Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1909

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Notes on front pages Addresses new: Sir John Tenniel, 52 Fitzgeorge Avenue, Kensington Braunstein, 28 Hyde Pk Gate Aunt Linda, Matfield Place, Matfield, Kent Mr P.F.Lindquister, Masseur. 25 Carlisle Mansions, Victoria. S.W. Maud, Jan. c/o Mr N. Cowdray, Stoner Pk, Henley on Thames. Susie a Beckett, 87 Eccleston Sqre Vera Kevil Davies, 35 Albert Hall Mansions Miss Brown, 19 Pembridge Cresc Miss Hughes, 83 Ashley Gds Miss Millar, 28 Pembroke Gds Mrs Abbott, 48 Wynstay Gds Lady Romer, 31 Montpelier Sqre Mrs Hohler, 73 Eaton Place Mrs John Walter, 35 Courtfield Gds Mrs Arthur Gill, “Cherries” Oakwood Hill, Ockley, Surrey (cutting pinned to page, Mr Swinburne’s will) Miss Browne, 19 Pembridge Cresc. Mrs de la Penha, The Old Rectory, Noke, Islip, Oxon Wearns. Ask for Baldock, 9 King St, High St Kensington rec’d by Mrs Sington for mending jobs Mr Lindquist (masseur) 25 Carlisle Mansions, Westminster Ruby Walker, Dunstew Manor Doddington, Oxon Mervyn Herapath, 14a Cheyne Row, Chelsea Mrs Molloy, Woolleys, Henley on Thames (Piece of paper pinned to page) Dr Messel, 147 Victoria St Violet Phillips, 18 Manchester St Mrs Phillips, 14 Gt Cumberland Place Tabbie’s hat place, 110 Oxford St, La Fayette. Mrs Herbert Waring, 56 Victoria St, S.W. H.C.Allen Esqre, River Plate House, Finsbury Circus, E.C. London Kate Bowers, 74 Yeldham Rd, Hammersmith Trained nurse rec’d Lady Bergne, Miss Ward, 87 Abingdon Rd, Kensington



(back of piece of paper pined to page) A housemaid who could never be persuaded to come into family prayers said she did not like to be insulted as they always said “Oh God who hatest nothing but the Housemaid” (who hatest nothing that thou hast made) Child who asked his mother if God’s name was Harold. Why asked his Mother? Because you say Our Father which art in Heaven, Harold be thy name. Aunt Linda, Matfield Place, Matfield, Kent Mrs Laurence Bradbury, 72 Bedford Gds Wycliffe Taylor Esqre, 12 Harrington Gardens, S. Kensington Mrs Wilkinson, Lady Mead’s daughter, 51 Campden Hill Rd Mrs Krabbe(?) Calcot Grange, nr Reading. Marie Allenbach, 18 rue St. Victor, Carange, Près Genève, La Suisse Mrs F. Lutyens, 103 Onslow Square, S.W & The Holt, Cross-in-Hand Old servant to his Mistress who married twice, said I’ve taken quite a liking for that Mr Evans, at first I looked upon him rather as an antelope! (an interloper) Little Linley, 9, was met by a friend of his mother’s who asked him if she was likely to be at home if she called “I am not sure, said Linley, as Mother sometimes has to be out”! Irish man “Bedah! I’ve cheated the railway company. I took return ticket from Cork & I will not be going back there”! Mr Talbot Ponsonby Mrs Cohen, Courtlands, West Hoathly, Sussex, & 11 Hyde Pk Terrace Dr Furth, Harley Street. Rec’d for foreign waters advice by Mr Messel. Tabbie’s telephone No. Anchorage, National Telephone No 2 Christchurch Mervyn Herapath, Fylingsdale, Watertree, near Liverpool Miss Rose Innes 2 Campden Hill Place Mrs Routh, Weatherall Home, Well Walk, Hampstead Dr Robert Brumstarck(?) Homburg, rec’d by Dr Karl Fürth Dr Fürth, 39 Harley Street Ld Kingsburgh’s story. A Man at a dinner party asks another, Who is the very decoltée lady? Oh she is half French & half English. Then said that for the credit of our countrywomen I hope the lower half is English. One hair on the head is worth two in the bush. 2


On Mr Lucy’s being Knighted Lin said to him at Punch dinner “Don’t you take it too much to heart you beknighted individual you’ll get over it,” & again in the house of Scrivenors à propos of Mr Lucy, they said the King had made the shortest Knight on the longest day! Madame Frick, Arcis Strasse 33, Munchen. Stories, proper & otherwise. Little Oliver, 5, made a little noise (accident) asked Mamie “What is that noise?” Darling we never mention these things! “Is it the Voice of God Mamie? Is God speaking to me?” Tommy Foley aged three “God bless Faver & Mover & Grandpapa & Grannie & my little brown bear can take care of himself.” A man travelling in Ireland was so bitten by fleas he said had they been ananimous they would have pulled him out of bed.” Ragged dirty little boy of about 4, Ramsgate cold morg, & his toes & heels all exposed thro’ boots & shoes “Your poor little feet must be cold?” “Not a bit, there’s as ‘ot as a red ‘ot poker!” Little Linley said he had had a lovely “Bethleham turnip” when he dined late, meaning Jerusalem artichoke! Then not quite sure of the name, but it was something fr. the Holy Land.

Friday 1 January Snow melting fast, much warmer. Went for walk with Fraulein, Linley & Anne after lunch. Maud & Nonie to Nymans. Lennie & Mr Marriott for long walk, & Harold to Nymans for golf. Dinner 7 o’c. Servants Ball. We all went down & Maud & Lennie danced with them for 2 dances. Roy arrived fr. Leweston, startling news of Gwen’s engagement to Mr Wingfield Digby!!! Ball lasted till 3.30AM! (note pinned to page) Marie end Dec 1908. 6 new pink & white dusters, 4 wine glasses broken & replaced Feby 7th with 2 extra ones making 10 port & 8 clarets. Saturday 2 January Snow still melting. All enjoyed last evg immensely. Marie looked v. nice in her voile & blouse & little coat I gave her, black & white lace, last evg. Dear Lin comes by 4.30 train. Looked v. well & seems vy bright & cheery but coughs again more. Had charades after dinner. Lennie v. tired. V. late to bed after 12, dead tired. Wish Maud for her own sake would make a move earlier. Roy seems vy well. 3


Sunday 3 January Dull morg. Would like to have gone to Church but so dreadfully tired & headache after so many late nights. Went for walk with Lin & Roy by Lake & met Mr Pennythorne & his two daughters. Rested at 2.30 until 4.15. Harold to play golf with Cap. Gibbs at Nymans. Lin wrote letters. Lennie to Lake & football after. Darling went for walk with Nonie & Ellie. After dinner came up to bed before gentlemen joined us, they sang & played & seemed v. lively after. Monday 4 January Dear Lin’s birthday. Slept badly awake so long & Lin coughed. Vy dull warm morning. Mrs Messel’s dance! Lin & self not going. Mr Labouchère here & Mr Brodie & Mr Marriott staying here, & Ellie & Fitzroy & Roy. Mr Brodie took me in to dinner. Vy nice man, full of information, a friend of Mr Marriott’s. They all went off to dance after dinner, & we to bed early. Tuesday 5 January Announcement of Gwen’s engagement! All tired after Mrs M’s dance. Nonie & Harold left early for London. Lin coughed night & restless. Walked morg. with Lin, Maud & Ellie to see Mrs Messel after lunchon & brought Cap. & Mrs Seagrave back to stay 2 nights. Mr Labouchère, Mr Brodie, Mr Marriott, Geoff, Ellie all staying until Thursday. We leave tomorrow. Played roulette evg. Bed 11 o’c. Wednesday 6 January Lin coughd good deal. Lin & self left darling Maud’s at 11.55 after delightful visit. Fees between us £2.15.0. Sunny & bright. Unpacked after lunch, afraid poor E’s tongue v. painful still. Marie unpacked after lunch. Lin had tea with me & left for Punch dinner. I dined alone drawing room. Roy came in, mistake about his dinner so he dined out, felt vy sorry, some mistake! Thursday 7 January Letter fr. Tabs about Gwen’s engagement! All delighted about it. Lovely day. Took Taxie out after lunch. Vy naughty. Met 3 small children looking perished got them a ball & Taxie so naughty or w’d have given them cup of cocoa or cake each! Read to Lin. Roy dined out. Friday 8 January Lennie & Maud go to Mr H. Coventry for shoot. Mrs Alfred Earl at home Lyceum Club 4 - 6. Unable to go. X. Took Emma to see Dr Abraham about her tongue, feel happier about her, is not what I feared but must be 4


cured as might develope into it. Came back in Taxie cost £1.6.0. Thankful to be relieved of fears. E. is to go twice a week to West L. Hos. for X rays. Marie & I did 3 shelves in wardrobe in Roy’s room. Lin dined 10 to 11. Roy with him, poor boy too long to wait as he won’t take anything before. Saturday 9 January Mr Lindquist comes to massage Lin first time. Glorious morg. Lin having his first massage treatment! We go at 2 o’c to matinée of “The passing of the Third Floor Back”. Enjoyed it immensely, Forbes Robertson & his wife, all excellent. Motored there, Om home. Fruit at Butts. Out shops morg. Roy dined out. Lin & self quiet evening alone. Bed early. Sunday 10 January X. Lost my marquisite broach. Asked Mr Silver to dine. Sp. dined here. Miss Frith’s at home for her father’s birthday, 91. Mervyn came to tea & sat in my room whilst I dressed. So glad to see him. Lin & self walked morg. took om Hyde Pk Corner, saw Mr Labouchère. We went to Miss Frith’s, charming singing & Mr Frith looked wonderful & handsome in his old age. Fildes, Mrs Spofforth, Lady Pontifex, Lady Monckton, Hepworth Dixon, Dicksee etc etc there. Lost my marquisite broach. Used carriage first time since our return. Spencer dined here, v. well. Monday 11 January Miss Davies comes to tea 4 o’c. Lin had his 2nd massage 10/6, seems to like it. Out morg. shops. Vy bright but tired part of day. To enquire after Lady Bergne, in bed. Li in carriage out after lunch second time of using it since horse returned. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone. Bed early. Vy pleasant talk with Nurse D. Tuesday 12 January Lovely day. To Neal about my blouse by omnibus, 6d. Emma to West London Hospital to have her tongue X rayed. Not done. Maudie returns fr. Mrs H.Coventry’s. Mrs Shaw Mellor, Miss Brown, Ethel Mervyn, Lady Spielmann & Mrs Lazard called. Roy dined out. Wednesday 13 January Vy satisfactory letter about E. fr. Dr Abraham. Out morg. Having furniture drawing room mended by Barker here. Maudie came & lunched, looks tired darling but seems to have greatly enjoyed her stay at the Coventrys, all American ladies but herself! Left at 3.30. She was dining with the Fleishmanns. Roy dined with me. Taxie great fun after finding ball. Lin had brougham evg. (note pinned to page) Antoinette new dust 5


brush 1/11. New cream jug Marie, New hearth brush 3/3 for drawing room New champagne clipper 2/9 Marie. Thursday 14 January Arthur à Beckett died. Nellie K. comes to tea. Out morg. by bus to Marylebone Rd to be fitted at Neals with white silk blouse. Vy tired. Rested only ½ an hour after lunch. Dickie had tea with us in morg. room. Enjoyed my little talk with Nellie. Man mending oddments in drawing room & Roy’s wardrobe. Quiet evg, Roy Lin & self. Actually did some needlework. Friday 15 January Lovely day. Feel my side. In all morg. Ethel M. to luncheon & we went after by bus to see Punch Pageant & met Mr Lindo. Ethel L. just engaged to Harry Venning!!!. Lin’s drawings magnificent & stand out above all others. Mr Brown wants to buy my Anton Mauve. Met Sir Ray Lancaster & Lady Joyce. Home by Om. Tea. Sent Emma home in carriage. Roy dined with Lin 10.30. Saturday 16 January Lovely day. Emma seems to be much better from Dr A’s treatment. Lin & self to Queen’s Theatre saw “Belle of Brittany”. Ruth Vincent sang charmingly. V. pretty music. Up in cab, carriage met us. Quiet evg. To bed early. Fruit Butts. Sunday 17 January To Zoo in brougham with Dickie. Met Mr E. Pollock & his son & dau. in law. Lovely morg, enjoyed our morg immensely. Antoinette with Taxie to enquire for Ada Sp. morg. Marie out afternoon. Mrs Alec Tweedie to dinner. Sir Howland & Lady Roberts came to tea. Mrs Tweedie amusing, great talker & personal. Monday 18 January Poor Arthur à Beckett’s funeral. Lin & I go D.V. to Requiem Mass at Westminster. Vy largely affected, felt v. sad. Jessie followed with Gigi. All beautifully done. Guthrie, Seaman, P. Spiers, Lehmann etc etc there, c’d not speak to them. Lady Monckton came to tea, looks wonderfully well. Roy home to dinner. Quiet evg, bed early. Tuesday 19 January To be fitted sealskin coat 12.10. V. dull dull morg. Fitted with seal. Saw Dr O. Emma to Hospital, seems v. much better. Olive & Dorothy to tea & my darling & Nonie boy. Maudie looking tired. Vy cold wind. Lin’s 6


masseur came morning. Dear little Linley came with Maud. Roy in to dinner. Felt very tired, can’t think why. Wednesday 20 January Miss Gill comes to lunch. Out morg. V. cold wind fear headachey. Fitted with fur jacket seal at Mascottes. Very cozy afternoon morg room with Gilly needlework. Edie came & had tea with us & dear Lin had tea with with us. Gilly left at 5.30, looks well. Roy dined with me. Felt dead tired, w’d prefer dining 7 or 7.30 when Lin out. Marie out. Thursday 21 January Marie read to me & after got patterns of green silk at Barkers & Enos fruit salt. In bed all day, feel v. seedy fancy chill on liver, pain back, side & tummy & feel sick. Darling came with Anne & Oliver, both look grown & robust! I was to have lunched with Midge, Brown’s Hotel, had to wire could not go, & to Maud who was sending Victoria at 11 o’c. Midge came to tea with me looking v. well & handsome, not one pheasant fr. Ham! Roy dined with Lin. Friday 22 January Feel better, fairly good night. Much warmer. Darling came to lunch & to tea. Was vy amusing & looked together French History fr. Lippincott! In bed all day. Hylda H. came to tea, seems to think of nothing but skating & dancing, pity. Ada still in bed with gout! Maudie has dinner of 11 tonight. Roy dined out & had carriage. Dear Lin finished work 10.15. Coughed vy much coming to bed & after. Marie read to me. Saturday 23 January Vy dull morg. Feel much better but still feel side vy weak. Have decided to have no one to help tomorrow, gives E. more trouble & girls generally manage very nicely. Maudie came on her way to Balcombe in Car, darling looks tired. Dickie out in carriage Lady Self called, did not see her. Marie got me roses for table & Lin fruit. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Lion’s cough vy troublesome. Sunday 24 January Asked Sir A. & Lady Trendall to dinner. Vera K. Davies & Owen Seaman & Gladys Crozier all coming. Vy cold but fine. Had carriage to top of Row. Dickie & self walked length of Row & drove back. Felt better for it, & back better. Dear Mervyn & my darling & Lennie came to tea, latter on way from Balcombe. Delightful evg, all went well & maids managed beautifully, Marie excelled herself & all most smooth.



Monday 25 January Lady Fletcher Moulton died after 6 months illness & 3 operations. Woman here 2 o’c till 4.30 fr. Virtues cutting out patterns of covers for drawing room chairs & sofas. Had Victoria at 11 & to be fitted Mascotte with little sealskin coat, & to see Susie à Beckett. Seems most cheerful but looks much older, & room so untidy & dirty & Susie so too! Feel sorry for her but glad she seems so brave & good in all her great sorrow. Called at 104 & darling Maud ret’d with me to lunch & tea. Her dear feet so swollen with chilblains & her ankle v. swollen, wish she w’d be careful of it. Ellie to tea. Roy dines out, had carriage. Mrs Tate & Mrs Mocatta called, c’d not see them. Tuesday 26 January Went for drive Maud’s Victoria at 11. fetched Ellie Ritchie, called to leave cards at Ld Justice Fletcher Moulton’s. V. sad so gifted & beautiful & young a woman to be taken! To Aspreys(?) to change little clock & to enquire after Sir John Tenniel, has bad cold. Altered drawing room, looks charming, & with Maud’s lovely flowers. Only my darling came not another soul! Roy dined at home. Taxie vy amusing like a spoilt child. Wednesday 27 January Man coming at 11 about my seal jacket, again to be altered. Took sables. Lin did not cough as much, good night. V. foggy & dark. Woman coming to fit sofa covers again drawing room. Emma Marie & Antoinette all with bad colds. Antoinette out afternoon. Barkers man to do brass, mended only last week! Little L, Anne, Frau & Mr B. came afternoon fog awful, vy nervous. Dear Lin to Punch, he took Upton with him & to fetch him also, impossible to have carriage out. Thursday 28 January Another dreadful fog. Astonished to to hear Mr Lucy was offered Editorship of Punch in 1899, refusing in loyalty to Sir F. Burnand. Lin coughed vy much but slept well after embrocation & Sch’s water. Dreadful day for Lin’s work. Roy out to dinner. Friday 29 January Still feel v. seedy. Wretched night Dickie coughed so. Hand furrier brought my jacket & muff & boa. Vy good job & seal jacket cost £4.4.0. rest 3/- only adding tails to muff & bit in neck of fur. Roy dined with Maud & to see “Penelope”. Maudie called in morg brought lovely flowers. She was lunching with Ethel, went to see Aunt Barbara after. Edgar came & had tea with me, so glad to see him. Bed early v. tired. (paper pinned to page) Put out silver tongs, Marie. January 1909.) 8


Saturday 30 January Rested morg awful night Lin’s cough dreadful, & he was worn out. At last mustard leaf on his shoulder seemed to relieve him. Lin & I went to Adelphi pantomime “Cinderella”, dear little Linley met us there. Excellent & vy pretty enjoyed it v. much. Brought little L. home to tea, was so good & has charming manners. Barringer fetched him. Roy dined out. Dickie & self alone, bed early. Lennie sent Lin a lovely piece of Empire furniture, & me £5! Sunday 31 January Mr & Mrs H. Dickens, Lennie & Maud dine here. Much better night & lovely morg tho’ cold, but feel vy seedy & head tired, also side uncomfortable. Lin & self to Zoo. Sent carriage to Langham, Edgar was coming to lunch, want him to dine as I must rest afternoon, feel worn out. Vy sorry Edgar cannot come tonight, shall be 7 only, Dora cannot come. Vy pleasant evg, quite enjoyed it tho’felt tired doing nothing. Monday 1 February Mrs Harold at home. Better night but remain in bed all day, back achey. Asked Dr B. to call, wonder if he will. Darling came in morg. & stayed some time. Nurse Francis came afternoon & read & remained to tea until 7 o’c. Dr Beauchamp came says chill & indigestion. Must remain another day in bed, horrid nuisance, seem always ill at home. Roy in to dinner. Tuesday 2 February Lin’s cob comes up today on trial for a fortnight from Wales. Miss Moon’s coachman saw it. Fair night, fine, aching back. Ada Sp. at the Harolds’ at home yesterday, odd, as she was so ill with gout! Maudie came all afternoon & May Nembhard & her coz. Miss Stirling. Roy dined with Lin. In bed all day. Wednesday 3 February Mrs E. Tate’s dinner cannot accept. Up today 12 o’c. feel shaky rather. Lin’s cob won’t do! Must go back. Masseur for Lin. Lin vy busy with Miss Huntley for big drawing he has engaged to do for Smith & Sons. Had vy good night. Roy dined out. Lovely day. Marie out. Mervyn & Mrs Sington to tea. Maudie had luncheon 12 at home party & to Opera evg. Thursday 4 February Great excitement over Guy du Maurier’s play “An Englishman’s home” à propos of our unpreparedness for war, advocates conscription. Lovely warm morg, high wind. Maudie fetched me at 11.15 & we called to enquire after Mr Silver, & round Park, lovely. Left Maud at Nonie’s for 9


luncheon. Dickie very busy, seems tired. Mervyn came to tea, Lin lent him Britannia’s dress helmet & sword . Roy in to dinner. Read E. Terry’s book, vy amusing. Friday 5 February Blowing hard & rain hurricane, warmer. Fairly good night. Dickie did not cough much. Had Maud’s motor at 11.45 to Harrods & to enquire after Mr Silver, & round Park. Home 1 o’c. Took Taxie for walk till luncheon. Sat & read to Lin Ellen Terry’s book. Vy interesting, know so many people in it. Roy out dinner, arrived 11 o’c. Lin does not seem so tired. Saturday 6 February Lovely day, better night. Lin coughed less. Out at 11.30 in Victoria to Bank, pd off £50 I owe Bank & paid in £10.13.9 Robinsons Gold div, & to Stores bought darling Anne’s present for birthday & ivory glove stretchers. Called on Mr Stone, asked him to dine tomorrow, coming. Barkers ordered port wine. Lin after lunch in brougham to Punch Pageant, met Maud & Lennie. Tea with them Carlton. I to Notting Hill after lunch in om. for flowers. Pd 2/-. Walked home. Roy out dinner. Lin coughed a good deal evening. Sunday 7 February Dora & Paul, Lennie & Maud & Mr Stone dine here 8 o’c. Thick fog morg, bright later. Slept fairly well. Dickie coughed v. much evg, but good night. Met H. Dickens during our walk & he went some way with us. Very pleasant evg due to Mr Stone. Paul quite lively, & Dora quiet. All went well. Monday 8 February Mr Willie Hartree called and had tea with Lin & self, no, Sunday, not today. Lovely but cold. Good night. Had motor 11.30. To see Sir John Tenniel, looks wonderfully well, seemed v. cheerful over his worries. His sister laid up & their old servant v. ill. Then to enquire Mr Silver & to May Nembhard, delicious drive, took Taxie. Dickie out in brougham, I to Maud’s, Anne’s party. Tableaux vy charming but felt tired. Tuesday 9 February Fairly good night. Dickie very good did not cough or move. Out 11.30 Victoria to 31 Brook St to ask Tabs, H. & Gwen to dine Sunday. Met May N. Rain after lunch, v.cold. Dickie out to luncheon, had brougham. Came in at 4 o’c. Lin busy on Smith drawing. Lady Trendall & Mrs C(illeg) & Maudie called. Roy in to dinner. Bad mutton! Second time indif. meat. 10


Wednesday 10 February Had carriage 5/- to Hamptons. To 31 Brook St & round Pk, walk after. Very busy all afternoon & evg. with Marie mending arm chair, great success! & turned out a few small drawers. Emma out. Antoinette’s evg. but she did not go out, her cut hand rather bad. Dickie coughed very much, tried all sorts of things. Thursday 11 February. Had Maud’s Motor at 11.30 & went to call on Tabbie, 31 Brook St, 2/6. To see Mervyn at Studio, charmed with his work. He lunching with Eddie B. Dickie has vy difficult subject, Federated colonies, 4 female figures! Lady Lawrence, Ada Sp, Edie, Hylda called. Lin caught in drawing room. Darling came & went to Tabs for me 5 o’c, I too tired. Friday 12 February Out morg. Beach to Stores, ordered new dressing gown as I have to sleep in one, & 5 veils. Bitterly cold. Sat & read to Lin all afternoon after tea, Lady Priestley’s book. Vy interesting. Roy out to dinner. Lin looked less tired, was vy late, difficult subject. I to bed at 10.30. V. tired, did nothing! Saturday 13 February Mr Parson’s pictures Leicester Sqre, private view. 4 stalls for “Pinkie & the Fairies” at His Majesty’s matinée, taking little Anne & Linley boy, Lin & self. Out 11.30 Maudie’s carriage, bitterly cold. Called & saw Mr Silver looks shaken by his illness, seemed glad to see me. With Dickie to His Majesty’s, sat behind Lady M. Watney & the children, much grown. Little Anne v. fidgetty not still a second. Lady M. gave them her place. Linley boy very good. I felt vy tired & irritable. Quiet evg. Roy out. (note pinned to page) Gave Antoinette 6 new dusters Feby 13th Saty. 2 new Kitchen table cloths Feby 19th. Sunday 14 February Mrs Lucas c’d not come. Asked Mr & Mrs Lucas & Dr Messel & Miss Brown, darling & Lennie all coming. Slept badly, dead feeling in arm & ache side, nerve fatigue & why goodness alone knows! Lin slept v. quietly, no cough. To Zoo in brougham at 12 o’c, met Mr E. Pollock with his son, dau. & dau. in law & darling Linley boy with Mr B. The lovely bird of Paradise died this morning. Margery Howlden, Cyril, Stirling Mackenzie & wife called & had tea. Pleasant evg. Roy looked worn out. Monday 15 February Mr Guthrie’s tea for Mr Ferdinand Mandrake(?) Again dead feeling in my arm & woke at 4.30, slept v. little after. Dickie slept v. quietly & no 11


cough, so thankful. I thought Mr Lucas looked vy seedy last night, generally out of health looking. His wife ill in bed. Tuesday 16 February Ethel Meryn coming to luncheon. Out 11.30 Maudie’s carriage, Barkers about meat! Letter to Dora, Claridges. Taxie for walk on return. Ethel remained till 6 o’c. Lady Margaret Watney, Mrs Pollock, Gladys Crozier & darling M. came to tea. Wednesday 17 February X X X. Telephone put up & used it once (to Maud). Maud’s carriage, drove at 11.30 to Waring about Empire lamp shade & May Nembhard’s about unable to lunch there Friday to meet George Brooks & his third wife! Maudie came afternoon. Sat in Lin’s room, busy on Smith advt drawing. Roy out to dinner. Marie out. Turned out my 3 large boxes, list of contents in this diary. Thursday 18 February Lennie sent me £7.10.0 for spec! Lucky as I have just lost or mislaid purse. Slept better & later. Lin coughed as usual after Punch dinner, but not for long. At 11.30 in Maud’s carriage, took Taxie was so tiresome left him at 104 Lancaster Gate. Saw darling M & went on after seeing her off in motor to see George Brooks at 33 Gloucester Place & his new 3rd wife! They are staying with Major & Mrs Carson, he looks so well & happy. Dora came after lunch, stayed an hour, was v. amusing. Roy in to dinner. Lin looks tired & hate going out tomorrow & leaving him. Friday 19 February Lennie’s birthday dinner party. Greatly fear I cannot go. I get so dreadfully tired & then the deadness in my arms comes on, which I have only lately had again, like before my illness. Lady Margaret’s luncheon. Ethel going with me at 1 o’c, sorry I accepted, forgot tonight. Maud to give away prizes at Balcombe all day!!! Dull luncheon, had darling’s carriage both ways. Maudie’s 40 dinner at small tables great success. Left directly after. Wonderfully managed. Saturday 20 February Midge & H. to Cavendish Hotel, St James’ St. 2 stalls for Drury Lane Pantomime. Slept better & remain in bed until 11.30. Had Maudie’s carriage & went to Pantomime, lunching first at Savoy Restaurant. Chop & blue cheese, too much. Both had indigestion after. Very long Pantomime & not as pretty as Adelphi. Darling had tableaux, too late to



go. Lin had tea at Club. I lay down until 7.30. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone, both tired. Sunday 21 February Mr & Mrs E.T. Reed & Mervyn dine with us, darling Maud & Lennie. Lovely morg, warmer. Slept better. Lin’s cough better. At 11.30 to Zoo. Delightful morg, lovely day. Met the Lockett Agnews. No one called. Marie hurt her finger. Vy trying for her, & on rt hand. Sat & read Lady Randolph Churchill’s reminiscences to Lin. Vy amusing. Cosy little evening as usual & room loked charming, new chair cover & shade. Mr E.T. Reed took blade of my fan & is going to draw me something. Monday 22 February Not having carriage today morg. Accepted for Lin & Roy Miss Rose Innes dinner & theatre party 7.30 Berkeley. Mrs Gibson tea at home Messels 4.30. Sending Emma & Antoinette Pantomime tonight but lost courage ever giving my maids any pleasure, always difficulties. Upton goes to see a horse at Shrewsbury for Lin. Dull foggy morg. & frost. Slept well. Sent Emma & Antoinette to Drury Lane Pantomime. Dull afternoon, prefer reading to Lin. Saw Midge at Cavendish Hotel. Tuesday 23 February Maudie’s dinner party, asked the Dad & self. Roy dining out. Vy cold. Slept well. Dickie & Roy seemed to have enjoyed their evening with Miss Innes, saw “The Merry Widow”. X. Sold my 10 £10 shrs in B.A.Gt Southern Rly allotted for £3.2.0. The Rooths, Sir J. & Lady Dewer & Hungerford Pollens & H. Langleys & Dora Critchett dine with Maud. I went at 11.30 M’s carriage enquired Mrs Fleischman, Sir W. Agnew & Mrs Adlam. Maudie & M. Paxton, Mrs Bradbury & Nellie K. called. Wednesday 24 February Lin enjoyed Maudie’s dinner party muchly, H. Langley there. Vy cold but fine, slept well. Had Maud’s carriage 11.30 & went to Brown Hotel saw Midge in gorgeous suite 1st floor. Took her with me & left her at Russell & Allens. Marie gave notice. Becoming quite impossible the discord “en bas” so perhaps best. Sorry as I like her but she is very subject to moods. So sorry could not go to Lady Bergne’s. Read to Lin. X. Lin finished the Smith drawing sent it of. X. Alone for 3rd night. Thursday 25 February Mrs E. Pollock’s dinner party, cannot go, so sorry. Edie coming to lunch & tea to help me with drawers. We did a good deal & went to the stores morg. together. Ordeed 2 prs of morg. gloves & explained about Chinese 13


coat, Maud’s. Maudie came, would not stay to tea. Dear Lin vy tired. Miss Rose Innes came. Vy tiring remained so long. Roy out. Friday 26 February Marie packing with me & sent off message to Highcliffe Hotel, Bournemouth. Did not go out. Finished by 6 o’c & went & read to Dickie, Lady Randolf Churchill’s Memoires, finished them. Vy good. Lin very tired, finished 10 o’c. Roy out. Saturday 27 February Remember to send congratulations to Sir John Tenniel. All being well Lin & self go to Bournemouth, send them £10. X. Pay installment on ten 4% 1912 B.A. Gt. Southern shrs had ten shrs allotted. Sold these by Lennie for £3.2.0. Roy out to dinner. Left at 3.35 in om with Lin, taking Antoinette, for Bournemouth, Highcliffe Hotel. Met Mr O. Seaman at Waterloo, told us dear Sir John Tenniel seriously ill. V. grieved. Hotel same as my dear Parents were at in 1883 & I with them. Vy comfortable room overlooking sea & dressing room, large fire most comfortable & cozy. Very bad night Lin’s cough so bad, tried everything & at last glycerine & water which eased him & he slept well after. Sunday 28 February Remember Sir John Tenniel’s birthday, 89 today. Vy bad night Lin’s cough most trying & exhausting. Glycerine & water at last gave relief & we slept until 7 o’c. Snow & vy cold, fog over sea. We walked along Parade & sat in shelter below Hotel close to the line of pretty little bathing huts below Hotel in the sun for ½ an hour. V. fair lunch at 1.15, rested after in drawing room & in our room, wrote. Lin ordered papers & slept after. Had ½ hrs walk before tea & again to our room. Vy fair dinner & to our room, deadly downstairs. Bed at 10 o’c. Pleasant day. Monday 1 March Very good night. Lin did not cough at all scarcely. He did not smoke & consequently was better, such a pity he cannot give up these little luxuries which cause him so much trouble. He looks better & he only had white wine at dinner. I had a little also, ½ bot. between us. More snow & fog but sun at 9.30. No letters. Letter fr. darling later, also spoke to Marie thro’ telephone about going to enquire after Sir John Tenniel. Walked morg. Pier. Band, thro’ Gardens, bought apples & oranges. Walked after rest along shore. V. cold. Dickie depressed evg. but coughed less.



Tuesday 2 March Good night. Glorious sunny morg.Out with Lin, sat facing sea & on Pier listened to Band. To Poole after lunch, horrid place. Back to take tea. Mrs Seaman spoke to me, had just had tea with Mrs Davidson, Imperial Hotel, knows Howldens. Nice couple near us Father & married dau. like Lady Denman. Mrs Seaman introduced her husband after dinner who talked to Lin & cheered him up. Wednesday 3 March Deep snow, finished packing. Leave by 1.56 today. Bitterly cold & heavy snow. Comfortable journey, carriage not heated. Darling sent her motor & also Barringer to meet us. Antoinette & Upton came with luggage on om. Never saw anything more beautiful in London than the trees all covered in snow & ice everywhere & sun on it. Glad to get back. Lin had motor to Punch dinner & back. Darling’s thoughtful care & lovely flowers everywhere. Roy dined with me & seems in the depths about business, lost money & continues to in his deals, does not seem to have energy for business. Thursday 4 March Vy cold, deep snow. Midge telephoned for me to lunch with her at Browns as she is not well. I went up by omnibus easily & found darling Maud there, with motor, had just missed me here. She had Lady Goring to luncheon & sent her motor & I went to enquire after Sir John Tenniel after lunching with Midge. Ham came in just as I left looking cross, is not so patient as dear Lin is with me. Saw Miss Tenniel looking sweet & seemed so pleased to see me in her pretty drawing room, so bright. Had tea in our bedroom, rested, & I sat & read to Dickie. Roy in to dinner. Friday 5 March Slept well. Dickie did not cough at all, has not smoked for 5 days! Sunny bright morg. Paid Emma 4/- for Pantomime, Antoinette & herself. They had good places & less expensive. Darling fetched me in car at 11.30 & after leaving her at Buckingham gate for Committee I went to enquire after Sir John Tenniel, fear vy ill, & to stores pd for gloves 5/4 two morg. ones. Maud brought me home. Sat & read to Lin cough much better. Late night 10.30 finished work. Saturday 6 March Very cold & damp, snow partially melted.With Dickie 2 o’c to Comedy matinée “Penelope” by Maughan & Marie Tempest. V. amusing, enjoyed it v. much. Bought fruit & flowers Butts 7/- on return. Quiet evg. Roy dined out. 15


Sunday 7 March Dickie & self to Zoo. Much snow still about & cold. Gardens vy empty, owls v. odd! No one called. Lennie & Maud & Mr Douglas dined. Maud looks v. pretty & well. Pleasant little evg 6 only. Roy looks depressed & quiet. Monday 8 March Had carriage at 11.30 to enquire after Sir John Tenniel, better. Dreamt he was whirling about in a Motor in his pyjamas! Saw Miss Tenniel who seems as bright as ever, dear little old lady so pretty & neat. To enquire Ada Sp, saw her & better. To Marshalls ugly dreary & to enquire Mr Silver, better. To Mascotte after tea, fitted. Roy in to dinner. Quiet evg. Taxie amusing. Tuesday 9 March Very dark damp morg. Walked thro’ Kens. ordered 6 new face towels & note paper Barkers & face sponge. X. Lin had his sour milk!!! at night. Vy nasty 4 pt. X. Mrs Pitt, Miss Webster, Gladys Crozier & Mrs Kerr called. Roy v. depressed & morose wish he only knew how unhappy he makes me. I w’d do anything for him if he w’d only be kind & show me a little affection. Wednesday 10 March Dull. Slept fairly well. Dickie did not cough. X. Saw yesterday Nelly Keith’s man about paint & redoing basemant. X. £10 if 2 coats of paint on all woodwork, £8 with one. Busy turning out drawers my room. Antoinette out, dentist. Lady Mead came in after tea. Roy kept me waiting dinner & only came in at 9 o’c. but seemed cheerful. I dined alone. Thursday 11 March Carriage 11.30 to see Miss Tenniel, Sir J. better. Edie with me. To Lady’s Shirt C’y & to my darling, in bed with cold. Dear Oliver & Fraulein to tea & Edie. Dickie tired. Roy dined with Lennie at Goldsmith C’y. Dined 8.30 with Dickie, feel tired no afternoon rest & cold coming on. Friday 12 March V.v. cold, woke often. Lin breathing so heavily on his back, all right when he turned over. Had Vic at 11.30 to Aspreys about Gwen’s presents sending some to Midge to see. To Mascotte’s later. Sat with Lin all afternoon, read Santley book, vy badly written. Mrs Fleischmenn & Ottie called, c’d not see them. Roy dined out. His taxie knocked down an old man! Mr Arnold Forster died suddenly fr. aneurism,v. grieved. 16


Saturday 13 March My beloved father died 13 March 1884. Lovely morg, bitterly cold. Had sore throat & cold generally. Lin & I go to matinée at Haymarket, saw “She Stoops to Conquer”, Ethel Irving, Giddons etc, delightful play. Saw Lady Monckton in box with Mrs Hastings. Greatly enjoyed play. Cold v. heavy. Roy dined at Maud’s. Bought fruit & flowers, darling also sent flowers. Sunday 14 March Lady Monckton, Mr & Mrs Bradbury & my darling & Lennie dine with us D.V. Roy out, vy tiresome not to know sooner. In bed all day with heavy cold. Lin to Club for luncheon, beastly day, sleet, snow & rain, wind. Nurse F. came morg. with Anne & Oliver. Maud & Lennie to Balcombe, return time for dinner tonight. Awful day, snowing. Vy pleasant evg, all got on well. Monday 15 March French Exh. Dresses at Liverpool Hotel. Great opening of Selfridges new shop Oxford St. American & Harrods great 60 years Jubilee. Bitterly cold. In bed all day with cold. Maudie & Gladys came & had tea with me in my room & lovely flowers! Roy dined with Lin & came up to see me after. Seems happier made £10 on some shares, so glad. Tuesday 16 March Unable to be fitted Mascottes morg. Major Welman lunches here & Tabbie dines here. Lovely sunny morg v. cold. Had good night but horrid fit of coughing early. Remain in bed till 12 o’c. Lin seeing a gee rec’d by Spring. Major W. to lunch, looks not one day older. V. full of news & delighted to see Lin. Maudie, Maggie Hadley & dau. Mrs P. Simpson & Miss Brown to tea. Roy dined at home. Mrs Binns Smith called. Wednesday 17 March Maud & self lunch at Mrs Bergheim 1 o’c. Unable to go in bed all day vy seedy with cold & cough & sore throat. Gt commotion in House of Commons over Navy suddenly awakened to Germany’s great increase in Navy, which outsiders have seen all along. Marie out all afternoon & evg. Tabbie to tea. Told me all about wedding, looks thin. Roy dined out. Lennie made me £11! & Roy made same over Chili Rly. Maudie sent lovely flowers. Thursday 18 March I lunch with Mrs Pitt 1.30 D.V. Feel v. seedy in bed with bad cough makes my waist & side ache & feel generally seedy, cannot go to Mrs Pitt 17


or even go out. Throat v. painful. Antoinette painted it for me twice with Dr Kerr’s stuff. Edie to luncheon & tea. I remained in bed all day. Roy dined with Lin who looks vy tired & seedy, vy afraid of flu. Mad’lle came. Friday 19 March Lin very seedy cough most troublesome. In bed till late. Sat later with Lin in his room but felt v. seedy. Lin is having a mare colt sent on trial tomorrow for a fortnight. Hope to go to Ramsgate for change. Roy out. Lin very tired after work. Saturday 20 March Queenie Bosanquet’s wedding accept at 75 Kensington Gardens Sqre. Unable to go, feel too seedy. In all day till evg & went with Lin to get fruit & took Taxie thro’ gardens back. Dear Lin dreadfully tired on return & self too. Lay down in my room. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Lin coughed distressingly. At 11.30 Lin & I went in Maud’s brougham along embankment & thro Park where Upton was riding cob mare, likely horse, on trial for 2 weeks. Sunday 21 March Mr & Mrs Sidney Pitt dine here & Maud & Lennie, asked also Major Welman. Only Pitts & Maudie & Lennie dined here. V. pleasant evg. Lin & self to Zoo morg, met the E. & Adrian Pollocks, cold wind. After lunch rested & had tea quietly together drawing room, saw no one. Lin rode Janette little mare we have on trial rec’d by Spring, Mews coachman. Lin enjoyed it 8.30 morg. We both coughed a great deal during evg, it must have bothered them all muchly. Monday 22 March Saw accident in Pk, brougham pair bolted & man under wheels! Maudie’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin lunches Jr United Service Club with Major Welman. Lin very unwell, looks ill & hot & restless. Sent to say he could not lunch with Major Welman or dine with Maud. He lay about all day & rested after lunch in drawing room where he saw Dr Beauchamp, says he has high temperature & must go to bed at once. I dined with Roy v. depressed. Had v. bad night. After the smoke Lin coughed v. much & dreadfully restless. Tuesday 23 March Mrs Rhodes dinner. 24 Princes Gate 4 o’c. Lin in bed all day with flu feverish & restless. Awful night, both coughed incessantly & he was so hot & restless & looks so ill. Maudie came early & stayed till 1 o’c & 18


again afternoon remaining till 7 darling thing. I remained in our room all day except an hour’s rest in drawing room. Dr Beauchamp came afternoon. Roy dined at home evidently vy anxious about the Dad. Wednesday 24 March Dreadfully bad night. Lin v. restless & hot, could get little or no sleep. Dr Beauchamp came at 9.15 & found us both in bed having breakfast!!! I went out morg for drive & darling came & sat with Lin, no, went with me to Briggs about Gwen’s crop, & Lin meanwhile got out of bed & went into Roy’s room & then upstairs, vy wrong. Dr B. & Sir Thomas Barlow saw Lin at 7 o’c & he is not to work or get up tomorrow, or may be serious. Telephoned to Mr O. Seaman. Roy dined at home. I dined with Lin in in my room much (illeg) naturally over consultation. Darling paid Sir T.B, was with us afternoon. Thursday 25 March Lovely morg, wet later. Had carriage went to Briggs, chose crop, & returned 2 others. Cold & rained. Had awful night & feel depressed & low. Dr B. came before lunch. Lin better & sitting in armchair in our room. Looks better. He wrote letters & read & had good rest after our lunch. Darling came & stayed to tea. Roy remained to dinner which I had with him dining room. Slept on sofa by bed till 5 o’c. (note pinned to page) To Antoinette 6 new dusters. March 17th. Gave Marie out silver tongs large old ones. March. Friday 26 March Sunny. Victoria 11.30 to Lancaster Gate & round Park. Saw Anne & Oliver with Frau. & Mamie as well. Had a little walk on return cold wind felt weak. Lin & I had lunch in my room, he went up to his room & I thought looked tired at luncheon. Slept on sofa in my room after & Antoinette again broke electric light smashed it in my room, vexing. Lin greatly tired & upset. In his studio looking thro’ photos & tiring himself. Maudie came & stayed some time little angel. Roy out. We dined together comfortably in my room & bed early. Slept on sofa up twice for Lin’s medicine, he slept well. Saturday 27 March Dr Beauchamp came earlier flowery & indefinite, no advice. My darling came early & stayed till luncheon. Mervyn came also & went back with Maudie to lunch. Made a fool of myself but felt so low after bad night. Very comfortable journey heavenly day. Same room at Ramsgate Granville we had years ago with dressing room, bath etc. Had tea in our room & walked along cliff & then Lin lay down. Vy good dinner & sat in 19


comfortable lounge after. Sir Walter Foster came & talked to us, vy pleased to see Lin, gave him good advice about lying down. Bed 9.30. V. pleasant evg. Sunday 28 March Lin slept well, coughed a bit but looser. I slept well awake about 2 hrs night. Dull grey & rain. Lin looking better. Down to breakfast, fire early in our room, colder. Telephoned last evg to my darling, all well. Maudie telephoned early this morg. to us. Wretched day in London. Roy not coming. Sir Walter Foster & his dau. Mrs Kitchen here at Granville Hotel. Vy pleased to see Lin. Sir W. says he needs sea voyage. They sat with us evg. Had 2 walks, felt over tired & side weak. Monday 29 March Lovely morg. early, dull & little rain later. Dickie looks better but seems dreadfully depressed & bored at doing nothing & would go out without a coat, warmer, but most unwise. He coughed more all day. We strolled about. Had excellent lunch & after went in tram to Margate. Most depressing deterioration everywhere, spoke to Brown shopman who seemed affected in seeing Lin again. Sad at the alteration of Margate to old days. Tea on return. Band, letter writing & rest. Lin slept, looked well at dinner which was good. Fell asleep after & looked puffy. Bed. Tuesday 30 March Slept much better. Lin coughed 3 times night but looks much better morg. Colder gleaming morg. Letter fr. dear Marvyn. Horrid day, rained hard all day. Unable to go out until after tea when Lin & I walked into town past Townley Castle & up to house, looks damp & desolate. Glad we went out, not so bad as it looked. Lord Darnley arrived Hotel, Lin met him at Col. Lucas’. Lin fell asleep directly after dinner do not think claret suits him. Wednesday 31 March We change our room at 3 o’c for top smaller one. Lin & self out morg fine to end of Pier when Scotch mist came over. Depressing weather. Dickie v. depressed. He goes up to London by 3.28. I went in fly with him to station. Ticket man so glad to see him again. Walked after to Burnands & had tea with Rosie. All well there, back in tram, dined alone new table. Stupid garçon still serving. Wrote after & bed 9 o’c. No band. Thursday 1 April Dull & raining, colder or seems so in our new room which is very drafty. Slept fairly well. Woke & worried about Lin. Ethel B. came 11.30 & 20


walked with me to Mrs Evans, her house looked so pretty clean & bright. Vy busy making writing pads with Lady (illeg) Hunt. I came back by tram & lunched. Glorious afternoon & evg. Marie read for 1½ hrs & I then walked again, shops shut. Dinner 7 bed 9 o’c. Had no tea. Bottle of Contrexiville. Friday 2 April Heavenly morg. Slept well. X. Balance March 31 £212.11.1. X. Lin had paid off half of mortgage on our house, also £45 for his cob mare “Janetta”. Good luck attend him with her. To St Peters our beloved Parents grave morg, looks sad between seasons flowers over. Ordered wreath for Tuesday. Marie did Lin’s clothes, needle in it. Mary fetched me at 4 o’c & we went for walk along Pier & bought lace for my nickers(sic). Mary had tea & sat with me till 6 o’c. We are moved into most uncomfortable dining room. Bed early. Lady Darnley arrived yesterday. V. fine woman glorious hair & eyes. Saturday 3 April Lady Monckton’s dinner octave 8 o’c. Lovely morg. Slept well. Crusade(?) at 7 o’c. Rested later as I lunched with Lady Burnand, Ethel fetched me. Glorious morg. Marie did Lin’s clothes after dinner, pity but did them nicely. Lovely all day, delightful lunch at Lady B’s, rested there after for hour & on to tea with Mrs Evans. Lady Hunt & Mrs Hammond there & saw her work room, happy busy woman & her house charming. Met Lin & Roy Sta. 5.30. Marie took luggage & we walked to Hotel. V. cold wind. Dear Lin looks better. Pleasant dinner trio & listened to Band after. Hotel v. full. Roy looks well. Sunday 4 April Lovely morg. V. cold wind. Lin & Roy out early. Sir F.C.B. & Squire called morg. Hotel about Club room. Lin, Roy & I lunched at Lady B’s. V. delightful. Roy sad about them. After Lin & Roy to Margate, tea Clifton Villa. I to my room Hotel, wrote 4 letters, G. Blair, Mr Douglas, thanked Midge plovers eggs. Rested & Lin also. Dined together & sat listening to band after. Lin v. sleepy. Lord Darnley’s room nearly burnt, 2nd fire scare. Vy careless here about fire. Monday 5 April Fire all day. Punch dinner, 2 cuts to be made up. Lin returns home by Granville. Glorious morg. Roy left by 7 o’clock train. Am paying my bill today £ 13.3.3. Chemist & fruit. Lin left by 3.28. Sat wrote & read in my room after. Had sea water hip bath in my room. Ld D. again nearly smoked out of his room. I bot. Contrexiville, 1 small apo. at luncheon. 21


Tuesday 6 April Ethel to luncheon. Fire lighted 5.30. No mineral water. With Marie to St Peters took wreath fr. Lock’s to our dear Parents grave. Saw Church & window. Found E. here on return, lunched & sat out till 2.30. Rested & then to Mrs Hammond to tea, Mrs Evans there. Marie fetched me & we walked back by sea to lift. Most heavenly day. Rest again whilst Marie read. Dined, wrote to Lin & Mrs Hammond about stabling & bed. Vy happy peaceful day. Wednesday 7 April X. Wrote Mr Richardson to place £100 on deposit. Slept splendidly. Glorious morg, warmer. Lin writes lovely in London & 2 fairly easy subjects. Met Mrs Evans morg & to 2 stables both 25/- each a week for loose box. Went to tea with Mrs E. & polished leather. Marie fetched me. Bed early. L. Linley goes to Ireland. Fire 5.30. Many gone & many came. Oliver & Nurse F. arrive at Westgate & dear L. Linley goes to Ireland. Thursday 8 April Another glorious day, warmer. Went at 11.55 to Westgate for day with Marie. Maudie & darling Oliver met us station. Sat & walked with them on grass facing sea, most lovely there, so clean & quiet, sea beautiful & opal in colour. Lunched there & walked to St Mildred’s Hotel, saw Mrs Marshall Hall & dau. Had tea & Oliver & Maimie went to Sta. with us, train cram’d. Hotel full. Darling looking wonderfully well. To bed early, vy tired. 3d stamps office not pd. Friday 9 April Heavenly day. Ship in distress Goodwins. Sat Verandah all morg sunning! Paid Hall boy 1/- stamps & for Daily Mail & Mirror. Lin telephoned me after luncheon, coming tomorrow not today, v. sorry. May, Ethel & Monica fetched me 4 o’c & I walked back with them & had tea downstairs room. Back by tram. Concert here evg. Quite a nice little concert. Eilie Gladstone asked us to tea, (illeg) as pretty as ever. Saturday 10 April If all well Lin & self go to Switzerland. Postponed. Lin came down by Granville. I met 1.10 train forgetting Granville evg. Glorious day. Sat on Verandah & talked to a vy nice lady Mrs Barker, young, here with her mother Mrs Upton. Ship “Mahratta” still on Sands, cargo taken off her, chief engineer at his (illeg). Met Mrs Charlie, Ethel & Monica at Sta. Charlie came down. Lin looks better but coughs. Sat in drawing room & talked to Mrs Upton & Mrs Barker. Lennie sent salmon 7 lbs, sent it by Marie to Lady Burnand. 22


Sunday 11 April Bottle Ap. Lunch 1/- & 1/- bot. in our room. 1 bottle of white wine. Another heavenly day. Letter fr. Rosie B. asking us to luncheon, cannot go on account of Lin’s work. Sat & read to him Billocks book, some essays v. funny. Ship “Mahratta” in great distress cargo being thrown overboard, her back broken. Must be blown up or sink. Sat out before luncheon. Great crowds of odd people. Band at 3 to 4.30 Parade, miserable affair. Walked to end of Pier 5 o’c. Lin seems better but breaks into perspiration. Concert after dinner, not bad, & bed. Lin happy to do as he likes so independent in Hotel. Monday 12 April Slept fairly well. Lin coughed a good deal, unable to go to Eilie, Lin busy working. Glorious day “Mahratta” broken in half & her nose in air. Lin looks much better. Letters fr. both our chicks. 1 large bot. Apol. luncheon. 1 bot Potash in our room. Lin & self walked to West Cliff after tea. Mrs Hammond called saw her. Concert after dinner & good conjuror. Lin v. seedy with cough, wears him out. Eilie Gladstone asked us to tea, cannot. No fire in our room all day. Tuesday 13 April Slept fairly well. Lin coughed & breathed so heavily could not sleep feeling anxious. Lovely morg. but hazy. Wreck still same. Mrs du Maurier asked us to tea this afternoon, going. Lin still busy on drawing. Vy cold in room where he works so walked morg. to Mrs du M’s & to Woodwards about cob from there & back, soon got warmer in sun & air. Wet afternoon. Lin at work all day, his room to me cold. Mrs Evans called. Had a short walk with Lin before dinner. Sat in lounge till 10 o’c. felt v. tired. Lin’s cough most troublesome but w’d not go up until 10 o’c. Unable to go to Mrs du M’s. No fire. Wednesday 14 April Gwen Fletcher’s wedding day, it is our dear Parents also, & the date dear Con’s death 1907. Mrs Lucy’s luncheon, cannot go. Drawing ought to be finished this evg. Slept badly. V. easily disturbed & cannot sleep after. Wet morg. Lucy’s v. angry at our not going to lunch with them today, ridiculous little man to take offence. ½ Bot white wine 3/-. Coutred 1/6. Bot. Potash 6d. No fire. Thursday 15 April Evg fire 6d. Potash dinner 6d. Dinner 3/-. Nurse F. & Oliver to lunch & tea. Lovely day slept better. Lin looks worlds better & cough less. Met O. & Maudie at 10.45. “Janetta” Lin’s cob arrived by same train Mr Smith & 23


groom met it, she was as quiet as possible. On sands with O. & M, Lin with us. Dolly Barker & her little girl sat some time with us, looks just as young as ever. Lunch. Oliver as good as possible, looks so well. Rested after & to Harbour & sands again. Lin finished drawing & rode for 2 hours. V. tired after & coughed all evg. Oliver & Mamie had tea with me in lounge, he was too dear & greatly admired by 2 ladies who rec’d iodine fr. (extra page inserted) seaweed for his legs and ankles, Nurse F. is going to try it. Marie walked down to Station with him. Nurse F. knows the nurse here with little boy with people who own the lost steamer on Goodwins! Great bother about my account, will put things we have not had. They have had it now a whole week & I am determined not to pay what we have not had. This is the first annoyance we have had over Hotel bills, too many to do accounts or v. careless. Stranded steamer lower in water. Flowers fr. Balcombe & Easter eggs fr. darling Maud. Lin rode to Westwood & a good way round. He ought to have a rest after ride but only came in just in time to dress for dinner. Coughed dreadfully all evg. which proves cough greatly from fatigue. Bed 10 o’c. Friday 16 April Lovely morg. better night. Lin & self sat facing sea on sands surrounded by dirty children & poor miserable donkeys. Lunched & Lin went off 2 o’c for his ride to Sandwich. I rested & Marie read for an hour, dressed & walked to Willington Cres. Took tram to Mrs du M’s, out, Mrs Evans, out, & had tea with Lady Burnand & Sir Francis, both well. Saw Eilie Gladstone. Lin arrived on “Janetta” as we were talking in front of F.C.B’s, looks v. handsome little cob & quiet. Lin & I returned by tram met Mrs Belsay(?) & dau. & rested before dinner. Mr & Mrs Cowerd at dinner. Stay till Sunday night for self. Saturday 17 April Lovely morg. Still no letter by first post about wedding. Mrs Hammond’s luncheon 1.30. Vy pleasant lunheon. Mrs Evans & Miss Dickens (one of C. Dickens jnr daughters) has a school at Kew there. Garden charming & house too. Went all over both. My idea of how things sh’d be kept. Lin left at 3 o’c for ride and was out 2 hrs to Minster. Janetta knocked the coronet of both fore feet! I went on to Miss Evans to tea & to see little pad finished for Edgar. Missed Lin by 10 minutes. Mrs Cowerd sent lovely yellow roses to my room, saw & thanked her at table but did not see them off. Conjuror. Tired & to bed. Sunday 18 April Our mother’s birthday. Dull. Lin unable to ride on account of Janetta’s forefeet. We walked to stables & saw her, & sat in shelter after. Met both 24


Sir Francis Burnand & Squire. So sorry find the Cowerds gone at luncheon. Rested after. Some rain. Had letter fr. Roy yesterday, wedding went off well, 17 policemen to keep crowd off at Sherborne. Tabs looked lovely. Bed early. Lin vy tired, will do too much. Saw conjuror evg, remembered 30 objects both back & forewards. Monday 19 April Lovely day, bad night woke often. The Burnands came to luncheon, champagne & small potash. Sat out on verandah & had 4 coffees after, 1 liqueor & Lin pd for coffee. Lin for ride after & came to Mrs Evans to fetch me where we had tea. Lady Hunt, Mrs du Maurier & Sylvia & Lady Burnand there to tea. Mrs du M. & S. called on me at Hotel morg., looking so well. Mrs du M’s ceiling in bedroom fell in last evg!!!. Lin & self had to wait for tram, he v. tired, no time to rest before dinner. Talked to Miss Brown after. Lin v. tired, over tired. Evg. syphon potash. Tuesday 20 April Lovely day. Little Oliver & Nurse F. came over for day. Lin met them at Sta. & I joined them on sands later. People fr. Longford (illeg) also playing near Oliver, 2 fair children. Met Sylvia, her 2 youngest boys & Mr Barrie on sands, tiny delicate looking man, vy pleased to meet him. The youngest boy Nicholas was bitten by one of the tiresome dogs on sands. Sat on verandah with Lin whilst O. rested in my room. Lin then rode & had many contretemps before starting. I saw O. off after. Nasty tea on verandah no fresh cake & vy dry bread & butter. Wretched lunch too today, nothing Lin could eat. Janetta bit Lin whilst being saddled in centre of his right hand, a very bad bite. Marie fetched some pomade divine fr. chemist & massaged it whilst he lay down, seemed much better after. Lin vy tired, to bed 9.30! Wednesday 21 April “Janetta” left by 8 train. Vy good night, both slept well. Lovely day, colder. I remain until a day week. Lin returns home. His hand better but swollen, sincerely trust it won’t give him trouble with his work. Marie seedy, been more or less all week, food bad stewards room & dining room also yesterday. Sat on sands with Lin all morg, saw 2 little Davies’s on verandah after luncheon. To station in fly, saw Lin off, to call after on Mrs North Buckmaster. Girl in pinafore opened door. Out, to Hammonds, coffee & cake there, over Paragon Hotel, horrid place, pity. Home by tram. Lady F. Balfour on Womens Suffrage in Granville Hall, afraid of cold or w’d have gone. Bed 9.20.



Thursday 22 April Lovely morg. V. low tide. Letter fr. Lin “Janetta” never arrived. Vic until 2.30. Abominable they shunted her at Chatham & forgot. I lunch at Lady Burnands. Caught tram at once arrived 1 o’c. Rosie been up all night with chill fr. drive yesterday in cold wind. Saw du M’s & Sylvia & Effie Weigall on lawn. Mrs du M. asked me to tea tomorrow, alas! again cannot go. Delightful lunch at Lady B’s rested in their spare room 1¼ hrs till 4 o’c & then to tea with Mrs Evans & worked at writing board. Home 6 o’c. M. read whilst I rested. Dinner at 7.30, bed 9.30. Met Mrs Evans morg with Miss Dickens, they called here. Friday 23 April Lin leaves tonight after work! for Belfast. Paid Marie 10/- not due till 13th of July. If fine I go to Westgate to see dear Oliver for the day. Fine. Marie with me to station 11.55. Mamie & Oliver met me Westgate & we walked to Parade with Mrs Marshall Hall & dau, who went with us nearly to Longford. Oliver looking wonderfully well & so quiet & good. Excellent lunch. Rest, & to Parade to see O. swim his tiny boat. Tea 4.15 & they saw me off by 5.8 train, rain slight. Marie met me. Rested. Dinner 7.30. Telegram fr. Lin all well, hand well, finished easily 5.30. He leaves Euston for Belfast 8 o’c. Letter fr. Roy & 2 fr. Lin. Wrote Edgar, Maud. Bed 9.30. Saturday 24 April Have tea at Mrs Hammonds 4.30 to meet the du Mauriers & Sylvia. Lin starts fr. Belfast on New Liner 16,000 tons! Thunderstorm & heavy rain early, finer later. Roy was 10 days at Leweston. Wire fr. Lin safe at Belfast & on steamer, all well, his hand better, so glad. Letters fr. Mervyn at Langham Hotel. Morg. I went to Mrs Buckmaster, lovely garden, she gave me flowers. Rested & to Mrs Hammonds to tea. Mrs du Maurier & Sylvia there. Went in & saw Sylvia’s boys after, dear things. Sat with her mother. Lady came & talked after dinner, Miss Todd Sunday 25 April Lin on Twin Screw “Minnewarker” 14.500 tons. Maudie sent photos of Warrenscourt. I lunch at Lady Burnand’s. Gleamy morg. & slept splendidly all night until 8.30! Very merry luncheon at the Burnands. An Australian singer lady there, looks v. ill. Rested after until 4 o’c. Mrs du M, Sylvia & several people to tea & I only left at 6.10, Sylvia seeing me into tram car. Lady B. asked me to remain to dinner, afraid, so Winnie dined here, cards & fortunes after! Marie saw her off. Gave W. 2/6 for her fly in case no tram car. V. nice evg.



Monday 26 April Lin comes to me at Ramsgate after his cruise on New Liner fr. Belfast. Wire fr. Lin arrives at 7.20 tonight. Wire fr. Edgar coming tomorrow for night, my guest. Morg. walked to Mrs Evans. Paid my Hotel Bill £12.15.6 & Hayward & Smith £1.5.0 for Lin’s cob! Saw Mr Silver with his nurse & Lady B. After Lunch & rest to Mrs Evans to Shrimp tea & delicious orange cake. Marie fetched my writing board very expensive £1.15.0 for the 2, wished I had only ordered one. Glorious day Lin seems vy well & smoked after dinner. Tuesday 27 April Our darling Maud’s wedding day. Dullish morg. Edgar comes after luncheon for one night. Dicky & I sat on sands morg. & watched children, few people there. After luncheon was just resting & Lin writing in smoking Room when Edgar arrived looking v. well. I sat with him whilst he had lunch & after on verandah. Lin joined us & at 4 we had tea & walked to Westcliff & sat there some time & walked back. Lin left us for Hills, High St. Dined at 8 o’c. Sat in lounge after till 10.30. Felt tired fr. walk. Lin looked v. tired. E. has nice room same as ours, 229, ours 235. Wednesday 28 April One week’s holiday of year alas! taken when dear Lin had influenza 23rd of March. Edgar returns by early train. Lin & self by 3.20. Been at Granville Hotel Ramsgate one month & 4 days. Glorious morg. slept badly. On sands morg with Lin & returned by 3.28 tram. Pd last bill £7.15.6. Roy out to dinner. To bed early very tired. Returned from Ramsgate. Thursday 29 April Hotel bill Ramsgate for 4 weeks & 4 days £60.0.0 with Marie. Fair night. Dull & fine alternately. Out at 11.30 with Taxie to Barkers & gardens. Letter fr. darling Maud vy worried Lennie had accident with motor, high dog cart ran into it & upset 2 men, horse bolted. Both thrown out & one much cut. Lennie sent for doctor & place stitched up. Midge & H. there now. Very good sport. Lennie sent us a 3lb fish. Marie did my hat green crinoline v. nicely for tomorrow. Read to Lin & cozy little dinner & evg. together. Roy out. (extra page inserted opposite 28 April) April 28th 1909. Mr English surgeon came up & spoke to us at luncheon & asked most kindly after us both. Looks many years older then he did 2 years ago! Here with his wife & child. Sp’s friend Mr Nelson & wife here, left our card on them. We 27


met Sylvia with her 2 youngest boys on West Cliff awaiting Trixie’s boy. Poor Mrs du Maurier with 6 boys staying there! Lovely evg, sun over harbour. Friday 30 April Roy goes to Maud, Warrens Court, Lissarda, Co. Cork, Ireland by night mail. Private View Academy. Slept well. Lin riding. To Academy, no Private View. Banquet tonight & P.V. tomorrow. To Langham as E. & Sophy were to meet me there. To E’s club. Missed them in brougham. Vy (illeg). Fitzroy came to tea, gave him 2/6. 3 lb salmon fr. Lennie. Roy left after 8 o’c P.M. for Maud, Ireland. (note page pinned to page opposite 1 March) To remember when going away. All drawers left open to be washed out & repapered. All wardrobes washed out & left open after for a day. Paint of wardrobe washed. Round windows & blinds dusted. All doors washed inside & out, along top also. All plants outside windows & fern cases watered every evening. Saturday 1 May Lovely & dull alternating. Very cold wind. Had taxie to Royal Academy Private View. Met many friends, Abbeys, Pilleau, Spielmann, P. Reed, Coles, Lady R. C, Lady D. Hartland, Bancroft, Fildes etc etc. Asked Lord Kingsburgh to dinner tomorrow, said he would come. Horrid stuffy lunch at Carlton below! To Matinée, “School for Scandal”. Tree not so good as Sir Peter as Farren. No humour. Marie Lohr fair. Interesting performance delightful play always fresh. Loraine C. Surface, Giles Joseph. Fruit Butts. Home. Quiet evg. Edgar & So. to lunch tomorrow, telephone 10 o’c PM. Sunday 2 May Excellent night. Sunny morg. cold. Lin rode early, “Janetta” rather fresh. Lin lunches at Club. Edgar, So. & Effie to lunch, Lord Kingsburgh, Mr & Mrs Graham Keith to dinner. Vey cheery luncheon & dinner. Lord K. most amusing told endless anecdotes, Scotch, American & Irish. Dickie looking so well & vy lively. No one called. All left early. The Keiths vy worried about their little girl’s apendexies, to be operated on next week. (Note pinned to page for 1 May) May 5th Wed 1909. With Antoinette put in dear Mother’s box: Stamped blk velvet skirt & bodice. Black cloth skirt, bodice & jacket, Ross. Mole velvet dress, Mole boa & muff. Sable boa & muff below. Top: Hats, green felt, 2 black felts, mole skin toque & furs.



Monday 3 May Lovely day. Slept fairly well. Edgar & Sophy cross to Ireland for Maud’s today, Roy & Langleys there. Out morg shops to Bradleys, Grove, ordered tussore dress £7.14.0 for mornings. Edie came afternoon to tea & took her in brougham with me to Sir John Tenniel’s. Saw both Sir J. & Miss T. & looking so well. To Ada Sp. after, saw Mrs Percy & baby & Nelly grown v.plain little girl. Lin rode with Mr Stone morg. Quiet evg. Tuesday 4 May Lovely morg. To Kensington shop’g & fitted at Mascotte with 2 done ups, one w’d not close by 3 inches!!! Met Miss Neaves & walked a little way with her, told funny stories. Hilda & Nelly O, Mrs Millar (Mr Guthrie’s sister) & Lady Spielmann called. Mrs M. most exhausting, laughs in fits at nothing. Lin rode with Mr Stone & went out afternoon to see Sir John Tenniel. They were delighted to see him & he them. Quiet evg. Wednesday 5 May Vy good night. Lovely morg. Out 11.15. To Bond St, met Miss Blakey, to Marshalls, saw few frocks, dresses, Selfridges & “Times” about Library. Lin rode 11 o’c, saw him fr. omnibus looking vy nice with Mr Stone & others. Marie & Emma out. Antoinette & self v. busy turning out my wardrobe & washed drawers, did one box, dear Mother’s list attached. Antoinette made me v. good omelette. Thursday 6 May Lovely morg. Good night. At 11.30 to Barkers ordered asparagus, oranges, salad & lobster. Lin rode at 8 o’c. 12.30 to Bradleys, Grove, fitted with tussore coat & skirt £7.14.0, hat shape black. Edie met me there & returned to lunch & tea. Flowers fr. Tabbie, arranged them with Edie, great quantity in small box. Read to Lin “The fortune of Christina McNab” V. good. Met May Nembhard morg. Letter fr. darling Maud. Friday 7 May Heavenly day, still very windy. Dust everywhere & throat annoyed. In all morg. Wrote & did drawing room desk & one drawer. At 3.30 after rest in brougham to Bradleys to be fitted tussore dress. Jacket again needs altering!!! Hat also not satisfactory but they sent a dainty tray of tea & cake & bread & butter to fitting room for me! Called on Lady Roberts Argyle Rd. Lin finished drawing 10 o’c. X. Marie helped me put away some things. New black hat £ 2.30. Tussore coat & skirt £7.14.0. Done up blue brocade evg. dress, brown chiffon bodice £10.9.0 came home.



Saturday 8 May 12 o’c Opening of American Ex, Earls Court. Gave tickets Edie & Hilda. Lin & self to see “What every woman knows” Matinée. Lovely morg. Slept well. Sore throat! Painted it. In all morg. Wrote & worked. In taxie to theatre. Most amusing piece we thoroughly enjoyed it. G. du Maurier, Hylda Trevelyan, Valentine, excellent. Bought fruit & 12 roses 2/6 Butts. Happy evg. Dickie slept after dinner, he vy tired up early. (paper pinned to page) Gave Marie Sunday 9th May 6 M.A.H. serviettes. 12th May Marie 6 tea cloths, Emma 2 round towels, 6 dusters. Antoinette white pail. May 1909. Gave Marie 1 white, 1 black & 1 brown reels of cotton June. Sunday 9 May X. Poor Aunt Barbara died 6.30 P.M. Glorious morg. Both slept well. Col & Mrs Welby, Sir Norman & Lady Lockyer dine here. Asked Harold M’s, Spielmanns & Mrs Fagan (engaged). My throat better. With Dickie to Zoo 11 o’c. Lovely gardens & flowers. Met Harold, & Eric Parker there. Monkeys v. weird behaviour! & ostrich too! Lin to Club after luncheon. Rested & read. Mervyn came & told me Aunt Barbara was v. ill, Ethel had day & night nurse for her. Will O. called. Vy cheery evg. Monday 10 May Lin rode to Wimbledon, v. tired after. Lovely morning. Roy returns tonight from Ireland. Looked vy well. Ferns. Lin & I dine at Sir Norman Lockyer’s. Out morg. shops. To Bank. Rested afternoon. Put away few remaining things with Marie in boxes & under bed. Vy pleasant evg at Sir N’s but poor dinner. Wonderful photos taken fr. a Baloon of London & clouds, & Sidmouth. Gramophone & coloured photos taken by Lady L. Tuesday 11 May Lin rode in Row with Mr Stone, Galbraiths & Muriel. Mrs Marshall Hall 4.30, No 1 Welbeck House, Wigmore St. Stores morg. by tube to see about pin curls. Lovely box of flowers from Maud! & Marie planted ferns fr. Maud, fern case. Ordered wreath for poor Aunt Barbara, 7/6. Mrs W. Wallace & Mrs Cowerd called, told me of Eva & how it happened! Roy in to dinner does not look cheerful over business. So sorry for him. Wednesday 12 May Miss Maude Parker’s Ex, watercolours 6 Pall Mall. Mrs Marshall Hall 4.30, 2nd at home. Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 o’c. Lovely flat Mrs M. H’s. Saw Miss Elkin, Lockyers, Heilbut, Sir Douglas Straight etc. More like a lovely museum. Had brougham & left cards J.F’s not in! Dined & had 30


Herbert & Edie to dinner. (Roy out). Vy pleasant evg. music & cards. Both look well & happy. Thursday 13 May Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 o’c. Out morg. Took Taxie gardens. Rested after lunch. Read & worked with Lin. Box of flowers from Toula. Poor Aunt Barbara buried. Left all her money £600 to Aunt Lizzie’s daus. Roy home to dinner. Pity Aunt B. did not leave something to the Douëts, they need it, & have been so good to her. Friday 14 May Out morg carriage 11.15 to Nevilles, & Mascotte to be fitted. Sat with Lin. Read Bancroft’s book after rest. Vy good. Roy out to dinner. Marie put up Roy’s picture. Roy returned before I was in bed. Lin did beautiful drawing Lloyd George as Canute with courtiers Haldane & Asquith & crowd. V. fine drawing. Saturday 15 May Mrs Kemp’s invite for weekend. Letter fr. Mervyn. Aunt B. left £600 all to her nieces Mrs Shepherd & Mrs Duffield, Aunt Elizabeth’s daughters. Lin rides morg. Lin & self to Matinée. Lunched at home. Saw “Our Miss Gibbs” delightful, so amusing & pretty music. Payne Grossmith, Gertie Millar, Denise Orme & Olive May very good. Bought fruit & flowers 11/-! Roy out. Quiet evg, Dickie v. tired. Sunday 16 May Asked Ethel English, Mr & Mrs Fred Kerr, Sir Isadore & Lady Spielmann & Mr Stone. Had to put off E.E. so sorry made mistake in number. Lovely morg, cool. Lin & Roy play tennis with Sir A. Hickman at 10 o’c. Vy. nervous about Lin but he will do it. Mervyn to tea & Mr Paxton. Roy in with Lin to luncheon. Vy cheery dinner, neither Mr Kerr nor Sir Isadore look well. They all stayed rather later 11.30. Monday 17 May George Meredith died. Will Oakes dines here. Awful headache in night, wonder if neuralgia or white wine! Shop’g morg met Mrs Spofforth. Rested afternoon. Mrs Farquharson called, did not see her. Lin had tea with me & then went for ride to Battersea, enjoyed it v. much. Marie & I planted 6 plants dining room window. Roy in to dinner & vy pleasant quiet little evg. Lin seems well.



Tuesday 18 May Mrs Devonshire 4 - 6. Fine & alternate showers. Morg. by om to Barkers & to Nevilles, ordered black silk dress 10½ gns! Walked thro’ Park to Princes Gate. Terrible to see every seat almost occupied by ragged miserable looking poor men, idle. Mrs Colefax & Mrs Allen (her cousin) Maud P. & Gladys, Mabel Beaumont, Mrs Spofforth & Mrs G. Keith called. Roy out to dinner. Box flowers Balcombe. Dickie rode morg. Quiet little evg. Wednesday 19 May Black cat rushed upstairs yesterday, much to Lin’s annoyance. Roy caught it, friendly cat. Lovely morg. Letters last evg fr. Maud & Edgar, all well. Out morg. om to Marshalls & Selfridges. Vy tired in & out busses. Dickie rode morg. Marie out. Antoinette & I did remaining drawers & cupboards in my room, all but corner cupboard. Worked evg, bed early. Roy in whilst undressing. Lovely salmon 11½ lb fr Maud. Cheque fr. Lennie £29.16.8. Thursday 20 May Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 - 7. To Mrs Beale morg. Mr Galbraith called 4 o’c. Tried on blouses fr. Selfridges & Marshalls, bought one from each & a plastron fr. Marshalls also. To Mrs Beale by taxie 2/6. Saw her secretary vy nice girl, Miss Derbyshire. Had an hour with her & home by bus. Lovely salmon, some for lunch & dinner. Roy dined at home. Much talk over where G. Meredith sh’d be buried. Roy took Taxie for walk. Friday 21 May Mary Millais called. Lovely morg. Lin rode early. I had carriage & went to Bank, wasted ½ an hour there, & Marshalls about grey alpaca. Barkers & home 1.30. Rested & sat with Dickie after, difficult subject & very fine drawing, 2 women (Literature & Poetry, G. Meredith & Swinburne) mourning over tomb with Meredith’s beautiful bust. Lin late 10.50 dinner. Vy hot all day trying for him at work. Roy dined out. Took Taxie for walk in gardens. Saturday 22 May Lovely morg. Slept well. Worked in my room morg. finished shortening silk petticoat, does very nicely, wore it with my new tussore dress! Glad to do something again. Vy hot. Lin & I went to Earls Court American Ex. Vy good side shows. Saw 2 vy handsome women! in tussores! One v. like Dora. Flowers & fruit on return, vy dear. Roy to Oxford.



Sunday 23 May Asked Sir E. & Lady Johnson Ferguson, Mr & Mrs Galbraith, Mr & Mrs Marshall Hall & Muriel Messel. Lovely day. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred’s, I joined them & fetched Lin in brougham. Gladys Crozier came to tea. Lin & Roy in to luncheon. Roy took Taxie with Mr Pollock in taxie cab to Wimbleon & Taxie bit Mr Pollock severely in hand! We waited dinner until 8.30 for the Marshall Halls who never came, 2 wires fr. them their car broke down! Disasterous day. Maids lost their heads & made great noise & seemed lost generally. 3 contretemps, evg. spoiled in consquence M.Hs’ absence. Monday 24 May Lin attended Levée morg. V. hot lovely breeze. By om to Marshall, arranged grey alpaca, back by cab, cost 3/6. Gave conductor of om money, looked so ill. Bought 7 yds blue & white jap silk, 7/6 yd double width, £3.12.6. Lin to Levée. O.S. & Sir E. Johnson Ferguson next him. He lunched with O.S. Club. Sir Squire Bancroft elected Athenaeum. Punch dinner. Roy dined with me alone. We sat in Gardens before dinner, took Taxie. Tuesday 25 May Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30 Wed. Colder. Fitted morg here Miss Bower, blue dress. Roy out to dinner with Harold M. Only Mrs Marshall Hall looking v. pretty & smart & Nellie called. Lin v. busy as for Thurs on ac’t Whitsuntide. Wednesday 26 May Fitted morg by Miss Bower here. Derby Day. Poured early, fine later, heavy showers. Fitted between 4 - 5 Marshalls with grey alpaca. Had brougham. Roy dines with Mr Pollock. Read & worked with Lin. He finished at 9.30. Sat with him during dinner. Wrote Will Oakes after about tomorrow. The King’s horse won the Derby. X. Thursday 27 May Lin & self dine with Will Oakes at Carlton 8 o’c. X. To be fitted Neville 11.30. Put off by Neville. In all day mending & Marie packed. Roy in to dinner. Lin to club after tea in brougham. Spoke Will O. on telephone, decided to dine later with him, disappointed in some friends he asked to meet us. Letter fr. darling returns Monday fr. Ireland, so sorry not to be in London.



Friday 28 May D.V. to stay with H. & Tabbie at Leweston. Lovely morg. Letter fr. Vince, has a temporary place fr. my reference. Left Waterloo for Sherborne 3.30. Most comfortable journey, lovely day. Found the 2 M(illeg) & Tabbie awaiting us, came on with Tabs & Lin & Antoinette with chauffeur, Mr Hood & Roy in Mercedes car. Country & place looking lovely, all well. Ham, Rivers Pollock, Evie & Vi Pollock. Delightfully quiet evg, puzzles & V. P. sang. Bed 10 o’c. with Tabs. Saturday 29 May Lovely day. Slept well. Lin, Ham, Mr Hood, Rivers & Roy to play golf. (Motor run Lin & Rivers whilst rest golfed). Sat whilst Tabbie trimmed up her roses. Mr & Mrs Rooth, Mr & Mrs Milne to lunch. They left at 3.30. Tabs, Mervyn & self for little walk. Saw Mervyn’s statue of “Acrobat”. Ham’s figure not finished yet, horse excellent. Bridge & games after dinner. Bed 10.30. Sunday 30 May Lovely morg, slept well. Sat out with Lin & stroll round with Tabs & Roy. Maudie, Lennie & family return fr. Warrens Court, Ireland, tonight after 2 months absence. 80 salmon killed. Lin vy tired after short walk & getting over packing. He & I ret’d & left rest, sat out together. Lovely day, pleasant evg. Bed 10.30. Monday 31 May Perfectly glorious day. Good night. In car with Tabbie to Long Burton she to some committee ab’t village nurse. I read whilst waiting. Evie went home after lunch to Aldershot. Mervyn left at 11.30 for home. Roy, Ham & Mr Hood golfing & off for day. After lunch Lin, Rivers & Vi Pollock to Cerne Abbas, too heavy for car with me, rested & read. Tuesday June 1 Pouring wet morg. Mr Hood left 11.30, Rivers & Vi Pollock left by 1.50 after lunch & Tabs & Ham by 2.50 for London. Lin & self alone, unable to go out all day. Had tea in Library & sat there after dinner. Bed 9.45. Lin seemed tired but enjoyed reading old books ac’ts of Cerne Abbas & Tisbury the Sambourne’s place near Bath. Wednesday 2 June Still raining. We return today by 1.50 train. Have to change at Salisbury. Did not change. Had tea on return. Lin to P. dinner & home vy late after 12 P.M. Roy dined with me. Antoinette unpacked. Vy tired horrid cold in



head. Saw Shaw Stewarts at Salisbury, he looked as if guilty or ashamed of himself. Thursday 3 June Mrs Mocatta & Mrs Jules Philipson 4 - 6.30. Lady Critchett 4 - 7. M. Farkoa Hungarian band. Lady Blomfield Claridges Hotel 3 - 7. Fitting Staf. Terrace Miss Bower. To be fitted by Miss Bower morg. Edgar & S. return fr. Ireland, Langham. Darling lunched here & we went to Lady B’s & Lady C’s together, enjoyed it so much. Vy cold wind. I sat with Lin on return & we dined together. Roy out. Friday 4 June Dr Beauchamp came 9.30 A.M. Vittel no place for me & Linley not to play tennis. Mrs Mocatta 6.30. Lord Winterstoke’s dinner. To be fitted morg. Marshalls grey alpaca. Pouring wet. Had brougham. Called & saw darlings on way home, all look well. Linley & Anne much grown. My own came at 4 & Miss Bowers to try my blue silk gown, foolish garment too young. Maudie remained to tea. Roy dined at Maud’s. I read until past 10 o’c. Maud & Lennie to Nymans. Saturday 5 June Edgar & S. go to Mrs Paton’s. Out morg, dead tired & neuralgia. Bad night & pain in head. Rained morg. Walked to Mrs Galbraith’s, c’d not see her, just in fr. riding. Om back. Ordered 2 plants Barkers, crowd so great had to wait long time. Lin rode after lunch, vy tired, his covert suit fr. yesterday still soaking wet, he w’d wear it!!! Lin dines at Ex. Lds Rosebery etc there. The 3 chicks called, much grown. Col & Mrs Welby also called. Mr Reed said charming things of Roy. Sunday 6 June Tabs, Ham, Mervyn to dine. Major & Mrs Batley dine here. Laundry not back last evg! 2 plants not sent from Barkers, & bad fish which Emma had to return from Barkers. Good start! & I c’d not sleep Lin so restless & felt the old irritable worried feeling. Very pleasant evg. all went well but I felt rather seedy. Monday 7 June Miss Violet McKenna’s marriage with Com. Keene R.N. 2.30. Asked Maud & Beatrice to tea 4 o’c. We dine at Maud’s. Lin & self to Horse Show Olympia. Little Linley & Fraulein joined us there & Sir A. Hickman kindly sent us his box. Most interesting show splendid jumping (grey mare) & huge wagon & 6 horses turned in marvelously small space.



Mr & Mrs M. at Maudie’s. Beautiful dinner well chosen & well cooked. Roy dined at Galbraiths, to Caledonian Ball with them. Tuesday 8 June Miss Gill lunches with me. Did not come. Mrs Tupper & Mrs Craig at home 39 Queens Gate. Mrs Lucas 4 - 6.30 Stornaway House. Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Asked Edgar & So. to dine. Had Maud’s Victoria 11.30 to Mrs Paton’s 2 H.Pk. Ter. Fetched Edgar & we drove to Toula, E. & S. staying 33 Hill St & then round Pk. together. Left Edgar at Hyde Pk. Corner. Roy dines out. Maudie, Mrs Trench & Nellie Zimmerman came to tea. Dickie rode early. Wednesday 9 June Lady Laurence 4 - 6. Meet of Coaches. Maud & self to Meet of Coaches in Victoria. Lin on Janetta looks vy well on her. He stood by us near Serpentine. Met Mrs Hohler & pretty American widow. Saw Edgar, Sophy & Miss Paton all back at Maud’s. Lin & self home to lunch alone. Edgar came to tea looked tired. Roy dined with Mrs Stern. Antoinette out. Marie did my (illeg) very nicely & finished my (illeg) combinations or nickers (sic)(2nd pair fr. 2 old petticoats. Thursday 10 June Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 - 7. Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30. Lady Pirrie. Fitted morg Marshall & Snelgrove grey alpaca, dress failure, every seam of coat needs altering. The original fitter gone suddenly. Most annoying, dress promised this evg. Went by bus. Maud met me Marshalls. Saw coaching club meet. Met Mr & Joan Galbraith riding. At 4 to Lady J.F’s. Mrs Tate, Lady Dormer etc. On to Mrs B’s. Lovely music, clever french recitations. Rained all afternoon. Roy out dinner. Lin dined ¼ to 9. Friday 11 June Mrs Young Hunter 4 - 7, 9 Launceston Place, Kens. Mrs Galbraith 4 to 7. Toula comes for whole day & remains to dinner. Lin dines at Press dinner. Very wet & dull. Mrs Pym came to tea & just prevented my going to Mrs G’s. Toula & I dined alone, she left at 10 o’c. Thought her looking pale & tired. Brought me lovely lillies & carnations. Roy dined out. Saturday 12 June Lin goes trial trip. No, Naval review. Left early, enjoyed it immensely. Dined in special retinue, home 9.30. Morg. shop’g. afternoon rested & went to Mrs Keen’s, met Mr & Miss Walkes, Beatrice Farrer. Called on Mrs Williams, Lady Kennedy & Mrs Currie, saw Nina & pretty little boy, & Mrs Palgrave Simpson. 36


Sunday 13 June Asked Col & Mrs Trench, Edgar, Arthur Linley, Lennie & Maud. Morg. to see Mr Dillons things for sale Up Phil. Gds, & to Sir Alfred’s with Lin. Met Col & Mrs Trench. We dine 8.30 on ac’t M. & L. returning by Motor fr Heron Allens. V. pleasant evg. Edgar looked tired. X. Injured my plate & unable to wear it. Monday 14 June Mrs John Carlisle. Music 4 - 6. Lin dines out. Box for Horse Show. Toula to lunch & to Horse Show with us. To Dentist morg, Mr Herbert. Promised my plate today. Gt com. horse show, Mr Winams had only given one ticket, we went 3! & we crowded out his box of pretty American women. Coaches good. Russian greys 1st, Argentine 2nd , English 3rd & these last most distressed. To Mrs C’s after. V. good music. Saw Pirries & Schwanns. Took Toula home. Roy dined out. Tabbie v. seedy. Roy saw Gareth to Station. I dined alone, worked & read. Lin dined City dinner. Maudie to see Nana & sleeps night away. Tuesday 15 June Mrs Fagan’s dinner 8 o’c. 37 Rutland Court. Mrs Pitts dinner acpt. Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6.30. Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Slept v. well. To dentist Herbert morg. Vy uncomfortable plate. Had talk with socialist in Holland Pk! Gave me book to read “Looking Backward” believe he is a little “Softie”. Miss Brown, Mrs Beddoe (Vaughan Morgan) & Maudie called. Lift stuck at Mrs Fagans, gt. commotion, but eventually it went. Charming evg. Jopling Rowes, Mr & Mrs Ormiston, Mr John Lane, Mr Hastings, Lady Bridge etc, 12 in all. Both enjoyed our evening in spite of (illeg) start! Wednesday 16 June Matinee “An Englishman’s Home”. Lady Lawrence 4 - 6.30. Miss Bower 11 o’c. Tabbie laid up. Fitted 11.15. To Mr Herbert, plate better. New one ordered. Fearful headache early & feel nerves strained fr. fatigue & from nothing! Lovely morg. fresh breeze. Awful headache. To “Englishman’s Home” stupid play. Toula met us there & came back to tea & dinner with me. Roy in also to dinner. Marie out. Thursday 17 June I lunch at Maud’s. Mrs Tate’s luncheon party unable to go. Asked Edgar to tea & dinner. No ans. Rested morg. Still had headache & ear uncomfortable. Maudie sent motor for me. Mrs Mackenzie, Miss Churchill that was! Mrs ? Mrs Hohler, Dar Hayes Sadler, Mrs Weld Blundell. Beautiful lunch, all perfect, & my darling looking sweet. Sent 37


me home in carriage. Several callers, saw no one, rested. Roy in to dinner, seems as if slight cold. Friday 18 June If all well go to Vittel with Edgar for waters for 21 days. Edgar goes to Vittel. Unable to go again! Mrs Palgrave Simpson 4 - 6.30. Asked Edie 11 o’c. Dentist 12 o’c, Mr Herbert. Plate fits, new one. Hamilton & Midge come to London. Rested. Read an hour to Dickie “A King’s Favourite” & to Mrs Palgrave Simpson’s. Talk on Cairo with Mr P.S. Carriage fetched me & went & sat with Tabbie at Claridges, seems much better, gastritis. Saw H.F. & to Midge, Coburg. Saw H. & M. looking splendidly well. Ham L. had taken Maud to Ascot & was having tea in the lounge with Midge at Coburg & Emily F.was dressing did not see her. Midge sent flowers evg. Dickie did lovely drawing Asquith & finished 10 o’c. Roy out. Saturday 19 June Lovely fresh morg. To see “Old Heidelburg” with Lin. In all morg sewing, am desperately slow working now! Lunched 1.15 & in brougham to St James’ with Lin. Most charming play, enjoyed it more even than the first time I saw it years ago. Bought fruit & flowers Butts. Dickie sent off mysterious telegram. Tea together & rested on Roy’s sofa whilst he dressed to dine out. Dickie & self alone, he slept after dinner. Vy pleased Jhera Wood Cy declares a div at last, 6% in ord shrs. Sunday 20 June Lin & I dine with Mr & Mrs Beale at Albemarle Club, 37 Dover St ¼ to 8 o’c. Midge, H. & Emily lunch with us 1.30, & Spencer. Raining morg. v. dull & close. Lin dressed for riding 9 o’c. Slept badly, kept waking all night. Roy lunches at Sir Alfred’s. No news of my darling since Thurs, at Balcombe. Vy pleasant lunch. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs Beale’s club, ten. Mr & Mrs Lutyens etc. V. fair dinner, lovely club, beautiful rooms. Lin v. tired after, am sure he is not careful enough in what he eats for digestion. Felt anxious as he seemed so tired. Monday 21 June Asaked Lady Rosamund Christie. Cannot come. Out morg. Bank, small balance, odd. Paid Barker’s bill, House & private ditto £4.3.7. Took Taxie in gardens. Saw mad Socialist. After 4 in Maud’s cariage called on Mrs Fagan, Mrs Stephenson, Lady Rosamund Christie & Mrs Hohler. 4 times round Battersea Park to meet Lin. Home 6.15. Also called on Mervyn, out. Lin rode at 6 o’c.



Tuesday 22 June Edie comes morg. Mrs Noel Behrens 4 - 7. Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Miss Louisa Bourne 4 - 6. Mrs George Whatman 4 - 6.30. Mrs Rawlinson garden party. Mrs Rooth’s dinner 8.15. Unable to accept as dine with Maud. Edie came. We sat in Gardens with Taxie. Mrs Adlam, Mrs Biencardi, Miss Burke with Maudie, Mrs H. Pollen, called. Lin, Roy & I dined with Maud, 14. Sir A. & Lady Freemantle, Mr & Mrs Ritchie, H. & Midge, Mrs Sebright, Mr Mordant. Vy charming dinner & evening, everything beautifully done. Wednesday 23 June Mrs Fred & Dr F. Cowerd 4 - 7 garden 54 Hamilton Terrace. Maud & self tickets for Ranelagh, special afternoon, with the Hohlers. Dull but for my darling. Crowds & polo. Americans won, ours played badly. Hot & cold, dangerous weather. Saw Adela Mackenzie & bro. Ethel E, Mrs Holland, Mr Galbraith etc. Darling came back to tea, loved having her alone. Dickie to Punch dinner. Roy out, dined alone. Antoinette out. Thursday 24 June Lady Lawrence 4 - 6. Mr Cleriheugh 4 - 7. Mrs Messel 4 - 7. Emily Fraser spends the day with me. Soirée Royal Society. E. put out about bath water, Lin & Roy cannot get any hot water evg. Darling Anne came 11.30 with Fraulein who leaves for Austria tomorrow. Walked with them to Round Pond saw Oliver & Mamie. Heavy storm, tropical rain & thunder. (page inserted.) 24 June. After rest went with Emily in spite of heavy rain to Mrs Messel’s at home. Met many friends & enjoyed it v. much & Emily much liked by all. Saw Ethel Mervyn, Fildes, Kerrs, Labin, Lewis’s, Dickens etc. Girl doing funny songs. “Miss Evelyn” fr. Gaiety an understudy. My darling looked sweet & dear little Linley there, & Lennie late. Emily & I went on to Claridges & after to enquire after Tabbie who looked perfectly lovely lying on sofa in white with rose silk coverlet like a lovely pink shell. Emily charmed with her beauty. Ham came in & looked well. Roy dined at home but looked tired & pale. Sat with Lin on return & dined ¼ to 9. Left Emily at Coburg on return home. Bed early. Saw dogs fighting on return fr. Gardens during heavy storm, believe one killed & horse fell down & kicked violently, fear it must have injured itself, could not look. Friday 25 June Foreign Office 10.30. Dark & dull morg, cold. X. New Knights Sir Henry Lucy!!! Beerbohm Tree!!! & Pinero!!! Pouring wet day, in all day. Roy dined with H. & Midge. Maudie fetched Lin & went to F.C. with him. I felt so tired, read to Lin & dined late with him. Marie toothache. 39


Saturday 26 June Wet later & cold. Fine morg. King & Queen open Vic & Albert Museum Kens in state, driving down Rotten Row 12 o’c. Lin & self lunch at Savoy & matinée Vaudeville after D.V. “The Chorus Girl” dull piece. Rude woman in front of ourselves. Lin & self lunched at Savoy. Saw Marie Lohr & Loraine lunching. Roy to Eton with Tabs, Eton & Winchester cricket. Lin & self alone dinner. Antoinette to Coburg fetched flowers. Sunday 27 June Mr & Mrs Williams, Mr & Mrs Currie, Effie Conrad & Gladys Crozier. Only the 2 couples came. Very dark dull day. Lin lunched Club. Vy delightful evg. Midge came to tea looking charming in white voile & black. Seven only at dinner but v. charming evening, Lin so bright & happy, & Roy much more talkative than usual. Monday 28 June Asked Mrs Beale to dine. Dinner at Mrs Oakes, ref’d. Toula comes for luncheon & we left cards at Foreign Office & Mrs Beale’s. Left Toula at Knightsbridge & went to Lady Roberts dull conventional lady. Awful fight morg between Taxie & Mrs Devonshire’s dog. Had to send Taxie to Vet, ear all torn. Horse too vy lame during our drive. Mrs Beale & Miss Thompson called, vy vexed missed them. Tuesday 29 June Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Mrs Bradbury 3.30. Nonie Messel’s dinner 8o’c. Mrs Philip Agnew’s dinner 8.15. Acp’t Nonie. Slept v.badly no doubt shock fr. Taxie’s fight, & horse lame what I have noticed a long time but goes better after some time, rheumatism? Unable to go out morg. Mrs Whatman, Tabbie, Col. Hensman, May Nembhard & Mrs Beale & Miss Thompson called. V. merry afternoon. Read to Dickie & v. charming dinner at Harold M’s. Miss Mackintosh, Ritchies, Mr Page who took me in. Vy delightful evg. & all so kind about my darling better & well again. Maudie lunched at Lady Armstrong. Wednesday 30 June Academy Soirée. 3 tickets & we forgot all about it until too late! Lin did not give me the tickets. The Astronamer Royal, Royal Ob, Greenwich 3 6. Slept well & heavily. Lin rode before breakfast. Mrs Beale & Miss Thompson dine quietly with me at 7.30. Roy out. Have Maud’s carriage at 3.30, & went to stores bought blk. feather boa 2.17.6, Jap dressing jacket 14/9, green sunshade 10/6. Called Galbraith & left Miss Lawrence tea there, Mrs Lucas, Lady McLaren. Mrs Beale & Miss T. dined here, quiet evg. Antoinette managed alone v. nicely. Roy out. 40


Thursday 1 July Mrs Mount Batten 4.30. Sir James Christie 3 - 6. Mr & Lady Rosamond at home 117 Eaton Sqre. Tweedie, Johnson Ferguson. Maudie lunched here. Dickie rode after breakfast. Met Mr Kitson etc. Maudie & self to Mrs Breitmeyer charming musical at home. Nonie M. there. Maudie left me after at Lady Rosamond’s deadly dull party, dirty house 117 Eaton Sqre. Lady Dickson Hartland there. Maudie to Vic. Sta. for Balcombe, lovely having her. Dear Roy dined at home. Friday 2 July Miss Jones 4.30 – 7, 149 Gloucester Rd. Mrs Harold Messel 5 o’c music. Maudie lunching at Mrs du Maurier & to Nonie after. Felt too tired to go to Nonie’s. Packed afternoon with Marie. Sat with Lin finished “The King’s Favourite”. Went to Marshall’s morg. by om. Carriage fetched me. Called to enquire May Burnand. Roy in to dinner. Lin dined 8.30, sat with them at dinner & after. Bed 10 o’c. Saturday 3 July The Vicar of Kensington & Mrs Somerset Pennefather’s at home 4 - 7. If all well go to Lowestoft with Dickie until Wednesday. Took Marie. Felt v. worried morg. as after settling all arrangements Lin wanted to remain week longer in town which w’d put everything out. Vy comfortable journey, lovely day. Nice Hotel, clean looking coast. Pretty table near windows, attentive servants more like Bath. Gamble family here. Band during & after dinner. French couple amusing. Sunday 4 July Slept v.well, 2 beds. Lin nice dressing room ajoining our room also facing sea with verandah. Overclouded but hopeful morg. Out at 11.30. Spoke to Mrs Gamble, handsome woman & seems nice. Sat out facing sea & walked to Royal Hotel, prefer much where we are Empire Hotel, much quieter & away from crowd. Good rest after lunch in our room & sat out till 6.15. Tea in Hall 4.30. Bad dinner. French couple grumbled at same deservedly. Monday 5 July Mrs Huish tea Lord’s behind block A. Mrs Colefax 4.30. Maudie lunching at Miss Henderson’s, Princes Gate. Lovely morg. slept well but long while getting off to sleep. Sat out morg. in grounds & watched Regatta, vy pretty sight sailing yacht & boats with their white sails. Lin out photoing saw nothing interesting. Delightful drive with Lin & Mrs Gamble in her Car to Oulton Broad & Yarmouth, beautiful broad road front of sea, vy foreign looking. Magnificent church St. Nicholas largest 41


in England. Started 3 o’c, home 5.15. Vy quiet evg bed 10 o’c. Vy happy day & restful. Hotel very empty. Tuesday 6 July Mrs Huish Lords tea. Gladys Crozier & Mrs Tweedie at home 30 York Terrace 4.30. Lovely morg. Slept well. Woke often & Lin also. Sat out morg. Mrs Gamble most kindly lent us her Lanchester motor & we went at 3 o’c to Yarmouth & along Parade. Stop’d at an old curiosity shop on our way back, nothing of note. Tea in hall, again sat out, rested & fair dinner. Band. Bed 10 o’c. Goldstone, Oulton & Summerleyton passed on way to Yarmouth. Wednesday 7 July Slept well. Rained morg. Wrote letters. Marie packed. Ordered special lunch, v. good. Bill £8.1.9. 13/6 a day for Lin & self each, 7/- for Marie. Vy good Hotel servants. Left by 3.28 train. Manager v. civil indeed in fact all most attentive. Tiresome slow journey up. Found lovely iris & roses fr. my darling. Left Lin at Club. Press men at Punch dinner & hour altered! Roy at Henley with Mr Stern, fell into water! Changed everything at tailors. Alone evg. Thursday 8 July Mrs Bergheim garden party 4 - 7. Lady Strachey 4 - 7. To vet morg & Lady’s shirt Co. Vet will see Taxie at ¼ to 7 tonight. Marie took him. Maudie fetched me 3.30 & we went to Clara’s vy pretty party, Hungarian band & many smart pretty people. Mrs Biancardi, Lady Lawrence, Bram Stoker, Hankey, Rudy Jackson, Petos etc etc. To Lady Strachey after, McLarens & J. Fergusons there, home. Roy at Henley, did not return in time for Messels dance! Roy again fell in river & was soaked. Horrid chicken, tiresome E. does not send back what she knows is not good. Marie out afternoon. Lin vy annoyed about chicken & no wonder. Friday 9 July In all day. Sent complaint to Barkers about chicken, fresh one returned. Toula came to tea looked v. tired. Marie packing for me. Put in all day & evg. dreses. Lin doing lovely drawing Britannia driving 2 dolphins down Thames. Roy ret’n fr. Eton & Harrow Cricket Match, Lords, with the Harolds, did not see Maud who was there with Gladys Crozier. Saturday 10 July D.V. Go to darling Maud, Balcombe. Came by 4.30. Marie leaves tonight for a months holiday for Switzerland. Antoinette comes with me. Found Lennie & Maud well & chicks much grown & new German governess, 42


young. Lennie left soon after for Arundel & his Territorials. V. cozy evg, bed 20 to 11! Maud & I played cards. Sunday 11 July Very bad night & Lin also who was up 6 times, little Raffles howled all night. Fearful headache morg. Wretched cold day, rain. Maudie & chicks to Church. Rested after lunch, & after tea Lin & self for walk whilst Maud wrote invitations for week ends. Had little walk with Lin & Maudie after tea. Delightful evg, so quiet. Lin looking much better, busy all day with his Diary & letters. Monday 12 July Fine day, out morg for walk with Dickie, better night. Worked & read & wrote. Sent cheque £12.12.0 for entrance & yearly subscription fees for Albemarle Club. Wd rather have given money to Roy. Another walk with Lin after tea, took “Bear”, v. good, by lake & back. Quiet evg looking for flower names, could not find them. Bed late rather. Tuesday 13 July Mrs Williams at home 4.30, 51 Campden Hill Rd. Lady Sutton 49 (illeg) Gds, 4.30. Dudley howled during night, Lin vy angry. I had to wake Nurse F. She got Arthur to take dog out. Slept after. Lovely morg. warmer. Maudie to London by 9 o’c train for Mrs Locket Agnew’s luncheon & Lady Sutton’s. Antoinette returning to Staf. Ter. Lovely drive at 4 with Lin & little Linley thro’ forest. Cheery dinner Maudie full of news. Pd £12.12.0 to Bank of England for Albemarle Club. Gt commotion at night over Lin’s little night light tin for his developing lantern. So sorry for Maudie but she found it in sink. Wednesday 14 July Good night. Dull but warmer. Invitation fr. Lord Winterstoke to go cruise on “Sabrina” Friday until Wednesday. Lin going, it won’t upset party going alone. Mr Causton going! Wired early. Pd. A.N. Stores £3.2.3. Drove with Lin to Three Bridges 2.30, seems much better. Invite fr. Lord Winterstoke to go on Sabrina fr. Friday till Wed. Lin to join Saty. Lin hopes to go alone fr. Saty until Tues or Wed. After seeing Lin off with Maud to Mrs Messel’s, saw Col & Marie Beddoes there, & fetched Gladys fr. station on return. Thursday 15 July Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6.30. Mrs Seymour Trower 3 - 7, Bridge House, Weybridge. Slept well. Sunny morg. Darling goes to London for night dines with Miss Rose Innes, & goes to theatre with her. Letter fr. Dickie, 43


v. heavy rain in London yesterday, Antoinette drenched in dog cart. Peaceful happy day, worked, read & wrote, not out of grounds all day. New German Chancellor! 5th. Bed 10 o’c sharp. Edie did not come for chicks’ music lesson. Friday 16 July Slept well, dull morg. Maudie & Spencer come by 4.30 train. Invitation to go on Lord Winterstoke’s yacht “Sabrina” until Tuesday. Lin joins her at Ryde tomorrow morg. too fatiguing for me & far too happy with my darling & the chicks to care to go if well enough. Wet & dull but peaceful happy day, worked & read. Darling returned fr. London by 4.30. Gladys & I walked after tea, dined 7.30 & bed 10 o’c. Maudie & G. busy with costumes for chicks’ photos. Saturday 17 July Lin goes D.V. to Ryde by 9 o’c train to join Ld Winterstoke’s yacht “Sabrina” until Tuesday, or Wed. Gleamy morg. Slept soundly & feel much better. Gladys & Maud photod Anne all morg. At 12 Maud & little L. to Nymans to lunch & to Arundel after where Lennie is territorialing & they got back late for dinner after v. tiresome day. Ethel Smart & her husband for week end, & dear Roy. Dear Lin wired fr. Ryde wish Weymouth. Sunday 18 July Lovely morg. Slept wonderfully well. Roy looks seedy, vy white & listless. Sat out with him morg. Rest to Church. Sat out afternoon & had tea out. After Roy & Mr Bridgeman played tennis & Gladys & I had a walk. Maudie wrote. Vy cheery little evg. Sorry darling has cards Sundays. Bed 11 o’c. Vy tired but well, am sleeping so well. Monday 19 July Splendid night woke 7 o’c. Roy left by 8.30 train, gave him £5. Mr Smart left by earlier train. Sat out all morg. working. Maudie & Gladys photoing children. The little Parkers over for the day, greatly grown with huge heads. Spencer arrived in time for lunch & Ethel Sharp left after tea when Effie Twiss came. Looks v. v. much older & a pity does her hair so oddly. Bright little thing. Letter fr. Dickie all well Weymouth. Tuesday 20 July Lin returns D.V. fr. “Sabrina” 7.45. He & Roy dined together at home. Mr Dalebrook (Seville doctor) & Mr Maerlaine came to luncheon & remained until 4.28 train. Mr M. vy nice with the children, played with them. Letter fr. Dickie Weymouth, found heat trying there. V. pleasant 44


evg. Feel well after good nights & complete rest. Darling manages everything so well & so peacefully. Lovely day. Wednesday 21 July Splendid night again altho’ dogs woke me once barking. Too cold to sit out much & dull. After luncheon Maudie, Effie Twiss & Gladys went to tea with Ottie at Court House, Rosper. Cap. Loring there & Mrs M. They enjoyed it v. much. Gladys took photos. Spencer & I sat & walked in Kitchen garden. New (illeg) evg! Delightful day & evg. Bed 10.30. Thursday 22 July Slept wonderfully well. Dull morg. but thankful no great heat this year for Lin’s sake as well as my own. Sat out working on best silk skirt morg. Maudie & Effie to see about school for little Linley. Gladys left morg. for London. Went with Maudie, Spencer & Effie Twiss to Lady Loder’s garden party. Lovely grounds. Met Mrs (illeg) (lady on Orient) Mrs Keating, Lady Allen, Mr Renton, pleasant party. Home late 7 o’c, very merry all way there & back. Friday 23 July Maudie v. busy altering furniture drawing room, great improvement. Effie Twiss, Maud & self to Nymans & Linley boy Very dull party as usual there. Mrs Weld Blundell, Miss (illeg) etc. Walked round garden wth Mrs Messel. Vy tired evg, bed 10 o’c. S. (illeg) not feeling well saved himself feeling worse by remaining at home. Janetta slipped & fell with Lin near Albert Court early. Most mercifully Lin was only shaken & a slight scar on cheek. Janetta’s 2 front hooves graized. Lin was able to do his work without inconvenience & fnished earlier, & Roy dined with him. Saturday 24 July Slept fairly well, worried on Maud’s account must tell Spencer he cannot remain & Lin & Roy will be so disappointed not to see him. Told Spencer & felt a brute & went with him to station & saw him off 4.10. Looks better for his few days here & vy sorry he had to leave. Cap’t Henderson came in time for lunch, nice quiet man friend of Gladys C’s. Mrs Stewart ar’d at 5.30, next Roy & then Mr Stewart, & dear Lin at 11.30!!!P.M. Had been on one of the P.& O. day cruises. Pirries, Carlisle, McLarens, Caustons etc on board. Lin’s neck & cheek graized by fall, otherwise he seems well. Lennie returned at 11.30 fr. his soldiering, looks v. well. Vy pleased with Maud’s alterations in rooms, drawing room much nicer, piano other end. 11 at dinner.



Sunday 25 July Slept fairly well, Lin so restless, rubbed his neck & face. Feel more than thankful he was not more hurt, sh’ll never feel happy when he rides now. Baron Reinbach arrived in time for breakfast! A vy nice amusing man & great talker. Cap. Henderson, Baron Reinbach, Effie Twiss, Mr & Mrs Stewart, Roy, Lin, self, house party. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mr Carlisle, Muriel, Mr Davson, Mr Bram Stoker, Miss Campbell, Miss Williams & Miss Bagg & Mrs Weld Blundell & Mr Cadogan came over to tea. Miss Mead & her fiance called. Vy pleasant dinner, sat next Baron who was most entertaining. Dear Lin looked v. depressed, neck ached, sat alone with him after dinner. Bed early. Monday 26 July The channel crossed yesterday at 4 A.M. fr. Baragne by a frenchman Bieriot to St Margaret’s Bay in 23 miniutes. Lovely morg. Stuarts, Roy, Cap. Henderson & Lennie return London by early train. Baron R. remaining until tomorrow. Had a little walk with Dickie round garden & sat there together some time morg. Maudie left with Hornsby for Edgar’s, Ravensdale Hall, Grimsby, early, going straight through fr. here. I drove Lin to Three Bridges 2.30. Baron lost in his walk & late for lunch. Lennie & Mr Cadogan came & all went to see School East Grinstead. Lennie tired & very rude to us all in turn! Tuesday 27 July Slept well after 12.30, woke at 7. Pouring wet day. Letters fr. Dickie. Edie came. Lennie & Mr Cadogan fished again in soaking rain. Mr C. looked vy tired. Lennie played. To bed 10.30. Quite pleasant evg. Wednesday 28 July Good night. Letters fr. Dickie & Maudie who seems to be enjoying herself v. much. Col. & Mrs Hickman at Edgar’s. Letter fr. Midge. Mad’lle J. came. Walked morg. Had tea in dove cot. Lennie & Mr Cadogan got 2 roach, saw them. Vy pretty fish with red fins. To bed early after 2 pieces on pianola. Lennie v. lively. Thursday 29 July Lovely day but windy. Edie came. Letters fr. darling, seems to be enjoying herself at Edgar’s. Col & Mrs Hickman & Mr Marriott, Lady Yarborough’s ball tonight. Drove Edie to Three Bridges & fetched Dickie fr. Balcombe. Still stiff fr. fall, but looks fairly well. Rested before dinner. Glow worm! Nurse F. brought in.



Friday 30 July Mr Harcourt at Foreign office 10.30 to meet Delegates fr. S. Africa & Dominion national defence. Slept badly, Dickie very restless, but looks better. Darling Maud returns tonight. Lin goes after dinner to London, having to leave early tomorrow. Roy leaves at 2 o’c for Dinard to stay with Mr Stern. Mr Cadogan left. Gladys Crozier came. Lin left directly after dinner seems most unwise. Saturday 31 July Great Naval Review the Emperor of Russia & King Edward reviewing. We had 2 tickets fr. Mr Tomay for the “Adriatic” on which the Lords & numbers of Houses of Commons will be and which follows immediately after the Royal Yacht. All paid return to & from London. Wire fr. Roy. Ethel Sharp here. Ethel & Mr Fisher Dilke, Mr Ponsonby came. Invite to Mrs Breitmeyer 6.30 with Anne who took her doll. Lovely evg. Vy pleasant dinner. All working at Cotillion things. Sunday 1 August Dickie returned 12 P.M. last evg fr. review. Well & better, much livelier. Walked with him morg. All to Nymans after luncheon except Maud, Lin & self. Rained heavily. Nymans party returned early & went down & fished in Lake! Pleasant evg. Arranged about “Cotillion”. Monday 2 August Maudie’s dance at Balcombe. All vy busy morg. Mr Vaughan Williams came & Mr Herbert Smith (friends of Ethel Dilke’s) Lin & self walked morg. along new Rd. Fine, vy windy. Rested after lunch. Walked again with Lin to Lake, saw Baloon & kitten followed us had to put it over garden railing. 15 to dinner. (illeg) band delightful & Cotillion great success. All went off splendidly & the Sindicate worked splendidly. Maud, Gladys Crozier, Mr Fisher Dilke & Mr Talbot Ponsonby. Lin & self to bed at 2 A.M. (illeg illeg) Tuesday 3 August Slept well. Lennie, Mr Talbot Ponsonby, Mr Herbert Smith & Mr Fisher Dilke left early. Walked morg. & afternoon with Lin, never seems well after walking up hill from Lake. Slept after dinner. Wish he could break himself of this habit, so bad for him. Music evg. Feel seedy, get such disturbed nights. Wednesday 4 August Bad night. Darling’s birthday tomorrow. Dreadful accident to the nursery horse, fell into hole in field & was found dead this morg. Vy careless to 47


have left the drain hole unprotected. Muriel over morg. Had little walk with Lin as usual. After lunch drove with him to Three Bridges. He seemed so seedy felt most anxious. Wish he would see a specialist, he gets angry if I suggest it. Mr Herbert Smith here to dinner. Maud, Ethel Dilke, Mr Cadogan, Mr Smith danced evg. I went off to bed early. Thursday 5 August Good night. Ethel Dilke left early 12 o’c. Perfect day, warm & sunny. Slept so well & feel better. Morg to post, bought 1/- stamps. Sat out. Edie came for music. Afternoon good rest & found Mrs & Miss Pennythorne at tea table on lawn. Did not remain. Miss Ethel Bagg arrived. Gladys & self to Lake. Mr & Mrs Messel dined here. Mr Cadogan here. Letter fr. Dickie all well. Vy pleasant evg. played cards. Darling’s birthday. V. happy day, all 3 chicks had tea with us. Friday 6 August Slept well. Glorious morg. Down 11 o’c! & to post. Wrote letters & made up July ac’t, pass book etc. Letter fr. Dickie. At ¼ to 4 to Mrs Hermann’s party. Maud, Linley, Anne, Gladys, Miss Bagg & self. Vy charming party & nice people. Blue Hungarian Band & wonderfully clever conjuror. Mrs Hudson, Mrs Loder, Mrs Williams, Horn etc etc & lovely garden. On to Messels after to say good bye. Sir Henry Kimber & another married couple there. Vy pleasant afternoon & evg. Tired. Saturday 7 August Lovely day. Send grey coat to Locks. Marie returned fr. month’s holiday. Dickie arrives by 4.30. Still no letter fr. Tabbie. Mrs Messel, Muriel, Sir Henry Kimber, Mr Gibbs & Mr Henning, Mrs Henning & Mrs Messel all came to tea. Major & Mabel Batley came to stay. V. delightful couple so bright. Mr Davson also to stay. Met Dickie at Station seems better & more cheerful. They played poker & I came to bed at 10.30. Sunday 8 August Lovely day, slept well after 1 o’c. Lin less restless. Sat out with Miss Bagg, Mr Cadogan, Mr Davson & Lin. Batleys & Maud & Lennie to Church. After lunch large party fr. the Oxleys, Hayworth Booths & Cohens & Mrs Lewis & Mr Read & another young man for tennis & tea under big evergreen oak, lovely. Mr Read & Mr (blank) remained on to dinner, 12 in all. Charades after, gramophone & Ethel Bagg played & Lennie sang.



Monday 9 August Preparations begun for Flower show. Another lovely morg. Slept well. Lin seems better. Little walk morg with Dickie but very hot. Letter fr. Tabbie. Sat out with the Batleys, delightful couple full of fun & seem so devoted to each other. They left by 4.20 train. Gladys & Muriel came over morg. G. so far not enjoying herself. Mr Cadogan left with Lennie. Ellie Ritchie came, looks v. well, to stay. Miss Bagg played charmingly evg. I stole off to bed at 10.30. Tuesday 10 August Slept well. Lovely day. Sat out morg. Hornby packed for me. To post office, changed money. Miss Bagg showed us lovely collars embroidered. Lin seems vy cheerful & looks much better. Wednesday 11 August Lin & self return home fr. Balcombe. Flower show in Park, tents ready. Glorious morg. Feel quite sorry to leave after a delightful visit & feel worlds better but have seen nothing of my darling as she has so much to do, relays of visitors & so much going on. Wish we could have some of the dear old days of quiet reading & working together alone. Left by 12 train changing at E. Croydon. Comfortable journey. Found all well & looking blooming at home. Lunched 2.30 & Lin left after. (continued on piece of paper) Sent Antoinette to enquire after Mrs Spofforth. Mr Spofforth died last Monday aged 86. Lin did some shop’g before going to Punch dinner. Very hot in London. Left Ellie Ritchie & Miss Bagg & Mr Cadogan at Maud’s. Thursday 12 August Glorious morg. Dear Roy returned fr.Mr Stern, Dieppe, in time for breakfast. Looks wonderfully well & so brown. Vy hot, fear vy tiring for Lin’s work. Out morg. to Grove, bought foolish garment. Vy hot & too tired to think advantageously. Read to Lin, doing splendid drawing, Tumbril filled with Lords & Lloyd George in Incroyable uniform standing with his back to it as it passes. Roy out to dinner. Friday 13 August Glorious day. To Sloane St. Bought scissors & (illeg) strawberry. To enquire after Cap. Gibbs, saw Miss G. Hylda out. Cap. G. wonderfully well. Bought ugly hat & pr. of brown walking shoes, disasterous shopping in hot weather, too tired to think sensibly!!! Marie packed & worked for me. Dickie & self hopeless in heat! I feel cold after violent perspiration & seedy. Bed early, dear Lin finished 10.10.



Saturday 14 August Go to Tabbie for ten days at The Anchorage, 2 o’c train. Glorious morg. Letter fr. my own, Effie with her now. Ferafully hot. Roy met us at Waterloo, took Antoinette & came by 2 o’c train, no stop till Christchurch. V. comfortable jouirney. Motor met us. A. sleeps out. Found all well & place lovely. Glorious over the sea which was as blue as Mediterranean. Sat out on Terrace before & after dinner, & bed 10.30. Sunday 15 August Slept well. Glorious day v. hot. Sat with 2 boys & Tabs till they went to Church alone (it seems so sad Tabs has become a Catholic) then Tabs & I joined Lin & Ham on sand bank. Roy rowed us across & sat facing sea, perfectly glorious. Poor H. unhappy about Tabs naturally. Rested till 4 after luncheon. Went with Ham & Gareth, Lin & Roy to Barton in car. Golf. Lovely (illeg) but horrid Hotel. Had tea there. Lin & self home together, rest later. Monday 16 August Day full of incident. Slept well. Lin & boys & Roy bathed early. Lovely day. Lin seemed tired & livery. After rest Lin & Roy in boat to Christchurch & Tabs & self in Car, joined them river bank & Dickie & I returned in Car after seeing Abbey, & Tabs & Roy in boat. Ham to see Lady Hylda, Ld de la Warre’s 90 ton sailing Yacht alone, greatly pleased with her. Dickie w’d take 3 of my pills, took 1½ last evg no result. Tuesday 17 August Lin vy seedy indeed at 4 o’c & in pain from having taken 3 of my pills which he insisted on taking last night. Had to remain in bed until after lunch. V. seedy indeed all day. Poured in torrents. Went for drive with Tabs, called on Ricardos, out. Read to Dickie, seems better but looks so tired & seems so feeble feel most unhappy & anxious about him. Tabs & H. most kind. Roy, Gareth, Mervyn & self played bridge evg. Roy & I won. Wednesday 18 August Alternate fine & wet. Dear Lin seeming much better & went up to London by 12 train. In car to Sta. with H, Roy & Gareth who go for a golf day. Roy saw Lin off. Mad’lle Marconi arrived morg. Went for drive after lunch & rest to forest with Tabs with dogs. Zannie had operation morg, seems perfectly well. Walked with Tabs & dogs after tea. Mrs Sermon did not come to tea. Roy, boys & Mad’lle played Bridge. Tabs & self talked.



Thursday 19 August Slept well. Fine morning wet later. Mrs Sermon called looks just the same. Walked with Tabs after tea. & went in Car with her to New Forest. Ham, Roy & Mrs Hooper to Gosport to see yachts, they returned 9 o’c. Bridge evg. Friday 20 August Pouring wet day but sat out ½ hour morg on terrace with Tabs. Tabs, Mad’lle & 2 boys in car to Bournemouth. Walked along sands after tea with Tabbie. Bridge evg. Roy & H. out all day. Saturday 21 August Lovely morg. I fetched Dickie 10 to 4 looked much better & seems better. Tabs & self then on to Lady Maud Hooper’s. Pouring wet. Met Lady Malmsbury pretty fair woman. Mrs Massey & a niece of Lady Maud’s amusing. Walked with Lin & Tabs along shore after changing into mackintoshes. Bridge evg, won first time being with Roy as partner. Sunday 22 August Lovely morg. Slept badly, but late. Lin, Roy & self sat facing sea. They both bathed & my sunshade rolled into sea, soaked thro’ but all right after. Ham to Church with the 2 boys first to Boscombe, too full, then to Christchurch Priory. Roy & Ham to Burton for golf. Lin & self to tea at Mrs Sermon’s, deadly dull house but wonderful collection of arms. Mrs Bellairs there. Found horse shoe on sands. Monday 23 August Good night. Neuralgia better. Letter fr. darling. Rainy, dull & cold. H, Lin & Roy were going for a day’s cruise! Fear impossible. Lin, Tabs & self to Bournemouth, Mercedes car. Drove awfully fast, near shave accident. Poured. Dickie seemed tired, believe fright hurt him. Walked along shore after. Bed early. Antoinette packed better, improving as maid vy much, & always attentive & nice. Tuesday 24 August Return fr. Tabbie’s. Beastly day, rained v. heavily & dark. Came up by 3.35, changed Southampton Water, drunken sailor party! Roy dined out, Dickie & I alone. Enjoyed dinner, had no tea! & lunch at 1 o’c. Dined 8.15 & bed early. Dear Lin bothered about Cooks, & wrote letters after dinner.



Wednesday 25 August Darling Maud came 11.15 & went to Cooks with me Kensington. Sent flowers & brought orange studded with cloves, delicious. So glad to see her, lunched with us, & Roy in to lunch, he left after for Harold Messels, Gloucestershire, & darling had to meet Lennie at Frank’s, city, 3.30. Dickie went off directly after lunch to Cooks, will go by bus, makes me nervous. Antoinette & I unpacked, Marie out. Bed early. Thursday 27 August Packed with Marie most comfortably morg, put away evg dresses with Antoinette. Decided to travel in brown coat & skirt. All ready comfortably. Friday 27 August Finished packing comfortably with Marie. To Bank, Barkers. Ethel Sharp at Staf. Ter. on return with masses of hats fr. Woollands fr. darling, alas none would do! Dear Lin finished work at 8, in drawing room by 9 o’c! All most comfortably settled & maids all most helpful & kind. Bed early. Taxie anxious to help also. Saturday 28 August D.V. Lin & self go to Homburg for 3 weeks. Left with Marie by 10 o’c Staf. Ter. Met Mr W. Hartree Vic. Sta. Glorious day. Met Cap. Dixon at Dover, crossed in “Empress”, met “Four Feathers” Mr Mason on board, introduced by Lin. Comfortable cabin. Marie & I lunched fr. E’s provisions. V.calm passage. Lin lunched bouffet (sic), v. hurried, one couple left behind. Excellent dinner Hotel Belle Vue but odd people vy. Sunday 29 August Awful night. Music Hall op. our rooms & processional bands with light procession could scarcely get any sleep, & awakened at 4 o’c by carts for the market line under Music hall. Carts with 4 dogs & donkeys made an awful row had never heard anything like it starting fr. 4 o’c A.M. I got no rest, Lin out early, breakfast in room. Pd bill etc. Train cram’d every place 4 Germans same carriage. Good luncheon with fees 15.50 marks. 5 each & Marie 2. Hotel Dom Cologne, op. Cathedral. Most excellent dinner, nice room facing Cathedral. Vy fine city, clear air. Monday 30 August Left Cologne excellent Hotel Dom 12.26. Drove round town 5f, went to Cathedral. Carriage to self, lunch train, bad. Lost beauty of Rhine by rain. Ar. Homberg 4.20, tea in our room. Went to see Doctor, Sanatorium. Lin to take baths Sanatorium, not to get up early, & water. Weird 52


dinner/supper! Bad table service. Bed early. Strap stolen fr. Marie’s basket. Lin to take Elizabeth-water morg. & carbonic acid bath. Tuesday 31 August Marie fetched our Elizabeth water, most effectual with me. Called on Mr Causton. Dr. called 12 o’c. Bad night. Breakfast in our room, tea & coffee. Both Elizabeth water morg, Marie fetched it. Effective twice. Lin had bath. Carbonic acid bath 3.50, 50 man. Sat with Lin all time in room, well arranged. Excellent luncheon, plenty, rest after, out 4. Band Kursaal & walked after to Ludwig (illeg) took my glass & gave Lin tea & toast & walked back. Sat on balcony at tea house. Dinner. Early bed. Lin gave me in all £6.18.0 & 11 marks. Lin changed his slides in a dark room lent. Wednesday 1 September V. cold, dull. Lin much better. Self feel sick tho’ both slept well. Troops passed. Lin photod. Called at 11 at Victoria Hotel saw vy nice bedroom sitting room for 12.50 a day tout compris, lovely reception rooms, lounge & garden. Then to Cooks & gardens. Heavy lunch but Lin & self only took fish which I left, horrid & chicken & salad & compote. Lin slept 2 hrs & I rested till 4. To Kursaal heard band. Met Mr Causton who walked us to Golf club with his cycle. Lin had tea, I too sick to touch anything. Introduced us to Mr Plowden, Col. Critchley & 2 Germans. Mr P. vy nice, all play golf. Could eat no dinner, horribly sick & bed directly after. Either fatigue or chill or beastly sour german wine. Lin did his photos again after dinner, changed slides. Thursday 2 September Slept well. Feel better but side feels v. weak & achey. Lin to Bath, Marie with him to take ticket 2 mks 25 pf. man ½ mk early. Had tea & roll. Remained in bed morg & feel better. Dr B. came. Lin better had his bath 2.25 mks 50 pf. Man says muscles stomach v. weak. Had chicken & potatoes & soup in room. Got up 3.30. Marie went for Lin’s fresh medicine. Lin to be rontgen rayed at 6 o’c at Doctor’s. Lin slept 2 hrs after lunch. We went out at 20 to 5, listened to Band. Had tea in tea place Louis Strasse. To Doctor’s, says dear Lin’s heart vy poor. Supper our room after. Colder, Lin not sleepy. Shall go with him (illeg) to see improvement in time here. Friday 3 September Toula’s birthday. Remained in bed till 9.30 feel tired but both slept well. Lin late to Bath & had to pay 3.25. He met Mr Causten. I had my first bath & walked down (illeg) Stras alone. Remained in after until luncheon. Interview with Proprietor. V. expensive here but hope to make 53


arrangements. Luncheon. Rest. Sat out Kursaal in sun, splendid band. To Golf club after where had tea 1.40 poor. Much better supper, grilled fish, cutlets & stewed pears. To Kursaal all lighted up with red lanterns. Marie bought us (illeg). Met Mr C. who took us thro’ old Gambling rooms (illeg illeg). Saturday 4 September Mr Wagge called, they leave today. Glorious morg vy cold. Both slept well. Lin had bath Hotel, 2, making 3 with mine yesterday. The Town Council kindly pass us without paying as Lin is a press man! Morg. to Library read discovery of North Pole by Mr Cooke American, both poles disc. this year! Lunch, awful noise court yd whilst resting. V. angry, saw Pro. about it, & saw rooms above. Odd man in top hat doing chimney with long string & brush. India rubber (illeg). Walked to Elizabeth (illeg). Band there. Tea 1.80. Lovely avenue & tea place portico & columns white. Changed place at dinner near window & (illeg) self. Ordered dinner. Vy little but better. Sat our room after. Sunday 5 September Heavy rain during night & much wind. Rested longer. Lin bath 2.25, man 50, lift 30. Dull & sun alternately. Slept well, feel less tired. Out 11.30. Sat with Lin facing Kaiserhof Hotel, Kursaal Gds. Awful lunch 1½ hrs over 2 things, dreadful. Rested after. Sat listening to Band. Shower. American chatterbox. Walked to to Club, tea there again, Chatterbox there. Mr Plowden & Mr Causten called here, were out. Second special day meal. Lin bought cigars 1.5, tea 1.80, water ten pf. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 6 September Lovely day, slept well but tired & side much swollen. Marie’s cold no better. Out whilst Lin had his bath, 2.25, man 50, ditto 30 (illeg) 1 hr. To Cooks about trains Calais. Saw ap’t on Ritters Pk, vy poor. Dr came. Lin better but not to stoop for boots or anything on ground. Lovely day, warmer. To see pompiers after rest, bosh. Saw crowd children in gardens facing Kursal & 2 dummy figures carried along. Lin had tea Kursal 1 mark. To Ritter Pk for my Ludwig wasser, felt awfully bad. To Golf Club & leaving was 4 times ill among bushes! Walked home & to bed, felt v. bad indeed. Had bouillon in bed. Lin to Vic Hotel, saw Mr Causten, Sir F. Cawley & another gentleman & his son, they walked back with him. Tuesday 7 September Slept well but feel achey & seedy, certain over fatigue. Lin & Marie to Saalburg 10.30. No bath today except L. at Hotel. Fine day. Got up at 11 o’c & wrote. Feel better again but shakey. Food so bad. After lunch 54


rested. Lin enjoyed seeing old Roman camp, castle built on site. After rest to hear band Kursal, to tea Bauer 1 mark & to Club. Saw Mr Causten & Mr Plowden in distance playing golf & Gen. Crutchley. Took Ludwig later & home. Poor dinner & fruit bad. Wednesday 8 September Lin has to have baths 3 days running, 19 minutes. Fine morg. Lin bath 17 mts 2.25, man 50, cigars 1.50 tea 1.30, inhalation 60. Stamps 40. Went morg. to Bank changed £10 got 20.35 for pound. Saw rooms at Ritters Park Hotel 14 marks 2 rooms! One sitting bed room tout comprit (sic). Beautiful sitting rooms & lounges & gardens. Lunch. Rest. Rain but went to tea shop full. Saw our General with 2 smart women. To Inhalation after. Lin had to sit in room in white dressing gown over his coat for ½ an hour in what looked like a dense white fog. (illeg illeg). My Ludwig after & back for dinner, good tonight, sole & chicken & fruit & nuts. Thursday 9 September Fine early. Bath 3 mks, stamps 10 pf, tea club 1.60, inhalation 70, water 10pf. Mr Causten called & Lin & I sat with him in Inn Kursal & looked at his photos. Lin vy done up with Bath 15 minutes, felt numbness. Fair lunch, v. little. Sat Kursal listening band, walked to Club, saw Mr Plowden. Gen Allen! Mysterious man. Saw Princesse Dol(illeg) Baron V. Mark. Lin inhalation & awful dinner, (illeg) underdone veal, wet fish nothing else. Friday 10 September Slept well. Lovely morg v. much warmer. The wooden house for Sunday’s burning charming quite a fine gateway & flowers in windows & on either side of doorway, lovely. To Market with Lin & Town gates. Left Lin photoing & sat in beautiful R.C. church. Bought 3 things for chicks 8.80, hat pins 4 marks, stamps 1.20. Doctor came just as we were lunching, but left. At 3.45 to listen band Kursal & to (illeg) Bauer, saw Mr Causten there. He left us hotel to play tennis. Dr came 5.30. Lin to take medicine again & bath tomorrow. To Golf club to pay subscription 20 mks. Saw Baron V. Mark, took water & home. Lin seemed more tired, stood about all morg. photoing market etc, v. silent. Letters fr. Maud & Roy. Pd hall porter 3 mks. Heard of Mr Harriman’s death, Railway king. American stocks will fall to ooo’. Saturday 11 September Lin had bath 12 mks, 2.25 & 50 pfs. Washing 4.60. Marie 50 pfs, Lin’s cigars 1.50, tea 1.25, water 10 pf. Lin’s inhalation 60. Stamped letter 25 pfs. Mr Causten called & took our photos. Lin read papers Kurhaus, he 55


seeming vy weak & complains of toothache. At 4 o’clock to hear Band Ritters Pk. Had tea white colonade Mr Plowden came & talked. Lin had inhalation. I walked to Hill behind Baths & saw Zeppelin III distinctly & people moving in her. Fetched Dickie had water & fed duck & dined, everyone gone to Frankfurt for Dirigible balloon Exhibition. Sunday 12 September Lin not well. Lovely day. Great commotion about fête Firemen. All town decorated & gardens with lanterns. Processions with bands, 4 or 6 Bands & 1200 men all in uniform & music all day long & processions, flags, banners & decorated carriages with old gentlemen, big dinner at Kursal & fireworks to mark burning of Wooden House. Met Mr & Mrs Waggett. To Club & introduced to Prince Albert by Mr W. Tea there. Saw Mr C. often. To Kursal after dinner saw fireworks & splendid band. Gay scene. Great crowds. Monday 13 September Dull. Slept badly. To Frankfurt by 11.53. Saw Zeppelin starting & great crowd but missed seeing it rise fr. ground. Another large white Drigible near it. Wonderful sight. Took carriage for hour & drove to Römer House in old Market Place, beautiful old gabled building. Fine statue Germania & Bismark. Opera House. Play House. Good lunch Frankfurter Hof. Pouring rain. Museum shut! Ret’d by 3 train. Lin vy nervous & irritable made me feel quite seedy. Tea at Bauer. Mr Causton came during our absence, asked us to lunch with him & Prince Albert at Vic House & came again evening & sat some time. Tuesday 14 September Lin still seedy & tired, & vy quiet, feel combined baths too much for him. Doctor came 12.30. Lin had his bath carbonic acid as usual, told Doctor who wanted to give him more, he altered his medicine to drops, 20 in water 3 times daily. To take bath tomorrow & Friday only. Out alone to seek presents. Vy poor choice. Lin & I sat listened to band, changed £10 at Bank & pd bill £13.10.20. To club, tea, saw Mr Plowden. Took my Ludwig w. & Mr Causten came after dinner. He had been to buy present for his wife Frankfurt. Rainy & dull day. Wednesday 15 September Slept well. Lin had Bath. Again out shops, no sweets. Lin & self lunched at Victoria Hotel with Mr Causton & Mr Plowden, excellent lunch. Both Lin & Mr C. took photos of our table. After they went to play Bridge with Prince at Villa Carlotta. Lin & self listened to Band at Kursal Hall, splendid. To tea Bauer met Mr C. again. To enquire price of ribbon & 56


diamond buckles £100, 200mks!!! Ridiculous! To drink water & Lin shot 10 charges at Schloss Halle. To Kursal Band after, met Mr C. & Miss Crutchley & 2 sisters. Tops after, Mr C. won 2nd prize. Saw Gen. Crutchley & 2 fine children. Thursday 16 September Alternate fine & dull. To Bank changed £10 circular note & £1 separate. Washing 3.50, postcards 1 mk, 1.20 stamps. Shop’d morg. Lin alone photoing & in a great state perspiration when we sat reading rooms. Gave Lin milk & brandy on return. Mr Causton came, took our photos in room. Walked in to tea at Club 5 o’clock. Sat heard band Kursal then to Club, found tables all spread out grounds & Mr & Mrs Gardener (Consul) Gen. Allen, Gen. Crutchley, Mrs Gibbs & her lovely girl of 13 & Eton boy, Miss Crutchley, Prince Albert & selves, Mr Plowden who left early. Delightful afternoon. Some left early for Opera Frankfurt. Lin & self walked home with Gen. Crutchley. Gen. Allen gave dinner Ritters Pk Hotel to Mr Causton, Gen. Crutchley, gardeners & Prince Albert. We had quiet peaceful evg. here. Lin v. cheery. Friday 17 September Mr Causton leaves by 1.17 train today, shall greatly miss him. Left a small buttonhole of fake roses to be put on his table. Prince Albert sent a white cauliflower with blue velvet ribbon & Miss Crutchley a rose buttonhole. Morg I changed gold & chose umbrella for Maud. Bought 2 hat pins. After lunch listened to Band & had tea with Mrs Crutchley, Miss Mary Lee, dau. of American General. Bought umbrella for Maudie, 32 marks. Hat pins 4 mks. To Kursal after dinner, met Miss Crutchley & Miss Lee & saw dancing after concert. Saturday 18 September Nicola Walker’s wed. day, Christ Church Lancaster, Coburg Court Hotel after. Dull, wet. Lin bought walking stick 27 mks & 2 cigar cutters for Roy & Lennie. I got umbrella for Maud 32 mks & 4 mks hat pins. Changed £10 & £2. Lin pd doctor £6. Edgar writes for £20 for Geoff, Ada refusing to join us in his expences. To leave pamphlet at Miss Lees. To hear Band Elizabeth’s (illeg). No band. Tea under cover Kursal. Early to bed. Vy tired. Horrid day. Sunday 19 September Beastly day. Pd Barrabas his bill £12. Grasping lot of people at Belle Vue. Left by 1.17, conveyance of selves & luggage to station only 3 minutes walk 6 marks, iniquitable! Travelled in same carriage with Gen. Allen, vy pleasant, reminds me of Edgar & Ham Fletcher’s dear face 57


when he smiles & vy humourous. Vy stern & sarcastic otherwise. Horrid room Hotel Dom, terribly noisy. Good dinner bad wine. Bed directly after. Monday 20 September No sleep. Awful noise with (illeg) outside Hotel all night. Lin up at 4 o’c regular turn out in consequence of bad wine, so woke me & got no sleep at all. Good eggs & breakfast in room. Up & dressed by 6.30. Awful bother with luggage registering at Station on ac’t of our free passes fr. Calais (illeg) it to Victoria as our Calais tickets only went to Calais & Lin had the other passes. Vy nice French gentleman Dr Simon fr. Siberia in our compartment showed us wonderful photos of majestic mountains in Siberia, also S. Russia as beautiful as Switzerland, much about mines. Good crossing, calm, & most comfortable journey fr. Dover to Vic. No trouble luggage. Roy met us & we dined together. V. fine, new moon, & wished! Beastly lunch in train, glad to get back to home food. Darling M. flowers & telegram. All well. Bed early. Tuesday 21 September Both slept well & late. Roy looking well & enjoyed his visits to Midge, Tabs & Harold M’s. Rested till 11.30. M. unpacked. My room looks vy nice & clean with its new white paint. Must get carpet. Curtains also been cleaned. E. & An’t look v. well. Lin rested before tea & slept in Roy’s room & had tea in mine. Fear stairs try him. In all day. Spoke to Maud by telephone. Wednesday 22 September Little Linley goes to school first time. Lovely day slept well & warm. Greatly afraid Lin already feels stairs & standing about in that beastly little hut over his photos. He rested after luncheon & slept in Roy’s room until tea which we had in my room. I went to Bank morg & ordered rolls for Lin’s breakfast each day. Looked over basement fairly well done but looks nice & clean now. Roy dined with Tabby& went to see Mr Guthrie’s play “Brass bottle”. Lin’s motor broke down ret’g fr. Punch dinner tyre burst, but home early. Antoinette out. Thursday 23 September Dull morg. Both slept well. Dickie looks more puffy than he did at Homberg, stairs I believe. Wretched morg. v. dark for his studies. Model failed & Antoinette stood to him. He looked v. tired after his rest at tea in my room & at dinner. Roy dined with us. To bed early. Electric light went out suddenly as I was getting into my bath, lucky not whilst Lin at work. Tummy ache on & off all day! (illeg) no doubt. Wish A’tte c’d be 58


more thorough in her work, she scampers thro’ it & does not take time enough. (page pinned in) Gave Antoinette 24th Sep 1909 2 slop cloths, 2 large red striped basin cloths. Friday 24 September Glorious morg. Packed with Marie & read to Lin. Read Mr Balfour’s speech on Tariff Reform. Letter fr. Edgar about sending Geoff Con. £20 each Edgar Midge & self on his exchange of regiment fr. Irish Fusiliers to 3rd Skinners Horse. Also fr. Tabbie laid up sting fr. wasp on foot. Lin full of Brighton or Ramsgate scheme for winter. Bed early. Lin finished 10 o’c. Saturday 25 September Good night. Dull morg. Heavy rain. Dear Lin looks better than I dared expect after his work. Put all my letters & papers away & key of drawing room front window console in blue box on my toilet table. Came to Balcombe by 4.30. Met Gen Strachey, v.amusing. Darling Maud & Roy & little Oliver as “Cupid” & Anne met us at door. Large party. Mrs Gibson, Harold & Nonie, Edie Sismey, Maud Paxton. Played poker after dinner. Bed late! Sunday 26 September Last Sunday at this pretty church, new clergyman comes next Sunday. Good night. Lin’s neck & head soaking with perspiration when he woke at 20 to 8 o’c. Rubbed him with eau de Cologne. He was too late last night. Had good hours sleep on my sofa whilst I dressed after his breakfast. Had a short walk together, he seemed so feeble. Lunch & he again rested in my room till tea. Mr & Miss Hodgson, Mabel Beaumont & Mr & Mrs Cooper called tea. Lennie fished & got 4 (illeg) with Mr H. Booth. Short walk with Lin & dinner & eternal songs!!! & late to bed. Harold amusing at dinner. Monday 27 September Dear Lin up twice at 6 o’c. Vy upset poor dear, able to manage for him, no one about, & he slept after. Gt Exodus. Harold, wife & Mr Gibson left. Fine morg. Darling little Linley’s first letter fr. school. Vy happy & illustrations over letter! Walked morg & afternoon with Lin, seems better but still weak. Lennie awfully rude before dinner. Seemed tired & (illeg), pity! Mr & Mrs Mead dined here, pianola. To Haywards Heath in car with Lin & Edie & Maud P. Maudie called in carriage at Lady Frederick’s.



Tuesday 28 September Dull, wet. Slept well. Lin seems little better. Dr Parker came to see him, ordered teaspoonful arrowroot in a little water & milk (illeg) for internal derangement. Lin up early twice & vy upset. Arrowroot most effective. Lennie less tired & cheerful evg, had a good day. West Af. Mines jumped 25. Lin’s Millars K.over par. He delighted. Walked afternoon with Maud Edie & Lin. Pianola evg. Lin’s medicine arrived. Wednesday 29 September Good night. Fancy Lin bothered by letter fr. O.S., seems nervous. Pouring wet day. Lin up by 12 train, I saw him off. Wish he were stronger & hate his going alone. Mad’lle J. here lunch, & a lady to teach in Maud’s class needlework 12 girls. My darling gave me some lovely silk for evg. dress & beautiful collar. Lin a purse bag much needed, dear Roy letter & telegram. Maudie’s working class 14 girls & teacher came, had tea dining room. (extra page inserted) Miss Fitzroy came to tea. Vy interesting girls’ work copying Spanish embroideries. 2 cripples amongst them. We sat in conservatory room, they had tea in dining room. The village nurse comes also, a nice little woman & my darling sits with them, a vy happy little assembly, & good must come of it. Miss Hughes came by 4.30 train & Mr Kenyon, a curiosity collector who sells. Tall, fine, but effeminate young man, to stay night. Looked thro’ Lennie’s things. I saw Lin off at Sta, pouring in torrents. Hate his going alone. Bed 11.15. Thursday 30 September Lin writes he is going to do 2 drawings for Almanack, he ought not to do any! Spoke to Roy telephone, thought Lin all right, & was dining with him. Edie S. Miss Hughes, Maud & self for lovely run in Motor thro’ Bolney, Cowfield & (blank). Left Maud at Miss Douglas Pennant’s for tea. Mr Howard (Mrs H. Booth’s father) had tea with us & we met Maud after returning. Lennie’s new pianola came & he played it all evg. 10.30 bed. Friday 1 October Fine generally. Lovely evg. To Brighton in Motor with Maud & Miss Hughes to see house, 32 Cromwell Rd, far too steep stairs & long way fr. Sta. No good. Saw rooms King’s Hotel, not impressed badly constructed building near Bedford Hotel. Tea & walk into town. Edie Sismay left by 11 train. Mr Reid, Lennie’s handsome subaltern came for night. Poker, lost 2/-. Bed 11.30. V. tired. Letter fr. Lin seems fairly well & cheerful. M. had letter fr. O. Seaman who thinks Lin looking much better.



Sunday 2 October Roy had Mr Pollock to dine with him Staf. Fine & warmer. For walk morg. along New Road by Kitchen garden with Miss Hughes & dogs. Broke out into perspiration & felt v. tired after. Walked too fast, better after lying down on sofa. Ottie & Capt Loring came for week end, bright cheery man. Ottie v. yellow & depressed. Lennie played & M. & self did puzzles. Bed 11 o’c. Fetched Lin fr. station, seems fairly well & more cheerful. Mrs Worsley, & Mr & Mrs Martineau came with her. Sunday 3 October Very dark dull rainy day. Maud with Cap. L. to Slaugham Church to see Lennie with his reg’t. Read & worked & wrote morg. After luncheon Lennie & Cap. L. to fish in Lake, no luck. After rest Lin & self walked to Lake, v. v. dirty. Pleasant evg. Quiet evg. Ottie looks vy depressed & yellow. Cap’t Loring vy nice bright little man. My darling looks tired, wish she w’d rest one hour in day. Monday 4 October Heavy dull day, roads terrible. In all morg took papers to drain diggers. Dickie at work on Almanack under difficulties wish he w’d give up outside work, feel it is too much for him. Cap’t & Ottie Loring left in Motor at 3 o’c. Miss Hughes left at 12 o’c. Quiet evg. Lin & self for walk in spite of rain. He looked v. tired, think drive w’d do him more good. X. Miss Fitzroy & Miss Douglas Pennent to tea & to see Maud’s needlework. Pleasant day. Lennie tired but very amiable. Tuesday 5 October Dull heavy & warm. Lin breathed rather heavily during night but seems fairly well morg. Wretched day as regards weather. Read to Lin “Women of all ages” by E. R(illeg) morg. Darling busy turning out blouses afternoon, gave me 3 charming ones but she tires herself dreadfully. We had a drive after tea, rained. Lennie late, dined 8 o’c. Miss Fitzroy dined here. V. bright & cheery & interested in Lennie’s lovely things. He gave her a lovely fan. Left late 11.20. Bed 12 o’c. Wednesday 6 October Glorious morg. Lennie seedy in bed, not surprised after 2 v. long days in city. Sat with Lin, read all morg. Lennie down for luncheon looks seedy. Lin, Maud & self in Motor to Three Bridges. Dickie looks better but hate this extra Almanack work which is too much for him. After leaving him Maud & I went to see dear little Linley at Font Hill School, charming place so homey & exquisitely situated on v. high ground. Saw his bedroom, his shelf for books in schoolroom. Gymnasium splendid, 61


cricket pitch & football g’d. & swimming bath with dead vermin & 3 fat frogs floating in it. 1 Sanatorium. Vy nice masters, Mr Radcliffe head, & tea. Linley boy a little bit sad at times but seems happy there. Vy nice Matron dressed as Hospital nurse. Lennie unable to dine with M. & self & went to bed 9.30, M. & self at 10 o’c. Thursday 7 October Lovely morg, slept well. Lennie better going to City, unwise! Maud & I lunched at Mrs Worsley’s. V. blowey but went in Victoria. Charming place overlooking down. A deaf lady visitor called “Tonie” fr. Oxfordshire v. nice, & governess & little girl. Saw farm, & Swiss arrangements for drying butter, excellent. Quiet evg. alone. Lennie better. Friday 8 October Lovely day. To Brighton alone after houses. Antoinette to Sta. with me. Saw 34 Lansdowne Place, vy nice, clean, £4.4.0 a week. 2 sitting & 3 or 4 bedrooms, afraid of stairs. To 6 Oriental Place also clean & v. dear & narrow St. Princes Hotel lovely room & dressing room. Hotel rather far out & in an awful state of muddle, repairs. £12 a week for us all, Lin. Roy & self & maid. Awful taste red drawing room. Norfolk Hotel too prohibative & Kings seems most likely, none quite what I want. Cab 5/-, fares 3/3 second class. Antoinette post 7d.. Mr Stuart Reid dined here & Poker after, bed ¼ p. 11 & not in bed till 12. Rested on return fr. B. & had tea in my room. Darling looks so tired, had her needle class & Mrs Oxley & sis. to tea. She will do too much. Lennie gave me £14 he had made on S.E. for me. Saturday 9 October Lovely morg. Slept well. Sat out on new terrace in sun. Lennie at home all day chop’g trees & fishing. We all rested & darling needed it most. I met Lin who seemed cheerful by 4.30. Gladys Crozier arrived early before lunch & Mr & Mrs Brownlow, she dainty little fair woman, a well bred woman. Mr B. opened Maud’s eyes about Roy & hope solid results therefrom. Darling w’d move heaven & earth for us. Sunday 10 October Slept well. Lin looks better, gave him a soda mint last night, complained of indigestion, seems relieved. Wonder whether Maud may be able to help dear Roy. Mr Brownlow told her the M’s ought & could put a great deal in his way, & they do nothing for him & everyone knows it on S.E. Roy being always blamed for no fault of his own. Am v. grateful to Mr B. for opening my darling’s eyes. Wet dull day, but had a little walk with Lin before lunch. They all went to Nymans after for walk. Lin & self 62


rem’d & had walk with Anne & O. & Fraulein. All ret’d to tea, rested dined & played roulette. Mrs Brownlow related & is niece to the Thorneycroft Platts who were so devoted to Maud. How strange! Monday 11 October Raining morg. Lovely Hungarian dovecote came for Anne fr. Germany we think fr. the dear Fraulein. Went for drive with Lin after tea, seemed vy depressed & tired, better later. Poured with rain. Called at Ldy Fitzroy’s she gave me cloth to show to Maud, both look wonderfully well. Mr H. Booth came for night. Played poker & Lin won 10/-. Meeting to which Lennie, Mr H. Booth & Maudie went for memorial to Canon Meade. Tuesday 12 October Dull heavy day. Maud & Gladys Crozier go up to London by Motor. Antoinette packed. Lennie & Mr Hayworth Booth up early train. Lin worked & I read to him, great excitement about his room his things being taken into West room instead of East room. All soon altered but felt v. seedy for a while, his getting so excited over things frightens & unnerves me. Went for lovely drive with Lin to Haywards Heath. Bought Strand & papers. Oliver out with Mrs Parsons. Bed early. Sat in Lennie’s smoking room after dinner. Wednesday 13 October Pouring in torrents & gale blowing had bad night. Vy anxious about Lin. Seemed worlds better lately & greatly interested in his Strand magazine in train. Came up to London by 12.12. Mad’lle at Maud’s for day. Lovely in London. Lunched Staf. Ter. rested after whilst Antoinette unpacked. All looks bright & nice but one misses silver. Emma & Marie have made 2 charming bedspreads fr. curtains I bought fr. dear Mother. Darling dined with me 8 o’c, cozy evg together. Sat with Roy whilst he dressed. He seems in good spirits. He dines with Harold & Nonie & goes to play with them. Thursday 14 October Lovely bright morg, colder. Lin coughed a great deal last night & I slept vy badly feeling anxious. Lin seems better this morg, says he feels better than at Balcombe! Sure something wrong there as no one seems well for long there except self! Maudie sent Motor 11.30, Black as footman! Called Coburg Hotel, Midge out. To Maud saw her fitted with two lovely dresses. Read to Lin afternoon & Roy dined with us. Bed early. Odd uric acid gone entirely, must be Balcombe water & too many good things there! 63


Friday 15 October Dull, rainy. I lunched at Coburg with Midge, Ethel Mervyn also. Talked much over Tabbie’s change of religion. H. F. still v. angry. Saw Lady M. Watney, Vernon, Rosalind & Mr Wallop, who are evidently staying at Coburg. Had Taxie there 2/-, cab home 1/8. Ordered 2 tins of biscuits at Barkers for tea. Canon Pennyfather & Eva Bosanquet to tea. Read to Lin after. Silver in drawing room looks v. nice (illeg) & plants needed. Dickie finished 9.30. Darling thing seemed tired. Saturday 16 October Very dull. Dickie did not cough, second good night for him, has taken a little bicarbonate of soda in water after dinner both nights & am sure it has corrected acidity. Slept badly no doubt having to think after having nothing to do for so long! Lin out to lunch & in at 5 for tea, seemed v. tired & lay on my bed for ½ hr resting. Roy dined out, v. anxious about the Dad. I shop’d morg & called after on Lady Mead & Mrs Spofforth, both out. Marie read to me an hour. Bed early. Darling called & saw Lin when I was out. Sunday 17 October X. Mr & Mrs Allen & Midge & H. dine with us at 8. Beastly day. Slept badly & Lin awake during night but did not disturb me, weather or having to think cause! as I have slept so well at Balcombe. Lin coughed good deal. Too wet to go out morg. Lovely afternoon. Dora came looking v. handsome & taller! But so affected & not the dear bright Dora of old. Had tea here & Miss Rose Innes came, talked v. loud & tired me muchly the dear little soul. Allens v. agreable especially him. H’s expression not softening with age. Midge looked v. handsome. Monday 18 October Slept badly, Lin restless. Big medical dinner Lin invited. Beasly day, dull close & damp. Went out morg shops, met Mr G. Keith, Mrs Devonshire who sent me on Lady Cardigan’s book, shocking an old lady c’d publish such stories but it greatly amused Lin when at work! Met Dr O. looking much older. To bank, had £45 transferred to Lin’s account. X. Homburg expences. My darling came loaded as usual with all sorts of lovely things, looks tired. She & Lennie go to Scotland tonight. She came in motor on her way up fr. Balcombe. Roy dines with them tonight. X. Sold my 7 Harrods Ord. shrs at 4½, £31.18.9. Lin dined at public dinner. Antoinette out. Marie read to me after dinner, Emma v. heavy cold & toothache.



Tuesday 19 October Out morg shop’g. Slept badly, dear Lin so restless. Walked in gardens, met Ethel Fisher-Dilke. Read to Lin before & after lunch. Saw Benions yesterday about (illeg). Fanny & May Nembhard, Miss Innes & Lady Mead came to tea. Lady M. v. frail. Gladys C. dined with us. (paper pinned to page) 12 jars Quince jelly, 6 Quince preserve, 6 Blackberry jelly, 8 Apricot preserve. Wednesday 20 October X. Roy sold my £200 in Louisville & Nash for 15(illeg) Total £314.6.6. Dull & raining. V. bad night & felt so sick during night. Lin was not still one moment, fear will be ill again if bad nights continue, feel utter wreck again in nerves. Letter fr. Edgar & roses fr. Midge for our wedding day. Edgar came to tea looks v. well. Lin sent off first Almanack drawing before lunch & rested after. Letter fr. darling Maud. Roy dined out. Rained all day. Lin seemed brighter & talked to Edgar. Marie out. Thursday 21 October Miss Rose Innes tea, & Mrs Mivart 13 Staf. Terrace, forgot both! Terribly careless. Slept in Antoinette’s bed old maids room & had a far better night & feel refreshed. Lin does not seem well, so breathless & yet says he was better at P.dinner. I took om. to Bond St saw nothing in dress line I care for. Met Fanny Barker, Mary, & Margery Howlden at Browns. On to my Albemarle Club. Wrote to Maud there, most luxurious & clean. Ordered 3 Comice pears Barkers. Put away my 4 best evg dresses with Marie in drawing room, read to Dickie. Lin v. tired & white at dinner, Roy & v. self anxious. Roy dined at home, feel so sorry for him poor boy as its so sad for him, one of us always seedy. Friday 22 October Slept in our room. Lin did not smoke & coughed much less & we both had better night. Fine but no sun after early morg. Shop’d Kensington. Read morg. & afternoon to Dickie who seems to be getting on well with drawing, Lamb as Budget & Lloyd George hauling it over to Butcher Lord to be killed! Beautiful drawing. Read Lady Jeune’s book, vy well written and interesting. Also a little of “Beau Sabreur” by Marshall Genet about Königsmark. Roy in early after dance. Lin finished 9.15! Saturday 23 October Fair night, woke often. Lin quieter, has not smoked for 2 days. After lunch in taxie to see “Don” Haymarket. All strangers but excellently acted & charming piece, enjoyed it v. much. Lady Monkton in op. box. Home in 4 wheeler, more restful! Bought fruit at Butts. Roy dined with 65


us. Lin seemed v. tired & eat little. Bed early. Asked Dr Beauchamp to call tomorrow. Sunday 24 October Slept badly. Lin started his old cough. This yesterday, Did not smoke. Mr Silver & Fanny & Mary Barker dine here. Dr B. called 10 o’c, coming again at 12. Glorious morg. Roy out luncheon. Unable to go out on ac’t Dr B. & Lin busy with last Almanack drawing. Did flowers. House looks so charming in sunshine, shall hate leaving it again. Major Welman & Mervyn & Ethel called late rather. Lin with me for tea. Vy pleasant evg but Lin coughed greatly, he slept 1½ hrs after lunch & needed the rest. In all day. Glorious morg. but v. windy. Monday 25 October Lady Keyes up fr. Hampton Court for day with her dau. Hope they will come to tea. Edgar & Sophy dine with us tonight. Lovely morning. Another v. bad night, dear Lin awfully seedy with cough. Met Spencer & went for a walk, & he ret’d to luncheon here. V. anxious about Lin. Lin started sour milk tabloids. Mr Kerr called. Read to Lin. E. & S. look wonderfully well. Roy dined at home. Lin’s cough most troublesome. Fire in our room. Tuesday 26 October Asked Effie to luncheon, can’t come. Restless night but better than last. Dear Lin coughed a great deal all day causing breathlessness. Working on 2nd Almanack drawing. Read a little to him but my throat vy painful. Using pomogranate of potash constantly. Lady Keyes, Mrs Minivart & Alice Linley to tea, former still distinguished looking, beau. figure. Dr Beauchamp came to see Lin, slight temp. Made him go to bed & have his dinner there. Says his heart v. weak fr. cough & he cannot sleep. Vy unhappy as he needs it so much. Wednesday 27 October I have tea with Major Welman at his Club 4.30 sharp. Cannot go. Wretched night, Lin no rest, my throat v, painful. Fire in my room. Roy greatly distressed about Dickie. Lin cannot do work this week. Pouring & blowing hard. Dr Beauchamp came. Wants us to get off at once, going Saty 30th . Telephoned Hotel “Kings”. Upton to Bouverie St, easy subject & Lin panting to do it, will decide tomorrow morg. Raven Hill calls 10 o’c.



Thursday 28 October Effie to lunch. Put her off. Lin v. seedy indeed, will do week’s drawing. Mr Raven Hill called 10 o’c to see if Lin w’d do it. Subject Guy Fawkes at H. of Lords, footman taken fr. dear Con & Guy F. fr. Lin as Frans Hals. Beautiful drawing. Wretched day. In all day. Roy packing & to Club after, dined at home & went by night mail to Scotland. Vy unhappy about Lin who looked worn out & coughed v. much, but loves doing his work. Nothing relieved cough until early Friday morning. Edgar came at 5.30 & sat some time with me in morg. room. Covered up drawing room with Antoinette. Friday 29 October Wretched night. Lin coughed incessantly, took 2 Bromide doses but got no sleep till 5 o’c. Continuance of gale & rain, windows & doors creaking. Unionist ret’d for Bermondsey, Mr Dumphreys!!! Lin worked & I read after packing with Marie, so many medicines etc to remember. Hope shall forget nothing. Head feels so bad after so many broken nights. Marie helped me to pack but so doleful, wish Antoinette had done it. Pity Marie gives way so much to (illeg) as she is so capable & good when not in one of her moods. Saturday 30 October Maudie caught salmon 17 lbs. Very clever of her fr. boat! She & Lennie leave Melrose tonight for Lancaster Gate. Taking Antoinette as Marie foolish. Hope to go to Kings Hotel Brighton today. Left by 3.40. Edgar met us Victoria. Lin vy weak & cough troublesome, it exhausts him. Perfectly wretched day & rained. Comfortable journey & very comfortable Hotel. Had tea in Hall, vy cozy & Lin seemed pleased. Our room very nice, large, 2 sofas & 2 arm chairs, dressing room, fire & most cozy. Mrs Evans proprietoress came & talked to us after dinner in dining room. Gt admiration of Lin’s work & Punch. Sunday 31 October Perfectly wretched day. Fair night, we woke 3 times but slept fairly well after. Put mustard leaves on Lin one chest & left shoulder. Slept better after. In all morg. V. comfortable room overlooking sea, alas no sun. Darling Maud & Lennie returned by night mail fr. Melrose. Motored fr. Lancaster Gate to Balcombe & Maudie came on here 4.30. had tea with us in our room. After lunch walked on parade & Lin completely exhausted, must not walk! Maudie laden with presents as usual fruit & flowers. V. anxious about dear Lin he seems so weak & very breathless after dinner, came up at 9.30. Contreville(?) 1, soda 1. Small dinner.



Lunched finished last night’s contreville(?), Lin brandy. Ordered best Hollands. Monday 1 November Letter fr. Midge, sunshine at Bedstone, none here! White thick fog. Horrid day. Slept fairly well woke 3 times & put dear Lin one mustard leaf on chest 12.30 & another on left shoulder 3.30. His breathing so laboured first part of night, easier after. Having Lin’s Homberg tonic made up, don’t believe in Dr Beauchamp’s. Darling Maud coming over for the day, arrived at 11.30 with Dr Parker who says Lin has slight bronchial trouble right side, hence difficulty breathing. To take fresh medicine & not to go out in damp. Hopeful. He seems vy weak still. Maudie remained to lunch & tea. Darling child full of thought & decision & loaded with all sorts of things!!! as usual. She read to Dickie & cheered him up, he gets so depressed. Tuesday 2 November Only fair night. Glorious sunny day & v. warm. Took Lin out in Bath chair for 1½ hrs. Roy came in time for luncheon. Lin vy breathless & coughed a great deal. He would go out again in Bath chair at 4 o’c for half an hour. Roy to Metropole whilst we rested. Had H’s second partridge. Lin had sandwiches for dinner. Roy travelled last night fr. Galbraiths, arrived in London this morning. Wednesday 3 November No fire. Only fair night, Lin so breathless & wheezie. Barringer telephoned fr. Lancaster Gate to my room! Answered him when at breakfast. How strange it seems & I c’d hear him as distinctly as if he were in next room. White fog here, raining in London. Lin seems little better, gave him no milk 11 o’c! Enjoyed his luncheon of roast pheasant & Roy too. I immediately after had Bath chair & took him for an hr. on Parade with Roy. Tea in drawing room after & rest in our room after that. Cough again troublesome. News of Mr Frith’s death yesterday morg, 3 o’c. Only ill 2 days, in 91st year. Thursday 4 November Lovely day. Fair night, slept after 1.30. Lin coughed dreadfully after dinner last evg & until 1 o’c night. Two mustard leaves back & front. Took Lin morg in Chair with Roy to Pier, listened to 4th Royal Irish Dragoons (Douglas’ Reg’t) band. Cold wind overcast later. Pheasant for lunch. Out in chair for 1½ hrs along parade after. V. tired. Met Gen. Strachy. Lin c’d not rest for cough but seems better in himself. Maud at



telephone about doctor for Lin. Lin vy angry but Roy & I feel it necessary, making no progress. Friday 5 November Glorious morg. Only fair night. Lin coughed incessantly. 2 mustard leaves again. Slept later. Went at 11.30 with Lin in Bath chair part of way along Parade & returned in case Maud arriving. Roy with Lin. Maudie came to luncheon. Alas! had finished our roast pheasant! After lunch in Car along front to extreme end of Kings Town. Deplorable numbers of houses to let! W’d not hire these these if home & income provided free! Deadly absolutely. Antoinette completely lost her head, pity she so flighty, would be a real treasure if more steady & thoughtful & tidy. Roy & I played Poker patience after dinner. Lin coughed great deal. Saturday 6 November Another glorious morg. Bad night until 1 o’c but Lin seems really better & stronger in himself. Another fog in London. My darling off to Bristol to see Nana, too much for her. Out morg. with Lin bath chair & Roy, saw Norman Forbes Robertson & Mr Morley, too tired to see houses as hoped. Out again after lunch. Lin very breathless & worn out. Paid bill £15.9.8, week. Moved into another room, higher up. Antoinette got grapes & medicines. Sunday 7 November Vy bad night, dear Lin very breathless & sat up nearly all night, coughing & laboured breathing. Went for walk along Parade, Lin in Bath chair, & Roy. Maud & Lennie with Dr Kingscote arrived 12.30. Dr K. thoroughly examined Lin & he is to undergo treatment in London entirely different. They all 6 lunched & had tea here. Dr K. most hopeful, & we are to leave here tomorrow for home, telephoned Emma. Roy left for home with Dr K. 5 o’c, darling & Lennie in car at 4.30 for Balcombe. Lin taken by surprise, did not dare tell him, glad after. Met Sir John & Lady Hare morg. on Parade. Lin deadly sleepy nearly fell off chair at dinner. Monday 8 November We leave by 1.20 train for home. Pd bill £5.0.0 & £1.10.0 fees. Glorious morg & all ready in time. Lin out at 11 till 12.30 in Bath chair, lunched 12.30, one of Maud’s pheasants, milk pudding. Darling met us at Brighton with Barringer & chair for Lin, came up in Pullman. Roy met us Victoria. Maud’s carriage brought us home & she had ordered hot milk & her house maid was here helping, the house looked beautiful & most cozy & fires everywhere. Lin vy exhausted after journey. Darling read to him. Dr Kingscote & Mr Green (assistant) came 5 o’c. Lin had first 69


administration of Oxygen & seemed much better for a time & enjoyed his dinner. Darling remained until late. Lin vy exhausted coming up after heavy sleep in morg. room & c’d not sleep until late. Roy dined out & stays at Maud’s. Tuesday 9 November Home & bad night, but Lin seems better & brighter, breakfast in our room. Emma v. bad cold. Mr Green comes at 10.30 to administer 2nd Oxygen, & exercises. Lin has to be left entirely alone on bed for an hour after & he hates it, being left alone, & is terribly nervous. I went for drive in darling’s carriage with Ellie Ritchie for an hour. Maudie remained with Lin, & all day until past 11 PM. Roy came to dinner. Dr Kingscote came 5 o’c, & Mr Green for second time for Lin’s oxygen & exercises again, he hates being alone after. I sat with him whilst he had dinner, is v. depressed & difficile & feel my own nerves (illeg) after so many bad nights. He slept after dinner starting new digestive medicine, 5 drops in water. The dear children left at 11 PM where Roy sleeps. Gave them old Champagne at dinner they needed it. Wednesday 10 November Rather better night. Lin slept 3 or 4 hrs together. Bright morning, he seems slightly better but dreadfully put out about grapes not arriving by 7.30, got them 8.30 all right. Had interview with Mr P. Agnew. Vy trying & anxious & fear ungenerous, so afraid of saying what was right & wise, so difficult. Maudie here all day & she & Roy dined with us. Maudie great comfort. In all day. Nurse here for night but I slept with Lin. Thursday 11 November Bad night, feel v. worn, dear Lin slept so little. Nurse came in early. Lin looks better colour in spite of bad night. Maudie arrived & sent me & Gladys Crozier for a drive in Vic open carriage, vy cold wind. Ordered wine for Roy at Barkers. Lennie arrived from H. Langleys instead of going on to the Fletchers. He saw both Mr Green & Dr Kingscote who are pleased with Lin’s progress. Roy came & both he & Maud dined here, Maudie with Lin, she is marvellous & soothes him more than anyone & reads him to sleep. Lennie dined out. I had a rest whilst Maud read to Lin after luncheon. Had talk with Roy & wish so much of his happiness did not depend on the luxuries of life, dear Roy he would be so much happier. Friday 12 November Nurse slept in Lin’s room, he had a good sleep after dinner & Nurse rubbed his back & he had a fairly good night. Went in to see him 2 o’c when Nurse made him & herself tea. Lay awake 2 hrs then slept till 6 o’c 70


& at 6.30 went into Lin’s bed & had early (illeg). Maudie here all day. I had drive. My darling greatest comfort. Dear Roy comes every evg. Saturday 13 November Fair night. Thought Lennie & Maud dining with us tomorrow but they did not. Dear Lin restless & coughed more again, declared Bad Egg! at breakfast, great flatulentcy. Had a drive in Maud’s carriage, she remained with Lin & read to him & Lennie came & fetched Maud & all three went to see the “Whip”. Lin & I dined alone in Roy’s room. To Bank about 10 shrs in B.A.Western new issue, decided to buy 10 shrs 4% 1913. Sunday 14 November Dull, wretched night indigestion & coughed a great deal. I went in to see him 1.30 for second. Seemed vy weak after in bath. Maudie came to luncheon which she had with Lin in his room & read to him. We both sat afternoon with him but he c’d get no sleep. Mervyn came morg. saw him in Roy’s room, looks ill. Vy dear & sympathetic. Dear Roy came morg. Mr Green came & gave Lin oxygen after tea. Lin swallowed milk wrong way & made himself vy breathless. Lennie came & fetched Maudie at 6 o’c & Roy dined with Lin & me in Roy’s bedroom. Vy cozy & Lin seemed brighter. Taxie on sofa! by Lin’s side. Maudie & Lennie dined at Hylda Gibbs. To bed 10 o’c feel v. tired. Monday 15 November Bank clerk called shrs in B.A.Western gone up & must pay more. Vy bad night. Heard Lin coughing & much moving about but afraid to go in to him. Went at 7 o’c. Nurse said he had had v. little sleep but he seems stronger on his legs after his bath. Dull rainy, fine later. The King of Portugal arrives Windsor today. Gt preparations. I went to stores in M’s carriage got eau de Cologne. I walked down Row ret’g fr. Stores, met Dr O. Vy doleful. Maudie remained to dinner & read Lin off to sleep after, splendid. Dr Kingscote & Mr Green vy pleased with Lin’s progress in spite of sleeplessness. Ada Sp. called. Tuesday 16 November Much better night!!! Lin slept much better & coughed less. Had only sole & soufle & cream for dinner last evg. which we 3 had in Roy’s room. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Lovely morg & Lin looks much better. Pouring wet morg. Wrote in morg. room. Dr K. did not come. Dad seems much better. Roy dined with us in his bedroom. Lin bad indigestion. Maudie here all day but had to return for dinner Sir Hugh Lane dined with them.



Wednesday 17 November Bad night, dear Lin slept so little but got 3 hrs after 3 o’c. Fine early. Maudie sent carriage for me & I went to Bank about purchase of £100 B.A.Western 4% new issue 1902. Lennie bought me £400 in New York Telephoney Co 4½ %. Find I can do this & leave £90 to current ac’t fr house etc. Drove after to see King Manuel of Portugal arriving fr. Windsor, took darling Oliver & Fraulein, saw them pass, King M. & Prince of Wales & (blank) fr Park. O. delighted with royal arms over carriage & wishes he was the son of a King! Maudie here all day. Dr K. delighted with Lin! Certainly better, cut out pictures all afternoon & enjoyed lunch. Dr K. vy funny & amusing on silver! & we had lively talk over (illeg) jam & cream tea. Maud & L. dine out Mrs Leon’s, & Roy dines here. Marie out afternoon & evg. Roy dined here. Thursday 18 November Only fair night. Lin coughed & had much flatulentcy. Maudie came & stayed with Lin while I went to Harrods & then came back & fetched Lin!!! who went out in our brougham driven by Beach & Maudie’s horse. Drove Lin round Pk. for ½ hour. Vy weak & breathless. Maud, Lin & I lunched dining room together. Lin’s legs terribly swollen & he v. breathless. Roy out to dinner. No doctor today. Quiet evg alone. Lin’s legs v. swollen after his drive & breathless would sit with legs down. Slept after dinner a little. Friday 19 November 2 brace pheasants fr. Mr D’Arcy, 1 brace fr. Mr Corrie! Dear Lin had a much better night more restful & I too! Mr Green pleased with progress but must keep his legs up on ac’t of great swelling in ankles & legs. Fine & v. cold. Maudie took us out in her carriage for 1¼ hr round Park, & lunched with us. She left after tea to go to meet Lennie at Sir H. Laws & dined with Mrs A. Lewis. Roy away all day as he had a cold & afraid of Lin’s taking it. Dr Kingscote came evg stayed v. short time. V. pleased with Lin’s progress. Lin vy tired & uncomfortable but slept after dinner which we had alone. Saturday 20 November Lovely day, cold. Lin better night. No doctor came. Lin & I went went for an hour ¼ drive in Park, he seemed better but kept dozing off. Maudie lunched here & went after to Mr Brodie’s wedding, Miss Hart, at Claridges Hotel. Hylda Gibbs brought lovely plant in pretty china pot, vy kind. Wire fr Midge enquiring after Lin. He seems nervous & depressed, so afraid of not sleeping. Roy came to enquire, can’t dine afraid of his cold. Maudie dined here, not Roy on ac’t of his cold. Lennie Nymans. 72


Sunday 21 November Lovely morg. Dickie had bad night, heard him often during night & Nurse moving about. At 12 o’c he & I went in Maud’s carriage to Wimbledon Common, lovely drive by Roehampton Lane which he enjoyed v. much. Lennie at Nymans. Maudie lunched with us. Roy could not as he has a cold & afraid of Lin’s taking it. Several callers & enquiries. Lin had treatment 5 o’c & was vy seedy all afternoon with flatulentcy. Lennie fetched Maud & seemed depressed about Lin’s progress, Maud thinks taking too much & can’t digest it. Monday 22 November Lin had good night, 5 hrs sleep. Went for drive at 12 to Hampstead in Maud’s carriage, lively & greatly enjoyed it. Maud lunched here. Dr Kingscote came. Pleased progress but says stomach distended, too much food, Maud right. Vy uncomfortable after 2nd treatment & during dinner which he & I had alone in Roy’s room. Roy dined morg. room! Maud & Lennie dining out with Messels. Gt commotion over Ld. Lansdowne’s speech against Budget in H. of Lords. Tuesday 23 November Vy bad night starting new regime, no milk at night only Valentines meat juice & meat jelly, after treatment also. Slept vy badly self, heard Lin coughing & nurse moving about all night. Went to see about rest for Lin at Barkers & man in shop on hearing name said how long & much he admired Lin’s work. Maud took Lin & self in Motor to Richmond, Ham, Bushey, Hampton Court, Twickenham, Teddington & Kingston, Roehampton & Putney, Barnes, perfectly lovely & Lin loved it & came out of himself. Some sun. Enjoyed our lunch after. Lin v. tired after. Dr Kingscote came new Vibrating Treatment, legs much swollen & painful. Coming to see Lin at 11.30 tomorrow. Roy dined here in his room with Lin & self. Lin very breathless & uncomfortable all evg. Nurse came 10 to 10. Roy v. unhappy & anxious about Lin, sees no progress, cerainly v. bad day. All milk stop’d only Valentines meat juice & Brands Essence. Nurse Woods rather tired out with bad nights. Nellie Keith came & sat with me in Roy’s room for a little while. Wednesday 24 November Lovely day. V. cold. Good night. Dr Kingscote came 10.30 whilst Mr Green here. Maudie here also. Decided to have another opinion, Dr Goodhart great heart specialist & a day nurse. Lin took kindly to his day nurse. Dr K. came twice. Lin’s legs much less swollen being in bed all day. Maud & Roy dined with me dining room, Nurse with Lin. I v. tired



& nervy, long after bed all day. I went for short walk morg. Antoinette out afternoon & evg. Thursday 25 November Lin had much better night in spite of 3 hrs sleep during day yesterday. Sat with him after Mr Green left, v. restful & quiet. Darling came 12 o’c & remained till 7 o’c as Lennie has dinner party. Dr Goodheart came in consultation with Dr Kingscote 3 o’c. They were here long time. Lin v. nervous. Dr Goodheart confirmed all Dr K. had said, to lie up, vy little food & great care. Very serious, left hopeful. Roy came home 3.30. Maudie as usual doing all bless her, paying, writing, arranging & supplying our every want, so brave & good, a perfect marvel. Lin rested hour after treatment. Roy dined with Maud, & I alone in morg. room, & sat with Dickie whilst Nurse had hers. Thick fog, carriage w’d not take Nurse & Lin was on sofa awaiting his night nurse who did not arrive until 11 o’c! & Lin vy tired & nervy, consequently bad night, coughed a great deal. Friday 26 November Bad night. Lin coughed much & breathless. Dr K. came at 10 o’c & told me there was hope with care & that he felt confident. Dr Goodheart had nothing to suggest except the digestive pill they thought out together. Felt v. low but darling came & cheered me. Went for a little walk with Gladys in Kensington & ordered things for Lin & felt better. She would not remain to luncheon. Lin enjoyed his lunch & had an hour’s sleep whilst Maudie sat with him. Restless afternoon, & vy bad evening in great state of excitement over everything & Nurse Wood not here till 20 to 11 fretted him. 2 brace pheaants fr. Paul Foley, 2 brace fr. (blank). Saturday 27 November Account in all papers of dear Lin’s illness & telephone going all day long, & doorbell enquiries & paper reporters. Very bad night. Lin coughed incessantly until 5 o’c, felt wretched & c’d not sleep. Roy & Maud round early. Dr K. came early, both he & Mr Green say Lin’s pulse better, Dr K. v. hopeful. Herkomer wired reply paid. 2 brace of pheasants fr. Freddy Digby & 2 brace fr. Hamilton F. Went with Roy for hour round park morg. Rested after & slept felt v. unwell & my side feels painful. Changed Lin’s bed, Roy’s & ours in Roy’s room. Day nursery. Most restful & quiet. Marie superintended changing of beds at 9 o’c & man helped Upton. Lennie came & cheered Lin. Tried vibration. Roy dined here with me. Darling here all day till 7.30. Lin had better day. V. wakeful evg. & choaked over his Hollands badly. Vy weak after.



Sunday 28 November Lin slept badly. Walked morg. took Taxie. Maudie here all day. Lennie to Hampton Court with Sir Hugh Lane. Lin seems weak (continued on loose page) & restless. Many callers & telephone going. Lennie came in evg but tired Lin, so noisy & restless full of go & high spirits too much for Lin. Roy dined with me & very depressed as dear Lin’s legs were so swollen & his cough troublesome again. Feel v. anxious. Dr Kingscote came evg. Mr Owen Seaman came saw him seemed v. anxious & was most kind & sympathetic. Saw Dr K. & stayed some time, does not seem v. well himself. Monday 29 November Dear Lin coughed until 2 o’c this morg. then went to sleep. Looked v. pale when I went in to him at 9 o’c & Nurse had to wake him for his breakfast! Vy drowsy after & had good sleep of an hour afternoon. Went in Maudie’s car when she came to be with Lin at 11.30 for half hour in Park & we lunched together. Lin had roast pheasant & milk pudding & v. much less flatulentcy. Tabbie came & saw him for a moment, the first visitor he has seen. Mr Green says his pulse better & less tired this morning. Bernard Partridge & Mr Messel sent flowers. Roy came. Dr Kingscote came & is pleased. Tuesday 30 November Dear Lin had a good night & slept several hours peacefully & scarcely coughed at all. His breathing much easier. Passed a good deal of water. Real good news for my darling & dear Roy who both looked pale & worn yesterday. X. Great Historical Day. X. Lord Landsdown’s rejection of Budget & majority against it in H. of Lords. Many callers. Dr Kingscote did not come. Wednesday 1 December Lin had a rather bad night, not sleeping till past 1 o’c & coughed a great deal. Pouring wet day. Maudie here & I went in her carriage to Harrods, pair of chesnuts one new. Met Hilda Gibbs & Mrs Elvy(?) & husband. Dr Kingscote came & started new treatment in breathing. Gave pheasant to Mr Kean. Lin coughed after dinner a great deal. Roy came again late when carriage brought night nurse & took day nurse. Marie out. Thursday 2 December Spendid night, best since his illness. Bright & happier & taking interest in magazines. Sunny morg. Car 11.15 to Claridges. Hope Emma out afternoon stays. Missed Tabbie Claridges & she never came to luncheon as she promised but she & Hamilton came to tea. H. saw Lin, & Lennie 75


saw Lin when he fetched Maud. Too much in one day but he settled off quietly after. Roy dined with me. H. & Tabs left for Leweston so Roy c’d not dine with them. Friday 3 December Great gale during night. Next door chimney blown down. Dickie had another good night, his legs much better & swelling gone down. Seems better & sat up a little morg. & after down in chair with legs up & w’d not get into bed until after his tea. Went up by underground to Stores 10.30, bought goods £2.18.0. Maudie’s carriage fetched me 12.30. Found Lin cutting pictures on return, enjoyed his dinner. Dr K. came v. pleased with Lin. Maudie came after lunch & remained to dinner. Mr & Mrs Raven Hill called amongst many others. Saw them, most kind. Roy dining out. Saturday 4 December Vy wet night & early morg. Decided not to go out & sun came out. Dickie had good night but v. nervy & triste about a dry spot in his throat. V. nervous, trust no fresh complications. Left leg twisted v. much & he seems so depressed. Maudie came & dined with me & Roy dined out. Nurse thinks liver with Lin causing him depression. Sunday 5 December Lin had good night, but still very depressed & drowsy. Mr Green asked Dr K. to come as he feared the exercising was too much. Went to meet darling by Round Pond on her way here fr. church. Took Taxie. Dickie slept on & off & was terribly depressed. Dr K. came whilst Roy & I were at dinner & had my coffee. Said Lin’s liver was upset, hence depression. Darling here till 7.30. Lennie came on return fr. Balcombe & saw Lin. Roy dined with me. Vy tired & looked seedy. Monday 6 December Lin had fair night but never (illeg) get into his room. I slept v. badly. Went at 11.30 in Maud’s carriage to Aspreys. Chose various things to be sent on ap’l. Dickie seems better & more cheerful. Liver made him depressed. V. many callers. Dr Kingscote came, vy pleased with Lin’s progress. Maudie came 3.30 & Lin listened to her reading. Maud & Roy dine here. Tuesday 7 December Lin had good night & seems brighter. Damp cold morg. I woke at 4.30, slept v. little after. Nurse Braglands (day nurse’s last day) Had Maud’s carriage at 11.15 to Barkers, to Major Welman’s (70 Princes Gate) out. Paid bill 2/7 at Heads. Major Welman came to tea with Lin & stayed ½ 76


an hour. Maudie came afternoon, dining at Hohlers. Roy dined here. Maudie here after lunch. Wednesday 8 December Lin had good night. I slept better. Sunny morg. New Nurse (day). Dickie little vexed by change but trust will take to novelty. Maud sent carriage for me 11 o’c took night nurse to 104 & went on to meet Maud at her tailor’s & after to Wilson’s & saw her fitted. Back alone to lunch. Maudie came at 3.30 & Roy 6 o’c. He remained on to dinner. Dr K. came, vy pleased with Lin, altered yesterday his pill, no Monday. (illeg) instead of mercury. Thursday 9 December Lin had a fair night. Vy uncomfortable about his inside. My head ached v. much morg. Liver? Maud & self to be at 70 Princes Gate Mr Hambro’s house to meet Major Welman at 12 o’c. Major W. lunching here after. I walked first to Barkers for flowers & pears & trivet. Maud & I went in Car & saw over Mr Hambro’s house. V. beautiful but I do not envy it. Major W. lunched here & Mr Owen Seaman came for 15 minutes. Dear Lin was awfully bad after his dinner, seemed terrified about himself after sleeping frightened me dreadfully, thankful when night nurse came. Roy dined out. My darling left early. Felt wretched about Lin & do not care for day nurse. Friday 10 December Lin had good night. All v. quiet, woke & heard 3, 4, 5, 6 strike. Peeped at him twice sleeping peacefully but he was v. depressed on waking & had no appetite, seems morbid. Decided to have another day nurse. X. Spoke to Maud telephone 10 o’c & she is ordering or engaging another nurse. She stayed until past 7. Dr K. came, says Lin better, nerves unstrung. Roy dined with me alone. V. anxious about Lin. Like new nurse so far. Lin vexed she broke the bulb of his little lamp. Maud’s footman mended it at mains as all lights went out. (extra page) Dec 10 1909. 6 Glasscloths to Marie. 6 Stable rubbers to Upton. Saturday 11 December Lin had splendid night. Nurse came gave me Condal water 6 o’c, was awake. At ¼ to 12 in car to see Ethel Mervyn in new flat Templeton Place No 4, charming & prettily arranged. Saw her, fetched Maud who lunched but c’d only stay till 3, had to meet Lennie Kensington Museum. Lin good day brighter & wrote up his diary in ink. Tabs sent lovely white Turkey, have now 10 pheasants 1 hare & this. Lennie & Maud came to



tea. Roy here twice. Lennie, Maud & Roy to some play so Roy did not dine here. Sunday 12 December Lin has had a splendid night, best he has yet had, & he looks better. Weather horrid so dark & east wind. Walked after Mr Green came to Mrs Keith’s with Taxie, stayed ½ an hour with her, looks wonderfully well, & no sign of age 77! Lin rather tired, sat up all afternoon. Mr Rooth called, saw him, not Lin as too tired. Maudie in bed all day with cold miss her v. much. Lennie came for ½ an hour thinks Lin much better. Roy dined here. Hare for dinner. Monday 13 December Felt v. tired & hurt Lin being so irritable with me always but due to his form of illness so they say. Thankful he had a far better night & slept well. Went at 11.30 in Maudie’s carriage to Aspreys, got Lennie’s present £1.5.0 & to School of Art needle work & got caddy fitted for paper for darling £2, & pears & oranges for Lin, Barkers. Sent white heather Maud who still has sore throat & in bed till dinner. Dr K. came. V. pleased with Lin’s progress, walked about his room today & asked for pyjama trousers! Roy dined with me looked thro’ cards & photos. Several callers. Had good rest afternoon & feel better, like Day Nurse better. Tuesday 14 December Maudie’s cold butter pot still here. Lin had good night. I felt seedy rather. Had carriage 11.15, shop’d. Muddle about P. Agnew’s calling, tomorrow not today. Clara Bergheim came. Went morg. to see Mrs Reed at Lady Critchett’s, brave good little woman, example for me to follow! Mr R. in bed, their little boy better. Saw Sir A.C. Lin better & v. irritable. Roy dined with me. Wednesday 15 December Mrs P. Agnew came to tea with Lin 4 o’c. Slept badly but late morg. so feel none the worse. Lin good night & seems better & dressed fully. V. tiresome after. I had M’s motor & started for Maples, too crowded, got A’s present instead. Pears, comice, glass jug 9½ & changed cheque £5. Brace pheasants fr. Hamilton Langley. Marie out afternoon & evg. Roy dines out. Dr Kingscote came. V. pleased with Lin & Mr Agnew had tea with him. Mr Raven Hill came & I saw him, others called. Mrs Weld Blundell.



Thursday 16 December Lin had good night, so did I. V. cold. Took (illeg) pill last night! Had carriage at 11.15 & went to Maples about beds. Saw man after here, Mr North, advised our keeping ours. Nellie K. came to tea & sat with Lin. Roy went to see Dr Kingscote, says he is to give up smoking & taking wine or spirits for a fortnight, enlarged stomach. Must go for treatment every day. Friday 17 December Sir Earle Richards comes to tea with Lin. King of Belgians died. Lin good night, I also. The chicks go to Balcombe today. I went for walk round Pond & to Barkers, took back tools wrong for Marie. Sir E.R. came looks younger than ever. Dr K. came. V. pleased with Lin, to move into my room now during day. Ethel came evg. 6 o’c. Maudie & chicks to Balcombe, did not see her on ac’t of her cold. X. Saturday 18 December Announcement of Sir Arthur Trendell’s death, great shock to Lin. We were speaking of him yesterday. Lin had a bath in his room! X. Event, & is coming in to Roy’s room today. I called & left cards at Lady Trendell. V. sudden & unexpected. Had carriage & went to Mervyn’s, both lunching at Claridges with Tabbie & H. Saw Mervyn. To Mrs Adlam’s after, saw her, & to fetch box of flowers fr. Balcombe, Victoria. Barkers. Only Miss Brown & Desirée Welby called, saw both. Dickie lunched in Roy’s room. Great scramble to get Lin’s room ½ cleaned even windows only half done when Lin returned to be shaved at 2.30 & slept till 4 o’c after. He said he felt much better after. Roy dined at home & left ¼ to 10 to return Lancaster Gate & on to supper with Mr Stern. Don’t feel I can get on with letters or Xmas presents head so tired & side aches. Sunday 19 December Lin good night. Lovely morg. Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon. Having Tabbie’s white turkey for luncheon! Overdone. Walked to enquire after Sylvia L. Davies, charming house, still in bed. Saw her nice nurse, & enquired for Mrs Vicat Cole. Ethel & Mervyn to luncheon. Read after to Lin & he enjoyed it. Crispe’s (illeg). Spencer & Mr Bernard Partridge came. Lin loved seeing them. Roy dining at home. Mr Routh came, Mr Owen Seaman. Monday 20 December Lovely morg. Lin good night. Walked morg Kens, saw Mrs Mackenzie, Tuer, Roger Wallace etc. Rested. Lin enjoyed his lunch. Darling Maud came fr. Balcombe & stayed till 6.30. Dr K. came, v. pleased, & Mr 79


Butler, v. fat face! Nice to talk to. Roy came on way to some dinner. Lin saw Mr Butler. Tuesday 21 December Mr W. Hartree 3 o’c. Good night Lin. Went out Barkers, grapes, stamps, sent 2 French books to Toula, met Mrs Mackenzie, Tuer & others. Thick yellow fog. Lin lunched in Roy’s room & enjoyed it. Got Lin a cheap writing pad Barkers, quite pleased with it. Mr Hartree, Ham & Tabbie, Effie Con, Mr Cole & my darling came with some lovely flowers, she does not look well. Roy dines with me. Sent Maud’s presents by her. Mr Conrad Cooke, The Pines, Langland Gds Hampstead. Wednesday 22 December Lin good night. I woke several times with noise of storm & gale blowing. Horrid day steamy & warm like a fog up staircase. In all day arranged 3 presents Mrs Pirie, Florence & Nana’s. Lin to drawing room for lunch, awful fright, he fell off his chair in trying to rise & knocked over lamp & flowers, thankful no worse. I had an hour’s rest badly needed feel side aching. Mr Conrad Cooke, Dr Kingscote, Mr Lucas who is to have our cob Janette until Lin wants her. My darling came with dear little Linley much grown. Tea drawing room, muddle. Lovely bunch of flowers fr. Mrs Messel. Thursday 23 December Lin to drawing room to lunch, came up at 3.30. Bad night, Lin good night. Out 11 with Taxie so could do no shop’g. Gt commotion morg. over Dickie’s breakfast. Mr Owen Seaman called before luncheon, saw Lin. Ethel Mervyn came to tea. Edie called morg & brought me 2 pretty presents fr. herself & Herbert. My darling came to tea. Roy came at 7 o’c for few moments. Friday 24 December Bad night. Lin good night. Out 11 shop’g & took div. of £6 New York Telephone & 7/- (?) Sons of Gualia to Bank. My darling came to luncheon loaded as usual with presents etc etc etc. She had to leave at 4 for Balcombe. Dr Kingscote came. Ellie Ritchie called. Roy dined here. Saturday 25 December Lin had best night he has yet had. I only fair night woke often & c’d not sleep after 5.30. Lovely day. Morg Edie & Herbert came & Roy. Went for walk with them. Called to enquire after Sylvia. Taxie with us so c’ not go in. Dickie in drawing room for luncheon, looks much better. Johnny & Clara Bergheim & Mr Royle came to tea. Sir Norman Lockyer called. 80


Ethel & Mervyn & Roy dined here, we sat alternately with Lin. Looks so tired evg, wish he would go to bed earlier. Mr Alan Cole comes for silver. Sunday 26 December Lovely morg. Lin slept well, I fairly. Awful commotion in drawing room water pouring down satin curtains near piano, Lin in great state. Marie screwed up taps in Co & it gradually stop’d. but Lin put himself in great state & nurse v. frightened. Roy round early. I walked & enquired after Sylvia. She looked lovely in bed & well. Roy complained of top floor dust rather unreasonable just home. Mr A.Cole came to tea. Cheered Lin, dear contented man tho’ v. poor. Roy dined here. Monday 27 December Mr Alan Cole came yesterday. Warm. Lin good night but looks v. tired & worn this morg. Wish he would rest longer before his bath 8.30 & go to bed before 11 o’c evg. Out morg. with Taxie met Mr Caldecott, Mr L. Bradbury & Mrs Devonshire. Roy came round morg. I called Mrs Sington’s. Dickie lunched in drawing room. I put few Lin’s things tidy on desk in his room. Rested & had little sleep. Evie Fisher-Rowe came & sat with Lin. Roy dined out. Marie mended Electric light drawing room but we had mishap with the one near fireplace, must be seen to tomorrow early. Tuesday 28 December Sir Isador Spielmann coming & Edie to tea. Out morg at 11.15 Maud’s carriage, to Stores ordered chicken, & Barkers. Sir I.S. came to tea & Edie. We did a little at Lin’s desk after. Dr Kingscote came morg with his 2 dogs & made a mess in dining room! V. pleased about Lin. Mr Green came twice. Roy dined here. Wedneday 29 December Lin out for 1st drive since he was obliged to go to bed weeks ago on a’c’t legs swelling. Lovely morg & good night. Nurse Reid went with us in Maud’s carriage, brougham pair & two men! Round Park for 50 minutes. We 3 lunched together on return. Dickie far more himself, enjoyed his lunch, roast mutton & apple & milk pudding. Marie out. Nash’s man came Dixon about water drip’g in drawing room. Also Electric light mended drawing room, Marie’s accident, & the mended lights went wrong!!! Mr Raven Hill came & had tea with Lin. Dr Messel called. Mr Nash about our new brass bedsteads. Mr Causten sent for photos. Mr Green came only once.



Thursday 30 December Dickie v. good night. Tired himself doing photos marking the backs of old ones! Maud arrived early & went for drive round Park with Lin & me at 12 o’c. & lunched & left by the 4.40 for Balcombe! & seems better. Only Mr Marriott & Gladys at Balcombe. Dickie slept on & off in carriage, v. tired after. Mr Townsend came & Lin coughed so he left soon. Roy dined here after all, & I had let Antoinette go out, tiresome tho’ glad to have him. Mr Green came 5 o’c says Lin tired. Friday 31 December Lin did not sleep so well. We went for drive in Maud’s carriage at 12, closed. Lin slept on & off all the while. Dr Kingscote came at 4 o’c, had tea with Lin & long talk. V. pleased with Lin & he is to walk tomorrow once up Staf. Ter. & we are to go D.V. to Ramsgate in a fortnight! Mrs Gibson came & had cheery talk, Dr K. saw her. Roy dines with Mr Stern. Mr Green came once.

Invested during 1909

£ 374

Received from Trust

£ 413. 5.8

Received from saved money

£ 443. 9.3

But of this last Lennie made me on S.E. £ 52 Received from trust 1907 Private ac’t Total 1907 Including spec by Lennie £ 34

£ 413.11.10 315.18.10 £ 729.10.8

Received from Trust 1908 Private ac’t Total 1908

£ 424. 4.5 347.15.8 £772. 0.1

Received from Trust 1909 Received from Private money Of this last Lennie made me £52

£ 413. 5.8 £ 443. 9.3 £ 856.14.11

At last put by much hard saving & Heaven alone knows what self sacrifice enough to bring in as much as my beloved Father left me. Thank God. Lin need not worry about work now.



Received from Trust 1909 January Argentine Gt Western Antofagasta Cent. Uraguay January

19. 0. 0 6.13. 0 23.15. 0 £ 49. 8. 0

February Local Loans Great Western of Brazil Peebles February

5. 5 8.10. 0 23.10. 3 £ 52. 5. 8

March Cordoba R. April

£ 19. 0. 0

Brit. North Atlantic S. Coy 21. 7. 6 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Cent. 19. 8. 5 April £ 41. 1. 4

May June


Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley

Antofagasta Cent. Uraguay Argt Gt. Western Local Loans

23.10.10 21.17. £ 45. 7.10 6.12. 5 23.12.11 18.18. 4 5. 5 £ 49. 9. 1


Peebles pd in July 23. 8. 3 Great W. of Brazil 28. 7. 6 August £ 51.15. 9


Cordoba Rosario


Brit. North Atlantic 21. 7. 6 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Central 19. 5. 7 October £ 40.18. 6

£ 18.16.8



Nov Dec

Lehigh Valley Canadian Pacific

21.12. 0 23. 1.10 £ 45. 2.10

Received from Private ac’t 1909 January

Cent. Argentine 1.18. 0 B. A. Pacific 4. 5. 6 ditto 1.16. 0 ditto 8. 8 B.A.Western 4% debs 4. 5.11 B.A. Gt Southern debs 7.12. 0 Chinese 6% 1895 2.17.0 Japanese 4% 1905 1.18.0 ditto 4½ 1902 4. 5. 6 New York Cent 1. 4. 6 January £ 31. 1. 1


From Lennie’s spec 5. 0 .0 Robinson’s gold 10.13. 9 Spec by Lennie 7.10. 0 From sale of 10 allotted £10 shrs B.A.Gt Southern 1912 3. 2. 0 B.A. Pacific 13. 4 Gt Eastern Rly 13.11. 3 City B.A.Trams 9. 6 Hull & Barnsley 5. 4. 6 Louisville & Nashville 4.15. 2 Furniss Rly 9. 6 February £ 41. 9. 0


Lennie’s spec 11. 0. 0 Sons of Gualia 3. 9 Midland Railway 7. 4. 0 Waihi Gold 17.12. 0 P & O Steamship Coy 4.19. 4 Harrods 1. 6. 9 Cuban 5% 12. 4. 4 Chinese 4 ½ 2. 2. 9 Messel spec 3. 2. 6 84


Japan 5% Glasgow & S.W. Rly March April

2. 7. 6 2. 1.11 £ 54. 4. 8

Cordoba Rly 1.18. 0 Brazil (Lloyd) 2. 7. 6 Barker 1. 3 New York Central Rly 1. 4. 6 B.A. Gt Southern Rly 28.17.3 April £ 34. 8. 6


Waihi 11. 8. 0 From Lennie. Placed £29 on deposit 16/8 to current ac’t 29.16. 8 Cent. Argentine 19. 0.11 B.A. Pacific Rly 4. 4. 2 City B.A. Trams 16. 6 May £ 65. 6. 3


Waihi Gold Sons of Gualia Nat Rd Mexico Int. deposit June

11. 8. 0 5. 0 4. 6. 7 6. 0 £ 16. 5. 7

Invested during 1909 Start year 1909 with £ 105. 7. 6 but owe Bank £50 of this. Feby 6th paid off Bank 50. 0. 0 February

Cent Argt call £ 10 shrs fully paid (1) invested February

15. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 £ 45. 0. 0

March April

Placed on deposit 100. 0. 0 Cent Argt call 25. 0. 0 Lin’s cheque for expences his half Ramsgate on deposit 25. 0 . 0 (2) invested April £ 150. 0. 0


From Lennie 20th May fr. Fanti spec placed on deposit 85


(3) invested June

29. 0. 0

These (3) invested in 60 shrs at 3¼ Arg. July 15th . Invested 60 shs Argentine Southern Land shares at 3¼, £ 195. 0. 0 Stamp fee 1. 2. 6 com 1. 0 Total £ 196. 3. 6 October 18th Sold by L. Messel & Co my 7 Harrods ord. shares at 4½ Capital to reinvest £ 31.18. 9 Sold by Messel my 10 Louisville & Nashville Rly stock t £ 157 ¾ Sold 19th Oct Total £ 314. 6. 6 Remaining with messrs L. Messel until re-invested. Put on deposit Oct. (illeg) £ 50. 0. 0 Bought Monday 15th November 10 £10 shrs in Buenos Ayres Western 4% 1912 issue, new becomes ordinary in 1912 at 18/- premium. Bought with sale of Louisville & Harrods shrs, namely £ 346. 5. 0 & adding remainder £400 New York Telephone bought by L. Messel & Co for (blank) Nov 17th at 2¼ premium. Received fr. Trust Receipts fr. Private Start year with £(blank) £50 of this borrowed fr.Bank. £ s d £ s d January 49. 8. 0 January 31. 1. 1 February 52. 5. 8 41. 9. 0 March 19. 0. 0 54. 4. 8 April 41. 1. 4 34. 8. 6 May 65. 6. 3 June 45. 7.10 16. 5. 7 July 49. 9. 1 38.10.6 August 51.15. 9 9.17.9 Sep 18.16. 8 41.10.4 Oct 40.18. 6 55. 6. 8 November 42.16.11 42.16.11 Dec 45. 2.10 18.12. 0 £ 413. 5. 8 £ 443. 9. 3



Total from both January £ 80. 9. 1 February 93.14. 8 March 73. 4. 3 April 75. 9.10 May 65. 6. 3 June 61.13. 5 July 81.19. 7 August 61. 3. 6 September 60. 7. 0 October 96. 5. 2 November 42.16.8 December 63.14.10 Total £ 856. 4. 3 £50 made me by Lennie during these 6 months Sept, another spec fr. Lennie £ 14.19.0 Spent on dress & expences etc January 20. 2. 5 Feb 9.14. 0 March 12.16.10 April x 66.15. 3 x Hotel heavy May 17.14. 3 June 9. 9. 3 July 39. 8. 8 August 54.10. 7 Sept 28.15.11 Oct 74. 3. 6 Nov 28. 3. 2 Dec 27. 1. 8 £ 388.15. 7 Invested 1909 January Feby 95. 0. 0 March April 150. 0. 0 May 29. 0. 0 June July August Sep Oct

on deposit



Nov Dec Trust 1908 Jan 49.13. 5 Feb 52. 0. 3 Mar 19. 0. 0 April 41. 1.10 May June 45.13. 0 July 49.13. 5 Aug 53. 0. 3 Sep 19. 0. 0 Oct 41. 2. 4 Nov Dec 55.11. 2 £ 424.15. 8

Private 1908 33. 2. 1 29. 5. 2 37.17.5 53.19.10 4.13. 8 12. 7. 0 33.16. 9 19. 7. 5 31.11.11 39. 6.11 25. 9. 6 27. 0. 0 £ 347.17.8

Received from Trust & Private act & fr. Lennie together 1908 £ s d Jan 82.15. 6 Feby 81. 5. 5 March 56. 1. 8 April 95. 1. 8 May 4.13.8 June 58. 0. 0 July 83.10.2 Aug 71. 7. 8 Sept 50.11.11 Oct 80. 9. 3 Nov 25. 9. 6 Dec 82.11. 2 Total £ 773. 3. 4 Spent 1908 Jan £ 41. 4. 1 Feby 8.14. 8 March 95. 2. 8 April 12.19. 4 May June 18.10. 8 July 59.18. 4 Aug 9.15. 8

Invested 1908 New Yk Cent

107. 1. 6

B.A.Pacific 25. 0. 0 allotted 150. 0. 0 balance due 9. 8. 5 new B.A. Pacific 130. 0. 0



Sept Oct Nov Dec

21. 9. 6 15.15. 8 4.11. 6 10. 2. 2 (blank)

10 shrs Louisville & Nashville 237.10. 0 (borrowed £50 for this) new cent Arg Rly

10. 0. 0 £ 668.19.11

Start 1909 with debt of £ 50 owing to London & County Bank & of the £ 668.19.1 invested £ 100 was fr. deposit of £ 50 borrowed 1907, so only £ 550.19.1 really invested.

Addresses Gladys Crozier, 9 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale Toula, 33 Hill St. 3863 Gerard Effie C, 10 Fernshaw Mansions, Fernshaw Rd Sir Earle Richards, Western 4897 Geoff Blair, Khad Cottage, Simla, S.W.India Mrs Allen Cole, 6 Netherton Grove, Fulham Rd, S.W. Lady Boyle, Oakham, Hurst Green, Sussex Day Nurse rec’d by Lady Bergne, 87Abingdon Rd, Kensington Mrs John Walter, 30 Courtfield Gds, S. Kens. Mrs Tate, 14 Park St, W. Telephone numbers Effie, 39 Queensbury Ter. Telephone 2939 Western Maud, Lancaster Gate, Ours, Toula, 33 Hill St 3863 Gerard. Things to remember abroad. Sheets buttoned over eiderdown. Big square thick instead of underblanket made from 2 or 3 thicknesses of old counterpanes. Electric sweeper Gen Allen in speaking of a second marriage said “It is the triumph of Hope over experience.” I’m 29, I’m 29, I filled myself with beer & wine & asked old Johnson’s wife to dine & sent a lying line to mine.” Dr Kingscote! Old paper & waste paper: Phillips, Mills 7 Co, Bridge Wharfe, 1 Wellington Rd, Battersea. Telephone 1069 Battersea. 89


Millie (illeg) Tassel, Enderfield, Chislehurst, Kent Ottie Loring, Court House, Rusper, Sussex. Kate Bower, 74 Yeldham Rd, Hammersmith. Mrs C. Manners (illeg) Bright, Campfield House nr Leith Hill, Dorking. Mad. asked a policeman “I want to go to Brompton Rd. “Well why don’t you, I won’t prevent you.” Yashmack: the covering over forehead of Egyptians. To ask dinner: Currie, Causton, Roshaugh, Villiers, Darling, Sylvia, Critchetts, Welby, Beale, H. Messels, Dr Messel, Lady Self, Lockyer, Allen Cole, Ld H(illeg), Braunstein, Orchardson, Johnson Ferguson, Joseph Farquharson, Mrs Fagan


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