Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1911

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2 best clothes 5 Shooting & ordinary 6 an air cushion, 3 flags & a number of classic silk robes These packed by Toula & self some months ago Loft top landing Nos 8. Empty (9, 7, 10, 11, 14, all empty) Noticed in French women Beautiful hands. Many rings, marquisite. Shoe grey, brown, white or tan for walking. Feathers & flowers & smart large ribbon bows or velour in hats. Generally moderate sized hats. No needlework out of doors Sundays, but always other days. Poor women never idle as ours are. Much taller men & women. Increasing outdoor sports, tennis & golf & bowls. Very fat women. They take tea & toast. Less polite than they were years ago, especially if they speak English. Lovely work & embroidery. Children dressed badly, boys ridiculous. Gardens, new flowers. Trees 40 years old remained. Bottling of water. The beautifully fitting necks to women’s dresses. Nurse management of children. Irish story, Mrs Denny. Official to man with pipe in his mouth in railway, “No smoking allowed”. Man, “I’m not smoking”. Official, “You’ve got your pipe in your mouth”. Man, “I’ve got my feet in my boots but I’m not walking”. Oliver: I was so excited Mother I was sick & Anne was naughty in her drawers!

Sunday 1 January Balcombe. Very sorry too wet to go to Church, pouring, cold & raw. Darling Mrs Gibson & Lennie to Church near Nymans. Fitzroy & Mr Marriott & chicks to Balcombe Church. Chicks looking bonnie, much grown. Dear Roy arrived after lunch, had whole chapter of accidents coming & drove in fly fr. Three Bridges. Little Linley down to dinner. Roulette after dinner. Sorry to see it on Sunday, & little Linley to be present. Gave my 1/- earned to Fitzroy who promptly made it 4/- by betting.


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