Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1914

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MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Notes and enclosures in front of Diary: Store Number 98125 Letter from “your affectionate brother Spencer” dated 15 July 1914 Letter from Linley’s cousin, “Yours affectionately Fanny Barker” dated 14 July 1914

Thursday 1 January Balcombe. Lovely morg. Harold & Nonie, Mr Keele & Ethel Bagg here. My Darling & chicks look fairly well. Went for walk with Oliver & Ann, some snow & ice. Maud Lennie, E. Bagg & Harold to Ashdown Forest to see new place Harold has taken for year with option of buying. Pleasant evg. Harold good company, but looks v. seedy & yellow. Friday 2 January The Harolds left morg. Went for walk with Darling & Ethel B. after writing to congratulate Owen Seaman, a Knight! & Mr Dickinson P.C!!! Old peoples tea party, villagers. Good rest after lunch. Linley & Mr Keele to Brighton, hair cutting. Oliver with a cold & my Darling has one also. Mad’lle Jacquemot for day. They danced evg. & broke gramophone. Saturday 3 January Lovely morg, warmer. Sent off thro’ Post Office Balcombe £1.0.0 to Milan for Edie & Herbert. Long letter fr. dear Edgar. Major Talbot & Mrs Hayworth Booth to dinner. Mr Guthrie & Mr Cadogan came for week end. Little nurse came & did my arm. Pleasant dinner old reminiscences. They danced after to hired gramophone. Sunday 4 January Dearest’s birthday. Fine morg. To church with Anne & Linley. Darling came later to communion. Oliver modelled wonderfully clever daffodil, in his room had bad cold. My Dearest’s birthday. Played poker patience with Ethel B. & Mr Guthrie & darling. Good stories after tea. Monday 5 January Very wet. For walk after lunch with Anne & Mad’lle. Mr Guthrie left 1 o’c. Mr Cadogan left with Lennie early. Maud to Mrs Blunt’s meeting. Mr & Mrs Messel, Muriel, Miss Wake, Ruth, Hylda & Cap Gibbs to dinner. Oliver in bed all day. Feel damp in arm. Quite pleasant evg. Tuesday 6 January Leter fr. darling Roy. Lovely morg. Went for walk. Maud, Ethel Bags, Mr Keele, young Christopher Warren to Hunt Ball. They dined first at Mrs Worsley’s. Lennie, Linley & Dick Herman & self dined here. Gramophone after. Wednesday 7 January Lovely day. Walking morg with Maud & Ethel Bag & Gladys C. who arrived by 12 o’c train. Dear Oliver better but still looks seedy. Mr Marriott came in time for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 luncheon. He, Mr Smith, Mrs H. Booth, C.Warren, Ethel Bagg, Gladys C. & darling to Red X ball after dinner. Lennie & self alone smoking room, quite nice evg, read, to bed late 11.20! C’d not see clock. Thursday 8 January Slept well but woke with headache. Maud to afternoon party with chicks, fancy dress Mrs Keating’s, & to Mrs Blount’s Ball in the evening. I went to bed earlier. Friday 9 January Mrs Messel’s birthday, we all dine there. Ethel Bag left morg. Walked to post 1/6 stamps. Changed cheque of £2.10.0 Bank. Rested after lunch. Maud & chicks to Lingfield party. No masseuse. X. tonight. Quite pleasant evg at Nymans. Mrs Messel with cold, only Hylda & Arthur & Muriel besides ourselves. Saturday 10 January Slept well. Dull morg. Christopher Warren staying. Mr Maxwell Lyte, young Miller (Guthrie) came for week end. Lennie, Mr M.Lyte & Linley to Harolds, they have just come to their new place today. Charming country, a nice house with every modern convenience. Mr & Mrs Messel there, 12 to tea. Booths en masse here to dinner, danced after. Ann & Linley down. Enjoyed seeing them dance. Sunday 11 January Fine. Bitterly cold. Lennie hurt poor Kim. My Darling to Church with me Christopher & Anne & Linley. Oliver still has to be careful. V. pleasant evg. Mr Maxwell Lyte & young Miller good company & great talkers. Gramophone evg. Monday 12 January V.v. cold. Walked with Maud Gladys & Christopher to Ld Frederick’s, found him getting down huge branches of trees with a stick saw! At 91! Lovely day, clear cold. Scout boys tea & entertainment. Christopher left, returns tomorrow by early train. Gramophone evg. Tuesday 13 January Dear Oliver’s birthday. V. cold snowing slightly. Large party afternoon for Oliver. Mr Keele left early this morg. Letters fr. Midge & Roy. Large afternoon party & fancy dress evg for Oliver. Chicks down to dinner & dance after. Messels, Hylda, Ottie here afternoon. Wednesday 14 January Vy cold wind. Walked with Maud & Gladys morg. Chicks to Meet, too hard frost, ret’d & ratted with Christopher, Beach superintending! Games after lunch till tea time. Christopher left at 5.30 or 6 o’c. Très apris de la petite! Lennie left early & not returning until Saty. Vy peaceful evg, gramophone songs. Linley dined with us. Thursday 15 January Gladys left 4.30. Mad’lle J. here for day. Walked morg to enquire after poor man Simmons, trouble with dogs. Linley to Nymans snaring rabbits, got 8. Gave one to Mad’lle. Maud showed Mr Wallace basket making for scout boys! 9 o’c PM. Bed rather late. Vy happy day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Friday 16 January Vy cold & raw. Adamson to London with part of luggage. Gladys Crozier left yesterday. Maud & self to the Domvilles, relations of Pauls, he naval man. Had tea there, lovely drive. Mr Cooper to lunch. Linley & Oliver got 5 rabbits at Nymans. Gramophone evg. Saturday 17 January Lennie comes down weekend, all returning Monday. Mrs Talbot called. Maud & self walked to Mill. Mrs Booth vy worried about her baby. Kim v. naughty, had to thrash him, after sheep again. Oliver had a toss riding but enjoyed it! Not hurt. Cold & raw. The Booths to dinner. Vy pleasant evg. Sunday 18 January To church with Darling & Linley & Oliver. Doleful sermon. Little Anne in bed with cold. Amusing letter to her from Christopher. Quiet afternoon & evg. Maud & Lennie to Nymans for short time. Monday 19 January Return fr. Balcombe 10.40. Sh’d have been here 3 weeks on Wed. Vy cold. Maud & household returned also morg. M. & chicks by motor, arrived 3 o’c & Ann to bed. M. & boys to party, & Linley, Lennie & Maud to Pantomime evg. Roy dined with me. Seemed depressed about business, & feels cold v. much, big fires in our rooms. Tuesday 20 January Out morg. to Bank. X. Applied for £500 Cent Arg Rly 4% deb stock issued at £90, 5% on application. X. Ada Sp. came to tea. Roy dined out. Mad’lle dined with me & we played cards. Wednesday 21 January Raw & dull. Out shop’g morg, called Barkers, ordered partridge 3/- & fish. Roy dined with me. He was rather bored tho’ a little more lively than on Monday. Maudie fetched me 2.15 & took me to Olympia, Hagenbecks Zoo where the 2 dear boys with an Eton friend & Nurse Francis were. Enjoyed it immensely. Dear Linley had to leave at 5.10, returns to Eton. Ann in bed with cold & dear little thing has ear ache. Christopher there. Thursday 22 January To Bank took paper re Mexican Rly. & Brazil Traction which Roy has to sign as well as self. To Harrods re gramophone, vy expensive, 10 to 20 gns! Walked to Darling’s across Park, fare 2d & stamps 1/-. Lunched with Maud, saw dear Ann in bed vy busy with her dolls dress. Walked home immediately after lunch. Mrs Bramall & 2 Paxton girls to tea. Alone evg. Mrs Vale out. Roy dined with Maud & to theatre. Friday 23 January Mrs Cockayne asked me to tea. Going with Darling to Tango Tea at Princes’. Roy for week end to Edna’s. Not home until 5.30 this morg! & up at 8, not good for work! Did accounts morg. Walked round Pond, iced over but dangerous. Darling fetched me 4 o’c & took me Princes’ to tea & tango. Mr & Mrs M, Hilda Gibbs, Nonie & Rudolph & Christopher there. Met Effie & Miss Mitchell. Alone evg. Dear Ann better.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Saturday 24 January Out morg. & walked to Maud’s & lunched there. Flowers for dear Ann 1/3. Better but in Nursery, Nurse F. there. Walked across park home. Rested & went on by om. to Mrs Adlam’s, seems wonderfully well lying on sofa in her dining room. Had to walk back, no om. Flowers 1/4. Alone evg, bed early. Marie out evg. Sunday 25 January Had bad night feeling slight chill on liver. Mervyn & Ethel to lunch & tea, vy cozy, both well. Mrs Tuer called & was v. amusing. Mervyn left after & Molesworth called, left soon & I went to bed & had bread & milk, feel seedy rather. Lucy out. Monday 26 January V. good night but feel chill still hanging about me. Have been allotted £500 4% in Cent Argentine Rly, must sell. Roy returns fr. Mrs Lewisohn’s, out evg. In bed all day, heavy cold. Darling came afternoon, brought lovely & flowers arranged them. Marie read before & after tea to me. Tuesday 27 January Roy dined out but came home early. Florence Blair comes at 4.30 to stay. Slept well. Lovely morning. Feel cold & weak. Saw Roy, he looks v. pale & thin. Sent off allotment letter of £500 Cent Argt 4% to Bank to be sold. Also Brazil Traction div, & applied for £500 B.A.Gt Southern Rly 4% thro Glyn Mills & Curry. Nellie K, Miss Gill, Ethel Bagg & Darling, Mrs Watson, Mrs Warren, Mrs Dickinson, Eve & Lawrence, Mary Millais, & Florence Blair who came to stay, arrived 4.30. Wednesday 28 January Feel v. full of cold & seedy. Florence kindly took Cent Argt paper allotment to bank signed, sold them for (blank) & pd Nash & Johnson for me. Lovely day. Roy dining at ome. Pd books. Thursday 29 January Feel better. To Bank morg re B.A.Gt Southern new issue. For walk round Gds, met Miss Hughes. My darling busy all day with her accounts, did not come. Chicks better. Florence out after early tea, in for 7.30 dinner. Roy out. Played bridge all evg with Florence. Marie out. Friday 30 January Florence & self if well enough lunch with Eve, Rutland Lodge. Darling came & fetched us in Motor, walked up Park, met dear Oliver riding with Billie Worsley! & left us at Eve’s. Large house only ourselves & Gwyneth at luncheon. Vy pleasant, & called on our way home on Mrs Huth Jackson, Miss Lawrence, Mervyn & Spencer. Hylda in but starting for Norfolk in Motor!!! 3.30. We had taxi home 1/2. Roy to Edna’s. Mrs Vale out. Saturday 31 January Out shop’g with Florence morg. To Watteau’s, chose dress. Fruit, flowers, 3/7. 2/8. Lovely fruit & flowers fr. Darling. In all afternoon did nothing. Roy went yesterday to Cranbourne Court. Met Lady à Beckett, Mrs Graham K. Maud sent lovely fruit & flowers.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Sunday 1 February Lawrence & Eve, Darling & Lennie to dinner. Roy at Edna’s fr Friday till tomorrow. Our little dinner very cheery, Lennie & Lawrence get on so well. Walked morg with Florence called Mrs Sington. Saw her & Poppie v. ill, & George Brooks better. Crossing sweeper 6d. Florence lunched at Maud’s. Monday 2 February Perfect day. Out morg. Bank. Met Mrs Watson, just lost diamond ear ring, & Mary Millais. Florence out afternoon. Roy dined at home. Ordered soles & chicken Barkers. Nurse Jones came to see me at 1 o’c, arranged Friday for massage. Roy in good spirits. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Florence lunching at Maud’s tomorrow. Tuesday 3 February Desirée Welby’s luncheon 1.30. Lovely day, warmer. Florence lunching at Maud’s. Walked part way. Party of 12. Vy clean man Mr Wright sat next to me & Major (blank) the other side. Delightful party. Darling fetched me with Florence in motor, called at Watteau’s. Mrs Young, Lady Sutton, Lady Beale, Miss Harriet Young & Beatrice Rooth called. Roy out. Asked him to buy in our joint names 10 Southern Pacific Ord. Wednesday 4 February Mrs Morton’s luncheon party one thirty, 16 Kens Palace Gds. Apt Watteau 3.30. Very pleasant party Mrs M’s, 12! A Mrs Megan v. nice, Mrs à Beckett Tyler. Darling sent motor for me & I went to Watteau’s. Florence lunched with Maud & went after with me to Samaritans, called Mrs Kemble. Roy to Edna’s for night. Florence & self alone, played bridge. Ethel Mervyn called morg. Thursday 5 February Apt. Maud’s masseuse 6 o/c here. Tea at Mrs Bramall’s 4 o’clock. Bad night, v. tired. By om morg. with Florence to Woollands Albert Gate, walked home Poor man 6d, om 2d. Ordered mutton & cod at Barkers. Miss Blair dined here & played after, do not care for her, not nice manners, cousin of Florence’s. Friday 6 February Lunch with Beatrice Rooth. Promised to go to tea at Lady Sutton’s. Had motor & called Johnsons, left dearest’s drawing to be remounted for Hilda. To enquire Fanny Nembhard & Mr P.Reed. Vy pleasant luncheon, only Miss S. Carlisle v. nice & interesting. Met many friends. Called after in motor Lady Selfe, saw her, & him. To Darling & spent afternoon there v.happy. Lady Schuster & Miss Crozier called there. Walked home. Darling’s cold heavy. V. vexed with myself, entirely forgot Lady Sutton!!! Saturday 7 February Requiem Mass for dear Major Welman who died 10 o’c. Darling fetched me at ¼ to 10. We went together, v. few people there. To St Cuthbert’s after, exquisite reredos new. Darling left me at Barkers. Great crowd had to do shop’g at other shops. 2 plants at door 3/- (old!). Lovely flowers fr. my Darling & fruit. Swedish masseuse 6 o’c, little late. To bed early, only Benjers food for dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Sunday 8 February Darling Anne’s birthday party, 12 years old. Col & Mrs Welby, Darling & Lennie & Mrs J. Maxwell Lyte to dinner. Vy pleasant evg. Pouring wet day, in all day. Monday 9 February Roy ret’d fr. Cranbourne Court. Marie met him Station. Fine & sunny. I walked across Gds & lunched with Maud & went to Mrs Hohler’s at home. Vy charming one, vy pretty house & all well done. Left list securities at Bank & Robinson Div. £4 odd. Roy dined with me, poor dinner! Tuesday 10 February Dine at Maud’s, dear Anne’s birthday 7.30. Morg to be fitted Watteau, fear dress a failure! Gloves & veil Harfords Sloane St. Florence Edensor, Mrs Lindo & dau-in-law called. Roy & self in Maud’s motor to Lancaster Gate for dinner. Delightful party & dance after. Vy pretty women, Ross’s, L & Eve etc, Gerald & Hylda. Enjoyed it immensely. Darling looked well. Wednesday 11 February Mrs Shaw Mellor 3.30 - 6.30. Masseuse Miss Toulmin 6 o’c. Mrs Haworth Booth 4.30, 24 Hans Place. Maud sent motor for me. Vy pleasant afternoon, lovely house & beautifully kept. 4 extra children to tea dining room! Besides her 5!!! & 2 nurses! & Mrs Pitt & Miss Stanford with us drawing room. Marie out afternoon & evg. I dined in drawing room. Lucy managed better. Thursday 12 February Lovely day. Out 11 o’c to be fitted Watteau. Walked to lunch at Maud’s. After to loan collection of old masters Bond St in motor, & home in motor. Enjoyed it with Miss Blair. Darling with chicks to Mr Guttering. Roy dines at home. Posted cheque to Streatfield & Co for 10 shrs Southern Pacific. Friday 13 February Received Messrs Streatfield Southern Pacific 10 shrs £203.16.0. To be fitted Watteau, all wrong & many alterations. Vy tired. Met May Holland. To take Hylda’s present, one of Dearest’s drawings, taxi 1/2. So tired came home after fitting, 2d horse bus. Roy to Edna’s. Mrs Vale out. Saturday 14 February Florrie comes to stay. Miss Toulmin masseuse comes 2.30. X. To Bank morg, left certificate 10 Southern Pacific & B.A.Gt Southern Rly allotment letter. Bought gloves 6/11 Harvey Nichols. Complained André Hugo. Paper for drawers Barkers & elastic rings 9d. Mrs Wright came re (illeg illeg) . Smart woman. Sunday 15 February Florrie & I lunch with Maud if time. To St George’s Church, good sermon on friendship. Mr White & Mrs Shaw called at Maud’s. Florrie & I dined alone. Marie out, & Mrs Vale.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Monday 16 February Mrs Hohler’s at home. Masseuse Thorbyon 6 o’c. With Florrie to Bond St, met May Eykyn, Miss Blaikie, Maud Paxton etc. Bought gloves Oxford St. Rested afternoon. Florrie out to tea. Roy dined at home. Tuesday 17 February Hylda’s wedding day. Oliver’s first top hat!!! Darling sent carriage for Florence & self. Flowers in Church vy beautifully arranged, singing & service charming. Hylda’s dress lovely, & bridesmaids v.pretty soft yellow silk & chiffon. Anne one of train bearers & 2 wee boys v. pretty. All arrangements at Church & at Hyde Pk Hotel reception wonderfully well done & room overlooking Pk vy delightful. My Darling looking sweet, & dear Roy joined us early at Church, to theatre party with Sp’s after. Gen. Trent brought us home. Wednesday 18 February Vy wet morg. & cooler. Swedish masseuse 3.30. Lucy out. In all day, v. tired. Thursday 19 February Lennie’s birthday party. Out morg. Bought plant for Lennie 8/6, etc. Rested after luncheon. Mrs Vale out. 28 to dinner at Darling’s. Florrie, Roy & self in M’s motor both ways. I sat at my Darling’s table of 9. Delightful evg. sat between Mr Whatman & Eric Parker, both vy talkative. Splendid conjuror. Great many came in after dinner. Delightful evg. Mervyn called tea time. Friday 20 February Morg out with Florence as ordering for our little dinner tonight. Met Miss Blair. X. Douglas & Winnie & Allan Todd dined here. Roy went for week end to Edna’s. Met morg. Mrs Noott & May F, Lady H. v. ill. At 3.30 to Lady Beal’s met Lady Ilchester & dau. & Lady Sutton drove me back in her car, most kind. Saw the Laird & Mr Bright. Saturday 21 February Cold & damp, feel tired. To matinée ‘Never say Die’, C. Hawtrey’s, with Florrie. Pouring wet day. Taxi there, om. back 3/-. Greatly enjoyed piece, most amusing & good places, 5/6 each front row upper circle. Bed early. Marie out. Sunday 22 February Florrie & I dine at Maud’s. Lovely morg. To St Georges 1/6, good sermon. To enquire after Lady Hickman, still v. ill, & to George Brooks, also still ill. Saw Isabel. Florrie out afternoon. Had taxi to & fr. Maud’s 2/6. Met Sir Hercules Reid, Mr Gordon & a German head of Franks. Monday 23 February Lady Sutton’s to tea & Miss Young’s, unable to get to latter. Saw Sir Henry & enjoyed afternoon. He much altered but quite cheery & bright. Florrie & I went shop’g as Roy returned fr. Edna’s & dined at home. We met Oliver with Miss Blaine, they walked back with us to Kensington. Met Mr Ledger.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Tuesday 24 February Out morg with Florrie to see Sir John Tenniel, sat little while with him. V.v. ill in bed & fear cannot last much longer. His faithful companion Miss Jenks had everything so neat & nice about him. Then to Mrs Adlam’s, she seemed v. lively. My darling brought me lovely flowers & came to tea, also Mrs P.Holland, MrsWorsley, Mrs Pitt & F. Walford came. Roy out. No letter fr. Midge who came up yesterday. Wednesday 25 February Florrie & I lunch at Maud’s. May Holland, Lady Ryan after in open car. Roy dined at home with me alone. Florrie to Albert Hall. Dear Sir John Tenniel died this evening at 8.30. So thankful I saw him yesterday. R.I.P. Thursday 26 February Dora Shaw Mellor comes to tea here. Mrs & Miss Devonshire, Mr Ryle & Miss Hepworth Dixon. I lunched with Midge Coburg Hotel, looks well. Saw Ham after. Roy dined out. Ordered flowers 7/6 Barkers for dear Sir John Tenniel who died 8.30 last evening. Quiet evg with Florrie Blair. Friday 27 February Out with Florrie to Marshall’s & Selfridges to see shops & fashions. Not seen my darling for 2 or 3 days. After lunch rested & wrote letters. Swede Masseuse 6.15. Roy to Cranbourne Court till Monday! Florrie out afternoon. 7½ lb salmon from Will Oakes. Saturday 28 February Florrie & I go to matinée “Girl fr. Utah”. Out morg. shops alone. By om. to Adelphi with Florrie, enjoyed it immensely. V. good indeed & no trouble going or returning. Good front row seats 5/6 each. Tea on return. Darling sent me lovely flowers & fruit & 2 doz eggs!!! & Midge sent me flowers oranges & figs. How more than thankful I feel for all the blessings I have. Sunday 1 March Darling & Lennie dine here. Asked Jacombe Hood & wife, cannot come. Midge Ham & Spencer come 8 o’c & little Linley & Mr Robeson. To Sir John Tenniel’s to enquire about funeral. Saw Major Green & brother & nephews. Met Col & Mrs Mount Batten in om. To St Georges Church after & to see Cousin George, looks v. ill but cheery. Very pleasant evg, 9! All went off smoothly. Monday 2 March Masseuse 6.15. Roy dined at home. Felt v. tired. Out morning shop’g alone. Rested after lunch & had Maud’s carriage at 4 o’c to Watteau’s about dress. To Dora’s for tea & to Darling, found her very busy with flowers for her party tonight. Saw dear chicks. Little Linley ill, glands, in bed. Tuesday 3 March Very bad night of pain & inflammation in kidney & side & leg feel feverish, got up & took oil, 3 visits during night! Saw Dr Lynes 9.20 AM & am to remain in bed. V. kind & sympathetic. Florrie also most kind. Side v. painful. Darling came morg & afternoon, little Linley better. Roy came home to dress & sat with me, dined out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Wednesday 4 March Splendid night. X. Dr came 9.30, as I thought useless kidney, only one working, & only causes trouble. Darling came afternoon, looks ashey white, feel v. anxious about her. Little Linley laid up, in bed flu. Roy sat with me & seems really concerned & kind & dined at home. Thursday 5 March Mervyn & Ethel dine here 7.30. Had to put off, in bed. Vy bad night great neuralgia heart pains, temp 99.4 feel v. seedy. X. Dr Lynes came. Darling in bed with flu, & dear Linley. Nurse Millie came morg, is staying to look after Linley. Roy dined at home. Great neuralgia pains all day. Dear Roy v. kind & sat with me. Friday 6 March Swede masseuse came 6.15, could not have massage. Lovely morg. In bed. X. Dr Lynes came wants another opinion. Had better night & vy little pain all morg in side heart or back. Temp 99.2. Darling still in bed & not had good night. Linley boy better. Adamson came & saw me morg. Dear Roy to Edna’s for week end. Florrie did all my commissions, most gentle & kind & so orderly. Darling & little Linley better evg. Saturday 7 March “Parsifal” with Darling. In bed. Bad night feverish, oil 5 o’c AM. Result 3, felt better. Temp 99.2. Darling only fair night. Little Linley better. X. Dr Lynes came, wishes me to see another doctor Monday or Tues. Dull & raining. Temp 99.2 6 o’c , same. Dear Roy came looking so nice & smart after luncheon, going back to Cranbourne Court till Monday. Sunday 8 March Splendid night. Slept fr. 10 o’c till 6.45. Temp 99. No doctor today. Florrie to church, & to enquire for me after Lady Hickman who is better, but not Mrs Noots, maid taken suddenly ill & to Hospital this morg. gastric pains, & to Archdeacon Brookes, v. v. ill. Darling M. & Linley better. Dull day. Temp 89.2. Dull rainy day. Monday 9 March Dear Cousin George Brookes died at 10 to 5 this morning. X. Fair night only, temp 89.2. Florrie to Bank for me about Southern Pacific & Northern U.S.A. pref. allotment. X. Doctor Lynes came. Nurse Millie came, brought lovely flowers fr. Darling. Bad news of Mr & Mrs Messel. Harold goes to Cannes to them tomorrow morg. Got up for tea on sofa my room. Roy dined at home. V. wet day. Tuesday 10 March Glorious morning, colder. V. good night & all easier dedans. Temp 98, normal. Dear letter fr. Tabbie, so glad to hear fr. her. No doctor. Waited about to know about consultation as Dr Lynes went to see Maud. Did not hear. On sofa, but temp 99 again. Nurse Millie called. Roy dined out. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Vy glad but weather bad afternoon. Wednesday 11 March Dr Lynes came. Had seen Maud & am to see another doctor soon. Lump seems harder kidney, temp 99.2. vy cold morg, frost on house tops. Slept well & all regular with oil as usual! Darling Linley & Ethel Smart came morg. with lovely flowers. He looks


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 thinner & paler. Dear Roy dined at home & sat with some time. Marie out after lunch, returned for serving dinner looking much better. Thursday 12 March Mrs Fred Kerr at home. Fair night, fear any substantial food bad. Had a little calves foot brawn last evg. Temp 99.2 early morg. & 99 later. Dull morg. Side lump hard still. My darling came morg. & lunched here & remained to tea. Delighted to see her. Temp down , normal, & Dr L. did not come today. Dear Roy came home to dress. Lady Meade sent house plant in basket & Midge violets. My darling violets. Roy dined out. Friday 13 March Good night. Temp normal. My darling came 11.45 & Doctor Lynes & Dr Brown, latter thinks much more cheerfully of kidney, felt it carefully & thinks it is working. Feel better, have not felt ill all the time, no head ache. Darling remained until 5.30, so glad to have her & she looks better tho pale. Sweet letter fr. Linley fr. Ramsgate. Roy dined out. Saturday 14 March No doctor today. Awful day. Darling came morg & goes to Ramsgate by Granville. Nurse Millie & Linley at St Cloud Hotel. Storm of hail wind & rain. Florrie out to tea. Up before lunch on sofa but felt side like neuralgia on one rib after having stays on for first time again since last Monday week. Roy to Cranbourne Court, glad for him to have the change. Sunday 15 March No doctor today. Glorious morg clouded over at 11.30. Took liver pill instead of oil, no result. Lucy out afternoon. Mrs Vale out also, & evening, she was out Thurs evg also, but did not go until 6 o’c today. Lucy managed v. kindly for me. In Drawing Room for tea, glad to get to bed early but felt better. Mervyn came rather late. Monday 16 March Vy stormy. Dr Lynes came morg. Do not feel as well, general disturbance over lower waist. Drawing room & in my dress! Uncomfortable. Dear Roy dines at home. Darling returns fr. Ramsgate. Came in for a second, flower laden. Roy dined at home, I dined in drawing room. Tuesday 17 March On sofa whilst bed made. Darling here to lunch & tea. Drs Lynes, Bevan & Hawkins came 4 o’c. More cheerful but doubt if they quite understand what’s amiss. Dr Hawkins thinks I have twisted myself internally. (illeg) Sunday night? All v. kind. My darling pd. fees, too good of her. Roy dined at home but I felt too seedy to see him after dinner. V. tired. Wednesday 18 March No doctor. Lucy out afternoon & evening. Only fair night, so hot & side v. uncomfortable. On to sofa before lunch but feel weaker in side standing. Darling sent me for lunch delicious poussin & jelly. Disturbed rest as Florrie wanted to be off to Mrs Holmes. At 3 Ethel Ethel Mervyn came, looks v. seedy, saw her. Darling arrived


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 3.30, looks seedy also, afraid over anxious. Sat with me till 5.45, so restful. Roy to Charles Lacey’s funeral & dined out. Thursday 19 March Dull morg after rainy night. Woke 4 o’c & 6. Took oil, result, & more comfortable. 98.4. Marie did my windows, my room having little extra clean. Type written letter from Linley, cleverly done. Darling to see Nana for day. Sent me lovely flowers & a silk mantle to wear. No doctor. Friday 20 March No doctor. Slept well. Darling came to lunch & tea. Florrie Blair left 11 o’c AM, been v. kind & useful. Dear Toula arrrived 8 PM looking much better. Roy dined at home & sat in my room after. Photos Cranbourne Court etc. Saturday 21 March Much finer day. No doctor. Good night & feel distinctly better. Darling came morg for short time, goes to Ramsgate with Lennie. Nurse Millie with temp 103! There with Linley, trust she won’t pass it to my darling. Ada Sp. came after tea & stayed some time. Toula for walk after tea, seems v. cheery & bright. Dear Roy out to dinner. Sunday 22 March Fair night. Toula lunches with Midge. Glorious morg. Roy at home. Going to play lawn tennis. On sofa 4.30 in my room. Mr Maxwell Lyte came to enquire. Slept 1½ hrs afternoon! Ada Sp. called after tea, saw her. Roy sat with me evg. Douglas retired fr. army! Pity. Monday 23 March Good night. X. Dr Lynes came, only have to be v. careful of cold. Darling & Linley came on their return fr. Ramsgate for a few seconds 6.45. Both looking better. Nurse Millie left behind. Toula to see Ashburnham silver Christies, v. interesting. Dear Roy dined at home & sat with me after dinner. In drawing room for 2 hrs, felt it cold & draughty. Tuesday 24 March Lovely morg. Toula to stores & chose flan. nightdresses, no good alas. Slept well. Darling came at 3 o’c, awful noise of 2 tyres busting woke me suddenly. In drawing room for tea. Nellie Keith came & was v. amusing. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Partridge for mid day meal fr. dear Toula. Roy dined out. Wednesday 25 March Fine, fair night. Toula to Bank re Southern Pacific Allotment of 200 dollars at par & div 4/8 Sons of Gualia. Down drawing room to tea & evg. meal. Marie out afternoon & evg. Lucy managed very nicely & quietly & quickly. My darling to Balcombe for day, came in for little while. Roy out for dinner. Thursday 26 March Slept well. M. X after outing. Lovley day warmer. Down drawing room before lunch rested sofa v. hard. Darling came to tea & Ethel Mervyn after, looks better. Vy serious affairs re Ulster & government. Cabinet disclosure, resignation of officers etc. Roy dined at home. Ethel came after tea.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Friday 27 March Little bilious fr. having buttered eggs last evg for dinner! X. Toula taking Southern Pacific allotment to Bank to be paid April $497.29 = £ (blank). Toula lunching at Ethel Mervyn’s 1 o’c. Darling came to tea. Roy dined at home. Saturday 28 March Boat race. Cambridge won 4½ lengths. Roy went & dined out. Up earlier & dressed nearly alone. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. Darling came to tea. Toula saw 2 cooks for Tabbie, not smitten with either. Dear Linley came morg. with Mad’lle. Miss Rose Innes called, Toula saw her, w’d have exhausted me. Sunday 29 March Dull morg. Darling with Lennie & three dear chicks came morg to say good bye. Maud came again evening after dinner to see Roy. Roy dined at home. Sp, Ada & Mervyn came to tea, v. glad to see them. Monday 30 March My darling came at 4 o’c & stayed till 6 o’c, shall miss her dreadfully. Trust change will do her good. Mr & Mrs M. snr returned from abroad. I went down to lunch for 1st time for one month! Roy dined out & was v. late home, & did not sleep. Tuesday 31 March Glorious morg & day. Darling & household go to Ireland 8.40. Toula went to see them off. Had one hour in bath chair, Toula with me gardens. Lucy out all afternoon, returned 8 o’c as Roy dined at home. Wednesday 1 April My darling & family arrive at Lee Mount Coachford County Cork, Ireland this morg. Lovely 1¼ hr drive M’s Victoria morg, lunched dining room.. A little jolty coming home. Telegram fr. Maudie, arrived safely. Roy dined out. Marie did drawing room windows beautifully inside & out, but brass both rooms v. bad. Marie out afternoon & evg. Toula after Tabbie’s cooks reference, good. Vy achey after drive. Thursday 2 April Dull. Dr Lynes came, only patience & care more bother than I am worth. Went for drive Park only walking & stops as afraid jolting. Felt better for air & slept after lunch. Midge v. kindly sent me 12 plovers eggs! Lovely afternoon. Roy dined at home. X. Only allotted £100 in B.A.Western, shall hold for Dearest’s money waiting investment £100. Lunched down stairs. Roy seedy, heat rash, chill. Sent for tonic. Friday 3 April Miss Stephens re skirts. Did several things for me v. nicely, 3/-. Drove Park 12.15. Saw & spoke to Muriel & Mr Messel who looks sad & yellow, fear liver. Mrs M. better but still in bed. Letter fr. Darling had awful crossing, ½ a gale. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. Roy to Cranbourne Court, hope he will be careful about rash round waist. Taking his tonic with him. Marie took his things Sta. Saturday 4 April Dull. Gt demonstration Hyde Pk re Ulster. Marie mended cord in my blind took 12 yds, & v. glad to see how it is done. Walked with Toula round Essex Villas as v.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 showery. Rested after for my 2 hrs but felt side. In morg room, drawing room being done. V. uncomfortable chairs & sofa morg room. Lovely salmon 9 lbs fr. Lennie, his second. Sent some to Lady Mead, Sington, Kerr & Pohl. Sunday 5 April Dull & cold, fine on & off. Unable to go out. Toula to Westminster Abbey morg & for walk after tea. Mervyn & Ethel came to tea. Mrs Gibson came & brought me some tulips, felt unable to see her, vy sorry. Also Joyce Reed , unable to see her. Marie out afternoon & evening. Lucy managed v. nicely. Monday 6 April V. good night, lovely morg but colder & v. windy. Toula to Victoria to meet Nurse Millie & joined me Park after in brougham. Feel little stronger. Slept after lunch. Roy returned fr. Cranbourne Court. Toula for walk after tea. Roy dined at home, seems better a little. Wish he had courage to give up champagne & liqueurs for some weeks. 2 letters good news fr. Maudie. Tuesday 7 April Lovely morg early. Mrs Bryan coming to fit me with tea gown fr. darling Maud. Felt awfully weak & shaky. Mrs Lane went for drive with me at 12.15 in brougham as Toula went to see Nurse Millie & back for tea. Roy out dinner. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Wednesday 8 April Toula off early to Winchester for day. Mrs Lane again went for drive with me at 12.5 in Victoria, lovely morg & we both enjoyed it. Only in Park. Roy dined out but returned home at 9 o’c & sat a little while with me. Nellie Zimmermann came brought lovely lilies, stayed till 6 o’c. V. amusing. Marie out afternoon & evg. Thursday 9 April Dr Lynes came. Toula for drive with me 12.15. To her Bank & mine, saw under manager about Southern Pacific allotment. X. & (illeg) of Brazil. X. Sell rights of these last, take up S. Pacific. Toula out all afternoon. Dear Roy to Cranbourne Court. Ethel Abbott came 4.30 & stayed till 6.15. Most entertaining but felt so seedy pain in side & back, no oil this morg. Letter fr. my darling. Friday 10 April Glorious morg early. 6 lb salmon fr. Lennie. 24 in 9 days Lennie has got so far! Roy to Cranbourne Court till Tuesday. Mrs Kerr came after tea & was v. lively. Poor Molly in Fever Hospital, scarlet fever after appendicitis. Bath evg, Marie helped me. Toula drove with me Park 12.15. Saturday 11 April Gave salmon to Mrs Kerr & Beach & (illeg) to Mrs Gale. Postal orders to dear chicks. Letters fr. Edgar & Sophy. Good night but not a good day, feel v. weak & uncomfortable lower regions. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. Drove at 12.15 to Park & Regents Pk, a little shaky for my side! Left Toula who lunched at Miss Sitwell’s. Sat morg room for tea, fresh curtains up drawing room. Lovely azalia from Darling Maud, drawing fr. Oliver & chocolate fish fr. Anne. Lennie 24 salmon in 9 days.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Sunday 12 April Glorious Easter morg. Good night. Had bath chair at 12 till 1.30, commissioner, vy wobbly chair, with Toula. Walked round sunk garden. Vy weak. Lucy out afternoon & evening. Postcard Friday 10th fr. Mervyn, Ethel’s brother passed away, they ret’nd fr. Felixtowe Friday & went north. Monday 13 April 7 salmon killed Good Friday, 6 by Mr Whatman & one by gillie. Lovely day. Toula to Rickmansworth for day. Had respectable man bath chair for 1½ hrs 3/5. Lovely out. Walked alone round sunk garden, rather tottery. Marie out afternoon & evg. Paid bills & wrote letters. Isabel Brooks came after tea, v. pleased to see her, letting her new flat for 4 months with maids. Toula enjoyed her day. Bridge fr. 8 to 9. Tuesday 14 April Lovely morg. Miss Gill coming for day. Went for drive with me to Battersea Pk. Kindly altered hem of dress for me after lunch. Mrs Cadogan called & had tea looking v. pretty. Roy dined at home & I sat in dining room during their dinner in arm chair. V. tired after & glad to get to bed. Miss G. 2/6 fare, afraid doing v. badly but so bright & cheerful. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Letters fr. darling, boys better fr. their falls. Wednesday 15 April Lovely day. With Toula 12 o’c to enquire Mervyns who return tomorrow, & Spencer, better. To Battersea Pk, walked a little. Felt awfully weak & back achey. Miss Abbotts came after tea. I dined down stairs with Toula 7.30. Roy dined out. Toula out after tea. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evg. Thursday 16 April Glorious morning. To Park with Toula in Victoria, walked , flowers lovely, felt better. Miss Stephens here, 3/-. Roy dined at home, brought 12 plovers eggs. Toula for walk after tea. Sat dining room. V. tired. Friday 17 April Lovely day. Took Mrs Abbott, but left her gardens afraid of cold wind. Black 10/-. Toula out directly after lunch & to tea till 7 o’c. Roy dined at home. I did not go down, too tiring. Mervyn came after tea, Ethel away. He looks seedy & has a nasty cough. Saturday 18 April Lovely morg. Letters fr. Darling morg. Mrs Cokayne left yesterday & the Batleys arrived. Toula out afternoon. Ada Spencer came to tea, stayed some time. Toula & self alone, played new patience. Sunday 19 April Mrs Vale morg, Marie afternoon. Lovely day. Toula early service. Roy at home to dinner, lunched with Gabs Ray! Hyde Pk Hotel. Vy grieved he chooses such friends. Bath chair 12 o’c, Toula with me gardens. Toula out after lunch. Gladys Crozier came.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Monday 20 April Lovely day. Mrs Kerr drove with me at 12 o’c, bright little woman. Miss Stephens here 3/-. Mervyn & Roy dine at home 7.30. Lucy out all afternoon, Roy’s room scamped. Very pleasant evg but felt v. v. tired & aching back. Bed 9 o’c. Tuesday 21 April Lovely day, v. warm. To Ranelagh with Mrs Kerr, sat in lovely garden & had a little walk round to see flamingos, storks & pelicans! V. warm. Mrs Vale out af. & evg. Fanny Nembhard & Hylda to tea, latter looking v. well, & Fanny older. Toula walked back with Hilda. Roy dined out. Hot bath. Wednesday 22 April Slept well. Less fine & cold wind but close otherwise. Pain in back & side & (illeg) & neuralgia heart pains. Bath chair with Toula gardens. Walked a little but side ached. Mrs Campbell Praed to tea, delightful person but felt v. tired after. Roy dined at home. Thursday 23 April Dull, some rain. Vy bad night, violent sweat & neuralgia heart, felt sick, wish I could lose this horrid feeling. To Dr Mitchell 12 o’c. Had tooth lanced, v. painful, deep abscess. Roy dined out. Toula & self played patience. Marie out afternoon & evg. Friday 24 April To Dr Mitchell 4 o’c. Colleague did my tooth, took out 2 dead nerves & probed round. Dr Lynes came morg. Not making enough progress, food difficulty. Walked morg 10 minutes. Met Ellie R. Roy dined out. Saturday 25 April X. To Dr Mitchell ¼ to 12. Abscess still suppurating in tooth. Walked better. Roy to Cranbourne Court. Toula called on Ada Sp. & Mervyn. Sunday 26 April Bath chair 1½ hr. Lovely day. Horrid man. Lucy out. Toula to Albert Hall. Mrs Turner called, did not see her. Wrote many letters. 4th salmom from Lennie, piece to Emma & Hylda tomorrow. Monday 27 April To dentist ¼ to 12. Tiresome place won’t heal. Vy. painful. Roy ret’d fr. Edna’s & dined at home 7.30. Walked by Serpentine & feel little stronger, feel sure better to have taken out tooth! Toula to Scott Exhibition, home 6.15, & lunched out as she went to dentist with me. Walked a little after lunch & saw Mrs Spofforth. Tuesday 28 April For drive Victoria 12 o’c & walked with Toula Serpentine. Roy dined out. Toula to water colour exhibition after luncheon & home 6.20. Marie with me to Dentst 4.30 in Victoria. X. Vy painful dressing wound & ached v. much after. Dr Lynes came morg, wants me to have a change near short railway journey. My Darling arrived fr. Ireland 9.30 PM with Linley & Oliver. Tabbie came evg for an hour, looks v. well.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Wednesday 29 April My darling Maud came at 11.30 & we went for a drive round Pk together, & found Linley & Oliver here on our return much grown. Maud left with boys before lunch as she takes Oliver to school at Mr Hawtrey’s Westgate this afternoon & sleeps night at Westgate. Linley to Eton alone. Toula & self for walk after lunch Holland Pk, sat there! Roy dined at home. Felt dead tired evg. Thursday 30 April V. bad night awake 4 hrs. Thought of the 2 dear boys at school. Feel v. seedy & weak. Drove brougham with Toula to Pk & Mervyn’s studio for dearest’s plaque, no one there. Saw Sp. at 106 Queens Gate, looks well. Toula to Gypsy Hill after lunch. Roy with P & 2 ladies to Sunningdale in Mr Stern’s car early. Darling Maud dines here, coming up fr. Westgate afternoon. Friday 1 May Woke 3 o’c & c’d not sleep till past 5. Darling Maud came early & we drove together to walk by flowerbeds & along Serpentine to beyond my usual walk. Maud lunched here & remained until past 7 o’c. Read to me after tea & sat with me whilst I rested. Delightful day. Roy dined at home & was v. amusing about various people. Bath & felt better. V. tired. Saturday 2 May Better night. My Darling came early 11.30 & went with me in brougham to Ranelagh where we walked & sat out in those lovely grounds. A glorious day but v. cold wind. My darling lunched & dined here, read to me after tea until 7 o’c, fear she must have been v. tired. Poor dinner. Felt v. sick evg but played bridge with Toula, & admired Maud in her pretty tea gown making little (illeg). Roy to Cranbourne Court, hope he will not get mixed up with poor little G. Ray’s affairs. Sunday 3 May Roy away. My darling & I to Richmond glorious drive & so enjoyed it. Peaceful happy day. Monday 4 May X. Saw Dr Lynes & Dr Bevan 4.30. X. None the wiser, more food & brandy! Darling to dentist. Toula & self met her, & Toula walked home & Maud & I drove home together. Roy dined at home & my darling spent the day with me. Mrs Bryan came about dress. Tuesday 5 May Adamson helping here. Mrs Price came about my food. Carriage 11.45 & my darling fetched me, drove round park in brougham. Too windy & showery to walk. Lucy out. Darling read to me after lunch, rested till 4 o’c. Nana came & spent afternoon, had arrived at Maud’s fr. Brislington unexpectedly! Adamson here helping. Lucy out. Poppy Sington operation. Norah Lourgan etc called. Roy out to dinner. My Darling with me all day. Wednesday 6 May Darling came for me at 12 in Vic, had delightful drive round Park & walked a little. Adamson helping here. Maud v. seedy with little F. Wish she w’d lie down more at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 these times. She sat with me all afternoon & read. Toula ret’d after tea & Nana came again looking wonderfully young & delighted to see Roy who dined at home. Vy happy day with my darling & feel better for open windows, less exhausted. My darling having all sort of things made for me. Benions came about house painting. Marie out. Thursday 7 May Vy good night. Blowing & dull. Darling came for me in Vic 12 o’c & drove round Park. Saw King & Queen in semi state ret. fr. British Museum splendidly, close to Palace. Rested Roy’s room with Maud. Heavy thunderstorm & rain! Roy dined at home. Felt a little better. Played patience evg with my dear chicks & Toula. Bed & bath. Thunderstorm. Friday 8 May Roy to Cranbourne Court. Drove with Darling round Park. Walked. Felt v. tired. Thundery feeling in air. Mrs Vale out. Saturday 9 May Dr Lynes came morg. Maudie & I drove to Ranelagh where we walked, too cold to sit out. Darling read to me during rest. Played patience after dinner. Roy came to see us afternoon. Nana came to tea. Sunday 10 May In all day wet. Good night but feel so tired, rested till 12.30 morg. Darling came & saw me on her way to church & returned to lunch & rest of day till 10 o’c as usual. Rested after lunch till 4. Nora Lourgan came to tea & stayed a long while telling us Ramsgate news. Mervyn dines here. Monday 11 May To Park with Darling, walked long way but felt v. breathless. Darling read to me during my rest. Hylda Gibbs came, saw her, better account of Mrs M. Toula walked & had tea at Nellie K’s. Roy dined at home. Felt v. tired & breathless. Lovely having darling Maud. Tuesday 12 May X. Allotment due of Gt Northern Pref USA. X. Wth darling to Ranelagh, sat out there gardens so lovely. Mrs Miller brought me some lovely roses & Nonie M. some jelly. My Darling & Toula out shops after lunch in taxi. Mrs Fred Kerr & Joice & Evie F.R. came & latter read whilst dear Maud had a little walk. Roy dined at home. Lucy out. Adamson most kind & helpful. We played patience evg. Wednesday 13 May Could not sleep till past one, headache. Vy well after. Toula leaves today, 2 o’c. At 12 Darling fetched me in Vic & we drove to Bumpus’s where she bought Roy “Grimms Fairy Tales”. Lunched 1 o’c, rested, c’d not sleep. Darling did flowers, lovely ones fr. Mrs Gibson & fr. Hylda Ryan & Balcombe. Ruth Parker & Spencer came. Vy cheery abut H. & Douglas, looks so well. Darling & self alone v. peaceful & happy. Roy dined out but came home to dress.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Thursday 14 May Lovely morg. Slept badly & slight headache, all else better. With my darling to Ranelagh 12 o’c. Lovely there sat watching duck & pelicans, too warm to walk, but cold wind. Mrs Geilgud came to tea. Gilly here to luncheon, & till 6 o’c, as cheerful as ever. Lovely flowers fr. Tabby. Mervyn came after tea. Florence Walford came to stay, looks v. well. My Darling has bought me all sorts of new dishes & flower glasses. We played Patience after dinner. Friday 15 May Roy dines at home but goes out after. Maud & I went to Ranelagh & sat up in pergola, perfectly lovely overlooks lovely scenery the song of birds, blue butterflies. Felt v. tired but so happy being with Maud. Nellie Keith, Eve & Mrs Brookes came to tea. Saturday 16 May Roy dined at home & went out after. Maud & I drove round Pk. Tea drawing room. Mervyn came. Sunday 17 May Mervyn came morg. & drove with F & self Pk. Lovely day. Slept well but feel v. seedy aching over my heart. My darling came at 11 & she & Roy went to St Cuthberts church together. I drove with Florence in Park, great crowds there, did not walk. Rested after lunch till 4.15 my darling reading to me & finished our book “Pride & Prejudice” charming. Quiet afternoon together v. happy but felt v. seedy. F. to tea with her sister. Roy dined at home. I went to bed early. Monday 18 May Darling & self to Ranelagh & feel little better, good night. Glorious day, v. warm. Darling with me during rest, slept, & Tabby came to tea looking so pretty & smart, stayed some time. Roy dined at home. Patience after. To bed early headache. Tuesday 19 May Lucy out. V. good night. Darling came 12 o’c. We went to Ranelagh. Lovely there sat & read & watched ducks & cranes. Miss Gill to luncheon. Vy kind, brought cake & jelly, Tabby came brought lovely flowers, roses. Also lovely flowers fr. Balcombe which Darling arranged. Lawrence & Eve & Mervyn also to tea. Roy & Mervyn lunched with Tabby. Roy dined at home. Felt bad after cold sweat but so glad to see them. Bed early. Wednesday 20 May Lovely, but slept badly violent heavy sweats. To Ranelagh with darling Maud who looks white fr. heat. The grounds Ranelagh lovely, sat there ½ an hour, too hot to walk. Rested, darling read to me. Very comfortable in new corsets! Fanny Nembhard called & Mervyn to tea. Roy dined out. Marie out, his clothes not quite right. Feel heat oppression. Thursday 21 May Better night but heavy sweats. Dr Bevan called 11.30. Vy kind thinks change will do me good & certainly feel better for quinine. To Ranelagh lovely there. Sat under trees away fr. water. Darling read to me but I slept nearly 1½ hrs! Nonie M. to tea brought


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 me lovely carnations. Dora came, also Mervyn. Dora & Paul leaving for Plombières or Aix tomorrow. Roy dined at home. Friday 22 May Lovely morg. Slept well took meat jelly twice during night. In great perspiration but feel better. Roy to Cranbourne Court till Monday. Still no letter fr. Edgar feel anxious. Awful storm evg. Hilda Ryan came & Nurse Duffield who remained to dinner. My darling remained until 1 o’c & leaves tomorrow early for Ireland. We went morg. to Ranelagh. Dr Lynes came. X. Maud v. annoyed with him. Saturday 23 May Slept fairly well. Sweats. To Park saw Coaching Club meet. Dull & raining. Mervyn saw darling off fr. Paddington. Much colder. Florence with me all day most kind & did flowers with Lucy. Bed 9.10. Sunday 24 May Slept much better, no sweat. Colder. F. & self to Ranelagh. Many there, very different to the days with Darling, all sunshine gone with her. But the air cool & refreshing. No one came. Marie out. Mervyn dines here. Telegram fr. darling, as I feared rough passage. To bed early. Vy cold, fires drawing & dining rooms. Monday 25 May Nurse Duffield came evg. sleeps Lancaster Gate. To Ranelagh with Florence. V. cold, furs v. necessary. Good night, sore throat? What next! Long letter fr. my darling. Roy came home to dress, dined out. Been bitten by gnat on leg, hope he will be careful with it. Miss Gill here to lunch & tea, most kindly brought me cake. Mervyn came to tea. X. Benions called re house painting. X. Carter re-disinfecting my room & seeing to cistern etc. Tuesday 26 May X. Apt. with Dr Mitchell about tooth 12 o’c. X. Nurse Duffield went with me. Cannot finish tooth on account of abscess being unhealed. Put away drawing room silver with Nurse & Florence. Mervyn & Ethel came to tea. Roy dined at home. Feel v. tired & head achey. X. Dr Bevan & Dr Lynes came 4.30. X. Vy cold, fires everywhere. Wednesday 27 May Derby Day. Roy going with Stern. Beach going, no carriage. Slept only fairly well. Miss Gill to lunch & tea. F. changed £5.0.0 for me Bank. Mervyn came afternoon. Marie packed. Dined in my room, v. tired tho’ did nothing! Gillie very useful & kind. Roy home to dinner. Thursday 28 May Nurse D. & I go to Mr Hall’s, Longford, Westgate. by Granville. Slept fairly well. Fine early. Paid books. Marie & Nurse to station. Roy there saw me off. F & I went in carriage 10/- Black. Felt very shakey & weak but was most comfortable in carriage to ourselves & found all so nice on arrival, fires in both rooms, & to bed directly after tea.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Friday 29 May Slept v. well in spite of hard bed & my spine bone! Lovely morg. Sat out in front before lunch. Rested, & walked along parade & sat out after tea, lovely sun, sea and sky like opal. Bed early, felt better less nausea & even had supper enjoying it. Letters & telegram fr. my darling. Nurse to Mrs Hawtrey’s about Oliver. Saturday 30 May Lovely morg. Only v. fair night. Letters fr. my 2 dear children. Sat out whilst Nurse did shop’g. After rest went in bath chair at 5 o’c to Mrs Hawtrey’s, saw dear Oliver looking so well. Sat out in the cricket field in my chair & saw his garden. Mrs Hawtrey so kind & so young looking & full of energy. Horrid nausea evg. felt dead tired. To bed 8.30. Shocking loss of life 900 at Vancouver a liner struck by collier in fog. Sunday 31 May Dear Roy sprained his wrist paying tennis at Cranbourne. Bath chair for one hour. Fog horns going. Slept till (blank). Started coffee! Fear won’t suit me. Sat out lovely morg. Nurse fetched Darling Oliver, he looks so well and happy. He looked puzzled at my figure but feel the pressure more today. Oliver made good lunch & tea. Alas time flew & he had to be back by 5 o’c. Monday 1 June Slept well. Too rough & boisterous to go out. Rested & slept after lunch. Nurse read, worked morg. Bath chair 2 hours along Birchington road, Nurse made enquiries. Felt pressure & aching v. much, distinctly bigger! Tuesday 2 June Bad night feel suffocated by pressure everywhere inside. Sat out morg. Bath chair evg one hour. Lovely La France roses think fr. Midge. Took water can to Oliver & went after to St Mildred’s Hotel. Wednesday 3 June V. good night. Sat out morg & walked but difficult so weak. Every organ seems being pushed out of place by ? Utter discomfort. Lovely day. Out for 2 hrs bath chair. Saw darling Oliver for a second, great good luck! Vy exhausted evg. Letters fr. darling, fr. Tabbie, Mervyn & Edgar so glad all is well. Thursday 4 June Little Linleys first 4th of June at Eton. Lovely day. Slept v. badly, neuralgia everywhere. Sat out morg, lovely. Darling sent me a Jersey alas! My awful figure no longer can get into anything decent. Dear Roy has hurt his wrist playing tennis, trust all well with him. Nurse to countermand chair too windy for me to go out, & to take plant to Oliver fr. Balcombe. Friday 5 June My darling came down by Granville to St Mildred’s Hotel, charming rooms there. Dull unfortunately, she had tea & dined here, delighted to see her again. I felt v (blank) at dinner, tiresome little extra liver attack!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Saturday 6 June Lennie came 2.20, & Maud, L & O lunched at Hotel. Nurse took flowers for me to Hotel 4/1½. Very gusty day but had chair for an hour. Quiet peaceful day. Lennie came for a second. Dear Roy to Cranbourne Court for week end. Sunday 7 June I walked to little bathing hut with Nurse morg. Had chair after tea, all came to tea. They had been to “Reculver”. Then with Lennie, Maud & Oliver I went in chair to Station to see Lennie off by 6.20 train. Then we went & saw Oliver’s garden, looks much better, & then Maud & I & Oliver walked fr. “Longford” to little hut! & back, when Maud took Oliver back to school. Darling dined here. Chair 6d. Monday 8 June Very blowey morg but fine. Darling & I went in Motor to my beloved St Peters & I saw the memorial to darling Lin. Am charmed & delighted with it, a very beautiful & dignified conception & worthy of my Dearest, feel sure he w’d have liked it. Our Darling Maud’s own idea & design. Our dear parents’ grave also looks v. v. nice. Drove round Westwood & Nash after. Bath chair at 5.30 with Maudie. Bed early. Good news of dear Roy. Tuesday 9 June Slept fairly well. Sat out all morg, walked further, lovely. Grilled chops by nurse! Eat too much & suffered great discomfort in consequence. Wednesday 10 June My darling returns home today. Sat out all morg with her & Oliver lunched here. We went to Cricket ground, I in chair & then to see Darling off by 3.40 train. Dear little Oliver vy. tearful but mastered himself. Took him back, was quite happy again soon. Bed early. Thursday 11 June Vy blowey. Walked a little & went in to shop. V expensive. Mrs Hawtrey came & stayed a long while, was vy kind, talked of many things. Bed early. Friday 12 June Good night. Sea fog & blowey. Walked to breakwater, watched bathers. Letter fr. Darling. Out after tea, sat facing sea, lovely & warm, read till 7. Went & saw Mrs Rowan re our rooms. Go Thurs morg. Better day except for pain in right leg. Sent cheque to Mrs Vale, heavy without washing. Saturday 13 June Fair night. Woke 2 & 5. Vy uncomfortable right side & feel sick. Third letter fr. dear Edgar fr. Japan. Vy blowey but fine. Sat out reading short time. Shop’d town, I in chair, bought strawberries. Saw Oliver at Bulls match, boys not v. interested! Sunday 14 June Dear Roy came for day arrived 11.45. Nurse met him. His dear hand greatly swollen & feel anxious about it as he is not careful of cold. Oliver lunched & had tea with us. Roy dined here & returned by 9 train. Wish he looked better, think him pale & thin.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Monday 15 June Lovely day. Good night. Tabby came arrived 5 o’c. Had tea here & went with me along front in bath chair, then to Oliver’s school. Saw Mrs Hawtrey, introduced her to Tabby. Then caught the 7 o’c train. Tabby goes on to Dover & tomorrow leaves with H. & Eve for Holland, joining yacht in Amsterdam. 4 Airoplanes passed close to us on return & hovered over house & then dipped into sea, vy rough. One stuck on rocks, rest landed safely near Hotel. Tuesday 16 June Cold. Went down to see Sea planes, most interesting drawn up at siding back of St M’s Hotel where bathing machines kept. Saw injured one, wings of canvas & framework looked so fragile for weight it carries. 3 men & engine. Saw 3 start. Gunboats in bay. Vy cold again. Wednesday17 June Packed morg. Very uncomfortable all day, swollen place aggressive. Another letter fr. dear Edgar. Glorious day. Sat out fr. 12.30 to 1.15. Bad chicken! Too long en chemin fr Shropshire! Pd books Mrs Vale. To Mr Hawtreys to see match, Oliver by me. Their side won. Much warmer, cold wind. Thursday 18 June Move into our new rooms. X. Sea plane sham fight! Very comfortable, lunched new rooms. Friday 19 June Darling comes down. Nurse met her. Lennie came by later train. Darling lunched & had tea with us, looks so well. Sat watching cricket at Mr Hawtreys with Oliver. Long talk with Mr Courtney, rather an inconsequent talker! Sat on lawn in front till Lennie came about 7.30. Darling came round after their dinner when I was in bed. Saturday 20 June Darling round early & we sat out. Lennie fetched Oliver & they 2 lunched at Hotel, & darling Maud with me. Oliver came back & Lennie fished until 7.40. After my rest Darling had motor & we went to St Peters. I took a wreath for dear Mother & some lovely carnations for dear Lin. It all looks beautiful. Sat out on return until Oliver left. Sunday 21 June Anniversary of our dear Mother’s death, 1895. Fine, warm but cloudy. Lennie & Maud to service school. Nurse & self sat out front, lovely day later. Oliver with Lennie afternoon. Darling with me, sat out. Vy delightful day. Glorious sun set. Monday 22 June Lennie left by early train. Darling came to me for day, delightful. Bath chair, & to see Oliver & his garden. Also to see Convent of “Les Oiseaux” church, beautiful altar but c’d only see fr. side chapel of Sacred Heart. Glorious sun set. Tuesday 23 June Very stormy day. Slept only fairly well. Darling came early but left at 3 having engagement for night. Midge came at 12 o’c looking so nice, came for day. Very cheery day & we were 4 to luncheon. Midge brought me a charming glass vase


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 marked 1741 & some Gunters jelly & Darling M also gave me some delicious calves foot jelly & orange ditto. Afternoon lovely. In Bath chair for one hour with Midge alone sea front & to Station to see her off. Nurse & self walked to hut after. Bed early. Wednesday 24 June Lovely morg. Slept well till 4.30. Horrid neuralgia in both sides after & for long while. Feel v. weak & ill & tired. Unable to go & see fear Oliver, just glad to sit about quietly. Many things of all sorts from my Darling. Flowers & asparagus from Midge. Thursday 25 June Feel better. Dear Mervyn came for day, delightful to see him. Vy restful, sat out with him all morning, lovely day but a little sea fog. Rested after lunch. M. sat out until 4 o’c, then again sat out after tea. Bath chair for half an hour to Sta. Saw him off by 6 train. Gramophone evg! Friday 26 June Out 12 o’c sat out. Slept 1½ hrs after lunch, felt better. Bath chair at 5.30 to 7.15 to see Oliver & his garden. Nurse got me roses for dear Roy’s room. To Hotel to see Roy’s room but c’d not see it, conditions not quite harmonious at Hotel! Dear Roy arrived 7.50 & came on to me after his dinner, wish his wrist was better. He sat in my bedroom as I went to bed early & had Benjers. Saturday 27 June Dear Edgar & Sophy arrive at Langham Hotel tomorrow early after their 2 years travels!!! Lovely morg. Sat out all day with Roy, glorious day. To bed before dinner, v. tired. Sunday 28 June Roy dined & lunched with us. He went to St Peters for service & to see Dearest’s beautiful memorial, delighted with it. Sat out all day after, v. hot. Oliver not allowed to come. Roy left after supper for London. Monday 29 June Glorious day but very hot. Sat out. Nurse to see about rooms at Sea Grange. Dear Edgar & Sophy returned after one year & 8 months absence. Tuesday 30 June Glorious day, very hot. Dear Edgar came & spent day with me, looks well but thin. To see him off station in B. chair. Very hot. Most exhausting even in this lovely air. To sta. in chair to see dear Edgar off. Decided to go Sea Grange Thurs, looks v. nice. Wednesday 1 July Feel v. exhausted with heat. Rested in sitting room & were surprised by Spencer & Ada who returned 4 o’c for tea. Lovely fruit from Maud & peaches from Toula. Mrs Nooth called, coming Friday. Sat out with Sp. & Ada. They left at 6 o’c. Quite cool breeze. 90 in shade in London.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Thursday 2 July Again moved into new rooms. Have been v. comfortable here, Normanton St. Mrs Rowans. Had v. bad night, dreadful pain in heart, only about one hours sleep. Moved into Sea Grange for luncheon & we enjoyed veal & ham pie & cherries. Undressed & rested in Nurse’s room. Dr Nichol came to see me, pain only caused by flatulence. Vy fresh cool rooms. Tea in our room. Did not go down for dinner. More fruit fr. darling. Friday 3 July My darling wired & came by early train today, a great joy. Sat out all morning, lovely. Perfect hurricane afternoon & pelting rain. Sat in smoking room. Mrs Nooth called. Felt v. seedy fr. 3rd bad night. Dr Nichol sent me a sleeping draught. Sat out until dinner & dined in bed. Darling left 9.30 for Hotel. Saturday 4 July My darling came today early. We sat out all morg. She is staying at St Mildred’s Hotel. Engaged rooms here for Harold’s children. Better night after sleeping draught, feel better. Sunday 5 July (blank) Monday 6 July Went to see Oliver but he was having his drawing lesson. Saw Mrs Hawtrey, she had been to call on me & saw Nurse. Tuesday 7 July Midge & H. left for Vittel. Dr Bevan came, had awful neuralgia which eau de Cologne eased & left a quantity of dead skin. Ankles swelling & I feel wretchedly ill. Dear Edgar here for day. Had lovely hour’s drive in B. chair along coast & to bed on return. Wednesday 8 July Sea Grange, Westgate. Dull. Fair night. Nonie with her 3 children & governess came here. Nonie left by 3.40 train. Maudie & I went along sea front, hour’s drive in bath chair. Horrid neuralgia. Had lovely (blank) Thursday 9 July Glorious day. Mrs Hawtrey sent me charming bouquet of flowers.

(Notes at back of diary)


Balance fr. 1914 £105.11.3

Jan B.A. Pacific B.A. Western B.A. Gt Southern B.A. Cent Argentine

10.11.1 4. 5. 2 7.10. 8 1.17. 8


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Jap 4% City B. Ayres 5% Jardin Botanique Japanese 4½ Eng Association (illeg) New York Cent. Jan

1.17. 8 7. 1. 3 4.14. 2 4. 4. 9 4.15. 1 1. 4. 3 £ 48. 1. 9

Feby B.A.Pacific 13. 2 Chinese 2. 7. 1 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 6 Allotted, sold Cent Arg 4% 14.14. 6 Robinson Gold 4.18.10 G. Eastern Rly 4. 0. 0 B.A.Trams 9. 5 Gt Northern pref U.S.A 3. 7. 8 Hull & Barnsley 7.10. 8 February £ 47.13.10 March Furness Rly Chinese Cuban Bolivar Glas S.Western Midland P.& O. Japan Sons of Gualia Chersonese Interest on deposit March

1. 8. 3 2. 2. 4 12. 2. 2 2.16. 6 3. 5. 3 11.10. 1 4.18.11 2. 7. 1 4. 8 2. 5 15. 9 £ 43.10.10

April Brazil Lloyd 2. 7. 1 Cordoba Cent 1.17. 8 J. Barker 1. 9 American Bond sh.holders 4.15. 1 New York Central 1. 4. 3 Sale of rights Nat Rly Mexico 3. 5.11 Southern Pacific 2.17.10 N.A.Western Rly 3.19. 1 Cent Argt Rly 22. 5. 8 Gt Northern U.S.A. 2. 8. 6 April £ 78.14. 4 May New York Telephone B.A.Pacific

8. 9. 6 13. 3


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1914 Gt Northern Coy B.A.Trams

3. 6. 9 9. 5 £ 12.18.10

Trust January Argentine Gt West Cent Uruguay Antifogasta Local Loans

18.16. 8 23.10.10 6.11.10 5. 5 Jany £ 49. 4. 9

Feby Peebles Gt Western Brazil Feby

23. 6. 1 28. 5. 0 £ 51.11. 1

March nil April Cordoba C. British North Atlantic S.S. Local Loans Illinois Cent April

18.16. 8 21. 3. 9 5. 5 19. 5. 0 59.10.10

May nil

Private Jany Feby March April May

Dearest Jany Feby March April May

48. 1. 9 47. 3.10 43.10.10 78.14. 4 12.18.10

Trust 49. 4. 9 51.11.1 - - 59.10.10 - - -

65.12. 3 16.13. 0 24.10. 0 20. 7. 2 8. 9. 6

Total 162.18. 9 115. 7.11 68.10. 0 158.12. 4 21. 8. 4


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