Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1910

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MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Notes in front of diary: Good stories: during Election Jan, a man amongst audience began shouting at speaker “Rot”, not getting his attention he shouted “Pig, Pig”. The speaker at last exasperated said “Will the gentleman who keeps shouting his name kindly sit down.” Miss Neave told me a poor woman got into an omnibus followed by a little boy who had a chamber! on his head stuck on it & a Glengarry cap on the top of it. The woman addressing the people on Omnibus said pointing to the boy’s head “That’s what comes of playing at soldiers & putting on is ‘ed what ort to be under the bed” & as each fresh person got into omnibus she repeated this. On reaching St George’s Hospital she took the boy by the handle of porcelain & said “And now we’ve come ‘ere to ‘ave it ‘acked off!” Ld K(illeg) story “Is your master in?” He is Sir. “Can I see him?” Man servant, “You can Sir. “Can I go up to him?” You can Sir. “Can he come down to me?” He cannot Sir! “Why if I can go up to him cannot he come down to me?” He’s dead Sir! Small child taken by father to see Buckingham Palace & crowd collected just after the death of King Edward VII. Seeing all blinds down asked why. Father explained because the King had died there. “Then had not he a good doctor?” Mrs du Maurier’s grandson of 4 having smashed a water bottle in a passion when visiting her was told to tell his Grannie. He went to her & said “I’m sorry to say I broke the water bottle in my room, meaning to!” Little Oliver, 6, after seeing boy scouts & hearing their goal of one good action a day etc said “I am a Scout & am going to do a kind action today” Who to? “To myself.” In large brown dress box No 1 with Antoinette, May 1910. Great fur coat Fur cap Seal skin cape Mole set & hat Sable set Brown velvet skirt & bodice Blk velvet skirt bodice & cape. Top. Green cloth skirt bodice & coat. Brown tailor made skirt & coat Man hailed cab “Drive me to Hill St”. “What number sir?” “ Oh I’ve forgotten the number but you’ll see it on the door!” G. Boehm. Mr E. Vowel died. Friend to another, “Do you see the Vowel is dead?” “Arn’t you glad it isn’t you or I?” Canon May. Latin inscription on tomb in old churchyard, translation “The fisher had fallen into the Dead Sea.” His name was Fisher. Canon May.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Saturday 1 January Private View Old masters, Academy. Lin had good night. Nurse Wood gave me cup of tea at 6.30, my thermos bottle failing for 3rd time. Woke at 4 o’c with horrid ache lower waist! Made a journey at 6 o’c after Condal water! Lin & I went for drive in M’s carriage to Hampstead where Lin walked a little, drag’d left leg a little only & enjoyed his drive & did not sleep. Enjoyed his lunch & had his hair cut! I did not go to Academy, felt chilly & not over well. Sent Upton to see if Mervyn & Ethel c’d go, cannot. Roy out to dine. Graham Keith & Mr A. Cole to tea. Mr Green came. Lin slept after. I lower waist ache. Sunday 2 January Up 4 o’c, awful pain. Walked to Lavatory. Nurse kindly brought me cup of tea. Lin had good night. I felt seedy morg. Slept badly. With Lin & Nurse in Maud’s carriage to Wimbledon. Lin gave Beach sovereign & groom 10/-. Got out & walked a little, sunny. Lovely drive. Lin enjoyed roast pheasant at luncheon. Only Mrs Geilgud called, did not come in. Mr Green came. Lin seems v. tired, hope he will sleep after Mr G. goes. Roy dines at home. Monday 3 January Oil! self. Lin good night. Still vy warm. Lin had bath in Bathroom!!! Nurse in attendance. Lin & Nurse Reiss drove to Highgate in M’s carriage & drop’d me Campden Hill & I called & saw Sylvia L. Davies, still in bed looking lovely. Her 5 boys home. Enquired after the E.T. Reed’s little boy, 20 Campden hill Sq, better. Lin & Nurse home 2 o’c fr. drive. Ellie Ritchie to tea. Mr Green came. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Lin busy with photos. Tuesday 4 January Asked Major Welman & Mr Reed. Lin’s birthday. Had good night & I also but woke early. Gt fuss about towels Nurse Woods & herring, impossible to know what to get to please her, horribly fussy. Darling arrived 11.30 & we went in her carriage to Richmond Pk, all 3, & Lin walked quite a long way in Park & stronger on his legs. Maudie left at 4 o’c for Balcombe, looks better much. Lady Spielmann & Mary Millais called. Roy dined with me & was very cheery & bright. Dr K. came & Mr Green once. Bed 10.20. Wednesday 5 January X. Antoinette 6 new dusters. Only fair night & Lin was awake 1½ hr in night. Saw Nash’s foreman about water dripping in drawing room fr. pipes to my bedroom. Drove with Lin & Nurse to Richmond Pk. Lin again walked better then ever. Mrs Fleischman called, sent her love to Lin! Lin dined with me & Nurse dining room !!! To his room after & he did photos whilst I read. Emma out. Marie &Antoinette in. Thursday 6 January Fair night. Dickie awake 1 ½ hr in night. Dull morg. Had darling’s carriage & went to Richmond Pk where Lin walked quite ¼ mile on Nurse’s arm! Saw poor man & pretty little boy (illeg). Lin gave 6d boy scouts. Mr Green came. No one called except Mrs F. Romer. Water pouring down curtains again drawing room! Lin goes down to dinner as Roy was here. (illeg illeg). 1st cheque drawn this year 1910, £2.5.0 for carriage insurance! Don’t approve of carriage.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Friday 7 January Nellie K. to tea. Mr Graves & Spencer. Fair night Lin. V. dull raw morg. Nash’s man Dixon here about taps in Roy’s room leaking & water pouring down drawing room curtains. Had single horse brougham M’s & went into Hyde Park. Lin walked nearly a mile on Nurse’s arm. Roast mutton unsatisfactory luncheon. Lin seemed tired at tea time. Mr Green came. Lin came down 3rd time to dinner but was v. depressed, had indigestion. Sorted his photos after. Roy & Nurse dined with us. Saturday 8 January Fair night. New thermos bottle all right, water hot in the morg. shall try tea tonight. Old one gone to be mended. Dr K. came 11 o’c. Vy pleased with Lin’s progress. 11.30 Lin & self in M’s carriage & drove to Richmond Pk. Lin walked further. Dark & raw dark day. Roy dined out. Mr Green came. Lin down to dinner. Sunday 9 January Lin slept badly. V. depressed all day. Went with Lin Zoo in M’s carriage walked short round ½ an hour & home. Dull & warm. Not a soul called. Roy came morg. for a short time & only returned in time for dinner as we were sitting down. X. Roy had an odd rash across his forehead as if over heated & had drunk something cold. Lin terribly depressed. Electric light went out twice. Marie arranged it altho’ her afternoon. Monday 10 January Lin had bad night. Awake fr. 2.30 to 5.30. V annoying, fear bad day in consequence. Lovely sunny morg. I woke at 5.30 c’d not sleep after. Drove with Lin Hampstead & walked on the Heath. Most beautiful & Lin walked better & further. We went alone. Mr Reed, Mr Conrad Cooke, Arthur Linley & W.Taylor to tea with Lin. Roy dined at home, depressed about money. Wish he was more contented & less fond of luxury. Tuesday 11 January New board for electric lights fr. stores. Maple’s man about beds. Lovely day. Lin had good night, slept 8 hours. I also slept well. Edie came 10.30 & remained until 6 o’c. Drove at 11.30 with Lin & Nurse to Lin’s dentist. Saw Lady Tree & girl whilst waiting Lin, Portland Place. Dr Kingscote came morg. Met Mr Peter Reid in Pk & Mrs Ainsworth riding. We walked about a mile, cold wind. Major Welman, Capt Heathorn & Wycliffe Taylor came. Cap’t H. very amusing tho’ tiresome so deaf. Lin good day. Mr Green came. Wednesday 12 January Lin bad night, did not sleep after lunch yesterday! I woke 4.45 could not sleep after. Had thermos bottle tea, hot. Went with Lin in M’s carriage with Nurse & walked by Serpentine, fine but cold & strong wind. Lin breathless & vy depressed & vy upset at luncheon over trifle! which he had asked for yesterday. Maudie came 3.30 vy vexed to find Lin so depressed. Ethel Mervyn came, busy canvassing. Maud ret’d in our carriage. Maud & Lennie dine out E. Pollock’s. Roy dines here. Marie out. Thursday 13 January Lin had good night, little brighter but dreadfully depressed later.. Lovely day. Lin & I went in darling’s carriage to Hampstead & walked once up & down broad drive on Heath, perfectly lovely & Lin little more cheerful. Darling lunched & had tea with us,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 leaving at 6 o’c. Looks fairly well. Vy anxious about Lin as we all are, in spite of nurses & doctors. Roy dined with us. Lin slept a good hour after lunch yesterday! & had an excellent night, so Nurse Woods again wrong. Lin upset over oranges at luncheon. Friday 14 January Great pollingday. Ethel & Mervyn working here for Unionists. Much warmer. Lin had a very good night & again slept after luncheon yesterday a good hour so it proves he is better for a sleep during day. Roy dined at home last night, seemed brighter but sorry to see Lin so depressed during dinner. Nurse, Lin & I drove in Maud’s carriage to Hyde Pk. where we walked & sat by Serpentine, perfect day. Lin less depressed. Edie came & lunched here. Gave away magazines to Beach & Herbert. Poppy Sington v. ill. Maudie, Fitzroy & little Linley came to tea, darling v. anxious about Lin. Roy out to dinner. Mervyn came & sat an hour with us after dinner. Saturday 15 January Election. Lin had splendid night, I good one. Lovely morning, warm, dull later. Dr K. came. Wishes us to go to Ramsgate in a week, & without any nurse. Lin seems desolate at idea of losing his 2 nurses! Maudie came with Fitz, little Linley, Anne & Oliver all looking so well. Lin, Nurse & self drove to Park, met Fitzroy & Linley, fed birds Serpentine. Lin awfully depressed. Saw Mrs L. Bradbury seems weak still & low, too soon for her to be shop’g after her Baby’s advent. Lin went up to his work room after 7, with Upton for ½ hour. Mr Green came & brought a vibrator for Lin. Sunday 16 January I slept badly. Lin awake 1½ hrs night. V. depressed only 15 gain of Unionists yesterday’s Election! Col Hickman & Mr ColefaX retuened. Nurse Lin & self to Regents Pk & Hyde Park for drive, far too windy to walk. Lin awfully depressed. Maud & Lennie came to tea. Lennie also depressed & looks so. We were delighted to see them. Mr Green came. Monday 17 January Lin to Town Hall to vote. Lin awake 1½ hrs in night. I slept well till 5.45, did not sleep after. Lovely morg, wet later. Went to Times Book Club, & to Warings about lampshades. X. Paid £1 Nat Telephone. Lin walked long distance in Park, we saw Military Funeral with charger, whole regiment of Guards, most impressive. Chopin’s Funeral March. Dr K. & Mr Green came. Mr Ryle & Mr Guthrie came to tea. Roy away for dinner. Darling came 3.30 till 5.30. Chicks at Mrs F. Ker’s party. Vy good day, Lin better. Tried vibrator with Green. Tuesday 18 January Fair. Lin v. good night, seems brighter. Nurse, Lin & self to “Times Book Club” & Maples. Saw Mr North about mattresses & bedding. Lin walked fr Marble Arch to K. barracks. Miss Gill to luncheon & tea, looks well. Lin quite pleased to see her. Maudie, Gladys C. & Mr Cooke to tea. Mr Green did not come. Wednesday 19 January Mr Cook to tea. Ill, c’d not come. Fine & dull alternately. Warm but cold wind N.W. Lin had good night. Last night with Nurse Woods! X & first day without day nurse who comes as night nurse for 3 nights. Alone to Park with Lin. Walked well but sorry


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 his night nurse gone. His cyclone nurse! Marie out afternoon for short time. Mr Green came & Antoinette & I packed my dresses during that time. Mrs C. Mackenzie came & Mr Jacomb Hood had tea with us. Mr Finlay, Mrsrook. Roy came in evg, out to dinner. (illeg illeg) Thursday 20 January Lin slept badly. Day Nurse Reiss on night duty. Lin v. depressed all day. Went in M’s carriage 11.45 to Park. Lin walked but was not so well. Mr O. Seaman lunched here, left 2.30. No one came. Darling came at 5.45, been with chicks to “Brass Bottle”. Friday 21 January Lin had only fair night. Maud came & went for drive with Lin whilst I packed with Marie & Antoinette. Lin & Maud walked in Park, cold wind. Roy dined out. The chicks came with Nurse F. & Mad’lle & Fraulein came to say goodbye, looking v. sweet. Roy came in to see Lin. Dr Kingscote came showed us & Marie towel exercise. Saturday 22 January Lin fair night. Nurse Reiss last night. Maudie came early & took Lin for a little walk before lunch. Roy & Maud lunched with us. Came to Granville Hotel Ramsgate by 3.30. Maud & Roy to Station with us, Marie in our carriage 3 persons! Most comfortable journey. Lin & self to Hotel where we had 109/100 rooms 2nd fl. Fires, & dined in sitting room & down to listen band after till 10 o’. Mrs Barker & her mother here again fr. Lincolnshire . Marie out to get urinal, forgotten. Sunday 23 January Vy good night. My first with Lin 2 beds for ages. Gave him tea at 2 o’c. Sunny morg, but very dull damp & raw after. Lin & self walked along front. Poor delicate man with little girl on shoulder gave us his place. Vy ill himself. Lin vy breathless, think too large breakfast cause. Good lunch, beef & milk pudding, again indigestion, too heavy. Rested after in our room. Lin did not sleep. Down to tea & I talked with Mrs Barker. Band! Wrote 5.45 to 7 in our room. Good dinner, chicken, milk pudding only. Listened to Band till 10 o’c. Bed. Bath chair 2/6. Monday 24 January Lin bad night 5½ hrs sleep only. Gave him soda mint, tea, & talked! Good breakfast, bacon & Lin home egg, I a mouldy one! Sunny alternately dull. Bath chair ¼ to 12 o’c till 1.30. Sat in shelter near Mrs Pugin. Huge piece of cliff broken off near Mr Pugin’s, looks dangerously near their garden wall! Bill Weigal standing as Liberal Candidate for Thanet & Mr Craig Unionist!!! Dickie v. breathless, think over ate yesterday & today, or air strong. Did not like Mrs Barker speaking to me during tea. Tuesday 25 January Thanet polling day. Bill Weigal & Mr Craig candidates for Thanet. Mr (illeg) won. Bad night. Lin awake constantly & only 4 hrs sleep. Horrid wet damp cold day, snow. Lin dreadfully depressed. Bath chair for one hour along shore, 1/6. Tremendously high waves dashing across road. Tea in our room. Oxygen came! Lin vy pleased. Sat listened to Band after tea. Lin w’d not come up till 10.10. after dinner. V tired. Little Janetta returned fr. Mr E.V.Lucas.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Wednesday 26 January Splendid night both slept well. No tea even. Glorious frosty morg. Had carriage for 2 hrs, drove along coast to North Foreland. Home by Westwood & dear St Peters, c’d not leave Lin to go to our dear parents’ grave. Tea in Hall. Lin & self had walk on shore after too far, v. tired & breathless. Wrote in our room after. Carriage 7/-. Little Linley returns to school. Thursday 27 January Janetta sold today to West, greengrocer, for £20. Lin fair night, tea ½ to 1. Vy cold frost & some snow. Glorious day of sun, could not see Comet last evg. Daylight Comet! Some saw it at Hotel. Had fly 11.15 to 1.15, towards Sandwick & Minster. Good lunch grilled fowl. Had a vy little walk but too cold & strong wind for the Dad, tired & livery. Awful floods at Paris, Seine overflowed. Fly 7/-. Marie gave me 14/- & 1/-. Lin coughed after dinner v. much. Friday 28 January Lin good night. Vy much warmer but pouring rain, blowing perfect gale all night & yet Lin slept thro’ it. I had to get up at 4 o’c & walk abroad, & slept badly & feel seedy & heavy. Marie same so think it must be slight liver chill. Lin in bath chair for 1 ½ hrs with Marie. I wrote to Spencer & Edgar in Hall. Rest after lunch, tea Hall. Many new people Hotel, mostly men golfers. Terrible acc’t of inundations Paris. Lin vy breathless, otherwise better, coughed less after dinner. Mrs Hammond called. Lovely flowers fr. Lady Burnand Saturday 29 January Little Janetta sold to greengrocer West, £20 yesterday. Lin fair night. Glorious sunny morg. Lin seems vy bright & happy. The firm again sent Lin’s money, feel they cannot do this again, & realities must be faced! Wish with all my heart Lin would sell horse & carriage, stable expenses useless. Drove past Nash thro’ Margate, North Down & Broadstairs, 2 hrs 7/-. Lin pd. Did not sleep after luncheon. Edie Sismay & Miss Hicks called, saw them. Lin vy breathless & shakey on legs. Japs at table at dinner! Lin slept directly after dinner & again coughed. 7/- carriage. Lin paid. 2 brace of pheasants fr. Ld. Burnham. Sunday 30 January Glorious morg. Both slept badly. Awful accident on Brighton line yesterday, 7 killed, many injured. Terrible. Uncoupling of carriages. Lin had bath chair & I walked beside him to West cliff. He could not walk at all, so breathless & weak & awfully depressed. Liver I believe. Rested & had tea in our room. Listened to Band after. Wrote in reading room & Lin laid down on bed & Marie rubbed his legs before dinner. Looked abjectly wretched & was thankful Mrs Barker came & talked to me after dinner. Hon Ward at Hotel. Lin paid 2/6 for chair, man 6d. Monday 31 January Lin better night. I also, woke 3 or 4 times but slept soon again. Glorious sunrise. Wrote Maud & Roy. Lin vy breathless & coughing again evg. Bill £15.7.0 week, rooms 108, 109 2nd floor. Out morg 1½ hrs Lin Bath chair to Pier & saw fish auction. 1/6 chair, Lin paid. Spoke to Dr Kingscote 2 o’c. Says Lin’s depression & breathlessness due to too much food. Rested till 4. Wrote reading room & Lin laid


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 down before dinner. Lin kept awake bravely all evg. Maud called me up telephone, all well there. Tuesday 1 February Fair night, tea 1.30. Gleamy morg, vy cold. Glorious sun. Lin out ¼ p. 11. Bath chair on Parade near Station & thro’ town, to Hills, came out & spoke to him. 2/6 chair, 5d lift. Lin walked along fr. Wellington Cresc’t & not so breathless. Started eating less, only bacon & orange breakfast, no egg. Ld B’s pheasant lunch. Wrote Hall. Maud telephoned. Dr K. told Lennie Lin must eat vy little. Marie & I sent off Daily Mail coupons, geographical contest. Wednesday 2 February Lin had splendid night 7 ½ hrs sleep. Perfectly horrid day, South wind but bitter cold & gale blowing door open & had to get up night to shut it. Lin in Bath chair 11.30. Never felt colder. Tho’ town left scissors to be mended. Nat. Telephone 2nd bill?! Maudie called me up telephone 11 o’c. Had pheasant lunch excellent. Lin greatly tired by day & cold & fear enjoyed lunch too much. Lin vy seedy, breathless & depressed after lunch, all afternoon & evg, complained clutching at throat. Tea downstairs. Wrote. Marie rubbed his legs at 6 o’c on bed. Vy seedy evg, sat in billiard room & kept him awake till 10 o’c. Thursday 3 February Lin vy bad night & slept badly. Cold damp rainy morg. Pass book & am vy low in funds, expenses Hotel heavy. Wish Lin could be happy in rooms, do not feel justified spending so much tho’ most comfortable. To Nat. Telephone office ¼ to 12 with Lin in Bath chair. Warmer. Met Mrs Evans who walked with us. Lin seems better in spite of bad night. Maud spoke to us at telephone. Mrs Hammond called & cheered Lin up. Concert Hotel, big Hall. Hotel vy empty. Chair 2/2. Lin gave head waiter 10/- owes 5/- & tea water 2/-. Bath chair 2/-. Friday 4 February Lin had splendid night, 8 hrs sleep. Lovely day, warmer. Bath chair 11.15. With Lin to West Cliff, sat in shelter with Sir Francis Burnand & Mrs Evans. Also went over house next to Mrs E’s, Chatham Terrace. Saw Bill Weigall at lunch & sat with us billiard room after. Lin coughed v. much during our rest. Lady Burnand & Mrs Evans came, w’d not have tea. We had tea in our room with wee jug cream. Lady B. brought me lovely tulips. Bath chair 2 full hrs 2/6. Marie gave me 20/- for Maud for Bath chairs. Saturday 5 February Dull, blowey & rain. Vy windy later. Lin very fair night still breathless. Had chair at 12 o’c. in spite of weather, & walked up & down front under Pavilion awaiting darling Maud who arrived 1.5 & we both got into her carriage to Hotel, taking rugs etc fr. chair. Great joy to see her. Brought lovely flowers & orange jelly. Lady Rose Weigall’s new book! She had to leave at 3.10. I saw her off, gale blowing. Took flowers after to Mary B. Tea in our room, cream. Mr & Mrs Martin Thompson called. Ld Bentinck’s wife arrived! Dinner. Lin did not sleep after dinner, 5th night. Rather better day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Sunday 6 February Lin had splendid night, but breathed short during night. Took his tea alone, first time. Horrid morg, fog, rain, warmer. Had Bath chair at 12 o’c & walked up & down Parade & up Pier then met Roy at Station. Looks thin & pale. We walked up to Hotel & by lift. Lunched together we 3. Roy enjoyed it. Poured with rain again after. Lin & I tea in our room, Roy had it in Hall, we with him. Roy v. depressed about Lin. Roy sleeps at home for first time tonight. Roy left by 6 o’c train. Lin had oxygen for 2nd time. Monday 7 February Lin only fair night. Short choky breaths when asleep, & so weak dressing. His legs above knee swollen & generally weak & breathless. Felt so anxious Marie went with us at 11.15 for our walk to enquire after Mr North Buckmaster. Met Mrs Evans who told us he died yesterday. Left letter for Edie Sismay. Tea in our room. Listened band after. Lin wrote letters. Lift & chair 2/-. Mr Morton (writer) came & spoke to us after dinner, seems nice little man. Promised me his French papers writing about “Chantecleer” at last produced Paris. Lady Burnand called. Tuesday 8 February Lin vy disturbed in his breathing all night. Made me feel anxious, so stuffed up in throat & nose & breathing generally, c’d not sleep till 12.30. Tea 1.30. Seemed better morg. than yesterday, but so weak. Helped him with his bath & drying. Bacon & egg breakfast. Out morg. 11.15 along Pier & sat in shelter West Cliff. Felt v. tired & back achey self. Maudie telephoned morg. Chair 2/6. Marie met us. She enquired for Mrs Buckmaster. Mr Morton talked to us after luncheon. 6d lift fr. sands. Mr Morton spoke to us after dinner. Dance in Vic Hall Granville. Wednesday 9 February Lin slept well but not peacefully, grunted & breathed so short. I woke often during night. Our bath taps so stiff. Had fly (new man) at 11.30 until 1 o’c, 5/-. To St Peters. Lin & I sat in Porch of church listened to singing. I then went on to our dear Parents grave, all looked lovely in glorious sun & blue sky. Snow drops thro’ fibre & tips of bulbs showing. Past Abernethys & Fildes tho’ Broadstairs. Lovely day, lovely drive. Lin wrote afternoon. I read French papers on “Chantecleer” Rostand’s much postponed play in verse. Lin weak & breathless evg. Sat billiard room & walked round table. Thursday 10 February My darling comes by afternoon train to stay a few days. Lovely morg. Windows wide open & sun pouring in. Lin had very bad night, I very good & feel better in consequence. La joie de mare in this glorious sunshine & the thoughts of seeing darling Maud today. Bath chair for 2 hrs. Sat shelter W. Cliff. Met Lady & Mary Burnand coming to call. Met Mrs Evans & Sir Francis & Winnie full of offer to be Dick Whittington! in the theatricals Ramsgate. Sir F. walked to Harbour with us. Chair 2/6. I met Maud, rained, by Gran. & we walked back, Fraulein om. with luggage. Vy disappointed not to see the Dad better. Sat in reading room, came up 10 to 10. Maudie looks fairly well.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Friday 11 February Lin vy breathless till 2 o’c. Gave him tea at 12.30 & again at 2.30. I slept vy badly. Steam kettle refilled & then boiled over! Lin slept fairly well 7½ hrs but breathed badly. Lovely morg. Pity Lin will take 2 baths, so weak after. Maud has sitting room, vy cozy. Had drive 5/-, 1½ hr thro’ Broadstairs, St Peters & Kingsgate. Sat verandah till luncheon. Lin again breathless. Lennie came by 7.2 or rather at 7.3. Had tea in our room. Maud for walk alone after. Did not go down. Lin wrote in Maud’s room. Lin better during dinner, but vy sleepy after. Came up 10 to 10. Sat in M’s room & then to bed. Lennie looks well. Lennie’s motor arrived. Saturday 12 February Lin slept fairly well. Awake often. Tea 12.30. Glorious morg. of sunshine. Lennie & Maud for walk along Parade. We had Motor at 11.15. Lin, M & self drove to Minster, Birchington, Westgate, Margate thro’ St Peters, back. Lennie meanwhile walked with Sir Francis Burnand & bought 2 old silver spoons at Hills. After lunch Lennie & Maud in Motor to Deal & Sandwich. Dr Kingscote coming by Granville. Lin little better did not eat orange today, less flatulency. Dr K. arrived says Lin’s lungs & heart all right, but stomach dilated again & we must return home for daily treatment. Go Wednesday. Pleasant dinner, Lin Maud & self sat corridor after , Lennie & Dr K. lounge. Bed 10 o’c. Sunday 13 February Lin had good night but very weak & seedy after breakfast. He went in Bath chair with Maud, Dr K. & Lennie for walk. Lennie lent me Car & I went to St Peters to my beloved parents grave, looked lovely. Saw a respectable gentlemanly looking man who showed me Mr Whitehead’s grave. Was the old postman & said Mr Spencer Herapath’s family was greatly respected, the most respected family in the Island! Felt vy proud & he seemed so pleased to meet one of us again! Maud, Dr K. & Lennie for walk after. L. & Dr K. to London 6 o’c. Lin chair 2/6. Monday 14 February Dull. Lin bad night. Maudie breakfasted in bed. Had motor 12 o’c. To Westwood, Margate, Westgate, Birchington, Minster, Mount Pleasant, St Laurence & to Hotel. Rained but enjoyed it immensely. Dr Berry came stayed tea in Maud’s room, talked politics, investments, nurses etc. Mary Burnand came & Mrs Paris (Miss Gould). Lin vy tired & sleepy, looks livery. Most interesting talk with a Mr Weeks on politics, Mr Stevenson’s friend. Eccentric lady most odd. Tuesday 15 February Vy bad night both of us, perfect hurricane of wind & rain. Lin vy nervy, 2nd bad night. Motor at 12 o’c & Maud, Lin & self to Sandwich & along beyond. Back 1.30. Lin vy tired & breathless & nervy. Had tea in bed after vibrator. Marie packing. Maudie to Burnands, saw Edie & Norah. Mary B. came at 6 o’c whilst Lin was having his legs rubbed. Maud & I walked back with her, delicious. Lin terribly morbid at dinner wish we were in our own room when he is like this, dreadful for us all. Mrs Nicolson talked to us long while in corridor after dinner most interesting on politics, felt lifted fr. ténèbre, thankful to exchange ideas with anyone.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Wednesday 16 February Good night both. Lovely day. Lin in Bath chair. Darling & I met him on Parade & ordered omnibus for our luggage & our 2 maids. Leave Ramsgate by 3.28, comfortable journey up. Came on in Maud’s carriage. Roy came to see Lin 6.30, dined with us. Vy depressing for him poor boy with his worries weighing on his mind. Lost £100! by Messel firm. Darling left us only in time for her own dinner. Lin vy tired & exhausted after journey. Certainly not so well as he was when we left here over 3 weeks ago. Thursday 17 February Lovely morg. Vy bad night. Lin so terribly restless & woke me directly I fell asleep. Dr K. telephoned he was to keep quiet, but would order our carriage! Marie going with him. Darling Maud arrived just as they were starting so he went with her in her carriage. Midge came, thankful to be with her & walked to Memorial with her, felt better & brighter after. Maudie to luncheon, bless her, read to Lin after his rest & went to see about her work girl prizes & ret’d to tea. Dr K. came, disappointed Lin’s stomach again dilated & causes breathlessness & great depression. Dined in our room. Roy dined Midge at Hyde Pk Hotel. Friday 18 February Lin goes to Dr K. for treatment ¼ to 12. Emily Fraser leaves for Buenos Aires today. Awful night. Dear Lin’s nerves all over the place, made me feel quite unstrung too. Awakened 5 times & up 3. Fear shall be ill myself if these bad nights go on. Wet morning. Maudie came in her carriage & took us to Dr K’s. Met Cap’t Gibbs there. What I sh’d do without Maud cannot imagine, she is my one & only comfort in all this worry & anxiety, & the maids are kind & helpful. No Maud did not go, took us, Marie went with me as Maud had to go to Balcombe for prizes. Roy dined out. We dined in drawing room. Saturday 19 February Better night. Lin more restful, vy nervy going to bed but settled later & only woke twice for tea & requirements, until 5 0’c. I c’d not sleep after. Maudie went with us to Doctor. We called for her in her carriage. To Dr K’s, met there young Macdonald & Lord Kingsburgh. Lin little better. I was left at Piercys about an extra maid after & darling took Lin round Pk & home. I walked home. X. Lin had massage at 3.30 & had tea in bed. Lennie’s birthday, 20 to dinner! Roy dined there & returned here fr. Mr Stern’s same morg. Sunday 20 February Better night. Up twice only & Lin slept more easily. Fearful gale house seemed to sway. Had our carriage at 11.30 & drove to Zoo. No bath chair there & I was glad as the wind would have been too much for Linley. He slept & woke for a few seconds all the way. Drove all the way round Regents Park & Hyde Park. Lunched alone & he seemed a little better. Roy out all day, dining here tonight. Masseur came 3.30 for half an hour. Lin rested all afternoon in bed. Visitors, Ham,& Midge, darling & Lennie & Mr Guthrie came to tea, all saw Lin. Ham vy kind about our expenses, thinks we ought to manage on our income, of course without carriage!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Monday 21 February Both slept well. Had few words Lin about carriage, determined will not use it. Lovely morg after storm. Smuts everywhere. Took Marie with Lin & self to Dr K’s, called for Nurse Francis who went with us. Carriage took me on to Swiss home about extra maid. Feel anxious about Lin. Maud came to tea. Decided to try without Nurse for a week. Masseur came 3.30. Tea in our room. Roy dined here, rather doleful. Wish he w’d read more & care for his work more & w’d not be such a drudge. Tuesday 22 February Lin had 3rd good night. Wet morg. Marie with us in Maud’s carriage to doctor. My fears confirmed by Dr K. & feel vy anxious. He tried Lin’s legs, no rebound. With care & enduring strength all may yet come right. Lin had 12 oysters fr. the stores for luncheon & half a wineglass of old Chateau y quem. Masseur 3.30. Edgar came to tea, delighted to see him. He looks vy seedy. Maudie & Gladys Crozier & Nelly K. came to tea. Roy dined out, home vy late . Lin & self dined dining room. Wednesday 23 February Fourth good night! I awake fr. 4.30 but slept better after. Dickie looks much better. I went alone with him to Dr K. Saw Cap’t Gibbs there. Dr K. better pleased with Lin & is allowing him to go to shake hands with the Knights of the Round Table Bouverie St tonight. X. !!! Round Park & Lin walked a few yards, wind took away his breath. Lovely day, bright & cold. Edgar came to luncheon. Darling Maud to tea. Masseur 3.30. Roy dined at Harold’s. Thursday 24 February Spent on taxies 3/7, entrance 1/-, catalogue 6d. 5th good night. Lin did not even take his tea during night. Horrid day, wet & blowey. Cold raw wind. Dickie with Marie to Dr K. in Maud’s carriage, & to dentist where Lin had tooth out! I by taxie to meet Edgar at Ex’ paintings next to Prince’s Res’t to see Mervyn’s portrait by Philpot, wonderfully clever but not flattering likeness. E. & I walked down Piccadilly to Knightsbridge, took taxie home, so wet. Roy lunched here & left in carriage for Waterloo for Leweston. Nonie Messel & Lady Mead called. Darling came after to tea. Talk to Marie about America, fear she won’t like it. Maud to Nana at Brislington. Friday 25 February Lin had good night, 6th!!! I slept badly, greatly worried about expenses & see only debt ahead if Lin won’t give up stables. Must have another maid, am too tired & feel the strain on my nerves. Went with Lin to Dr K. He gave Lin permission to lunch at Savoy Res. tomorrow & go to “Brass Bottle” matinée. He slept all way going. Poured with rain. To bank, borrowed £200 to buy Mexican light & Power. Gladys C. & Edgar to tea. Masseur came. Maudie to Bristol to see Nana. Mrs Sington, Mrs Hadley & Lady Spielmann called. Lin slowly improving. Saturday 26 February Seems madly tiring for Lin today’s programme but is so far none the worse at 9.30 P.M. We both slept well, Lin’s 7th good night. At 11.15 taking Marie we went in Maud’s carriage to Dr K. where he kept us waiting with French lady! Then to dentist & fr. there to Savoy restaurant where we had vy poor grilled chops, épinard, coffee for self. Milk pudding vy indifferent. Orange. 10/-, 11/- with waiter. Lin enjoyed the change of scene. Took taxie to Vaudeville where Marie joined us. Had box for “Brass


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Bottle”. Vy amusing. Maud’s carriage fetched us. Rested in our room where we had tea on return, & dined in drawing room. Sunday 27 February Lin had splendid night, I fair. At 11.15 had brougham & went to Zoo where Lin had a chair 2/6. Met Nonie Messel & son, & Miss Lancaster. Lovely day, saw Baby Penguin. Masseur came, thinks Lin better, also Mervyn, Edgar & Ethel called. Ethel looks seedy, neurotic. E. & M. think Lin looks better. He was vy weak walking a few steps in Zoo. Colder. Edgar stayed till 6.30. Lin & self dined in dining room alone. Monday 28 February Lin’s 8th good night, no tea! Splendid. X. Borrowed £200 Bank. Sir John Tenniel 90 today. Maud’s carriage 11.15. I went with Lin to Dr, vy pleased with him, no swelling in legs. Taking pills with mercury. Masseur ¼ to 4. Antoinette to Doctor Amhurst & taking iron pills, hope soon all right, damp weather seems to upset us all. Ethel Mervyn looked so seedy yesterday, neurotic. No one came. Tea in our room, Maudie unable to come, has cold & dear little O. in bed with one. Sir John Tenniel’s birthday, we called to leave cards morg. Bought 200 Mexican Light & Power 5% Bonds at 91, with com. £187.10.8. Tuesday 1 March Lin good night. I woke at 5. Lovely morg. V. cold, nearly freezing 32. Lin with Marie our carriage to Doctor & dentist. I in Maud’s to stores about (illeg)! & to Bawn, ordered fruit Barkers. Gave Beach £1, moi meme. Masseur came. Lin v. tired, walked a little way when out morg. Mrs Holland, Ethel English & Mrs Spofforth called. Dined dining room. Dickie slept a great deal today. Wednesday 2 March Lin good night, I fair. Gave groom 10/-. To Dr K. with Lin alone 11.15 in Maud’s carriage. Had awful fright at Doctors, Lin nearly fainted after vibrating, even frightened doctor. He would walk fr. Stanhope Gate to Albert Gate, terrified, & again nearly fainted at luncheon, think over tired. Went to occulist & Pall Mall restaurant before doctor. He lay on his bed & slept all afternoon. Masseur. Oranges, chicken & eggs fr, Midge for Lin. Mrs Beale, Mrs Mount Batten & Lady Lucy called. Dined drawing room. Lin slept all evg till 10. Thursday 3 March Good night, but Dickie vy odd early. made me v. unhappy. To Dr K. with Marie Maud’s carriage, did not vibrate Lin, gave him brandy & is also anxious about him, his hands & feet v. cold, his face blue & his pulse weak & feeble. After to Pall Mall restaurant, lunch 6/6. 1/- waiter, Marie 1/-. To see “Blue Bird” matinée after. Marie in our box. Rather a foggy(?) piece some poetic feeling but disconnected & stupid in parts. Darling M. here on our return. Antoinette out till 5.30, Emma answered bell. We dined in our room. Lin is to stay in bed several days. Friday 4 March Mervyn & Ethel sail for Teneriffe. Dickie slept quietly & well but looks vy ill & so weak, pulse 45 only. Did not get up evg for bath & lay asleep all day on & off. Walked to order 12 face towels Walpoles, & post. Daring came ¼ to 12 Victoria but felt too sad to go for drive. She remained to lunch & tea. Marie out afternoon. Lovely


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 day. Roy returns from Leweston. Lin enjoyed his lunchon, 12 oysters bread & butter pudding & orange. Dr K. came 5 o’c. Nellie K. came to tea. Lin dozed on & off all day. Hands warmer, rather hot. X. Roy dined out. Saturday 5 March Fair night. Gave Lin brandy & water in night. Would take bath & sit in chair for breakfast, & so weak. Pulse 44. Dr K. came in by surprise just as I had finished dressing. Vy angry indeed at Lin’s getting up & Bath! Must have Nurse. Maudie came 11.10 motor & I went round Park in it. Dear little Anne v. ill pleurisy. Maudie came to lunch & tea. Dr K. came again. Lin little better but v. hot, & so weak. Nurse Hanbury came at 4 o’c. Spencer to tea & went off with Dr K. Seems odd without Marie. Sunday 6 March Fine, warmer. Dickie had good night but still vy weak pulse, 44. Dr K. telephoned not to get out of bed at all. Nurse slept in Antoinette’s room. Roy to Queen’s Club. Lin slept on & off all morg. Dr K. not coming, telephoning tonight. Lennie came with Maud, I met them near Round Pd morg & they ret’d with me. Maud remained until after tea when Lennie fetched her & they went to Mr Philpot’s studio & Lennie to Mr Fleishmann’s after. Roy dined at home. Lin v. silent. Monday 7 March I had v. bad night. Lin coughed 12 o’c, got up & gave him meat juice. Felt so anxious could only sleep in jerks, Lin restless till 4 o’c, then v. quiet. Maudie came in Motor & I went in it to Johnsons & Bradleys & round Park. Not v. comfortable in Motor, Harrington drives too fast as he does not know London. Maudie lunched here. Emma out afternoon & evg, as Roy dines with Mr Sterne. Dr K. came. Lin a little better pulse 56, drop’d again later. Tuesday 8 March Good night. Woke 4 o’c, covered Lin up as cool air coming in. Only slept on & off after a little. Dull & rain. V. warm & close. Lin’s pulse v. low, under 60. Dr K. did not come, telephoned. Dickie slept on & off all day. I drove in M’s carriage to Harrods, saw no dressing gowns I liked. To Jays, no gowns under £18.18.0 I liked, too much. Maudie to tea, not luncheon. Gladys C, Lady Lawrence & Lady Orchardson & Mrs Sington called. Roy dined out. Read to Lin. Bed early. Wednesday 9 March Lin good night, but livery morg. I slept better. Lin v. silent & depressed. Dr K. came 10 o’c. Lin’s pulse little better & he sat in arm chair in his room, & rested at tea time on his bed & again up. We dined together in his room. Mr Owen Seaman rang me up & sent kind messages to Lin fr. Punch table, dear Lin feels not being there v. much. Roy dined out. Darling came after lunch & remained till 6 o’c. I drove morg to Libertys M’s carriage. Saw nothing as I liked. Thursday 10 March Go to John Thomson 141 New Bond St, 12 o’c to be photod. Lin slept well did not wake for Valentines meat juice. W’d sit on chair before his room was done & would not go to bed last night until 9.30! Such a pity, will tire himself out. Had Victoria & to have my photo taken, look a fine wreck after months of anxiety. Maudie came &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 looks vy whte & thin poor darling, too much for her anxiety here and at home with dear little Anne ill, tho’ now thank God better. Roy dined out. Nonie Messel & Mrs Sington called. Dr K. came, thinks Lin little better. Friday 11 March Maudie again laid up with cold in bed. I had bad night. Lin slept but still vy weak, pulse v. low. Had Victoria & called on Sir John Tenniel & had long talk with him, looks v. well, & on Mr Silver after driving round Park. Sat with him, v. well, but depressed. Walked part of way home having sent carriage away, & Bus rest. Many callers, saw none. Roy dined out. Lin v. weak & silent. Saturday 12 March Sir Alfred Hickman died, deeply regret loss. Midge called me up telephone just ar. fr. Monte Carlo at Hyde Pk Hotel. I had bad night. Lin woke & had Valentines meat juice at 2 o’c & was a little restless till 4 o’c. Lin slept till 10.30 after his breakfast, had his lunch on sofa in our room. I walked morg after doing flowers with Antoinette, & called to enquire on Mrs V. Cole & Sylvia Davies, better, & she was out twice last week. Maudie in bed with cold. Lin walked 3 times up & down our room, pulse 54. Roy dines out. Bed 10 o’c. Anniversary of our dear Father’s death, RIP. Sunday 13 March Lin slept well, I better. Lovely day, very bright but vy cold. Lin seems more himself tho’ vy weak. He & I went in brougham at 12 o’c round Park & he noticed things more & was not so sleepy. Roy to club. Midge unable to come, in bed with cold at Hyde Park Hotel. We lunched in dining room all 3, nurse, Lin & self. Mr Guthrie & the Cohens called, former saw Lin & had tea in our room. Roy dined with me. Lennie came & had tea in our room. Monday 14 March Lovely day, frost night. Lin slept well, I woke often. Feeling of depression. At 11.45 M’s carriage & Nurse Hanbury, Lin & self to Park. I walked length of Row, then Lin Nurse & I walked by Serpentine & Lin would go too far. Saw Airship, & 3 fire engines going to a fire at Whiteleys Queens Rd, 13 men injured there & one killed, terrible. Dr Kingscote came morg, told Lin not to walk. I had nervous neuralgia & lay on my bed after lunch, Lin’s room. Maudie called & saw Nurse, w’d not see us on ac’t of cold. Tuesday 15 March Lovely morg. Feel v. seedy indeed, my head so bad fr. nervous strain yesterday when Lin would walk against Doctors orders, so disappointing, utterly broke down when he said Nurse was not to go with us driving & that he was going to see some things at a sale in Up. Phillimore Gds with me! Nurse v. kind & I laid down until 4.30 an utter wreck. Nurse went with Lin. Midge came to tea. How I envy her her peace of mind! Bills coming in. Lin, Nurse & self dined in dining room. Roy out. Midge v. well & most amusing about their Monte Carlo experience. She came away 60 (illeg) to the good after making (illeg). Wednesday 16 March To Bank, pd fr. deposit to current ac’t for £200 Mexican Ly & Power 5% Bonds. Good night. Lin had tea 12 o’c, 4 o’c when I had one also, & 8 o’c! Lovely morg. My


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 head much better, mind still v. worried over expenses which could so well be stop’d. Dr K. comes this morg. Dr K. told me I must go away for a week, am run down. Feel v. shakey & nervy. Lin to go to him at ¼ to 12. I went in carriage with him, & was put down at Stanhope Gate & walked home fr. there. Lin little better, I rested in his room on bed till 4 o’c. Darling came & stayed to tea. Tabbie came, wants me to go them, decided to go Saty. Hate idea of leaving Lin, sh’ll only remain few days. Roy dined at Harold’s. Thursday 17 March Slept well. Went with Lin & Nurse to Doctor’s ¼ to 12. Had to wait. Lin vy silent, only seems to care for food, all other interests gone & makes me feel so sad. So strange for his great mind to have but this one interest. We had a tiny walk in Park. I again rested in our room with Lin after lunch. Dreadful noise in our Terrace, impossible to sleep. Darling came & altered black bodice for me, clever little darling. Gladys C, Edie, Mrs Sington & Hamilton F. came. Lin saw Gladys & Hamilton but he looked v. tired after & slept as usual after dinner. Ham, Tabs & Roy dined at Maud’s. Friday 18 March Good night. Lin to doctor, Nurse. V. cold. Marie helped me pack. Maudie came, stayed till 6. Roy dined out, had promised often with Lin during my absence, feel I c’d not stand strain much longer. Read to Lin. Maudie takes my little housemaid until Marie leaves & she can come to me. Saturday 19 March Met Mr A. Cole at Waterloo. Lovely day. Awful night, woke at 1.15 to find Lin standing by window opening it & pulling up blind, vy cold. At 2 o’c he was suddenly seized with diarrhoea & had to get up & wash results, sheet, floor etc, terrible escapade & poor darling so weak. Would not rouse Nurse. 3 o’c had to go down myself & c’d not sleep. Lin better morg. He to doctor with Nurse. Maud came to lunch. I to Leweston feel v. unhappy to leave Lin, but feel must get change, strain telling. Marie to Station with me in cab. Comf. journey 2nd class. Tabs met me. To bed early. Sunday 20 March Lin to Zoo & met Ann & Oliver there. Maud to tea with him. Lovely morg. Tabs to her church 10 o’c. Slept well. Woke, thought of Lin & slept again. Dressed 12 o’c. Walked with H. in Park, perfectly lovely so improved everywhere. Walked after lunch garden. H. to tea at Castle. Freddy carries his son about proudly. Rested an hour before tea. Glorious sunset. Bed 9.45. Housemaid does all I need v. nicely, quieter without a maid. Monday 21 March Fine early dull later. Gwen & Baby over morg. Dear wee thing, v. good, Gwen picture of health. H. hunting. Tabs & self to Castle to tea, wonderful house, would like to spend a day there, but ugly & inconvenient. Baby’s suite of rooms charming & Gwen’s oak room. Called station, my train Thurs 1.48. Quiet peaceful day, bed 9.30. Letter fr. dear Lin had good night. Linley went to Punch dinner 2 hrs!!! Nurse with him.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Tuesday 22 March Lovely day. Slept until maid brought in my breakfast 8.30! & felt better. Good reports of dear Lin. Terrified what may be results of Lin’s going to Punch dinner last evg! Walked to Lodge with Tabs before lunch. Grumbling woman, sorry for her husband! Her nephew with her. Lovely drive in Car after rest. H. hunting. Mr A. Cole called on Lin. Walk with Tabs on return fr. drive & bed early. Gramaphone out of order. Wednesday 23 March Lovely morg. Frost. Reassuring letters fr. home about Lin, but feel anxious, Lin out twice yesterday. My photos fr. Johnsons quite nice, wonder if they are really like me! Ham at home all day. Vy busy with wrought iron designs for gates. German Swiss came 3.30 to see Tabs as holiday governess, plays well. For walk round grounds with H. & T. after tea. Vy pleasant evg & bed 10 o’c. Tabs with sore throat. Thursday 24 March Dull but fine. H.Maid packed for me, no trouble at all & most attentive. Ham off hunting most kind & asked me to go again soon & whenever I liked. Vy happy visit & feel better for change. Good news fr. home, Lin better, trust true. Gwen & baby came over morg. for primroses. Left by 1.40, carriage to myself all the way. Gt crowd Waterloo. Maud met me. Came back to tea, Sp here. Lin seems no better, so breathless & weak, perhaps a shade better. Friday 25 March Fine, colder. Fair night. Dickie slept well. To Dr K’s morg. Vry worried Lin will do such unwise things, wants to dine at Maud’s Sunday. Glad Dr K. vetoed this, ridiculous as dear Lin coughs & would worry them dreadfully. Met Lennie & Maud Park walking together, we had their carriage. Nurse & Lin out again afternoon our carriage Serpentine. Maudie came after tea, looks tired dear little thing. Roy to Leweston. Saturday 26 March Slept badly woke so often & distressed to hear Lin’s laboured breathing. He did not go to sleep until 11.30. Dull dark morg. Out at 11.30 Maud’s carriage to Canon St about Lin’s medicine, shut. Many shops shut. Walk fr. Stanhope Gate to Albert Gate. Darling to Balcombe for day about Red Cross training. Feel my side a good deal, aches so, rather (illeg) & my wrist painful too! Roy at Leweston. Lin did not go out after lunch. Had tea in drawing room. Gave Marie (illeg) silver. Sunday 27 March Dull & foggy. Bad night. Lin coughed continuously & I could not sleep, a little hacking cough which got on my nerves. Lin & I went to Zoo in our carriage, Bath chair there waiting & to Darling’s to lunch. Lennie & chicks & Fraulein only. Easter eggs! Darling looks tired & worn out. Came away 4 o’c, feel dead after bad night. So glad to see the darlings. No one called. Marie went home & was here to meet us. No one came. Monday 28 March Slept v. badly, awake till 2 o’c. Scalded my finger with tea! To Richmond Park with Lin & Nurse, walked when there, saw boy scouts. Had Maud’s carriage. Maud came to tea & Lennie later with Mr Ford (artist) nice man, vy attentive to Lin. Darling looks


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 white & tired. Lin’s cough v. troublesome but he seems better in himself. Roy returned late fr. Leweston. Tuesday 29 March Slept a little better. Dickie not so well. Roy came in at 9.30, returning to Leweston tonight for a dance & returns tomorrow. I pray he may never suffer for his unkindness to me, he makes me vy unhappy often by his unkindness & I w’d do anything to make him happy if I could. To Dr K. morg. with Nurse, Maud’s carriage. Vy pleased with Lin but his cough so trying. Walked better. Darling came to tea. Mr Cooke & Nellie full of funny stories. Lin out after lunch in our carriage. Wednesday 30 March Better night. To Doctor, calling for darling on our way in her carriage. Doctor pleased & says no longer requires Nurse, but someone to wait on Lin & help me. Walked a little & took darling back. Roy returns fr. Tabs, late. The dear chicks Oliver & Anne with Maimie to tea. Darling also to tea & remained till 6 o’c. She & Lennie dining at Hohlers. Lin to Punch dinner with Nurse, back ¼ to 9. Vy tired & shakey on legs & horrid cough. Thursday 31 March My darling leaves for Ireland with Lennie & dear little Anne. Think the change will do her good, she needs the rest badly. God bless her, & keep all sorrow from her. Fair night. Lin restless after Punch dinner. In Maud’s carriage to Doctor. Maudie came for afternoon, & Mrs Beale came, did Lin good to talk to her. Darling left at 6 & started on her journey 7.30. Roy dined out. Friday 1 April Wire fr. Maud arrived safely Ireland. Lovely morg. Lin’s cough v. tiresome fr. cold wind, east. Nurse & Lin to doctor’s in our carriage, & again out for an hour in carriage after lunch. I walked morg Bank, Barkers & to Mrs Spofforth’s, saw her cook who extoled our Herald range. Man fr. Herald range repairing sides & bars. Lady Fildes came after tea, stayed some time. Roy dined at home. Saturday 2 April Cheque fr. Lennie. Bad night, Lin so dreadfully restless & puffed & blew so hard, could not sleep altho’ he seemed to do so, v. thankful. Lin to Docor K. in his own carriage. I shop’d & called at Coles, a’c been standing 3 years unpaid! Walked in Gds. Lovely clear sunny day. Nurse out after tea. Lin’s nervous cough all the time. Sunday 3 April Bad night, shall have to sleep in Roy’s room, 3rd bad night. Dear Lin’s cough incessant & gets so awfully on my nerves. Lin & I to Zoo in our brougham, chair awaiting us there. Met Mr E. Pollock who went some way with us. Saw little bear being led by a strap, behaving like a naughty child, hugging & biting everything near it, & then walking on its hind legs. Dear Oliver to tea, a perfect darling. Roy to Ranelagh with Mr Stern, York & Pollock, to play golf, & dined out. He was not in till 5.30 this morg! I had v. bad night. Miss Rose Innes came, stayed late.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Monday 4 April Slept better, but woke vy often, Lin restless, however better than last 3 nights. Lin’s ankle swollen again last three days & breathing so bad. Nurse to Dr with Lin, I shop’d & met them in Pk. Nurse went after to Stores for me. Mrs Spofforth called & most kindly lends me a small folding bed for Roy as I must sleep in another room, nerves going. Must arrange tomorrow for Roy to sleep drawing room. Roy dined at Nonie’s. Lin v. breathless. Tuesday 5 April Bad night. Lin dreadfully breathless. Cold raw day, wind W. Lin to Doctor with Nurse. X. I to Bank bought (blank) shs Chersonese rubber at (blank) against Mr Richardson’s advice. Mrs Spofforth lent me chair bed for Roy drawing room where he sleeps tonight! X. Man fr. Whiteley’s mended drawing room grate. X. Arthur Linley came to tea. Gt reaction in rubbers!!! Slept in Roy’s room. Thursday 7 April Better night. Dear Lin did not sleep well. Cold & raw. Lin to Doctors with Nurse. Marie & I did sofa together 3 o’c, finished 7.30! Great success, looks vy nice indeed. Lin seems vy breathless & weak, see no improvement in him. Roy dined out. Wire fr. Midge about Lin. Edgar wired, telephoned. Friday 8 April I went to doctor with Lin & we walked little way in Pk. Watched carts with mould, gave man 6d, good to his horse. Our horse dead lame! Lin had Mr Thornton masseur 3.30. X. Mrs Finlay to tea, vy amusing. Edgar dines here 8 o’c. Dickie slightly better. Roy dined here, Nurse in Morg room. Saturday 9 April Dear Dickie good night but v. breathless, can’t understand it at all. Lin did not go to doctor. We all three went at 2 o’c, Nurse by bus, we three in brougham (horse better of lameness) to see “Trelawny of the Wells”. Saw Gilberts & Towers there. Sir W. helped Lin down stairs of theatre to box. Enjoyed play immensely, pleasure to take Nurse. Tea on return. Roy out to dinner. Feel necessity of having someone to help me in many ways. Sunday 10 April Good night. Horrid day, drove round Park & Regents Pk, not to Zoo. Lin’s breathing v. bad. Mr C. Cooke & Miss Bonnevie & Edgar & Gladys Crozier to tea. Lin very tired after. Roy dined at home. Monday 11 April Fair night. Saw Nurse Saunders, too old & too small. Vy neat appearance. Shop’d & met Lin in Park. Nurse with him to Doctor’s. I returned home with him. Edgar came & stayed some time, he looks very seedy, & thinks I do & wants me to go away. Cannot leave Lin yet. Roy out to dinner. Tuesday 12 April 2 bots wine Barkers. Dull, warmer. Lin fair night. Maudie writes Lennie has killed 14 salmon in 7 days! in Ireland. Lin to doctor with Nurse. I met them in Park & ret’d with Lin in brougham. I went to see Miss Jackson about another nurse as Nurse


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Hanbury’s time is soon up & Lin must still have trained nurse. Sp. came to tea. Roy out to dinner. Mrs Sington called. Lin to have Mr Green’s breathing exercises again, Mr G. calling 9 o’c to see him. Wednesday 13 April Sir W.Q.Orchardson died. Good night but felt v. worried about Lin. Went into him about 6.30 found him sitting up looking ill & declaring Sp. had slept in my bed & had knocked the saucer over & broken it. It was smashed on the ground. Lin v. nervy. I feel v. seedy & headachey. Lin did not go to doctor but Dr K. came here at 6 o’c. Lin’s legs much swollen. X. Mr Green started breathing exercises again with Lin. Lin went for a little drive after lunch. Horse lame. Edgar & Sophy came. I out morg shop’g. Emma out afternoon & evg. Roy in to dinner. Thursday 14 April I slept in Lin’s room. C’d not sleep till 3 o’c Lin’s breathing so distressing. Went with Lin to Doctor, says I must go away at once. Awfully kind & sympathetic. Mr Green came for Lin. Lin & I left cards at Lady Orchardson. Sir William Orchardson died yesterday heart failure after severe neuritis. Vy grieved, most charming man. X. Our horse dead lame. Roy dined out. Antoinette out. Dull & warm. Lovely salmon fr. Lennie. Friday 15 April Drove Maud’s horse, ours lame. Slept in Roy’s room, good night. Went into dear Lin at 6.30, seems to have been vy quiet & sleeping quietly, his bed clothes not so disarranged. Nurse to Doctor with him. He was vy tired after choaking over his tea, frightened me & Marie dreadfully. I to Selfridges. Met Sp. in bus Notting Hill Gate. Walked fr. S’s to Albert Hall, took taxie home 1/-. Mr Green came. Had salmon for lunch, Dickie sole. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 16 April Owen Seaman came to tea. Fair night awake some hours, afraid to go in to Lin in case of disturbing him altho’ I heard him cough. Horrid morg. Nurse to doctor with Lin who seems a fraction better. I walked after shop’g to meet them, waited ½ an hour in rain & just missed them at Albert Gate. Spencer & Edgar came to tea, latter looking ill, feel v. anxious about him. Mr Green came. Roy out to dinner. Dickie seems a wee bit easier in breathing. Sunday 17 April Slept fairly well. Awake 3 to 4. 30. Heard Lin coughing, worried. Roy off earlier than usual. Lin & self to Zoo. He seemed to take more interest in things. Mr Green came. Dear little Oliver with Nurse F. to tea. He had lunched at Hylda’s, looks well & was vy good but disobedient to Nurse F. who seems to have no control over the children. Roy dined here but rushed off at 8.30 to see Mr Stern off to Paris. Monday 18 April Met Lin morg, Hyde Pk, after he had been to Dr with Nurse. Mended linen. Fair night. Lin coughed between 3 & 4 early morg. Sophy & Gilly came to tea. Lin less breathless but vy tired evg, has oxygen twice a day. Roy entertained Mr Stern’s guests for him at dinner & sporting club after. Man seriously injured there.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Tuesday 19 April I slept in Lin’s room, fair night. Lin woke & asked for urinal No. 2 Had his leg out of bed for this reason. Do not like his being alone at night. To Doctor with Lin. Sat in Park after, home 1.30. Edgar came to tea. Marie packed. Roy out to dinner. Dickie seems better & talked a little more. Wednesday 20 April Slept in Lin’s room, better night. Edie came morg. Finished packing. Lin did not go out all day, he went to Punch dinner! I left by 3.20 for Mrs Evans, Ramsgate. Marie to Sta. with me. Edgar & Sophy met me at Sta, saw me off, trav. 2nd class. Very kind welcome fr. Mrs Evans. Charming room & dear little clean comfortable house. Hope dear Lin will be none the worse for going to P. dinner. Thursday 21 April Fine alternately, much warmer. Slept well, down 11. Into town. Wrote Dickie. Met Lady Burnand, Mrs Banks Tomlin, Mrs Nooth & Sylvia looking better morg. Rested after lunch. Took fly with my hostess to Mrs Martin Tomson. Lovely garden, great masses of red tulips & never saw such quantities. Tea there. Mr & Mrs T, 2 daughters & governess. Walked back. Letter fr. Nurse all well. Puzzle & bed v. tired. Had to leave puzzle unfinished 10.35. Two letters fr. dear Lin, seems better. Friday 22 April Splendid night, slept until 10 to 9! when maid came in with my breakfast. Only fair morg. Letter fr. my dear Dickie, seems easier. 2 letters fr. Nurse, one fr. Marie. Not a nice letter from Antoinette, vy ungrateful, feel X. Worked until 12 in Mrs Evans little work room. Out for an hour between showers & I called after my rest on Lady Burnand at her little house. Perfect chaos people just gone & carpet & curtains piled up. Found Rosie sorting silver etc. Called on Mrs du M, out. Vy happy quiet day. Saturday 23 April Vy high wind unable to have my window open, so cold. Lovely early. V. cold & damp & dull later. Good news of dear Lin fr. himself, Nurse & Marie, so glad to get these. Morg with Mrs Evans to St Peters, took Arum lilies to our beloved Parents grave, looking so beautiful with purple & white hyacinths & yellow tulips & double forgetmenots, & to Eilie Gladstone after. Vy pretty cottage & lovely big garden. Saw Cap. Gladstone. After rest to tea Mrs du Maurier. Sylvia looking lovely lying bed near window drawing room, purple cover cushions & gown. Mrs du M. tired. Peaceful quiet evg. Bed 10.30. Sunday 24 April Dull & raining. Good night. In all day except for walk by lawn hedge with Mrs Evans on her return fr. Church. Dined at Sir Francis Burnand’s. Winnie, Ethel looking sad, Mr Philip Bradley Winnie’s fiancé (a big rather gauche young man evidently shy of Sir F.) & Lady B. Vy cheery evg. Two maids shut out of No 20 & all busy with ladders trying to effect entrance at back. Fear finances tightening but all happy & cheerful. Enjoyed our evg. Lovely night after rain. Monday 25 April Fine & dull alternately cold, v. cold. Slept badly, coffee last night! Telephoned morg. Fr. Post Office Marie but could not hear a word scarcely. Decided to remain until


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Wed. Mrs Evans so kind in wishing it & very satisfactory telegram fr. Nurse telling me to remain. Letter fr. dear Lin, going to Academy Varnishing Day today! V. unwise. Mrs Hammond came to tea & she & I to Hospital after, beautiful & luxurious but badly kept, v. untidy & stuffy & smelly. Mrs Irwin (Irish lady) to dinner. Looks weak & ill, suffering fr. heart. Tuesday 26 April Slept well, gleaming morg. Still cold. Out morg. & lunched at Mrs Hammond’s, v. pleasant, & walked after to call on Mrs Buckmaster, out. Rested on return, tea, & out again on front. Quiet little peaceful evening & bed. I put in all my dresses after tea & left only few things to pack tomorrow. Peaceful happy little evg alone with Mrs Evans. Bed 10 o’c. Wednesday 27 April Slept well. Out at 11 after finished packing, everything ready. To Lady Burnand, stayed some time & she asked me to go to her next time. Came away by 3.28, Mrs E. to station with me. My 2nd class carriage full. 2 wedding parties in train & great commotion at Faversham. Found Marie awaiting me Victoria & Lin & nurse flown to Punch dinner. Home at 9 o’c. I dined in drawing room. Roy out to dinner. Lin seems a little better, seemed vy tired on return. Thursday 28 April Lovely morg. Slept well. With Lin to Doctor. Do not feel any improvement in Lin, seemed to have settled down into depression which is very contagious. Poor darling seems to care for no one, or any thing. Tried to talk to him but useless & I feel absolutely nervous with him. Dr. depressed also. Round Green Park & St James’. Oysters for Lin’s lunch. A dreadful day. Did one shelf of my wardrobe with Marie. Roy dined out. Friday 29 April Roy leaves by night mail for Ireland. Bad night. Nurse with Lin to doctor. Edith Mervyn & I to Private View Academy11.30 by Motor Bus. Met many friends. Mr & Mrs Messel, Ld Kingsburgh, Johnson Fergusons, Lewis’s, Agnews, Humphrey Ward, Airds, Sir F. & Lady Mclean, Abbeys, Spiers, English’s, Carlisles, etc etc. Lin’s lovely “Thumbelina” there, also Mervyn’s group Mr Crossthwaite vy good. Ret’d alone to lunch with Lin. Mervyn using my book with Ethel afternoon. Marie & I did morg. room cabinet, finished it. Roy dined at home & left for Lennie & Maud’s, Ireland 8.10. Edgar & Sophy & Major & Mrs Batey there. Saturday 30 April Slept better both. Cool but fine. In all morg. Nurse by train, Lin & self in brougham to see Cyril Maude & Marie Lohr in “Tantalizing Journey” charming & vy amusing. Mr Maude came to see us, let us out across stage, no stairs. Tea on return. Lovely piece of samon fr. centre fr. Maudie fr. fish 20 ½ lbs! Mrs d’Arcy called. Lin vy restless & breathless after dinner, scarcely still a moment & yet he has seemed better these last few days. Sunday 1 May. Dull morg. Lin vy restless all night until 4.30 when I arranged pillows & covered him over & he seemed quieter & more restful. Headache. To Zoo 11.20. Chair for Lin


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 there, saw new Polar bear quarters, splendid, & they seemed so happy & different. Saw the Seal monk in the Polar bears’ old place, vy unhappy & bellowing. Gardens lovely, trees just out & cherry & apple blossom. Dickie only so so. Vy breathless. Mrs Routh came & sang 2 songs to Lin, he enjoyed them. He slept after dinner, perhaps quieter. My darling, Linley & Oliver did not come. Linley arrived fr. Ireland this morg. Monday 2 May Fair night. Lin v. restless, making the stuffy noise in his nose & throat, so alarming. He slept thro’ it. Nurse with Lin to Dr. Gladys C, Nonie Messel & Spencer came to tea. Lin enjoyed seeing them. Mr Green each day at 3 now, better for Lin. Hear darling Maud is better. Antoinette went to see a lady as useful maid. Tuesday 3 May Everyone (illeg). Vy bad night.Lin v. v. restless & lost his handkerchief, had to get one from bathroom. Walked to bank taking Chersonese paper certificate signed & left it with head clerk. Across Gardens met Mrs Macquoid, to 104 Lancaster Gt. Saw Miss Gill & dear little Oliver. Saw Emily about Mary. Met Lin & Nurse at Serpentine watching gosling with 5 geese following it qlong. Nurse back by bus, self with Lin. ½ bot. wine fr. Barkers. Ordered 12 oranges, & gooseberries. Lord Kingsburg called & Miss Rose Innes. Wednesday 4 May Bad night. Slept in Roy’s room but heard Lin drop something, was glad I went in to see but c’d not get to sleep again. Nurse F. brought Linley & Oliver to see me. I saw a lady for Antoinette, Mrs Scott, where she goes as useful maid. Walked to Gardens with chicks, both darlings well. Linley returns to school this afternoon. On after to French Gallery to see A. Mauve’s pictures. Most beautiful, asking 1800 gns for one size of mine & £5000 for a larger one: Took cab. Arthur L. & Florrie Blair called & had tea. Lin to Punch dinner. V. breathless after. Thursday 5 May Bad night. Nurse leaves tomorrow. Lin with her to Doctor. Lin’s breathing a great deal mental Dr says, & vibrated his forehead yesterday & today, results a large raised place on his forehead. I shop’d & went about Char to thoroughly clean rooms next week. Antoinette vy nice girl but not thorough in her work. Letters last evg fr. darling Maud. Mrs Messel came to tea & was most cheery with Lin. Saw Olive’s vy untidy looking char with a (illeg). Do not fancy her. Friday 6 May Went in to Lin at 4.10 am this morg hearing some noise, only wind blowing blind about, found Lin fast asleep. Slept until 6.10, found tea & water cold! Felt refreshed with good night. Morg Marie & I did Lin’s room as he said he w’d go up to it & did a little work!!! To Doctors morg with Nurse. Vy windy but fine. Mr Green at 3 o’c. Lin to start fresh medicine tomorrow. Beatrice Rooth & Doris to tea & both sang to us charmingly. Lin again to his room after, but too tired to work. (extra page pinned in) Friday 6 May. Alarming news of King all day men shouted. Great anxiety, 6 doctors. Miss Finlay called said everywhere placards of dangerous condition of the King. The King died at 11.20, but not known until later. Cannot realize it. Terrible loss & at such


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 a time in our country’s history, only ill two or three days fr. a cold taken at Sandringham. Saturday 7 May X. the terrible news of the King’s death last evg at 11.20 after 3 days illness. Antoinette up told me on calling me. Fear shock for Lin. Great sorrow & great loss to all in these most critical times. Bronchial & heart trouble immediate cause, worry & anxiety caused by Liberal Government primary cause. Nurse Hanbury leaves today, vy nice obliging nurse, & new nurse came 3.30. Little plump thing with bright face. Lin seems to like her, sh’d be happier if he does. All places of amusement closed. (extra page pinned in) May 7 1910. Went with Lin for drive & past Palace. All flags half mast high. Great crowds outside Palace & many going & coming fr. the N.W. entrance. Perfect hurricane of rain & hail, v. cold. Mr Green came & Nurse H. left. Antoinette & I did boxes, taking out black things & putting away coloured. All went well evg. Lin v. breathless, slept in Roy’s room. We both like the look of new Nurse & Lin seems to like her much better than the last. Sunday 8 May Wretched cold day, dark & showery. Went for drive with Lin round Regents Pk. Looking perfectly lovely, all the trees and blossoming shrubs, lilac etc just bursting into bloom. Both good night, but Lin uncomfortable & breathless & high coloured in morg, visits cause. Ethel M & Sp, dear Oliver & Nurse F. to tea. Marie off duty. Lin very breathless & uncomfortably restless when drowsy. Monday 9 May Lovely morg. Lin seems easier in his breathing but choaks dreadfully over his food, makes me v. anxious. Lin to Doctor with Nurse, former still most sanguine. The King seems to have had these same throat contractions. Mr Green came 3 o’c. Lin had 2 actions, took more Rubinol morg. I tried to get gloves, out of my size! No one called. Letters fr. darling, & Roy who leaves Ireland tonight, & Nurse went with Lin to Punch dinner, back 9.20. Spoke to Mr Agnew about my picture, returns it Thursday. Tuesday 10 May Dear Roy arrives early this morg. I slept in his room, impossible to sleep in dear Lin’s. Roy arrived 9.15, looks wonderfully well. Busy getting his mourning for the King. I went to Doctor with Lin, vibrated his head & Lin seemed more awake after. We sat in Park & watched people. Called Barkers, got Chablis & tarragon. Nellie & Mr Townsend called & had tea. Roy dined at home. Dear Lin vy sleepy. I took him to Doctor, he was less sleepy after vibration. Wednesday 11 May Slept well in Roy’s room but vy disturbed breakfast, dear Lin so uncomfortable after (illeg) (illeg) felt v. (illeg) going fr. room to room! Nurse took Lin to Doctor. Met Mrs J.F. & Desirée, & a party of 14 hens at Lady J.F’s. All in deep mourning. Would rather have been at home with Lin. Took Desirée back as carriage fetched me at 3 o’c. Bought flowers 1/6 Barkers & arranged them. Darling Oliver to tea, so delighted to see his dear little face at the door on my return. We had tea together & he left at 5 for Mad’lle & his French lesson! Letter fr. my darling & dear Edgar. Roy out to dinner. Lin again twice up to his room & drew a little, & seemed less tired than last time.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Thursday 12 May Slept well in Roy’s room. Dear Lin also seemed not to have moved during night: Lost his china ornament! & found it in his bed! My 2 white bed boxes returned by Bermans Tuesday. Pd for alteration 38/6. Fine morg, still cold wind. No one called except Mrs Sington. Dear Lin vy depressed & seems to have taken a slight chill. I took him to Doctor & we remained top of Row in carriage after, too windy & cold for Lin to sit out. Roy dined with Mr Sterne. Friday 13 May Mr Agnew did not return my picture yesterday as promised. I slept in Lin’s room, fairly good night. Dear Lin seemed vy tired & slept late in bed after his breakfast & Nurse broke his china ornament! last night & had to use bronchial jug! Antoinette got the old one this morg fr. cupboard in maid’s room. Nurse to Doctor with Lin. I shop’d, met Mr Ledger, Coward etc. Sunny but v. windy. My corns v. painful. Marie painted them last night. Mr Green 3 o’c. Lin had v. bad choaking fit at dinner last evg. Saturday 14 May Roy to Tabbie’s Leweston morg. Antoinette Duval leaves today after 2 years 5 months service. I slept Roy’s room, went to see Lin 3 o’c, coughing, & looks better but pasty. Horrid choaking fit after his sea weed stuff, terrified me as it weakens him so. Pd Antoinette £1, wages 18/5½, 2 weeks. Lovely day, warmer. Little Mary (illeg) came as housemaid. Lin, Nurse & self to see “Whip” Drury Lane, vy good & well acted. Lin enjoyed it vy much, but vy restless on return, after dinner especially. The King moved at 9 fr. his room to Throne Room, lying in state there until Tuesday. Great crowds all day around near Palace. Roy went to Tabby for Whitsuntide. Felt wretched about Lin, makes no progress & has slight cold. I slept in Roy’s room. Sunday 15 May I slept in Roy’s room. Went into dear Lin at 20 to 6. Found him sleeping fairly easily, his tea cup on the ground unbroken. Again went into him at ¼ to 7, his little lozenge saucer on the ground. Had my breakfast 5 to 8 & washed. Dear Lin 2nd affair & accident just before starting for Zoo. Chair there. Feel v. unhappy about Lin see no progress, his legs v. swollen & tho’ less restless vy weak & helpless & sleepy, never seems awake more than a few seconds together. Mr Green came 3 o’c. Mary out afternoon. Glorious day, v. warm. Monday 16 May Lovely day slept until 7 o’c. Counted linen with Mary. Went with Lin for drive by Serpentine. Sat out half an hour, dear Lin coughed etc but notice he gets more & more sleepy, breathing v. laboured. Mr Green came. Eve telephoned about Dr T. for her brother-in-law Fisher Rowe. Fanny Evans & little girl called & stayed some time, v. glad to see them. Lin v. silent & depressed about work. Tuesday 17 May The King moved this morg fr. Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall until Friday. Public lying in State. Dull morg, lovely later. X. To Bank & arranged abut Lin’s Japanese 5% to be transferred into new 4% Loan. Also placed £100 on deposit. X. Nurse took dear Lin to Doctor, wish we were as satisfied as he was. Mervyn dined here. Vy trying for him fear, Lin in restless sleep directly after dinner. Dear Roy returned after dinner fr. Leweston. (Page pinned in) May 17th. Made up glass , much


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 broken, 6 now of each fr Whiteleys, Marie. Dust brush, black bed polishing brush & white enamel slop pail to Mary. Wednesday 18 May Lovely flowers fr. Tabs & Darling. Slept in dear Lin’s room last night as his night light went out & afraid he might want something. Vy restless & breathless, got up & arranged his pillows. Took Lin 11.30 to Doctor K, seems satisfied, wish I were. He seems to be losing strength daily, slowly sinking. We sat in park & he smiled twice, & was less sleepy. Spencer came, all feel what I do about dear Lin. Nurse took him to Punch dinner & he w’d go to his study for 15 minutes. Passed v. little water during day. Emma out evg. Roy dined at home with me. Thursday 19 May Vy bad night in Lin’s room, he tossed his head about so, wonder his neck stands it, & coughed, yet heard nothing of storm at 3 o’c must have fallen into deep sleep. Awakened by Lin’s turning over lozenges. Fine & cloudy morg. My corn too painful to walk, vy lame with it, a week now. Lin did a small drawing on couch but cannot be used alas, 2nd cartoon already done, but it kept him awake morg. & afternoon. Mr Green came. Lin did not go to doctor. (Page pinned in) 19 May 1910. Lin & I drove at 6.30 until 8 o’c in Park, saw tents everywhere 5 & 6 deep & great number of horses all tethered in lines between rows of tents. Enormous crowds of people everywhere. Heard band in Park. Saw King of Spain driving fr. Kensington Palace. Emperor of Germany arrived today, 9 monarchs now in London & a great many Crown Princes etc etc. Lin slept less but was vy helpless & breathless at dinner, sits all in a heap poor darling, most uncomfortable. Roy dined with us & vy shocked at dear Lin’s appearance. He slept directly after dinner & a little easier. I slept in Roy’s room after 2 very bad nights. Marie out afternoon & evg, went to see Antoinette. Friday 20 May The King’s funeral. Lovely morg. Roy left in Mr Stern’s motor at 6.30 to breakfast at Princes Gate & goes with him to Barretts where they have places for Funeral procession. It must be a most marvellous sight, 9 monarchs & a great many crown princes & foreign royalties. None of my maids care to venture, thankful. Park a perfect sight. Lin not going Doctor today. I slept in Roy’s room, better night. Roy greatly impressed by Procession. Spencer came afternoon. Lin & self for drive 6.30, saw King of Spain. Roy left for Marlow with Mr Stern later. Saturday 21 May Dull morg, fine later. I took Lin to Doctor, says he has albumen in water & must not take wine or any spirit. Park ankle deep in paper & orange peel, & debris terrible. At 20 to 2 Lin & self in Taxie to Gaiety Matinée. Nurse joined us there. “Our Miss Gibbs”. Music pretty. Tea on return. Spencer came to dinner. Vy good company as usual, & cheered Lin. Will dine once a week with us. Roy ret’d fr. Maidemhead in time to dress & go off again to River with Mr Stern. Sp. left 10.30. Lin to bed 10.20, slept after dinner. Sunday 22 May Glorious day, slept well. Dear Lin looks better & is breathing better this morg. We went to Zoo at 11.20, chair 2/2. Gate man 6d & porter 4d. All most attentive to Lin. Gardens looking beautiful. Still using Lennie’s horse. Enquired about dining at Zoo,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 think it w’d do Lin good when warmer. Sp. & Ada called after concert Hall, brought Lin 4 eggs laid this morg, vy kind. Nurse to see her little girl Finchley Rd, only went at 5.30. We saw German Emperor in Park. Alone evg. Lin v. tired, & to bed 10 to 10. Monday 23 May I slept in Lin’s room, felt anxious, seems so vy weak. Nurse to Doctor with Lin, he wishes further advice, fear this albumen in water v. weakening. All wine & spirits stop’d, & afraid Lin is anxious about himself poor darling. I went to see Nash about bill, & Tax assessor, & Barkers for orders etc. Glorious day, but heat seems to try Lin. Mr Green 3 o’c. Lin’s legs v. swollen. Lady Monckton, Spencer & Ada came. Lin saw Lady M. & enjoyed talk with her. Alice Linley & Mrs Sington also came, Lin saw them. Roy returned but dined out. Lin’s legs v. swollen. We 3 dined alone, Lin to bed before 10 o’c. Very tired. Tuesday 24 May I slept in Roy’s room, but went in to Lin at ¼ to 4 o’c. He knocked down 3 articles one after another on to floor. Barley water having better effect! I went with Lin to Doctor, fear relief must be given for swollen legs & am most anxious. Lin v. breathless. Mervyn dines here tonight. Mrs Joachim, Hilda Gibbs, Mrs C. Cooke & Miss Bonnevie came to tea, all most sympathetic about Lin. Lovely day but v. cold wind. We were unable to sit in Park too cold. Lin seems to get thro’ a great deal of money! & yet I pay everything when with him, can’t understand it. Wednesday 25 May Lin took champagne at Punch dinner. Lin good night but legs v. swollen & high up. To Doctor with Nurse. Dr K. wishes him to see another doctor specialist on Wed next, fear about legs. Makes him weak & depressed & unable to take any wine or spirits. I went out morg alone, cheque £1.0.0 Bank, no purse with me. To Barkers, & about advertisement. Mary leaves end of month. Antoinette came brought me lovely bunch of lilac. Does not look well, but is comfortable, vy glad. Lin to Punch din. with Nurse home late. Roy in 9.30. Vy cold, fires again. Mary out. Flowers fr. Toula. Thursday 26 May Slept Roy’s room. To Doctor with Lin, fears operation necessary next Wed on ac’t difficulty passing water, feel terribly nervous but dare not think about it. We sat in Park facing Serpentine but wind cold. Lovely sun. Marie & I turned out wardrobe & finished upper part Roy’s room. Mrs Messel called & had tea, was quite restful. Lin & self in brougham to Exhibition, chair there. Nurse came in motor & pd 6/6 without nurse’s expenses. Salmon fr. Lennie. Roy out. Lin tired but liked Ex. Friday 27 May Slept well in Lin’s room, only up once. Nurse to Doctor with Lin, so weak & legs swollen tho’ breathing better. Choaked over orange, cannot understand him going on with it. Shop’d alone. Called about glass to Mauve picture, pd for everything. Silk for mending Lin’s handkerchiefs, ordered 4 geraniums. Pd 2/- for eggs to Mrs Lane. Salmon fr. Lennie. Roy dined at home, vy lively during dinner. Saturday 28 May No doctor or Mr Green today! Picture glass to be done ¼ to 11. Men coming Monday instead. Shop’d morg. Went to Lin’s room 4.30 AM. He knocks over things by his


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 bed. Lin in all morg & with me in brougham to see “When Knights were bold”. He was terribly weak & great difficulty in breathing & standing. Nurse came by bus. Spencer dined with us. Vy nice having him & it cheers Lin. Roy left before dinner for Marlow, Mr Stern’s. Went to Lin’s room 4 o’c. Sunday 29 May Slept in Lin’s room. Heard Lin knock over his cups & spent rest of night in his room, do not think it safe his being alone, knocked over night light glass! & generally fumbles about with things on table. To Zoo with Lin at 11.15, 2/6 chair, men vy attentive. Lin seemed more himself tho’ dreadfully weak. Little Mary out. Mr Green here 5.30. Dull day. No one called. Lin seems better in himself tho’ terribly weak, pulse 40. C’d not get him to bed before 11.10. Monday 30 May Slept Lin’s room. In all morg. working. Saw man about blinds & Bernams about back drawing room wall & paper. Dear Lin to Doctor with Nurse. Much swollen & difficulty with water. To remain in bed all day after lunch & tomorrow! before seeing specialist Wed. Tabbie came & brought me flowers, sat in Lin’s room where we had tea. I went for short drive with her in Car, too fast. Roy ret’d fr. Mr Stern’s, dined out & went to Nat Sporting Club (illeg illeg) fear very ill mannered. Tuesday 31 May Dull. Had bad night in Lin’s room, breathed badly. In bed all day legs etc swollen, & to me he looks bad colour. Saw 4 vy indifferent looking maids, English. Bernams man here cleaning back extension drawing room. Darling Maud & Len & Anne return tonight fr. Ireland, 10.30. Roy dines with Tabbie, Claridges. No doctor today. Mr Green came 5.30. Nurse to Lancaster Gate. Wednesday 1 June Derby Day. Roy going with Mr Stern. Dull day. Lin in deep sleep all morg, unable to go to doctor so swollen. Johnston’s man here putting glass to Mauve. Bermans man finished back drawing room. X. Tailor fitted me. X. Fear not much, too confiding. Lin vy weak in bed all day, sitting on sofa for meals. Marie out. Thursday 2 June Sweep morg. room & dining room. Dr K. came here 5.30 & Mr Green. Bad night, up 3 times & found Lin on sofa, breathless, feel most anxious, & greatly swollen everywhere. I went for walk feeling seedy & tired. Met Mr Richardson. Darling Maud to luncheon. Nurse Perrière upset because I asked her to sleep in Lin’s room alternately with me, as it is knocking me up, 4 bad nights in succession. Tabs, Gwen, Eve, Mrs Sington, Lennie & Ham F. called. Only L. & H. saw Lin. Mary Monk fr. Lady Burnand, maid, came. Roy in after dinner. Vy depressed about Lin. Friday 3 June Good night, only awakened once. Vy vexed with nurse who seems vy unsympathetic & selfish, she sulked all yesterday. Know dear Lin vy trying but she has good nights & no house worries & ought to consider me a little. Out at 11 o’c for walk, called Mr Silver & Mrs Watney, former away. Marie vy good helping little Mary with drawing room. Sweep there morg. Darling to lunch & tea, looks v. pale.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Saturday 4 June Dull early. Dear Lin good night. Nurse sat up with him all night, both sheets soaking morg! Lin up to bathroom most unwise whilst legs so swollen. Dr Kingscote came at 5 o’c said he was not to get out of bed. Feel this is what he sh’d have ordered weeks ago, & no acids or sweets. Mr Green came. Mevyn, Tabs, telphoned, Eve v. seedy. I went for drive to stores morg with Nurse. Darling came 11.15 & remained with Lin all day & slept with me in Roy’s room. Lennie at Nymans. Roy to Marlow with Mr Stern. Sunday 5 June Darling slept with me in Roy’s room last night. Nurse up all night & rested day. Darling with dear Lin all day long & doing everything. I went at 11 o’c for walk with Taxie for an hour to enquire Sylvia Davis, better, & Mrs Cole. Saw Blanche & Mr Paul & sat in their garden few moments. After met Maud Cole (Mrs & her husband) vy gentlemanly man. They have a tiny cottage in Sussex. All so grieved about Lin. Cannot speak of it to others. Met Mervyn on return & sat with Lin some time. He is v. v. ill & very wandery. Mr Green came. (Page pinned in) 5th June, Sunday 1910. Dr K came 6 o’c. Felt too upset to see him, my darling & nurse told me after. He has been very strange all day & most odd, with rather wild look in his dear eyes. Hylda Gibbs came & Major Welman. Darling saw them for me. Nurse resting, came down about 5 o’c. Lennie came at 10, but Maudie remained here. Vy uncomfortable for her poor darling. Mr Green came. Monday 6 June Mervyn called. Nurse again slept in Lin’s room, v. unrestful sleep. Darling again slept with me in Roy’s bed. Lin seems about same, sleeping all day, v. puffy. Mr Green here morg & evg. Dr K. coming 6 o’c wth Sir Laudor Brunton. I went with Nurse to Lee & Pembertons, saw Mr Smith, unable to get power of attorney. Vy worried about bills & money generally & do not wish to be dependent on anyone. Darling remained during our absence with Lin, she went out on my return. Lunched together. Lovely day. Roy returns tonight. Came early afternoon so anxious about Lin. Doctors v. hopeful. Lin to lie in bed & not get out of it at all & only to take milk for a day & night. Great relief. Nurse sleeping in his room. (Page pinned in) 6th June. Sir Laudor Brunton ordered Lin to be entirely in bed & to take nothing but milk & to sleep as much as possible. On no account to be disturbed even for medicine or food. Asked Lennie’s advice about bills etc coming in. He wrote to Mr Francis Smith for me & explained better than Mr S. did to me. Tuesday 7 June (illeg illeg). Dear Lin the same tho’ to me seems little easier. Maudie came 11.30 & I went to Whiteleys ordered 3 new cups & saucers tea, & to Johnsons about Lin’s clothes being cleaned. Home 1 o’c. Nellie came. Lin too ill for me to see her, Maud went down. Vy bad day. Mr Green here & Dr K. Wednesday 8 June Lin good night. He seems to me better & less swollen. I had little walk. Telephone going all day long. Maudie came to lunch & tea & dinner, delightful having her but feel anxious as she looks so pale. Lin again asked for pencil paper etc at 2.30 when Maud sits with him. Mr Green came twice & Dr K. evg 7 o’c & he dined with Roy.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Feel a little happier about Lin. Many callers. Ham & Tabs came too, saw them. Edgar came to tea, so glad to see him. Roy out to dinner. Thursday 9 June I lunch D.V. with Edgar & Sophy Café Monico 1.30, provided dear Lin well enough to leave. Did not. Lin had fair night & seems a tiny bit better. I went in M’s Victoria to take flowers to E. & S. at Langham, their wedding day, unable to lunch there, cannot leave Lin feeling happy. Fetched Maud who lunched and had tea here. Mr Green here morg & evg & Dr Kingscote who dined at Maud’s with Ham & Tabs. Sir Francis Burnand came & remained an hour & had tea. I alone as /// returned home to dinner. Friday 10 June Shingleton’s men put up green blind in drawing room, skylight blind. Vy heavy rain during night & rainy & dull until late, lovely sunset & evg. cooler. Heard dear Lin’s heavy breathing & groaning during night. Woke often being full of sorrow in mind. He seemed about same, left arm & hand swollen still, quiet, breathing bad all day. Mr Green here twice. Dr K. came at 6. Edgar & Sophy here. Edgar vy dear trying to help me with money worries. Morg in Maud’s carriage to see Tabs & H, Claridges. Vy anxious about Eve & her operation tomorrow. Fetched darling & she took lovely carnations to Eve & saw her & spoke to Lin. She stayed to lunch & tea. Made lovely shades to Lin’s electric light. Roy out. Saturday 11 June Lin v. good night Nurse said. He looks better but left hand & arm greatly swollen & v. breathless all day. I out morg with Tabs to Gds. Little Eve operated on for appendicitis, pity & enceinte! At her own house 2 nurses! Tabs walked with me to Palace Gate thro’ Gds. Paid House books & Uptons books. Upton Horse show. Darling came to lunch eat nothing. Beatie & Maud Alfred & Mr Cooke & Edgar came to tea. Maud & Roy to dinner. Dr K. came. Roy after to Marlow with Mr Stern. Sunday 12 June Dear Lin fair night. Fresh fine morg. Nurse said we could but patch up dear Lin’s heart as there is no cure for these cases, can only hope on. Greatly worried about stables & expences, absolute madnessto keep on, yet no power to get end of this awful worry. A bad day, dear Lin v. breathless. I looked thro’ bills & ac’ts all morg, business. Maudie came to lunch & tea talked over after lunch. Many callers, Miss Rose Innes, Ethel & Mervyn, Lennie who fetched Maud. Dear Lin had blood in his mouth & bathed it after lunch. Vy breathless. Monday 13 June Dear Lin fair night. In all day doing accounts. Darling Lin v. weak, all most anxious. Roy home early fr. River weekend. Edgar came. Dr K. & Mr Green twice. Going to try Nauheim Baths tomorrow. My darling here to lunch & tea. Mr Hohler came about stable etc, advises selling all immediately. Taxie bit little Mary badly in face, vy unhappy about it X. Bathed it disinfectant, bled copiously. Dr K. told me Lin’s blood came fr. lung.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Tuesday 14 June Upton leaves today month, v. sorry but feel we must stop stable expenses. Sophy goes away. Dear Lin fair night. Nurse off ¼ to 8 in brougham to Mortimer St for bath & Debenhams for towel for Nauheim bath today. Back at 10 o’c. I in Maud’s Victoria to Chesterton & Town Hall about assessments & Bank about Lin’s Life Insurance. Poor little Mary’s face v. bad, feel v. unhappy about it. Beach is going to take our poor little dog Taxie as it must be destroyed. Called to enquire after Eve, better. X. Felt depressed, gave Upton notice. Fetched darling Maud who lunched & stayed till 7 o’c. Roy home early. X. Taxie bit Mary very badly on her face, vy upset about it. X. Wednesday 15 June Lin good night. Out morg. Maud’s carriage to enquire Lady Bancroft, Ethel Mervyn to return Hurlingham ticket for today, have no heart to go anywhere. Effie out. Did flowers drawing room. Darling came to lunch & tea. Many callers. Saw Cole about carriage. Dr K. came earlier, Mr Green twice, & with Nurse & Upton gave Lin Nauheim Bath. Poor darling terribly weak, sat with him all evg. Roy dined at Dr Kingscote’s & Lennie. Maud had Spencer & Mabel(?) and Beatrice(?) Herapath dining with her. Marie out. Thursday 16 June Little Mary’s face better. Vy glad. Beech has taken our dog Taxie. Mary Munro comes. Little Mary Knapp goes to Maud again. Lady Hickman comes at 12 o’c & took me for a drive round Park. Felt better for it & our talk, dear old lady. Dear Lin good night & better colour, left hand still slightly swollen. Edie came early & we did some of the drawers in Lin’s room together, she remained to luncheon. Darling came to lunch & tea. I rested in Lin’s room, quite quiet. Glorious day. Roy asked for several times by Lin. No bath today Nauheim. Edgar, Mervyn, Tabs with lovely pink roses to tea. Tabs to Lin’s room, wrong & my fault, he wanted to see her. L. v. wandery. Groom to see our horse fr. Mr Hohler, too large. Lennie came & took M. back. Roy out. Friday 17 June Dear Lin bad night. Had his Nauheim Bath early . Mr G. said he seemed little better, but he nearly got out of bed when Nurse spoke to me about a new urinal! I did drawing room & loved it morg. One hour doing carpet & dusting everything & well rubbing silver & furniture brass. Better for work. Out in Holland Pk. after. Sat there ten minutes. Mr G. came twice. Thinks Lin a little better still wandering & cannot say what he wants. Had his Nauheim bath morg. Wooden planks in bath. Necessary ordered Barkers. Maudie to lunch & tea. (Page pinned in) Friday 17 June. I rested in Lin’s room 2.30 to 4. Dr K. came 6 o’c & took Nurse to Duke St. in his Taxie about new urinal for Lin, a travelling one. Dear Edgar came & left with Maud, he is staying at Mrs Ryton’s. Fewer callers, Sir W. Agnew & three others. Lovely day, so fresh & not sultry. Roy dined out. Vy anxious & unhappy. Saturday 18 June Dr K. to Ireland, came early. Pink geraniums put Lin’s window fr. Smith & Larks, 2 men v. quiet. Barkers about Bath planks. Dull morg. Slept fairly well, woke early. Dear Lin vy good night. Maudie to Nymans for weekend, so glad as she needed the change. Roy away also for weekend, trust the change will do us both good. Glorious day fresh & sunny. Had Maud’s Victoria to Chesterton about stable, & round Park.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Mr Lane (at Chesterton’s) most kind & promises to do all he can. Lin had bath early. Mr G. came twice. Dr K. v. early, goes to Ireland tonight, returns Monday. Nurse to Melba concert Albert Hall. (Page pinned in) Saty 18 June. Sat all afternoon with Lin. Seemed quiet but wandering, begged me not to leave him. Poor darling cannot recognise he is at home, feel most unhappy about him. Roy dined with me, worrying one with useless questions. Left at 10.30 PM with Mr Stern for Marlow. Sunday 19 June Maud at Nymans. Roy with Mr Stern Marlow. Lovely morg. Anxious à cause de la nouvelle, ne connais pas son ouvrage de tout, pas jusqu’une fille de dixhuit ans, gages ridicule(?). My dear Lin looks worn to me, fear all miserable about him. To Holland Pk. Sat & read to my benefit dear Toula’s book. Saw little Davies boys, their mother better. Mr G. thinks as I do about dear Lin. He came twice. I sat with Lin all afternoon till 7. He was vy funny & seems better. Marie out with Antoinette. I only saw Major Welman. Glorious day. Col Lucas & Hamilton F. & Miss Innes called. Monday 20 June Lovely morg. Dear Lin good night but pining for food, dreadful having to deny him all he wants. Dr K. went to Ireland Saty night, returns today. Lin unmanageable poor darling wants food & we dare not give it. Great com. Did washing with Mary, très lente, point de (illeg). Lin’s bath with Mr Green, Upton helping. Lin w’d not have Nurse in the room, vy angry with her, sorry after. Out morg. Darling to lunch. Saw no one. Many callers. Roy out, looks v. well after weekend River. Tuesday 21 June Lovely day. Woke 6 o’c. Worked & read. Dear Lin does not look to me so well, vy puffy & sleepy, would have tea before his bath, vy bad. Barkers men about wooden plank in Bath, idiotic thing in oak! & won’t do. Had M’s Victoria, went to Bank & Debenhams, former about Life Insurance. Saw Mr W. Stone & Lady Hickman. Darling to lunch & tea. Mistake I did not fetch her. Through tins papers with Roy, came across Life insurance. Edgar came, had been to St Peters today. 15 years ago darling Mother died. Roy out to dinner. Mr G. here twice. Dear Li v. rambling but happy. Wednesday 22 June X. Long talk with Bank Manager, pay off the £600 Lin borrowed of the Bk. Found Life Policy in tin box. X. Edgar to Vitel. Lovely morg, got up earlier & drove in our brougham & saw him off 10.55 Vic. Sta. Lin not so well (illeg) seems more wandering. Mr G. came twice & Dr K. whilst Spencer & Maudie were here, with 2 ladies waiting in his motor. Lin had a whiting for dinner, first solid food for month! & little champagne & bread & butter. Seems about the same poor darling, dare not think but place my entire faith in the Almighty to guide & comfort us all. Thursday 23 June Dr K. did not come. Dull & fresh. Out morg in Om to Knightsbridge intending to walk back, remembered Edie coming, hurried back. After buying dear Lin’s grapes, he is to have fruit. Edie did not come. Darling came to lunch & tea, left at 7 o’c. Roy dining with her & going to see Russian dancers, Pavlova. I had delightful drive of ¾ of an hour at 6 o’c in Maud’s Vic round Park. Lin little better, had sole for luncheon, whiting for dinner & grapes at lunch.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Friday 24 June 3 prs of coms ret’d to Debenhams sent on approval, find can do without. Lin good night. Vy wandering, to me looks the same. I went to Mrs Spofforth about room for Toula, & laundress. Got lovely peach 10d Barkers. Maud came after lunch & left 6 o’c for Sir H. Lane’s at home. Mr Hohler came about stable. Roy home early & off. Dr K. came v. early. Lin had bath. Mr Green here twice. Dear Lin seems a wee bit better. Sir W. Agnew & others called. Maud left 6 o’c. Roy out, dined at Harold’s. Saturday 25 June Dr K. did not come. Lin taking fish & eggs. Very stormy, heavy rains & thunder. Had Maud’s carriage 11.30 to Harrods, got 2 green trays. To Tax Collectors Penywern Rd, & fetched Maud fr. Lancaster Gate. Saw the 2 dear chicks. Little Anne growing very pretty & v. like Lin. Maud to lunch & left at ¼ to 4. Cortain fetched her for Balcombe where she & Lennie go for weekend. Heavy rain. Mervyn called. Roy went to Felixtowe with Mr Stern. Sunday 26 June Mr Green here but not Dr K. Dull. Dear Lin good night, seems little more himself. Mr Green came morg. I had brougham & took Miss Rose Innes with me as she called to enquire for Evie, & I sat with her for 20 minutes. She looked so pretty in bed, vy pretty room. Miss Innes & I walked along by Serpentine & I left her at her Hotel. Edie & Herbert came to tea. Sat all afternoon & evg. with dear Lin, seems a fraction better. Monday 27 June Lin good night & seems more himself, even dictated lettrs, one to O.S, & one Lord Southwark quite sensible. Mr G. here twice. Dr K. here 5.30. Morg did washing & shop’d, got Lin peach & grapes. Poured afternoon. Darling came to lunch & tea fr. Balcombe bringing white strawberries & lovely flowers. Dear little Oliver & Nurse F. to tea. Mrs Ackers came, drove her to Gt. W. Hotel after leaving Nurse F. & Oliver in Maud’s carriage. Brought her back and took my darling. Dear Roy ret’d fr. Felixtowe. Tuesday 28 June Did flowers with Mary 4 o’c. Edie coming to help Lin’s room. Mrs Rawlinson 4 6.30. Dear Lin v. good night, slept till 4 o’c & seems less incoherent. Dr K. did not come. Mr G. came twice. Edie & I did top of Lin’s desk, hard at it all morg. Men fr. Shingletons about their badly done blind in drawing room. Maudie sat entire afternoon with Lin. Oliver & Nurse F. to tea, find Nurse F. unnerving when tired. Drove them home in Maud’s carriage & called on Mervyn 6 o’c. Lennie came, saw Lin, thinks him not so well. Mrs Roger Wallace brought Lin lovely roses. Wednesday 29 June Lady Macmillan 4 - 6.30. Feel vy bad, headache awful, & weepy. Out morg to Holland Park. Maudie to lunch & tea. Lin seems v. weak & I feel very unhappy about him. Men came & took away badly done drawing room blinds, Shingletons. Darling looks v. worn out. Roy out & only comes in now for a moment, & is off. Thursday 30 June Spoke to Upton about having carriage fr. Coles. The astronomer royal 3 - 6 Royal Ob, Greenwich. Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30. Leicester Galleries, Ex. du Maurier drawings. Mrs Palgave Simpson 4.30 - 7. Lin about same. Lady Burnand called morg, saw her, wants


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 me to go to them as I feel so worn out, most kind. Mervyn fetched me 11 o’c & we went to Harrods got new specks, lost mine last night, & to Wallace Collection. Maud in her carriage & both came to lunch. Sp. to tea. Marie out. Many callers. Lin in pain evg, nurses seem very heartless. Friday 1 July Mrs Marshall Hall at home, Ritz Hotel, 4.30. Mrs Mountbatten 4 - 6.30. To Bank about insurance & Lin’s dividends, & Taxes. Bank arranges to pay. Feel v. shakey. Maudie came after luncheon & remained till 7. Dear Lin again swollen, feel most anxious, but head clearer. Dr K. not here yesterday or today. Little Anne came 6 o’c, drove for an hour with her Pk. Vy wet. Roy dined Pohls. Saturday 2 July Fine. Lin v. swollen. Dr K. came early, did not see him. Thinks Lin better. Maudie going to country will not come today. Roy going away weekend but dines at home tonight. Lin may lie on sofa, but was too tired. Poured with rain & awful storm afternoon. Morg. went to Tax Collector 5 Campden Hill Road & to Penywern Rd. Fear no rebate. Sat with Lin fr. 2 till 7. Vy wide awake & w’d sign dividend & draw 3 cheques, one of £20 for Roy & one wages & house, awful muddle, if only he w’d let me take over accounts. Makes it doubly trying. Sunday 3 July Lin on sofa first time. Slept well, rested in bed morg. as Roy away. Sun & rain alternately, cold. Lin had fair night, but feel very anxious, his legs & feet swollen. He is vy silent & has not once said anything about house accounts until yesterday. In all day. Sat with Lin fr. 2 until 7, except when Mervyn & Ethel came. She talked incessantly. Mr Green came once, thinks it’s enough for Lin. Antoinette came & she & Marie went out together. Antoinette brought me some lovely roses, sorry not to see her, c’d not leave dear Lin. Monday 4 July Mr Hohler coming about stables. Great match between Jeffries & Johnson. Slept well. Dear Lin seems a fraction better, but his legs so swollen & last evg after being on sofa & having 4 actions, was so weak. Muddle with Upton who helped him with Nurse on to sofa & never returned to put him back! Mr G. here twice & Lin had bath. I to bank about last Punch payment on account of income tax, awful find 2nd April last. Dr K. hurried in & out at 6 o’c. Maud & Lennie came 7.30 fr Exhibition for few seconds, Lennie holiday. Mr Hohler came about stables & advertising same & carriage etc. Roy ret’d fr. Marlow, & dined out. Tuesday 5 July Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30. Must pay Income Tax etc. Dear Lin fair night but swelling worse hands & legs & stomach so swollen. Had Maud’s carriage Vic to 5 Campden Hill Rd about Taxes paid £13.16.4. The big one for income to stand over. Last payment fr. Punch 2nd April. Lin insisted on drawing this after for me. No doctor today. Green came twice. Went morg to Bank, & chose dressing gown Woollands £1.13.6. Fetched Maudie who remained till &. Roy home 3.30, going with Mr Stern to Henley in car. Poured. Lin on sofa all day but so puffy. Upton helped move him.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Wednesday 6 July Lin bath Neuheim 3 days running. Lin only fair night. I had horrid headache & wonder how much longer can stand the strain. Went for walk Round Pond & felt better air so fresh tho’ dull. Called at Bank about signing cheques. Mary home for party. Rosie Maguire interested in it. Darling came to lunch & tea, distressed about Lin’s legs swelling so. Had tea in Roy’s room. Dr K. came, vexed swelling does not go down. Cannot believe stricture in consequence, fear my darling will be overdone with anxiety & worry. Roy out. Roy at Henley. Thursday 7 July Water cushion came. Lin disturbed night, Nurse up 4 times with him. Went in Maud’s carriage 11.30, fetched her & to Wilsons, Ball & Fermers & Barkers for Lin’s grapes & Marshalls. Lin looks vy puffy & more breathless. Green here twice. Maud sat with Lin fr. 2 - 5. Tea in Roy’s room. Tabbie came stayed long while sitting whilst I rested on Roy’s bed. Mervyn came also later. Maudie v. anxious about dear Lin, it is unnerving work as he makes no progress. Nurse v. upset as Maudie made her promise not to give Lin anything but milk. I had to give him egg at 9 o’c, he was on sofa fr. 3 9. Feel sure Maud is right, he ought not to have meat, result disasterous. Friday 8 July Disturbed night. Lin slept v. badly & I heard Nurse moving about all night. Nurse leaves 3 o’c tomorrow, sorry, but pity she has such a quick temper. Went at 11 by om. to Chartered nurse office about another, full up. To 123 Bond St, explained difficulty of case. Trust new one will be kind & good to Lin. Sat with him fr. 2 o’c, looks weak & puffy. He did not lie on sofa. Maudie came at 5 o’c. Sir Lauder Brunton came in consultation with Kingscote, confirmed Maud’s opinion, diet essential, & again on milk only, flavoured with tea, coffee or cream. Toast, biscuits, rusks & jam only. 1½ pints of milk a day. Saturday 9 July Nurse Perries leaves 3 o’c, another coming. Nurse Paddock fr 123 Bond St comes. Lin had fair night but looks v. swollen, unusually quiet & sleepy. I walked to Barkers got 2 lbs of grapes & went for a walk fetching them on return. Maudie to luncheon, she left at 4 o’c for Balcombe where they all moved down to yesterday & the chicks. Poor darling v. sorry about changed nurses. Lin took kindly to new nurse. Green here twice. Eton & Harrow, Eton won. Roy shouted himself hoarse v. exciting match. Mr C. Cooke came bringing loely brooches(?) for Lennie to see for sale. Sunday 10 July Lin good night but heavy breathing. New nurse could not sleep. She is not as active or neat & tidy as Nurse Perries but seems a nice woman, & is handsome. Roy to Queens Club & golf after Ranelagh with Mr Stern. Roy dines with Tabbie, Claridges. Mervyn came for ½ an hr. I walked in Gds morg & went to 9.30 service, heard good sermon. Met Mrs Knowles who walked with me & was v. interesting about her work, she writes. Mary out. Lin asleep more or less all day. His poor back v. bad. Upton here 4 times to lift him in bed. Monday 11 July Lin not good night, awake a great deal. He looks very ill & so weak, & swollen in the left side. Green came twice. Lin seemed better after bath, Neuheim. Spencer came 11


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 o’c, went with me to Fortnums in Motor Bus. Got blackberry jelly. Upton got 2 glasses of jams fr. Barkers, ret’d one. Darling came to lunch, left at 4. Looks v. frail, feel v. anxious about her. Lovely flowers & raspberries fr. Balcombe. Roy in 11 PM. Marie to enquire after Evie. Dear Lin bad today. Dr K. did not come. Tuesday 12 July Second nurse fr. B. St. comes 6 o’c. Clara Burgheim came. Town Hall about assessment of House, stables to let. Roy went for me. He dines at the English’s. Dreadful night, awoke 3 o’c feeling v. unhappy about dear Lin, heard nurse moving about. She fetched me 3.30. Lin in great pain fr back & bedsores, kidney, no water passed for 10 hrs. Nurse whistled for Upton who came at once, I let him in. He lifted Lin & he seemed easier after. Went back to my room v. unhappy. Lin much swollen when I saw him having his breakfast, 3 different jams & coffee milk. Dr K. came, altered medicine. Kidneys not working. Lin had his bath, Upton said he seemed quite bright after. I went to Bank about insurance for Upton, wiser. Sat in Park after, feel better. Wish people w’d not sympathize with me. Mrs Coward in. Wednesday 13 July Dear Lin awake till 3 AM, feared so as he hates new people about him & Nurse Mortlake who came yesterday as day nurse has not a taking face or manner, seems to muddle so in the working after Nurse Perrier. Lin sleeping when I went in at 7 o’c looking vy ill. Nurse v. anxious. I took papers & read Holland Pk, felt wretched. Maud came to lunch remained till 4 o’c. Maud’s tooth troubling her again. Roy dined at Miss Innes & theatre after. Lin’s breathing v. bad. Thursday 14 July Upton took horse to Balcombe. X. Dear Lin very bad night. Nurse P. vy anxious & sent for Maud & advised me to remain here. Roy remained home to luncheon. Darling arrived early looking v. seedy, her abcess in face started again fr. a top tooth. I walked for half an hour 10 to 10.30, met Mr Mrs & Baby Bradbury, c’d not trust myself to speak. Mr Green here twice, could do nothing. Lin seemed easier afternoon, breathing still bad. Roy to Q. Club & dined with Pollock. Dr K. came vy angry at Nurse’s sending for Maud & Lennie also. Lin rallied wonderfully & slept later. Friday 15 July Mrs Mountbatten 4 - 6.30. Dear Lin quiet night, after 10 o’c slept, looked much better morg. Had his Neuheim Bath & Green twice, feel it is too much for him, wish Dr K. would cease these. He did not come. I read “Times” in Holland Pk, too tired to walk further. Darling laid up Balcombe with abcess in tooth, v. anxious about her. Roy home early 5 o’c, to Queen’s club, & actually dined here. Out after. Dear Lin v. tired all day, bad day after bath Neuheim. Meryn & Ethel in after dinner & vy glad to see them. Saturday 16 July Water bed. Went in to Lin’s room 6 o’c seems to suffer much fr. the 3 dreadful bedsores. Changed his position with Nurse & easier after. Nurse made us both tea, he had a fair night only. Dull dark morg, cool. Dr K.came early. Lin had bath & exercises twice with Green. Am certain they are too much for him. He looked much better early & was very restless & wandering afternoon & evg. Water bed arranged,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Upton fetched it. Seems more comfortable on it. Spencer came morg, Edgar at 5 remained some time. Latter v. well. He arrived fr. Vittel last evg. Sunday 17 July Dull. Dear Lin fair night. Seemed breathless & rolled his head about. I remained in all day. Roy depressed, went to Club, home at 7.40, & out to dinner club. Edgar came to tea & saw Lin who smiled at him & wanted him to stay. We sat in Roy’s room to be near Lin. Lin very restless & snuffly until 10 o’c when he settled off quietly after some oxygen. Monday 18 July Green here twice as usual. Pouring wet morg, v. dark. Lin quiet night. Had bath, Green. Pd Upton’s book. Lin very wandering. Maudie had her tooth out Saty & has been in bed 4 days nearly, she seems better fr. her letter. Midge & Edgar came to tea in Roy’s room, both v. well. I walked with them thro’ Gds to Hyde Pk Hotel where Langleys are staying. Home in taxie. 1/ 2. Lin v. drowsy. Bed 9.30. Tuesday 19 July Tabs wants me to go to them at Anchorage for week cannot go. Lin fair night, still very wandering. Edgar fetched me 11.30. Darling Maud arrives same time fr. Balcombe, looks better. Dr K. came 11.30, had had operation to his left eye, grave fears. Edgar & I to Exhibition where we lunched (Maudie here). Went in boat! Sat in Jap. Garden & saw pictures & wonderful embroideries. Taxie home 3.30. Saw darling before she left 4 o’c. Roy dined with Harold. Antoinette came. Pity E. won’t forgive her. Wednesday 20 July Midge looking charming in grey & so glad to see her, looks very well. Lin seems slightly better, no bath. Green once. Went to Bank about mortgage Miss Knightly, gained no information. Expected Edgar, returned immediately. E. did not come. Mary Knapp came with jam from darling Maud. Mary does not look well, paler. Also raspberries fr. Maud fr. Balcombe. Midge came 5 o’c & Roy home early & out dinner. Green here once. Lin vy sleepy, rested quietly. Sent Upton to Bouverie St. Lin settled at 9.30, not asleep when I went in at 10.15, seems better & stronger tonight. Thursday 21 July Went in to Lin 8 o’c, looks better. He had good night, asked me to write down Dr Hourkin. Green here twice, last Bath for few days. I had Victoria & went to (illeg) office. Paid income tax £38.8.9. To Queens Rd with pk. dressing gown to dye. To Hospital contract 33 Mortimer St about his cushion, promised to credit me, & Barkers grapes & powder. Saw Lady Hickman. Again Victoria 4 to 5 round Park. Sat with dear Lin on return, resting quietly. V. tired, settled in 9 o’c, Upton helping. Had oxygen 4 times today. Marie out, enuui, E. & M. Fear M’s temper will ruin her, such a pity, has many good qualities. Friday 22 July No more Neuheim Baths set. Lin had restless night, sleeping later, was wide awake when I went in at 6 AM. Green here twice. Dr K. came. Roy told me of the awful bill he had sent for him & Lennie, tremble to think what it will be for dear Lin. Out 11.30 Vic, ordered blouse Lucille 35/9. Emma out. Sat with Lin after tea & an hour after


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 lunch, seems better. Dr K. thought about the same. Mervyn came after dinner, stayed till 10 o’c. Ethel away. Saturday 23 July Lennie goes into camp. Lin restless until 4 o’c AM. Slept after. Did not go in as Nurse afraid I might wake him early. Neuheim Bath goes today, he has had 34. Out 11.30 Vic to Stores, pd £1.6.4 by cheque, £1.4.0 for M’s silver frame & 2/4 groceries. To Mervyn’s studio, delighted with his work. Drove him home. C’d not ask him here unfortunately on ac’t Nurses. Green here twice. Sat with Lin, seems about same. Sunday 24 July Lin had a restless night, slept later, & had a fairly quiet & easy day. I walked to Holland Avenue, driven back by rain strong westerly wind. Wretchedly dull afternoon. Roy out all day, home 7.15 & sat with him whilst he dressed, to sup. with the Pohls. Mary out afternoon & evg. Major Welman, Rouths, Mrs Sington called. Did not see them. 9 o’c Lin breathing easier. Monday 25 July Wet wretchedly cold day. Dear Lin restless, slept better early morg. In all morg seeing to accounts & cannot understand tax to deduct fr. mortgages to Mrs Knightly. Mary gave notice. Darling M. came, dear little Anne in bed with cold at Balcombe. I drove with Maud to Victoria ¼ to 4, & got Lin grapes on return at 5.10. Tea & sat with Lin. Roy back & out to dinner. Dear Lin easier, settled in 9 o’c when Upton came to help Nurse. P. & Dora in M’s carriage Vic. Sta. going to (illeg). Sure Maud w’d raher be alone. Tuesday 26 July Another wet morg. Slept badly, awakened by market cart. Dear Lin looks puffy & tired, had fair night. I had carriage 11.30 to Stores about frame for darling’s birthday, & about what tax to deduct on Mrs Knightley’s mortgage, 1/2d in pound. Darling Maud did not come, fear little Anne worse. Dr Kingscote came, wants Sir L. B. to see Lin again. Wishes me to go away for week, feel I need it, getting nervy. Roy in, dined & played tennis with Harold. Lin’s breathing no better. Hate going tomorrow. Wednesday 27 July If possible to leave dear Lin I go to Mrs Evans for week. Maudie came early fr. Balcombe to stay during my absence. I said goodbye to Roy who leaves Sunday for Boulogne. Dear Lin about same. Would have his drawing board, compass etc, seems wandery. Had not heart to tell him I was going to Ramsgate. Marie helped halfheartedly to pack & forgot many things. Cab alone to Sta. Flowers fr. Midge & Darling. Mrs E. met me Ramsgate. Ethel B. dined with us, feel cheered all so kind. V. anxious about my dear one. Thursday 28 July Ramsgate. Bright & sunny morg. Long satisfactory telegram fr. darling Maud about Lin, sleeping comfortably. Sat out in Park morg & worked. After lunch rested short time & Mrs E. & I went on tram to flower show Montefiore’s. Met Weigals, Banks Tomlins, Martin Thompsons, Hammonds etc. Good show & band. V. full. Horrid tea 1/-. Tram 7d. Letter fr. darling, Roy dined with her Staf. Ter. last evg. After dinner Mrs N. & I walked to hear band and parade. Felt v. tired.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Friday 29 July Slept well. Vy windy & cold grey morg. Dear letter fr. Maud, Lin sleeping & not yet noticed my departure. V. thankful. Sat in Porch all morg working, rested after lunch & at 4 o’c had fly & went with Mrs Evans to Eilie Gladstone’s at home, beautifully arranged on terrace garden St Peters Cottage. Went to our beloved parents grave & to church first & joined Mrs E. after. Met Mrs L. Tomlin etc. Called on Sir W. Agnew at Grave’s Hotel Broadstairs & to Mrs Rooth’s. Ethel B. dined with us. Wire fr. Maud to return at once, dear Lin worse. Missed train up, going by first train tomorrow. Saturday 30 July Wire fr. Maud, dear Lin vy ill, return by Granville. Lady Burnand came to see me early. Found dear Lin greatly altered in these 2 days, swelling risen round heart, feel most unhappy. Roy & Mervyn Staf. Ter. on my return. Dr K. came says most critical, v. little hope. My dear one scarcely recognised me. Sp. called. Roy Maud & I dined together. Sat with dear Lin after. Sunday 31 July Roy goes to Boulogne. Cannot go, dear Lin so ill. Bad night. Scarcely any water passed. No pulse & breathing badly. Roy in morg. but lunched out, back 5 o’c when we were most anxious, did not think my poor darling could survive, rallied later. Dr Townsend came twice & at night injected strychnine. Feel wretched about him, great change. Sp. Mervyn Ethel came evg. Roy in to dinner. In all day. Terrible day. Maud & I only partially undressed for bed. Monday 1 August Darling M. slept last night in my bed, half dressed. So anxious. Dr Townsend came twice yesterday. Dear Lin had quiet night. Nurse came in twice & brought us each tea, both unable to sleep much. Lin seems to be sleeping quietly all morg. Roy in to lunch & dinner & Sp. called morg. Roy looked thro’ bills, over £200 owing. Dear Lin not so well again 4.30, so blue, & scarcely any pulse. Dr Townsend came morg, injected strychnine. Lovely day. In all day. Tuesday 2 August Terrible day, wandering, breathing so badly. Dr Townsend here 3 times, twice injected strychnine. Oxygen greatest relief & comfort. Maud & I with him all day except the 1½ hrs I rested after lunch. Ethel Smart came, & dear little Linley morg. on his way to Ex. with Nurse & Kirton. My darling looked so happy all afternoon, smiled at us & kissed us, & seemed to see friends, his whole face lighted up. Breathing getting more difficult, his dear face altered. Roy here. Wednesday 3 August My darling Linley passed away at 10 minutes to 4 o’c AM. Maud & I spent night in his room, oxygen all the time. After yesterday afternoon he seemed unconscious. Nurse Paddock sent for Doctor who came at 4.5 & he passed most peacefully away, the sun rising. God bless him, the dearest & best of husbands & fathers, & grant him that Peace which passeth all understanding. Amen. Dear Roy & Maud & myself with him at the last. After his bright & happy recognition of us all three yesterday he seemed to pass into unconsciousness & only kept alive with oxygen. Mervyn & Spencer here early, & Lennie, all so dear & kind helping dear Roy in the last sad duties & arrangements. Mervyn took me for walk evg, felt better after.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Thursday 4 August The saddest & most desolate morg of my life now my dear husband’s spirit gone. God has given him rest & peace after his long illness. Our dear children a great comfort in their love & all my dear brothers & sisters. God is indeed good & merciful to me. May I have strength & courage to do what is right. (extra page inserted) Thursday 4 August 1910. M. & self slept badly, awful stillness & loss of our dearest occupation, the lovely expression of perfect peace on my darling’s face beautiful, cannot remember anything else. Maud & Edgar (who arrived at 10 o’c AM) to St Peters about ground, remained night. Edgar & Mervyn here to lunch. M & E went by Granville. All satisfactorily arranged at ground adjoining our dear Parents. Tabbie here. Sp. Dined here. (another extra page inserted) Thurs 4th August. Dear Edgar arrived morg. He & Maud to St Peters Church about our grave by 3.20, remain night. Lennie, Mervyn & Spencer here. Edgar & Lennie to lunch. Tabbie arrived after luncheon. All so dear & kind & what a comfort their love is in my sorrow. Great many beautiful wreaths & flowers arriving all day & endless telegrams & letters all so appreciative of my darling’s talent & character. Nurse Paddock remaining till Saty, most kind. Nurse Mortlock left on Wed after seeing to everything with Nurse, they have both been most kind & attentive to dear Lin. Tabbie, Sp. Dear Roy, Lennie to tea, after which Tabbie took me for walk Gardens, felt so much better after. Tabs & Sp. To dinner. She left 9.30. I spent half an hour in my darling’s room. Friday 5 August Darling Maud’s birthday. She returns with Edgar by Granville, arrives 12.30. Lovely morg. Went in to my dear one at 4.30, put out electric lights there & remained some time. Too unhappy to write or think. (extra page inserted) Friday 5th August. Darling’s birthday. She & Edgar ret’d 12 o’c. 8 to lunch. Saturday 6 August My darling Linley. (extra page inserted) Saty. My beloved husband’s body cremated at Golders Green. Service at Kens. St Mary Abbots 10 o’c Roy, Sp, Edgar, Mervyn, H.F, H.L, Lennie all here & at church. Midge here & Tabbie. My darling & I read service together in Roy’s room. Roy, Lennie, Sp, Edgar on to Crematorium, & greatly impressed with service. All beautifully arranged by my darling, Roy & Edgar. They returned early. The (illeg) ashes in bronze urn brought back by Mr Kelly & Barringer in our own carriage, Upton driving one of Lennie’s horses, about 4 o’c. All beautiful & (illeg). Maudie had arranged the wreathes & table covered with Mrs Sambourne’s silk shawl, looked so beautiful, & sun shining into room all day. Edgar & Maud dined here. Lennie left with Nurse F. for Balcombe. Sunday 7 August Midge came. Maudie to 11.30 service & not home till 2 o’c. We 3 to luncheon. Edgar came at 4 o’c to take Maud Midge & self for a little walk to Old Garden, Kensington Palace. Spencer & Ada, Mervyn Ethel & Gwen called with her husband, but only saw her. (extra page inserted) Sunday 7 August. Maudie to early service & not back till 2 o’c. Bad night, felt wretched & darling also. Midge lunched here. Roy & Spencer out Sp, Ada, Mervyn, Gwen (who called with Freddy in Motor) only saw her, Edgar & Midge all here tea. Edgar, Midge & self & darling walked after to old garden Kens. Palace. Midge left & Roy dining with her. (another page inserted) continued 7th August. Edgar dined with Maud & self after & Lennie came in late fr. Balcombe to dinner at 9 o’c. Maudie made everything beautiful as usual. All went up to see my


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 darling’s room with its blessed contents. Nurse left early been most kind & useful. Feel in a dreadful dream of suspense the future seems so full of emptiness without dear Linley. (extra page inserted.) Monday 8 August Up 7.30 to draw up blinds in my dear ones room & take away dead flowers & tidy flowers. Kenyon came 9 o’clock for interment at St Peters Thanet. Sp, Edgar, Lennie, dear Roy & Mervyn go by 10.40. Maud & self did dear Lin’s room alone, looks better, & all fresh flowers. Maud & self alone luncheon. Lost my diary & worried. Monday 8 August My darling Lin laid to rest in our own ground at St Peters. Edgar, Mervyn, Spencer, Lennie & Roy left here with Kenyon at 10 o’c. Service in church & all struck by the beauty of grounds & church, so happy our dear one lies close to our beloved parents who loved & were so proud of him. Ret’d at 6 o’c. Edgar Sp. & Lennie dined here. All went so well & our own carriage took our dear one to Vic. Sta. Maudie, Midge & self to lunch. I tried to be bright at dinner for dear Roy’s sake, & darling Maud. (newspaper cutting inserted, letter from Times about Linley Sambourne’s first work for Punch.) Tuesday 9 August Maudie & I slept better. Dull dark day. Maudie did a set of drawers in dear Lin’s study. Edie came & went with me to have my dress altered Watteau, & to Marshalls for gloves in M’s carriage. Edie lunched & dined here. Roy & I did one drawer in drawing room. Had all wreaths taken from my dear Lin’s room. Saw Emma for first time since my loss, felt v. bad, all my loss flooded across my mind. Edie played for Roy after dinner. Mervyn came in & looked over some of dear Lin’s drawings with Maud & Mervyn. Peaceful day, feel dazed without dear Lin. Wednesday 10 August Lovely day. Maudie Roy & I all slept better. I out at 11.15 to see about housemaid Norah Beresford. Maud doing drawings of dear Lin’s in his room. Edie here all day. I tidied dear Lin’s room, so sad at heart. Roy home 5. Godfrey Sellick called, Roy saw him. Maud & self for drive 6 o’c in Victoria. Roy Maud & self dined here & looked thro’ books. Vy dusty. Thursday 11 August Toula came. Maud & self slept v. badly. At 11.30 to Harrods in M’s carriage about collar & cuffs to old Alpaca, & black blouse. All dear Lin’s clothes being put in our room, heartbreaking work. Maudie in dear Lin’s studio all day cleaning out drawers. Lennie fetched her in Motor & took her to Hampton Court after tea. Lennie, Toula, Roy Maud & self to dinner. Friday 12 August Busy all morg dear Lin’s clothes. Gave Upton & Emma & Edie some. Inventory being taken by Mr Page 2 o’c. Edie left at 3 o’c. Maud & Roy with Mr Page. Feel awfully seedy & ear aches left. Maudie to Browns about dear Lin’s drawings, brought 5 only back! Lennie came & took Maud & Roy to dine at Exhibition. Saturday 13 August Lennie & Maud to Balcombe by 4.20. Slept badly, alone. Darling Maud came early fr. Lancaster Gate & remained until 3 o’c. Edie came & remained till 4.30. Gave her


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 many of my dear Lin’s & some of Roy’s things for Herbert & Edgar F. Toula helping darling M. in dear Lin’s study. Roy & Upton going thro’ clothes in our room. Desolation there. Rec’d cheque £11 odd fr. Brown Leicester Sq’r Gal. for a drawing sold, precious money this. Roy v. busy with letters in all afternoon. Toula & self for walk after tea. We 3 dined together, bed early. Sunday 14 August Slept badly. Thick white fog at 3AM. Could not even see stables! Hard at bills all morg. with dear Roy. Toula doing the tin boxes & putting away dear Lin’s clothes we mean to keep, heart rending work. Roy out after lunch & Toula & I worked away at all Lin’s things until 4 o’c.when Ethel & Mervyn & Edie & Herbert came but they w’d not remain until tea. Marie helped me pack until 7 o’c after tea, dressed & we three dined. Roy v. busy putting dear Lin’s drawing tray(?) in order, & we cleaned it outside after dinner. Monday 15 August Storm in night, did not hear. Slept well. Roy & I go to Tabbie at Christchurch by 4.40 train D.V. Paid Upton’s book £1.14.4. Drew cheque £8, pd. Emma £1 & Marie & Mary £2 for 2 weeks board wages. Paid Upton £2 for one week to Saturday next, the 21st inst. Now at rate of fifteen shillings a week & for extras, taking carriage to M’s stables etc. Very comfortable journey. Roy v. good & (illeg). Glorious day, Tabs’ new chauffeur in Car met us & luggage apart. Found Tabs, Ham, Gareth, Mervyn & little Gweneth at Anchorage, all most kind. How terribly I miss I miss my dear Dickie, but still have so much to be thankful for, & he is out of pain & suffering now. Tuesday 16 August Slept well. Glorious day. Miss my darling Linley more than ever, life seems very empty without him. Went with Tabs to Bathing Hut where she bathed in blue silk garment. Little Gweneth there, dear little child. Roy joined us & bathed. Gareth & Mervyn, who left early for the yacht, came round in her & came ashore. M. been ill! H & Roy played tennis. Walk with Tabs along shore. Roy looks v. depressed, feel what he feels. Wednesday 17 August At The Anchorage. Lovely day. Slept badly. Sat out with Tabs, & little Gweneth over Bar. After lunch rested. H. & Roy in to Bournemouth to order bicycle for Roy, in late to lunch. Mrs & Miss Tuck, pretty Americans, he Cairo Judge. Tabs to garden party Lady Bemburg & to Mrs Townsend at Sandhills. I walked along cliff with Gweneth. Roy’s cycle arrived. Hamilton played & sang evg. charmingly. Thursday 18 August Slept well, To Bar again with Tabs. Roy & Gareth boated. Roy’s hands dead after. Saw net pulled in with only few tiny soles. Cap’t & Mrs Seymour & their little girl there also. Wrote 7 letters, felt v. bad writing, miss my darling Lin terribly. Tabs, Mervyn & self to Christchurch in Motor. H. & Roy played tennis at Col Gibb’s. V quiet evg. Bed 10.30. Cheque fr. darling Maud for Nurses & Oxygen, £41 odd. Friday 19 August Storm during night. Slept well. Dull morg & raining early. Lovely day later & warmer. Sat out on Terrace read & worked. Tabs writing. Roy, Ham & Gareth played


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 tennis, & again afternoon at Col. Gibb’s. Tabs to sports with Miss D. Gibb & friend. Miss Hayes here afternoon to paint garden. I had walk with Gweneth along shore. After dinner H, Roy & Gareth to Mrs Sermon’s for Bridge. Tabs & self bed early. Saturday 20 August Slept well. Dull & raining early, rained on & off all day. At 12 o’c with Tabs & Mervyn in Motor to Christchurch. Tabs bought tea & coffee service at Galtons, old. After lunch wrote letters & felt wretched. Rained. H, Roy & Mervyn & Gareth to Bournemouth where they rinked! Tabs & I had dear little Gweneth with us for tea & walk. Essex Digby came to stay. Dear Roy looks vy depressed. Sunday 21 August Lovely day. Slept well. Tabbie & Roy walked with me to the little Church & Roy fetched me after the Prayers & I sat out after on Terrace. Roy bathed. H, Gareth, Mervyn & Essex Digby went in car to Boscombe Church. Wrote 4 letters after lunch & wept my eyes out. Dear Roy looks so terribly depressed, we miss our dear one at every turn & his bright happy face, God bless him. We all went over to tea at the Bar except Hamilton, & had tea in the Bathing Hut, Gweneth with us. Boys v. busy after dinner looking out trains for their journey, & for Gareth to cricket matches at Coleridges etc. Monday 22 August Slept badly. Bright early. Fine. Slept badly. Gareth & Essex joined Yacht at Yarmouth & are off till Saturday for cruise Ireland! I sat out all morg with Ham on Ter. Roy played tennis with Cap Culme Seymour, he & Roy to bathe after on Bar. Tabs, H. & Roy to Mrs Hayes tennis party. Evie came at 4.30 fr. Dorsetshire. Went for walk along shore after tea with her & Gweneth. Roy livelier. Tabs looked tired. Bed early. Roy & H. played tennis on return fr. Mrs Hayes. Tuesday 23 August Slept well. Sunny morg. Very wet later. Wrote 4 letters on Terrace. Tabs & Evie & Mervyn to Bournemouth. Roy & H. to Bournemouth both morg. & afternoon, rinked! Little Gweneth & Nurse with Seymour child stranded on Bar till ¼ to 1 o’c. Forgotten by boatman. Mervyn forgot to tell the man to fetch them. Wires fr. Gareth fr. Joyette on way to Dartmouth. Tabs Eve & self for long walk along beach after tea. Vy tired, too far. Eve tried H’s new music after dinner. Wednesday 24 August Slept well, feel still tired. Sunny early. Dreamt about Lady Rose Weigal. Why? Wrote morg on Terrace. After rest & lunch with Tabs to Forest in Berliet & walked there, most lovely. Ham & Roy on cycles to forest where they had tea. Roy tired, wish he was stronger. Cut ivy with Tabs & Mervyn on return on Terrace. Quiet evg. Talk on authors & bed. Miss my darling Lin more then ever, his fund of knowledge on all subjects. Thursday 25 August Dreamt of my dear Linley that he was so well & happy. The first time since. Sat all morg. on Terrace writing. Rested after lunch. Rained, fine later. Walked with Tabs & dogs to end of Sandhills sea wall. Sat there & after tea for walk along shore to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Highcliff with Eve & Gweneth. Roy & H. & M. to Bournemouth, rinked. Lucy packed for me. Friday 26 August Up 8 o’c, feel tired tho’ slept well. Finished packing easily. Blanket dressing gown etc. Gave Lucy 6/- & man 2/6. Sat with Tabs on Terrace ½ an hour. She wants me to stay in autumn Leweston, & Xmas. All most kind. Little Gweneth came & sat in my room when I had breakfast. Roy & I left by 11.40. Lovely day. Found my room v. nice & clean curtains up etc. Roy & I dined together. Mervyn & Ethel in after. So glad to see them. Saturday 27 August Slept v. badly wind blew blinds about & felt v. lonely in my solitary room, miss my poor darling. Finished packing & saw to various things with Upton. Roy & I lunched 1 o’c & he left for the River. I left by 3.30 for Balcombe, took Upton. Train 40 minutes late, accident this morg. Found Gladys C, Toula & Mr Forrester there. Felt my loss acutely, dined in my room & to bed. All most kind & attentive. Sunday 28 August Dull & rained hard after lunch, fine early. Slept better. Walked round garden with my darling & drop’d my little watch. Found it again after frightening everyone. Lennie & Mr Forrester & Linley to Mrs Oxley’s. Felt terrible the blank of my dear one here, miss him more than I can express. Dined downstairs. Mr Salt dined here, & to bed after, before men out from dining room. Monday 29 August X. Horse sold. Balcombe. Fine early. V. wet afternoon till 5.30. Slept well after 12 o’c. Morg wrote to Mr B. Partridge thanking him for drawing of my dear Lin, to Roy, to Fritz Jackson, stores etc. X. Beach brought me £25 for horse “Whitenose”. Vy good & sold so soon. Gave Beach £1, fear not enough but Lennie said it was what he w’d give. Feel relieved as wish to do what is right & just. Mr G. Allen called. Linley & Mr F. not able to go to Dr Parker’s for cricket too wet. Fraulein left for her holiday in Switzerland. Darling, Toula, Gladys & self for walk along farm road. Miss my dear Lin terribly. Tuesday 30 August I slept well after 1 o’c. Vy wet morg & poured until 2.30. Wrote morg. Four little boys to luncheon for dear little Linley’s cricket match against Scouts. Linley 11 won by 125. Maud had tea beautifully arranged in cricket field where she had a party to watch match. Toula & I had tea at House, went for walk after. Felt v. bad evg when Lennie began to sing Song for All Souls Day. Had to escape. Wish I could master myself better for my darling’s sake. Early days. Letter fr. dear Roy who goes to Anchorage. Wednesday 31 August Dear little Linley’s birthday. Fine morg. He dined downstairs & we had games after dinner. Went for walk with Toula. Maudie’s work class & some lovely work done. Morg wrote. Evg remained for little Linley’s games.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Thursday 1 September Pd Emma £1.10.0 for board wages Thursday. Little L. & Mr Forrester to Brighton. Lennie played cricket evg. with Anne, O. & Maudie. Went by 9.35 to London with Maud, called at Bank & left the £20 for horse on deposit & £10 for a drawing also on deposit for dear Lin’s estates. Left Passbooks. To Staf. Ter. Lunched there & Mr Page came to see drawings etc. Darling & I did my dear Linley’s room. She looked thro’ drawings etc. & I thro’ bills, checks & letters. Saw Emma much better & rested. Upton about cameras. 4 (illeg) boots (illeg). Back by 4.30 train. To bed after bath. Friday 2 September Pay this month’s premium £24.16.8 on Lin’s life insurance. Must write to Bank. Glorious day, warmer. Walked morg with Toula. After lunch wrote & mended my evg. dress in Toula’s room. Maud & Gladys to luncheon at Mr Allans. Mr & Mrs Messel & Muriel to dinner. Felt great difficulty in keeping up bravely, & heard fr. Mrs Messel of Sylvia L. Davies death last week. Feel v. sad, what a sorrow for her poor mother & her 5 boys, so young & so beautiful to be taken. Saturday 3 September Toula’s birthday. Sat out with Toula all morg. doing my dear one’s bills etc. Glorious day. Drove with Maud & Gladys to Lady Frederick’s & Toula for the drive & left them. Toula & self ret’d for tea here. Lennie playing in a tournament at the Oxleys. A little girl (Barbara) to lunch & tea with Anne. Letter fr. dear Roy fr. Anchorage. Sunday 4 September Letters fr. Emma, Mr Smith, & Pass Bks. Many bills. Letter fr. solicitor. Slept well after 1 AM till 7.30. To Church alone, sat near door. Toula came later with darling & Gladys, Mr Forrester & chicks. Toula sat with me but remained to Com. with Maud. I left before Hymn “Art thou weary” 254 lovely hymn but felt could not hear more. Went for walk alone to Bridge, took Bear. Mr Oxley & 2 men here for tennis & tea. Toula & self for walk after took Bear, v. good. Little Booths here for tea. Darling wrote all afternoon. I wrote to Roy, Tabbie & Mr Smith. Monday 5 September Mr & Mrs Oxley dined here. Lennie played pianola. Maud, Gladys & self & little Anne drove to Nymans, saw Mr Parker, Ruth, Muriel. Walked around grounds with Gladys. Picnic afternoon. Col & Mrs Bingley, Major & Mrs Molyneux, chicks, & little Barbara B. & Heyworth Booth children. Maud managed v. nicely. We boiled kettle in charming place off Red Road. Mr Allan also there. Tuesday 6 September Mr Boyd (clergyman) dined here & expressed (illeg) sentiments on Scouts! Pity. Letter fr. Solicitor. Slept well. Went in Car with Maudie & Toula to call on Mrs Hohler. Toula & self lunched in Car. Darling went in & lunched. Passed thro’ lovely scenery, Storrington, Arundel Pk, Amberley etc. Saw Chanctonbury Ring in distance. Very pretty little cottage H’s, poor Mrs H. v. ill, fear Graves disease. Maudie to see Linley play cricket Mrs Talbot’s party on return. Rested. Awful indigestion, can’t understand why! & generally deranged.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Wednesday 7 September Cheque to Emma 38.9.3, wages & washing. Slept badly, v. sad, felt better later. Toula & self went thro’ my dear ones bills & papers. Chicks to Nymans for afternoon. Toula & self for walk, Bear v. tiresome. Darling Maud’s work girls here. Toula worked with them at new stitches. Mrs Cooper to tea. Gladys to Brighton for day. Lennie v. lively evg, seems much better. Letter fr. dear Roy. Mervyn at Anchorage. Thursday 8 September Busy all morg. with dear Lin’s papers bills etc with Toula. Afternoon cricket match here Balcombe-v-Nymans. We all went down to see it & were so interested remained until nearly tea time. Balcombe won by 50 runs. Little Barbara Bingley here to lunch & tea. Lennie played evg. To bed 9.30. letter fr. dear Roy, Mervyn at Anchorage. Friday 9 September Slept well till 8 o’c. again hard work morg doing papers & bills until luncheon with Toula. Fine day but cold. Gladys photoing chicks. After tea in carriage with Maud for drive. Met Toula & Gladys. I got out & walked back with Toula, she & I dined alone. Maud, Lennie, Mr Forrester & Gladys dined at Nymans. Toula & self quiet little evg, read papers. Saturday 10 September To bed directly after dinner, rest played poker till ¼ to 12. Slept well. Long list of bills etc fr. Mr Smith Solicitors. Toula & self v. hard at work all morg. on verandah going thro’ accounts. Vy tired. Gladys photoing children. The Heyworth Booths 4 here to lunch & tea. Maud, Gladys, Mr F. & Mr Parker & Lennie had tea on Lake. Mr Parker came at 2.30 for walk to Lake & by village, home after our tea here. Sat in Toula’s room & worked. Sunday 11 September Lovely day. Maud, Gladys & chicks & Mr Forrester to Church. Self wrote. Toula packed. Lennie & Mr E. Parker read & walked. Two Miss Meads to luncheon. Lennie & Mr P. fished afternoon. Toula & self for walk along farm road, lovely view fr. the field beyond. Lennie played pianola after dinner. Darling v. tired & laid down, wish she would rest more. Monday 12 September Leter fr. Sp. Wrote to have £79 put on deposit to make even sum. Toula left at 9.30 for London, goes by night boat to Rotterdam for her niece’s wedding Thurs. Darling, self & Gladys sat on Terrace, Maudie & self doing cheques. Wonderfully clever system, hope to copy it. Maud & Linley to Brighton where he had 2 teeth out. We walked after tea, Maud, little Oliver, Gladys & self to new farm road. After dinner Lennie did portrait of Gladys in front of fire!!! Maud helped! Mr F. to Cuckfield for tennis & Gladys in Car also. Bed 10.30. Tuesday 13 September Lovely morg. Darling helped me with cheques again all morg. on Terrace, vy dear of her as she has more then enough of her own things to do. After luncheon we went in small car to Ld F’s wood & had tea there. Mr F, Gladys, Linley boy, Anne, Oliver & self. Perfectly lovely there. Mr F. & G. walked home. Felt v. sad twice today, in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 writing letters morg. & again evg. when darling & Anne sang. Miss him terribly. Had letter fr. Major Welman, has broken his arm motor (illeg). Wrote to him. Wednesday 14 September Wrote to Roy at Bedstone & sent him Lee Pemberton’s letters. Very wet morg. after boisterous night, unable to go in motor to Brighton as arranged to dentist with darling Linley boy. Remained in & wrote. Chicks all busy with Gladys & Mr Forrester making sweets in nursery. Miss Fitzroy & Miss Meads to luncheon. Maud’s working class girls greatly improved in manners, appearance & work. Walked with Gladys after tea. Lennie vy late fr. City, nearly 8 o’c. Thursday 15 September Dull morg. Maud, Mr F, Linley & self to Brighton in motor & I had tooth filled by Mr Gibbon. We picniced lunch before getting into Brighton. Went for walk with Gladys on return after tea. Little Oliver in bed with cold. Played game of building ship with Linley. He returns to school tomorrow. Friday 16 September Dear little Linley went back to school, & Mr F. with him. Linley v. tearful. Maudie went with him & met Lennie after. Gladys & Mr F. for long walk morg. Both a little épris. For walk with Gladys after tea. Home early expecting Mervyn fr. Bedstone, but did not come. Mr & Mrs Messel & Miss Lund to dinner. Miss Lund a great relief, so lively. Felt tired & depressed all day. Saturday 17 September Little Anne in her room with heavy cold. Walked morg. alone & to enquire after Mr Outram, better. Nonie Messel arrived for week end at 1 o’c. Mrs Cooper & dau. to tea. Mervyn arrived fr. Bedstone 5.30, looks thin. Roy there still. Harold came evg. Sad affair Messel office, man of 20 yrs service aged 60 been taking money falsifying books, feel v. sorry for him. Mad thing bringing its own punishment. Bed 11 o’c. Poker. Very tired. Gladys won. Sunday 18 September Felt v. tired morg. Slept badly. Letter fr. dear Roy yesterday. Did not go to Church, sorry. Read & wrote. Dear little Anne in her room & in Lennie’s dressing room afternoon, bad cold. Lovely day. Maud rested morg. Harold, Lennie & Nonie to Nymans morg. Lennie, Mervyn & Harold on Lake, two former fished. Maudie, Gladys & self to tea on Lake, & Nonie. Lennie neuralgia. Sang all evg. Bed 10.10. Lovely sunny day. Maudie starting cold. Monday 19 September Slept badly. Morg wrote letters & mended linen. Chicks colds still fairly bad. My darling with one now, makes her look ill. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth to dinner. Mervyn & self for drive alone after tea, & little walk after. I came up to bed directly after dinner my head felt so bad, afraid might be foolish. Tuesday 20 September Lovely day, woke for 2 hrs night. Maudie, Mervyn & self to Spencer’s to luncheon at St Margaret’s Vicarage, Fernhurst, Mr Herkomer’s. Most lovely country, we passed Wisborough, Petworth, Horsham & thro’ Cowdray PK. Very pleasant lunch. Ada,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Hylda, Sp, Mervyn, Maud & self & Miss Edwards. Walked round grounds, vy pretty, 12 acres. Had tea on way home. Mr Hohler here to dinner. Vy anxious about his wife, left by 9 PM. Darling Maud seems better, her cold. Gladys cold now. Wednesday 21 September Lovely day, slept little better. Went with Gladys & Darling to East Grinstead to Sackville Alms Houses, built by Lord Devon 1619. Beautifully situated at top of hill. Saw one of the rooms of which there are 20, dear old woman of 90, 91 on Oct 5th! As upright as a dart & with all her faculties & a great sense of humour. Darling’s cold v. heavy. Work class & Mrs Cooper due for tea. For walk with Gladys to enquire for Mr Outram. Two gentlemen to dinner to discuss boy scouts. Lennie v. tired & v. rude. Thursday 22 September Mervyn teaching Anne & Oliver how to model with green wax. O. vy clever. Lovely day . Awake hours night. Sent 9 cards & 4 business letters. Wonder what Roy is doing in London as E. wrote he was expected on Monday. Midge & H. wished him to remain as long as possible at Bedstone. Maudie in bed all morg, bad cold. Sat with her. Walked with Mervyn round garden. Rested after lunch, walked again after tea with Mervyn. Maudie sorting her clothes with Gladys. Lennie less tired & quite bright. Fraulein returned fr. her holiday. Friday 23 September Lovely day, slept much better. Warmer. Darling rested morg, if one can call writing in bed resting. Cold still bad, & Gladys also. Sat out all morg. on verandah working. Wrote at 7.30 several letters. Walked with dear Mervyn, v. sorry he leaves here tomorrow, goes to Edgar, Ravensdale. After lunch sat in front with Mervyn & G, darling busy with dressmaker, wish she could be in the sun more. Toula arrived 5.30 fr. Holland. Vy well & cheery. Mervyn v. amusing. Account of Sherborne Castle in this weeks Country Life. Talked after dinner (illeg illeg). V. incessant pianola. G. to bed after tea. Saturday 24 September Not a line from Roy, must have been in town a week. Dear Mervyn leaves early for Edgar’s, Grimsby. So sorry, delightful having him here. Sent cheque E. Darling’s cold still heavy, cannot get her to rest 2 days in bed which would do her good. Gladys in bed all day. Walked morg. after writing letters with Toula. Good talk & enjoyed it muchly hearing all about wedding. Lennie busy cutting down shrubs & trees all afternoon. Mr M. came & approved. Great delight of chicks chopping fallen trees. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth to dinner. Darling worries me v.much, looks ill & nasty cough. Sunday 25 September Slept well. Letter fr. darling Roy, had been to St Peters & found things not satisfactory, felt wretched about it. Must go down directly I get home. Walked with Toula, too unhappy to go to Church as I intended. Dear Toula cheered me & enjoyed our walk. My darling in bed all day & looks better for rest. Sat with her morg. & after tea. Lennie & Mr Booth fished. Gladys up again, down to lunch & dinner much better. Lennie looks tired fr. yesterday, but lively thro’ dinner talking over Ireland, fishing etc.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Monday 26 September Letter fr. dear Roy coming Wed. Better day & night. Bonfire of branches & leaves fr. the shrubbery clearance, delight of chicks. Ivy removed fr. big pine tree opposite my windows, much lighter. Walked morg. after doing cards with Toula. After tea sat with Maud, in bed all day, up for dinner. Looks better but Lennie vy tired again, vy uncomfortable dinner, darling there looking pulled down. Fear impossible when Roy comes, will be too trying for him. Darling O. eye painful with some dust fr. bonfire in it. Tuesday 27 September Glorious day of sunshine, warm. Maud, Toula Gladys & self to Brighton, sat on Pier. Lunched at Metropole, home to tea. Lovely run, & all enjoyed it vy much. Ivy being strip’d fr. tree opp. my window, great excitement for chicks. White cat & dogs all entered into spirit of it! Lennie not so tired & quite lively. Invited to Fan Company’s dinner, vy pleased, sh’d be interesting. Talked about City Companies at dinner, interesting, & pianola after. V. tired, mostly so fr. air. Wednesday 28 September Chicks to Nymans for tea. Dear Roy comes D.V. tonight. Glorious day & warm. At 10.30 Maud, Toula & self in Motor to Box Lane, Mrs Hohler’s. We lunched in Motor after. Darling seems much brighter. We passed thro’ Amberly, Storrington, Arundel grounds, lovely, & on our way home stop’d at Stebbing. Vy pretty little town with fine old houses. Maudie bought photos of Wiston, Goring’s place. Also Lord Zouche’s, Parham. Working class. Met Roy & after tea Darling, Roy, Toula & self for walk. Roy looks v. well & burnt. M. reading. V. delightful day. Thursday 29 September My Birthday. First anniversary without my dear Linley for 36 years. Miss him terribly. Very happy day, far more so than I deserve. Dear little Anne & Oliver came as I was dressing laden with presents & a lovely box of roses. Letters fr. Edgar & Mervyn. Toula & self all morg verifying bills & took them to Post to Lee & Pemberton, & Overton’s bill about my Darling Linley’s resting place. Maudie gave me sweet little box scent & evg. dress to be made, too many good things. (Extra page inserted). Edie F. here for chicks lessons, looks vy seedy fr. her cold. Toula & self for walk after tea, felt better for air. Met Roy on return & walked back with him, he ret’d earlier than Lennie. Pleasant evg, Roy lively during dinner, he & Maud together. Lennie also better. Bed 11 o’c. Friday 30 September Lennie gave me charming little Sheffield plate tea pot (illeg). Lovely day here Balcombe. Dull in London. Toula & I did 50 cards. Got stamps 2/6 post office & 2/6 two days ago. Had walk after until lunch by Lake. Maud, Toula & self drove to Mrs Allen’s, had tea by the Lake there, lovely, & Maud seemed better & brighter for drive, beautiful place. Mr A. ret’d just as we were leaving & wished us to go in & have tea, disap’t Maud would not remain, told him we had taken our own tea! Lennie v. well evg. & Roy also. We were home late just time to dress for dinner. Saturday 1 October X. Willis policy to be paid April & October £2.10.0 less tax, & £5.8.9 once a year in Oct. X. Did 20 cards with Toula, stamps 2/6. Long walk morg. Roy & Lennie back


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 early. L. cut trees. Roy mooned. Felt v. tired & my side ached considerably. Went for walk evg. with Lennie & Maud & Toula. White ripe strawberries. Roy & Mr Marriott, who came for week end, v. amusing together. Sunday 2 October Glorious day. To 2nd Service. Wrote letters. Maud & Toula at 2nd Service. Vy glad I went, Roy took me & brought dogs back. Dr Parker & wife & dau. called, leave for their London home tomorrow. Mr Forrester to lunch & tea. Roy & Mr M. to Lake. Lennie & chicks to Nymans. Mr Forrester, Marriott, Roy & Darling to Lake for tea, Toula & self here. Walked with Lennie later towards Lake, awful storm of rain, drenched. Maudie v. seedy after dinner, feel v. anxious about her. Monday 3 October Lovely day, colder. Morg. did cards again sorting & walked with Toula. Darling looks better. Roy to City with Lennie who remained in London for Fan Makers dinner. Roy returned 5.30, doleful over business. Valentine Hohler came morg. to stay a week with Anne. Chicks v. happy with companion. Maud, Toula & self for walk after tea. Gladys, Roy & Mr Marriott for walk. Maudie, G. & Mr Marriott to see little Linley morg. Vy well. Made sweets evg, great mess, but successful. Considerable waste & rather late. Tuesday 4 October Lovely day. Darling slept in my bed & we had a good night. Breakfasted in bed with me morg. For walk with Toula. Papers, Will etc fr. Lee & Pemberton to be signed. Wrote Bank about renewal assurance National Cy, cannot understand it. Roy to City alone. Lennie remained in town for Fan Makers dinner last evg. Wrote & rested after lunch & walked after tea with Darling & Toula. Met Roy with Mr Marriott. Roy depressed but v. amusing at dinner. Lennie came just in time for dinner. He did not enjoy dinner last evg much. Bed 11 o’c. Wednesday 5 October Slept well tho’ not in bed until 12.30. Up 6.30, (illeg) of small things. Toula came & helped me finish packing. Breakfast in bed as usual & sat out on Verandah with Darling & Toula. Maud v. busy with her store of things for work class. Dear Chicks to see old lady at Alms houses. Toula & I returned Staf. Ter. by 1.16 train after early lunch. Darling saw us off Sta. Fees £1.6.0. Upton here Staf. Ter. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Toula & self alone. Awful without my dear one. Thursday 6 October Letter fr. darling Maud. Slept well. Feel v. lonely without darling Lin, begin only to realize what Life means without Him. With Toula morg. doing flowers fr. Tabbie. Midge sent a chicken & Edgar a bottle of dear Father’s old port. Ada S.J. wrote. Had walk with Toula to Kens. Palace Sunk Garden, lovely, & shop’d. Signed Gas & Coke Cy paper at shop. X. Put fresh paper in shelves Bathroom & cleared out things there for Roy. Roy dined at home, read papers for Probate with me. Bed 10.30. Friday 7 October V. bad night, but felt fairly well all day. Roy went to Commissioners Kensington about signing Will & do (illeg). Toula & self met Ethel Mervyn, she came back with us for few seconds, looks ill & v. stout, so sorry for her & dear Mervyn. Toula & self


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 to Nash, Chesterton, Barkers & Bank about Willis renewal insurance & £5.8.0 to pay on 2 insurances of £250 each. To Harrods about pianola. Darling came to lunch, looks fairly only. Left at 4 o’c. Roy dined at home, & read, quite lively. Saturday 8 October Upton after place morg., think he has got it, does work there daily. Slept v. badly. Toula to see Mrs Corrie’s old governess. I alone to Commissioners abut signing document for Probate. Chestertons, Barkers, & to Ethel Mervyn’s, both out. Took flowers 1/3. Bought grapes returning 2/- Wests. At 12.15 Toula & self worked at lower shelves in dear Linley’s room desk, did all lower part working after lunch also until 3.30. Rested. Tea 4.30. Wrote 5 letters. Roy back, he dined out. Toula & I read Times, worked. Letter fr. darling Maud. Feel we made progress. Sunday 9 October Slept better up ¼ to 7 & wrote. Charming letter fr. Mr Ridge of St Peters asking me to lunch & tea at Vicarage Tuesday next. Roy arranged wardrobe in Bath room. Toula & self for walk, called at Derwent Lodge, not returning until Wed. Mrs O. ill. On to Edie, out, left note asking them to dine. Rested & wrote afternoon. Mervyn came to tea looking wonderfully better. Edie & H. to dinner. We all felt dear Lin’s absence terribly. Edie played & cheered Roy a little. Hebert sang. Monday 10 October Slept better. Awake v. early. Toula off after breakfast all morg. shops. Nash’s men here mending 4 window sashes. Barkers know nothing of our 3 rugs & eiderdown sent in their cart Aug 8 or 9th. Vy angry about this. Went morg. Barkers, & sat in Gardens facing Palace. Miss Schlessinger sat with me, was most kind. Amused by children & young girl caretakers near me. Toula & self to tea with Ethel. Roy & self at 5 o/c to commisioners. Taken closely to Sign documents & Will for Probate. X. Pianola came on hire fr. Harrods, Roy played it. Tuesday 11 October Toula & I go by 10.40 to Broadstairs. Took wreath & dear Toula flowers. Vy thankful to be near my dearest & see his resting place look so beautiful with 2 lovely fuchsias & 2 wreaths of palms quite fresh fr. 9 August. So happy to know he rests close to our dear Parents. At 2 o’c to Vicarage saw Mr Ridge about Vault, decide to get estimate. Charming man, most kind. Saw Overton & his son fear exorbitant but hope wrong. To Church, & after going to Dearest again to Broadstairs (extra page inserted) Tuesday 11th October & walked thro’ St Peters past Robinsons to Tram & Sea front, rested here & had our sandwiches cake & milk & walked along cliff. Back by tram to Station & home by 5.55, train changes at Faversham late on ac’t Special, believe of King of Portugal! Dined 9.30. Roy home by 10 o’c. had taken down pictures fr. his wardrobe & cleared top. Feel much happier seeing Dearest’s grave so beautiful. Gt comfort having dear Toula with me. We dined together alone at 9.30. Trains all late on account of French railway strike, awful as no trains running by Northern French railway at all, & standstill there. Wednesday 12 October V. wet day, unable to go out. Toula & I did wardrobe in Roy’s room, replaced linen & cleaned top of wardrobes & pictures. Dusty & dirty, took entire morg. but did much in time. Rested after lunch until 4.30. Tabbie to tea, looked ill. Vy pleased to see her.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Book with paper cuttings of dear Lin came. Roy out to dinner, came home early. Letter fr. solicitors about signing & borrowing fr. Bank £700 odd. Thursday 13 October Dull & dark. Toula & self v. busy in my room sorting dresses, in all morg. Man fr. Barkers found rugs & all intact, 6 things, 3 rugs, eiderdown, fur rug & travelling ditto. After lunch rested & Toula out till 5.30. I had tea & walked to enquire after Sylvia’s boys. Peter at Eton, Michael & Nico with Nurse Notting Hill Square. Midge dined with Toula & self, v. amusing & lively. Felt the blank of dear Lin’s absence. Roy out, ret’d to dress. Friday 14 October Slept badly, strong wind, window rattled. Dull & colder. Flowers & vegts fr. darling. Worked hard all morg. at corner cupboard in dear Lin’s room. V. black & dirty. 12 inkstands! Toula & self walked to School Art Needlework, pd. 2/6 bill. Home in motor bus. Mervyn & Ethel dined here, & Roy with us. Feels v. strange without Dearest Lin. They left 10.10. Ethel looks v. well & seems much better. Fire in my bedroom. Sat morg. room on ac’t of Ethel after dinner. Saturday 15 October Roy away for week end for Golf. Toula & self to see Rackham & H. Thompson’s Show, Leicester Galleries. V. weird R’s. After my rest worked hard in dear Lin’s room & it begins to look straighter. Still v. much to do. Whiteley brought bed fr. Lancaster Gate & took the brown sofa & 4 large cushions fr. here to L.G. Lady Lockwood came, saw her. Vy quiet little evg. with Toula, both tired. Sunday 16 October Slept much better. Midge, Edgar & Sophy dining with us tonight. Vy sorry Roy away. Spencer also dined here. Toula & self walked to Spencer’s. He went with us in Motor to Marble Arch. We walked across Park & he saw us home in bus as far as Kens. Church, & called at 4 o’c to say he w’d dine here. All looking so well, but awful blank without dearest Lin. All miss his dear bright face & joyous presence. Roy away. Monday 17 October Slept well, awoke v. early & wrote to Mr Ridge, Overton accepting his estimate at Edgar’s advice for vault, & to Mr Smith about dear Lin’s estate paying same, greatly doubt it. Out morg. with Toula to Barkers for 2 white heather to send darling Maud who arrives this afternoon at Lancaster Gate with Lennie. Toula & I packed dear Mother’s blk. box for loft, still 2 left to do. Evie & Edgar came to tea. Roy ret’d when Edgar there but dined out, looks very seedy indeed, wish he would take more care of himself. Toula & self alone. Tuesday 18 October Midge’s birthday. Dear Toula leaves, sh’l miss her greatly. Went with her in cab to Sheffield Gds. After walked to Round Pond & shop’d. Maudie came to lunch, rested in my room & had tea in drawing room together. Very happy & peaceful. Edgar came to tea. Lennie & Maud dined here & Roy. Vy pleasant evg. Lennie vy bright & Roy too. Finished darling Father’s port wine. Roy played Pianola. Harrods sent morg. to put pianola in order.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Wednesday 19 October Letter fr. Toula, nearly missed her train. Vy unhappy Roy so brusk & am greatly worried over Probate & Stables. Also Mr Smith telephoned, dear Lin owed £900, a loan he raised on Barr estate. To Chesterton’s about stable. Had M’s carriage to Sp’s & he went with me to Coburg where Midge & H. are (cannot have tea with them at Carlton today too unhappy) to Langham left letters for Edgar. Spencer dining with Roy & self tonight. Nellie K. called, saw her. Marie out. Thursday 20 October Midge sent me charming white & mauve heather in basket, our Wedding Day. Out morg. to Bank vy worried about dear Lin’s loan of £900. Missed darling Maud who returned to lunch & tea, & Edgar came to tea & talked business after. Maud & Lennie dined with E. & Sophy at Langham. Roy out, alone. Marie played zither, & vy well too. Mary wired for, her father ill, home late. Vy sorry for her. Friday 21 October Slept well. Walked to Maud’s & in carriage with her. I to Mr Smith’s about loan £900, & a House rating etc. Left paper with him. Awful Death dues & legacy duties. Fetched Maud fr. Macdougals, where she ordered a coat for me, too generous of her. Lunched & had tea with her & missed Edgar & Fanny Nembhard here. My darling busy packing & Nurse F. there. Emma out. Roy out. Colder. Saturday 22 October Slept better. At 11.30 out shop’g. Walked round Pond. Edgar came at 4 o’c. We had tea & went together to call on George Brookes, 21 Campden Hill Court. Charming rooms, stayed some time. E. came back with me & remained until 7 o’c, so dear & unselfish. Roy returned home 2 o’c & left in Mr Stern’s car for Worthing week end. Alone evg. Sunday 23 October Slept well. At 11.30 to Unitarian Church, met Sophy & walked with her round sunk garden & round Pond. She & Edgar dine with us at 7.30. Alone lunch. Quiet evg. Miss Rose Innes & dear Mervyn called, former rather tired my head. Roy returned late by motor. Monday 24 October Out morg. Fanny & Alice to tea, most kind. Asked Roy & self to dine but Roy prefers quiet here. Edgar to dentist & worried with teeth. Roy dined at home, seemed worried & depressed about Mr S, pity not good influence there & can bring no happiness. I called to enquire after the poor Davies boys. Tuesday 25 October To Mr Smith 12 o’c. Mary out, instead of tomorrow. Finding I was early was fitted at Macdougalls with coat my Darling is giving me, & arrived good time at Solicitors 11.45. Says must sell out of £1000 stock altho’ they already have £1600 odd in hand. I can receive no money until March! The insurance on Willis’ life policy pd. by darling Lin. Too bad as he has been dead 8 years! Made my will & left it with Mr S, copy here. Roy dines out. Arranged books with Upton. List in this book.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Wednesday 26 October Out morg, grapes & Roy’s bedroom slippers. Edgar having 2 teeth out & to earist, feel most anxious about him. Roy dined at home & was quite cheerful, played pianola after fr. new music sent yesterday. Upton helped me an hour and a half in dear Lin’s room, wonder when it will ever be straight again. 16 lb salmon arrived fr. Lennie in a box. Thursday 27 October Upton & self put photographic things a little straighter on staircase in drawers near aquarium. Went by bus to Pagani’s. Met dear Edgar & Sophy there, lunched. Edgar just been to see Dr Balance about his ear, fear serious, bone suppuration, most devoutly trust not serious. After lunch S. left us & E. & I walked to Dr Waggat’s, engaged, & to Langham where E. syringed his ear, & after saw me into bus for home. Roy out to dinner. Emma out. Friday 28 October Roy sold my 50 allotted £10 shrs 5% B. A. Gt Southern Rly for 5/9 prem. Many papers to sign fr. Lee Pemberton. Mrs Bryan calling to arrange evg. dress 12.30. My darling Lin’s vault finished at 1 o’c today. Wired Overton & written going to St Peters on Monday D.V. with Roy to be present removing my Darling Lin to main vault. Florence Walford came to lunch. Mrs Parsons sent me a large chicken fr. her Norfolk home, most kind. Upton did windows. Seems never to have time to look thro’ dear Lin’s photographic things. Charming letter fr. B. Partridge. Marie out afternoon. Roy dined out. Saturday 29 October Edgar & Sophy dine with me 8 o’c & Mervyn. X. Upton’s time up today. E. did not come yesterday. Vy anxious about his ear, & no letter fr. my darling, trust all well. Out morg. to Marshall & Snelgrove by om. Ordered materials for evg. dress. Met Lady Bergne, Mrs Miller (Mr Guthrie’s sister) when ordering 4 heather plants, & May Burnand at Marshalls. Pleasant evg. but miss my dearest terribly & all his great personality & dear bright face. Roy played pianola. Left 11 o’c. Dear E. does not look vy well. Sunday 30 October Fanny & Alice dine with us, & Roy at home. Morg called on Mrs Keith & stayed some time. She does not look a day older. Nellie with bad cold. Walked there & back. Alone to lunch & all afternoon. Packed cardboard box for Mrs Bryan with Maud’s 2 garments, skirt & great surtout, & black materials for my evg. dress. Monday 31 October Go to St Peters. Overton to meet me at 1.15 at St Peters Church & my dearest moved into vault. Dear little Anne goes with Edgar & Sophy to Ravensdale. Went by 10.40 to Broadstairs, found all looking nice at St Peters, evergreens & plants of white chrysanthemums planted over vault & the precious little Urn looking just the same. The vault whitewashed & white sand on ground, roof domed. Went down by ladder steps & helped pass it into Vault where young Overton placed it for me centre facing steps near wall (extra page glued in) & saw the stone slab sealed. A beautiful resting place & I feel so thankful my dearest lies so close to our dear parents who loved him so well. Overton & his son & a workman only were there. I had my sandwiches &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 milk in Overton’s cottage where he & his wife ate them with me. He gave me 3 tomatoes fr. his garden, & walked to station with me & remained until train left. Had again to ask a gentleman to find another carriage as I won’t travel alone with a man, remember too well the Gould case. Roy dined with me & played pianola after & seemed quite bright & happy. So happy to think our Dearest one lies in such a lovely spot, at Peace & at Rest. God bless him. Carriage met me & we fetched box of flowers fr. Claridges fr. Tabbie who arrived there with Ham today. Tuesday 1 November Sir W. Agnew died. Wet morg, fine later. Had Darling’s carriage 11 o’c fetched Ethel M. & drove & changed music for pianola. Beak St, 81 Regents St. Called Evans, Barkers, fruit, 2 botts Hock, Roy’s mixed biscuits & left Ethel & lunched alone. Roy holiday & dining at home tonight also Ham & Tabs dining here. Dear Lady Hickman & Lillie came, saw them, Lady Macmillan, Mrs Clifford & Lady Bergne. Wednesday 2 November Lunch with Fanny B. at Browns. Vy cold morg. Roy dining at home to sign documents. To Bank about exchanging B.A. Gt Southern 25 £10 4% 1910 shrs into ordinary stock. Lunched with Fanny & Mary, Alice came in later. Had carriage to go & return. Left cards Sir W. Agnew who died yesterday, 85 or 6. Gladys came to tea. Roy dined at home & we signed papers & bills. Pianola. Thursday 3 November Gave one of Lennie’s hares to Mrs S. Had M’s carriage at 10.30, fetched Ethel M. to Gabell’s (dentist) ap’t for 11 o’c Saty, & to Bank. Ethel muddled our meeting at her tailors, waited about, cold rain. Ethel lunched here & talked after morg. room, seems v. well. X. Wrote Mr Smith & sent off papers bills dividends etc. Roy dines with Eve & to theatre after. Eve seedy put him off. Roy dined out. Alone morg. room. Awful day v. cold & wet. Lent Ethel my precous umbrella. Friday 4 November Had carriage 11.30 to Stores, bought chiffon 3/1½ & Bank, c’d get nothing I wanted at Stores. Called Sir W. Agnew about funeral, over today & my flowers too late, vy sorry. Letter fr. Edgar, comes up Monday to Half Moon St. Mary out afternoon & evg. her grandfather died last evg. Marie & I cleaned 3 of darling Lin’s drawers in drawing room. Roy dined at home & played pianola, but seemed tired. Had roast hare of Lennie’s. Saturday 5 November Gave Marie 6 new dusters. Ap’t 11 o’c dentst Gabell. Ethel M. came & went with me. Carriage left her at her tailors. Beach changed 14 pieces of music for me, some v. badly rolled as we found when Roy played evg. Some v. pretty. Gabell stop’d one tooth white stop’g. £1.1.0. Marie & I did 4 remaining “tallboy” drawers drawing room after tea 1¼ hrs. so thankful to know that clean, many more to do. Dear Roy in to dinner, pianola after. Wished he looked stronger. Had played Bridge at Club & bought 2 boxes of cigars with profits. Sunday 6 November Lovely morg. very wet & windy after 10 o’c AM. Went at 10.10 by Omnibus to Sloane St & walked to Eve’s, 6 Sloane Court. Saw Laurence. Sat with Eve for 2 hrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 she looked flushed & not well. In bed, threats of premature! 7 months, & must remain fortnight in bed. Poor little thing, & little domestic worries which always come at these times. Roy out until 7 o’c. Mervyn & Ethel to dinner. Roy played pianola after. Mr Conrad Cooke & Miss Rose Innes to tea, & Miss R.I. remained until 7.10. Had awful headache after, tired. Monday 7 November Lovely morg. Mary out for her Grandfather’s funeral. Not in till late. Shop’g morg. At 2.30 to Jermyn St, omnibus. Sausages for Roy & to 39 Half Moon St to see Edgar. Waited until ¼ to 5, not arrived. Saw some other rooms for him, one v. nice 10 Clarges St. Home by bus. V. v. tired. Bothering letter about Valuation etc Lee Pemberton. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Tuesday 8 November Mrs Evans? Cannot go. Fine & cold. Carriage 11.15 to see Edgar 39 Half Moon St, saw him. Bought him flower, gave it to Ethel M who went with me as Edgar’s room too small . To Goods, bought 2 fire proof dishes, wee toast rack & 2 wee butter dishes. Miss Gill to lunch & tea. Man from Harrods about pianola. Upton did windows. Marie mended drawing room blind. Edgar treatment for Ear begins. Mrs Spofforth & Mrs C. Hunter called. Roy dined out. Wednesday 9 November Upton here short time morg, did dining room windows. Letter fr. darling Maud. Fine at 11. Took piece salmon to Ethel M. To Evie flowers, found her with new nurse her Monday one had to go at moment’s notice. Looked flushed & Nurse thinks she will have to remain in bed till the arrival (2 months hence due.) So sorry for the poor little soul. Laurence away for 2 nights shooting. On to Edgar’s, changed into new room 10 Clarges St. Missed him, on to Doctor, had just left. Vy disappointed. Salmon to Edie F. & walked fr. Palace Gds home. Marie read to me after lunch & felt better again. Nerves feel unstrung. Met Mrs E.T.Reed & little boy. Mary out. Roy dined at home, feel worried about him he looks so seedy. Thursday 10 November Lovely morg. Went at 11 to Edgar, 10 Clarges St. took him for an hours drive round Regents Park & to his club. Home 1 o’c. Walked & shop’d at 10.10 & changed cheque £2.0.0 gave Beach 5/-, 4 of it for advertisement for brougham. Upton here morg. Lunched alone, dined alone. Roy to Mr Pohl’s. Clara Bergheim called. Marie again read after lunch when Edie came & stayed to tea, & after dinner. Did nothing except wrote to Mr O. Seaman & put 2 mahogany chairs in Roy’s room fr. dear Lin’s room. Friday 11 November Lovely morg. Awful later, rain, wind & bitterly cold. Unable to have carriage so took omnibus to Ethel M’s & we went by 2 tubes & one om. to Edgar’s, out. Back by omnibus. E. left at Knightsbridge. Marie read “Le clef de la Vie” three pretty little romances. Lady Flower called did not see her. Roy dined out. Fire in both our bedrooms. Feel my side v. much. Lennie got 2 salmon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Saturday 12 November Roy out dinner. Lovely morg. Carriage ½ past 11, ordered fruit Wests & fish Slaters, Barkers flowers. To Nevills left my evg. dress to be altered. To Whitefriars glassworks, decanter 9/6. To order flowers for darling’s room 3/6, & to Edgar’s, took him for drive round Pk. & left him at Queens Gate. Looks seedy & tired, feel anxious about him. Darling Maud & Lennie return by night mail tonight fr. Melrose. Marie finished French book. Ethel & Mervyn dine with me. Roy out. Sunday 13 November Lunch with Lady Spielmann 1.30. Unable to go. Vy wet & wretched. Roy & I put up dear Lin’s lovely Hans Andersen drawings which Roy has had framed in his room, look beautiful. Mervyn called before lunch. V. angry about conference failure, all papers nearly rampant. Lennie & Maud arrive early morg fr. Melrose, dine with us evg. Mr Phipson Beale & Mervyn & Edgar called, dear E. to tea. We all feel keenly our dear one’s loss & a heavy cloud over us all tho’ one tries to hide it. Darling M. looks better. Monday 14 November Walked to Notting Hill. Omnibus to Albion St. Nevilles fitted with my evg. dress to be altered. Saw Mrs Neville’s sister. Darling sent carriage for me & we went together to Marshalls & on to Dr Waggett, saw Edgar, just going to Doctor, looks better. To Montague Yapp, & Woolland, & I lunched with Maud, Oliver & Miss Gill. Cozy afternoon, rested & worked in M’s room & tea oak room. Walked back in 25 mts. Lovely air not cold. Roy out dinner. Little Anne returns fr. Ravendale. Tuesday 15 November X. Pd £20 & £10 1915 allotted shrs in B.A.Western Rly. Edie to lunch. Out 10.30 called Mrs Kerr hoped would dine here as Roy at home. She has gone abroad for the month. Met Edie & we took Om to Harrods, bought 3 chemises Armitage & fur & muff imitation stole Harrods. Chemises 15/11¾. Stole £1.5.6. On to Evie, saw her, looked vy pretty in bed. Saw her Doctor fears she cannot do her time poor little thing. Louise Holland goes to her today. We then called on Mervyn studio, out. Cab home 1/6, v. tired. Nellie K. came & stayed some time. Darling to Balcombe for day. Roy played pianola. (extra page inserted)15th Nov 1910. Accepted allotment of 2 £10 Ex 1913 Buenos Ayres Western Rly. Pd £20 in full. Put this in Safe in my bedroom 21st Dec 1910. Wednesday 16 November Oliver to lunch & Darling. Lovely morg. slept v, badly. X. Borough of Kensington Taxes! Carriage 11.15 to pay taxes, change books Mudies. Changed music. Man came about pianola. To enquire Lady Burnand. Fetched Maud & Oliver to lunch & tea, so glad to have them. Walked after lunch with them & worked after drawing, Oliver vy good. Roy dines at home, pianola. Marie out. Lady Bergne called. Thursday 17 November Carriage. Mabel called. Maudie to tea. Upton came morg, gave him 10/-. Sending Pearks man to see me about windows etc, shall not be able to afford man. Roy dined out. Edie & Herbert dined here.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Friday 18 November Had carriage 11.15. Marie & I did up pictures dear Lin’s in his room in packet. To fetch Ethel & to Mervyn’s studio. Mr & Mrs Rhodes there. To Stores. Left Ethel & alone here to lunch. Miss Webster came to tea & darling Roy dined at home, seemed vy seedy indeed with cold, gave him my lemon drops. Pianola after dinner. We looked thro’ photos & put them in cabinet. Mary out & late home, her father v. ill. Saturday 19 November Vy cold. Slept badly. At 11.15 carriage to Bank find ac’t v. low only £86! & vy little coming in till Jany. Wanted to give Roy £20. Marie & I did up another packet of dearest’s drawings in his room fr. 10 o’c till 11 o’c. To stores 14/- & gave Beach 2/6. Roy looks v. v. seedy, most anxious about him. He went to wedding where Mr Stern was best man. Ada Sp. & Hilda to tea, morg room. Roy dined at home, eat nothng. Sunday 20 November Vy cold & raw. Sore throat, feel side too. Hope few days at Ramsgate will set me up again. Read Mr Asquith’s speech on dissolution, Socialist government inevitable alas! Mr Phipson Beale’s words 3 yrs ago coming true. Sent Messel cheque of £50.5.6 to Bank. Marie posted it. Sore throat! Roy & self did a few things in his room. Arthur Linley & Mervyn called & stayed some time. Darling & Lennie dined with Roy & self. Roy won billiard match at Queen’s club, v. pleased. Lennie in good form. Darling does not look wel, v. anxious. Monday 21 November Throat little better. Hard frost & fear fog. Go to Mrs Evans, Ramsgate for few days. Edgar goes to 10 Clarges St fr. Ravensdale about his ear for further trteatment. V. sorry to be away. Arrived Mrs Evans by Granville, Marie to Station with me, fare 15/6, cab 2/6, porters 1/-, Marie & paper 9d. B. cab 2/-. Found Mrs E. well. Felt tired, travelled with lady fr. Ashleys House Kingsgate. Bed early. All looking charming here. Tuesday 22 November Roy dines with Lennie & Maud. Slept well. Lovely morg. To St Peters by Tram 11 o’c found all well ordered flowers for tomorrow. Grass & wall offend me near my darling’s resting place, all else well. Mrs E. & self shop’d after lunch. Saw poor woman carried on stretcher after having fallen into water Harbour. Quiet evg. Vy peaceful. Worked for hour before dinner. Dreadful fog. Roy had to walk home & c’d only see one foot in front of him. Wednesday 23 November Dreadful fog last evg. & today in London. Slept late till 8.30! Went to St Peters by tram earlier. Flowers lovely all ready fr. Lockes. Re-did wreaths with white chrysanthemums & one for my dear Parents. Saw Overton about grass & wall fear tiresome man with ideas of his own opposed to mine. Will have it as I want it, & neat. Fare ¼, flowers, gloves 1/5. Out after lunch with Mrs E. shop’g. Cozy tea on return. Rested ½ an hour sofa drawing room & worked an hour in Mrs E’s work room. Dinner, bed & bath.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Thursday 24 November Dull cold morg. Slept well. Cold much better. Worked with Mrs E. in her room until 11.30. To shops after & walked along Pier. Mr & Mrs Bevan & Mrs Scott clergy to tea, vy nice people. Lady Burnand & Mrs Hammond called soon after luncheon & remained some time. Quiet restful evg. Letter fr. dear Roy & Darling & from dear Edgar fear he is getting depressed about his ear. Flowers 1/- stamps 1/-. Friday 25 November To St Peters, 8. Saw Squire in tram. All looking nice but wall & place where grass all trodden in. Saw Overton about this & has promised to have it all put in order, ought to have been done before. Our dear parents’ grave beautiful with forgetmenots planted & bulbs under fibre. Attended 11.30 service at St Peters & home by 1 o’c. Afternoon worked with Mrs E. & Mrs North came to tea. Quiet evg. bed 10.15 & bath. Large packet to sign again fr. solicitors. Kingscote sent in another bill £11.11 0.!!! Saturday 26 November Good night woke early got up & washed & wrote. Shop’d with Mrs Evans & met Lady Burnand, says she feels seedy, so sorry. Bought Baby Bunkins 1/-. After lunch called on Lady Burnand, resting, girls out. Mrs E. finished putting rings on lovely church bags she made 8! & took them to St L’s Vicarage. Quiet evg, wrote & talked. Sunday 27 November Dull day. To St Peters & 11 o’c service there. Felt v. sad & a stranger in my old Home. To Dearest after. Little girl with child followed me, had to speak to her, poor little thing was sorry after. All looking beautiful & nice but shall not be happy until grass & wall in order. Walked, lost my way trying to find Home where Bee Barrs is. Wrote after lunch. Mrs Borradaile to tea. Played little penny game evg. v. good. Bed 10.30. Monday 28 November Lunch with Mrs North 1.15 & Mrs Evans. Awful stormy night. Woke & made journey 4.30. C’d not sleep for long while after. Worried about dear Roy’s money, w’d like to give him £100 fear he must be short & yet why does he order so many things. Must try to arrange it. Mrs E. & self to Home, saw poor Bee Barrs, looks v. ill, lying in small house in bed. Matron most kind sent for foot warmer & hot milk. On to lunch at Mrs N’s charming house, her son Geoffrey there. To tea with Mrs Hammond on return, C. Buckmaster son & wife there. Quiet evg, v. tired. Bed 11 o’c. Tuesday 29 November Letter fr. dear Roy. Sent Roy £30 afraid he is short of money. Perfectly glorious morg. Sent cheque £30 to Roy must want it badly. To St Peters. Left doll at Overtons & saw Mrs Ridge Vicarage only just time to hurry to Broadstairs Sta. Home late. Unhappy could not go to my Dearest’s garden. Overton promised to have all ready there before I leave. Worked with Mrs E. in workroom till tea ironed 14 handkerchiefs & cuffs! Rested felt v. tired. Lady Burnand came, Sir F’s birthday. Quiet evg, did not chain to save my eyes. Bath. Headache all day, cannot imagine why. Wednesday 30 November Awake for hour in night again with violent tooth ache, most odd. Awful morg, grey & windy, muddy sea. Emma’s books & wages for 2 weeks £12.9.6½! No letter fr. Roy.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Letter fr. Maudie. Went to see about present for Mrs Evans, tomorrow her birthday, 72! Could get nothing. Awful morg. Mrs Paris came before tea in work room. Quiet afternoon & evg, played Ludo. Did not attempt reading or needlework. Thursday 1 December Awful morg. Bad tooth again night & this morg, seems to go up to my ear also. Letter fr. Mr Richardson Bank. Cinese 6% £100 being pd offby C. Government this month, must be re-invested! No letter from Roy. Darling sent flowers which arrived in time for me to arrange for Mrs Evans, her birthday, 72. Awful day unable to go out on ac’t toothache & neuralgia. Winnie came, & Ethel alone to lunch. Ordered set of dog legs for Marie. Friday 2 December Return home by Granville. Awful morg. blowing hard & raining. Sorry to leave Mrs E. most kind. Vy sad thinking of Dearest & when I left her last all so different now. Maudie’s carriage met me & cab brought my luggage. Found darling here doing lovely flowers, could not remain luncheon. She looked fairly well. All looked v. nice except taps all v. dull bedrooms & lavatory. Roy dined with me & played pianola, seems fairly well. Saturday 3 December Mr Silver died this morning. Awful morg, dark & raw & raining. Toothache after washing & ear ache. Left after breakfast! Went to Mr Herbert dentist, says it is neuralgia, nothing to do with tooth. To Bank, took Waihi dividend of £7.12.0 & saw Mr Richardson. (illeg) Southern Ld shrs pay this month. Wrote to Coupé Coy. Vy fishy affair! this. Found Darling Maud on my return. Worked short time in my dearest’s room but she could not remain to lunch. Mare read to me. Roy ot to dinner. Sent Mary to Mrs E.T.Reed’s. Sunday 4 December Mr & Mrs E.T.Reed dine with Roy & self tonight. Called morg. To enquire after Mr Silver. Saw Nurse, & Mrs Walter & Mrs Walter Jones, v. nice lady friend of Mr Silver’s. Mr Silver died yesterday morg. vy peacefully. Very sorry to lose this dear old friend. Very pleasant evg. altho’ we all felt the blank of dear Lin’s absence. Mr Reed v. amusing during dinner. Roy only in just in time to dress for dinner. He played pianola after. Monday 5 December Carriage sold for £10. Lady Lockyer called. Vy full day! Slept badly, odd no reason. Darling’s carriage 11 stores. Saw about felt in my bedroom//// 2 photo frames. Met Lady Pontifax & Mrs /// arranged with Marie after lunch drawers in /////////////// Tuesday 6 December Bad night & I feel very shakey & seedy. Had a tiresome weep. Man called fr. stores about my felt carpet. To store in Darling’s carriage bought various things. Marie read all afternoon to me, felt much better for it. Met Mrs Spofforth morg. Roy home 4.30 & off to Club & is dining out. Mary out instead //// Marie & I did the /// to cabinet drawing room /// Wednesday 7 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Paid Water rate. X. man fr. Perks did windows. Harold & Nonie & Mervyn dining here/// Gillie to luncheon. Sister ill, cannot come. Mrs Bryan to fit me 2 o’c. Slept much better & did not wake until 6 o’clock! Beach to Balcombe to Vote. Unionists lost 5 seats alas! Out morg. shops. V. close & warm, feel seedy. Mrs Bryan came to fit me 2 o’c so had no rest. Arranged drawing room & dusted revolving book case & books, looks v. nice. Roy dined with us, Mervyn, Harold, Nonie & darling Maud, quite pleasant evg. Marie arranged electric lights v. nicely. Thursday 8 December Mrs Bosanquet to lunch & tea. Maud going to dear Linley’s school to see him act in a French play, w’d love to have gone, fear neuralgia which comes & goes. X. Start taking tonic. X. Leave off port wine. Roy dines at a City Company. Edie came to tea bringing photos to show // Eva B. looks much older poor little soul. Col b. died one day after my own dearest. Friday 9 December \\\\\\\\\\ Out morg. & missed the dear chicks. To Bank about Chinese 6% pd off this month. Re-invest in same country only 5%. Paid in £10 on deposit for carriage. Roy & darling to luncheon, looks v. tired, afraid doing too much for others /////////////// Saturday 10 December ///////////////// Sunday 11 December Maud, Lennie, Mervyn & dine here. Roy away. Good night & feel much ///// & better generally. Lovely morning & quite mild. In bed till 10.30. //////// Monday 12 December Wretched day. Slept better till 4.30. Out morg. To Harrods by bus in spite of cold sleet. Spencer & Hylda dined with me & I greatly enjoyed our evg. together. Hylda played pianola vy well. Roy returned /// seemed to have enjoyed his visit to country, dined out. Marie & self did up 2 packets of Dearest’s drawings & tidied much in his room. Tuesday 13 December //// Good night, awful day again. Darling Oliver to lunch & ///. /// carriage morg. 11.15. Paid yesterday /// £1.1.0 Overton for upkeep of /// ground & £5.6.6 Harrods ///////////////// In Maudie’s carriage to Mudies /// Bank, Whiteleys & Darling came home in her Motor with Oliver /// & had tea with me , vy good & //////// Wednesday 14 December ////////////////// Mrs Oakes died this morg at 5 o’clock. Roy ///////// Thursday 15 December Awful day. Did 2 packets of dearest’s drawings ///// Had carriage 12 o’c to Bk with Sons of Gualia div of 11/3. Barkers to order wreath for Mrs Oakes. Fitz// called & went with me to change music pianola, & Sir A. Critchett ap’t for 12.30 Saty, & fetch darling Anne who lunched & had tea here. V. happy, played 18 pieces pianola. Mrs Sington & Lady Selfe called. Roy out. V. warm, neuralgia on & off all day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Friday 16 December //////////////// Saturday 17 December ////////////// Sunday 18 December ////////////// Monday 19 December Awake 5 o’c but slept well. /// 10.30 to shop, papers Earls Court. p//// his wife v. ill infant v. sorry. To Harrods ordered Pianola to be taken Saturday next 24th inst. Sat////// Letter fr. B. Partridge about Dearest’s photos. Saw Desirée W. Darling up fr. Balcombe for day, lunched here & took some of presents. Hilda came for few moments. Tuesday 19 December In all day, packing up presents. Sent Mary to Edie Furrell with theirs. Mrs Bryan came with my black lace coat making second change for dress Darling has given me, pd her 10/-. Gladys Crozier came to tea. Sent off £2.2.0 to Ethel Burnand for set of hand painted d’oyleys, Alice in Wonderland, for Maud, am delighted with them. I had soup in bed 7.30. V. tired. Roy to Cardiff with /// for prize fight. Wednesday 21 December Slept well. Dull morg. Packed with Marie who goes with me to Tabbie’s. Had promised to dine with the Harold Messels with Roy, unable to go. Roy went & returned fr. Cardiff today from Prize fight. Went to bed 10 o’c. Thursday 22 December Finished packing most comfortably. My Darling came to lunch & drove me to Waterloo & saw us off, Marie & self 3rd class £1.9.4, cab 3/-. Porters 1/6. V. comfortable carriage to ourselves all way. Changed Salisbury. Motor met us. Found all well. Mr & Mrs Rooth & their little boy John. Mr Digby dined here. Friday 23 December Dull but warm. Morg. walked round grounds with Tabs, wonderful improvements everywhere especially to the Vista garden. After luncheon with Tabs 2.30 in Motor to leave presents at Cottages with little Gweneth, John Rooth & Nurse & Tabbie. The Shakespears arrived 5 o’c, 3, looking well. Ham, Gareth & Mervyn & Mr Rooth for days shooting.

Saturday 24 December Out morg. Walked with Tabbie, helped with tree. At 3 o’c Simon came dear fat fair baby, vy pretty. Villagers children to tea & presents after. Roy came in time for dinner, looks vy seedy, afraid more late nights. Sunday 25 December Lovely day. To little church in grounds & returned with Tabbie, Roy & Gweneth round grounds. Mrs Shakespear, Dorothy, Gareth, Mervyn Mr & Mrs Rooth to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 Church. Olive, Roy, Tabs & self at home. Mrs Rooth & self tea with 2 chicks. As pleasant & happy an Xmas as possible without my Dearest who I miss more than ever. Played with chicks after tea. Patience with Tabs evg. H, R, Mr R & Gareth bridge. Monday 26 December Fine. Wrote letters & to Mr Smith solicitor about Fire insurance, & other papers signed by Roy & self. Also sent £6.15.6 Coupe /// to Bank. Walked with Tabs & Olive. Roy lunched with shooters. After lunch with Olive, Mrs Rooth & Dorothy to Castle & over it with Gwen who looks v. handsome & well altho’ expecting so soon. Mr Digby there. Across lake in boat to see old friends, perfectly lovely grounds. Gareth & D. to small dance. Played Bridge evg. Mrs R, H. & Roy & self & won ///. Canon Meys ///dined with us, v. pleasant evg /// Tuesday 27 December Fine day, slept well, waking as usual v. early, 4.30! Went for walk with Tabs & Roy. Roy’s hands blue & white fr. cold he gets dressed in midsummer underlinen & suit, worries me vy much. Gareth & Ham hunting. Mr Rooth, Dorothy & Mrs Rooth to Meet, 300 people out! At 2.15 fetched Canon Meys,\\\ had 2 Motors & all went over Abbey, Vy interesting. Roy & Mr Rooth to Castle. Miss Eaton ///Leigh dined here. Good stories. Wednesday 28 December Roy returns home 8 o’c train. Walked alone morg, later with Beatrice Rooth. Marie packed. Tabs /// arranging fancy dresses for tonight. “First ///” & Gareth splendid as Mrs Pankhursrt in one of Tabs’ dresses. Tabs’ 2 boys & Dorothy w /// H. Rooths & self to dinner. H. sang. Pleasant evg. Thursday 29 December Marie & I return home Lovely day. H. & boys off hunting. Mr & Mrs //// Rooth left 11 o’c. Tabs & self alone lunched 1 o’c, & Marie & I left by 1.50 fr. Sherborne. No change, full carriage 3rd/// quite comfortable. Sat with Roy whilst he dressed, he dined out. Poor //// died this morg consumption //// Roy out to dine. Friday 30 December To Bank. Found £822.2.6 overdrawn fr. dearest’s estate. £400 in bonds falling in /// pd off. must go to lessen debt. Called after & saw /// Brooks & Isabel, both look so happy. Looked thro’ thimgs with Marie. Ry out dining Mr Stern/Vy upset about Mr D/// death. Roy goes Balcombe Sunday & up Monday for funeral. Saturday 31 December To Balcombe alone by 12 o’c train 2nd C. Take Marie to see me off. Good taxie helped with luggage, no trouble. Roy out evg Mr Davson & Mr Stern after Savoy. Pity so late always, maked him look so ill. Gave Marie fresh bottle /// to give roy, some /// morg. Little Linley met me. Found all well Balcombe, arrived time luncheon. Mr & Mrs Hohler & Mrs Gibson. My darling looking better. Quite pleasant evg, left drawing room 11.40. My darling & lennie “Punch today to //// All mst kind & Fitzroy Mr Marriott.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1910 (Notes on end pages of diary) Sunday 1 January 1911 Damp, raining, colder. Darling & Lennie & Mrs Gibson to //// Church. Fitz & Mr Marriott to Church twice & communion. V. sorry not to go self, fear damp. Chicks all looking bonnie, much grown. Dear Roy arrived after lunch, missed train. Vy amusing ///. Little Linley down to dinner. All played roulette after, wish my darling w’d not allow cards or roulette on Sunday, especially bad for children to see. I won 1/-, gave it to Fitz. Hate playing Sunday. Bed 12 o’c. Vy happy day. So glad darling Maud looks better. 2nd January 1911 Vy cold 7 blowy. Dear Roy & the Hohlers leave. By 10 train. Roy to Mr Dotherty’s funeral, so sorry he must go. Hohlers/// drove // Maud Motor to fetch Gladys Crozier who ret’d lunch here fr. Mrs ///. Mrs Gibson & Fitzroy left after lunch 4.20/////////


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