D E T I N U H T U O Y Combating Hate. PREFACE
The booklet you are holding in your hands is an outcome of a long term training courses "United Youth Combating Hate" and "Hate Is Not Our Fate" that took place from August 2015 till February 2016 in Bulgaria, Georgia and in the Czech Republic and which were financed by ERASMUS+ Programme. Common need for these training courses was giving voice to young people a voice to react on dangerous recent trends in Europe such as raise of xenophobia, islamophobia, hate and intolerance based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and other types of radicalism. Our aim was to raise efficiency of the local and international actions developed by young activists fighting against hate and hate speech in all its forms. This booklet summarizes the activities conducted by youngsters from different countries all over Europe and shows a good example of power young people have in disseminating the message of No Hate Speech and taking actions in their communities. We hope it will be used as an inspiration for other youngsters and also as a learning material for the future educational activities both on the local and international level.
Preface.................................................................................................... 1 No Hate Speech Movement...................................................... 2 On-line Actions.................................................................................. 3 Street Actions..................................................................................... 7 Educational events - Workshops........................................... 19 Taking an Action.............................................................................. 55
D E T I N U H YOUT Combating Hate.
NO HATE SPEECH MOVEMENT The Council of Europe’s campaign against online hate speech is designed to raise awareness of the problem, change attitudes towards it and mobilize young people to act against it. The Campaign encourages respect for freedom of expression and aims to develop alternative responses to hate speech, including prevention, education, awareness raising, the development of selfregulation by users and encouraging support for victims. In essence, the Campaign is about promoting human rights online, and making the Internet a safer space for all. HATE SPEECH is an attack on those who are often already vulnerable, and it sows the seeds for tension, further inequality and often violence. The Council of Europe views hate speech as a threat to democracy and human rights. The No Hate Speech Movement campaign recognizes that efforts to address the problem need to include work at a number of different levels.
The problem and the solutions are not always straightforward. Words hurt, and hate hurts! Hate speech is a serious problem and can constitute a violation of human rights. Hate speech online is no less serious than the offline form but is often more difficult to identify and challenge. During the training courses we have implemented on the topic of hate speech we have seen numerous examples from different countries and even examples from the participants' surroundings. The most frequent question we have faced was: "How can I fight against this?!" Well, we believe that the way shouldn't always be in a direct confrontation, but rather go to the roots of the hate in the particular community. That's why we are often encouraging our participants to conduct campaigns that are educational, that are visible to wide public and which the people can identify with. Hate speech is dangerous not only because it is damaging in itself, but also because it can lead to more serious human rights violations, including physical violence. If unchecked, hate speech online feeds back into the offline world, inciting further racial tension and other forms of discrimination and abuse. The potential for hate to spread quickly in the virtual world increases its potential damage. This is why we created this "cookbook" of no hate speech 2 2 actions, to inspire young people to fight it.
ART OUT HATE Organisation: Group of the European Youth for Change
Description of the activity: Preparation Pictures from ART OUT HATE contained statements of people Place: Bucharest, Romania from Romania and around the world, in which they exposed in a descriptive catchy line: stereotypes, discriminatory, divisive or hateful Problem Description: situations that they experienced themselves based on race, gender, sexual Considering the fact that Romania was part of the soviet regime, orientation, skin color or ethnicity. We created a link with the people nowadays tend to be very limited when it comes to interact methodology and encouraged the participants to be creative and post the with other nationalities or with vulnerable groups like LGBT or pictures on social media available to the public. We also made a hashtag disabled people. Seeing this issue in Romania we realized that #outhate, so we could track the photos, collect them and then placed hostility towards minorities is a common reaction in many countries them under the logos of the organizations involved and under No hate around the world, consequently we decided to elaborate a campaign Speech Movement logo, in an album on the offical Facebook page of our without borders by using social media. ART OUT HATE was an organization: GEYC, which has over 3 k visitors a day. The winners that had international photo campaign, bringing to light powerful visual the highest score in likes, reach and engagement achieved the title of ART statements to drive a significant impact on neutralizing hate speech. OUT HATE AMBASSADORS and their photo made it to a Hall of Fame made on the website of GEYC. We also had two posts/week on the GEYC Objectives Facebook page to promote the No hate speech movement or the human • to keep away the stereotypes; rights: videos, pictures, sharing of competitions on the field of human • to reduce the level of hate speech; rights. Acting Plan with specific steps As hate speech can be found in • to raise awareness about hate speech online and its risks for many forms and is wide spread, we started our work by identifying the individual young people; ones which needed to be addressed in our country but also internationally. • to support and show solidarity to people and groups targeted by Considering that the team was already formed, we began to plan the hate speech online; concrete activities by meeting online and offline in a regularly. We started • to develop youth participation & stimulate youth creativity; our work in September, writing first the methodology of the campaign • to support young people in standing up for human rights; and establishing the names and the main #outhate hastag. People who • harvesting the benefits that new media has to offer when working wanted to promote human rights online and to combat stereotypes and just with causes and creating the first Human Library in Bucharest: hate speech, had to attach to the picture they took the hastag mentioned facilitating conversations between people whom would not otherwise bellow and the following description: “I stand for human rights online! I have a chance to MEET. challenge you to do the same! ”. Our first pictures were taken during an AIESEC National Conference. 13 Target group: Our target group were mainly social media users in the age group 20 - 30 years.
Our first pictures were taken during an AIESEC National Conference. In October, some of us took part in other international mobilities where we had the occasion to take pictures of Romanian and Italian participants at a two weeks training in Italy. After that we collected the pictures and we posted them in an album on GEYC Facebook page. All the pictures were personalized with a bar which included the main logos of the campaign. During an Art & human rights conference in Budapest, Hungary, we also took pictures for our Art out Hate campaign. In November we posted the last pictures of the campaign in our album and showed other resources like videos related to the campaign.
Main results: ART OUT HATE brought to light powerful visual statements, thus a significant impact on neutralizing hate speech. We received pictures from people from ROMANIA, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, BELARUS, RUSSIA, HUNGARY, CROATIA, ITALY, PARAGUAY, FRANCE, ALBANIA, CONGO, GEORGIA, UK & Morocco.
Challenges: People refused to take pictures for the campaign. A lot of people promised to take pictures and they didn’t do it anymore even if we gave them reminders. Some people were wanted by the police and because of their activism in human rights and they didn’t wanted to be seen on Social Media. People who accepted to take the picture didn’t upload them on Facebook. We had to remind them all the time that they have to share their picture on Social Media. Some people didn’t really knew how to use Social Media. They didn’t know how to copy and paste our statement or how to make the picture available for the public It was very difficult to work with some people because they wanted us to take tons of pictures of them until they were happy with only one picture. groups... Links: geyc.ro/art-out-hate
Our first pictures were taken during an AIESEC National Conference. In October, some of us took part in other international mobilities where The picture with highest number of likes, reach and engagement came in from Morocco: 183 likes, 14 comments and 4 shares. More than 50 people shared on their Facebook page a photo for the campaign.
Tips & Tricks: Be prepared to work with a whole range of different personalities. Make sure you are patient enough to ask all your friends to take pictures. Always be ready to have a solution for the people who want to join the campaign but they can’t because of different reasons. Be ready to face negative comments.
NO HATE BLABLA Organisation: Informal group of youth leaders Place: Nantes, France Timeframe: 2 days Aim of the activity: Raising awareness on the No Hate Speech Objectives of the activity: make people move from the spectator side to the actor's create a media tool which can be shown in public and on line (in order to have a No Hate Diffusion tool) make an action in the public space
Target group: We worked with a group of 20 volunteers, who are doing a civic service for an organization called Unis-Cité. Some of them work with disabled people, some in a retirement home, schools. They are between 18 and 24 years old. All of them work as volunteers in social actions and a few of them are already activists themselves (beside the civic service) but for the majority it is the first time that they are involved and take part in a social action. We could speak with around 100 people during the public action in the city center of Nantes. Description the activities: Workshops : We organized several activities with them. Most of them we found in the Bookmarks published by the Council of Europe. We had 2 days with the volunteers. The first day was about thinking about our experiences with the hate speech, and the example of migration.
World Café: sharing in group and brainstorming on the table about 3 questions : Who are the target of hate speech ? Where do we see the hate speech ? How does Hate speech look like ? What is the worst ? : Creating the diamond of hate with example of hate speech about Roma community, migrants, gays... Thinking alone or with friends about what roles each person had in the hate speech. Problem Tree Role play about migration: each person had a role to play. We closed the activity with a debriefing with a person who worked with migrants in Sicily Discussion about what is actually done and how we can involve ourselves in something we want to fight for. The Second day, we first agreed on “Which message we want to express in the public space ? What do we want to say ?” We came up with the idea of focusing on “combating prejudices”. So in the morning we did logistic preparation. In the afternoon, we organized 3 different actions in the public space : A Wish Tree : asking people to write down which prejudices they would like to throw away and fixing it on a rope between 2 trees. A “who is who” game : asking people to guess and put stickers on people “I play basketball as a professional”, “I love romantic music”, “I don't have the french nationality” … After guessing, the volunteers could show their original stickers and speaking with people facing prejudices. Energizer with people in the street + one task of the energizer was to take off a “stone” from a “prejudice wall” made of cardboard. Giving people information about the no hate speech movement + how 7 to report a hate speech online
We also made a video where the volunteers speak to the camera and answer the question : “ I am outraged by ...� and then they were choosing a paper on which was written a word, such as smile, future, respect, tolerance, togetherness, ...and were explaining why.
Main results: The volunteers were interested in the topic, we could exchange together about hate speech and discrimination in general. And the public action was a success ! A lot of people came to us, accepted to play our games and took time to exchange with us ! Our first pictures were taken during an AIESEC National Conference. In October, some of us took part in other international mobilities where The picture with highest number of likes, reach and engagement came in from Morocco: 183 likes, 14 comments and 4 shares. More than 50 people shared on their Facebook page a photo for the campaign. .
NEW YEAR WITHOUT HATE - CHRISTMAS MARKET Organization: Youth Association DRONI Place: Tbilisi, Georgia Timeframe: 27/12/2015 Problem description: In Georgia there are myriad of hate crimes during the year, when most of people don’t even know what the hate speech and hate crime is. We saw this problem and decided to raise the topic of Hate Speech. To deliver the message to wider audience we joined one of the biggest flea markets in Tbilisi. We made a special focus on raising awareness, because here we see the need of educating people, making clear the human rights/no hate speech and its related topics. Aim of the activity: This activity aimed to attract people’s attention, make them interested in No Hate and Human rights topics. To spread the message NEW YEAR WITHOUT HATE. Objectives of the activity: - To make a call for next activities; - To spread the positive messages and spirit in society; - To start long-term campaign against hate speech; - To popularize the campaign; - To collect money for next activities. Target group: Ordinary people from Tbilisi who were interested in Flea Market. Around two hundred people who passed by our stand
Description of the activity: Preparation: Organizers of the activity gathered few motivated and talented people for preparation of Christmas market. We’ve been working during three weeks on different crafts and making them with love. During this time up to ten volunteers had the meetings twice or three times in a week at Droni’s office, they spent 3-4 hours sharing ideas of what could be done and working on their art pieces. Considering the size of upcoming flea market they made up to hundred different things: postcards, Christmas toys, home decorations, posters and etc. Handicraft toys and decoration needed to be created and be ready the day before the market. We created the stickers “NEW YEAR WITHOUT HATE” with all the needed information to contact with us and our organization in case of get interested. Action day: On the action day our team joined one of the biggest flea markets in Tbilisi and made our stand against hate. One group of the volunteers were standing at the desk and were explaining our intention and inviting the people to our next activities. Another group was moving around giving away the stickers and was promoting our materials. Each of the sold thing was beautifully wrapped and decorated with our sticker and additional present from us was a USEIT maps Tbilisi. Using the free maps was a perfect idea for attracting people’s attention, there were lots of cases of people getting interested in work of our organization.
Main results: The main purpose of this Christmas market was a fundraising for our next activity and I worked perfect. We made a call for participants, spread the positive UNTI-Hate messages and attracted people’s 1 attention which helped us in planning and implementing our next 11 activity.
LIVING LIBRARY OF STEREOTYPES Organisation: GEYC (Group of the European Youth for Change) Place: Bucharest, Romania Time Frame: September - December 2016 Problem description: As we looked to the main roots of hate speech in Romania we realized that one of the causes of it is the lack of socialization between different types of groups. People tend to trust more what media sells without checking the information or without looking deeper at the problem and then they start cyberbullying or spread hateful speech about some categories of people. The Living Library of Stereotypes had the aim of facilitating real conversations between people coming from different social strata, sexual orientation religion, and ethnicity, and reducing the fear and the bias of the other, by encouraging people to ask questions in a suitable and controlled/ supervised environment, and to listen to the stories of the ones that they usually do not want to hear. Objectives of the activity: - promote respect for human rights and human dignity by challenging prejudice through fostering constructive dialogue about stereotypes that frequently lead to discrimination against individuals or groups. - facilitating conversations between people coming from different societal strata, sexual orientation religion, and ethnicity make the Human Rights Day visible Target group: Vulnerable groups like Refugees, LGBT ( community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual), Muslims, Rroma people, Philosophers, Disabled People, Civil Servants and participants of different ages and backgrounds
Description of activity: Preparation The first and the most important step in starting the Human Library was to read the Manual for Human Library. From there we got to know most of the tips and triks to organize it. We came up with a plan where we established our goals, deadlines, needs to be addressed, etc. Then we started looking for possible places to host the event, for funding, books, volunteers, partners We wrote personalized invitations to the books, to organizations which can support us, to the Council of Europe (for materials) When we had almost all the books we started promoting it by designing an online event and a poster which we shared in public spaces from Bucharest At the event we decorated the place with lots of balloons which we used afterwards to give them to the people on the streets We wrote messages of appreciation to the Books Main results: The Living Library of Stereotypes brought together 25 readers and 8 books from the following areas: LGBT, Rroma community, People with Disabilities, Refugees, Politicians and Philosophers. The feedback received was generally positive and the participants were keen on the idea that a precedent in such events should be created, as they expressed a need for it in Romania. Tips & Tricks: Have into consideration many locations for the activity and try to complete the task of finding the location as soon as possible Speak with as many future Books as possible. You will get a lot of rejections or maybe some of the people won’t be able to participate at the event anymore in the last moment. PROMOTE the event by all the possible means: ask friends, NGOs, the Books to share your event and get funds to print some posters 13 -
IDEAS THROUGH COLORS Organisation: ASIST Place: Chisinau, Moldova Problem description: We decided to have activity, because we wanted to find what is important for local people. No Hate Speech Movement is not popular for Moldovan society and during this activity we had opportunity to tell people what is this and why we do this. In the same time we had the feedback from them and opinion about local problems. Target group: Moldovan society Description of activity: Our idea was to start a long term activity, regarding this we wanted to find what think local people. On the meeting with members from ASIST we found a list of problems on the local level. We putted those problems in one sentence each. We had for them 3 problems, the idea was to choose what is important for them and what do they think should be discussed. The problems were written on the paper and people were supposed to choose by applying color with their hands on that paper. During this process we talked with people about the campaign we are involved in and why is so important on international, national and personal level. In the end we had the problem which was most popular: the problem of speaking 2 languages in Moldova (russian and romanian). People think that this problems is important, because the most conflicts that we have among people are because of the language. We propose this problems to the group which we created at Tiraspol State University and to members of ASIST. Now we should find solutions and ways to bring together people who speak different languages.
Preparation The first and the most important step in starting the Human Library was to read the Manual for Human Library. From there we got to know most of the tips and triks to organize it. We came up with a plan where we established our goals, deadlines, needs to be addressed, etc. Then we started looking for possible places to host the event, for funding, books, volunteers, partners We wrote personalized invitations to the books, to organizations which can support us, to the Council of Europe (for materials) When we had almost all the books we started promoting it by designing an online event and a poster which we shared in public spaces from Bucharest At the event we decorated the place with lots of balloons which we used afterwards to give them to the people on the streets We wrote messages of appreciation to the Books
Main results: The Living Library of Stereotypes brought together 25 readers and 8 books from the following areas: LGBT, Rroma community, People with Disabilities, Refugees, Politicians and Philosophers. The feedback received was generally positive and the participants were keen on the idea that a precedent in such events should be created, as they expressed a need for it in Romania. Tips & Tricks: - Have into consideration many locations for the activity and try to complete the task of finding the location as soon as possible Speak with as many future Books as possible. You will get a lot of rejections or maybe some of the people won’t be able to participate at the event anymore in the last moment. PROMOTE the event by all the possible means: ask friends, NGOs, the Books to share your event and get funds 1 to print some posters 15
HATE FREE GRAFFITI Organisation: Be International - Hate Is Not Our Fate TC Place: Brno, Czech Republic Time Frame: 28/2/2016 Problem description: The main topic of public discussion in the Czech republic in 2015 and 2016 has been the refugee crisis. A lot of negative messages, hoaxes and hate speech has been produced on this topic. The members of the national minorities have to defend their status on a daily basis. We took an international group of youth workers and youth leaders who participated the international training course "Hate Is Not Our Fate" in Brno to practice one of the methods of combatting hate speech street art. By the peaceful anti-hate speech messages we wanted to advocate for the victims of hate speech and spread positive attitudes in the public space through art expression. Target group: Youth workers from various countries, wide public in Brno, mainly young people. Aim & Objectives The general aim of our two-phase training course is to raise the efficiency of the local and international activities fighting against hate speech and hate in all its forms, especially those that are targeting young people. To reach this aim we help the youth workers and youth leaders to develop such competences and tools that will allow them to become “no hate speech ambassadors� in their communities and they will be able to deal with these issues in their various forms. Aim of our graffiti action was to reach young people with peaceful messages through street art and at the same time to practice one of the tools of combating hate speech.
Description of activity: We spent a day and night by preparation of the street art - using stencils for creating the anti-hate speech messages the participants got an opportunity to try out one of the techniques of street art that can be used by young people. A Georgian well-known street artist Dr. Love arrived to teach us how to work with papers, scissors and sprays to create our art pieces. We used popular cultural symbols and our own original creations to spread the no hate messages, bring the attention to the treatment of the refugees at the boarders. The next day we arrived to a legal wall in Brno and started our work. We made over 10 graffiti pieces during that day. Main results: We created several graffitis using the stencils that were created by the youth workers and youth leaders. These graffitis were sprayed at a legal wall in problematic neighborhood in Brno, which is very frequent area for people taking a walk. By that we ensure that our no hate messages will be spread. Our work was also shared on the social media and it got high popularity and our images were chosen as cover photos of our organisations. Some of the participants planned to use the same tools in addressing the topic of hate speech in their own communities. Tips & Tricks Find a legal wall for graffiti in your are! You don't need any special equipment for creating the stencils, just papers and the cutting knifes. It is always good to have gloves and masks covering your nose and mouth when doing graffiti. Try to include a leaflet campaign targeting the people walking around to higher an impact of your action. 1
ART AGAINST HATE Organisation: Youth Association Droni Place: Tbilisi, Georgia Timeframe: 05-06 February 2016 Problem description: In Georgia there are myriad of hate crimes during the year, when most of people don’t even know what the hate speech and hate crime is. We saw this problem and decided to raise the topic of Hate Speech. To deliver the message to wider audience we joined one of the biggest flea markets in Tbilisi. We made a special focus on raising awareness, because here we see the need of educating people, making clear the human rights/no hate speech and its related topics. Aim of the activity: The aim of our workshop was: - Raising the awareness of no hate speech and human rights related topics; - To show the young people the problems in our society connected to Hate Speech; - To popularize the art as the tool for fighting against Hate, Racism, Xenophobia and etc. Objectives of the activity: To provide the youth with the needed competences and skills to understand and interpret the hate speech as a violence; - To create a platform for fresh ideas and ways of combating hate speech and hate in general with using the art; - To use Art as a powerful tool against Hate Speech. -
Target group: Young people 18-30 Description of activity: ART FOR LOVE was a two-day workshop about No Hate Speech and Human RIGHTS. During these two days participants searched for an alternative ways of combating hate speech using ART. They got the information about the topic and had a chance to create their art pieces against hate, to show the people that art is an actual tool for defeating hate. First Day: On the first day of the workshop participants get to know each other, they had some ice breaking and team building activities to create friendly atmosphere. After this they were explained the concept of hate speech and basics of human rights. They participated in the activities such as triangle of hate, the problem tree and diamond of hate. They actively got involved in the process and discussed a topic a lot. The day finished with the discussing the meaning of art and possible ways of using it against hate. Participants brainstormed the ideas of their art works and reflected on first day learnings. Second day: The second day started with the brief reminder of previous activities, participants were given the time to start working on their art pieces and during the working process they were communicating with the facilitators. After the hard working six hours the art pieces were done and they started the evaluation of the whole workshop, they said plans of future collaboration.
SAFE INTERNET, SAFE GENERATION: ENTRY IN VIRTUAL WORLD!!! Organisation: Future in our hand Place: Armenia Timeframe: 12/2/2016 Problem description: We organized a presentation-seminar for 12-13- year old children as we thought that in Armenia the children are not informed about online hate speech, yet they confront it very often and don’t know how to react. It is the age, when Armenian children start actively using social networks but are not ready for that, as in schools they are not told how to behave in Internet and parents don’t complete that omission (parents are not used to speak about internet and its dangers with children). Aim of the activity: The aim was to inform children about: What is discrimination, hate, hate speech? What is the aim of no hate speech movement? Which groups of people are more often discriminated? Historical review about gender discrimination, discrimination against emigrants, Muslims, disabled people, ethnic minorities (such as Roma people, Qurds). Bullying/ cyberbullying: the notion, the consequences, examples, the tools how to combat it. Some rules for internet safety for children.
Description of the activity: We prepared power point presentation (in Armenian) with facts, many illustrative photos and some videos (social advertising, real cases). This attitude was new for children, so they were really excited and open to know something new, to think, to discuss as they rarely do such things during their classes). The seminar was organized in interactive way, I gave them the possibility to speak, to share their own experience, and to play a little simulation game concerning cyberbullying. The attitude was that children could find answers themselves so we gave them space to think, to analyze and after hearing their opinion we developed the ideas together and only after that I made my corrections and additions. Target group: 11-12 -year- old 40 children Main results: Children were really interested and involved in the process. Thought most of the topics were new for them, they were very active (more than we expected), gave many-many questions, their eyes were “shining” and it was visible that the subject touched their hearts. In the third class we had run out of time and couldn’t finish the seminar: they had another important lesson. I couldn’t describe my surprise, when after the classes finished, the whole class (except for 23 guys only) came back, found me to <make me> finish <the lesson>.
INTERNATIONAL GROUP COMBATING STEREOTYPES Organisation: Volunteers Centre Skopje Place: Skopje, Macedonia Timeframe: 18/2/2016 Problem description: Making comparison between Hate speech and Violent Communication and Love Speech and Non-violent communication Aim of the activity: - Raising the awareness among the others about not using Hate speech and violent communication but using Love Speech and Nonviolent Communication - Making new networks, further initiatives and mutual collaboration.
3. Laws and legislations in the Republic M. about Hate speech and violent communication, online and offline, 4. Advantages and benefits when using the Speech of love and nonviolent communication 5. Small discussion
Main results: New members for future No Hate projects, cooperation between Civil Sector and the Media by inviting first Dragan Lazeski as a guest in a contact program in a local TV station, inviting Dragan Lazeski to the working meetings in No Hate Committee in Macedonia, making further collaboration between the interested parties.
Objectives of the activity: - Recruiting new people for working on this problematic; - Raising the awareness considering the importance of the topics among the participants, - Making new networks and cooperations Target group: Young students and Professionals, Representatives of the No Hate Committee in Macedonia Description of each activities: During the activity we conducted workshops on following topics 1. Hate speech in the media, 2. The use of violent communication while creating or resolving conflict
HATE SPEECH VS. NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION Organisation: Volunteers Centre Skopje Place: Skopje, Macedonia Timeframe: 18/2/2016 Problem description: Making comparison between Hate speech and Violent Communication and Love Speech and Non-violent communication Aim of the activity: - Raising the awareness among the others about not using Hate speech and violent communication but using Love Speech and Nonviolent Communication - Making new networks, further initiatives and mutual collaboration.
3. Laws and legislations in the Republic M. about Hate speech and violent communication, online and offline, 4. Advantages and benefits when using the Speech of love and nonviolent communication 5. Small discussion
Main results: New members for future No Hate projects, cooperation between Civil Sector and the Media by inviting first Dragan Lazeski as a guest in a contact program in a local TV station, inviting Dragan Lazeski to the working meetings in No Hate Committee in Macedonia, making further collaboration between the interested parties.
Objectives of the activity: - Recruiting new people for working on this problematic; - Raising the awareness considering the importance of the topics among the participants, - Making new networks and cooperations Target group: Young students and Professionals, Representatives of the No Hate Committee in Macedonia Description of each activities: During the activity we conducted workshops on following topics 1. Hate speech in the media, 2. The use of violent communication while creating or resolving conflict
INVOLVING LOCAL PEOPLE AND VOLUNTEERS IN WORK WITH REFUGEES Organisation: No specific organisation The background as case for this activity: Place: Trysil/ Ljørdalen, Norway Timeframe: 2 months (November 2015- January 2016) Problem description: We have seen in the news for many months and years now, all the refugees and migrants coming to Europe, from the Middle East, Northern Africa, and the last months especially from the war in Syria. In Norway, many temporary asylum centers have been opening up for refugees. Some of these asylum centers are hotels, tourist cabins, old schools and other buildings, where the owners have decided that they want to invite refugees. There have been a lot of stories about these places, with both positive and negative focus, in the news lately. Especially there have been news and articles about small cities and villages that are now (temporary) home for refugees. Not everyone in these villages are happy about this, and many feel that they have been overtaken by the national or local authorities. Therefore many of these asylum centers have had bad start, and the refugees have not been welcome in the city/village. Many of the temporary asylum centers have been placed in very remote areas, where there have been more available housing than in more urban areas. The contact between the local people and the refugees has therefore in many places been limited. And the refugees have been, and felt, isolated from the rest of the society. We believe that the more contact there is between the refugees and local people the better the experience of this difficult situation.
In November 2015 a temporary asylum center were opened in a village close to my hometown. The village is a small community, and many of the people from this village have been perceived as narrow minded and closed. However, a lot of people are involved in local activities, cultural events, and the community is resourceful, despite the remote location. I came as a volunteer, and started working in the asylum center. It was therefore important for us from the beginning to involve the local people in running the asylum-center. There are various reasons for this, we see three main needs for the center to run as smooth as possible; A good start for the refugees in their temporary/new home, and starting the process of integration as early as possible. We saw a great need among the refugees for feeling safe, be seen and participate in activities, like sports and Norwegian classes. They also wanted to meet the Norwegians and the local people. The local people to feel safe, and have positive feeling towards an asylum center close by. We see a need for the people to feel involved in the process and what is going on in their hometown. The people who want to help and contribute should have the option to do so. Also, we were depending on help from local people to be able to run the place, and give the refugees all the necessary things they needed and activities to participate in. Especially to prevent conflict, both at the center between the refugees, and between local people and refuges. 27
INVOLVING LOCAL PEOPLE AND VOLUNTEERS IN WORK WITH REFUGEES Aim of the activity: Description of the activity: The aim of the activity was to make contact and create meetings and dialogue between the local people and the refugees, and to make this a positive experience for all parts. To involve the local people as much as possible in the daily life at the asylum-center, and involving the refugees in the local community. Create an environment where both refugees and volunteers feel welcome, safe and appreciated.
Objectives of the activity: - Make it a positive experience for the refugees in to meet local people in Norway. - Make it a positive experience for the local people to meet refugees. - Make activities for the refugees, and especially the children, for them to be able to have as “normal” daily life as possible. - Involving the local people in the daily life of the refugees, through different activities like Norwegian classes, sports activities, collecting/organizing/handing out clothes etc. - Involving not only the “elite”, but the whole community, also the people with a negative perception of refugees. - To teach the refugees about Norwegian culture, and norms and values in our society through random and everyday meetings between local people and refugees. Target group: The local people in the village, especially young people. People that; - Want to be volunteers, - Want to get to know people from other cultures, have specific skills or knowledge they want to share (teachers, youth workers, interested in sports etc), want to get involved in the local community, are negative or skeptical towards refugees/ asylum-centers.
This has been an ongoing process over two months, but there has been specific activities and tasks that has made the work easier, and our experience is also that volunteers are more willing to contribute and get involved when there are activities and/or tasks they can do where they feel they can contribute with something in particular. Through these activities we have seen most of the contact happening between the volunteers and refugees. Some of the main activities has been: Information meeting in the beginning (where people have been encouraged to come visit the asylum-center), Collection of clothes, toys and other equipment, Organising and handing out these items Norwegian classes/ school for children, and adults, Opening up the local gym for refugees, Inviting the refugees to local events/happenings, Sports activities
Main results: Our main result is that we found out how important it is to involve the volunteers in the daily work for the refugees. It was very important for the refugees, to get to know the local people, interact with them, learn Norwegian, have someone to talk to, have someone to care for them, and to be included in the local community and the Norwegian society. That this was essential for them to start a new life in a new country. It made them feel valuable, and they had something to look forward to, and something think about. Many of the refugees could use the skills they already had, and develop these when they were helping and interacted with the volunteers. An example of this is refugees translating and learning English. We also observed how important it was for the children to be stimulated1, learn 29 languages and go to “school”.
INVOLVING LOCAL PEOPLE AND VOLUNTEERS IN WORK WITH REFUGEES Many of the refugees were interested in not only the Norwegian language, but also society and culture, and the volunteers could help them with this. By opening up the asylum-center, we also saw a huge development in the engagement and involvement from the local people, and we had only positive experiences with the local people and their attitude towards the asylum center and the refugees. Many local people were eager to help, some helped out with specific tasks, while some took initiative to different activities, and many of them recruited more locals. More people than we expected were involved in the center and the refugees. We also experienced that it has been important to include the volunteers in the decision making in work that they are doing, this made them feel more responsibility and ownership of the place. However what we also experienced was that it was efficient to make contact with possible volunteers, push them a bit and also give them responsibility. Some people just need a kick in their ass, before they do anything. The level of conflict at the asylum center, were very limited, and we believe that the combination of meeting with volunteers, interacting with local people, doing activities, feel useful/using their skills and knowledge have been contributing to a good atmosphere at the center. We observed that the biggest obstacle for the volunteers was time. Many did not feel they had enough time, and also some volunteers wanted to contribute more, but did not have enough time to do it. It has definitely been a (surprisingly, for many people) positive experience for the local community to have an asylum-center in the city and for the volunteers and refugees to meet each other.
PRIVACY LESSONS AT THE HIGH SCHOOLS Organisation: Data Protection Agency www.dzlp.mk Place: Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Time frame: September - December 2016 Problem description: As a multi-ethnical country we do have challenges to address issues of no-hate speech in the school environment and abuse of personal data. As the main driver of the idea for starting such a project is undoubtedly the increased number of reported hate crimes and complaints received about abuse of personal data on social networks, for violation of privacy, as well as the statistic which proves the ignorance of privacy policies by children parents, teachers, the indicative use of hate speech (online and offline), stating untruths in cyberspace from different ages and nationalities, etc. The activities under the project are fully aimed towards education and information about reporting mechanisms on hate speech online and data/privacy abuse online. Objectives of the activity: To bring high school students to the issue of the protection of personal data, - To present recommendations for safe usage of social networks, nonproliferation of hate speech, etc. - To contribute towards the elimination of abuse of personal data on the Internet, social networks, and reduce the number of hate crimes and hate speech online in school environment which are happening mostly in the town of Skopje. -
Target group: Students from high schools and as well the teachers and parents as three main target groups in the educational system
Description of activity: On September 1, we printed out 10.000 inserters of class schedule, whereas the first class in the schedule on Monday is marked as “Privacy lessons”, were widely distributed through the daily newspaper, which symbolically announced the start of this project. In each high school it was opened a special info-corner with informative brochures, flyers, marked with the poster which looked as a school board written all over with recommendations as: #nohate; Go out – FB is not your Life; Protect Yours, but Respect Other’s Privacy as well! Schedule Poster Each Monday, from the period from 15th of September till 15th of December, we were in different school, delivering lecture to high school students on privacy protection, hate speech online and reporting mechanisms, as well the activities under the National Campaign against no-hate speech online. ToT for Teachers for hate speech online, reporting mechanisms and training to be activist and support group to the students when they face cyber violence, hate speech in school environment. Guidelines for parents on reporting mechanisms and procedures when faced with abuse of personal data and hate speech online about their child, ToT for 21 high school students in December 2015, Main results: Project resulted in dissemination of knowledge and brochures to: The management in high schools in Skopje (21 managers - directors) - 40 of pedagogical - psychological sector - educators, - 1000 (class) teachers, - 80,000 students and their parents;
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION WORKSHOPS FOR HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS Organisation: Internationaler Bund Polska / Amnesty International 2. Each community is different, so that we decided to define Kraków Place: Kraków, Poland
Problem description: Radicalization of negative attitudes towards minorities and saturation of Polish social media with hate speech was one of the reasons that drove us to conclusion that education lays in the basis of the mentioned issues. With the workshops on human rights and antidiscrimation we address those challenges on a grassroot-level. Therefore, secondary schools and high-schools became the terrain of our activities. Using basic and inclusive tools we want to create a safe sphere to work on stereotypes and prejudices in order to combat discrimination and hate speech. Our workshops were aimed not only to raise awareness of the harvests that discrimination crops but to transmit positive attitudes of acceptance and mutual respect. Objectives of the activity: - to lead a workshop for youngsters in vocational schools in rural towns - to enable youngsters from rural towns experience human rights education and broaden their horizons - to introduce the founding elements involved in harbouring an inclusive society, open-mindedness on an indidivual level Target group: High school youth between 15-20. Description of activity: 1. Having known the issue, first thing that we had done was meeting our local fellow human-rights enthusiasts.
challenges specific for our community. Everytime we develop our workshops, we adjust them to the needs of addressed groups. Our workshops was dedicated for youth from 15 to 20. We tested it tested and it works. Participants were reactive and showed the interest, however we had to be gentle and have in mind their background. 3. Before the workshop we thought about the methods that we wanted to use (check Compass, Amnesty International resource toolbox). We did our best to adjust the exercises to the target group and limitations such as number of participants or timeframe. 4. With a ready made workshop, we approached one of our local highschool, and thanks to the contacts from our high-school time we were welcomed. What was important, we had a concrete proposal (theme, duration, number of participants, materials etc.). In our case, Human Rights Education in a part of education programme, but it is often missed, so our proposal filled the gap. 5. We arranged the date, prepared the materials, divided the tasks in our group. Below we presented a possible workshop runner that we used for our workshop. 6. During the D-Day, we came on time, ready and prepared. Leading the workshop is an intense experience, but it was very rewarding for us to hear the positive feedback and experience the mind shift of participants. 7. We repeated the workshop with next groups. More to come! Example workshop plan: 1. Contract making – check more in: 2. Identity circles – check more: 3. Learning about stereotypes – check more below: 4. Roleplay in groups on stereotypes/prejudices 5. Call to action
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION WORKSHOPS FOR HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS Example exercise that we used during the workshops. It is a great tool Tips and tricks: to learn about the stereotypes: We prepared five pages with five people described briefly (eg. Janette, 20, French; Anis, 30, Maroccan) and hanged them on the walls of the room. Next step that we took was asking participants to write opinions on each of the presented people. In order to facilitate the process, we asked them what they/or people think about mentioned people, or what would they hear in the streets. Participants were expected to write one opinion/quotation per post-it and they could have as many post-its as needed. Participants sticked the post-its on mentioned pages. Then, we asked for 5 volunteers. We collected the papers and left the room with those five participants. As we were in school, one of the trainers stayed with the remaining participants. The participants out out the room was to read those opinions from first person perspective. (e.g. I am Janette, I am 20, and people often call me …., sometimes people tell me that I am...). We came back to the room and our five volunteers presented the people with their characteristics to the rest of the group. We asked participants that presented about their feelings and then, followed with the discussion including the „listeners”. We asked them how they had felt and what their reaction had been. To debrief, we asked participants what they had known about the people mentioned on the papers – supporting questions were: What happened? What were the facts about those people? From where they had taken their assumptions? We acted as discussion facilitators. Participants mentioned stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. Next step we proposed was to collectively define the stereotypes and then we followed it with the discussion with how to they bias our perception. As a close up, we presented stereotypebreaking examples of the mentioned people. We wrapped up this exercise with a definitions of stereotype, prejudice and discrimination.
1. Leading the workshops in schools you should time limitations in mind (lessons are usually 45 minutes long, therefore we suggest to book at least two lessons). 2. During your workshop, please should try not to impose your opinions on participants, rather let them come up with their own thanks to the workshop.
Challenges: Working with highschool youth might be challenging. Some of the participants had strong opinions on certain topics and the discussions were heated up. As educators we sometimes had to take over the control over discussion. Giving voice to all the participants (asking out the ones that are not active) cooled down the atmosphere in our case. Main results: Based on the feedback from the participants asked what they were taking with themselves after the workshop: - increased awareness of the negative results of stereotypes - positive attitudes based on acceptance and inclusion - deeper understanding of basic terms in human rights (stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination) - interest in taking further actions in order to defend human rights
ENLIGHTENING TALK ABOUT NO HATE SPEECH MOVEMENT Organisation: Internationaler Bund Polska Description of the activity: Place: Kraków, Poland Emi's speech was based on a presentation made in a simplistic style, Problem description: Imagine a group of 60 people of different nationalities and background gathered together during one event. Add a fact that they are volunteers and THEY CARE. Perfect enviromnent to talk about No Hate Speech Movement and spread the message. Cherry on the top: an enlightening talk brought by Emi Meres. Emi is a dual citizen of Canada and Poland and after she moved to Cracow five months ago she got involved in various local and international activities. Results as seen – people touched by the problem and willing to do something about it. Emi's speech was followed by launch of a #heartofeurope photo campaign during which she captured approx. 50 people. Moreover, the talk was a call to action, as Emi just started her own organisation. Results to come – stay tuned! Objectives: - to make people familiar with No Hate Speech Movement - to reach out for new activists - to show how to conquer hate speech on a micro-level
so that people could focus on the speaker herself. She mingled with the attendees, asking if anyone hated her. Then she went through the background of her story in relation to No Hate Speech Movement, which gave the whole presentation a personal touch. Besides explaining the whole concept standing behind the movement itself, she mentioned how it got her to the point of setting her own organisation that will also address the issues of hate speech.
Results: Thanks to Emily's speech approx. 70 people became familiar with the concept of No Hate Speech Movement. Some of the participants joined her freshly created association. Thanks to the talk, people got interested and took active part in the #heartofeurope photocampaign. Having explained the background of her involvement, gathered audience also learnt about United Youth Combating Hate project and its outcomes.
Target group: volunteers community of Kraków (local and international)
SLEEPY VILLAGE Organisation: EU Youth Place: Istanbul TURKEY Problem description: The sleepy village is an activity to make people feel how others feel like. In a fiction environment, you should support an idea which actually does not belongs to you. Most of the hate speech action stems from the lack of empathy, that is why this activity plays a crucial role in our strategy fighting against it. We want people to feel like others who they make them subjected to hate speech consciously or unconsciously.
Main results: The activity turned into an excited discussion, the aim fulfilled as I think. Challenges: The atmosphere were not so suitable for the activity, we planned to make it in the outside in the campus but the weather was very bad for the day. Another challenge was the date. We had limited time and these dates were exams which our participants must take. We will repeat this activity again in the spring.
Objectives of the activity: Creating a theatre atmosphere and introduce the necessary information and roles to participants. Target group: Young people, social media users. Description of activity: How we did it? Preparation Actin Plan with specific steps The participants are those who we worked we so far within our community activities so far. We informed them about the activity. Because it was exam date and we had limited time, the participation was not so high. We prepared other materials like roles, description of the activity and the environment.
INFORMATIVE CAMPAIGN FOR INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ONLINE Organisation: Alternativi International - Arrange a room in a school with computers Place: Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria - Make a Facebook page and event Problem description: The city, where we did the campaign, is a city full of high school and university students. They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any information about the Hate Speech Movement and there was a need for an informative campaign in the schools, so that students can get familiar with the topic and with the possible actions against Hate Speech Online and even Offline. Objectives of the activity: - Brief introduction of No Hate Speech Movement - Instructions about how to use successfully the official website of No Hate Speech Information and examples how to join the movement - Tips and hints how to organize and realize a successful No Hate Speech campaign Target group: High school students Description of activity: Preparation We asked in advance for the No Hate Speech materials. We talked in advance with the Headmaster of the school, where we did the campaign to give us a room with computers. We prepared by ourselves 2 informative brochures: small one and big one. We planned in advance how to use fully and successfully the 40 minutes in the school. Action Plan with specific steps: - Find motivated partners for the campaign Order the materials
Prepare a special reward for the students, who get involved in the movement - Prepare after-campaign online materials for the students, so that they can check everything about the Movement at home -
Main results: The students get full information about the No Hate Speech Movement and about their Universal Human Rights online and offline. They receive tips and hints about how to organize a successful campaign by themselves. They are immediately involved in the Movement by being shown how to use the website. Challenges: - Receiving the materials on time Getting a proper room/space for the event - Making the event interesting and useful for the students - Getting the students involved in the Movement in future Tips & Tricks: - Find at least one partner to help you with the campaign - Start preparing the event at least a month in advance - Make a few meetings (at least 3-4) with your partners in advance to prepare well - Talk with the headmaster of the school - Get as much materials as possible (students love balloons, pins, everything colorful)
BASS GEGEN HASS (BASS AGAINST HATE) Organisation: No specific organization Place: Trier, Germany Timeframe: 2 hours Problem description: Prejudices and misunderstanding between refugees and locals. But also between refugees and refugees. Current problem: Refugees from Balkan countries make Syrians responsible that they can not stay in Germany. Hate against Syrians is developing and the parents are projecting this hate to their kids. I wanna try to bring everybody together to events where they can share good moments together and give a platform to talk a little bit about feelings (maybe people can see some Aim of the activity: I couldn’t find an organisation so far. Besides I had the problem that higher instances didn’t let me make them or asked me to do them with more time of preparing. But I wanted to do something. So I grabbed speakers and went to my ex-working place. My aim was just to find a beginning and test myself out.
Main results: To be honest, it was a mess. Unfortunately my ex-boss was sick that day and the older kids went to another art project what was the same day and nobody told me before. I didn’t really prepared the activity for the small kids. But at least they could play with the drum computer and instruments. Almost destroyed them, but had fun :-) Well, bad luck. I need to do activities at other places, with more structure and not alone :-) But now I found a group of people managing a new cafe called cafe welcome. This cafe is part of a social organization. They do cafe for refugees and are looking for people who do any other kind of activities there. I talked to them and they are interested to support me in future. Music workshops, Concerts and jam sessions for and with refugees and locals together are planned.
Target group: Refugee kids. In future hopefully everybody. Description of each activities: 1. Letting kids use instruments and drumcomputer for fun and wake their interest 2. Letting kids play their own music on speakers and tell something about their music and favorite songs.
INQUIRY AND CHANGE. INTERVIEWS WITH REFUGEES. Organisation: Associazione Socialab Place: Pordenone, Italy Timeframe: from November 2015 till March 2016 Problem description: The recent refugee crisis in Europe which is a reason of many demonstrations, movements against the help to those people, also many hate online and offline. We need to raise awareness of many people and hopefully change their attitude to this situation. Aim of the activity: To meet, to speak with, to understand, then to make a video and spread to the world the real stories of the refugees from different countries. To show to the people that they are a normal people like we… just unfortunately they were born in totally different conditions than we… and it is not their fault. Target group: Society. People who do not know nothing about the real situation. People who do not know how to behave. People who are not tolerant. People who are against the help to refugees. Main results: Four videos - interviews with refugees, showing different story, different country of origin, situation now when they are safe in Italy, different perspectives. In every video there are two actors – the interviewer and the refugee (because the real interviewed people of course did not agree to play they roles). On the end of every video it is going to be included a message saying “It was not my story… but it could happen to every person like me”.
DEMOCRATIC VOICE OF YOUTH / NO HATE SPEECH Organisation: Youth Cultural Centre Herceg Novi/ Omladinski kulturni Description of the activity: centar Herceg Novi
Place: Herceg Novi, Montenegro Timeframe: November 2015-February 2016 Problem description: Main problem is that youngsters in Herceg Novi (Montenegro) are not empower to actively take actions in civil society and to participate in public life. Young people do not show enough activism and initiative in getting inform about No Hate Speech Movement. Aim of the activity: - To promote NHSM in our local communities and Boka bay - To strengthen youth to recognize hate speech online - To empower youth to take part in activities connected with the NHSM Objectives of the activity: To organize meetings of different audiences and share good practices in training workshops about the fight against hate speech. To bring together the necessary skills to identify, develop and implement strategies to eradicate public hate speech To develop an understanding of the common issues of the No Hate Speech Movement campaign at Herceg Novi. To share challenges and experiences in the campaign so far and to seek common responses and solutions Target group: Youth from Herceg Novi, high school students, young people from Herceg Novi who study at Podgorica, visitors of our web portal www.no-i-s-e.me.
Workshop- local trainer Ervina Dabižinovih held workshop “Non violent action and prevention of hate speech in media”; there was 25 participants; Ervina explaned the expressions of hate speech online in all its forms, including those that most affect young people, such as forms of cyber-bullying and cyber-hate. The aims of the workshop was reducing hate speech, combating racism and discrimination in their online expression. The participants actively talk about their experiences and how they deal with hate speech in the school and local community. Articles and news on web portal-during three months young volunteers from our organization put different news on our web portal. We have at least one meeting during a week where we discussed about new articles that we should put on portal. Also volunteers made two link related to no hate speech theme: Democratic voice of youth and No hate speech link.
Link from media : http://radiokotor.info/radio/index.php/mali-oglasi/78-lokalnevijesti/7089-radionica-o-govoru-mrznje-u-medijima http://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/herceg-novi-prezentacija-o-prevencijigovora-mrznje-805154 http://www.radiodux.me/vijesti/drustvo/omladinski-kulturni-centarherceg-novi-nastavlja-s-aktivnostima http://www.radiodux.me/vijesti/drustvo/projekt-democratic-voiceyouth-omladinskog-kulturnog-centra-herceg-novi http://radiojadran.com/okc-demokratski-glas-madih-kroz-osam1 49 radionica/
DEMOCRATIC VOICE OF YOUTH / NO HATE SPEECH Main results: Well informed youth -Participants can map hate speech online and develop tools for constructive responses -This project bring together young people from Herceg Novi and other players active in the No Hate Speech Movement and Education for democratic citizenship. -To promote NHSM in our local communities and Boka bay -To strengthen youth to recognize hate speech online -To empower youth to take part in activities connected with the NHSM in our organisation -
Website: www.n-o-i-s-e.me Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/NOISE-Nezavisni-OmladinskiInformativni-Servis-Eclectic-472108542961668/?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/OmladinskiKulturniCentarHN/?fref=ts
NO HATE SPEECH DAY AT TIRASPOL STATE UNIVERSITY Organisation: ASIST what information and tools we should tell to the students. We decided Place: Chisinau, Moldova Time frame: September - December 2016 Problem description: We decided to do this type of activity to raise the awareness and to train students from this university with the reason to involve them in future activities. We wanted to work with the students from Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies, because they study Information Technologies and they know what are the benefits or disadvantages of using internet. Seminars are good tool to introduce someone to the topic and working with small groups give the insurance that everyone will understand the message. Objectives of the activity: - To mobilize, train and network online youth activists for human rights; - To raise awareness about hate speech online and and its risks for democracy and for individual young people, and promoting media and Internet literacy; Target group: Students at Tiraspol State University in Chisinau. Description of activity: For us it was easy to organize this activity, because our volunteers are students at that institution and they are active in every extracurricular activities. We had the discussion with the administration of the university and explained them why we want to do this. After we had the permission to do this, we started to discuss with our volunteers
that the trainers for those seminars will be the people how were direct involved in the project about No Hate Speech. With the administration of the institution we get to the idea that we should work with small groups in order to have a good result, that's why they reserved to us special time for every group to work with. After every seminars the trainers told to the students, that they will meet again in 3 weeks with those who are interested to work in the future with this topic. The idea was not to force people to do something regarding the subject. but to let them decide by them self. In 3 week we had that meeting with volunteers from the university and we told them that we want to create the group of people which will be responsible for No Hate Speech Movement in Tiraspol State University. In that day we elected the president and "ambassadors NO HATE" in Tiraspol State University. Those people should meet again and they should create the code of function for this group till the 1st February 2016 (when the new school year will start).
Main results: The main result of our seminars was that people became interested in that topic and decided to work on this in the future. We worked with 8 groups of people (15 - 25 people) and at the second meeting we had 25 volunteers. Also we added in the group one teacher, who also will work together with students on this topic. Tips & Tricks: Try to find how to attract people in this movement, find personal stories that will show the importance of this campaign on national and personal level.
TAKING THE ACTION This booklet was created by young people for young people. It is a proof that young people from all around Europe have the competence and courage to go, talk to other youngsters and wide public about important topics like hate speech. During the training courses they had a chance to realize that being a No Hate Speech activist is not an easy task. Everyone knows someone who is a hater in certain situations and maybe they were haters themselves. They also understood that hate speech and discrimination are not actions coming out of nowhere, but they have some roots and some consequences and sometimes it is more important to focus our actions on those, rather on the hateful comment on social media directly. This booklet is supposed to be a "cookbook" - inspiration for future young activists. We share our experience, examples of various events, but also the challenges we have faced, in order to raise the quality of the future actions. We hope to see more examples like ours, done all around Europe, because only by expressing our views and advocating publicly against hate and discrimination can bring us closer to the world where hate and violence doesn't have a place. Editor: Lela Bernatova (lela.bernatova@gmail.com)
Project was financed by: