrs. Medley at home 4.30. I dined at Mother’s, called first on Mrs. C. Mackenzie, Mrs. Wright, H. Peto, Ross, Rainbow, Nottage, Maclaren, Waring. Dined at ¼ to 11.

Saturday 14 May Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 7.45. Mr Smith ap’t 12 o’c. Shop’g morg. To Mr S. Maud to go again Friday. To “Pantomime rehearsal” at Court theatre, took Maud P. 2/- cab there, 2/- cab back. Windows cleaned by man Hill, wants too much but did them well. V. pleasant din. at Mrs. H’s. Mr H. took me in. Mr & Mrs. Burnand there. Lord Mountmorris(?) called to see Lin morg. about work.

Sunday 15 May Mr Ryle, Mr Guthrie, Mr Stone, Ethel English to dinner 7.30. Anchovies & cress sandwiches. Soup clear. Salmon, cucumber. Roast lamb, beans, new potatoes. Asparagus. Roast chickens & salad. Sandringham pud, apricots à la crème. Haddock savory. Lin drove to Jack Straw’s Castle for meet of “2 Pins Club”. I went morg to 9.30 service St Mary Abbots, so cold had to come out during sermon. V. weak address so lost nothing. Maud’s cold v. bad & looks pale & seedy. Sp. & children called morg. Not well cooked dinner, things cold & butter horrid. Too large dish asparagus & veg’ts watery. Girls waited pretty well only coffee not well served.

Monday 16 May Cold. Fire in dining & drawing rooms. Mary & Ethel B. here to tea & dinner. To Miss Manning about red velvet dress & Tisdale about pressing it. After lunch drove to Mrs. S, depressed, Mrs. Carbutt, Aird, Messel, & tea with Mother, only pretty well. Maud’s cold better but still looks pale. X. Maud’s first drawing in “Punch” of Mrs. Burnand, looks charming. Mrs. Wergmann called.

Tuesday 17 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Lovely day. To Miss Manning to be fitted 10 o’c. Ordered lamb & fish Barkers. Lord Mountmorris called to see Lin morg. Lin lunching at Garrick with Mr Stone & to horse show after. Maud & Mad. & 2 dogs for drive at 12 o’c in Park. X. Maud’s petit ami. Mrs. Rainbow, Mrs. Harley, Mrs. Tweedie & Mrs. C. Burnand called. Lin dined at Garrick with Mr Stone. Sent Alice in hansom with Lin’s evg. suit & overcoat 2/4.

Wednesday 18 May M’s cold better. Shop’g morg. Florrie Blair called, asked her to lunch tomorrow. Wonder why I always feel on my metal with her, & all the Leighs, distinctly antagonistic to me. Maud & Mad’lle drove out in carriage morg. in Park. Philip B. called & had tea. Mrs. S. here all day. Mad’lle walked back with her. Mrs. Cox brought her morning.

Thursday 19 May Mrs. Clarke 12 – 2. Lin photod Maud & M. Paxton as cricketers. Mr P. came in had long talk on American Rlys, he believes in Pensylvania! Paid books v. heavy £7.2.1½. Ordered fowl 3/9 Barkers. Met Mrs. R. Welch & Annabelle Barnes. F. Blair to lunch, on best behaviour. M. & Mad. in brougham at 3 to see Mother & Mrs. S. Heavy showers. Tilda called looking v. nice in grey black & yellow. Packed box & general tidy.

Friday 20 May Mrs. Medley 4.30. Started in Om. by way of Dover & Calais at 9.45, Lin, Maud & self. Rough passage. Hooks, Peter Reed etc on board. Hotel Meurice. Excellent dinner. “Bonne femme” soup, fried fish & excellent sauce, delicious roast chickens, salad & petit pois, compôte of fruit & sponge cakes sugared. Rooms, salon, bedroom & ditto for Maud, dressing room & ante room, & co(?) à l’entresol, charming overlooking Tuilleries, 25 francs a day.

Saturday 21 May D. V. Lin, Maud & self go to Paris. Paris. Got up early & out by 9.30 after café in our rooms. Maud & self to “Bon Marché” changed ceinture 37

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 ordered black & pink dress 96 frcs, silk petticoat 39 frcs, Maud’s 2 silk stockings 9.50 the pair. To “Ledoyen” met Lin, had lunch, only grilled chicken salad, asparagus & hors d’oeuvres, 2 cafés & 2 yellow chartreuses 25 frs 95. Salon after. Vast. Met Hooks. Detaille’s picture v. fine. Renan p. Bonnard. “Les Conquerants” & Gerome’s painted statue in ivory & bronze of B(blank), goddess of war, & Pygmalion & Galatea most striking. Maud & self to tea at C. Stokes, 35 Bvd. Haussmann. C. S. went after with us to Restaurant on B. Italien, din 4.50. most excellent. Walked with us to Circle Nouveau, most amusing “Roi d’Agobert” water scene, & to Hotel to bed. C. & wife all packed leave Paris tomorrow for Copenhagen.

Sunday 22 May Letter fr. dear Roy. Glorious day. Breakfast café simple in our sitting room & Maud in her blue & black, self in new grey tailor dress & Lin off by 11 o’clock to the Madeleine. V. full & sat next to Stanhope Forbes & wife. Walked along Bvd. des Italiens & took fiacre to Mons. Bonvoisin 53 rue Pierre Charon, Champs Elysées. Col & Madame (blank) there, charming rooms top floor. Had Lyons sausage, radishes, butter, prawns served first on one tray. Roast mutton & fried heap of potatoes all served on one dish, savoury custard with delicious sauce in centre & round. Cold boiled fowl, salad. Wild strawberries, little sweet tartlets & cakes. Madame B. v. aimiable, all anxious to talk English. Took fly to “Academie des Beaux Arts” pictures of Sargents, Burans (illeg) woman. Little girl with blk stockings. Vast place.

Monday 23 May Paris. Mrs. Holl 10 P.M. Lovely day. Shop’d at Louvre with Maud. Met Lin & Mons. Bonvoisin (who lunched with us) at “Ledoyen”. Mons B. told us of the wild goose chase we were foolish enough to follow to our cost evg. Feel v. angry with him. After lunch sat on Champs Elysées. To Hotel to rest but the Forbes called, so had tea served in our little salon. Dressed after hurriedly & drove to Avenue des Acacias, à la Mons. B. Gave cocher 3 frcs, rest asked much more. 2½ frcs fare gave him 50 38

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 cents à boire. Walked fr. Avenue miles miles miles in gayest scene of carriages & exquisitely dressed women. Polo match. To lands end. Bois empty & still c’d not reach Restaurant des Cascades. At 7 o’c or after got there, tables & no one dining. Found one solitary fiacre & drove back tired & angry to Ledoyens where we dined thankfully & to Ambassadeurs after. V. décolté music singing & dancing. Home & to bed but not to sleep.

Tuesday 24 May Mrs. Lehmann’s daughter’s wedding 4 - 6. To be fitted Bon Marché. V. tired & could not sleep fr. heat & noise. Met Lin after fitting & various purchases at “Ledoyen”, had lunch, met “Shannons” & Stanhope Forbes lunching together there. Sat in Champs Elysées after with Forbes for long while, then to Hotel. Packed, table d’hôte dinner & left at 7.30 for Calais. Mons. Schrerot(?) came to say goodbye. Lin paid my account for mantle etc amounting to 259 frcs in his bill, so owe him £10.7.6.

Wednesday 25 May. Staff. Ter. 8 o’c. The Marchioness of Salisbury’s reception at Foreign Office, Queen’s birthday. Reached home before 8. Had breakfast & to sleep after & bath. Maud v. tired. Had carriage to ourselves fr. Paris to Calais & slept. Heat intense, Maud & Lin feel it most. Small boat fr. Calais to Dover, sat on deck all night. Dull evg. at Foreign Office no doubt on ac’t of Duke of Clarence’s death. Keiths, Webster, Tadema, Lucas etc. Annie out.

Thursday 26 May Mrs Cowen’s at home 9.30. Took Maud to Noble Smith £1.1.0. V. v. tired only reached home 2 o’c this morg. fr. Mrs. Quilter’s after Foreign Office recept. V. hot close & sultry. No sun but dull & damp heat, beastly after Paris. Hot & steamy. Mrs. Paxton called. Mutually agree London beastly, filled with lumbering dust carts & dirty people & dirty streets.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Friday 27 May Mrs. Medley 4.30. Lovely day, v. hot. Lin rode early. Girls late. I took cab to Mrs. F.C.B’s asked Connie to go to dine at Mr Stone’s Members Mansions & to opera after. Sir T. Lucas’ box for tonight “Manon” & Van Dyke as Count des Grieux. Delighted with his voice most exquisite & plays so well too. Connie B. & self dined at Members Mansions Mr Stone’s rooms. Lin joined us when half thro’ dinner. Drove in two hansoms to opera which we all enjoyed immensely, music charming so bright & full of melody. Judge Bacon came & sat thro’ one entire act in our box. Mr Stone wanted to take us on to supper at Criterion after but afraid of Mrs. B. being anxious about Connie. Lin & Mr S. off together.

Saturday 28 May Lin goes to Mr Livesey’s with Mr Stone. V. delighted with what he saw. Home to dinner & Sp. dined here also. Maud tells me I was snappish to Sp. at dinner. V. sorry had no idea or intention of being so. Morg. walked to Butts ordered fruit salad & vegts, & on to Mrs. S. Met Dr Smiles, had usual long chat with him. Took Mrs. S. with me in carriage to Madame B’s. Settled on black & grey dress for £9.9.0. Maud & Mad. to see coaches meet in Park v. crowded (coaching club). Annie took Mrs. S. back in the evening. V. v. hot & windy, had tea in garden.

Sunday 29 May Lin goes with the “Two Pins Club” to Lord Rosebery’s the “Durdans” & sleeps night at Sir C. Russell’s. To church with Maud. V. hot. Took dogs out after. Lin off by quarter to 9 o’c. Annie out afternoon & evening. Offered her but found she did not go. Ethel English, Mr Davis jnr. & 2 sisters, Bill Weigal & Tilda came to tea. Tilda remained to supper. V. pleasant afternoon & evg. Miss Koch came to see Mad’lle, so glad for her to see a friend.

Monday 30 May Mrs. Mocatta’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Spielman’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin returned fr. Sir C. Russell’s at 9.10 after 18 mile ride. Girls late. Meet of “Four in 40

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Hand Club”. Maud & self in cab to Hyde Pk. Corner met Tilda & saw drags splendidly. Met Mad’lle. Maud & self home in cab en tout 2/6. Books less can afford 1/- cab! Maud Paxton came to tea with M. Mad. & Maud called to see Mrs. S, seemed well. Alice also went. Met mass of Jews at Mocattas besides Cap’n & Mrs. Wetherell, C. Praeds. Dullish dinner for me, Lin enjoyed his talk with Mrs. Sterne (Miss Jessel). V. glad as he was so tired.

Tuesday 31 May Morg. alone by bus to Woollands, chose 2 blouses mauve. Ordered 4 yards of blue serge for Maud Harvey Nicol’s. Maud in carriage to Mr Davis’. Mad’lle fetched her at 6 o’c. Heavy thunderstorm. V. sultry & hot.

Wednesday 1 June X. Petit ami. Lovely day. Derby won by outsider at 3 o’c by Sir Hugo, Lord Bradford’s colt. La Flèche Baron Hirsch’s second. “Orme” first favourite unable to run. In bed till 12.30. Mrs. S. here to lunch, tea, & supper with Mad’ll. Mrs. S. drove with me to Mde. Bocquet’s, material not arrived. Maud & self dined at Mrs. Burnand’s. M. spent day there. Tilda called. Lin to Punch din. & Mr Gilbert’s. X. Petit ami.

Thursday 2 June In bed till 12.30. At 3 o’c to Fisher’s left bodice to have buttons put on. Tilda to tea & dinner. Lin finished drawing “The Duffer”. Cut out dress blue serge.

Friday 3 June Mrs. Medley’s 4.30. Lady Lucas at home 4 o’c. Drove at 3 to Mrs. Watney. Marshall’s, bought velvet, saw Mrs. MacLean & handsome dau. Furnell jerked Marquis so abominably spoke to him as the horse had a cut of whip across head which I can’t stand. Drove to Lady Hickman’s, in turning Furnell backed carelessly & then punished horse again for his own stupidity. V. angry. Made me feel ill. Unable to call Lady L’s so went


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 to Mother’s had tea & came home. Mrs. Paxton & Maud came in & had chat. Mary & Ethel B. here. Mary ill, had to go home.

Saturday 4 June Mr Ainger’s to lunch 2 o’c. Great Eton day! Mrs. Richmond’s at home 4 7. Too seedy to go. Lin & Maud to Eton, had lovely day. Had lunch at Mr A’s, tea in Roy’s room, & on steam orchestra launch with Mr & Mrs. W. Clowes. Mad. & self day alone, sat in garden. Con & Mr English called & had tea. Lin & Maud home at 9.30 for late supper.

Sunday 5 June Lady Hickman’s tennis & dinner to Lin & self after. Lin rode three hours morg, caught in heavy thunderstorm. Mr & Mrs. Paxton, Maud & Mons. Anoul a Belge called. Pleasant dinner at Lady H’s.

Monday 6 June Mrs. Rawlinson’s tennis. Mr Paxton called & kept me ages. Mr & Mrs. Paxton dined with us in evg.

Tuesday 7 June. Weston Subedge. Mrs. Gale’s at home 5 - 7. Came by 1.35 fr. Paddington with Maud to stay at Canon Bourne’s. Lovely day. Lin left early 8.30 for Chesterfield. Mad’lle saw M. & self off. Two return 2nd C. fares £2.5.0, cab 2/6, porters 1/-. Total £2.8.6. Nina met us at Honeybourne looking v. well. Canon also looking better then last year. Twelve to dinner here, Mr (illeg) & son, Mr & Mrs. & Miss Chadwick etc. Lin pd. £25 to my account for house money. Mr Cawston stayed night. V. funny man, upholds theories he evidently does not practice. My faith in church-going going!

Wednesday 8 June Lovely day. Sat out all morning. Drove at 3 0’c to Mrs. Millet & had tea there under tree in her pretty garden, flowers lovely. Katie M. & two boys v. much grown, Mrs. M. as pretty as ever. Told us of Mr Millet’s being “boss” of Chicago Exhibition grounds. Enjoyed drive immensely so 42

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 warm & snug. Louisa & Maud played tennis. Mr (blank) left after breakfast.

Thursday 9 June Aunt Linda’s dance 9.30. Lovely day. Drove at 2.30 to Mr Chadwick’s most lovely view fr. his house & grounds. Mrs. Millet to dinner looked charming. Drove home at night. The Canon went to workman’s luncheon, speeches etc! Intensely hot.

Friday 10 June Mrs. Medley 4.30. Mrs. B.Tomlin at home 9.30.

Saturday 11 June Mrs. Critchett’s dinner 8 o’c, ref’d. Mrs. Richmond’s 4 - 7. Canon Bourne went to stay until Monday at Mr Rushout’s. Maud & Louisa out painting all morning & afternoon. Nina & self to see cottager’s little girl. Played tennis with Nina, felt v. hot & out of breath! Lin arrived at 5.15. Tea on lawn. Thought he had lost his bag, found on seat of carriage. Danced evg! Slept with Maud after 12. 30, too hot in Lin’s bed. Alice went home & slept out night.

Sunday 12 June Wet morg. Went to Church with Nina. X. Maud petit ami. Lin walked to Broadway & posted letters after tea. Maud rested on my bed. Lin wrote letters & I went to sleep after lunch. Slept with Maud. Alice ret’d this evg.

Monday 13 June Mrs. Rawlinson’s tennis. Came to Lin’s room 5 o’c morg. Slept well. The Canon returnes today. Maud & Louisa off sketching. Nina & self to Evesham at 2 o’c met the Canon who returned with us. Did shopping bought corn plasters & sent telegram to Mons. Bonvoisin at Grand Hotel. Lord Coventry sent ticket for Grand enclosure at Ascot to Lin for Mons. Bonvoisin. Lin worked on Punch Index. He & I walked to top!!! of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Dovers Hill before dinner, lovely view. Danced after dinner! Slept with Maud. Tooth broke huge piece. Distinctly colder.

Tuesday 14 June Mr Hartree at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 o’c. Lin worked all morg. Mr & Mrs. Rushout to luncheon. Saw thoroughbred stallion of Mr R’s after, also horse for sale. Lin took photos. Walked round entire county with Lin. V. tired & v. inclined to be angry, thought better of it. Won’t walk so far again in a hurry.

Wednesday 15 June Lin went to London by 10 train. Miss Hornby to luncheon. To Mrs. Perry’s garden party. Her sister married George Burnand. Mrs. P. v. bright nice woman, nice children good manners. Canon joined us there fr. Camden. One gentleman to dinner. Maud & self packed. V. tired.

Thursday 16 June Honeybourne. Wet morg. Returned by 10 train fr. Canon’s, reached home at 2.30. Expenses to & from there all included for Maud & self only £3.3.8. Wet & dull in London always so dark after country. Find Annie will have to leave tomorrow her back & hips so bad.

Friday 17 June Mrs. Medley 4.30. Asked people to tea! 4.30. Out morg. shop. Ordered strawberries 10d loaf 2d biscuits 4½ Barkers, 2 steak 11d. Mrs. & Mary Nicol, Mrs. Fowler, Miss Clacey & Effie called & had tea. Gentleman’s coachman trying horse. Called at 6.30 saw Mrs. S & then had dinner at Mother’s. Woke up with sore throat certain wash stand in my room cause. Paid books fortnight £10.3.11. Paid Maud 5/4½ & Mad’lle for odds also 6/2½, money flies in small things. Annie Tallant left gave her £1.0.0, wages 15/-.

Saturday 18 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Out shop. morg. Ordered at Barkers 6 bananas 1/-, 2d mint, 2 lbs gooseberries 6d, 2 lobster cutlets 6d. Lin off after lunch to Mr Lawson’s till Monday. Lady Cotton’s garden party taking Maud. Maud Paxton to dinner 7.30. Dull party at Lady C’s, wealth minus brains or form. Lin unable to go to Mr E. L’s on ac’t of heavy rain. Maud Paxton to dinner. Lin & self to see “Lady Windemere’s Fan”. Had Lord (blank)’s box. Mr & Miss Ward in our box. His engagement broken off, seems to feel it v. much. Charming piece dialogue excellent & acting as good. Heard Mrs. Alexander has (illeg) & is v. ill.

Sunday 19 June Eff going to Paris with Eff Carpenter. Bad sore throat. Mad. out all day. Mr Mrs. & Maud Paxton, Ethel English & brother, Mother & Tilda called. Dull wet afternoon. Lin rode morg. to Hall Barnes & remains night. Lydia out evg.

Monday 20 June Eff & Con coming to stay. Mr A. de Rothschild’s dinner 8 o’c. Can’t come. Tabs & Ham coming to London till Wed, Aleaxandra Hotel. X. House maid calling. Maud appointment with Mr Noble Smith ¼ to 12. Mr & Mrs. Paxton & Maud to dinner. Saw house maid Mrs. O’s & engaged her fr. next Monday. £1.1.0 to Mr Smith 10d to Whiteleys for sausage. Lin returned fr. Hall Barn, Mr Lawson’s. Tabbie laid up with miscarriage! Present Parliament dissolved, everyone leaving town shortly for Elections.

Tuesday 21 June Mr & Mrs. Fowler to dinner. Bee Barrs coming. Not coming. Out morg. shop’g. V. bad dinner 20 mins late. Salmon underdone cucumber horrid blancmange all to pieces. Girls Bates & Alice muddled waiting. Aleda Mackenzie & Lillie Holland called. Bates 2/6.

Wednesday 22 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Maud to Mother for day. Lydia out evg. Made 13 calls after lunch with Mad’lle. To Sir R. Webster, Montalba, Tuer, Parish, Mocatta, Quilter, Agnew, Lady M, Palmer, Thomson, & Warre & Critchett. Furnell worried poor Marquis again sh’l be thankful when poor animal is sold, he cannot be much worse treated than with us. Sorry Lin missed his ride in consequence of our remaining out for so long. Mrs. Critchett & Tuer seemed pleased to see me again. Saw Miss Webster & Mrs. Warre. Awful smell in our room & Maud’s fr. wash pipes. Lin going to have it cut off. Mr Paxton here for lunch.

Thursday 23 June Mr E. Sebag Montefiore’s marriage with Miss Davidson, 15 Gloucester Sqre. 2.30 at Synagogue Bryanston Sqre. Go for drive at 4 o’c with Ethel English. Tea at Mr Weld Blundell’s 104 Mount Street. Pouring wet day. Ironed 24 handkerchiefs. Mad. mayonaise & banana eggs. Mayonaise delicious & fish pie for luncheon v. good. Called at 4 with Ethel English in her carriage on Lady Lucas, Aunt Linda, Mrs. Davidson for her dau’s wed. with Montefiore, & to tea at Mr Weld Blundell’s. Old embroideries & drains at Persepolis 300 B.C! Lin rode before dinner.

Friday 24 June Mrs. Pickering at home 4 - 7. X. Almanack dinner 8.30, 10 Bouverie Street. Emma here for day. Shop’g morg alone bought tidy for pantry 1/1½, borax 4½, bird sand & seed Barkers ½ coke(?), 3 bots port wine, quill pens, Strawberries Byatts. 2 (illeg). Called & saw Mrs. S. brought her back to dinner here. Maud & Mad. to enquire after Mrs. Alexander, better. Awful fuss over Lin’s silk hand. Mad. lost & found it in her wardrobe amongst M’s sashes. Lin sent his mare to Newmarket.

Saturday 25 June Mrs. Campbell Praed’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin with “Two Pins Club” to Newmarket as Mr Lawson’s guest until Tuesday! Morg. to Madame Bocquet’s ordered dinner jacket for blk. silk dress & left skirt to be modernized. Ordered beef Barkers gruyère cheese & 2 lettuces & 1½ 46

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 currants at 5d lb. Worked all afternoon. Tilda came cut out Maud’s jacket blue serge & skirt of blue mousline (sic) de laine. Emma here cleaning drawing room for 2 days, 5/-.

Sunday 26 June V. hot. Maud slept with me. Did birds & flowers & went with Maud & sat in Park as M. complained of her back. Met English’s, sat with them. Great crowd of well dressed people on “Ladies Mile” side of of Park. Home in cab 1/6. Alice out evg. & afternoon.

Monday 27 June F. Kennard, housemaid, came. Bee Barrs came about 2 o’c. Out morg. shop’g. V. hot. New housemaid Fanny Kennard came late evg. Paid calls after lunch with Bee on Mrs. Fildes, Hunter, Eykyn, Watney, Kemp, Pollock, tea there, gave her 2 Academy Soirée tickets, English, Lilly Chapman, & Mother who wd. not see Bee. Lady M. called was out. Maud at B. Coles to tea. Sat in garden after dinner.

Tuesday 28 June Mrs. Messel’s dance 10 o’c. Ap’t Madame B. Promised dinner jacket & skirt for Thurs. Mr Hartree, Mr Weigall, Ethel Walford came. Madame A, Maud & Mad, in garden for tea.

Wednesday 29 June Academy Soirée, gave tickets to Bee & Marion Pollock. V. seedy. Tilda here to dinner, hen party. Emma here all day preparing dinner for tomorrow. Lin dined Mr Lockyer. X. Petit ami.

Thursday 30 June Dinner. Mr Weld Blunkett, Miss Rose Innes, Mons. Bonvoisin, Mr Stone, Mr & Lady M. Watney. Dinner cooked by Emma. Paid her 7/6, & Bates for waiting 1/6. Bologna sausage Clear soup aux legumes 47

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Cold salmon mayonaise Sweetbreads Leg of lamb potatoes & salad Beans au buerre Goslings & peas Rice cream & apricots Jelly with fruit & old sherry Savory anchovy eggs Cress sandwiches Ice coffee cream Strawberries & cream Sp. to lunch. E. here all day. Marquis went to be tried for Lady (blank), Vernon Watney’s sis-in-law.

Friday 1 July In bed till 12.30. Put away glass with Mad. Venetian only. Called with Bee on Mr Jacomb Hood, had tea there, sister & another young man there in F. Miles old house 24 Tite St. Don’t think much of J. H’s work. May be wrong. Find new housemaid willing but slow & inefficient cannot afford to keep her at present wages. Bee & self dined at Mother’s. Lin dined at 11 o’c. Marquis won’t do, so sorry.

Saturday 2 July £30.10.0 for July month & 2 wages. Go to Edgar’s. 4.10 Waterloo. Maud with Mad. to Barkers. Mad. back in time for lunch. V. hot, lovely day. Lin gave me £30.10.0 for month’s expenses & Lydia’s & Alice’s wages. Gave Mad. envelope for Mr Lowndes with £30.10.0 inside for Bank to leave there. Tiresome train 2 changes. Sophy met us at Station dog cart & cab. Sophy & Lin played tennis after tea. “The Firs” v. pretty house & beautifully kept, silver & all perfect. Alice to see Mrs. S. Fanny out.

Sunday 3 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Slept well. Edgar & Lin for ride at 7.30, back to breakfast. At 9 o’c. Sophy & E. to Church 11 o’c. Wrote letters in garden. Lin reading & dozing. Glorious day lovely breeze. Alice & Fanny both out afternoon & evening.

Monday 4 July Drove at 11.30 to Aldershot to shop. Mrs. Dowling, Miss Johnson (her dau.) & Col Vernon Xth Col. to tennis & tea. Little dog Jess v. clever & found all missing tennis balls. Letter fr. dear Maud. Bee & Effie came to Staf. Ter. Alice & Fanny both out afternoon & evg. & up late!

Tuesday 5 July Return home. Colder & dull. Lin out at 11 o’c. Sophy & self drove fr. 12 till 1.15. Lovely drive all round. Bee & Eff to dine with Tabs & theatre after. Pouring wet day.

Wednesday 6 July Lin Maud & self lunch at Lady M’s 1.30. Dull. Met Lady Camilla & Lady Rosamund & 2 brothers at Lady M’s. Lovely house. Went to New Gallery. Tabs & Ham came to tea, former looking v. pretty. Called on Marion P, had tea there. Con arrived fr. Boulogne looks thin but well. Dined here, also Eff, Bee, Maud, Mad. & selves, 6 in all. Con sleeping at Mother’s. Parlage avec femme de chamber très touchée mais elle n’est pas assez bonne.

Thursday 7 July Mr Gordon’s garden party. Lunch at Mr Hartree’s 2 o’c. Dull. Tab & Ham to dinner 8 o’c. Paid books morg. Very heavy. Pd. calls after lunch, Mrs. S. & saw Mrs. Cox, took 6 partridge eggs, Mrs. Wills, Montefiore, Harcourt, C. Praed, Humphreys, Messel. Tab & H. here & Bee to dinner. Marmite soup, fried whiting. Leg lamb, tomato salad, marrow. Apricot tart & cream. Pheasants eggs & cress sandwiches, cheese & bis. X. Mare went to Ld. Rosebery’s, Durdans, 3 days.

Friday 8 July 49

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Eton & Harrow match, darling Roy home D.V. Bee left. Eff & self off shop’g. No dear Roy 12 o’c! Feel worried. Con & Eff lunched here & Roy arrived fr. Lords!!!. E. left for Littlehampton directly after. After lunch I walked to Mrs. S’s who came to tea & supper to see Roy! To lady dressmaker, to Taylors about letting house, to Mrs. Hunter about Vieux Habits & to Mrs. Schulhoff about Mudeford. Sent evg. yellow & black dress to lady d. to see. Dined 11.10!

Saturday 9 July Eton & Harrow match. Wire fr. Mr Ainger saying Roy may remain. Roy off early to Lords. Lin, M. & self went later. Eton beaten. Met number of friends, Goldie, B.Tomlin, Lindo, Fritz & sister, Quilter, Davis etc. Roy & Lin to lunch out, after to German Reeds, met Ld. Onslow. Evening Lin, R, M. & self to Court Theatre “Gosbox” “Pantomime Rehearsal” v. good. Had to go down to see about supper. Alice not put enough. Found all v. untidy below, pastry board dirty etc & general chaos. Mrs. Hunter gave me £2.4.0 for old habits. Parlage avec la fille Fanny qu’elle s’en va!

Sunday 10 July Dull. Roy off with 2 Eton boys with dogs for walk. Angry Mad. for leaving table out. Maids v. late again. Alice out.

Monday 11 July Mr & Mrs. Huish to dinner 8 o’c & Fritz Jackson & Spinks. Sp. to lunch & stores with me after. Fritz & Sp. stayed v. late, quarter to one.

Tuesday 12 July Mrs. Oakes dinner 8 o’c. 12 o’c ap’t Mr Smith. Written Mrs. Hillyard to call 1.30 to 3 o’c. Came, took old belt to repair & make a new one. Out morg. shops. Nina & L. Bourne to tea. V. large dinner at Mrs. O. Gen. Kent, Col Harvey, Holmes, Douglas Gordons etc. 26 to dinner, all v. nicely done, flowers v. prettily arranged. Stayed v. late. Sat next to Percy, introduced to his fiancée.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Wednesday 13 July Mrs. S. here all day. In bed to breakfast dead tired. Letter fr. Midge.

Thursday 14 July Mrs. Pollock’s dinner ¼ to 8. Sent for Emma about house. Paid Ponting 7/5, Derry £1.1.5, Harvey Nicols 1.12.9, Wolland 1.3.6, Snelgrove 4.5. Saw Madame B. asks £14.14 for tea gown, too much. Mrs. Lilly called. Fanny out. Mrs. Huish has engaged Fanny for Sept. Delightful dinner Mrs. Pollock’s, 12. Mr Bevan, Mr Poor (American) Mr Burnand’s nephew, sister etc. Mrs. Burnand wired for us to dine there tonight. Went to Snelgroves & Madame Bocquet, wants £14.14 for tea gown, can’t afford it. Saw Emma, promised to come any time for 10/- a week.

Friday 15 July Fritz Jackson’s dinner 8 o’c. Paid books very heavy £16.13.9. Eff & Bee here last week & Tabs & H. to dinner, also Con to lunch, tea & dinner.

Saturday 16 July Mrs. E. Hart’s garden party. Percy Oakes wedding at Mrs. Atkinsons, 18 the Boltons. Fine day, sultry. Lin & Maud to Brookwood, return Monday. I went to wedding. Ada Sp. looked extremely nice in green & peach shot satin trimmed with black & v. pretty hat. Smart wedding, presents lovely. Called after on Mother & Mrs. Burnand, all out but B.H. so saw her. Quiet evg. dined with Mad. & to bed early.

Sunday 17 July Pouring wet day. Went to Mother to lunch, tea & supper. Edgar & So. there, left by 5.35 train to Aldershot. Sp. & Douglas to tea . Went with (illeg) Sophy to Hall, singing good organ deafening. Home in cab 1/-. Gave Bates 2/- for waiting. Fanny out all afternoon. Mad’lle. to Mde. Allain’s for day.

Monday 18 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Miss Innes dinner. Judge Bacon’s dinner cannot go. Went out with Mad. after doing washing to Miss Manning going to make me tea gown. Lin & Maud return fr. Brookwood. Mr & Mrs. Joyce, Mrs. Robertson, Mr & Mrs. Mackinlay & Mr Stanley Stubbs & ourselves dined with Miss Rose Innes at Bristol also a Spanish gentleman. After on to see Bernhardt in “La dame aux camellias” enjoyed it immensely. La Sarah more wonderful than ever. Received my annuity but not Midge’s.

Tuesday 19 July Lin rode morg. Looked thro’ silver glass & china in pantry cupboard & spare bedroom. Sent cheque £25 by post by Purnel to Bank too wet to go out. Fire in drawing room.

Wednesday 20 July Miss Beatrice Faudel Phillips’ wedding to P. Henriquez 3 o’c. Magnificent wedding. Went to Gorringe bought black silk for band.

Thursday 21 July Out all day shop’g with Maud. Morg. to Miss Manning about heliotrope tea gown. Off to Gorringe bought benzaline(?) 4/6 rib & elastic 3/- silk 7/needles etc 1/6½ & flan 6/6. Total 16.1½, fares to & from 10d, total 16/11½. Mrs. S. here all day. Lin & self to Criterion “Fringe of Society” awfully stupid came out early, saw Norman Sinclair & Lilly’s there. Lin rode to Baroness B. Coutts saw horses etc. Baroness most gracious. Horse carriage & cart advertised.

Friday 22 July X. Petit ami au soir. Dined with Mother. Out shop. morg. with Maud. Horse Marquis advertised, several after him & carriage, none successful. Dined with Lin 11 o’c.

Saturday 23 July Lady Ellis’ at home 4 - 7, Buccleugh House. Out shop. morg. with Maud. Paid 14/1½ at Derrys for M’s hat, blouse & pink cotton. Paid for cottons 52

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 ballaines(?) needles buttons etc 3/4¾ & 1/11½ silk also for Maud. Horse being again tried. Drove with Mother to Lyric Theatre in fly. Lin met us there after lunching in town. Mad’lle & M. up by om. Mother brought Mad. & self back, Maud & Lin in brougham. Quiet evg. Long letter fr. Midge seems v. seedy at Grand Hotel Buenos Ayres.

Sunday 24 July In bed till 12.30. Maud to Mother for day. Lin to Barkers for lunch. Mrs. S. here all day most depressed as usual. Lin & self to Zoo in brougham at 4.30. Very cold there. Called & saw Mr Tenniel’s horse. Called for Maud, Mother c’d not spare her. Sent Fanny for her later. Quiet evg.

Monday 25 July Mr Forbes man called to see horse Marquis. Lin rode morg. Maud busy dressmaking. Went to be fitted by Manning 5 o’c. Angry with Purnel for striking horse over head, poor wretched animal always being punished for man’s stupidity.

Tuesday 26 July V. seedy in bed till 12.30. Paid £1.7.0 for Maud’s walking shoes Marshall & Willetts, gave me receipt. Gen. Kent came to tea. Shop’d with Maud all afternoon, bought lace & ordered pink silk at Marshalls.

Wednesday 27 July Fanny Kennard here one month today. In bed till 12.30. Sp. & Hilda called. Maud spending day at F. C. B’s. Mad. & self went to Gorringe’s bought Maud’s silk 10½ & 1 yd. foulard 1/11½ for self. Left cards at Mrs. Phillips, called & saw Lady Cotton & Mrs. F.C.B, w’d not let Maud return, sent her back evg. Lin rode morg. Offords offer for 2 carriages £50! Mother called but c’d not wait. Mad. went there later with note fr. self. Gentlemen (nominally) to look over house at luncheon time.

Thursday 28 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Wycliffe Taylor’s wedding. Mrs. H. Weber’s reception after wd’g 2 o’c at 10 Grosvenor Street. Emma here already to help Maud sew. Went to be fitted with tea gown. Saw Mrs. S, Mother, & left Lin’s suit to be cleaned (grey) at Pullars.

Friday 29 July Roy’s holidays begin. Eton breaks up. Dear Roy arrived 9.15. Most excellent report, Lin & self delighted. Emma here all day helping Maud. Books £11.2.4½ for fortnight counting 5/- for two days for Maud to Emma. Drove with Roy at 5 to Ada Sp’s, & Mrs. S, grumbling as usual. Alice Linley there. To Miss Manning to be fitted with seal skin, to Sir A. Hickman’s & home. Roy & Mad. to theatre evg. Lin pd. Mad. £20 for remainder of her time. Lydia’s wages

£1.16. 8.

Alice ditto

1.11. 8

Fanny one month & 2 days & 2/- fare 1.17. 6½ 5. 5.10 ½ Saturday 30 July Fittleworth. Both maids Lydia & Alice go for fortnight home. Emma here & to pay books. Lin, Maud, Roy & self to Con’s. Found large party staying at Grange. Mr Skinner, English, Kindermann cousin of Fritz Jackson, Mrs. & Ethel English. Had all been to garden party at Petworth. Left all at home in Emma’s charge & felt more comfortable in consequence.

Sunday 31 July Eff, Con, Ethel, Mrs. English to Church. Maud, Roy & self on river in boat. Sat out all afternoon. Party of 9 to breakfast lunch & dinner, chicks had to be in study. Ethel sang & played after dinner.

Monday 1 August Sat out all morg. Walked to Post office with Mrs. English. We all went to tea at Mrs. Jephson’s except Mr Skinner, Kindermann & English who 54

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 went on river. Good game tennis & tea. I drove back with Con in dog cart.

Tuesday 2 August Mr English left by 3 train. Mr Skinner & Mr Kindermann left by early train. Sat out working all morg. After noon Lin moved his working materials into Mr E’s room & worked there. After lunch went to Mrs. Walter Bartelot tea at cricket ground to see match between Pulboro’ & Fittleworth 11’s. Mrs. Turner there as handsome & smart as ever. Mr Jephson also.

Wednesday 3 August Fine morg. Con gone to London. Lin goes also by 3 train. Letter fr. Mad’lle Jacquenot fr. Dieppe. Wrote to her sending Mrs. Schwann’s card. Wrote Mad’lle, Mother & Emma. Drove in dog cart with Eff & Mrs. E. to Major Bartelots, out. On for tea picnic at Bedham. V. jolly great fun with Kettle & Roy’s fire. I drove home in donkey cart with Roy, rest walked.

Thursday 4 August Letter fr. Laurence expecting in Feby! Wrote Mrs. S, Lin & Tabs. Two wee chicks v. ill, gave them oil & whiskey, died!

Friday 5 August Mrs. E, Ethel, Eff & Maud to picnic, no, bazaar, at Pulboro’. I spent afternoon with Geoff on river. Con returned by last train fr. London. Eff & self to Mrs. Hawkins morg. Mr & Mrs. Constable & two boys over for bazaar. Maud drove to Pulboro’ with Mrs. C. & back with Eff. They bought canary & ferns.

Saturday 6 August Lovely day. Morg. Roy playing cricket. Eff, Ethel & self drove to Petworth & called on way on Mrs. J. Aird, Mr & Mrs. Simpson, most delightful drive. Lin arrived at 6.30 & went on river with Mrs. E, Ethel, Eff & Maud. 55

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Con & self at home. Maud seedy evening, cried. Worked too hard on dress, overtired & could not get her to bed. Emma sent cake. Had tea at Mr Jephsons on way home.

Sunday 7 August Stayed at home. Long walk after lunch, on river evening.

Monday 8 August Lovely day. Lin & Roy bathed early. Lin went to cricket with Roy. On river evg.

Tuesday 9 August Mick lost.

Wednesday 10 August Lin returning to London 3 train. All the rest went went to Primrose meeting except Con & Roy who joined them at Lord Leconfield’s later at Petworth. Mrs. E. & self remained at home & had quiet afternoon & evg on river.

Thursday 11 August Eff seedy in bed till after lunch. Worked all morg. Walked to post letters, 1/- stamps. Sent Roy’s hat to London. Roy to cricket match with Con in dog cart at Wisney Green. Home to dinner late.

Friday 12 August Glorious day. Sat out all morg. until 12 under umbrella working with Maud. Went with Roy in boat to see him bathe. V. careless with boat etc makes me nervous, drop’d his shirt in water. Letter fr. Lin saying Mick lost.

Saturday 13 August Go to Tabs. Left Fittleworth by 12.20 train v. late. All saw us off fr. station. Had to change at Chichester, Havant, Cosham & Bishopstoke. 56

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Poured with rain tho’ lovely when we left. Met Lin with Tony at B. & went on with him. V. tired all of us. Found box left behind. Tabs, Ham & Miss Holland only here. House charming. Roy & H. played game of billiards much to Tony’s surprise. Expenses leaving Eff’s. Eff 14/7, fees 5/6, fares fr. Fittleworth to Fratton 8/9, porters 1/6, fares fr. Bishopstoke to C. Church 7/7½.

Sunday 14 August Box arrived. Lovely day. Sat out in long chair all morg. facing sea. Walked after lunch saw curious quantity of jellyfish. Lin H. & Roy for long walk & bathe after tea. Quiet evening.

Monday 15 August Lovely day. Drove in dog cart to C. Church with Miss H. Sent wire to Mrs. S. for her birthday 81 or 2 – que Dieu ne m’accorderer pas une aussi longue vie! Con’s letter fr. Fritz, read it to Tabs & returned it to Con posting letter self at C.C. Sent telegram for Tabs. Ham, Miss H, Lin & Roy tennis. Tabs & self walked along cliff. Ju & Col. attacked Trotter’s dog.

Tuesday 16 August Dull morg. Wet, cleared at 11.30. Lin hard at work. Ham & Miss H. off to S’hampton on Yacht “Columbine” someone to see her there tomorrow. H & Miss H. returned home to dinner. Played game billiards with Roy. Dressmaker Mrs. Davis came & took M’s pink cotton dress to finish. Letter fr. Lydia about house. Letter & extras fr. Emma. No Mick found as yet.

Wednesday 17 August Lovely day. Had bathe morg. Drove to Highcliffe after lunch, out. Roy v. funny at billiards.

Thursday 18 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Fairish morg. H, Lin, Maud, Roy, Miss H. & self on yacht at 11 o’c for Bournemouth Regatta. Came on to rain heavily ½ an hour after starting, thunder & lightening. Felt v. bad, ill, Maud & Miss H. also, had to go below. Lin bought Roy M. & self ashore & home by rail, thankful to be back again & also of high tea 4.30 when we reached home. Maud off to eternal dress. I lay down & then practiced. Lin & Roy off for walk & swim.

Friday 19 August Lin goes to London by early train 7 o’clock. Grand garden party at Mrs. Surman’s. Mr & Miss Gillson & Mr Goschen acted in open air “Cut off with a shilling” did it wonderfully well especially Mr Goschen. Good tennis, rifle shooting, altogether v. successful party. Bathed morg. with Miss H. Letter fr. Midge sems quite well & happy again. Came out & watched search lights evg. on terrace.

Saturday 20 August Petit ami au soir. Lovely day. Bathe morg. before audience of gazing men & boys. Roy playing cricket at Mrs. Sage’s. Tabs & M. gone with him 2.30. Answered Mad’lle B’s letter. Dear Lin returns fr. London.

Sunday 21 August Lovely day. In bed till 12. Tab, Miss H. & Maud to M. church. Sat out on terrace all afternoon in long chair. Mr Aird & party of 19 called evg. before dinner, met Lin, Miss H, M. & Roy along cliff on way to Highcliffe. All except self went to Col Surman’s to see “Mars” thro’ telescope.

Monday 22 August Lovely day. Lin & Roy bathed before breakfast. In bed till 12 o’c. Sat out all afternoon on terrace with H. Lin & Maud to Mrs. Knowles, Miss H. & Tabbie to Mrs. Holmes & Roy to Mrs. Nugent’s. Played pool evg. Letter fr. Lady M.

Tuesday 23 August 58

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 In bed till 11.30. Read on terrace Zola’s “La Débâcle” most interesting. Miss H. & H. on yacht to lunch, had to come ashore no wind. Were all having tea at 5 o’c in summer house when heaviest storm I ever remember came on lasting 2 hours or more. Vivid lightening & fearful thunder. Maud Eve & Gwen at Mrs. Gibbs to tea. Roy playing cricket with 2 Wards & young Nugent. All came here to tea. Mrs. Surman & Mr & Miss Gillson came after dinner to play pool.

Wednesday 24 August Lovely day. Sat out all morg. down by 11.30.

Thursday 25 August Lovely day. Tabs, Ham, Lin & Miss H. off by first train to Southampton to meet Mervyn arriving fr. Buenos Ayres by “Magdalena”. Tabs & Mervyn back by 4 o’c, Mervyn looking fairly well. Good news of Midge & S. American things looking up again slowly. Miss H. & Hamilton & Lin arrived by “Columbine” about 6 o’c. H. thinks he has sold yacht. Mother arrived by last train with Bates.

Friday 26 August Glorious day. Lin off by 1st train. Had bad night c’d not sleep thinking about Maud’s back which worries me v. much. Ham & Miss H. off yachting. Maud, Tabs & self bathed met Miss Saunders & little Dorothy Gibbs. Miss S. sweetly pretty. Met Mrs. & Miss Gillson. Tabs to Church morg. Cricket match between Mudeford & Bournemouth, 11 boys. Roy made 7 runs & 4 wickets down. Mudeford won. Roy v. excited.

Saturday 27 August X. Received Midge’s June quarter £25 forwarded fr. London. Long letter fr. Mr Welch for Mother v. unbusinesslike. V. showery morg, high wind. Sent off Midge’s cheque £25 to London & County Bank. Lin returns today fr. London.

Sunday 28 August 59

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Screw came off Maud’s instrument. Lovely day. Lin taking photos all morg. Tabs gave her opinion on Maud! Maud, Miss H. & Tabs for too long walk to (illeg illeg) after tea. Mervyn & I walked to Highcliffe, met Cap’t Gibbs & Mr Gillson. Lin, Ham & Roy for long walk & Roy bathed.

Monday 29 August Returned home by 11.15 train. Mervyn travelled with us. Unpacked. Edgar came & spent long afternoon & talked over estate, see Lee & Pemberton thinks advisable to act at once. Edgar stayed to tea. Eff & Con staying at Edgar’s. Washing 13/-, filles 10/-, fares 17/4, cab 3/-. Total £2.3.4, leaving £2.6.8 of Lin’s.

Tuesday 30 August Out shop’g morg. bought stockings etc 7/5. Miss Gill to lunch & tea. Lin returned fr. C. Church 4.50. Maud & self saw Mrs. Sambourne evg, walked there before dinner.

Wednesday 31 August Maud to Mrs. Burnand. Mr Smith ap’t 11.30, £1.1.0. Took Maud at 11.30 in brougham. Had to wait, home late. Mr Smith will let her have back support at Ramsgate, says she is considerably delicate & must not be fatigued. Took Maud in cab to Victoria saw her off with Mr & Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Burnand. Gave Maud £1.2.9. Cab 2/6, porter 3d, my fare 4d, (illeg) 6d. Barkers glycerine licorice powder etc 2/2. Maud’s ticket 10/6. Alice to Stores & Barkers. Pouring rain on & off afternoon.

Thursday 1 September Lin & self leave for Scotland. V. busy packing morg. Emma brought my skirt & 2 bags gave her 4/8. Mrs. Sambourne & Mrs. Sheehy to tea. Tilda also to tea & dinner. Dined 6 o’c. Packed luncheon basket self with E. Left Euston by 8 o’c L. N. W. Rly. Met Mrs. Nash (Miss Weston) at Perth with her 2 chicks. Arrived Rogart 4 o’c. Miss Taylor, Mr Fort, Mr Marshall, Mr Moon & Mr Thring there. Did not sleep well. Reached Perth 6 o’c. 60


Friday 2 September Perth 6 o’c. Breakfasted comfortably. Met Mrs. Nash & 2 chicks on their way to Kingussie. Rained on & off all day. Reached Rogart 4 o’c. 8 small & 4 large packages. Lady M. looking v. delicate. House party Miss Taylor & Messrs Thring, Fort, Marshall & Moon. Miss T. played viola after dinner Mr Moon accompanying. Slept well. Letter fr. darling Maud seems happy & well.

Saturday 3 September Rained on & off all day, only able to visit Kitchen garden. Gentlemen out until tea time. Baby v. much grown. Mr Richards & Mr Newton arrived. Mr Fort massaged & carried to smoking room! Had long talk after dinner with Mr Moon on Jamaica, he being in Edgar’s old regiment 1st West India.

Sunday 4 September Grand Golf match. Mr Thring won by one! Mr Richards only one less. Mr Ryle over for lunch. Miss Taylor played after. Rested in room at 6 o’c till 8. Played Camp. Things chosen: “Pope’s right toe”, “Mr Fort’s red band to (illeg) Prussian princesses”, “The other side of Moon”, “First spark of flame fr. drawing room fire”, “Rogart station master’s right boot”.

Monday 5 September Dear little Tony killed by Ju at Elmhurst, Mudeford, Hants. Mr Moon left. Sat in all morg. reading working & talking. Lin also in at work. Read short paper in “Century” of Arch. Forbes on Empress Eugenie. After lunch read Chaucer “The Knight’s Story”. Mr Dryhurst arrived had tea. Went for walk with Lady M, Miss Taylor, Mr Dryhurst & Mr Fort. Kitchen garden after! Letter fr. Tabbie, Roy well & good. Poodle arrived at Elmhurst.

Tuesday 6 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Poor Tony dead. Lovely day warm & sunny entire day. Lin in all day for work. Lady M. & Miss T. started walking with gentlemen at 10.30, returned at 1.45. I practiced, walked & read on lawn. Lin in to lunch. Had letter fr. Tabs & dear Roy telling us of dear Tony’s death yesterday. Bitten by Ju & killed instantly. Played Nebugadnezza(sic) & spelling game evg. New word Keevil! Lady Fitzharding, Duchess of Wellington, Lady Westmoreland & Mrs. Anstrobus called & had tea.

Wednesday 7 September Lovely morg. Drove to Dornoch distance of 14 miles in brake (Lady M, Mr Watney, Miss Taylor, Messrs Fort, Dryhurst, Richards, Newton, Lin & self) picked up Mr Ryle at Golspie & went on to links. All played golf excepting Lady M, Mr Ryle & self. Had lunch on sea shore in shower of rain, plenty of bunkers for comfort’s sake. Walked part of way over links. Dornoch v. picturesque little town like an old Norman village nestled amongst hills. Went over Cathedral curious skimpy curtains to each long window. Monument of Duke of Sutherland at altar. Giant skeleton. Played games all way driving to Dornock & back. “Scandal” etc. Very pleasant day.

Thursday 8 September Lovely day. In all morg. writing & reading. Miss T. out fishing but caught nothing. After lunch had photos taken all together by Mr Watney. Lady M, Miss T. & self drove on omnibus to Lairg & had tea at Lady Fitzharding’s. Lord F. v. cross, Duke & Duchess of Wellington, Lord & Lady Westmorland & Mrs. Antrobus who was more talkative. Lairg Lodge has lovely view of river “Shin” but is not really so large or as pretty as Tressady, no comparison. Game of adjectives after dinner. (illeg) for gentlemen played golf. Lin & Mr Newton won.

Friday 9 September “Why is a balloon like a stocking. Because the higher it goes the more invisible it gets.” (Mr Dryhurst’s son.) Miss T. went off fishing at Craigie with some of the gentlemen. Mr Watney, Lin & another shooting, & rest 62

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 shooting rabbits here. Lady M. & self drove with cheesenut(?), grand goings on at Rogart games so came back.

Saturday 10 September Lovely day. Drove after lunch to tea with Mr Ryle. Mr Fort & Mr Dryhurst had lunch there. Met Lady Margaret Graham & Mr Graham at Mr Ryle’s. Gentlemen came home with us. Dumb crambo evg. Had awful indigestion.

Sunday 11 September Lovely day, warm. Mr Ryle over for breakfast & lunch. Lin feeling very seedy indeed. Golf match with Col Bogie, Lin unable to play until after lunch. Miss T. & Mr Dryhurst practiced music (Wagner) all morg. Wrote to Tabs, Maud, Roy & Lydia.

Monday 12 September Rained more or less all day, mostly more. Miss T. went fishing with gentlemen. Lin & Mr Dryhurst golf match, Lin won. Lin & self to first hole took 30 for it self! Lady M. & Mr Watney were driven in by rain. Read “Prologue to Canterbury Tales” by Chaucer, like it best of all we have yet read.

Tuesday 13 September Rained morg. Water at fern. Read Q’s stories “Two householders” & “A Christmas lecture or sermon”. Lovely after lunch. Fishing & golf. Lady Frances Fortescue arrived, v. pretty & charming manners. Knitting much in vogue.

Wednesday 14 September X. Petit ami. Dear Roy returns to Eton from Tabbie’s. Mother & Emma met him, well & happy. Missed his train. Went to Craggie in break & dog cart. Had horse for me over moors, c’d never have walked it. Lunched under picturesque crooked beech tree. Learnt cobbler string(?) Evg. played Dumb Crambo. 63


Thursday 15 September We return home. Left Tressady 10.30. Mr Thring & Mr Richards came as far as Nairn with us. Spencer, Ada & two children met us at Dingwall. Duke & Duchess of Wellington in next coupé to us. Ld. & Lady Fitzharding & Mr Arbuthnot saw them off. Duchess asked me where we were going at Perth station & said she & the Duke were going to Glasgow. Had lunch & dinner in train. Saw Hollands & English’s at Nairn.

Friday 16 September Slept well. Home at 9.30. Breakfasted & had talk & thorough change. House looks v. nice except Co. pans! Edgar came in about tea time about law business, v. austere. Lin hard at work. Dined at 9.45. Mervyn came in evg.

Saturday 17 September In bed till 11.30, feel much better for long rest & good night’s sleep. Emma came & will come to us on the 10th when Lydia goes. Paid her 1/6 for taking Roy’s hat & meeting him.

Sunday 18 September Lovely day. Lin went to Calais & back. I spent day with Mother, Mervyn there. Mr Beatie to lunch, queer little man, actor. Lin fetched me evg. Lydia & Alice out part of day.

Monday 19 September In bed till 11.30. Fine but hot close & stuffy. Went after lunch & sat entire afternoon with Mrs. S. Alice Linley there, saw Mrs. Cox. Lin hard at work. Wrote Maud, Traddles & Midge & Mrs. Carter. Mervyn goes to Tabs.

Tuesday 20 September Ans’d advertisements for cook & housemaid & governess. Worked morg. Out after lunch bought tomatoes & 1/- hair net. Called & saw Mrs. Cole. Dined at 6.30. Went to see “Prodigal dau” at Drury Lane, saw Beaty 64

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 & Black, Mr Cox & Donoly, & Claud Watney. Went to supper at Amphytrion Club after with C.W. Drove home in Claud’s hansom. Asked Lin & self to his house Suffolk, Lin going. Piece excellent, most amusing & well mounted. X. Saw Mr Lowndes about Midge’s money, they only allow 1 per cent so sh’ll not put it on deposit.

Wednesday 21 September Dined with Mother. Having her carpets up. Answered advertisements.

Thursday 22 September Mrs. S. spent day here is really v. well, pottered up & down. Eff came in to lunch & remained night. Went with her to fetch bag fr. 2 Egerton Ter. Lin, Eff & self to Lyric to see stupidest piece I ever saw.

Friday 23 September Went to be fitted with seal skin. On to see Mother, looked seedy but all carpets up & general discomfort. Go by 3.55 fr. Vic Sta. alone to Con’s. Lin going to Claud Watney’s. Saw nice looking parlour maid. Cab 2/-, fare 11/6, Eff 10/- board, stout 1/8, maid 2/-, porters 1/-, cab home 2/-. 3rd class return Pulborough to Fittleworth 6d. Total £1.8.10.

Saturday 24 September Con v. seedy in bed until dinner. Had long walk with Eff evg. Mr Turner & son called. Mrs. Cox staying with Eff.

Sunday 25 September Stayed with Con whilst Eff & Mrs. Cox at Church. Miss Turner called. Went for walk with Eff after tea.

Monday 26 September Miss Peach’s came to tea & went up river with them. Quiet day & evg, cleaned brass all morning. Lady came to see me over Staff. Ter. Called on Mrs. Jephson.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Tuesday 27 September Saw maid huge fringe so could not take her. Returned home by 3.10, Con better. Mr Watney sent us hare, 3 brace of partridges. Found Lin here. Quiet little dinner together.

Wednesday 28 September Lovely day. Lin busy all day on Almanack. Drove in brougham at 4 o’c to Mrs. S, could make no one hear. To Mrs. Clarke’s Redcliffe Sqre. Left brown velvet dress at Pullars to be cleaned, & to Mother’s where I dined. Took her brace of partridges. Lydia went to see her future home at Lambeth. Sent off 2/- to Carnes.

Thursday 29 September Lovely day. Lin rode mare before breakfast. Maud returns fr. Mrs. Paxton’s, Walmer. Met Maud who came up with Mr Paxton & Maud P. Lin & self went to see Sullivan’s new play “Haddon Hall”. Mr Burnand there, thinks it bad. I liked it, music pretty, scenery charming & dresses lovely. Friday 30 September Out morg. with Maud to Sloane Street. Bought cake 1/1, bus fares 4d. Maud Paxton came to stay. Arrived at 5 o/c with the Baroness von Aldasleben(?) charming girl engaged to Mr Chetwynd. I drove her back to Onslow Sqre & called to see Mother. Mervyn there, going to Con’s tomorrow.

Saturday 1 October Pouring wet morg. cleared at 12 o’c. Lin & self were going to see Roy unable to go too wet. Took the 2 Mauds to see “Boat House” Tooles afternoon in brougham, returned by cab 2/6, program 6d. Met Mrs. Kemp & Mona. Paid Lydia’s book & 2 months wages £4.8.0. Lydia left. Emma came. Lin & self took 2 Mauds to see “Private Secretary” at Comedy evg, most amusing.

Sunday 2 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Pouring wet morg. Dressed for church & unable to go. Fires. Lin walked to Club for tea. 2 Mauds & self walked to Mother’s after tea & back. Quiet evg. round fire telling ghost stories.

Monday 3 October M’s first drawing class. Fine morg. I took Maud to her drawing class 9.30 with M. P. Went to Mother’s after lunch saw Mervyn & Con. To stores.

Tuesday 4 October Lost key of desk. Sir B. B, Mrs. Kemp & Mona to dinner, Mervyn & Mr Stone. Morning went out shops & did orders. Bates came to help & waited well with Alice. Two Mauds out all morg. alone shop’g. Mad’lle Jacqenot called afternoon. Saw V. nice Swiss lady & wrote for her testiminial. Saw little maid & her mother. Had v. good evg. Maud dined in morg. room as we were 9. Lin rode before breakfast.

Wednesday 5 October Dull morg. Lin rode before breakfast. Maud to her 2nd drawing class. Big M. & I took her & shop’d & saw Mrs. S. who we found well, v. well, & less red but as usual weepy & complaining. Two M’s & self dined at Mother’s. Mervyn to theatre, Con went later.

Thursday 6 October In all morg. rained. Went to German Reed’s entertainment. Returned by Om. Dined early & went with Lin & M. P. to first night of Mr Burnand’s & Le Coq’s comic opera at Lyric “Incognita” brilliant house as regards women & gowns. Piece well received. Mrs. C.B & Charlie, Frank & Connie B. there. My Maud to bed early. Lord Tennyson died aged 84.

Friday 7 October Lin & self dine at Mrs. Kemp’s 7.45. Took Maud to drawing with Maud P. met Mr Rawlinson. Two Mauds dine at Mother’s. Wired to Annie Tallant to come. 16 to dinner at Mrs. K’s. Bergheims, Simmonds, Sermans(?), Cap’t Fairbrother, Lewis’s & Mabel , gent’n unknown to me, dull evg. 67

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 A.Lewis took me in always found him poor dining companion. Dullest naval man I ever met Cap’t F.

Saturday 8 October Lin & self go to see Roy. Two Mauds go to Covent Garden to see “The Prodigal daughter”. Lovely day. Roy met us looking fairly well, rather dark round his eyes. We lunched at the White Hart Hotel dear & nasty together, saw Mrs. Harrison & her boy there. Went over state apartments. Gobelin tapestries, Van Dyke & Sir T. Lawrence’s pictures & Jubilee presents most noticeable. View fr. terraces lovely. Went over St George’s chapel saw Sir E. Boehm’s statues of Prince Imperial & Emperor Frederic of Germany. Returned by 4.5 fr. Windsor. Miss Lutyens sent me a pink heath. Quiet evg. Played “Camps”. This week Lord Tennyson & Mons. Renan have both died.

Sunday 9 October Wet morg. After lunch Lin rode to Wimbledon. Two Mauds & self walked to & from Mother’s. Found Miss Dale (large & (illeg) lady) there going to Albert H. with Mervyn. Played games after dinner. Miss Agnes Clarke called.

Monday 10 October X. Madame Maack came. Mrs. Tuer’s evg. party 9.30. Maud to her drawing class. Mrs. S. to lunch & tea. Marquis lame fr. corns, should have had his shoes removed Saty as I advised Lin , but his faith in Parnel is complete. Maud Paxton returned to Walmer. Maud & self saw her off, cab & guard 3/3. Arranged with Mrs. Bixley (char) to come tomorrow by week, 8/- a week mornings. Called & saw Miss Lutyens with Maud. Madame M. came. Mde Allain & Mad’lle J. called, out. Lettre disant que jeune fille ne vient pas, trop loin. X. Petit ami.

Tuesday 11 October Mrs Bixley here ½ day. In bed till 11.30. Lin rode with Mr Finlay to see Buffalo Bill gees. Mr F. bought one for £12. Lin went to see B.B. 68

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 performance after lunch. Mad. Jacquenot to tea. Maud & Madame to Gaiety Theatre evg. Lin dining at Mr Stone’s & going on there after also C. Watney. I unable to go on account of little F. Saw cook won’t do. Lin home late, on to supper at Garrick & to C.W’s rooms after.

Wednesday 12 October In bed till 12 o’c, v. tired. Lovely day. Lin rode with Mr Stone & Mr Wyndham. Maud to her drawing with Madame M. I dined Mother evg. after going with Lin as far as Northumberland Avenue. Mervyn wanting to go on stage again. Letter fr. Edgar about estate. Lord Tennyson’s funeral at Westminster Abbey.

Thursday 13 October In bed till 12 feel v. seedy & weak. Heard of Mr Bradbury’s death this morg. by telegram. Called at 3.30 on Mrs. Lynn Linton, C. Mathews & Oswald Crawfurd, Mrs. Alexander & Aunt Linda with Mervyn, all out. Lin rode morg.

Friday 14 October Lin going to C.Watneys, Beccles. In bed till 12 feel v. seedy. Maud to drawing class. Mabel Lewis also there. Maud seems to like Madame Maark, am v. glad.

Saturday 15 Ocrober Got up to breakfast after feeling v. seedy. Sat in dining room all morg. working. Drawing room v. nicely cleaned by Alice & Mrs. Bixley. Both horses being clipped. Sent on Lin’s pipe & Buffalo Bill catalogue of horses to be sold or sold. Went in bus to Mother’s. Stayed to tea & dinner. Con & Mervyn there v. wild played & sang. Boys danced & at 10 o’c went out together. Home in cab 1/-. Alice out. M’a parlé qu’elle ne desire pas aller à la campagne, ennui.

Sunday 16 Ocrober


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Quiet morg. Feel little better. Lin returns tonight. Maud doing Monte Carlo drawing all day. C’d not get her to lie down. V. quiet day no one called. Wrote letters & read. Mrs. Bixley did not come.

Monday 17 October Lin gone early to Mr Bradbury’s funeral, Norwood. Went out morg. self ordered fish 2/2. To bank about Cent. Arg. paper. Lin brought 2 brace pheasants & 2 brace partridges fr. C. W’s. A Mr Stanhope & Mr Potter there besides Lin. Con coming for night wired could not come. Lin & self went to Opera heard “Orfeo” Gluck’s, & “Cavalleria Rusticana” Mascagni, charming the last. Mr Killen came & sat in our box. Mad’lle J. to tea, pd her 9/-, shop’d with Maud.

Tuesday 18 October Mrs. Lewis evg. party 9 o’c. Lovely morg. but woke with sore throat & feel v. tired & seedy. Ans. advertisements. Maud with Mde. to be fitted with tailor dress. Con coming for night. Called afternoon on Baroness von Alsonleben(?) Thomsons, Pollock, house agent, Spofforth & Miss Lutyens & Mother. Con came looks v. seedy. Saw Irish girl Mackay after dinner. Lin to Mrs. Lewis’ met usual throng. I felt too tired & heady to go. Saw housemaid C.Pretty, asks £20!

Wednesday 19 October Lovely day. Con had v. bad night & looks wretched in consequence. Maud to drawing. Saw consequential parlourmaid without a manner. Lin riding morg. Wrote character for A. Tallent & after character of C. Pretty. Saw tall fair parlourmaid with loud voice. X. Called Bank & left Banker’s receipt for £23, Cent Argt. Rly. Some settlement made today with Chapple Welch & C. firm & Lee & Pemberton. Dined at Mother’s. Called on Mrs. English & took Eff to 11 Pont St. Saw Eddie’s rooms, to Harvey Nicols, saw Mrs. Knowles, & to Mother’s. Con came to Mother’s late & returned here to sleep, V. seedy indeed. Lin with bad cold.

Thursday 20 October 70

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Ask Bergheims to dinner 7.45. Mr & Mrs. Finlay & Mr & Mrs. Fildes to dinner. Morg. went with Maud on bus to Greenfield’s, to Harrods, met Mrs. de la Rue. After lunch 2.30 went to stores with Maud got wine, cigars, drugs, flowers etc. Con here to tea looks v. ill, seen Gibbon, left about 6.30. Lin rode after lunch to Richmond & looks better for it. Bates here to wait. Alice forgot bread & bread sauce at table, otherwise all well. Fire in morg. room, rec’d there. Everyone says how pretty Maud is. Mr Fildes much struck with her drawing. 2 new arm chairs. It never rains but it pours with Lin! Epidemic of chairs now. Mr Clemonson called, curate.

Friday 21 October Paid books. X. Received list of securities fr. London County Bank. X. Received character of C.Pretty, the last 2 characters not over good. Maud to drawing class. Lin’s cold still v. heavy. Dined at Mother’s, Con & Mervyn there. Pd. Bates 2/6 for assisting wait yesterday. Paid Mrs. Bixley 8/- for week’s work here morgs. Called on M. Pollack etc. Fitted with seal. Called Miss Sandeman & Mrs. Turner.

Saturday 22 October Out morg. shops. V. cold. Paid 1/4 flowers, 1/- stamps. Maud & Mde. out. Lin rode morning. Lin & self drove to Camera Club met J. Bergheim there. Bought 2 lbs sausages 1/8, stamped envelopes 2/4. Quiet evg.

Sunday 23 October Perfect day. Maud & Madame to Church & to enquire Mrs. Eykyn & walk. I fetched Mrs. S. & walked here with her. Lin rode to Barker’s, away. Sent Mrs. S. back in cab with Madame. Quiet day no one called.

Monday 24 October X. C.Pretty comes. Lovely day. M. to drawing. Saw old cook. Gave Purnel out fur cape. Lin riding. Madame helped me mend Lin’s stockings. At 3.30 to Bank about Cent. Arg. & Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern shares to be 71

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 converted into ordinary stock. Left “Far away Melody” & “A Nile Story” at Lady M.W’s. Left table cloth at Pullars 5 prs gloves & M’s dress at dyers next door to P’s. Called on Mrs. Tait, out, & Kens. Free library.

Tuesday 25 October V. wet. Went with Maud to Greenfields by bus 2d. Ordered 2 nightdresses. Paid 14/6 Maud’s stays at Bournes Sloane St. Ordered cottons etc. Home in cab 1/-. Je n’aime pas de tout la nouvelle fille, elle est laide & ne save pas bien faire son ouvrage. Mrs Ledyard & daugh. to tea. Went at 3.30 in carriage to Mrs. Hunts, Duke St, Manchester Sqre. about cook & straight back.

Wednesday 26 October X. Nana came. Fog. Cold. Maids late in morg. room. Went to be fitted with seal skin. To Ealing at ¼ to 12 with Mrs. Sambourne. To Ealing in brougham, fog here, fine at Ealing. Nana came & slept night. Had pleasant drive & good lunch well cooked & well served. Drove mare & went back at 4 o’c to Mother’s. Con & Merv. there to dinner. Mother’s eye bad. Nellie K. to tea here, just returned fr. Ramsgate. Three cooks called, Emma saw them. Femme de chamber très bête. Purnel wanted to drive mare fast , stop’d him. Lin took Maud’s drawing of Monte Carlo.

Thursday 27 October Took Banker’s receipts of Cent Argentine Rly to London & County Bank to be changed for cert. Called at 7. Pouring wet morg. Nana here. Received mine & Midge’s annuities together £50. Parlage avec fille ne croit pas qu’elle peut faire l’ouvrage, point de memoire. Went at 3 o’c to L. & C. Bank took Bankers receipts for Cent. Argentine Rly £23, several of them, also entered £50 to ac’t. Purnel drove Marquis so abominably jagging his mouth that I spoke to him. Unable to do anything I wanted. Drove round Park, got out French Embassy. Got Maud’s hat, silk, & hooks & eyes, & returned. Pouring rain. Much warmer. Mervyn to dinner. Nana still here.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Friday 28 October Maud to drawing. Pouring day. Went at 5 with Maud to Tailors, no dress ready. To dine at Mother’s, Beaty there, do not care for him. Saw cook, widow, too delicate also do not like her address. Mrs. Cox came about her nephew. Dined with Lin 10 past 11 o’c.

Saturday 29 October Dear Roy home. Out morg. shop’g. with Maud bought her gloves 5/10 & paid, tapes cottons etc 9d, sweets 1/-, flowers 1/-, my gloves 5/6. Lin rode morg, mare fresh. Dear Roy arrived at 1.30. Went with Lin to Court Theatre after lunch to see “Guardsman” excellent. Maud, Madame & Roy by Metropolitan. Enjoyed it immensely. Mr & Mrs. De Carne & child & Mr & Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Roberts & dau. & Sir Thomas Lucas there. Roy & Lin to “Prodigal daughter” after early dinner at 6.30. Mad’lle called & left books, had tea during our absence.

Sunday 30 October Mrs. Heilbert’s dinner. 8 o’c. Dull. Lovely day. Alice out afternoon & evening. Walked with Roy morg. & discussed race horses & mythological heroes! Maud taken medicine. Nana with bad cold. Lin worked all day, rode after lunch. Roy & self went in cab to Mother’s to tea. Ethel English called. Mrs. Harry Burnand & little boy came to tea here, entirely forgot I had asked them. I dined with children here.

Monday 31 October Dear Roy left for Eton. Nana returned to Bristol. Pouring wet day. Letter fr. Annie engaged to lady I wrote character to. Nana left poor little thing just as whiney as ever gave her my old blue jacket. Drove at 3 o’c to International for stores to meet Tabs. Missed her & drove to Arts & Letters club, 4 Grafton St. Mervyn there, Tabbie came after, had tea together. Tabs looking rather seedy. Mr Marsden had tea with us & spoilt our family chat. Drove Mervyn home. Quiet evg. Saw cook. All seem to want an asylum with high wages & nothing to do.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Tuesday 1 November Went at 11 o’c to stores with Maud cashed £2.0.0 at Slaters. Bought 3 tea cloths 6/4, skirt for self 7/6, music 12/7, paid for. Ordered Maud 3 coms 4 prs stockings 2 vests £2.14.1. Mrs. Calderon, Spofforth, English & Ethel called. Mad’lle also. Lin finished Almanack.

Wednesday 2 November White fog. Waddie & Evelyn coming to sleep here night. Eve coming to see dentist. Lin paid my Nov. house cheque £25.0.0.

Thursday 3 November Evelyn & Waddie left. To tea Lucy Flowers. Went morg. with Maud to Bond St, bus 4d. Saw charming jacket at Duncan’s 4½ gns. Dickens & Jones 8/1½ velvet. Ordered bodice for Midge 11/9 at Lewis & Allenbys. Home in cab 2/-. Wad. & Evelyn left 1.30. Lin rode after lunch. Saw widow cook Mrs. Bixley recommended. Lovely day. Clara awfully late doing stairs, not finished, forgot Lin’s night suit, my slops, & neither mine nor M’s dresses brushed. To Duncan’s ordered 2 jackets.

Friday 4 November X. Dull. Maud to class. Go for cook’s character Wynstay Gds. Out morg. shops. Put £30 in P.O. Savings Bank. Ordered joint, M’s serge lining, flowers fr. Barkers 1/6. Men fr. Stores doing creeper. Dined at Mother’s saw Edgar, £12,000 odd deficient. Dear Mrs. Sambourne passed peacefully away at 10 o’c this evening after only one day’s illness, at Mrs. Arthur Linley’s 19 Hamilton Road, Ealing.

Saturday 5 November Maud & self to tea Mrs. Ledyard. 2 Elgin(?) Pk. Rd. Out morning shop’g. Met Mad’lle who went with me. Returning met Maud & Madame who told us of telegram just received fr. Ealing, dear Mrs. Sambourne passed away peacefully at 10 o’c last evg. Lin rode over to Ealing, I drove. Saw Alice & Arthur, stayed some time. Mrs. Sambourne looked most peaceful. Only at 7 o’clock the night before she became unconscious & 74

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 never rallied again. Her body was brought here at 9.30 & now rests in the morning room. Dear Lin terribly cut up. Letters fr. Edgar saying deficit of Welch & Chappel £12,000 odd. Mother has received £500 a year less than she should have done. They are unable to account for over £4,000, with £2,000 odd in East Florida Land.

Sunday 6 November Directors invite to Natural History Museum 3 o’c.Tea after at 26 Stanhope Gardens. Lin slept badly. X. Petit ami au matin. Pouring wet day. Dear Mrs. Sambourne closed 11 o’c. Lin rode to Wimbledon. Barkers away.

Monday 7 November German Reed’s 8 o’c. In all day. Lin rode morg. & arranged further about funeral tomorrow. Mervyn came round. Kind letters fr. everyone about dear Mrs. Sambourne. Maud went with Madame to be fitted at Duncan’s. Duncan’s sent late to fit me with my jacket. Mad’lle called & Miss Winthrop. Sent off box to Midge by Purnel, care of Henniker & Hogg, Southampton.

Tuesday 8 November X. Dine at Mrs. English’s 7.45. Dear Mrs Sambourne interred at Highgate Cemetery. Mother & Mervyn sent two exquisite wreaths, Mrs. Linley a very pretty one, & Lin & mine, & the dear chicks one. A lovely bunch of white chrysanthemums & ferns tied with mauve ribbon fr. Fanny Worth which dear Lin & Roy took with them. Mr Barker & Arthur Linley & Mervyn will meet Lin & Roy at the Cemetery. Dear Roy arrived fr. Eton at 10.30. Wretched foggy morning & colder.

Wednesday 9 November In bed till 10.30. Maud & Madame to Duncan’s to be fitted. Alice Linley to lunch. Went with her to Mrs. Cox’s to see to poor Mrs. Sambourne’s things, sorted them with Alice. Nellie came there to see me, felt bad seeing her it all seems so terribly sad & sudden. Miss Harcourt called. 75

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Mervyn here to tea. X. Maud petit ami. Darling Roy returned to school after dinner, lost his return ticket, been so dear & good. Neither maids out. Letter fr. Edgar enclosing another solicitor’s letter about estate.

Thursday 10 November Again fog. Got up at 9.30 & looked thro’ Mrs. Sambourne’s things, a sad task all alone Maud too young to help. Letter fr. Mrs. Cox, gave maid 5/-. Thick fog. Started with Maud for Marcus to be fitted had to return. Called & saw dear Mother. Lin went to 1st night “King Lear” at Lyceum.

Friday 11 November Dense fog, unable to go out. Put out silver. Madame Allain called. Dear Lin started for Tabs in dog cart with mare 4 o’c still dense fog. Feel a strange feeling at my heart think it must be indigestion always get it when hurried. Lin gave me cheque of £15 for expenses to Ramsgate & wages. Gave Lin £1.0.0 fr. purse. Drew cheques for Emma £2.18.5, Alice £3.3.4, Mrs. Cox £4.6.0.

Saturday 12 November Dense black fog. Packed with Alice until 11.30. Carriage came went as far as Queen’s Gate had to return on ac’t of fog, dense. To Barker’s got black silk blouse, pd. for it £1.9.6. Pd. M’s shoes Kelsey’s 2/6. Paid Purnel £1.10.2. Had to pay 1/6 for box lent Mde, also 9d for cook’s box. Alice out evg. Packed all afternoon. Mrs. Cox called.

Sunday 13 November Dull day. Packed all morg & afternoon till 4 o’c. Nellie came & cheered me up. Mad’lle came & took Mde. M. to concert at Hall. Mad’lle came to tea & supper, gave her dress & jacket. Letter fr. Mervyn, dear Mother not well.

Monday 14 November Glorious morning. Finished packing. Letter fr. A. about clothes sent, Mrs. Carter, dear Lin, & Hartree, & a nasty one fr. F. Worth, a life of 76

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 mistaken duty, cruel to me & cruel to the one I wished to be kind to but could never love. All ready by 10 o’c. Stiff neck!!!

Tuesday 15 November X. Lovely morg. Clara whole morg. doing drawing room & my room, not touched remaining rooms. Put things straight. Maud & Madame out all morg. Cuisinière affreusement lente. Went out chose piano after dark. My room, Maud’s & drawing room cleaned. Lin returned fr. Tabs. Arrival of Tabbie “Pup”.

Wednesday 16 November Inventory taken. Dining room carpet up, room cleaned with many interruptions. 3 letters fr. dear Lin, going to Beccles on return fr. Tabs. Wet day. Stairs being done! Out shops after dusk bought 8 dish cloths, 6 dusters, 2 round towels.

Thursday 17 November Went to London by 9.40 fr. S.E. Rly Sta. To Greenfields, & Marcus. Lunched at Harrods stores. Dined at Mother’s. Dear Mother v. ill during dinner with her heart, felt most anxious about her. Lin returned at night.

Friday 18 November After breakfast went to Mother’s. Had fly & drove to Greenfields fitted 2nd time. To Madame Bocquet chose material for dress to be fitted tomorrow. Had lunch with Mother at Blanchards. Home & had tea & dinner at Mother’s. Bates walked home with me at 8 o’c. Lin worried doing drawing he does not like & had 2 worrying letters fr. Mr Burnand. Dined at 20 past 11 o’c.

Saturday 19 November To Madame B’s to be fitted in carriage. Packed & returned to Ramsgate with Lin by 3.25 fr. C. X. 45 minutes late at Rams. Man 3/- for fly. Expenses to & fr. London with cabs lunch etc etc. £1.10.0.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Sunday 20 November Lovely day. To St Mary’s alone. Maud & Madame to St George’s. Parade after & its usual company. Sat 20 minutes with Miss Graves, in bed v. ill. Dear Lin seems depressed. Went for long walk with Maud after lunch.

Monday 21 November Fine morg, dull later. Lin looks seedy. Bessie Hollingshead to dinner. Awfully bad dinner. Soup, guache cutlets like giant chops & nasty mashed potatoe. 3 partridges utterly ruined, crops left in. Altogether v. ashamed. Shop’d morg. Mrs Burnand & Rosie called to tea.

Tuesday 22 November Dull morg. Called & saw Mrs. Turner about washing, she as worried with new laundry maids as I am with mine. Saw Churchill about account. Miss Lomax dress maker. Mrs. Borradaile, Miss Kelly, Mrs. Hood with Horrie & Mr & Mrs. Fagan came to tea. Mary B. to tea with Maud.

Wednesday 23 November Dull. Dear Lin to London. Agnew took his boxes. Awfuly worried in house, everyone seems over worked & no heart in their work. Alice & Mrs. Armstrong out. Shop’d morg. Met both Thomsons. Pd. for yellow gauze, buttons & linen lining at Hawkins 3/1½. Cabs 6d.

Thursday 24 November Dull. Wire from Lin. Going to London by 1.15. Awful harange with Grizzle, can’t stand her much longer. Telegram 6d, buns 2d. To town by 1.15. Called saw Mother. Dined with Lin, Pegani’s, & on to see “Arabian Nights”. Felt so tired.

Friday 25 November To stores morg. To Derry’s after lunch. Dined Mother’s, Judy there. V. tired feel completely worn out. Dear Lin dined 11.15. Seemed more cheerful than last Friday. To bed.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Saturday 26 November In all morg. arranging. Came to Ramsgate by 3.25 with Lin. Pouring. Had to take squeezy but full, Lin walked. Paid 1/6. Mr & Mrs. Fagan dined here. Soup. Roast mutton, spinach, potatoes. 2 roast pheasants, salad. Rice mould, apricots. Bloater toast.

Sunday 27 November To Church & to see Miss Graves. Walked with Lin to Mrs. Fagan’s. Lin & Mr F. for walk & Mrs. F. here, all came to tea. M. at Mrs. Gould’s. Maud, Lin & self to Mrs. Burnand’s after dinner, large party there.

Monday 28 November Alice gave notice. S’en ira cette fois. To Mrs Fagan’s after lunch to call on Mrs Wills & Mrs Montefiore. Lin at club all morg. Saw poor cook fr. St Peters, appearance against her, lived one month with Miss Gould, good house to come from.

Tuesday 29 November Out morg. Found all below more orderly. Saw awful cook with short characters fr. Canterbury. Called Miss Gould about A.W. Comme ci comme ça. Ordered fresh herrings, fowl, chestnuts, wine. Met Mrs. Burnand. Mrs. Burnand’s party for Mr Burnand’s birthday. Mrs. Fowler’s evg. party. Saw Post office Master here about A. Finlay’s letter. French book by Carmen Sylva. V. pleasant evg. at Mrs. F.C.B’s. “The Lottery” by Rosie charming little piece. Mr & Mrs. Fagan & Miss Stancombe to tea.

Wednesday 30 November Dear Lin to London. Parlage avec cuisinière. Went for walk with Mde. & Maud. Clara out. X. Sent £26.5.0 to Glyn Mills & Currie 3rd call on 21 B. Ayres Gt. S. shares. Susie a’B. to tea, stayed some time.

Thursday 1 December Pay £26.5.0 to B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% preference shares third call. Paid & sent this yesterday. X. Petit ami, Maud slept badly. Had quiet 79

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 peaceful day, read E. About’s “Germaine”. Maud’s sofa came. Letter fr. Lin. Mary B. to tea. Mrs. Wills called.

Friday 2 December To tea at Mrs. Bartram’s. Sent M. to say c’d not go. Lovely day. Alice pd. books for me. Mrs. Armstrong out afternoon.

Saturday 3 December Received banker’s receipt for £26.5.0 for B. A. Gt. S. Rly. Alice ill had to go to bed morg. Maud out, ordered fish, fowl, flowers, fruit. Mrs. a’Beckett to dinner. Lin coming by Granville. Pouring wet day. Saw Alice’s aunt. Bessie H. to tea. Lin down by late train. Dinner 8.15, Mrs. a’B to dine.

Sunday 4 December Lovely day. Mr Millikin arrived at 1.30. Lin, Mr M, & Mr Fagan for long walk. Mr & Mrs. Fagan to tea. Mr Weigall & Mr Bill also to tea. Maud to see Ethel B. at Convent & to dinner after at Mrs. Burnand’s. Lin & Mr M. went in after dinner.

Monday 5 Decemebr In bed to breakfast. Mr Fagan came after lunch & went for long walk with Lin & Mr M. Mrs. & Miss Vale to tea & Mr Fagan. Maud, Lin & self dined at Mr Burnand’s, delightful evening. Snowed, ground thick coming home. Alice out afternoon & evening. Grand bruit avec laitière dans la cuisine.

Tuesday 6 December Mrs O’Connell’s at home. Mrs. Warre to tea here 5 o’c. Ill c’d not come. Asked A.W. to call 12 o’c. Came, gave her 6d. Snow on ground v. cold. Out morg. to order for tonight. Soup. Fried soles. Roast mutton haricot beans, potatoes, currant jelly. Roast fowl, salad. Rice mould, pears, cream. Bloater toast, cheese biscuits. Mr & Mrs. Burnand, Mr Fagan, Lin, Maud & self to dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Wednesday 7 December Wet dull day. Mr Milliken & Lin to town by Gran. Out calling after lunch, Bessie H. & Mrs. Borradaile, met Lady Lanson there. Alice out afternoon & evening.

Thursday 8 December Lovely day. Paid books morg. Met all Ramsgate. Two letters fr. Lin. Letter fr. Roy. Holidays commence Friday week. After lunch Maud & self called on Mrs. Warre, out, & Mrs. Buckmaster, had tea there & stayed till 5.30. Heard that poor H. Thornton gone mad & obliged to be locked up. Mrs. Armstrong out. Alice looking glum but can roar down stairs. My bodice home, does not quite fit. Mrs. Bartram & Mr & Mrs. Fagan called.

Friday 9 December Out morg.

Saturday 10 December Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner. Maud to tea at Mrs. Bartram’s. Maud & self lunched at Mrs. Fagan’s. Ethel & dear Lin came down by Granville. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. M’s. Mr M. took me in. Mr Spielman on other side. Advertisement . Seulement une est veuve(?) et trop tard que je n’ai pas peur la voir. Mrs a’Beckett & Mrs Hamilton came to tea.

Sunday 11 December Madame & self to St Mary’s. Sat hour with Miss Graves, looks better. Lin rode Mr Tenniel’s cob & liked him but I feel nervous of him. Ethel, Maud, with Mr & Mrs. Fagan had long walk together morg. Mr Parkin & dau. to tea, Mr & Mrs. Fagan also.

Monday 12 December Dine at Mrs. a’Beckett’s. Wet day. Saw maid, wrote for character, £16 a year. Out morg. posted letters, took 3/- to Miss Gwynne. Mrs. Banks called. Very lively dinner at Mrs. a’Beckett’s. Mr & Mrs. Hamilton, Burnands, selves. Home late. 81


Tuesday 13 December Ethel & self go to Walmer 12 o’c. Lovely day. Fares 5/9. Lunched at Mr Todd’s Walmer Lodge. Mr Paxton in carriage met us at Deal. Delicious lunch at Mr T’s, after walked a large party to Walmer Castle. To tea at Mrs. Paxton’s, Seaford. Mr Paxton went with us to Sta. in Mr T’s carriage. Effie Harrison to lunch & tea with Maud. Letter from lady about maid.

Wednesday 14 December X. Mrs. Armstrong leaves. X. Pouring wet day. Mrs. Beatie comes. Dear Lin goes by 4 train. Effie came by 6 o’clock. Mrs. a’Beckett to tea. Maud went to Mrs. Hood’s. Expected Violet & Fraulein, so wet could not come. Alice out afternoon & evg.

Thursday 15 December Mrs. Wills at home 4 o’c. In all morg. Ethel & Eff for walk. Eggs 6d. Walked to Mrs. Wills. Saw Mrs. Clarke, Fagans etc there. A Mr James recited, too much of him to be pleasant, found my mind wandering! Clara out afternoon & evg. Character of maid not good enough. Letter fr. Lin & Mother.

Friday 16 December Dear Roy home fr. Eton, to Staff. Ter. Lovely morg, dull later. Eff & Ethel self walked on Pier morg. Eff returned to town by 3 train. Ethel & self called on Mrs. Pugin, Mrs. Hood, & Mrs. Hammond had tea there. Alice out afternoon. Beetroot!

Saturday 17 December Tea at Mrs. a’ Beckett’s with Ethel. Shop’d all morg. Paid 12/1 Miss Lomas, 9d tea Ridgeways. Very amusing Variety entertainment at Mrs. a’B’s. Boys sang & played charmingly. Lin & Roy came by S. E. Rly, arrived at 6.30. Played games after dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Sunday 18 December Asked Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett to dinner, also Mr & Mrs. Fagan, Con & Ethel. To Church with Ethel morg. & to Miss Graves after. Roy sent football over wall. Lin rode to Westgate to see Mr Ingram.

Monday 19 December X. Maud petit ami. Mr Paxton, Basil & Maud to lunch. Walked on Pier with Mr P. Maud & rest walked alone. Ethel ret’d to London by 1.30 train. Roy & Lin rode. Lin hard at work all rest of day.

Tuesday 20 December Children to tea. 4 Burnands, 2 a’Becketts, 1 Harrison, 3 selves, 4 O’Reillys, 2 Bartrams, Mr & Mrs. Fagan!. Out shops morg. Feel v. tired. Roy to meet with Mr Hodgeman. Maud & Mde. to Mrs. Banks evg. party, home v. late. Mrs. A. Connell called. Lin v. hard at work.

Wednesday 21 December Dull & foggy. Roy riding “Jumbo” Mr Tenniel’s horse. V. tiresome not ready in time. Lin hard at work. Shop’d morg. Ordered turkey & fruit for plum pudding. Met Mr & Mrs. Hood.

Thursday 22 December X. Purnell & mare came down. Went to London by 9.40. Roy walked to Sta. with me. Lunched alone with dear Mother who looks v. delicate. After walked with Eff to Kensington. Saw Emma, Staff. Ter which looks wretched. Called at poor Miss Lutyens, she died last Thursday & was buried on Tuesday. Maid seemed v. upset. Had tea with dear Mother & Mervyn. French maid called, v. good looking girl tall & dark & neat looking, can’t believe she is Swiss.

Friday 23 December Slept v. badly went at 5.30 into dear Mother’s room & got into her bed, she was already up & making her tea. After breakfast went in bus to Lyle St. about french maid, Mervyn with me, too dirty house to go in. After to 83

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Kensington to shops, to Miss Dalrymple’s about maid. 1/- Dal. 6/11 sweets(?). To lunch with Mother & drove with her to Charing X. Mother looks v. frail & delicate. Came down to Ramsgate by 3.20. Roy met me at Sta.

Saturday 24 December Out shops morg. Lovely day. V. cold & windy, but sunny. Arranged presents & tree with Roy. Quiet evg. & to bed early.

Sunday 25 December Most glorious day. To Church with Maud. 4/6 church. Met Willie B. returning, walked with us. Lin & Maud on to Parade. I went to see Mrs. a’B & Miss Graves. Met Mr a’B & & Mr Milliken on way home. Maud & Mde. out after lunch. Lin & Roy for walk. To Mrs. Burnand’s after dinner, tree here & small lottery for children. Mr & Mrs. Fagan for tea. Immense party at Mrs. Burnand’s.

Monday 26 December Glorious day. Mrs. Burnand’s party. Out morg. Ret’d book to Mrs. a’B. Met Mr Milliken & went for walk with Eff Harrison. Maud Paxton came to stay, Harold came to lunch & tea. Mr & Mrs. H. Power & Mr & Mrs. Fagan to tea here. All went after din. to Mrs. F. C. B’s. V. jolly evg. Maid 3/-. Danced after performance. Lin & Roy rode.

Tuesday 27 December Dull, cold, hard frost. C. smashed my tooth brush stand. Lin & Roy riding. Maud to Mrs. Burnand’s party, 5 till 8, home to dinner. Lin after dinner to Bessie’s, large party there to dine & recep’t after. Mr Power v. amusing over race game. Wrote to Brokers about Midge’s money. X. Petit ami, deux jour en avance. Dull man Mr Shepherdson called.

Wednesday 28 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 Dull & foggy. Lin to London by 10 o’c train. Wire from Mother about maid. 2 Mauds & Mde. out for walk morg. Alice out afternoon & evg. Mr Hamilton, Mary B. & 2 O’Reillys called. All our party to rink after lunch.

Thursday 29 December Lovely morg. Awfully stiff neck, most painful. All went to rink in afternoon with Burnands. Home 6 o’c. Mde. & self alone. Mrs. Beatie & Clara out afternoon & evg.

Friday 30 December Lovely day. Neck still stiff v. painful, makes me feel quite ill. Lin came down by Gran, so glad to have him again. Two Mauds to Mrs. Pugin’s party, enjoyed it immensely. For walk afternoon with Mary B. etc. Roy rode with Purnell. Clara broke my comb.

Saturday 31 December Clear & cold, neck still v. painful & makes me feel ill. Letter fr. Louise (illeg) coming today week. Rec’d £12.10.0 of mine & £12.10.0 of Midge’s money. X. Sent £39.9.0 for Midge to Messrs Hutchinson & Co. for her £70 stock of B. A. Western Rly 4% Debs. Lin & Roy rode 2 o’c. 2 Mauds for long walk after lunch with Bucks, seem to be having real good time. Go to dance at Mrs. O’Reilly’s tonight given at 1 Royal Cres.

(Notes for first week of following year, 1893, copied into new diary.) Maud’s expenses for dress. Jany 14th March.

corsets 2 wh. dresses

Confirmation dress April 6th Hat July shirt & hat Tie Serge Blue Paris dress

7.9 17.6 21.0 .0 13.9½ 11.5 1.1½ 13.6 15.0 85

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 20th July Gorringe for blue silk


23rd ditto

14 .1

27th walking shoes

1.7 .6

extra (illeg) (illeg) pattern

10½ 5½

Begin year 1893 with £ 23.12.4 of Jessie’s £ 18.0 .0 of Lin’s £122.13.3 of my own money Total £203.14.7

(note stuck into diary) 1892 Oct 4th have of Midge’s money at my bank £ 27.3 .0 Oct 27th £ 25.0 .0 £ 52.3 .0 less 1.11.8 for Dora’s stockings to pay for 2 blouses & 2 dresses Pd. £ 39.9.0 Jany 1893.

Money received fr. Chapple Welch & Chapple for Midge. Received 1892 10th March 1892. Midge’s balance of her December quarter £7.3.0 (had this entered in her P. O. Order book 14th March). 29th April £25.0.0. March quarter (12th May paid into P. O. Order book £22.17.0 making up £30 for year) leaving a balance of £2.3.0 at my bank. 27th August £25.0.0 June quarter (forwarded this to London County Bank fr. Christchurch 27th Aug same day.) 86

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 27th Oct. £25.0 0 Annuity. Spent £1.11.8 on 4 prs silk stockings for Dora at Barkers Oct 29th/92. Paid £39.9.0 on £40 B.A.Western Rly 4% Deb. Stock. January 1st 1893 Received £12.10.0. ½ annuity due 13th Dec on 31st Dec. Since April 5th 1888 List of Securities held by London & County Bank. 1 cert 3 shares City of Buenos Ayres Trams 1 cert 4 shares B.A. Rosario Rly (Sunshales ex) 1 cert 5 shares




1 cert 2 shares B.A. Gt Southern 5% Ex 1892 2 cert 21 shares ditto

ditto 6% Ex 1890

1 cert £40 (1st pref) B. A. & Pacific Rly 2 cert £65 Cent. Argentine Rly (Rosario to Cordova) 2 cert scrip allot. ¼ share cash Cent. Arg. Rly. 1 cert 2 shares £5 paid ditto £200 Western Rly of B. Ayres 6% deb. £100 Venezuela 1881 1 cert for £200 B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 1 cert 3 shares B.A. Rosario Rly (Tucaman) 1 cert £40 Cent. Argt. Rly. 1 cert £10 Cent. Argt. Rly. Rosario to Cordova 1 share City of B.A.Tram 1 share ditto ditto 8th issue) 1 scip cert B.A. Rosario 4% part pd. 1 cert 4 shares B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% 1892 1 cert £100 Buenos Ayres Rosario Rly 4% deb 1 cert 15 shares Cent. Argt. Rly 1889 1 cert 3 shares B.A. Rosario Rly £10 each 1 cert £40 B. A. Rosario Rly (ordinary stock) 1 cert £210 Gt. Southern Rly 1 cert £20 B.A. Pacific Rly (illeg illeg) 5%. 1 cert 18 shares B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% Ext. 1894 87


Bankers receipts at Bank £52.10.0 B.A. Gt. A. Rly 5% pref £23 Cent. Argt. Rly call £1 per share £2 call City B. Ayres Tram Co’y.

Revised list of these taken Oct /92 in my desk drawing room.

Money invested in 1891 18th Feby £23.0.0 call on Cent. Arg. Rly 7th April

£52.10.0 first call B.A. Gt. S. pref shares 5%

5th August £23.0.0 last call Cent. Argt. Rly 16th Nov £52.0.0 second call B.A. Gt S. Rly 5% pref shares £151.0.0

Money invested in 1892 14th Nov £30.9.0 P.O. Savings Bank 30th Nov £26.5.0 3rd call on 21 shares B. Ayres Gt. S. Rly.

Money received during 1891 1891 10th April £ 25.0. 0 fr. annuity 1st Jany

1.19.0 B.A.Rosario Rly

6th Jany

8.4 B.A. Pacific

18th Feby

1. 9.3 Venezuala 1881

3rd April

5.17.0 Western B.A. Rly

11th April

22. 1.4 B.A. Gt. Southern


3. 0.6 B.A. Rosario

25th April

1. 8.0 B.A.Rosario

13th May 2nd June 30th July 1st July 8th May

12.0 Sp’s bankruptcy 9.9 B.A.Pacific depôt 25. 0.0 Annuity 1.19.0 B.A.Rosario Rly 5.6 B.A. Trams 88


1. 1.0 Margate

18th August

1. 9.3 Venezuela /81

19th Oct

25. 0.0 Annuity

13th Oct

24. 0.0 B.A. Gt. Southern

3rd Oct

5.17.0 W. of B.A. 6%

1st Oct

3. 1.5 B.A.Rosario Ex shrs

20th Oct

1. 0.0 fr. Mother

10th Nov

1. 8.0 old clothes

25 Dec

2. 2.0 fr. Mother

Feby 10th/92

25. 0.0 Dec annuity pd. only on 10th Feby /92

£ 179. 8.4

Money received during 1892 1st Jany

1.19.0 B.A. Rosario Rly

29th April

25. 0.0 March quarter

17th Feby

1. 9.3 Venezuela

4th April

5.17.0 Western B. Ayres

4th April

3. 1.5 B.A. Rosario Rly

9th April

19. 0.4 B.A. Gt. Southern

9th July

2. 4.0 Hunter Vieux Habits

1st July

1.19.0 B.A. Rosario

19th July

25. 0.0 Annuity

27th Oct

25. 0.0 Annuity

7th August

1. 9.3 Venezuela /81

3rd Oct

19.19.6 B. A. Rosario Rly

3rd Oct

5.17.0 West of B. A. 6%

22 Oct

19.19.6 B.A. Gt. Rly

Dec 31st

12.10.0 ½ payment of annuity due 13th inst £ 153.17.2 12.10.0

when 2nd half Dec annuity pd.

£ 166. 7.2

Received during 1886 fr. annuity pres & invests 89


During 1887 fr. same £182 8.10 Spent on dress by cheque £81.1.1 Invested including commission for same £ 127.0.0

During 1888

£ 192.2.4

on dress

£ 80.19.0


£ 136.0 .0

£18 of this lost thro’ Spencer

During 1889 £ 299.17.8 of this Lin rep’d me £ 54 fr. £ 300 lent him & withrdrawn fr. chicks savings bank £ 24 Invested & borrowed fr. Bank £ 271.10.6

During 1890

£ 313.18.1

Out of which £ 108 came fr. sale of 15 Cent Argt. Rly £5 shares having paid £ 75 for them leaving £ 33 profit Invested £ 283. 1.0 Spent on dress £ 30.18.10

During 1891

£ 180.0.2



Spent on dress by cheque alone £ 73.7.1

£52 of this investment money paid by Lin out of £300 lent him.

Balance of Private account to commence 1892 £ 45.8.8 when my Dec. quarter for 1891 is paid in.

In April 1892 I have £ 860 in Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern Rly £ 110 in B.A. Rosario Extensions 90

MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1892 £ 100 in B.A. Rosario 4% debentures


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