Inspired by Islamic Art, Rotate & Repeat

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Wor k s he e tde s i g ne db yAy e s haGa mi e t I ns t a g r a m:@a y e s ha _i l l umi na t e s@a y e s ha _i l l us t r a t e s We bs i t e :www. a y e s ha g a mi e t . c om

De s i g na ndPa i nty o uro wnFl o we r s

Us i ngRo t at i o nalSymme t r y

St ep6:Tr yanot herf l ower-t hi s t i meusedi f f er entl eafandpet al shapes! St ep1:Usi ngt hef l oweri mages i nyourpack,dr aw atl east10 ofyourf avour i t el eafandpet al shapes.

St ep7:Col ouryourf l ower susi ngcol our edpenci l s, orpai nt .Youcanshade,orusest r ongbl ocksofcol our . St ep3:Pl aceapi eceoft r aci ngpaper overt heci r cl e.Mar kt hecent r eoft he ci r cl e,andeachsegmentwi t hal i t t l e r edspot .Tr aceoveryouror i gi nal dr awi ngwi t hapenci l .

St ep2:Ont hesheetwi t ht he ci r cl espl i ti nt oei ghtsegment sdr aw 3l eaforpet alshapesi nt o onesegment .

St ep4:Pl aceyourf i ngergent l yovert he cent r alr edspot .Rot at et het r aci ngpaper cl ockwi seunt i lt heout err edspot sal i gn wi t ht hesegment sont heci r cl e. Tr aceoveryouror i gi naldr awi ng. Rpeatunt i lt hesegment sar ef ul l !

St ep5:Onceyouʼ vedr awnyour f l ower ,t r aceandt r ansf eryour dr awi ngont owat er col ourpaper ( seet het r aci ngi nst r uct i onsi n yourpack) .

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