Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1908

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Notes on preliminary pages Mrs Jones, Blatcher, Little Caulfield, Dunmow, Essex. Marie wages £24 a year. I give her £1 extra a year whilst she maids me & looks after Lin’s things. £2.0.0 a month. Pat a Beckett, 3rd Mountain Battery, Royal Artillary, Mhow, India. Mrs Hall, Longford, Westgate on sea Thanet Nurse F. with chicks S.M. Franck for dressing gowns. 35 Camomile St, City Miss & Sir John Tenniel, 52 FitzGeorge Avenue, West Kensington Nov 1908 S.M. Franck Stories Gladys Crozier sung to monotonous tune, soldiers. We are all painted dummies & all our movements are worked by the clock works in our hum hum Lady complaining of tough fowl: You should always in choosing poultry feel the breast. Well mum, you could not with this fowl as it was a cock bird” O. Seaman’s. Litle Linley asked Gladys “Have you got a country house?” No. “Has your mother got a country house?” No. “Oh! I see you stay with people who have!” The King at the opening of Parliament said “My Ministers propose bringing in a bill for the prevention of children” but quickly corrected himself & said protection of children! Little Linley said “Mother I want to see uncle Edgar” Why darling? “I want him to tell me if Fitzroy can ride. I don’t believe he can. I think he can only just get on a donkey.” Ethel Dilke’s little niece & nephew always fed their cat after luncheon. Their mother told me not to feed her today. Oh mother we must she was not well yesterday. “No darlings not today as she has some kittens & I don’t want to disturb her.” I am glad there are kittens, did they come from the same place as Oliver? (their small brother)! Miss Brenda McLean’s engagement was broken off & it was said “The prisoner of Brenda has escaped.” Sir F. McLean’s dau. A jew had arranged for the keep of his horse at a livery stable for 13/- a week. Telling his daughter with glee of the small sum she said “But 1


Father did you think of Manure?” Yes my dear I did but he said there would be no manure at 13/- a week. Lennie asked Linley (aged 8) the names of the boys at his school & came to one named Lloyd “There was a fellow with me at Eton of that name” said Lennie. “He must have been the grandfather or great grandfather of ours.” Linley had a bilious attack & was in bed all Friday. “I am afraid it must be the rich things you ate Linley, Maud said. “No Mother, not the rich things it was the quantity! made me ill.” Little Oliver (Aged 4) said to Lennie “Father I shall be a very good man when I grow up, much better than you. I shall be as good as Gord!” Sunday Feby 16th March. Maudie: “An old woman fell down & was carrying a skinned rabbit, she hurt herself very much & the Policeman who picked her up & the rabbit said “Lor mum don’t you fret, it would’nt have been no beauty if it had lived!” March. Nellie K’s little niece when her mother asked her why she did not ask a little friend she had been vy fond of any more said “No mother she is such a bun faced girl”. You must not say that, God made her & it is vy (illeg) “Oh, did He. I should have thought the Devil had!” Mrs Breitmeyer: A man just gone thro’ vy serious operation at nursing home. The matron came & sat by him & asked him if he knew what the Home was ‘called? He did not, so she told him”The Valley of the Shadow of Death”. April “Inchmarlo” Banchory. Little Anne asked me at luncheon who was to be my Husband whilst Grandpapa was away? “Would Linley do instead?” Anne when Nurse F. wished to take her in for her morg’s rest “You cannot have the heart to take me away when I might be catching fish”. She had killed a wee trout. Oliver told his under nurse when she was wheeling him in his pram he had not come to Scotland to walk in the Lanes, he had come to fish. Maud complained to Oliver his face was very dirty “I don’t like these dirty little ways darling” “Mother, they are my ways” Mr Guthrie’s anecdote “Inchmarlo”. Some people playing Blind Man’s Buff in a small field blindfolded a nigger & suddenly a bull got into the enclosure when they all jumped over the fence or hedge & the bull tossed the nigger about. He only remarked “If you are going to play as roughly as this I won’t be blind buffed any more! Mr Guthrie quoting a little bit of a country sermon “& Noah walked with God! Now this Grand Pedestrian” etc



Mr Guthrie found in the last House he stayed at where “Scriptural texts” were freely distributed over doors etc of house, in the Lavatory: “And thou Lord seest me” Le plus qu’il y a, le moins cela paise. Les troux. “The more there are the less it weighs. Holes! Mr Davidson: A friend met a newly married man friend after a few months of married life & asked him how he was getting on. “Oh we lead a cat & dog existence”. He again met him some months later & hoped he was getting on better, “No, we lead a cat’s life”. I remarked survival of the fittest when Mr D. told me I must be a suffragette! Sophy. An Emir in Nigeria who had been curtailed to 3 in number of his wives after having had 500 asked our government in Nigeria if he might have a few more wives, & on hearing it was impossible wrote again saying As he could not have more might he have them changed as he was so tired of them! Some one remarked a propos of Winston Churchill’s loosing the Manchester election “What was the use of a wife without a Seat? O. Seaman’s: The Bishop of London preaching, “No, my friends, Hell is not only paved with good intentions but with theatres & champagne suppers, rich living & fast women & motor cars & with all the excitement of Vanity Fair”. Voice from front, youth of the period “Oh Death, where is thy sting?” Little Linley, 8 years old, ordered a tumbler of boiling water & 2 lumps of sugar in it to be brought to him at 11 o’c the first day his tutor was at Lancaster Gate. At luncheon the tutor asked Maud if it was wise his having this? Certainly not Linley, why did you have it? said Maud. “Ganna always takes hot water Mother, & the sugar was my own idea!!!” Gladys Crozier told me of small boy at railway station who shouted Fire! Fire! as the train moved out of station, as each enquiring head appeared out of carriage window he smacked it! It is said Signoretta the Dam of Signorinetta winner of the year 1908 selected her own sire, or rather Sinorinetta’s sire, hence Darwin’s theory confirmed, also the number drawn by her owner for both races was 13, an Italian who trained & bred her himself.



Wednesday 1 January Lin, Roy & I arrived at Balcombe yesterday, 31st Dec. coming straight thro’ from Leweston Manor, Sherborne, Dorset, Tabs & Hamilton’s new place. Found darling Maud well. House party Harold & wife, Ellie Ritchie, Mr Guthrie & Mr Marriott & Fitz evg. Felt refreshed after good night. Mr Marriott left & Mr Trevelyan came. V. happy day, drove morg with Maud & Ellie. Evg. Harold, Nonie & Lennie did little play “My Uncle’s Wife” excellent. Rather late to bed. Dear Lin shot with Lennie morg. Nymans, & to London 4 o’c. Thursday 2 January Lovely day. Slept better. Mr & Mrs Harold left early. Maud & I drove to Nymans, saw Mr & Mrs Messel, former neuralgic. Mrs M. worrying about poor old Nannie, all gone up to see her, Muriel, Hylda & Ruth. She died at 4 o’c today. Had walk with Roy afternoon, talked over various things. Dr P. came to see little Oliver, has cold. Lennie shooting. Pleasant evg roulette. Mr Trevelyan v. nice man & interesting to talk to. Vince went early, sleeping in village. Je serai contente quand je puisse faire sans ces (illeg) personnes. Friday 3 January Lovely morg. V. cold & bright. Maud, Ellie & all men to Nymans for shoot, away to luncheon. Walked with Vince round K. garden. Bother about V’s room, cold for her at night not being young. She slept here last night. V. slept here. Mr Guthrie left after being with shooters all morg. Took “Ferdie” with him. Games & music after dinner. Like Mr Trevelyan immensely, quiet gentlemanly man. Saturday 4 January Heavenly day of brilliant sunshine & frost. Maud & self walked & Ellie to Lake, all frozen over & several people on it. Dear Lin arrived 5.30, seems well & vy cheery. Mr Trevelyan left after shooting at Nymans. Maud, Ellie to Nymans with shooters, walked with them & lunched there. Mr Stewart arrived with Lin. V. pleasant dinner & played roulette after. Sunday 5 January Lovely frosty day. Black ice on Lake. Had long walk wth Dickie morg, enjoyed it immensely, air so deliciously fresh & crisp & bright sun. Lunched at 1 o’c & all of us to Lake. After all skated except self until tea time. Vince very rude again over my dress, quite impossible, the rudest servant I have ever had. Vy pleasant dinner & evg. roulette. Dear little Oliver in my room afternoon, his throat still bad.



Monday 6 January Dull warm day. Ice disapperaing fast & trees soaking wet with moisture. Went for walk to Lake wth Linley, enjoyed it tho’ very dirty. Drove morg with Maud to enquire Lord Frederick Fitzroy. M. stayed some time. Lennie & Mr Stuart to town by early train. Maud to call afternoon Lady Denman & Miss Mead. Lennie came down with Lord Chichester & Cap. Bigge RE. They went to Haywards Heath & dined here 9 o’c & remain night. Tuesday 7 January Maud & Lennie go to stay with Lord Zouche for 2 nights, then to Mrs Welch Thornton for 2 nights, & then back to Lord Zouche’s for Ld Leconfield’s ball, returning Friday. Fitzroy leaves tomorrow for Edgar’s. Miss Crozier came by 4.30. Lennie & Maud left in their motor at 3.15 & Lin & I for walk along Red Road as far as bridge. In spite of so much wet was clean. Little Fitzroy getting rather forward. Felt v. tired evg, did not rest much. Wednesday 8 January Snowing. Fitz leaves by early train 9 something. Lunches at Mrs Harold’s & has tea there before going on to Edgar’s where he arrives at 7 o’c Grimsby. In all day. Snow 3 inches deep melting. Mrs Messel & Ruth paid a rushing call, were just going as I came down fr. my rest. Dickie left by 4.20. I read “Our tramp abroad” to Lin in top spare room morg. V. amusing. Pleasant dinner with Gladys Crozier & bed at 9.30. Thursday 9 January Slept well till 6 o’c. Vy cold & dark. Letter fr. Lin & Maud fr. Parham enjoying herself muchly. She & house party walked with shooters all day, rather unwise for Maud, trust no harm from it. Sun out for short time morg. At 12 o’c went for walk with Gladys Crozier, quite fine & warmer. Afternoon rested. Tea & we all undid “Tree” & again rested. Wrote morg to Lin & Maud. Bed 10 o’c. Gladys most kind & attentive. Friday 10 January Slept till 6. Very cold & good deal of wind. Gladys breakfasting in her room also. Maud & Lennie left Parham Ld. Zouche’s & are at Mrs Welch Thornton’s, Hants. Went for an hours walk with Gladys fr. 12 to 1 & Linley & Anne. Rested after luncheon & after tea. Played games with children dumb crambo. Vy good & they enjoyed it. To bed 10 o’c. The motor broke down taking Maud & Lennie fr. Parham to Basingstoke. (piece of paper pinned on to page:) Put out January 1908 5 pieces of



silver drawing room (4 fancy & one ashtray) also my silver coffee pot or chocolate jug of dear Mother’s. Saturday 11 January Lovely day. V. frosty & cold, clear & sunny. Slept fairly well. Gladys & self had long walk morg. Maud & Lennie arrived in time for luncheon, Dickie at 5.30. Played roulette Lin lost 2/-, I 1/-! Felt v. tired. To bed 10.30. Sunday 12 January Lovely winter’s day frost & sun. Skating on Lake. Lin & self long walk round Lake before luncheon. Rested after whilst rest skated, & Maud & Gladys went to Lady Frederick’s. Had fairly good night, did not sleep till late. Most heavenly day. Played roulette after dinner. Lin won back part of his losses, nearly all. I to bed 10.30. Monday 13 January Lin & self return home by 4.20. Slept till 7 o’c. Lovely day sunshine & frost. Walked with Lin & Gladys to Lake & watched them skate there, so dry & sunny did not feel cold. Met Mrs Oxley & saw Miss Kinnels skating beautifully. The Denman party all playing Hockey on the ice. Walked back with Lin & lunched & rested. Maud & household came up with us! Exodus. Chicks remaining. They dined with us. Lin’s cough more troublesome after dinner. Tuesday 14 January X. To Bank ordered £100 of new York Central Com. to be bought. X. No, Wed, 5 shares. In all day. Unpacked & put away dresses with Vince morg & afternoon. Miss Thompson & darling Maud came to tea. Very happy little evg. with Lin & Roy. Lin’s cough better & he read poetry after. Sat in drawing room. Bed 10 o’c. Wednesday 15 January Roy to Tabs. Lovely bright morg. X. To Bank with Vince. X. Saw Mr Richardson & ordered £100 of New York Central Rly to be bought. X. Walked in Kensington Gardens after & bought bears grease Barkers. Maudie sitting for her portrait. Vince left at 7 o’c, paid her £2.6.8 & gave her 2/6. Sorry for her as she has many good points. Darling Maudie & Florence W. came to tea. Maud & L. dining at Mrs Messel’s. V. read a good deal afternoon till 7 o’c when she left. Told me how sorry she was & feel sorry for her.



Thursday 16 January Roy at Tabbie’s, returns tonight. Close hot stuffy day makes me feel quite seedy, hot & cold & in a constant perspiration. Vy bad night Lin’s cough so troublesome. Only slept fr. 1.30 to 4.30. Dull, but went at 11.30 to enquire for Mrs Sington, found her dressed to go out & looking quite well. Walked with 2 dogs up Palace Gds & home alone. Side aching rested afternoon & Marie read P.Loti’s book vy nicely & pleasant voice. Dickie & I dined at 8.5. Mistake Antoinette hour. Roy ret’d fr. Tabbie’s late after I had gone to bed. Friday 17 January Had good night, slept till 6 o’c, still side-achey but feel better. Vy much uric acid again. Dickie with horrid tooth ache & cough his face all swollen up evg & am sure he feels v. bad but never complains. Sat a little with him but find want of air makes me feel faint in his room. Maudie came & Florence & had tea. The darling had ret’nd morg fr. Ld Zouche’s & gave us graphic ac’t of Ld Leconfield’s ball of last night. She has a nasty cold. Roy out. I sat whilst Linley had his dinner with him 10 to 10. E. & Antoinette on bus to Piccadilly & back. Marie read to me vy nicely. Saturday January 18 Emma’s nephew died at Hospital, cancer in throat. Slept till 1.30, not after. Out 11.30 in Vic & pair & groom, 3/-. Saw Cap’t Mathews & Mrs Moore Brabazon in Pk. V. cold & raw, fine later.. Walked on return fr. drive to Ada Sp, looks well. Hylda out first time after measles. Sp. bad swollen face like Lin. Dickie slept 2 hrs in chair morg. room after luncheon. Had his tea & drove to Club & got sausages. Not seen Roy much since he went to Tabbie’s, never comes to my room morg. Roy dined out. Sunday 19 January Awful day of fog. Slept v. badly only 2 hrs slept about. Lin’s cough most troublesome & his poor swollen face painful. Went in brougham to Pk & walked some distance but vy foggy. Spencer came afternoon. Lin, Roy & self to dinner discussed books & to bed early. Monday 20 January Lovely day. Good night slept till 6 o’c. Lin’s cough still troublesome tho’ better at night.Have sent for Dr Beauchamp to come if possible at 5 o’c. Went for walk with the 2 dogs, sent them home & to Woollands, rubbish in windows. Met Mrs Wirgman, came back in om. with her. Church. Darling Maud returns fr. Balcombe, & came with F.W. & dear little



Linley at 5 o’c. Dr Beauchamp came at 6 o’c, says Lin has bronchial catarrh & must be very careful, cannot dine out. Tuesday 21 January Lin dines at Mrs Wirgman’s 8 o’c. Nellie K. dines with me alone. Dense fog. Vy bad night, Lin coughed so. Up several times, seemed easier after embrocation. Both slept badly. Lin may not dine at Mrs W’s, had charming letter fr. her. Miss Webster, Mrs Finlay, Gladys Crozier, Hylda & Edie, two latter looking vy odd, called & had tea. Maudie dined with Henry Carlisle, Pirries there, at Savoy. Quiet little evg, Lin, Roy & self, & to bed early. Wednesday 22 January Fine but dull. Walked morg. round Pond, Vy raw cold & felt as if I had no petticoats on. Shop’d Barkers. Dickie seems better rubbed his chest fearing it w’d be sore after embrocation night before. Fanny Nembhard & Grace Fraser to tea. Darling came with “Cinnamon” a cold cure! Dear little angel always thinking of us, a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. Lin in carriage to Punch dinner & back. Roy dressed at Club & dined out. Thursday 23 January Vy foggy. Out 11.30 to Kens. Met Sylvia L. Davies & her son, looks v. pretty & vy sad. Had good night! Lin scarcely coughed at all. Sat with Lin & read “Nemesis of Nations” vy good & well written. Lin & Roy & I dined at 8 o’c. To bed early. Champagne at dinner, vy unwise for Lin. Friday 24 January Bad night, Lin’s cough so troublesome. Champagne last night vy unwise!. Horrid fog, unable to get out but darling Maud came & sat with us in Lin’s room at tea time & kept us amused with account of her luncheon party today & her dinner at Mrs Griffith’s last night, & was very funny. Marie & I packed Lin’s drawings in maids room (Maud’s old room) & put them over cupboard. Vy tired, went to bed 9.45. Lin dined at 10.30. Roy out. Saturday 25 January X. In bed till after lunch to see Dr Beauchamp, came so late, & saw Lin too. X. Cough so bad last night neither of us got to sleep before 1.30. Don’t think vy much of Dr B, too flighty & casual, vy kind. Lin & self walked to Maud’s, out with Lennie. Saw Anne & Oliver both fairly well dear wee things. Carriage met us at 104 & we drove to Athenaeum Club where Lin got letter fr. Gen Rawlinson about his drawing spoilt sale of it,



a most beautiful drawing. Got fruit & flowers Butts 3/3. Roy dined at Maud’s. Sunday 26 January Finer but still frosty & some wind. Better night. Lin & self at 12 o’c to Zoo. Vy amusing mongoose fed by gentleman. Met Mr E. Borthwick, saw the 4 lovely giraffes one only ten weeks old. Roy out to luncheon, Hylda & a Miss Vickery called. Delightful evg. Lennie, Maud, Gladys Crosier, Roy, Lin & self to dinner. Marie & Antoinette waited vy nicely & we had a dear little evg. Roy looks seedy. Monday 27 January Slept fairly well. Maudie sent Marie lovely grapes for Lin’s cough. Out morg. Called & saw Fritz Jackson, ill in bed with strained heart. Felt very tired & achey. Weather so warm. Tuesday 28 January Better night. Out morg. to Harrods, met Ethel E. After luncheon Nellie Keith & my Maudie & Mrs Adams called, & Mrs E. Pollock who for some reason Marie did not let come in! Maudie looked sweet, had been to some “at home”. Lin & self quiet little evening, Roy out. Darling Maud sending lovely grapes each day for Lin’s cough. Had neuralgia in ear. Wednesday 29 January Spencer’s birthday. Wrote. Ear better. Fine sunny day. Opening of Parliament. King’s mistake in speech! Slept well. Went for walk & called on Mrs Vicat Cole, looked so well & handsome & bright in her pretty drawing room, still has her 2 dear little maids. Rex, his wife & chicks live at studio & are constantly with her. Happy simple life in spite of little money. Ethel Mervyn to luncheon & remained till 4 o’c looking wonderfully well. X. Dickie to dentist, does not seem well, stomatic disturbance. Antoinette out. Marie read to me. Roy out, never wired & kept me waiting till so late, 8 o’c. Thursday 30 January 2 brace pheasants fr. Lord Burnham. Lovely morg slept well. My darling fetched me at 11.30 & we went for a delightful drive together round Park & called to enquire after Fritz Jackson. Walked after to enquire for Mrs Sington & took her flowers. Marie & I put up Lin’s drawings in my room, they look charming. Roy dined at Garrick, had carriage. Read “Nemesis of Nations” to Lin. Dined together at 8 o’c. Dickie fairly well.



Friday 31 January Lovely day. Had Maud’s Victoria at 11.30. To Harrods, ordered 2 games for Anne & Oliver & book for Lennie. Met Ethel Dilke & drove her across Park. To Maudie, found her in bed but looking well, & I walked home fr. there. Antoinette has got top sink choaked up. Man here to do it tomorrow! Gave Antoinette 6 new dusters! Lin finished work at 10 o’c. Sat with him & to bed 10.30. Saturday 1 February To Adelphi to see Pantomime. Dickie & I drove to Savoy Hotel, lunched in restaurant, excellent. Met Lady Lawrence, son & fiancée, quite a nice girl. Found dear little Linley & Marnie at theatre, had lovely box & very good pantomime “Aladdin”. Saw Mr Aird & wife there. Dear little Linley v. good & amused. Quiet little evg. to ourselves, Roy out. Horrid smell in house, must see Nash or Carter. Sunday 2 February X. Terrible news of assassination of King & Crown Prince of Portugal last evg. Dinner at Lady Spielmanns 8 o’c. Lin & self walked morg. gardens. Whilst admiring Watts statue Cap’t Adrian Jones came & spoke to us. He looks older I think. Only Mr Paxton called, he looks very ill & I was afraid he w’d fall asleep in his arm chair. Rested & dressed. Roy out to dinner. Pleasant dinner at Spielmanns but awful headache after dinner. Emma out, Marie Antoinette in. Very raw & cold. Dickie’s cough rather troublesome. Monday 3 February Maud & Lennie dined at Mrs Colefax & had ac’t driving over a little boy. Lennie took him to hospital, poor Maud vy upset. No bones broken. Wet & dull & damp. In all day. Lovely afternoon. Read “Romany Rye” George Borrows book to Lin. Vy tiresome book, gave it up & started Charles Read “Cloister & the Hearth”. Roy in to dinner. To bed early. Lin working on Siam drawing. No one called. Marie read to me for half an hour. Sat in morg. room so cold. Maudie & Lennie dined at the Colefax’s. Tuesday 4 February Dr Beauchamp comes 3rd time, tiresome starting doctors again but he has done Lin good, his cough less troublesome. X. Out at ¼ to 11 to Bank. X. Had transfer of Wirral Rly put into Maud’s name. Ought to have been done years ago. Had lovely drive round Park after in Maud’s Victoria. Mrs Beale, Lady Foster, Mrs E. Pollock & Mabel called. Roy out. Quiet little evening with Dickie.



Wednesday 6 February Fine. Out. 11.30. Barkers, Nash, met Mrs G. Keith & Lady Kennedy with whom I walked home. Darling Maud came at 3.30 & Ethel Mervyn. Maudie still upset about poor little boy they ran over Monday night, her kind little heart sympathising with the mother, all going on well with him. M. & E. left together at 4.10. Marie out after tea only. Herbert & Edie coming to dinner 7.30. Roy out. Thursday 6 February Roy dines with the Harold Messels & goes with them to Pantomime, Lennie & Maud also. Maudie called afternoon going on to Mr Guthrie’s to tea. Sent her our box little sovereigns by Roy evg, & also lent her box of old counters & ivory letters. Quiet evg alone with Dickie dining at 8 o’c. Sat with Fritz morg, better. Met Lady Henderson & Mrs (illeg) Park. Friday 7 February Foggy & wet morg. In all day. Lin dined 10 to 10, I at 7.30. Put up pictures in Roy’s room with Marie. Also arranged & packed up remaining 6 drawings of Lin’s lying about & some large photos also lying about for many years! Saw Nash’s foreman who did door & broke something else! Saw Barkers man about basement. Saturday 8 February Lovely sunny morg, cold. Maudie’s childrens party for Anne & Oliver, both birthdays kept together. Lovely day. Charming party at Maud’s, conjuror, presents, music, all so well chosen. Lin, Roy came. Gilbert, Jacombe Hood, Mr Trevelyan, Marriott etc etc. Vy pretty children, ours looked charming. Oliver came over morg & I walked as far as round pond with him & Maudie. Roy dined with Stern. Dickie & self quiet evg. Dickie lunched at Club. Sunday 9 February Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale dine here 8 o’c & Lennie & Maud & Roy. Lin & self for walk, after luncheon Lin to Club. Roy out, did not come home until 5.30 this morg! I lay awake fr. 4 to nearly 6 o’c. Slept well after. Very pleasant evening, but I felt tired perhaps from yesterday. Rest all afternoon, no one called. Both Mr & Mrs Beale look well. Maudie v.pale & thin & Roy also, wish they were both stronger. Monday 10 February Dull morg. Slept well till 5 o’c. Maudie fetched me with Florence at 11.45. & we all 3 lunched at Ethel Mervyn’s, lovely drive & we walked over common! Had nice little luncheon & excellent coffee & came home 11


at 3.30. Mervyn’s statue charming. Lovely day later, vy sunny. Dickie & I alone, Roy out. Tuesday 11 February Took Maud’s Wirral security of £133 duly signed to Bank safe custody. Our morg, met Mr Adams & walked with him. To Albert Hall asked Ruby & Nicola Walker to go to see “Miss Hook of Holland” with us tomorrow, unable to go. Clara Bergheim, Mrs O’Goram, Maudie, Florence & Mrs Bentham about blouses came. Maudie with a shocking cold, never seems free fr. one. Roy out. Wednesday 12 February Lin & self went to see “Miss Hook of Holland”. Very good, enjoyed it immensely. Florence Walford in our box & Maudie came later & drove me home in her car right after leaving Dickie at Athenaeum where Upton was waiting. Quiet evg alone, supper on tray! Antoinette out. Roy out. Thursday 13 February Marie went over to Ethel Mervyn’s for me at 4 o’c. Lovely day. Edie here early. My throat vy uncomfortable, must have taken darling Maud’s cold yesterday, & feel seedy generally, hot & cold. With Edie walked to 104 found May Nembhard & her troop of mummers rehearsing in drawing room. Sat a short time with Maudie in oak room & walked nearly all way home. Edie lunched & had tea here. Ruby Walker & Nicola came to tea, like Ruby vy much, vy lively. Roy out. Dickie & self alone. Friday 14 February Dull warm morg. Woke many times, throat so bad, found Emma’s lozenges v. good. Dickie coughing & sneezing. In all day. Ethel English, Mrs Lane & Mrs Danvers Clark & Ethel Mervyn came to tea. Ethel v. upset about poor Mrs Church, fresh money difficulties & will have to leave flat just taken. Roy out. He goes to dentist every morning, vy glad having his teeth seen to. I went to bed 9 o’c, feel seedy with cold. Lin dined at 10 15. Saturday 15 February Slept well but cold tiresome. Rainy & raw. After luncheon went with Lin to matinée at Cyril Maude’s Avenue Theatre, “The O’Grindles”. Very good & well acted. Violent storm & wind & rain as we passed St George’s Hospital, never remember a worse one. Fruit at Butts. Quiet evg. Roy dining with Stern. Bed 10 o’c. Marked tablecloth, glad to have finished something.



Sunday 16 February Midge & Hamilton & Maud & Lennie dine with us. Fairly good night. Lovely morg, frost. Lin & self for walk 1¼ hour morg. Lunched together. Mrs Dickens called & had tea. Very pleasant evg. H. & Midge, Maudie & Lennie, Roy, Lin & self. Midge looks v. well. Lin to Club after luncheon, back to tea, saw Mrs Dickens. Monday 17 February Very wet, in all day. Cold heavy. Edie came early & remained until 6 o’c. We worked in morg. room. I did not feel up to turning out wardrobe as intended. Darling Maud came to tea, looked pale & thin, needs a good rest, does far too much for others & myself included first! Roy dined with the Dickens, general romp after. Lin dined with Maudie, 12 there tonight. I dined alone. Vy glad Dickie out he sits far too much in his tiny room. Tuesday 18 February Bad night felt hot & fverish & headache. Slight temperature & headache. In bed all day with influenza cold, hot & feverish. Roy dined at home luckily with Lin 8 o’c. Both sat with me before dinner. Midge lunched with Maud & admired her house etc. vy much & darling Anne. No one called. All vy kind & attentive. Wednesday 19 February X. Dr B. for Roy. Go 12 o’c see Ruby Walker Miss Holland’s at home 9 12.30. Daisie Robertson to tea. Postponed. Slept till 5.30 soundly feel little better. Still full of cold & trust dear Lin & Roy may escape. X. Roy sees Dr Beauchamp at 6 o’c. Roy dines with Ham & Midge, Coburg. Darling Maud came morg, read & sat with me & lunched & remained until 3 o’c. In bed all day, slight temperature like yesterday. Thursday 20 February Hamilton & Midge to Southampton. Darling Maud came morg & wrote 9 letters with Edie & I talking in the room, could not stay to luncheon but feel better for seeing her dear little face. Edie stayed worked & read until 5 o’c, gave her velvet blouse as I never wear it. All my things fit her better than they do me. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Marie helped Antoinette cover up drawing room, all neat there. Friday 21 February Hamilton sails for South America. Fine. Packed with Marie morg. 11.30. Vy tidy methodical packer & no horrid mess about, finished packing after luncheon. All in perfect order by 5 o’c. Lin finished work at 9.30 a (illeg) drawing of Russian Bear, Turkey & (illeg), à propos of Railway 13


concessions in Turkey. Roy out to dinner. Not a bit worried or tired over packing & rested fr. 5.30 to 6.30 & then sat with Dickie. To bed 9.30. Saturday 22 February Fine morg. Got off most comfortably with Marie as maid. By Plymouth, where change for Falmouth. Roy looks vy seedy. How can he be otherwise, out every night & taking champagne & liqueors, great anxiety & worry to me as he must sow seeds of disease. Letters fr. Midge & my darling who gave away prizes for work at Balcombe yesterday. An angel of goodness, God bless her. Sunday 23 February Dull heavy wet. Slept well. Dickie & self walked to obsolete fort & around back. Fair luncheon. Rested after until 4 o’c. tea & walked along coast & on shore, lovely & a little sun, beautiful beach with quantities of lovely marble pebbles some striped with green & some with red. Saw strange strawberry anemonies most brilliant in colour exactly like a large strawberry cut in half & a fringe of brown at the stem. Dog & stones. Fair dinner, hot room after & to bed 9 o’c. Vy stupid giggly people. Lady with Sir Walter Gilbey odd. Monday 24 February Lawrence weddding. Awfully rough night, many ships put in Bay for shelter. Some sun early. Would be an ideal spot this with sun & warmth. Lin’s white shirt arrived early, he forgot to pack one. Out morning on the sands, afternoon in the dirty little town, bought fruit at a nice shop, Mother & daughter. Harbour full of ships. Evg. Sir Walter Gilbey came up & spoke to us & introduced his daughter Mrs Hinde, asked us to drive with them 11.30 tomorrow. Tuesday 25 February Dull & rainy morg. cleared later & was vy sunny. Dickie & self out morg. beach. Left sandwiches on seat near some poor people! Back 1 o’c. No, out afternoon with Dickie & in all morg. self writing letters. Lin out at 11.30 driving with Sir Walter Gilbey & Mrs Hinde. Afraid to go as it was damp & blowing when they started. Enjoyed afternoon walk & then tea, & rested. Lin out again & came back triumphantly with china cottage! Pleasant talk with Mrs Hinde after dinner. Marie went out for little walk the first since we came. Wednesday 26 February Lin goes up by 10.15 train. Dullish morg. We both slept well. Looks as if it might clear up & have sun. Letters fr. my darling & Edgar about Vittel. 14


Walked with Marie 11.30, met Gilbey party starting for drive. Went along Parade & on to sands beyond New Bay Hotel & gathered shells. Lunched & rested after. Marie read. Tea in drawing room, vy uncomfortable chairs. Pouring wet afternoon, glad out morg. Thursday 27 February Good night. Gleaming uncertain morg. Letters from Dickie weary from yesterday. Hope Antoinette will take great care of him. Marie & self to dirty little town as it rained. Bought cottage, postcards & went over Sailors Home. Vy clean & well kept. Saw Saw Norwegian ill in bed dysentry. German & Swede in Ward all looking v. sad & ill but a beautiful bright room. Very large, can take in 30 & have after a great wreck had 70. Walked on beach & went over House facing sea, lovely sitting rooms but looks unseasonal & damp walls bedrooms. Fire in room 6 o’c. Spoke to Mrs Ramsden. Sir Walter sent lovely book to Linley, his life of “George Stubbs” beautifully got up. Mrs Hinde left morg. did not see her. Friday 28 February Tramp abroad 6 o’c, found useful lights. Very rough night 15 ships in Bay. Some early sun. Dull & rainy unable to go out all morg. Sir W. sent book this morning not yesterday & Mrs Hinde left this morg not yesterday. Out after luncheon & rest when Marie read “Les braves gens” Merzarode. Went over house facing sea & sat in shelter. Vy sunny but a cold wind. Spoke to Mrs Rainley(?) during tea, a simple creature. Sat in drawing room after dinner. A Bishop & good looking wife arrived, she seems amusing. Gigi’s friend called, was out. Saturday 29 February Tramp abroard at 6 o’c lights about conveniently. Marie tooth ache afraid fr. cold wind yesterday. Gleaming uncertain morg. Dear Lin arrives D.V. at 4.50. Out with Marie in vile weather to get fruit, apples bananas & flowers 1/6, registered letter 3½. Tobacco & papers & doll to Sailors home 2/10d. Postcard 6d & cotton 2 = 7.8½. Lin arrived 5.10 looking v. well. We went for walk along shore together for an hour. Dined, & to bed 9.30. X. Received £4 from a speck Lennie made for me. Vy pleased. Sunday 1 March Perfectly awful day, snow, hail, rain & wind. Went out with Lin at 12 o’c for walk in spite of weather. Rested after luncheon. Walked again after tea by the fort & lighthouse, lovely walk past pretty cottage, peacocks, seats everywhere & road right on rocks over sea & trees either side to bend by harbour. Weather awful. Rested again. Dined & talked to Sir 15


Walter Gilbey & secretary, & to bed 9.30. Sir W. on to talk to Dean & Deaness of Canterbury & party. Monday 2 March X. Cistern & Boiler cleaned out during our absence by Nash X. Actually sun early & seems warmer. Sent off in Registered envelope fr. Post Office Falmouth Maud’s Certificate of £133 Wirrel Rly 3% to London & County Bank for safe custody with my other securities. Monday sent off fr. Lennie spec £4.2.0, P&O £4.19.9. Harrods £1.5.3. Waihi £6.13.0 all today to Bank, & above cert. Walked all round rock by Garrison morg, lovely, robin followed us, Lin photod him! After lunch rest & walked for 1½ hours in town, beastly place, tired. Bought fruit old Market Place, Jacobs Ladder. Tuesday 3 March Awful night again rain & hail. Sun gleaming early. Walked with Lin round rock, saw peacocks, most amusing, courting pea hens who appeared quite indifferent to the magnificent display of tails! After luncheon Marie packed & after tea we walked for Lin to photo anchor. Bitterly cold icy wind & heavy hailstones on & off all day with some sunshine. Sir Walter sat with us after dinner & showed us his packet treasures, 3 lovely watches, chains, snuff box with 2 fine cornelians, etc etc & a marvelous gold purse for sovereigns & half sovereigns. Tired & to bed. Dickie tooth ache in night. Wednesday 4 March Hotel bill £24. Good attendance so fees heavy also. Slept fairly well. Linley coughed a good deal. Darling Maud sent quantities of lovely flowers. Left 10.45 Falmouth. Fine. Lin & self took fly at Plymouth & drove to the Hoe. Astonished at its beauty & splendid proportions. Very comfortable journey considering its length, only reached home 9.30. Found all comfortable & went to bed at once. Dickie on to Punch dinner fr. Waterloo. Roy out. Thursday 5 March Slept badly, Lin coughed v. much. Darling Maud fetched me for drive in Park, greatly enjoyed it. Walked after for half an hour, sat with Dickie later but find his room so enervating, could not stay as long as could wish, & I must use up the little air in it too. We dined at 8.30. Roy out. Friday 6 March “Times” indiscrete letter & leading article on a letter fr. German Emperor to Ld. Tweedmouth on British armaments. Fine. Awake 3 hours in night. 16


Darling Maud fetched me 11.30 looking sweet. Brought me a beautiful mole toque she made herself most exquisitely made, & gave Marie a beautiful case of 3 prs of scissors & a sovereign. “Tuesday for Wealth” sems to bring luck with it. Left Maudie at Mrs Hohlers. She told me about Dora & October greatly surprised! Roy dining with Lin. Gave him £4 Lennie made me. Gt. to do about “Times” indiscretion. Saturday 7 March Good night. Maud’s carriage came 11.30. Called on Mrs Beale, charming flat. Saw her just out of her bath! Seems vy well. Home, walked after to Barkers, ordered fruit, flowers. Dickie out morg in brougham, in to lunch. I had bad headache after lunch & evg. too. Lin took me for walk round Pond after tea, & Rags. Dinner 8.20, too late for me. Roy dined at Maud’s, rushed in & out, did not see him. He had brougham. Bore I sit tired 7 lorn. Sunday 8 March X. Sir H.C. Bannerman died this morg 5 o’c. Untrue. Fairly good night woke at 5 o’c did not sleep after. Horid indigestion fr. being overtired for dinner last evg. The darlings all 3 came, look well, & little Anne much grown. X. My darling Maud in bed & not able to dine here tonight. Lennie coming, has been at Balcombe all day. Dickie & self to Zoo greatly enjoyed it together, met Mrs E. Pollock who told us of Sir H. Campbell Bannerman’s death at 5 o’c this morg. Dickie to club after luncheon for news. Dull evg. without Maud, Lennie also worried. Monday 9 March Very cold & windy. Carriage came 11.30. Saw Dr Beauchamp morg. He came to see Lin about his cough. X. Saw Nash about last ac’t of drains which I pay today. X. To Bank to find I can pay at once. X. Called to enquire after Fritz, better, & to go to Harling & Planck & to 104, found her in bed & v. pale & thin. Cold, no temp but headache. Gave Beach 5/-, Roy 2/6. Don’t like look of her new maid. Tuesday 10 March Nellie Keith dined here. Mrs Harold to tea & George Dietz, very sad & seems to feel Anna’s loss v. much. Roy out. Walked to Maud’s, met Mrs O’Goram & Lady Spielmann, walked all way with Mrs O’G. Drove with Maud to Lady Goring where she lunched & I came home in her carriage. Mrs Harold & George Dietz came to tea, poor George vy sad. Lin seemed to enjoy having Nellie to dinner, she amused him. Left at 10 o’c.



Wednesday 11 March Fine but cold. Out at ¼ to 12. X. Paid Nash £80.1.6, £26 Dickie’s so glad to pay it. Met Mrs French, Mrs Linsay Kammer & Ellie Ritchie who walked back with me & to Mrs Bentham’s to arrange about green blouse. Antoinette out afternoon evg. Marie altered my green skirt & we rearranged my 3 loft Boxes, one with Linen, one furs & velvets, the large blue one dear Mother’s with my summer dresses. Darling came to tea not warm enough dressed & pale. Roy out. Thursday 12 March Dined with Lin 8 o’c. Lin vy bright & cheery. Bed 10 o’c. Lunch at Maud’s 1.30. Again disturbed night, Lin’s cough woke me & could not get to sleep for ages. Very dark dull morg, headachey. Carriage at 11.30. Marie helped me into my green cloth dress etc which she had enlarged at waist, it is now comfortable. Drove to enquire after Fritz, out! Irish industries & Claridges. Dora & P. left for abroad yesterday. Lady Venning, Mrs Breitmeyer, Miss Macdonald, Ethel Dilke, Miss Curtis? now Mrs? Vy cheery luncheon, remained to tea. Lady Goring, Mrs Hohler & many others came. Sat with Roy dressing, vy bad business nothing doing. Roy out to dinner. Friday 13 March Slept well. Sunny morg. Cold. Had lovely drive in Maud’s open carriage at 11.30 to Irish Industries. To Marshalls bought 3 prs of gloves & left at Mrs Benthams Church St to be fitted grey dress. Lunch with Dickie & after resting arranged boxes in my wardrobe & labeled them. Daisie Robertson to tea, tiring. Sat with Dickie after. Dined 7.30 & sat with Roy whilst he dressed. V. depressed about work, wish he did not hanker so after great wealth. He dined with Lin at 10.15, I to bed 10.15. Saturday 14 March Lin & Roy dine with Maud & Lennie & go to Music Hall. Lovely morg. slept well. Odd mark on left side of chest above breast, like a boil. Was white & hard vy small is now inflamed looking. Lin & self lunch at Savoy D.V. & go to Pantomime matinée. Had Maud’s carriage to go. I dine alone & to bed early. Enjoyed lunch & Pantomome v. good. V. annoyed Nash cleaning out boiler & cisterns without order to do so during my absence Falmouth. Sunday 15 March Mr & Mrs Edward Pollock dine with us 8 o’c & Lennie & Maud. Dear little Linley, Anne & Oliver, Nurse Francis have influenza, feel v. anxious about them. My boil painful like a knife thro’ my left breast, but 18


only at times. Mervyn & Mrs Church to tea, both look well but Mrs Church rather pale. Vy pleasant evg. Odd Mr Pollock (illeg) or judged Sp’s law suit. Monday 16 March Boil better but painful. Out for drive to Stores in closed carriage, Maud’s. Toys for chicks 5/9. Darlings all laid up with influenza, & Nurse F & footman & housemaid! Poor Maudie! Ethel Mervyn to lunch & tea, just engaged a french maid £12 a year. Vy well dressed & good looking, wonder how it will answer. Mrs Fritz Jackson called, did not see her. Quiet evg. Roy at home for dinner!!! Cozy little evg. Tuesday 17 March Lin dines at Mrs Harold Messel’s. Gilberts, Waterlows & another couple there. Drove in Maud’s Vic Park only. Had bad night felt so sick & had a walk after drive. Bitterly cold. The dear chicks better & Maud out in motor, wish she could have a change & rest. Mrs P. Holland, Mrs Sington, Lady Lawrence, May & Mrs Trench came to tea. Emma to theatre. Roy out. To bed early. Wednesday 18 March Drains all finished by Nash this month. X. People opposite McLeans went away. Drove at 11.30, bitterly cold only able to go round Park felt too seedy fr. cold which goes thro’ one. Fitted at Mascottes bodice ordinaire. Sent carriage away. Mrs Tate came to tea looking well & vy prosperous. Marie out. Mr Currie called about Lin’s voyage to Madeira, seems some doubt about return steamer. Roy dined at home & seemed fairly cheerful. Dear chicks better. Painting & whitewashing op. Thursday 19 March Maudie fetched me in Victoria at 11.30, left P.O. Book at Post Office, Young St. Maudie took up character of lady’s maid Kens. Court 29, good, engaging her. Drove round Park after, saw Ellie near Gardens & walked home with her as Maud was lunching at Mrs Harold’s. Chicks better, Nurse F. vy unwell still & weak. Read to Lin “An old man’s darling” Vy amusing. Roy dined out. Mr Currie called again after dinner & arranged about Lin’s trip to Madeira. Friday 20 March Good night. Frost & vy cold. Did not have carriage. Walked to Barkers & up Phillimore Gds Lane home. Marie cleaned out top shelf of cabinet morg room, took one hour. Read to Dickie “An old man’s darling”. Vy nice light & amusing book to read. Maudie came for a short time, w’d not 19


have tea, looks vy thin darling. Roy came home with vy bad cold, gave him cinnamon drops & hot grog. Dinner 10.15. I went to bed 10 o’c vy tired. Saturday 21 March Roy says his cold is better, always anxious about him, Lin & Maud, they won’t take care of themselves. Lunched at home, had Maud’s open carriage to theatre, we saw “When Knights were bold”. Met Lady Monckton who asked me to lunch there Wed, just promised darling Maud. Lady M. looking wonderfully well, just come fr. Bath. Roy in to dinner, pleasant little evg. His cold better. Sunday 22 March Mr Silver & Mr Ryle dine here. Maud & Lennie dine at Sir W. Gilbert’s. Fine early dull late & v. wet afternoon, warmer. To Zoo at 11.15. Met the Harolds there & remained with them. Dickie busy with photos after lunch. Antoinette out afternoon. Roy’s cold better, out to lunch. Pleasant little evg Mr R. full of gossip & Mr Silver great talker, interesting rather. Left 11 o’c. Monday 23 March V. v. tired. The dear children & Nurse F. came in Victoria & their hospital nurse. They look better but Nurse F. vy delicate & weak. Went for walk & to Sloane St. Hayford about blouses. Met Lady Self & Miss Copeland Griffiths. Dickie to see Macmillan after luncheon about Hans Andersen’s drawings. Marie & I cleaned out cabinet 3 shelves near window morg. room. She arranged them & I washed & managed them beautifully, took fr. 4 to 5.30. Vince came about a place. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Tuesday 24 March Lovely sunny morg. Lin to Calais, returned 5 o’c. Dense sea fog at Dover. Fanny Nembhard, Ada Sp. Mrs Heath, Hylda, Gladys Crozier & Maudie came. Had Vic early 11.30 to Evans, could not get hat, all ugly browns. To Hayford about blouses & home. Lunched alone. Saw Nash’s foreman about painting back & front of house during our absence. Roy out to dinner. Maud’s dancing class evening. Quiet evg Dickie & self. Wednesday 25 March Lunch with Maud 1.30. Rain, horrid day. Mrs Stuart Mackenzie, Miss Pollock, Dar Hayes Sadler & Mrs Wallace & (blank) to lunch. Darling M. looking tired. Did not see chicks. Felt very tired & achey. Rested on return & Marie read. To bed early. Antoinette out. 20


Thursday 26 March Out Vic at 11.30. Felt vy tired, drive did me good. To stores, bought 2 prs silk stockings, one combination, brown tie. Ordered 2 new pin curls & tail renovated! Rested after lunch. 3 o’c Marie & self started cleaning out drawing room cabinet, vy dirty. Tabby came at 4.30 stayed till 6 o’c. Vy glad to see her. Marie & I had to leave shelves unfinished. Roy in to dinner. Pleasany evg. drawing room. Friday 27 March Had Vic at 11.30. To order hat Woollands & about blouses Hayfords. Drove in Park. Met Ethel English, took her on to Claridges, Tabs out. Drop’d Ethel Sloane St. Dickie doing drawing of 2 female figures mourning in case of Campbell Bannerman’s death, hates doing it. Marie & I finished drawing room cabinet, good to work with, is so neat & tidy. Sat with Lin before & after my little dinner & to bed 10 o’c. Roy dined with Lin at 10.30. Marie tried on my new brown tailor dress & ret’d it to (illeg). Saturday 28 March Dull morg. Lin & self lunching Savoy & to see “Gay Gordons” after. The stupidest piece imaginable. We saw young Stern with 3 men at the Savoy. Walked as far as Athenaeum after, got fruit, plants & flowers Butts. Rested, feel vy tired & achey. Roy dined at Maud’s & went to Play after. Dickie depressed about his drawing. Sunday 29 March Harold & Nonie dine with us, & Lennie & Maudie. To Zoo morg. wonderful pythons. Lovely morg, clouded over after. Roy out to lunch. Lin to Club after luncheon. Marie out afternoon. Pleasant little evg. Lennie looking wonderfully well & Maudie better then I expected. Monday 30 March Lady Self to tea. Lovely morg. Out morg 11.30, Nash & Kensington. Major Kevil Davis & Vera & Lady Self to tea. Quiet evening. Roy out. Tuesday 31 March Maud & Lennie go to Scotland. Out morg to Sloane st. Vy tired. Fanny Fildes & Mrs John Aird called only. Had long talk with F.F. Rested after. Roy in to dinner, worked after until 10 o’c. Wednesday 1 April The chicks go to Scotland by night train. Lady Armstrong about Madiera. She has just returned so must try to go to tea with her. At 11.30 in our 21


brougham to Mr Hicks, dentist. Spencer & Hylda waited for me. 2 teeth stop’d, 15/-. To see Mr & Mrs Heath’s miniatures after, one of Hylda v. good. X. Arranged about House painted outside during our absence, start 20th Monday. Marie & Antoinette covering up drawing room. Thursday 2 March Marie & I pack. Roy at home for dinner. Lin very busy. Dined with them at 8 o’c. Friday 3 April All packing done easily & comfortably. Just rested. Roy dined with us in spite of invitation fr. Stern. Left by 11 o’c train or 12 o’c for Scotland. Lin finished work just in time. Take Marie with us. Expenses for her & my ticket £7.0.0. Saturday 4 April X. Arrived “Inchmarlo” one o’c after a comfortable journey. Found all looking so well & Mr Parker & Ruth staying here. Mr P. got a salmon 7 lbs & little Linley 5 trout!!! After tea went to bed & had my dinner there. Charming house & Park rather like a small Pyt, & glorious views. River very near. Sunday 5 April Slept vy badly, not before 4 o’c & felt vy overtired, more so than after my journey. Maud & I lunched with Mary Nicol at Roscobie & saw her lovely wee Shetland ponies, a tiny one only 2 days old. Lennie, Ruth, Eric & Lin to Balmoral in car. Mary, Mr & Mrs King & Miss Parker to tea. Eric P’s 2 sisters seem vy nice & one vy clever made £400 by her watercolours. Pleasant evg. Monday 6 April Heavenly day. Warm & glorious sun. Out 11.30 to River. Lennie caught 10 lb salmon & small trout. Little Anne a trout & undernurse a flounder, fluke as the Scotch call them. Mary Nicol dined here & Mrs Fleischman came. Vy nice woman, so quiet & amusing. Walked with Lin to the hut & had tea with Lennie & Mrs F. & little Linley. Roe’s Pot. Vy luxurious hut. Eric P. fishing Kincardine water, Ruth there. Pleasant evg. Tuesday 7 April Glorious day. Sat out all morg watching litle Linley & Mrs Fleischman fishing. Vy bad night, rested after luncheon. Lin, Eric & Ruth Parker leave at 6 o’c. Lin v. undecided whether he sh’d go to Madeira or return here for Easter. Quiet restful evening. Mrs F. vy amusing & talked in a 22


restful way. To bed 10.20. Two houses fallen in Oxford St. Collapsed, 8 persons killed. Wednesday 8 April Went down to River with darling after our letters. Found Mrs F. & Lennie fishing away busily, no luck & raining. Went again after luncheon & had tea in hut & little Linley. Quiet evg. V. warm. Lennie v. depressed catching nothing. Ethel arrived whilst we were at dinner, a bright element full of news from her sister where she had been staying in Fifeshire. V. amusing about their New Zealand fishing quite a delightful addition to the house party. Thursday 9 April Vy wet morg. Mervyn arrived at 8 o’clock. Vy tired & vexed at losing the train at Durham & consequently unable to come on fr. Aberdeen last evg. Lennie & Mrs Fleishman to Kincardine water. Mervyn & Ethel fished here, hopeless, so returned to lunch. Little Anne toothache. Lennie & Mrs F. back to tea. Mr & Mrs Haye fr. Blackwall Castle called & hindered Maud’s & my walk. Then young Alastair Farquhar came to tea. Vy nice boy. After we all walked round garden & rest went on to see Shetland ponies at Roscobie & Ethel & I to rest before dinner. Vy pleasant evg. Friday 10 April Perfectly heavenly morg, brilliant sun, frost. The Harolds arrived at 9 o’c, luckily seeing this lovely place first in sunshine. Slept fairly well only awake so long in night. Sat out all morg. by river. No fish killed. Mrs F. & Lennie to Kincardine water, Ethel & Mervyn here, no luck. After luncheon we walked after tea thro gardens, rest on to Roscobie to see Shetland ponies. Ethel & I returned. Maudie vy tired after her walk. Played roulette evg. Won 3d. Lennie lent me 2/- which I rep’d. Lin decided to return here instead of going to Madeira. Saturday 11 April X. Lin & Roy to see “The Theif” tonight. Fine but cold. V. cold wind. Slept well. Went with Maud to River. Mrs Fleischman left at 4 & fished up to last moment, not even returning for luncheon! No success. Harold & Nonie played golf. Lennie still fishing all day, he & Maud dined at the Nicols. Talked evening & to bed 10.20. Maudie not looking well, her eyes puffy. Overtired et un peu l’(illeg) avec cuisinière, (illeg) trop jeune. Nurse F. headache. Feel worried about the £500 taken up in B.A.Pacific, fear must sell at loss.



Sunday 12 April Dull & colder. Very fine later. In all morg. writing with Ethel. Darling to Church Banchory with little Linley & Anne. Walked after lunch with Mrs Harold & Ethel, rest practised casting on lawn & walked after. Maudie to church here with Linley, she looked very pale & tired evg, afraid doing too much. Nurse F. not well, headache. Sweep stakes 1/- after dinner for finding salmon in certain pools! Monday 13 April Glorious morg, good night. Maudie in bed till 12, vy tired, & fear worried about money. Wish I could help her in arranging accounts etc. Nurse F. vy seedy but up. Walked with Nonie to river both Mervyn & Lennie have had fish on, only Ethel got small trout. After lunch Ethel & I drove to Kincardine water to take tea to Mr Pelham Burn who had been fishing there. Little talk with him & went on to Aboyne, fetched tea basket & back. E. & I tea with Fraulein & Linley. Mrs Thorneycroft, Mary & Alastair Farquhar & Mr Pelham Burn dined here. Mr Pelham Burn slept here. Roulette. Won 2d. Tuesday 14 April Our dear parents wedding day. Dear Conrad died 14 April 1907 after 3 days illness. Lovely morg. Slept well, tired. Went alone to see Lennie & Mervyn fish & sat some time with both on boulders. Plenty of fish but none killed. Lennie lunched at house. After Maud & self in Car to call Blackhall Castle 2 miles drive fr. Lodge to Castle along river side & past Crathes after. Glorious scenery. We were put down at White Gate & had tea in hut with fishers. Harold & Nonie joined us, they had lunched on hill & walked 10 miles!!! Alastair Farquhar fished Kincardine water & got 8lb salmon, splendid, with Jack Scot fly, small fly. Games evg. little (illeg), personalities amusing. Wednesday 15 April Fine but no sun. Harold, Nonie & Lennie in Car to Kincardine Water. Lovely day. The Harolds walked back. I drove in Car with Maudie to Banchory & past Crathes the Bennetts place, lovely drive. Stop’t at White Gate & had tea with fishers. Ethel packed, they leave tomorrow early. No luck with fish. Roy goes to Leweston. Heard fr. Lin Rags has taken to biting people. V. sorry as he ought to be killed if not safe. Thursday 16 April Lovely day. Mervyn & Ethel left at 8 o’clock, so sorry they could not stay on. Lennie asked them, they go to Ethel’s brother in Cumberland. Sat out morg with Maud & Nonie watching Lennie fish “Fawn” pool. Harold 24


golfed. All back to luncheon. At 3.30 Maud, Nonie, self to Kincardine O’Neil to Miss (blank) to buy sweets, lovely ones made by her & her mother, & to tea after with Lennie & Harold in hut. Fish darting all over the place. Left Lennie & Maud fishing. Lennie came in at 8 o’c with a 6lb salmon caught alone & delighted. Songs after dinner, rather late to bed. All in high spirits about fish, hope more to follow. Friday 17 April Lovely morg, slept well. Dear Lin leaves London tonight & arrives tomorrow morg. with Mr Guthrie. Mr Cokayne comes today early & fishes at Kincardine. Lennie here. Killed a 5 lb salmon before luncheon, delighted. I walked with little Anne to farm & called on Mrs Campbell who is factor’s wife. Most kind to little Anne & seemed delighted to see us. Oddly enough she knows a Mrs Hyde Clarke who is Godmother to her only daughter. After lunch Mr & Mrs Davison & Miss Walton came, seem vy friendly, fine woman Mrs D. Harold & Nonie walked 15 miles out all day. Pleasant evg. Saturday 18 April Dear Mother’s birthday. Dickie & Mr Guthrie arrive at 1 o’c. Dull morg, gleams of sunshine only. Lovely day later, some rain. Went to see Mr Cokayne fish & back in time to see Lin & Mr Guthrie drive up. Lin has to finish drawing here, looks a little tired. Lin & I walked & had tea with rest in hut, delightful, colder but brilliant sunshine on & off. Mr Cokayne killed 15 lb salmon in Seaton pool. Alastair killed 3 further down river. He, Mr Webster, Molly, Mary, dined here. Roulette after dinner. Bank lost. Mary & I talked. Lin in smoking room, rather late to bed 11 o’c. Sunday 19 April Snow on distant hills. Heavy hail storms. Snow & brilliant sun between times, lovely. Lin working away hard. Maud, Lennie, Linley boy & Mr Cokayne to Church morg, hope Maud will not take cold. After lunch all photod in front of house. At 4 o’c Maud, Lennie & Nonie drove to Blackhall Castle & had tea at the Hays. All most kind & enquired after Lin who remained at home working. Saw letter of Robert Burns. Had little walk with Lin on return. Delightful evg. Talked to Mr Guthrie & Lin told amusing stories. Monday 20 April Snow about inch thick everywhere. Fine later. Harold & Nonie leave at 4 o’clock for London. Lin working hard all day until 4.30 when Maud, Lin Mr Guthrie & I went to have tea with Lennie in hut. Little Linley got 4 small trout. Mr & Mrs Davidson came to lunch & pottered all over the 25


place, by river & everywhere. Excellent luncheon, too much. Mrs D. v. talkative & instructive!!! Mr Cokayne got a 10 lb salmon in Kincardine water. Vy fine fish. Lennie got nothing & v. disappointed. Vy delightful evg. Tuesday 21 April X. Sent Banker’s receipt & allotment letter of B.A.Pacific Rly £500 4½% debs to Harold. £175 paid. Slept well, Lin so quiet. Fine morg but not brilliant sun. Fine but cold. Lennie to Kincardine, home at at 3, no luck. Fish caught there later in day about 6 lbs. Maud & chicks to Mary Nicols to tea. Read to Lin morg “Mascotte of Pk Lane”, Lucas (illeg). Mr Guthrie, Lin & self to see fishers later. Mr Cokayne caught lovely salmon 10 lbs with sea lice!!! on it. Pleasant evg. Mr Guthrie vy amusing. Wednesday 22 April Snow, fine later, cold. Mrs Gibson arrived 9 A.M. Went with Maud to see Mr Cokayne & Lennie fish. Mr C. another 8 or 9 lb salmon. Lennie got a Kelt on. Saw him land it and let it go. Mrs Gibson joined us & walked back with me. Had tea with Dickie here, rest in hut. Walked after & joined them. Lennie got a salmon about 6 lbs & Mr C. another 7 lbs, 3 today! (illeg). Mary Nicol, Alastair & Molly to dinner. Roulette after, lost 3½d! Lennie got a Kelt morg which we saw him land & throw back. Thursday 23 April Ground all covered in snow, brilliant sun. Good night. Maudie looks better. Maud, Lin, Mr Guthrie & I go to “Crathes” Lady Benetts which property was given their family by Robert Bruce 1200 something! & they still have the Horn given by him to their ancestors, Charming people. Yew hedges enormoudly thick, & narrow avenues of limes like thin additions of the Pyt ones. Dickie vy livery after dinner & slept in drawing room, tiresome as it fidgets Lennie when he snores, & looks bad. Friday 24 April Bitterly cold. To River with Maud morg. & Mrs Gibson. Lennie, Lin & Mr Guthrie to Aberdeen in Car & back at 3.30 when Lennie went to fish again. Mr Cokayne fishing all day. Walked with Lin to hut, after with Maud, Lin & Mr Guthrie had tea here. Lin did photographs after dinner & only went down when I came up to bed. No luck with fish. Saturday 25 April Mervyn’s telegram, work accepted Academy, Don Quixote. Vy cold, bright & sunny. Lin vy livery, better morg, vy sleepy & heavy evenings. Walked with Maudie to hut saw Mr Cokayne & Lennie fish, no luck. Vy 26


cold. Mrs Gibson & Mr Guthrie walked to Banchory. At 4 o’c in Car to Sluie to tea Mrs Davidson. Lovely small house most exquisitely situated high up on mountain with extensive views all round of layers of mountains, some covered in snow, & the river below. All vy kind & hospitable. Dined 8.30 Lennie & Mr C. vy late in, no luck. Had talk with Lin on return he again slept & snored in drawing room, so sorry as he can’t be well & it annoys the rest & looks bad. Sunday 26 April Wet day. In all day. Maud to Church with Linley & walked back with Mary N. who remained to luncheon. Maud walked back with her & Mrs Gibson also. Lin, Lennie, Mr Guthrie & Mr Cokayne went in Car to Braemar, saw herds of deer led by a fine stag & one in rear cross brook. Back at 4.30. Had poetry game evg, Lin & Lennie excellent but found it tiring & did not sleep well. Lin seems much better, not so sleepy. Monday 27 April Lovely day, slept badly, v. tired. With Lin, Maud & Mrs G. to hut, saw Mr C. fishing & land a fine Kelt! Now see difference, long lank & shapeless. No luck in salmon. Rested after lunch & we all went & had tea in hut. Lin did a lovely drawing on wall of hut of “Punch” fishing & Toby ready to gaff salmon, perfectly delightful drawing. Vy jolly afternoon & evg. Mary N. here to dinner. Roulette, lost 1/1. Tuesday 28 April Slept well. Dull morg. Dear Lin leaves today, think change has done him good but not rest enough as he worked hard until Wed. evg, so does not get one clear week. Mr Guthrie & Mr Cokayne leave today also. To River morg, lots of fish rising but none taken, Sat out & walked up & down watching fishers but felt vy cold, After lunch Lin & Marie packed & at 4 Maud, Mrs G, Lin & self & 2 chicks went to Roscobie to tea & see ponies. Rush back to hut & motor waited & brought us back fr. there. Dear Lin awfully depressed leaving. We missed him dreadfully. Cap. Gibbs & Hylda came morg & Mr Marriott. Wednesday 29 April Fine morg. To River at 12, no luck. Cap’t G. & Lennie fishing. Maud, Hylda Mrs G. & self in Motor to Banchory, Tailor, & after had lovely drive nearly as far as F(illeg) the Farquharsons place, passing the lovely bridge of Turk, a dream of beauty. Rested after lunch when Miss Nash the girl who makes sweets came to lunch, & at 4.30 to hut, tea there. Miss Lin & the 2 others, these so dull after them & cold in hut. Maudie rested



½ an hour before dinner, badly needed it & looked better after. Quiet evg. Rae (Gillie) got a 6 lb salmon, brought in at desert!!! Thursday 30 April Dear Roy arrived 9 o’c. Dull morg, cold. Did not go out all day. Roy arrived at 9 o’c looks vy well & seems lively. Mr & Mrs Davidson, 2 girls, & Mrs Watson to luncheon, 13, so Cap Gibbs & one of girls sat at side table. They all went to tea at hut after & Mrs G, Mrs Watson & I remained here to tea. Charming little woman v. delicate, husband Viceconsul at Bolivia(?). Played roulette after dinner, I lost ½! Owe Lennie 4½. No fish & Mr D. has got 5 in 2 days, yesterday & day before. Dickie to first night revival “Gay Lord Quex”. Friday 1 May Dull again, no sun. Lovely later & vy warm. Maud in Car at 11.50 to Roscobie, took Mary & Molly in it to Aberdeen to choose Molly’s frock, lunched there. Mrs Gibson & I walked at 12 o’c to see Lennie & Cap. Gibbs. Got fearfully hot walking back & felt quite seedy after. X. Rested & walked alone in garden. Alastair dined here, cheery as ever. Roulette after, Lennie won 25/- & 10/- last night as Bank. I only lost 2½ & owe Lennie 6d. Bed too late, vy tired, ought to have come up directly after dinner. Roy played golf with Mr Marriott. Saturday 2 May Good night but feel tired, side uncomfortable. Wet. Walked with Maud, Mrs G. & Hylda to farm & to River & I returned alone & read in Maud’s boudoir till luncheon, much nicer than tearing back late to luncheon. Rested after luncheon again. Marie read “Peter the Great”. Mr & Mrs Douglas nice lively young couple to tea, vy amusing. He met Maud years ago! Their little boy to tea also with children. Cap’t Gibbs got small trout, not salmon, but lost some! Roy & Mr M. very late in for dinner, Lennie vexed. Came up to bed before men out fr. dinner, vy tired. Hylda had tea at hut. Dickie to Private View Academy. Sunday 3 May Wet morg. Wonder how Dickie liked Mervyn’s little statue at Academy of “Don Quixote”! Maud, Hylda & little Linley to Church in Motor. V. wet. After lunch Lennie, Roy, Cap. Gibbs, Mr Marriott in Motor to Stone Haven, had tea there. Mr M’s quaint fall! They walked home fr. the Turk Bridge. Vy merry evg. Lennie mimicked different people. Bed 10.30. Read “The Conqueror” by Atherton, vy interesting. & Marie read me Pierre I de Russie. Walked after tea with Maud & Mrs G. Hylda with the Stone Haven party. 28


Monday 4 May Wet again. Out at 11.30 with Hylda to River, no luck. Sat a while in 2 nd hut & returned to write letters. Long letter fr. Dickie, great heat in London. He went to P.V. Academy Saty & is pleased with Mervyn’s “Don Quixote”. Anxious about Lin as heat never agrees with him. Lin lunched at Athenaeum wth Mr G(illeg) who had met Vernon Watney at Sir E. Grey’s & thought him vy odd. Poor Academy. Mrs Douglas small boy to tea & she came later, her car broken down, & Maud lent hers to take her & boy home. Roulette after dinner, lost 2d. Tuesday 5 May Paid Marie 4/6 washing etc & Lennie 8d losses at Roulette, in all now 1/8! Dull morg. Edgar & Sophy arrive today. Mr Johnson cannot come. Lin & Spencer dine together Stafford Terrace & go to play together. Cap’t & Hylda Gibbs leave 6 o’c. Alistair Farquhar came to say goodbye, joining his ship “Exmouth” at Portsmouth harbour. Dear Edgar & Sophy arrive 1 o’c. So glad to see them, came on direct fr. Bedstone. Wednesday 6 May Fine. Sat in hut morg, ret’d early. Marie to tea at Mrs Douglas’s. Nurse F. & Fraulein to Aberdeen for day. Linley with us morg. Mrs G, Sophy & self to hut for tea, Maudie joined us. Edgar walked back with me. Pleasant dinner, liveliest yet had. To bed before roulette, vy tired. Paid Lennie 8d roulette making 1/8 lost. Thursday 7 May Lovely day, cold wind. River vy high. To River morg. Lennie busy first part of river, no luck, & went & wrote in 2nd Hut. Returned 12 o’c, wrote in my room. Met Mrs G. & Sophy on way to hut on return. Edgar fishing (illeg) Roy & Mr M. golfing. Feel v. faint sure too long to go without food 9 to past 2 o’c. Edgar got 6½ lb salmon before lunch! Lennie 6 lb salmon before tea. Sophy, Mrs G, M. & self in Car to Mrs Pickering’s. Mrs Davison of Dees & Mr & Mrs W. White, v. smart woman Mrs D. To hut after. V. merry dinner, roulette after but I came up at 10.30. Friday 8 May Fairly fine early, much warmer. River going down. Walked down with Edgar. After lunch rested & to hut at 4.30. Lennie, Roy, Edgar & Mr Marriott in Motor to Mr Davidsons & fished in his “Loch”. 7 lovely trout, Edgar got 5 of them. Vy merry tea in hut. Roy staying on till Monday night. Roulette evg. Lost 1d. Sophy won 4/-. Marie vy seedy, livery. Mrs D. called & informed Maud that they would arrive with 20 visitors & all



the day Maud leaves!!! No letter fr. Dickie today. Roulette. Bed after 11 o’c. Won 6d. Saturday 9 May Hamilton Langley arrives Southampton fr. South America. Dear Roy leaves Inchmarlo. Perfectly glorious morg. Roy leaves Monday night instead of tonight. Vy tired & sleepy, good night but tired, too late to bed 11.10. Wrote to Lin & sent it off by 8.45. Marie fetched it. Tea in hut, vy jolly. Edgar walked to end of River beat with me after. Rested an hour refreshed. Marie all right again, pity she gets so depressed when seedy. Roulette, won 6d, bed 11. No letter fr. Dickie. Sunday 10 May Lovely morg glorious sun, slept well. In Car with Mrs Gibson for drive to Church, picked up Maud, Edgar, Sophy, Linley II, Mrs G. & my darling to Church. Little Anne & Oliver drove part of way back with me. Wrote letters. After lunch Lennie, Roy, Mr Marriott & Mrs Gibson went to Kintore in Car, walked 4 miles back, late dinner 8.30, bed 10.45. Edgar & I had tea alone together & a walk after. He vy busy with letters to Con’s boys, accounts heavy. Maud, little Linley & Sophy to tea at Mary Nicol’s. Monday 11 May Lovely morg. Roy leaves tonight for home. Good night slept till 7.30. To 2nd hut morg. 2 letters fr. Lin. Came back 12.30, wrote. Tired. Rested & Mrs Mitchell (tiresome person) Mary & Molly to tea. Walked to hut, all rest having tea there. Mrs Gibson walked back with me & we saw Roy off at 6 o’c in motor. Dined 8.30. Lennie sang after dinner. Felt awfully tired & darling Maud same but won’t own it, her dear eyes show it. No luck & yet Blackhall people catching 3 or 4 salmon a day! Vy trying for Lennie. Tuesday 12 May Lovely day but vy cold wind at 5 o’c odd as it was so warm all the morg. Maud & I walked to first hut & sat there. Letters fr. Dickie, he had dined with Midge & H. Coburg. Hamilton’s rents in S.A. doubled!!! He must be a v. rich man now. After lunch Edgar, Lennie, Mr Marriott, little Linley, Maud & Sophy to Sluie to fish trout. Edgar only got one & others nothing. Tea in hut. Edgar v. seedy & unable to come down to dinner, chill, v. hot & feverish, feel anxious about him. Mary Nicol & Molly here to dinner. Roulette, lost 4d. Too late for bath too tired! Roy arrives home this morg, left here 6 o’c last evg.



Wednesday 13 May Slept well. Vy heavy rain, lovely later but cold wind. Walked with Maud & watched her fish a little while. Poor Edgar in bed with a chill which he calls a gout attack. Sat with him morg until 12 o’c. Saw Roy’s nest 3 wee birds in it. Rested after lunch & walked with Maud & Sophy to Sandy Bank Pool. They went on to tea in hut. I with Edgar in his room. He did not get up to dinner. Maudie killed her first salmon 5¾ lbs, & v. quiet about it. 2 others on & lost. No other fish caught. Quiet evg. Bed. Thursday 14 May Midge & H. arrived 9 o’c. Had comfortable journey, both well, Midge full of fun. Letters fr. Lin & Roy who sent me £5.0.0 note. Colder, dull. Edgar up but not going out today. Edgar went out & to tea in hut where we all had it. No luck. Roys birds disappeared fr. lone nest, others safe. Walked round garden with Midge. Roulette evg. No luck, lost 9d. Owe Lennie 11½ ! Pity he loses his temper so over roulette, spoils the fun of it. Friday 15 May Poring wet day & colder. Lennie killed salmon 16 ½ lbs morg. H. no luck. In all morg. Midge kept us in fits so amusing drawing room, Mrs G, Sophy, Maud & self. Edgar quite himself again. After lunch H & Lennie to river & Edgar & Mr Marriott to Lake Sluie but got nothing. Tiresome 3 Miss Hays to tea, Mary & Molly all made fun of the Davidsons & their Saty party. Glad none of us went. M. & self to river 6 o’c when they left. Roulette evg & much nicer, Lennie quite good tempered. Saturday 16 May Fine early, slept well. Sat out all morg. Maud, Lennie, H.L. fished. Lennie vexed Mr M. fishing also & disturbing water. Midge v. amusing. Edgar & Sophy in motor to Sluie, he to fish trout. No luck here or there. Sophy walked back & we all had tea at Hut. Mrs Davidson & Mrs Pelham called of Dees, the small pretty Mrs D. Mary & Molly dined here, roulette after. I to bed at 10.20 when they started roulette, Edgar taking Bank. They did not go until 11.30. Glad I came up early. Marie to Banchory. Sunday 17 May Lin & Roy play tennis at Sir A.H’s. Slept well. Lovely morg, warm. Wind in night made my blinds dance, had to get up & shut window. Edgar, Sophy, Maud to Church. Walked with Midge & Lennie & Ham, feel got my chill then, cold wind & hot sun, wore best dress too thin. After lunch Lennie, Ham, Midge, Sophy & little L. to Dunnottar. No tea. Maud, Mrs G. & self to River. Late back no rest before dinner. Mr & Mrs 31


Douglas dined here & vy lively evg, they know many of Midge’s friewnds in Shropshire. Monday 18 May Lovely day, glorious sun. Vy cold wind. Sat in Hut. Lennie vy down, no luck. After lunch he & H. to Sluie, no luck. Mr Davidson came to say goodbye. Edgar & Sophy off at 10.30, down to wish them goodbye. Mr Marriott with them, late as usual. Darling saw us off at Banchory by 6.50 train. Felt a chill, got so warm & then cold wind. Carriage in train sleeping comp’t fearfully hot suffocating. Vy bad throat. Fees 1.7.6. Sleeping carriage 7/6, guards 2/6. Tuesday 19 May Lennie got 2 salmon today! & lost another thro’ carelessness of Gillie. Slept badly, too near engine. Awful throat like quinsey. Foggy, v. fine later. My throat vy bad, afraid of quinsey. Gargled continuously with condy all day. Lin looking well & Roy also. Lin busy all day with photos. Felt so seedy with bad throat & hot & cold, so stupid when I have been so well. Unpacked all morg with Marie, rested after lunch. Lin had tea with me in my room, alone again till 8. Lin & Roy dined at home & they went after to Sir C. Quilter’s smoking party. Could not sleep for ages. L. & R. home at 12 o’c. Wednesday 20 May In bed all day. Throat better but still vy painful & backache. Lin’s lovely drawing of Old Crimean Pensioner & Charity being used as an advertisement, looks splendid enlarged. Ham & Midge leave “Inchmarlo” today, & Maud, Lennie & all the household come south tonight. So glad to get letter fr. Maud saying Lennie got 2 fish yesterday & lost another thro’ the carelessness of Gillie. Temperature 101 & felt so headachey & throat so painful sent for Dr Beauchamp at 9.30. Arrived 10 o’c. Gave me diaphoretic & eau de cologne compress with water & gargle. Thursday 21 May X. Doctor came, doesn’t know much. Slept fairly well, perspired freely. Feel sore & weak rather but much better, throat less painful. In bed all day. Lovely day, sun & fresh wind. Dr B. came, fluttered around, but don’t think he knows what is wrong with me. Still a little feverish, nearly 100 temp. Dickie vy busy. Darling Maud came to tea, a ray of sunshine bless her & told us all sorts of funny stories. Marie read to me after. Roy out to dinner. Had chicken broth & milk only. Headache.



Friday 22 May Lovely day. Slept fairly well, great perspiration night. Maudie came morg. & stayed some time. Throat still vy painful, convinced it is a sort of quinsey, a yellow secretion. Side uncomfortable. Maudie vy amusing , brought fishing toy of Linley’s fr. Farm. Feel vy hot & feverish & temp over 100 at night. Throat vy painful & generally most uncomfortable. Lin did charming drawing. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 23 May Maud & Lennie to Balcombe for night. Lovely day. Dr B. came 12 o’c. Dickie to see Mr Wynams horses jump somewhere in Kent, off directly after breakfast. Emma off early to her niece’s wedding, may not be back until early tomorrow. Clouded over about 12.30 Throat still very painful but temperature down after 11 o’c. To remain in bed till Monday after seeing Dr B. Feel vy bad, throat so painful, & hot over 100 at 4 o’c. Marie read which did me good, so soothing. Rested after & felt better thank heaven. Roy sat in my room & Lin ret’d just in time for dinner. I had whiting! & a little chicken, & able to swallow it. Sunday 24 May Lennie & Maud dining here. They lunch at Hampton Court on way up. Bad night, 2 violent sweats fr. taking diaphoretic medicine. Hurts my right side coughing so much but am better, no temp morg & throat less red but still vy painful when swallowing. Glorious day, cool breeze. Read about quinsey which is exactly what my complaint is, a mild form. Vy depressed about my kidney as apparently there is no hope for that. Dickie & Roy to Sir Alfred’s tennis. Temp nearly 100 again & feel backachey. My darling looked sweet, sat with me after dinner. Monday 25 May Bad night, could not get any rest fr. cough. Sweat & felt cold after. Dr B. came most kind & sympathetic, wishes Mr Haward to see me Thursday. Wound swollen fr.coughing & throat still v. painful, never had such a painful one before, quinsey. Most thankful it is no worse. My precious darling came today & remained until 6.30. Little Anne read & cheered me, felt depressed. Mr W. Hartree called. Roy & Lin dined together. Letters fr. Edgar & Midge. Dr B. says impossible for me to go Vittel. Tuesday 26 May Fine & dull alternately. My darling came morg. looking so sweet & pretty, could not remain to luncheon. Had an awful night coughing which hurts my side & heavy sweats. President Fallières & King again Exhibition. Marie went & saw them. Edie came & had tea with me. Lin 33


vy funny about King & Pres. Fallières seeing my window boxes. Lin & Roy dine at Maud’s & to theatre after. Wednesday 27 May Apt. 5.30 Dr Beauchamp & Mr Haward coming in consultation. Lovely day. Lin lunching at Mr Lucy’s, F.C.Bs. Roy out to dinner. Another horrid night of perspiration but feel better, tonic taking effect. Darling Maud came at 4 o’c, seems to have cold but looked sweet. She had been to Temple Flower Show morg with Mr Messel. X. Mr Haward vy pleased with progress made in spite of this cold. Pain & swelling in side caused by strain of coughing & am to wear a steel shield padded over kidney in belt. Lin’s lunch at Mr L’s vy interesting, the F. Burnands, Sassoons, Lady Dorothy Neville, Hon Mrs C. Lawrence. Thursday 28 May Better night, no sweats. Had bath at 11 & to bed again. Not to get up until after Dr B’s call tomorrow. Lovely day in fits & starts. Am getting far too absorbed in my own ailments, must reform! Darling Maud laid up, chill. Vy anxious about her. Sent Antoinette evg., little better. Roy & Lin dined together. Dear Edgar came to tea & sat with me 2 hours, did me good, vy dear & vy unselfish of him. Roy came in for ½ a second evg. Friday 29 May Lovely day. Better night. Sent Upton to enquire for my darling, better. She has also bad throat. X. Dr B. came 6 o’c, says I may get up at 5 tomorrow for a little while. Side vy achey & feels as if my inside would come through it. The Burnands called, C’s & F.C.B’s. Vy kind. Roy dined with Lennie, he only came into my room for half a second. Lin did fine drawing of Fallières & France. He left Dover today. Saturday 30 May Lovely morg. Dull intervals. Slept better than have done since our return, bed more comfortable & did not cough.The 2 chicks came after luncheon with Nurse F. & Fraulein, looking sweet in their new coats. Maudie better but still in bed, throat like mine, odd. Tabbie & Mervyn came looking so smart & pretty, vy amusing too. Arranged about Lin going to Leweston for Whitsuntide as I know he loves going there. Dear Edgar came for an hour. V. dear & unselfish, loved having him. Lin & Roy to dine at 104 & to play after with Lennie, they enjoyed it. Sunday 31 May Fine vy hot. Pity Marie shows bad temper, it spoils her good qualities & she cannot be as kind hearted as I had hoped she was! Hamilton & Tabby 34


& perhaps Gwen & Lennie dine here tonight. Still in bed. Had bath morg, good night, side painful when move, but swelling gone down. Lay on sofa in dressing gown after luncheon until 7 o’c. Tabs, Gwen, Ham, Lennie, Roy & Lin dine here. Tabs & Gwen sat with me some time after dinner, both blooming. Fearfully hot. Lin & Roy enjoyed their game at Sir A’s. Monday 1 June Fine, vy hot. Slept well but feel sidey, & feel weak. Am afraid shall be obliged to keep a maid especially for myself, seem to need so much & my clothes need looking after. Bother as if only fairly well c’d manage without. Sent Pass Book & Waihi dividend of £12.7.0 to Bank by Upton. Edgar came & sat with me, vy dear of him. Another worry with Geoff, in debt again & we shall have to pay £10 each. This makes £25 this year in family calls on our purse, rather much. Emma out. Punch dinner tonight. Tuesday 2 June Lovely day, vy hot but delicious cool breeze. Dressed & lay on sofa in my room, side vy uncomfortable & all clothes too tight. Marie read after lunch. Lin busy too, like Thurs & Friday for his work. Edie F, Ethel C. & dear little Oliver here & had tea in my room & Lin & Ethel Mervyn who stayed some time. Marie read again & to bed, thankful to get there. Darling Maud going down to dinner tonight first time since last Wed. Roy dined there & says she looks vy pulled down poor darling. Wednesday 3 June Derby Day. Siognoretta filly won, rank outsider. Lovely day, delicious breeze. X. Dr Beauchamp came 12.30. Says I can go down, & have a drive every day. Fitted for my pad, horridly uncomfortable thing & makes me another 2 inches bigger round waist. Dear Edgar came to tea & Sophy later, they went together to Mrs Paton’s at home. Mrs Walkes called & sat some time with me, vy lively as usual. Dickie busy with drawing. Maudie better, down to dinner last evg. but Roy thought she looked pale. Out today. Thursday 4 June Lin & Roy dine with Lennie & Maud, Harold, Nonie, Mr Messel etc at Garden Club 8 o’c tonight. Slept vy badly, awful thunderstorm & could not get to sleep after. My darling called for me with dear little Linley & Anne in Victoria at 11.30. She looks very fragile & pulled down & I feel most anxious about her. We drove round Park, met Mrs Gibson & then to Mrs de la Penha, alas she can not live long, growing weaker. Maudie took chicks to see her & the darling feels the sorrow & sadness of it 35


keenly. Mrs Messel there & little Oliver came also as she wished to see them all. Toula lunched with Maudie & Maud is dining at Exhibition tonight. Most unwise she looks too delicate. Lennie called for Lin & Roy in car, which refused to move, so he ret’d home & they meet at Exhibition for dinner. Toula came to tea with me. Violent thunderstorm all evg. Friday 5 June My darling goes with the chicks to Balcombe by 10 train. Trust she will soon get stronger & better there, feel very anxious about her, & Lennie does not see how ill she is. Lin & Roy go to Tabbie’s. I shall be alone here with the 3 maids! I was in bed on Dickie’s going, think change will do him good & Roy will be happier having him. Bath chair at 12 o’c for 1½ hours 3/-, took Antoinette. Sat in Row enjoyed it immensely. Dickie left at 3.30. Gladys Crozier came & sat with me. Vy tired, to bed after Bath. Saturday 6 June Slept well. Much colder. At 12 in Bath Chair, took Antoinette, vy attentive & nice. Sat in Flower Walk, so cold & windy. Same man 3/3. Stamps ½. Toula to tea. Sent her back in carriage & enquired after Mrs de la Penha. Dined in my bedroom, sofa more comfortable. Marie out for an hour 6 o’c. Read account of Signorietta Derby & Oaks winner owned by Italian. Bath & Bed. Paid bills by cheque. Letters fr. Edgar & Maudie. Sunday 7 June Dul & cold. Slapt fairly well. Antoinette out after luncheon. Had brougham 12 o’c, took Marie to Hyde Pk Corner. Met Toula. M. returned on foot. Toula had just found a double sovereign silver case with one sovereign inside, is going to make enquiries to find owner. We lunched together, rested after whilst Toula read & slept! Dear Mervyn came to tea, so glad to see him, but he looks vy delicate. Toula stayed till 7 o’c. Monday 8 June Dull & cloudy. Marie out. Fine later. Had Bath chair 1½ hrs. Sat in Row perfectly lovely & few people about there. Took Rags, otherwise alone. After rest at 3 .30 took out things fr. 3 boxes & put others in. Put purple velvet dress, molle(?) black day dress, furs & hats, winter hats in dear Mother’s box. Gladys Crozier came to tea, was most kind & thoughtful, & amusing. 2 letters fr. Dickie.



Tuesday 9 June Fair night. Out for day. Antoinette worked well & so cheerfully & did my little omlette for dinner very nicely. Had Bath chair morg 2 hours 3/2. Sat in Park. Lady Bergne & Mrs H. Levy & daughter called, dau. been married 10 months & is home again her marriage annulled! Poor girl awful exeriences. Roy returned at 5.30, dined with Mr Stern whose car fetched him. Dined in my room & to bed 9.o’c. Wednesday 10 June Bad night. Woke when Roy came in altho’ he was very quiet. Lin returning today 4 o’c. Remained in all morg for Doctor who never came. Went for drive Bath Chair 2 o’c till 3.30. Had dreadful commissioner to draw me, shockingly common person. Dear Lin arrived 4 o’c looking better for his little change. Had tea together & off to Punch dinner. He & Roy both enjoyed their visit immensely. To bed early. 3/- chair. Child opposite cried dreadfully. Thursday 11 June Very good night, slept late. Dr B. came in fluster as usual just as I was going out in Chair. Says I can go to Balcombe Saty. Had lovely drive in Park where he stop’d & read papers out. 1½ hrs 3/-. Edgar & Sophy came to luncheon, vy glad to see them. Lin vy busy dear thing. Edgar stayed to tea with me until 5.30, rested whilst Marie looked thro’ boxes wardrobe. Bed early. Roy dined with Lin at 8.30, so glad they were together. Friday 12 June Wet early, fine later. Darling M. came in Car 11.30 just as I was going out in Bath chair. Looks much better. We saw Mrs Spofforth, Maudie only stayed few moments. Horrid chair man, another. Barely 1½ hrs out. Rest & Marie & I to my room where she packed. Toula & Edie came & had tea. Toula stayed till 7! Turned out 2 drawers in my room. Roy dined with Dickie 9.45, did not see him. Darling M. & Toula brought flowers. Saturday 13 June D.V. Lin, Roy & self to Balcombe. Take Marie. Fine early. Roy meets us Vic. Sent Marie on with luggage & Lin & self went in brougham. Great crowd all thro’ Park & Piccadilly from Suffragettes & terrific at Albert Hall. Dear Edgar met us at Victoria & saw us off, he still looks vy seedy, not nearly as well as when he came to London. Roy too looks very white & says he does not feel well. Darling met us at Balcombe looking better, went straight to my room after tea. Lennie & Mr Webber at Nymans fishing, got 3 trout. Everything looking lovely, inside & out.



Sunday 14 June Lovely day. Sat out with Lin & Roy. Mr Webber, Lennie & Maud & chicks etc to Church. Mr & Mrs Messel came over to tea & we sat & watched them play tennis. Roy looks vy seedy & so white. Mr & Mrs Hohler & lady & gentleman came unexpectedly to dinner, 12. Ex. dinner, well managed & no fuss. Monday 15 June Lin left early & Roy earlier. Sat out all morg. with Maud & Fraulein in rose garden. Drove with Maud 4 o’c to Lady Frederick’s, tea there & sat out. Lovely drive back. I dined alone as Lennie late fr. drill. Sat with them after till 10.20 as they leave tomorrow. Tuesday 16 June At Balcombe. Maudie left by 9 o’c train & remains in London some days. Raining. Ascot today. In all morg. working. Up at 10, bad night. 3 chicks with Fraulein to Lady Frederick Fitzroy’s. Mr Bridgemen tutor had tea with me & stop’d talking all afternoon. I went for my first walk alone to Post Office & back after my rest at 4 o’c. Felt vy wobbly. Dined with Mr B. alone & went to bed after at 9.15. Wednesday 17 June Gladys Walker’s wedding to Col. Macan. Slept well, dull morg. Fine later but muggy. Black fog in London. Drove at 11.30, took Linley with me. He rode at 4 o’c. Sat on verandah after tea until 6.30. Chicks vy happy polishing seat in Verandah all 3!!! Really made it look vy nice. To bed 9.30. Thursday 18 June Lovely day. Drove with Fraulein & Oliver at 11.30 Vic & pair thro’ forest, already 6 placards for Land on sale there. A thousand pities. Forest looking glorious. Little O.fell asleep. After luncheon sat out. Edoe here for lessons. Left at 4.10. Chicks dressed up in costumes after tea. Quiet peaceful day bed 9.30. Crash of china outside my door breakfast tray, expeted it, dangerous staircase. Finished “(illeg)” Bourset. Friday 19 June Lovely morg. Lennie, Mr Webber & Maud return this evening. Lennie by cart fr. Three Bridges, Maudie in Car. Lovely day, Fraulein & little Anne in Vic with me 11.30 to Nymans & Linley. S Mr & Mrs messel. I did not getout. Sat out after until luncheon & after lunch rested & slept 2.30 to 3.30. Sat out after with chicks. Tea with Mr Bridgeman & walked with Nurse F. to Kitchen Garden, buried an egg in ants nest with chicks to 38


watch result! See tomorrow evg. Late dinner 8.40, darling looking so bright & well. Bless her. Bed 10.30. Very tired. Linley rode 7 to 8 AM. Saturday 20 June Lovely morning, & day. Lennie in Car at 11.30 to Worthing & afterwards to Nymans to fish. Mr Webber met him there & came on here for week end. Maud & I sat out morg. in rose garden. After luncheon Maud took 3 chicks & Fraulein to Mrs Stephenson Clarks party, conjuror etc, all enjoyed it & they only got home at 7 o’c! I had a little walk to Kitchen garden with Nurse F. & sat out with her until nearly 7. Quiet nice evg, Lennie v. well & Mr Webber played piano. Bed 10.10. Sunday 21 June Slept well, woke at 7. All going to Ottie’s for liuncheon, am so sorry dare not go, 1½ hrs drive in car, afraid of my side which still feels vy weak. Dickie & Roy in London going to Sir Alfred Hickman’s as usual for tennis. Roy on River did not go Sir A’s. Party from Ottie’s only returned at 7 o’c! Glad I did not go. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mrs Gibson & another American lady there. I had quiet restful day here. Monday 22 June Lovely day. Sat out all morg. rose garden writing with Maudie. Little Linley & Mr B. to Brighton for afternoon, home at 7 o’c. Lovely drive with Maud after tea, saw new house Macquoids have taken. Quiet evg. pianola. Lin v. busy at home doing 2 drawings again this week. Tuesday 23 June Letters fr. Lin & fr. Edgar. Lovely day. Sent telegram Lin Nembhards’ address for Gwen. Lin taking her to Horse Show, both enjoyed it immensely. Sat out all morg. writing. Rested after luncheon & went for lovely drive with Maud after tea. She called on the Copland Hoods who have the cottage beyond the young Finlay Campbells on way to Mrs Faure Walker’s. Arrived home just as Lennie & Mr Webber came up. They played tennis. Haymaking, chicks vy happy in field facing house. Quiet evg. Bed early. Wednesday 24 June Lovely morg. Maud & Lennie go to London for a few days & Mr Webber returns tonight. Had drive with Linley & Fraulein past Mill. Chicks & Nurse F. to Mrs Green’s to tea. Quite pleasant dinner & evg, restful, & Mr Webber played pianola after v. nicely. I came up to bed 10 o’c & they v. soon after. Mr W. seems tired, has the flippant Stock Exchange way, but I liked him better this evg, more gentlemanly & serious. 39


Thursday 25 June Lad Hickman’s grand daughter Phyllis marries Major Deane, reception at Sir Alfred’s. Lovely day. Mrs Gibson arrived 12 o’c & Edie. Went for drive with Mrs G. until luncheon. Rested, sat out after until Lennie & Mr W. returned. Edie left 4 o’c. Chicks playing in hay. Quite nice little evg. talks over furniture, glass & silver. Bed 10.15. V. tired. Friday 26 June Lovely morg. Mrs G. & I sat out all morg. in rose garden. I mended Lin’s shirt. Sat out all afternoon too. Little walk in grounds with Mrs G. Lennie & Mr Webber on lake. Mr W. returned early fr. city, not well. Lennie played pianola, new music, not so thrilling. To bed 10.30. Late for me. Reffels fought Dudley when Marie took him out & frightened her & Hornsby, won’t take him again. Maudie goes with the Dad to Foreign Office. Saturday 27 June Lovely but dull early. Mrs Gibson & I drove to Nymans, saw Mrs Messel who looked vy well, & sat talking to her fr. carriage, did not get out. Dear Lin arrived by 4.50 with Miss Manisty. Darling Maud arrived by Motor fr. London just before luncheon. Grocer’s pony ran away & scampered all over lawn to Mrs G’s alarm. Sat out. Had little walk with Lin to see fallen tree near Lodge. Pleasant dinner & to bed at 10 o’c. Marie slept out. Mr Webber here all day. Sunday 28 June Dull & wind. Lennie going on motor boat. Account fr. Lennie’s Office X made £10 for me!!! So have only £9 odd on B.A. Pac. Shrs to pay instead of £23. X. Sent cheque £9.8.6 to Messel firm balance of account fr. B.A. Pac. new shares £200, & Lennie made me £(blank) & sent Burmah Oil Cy. note to Bank. X. They pay off my £200 debs in their compy in July. Lennie & Mr Webber to Brighton & Newhaven. Monday 29 June Lovely morg. Dickie left by early train, going to Chelsea Pageant. Mr P.Agnew & wife & Mr Partridge taking part in it. Tuesday 30 June Gladys Coward’s recep. before her marriage tomorrow to Cap’n Ball. Lovely day. Maudie’s cold vy bad, only got up in time for dinner & tea. Mrs G. & I had drive at 4.30. Mr Webber got back at 4 o’c! Music evg. Maudie & I played patience. Mrs G. & Mr Webber pictures & personal compliments! 40


Wednesday 1 July Heavenly day X. Sent off (illeg) letter with Burmah Oil certf. Wrote all morg. Maudie left for London 9 something looks pulled down by this fresh cold. She dines tonight with Lennie at Lord (blank). Little Linley’s eyes hurt him. Mrs Gibson & I took him for drive at 4.30, called on Miss Gibbs at new house on Brighton Rd. close to where accident happened near Nymans. Dined by daylight 7.30. Glorious Aurora Borealis after & whole garden lighted up, just like at sunset. To bed 10 o’c. Mr Bridgeman played v. badly, so hard fast & loud. Thursday 2 July Poor Mrs de la Penha died this morg. Lovely morg. Drive 11.30. Marie & Hornsby out afternoon. Edie coming for lessons. Drove at 11.30 until 1 o’c, took Edie. Marie did not go, expects too much! & (illeg) in consequence. Edie told me Douglas engaged to Miss Vickars! Hylda unhappy. Sat out afternoon. Aurora Borealis evg. Dined by daylight 7.30. Played poker & got headache evg. but good game, Mrs Gibson, Mr Bridgeman & self. Friday 3 July Bank returned Burmah Oil Cert, their mistake putting £100 instead of £200. Lin enjoyed Winchester Pageant but fearful heat. Letters fr. Maudie & Lin. Maudie returning 4 o’c. X. Sent off Burmah Oil Cert to the Company at Glasgow. Ought not to have signed receipt of £200 as Mr Richardson wrote. How careless men are! Vy pleasant evg. Darling Maud & Lennie back. He played pianola vy quietly. Felt my side v. much evg. think fr. heat. Saturday 4 July Fine, not quite so bright. Walked morg. to post with Mrs G. Rested after lunch. Lennie left at 5.40 in old Car.Dear Lin arrived looking well but litle tired. We all sat out after tea & Lennie had gone. Maudie retrimming Wison hat for mourning for Mrs de la Renha who was buried this morg. Chicks sent lovely wreath of (illeg) mauve & purple. Vy happy dinner table, Lin so full of news. Bed early. Little Linley to see cricket. Had a talking to fr. Lennie. Sunday 5 July Lovely day. Sat out all day & had walk with Dickie who it does me good to see, he looks so well & is so bright & happy. Hear Douglas is engaged to Miss Vickers, Edie told me. Letter fr. dear Edgar who leaves Vittel on Tuesday.



Monday 6 July Mrs Gibson left early. Lovely day. Slept fairly well. Sat out & wrote all morg. Dickie busy with his photos. Little Linley did conjuring on lawn. Oliver v. amusing serious & non appreciative critic. Went for lovely drove with Maudie, called at Nymans to enquire & found all out & Rita de la Penha also in motor. Ruth & chicks staying there, called on Mrs Latham. Had walk with Lin round field. Maudie trimmed hat evg. Mr B. played pianola. Vy happy peaceful day. Tuesday 7 July Lovely morg. Letter fr. Ethel Mervyn, finds her English maids excellent & does not miss Pauline a bit, in fact finds these so much nicer, not so tiresome with moods. Lin, Maud & I went by Car to Worthing thro’ Brighton, lovely run. Vy windy but fine. Bad lunch at Warne’s Hotel Worthing. On to see Lennie after sitting in shelter watching sea. Home thro’ Storrington. Ethel Cusans & a Miss Greig arrived. We got back at 4.30 or 5 o’c! Vy tired after delightful day. Car shakes one up. Wednesday 8 July Wet morg. Lin vy busy with photos in his room. Maud & I went with Lin in Car to Three Bridges at 5 to 3. Vy depressed at his leaving & he cannot come on Saturday. Rested on return. Marie read “La maison du peché” by Marcelle. Regular french book. Lin reached home soon after 5 o’c. Mons. Bonvoisin wrote Lin he was in London. Thursday 9 July Letter fr. Dickie! Fine but blowey. Maud, Ethel Cusans & self in Car to Brighton. I had 3 teeth stop’d by Mr Gibbons there. Vy gentle & vy clean in his work. We had excellent luncheon Metropole, after which I returned to dentist for ½ an hour & back. Car shakes me about rather, far worse than carriage. Miss Greig (fair schoolgirl) left morg early. Rested on return fr. Brighton & to bed 10 o’c. We were all tired. Friday 10 July Wet & blowey. Eton & Harrow match. Maudie called & saw Lin who was busy at work (illeg). Sad letter fr. dear Roy about business. Sent him £35 for his birthday, now, as he will be away for it with Mr Stern in France, goes on 1st August. Mrs Latham coming to tea. Darling & little Linley go in Car to Eton & Harrow match at Lords. Tabbie & Gareth, Roy etc there, they all lunch at Mrs Worsley’s. Mrs Latham brought the flower books for me to see, shall order Sowerby’s for Maudie. Chicks went for drive. Mr Bridgeman to London for day. Maudie & little L.



returned 8 o’c, enjoyed their day immensely tho’ dull & little rain. Eton doing vy badly. Saturday 11 July Dull & rainy. Slept v. well. Maud & little Linley left in Car at 12.30 for Nymans where they lunched & went on with Mr Messel & Muriel to Worthing to see Lennie & be at the sports. Ld Z. vy attentive to Maudie. They returned at 7.45. having greatly enjoyed their day. Darling looking better & in good spirits & seems none the worse for her tiring day yesterday. Mr Bridgeman arrived back fr. London by first train with bad toothache & cold in his head. Pianola evg. Ethel C. left by 4.20. I took her to Sta. in Vic, & Fraulein & Oliver & self for lovely drive after, always enjoy chicks with Fraulein, so quiet. Sunday 12 July Dear old Rick run over & killed by a motor in our mews, see Lin’s letters. Fine morg, very wet afternoon. Sat out morg, rest at Church, vy heavy & sultry. Lord Zouche & Lennie came over fr. Worthing in Car to lunch & tea. Mr B. Stuart & his wife came to tea fr. Worthing in their small Rover Car which he told me cost him £150 second hand & he has had it a year & had no mishap. He drives it himself & it costs him ½ a mile!!! Lennie & Lord Z. left at 5.30. Maudie, Mr B. & self at dinner, to bed 10.30. Monday 14 July Changed cheque £2.0.0. Gave Marie 10/- makes £25 a year she receives whilst doing parlourmaid & maid. Maudie & little Linley go to London tomorrow about his eyes. Maud & I went by train to Brighton to see dentist Mr Gibbons about my teeth. He finished crowning my top eye tooth. We lunched at Metropole & sat in front after, ret’d by 3.50 train. Vy windy. Rested after, back achey. Quiet little evg with my darling & Mr B. who has bad cold & tooth ache. Dear letter fr. Roy, won’t accept the £200. Tuesday 14 July X. Vy funny drawing of poor Rick’s grave & Rags mourning in Lin’s letter. X. Fine but uncertain morg. Darling & little Linley go up to see Occulist, Sir A. Critchett, & go again on Monday. Maud returned with Linley & Fraulein evg. in time for dinner. Had walk morg on New Road with Nurse F. Found 3 new wild flowers. Afternoon Oliver had tea with me, & Nurse F. & Anne went with us to K. garden. After dinner turned out names of flowers with Mr B. Darling M. making little Anne’s frock for her picture. Bed 10.30, rather late.



Wednesday 15 July Fine fresh morg. Maudie going to London for lunch Mrs Hohler & to Lady Goring’s evg. party. X. Vy funny letter fr. Lin, Rick’s will etc. Miss Macdonald arrived to draw Maud & Oliver & Anne, staying some days. V. charming girl, clever & handsome. Soaking rain morg a deluge twice during morg. Maudie to London for Mrs Hohler’s din. & Lady Goring’s at home tonight. Went to station with her & on to Nymans, saw Muriel, Hylda, Miss G. Mr & Mrs Messel, usual sensation of wet blanket over one’s head there. Pleasant evg here. Linley & Mr B met me & walked part of way back, so glad to be able to walk without help. Thursday 16 July Darling ret’d fr. London, arrived with Edie before luncheon. Simply poured in torrents all day, cold not go out. Mrs Latham’s party, unable to go, weather impossible. Maudie v. busy re-arranging drawing room. New tapistry, great improvement. Played patience with Maudie. Mr B. pianola. Bed 10.30. Awful day for Lin’s work. Friday 17 July Awfully wet day, but managed a walk in new road between showers. Mr Everard & Ethel Dilke came by 4.30. He has been 27 years in Chinese Consulate service & 14 years at home & is going out again in Nov. They went for a walk after tea. Pianola evg. by Mr Bridgeman. Bed early 10.30. Mr Fisher Dilke lost his train & came on after dinner. Vy handsome man, & unspoilt. Saturday 18 July Dull heavy & close. Walked alone in new road morg. & picked up little Linley on way home. They don’t open the windows in his schoolroom enough. Dear Lin retuerned with Roy & Mr Labouchère & Mr Johnson by 4.30. Lennie arrived fr. Camp early. He & Mr Dilke fished in Lake morg. got some shell fish!! Both Lin & Roy looked vy well. Lin & I had a walk after tea. Sat next Mr Everard at dinner, most interesting about China. Went off to bed when they were playing roulette 10.30. Pity they are beginning to play higher, cautious people tho’ this time. Sunday 19 July Dull early, fine later. Had delightful walk to Lake where we sat for some time. 11 to luncheon! Rested after, & had another walk with Lin. Met Mr Bridgeman & Mr Everard by Lake resting fr. long walk. Lennie, Mr Dilke to sail on Lake. Ethel D. & Maud for walk. Roy & Mr Labouchère sat on lawn. They 4 played tennis after & 2 Parker girls came to tea, so pretty & healthy looking. Sat next to Mr Johnson at dinner. Vy interesting 44


about Coptics & Abysinnia. Pianola after. I stole off to bed at 10.20! Pleasant evg & delightful day with Dickie. Roy v. quiet. Monday 20 July Dear Roy left & all left except Mr Labouchère. Nurse F. took little Linley to Sir Anderson Critchett, his eyes are defective, too flat at the back! Will have to wear glasses. Maudue with little Anne & Hornsby to Brighton. Dickie & self for walk & sat near iron bridge facing lake. Vic killed one little moore hen, could see no more of yesterdays 4. Lin & self walked again after tea. Tennis. Mr Labouchère returned. Miss Hughes came, charming person. Tuesday 21 July Sent off 2 cheques, £2.14.0 & £1.4.8 to London & County Bank, first spec of Lennie’s for me, second div in last £200 in B.A.Pacific Rly. Walked with Lin 5.30. Maud, Lin & self in Car to Nymans, Lin & self on alone to Ifield to see Mark Lemon’s grave, & fetched Maud fr. Nymans, home to lunch. Mr & Mrs Green to dinner. Miss Bagge came, American, plays beautifully. Had Charades after dinner & Miss B. played. Dear Lin left directly after dinner in hurry. Mr Labouchere here. Bed 11.30. X. Sent off 2 cheques to L.C.Bank. Wednesday 22 July Lovely day. Sat out. Muriel & pretty Miss Lund came over in Car, M. driving herself. Lovely drive after tea with Miss Hughes. Chicks drove morg. to Nymans. Mrs Green’s 2 little girls to tea & Mr Green to play tennis with Lennie. Mr Labouchère ret’d with Lennie. After dinner Mr L. Maud & Miss Bagge to Lady Loder’s dance. Lennie showed Miss Hughes & self glass. To bed 11 o’c. Thursday 23 July Fine morg. Nymans picnic & Maud’s dance party home to 54!!! Posted letters morg. Met Linley & tutor who went with me. Sat out & wrote. Sent cheque evg £204.10.0 to Messel & Co for £200 4½% Mexicans, reinvested money only paid off Burmah Oil 5%. Muriel & Miss Lund fetch Maud. Miss Hughes & Miss Bagge in Mr M’s car at 3 o’c. M. driving, & they went near Tunbridge Wells for picnic, home 7 o’c. Maud to Lake after to see Lennie & Mr L. struggling with new boat which leaks! Miss Bagge played evg. L. put out about boat. Marie seedy, sent her to bed early. Roy to Scotland to the Galbraiths.



Friday 24 July X Dickie leaves today for Trial Cruise of P.& O. Steamship “Salsette” with large party. X. Roy arrives early at “Terregles” Galbraith’s. Lovely morning. X. Lovely day. Miss Hughes left early. Miss Bagg left for Nymans, Maud & I saw her there in Car. Mrs Messel busy arranging childrens party for today Her sister vy ill. Maud & self for heavenly drive together. Read Marcus Aurelius. Maudie so witty & amusing. Vy pleasant evg, Lennie quite lively. We 4 pianola after. Saturday 25 July Fine but vy heavy feeling in air & a quite cold wind. Sat out & posted letters 12 o’c, missed 11 o’c post. Cushla Parker & Mr & Mrs Casenove came to stay arriving for luncheon. After they all went with Lennie & Mr Gosling also here to Nymans for childrens party. Mr Webber there. I remained at home feeling unaccountably tired, & Marie read. Had tea on lawn & walked new Rd, & again rested. Vy pleasant dinner. Mr Gosling took me in. To bed at 10. V. tired, heat tries my side. Sunday 26 July Slept well & v. late till 9 o’c! All to Church. Sat out with Oliver & Fraulein. Helen Parker came over before lunch. After rest sat watching Tennis with rest. Muriel, Miss Bagg, Mr Webber, Helen & Cushla P, Mr & Mrs Casenove, Mr & Ruth Parker & Mr Gosling. Mr & Mrs Messel came later with Bettie. Vy pleasant evg. Sat near Mr Casenove & had vy pleasant talk with Mr Gosling after dinner. Pianola & bed 11.15. Vy tired but c’d not sleep till past one o’clock. Hope as fine with Lin on steamer as is here, & with Roy in Scotland. Monday 27 July Lin returns home fr. cruise on “Salsette”. Lovely day. Mr & Mrs Casenove & Mr Gosling left early. Punch dinner. Cushla Parker also left after luncheon. Went with Marie & chicks to Mrs Green’s, were most kind, charming old house & greatly improved since I saw it with Lennie 6 years ago, fireplaces opened out. Lady Denman only there. Miss Burke came to stay. V. entertaining all evg with accounts of her Spanish experiences. Bed 10.15. X. Drank a strong soda water put by mistake & did not notice it having just had a soda mint! X. Tuesday 28 July Maudie does not look well. Fairly fine morg, little overcast, lovely afternoon. Maud & Miss Burke in Car taking Barringer to Goodwood, home ¼ to 7, thoroughly enjoyed it. Meeting Messel party, Lorings, Gibbs, Mr Webber, Miss Bagg & Muriel there. Had delightful day, 46


worked all morg. rested after lunch & had tea with the chicks on lawn facing tennis court, & walked with Fraulein a little. Lennie v. well at dinner & evg interested in talking to Miss Burke. Charming girl her Spanish experiences vy amusing. Linley played cricket with the footmen. Bed 10.15. Wednesday 29 July Lovely day. Sat out all morg down at 11.30 with Miss Burke, find her great friend Mrs Townsend has taken The Anchorage Christchurch fr. H.F. for a year! What an odd thing! After lunch sat out, then rested & went at 4.30 for lovely drive with Maud. We called on Miss Gibbs, has her house perfectly charming & lovely furniture, glass, brass, tiles & pewter. Mr & Mrs Messel there. Mr Labouchère returned with Lennie & is staying on. Pleasant evg, bed 10.45. New Patience with Miss Burke. Par-Mar & Jacky. Thursday 30 July Lovely morg. Dear Dickie arrived at 10, going to Goodwood with Maud & Miss Burke & Mr Labouchere by Car at 11 o’c. Cup Day. Whole chapter of accidents with Motor. Lin, Mr Labouchère, Miss Burke & Maud left in Car at 11 o’c & broke down a little before getting to Goodwood. A gentleman kindly made M. & Miss Burke get into his Car & took them on. Nymans party v. disagreable & saw nothing of them, lunching at separate tables! Our party had tea with Sir Percy Scott. Ret’g car again broke down & they did not get home by fly until 11.30! Carriage & M’s car went to Horsham but missed them. Lennie, Mr B. & I dined alone. I had tea with chicks on lawn. I thankful no accident but only a breakdown to Car. Friday 31 July Lovely morg. Sat out & had walk later with Lin & Miss B. Maud busy sending out invitations. Mr Labouchère & Lennie arrived & they all played tennis till 7 0’c. Miss Loder, plain ugly mannered girl & Mrs Oxley dined here 8 o’c. Roulette after & I stole away to bed 10 o’c. Vicky so fidgety kept me awake & w’d sleep on my velvet bodice! Sat out all afternoon. A Mr & Mrs Bridgeman called. Saturday 1 August Roy leaves with Mr Stern for France. Lovely day. Sat out & had walk round field with Dickie & Miss Burke. After luncheon Lennie & Mr Parker fished Lake. Maud, Mabel, Mr Beaumont & Mr Labouchère, little Linley & Mr Bridgeman to Major Oxley’s for tennis etc. Dickie, Miss Burke & I for walk to Lake. Lovely after having tea on lawn with chicks. 47


Vy pleasant evg & to bed before others who played roulette, at 10.15. Mabel & Mr Beaumont arrived at 12 AM. Sunday 2 August Heavenly day. Sat out all morg with Lin & Mabel. Watched Mr Beaumont & Mr Labouchère play tennis, rest at Church. After lunch rest & Mr & Mrs Oxley, their friends Mr & Mrs Grey (she was a Murray) Mr Piggott, son of Judge at Hong Kong, Miss Oxley & her brother all came for tennis. Mrs Grey v. nice, far more cheerful party than last Sunday! Pleasant evg. Lin showed Miss B. his photos. Lennie v. nervy & stop’d playing! but went on again. To bed 10.30. Monday 3 August Lovely morg. Lin to Brighton! Photos. Lin to Brighton morg. rest’d at 4.30 tea & he Miss Burke & I walked to Lake bridge & watched Lennie fishing. Mr Beaumont & Mabel left at 6 o’c. Mr Labouchère to Mrs Oxley’s for tennis. Mr MacLaren dined here & Maud had small dance after. Mr & Messel, Muriel, Miss J. Carr, Ruth, Major Oxley, son & dau, Mr & Mrs Grey, Mr ?, Mr Piggott, Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth. Lennie played. I got off to bed at 11.10. Had little talk with Mr Messel. V. charming little dance but my darling looks very pale & tired. Tuesday 4 August Lord Zouche’s garden party. Lovely morg. Sat out. Lin, Maud & Miss Burke to party, enjoyed it. I had tea with chicks on lawn. Mr Cadogan came to stay. Mr Labouchère left. Gladys Crozier came to stay. Wednesday 5 August My darling’s birthday. Lin returned home by 12 train. Wet afternoon. All chicks, Fraulein & Mannie & Bridgeman & Gladys C. & my darling had tea drawing room. Dolls & bears! Charades after. “Messel” word which Anne guessed. Oliver, Linley & Maud did the acting. Mr Cadogan & Lennie to fish. After dinner pianola. Mr Cadogan v. nice young man & a gentleman. Bed 11 o’c. Miss Burke left. Thursday 6 August Dull morg, fine afternoon. Walked morg to post & along new road, gathered flowers. Rested after luncheon whilst Marie packed. Had a lovely drive at 4.30. Mr C. called at Nymans. Vy dull there, Mrs Messel greatly surprised I had not gone. Walked round grounds. Mr Corbett common little man MP, & a clergyman like Barrington actor & Miss Bagg were there some time. No time to rest before dinner so came up



directly after, before gentlemen were out of dining room. Mr Cadogan there & remains a fortnight & Gladys Crozier also. Friday 7 August Lovely morg. Left Balcombe by 12.15 train, my darling saw me to the station. Slept well, finished packing comfortably. Fees 2.9.7. Dickie lunched with me at 2.15. Rested after whilst Marie unpacked & repacked. We dined together at 8.15! Edgar came after tea & stayed till 7, sorry he did not remain to dinner as we dined so early. To bed 9.45. Dear Lin finished work early!!! Saturday 8 August Dull morg, fine later. Marie & Antoinette covered up drawing room. After luncheon Lin & self to see “Merry Widow” in brougham. Had to sit doubled up, hot! Our poor horse looks starved, wretchedly thin. No good worrying Lin as he won’t see it. Enjoyed play immensely. Very pretty music. Fely vy tired after, streets so stuffy but very fresh & cool at home. Rested & quiet little dinner together, to bed 9.45. Dickie asleep in his chair. Dear letter fr. my darling. Emma & Antoinette look v.well. Sunday 9 August Lovely morg. Slept well but not till past one o’clock. Lin up late. Marie finished my packing bag etc. Dickie to Club, in after lunch. Rested & dined & to bed early, not to sleep, tiresome, throaty. Fancy electric fan gave me a throat, feel rather seedy. Not out all day. Monday 10 August Train leaves St Pancras 11.35, reach Dumphries 6.44. take Antoinette. Emma leaves today for her 2 weeks holiday. Bad night & horrid sore throat & feel hot, trust shall feel better. Comfortable journey but feel vy seedy. Went straight up to my room & to bed after basin of vile soup. Nice room at Station Hotel Dumphries, 2 windows, vy sunny. Tuesday 11 August Very bad night, awful headache & temp 100. Sent for Dr Kerr, says acute catarrh throat. Vy painful & throat so bad could not sleep. Lin goes by 2.50 to Newton Stewart. Am so glad he goes as no good wasting time here, food not good. Mr Galbraith called twice & saw Lin, brought (illeg). Temp 102, 101, & 100 on & off all afternoon & feel uncomfortable & headachey. Am to feed up! seem to do nothing else. Antoinette read & went again to ask Dr Kerr to call tomorrow morg. Had chicken lunch & huge sole dinner, both badly cooked. Dear Lin off 2.20.



Wednesday 12 August Vy good night & no headache, feel much better, no temp morg. Saw Dr Kerr again, vy kind, thinks I ought to stop one day longer. Sent off telegram to Mrs beale Maxwell , Galloway Arms, about carriage. Wrote Dickie & Station Master. Dull day. Wrote twice to Dickie. Unaccountable tummy ache on or off all afternoon, cured by soda mint! Thursday 13 August Antoinette & I leave Station Hotel Dumphries by 2.50 for Newton Stewart. All most attentive & obliging. Closed fly met us. Felt vy hot & cold in spite of heavenly day, but a cold wind. Got vy hot travelling. Found all well Drumlanford & most kind. Went to bed at once after hot milk & had an excellent dinner in bed. Friday 14 August Bad night, cold v. heavy, throat better. Rested till 10.30. Wrote & sat out after lovely day. Men in to luncheon. Walked with Dickie & sat at the end of Flirtation Walk looking over lovely country. Pianola evg. Letter fr. Marie & my darling Maud. Lin looks fairly well. Lord Justice Kennedy vy amusing & talkative. Saturday 15 August Bad night. Cold vy heavy. Went for drive with Mrs Beale. Cold wind, hot sun. Afraid rather of taking fresh cold. Long letters fr. darling Roy & my own, & fr. Sophy & Ethel Mervyn. Fresh trouble there alas! Walked round poultry farm & dairy with Mrs Beale afte tea, enjoyed it vy much. Bull Jupiter II surrounded by 7 fowls all busily eating flies off him! Vy delightful evg. Patience with our host. Lin fell into a bog up to waist & seemed tired on return fr. shoot. Sunday 16 August Lovely day. Slept fairly well, cold still vy heavy, & headachey. Sat in drawing room with Mrs Beale. Lin seems better but looks a little tired. Vy pleasant talk at lunch. As usual rested after & went for walk with Lin & Mrs Beale along Flirtation walk. Rested again in drawing room, read papers. Vy delightful talk thro’ dinner & evg. very happy day so restful. Letter fr. my darling. Monday 17 August Lovely morg. Slept much better, still achey feeling in side. Cough & cold better but much secretion in nose & throat. Engineer leaves either today or tomorrow & Davidson takes over Car, as Lin describes it The Romans



leave Britain. Had a little walk with Mrs Beale to end of Flirtation Walk, with Dickie & back by lower walk, perfectly lovely. Tuesday 18 August One week at Drumlanford. Fine but cooler. My throat & cold much better. Went for walk to Lake morg, & again after tea to watch the Laird & Ld Justice fishing. They got 12 fish, trout, about 6lbs weight in all. Vy tiring walking after Lin as Mrs B walks by jerks & stands such a long time at intervals. Played Patience after dinner but felt stupid & head tired, cold better. Dickie vy sleepy. Slept well. Letter fr. Maudie. Wednesday 19 August Lovely day, cooler. Went for walk round by one lodge in at other morg with Lin. Ld Justice & Mrs Beale to Barrhill. Laird busy with ac’ts morg. After lunch Ld Justice to fish, & Lin & I went to watch him after tea. Lady called for Hospital charity! Mrs Beale met us returning. Laird went to enquire for invalid man tenant. Pianola evg. Gave Lin pill last evg, still seems vy sleepy even at lunch. Letters fr. dear Maudie & Roy who returns home fr. Trouville tomorrow. Pity Mr Stern & Mr York gamble so much. Cold much better. Thursday 20 August Lovely cloudless sunny morg. The Laird, Ld Justice & Lin off shooting ½ day. Dull later. Mrs Beale & I went for a walk together after tea. Letters from Ethel Mervyn, Ada Pickering & Vince, still out of a place. None fr. my darling, trust all well with her. Dear Roy returns from Trouville today, is going to the Harolds, & to Lennie. Friday 21 August 19 ½ brace grouse , 2 golden plover, 1 Hare. 1st drive grouse. Pouring wet day. The Laird had arranged for 7 guns & luncheon etc, most annoying. Had lovely quiet day & excellent lunch alone. Mrs Beale went off at 12 to join shooters. Letters fr. my own & Emma. Mrs Beale ret’d about 3 o’c & after tea we had a walk to lodge together. Lost sheep in field. Met Mrs Bowles car. She came in, looks awfully ill & thin as I was before my illness. 2 very tall men the other guns & Mr Bowles came to tea. One had lost his arm & was lame fr. injuries S.A.War. Played Patience after dinner & had some good talk on authors. Saturday 22 August Sunny but cloudy morg. Slept soundly until 6 o’c. Turned out a perfect day. Had a little walk with Lin & found a beautiful plant of white heather on one of the mounds near Dornal Lock facing house, may it bring us 51


good luck! We gathered all the blooms leaving the plant intact. No letters. After tea Mrs Beale & Ld Justice, Lin & I walked round by the 2 Lodges. The Laird missing! C’d not find him. Had a long talk after luncheon with the Judge on books & sat on Terrace. Delightful evg & good talks thro’ dinner. Beethoven’s 2nd symphony & Jupiter Sy after dinner & the Laird & I played Californian Jack till 10 o’c. I won for a wonder. Sunday 23 August Slept well. Lin’s midge bites awful but he only takes care after being bitten instead of before. Mr & Mrs Beale, maids & the Judge to Church. Dickie & I had quiet morning & walk along grass drive & sat out after. Visited root of mysterious white Banana shaped fungoid with the awful small Lin found last evg. Hope to discover what it is. Wrote to Edgar if possible to go to them Wed 3rd Sep. No letter fr. my darling yesterday, nor any letter. Glorious day. As Mrs Beale, Lin, the Laird & Ld Justice were sitting at tea in big Hall Mr Cathcart Wason & their nephew & a Mrs Sweeting came in Motor Car. Mrs Wason a cross between Effie Con & F. Walford. Mr W. & nephew enormous height. Mrs Sweeting met us at Bram Stoker’s whose son is engaged to her 2nd dau. Pianola & talk on books. Monday 24 August Emma returns after her fortnights holiday. Marie alone at Stafford Ter. Lovely day morg, out a little. Men shot all afternoon after early lunch. Rained. Lin found beautiful little white flower, hunted the Laird & I in both books on wild flowers cannot find it. Walked to Gate with Mrs Beale, rained. Antoinette packed morg. Vy delightful evg, talk, then piano & the Laird worked out Chess problem. Bed 10.30, tired. Letter fr. my darling, she seems better. No news of dear Roy. Tuesday 25 August 2nd week at Drumlanford. Leave by 1 fr. Newton Stewart. Had to have 2 cnveyances, 13 trunks & bags etc. Lovely morg. Always leave with regret. Most happy & delightful visit, feel worlds better. Dalbeatie beautifully kept Station one station before Dumfries fr. Newton Stewart. Saw Scotch funeral long procession of men on foot walking up to the lovely litle Grave Yard on the hill. Lin remembered C. Keene story of Scotsman “Do you ken Donald Mr P(illeg) pushing himself forward? “Aye he’d be in the hearse if he could!” Wednesday 26 August Weighed 10st 4 at Dumfries. Lovely morg with some showers. Had to have 2 conveyances on ac’t of our luggage!!! £2 extra, £4 in all! 52


Antoinette on wagonette, Dickie outside my brougham! Comfortable journey. Weighed 10 stone 4! Dumfries. Most I have ever weighed. Arrived home 11.10, found Marie & Rags awaiting us at door, all looking vy fresh & clean & bright & excellent mutton broth, fruit stewed & blancmange. Lovely flowers everywhere fr. my own. Left Drumlanford with regret, always a delightful visit & delightful people, thoroughly enjoyed our stay, all most kind. Thursday 27 August Lovely morg. Slept well after 2 o’c. Letters fr. my darling, Ethel M, Tabbie, Edgar who with Sophy is at Blackhall Spa for her rheumatism. Sent Cert for £200 B.A.Pacific 4½% debs to Bank & small 3/9 div fr. Sons of Gualia. X. Dickie decided D.V. we go to Scarborough, Saty, Grand Hotel & Lin returns Wed when I go on to Edgar’s. (This yesterdays diary) Lovely morg, slept well but have still horrid pain in my back. Ethel & Mervyn come to lunch. Friday 28 August Fine day, slept well. Dickie up vy early & I walked to Thomas Cook’s Kensington about Scarboro’ to Grimsby train. Felt pain in left side, liver I fancy. Walked thro’ Gardens home. Rested & saw 2 men, one fr. Barkers & fr. Maples about my room being painted. Maples estimate £3 less! Edie F. came whilst Marie & I were packing, vy tiresome as she worried me & I could not think with her talking, had tea with Lin & self in my room. Sat an hour with Dickie, dined in my room & to bed. Dickie finished his work 9.30, to bed 12 o’c, the dear vy tired. 2 letters fr. darling M. Saturday 29 August Dickie & I left with Marie at 11 o’c by Gt. Cent. for Scarborough. Most comfortable carriage, not corridor. Lovely morg. Dickie did not sleep well. Beautiful sun set as we neared Filey, new moon! wished by it! Arrived Grand Hotel 8 o’c, have 2 large bare rooms facing sea but quite comfortable. Lin dined at once. I had beef tea, coffee & bread & butter & Marie also, too tired to dine, & straight to bed. Grand Hotel crammed. Saw Mr Lindo. Wilderness of a place but our rooms are sunny facing sea & the dining & drawing room visiting room combined are beautiful rooms, 3 sides & windows overlooking best part of Scarboro & sea. Left side painful all day. Sunday 30 August Sleot well & Dickie also. Lovely morg. Bad egg, remains of chicken! Out 11 o’c posted letter to Edgar. Walk along facing sea towards pier & sat in sort of raised garden. Saw queer open carriage for 4 & man riding 53


postillion! for hire. Party of Jews engaged it. Lin & I took Electric Tram round town. Vy ugly. Good lunch. Rested & Dickie also. Then walked along Spa heard bands, cram’d with quite nice people. Pd 6d. Fairish dinner & sat in big Hall after listening to Band stringed & bed 9 o’c. Monday 31 August Darling little Linley’s 9th birthday. Lovely morg. Boys bathing! Slept fairly well, side better but still aches. Lin out at 8.15 looks so fresh & well, his cough less troublesome in night. Out at 8.15. Wrote letters & at 11.20 to Spa with Marie where I sat listening to Band whilst Lin strolled about with camera. Read “Times”. Charming selection of music. Lunch & rested till 3 o’c. Clouded over. Lin & self to Station about trains We decided to go by York & Sheffield, 2 hrs longer en route but pleasant journey they say. Rested & wrote to Edgar & Lin his letters in reading room. Poured with rain so remained there till 6.30, comfortable chairs & lovely view. Changed our table, v. angry. Lady Humphreys then spoke to us, newly arrived fr. (illeg) Spa today & seen Edgar & Sophy. Vy charmed with Edgar. Gale! Saw Jerry Weigal. Tuesday 1 September Lovely morg after gale. Lin slept in my room, both well. Boys bathing with caution! Big waves after gale. Walked with Dickie to Spa, sat listening to Band excellent selection. Liszt’s Hungarian Dances etc. Saw Lady Humphreys in v. smart lace garment with her dau. Lin photod! After lunch rested & we took Marie with my mantle to Spa, few people, dance music! All rest people to see cricket. Bought pears 6d. Marie got me biscuits & chocolate 2/4 & change, total 3/ ½. Rested before dinner. Shocking waiting. Saw Jerry Weigal again. To bed ¼ to 9. Wednesday 2 September Propose going to Edgar, Ravendale Hall nr Grimsby. Comfortably off 9.45 fr. Grand Hotel Scarboro’. Lovely morg after good night & feel better for change & sea air. Lin travels with me as far as Sheffield much nicer than going alone. Change all of us at York & again Shefield when I & Marie go to Grimsby & dear Lin to London. Vy comfortable journey together, saw dear Lin off Sheffield. Edgar met us carriage & pair & he on cycle. Lovely day, found Major & Mrs Menzies here. Straight to my room, dinner in bed, fire & dear Edgar most kind & thoughtful, sat with me long time. Thursday 3 September Fine early, slept well. Wet later. Major & Mrs Menzies left at 8 o’c so did not see them again. Wrote morg. Walked with Edgar round gardens, 54


stables etc. Greatly improved since I came last. House beautifully kept as usual, excellent servants & furniture well polished. Rested after lunch & walked again with Edgar. Tea vy cosy in Hall & good dinner & talk, to bed & bath 10 o’c. Friday 4 September Dull, rainy. Good night. Letters fr. Dickie & Maud, & papers. 1 brace of grouse Lin sent of 2 br. Sir Alfred Hickman sent. Walked about with Edgar & to his fishing ponds, showed me the 2 caverns in ditch which skirts hedge & land & grown over by grass where a horse & rider might disappear. E. had had posts with a cross piece of wood put up & a hurdle over one. Played Dummy Bridge after dinner, makes quite a good game. Bed 10.10. Saturday 5 September Fine. Edgar v. busy with Vere, the old butler of 81, looks much younger. His wife aged 73 died 18 months ago. Walked about, read & wrote morg. Letter fr. dear Lin & Maudie. Roy still at Balcombe, goes up & down with Lennie. Edgar went on cycle to Louth to meet Sophy on her return fr. Blackhall Spa. Sophy returned on cart. Vy thin & tired, was quite lively & bright thro’ & after dinner. I walked alone with Lowery & read. Dear E. most kind & cannot do enough to make me feel at home, too dear for words. Had strange dream that I was dead, & saw myself placed in my coffin, my spirit sitting on sofa & watching proceedings. Sunday 6 September Fine morg. Slept well. Fine. Edgar to Church on cycle. Sophy to little Church here. Walked with her part of way. Read & wrote & walked with E. & S. round garden & stables on return fr. Church. Had an hours walk with Edgar before tea & after my rest. Sat on a heap of stones to rest. Tea in drawing room & looked thro’ Sophy’s Diary, wonderfully well written & illuminated of their journey round World. Supper. Mistake no waiting makes a muddly meal, Lin w’d not tolerate. Pity as it w’d be no more trouble. Monday 7 September Lovely morg, warmer. Letters fr. dear Lin, Maudie & Toula. Walked with Edgar. Ham & Midge arrived 7 o’c. Lovely all day, both look v. well, Midge bursting with health! Tuesday 8 September Lovely day. Edgar Sophy, Ham & Midge left at 9.30 for Grimsby & Doncaster Races. Walke with Benzai to Big gates at 11 & wrote letters 55


after. Two letters from Lin & 2 from Maudie. Lennie & Maud go on 7 th Oct to Ireland for 10 days fishing, & then to Melrose. X. Sent cheque of £3.0.0 deposit of £1 on 3 newly allotted £10 shrs in B.A. Pacific Ordinary 1911 5% until then. X. Party home 8.30. Bridge after. They all won at Doncaster, Ham £50, Edgar 30/-, rest small sums. Wednesday 9 September Pouring wet & squally morg. Ham, Midge, Edgar & Sophy off at 9.30 again Doncaster. H. & M to return home Bedstone fr. there, & Drew leaving at one o’clock with luggage, sleep Manchester. Short letter fr. Dickie only. Much worse weather South than here. Cleared up lovely afternoon but windy. Walked with both dogs to Gate ½ mile, did flowers, rested, read Charles Lamb’s Essays to Elia, charming. E. & S. back 8.40, dined. Vy tired & to bed 10 o’c. Fire in my room. Thursday 10 September Fine but dull at times. E. & S. to Doncaster 3rd day. I walked with Banzai, gathered flowers & arranged vases. Wrote 2 letters & morg. gone. Lunch, & again wrote letters until 2.30. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. X. Receipt fr. Lon. Joint Sk. Bk. £3 for deposit on B.A.Pacific shrs allotted. X. Out twice did flowers. E. & S. won £2.0.0, were back 8.30. Had bridge with E. after dinner. E. only had the biscuits I gave him for luncheon. Friday 11 September Lovely morg. Walked to enquire after poor woman at farm cottage. Has a nurse with her. Took Marie with me & Lowry. Vy bright little nurse. E. & S. off to Doncaster, E. looking v. tired I thought. They returned 5.30. Nearly had serious accident returning, the mare cast a shoe & in reharnessing her some strap or buckle was left undone & she turned right round in the cart. Luckily Edgar was able to get down to her or she might have kicked or bolted. To bed 10.30. They won 10/-. Doncaster smarter & more crowded than ever. King there. Saturday 12 September Lin goes to Balcombe. Dentist morg. Lovely day, slept till 8.30. Walked with Edgar morg & afternoon to Big gates with him & saw sea beautifully. Most lovely air. Retrurned to tea 5 o’c. Marie read Club book “Infidèle” par Eagy(?) Silly book. Played Draw-bridge with Edgar after dinner, he won by 300 points! Both E. & S. seem hurt at my leaving Wednesday. Would love to stay on, feel so much better here & quiet life suits me well. Afraid to leave dear Lin longer but have written to ask if I may, feel vy selfish doing it. Small chickens removed to hen house, garden. 56


Sunday 13 September Up twice early! Two pills last evg! Fairly fine. Walked after luncheon with E. to enquire after poor woman (rheumatic fever). Met old man of 91! in drive. Bird shower!!! E. vy seedy with chill, gout, had to go to bed before dinner. Marie out all afternoon on bicycle. S. & I looked thro’ family photos after dinner. Bed 10.30. Lin & Roy to Balcombe, large house party there. Monday 14 September Toula goes to Edgar’s. Edgar seems better. Dull but delicious air. Walked morg a little, & afternoon with Edgar just round grounds, saw Marie with cycle. Toula arrived 7.15 looking wonderfully well from Balcombe. Had travelled up with Linley fr. Balcombe to Vic in Guards Van seated on Toula’s box!!! Not a place in train. Toula left all well, they were 14 to dinner at Maud’s Saty or Sunday & 11 staying in house. We talked after dinner & looked thro’ photos. To bed 10.15. Tuesday 15 September Heavy rain all morg. Poor Banzai’s eye hurt, hope she will not lose sight. Toula & I talked over whether I should remain & have D.V. decided to remain until next Monday & leave by 12.45 then fr. Grimsby. Edgar & self for walk after my rest. Sophy & Toula in dog cart & caught in deluge of rain & thunder. Played Bridge after dinner, Sophy & I won 5½ , five pence halfpenny! but not playing for money. Wednesday 16 September Edgar & I won 1/8. Fine early. Toula & self to enquire after poor woman, took blancmange & flowers. Edgar & Sophy on cycles to farm about cattle & horse. The farmer just died of appendecitis. E. v. depressed about it, saw the widow, he died a month ago. Had another walk with Toula after my rest. Dressed & tea. No visitors. E. back to tea & we played Draw Bridge until 7 together. After dinner Bridge, Edgar & I won. He teases Sophy like Lin does me. Thursday 17 September Dull. Good night. but eyes ache, fancy from wind yesterday, or sitting near fire. Long letters from dear Lin, Maudie & Roy about B.A.Pacific. Lennie applied for £1000 for me, wish I had done it myself, instinct told me to do so. Walked morg with Edgar to poor woman took grapes & book, little better. Mr Voisey to lunch, nice little clergyman bachelor. Lovely day & so warm. After lunch went after taking photos with E. for walk. S. & Toula out to tea Mrs German so we sat on wheat sheaves in field. Played Bridge evening. Bed 10.20. 57


Friday 18 September Lovely morg. Slept badly for no reason, heard 3, 4, 5, 6 o’c strike. Letters fr. dear Lin & Maudie. Roy at Mr Stern’s, sorry as I don’t like Lin being alone, sh’d have returned home had I known he w’d be alone. S. developed my photos all were blanks & discovered wrong stop, pity. Saturday 19 September Lovely morg & day. Mr & young Mr Ingleby to luncheon, Exlade solicitor. Walked morg with Toula & after rest E, S, Toula & self took flowers & to enquire for poor rheumatic woman. Cards evg. S. & Toula won Bridge. Bed 10.10. Drawing room turned out. Letters fr. Lin & all well at home. Much deranged dedans & Toula also, think fr. sitting out yesterday morg. Sunday 20 September Lovely morg. E. & S. to Church on their cycles. Toula & self for walk. Slept well. Much uric acid & achey side odd, fear cold fr. sitting out. Marie packing. Walked with Toula whilst E. & S. cycled to Church. Lovely morg, v. hot. After lunch rested, walked alone with E. to ponds. Vy tired & cold sweat returning. Tea, & again rested before dinner. Slight temp, internal derangement no doubt. E. sang after dinner some old home songs. Monday 21 September Propose returnubg home 12.45. fr. Grimsby. Lovely day. E. met us on cycle at Grimsby Station! Vy comfortable carriage, young girl got in at Boston & left her umbrella at Finsbury Park where she got out. Gave it to porter Kings X. Lin, Maud & Roy on steps to meet me on return so rejoiced all looked so well. Lin dining out. Roy at Savoy Hotel with Stern. Maud & Lennie dining out. Had bath & dined in bed. Tuesday 22 September Slept well. To Ex. with Lin. 12 o’c in Taxie & chair at Ex. Vy pleased to see it, fine pictures English section. Back in taxie. Maudie to lunch, left at 3 o’c. Marie unpacking glumly! tiresome. We dine early & Lin goes to theatre with O.Seaman. To bed early. Very poor piece Drury Lane. Wednesday 23 September Walked with Lin morg in K. gardens, met Mrs C. Mackenzie, has sold her house & goes to Paris Saty with Ina, given up housekeeping. Lin left me at Barkers. Met Mrs Stone, full as usual of woes, had broken her arm by fall on parquet, certainly looks seedy but full of go as imparting all



information to shop girl. Marie to Exhibition. Had only little dinner in drawing room & to bed early. Thursday 24 September Roy came to see me about business at 6.30, left 6.30. Dull morg. X. To Bank about newly allotted Buenos Ayres & Pacific Ord 1911 shrs, £100. Lennie got for me £130 allotted in all £30 by right. Left these 2 Allotment letters at Bank to be fully paid up on Monday next the 28th inst. Paper about new company formed of Coupé Brougham Coy & Motor Cab of Gt Britain! Bank to send old certificate for new. Maudie lunched here, to Ex in her car & Mrs Hohler after. Mervyn dined here, seems vy well, nice seeing him. Friday 25 September Marie packed, am taking very little with me. Sat with Dickie before & after my little tray meal & bed early. Saturday 26 September Left by 3.24 train for Westgate on Sea, St Mildred’s Hotel. Vy charming rooms first floor overlooking sea & south west suite bed & dressing room & lavatory & bath rooms all together. Fair dinner. 6 other people only here. Had a little walk along coast with Lin whilst Antoinette unpacked. Sunday 27 September Throat bad! Slept badly. Fine, walked at 1 o’c along cliff, charming & quiet, all nice people & so pretty. Walked again after rest & tea along cliff, rained a little. Telegram fr. Lady B. asking us to luncheon tomorrow. Vy peaceful happy day together. To bed early. Wonder whether lavatory & bathroom pipesaffected my throat, shall shut door between tonight. Monday 28 September Lovely day. To lunch at Lady Burnands, by train & tram to Royal Cresc. Delicious luncheon as usual & over Lady B’s little house on St Mildred’s Rd. Vy nice indeed but dark kitchen. Left by tram alone to St Peters. X. Visited our beloved parents grave & into church for prayer. All looked well cared for & bright with flowers. Ordered wreath to be placed tomorrow. Back to Broadstairs where Lin met me & we came back to Hotel together & tea under portico. Rested & saw lovely sunset fr. our windows. Good dinner & to bed early & slept well, throat better.



Tuesday 29 September Glorious day, like summer. Sea like beautiful opal in colour. Lin & self walked on sands & took photos of 2 pretty girls in white serge. Met Mr Marshall Hall who sat with us, most entertaining man, introduced us to his German wife & little daughter. Sir Francis & Lady Burnand lunched with us, excellent luncheon. Soles my way, roast chicken, salad, beautiful potatoes, damson tart, stewed fruit, milk pud, cream cheese, butter, bis & champagne, coffee & cognac. Sat on Esplanade after B’s left at 4 o’c. Had walk along cliff before dinner & wished! by lovely new moon. Coast & sea beautifully clear. Sat under portico after dinner. Wednesday 30 September Left Westgate. Bill £10.10.0. Perfect day like summer vy hot & brilliant sun. Had walk with Dickie to see Longford where Nurse F. was last year with the children. Vy nice house & well furnished, but no electric light! Also went over a flat facing Hotel, vy nice £47 a year, one sitting room, 3 bedrooms & a dressing room, charming little kitchen & pantry, no servants room! Returned by 2.54. Vy hot journey. Darling Maud came to see us for a moment, looks fairly well. Had dinner on tray in drawing room & to bed 9 o’c. Thursday 1 October Another glorious day. To Exhibition after vy good night. Took Marie with me in taxi cab, 1/4. Entrance 1/-. My ticket passed me. Walked thro’ French side, dresses, furs & lingerie charming & jewelery. Met Nurse F. & Linley boy at Garden Club where Maud joined us. Had luncheon & took chair (awfully dear 6/3) for under 2 hrs. Saw Irish village. Canada, Australia sections not so well arranged as French divisions, fresh flowers, vegetables. Home 5.30 in M’s motor. Rested vy tired & dined with Lin at 8 o’c. To bed 10, quiet evg. Friday 2 October Fog early, fine later. Lovely day. In all day tired from yesterday. Roy came about 6, seems well, fetched linen, & Upton taking more to Savoy Court tomorrow where he is staying with young Stern. He said the Messels have all been most kind & considerate, not giving him any business but where he could make a profit altho’ slight. Lin finished work at 10, sat with him before & after my little dinner & to bed at ¼ to 10 o’c. Marie packed. Saturday 3 October To Balcombe by 4.30. Lovely day but too hot. Sent Marie with Otley & luggage in cab & Lin & self in Taxi cab, took under 10 minutes, man 60


drove v. fast. Found darling Maud & chicks & Lennie vy well. Gladys Crosier here. All looking so fat & well, Fraulein & Mr Bridgeman twice their size. Sunday 4 October Balcombe. Lovely morg, mid summer heat. Lennie, Maud, Gladys & rest to Church. Lin & self rested, vy vy hot. Wrote Mervyn. Photos after luncheon. Rest, tea & walked with little Anne & Lin along new Road. Glorious evg, moon nearly full. Piano after dinner, new music Caesar Franks, charming, a Belgian. Maudie packed, not taking maid to Ireland. To bed 10.45, late! Monday 5 October Lennie & Maud go to London & tomorrow to Ireland. Maud by motor at 1 o’c. Had walk after tea with Lin & G. Crozier. Photos of chicks try race mechanical toys! News that Austria had annexed Bosnia Hertzogovena! & that Bulgaria had declared itself independent. Lennie afraid his holiday may be stop’d. Tuesday 6 October Photographs of chicks animal race! White duck driven by Linley, white kitten Anne, black rabbit Oliver. Delightful to see them start!!! Austria seized Bosnia & Herzgovina. Bulgaria declared itself independent & Prince Ferdinand of Saxe Coburg Gotha to be Czar of Bulgaria. Maudie & Lennie cross over to Ireland tonight to stay with the Parkers at Kilbridge Lodge, Clonbur, Cy Galway, Ireland. Walked after tea with Lin & Gladys Crozier. Pleasant dinner, no pianola. Bed 10 o’c. Lovely drive morg, took little Anne. Wednesday 7 October Maud & Lennie go to Ireland for ten days. Glorious day. Wire fr. darling Maud fr. Ireland, arrived safely & delighted with beauty of country. Bulgarian trouble seems settling down. 2 chicks & Mamie to Nymans, Linley with us. Mr B. out. Lin left by 9 o’c train for London, looks v. well. Lovely drive morg with Gladys C. Little L. on bicycle 2nd footman helped him. G. & self for walk past Mill cottage. Mr B. very late for dinner, his cycle broke down. Pianola & talk. Thursday 8 October Dull morg. Slept well, woke early. X. Gladys Linley & I drove to Haywards Heath to order him a bicycle, 5/- a week, he was vy good & no trouble at all. Vy foggy on our way home at 6 o’c, a white fog. Pianola evg. 61


Friday 9 October Lovely day. Gladys & I took little Oliver to Nymans. Mrs Warner (Emily) & her little boy sat on the box, they were spending the day at Nymans. Oliver vy good & we met the little Lorings on our way out by new road, v. quiet children. Drove home by forest, new road being cut thro’ it. Walked with after tea along new rd. Read papers evg & pianola. Bicycle came 4 o’c for little Linley. X. Saturday 10 October Little Linley rode his bicycle alone on grass & ran into a tree, luckily not hurt, front brake twisted. Long letter fr. darling Maud, v. happy. Lovely day. Beach & first footman to London to see Marathon race, a Frenchman won. We walked morg. & afternoon to enquire after Canon Meade whose brother Col. Meade died yesterday. We found thm sitting having tea in front Porch but Miss M. who met us begged us to speak to her father & not mention Col. Meade, he does not seem to realise it. Dear Lin starts his Almanack work today. Roy is dining with him tonight. All the Powers seem bewildered by the grabbing in the Eastern Provinces Bulgaria etc. Sunday 11 October Lovely day. Went to Church for first time since my illness with Mainie, Anne & Oliver. Mr B, Gladys & Linley sat in Lennie’s pew, me near entrance & came out after Litany & hymn. Walked after all together to Mr McLaren’s & saw Mrs McL. & sat a few moments with her. After luncheon Linley went for a walkwith Mr McLaren’s boys & had tea with them. Nurse F, Gladys & Mr B, two mites & I had tea on Verandah, delightful & setting sun glorious. Had walk with Gladys after. V. angry with Mr B. who stared so rudely at her, do not think he is conscious of fact! Pianola after dinner, bed early. Monday 12 October Lovely day. Drove with G, Anne & Linley to Cuckfield about G’s camera. Chicks v. good. Had tea again on Verandah but chicks had made a dreadful mess outside, pity Nurse F. does not make them tidy up before meals. Two ladies called & I felt quite ashamed of the mess & so unnecessary. Went for walk after with Gladys, glorious sunset. Tuesday 13 October Foggy early. Went at 11.30 to Mrs McLaren’s & took her for a drive. Bright little woman & looks young to be Mr McLaren’s mother. The 2 Lorings came over to lunch & the three little Parkers after. Nice quiet childen not nearly so pretty or lively as these our dear mites! Called morg Mrs Parker. Gladys took photos of them all. Had our little walk after they 62


left at 5.30, all in Brougham. Mr Bridgeman played vy nicely, much more quietly. Bed 10 o’c. Little Linley complained of feeling sick. Fraulein returned. Wednesday 14 October Thick white fog. Dear little Linley sick morg. & complains of pain across his waist. Letters fr. Lin, Maudie & Roy, all well. No hot water at home, vy tiresome. Maudie just going off in a Car she writes, to Clonbur with Ruth. Sh’l be glad to hear she is all right. Sept well but feel tired this morg. X. Letter fr. Bk about B.A’s & Southern certs. X. Tea on Verandah & for walk after. Thursday 15 October Lovely day drove morg to Polegate Horsham to see Mrs Fox Adams. Glorious drive & took dear little Oliver, & drove back by Hammer ponds. Saw Dairy woman about butter, poultry no good. Tea on Verandah! Mrs Stephens & sister called. Vy nervy, lent her “How to live on 24 hours a day”. Met them on our walk later & went in & saw their garden. Mr B. vy late for dinner. Friday 16 October Heavenly day. Maud & Lennie leave Clonsar Lodge Ireland & go to Melrose. Had a lovely drive morg. to Cuckfield, & called on Mrs Parker. Took little Linley with us. After lunch rested & we all had tea on Verandah. Anne dressed up as a boy, looked sweet. Walked with Gladys after, vy swollen feet! A lovely trout 3 ½ lbs fr. Lennie came by night post. Pianola & needle work. Bed 10 o’c. Saturday 17 October Dull, heavy & close. Walked to post with Gladys, met Lady Frederick who asked us to go there on Monday. Dear Lin coming today by 4.30. X. Wrote bank about paying Lennie back his £100, & cert. of B.A. Gt Southern Rly. X. Sunday 18 October We saw Comet vy faintly, lovely starry night. ine. Sat fr. 11 to 1.30 reading to Dickie fr. Thomas Hood’s life & letters, amusing very in parts. Had walk with Lin & Gladys after tea, past Dick Turpin & farm new road. Vy muddy. No letter fr. darling Maud. They arrived Crewe where they passed night fr. 3 AM, at Melrose late. So glad to have Lin with me, he complains of headache at back of neck & shall ask Dr. P. to see him Tuesday if possible. He is hard at work on 2 Almanack drawings.



Monday 19 October Dull & v. sea foggy. Letter fr. darling Maud fr. Melrose, seems not to have been vy tired by journey, only 2 changes fr. Clonbar to Kingstown & they slept the night at Crewe, arriving there 3 AM, & arrived Melrose Saturday evg. I sat with Lin all morg. reading & had drive to Cuckfield to leave note Dr Parker’s at 3.30, & straight back with Gladys for tea. Chicks a little (illeg) at luncheon. Gladys, Dickie & self walked along new road, vy damp & foggy. Lin & Gladys talked away gayly during dinner. Pianola & needlework after. Tuesday 20 October Letter fr. Bank to say they have paid Lennie the £100 he paid for me in applying for £1000 B.A. Pacific new issue, only £100 allotted me. Dull & damp. Our wedding day, so glad to be together. Wire fr. darling Maud. Quite an ovation early, all the dear Mites came in with lovely white single chrysanthemum bouquets & green ferns & long white ribbons, & Nurse F. bringing up the rear with a tray on which was a lovely white doyley & white & silver wedding cake charmingly decorated with ferns & flowers. X. Dr Parker came to see Lin, says exactly what I have known & felt for months (sheet pinned to page) 20th Oct continued & that he is not to walk & must ride again. The muscles of his heart are weak & his blood vessels too full. Must diet & drink vy little & no spirits & not over charge system. Feel v. anxious & dare not think much, feel he ought to rest weekends & not rush about & this Almanack work too much for him. Afraid he is v. depressed about himself, but he seemed bright at dinner & talked after. To bed early. Letter fr. darling Maud seems v. happy & well, God bless her. Wednesday 21 October V.dull, cleared later. Sat & read all morg. to Lin, alas! cannot finish work. He left by 4.21 & I saw him to station. Very cold, east wind. On after with Gladys to see Dr Parker & take specimen. Assures me no immediate danger but Lin must be careful. Have felt this for a long while & disapproved his tearing about after his work when physically exhausted to shoots in Scotland & remote distances, instead of resting. Feel vy anxious about him, especially being away. Letter fr. my darling fr. Melrose. Thursday 22 October X. Lennie killed 2 salmon on Tweed. X. Lovely day, to enquire with Gladys for Lady Frederick, just going out. Home by Paddock Hurst. So sorry Gladys leaves tomorrow, business & work oblige. Edie came, & is taking flowers to Lin & to enquire how he is as I am anxious to hear fr. Emma & Antoinette, & has promised to write tonoght. Walked to station 64


with her, lovely but cold. Linley, Fraulein & Anne to tea at Mrs (blank). Gladys washed her head & is having tea in nursery. Lennie killed 2 salmon, one with Wilkinson & one with Kessal fly 17½ & 16½ lbs. X, & sent us off ½ one. Friday 23 October Bicycle returns to Haywards Heath. X, fortnight here. Hope it went, wrote twice about it. Walked to get beach tree branches with Gladys & took Linley to post. All chicks, Mamie & Fraulein to Nymans. Mr & Mrs Messel return & the little Lorings & Parkers there. I saw Gladys off at Balcombe Sta. by 4.21 & on to Nymans, all having tea in Hall. Vy merry & games after in which Mrs Messel joined. Muriel & Mr M. arrived at 6 o’c, when we left. Dined alone with Mr B. Talked silver marks. Pianola & bed 10 o’c. Lennie sent us half a big salmon. Saturday 24 October Vy fine morg but v. cold, fires everywhere & in my room for first time at night. Met Lin by the 4.30 train. Quite dark now at 5.30. Looks fairly well, finished his Almanack work this morg. so can rest now. Chicks had bonfire. Pleasant evg. & bed early. Sunday 25 October Very fine but v. cold wind. Walked to Mill Cottage with Dickie, c. gently up hill. Rest to Church. Linley boy with Mr McLaren for walk & tea there. Hymns evg with dear Mites & L. Linley dressed up as clergyman in sheet & black tie looking v. pretty. Lin rested an hour in morg. room & had a sleep. Pianola evening, miss Gladys Crozier v. much. Monday 26 October Very dull & rain. Long letter fr. Maudie to Lin. Walked with Lin, heavy rain. Quiet afternoon & evg. Lennie has got 4 fish so far. Tuesday 27 October Dear little Oliver fell in playing with Linley in bed, was vy white after. Nurse F. keeping him in bed all day. Dr Parker came to see Dickie & saw Oliver after, no cause for alarm, & to keep him quiet for today & tomorrow in bed. Says Lin better but must be careful & certainly not travel after work etc. Fee £2.2.0. Very little for good advice & truth. Explained why Lin’s muscles are weak & organs work imperfectly & he must have a rest. Hope to go to Devonshire for 10 days before Galbraith’s shooting. Walked with Lin. Quiet evg, Lin early to bed. I had bad night Lin up so late 1 o’c!



Wednesday 28 October Letter fr. Maudie Lennie killed 20 lb salmon, making 5. Dull & little rain. Lin went up by 10.45 train. Anne & I saw him off fr. Platform & we went on after with Fraulein for a lovely drive & were not back until 1.30. Dear little Oliver seems all right but is remaining in bed all day. I went for ½ an hours walk with Fraulein New Rd & rested after. Feel tired for nothing (illeg)! Anne & Linely Fraulein & Mr B. to tea & after Charades. The two mites & Mr B. excellent, words toffee, jug, Balcombe. Pianola after dinner & wrote. Bed early. Thursday 29 October Lovely morg. Expected Edgar, did not come. Met train, brought Edie back. Glorious day. Drove with Nurse F. & little Oliver round Paddock Hurst in Vic. Walked to Station with Edie after tea. Pianola & bed. X. Started taking strichnyne pills. X. Dr Parker. Friday 30 October Lovely day. Expected Edgar & met the 10.45 in Victoria with little Linley. No Edgar so we drove on to Lindfield to see the roan cob Beach has heard of. Beautifully situated new house vy high on hill with glorious view. Little lady Miss Powys Hll took me to Stable. Vy good looking animal, fear too big for Lin. Home by 1.40, rested & after tea walked with Mamie for two miles along new road. Lovely moon & stars. Man came see about pianola, stiff. Saw Comet again. Bed early. Saturday 31 October White fog. Glorious day after 10 o’c. Met Edgar at 11.45 & went for lovely drive with him thro’ forest & took little Linley. Walked back to station with Edgar after delightful day together & saw him off. He does not seem vy well, complains so of giddyness & had another gout attack. Met dear Lin think he looks better. Captain Gibbs & Hylda arrived by same train. They walked up, Lin & I drove. Pleasant evg. Mr Bridgeman at Exhibition & did not return for dinner. Sunday 1 November Glorious day, had a walk with Dickie by Lake. Rest to Church. Lin looks better & was less breathless walking. Lennie &Mmaud arrived by motor in time for luncheon, they had travelled all night fr. Melrose & come on by Car from Lancaster Gate. Darling looks so well & is fatter. Evie & Laurence arrived by Car fr. Thorncombe in time for tea, & Mr Welch Thornton in time for dinner. Pleasant evg, Roulette, do not like it on Sunday, & late 11.30 bed.



Monday 2 November Slept badly. Lovely day. Evie & self walked at 11.30, had great fright X Lin turned giddy & had to stand some time before he c’d move! X. Vy alarmed & sent for Dr Parker who came over at 5 o’c says no doubt caused by eating bananas. Lin ate 4! 2 breakfast & 2 luncheon, he is not half careful enough . Seemed much better after but kept falling asleep after dinner. Lennie, Welch Thornton, Major Fisher Rowe, Mr Parker, Leicester Reed & Captain (illeg) shot at Nymans, got 181 pheasants, duck. Tuesday 3 November American Election, New President. Glorious morg. Hylda & Arthur left early. Slept well & Lin seems much better. Walked with Dickie to Balcombe Place too far, again seemed breathless & tired. Even I felt tired after we sat on stones by roadside. Glorious day so hot & sunny, not a cloud. Lennie left & not returning tonight. Marie packing. Rested after lunch. Darling Maud vy busy packing with Nurse F. & Hornsby. All the chicks with Fraulein to Ottie’s birthday party. Vy happy little dinner, Maud, Lin, Mr B. & self. A little pianola, & Mr B. read us 2 charming little stories by Leon Frapie. Reads wonderfully well, understood every word. To bed 10.15. Wednesday 4 November Lovely day, fresher. Left Balcombe with Dickie at 10.51. Part of household with us. Maud comes up by motor this afternoon. Chicks return Monday. Lennie & Maudie down Saty until Monday. Fees £1.5.0. 6/- Beach, 5/- Ellen, 5/- William, 4/- under housemaid, 5/- Arthur, & gave Dickie 15/- for Barringer & om. Found all well at home but house looks desolate after long absence & no knicknacks about. Roy out to dinner. He dined with Tabbie. Thursday 5 November Dull but muggy. Roy looks seedy & disheartened with his trying business. Went into Kens. Met Mrs G. Keith, Miss (illeg) & Lady Mead. Impossible to shop, crowded everywhere & less employed in shops! Bank. Pass Book. Darling Maud lunched with us, looks fairly well. Walked back. Mrs Sington altered her house, lives next to Dr O. Poor little woman ill again. Put away few things with Marie. Poor Roy v. worried, Harold most rude & unkind about Mr Pohl. Vy trying altogether. Friday 6 November Mrs Fleischmann’s dinner. Unable to accept. Slept well. Very dull morg. Dickie & Roy off for walk. X. Vy uncomfortable news last night France 67


& Germany. Former refuses to apologise to Germany about imprisonment of G. subjects in Morocco!!! Wonder where G’s arroagance will end. She feels strong & behaves accordingly. Out morg shop’g. Met Mrs Fagan & Palgrave Simpson, & Dr O. All vy kind about Lin’s & my health. To Bank, put £100 on deposit X & particularly asked Clerk to be careful it was not forgotten! Maudie to tea. Roy dined with Lin. Saturday 7 November Lovely morg. Left Waterloo with Lin & Marie for Ilfracombe by 1 o’c train, her single 2nd class ticket 16/10. Long tiresome journey so slow fr. Exeter, carriage full of sailors near us had continual glasses of beer & became v. noisy. Awfuly cold when we arrived at Ilfracombe. Large fire in our room facing sea. Lin dressing room & Marie’s room ajoining. Sat with Lin during his dinner & had a little chicken & Devonshire cream. Bed. M. able to get off to bed before 10, all tired. Sunday 8 November Bitterly cold, our room like an iceberg. Rough sea, much wind. Sole & cream breakfast served as usual in English hotels in rooms (illeg). Saw manageress after & had rooms changed to a south one. V. large & comfortable, Lin’s dressing room ajoining. Slept fairly well. Lin & self for walk in sun up rocks, angry jagged rock jutting out into sea like black miniature mountains, plenty of ships. Vy picturesque place but awfully cold. Had rest in our room after lunch. Lin slept ages on sofa. Monday 9 November Lovely day. Had carriage to Station to arrange about our train tomorrow for Bath & then had lovely drive along coast, beautiful but spoilt by v. ugly cottages. Golf links vy fine. Lin nearly fell fr. bank, awfully frightened! Photod stonebreaker. Rested & wrote & walked up slope to High St, bought cream, also walked round Capstone. Back. Bad dinner & no tea. Bed early. Lin’s cough very troublesome after & in bed, smoking cause, water did him good. Tuesday 10 November Lovely day, not so cold. Left Ilfracombe by 11.5 for Bath. Vy pretty place but has a deserted look.Vy charming rooms. Bill for 3 days £6.6.0 for Lin self & Marie, fires & dressing room. Saw v. pretty distinguished woman with middle aged man. Maid & valet got in our carriage, going to Craven arms. We met Douglas & Ada in our train just before leanving it! We had to change at Templecombe. Vy good Hotel, smart & well organised. Manageress & Manager hosts attentive. We have 2 good front rooms 5th floor facing south, fires in both. (sheet pinned to page) Con’d 68


Tuesday 10th November, Bath. Changed Templecombe & walked up & down station, saw Ada & Douglas just as we were leaving the train, only a few moments talk with them, on their way home fr. Percy Oakes Devonshire home. Douglas thinks he knows of a pony up to Lin’s weight! Arrived Imperial Hotel 4.30. Arranged about rooms self, much quicker. Wednesday 11 November Fair night, Lin coughed v. much but after twice drinking water went off to sleep. Dull & rain. V. foreign sound of traffic, but too high 5th floor to be annoyed by it. My hot drinking water brought in properly in pretty clean china & clean doyley, a wonder for English hotel. All crockery & appointments charming & all so well kept, excellent servants. The waiting at dinner good & light so well arranged & a band played behind a grating with some flowers & plants in front, c’d not imagine where sound came fr. at first. Thursday 12 November X. Lin found his pin with saphire stone lost months ago, in waistcoat pocket. X. To Roman Bath, wonderful, it is just beyond the Abbey Church & same entrance as to Hot Spring, Pump room. The Roman Baths must have been most beautiful & huge, corridors with columns & statues, if only one c’d see it as it was & the great Bath Lake in centre. The Concert room & galeries round & lounge v. nice with old pictures of Bath in 16 & 17 hundreds. Col. Mount Batten came at 2 o’c & took us in his motor Daimler to Timsbury, the Palmer Sambourne’s place. We got out & saw Church & 3 memorials to the Sambournes, one Sambourne Stukely (or Stuckley) Palmer Sambourne. (sheet pinned to page) Thursday 12th November continued. & a fine statue recumbent of a Mr Sambourne (said to be a cousin of Queen Elizabeth’s) dated 1578 I think it was, if not earlier. This is on left of side chapel near altar. The manor House the grounds of which ajoin churchyard is vy old 1500 or something, an old Elizabethan house with the carved arms in stone over principal doorway. A grey stone house. Lin took photos of it. Timsbury lies high but is greatly spoilt by coal fields recently found near and in it partly on the Sambourne estate. Mrs Sambourne widow now lives at the Manor, but Linley w’d not call & we left a card with the Agent who greatly interested Lin showing him the church & all that concerned the S. family. On our return Col. M.B. drove us through the Circus & Crescent facing Victoria Park. Most charming & beautifully designed houses splendid proportions, & left us at Hotel where Lin & I had tea in Hall. After good dinner sat in Hall & Sir Alfred & Lady Watkins sat with us. He suffers much like Lin only worse & looks older. She a hard unsympathetic thin woman, may improve on closer aquaintance. 69


Friday 13 November Overclouded & dull, much rain in night. I slept well, Lin did not. Cannot understand why I have so much uric acid, had lost it for months & my 2 sides ache at the back. Went in Motor bus to Lansdown tremendous hill all the way. Stop’d at Malets on way back, beautiful things & beautiful price. Lin taken with a pr of English candle or candelabras, £68, spoils any business by saying they were cheap!!! House needs doing up too badly to buy what we can do without. Rested after lunch. Walked saw Abbey & Market & shops. Rested before dinner. Sir A. & Lady W, friend & Mr Mellor we met at Cairo sat with us after dinner, anxious to introduce their relatives to Linley.. Saturday 14 November Dull morg. No letter fr. Roy altho’ I have written twice & once on business. He dines with my darling Maud tonight by her letter. Out with Lin shop’g & got a few little things. 11/3. Xmas stamps 1/-, postal order 3/8½, postcards 4½. Lunch. Rested & walked to another Shark shop Walpole. Tea. Talk with Mr Mellor & at dinner a man spoke to Lin a friend of Lennie’s, & Mr Kitson fr. Rushmore. Lin w’d isolate (illeg) after dinner. Bed. Bath. Sunday 15 November Fine. To Abbey Church with Lin for prayers only, walked after in Victoria Park, Circus & Crescent. Gt crowd by Abbey awaiting arrival of new Mayor. Lin wrote letters after luncheon & I was just lying down when Mrs Lawson (Ethel’s sister) card was brought up & I scampered back into my dress & went down. She is staying here & seems vy nice & vy lively & full of information, told us Gwen had vy bad fall, her horse falling back on her into water, only her back out! Is not to ride again this season!!! Col. & Mrs Mount Batten to tea, introduced Mrs Lawson to them. Lin tired. Sat after dinner with Mr Mellor & the Watkins, Mr Williams & Mr Kitson. Monday 16 November Dull. Fine until 12.30. Left Bath after 6 delightful days visit with Dickie alone at 12.20, Hotel at 10 to 12. Mrs Lawson came to my room & sat some time, nice sympathetic woman. Said goodbye to Sir Alfred & Lady Watkins & Miss Sutherland, & Mr Kitson & his dear old father, & Mr Mellor. Bill for 6 days, 3 using fire in our rooms, Col. & Mrs Mount Batten to tea & in at all meals, 2 large double front bedrooms South View £ 14.14 0. Fees £2.0.0. heavy. Letters fr. Maud fr. Bedstone & fr. Roy. Comfortable journey up. Roy dined with us evg. Awful news of Sir Henry Bergne’s death yesteday at Berlin. 70


Tuesday 17 November Sent to enquire Lady Bergne, returns tonight. Lin saw dealer’s horse, too much for Lin, insolent shouting man. Fine. Slept well both of us. Emma v. unwell, bad tongue. Went to Hospital for advice. Feel v. anxious about her altho’ she looks well. Walked fr. Albert Hall with Lin to Hyde Pk Corner, he on to Club & I back alone. Rested after lunch.. Mrs Wallace called , c’d not wait. Lin back to tea & we both wrote letters after. Put out silver 10 pieces for dining room, 11 drawing room counting 2 into bottles separately. Maudie writes they got nearly 500 head of game yesterday at Langleys & Lennie shot so well. Wednesday 18 November Lin goes today or tomorrow to the Galbraiths, first covert shoot. Maudie came at 12.30 & took me for a little quatre d’heur drive in Victoria. The fine horse in pair I admire is not well, mouth worrying it. Had its jaw broken? Dear Lin to Critchett, says his eyes all right, only needs glasses a little stronger. Maudie lunched here & we left her at Lancaster Gate in our taxi & we went on to La Scala Theatre to see Ruth Dennis do Indian dancing etc, most excellent & not indecent altho’ she showed much! Roy dined at Maud’s. Lin & I happy evg. together. Thursday 19 November X. Paid £237.10.0 for 10 Louisville & Nashville shrs to L. Messel, borrowing £100 fr. Bank for this. Emma better for her new medicine, her tongue less painful. Some anniversary night at Galbraiths. Marie in bed all day. Fine morg, slept well, woke 6 o’c. Lin left for Terregles at 8.30, his slight cold of last night better. Wire at 6 o’c fr. Lin of his safe arrival, vy glad. At 11 to Miss Jacobs in darling Maud’s Vic. Unable to do anything before Xmas. To Harrods, ordered dear Anne’s prayer book & Oliver’s mowing machine. Met the dear mites both looking so well. Marie in bed all day with chill. So glad she can as Lin is away. Antoinette v. good & most attentive. Friday 20 November Marie still vy seedy in bed all day. Went myself for Dr Lynes & then Dr McMahon as he was out, coming at 3 o’c. Slept well. At 11 in Maud’s Victoria to Stores. Lovely day. Feel most anxious about Emma. Mrs Adlam coming to tea, sorry but cannot put her off now. Letter fr. Lin arrived safely 3 hrs before dinner! Stuffy carriage 3 men in it! Dr McMahon came to see Marie, slight flu only, thinks her v. nervous. Mrs Adlam, Maud & Florence to tea. Curtain pole came down drawing room! Roy out.



Saturday 21 November Carriage & groom to fetch Midge fr. Browns Hotel, called Claridges, D. & P. there. Midge & self to see D’s picture, Shannons studio, & to see Mervyn after, out. Saw Mrs Gilbert. Midge lunched with me. Marie still in bed. Dr Lyne came, I out. Marie no temperature. Roy out to dinner & Empire after, met Douglas. Walked with Midge after lunch & back to rest. To bed early. Wire fr. dear Lin cold better, going out, was in all yesterday. (sheet pinned in) Dr Croft Hill, 169 Cromwell Rd. Ethel Cusans brother in law. Sunday 22 November Fine. Walked 11.30 to Derwent Lodge, found all in bed there as usual. Sp. Mrs O. & Ada. Walked back took Rags with me, felt v. tired, so warm. Sp. came & Herbert & Edie to tea. X. Rags bit Antoinette badly, will not have him round unless muzzled, so sorry about it. Roy here to dinner seems very tired & has a cold. Marie down afternoon. Bed 10 & Roy also. Monday 23 November Dr Lyne came to see Marie, giving her tonic. 3rd time came!!! Lovely day, slept fairly well but feel both sides. Emma to Hospital seems better & bright. Dr says she must have her tongue scraped but trust it willl get better without. In my darling’s carriage to Russel & Allen, £26.0.0 for a dress, awful. To Mascottes going to make me a black cloth bodice for my coat & skirt. Dear Lin returns fr. Dumfries. Maudie & Florence to tea. Flowers & a tea gown fr. my darling. X. Pd. £10 to Glen Mills Currie & Co. first payment on 5 £100 allotted new shrs in Central Dist Rly. Tuesday 24 November Lovely day. At 11 in carriage with Edie to Harrods, Fortnum & Mason. Ethel Mervyn to luncheon. Had lining tried on for black cloth bodice Mascottes. Ethel stayed to tea, cozy little restful talk together. Dear Lin’s cold v. heavy still & he looks to me v. seedy, have had his tonic made up Dr Beauchamp gave him last spring after flu. Maudie came to tea looking sweet, went on to Mrs Messel’s at home. Roy dined with Lin & me. Bed 10 o’c. Wednesday 25 November Lovely morg. To Harrods & round Park. Met Ethel English. Lin & self to Matinée His Majestys, Faust. Maudie joins us there after Mrs Colefax’s luncheon party. Lin & self to Faust. Maudie joined us there. Large box. House full. Marie Lohr charming as Margarithe only 14 years old, pretty. Maudie drove me home, one of pair Vic tiresome. Dear Lin on to Club & 72


Punch dinner, cough vy troublesome. Roy dined at home & seemed in good spirits. Thursday 26 November Lin coughed during night & as not home fr. Punch dinner until v. late & vy tired. Tiresome subject for drawing. X. I went to Bank in Maud’s carriage to have list of securities there arranged & left Banker’s receipt of £10 Cent Argt Rly 5 £10 shares allotted me. X. To Moore & Pinnel about new black hat or toque. Walked to enquire after Lady Bergne after return & before lunch. Friday 27 November Met the mites in Park with Fraulein & Mamie & Mrs Messel & Muriel buy new horse. Lin coughed much in night but we both slept between times. Carriage came 11, fetched Maudie saw litle Linley & Mr B. L. looks thinner. Maudie drove with me to Moore & Pinnel, to Wilsons, & to see Evie Fisher Rowe, Wimpole St, in home, to have operation curetting. Looks v. well, sh’ll be glad when Tabbie is with her, poor little soul. Maudie lunched here & remained until 6 o’c. Dear little thing re arranged drawing room, delightful having her, & all to myself. Sat after with Dickie, seems better. Roy dined with him after 10 o’c. Roy seems better too. Saturday 28 November Good night, Lin coughed less. To Harrods 11 o’c, more Xmas shop’g. Do not see my way to spending £25 on my dress. Col & Desirée Wilby came about 4.30. Tea not ready, sorry they left with out it. Saw Col. W. at Harrods morg, too busy to speak. Roy dined at home & had quiet little evg morg. room. Roy much more lively. Sunday 29 November Miss Rose Innes & Douglas called tea time. Lin coughed great deal but we slept fairly well between times. Dull morg. Pity Marie & A. do not seem to work well together, both so good in different ways. Lawrence & Evie to lucheon. Evie having operation Wed, curetting, pity. Thankful not my darling. Maudie & Lennie at Balcombe, they lunched at the Sergisons! Roy, Lin & self to dinner alone. Monday 30 November Dull. Shop’g Kensington & Sloane St. Tired. Roy out to dinner. X. Lin has horse or rather mare on trial at 30/- a week. I tried blouses fr. Barkers, none do. Lin’s cough troublesome.



Tuesday 1 December Dull & rather foggy, colder. Wire unable to have carriage fr. my darling, so went by bus to Harrods & to Bank. X. Overdrawn my account so am borrowing £50 from Bank. X. Maudie & May Holland only called. Maud & L. dining at Claridges with Tabs tonight. Lin tried his horse which he has at 30/- a week on trial. Upton goes to see another at Ascot. Wednesday 2 December To be fitted Mascotte. At 11 in Maud’s Victoria to Post Office about Bath postal order 3/7 which cannot get changed as it is not stamped! To Harrods & Moore & Pinnel about my hat. Maudie lunched here & we had a v. happy afternoon together. She lined my muff dear little thing & was as usual a little sunshine in the house. Dear Lin out to lunch, back 3.30, rested & had tea with us. Maudie left 5.30, Lawrence dining with her. Marie out. Roy dined out. Thursday 3 December We slept v. badly. Evie’s operation today. Very dull & vy foggy. Walked to be fitted blk cloth bodice Mascotte. Wrote letters. Rested. Dear Lin’s cold & cough vy tiresome but he managed to get a rest & his subject standing in spite of fog. Mad. Jacquemot came & talked politics, & about dear mites. Great crowd & procession of unemplyed men Phillimore Gds, forsee much trouble. Roy in to dinner, seems fairly well. Mad’lle says little Oliver not well & going to Balcombe tomorrow – glands! Friday 4 December We slept better. Dull & dark. Out at 11.30 walking to Maud’s to enquire after dear little Oliver who left in motor with Nurse F, Hornsby & Barringer for Balcombe this morg. Found my darling in her bedroom busy writing surrounded by packages. She goes to Balcombe by 4.30, Lennie travelled with the Messels. Rags bit Marie evg, sh’d have him shot, he’s not safe. Antoinette (illeg) electric light, it went when Lin was at work. Electrician put it right in ¼ hour, trying for Lin. Saturday 5 December Horse fr. Whites. I consider him too light & not up to Lin’s weight. Vy bad night, Lin coughed so & when he got to sleep was vy restless. So thankful he has been able to sleep, needed it badly after his long days work. Felt v. worried about Rags & expences stables, horse etc. Money flies there & so little return. Letter fr. Maudie, dear little Oliver better. Drove & saw Evie at Home, looks well. X. Poor little Rags destroyed in a second by vet with chloroform, what ought to have been done months ago



when he first bit Antoinette. V. v. sorry but he was unsafe. Walked with Lin after tea. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Sunday 6 December Mr & Mrs Beale dine here. The G. Keiths unable to at last moment, sorry, cannot be helped. Asked Gladys C, Mr & Mrs Fred Kerr & Mr & Mrs Hugh Adams, only Miss Rose Innes came & the Beales. V. pleasant evg. Lin rode the little horse fr. Whites but he buckled over so it was no pleasure to him & he is returning him. Monday 7 December Bad night, so disturbed by poor Lin’s cough & cannot get to sleep after. Walked to Whiteleys to see a dog, none what I like. Called on Effie, out. Nice place part of private Hotel, 40 Queensbury Terrace, Hyde Pk. Little Anne, Frau, Linley Maudie & Ethel C. to tea. Chicks look well. Nurse F. & Oliver at Balcombe. Little Anne v. quiet & unexcited, vy sweet & Frau. plays so nicely with her. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self quiet evg, his cough v. troublesome. Tuesday 8 November Bad night & head achey. Fine morg. Darling’s carriage at 11 to Sophie Neal 104 Marylebone Rd. took plum evg dress. To Barkers cakes, & Nilson for Latrousse dictionary, & to Harrods, baskets have gone, alas too late. Effie to luncheon. Nellie K, Lady Dixon Hartland, Lady Spielmann & Mrs Hugh Adams called. Dickie had another horse to see, a cart horsey cob. Lin’s cough v.tiresome. Felt completely worn out, to bed directly after dinner. Roy in to dinner. Wednesday 9 December X. Much better night but feel headachey & back achey, am remaining in bed all day. Dear Lin coughed less & slept well. My precious came as usual laden with pretty things, herself the prettiest of all. Asked if Roy could go to them for a week for Lin to sleep in Roy’s room, as bad nights knock me up so. Maudie has a dinner of 11 for dance tonight, Roy going. Lennie gave Roy a lovely little Fox terrier which slept with Emma & was v. good. X. Thursday 10 December Fairly good night. Went for a little walk with the new dog morg. Rested after lunch. Sat with Lin. Roy in to dinner, his little dog in great favour in House all pleased with him. Lin’s cough troublesome after dinner. Met Mrs Spofforth. My darling did not come but sent game.



Friday 11 December To be fitted Sophie Neal. My darling lunches here 1.30. Lovely day. Slept better & Lin also. Went at 11 to Neal, fitted. To see Evie looking v. thin & pinched. Darling came in when I was there. To Harrods after, the box I wanted has been sold helas! Procrastination. Saturday 12 December Disturbed night, Lin’s cough so bad. Went out morg. After lunch Lin & self to see “The Flag Lieutenant” Cyril Maud at Playhouse. Vy good. We both enjoyed it & had a lovely box. Went by a flying taxi cab! & back by bus. Shop’g to get fruit at Butts & walking fr. there home. Mr Magee called. Roy in to dinner. Looked thro’ cards etc F.B.Tucks. Bed early. Lin seems v. tired & not well. Wish he would give up all but his weekly work. (page pinned in) Gave Marie Dec 1908. 6 new pink & white dusters, 8 new claret glasses, 8 new sherry or port glasses (fr Harrods) & 1 new table cloth making 4 now for dining room. Sunday 13 December Gladys Crozier dines here, & my darling & Lennie who come up fr. Dover where they have been for one night to stay with Hylda & Cap’t Gibbs. Had very good night. Lin slept so quietly & did not cough. We went for walk together taking Taxie on chain morg, met Mr Gielgud & his 2 boys. Katie away at a rest home! Miss Rose Innes called. Poor Gladys v. depressed about her brother & sister in law, the Baby cries so. Lin tired himself out sorting drawings for Brown, w’d not let Marie & me help, such a pity. Dull evg cannot tell why. Monday 14 December Slept well but Lin disturbed in night, had pheasant done up at lunch time, may be that, but it did not hurt me. Our carriage at 11.30, to Army & Navy Stores. Tuesday 15 December Mrs Tate’s luncheon 1.30. Out morg 11 o’c M’s cariage Stores. Unable to go to Mrs Tate. Mrs Nembhard, Miss Hughes & cousin, Maudie & Mrs Keith called. Roy dining at Maud’s, Mr & Mrs Grantham & Mr Brodie there. Edgar dined with us, had a black eye, horse flung his head back after a jump! Vy delightful having him. Dickie deranged internally, tiresome otherwise he would be better, chest better. Went in Vic at 11 to Harrods, met Cap’t Gibbs, & to Mascotte. After lunch at 2.30 Miss Rose Innes fetched me in Taxie & we went to see “Lady Epping’s Law Suit” excellent. To tea after at Ritz & taxie home. The Dad still deranged. Vy busy finished Babes in the Wood opening Vol. Roy in to dinner. Emma 76


out. Beach 2/6. Got glasses Harrods, eye glasses. Marie gave up her afternoon & is going out Sunday instead. Thursday 17 December Another batch of unemployed in Terrace. Very dull & warm. Had fairly good night. Dickie down once in night. The Punch staff dined at Savoy & Lin not home until late last night. I went into Kensington saw nothing I wanted except cheese & pears! Marie out after tea for hour & half. Edgar came to tea, ashamed to be found untidy, had been sorting presents. Roy left at 10 to 11 for Terregles. Looks well & seems cheerful. Edgar does not look so well as he did. Friday 18 December Very dull & much colder, slept well until 5 o’c. Saturday 19 December Dull. Carriage at 11, 2/6 groom. To Asprey Maud’s present £3.12.6. Also to Barker, Moore & Pinnel. To see Evie at Nursing home 50 Weymouth St, & to Bank. Evie looks v. well but seems depressed & no wonder in that unsympathetic place. After lunch Lin & self to see “Follies” Apollo Theatre. Fairly good, too long. Great crowds coming out. Taxie there fr. stand 2/2, gave him 2/6. Motor bus back 6d. Quiet peaceful evg. alone, bed early. Sunday 20 December Lin dines with Mr Seaman. Very dull, good night. Uric acid saw it thro’ microscope, no wonder dangerous! Edie & Herbert come to dinner, 7 o’c. For walk with Dickie 12 o’c. Met Mr Greaves on his way to Mr Lucas’s. Lin busy altering drawing & designing next one. Undid Bath box at last. Mrs Kerr called, v. amusing over her troubles. Antoinette managed nicely. Monday 21 December Ethel English dines with us 8 o’c. Good night, Lin slept well. Out morg. Kens. My foot hurt me so had to return but took Taxie for short walk. Sent off presents. To Mascotte about seal coat. Maudie & Lennie return fr. Balcombe. Mr Guthrie dining there. Roy returned from Scotland, Galbraiths. Mrs E. Pollock called did not see her, lying down. Lennie sent me cheque £14.16.10 for specs. V. pleasant evg, Ethel lively. Tuesday 22 December Dull. Lin at work as on Friday. I went to Stores morg. by underground 7d return, bought 2 frames £1.4.0, pocket book 12/6, toys Barkers. Mrs 77


Finlay & Mrs Spofforth & darling Maud called. Roy dined with Dickie. Sent cheque to Bank & wired to Lennie & wrote evg. Wednesday 23 December Dull. Packed all day with Marie. Edie came at tea time, gave her her (illeg) basket & darling Mother’s claret jug trusting she & Herbert w’d value it v. much & they have so few home treasures. Roy in to dinner. Quiet evg. Bed early & slept well. Lin’s cough seems much better & his breathing much better. Thursday 24 December Marie went off with luggage by 10.40 train. Lin & self later, by 4.30, in same carriage with Lennie, H. & Nonie. Found all well & darling looking sweet in red dress. Effie & Fitz, Harold & Nonie, Lin & self, little Rudolf & governess house party. V. pleasant evg, pianola after. To bed 10.30 v. tired but much stronger. Roy saw us off Staf. Ter. & he goes to Leweston today. Little Oliver looks delicate & fragile especially by the side of Rudolf. Friday 25 December Slept well & awoke to find 2 lovely little Xmas Trees fastened to either post at end of bed with Mamie present & fully dressed!!! Never saw anything so pretty before. Lin a dressing gown & various things, me 3 pretty baskets fitted for each room for work, a lovely brown silk tie-box & endless pretty things. Fr. darling Anne a little handkerchief made by her, beautifully worked. All went to Church except Lin & self. He worked all day. All went to Nymans after lunch for tree & they dress there. Lin & I go at 7.30 in car. Vy amusing evg, charades after. House party Dr M, 3 de la Penhas, Gibbs, Lorings, Miss Gibbs. Saturday 26 December Dull & v.cold. Very late last evg. Rested rather later morg. Good night but not in bed unil 1o’c. Lin hard at work all day until 3.30, light failing so went for our walk. Maud gave away oceans of presents at 4.30 to all household wives & children, to Marie lovely book, 3 prs best gloves & another box. Lennie splendid as old father Xmas in real silk dressing gown & hood. 22 to dinner here, whole party fr. Nymans, 3 tables. All most charmingly arranged. Charades after, excellent. Sunday 27 December Fine early, dull later. Vy cold. Some snow & sleet. Rested until 11.30 after good night, but very late to bed, 12 o’c again. Sat with Lin. Luncheon 1 o’c. Lennie & Fitz to Lake, fished, got nothing. Lin worked 78


until 3.30 & at 4 o’c we went for our walk. After dinner “Roulette” wish darling would not have it on Sunday, or any game only Music. Monday 28 December Lovely morg. Sunny, some snow on ground, vy cold. Lin at work all day until dusk. Effie, Fitz, Nonie & I went for walk at 12 o’c. After lunch rested. Moved Lin into my bedroom for work, his room so dark & cold, mine lovely & warm. Went for walk with him at 4.15. Lennie to town & drilled his men after, dinner 8 o’c. Harold to Nymans for golf & walked back. All vy tired evg. to bed early. Darling Maud sleeps badly, does too much. Tuesday 29 December Heavy snow storm, vy cold. Lennie to London where he sleeps night. Maudie again slept badly. Went for walk with Lin after he finished his work, or rather c’d see no more, 4 - 5. Very hard walking in the snow. Lin v. amusing & in good spirits at dinner, kept us amused. V. lively evg. Bed 10.30. Wednesday 30 December Deep snow. In all morg writing letters whilst Lin finished his drawing in his room. We went for a walk at 12 o’c. Lin left in Car at 4.10 for London. Maud, H. & Nonie & Fitzroy, Maud & Effie to Nymans, came back Mrs M. fussing so!!! Vy pleasant dinner & evg, did telegrams, but missed Dickie. Bed 10.30. My darling slept in my room. Thursday 31 December Snow still lying, but does not feel so cold. Effie leaves for Worthing today 3.10 & Ellie Ritchie & Mr Marriott come, & Lennie. Vy jolly evg, only wish Lin & Roy were here. Played roulette after dinner, I won 1/9, Fitzroy won 2/6 & Mrs Harold won as usual about 5/- seems wonderfully lucky. Saw Old Year out & sang Auld lang Syne, had Punch, & to bed 1 o’c. So ends another happy year. May the New Year be even happier.

Start 1907 with Balance Owe Bank Loan Paid off loan & invested 1907: February off loan B.A. Rosario allot. B.A. Pacific allot.

£ 47.0.9 £ 150.0.0

£ 100.0.0 6.0.0 2.0.0 79


February £ 108.0.0 March B.A. Pacific Joint Sk Bk B.A. Gt Southern

£ 2.0.0 £ 30.0.0 March £ 32.0.0

April Glyn Mills Currie for 3 allot £10 shrs £ 9.0.0 Joint Sk Bk for 2 B.A.Pacific 4.0.0 April £ 13.0.0 May Call on B.A.Pacific


£ 6.0.0


6.0.0 50.0.0 30.0.0 £ 86.0.0

June B.A. Pacific on 2 allot £10 Paid off last debt to Bank Call on B.A.Gt Southern

July, August, September B.A & Rosario Rly

£ 9.0.0

October, November, December Total for year 1907 Pd out for loan & invested Spent on dress, travel & personal, Doctor To deposit for Nash

£ 254.0.0 £ 254.0.0 271.8.3 30.0.0 £ 555.8.3 50.0.0 £ 605.8.3

All rest to Nash & doctor from the £300 Lennie & Maud gave me. £ 85 odd still owing to Nash to be paid for early in 1908. This £85.1.6 paid March 1908 Received fr. Trust

Ditto fr. Private 1907

January February

£ 49. 8. 0 52. 0. 0

£ 25. 3. 1 42. 9. 1 80


March April May June July August

19. 0. 0 40.17. 5 : : 45.11. 4 49. 8. 0 52. 0. 3

30. 4. 3 47.18.11 6.11. 6 14. 0. 7 29.18. 2 21.14. 9

Sept 19. 0. 0 Oct 40.17. 8 November : : Dec 45. 9. 2 Total £ 413.11.10

31.14. 9 33.18. 2 11.13. 7 12. 0 £ 315.18.10

Together equals Jan £ 74.11. 1 Feb 94. 9. 1 Mar 49. 4. 3 April 88.16. 4 May 6.11. 6 June 59.11.11 July 79. 6. 2 August 73.15. 0 Sep 50.14. 9 Oct 94.15.10 Nov 11.13. 7 Dec 46. 1. 2 £ 729.10. 8

1st four months £ 307. 0. 9

2nd four months £ 219. 4. 7

3rd four months £ 203. 5. 4 Total for year 1907

Spent on dress, hotels, presents etc 1907 Very ill all January & February February March April May June July August September October November

£ 13. 0. 4 43.15. 3 15. 6. 7 9.16. 7 19.10. 4 38.14.11 19.19. 6 44. 7. 7 30. 1. 6 17. 9. 6 81


December Total

19. 7. 5 £ 271. 8. 3

Received fr. Lennie March £ 150. 0. 0 fr. Maud June £ 150. 0. 0 Total £ 300. 0. 0 Paid Mr Haward doctor March £ 130. 0. 0 Nash for drainage July £ 100. 0. 0 Nash Sept £ 100. 0. 0 Total 1907 £ 330. 0. 0 Another large sum owing to Nash for drainage Paid Nash March 1908 the remainder of money for drainage & £ 26. 8. 0 of Linleys’s account Together making £ 85. 1. 6 Total for doctor & drainage £ 415. 1. 6 Lin paid a good large sum besides in Doctors during my illness, and my darling Maud a fortune on Nurses & the 1000 luxuries & thoughtful gifts she showered on me all the many months of my illness. Received trust 1908 January Cent. Uraguay Rly 23.15. 0 Argentine Gt Western 19. 0. 0 Antofagasta 6.13. 0 Local Loans 5. 5 January £ 49.13. 5 February Peebles Great West. of Brazil February

23.10. 3 28.10. 0 £ 52. 0. 0

March Cordoba

£ 19. 0. 0

April Brit. & North Atlantic S. Local Loans

£ 21. 7. 6 5. 5 82


Illinois Central April June Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley June Received Private Ac’t 1908 Balance from 1907

19. 8.11 £ 41. 1.10

£ 23.15. 0 21.17. 0 £ 45.13. 0

January Cordoba B.A. Rosario B.A. Pacific B.A. Western B.A. Gt Southern Chinese Japanese Burmah Oil Japanese Sons of Gualia 2 Coupé London January February Robinson Mine B.A.Pacific Gt Eastern Rly City B.A. Trams Hall & Barnsley Midland

£ 140. 3. 0

1.18. 0 1.18. 0 8. 8 4. 5.11 7.12. 0 2.17. 0 1.18. 0 4.15. 0 4. 5. 6 5.0 4.19. 0 £ 33. 2. 1

9.19. 6 18. 4 3.16. 0 9. 6 6.13. 0 7.13.10 February £ 29. 5. 2

March Furniss Rly P & O Steamship Coy Waihi Harrods March

£ 1. 8. 6 4.19. 9 6.13. 0 1. 5. 13 £ 14. 6. 6



Continued fr. Trust account received July Antifagasta £ 6.13. 0 Cent. Uruguay 23.15.0 Argentine Gt Western 19. 0. 0 Local Loans 5. 5


£ 49.13. 5

August Gt Western of Brazil Peebles August

£ 28.10. 0 23.10. 3 £ 52. 0. 8

September Cordoba Rly

£ 19. 0. 0

October British North Atlantic Local Loans Illinois Cent. October

£ 21. 7. 6 5. 5 19. 9. 5 £ 41. 2. 4

December From Furrell trust surplus 9.19. 9 Canadian Pacific 23.15. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.16. 5 December £ 55.11. 2 Forward from Private Ac’t March continued Lennie Spec Chinese 11 ½ Cuban 5% Japan 5 ½ Interest deposit Glasgow S.W. March April Lloyd (Brazil) Barker New York Central

£ 14.6. 6 4. 2. 0 2. 2. 9 12. 4. 4 2. 7. 6 13. 0 2. 1.11 £ 37.18. 0

£ 2. 7. 6 1. 9 1. 3. 8 84


B.A. Gt. Southern Interest deposit B.A. Rosario Sons of Gualia April

28.17. 3 1.10 21. 3. 0 5. 0 £ 53.19.10


4. 4. 2 9. 6 £ 4.13. 8

May B.A.Pacific City B.A. Trams June Waihi

£ 12. 7. 0

Start 1908 with 3 100 on deposit in London County Bk. Paid off investments etc 1908 January 15th 5. New York Cent Hudson River Rly At 10½ per sh Com Stk 106.10. 0 Com. 10. 6 Payable 30 Jany, stamp 1. 0 Bought by London County Bk £ 107. 1. 6 April Aplied for & got £500 4½ % 7. B.A. Pacific debs allotted 4th April, Allottment letter same 15th April £ 25. 0. 0 Joint Stock Bank, 5 Princes St E.C £ 150. 0. 0 £100 of this withdrawn from my deposit account. Sent Bankers receipt of £ 20 & allottment letter £ 150 allotted to Harold Messel 21st April to sell £ 300 of the £ 500 allotted. Sold these £ 300 at 3/8 discount April £ 175. 0. 0 Keeping £ 200 only 28th June. Paid to Messrs L. Messel & Co £ 9.8.5 balance due for B.A. Pacific Shares taken up 4½% keeping £ 200 of same. Lennie made me some money on S.E. or should have had £ 23 to pay on these. Only paid June £ 9. 8. 5 Burmese Oil paid off £ 200 5% reinvested this July 21st in $ 1000 Mexican Nat at 102 ¼ 21st July 1908, 4 ½ % £ 204.10. 0 Sep 8th Newly allotted 3. £10 shares

£ 3. 0. 0 85


B.A.Pacific ordinary 1911 5% until that date. Pd deposit of £1 on the 3 shrs to London Joint Stock Bk. Sept 28th Pay remaining Also £ 100 allotted in B.A. Pacific (ord 1911) 5% until that date

£ 27. 0. 0

September total

£ 100. 0. 0 £ 130. 0. 0

November. Placed on deposit

£ 100. 0 .0

19th Nov. Bought thro’ L. Messel 10. Louisville & Nash shrs so took £ 100 from deposit for this & borrowed fr. Bank £ 50 only Nov 19th £ 237.10. 0 Received from Total together 82.15.6 81. 5. 5 56.17. 5 95. 1. 8 4.13. 8 58. 0. 0 83.10. 2 71. 7. 8 50.11.11 80. 9. 3

Trust £ 49.13. 5 £ 52. 0. 0 £ 19. 0. 0 £ 41.1 .10 £ - £ 45.13. 0 £ 49.13. 5 £ 52. 0. 3 £ 19. 0. 0 £ 41. 2. 4 - £ 55.11. 2 £ 424.15. 8

Private 33. 2. 1 29. 5. 2 37.17. 5 53.19.10 £ 4.13. 8 £ 12. 7. 0 £ 33.16. 9 £ 19. 7. 5 £ 31.11.11 £ 39. 6.11 £ 25. 9. 6 £ 27. 0. 0 £ 347.15. 8

Total £ 772. 2. 2 £ 34.15. 0 of this amount was given me by Lennie from speck he made for me & £ 10 extra fr. trust ac’t fr. Furrell surplus.



On dress, presents, travelling etc & drainage Spent during 1908 January £ 41. 4. 1 February £ 8.14. 8 March £ 95. 2. 8 April £ 12.19. 4 May - - June £ 18.10. 8 July £ 59.18. 4 August £ 9.15. 8 September £ 21. 9. 6 October £ 15.15. 8 November 4.11. 6 December 10. 2. 2 £ 298. 4. 3 Received from Trust & Private ac’t together January £ 82.15. 6 February £ 81. 5. 5 March £ 56.17. 5 April £ 95. 1. 8 May £ 4.13. 8 June £ 58. 0. 0 August £ 71. 7. 8 September £ 50.11.11 October 80. 9. 6 November 25. 9. 6 December 82.11. 2 Total income 1908 £ 776. 4. 4 Lennie made me £ 4. 2. 0 March & £ 1.10. 0 in April & £ 14.16.10 Dec & £ 13.11. 7 July. Total £ 34. 0. 0 Tommy Foley aged 2. God bless Faver & Movr & Grandpapa, Grandmama, & my little brown bear can take care of himself. Continued from investments made during year 1908 November Paid 27th Nov £ 10 first payment on 5 new £ 10 shrs allotted in Cent Argt Rly to be ordinary shrs to Bank this Nov. £ 10. 0. 0



1st Dec. I borrow £ 50 of the Bank, overdrawn my account Bring forward £ 10 from page 201. £ 10 £ 658.19.11 Total £ 668.19.11 Of this sum £ 50 borrowed from Bank Dec 1st 1908 This invested including stamp com. etc, making total spent in investment during 1908 £ 668.19.11 Also £ 200 reinvested from Burmah Oil which was paid off & reinvested in £ 200 in Mexican Nat 4½ %

Malcolm E. Mackinlay, 32 Baker, St Portman Sqre, W. Florence Howlden, Derby House, Broad Walk, Buxton Lady Trendell, 18 Oakwood Court, Kensington, W Cyril Howlden, 52 Doughty St, London W.C, off Russell Sqre Evie Fletcher Rowe, Vale Farm, Clewer, Windsor Mrs Richard Worsley, 1 Clarendon Place, Hyde Pk. Gardens, W Miss Lizzie & Margaret Jones, 149 Gloucester Road, S.W Ethel Cussans, 4 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, N Effie Conrad, 38 Queensborough Terrace, Hyde Park Lady Foster, 30 Grosvenor Rd, Chelsea Spencer, Ocle Pychard Vicarage, Hereford W.H.Head & Sons, 191-192 Sloane Street, London Canvas for making mats ¾ yd 9d, 1 Hook 6d, (illeg) 2 for putting wool over. Wool? Above Sophy’s. Little Linley aged 8. Miss Hayes told him she had killed 63 salmon, only remarked “This morning?” Mrs G’s: There was a young lady of France Who said I will just take my chance She yielded with glee To her lover’s entree And now all her sisters are aunts. There was a young lady of Kent Who knew vy well what he meant When he asked her to dine With a bottle of wine All alone in his room. So she went.



Linley (8) explaining to his tutor “This you see is a Hen’s egg.” Maud did not wait to hear more. Maud expostulating with her cook on extravagance & saying “We must not waste the money, Mr Messel works so hard.” “He do Mam, works vy hard for fish.” Little Oliver. Maud told him to sit still & gave him boys encyclopedia to look at (aged 4) “This does’nt amuse me mama! This doesn’t amuse me at all.” Nevertheless sat on like a lamb. Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Beddington. Maud: Kilbride Lodge, Oxon Clonbur, Co’y Galway, Ireland & Hotel Victoria, Monte Carlo Effie Conrad, Hotel Beau Site, Alpes Maritime, France Toula, 33 Hill St, W. Ada Sp’s dentist: Mr Hicks, 130 Holland Pk Avenue, nearly opposite the Spencers Mr Hicks number on telephone 2173 Western Roland Jackson, 2 Cockspur St, S.W. Mrs Mackenzie Davidson, 76 Portland Place, W. Dow. Lady Wynford, 51 Chester Square, S.W. Lady Head, 174 St James Court, Buckingham Gate S.W. Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Deddington, Oxon Toula, 33 Hill St, Berkeley Sqre Gladys Crozier’s woman for ‘Vieuxs habits’ Mrs Stainsfield, Stainfield House, Guildford Rd, Poplar Gladys C, 9 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale. Addresses 19 Abingdon Road Mans Salvation Army, 22 Spa Rd, Bermondsey Mrs Kevil Davies, 12 Carlisle Place S.W Lady Gilbert, 90 Eaton Sqre Mrs Church, 23 Army & Navy Mans. Miss Beattie Crozier, 9 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale Mrs Biencardé’s blouse maker, 7 Dalkeith Mansions, West Kensington. Mrs Bentham Toula, Arcis Strasse 33, München, Germany Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Deddington, Oxon Daisie Robertson, Burningfold, Dunsfold, Godalming Mrs Jones, Lizzie Caufield, Blatches, Dunmow, Essex Mrs Tate, 14 Park St S.W. C. Hicks, dentist, 130 Park Avenue, W. Geoff Conrad Ferroyepore, Punjab, India Cash address Balmi, Dalhousie, India Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Deddington, Oxon 89


Ada Sp’s dentist: C. Hicks Esqre, 130 Holland Pk. Avenue, telephone No 2173 Ethel Cussans, 4 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, N. Bessie Hollingshead, The Ladies Club, Brighton & Hove, Hove, Sussex Mrs Jopling Rowe, 7 Pembroke Gds, Kensington Geoff Blair, Cortorphan’s Hotel, Simla, India Mrs Gibson, Postlip Hall, Winchcombe, R.S.O, Gloucester Lady Foster, 30 Grosvenor Rd, Chelsea, S.W. W.M. Lock, Tailor. Alexandra Road, South Farnborough Ethel Edwin, July 1908 rec’ds B.A.Pacific Rly 5% 3rd Deb. stock, div due 1st July & 1st June. Louisville best of American Rly Cos. Mrs Fagan, 37 Rutland Court, S.W. Douglas Herepath, Cavalry Depôt, Ballin(illeg), Ireland Effie Conrad, 38 Queensborough Terrace, Hyde Pk. Lady Spielmann, Hyde Hall, Sawbridgeworth, Herts To remember Rand (illeg) Peruvian Corporation


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