MAY 2017 ISSUE 08 VOLUME 20 Independently audited. ABC circulation of 4443 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016
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‹ 0†vbm;vvĺ ‹ v_o‰ĺ My business is specialty retailing. That means I have to stay one step ahead of the trends, the competition and the changing preferences of my customers. My show is ABC Kids Expo, where I get up-close, hands-on access to the products, people and retailing strategies that will help me make better buying decisions, increase profit margins and find broader selling opportunities. Register today at
contents Penny Franks
Ad Manager Christine Contreras
Spotted 10 p Talking Sho 12 apshot Supplier Sn 22 cts New Produ 42 file Retailer Pro 44 tion cts Associa Baby Produ 58
Design Production Director
Managing Director
Malcolm Naish
Circulation Robert Thomas
Intelligent Retail
Features 14
Time to celebrate Nursery Today celebrates 20 years and takes a look back over the years.
Mark Naish
Ross Hewitt This issue Ross looks how Social Media has grown over the last 20 years
ti n g
C el e
Gro Rob Pascoe takes a look at the ups and downs of years gone by.
✯ y ✯ er s ur ay n ✯ tod ✯
Paul Naish
the team
Re g ul a r s
What’s hot in tech
Breast Pumps & Feeding Aids
Changing Bags & Accessories
Nursery Décor
Baby oral care
Cover Story
Lema Publishing Ltd
1 Churchgates, The Wilderness, Berkhamsted, Herts, HP4 2UB Telephone: 01442 289930
Hardenberg & Co We take a look at the history of this company, who have reached their tenth anniversary. It’s been a journey!
p52 Subscription per annum: UK £40, Europe £50 (surface), £60 (airmail)
A member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation
Introducing the new Tiny Tatty Teddy range by BreathableBaby, featuring the adorable grey bear. Tiny Tatty Teddy is the perfect choice for a gift for both boys and girls
For further information, please contact
editor’s letter Twitter: @nurserytodaymag
his month we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary and as such we bring you coverage not only about the magazine, but also highlight others in the industry who have also hit fantastic milestones. So much has changed over the years with regard to product development and as an industry we’ve all adapted and grown with the times. Examples of the ever changing dynamics of our emotive industry has notably been seen in car seats, with the introduction of the first major change to legislation in 2006, 2013 introducing iSize and this year attention turned to the use of backless booster seats – all of which has caused quite a bit of confusion. However, that’s not the only product category that has experienced change, we’ve seen a huge shift in attitude to the way we put baby to sleep, for example, the rise in popularity of bedside cribs and also the growing appeal of digital, video and sensor monitors. Trends in our sector have always led the way, whether through colourways, choice of fabrics, nursery décor - all the way through to bottles and how we feed our babies and changing bags. We’ve also seen an increase in awareness as to how products are used and why. For example, swaddling and tummy time. Over the course of the last 20 years, the digital age has played a pivotal role on consumer spending habits, with an ever growing increase in online activity. Of course, let us not forget the impact of Social Media, mummy/daddy bloggers and the growth and popularity of celebrity product endorsement. In fact,
Mr Eric Snook
as Ross Hewitt tells us this issue, some could consider Social Media as also celebrating its 20th year when AOL launched their Instant Messenger service in 1997. Of course, change hasn’t just taken place in these areas alone, we’ve experienced a few casualties along the way, alas with some independents having to close their doors, but on the upside, we’ve also seen the introduction of new retailers entering the market. Perhaps, for many, one of our w with the passing of the main losses was much loved Eric Snook in October 2016. Eric was well known among us and greatly r respected. Eric opened his first shop at th bottom of Southgate Street, the in the early 1950s and was a vo supporter of independent vocal ret retailers in Bath. Eric was ext extremely well known for his Gol Golden Cot toy shop, which stood on Abbeygate A Street for 30 year years before moving to Union Pass Passage in 2013. An area we can’t leave out is con consumer and trade shows. We’ve exp experienced a huge change in attitude toward these over the years. Previously we had two UK trade events – one in the South the other in the North. The surviving event over the years has been our beloved Harrogate Nursery Fair, which is our only UK trade event holding the trade torch for buyers to attend. However, we have seen and experienced an increased level of International shows and the rapid growth of Kind Und Jugend over the years – with this year’s event taking place over six halls,
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spanning approximately 110,000 m² housing around 1,200 exhibitors. Kind Und Jugend also provided the perfect platform to first launch the UK BPA Pavilion, which since first being established in 2009, has grown quickly grown to become perhaps the largest country specific pavilion at the show and is now an established ‘must visit’ destination for visitors. Other European shows have emerged and are performing well, with perhaps the most notable being Kids Time in Poland. We have also experienced a growing appeal of CBME in Shanghai and ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas. However, it’s not just trade shows that are experiencing growth and gaining momentum within Europe and also internationally, it is the growing element of baby consumer shows – which everyone has varied opinions about within our industry. Finally, we have also been running our annual golf day throughout the years. The event will again be held at Puckrup Hall near Tewkesbury on the 27th June. To secure your place, simply contact Malcolm Naish on 01442 289930 or email him on:
Omnio – the full size stroller with a compact fold and wearable design w w w . h i p p y c h i c k . c o m
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4 3 4 4 4 0 nursery today
news Babymoov welcomes Alvis to the team!
Keeping baby socks on! w Ne ner s sig De k On e c l So vailab ! a
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Multi-award winning nursery brand, Babymoov, are delighted to welcome their newest member to the team. Alvis West joins the brand as Key Account Manager for UK & Ireland. Alvis who has a wealth of experience and knowledge in account management will support UK Commercial Director, Simon Winskill in managing existing relationships with UK retailers, whilst engaging new business partnerships. You can get in touch with Alvis for an appointment by emailing or by calling 07715 220594.
Hello Baby launches showroom in St Albans
Cosy little slipper socks!
Nursery retailer Hello Baby ( has opened its first bricks and mortar shop on in St Albans, UK. The shop will showcase the best in nurs ery gear and accessories and will offer an impressive range of ever y day and high end brands. The company has been trading successfu lly online for eight years and has a turnover of over £2m and customer s in 30 countries. “Despite being a family friendly com muter town, there is no nursery shop in the St Albans area,” said Trev or Ginn, Hello Baby’s Managing Director. “Customers were constantl y asking to come to view and pick up products and so as part of our expansio n plans we decided to open a shop in our new 10,000 sq ft fulfilment cent re. The shop will allow us to better serve our growing customer base and expand our range.” Web: www.Hel
Belo & Me expands reach
Dribble fre free bibs! w Ne ner ns sig De ble O ib ble Dr availa w! no
...Become a stockist of our award winning range... All products are supported by a comprehensive press and pr campaign.
nursery today
The newest kids on the block in the nursery sector, Belo & Me have announc ed an exciting new distribution partnership with bébélephant. Parents looking for a way to organise baby’s clothes love their Wardrobe Dividers and the newest addition to their own brand range is their illustrate d Baby’s 1st Year cards with cute characters to mark baby’s magical journey through babyhood. Rachel MacGregor, Managing Director of Belo & Me, said, “We’re so excited to be working with bébélephant; it’s such an exciting milestone in the journey for Belo & Me. “Consumers love our unique Wardrobe Dividers, we’ve sold over 16,000 units since their launch, plus our new Baby’s 1st Year Cards, are proving popular too! I can’t wait to see our brand in stores!” One of the UK’s largest independent distributors, bébélephant pride themselves on delivering brands that parents want and has a glowing reputatio n from their range of stockists, including national retailers, independents and wholesalers. “We love the innovative products from Belo & Me and are so happy to welcome them to the bébélephant family.” Elliot Bishop, Director, bébélephant. Based in Bolton the brand has enjoyed rapid expansion thanks to their unique and innovative products for parents looking for something a little bit different.
sponsored by 01785 503 305
H&Co Announce New Trade Marketing Executive Hardenberg&Co are thrilled to announce the arrival of new Trade Marketing Executive, Joe Swanston. Due to the continuing success across all brands at Hardenberg & Co; the future is looking bright for Joe and his fellow colleagues, following a successful 2016 and a great start to 2017!
Summer Infant scoops 4 ums awards! MadeforManno unce that it Summer Infant is delighted to My Size scooped four MadeforMums awards; category, ing train t toile the in LD GO Potty won itor Mon Babble Band won GOLD in the n of the category and SILVER in the Innovatio NZE in BRO won p Jum n Pop and Year category . gory the Baby Bouncer/Swing/Seat cate Web:
Expansion for TOMY TOMY has signed Nicola Jenkins as Head of UKI Marketing to expand the growing senior management team at the toy and games giant. Jenkins joins from Electronic Arts Ltd where she was International Marketing Manager for eight years - working with The Sims, SimCity, Hasbro and Harry Potter among other franchises. “It’s an exciting time to be joining TOMY,” she commented. “Obviously TOMY are one of the world’s leading toy companies that have historically concentrated on pre-school. Now, however there are very exciting plans to increase the trading footprint and market share. We have some outstanding new products that I believe will really shake up the marketplace. And, of course, in our traditional market place we go from strength to strength.”
Little in name, strong by nature Little tree, a range of natural baby products was a huge hit with retailers, buyers and mums alike when it launched at the UK’s only nursery trade event, Harrogate Nursery Fair. With its wide-range of baby products for body and dental care as well as daily cleaning including wet wipes and eco-friendly nappies, little tree’s vision is to promote a clean and safe lifestyle for infants based on pure, natural and eco-friendly products. Originally established in the UK in 2011, little tree is widely distributed in China, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The company is now launching its natural products into the UK market. To stock little tree products please contact More information can be found at
Designed with developing tots in mind
nursery today
news What an achievement Rob Pascoe, Group Commercial R Director, Gro takes a look back D ov over ver er u up p an a and nd d downs of the years gone by.
ursery Today are celebrating 20 years, congrats! What a fantastic achievement. Such a lot has happened in the last 20 years I’ve grown up and raised a family, I’ve got a bit less hair than 20 years ago - I’m still as able to enjoy a celebration though, just ask anyone that’s been to K&J in Cologne or an M&B awards party. Penny, the NT editor, has more than a few stories that thankfully haven’t made it into the pages of previous editions! The Gro Company is not far behind Nursery Today although a whippersnapper at just 17 years. In that time we’ve gone from a one product startup to an international brand. Alongside us we have seen other brands flourish - Frugi a fellow South West brand have been around since the early noughties and industry stalwarts Winstanleys Pramworld have years on all of us, starting off in nursery products in the 70’s! Recently we were contacted by someone who had been passed one of our very first Grobags to use with her baby and it was immensely pleasing for us to know that those originals are still going strong. Babies that were some of the first to use Grobags will soon be becoming parents themselves and Grobags that they were brought up in will be the norm for them, unlike the sheets and blankets of our childhoods, with over 95% of babies now being put to bed in a baby sleep bag. Shopping habits have shifted enormously in the last 20 years, new parents now access advice and information online from retailers, bloggers and social media as well as friends and family. From the very start of The Gro Company we have worked closely with The Lullaby Trust, previously FSID, who have supported new parents and families make better choices on how they put their children to bed and helped save babies lives. So for us at The Gro Company while hair and waistlines might not be what they were 20 years ago, we’re very happy to reflect that our core values of quality and safety remain strong and happily raise a glass to all our friends in the industry and Nursery Today to wish them success for the next 20 years.
Vital Baby Supports The Baby and Toddler Show One of the leading weaning brands, Vital Baby, was delighted to once again not only exhibit at the South East Baby and Toddler Show, but also sponsor the popular Baby Weaning Lounge. The highly-anticipated event, took place from Friday 7th April to Sunday 9th April at Sandown Park, Surrey and was once again the ultimate shopping hotspot for new and expectant parents. Vital Baby was pleased to be supporting the show by sponsoring the Baby Weaning Lounge for the second year running. Ensuring there was a calm, quiet and comfortable area for families to stop and feed their little ones, the Baby Weaning Lounge welcomed all parents and little ones, whether they were breastfeeding, in the early stages of weaning or simply eating on the go! With an estimated footfall of 11,500 and a strong presence over two stands, as well as sponsorship of the Baby Weaning Lounge, this year’s show created some brilliant exposure for Vital Baby and its ever-growing range of parenting products. Web:
Pogu appoints Bebelephant as UK/ROI distributor Pogu is an award winning safety brand developing robust reflective safety products using 3M technology born out of a desire to protect families in dark and low-light conditions. A simple but effective solution for ensuring parent and child visibility, the range includes wearable reflectives as well as specially designed product for pushchairs and bikes. The deal with bebelephant will see a new retail strategy roll out throughout 2017. “We are delighted to be working with Elliot and bebelephant and we are looking forward to a rewarding and successful relationship together” said Tiffany Solender, owner at Pogu. Elliot Bishop agrees “This is a really good range of vital safety products which we are delighted to be associated with. The reaction from retailers is already extremely positive and I am confident the range will perform really well”. For more information on stocking the great range of Pogu products, please contact or 02082021467.
Gravity put to the test The new i-Size GRAVITY car seat from JANÉ has beaten off fierce competition to take Gold and Silver accolades in the prestigious Made for Mums Awards! JANÉ Gravity was awarded a GOLD in the best Rotating Car Seat Category, and a SILVER in the
Rear-facing for Longer Category. ‘so Car seat testers loved that fact that the Jane Gravity is (to quote one tester) quick and ridiculously easy to install’. Testers were also impressed with the ‘safe and easy-to-use harness’ and were simply delighted with the 360 degrees rotating mechanism. (to They also liked the fact that the Jané Gravity offers value for money as you and d integrate is ISOFIX the extras, any buy to need quote our tester again) ‘don’t a newborn insert is included, so you can use it from birth up to four years’. Web:
nursery today
AC517 Movement, Sound and Video Monitor Wireless Sensor Pad Monitors movement that sound/video only monitors can’t detect Tracking Reports New analytic reports show up to 2 months of room temperature & movement data Large 5� Touchscreen 5� (13cm) touchscreen enables real-time monitoring & displays tracking reports More models available Contact the H&Co team for further information follow us For more information please call: 01785 503 305 or email:
@Hardenberg_Co Hardenberg&Co Ltd
lf Less o G
nursery today ÂŁ98 Growing your business
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Mor e
CLASSIC 1998 - 2017
Puckrup Hall
Nr Teswkesbury, Glos
ay d s e Tu th 27 e Jun 7 201
Just off the A38 and just a few minutes from the M5. The Hotel is situated right next to the 1st tee off and rooms can be booked direct using the code GNASB10 – Telephone 01684 296200 where the lowest rate available less 10% will be offered. We have managed to keep the fee for the day unaltered at £98, so all you have to do is complete and return to us. Just one day in your diary out of 365 for a sport you enjoy playing can surely be managed? Either give me a call on 01442 289930 or email for full details Malcolm Bubba Naish
d e t t Spo It’s all in the trends Suzie Howes, Head of Licensing and Marketing at Rainbow Designs, the Home of Classic Characters, looks at the current trends in baby gifting. cross the UK baby gifting continues to grow in popularity and it is a core area of the nursery marketplace where the independent retailers can look to gain the upper hand over the high street chains. Over recent years the adoption of the US Baby Shower trend has further added to the gifting opportunities and occasions that already existed here. Although these occasions provide a lovely celebration opportunity they also come with an additional pressure to deliver, not only the right but also a unique, baby gift that may be potentially opened within a party environment. Personally, I am not a huge fan of the Baby Shower concept. Baby products whether functional, decorative or purchased as a keepsake, are not cheap and having a baby is an expensive business, not just for the parents! More so though, buying for an expectant mother or a new born requires thought and effort, it is very much an emotive purchase. Every mum-to-be likes to feel that quality time and consideration has been given to the gift purchased for their precious little one and therefore it has become less acceptable to gift just a standard soft toy off the shelf. Baby bundles, carefully selected packages of beautiful products for mum and baby, are certainly the preferred option especially when it comes to a baby gift. Nappy Cakes were the baby bundle fashion starter but it has moved on and today we are more likely to see comforter and ring rattle packages or soft toy and book bundles, especially sets featuring timeless nursery classic brands such as our Guess How Much I Love You Book and Soft Toy Set. Baby gifting really is all about the perceived value and so the presentation of the product is paramount. Keepsake mementoes that are beautifully gift boxed are always a very popular choice, for example our Peter Rabbit and Guess How Much I Love You Bootie sets. Gift buyers today are looking for unique and superior presents and so more and more we are seeing customers seeking out specialist independents when shopping for this special and distinct gift rather than automatically turning to the mainstream high street store.
Every mum-to-be likes to feel that quality time and consideration has been given to the gift purchased for their precious little one
nursery today
Kimberley Walsh loves ErgoPouch
Big brother Bobby with little Cole is spotted in an ErgoPouch Sleep Suit, the clever sleep suit converts from Sleep Bag to Sleep Suit with legs, and no slip grip on the feet. Web:
Medela in Chelsea The team at Medela were ecstatic to see their much loved Swing Electric Breast Pump made a special appearance on the hugely popular E4 reality television show, Made in Chelsea. The iconic pump was spotted with mum-to-be Alexandra Felstead, better known as ‘Binky’. Web:
Princess Feeds the Vital Way The team at Vital Baby, were excited to see much loved celebrity dad, Peter Andre shared an adorable snap of daughter Princess feeding Theodore, the newest member of the Andre clan, with the brands On the Go Weaning Set. Web: www.
Maximising retail oportunities
Tullika Bhalla
As we started preparing for the GfK seminar at Harrogate, it became increasingly obvious that growth within the £921million Nursery sectors is slowing down. ith a decline in January and February 2017 sales, the start of the year has been sombre. With parents feeling the economic pressure and the inflation creeping up, we can see the sale of non-essential baby products stalling. However, this means that there is opportunity within the retail sector to work with manufacturers and provide the best deals that parents can buy.
Retail is changing Consumers are changing the way they shop. Armed with a smartphone, reading reviews online and comparing in-store pricing with online, retail is becoming truly omnichannel. Parents expect to shop the same way for their babies. One third of sales within the Nursery categories* are online with purchases for essential products growing and outpacing in-store sales. For example, while sales of video
monitors are declining within the store, online sales have grown by 42%. However, this has not had an impact on Black Friday sales within Nursery. While the nursery retailers are following the example of their CE counterparts, Black Friday has not yet been adopted wholeheartedly. As Anthony Williams from GfK mentioned in his presentation “Nursery is in a unique position to add a new dimension to the retail experience which is developmental or multi-stage. It could be done by choosing your “hero” product or bolt-on bundle deals to maximise sales. Ranging on the shelves can also be done based on the developmental need for the nursery shoppers.” Retailers can also benefit from the 10% rule. The uplift seen in sales from a 10% discount has been bigger than deeper discounts offered. Consumer decision making is becoming more
budget-centric, however, it is also more considered and parents are happy to trade-up when they perceive more value for money being offered . * Tracked categories include Strollers, Car Seats, Baby,Monitors, Highchairs, Bottle & Breast,Feeding, Soothers & Teethers and Toddler Feeding
About GfK GfK is one of the world’s largest research companies, with around 13,000 experts working to discover new insights into the way people live, think and shop, in more than 100 markets, every day. GfK is constantly innovating and using the latest technologies and the smartest methodologies to give its clients the clearest understanding of the most important people in the world: their customers. In 2012, GfK’s sales amounted to 1.51 billion euros. To find out more, visit or follow GfK on Twitter:
nursery today
talking shop This issue we speak to established nursery independents to find out their views since first opening their doors.
Sue Dronfield
How long has your business been operating? We will have been open 24 years in June. Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? Since first opening the biggest change for us is customers wanting travel systems. Do you feel that products have developed to keep in line with current consumer demands? We do feel that products have developed to meet customer demands. What has been your best-selling product over the years? Best-selling product over the years has been Travel Systems. On a personal note, what has been your favourite product over the years? My favourite products over the years? There’s probably too many too mention as normally it’s a different one each year! However, I’m always partial to a soft cuddly toy, lovely to hold and no return issues!
Silver Cross
What has been the most interesting development you have experienced? It has to be i-size and car seat regulations. These definitely keep us all on our toes!
Do you have any exciting plans on the horizon you would like to share? We currently have builders in at the moment and are in the process of converting an old grain barn at the end of our store into a coffee shop. We are very much a destination store and feel this will enhance the shopping experience we offer.
Yasmin Ali
How long has your business been operating? Babyland is my mums baby, we’ve been running for around 30 years. I’ve been a part of the business for about nine years now. Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? Trends change constantly but the most noteable from when I joined, is customer knowledge – I remember customers not knowing or really being bothered over new and old colourways. Now they know the names of the colours and what season they are. Safety has become a huge issue – I see a willingness to listen and learn; with more and more parents now doing research and trying their best to make an informed, safe choice when purchasing for their baby. What has been your best-selling product over the years? It’s hard to name a single best seller, because everything has its time and fashions change. I remember when Mamas & Papas used to fly – I recall fights between customers for the last of the polka prams. The Emmaljunga special editions have always been super sellers and stroller-wise, the buzz created by Cosatto and the Original Go Lightly was unlike anything else. The strollers flew out the door, shops calling each other trying to get their hands on one, it was so exciting. Do you have any exciting plans on the horizon you would like to share? We have some really amazing things in the pipeline and we are always growing and moving forward, lots going on in the next 18 months or so. I’m saying nothing though, you’ll have to wait and see! It’s a very exciting time to be aboard the Babyland bus! 12
nursery today
Derek Bavaird
How long has your business been operating? Like Nursery Today magazine Jan and I are almost 20 years working in the nursery retail sector. Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer changes h you have experienced? One of the most significant changes is of course the internet but rather than consumers buying from the internet as they used to, they now see the internet as more of a bargaining tool. With the popularity of hand-held fast internet connections it is now possible for consumers to price match in store instantly. However, this doesn’t mean that they want to buy from the internet, they would rather deal with the shop that they are standing in. For example, consumers will try to have the retailer price match, which is fine but this must be strictly like for like, e.g. it may not seem like a great deal for the retailer but strip it down and look at the benefits of like for like price matching. You first of all point out that like for like means just that, you must pay me, the retailer, up front, in full today. Secondly the customer takes the goods today or as soon as they arrive in store, or even better it may be that the goods are delivered straight to the consumer from the manufacturer, this all means excellent cash flow and no products clogging up your storage area. If the customer’s main focus is on price then it’s over to the till, customer pays and you have the benefit of a full 30 days credit with their money already in your bank. So reduced margin yes, but you have saved time and storage space for little effort, simple. The benefit for your customer is that they are dealing with a face who has a door they can knock on should anything go wrong. It’s a no brainer for them. This will always be a touchy feely business. No new mum wants to buy a two dimensional product from a photo so you are always holding the trump card in that respect. “Cash in” and put money in your till from all directions when it’s offered, avoid saying no. Congratulations to Penny and Nursery Today on editing a great trade magazine looking forward to the next 20 years.
Gary Watts
How long has your business been operating? Our business has been operating since 1903 and is a fourth generational business therefore is 114 years old. Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? Trends have constantly been changing over the years, but I think the most dramatic change was the trend towards travel systems which was rapid. Although the travel systems of that time have long gone the trend still continues to this day.
Designed with parents in mind.
Do you feel that products have developed to keep in line with current consumer demands? Yes I do. Things have constantly changed over the years and have continued to do so but with more consumer choice. What has been your best-selling product over the years? We have had several big sellers over BabyStyle Oyster the years. In my early days it was always Silver Cross Heritage products then the explosion of Maclaren Buggies when they came to the market place. This was followed by the Graco travel system and then many more brands became available and although this may have diluted particular items over the past few years, we have done particularly well with Silver Cross, Venicci and the BabyStyle Oyster. On a personal note, what has been your favourite product over the years? My personal favourite is the Bugaboo Cameleon but I asked several members of the team this question and they all gave different answers. What has been the most interesting development you have experienced? Apart from the massive range of different options now available to purchase nowadays I think the most interesting development has been the transformation of Car Seats. We have gone from the unbelievable products of the sixties and seventies, even the eighties to a degree, the first crash test in 1973, the first Standard in 1981 to where we are now with iSize and the changes that go along with R129, some of which is here and some are to follow. We can definitely say that children are now transported in vehicles much more safely now than they ever were.
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Do you have any exciting plans on the horizon you would like to share? Plans for the future are that we will continue to improve the store with better stands and POS. This is something we have been continually working on for many years and with the help of our suppliers I feel that this has been very successful. We have also had a new counter made and are making improvements to the lighting in the store, which will definitely help. We are working hard on improving our website and investing nvesting money into marketing it. Wide View 2.0 Duo Digital Color Monitor
Panorama Digital Color Video Monitor
For more information contact us on 01442 505 000 Summer Infant UK
nursery today
s s r a e y y t n Twe
W all know We w tthat hat the nursery industry is a dynamic one and Nursery Today has been on the frontline keeping everyone up to date on what’s happening. h aunched in May 1997, this month sees us (Nursery Today) celebrate our 20th anniversary. We’re proud of the fact that we are the UK’s only monthly ABC audited nursery monthly trade title and are totally baby b and toddler product focussed. As a publishing house where we also produce titles that cover toys, licensing, gifts, greeting cards, tableware and c kitchenware our Managing Director, Malcolm Naish is proud of k the t achievements that Nursery Today has had over the years and is a publication that has always been close to his heart. “Having first been introduced to the industry in 1969 when the Publisher I worked for bought Perambulator Gazette (which they quickly changed to Pram & Nursery Trader), I look back and remember c th in those days the main colours were white, pink, pale blue that and a yellow with almost all wheel goods made in the U.K. and Europe. E “I little thought then that 27 years later I would launch my own o title, but how pleased I am with the result. The last twenty y years have seen many changes, but thankfully many of the in industry personnel are still very much involved, even if a little o older!” From our first issue proudly featuring Bebecar on the front fr cover and highlighting many companies who are a continuing to grow and build brand awareness to today over the years, like everyone, the magazine has h continued to evolve and develop in keeping w the revolving dynamics of our beloved with industry. in y Starting out with just six ye the magazine has issues per year, rapidly gro grown to now be published 12 times a year and also run al alongside a strong website, w which delivers news on a bas With Social Media daily basis.
(which, as Ross Hewitt points out in his article, is also considered to now be 20 years old!) also being extremely prominent in our sector, you can also find us often tweeting! With product features, current news, nursery trade gossip and regular columnists, the magazine, coupled with our online presence, continues to be an essential read for anyone in the industry - be it retailer or supplier. Pramland is an example of an independent who have operated for more than 65 years and who regularly receive the magazine. Over the years they’ve certainly experienced the changing consumer dynamic and demands. We asked John Barker what he feels has been the most dramatic consumer trend since opening their doors? “Although the store is over 65 years old I’ve only been here for of nine of them. In that relatively short time I would say it’s a close call for the most dramatic consumer trend. “Firstly the rise of the internet has affected the entire nursery sector, it has seen the death of some products (I’m looking at your monitors and highchairs features for example) and it has seen the birth of many independent exclusives. “The internet has also dramatically changed the amount of stores in the market but those of us that have weathered the storm seem to have adapted and actually come out stronger. Secondly the Celebrity Pram is having a huge impact, this seems to have gone from strength to strength and almost hand in hand with the rise of social media.” We asked John how the magazine has assisted Pramland over the years. “Nursery Today has helped us to find new brands and identify trends so we can ensure we are always ahead of the curve. I would go as far as to say that it has become an invaluable tool for us independents.” There are so manyy product categories that have
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experienced change during this time - we saw the rise of the travel system, which although when first rs introduced were once dominated by perhaps Britax, Graco, Mama & Papas and Mothercare, this product sector has swiftly adapted to be a John serious business. With many manufacturers providing adaptors to enable new parents to perhaps have one brand of chassis, but use a differentt infant carrier (for example, Maxi Cosi), the new improved systems offer consumers a variety of choice. Over the years we have also experienced continued changes to the car seat sector with safety firmly at the front of everyone’s mind. With changes to legislation and also to safety features. For example, although first launched as a working collaboration between Britax-Roemer and Volkswagen in 1997, Isofix became a production standard for all new cars from February 2013. We experienced one of the first major legislation changes in 2006, which ensured that all children under the age of 12 or below the height of 135cm travel in the correct car seat. 2013 saw the new iSize standard, which highlighted the requirement to keep infants in a rearward facing position until the age of 15 months, with 2017 being the year where we have experienced the recent change in the use of booster seats. The car seat sector is perhaps the most notable product category of change over the years and we’ve definitely seen much confusion taking place. The Baby Products Association, alongside leading car seat manufacturers, have always worked tirelessly to ensure that our children are safe while out and about. Robert Anslow, Director of the BPA told us: “The last 20 years has seen significant changes in the design and development of child car restraints and the introduction of new legislations for the use of such products and many lives have been saved as a result. “As a founding member of the European Nursery Products Confederation (ENPC), the UK’s Baby Products Association has a greater voice than ever at European level and continues to work diligently to promote child safety and raise awareness of changes to European and International standardisation.” John Barker agrees that car seats are the most notable sector of change. “I would say that the Car Seat sector has seen the most changes. Not only have we seen product developments and advancements but the entire industry has shifted with the introduction of iSize. For us personally we’ve also noticed how the group 0+ market has grown but Group 1 and beyond has become an ‘at home’ purchase for manyy p parents.”
Of course, it’s not just car seats that has had an Barker, Pramland impact on the imp nur nursery industry. Technology Tec has played d it its partt also, not only with the rise of information now readily available to all those information hungry new mums, but also in the way that this is utilised now within many staple nursery products - think baby monitors for example - long gone are the days of analogue, with more sophisticated digital and video monitors leading the pack. Not to mention the clever addition of ‘apps’, which again has made this product sector evolve further. However, the internet although has proven invaluable when it comes to information sourcing, it also has its pitfalls. “The internet has made customers fully aware of prices and availability. As a result it’s resulted in us all having the keenest competition on our door step,” comments John. “It has almostt meant we’ve all had to adapt, we’ve said goodbye to many products but we’ve had to be smart and find products and brands that appreciate and accept that independents are and will remain an integral part of the nursery industry landscape.”” Although swaddling, baby carriers and slings have been around for years, these are also categories that have recently seen a change in their design. With more information now w readily available about the impact of hip dysplasia we are now experiencing more products available that recognise this and have received endorsement from the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. We have also experienced over the years the need to encourage ‘tummy time’. When we saw the introduction of ms to the Back to Sleep campaign encouraging mums ich place their babies onto their backs to sleep, which did decrease the number of sudden cot deaths,, we me also then saw an increase in Flat Head Syndrome hat (plagiocephaly). The good news however was that manufacturers swiftly responded by producing products that assisted tummy time activities. It’s an ever changing world in nursery and we ring? can only wonder what the next 20 years will bring? What we can say for sure is that the team at Nursery Today are looking forward to it!
nursery today
Solid reputation at 18
Twenty Years with Nursery Today and still the most huggable!
Of course, Gund has a much longer history, dating back to 1898 and they still pride themselves in being one of the leaders for quality and hug-ability, using only the softest materials, the highest compliance standards and the most popular licenses. Their collection in 2017 still includes the ever-popular dinosaurs and first baby bears but they have also evolved to be award winners in the animated plush category and the exclusive licensee for Classic Beatrix Potter and Pusheen, two of the hottest properties in town. It’s a great time to be in the plush industry and we are delighted to be a part of it. Web:
BabyStyle are just two years away from joining Nursery Today in celebrating their 20 year anniversary, they became established in 1999 as a father and son concern with one pushchair brand and 8 employees. 18 Years later and it is now a husband and wife run organisation with worldwide sales, a portfolio of 18 unique pushchair brands and a comprehensive furniture collection all administrated by their team of 30 employees. It would be fair to say that pushchair designs and trends have changed immensely in those 18 years as the images show! Web:
Celebrating 140 years
For 140 years, Silver Cross has been dedicated to giving babies the best start in in life. Since its founder, William Wilson, created the original baby carriage from h hi his is workshop in Yorkshire, the leading nurser e r ry y brand has become loved and trusted by parents worldwide. Silver Cross products are renowned for quality craftsmanship, beautiful design and innovation, providing babies with a safe and comfortable environment while meeting the demands of modern family life. In 2017, Silver Cross is pro proou pr u ud d ttoo h hav ave un av u unv nvveeeile illed ed iits ts llate ts ates ate at esstt p Wave, a flexible travel sys pr pro rod od duc uct uc uct tem md des esig es iign gneeed d to to ccarry newb borns in comfort and style, yet fut ure-proofed for a second baby. Web: www.silvercross baby.c om
nursery today
*,)7 *,9,1*qN N
Enesco Limited, Head Office & Customer Services, Brunthill Road, Kingstown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 0EN. Tel: 01228 404022 email: Overseas Customer Services: Tel: +44 1228 404066 email: Š GUND 2017 Š 2017 Enesco Ltd.
introducing our
new range
of highchair toys
Inspire all the senses
baby’s developing senses‌ ncourage Thoughtfully designed with experts to e
Bumpy Cow
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A sensory experience that will engage and stimulate baby’s senses A variety of textural materials to stimulate exploration and discovery Bold, high contrast colours are key to enhancing the developmental experience Teethe & Twirl Sensation Station
Sensation Station
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For more information please call: 01785 503 305 or email:
Sassy is committed to developmental play that stimulates and stretches baby’s imagination
@Hardenberg_Co Hardenberg&Co Ltd
From little things big things grow
January 2002: After 12 years in the UK rag trade, Jouko Nykänen was looking at a country lifestyle move and a new challenge. A new Australian start up, Babybanz, came his way and a new company, Sunproof, was formed. Babybanz started selling in singles, then tens, then hundreds, then thousands. The UK was ready to embrace serious sun protection for infants. Babybanz came along at exactly the right moment. Islington was swapped for Ilminster and Babybanz became the brand leader in infant eye protection. The photo shows the very first web orders from the new webstore going out. Sunproof celebrates 15 years this year.
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The East Coast who were among the first to use their products are now becoming grandparents! Trends and tastes have changed drastically in that time, as have manufacturing capabilities, and the East Coast range is continually updated as the brand introduce their products to new generations. The shape and specification of East Coast changing mats has changed very little since they were first launched in the 1970s. Almost anything is possible now, in terms of shapes and prints, but the core principles of safety, reliability and ease of use have to remain at the heart of every product and innovation. Tel: 01692 408802 Web:
Tel: 0146025804 Web:
Bringing peace of mind
A changing world in 2016 and the world
NUK was 60 has changed dramatically in those 60 years but in many ways with parenting has got easier; there is much more information available now parents. on pressure the ease to designed more products specifically but NUK continues to launch new products that help make parenting easier ntic orthodo NUK the to one thing that hasn’t changed is their commitment design, shape found on all their bottle teats and soothers; they still use the same in en undertak research based on medical the fifties, that closely mimics natural breastfeeding as NUK passionately believe that this is best for baby as it promotes acceptance, supports combined feeding and is good for baby’s dental development. Web:
nursery today
Angelcare was established in 1997 and has continued to bring peace of mind for the last 20 years. Angelcare continues to launch new products that show true innovation with products that are designed to make parents lives easier and to alleviate some of the concerns around parenthood. Baby monitors now offer so much more than simply listening to your baby sleep. Many include video screens so you can see your baby, as well as movement sensor pads for under your baby’s mattress to monitor your baby’s movements during day and night. With 2017 seeing the launch of their new range of monitors; offering unique features such as wireless sensor pads and the ability to track important data to promote good sleeping habits; ‘Peace of Mind’ has never been more appropriate to today’s parents and Angelcare provides a comprehensive range of products to suit each family’s needs and price range. Web:
10 year celebrations
From humble beginnings with just a handful of products, bébélephant is now seen as the go-to distributor by innovators and retailers alike. The company now represents over 50 brands from all over the globe and supplies the major players in the UK nursery sector, as well as independents from Lands End to John O’Groats. “We treat all our brands with the same enthusiasm and energy,” says Elliot Bishop, one of the original founders and Managing Director of bébélephant. This is borne out by the fact bébélephant still supply UK retail with the products that launched their company 10 years ago, including the best-selling RazBerry teether – pictured. As for the next 10 years, Elliot remains upbeat. “We have some really cool products launching this year – from an extended Pyrex range to more advanced tech. Never have babies been so well looked after!” joked Elliot.
Tel: 020 8202 1467 Web:
From grass roots
Saplings of Shropshire Ltd was founded in February 1992 after Tim Cottrell the finished a Furniture Design and Cabinet making course at college. Seeing set he price, le affordab an at cots al tradition quality need for producing good up his business in a 1000 sq.ft unit with just one cot design. Since then Saplings has moved to a 15,000 sq ft custom built unit distributing a comprehensive range of traditional cots, cot beds, junior beds, le cribs, nursery furniture and mattresses with excellent quality at affordab prices as the business aim. The success of Saplings and the maintenance of standards over the years is due to a hard working dedicated team. At the forefront of the business is the Director, Tim who looks after production, logistics, commercial, sales and marketing. For further information and all enquiries please contact saplings and speak to a member of the team. Tel: 01952 550022 Email: Web:
The Kitty is the only Cot Bed on the market with a pivoting mattress base which helps with reflux in babies. Another advantage is that as the base pivots, not the mattress, parents can choose the best mattress for their baby to sleep on. A great looking long lasting design the Kitty Cot Bed comes with a choice of three mattress base heights, and then converts easily into a toddler’s junior bed, with the pivoting mattress base still working. Available in white, the cot bed is designed to look great in any nursery, and will still be used long into childhood.
For Saplings full range please call for details on 01952 550022 or email:
nursery today
Ten years on, ten years strong Established since 2007, 2017 marks 10 years since H&Co was founded. orn from m personall experiences nces and with their vast knowledge and experience within the baby sector, Julie Ebrey and Marc Hardenberg have built and established a solid business distributing leading baby products to major retailers. Julie and Marc were given an Angelcare monitor by a friend when their son was born extremely premature at 24 weeks gestation; the monitor saved their sanity! Marc and Julie aimed to make products such as Angelcare monitors available to the widest audience possible. And this they have done. The products that H&Co have continued to invest in, provide reassurance for parents and HAVE helped to alleviate some of the stress involved with parenting, and to allow
nursery today
families to enjoy those special, early years. Hardenberg&Co has gone from strength to strength since its early days in a small office in the market town of Stone, Staffordshire. They have since moved to some larger premises and during their ten years in business, H&Co have seen a number of major changes and developments, which have helped them adapt to the market and retain their strong position. Over the years, the team has grown from being solely Marc and Julie to a team of 11; all experts in their fields and true to the core attitudes and values that were born with H&Co in 2007. Hardenberg&Co is an emotive company and brand; the UK team fully understand and adopt the attitudes and values of the brand but also of the mums in the UK and continue to bring them peace of mind. Arguably the biggest change the firm has seen over the last 12 months has been their acquisition by Angelcare. As the vision of Angelcare was supported by that of Hardenberg&Co’s, it was a natural collaboration that was supported by the group and one of which the team continue to be so very excited about! And now there is a double celebration! Not only does 2017 mark the 10th birthday for H&C0, it also marks the 20th
“ A rg ua bly th e
anniversary of Angelcare; bringing peace of mind to parents since 1997. This has been commemorated with nothing less than an array of new monitors from Angelcare, showing true innovation and continuing to alleviate some of the anxieties around sleeping babies! New product launches are set to continue throughout 2017 from both Angelcare and Sassy. Sassy’s unique approach to baby toys is focused on stimulating four specific developmental areas during baby’s first year of life. This approach, along with insightful designs, bright colours and superior quality makes these products stand out in the infant toy category. Toys fast become parent’s favourites along with their babies too! Sassy toys have an award-winning product range and their innovative features are built with a purpose! Product design starts with a clear and in depth understanding of developmental stages and all toys are created to provide a sensory experience that will engage and stimulate baby’s senses. A variety of textural finished materials are used to stimulate exploration and discovery and the use of bold, high contrast colors are key to enhancing the developmental experience. It’s no wonder that these products are multi-award winning! 2017 has seen a number of plush toys launch from Sassy, all with age appropriate features and benefits. Plush toys boast multiple textures for baby to touch and have high-contrast colours to help develop visual skills. Gentle rattles incorporated into the design teach baby cause and effect with many toys offering an attachable link for on-the-go fun!
bigg est ch an ge th e firm ha s seen over th e la st 12 month s ha s been th ei r ac qu is it ion by A ng elc are. ” Whilst 2016 set the bar high for Angelcare and H&Co; from a string of awards for their product portfolio, new members to the team and record breaking sales, Hardenberg continue to be successful in their field and shall continue to grow! With a clear business strategy and first hand experiences, Hardenberg&Co have carved a definitive place for themselves in the market place. The past ten years have been an absolute joy and the team at Hardenberg&Co would like to take this opportunity to thank all of its retailers and suppliers for their support over the past decade; and long may it continue!
All New for 2017
Web: nursery today
supplier snapshot This issue, there is so much to celebrate! We spoke to some of the industry’s finest to find out their thoughts on years gone by.
Rachelle Harel RHSM GROUP
Helen Wooldridge CUDDLEDRY
How long has your business been operating? Cuddledry is just celebrating its ten year anniversary! Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? The massive shift in terms of the influence of social media on consumers and their purchasing habits. Do you feel that products have developed to keep in line with current consumer demands? Yes I do – we have seen within the nursery trade and at consumer shows how designs have developed and innovations
introduced over the last ten years. What has been your best-selling product over the years? Our Original Cuddledry hands free baby bath towel. Our founding product and one which continues to grow both in terms of sales and also iin its it style and designs. On a personal note, what has been your favourite product over the years (not necessarily within your own range)? Ooh that’s a tricky question. The two that popped into my mind were the classic Trunki suitcase and the Sophie La Girafe teether – mainly because my own children loved them, but also because they are the items I have purchased most frequently for friends. But my real favourite has to be the Cuddledry towel – it meant I could bath my third child without the soaking and stress I went through with children no.1 and no.2! What has been the most interesting development you have experienced? I think it is the current massive shift into ecommerce in different territories around the world – it is a complex, difficult and HUGE change and one we have to embrace and learn as we go.
Eric White
EAST COAST NURSERY LTD How long has your business been operating? East Coast Nursery was established as a manufacturer in 1960. A family-run company for over for over 55 years, we introduced our range of changing mats in the 1970s and diversified into furniture and highchairs in the 1980s. Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? Consumers’ attitudes now are similar to the values that were held years ago. Products are no longer seen as disposable and people are no longer looking for the cheapest item, but rather seeking something that represents good value for money and will last well. Do you feel that products have developed to keep in line with current consumer demands? This is a sector where providing products that
nursery today
truly make things easier is really valuable. Parenting is hard and consumers appreciate thoughtful product features that make their tasks easier. When thousands of people’s opinions of your products can be read online before purchase, it’s even more important for us to be mindful of the needs of parents and babies. What has been your best-selling product over the years? Without doubt, our changing mats. We also have to mention our iconic wooden folding highchair - seen in most restaurants and cafes nationwide. It’s a classic product that continues to be extremely popular.
How long have you worked in the Nursery industry? In January 2017, I hit the 30-year mark. I’m going to stop counting now! What has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? One big change has been the move from utilitarian products that just do their job to fashion forward, feature rich products. Typically, it was just mum’s choice. Mums and Dads now make buying decisions together and they want to be to be seen using trendy, fashionable products. When I was first in the industry, pretty much everything outdoor was Navy and indoor was Yellow or Mint. Do you feel that products have developed to keep in line with current consumer demands? Yes, pretty much - the pace of development and speed to market these days is now so fast it keeps up with demand. However, this is also a huge worry as products are developed faster than the safety standards which protect consumers. The trend for co-sleeping is an example where a product development has kept up with consumer demand, however, the current safety standards are insufficient and subsequently tragedy has followed. What has been your best-selling product over the years? I’ve launched many market changing, best selling items. In its day the Summer Infant Baby Bather was a category changer and became the best selling infant bather in the world. I’m predicting our new Little Chick London Breathable Bedside Crib is also going to be a game changer for us. What has been the most interesting development you have experienced? In terms of change in the industry, it has to be the move from local UK manufacturing to Far East production. 30 years ago pretty much everything was produced locally. I worked on Mothercare’s first ever Far East stroller – we literally had to sit on the production line for two weeks to get the quality right.
How long has your business been operating? We were first incorporated in 2001 and operated via a Distributor until 2004 when the family laid down roots in the UK. Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? Use of social media and the boundary-free world of the internet for research and purchases. Do you feel that products have developed to keep in line with current consumer demands? Products are ever changing and evolving; this is how a brand stays relevant and ‘alive’ in the market place. Some are more on trend than others. The market is unforgiving for brands who are unwilling to embrace change. What has been your best-selling product over the years? Our much beloved Slumber Bear. The ONLY audio pacifier with actual intra-uterine womb sounds recorded by a microphone inserted into the womb of a pregnant woman has been helping babies (and parents!) sleep for over 40 years.
development you have experienced? Savvy parents and increasing parent knowledge. Parents of today are more self-aware and educated about all things baby than they were 10 years ago; makes it interesting for designers, buyers and sellers alike.
What has been the most interesting
Chris Clarke NUK BABY
How long has your business been operating? The NUK brand was 60 years old in 2016, in the UK we have been active for over 25 years Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? Primarily NUK is a feeding brand and the biggest trend we have seen within the feeding category is a consumer shift towards combination feeding;; where mums and dads are able to feed their child with a mixture of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, whether that be bottle-feeding breast milk or formula. By being able to successfully undertake combination feeding dad and other family members can then participate in feeding baby, which aids bonding and also gives mum some respite! Do you feel that products have developed to keep in line with current consumer demands? Definitely. Being a parent today is probably easier (not easy!) than at any other point in history primarily because there is so much information readily available but also because product development has advanced to such an extent that there is pretty much a product to satisfy any consumer need. For example within feeding, there is now such a wide choice of bottles on the market to satisfy every consumer need whether that be combined feeding, reduced colic, fast flow, slow flow, silicone or latex, plastic or glass. What has been your best-selling product over the years? The NUK First Choice+ Bottle range has consistently been our best-selling range over the years, the colours may have changed but the fundamental design of the teat is unchanged since we first launched bottles and teats back in the 1950’s. On a personal note, what has been your favourite product over the years (not necessarily within your own range)? As a relatively new dad (my daughter is four months old) I can be fairly objective about this. Of course I’m biased but our daughter struggled to breastfeed due to tongue tie and thus we moved to bottle-feeding within a couple of weeks. Naturally we used NUK to which my daughter took to straight away without any problems. Outside of NUK though Ewan The Dream Sheep was an absolute godsend and we’re also super chuffed that we opted to go for a base with our Maxi-Cosi car seat. What has been the most interesting development you have experienced? For me personally it’s been great to be a part of the NUK story, in the near four years that I have worked on the brand we’ve made great strides, increasing distribution year on year and gradually improving our brand awareness but above all else when you receive a message via Facebook from a mum thanking us because her baby took to a NUK Bottle when she had struggled with all others.
Kate Cartwright HARDENBERG & CO
How long has your business been operating? Hardenberg&Co has gone from strength to strength since its early days 10 years ago in a small office in the market town of Stone, Staffordshire. They have since moved to larger premises and during their ten years in business, H&Co have seen a number of major changes and developments, l which have helped them adapt to the market and retain their strong position. Over the years, the team has grown from being solely Marc and Julie to a team of 11; all experts in their fields and true to the core attitudes and values that were born with H&Co in 2007. Since first launching what has been the most notable consumer trend you have experienced? All parents want their little ones to have good sleeping habits and to have peace of mind while their baby is resting, so that they can get some rest too! To keep mums in the know and to make them aware that baby is sleeping soundly with good quality sleep; an Angelcare monitor is here to help. With our bestselling Sensor Pad, parents seeking reassurance can get it with this product. Our monitors alleviate some of the stress and worry associated with parenting and offers peace of mind. Our brand is an emotional brand as we are proud to be able to empathise with parents on this key issue of sleep. What has been your best-selling product over the years? For SS17 we have launched a range of new monitors which show real innovation. Based upon our awardwinning Sensor Pad which is featured in Angelcare’s Video, Sound & Movement monitors; Angelcare have gone one step further and introduced a new, revolutionary, wireless sensor pad PLUS lots of new features too! What has been the most interesting development you have experienced? Arguably the biggest change the firm has seen over the last 12 months has been their acquisition by Angelcare. As the vision of Angelcare was supported by that of Hardenberg&Co’s, it was a natural collaboration that was supported by the group and one of which the team continue to be excited about!
nursery today
Star Tech T
echnology is part of everyone’s daily lives. Whether it is being utilised at home or at work, it’s there - pretty much in every aspect of our daily routine, so it’s not surprising that technology has also moved with the times and is now incorporated in many nursery products. Miri Scott of Kooltrade who distribute 4moms, a brand which has redefined the baby product industry with innovations such as the 4moms mamaRoo infant seat told us: “Technology is constantly evolving, impacting almost every aspect of our lives. Today’s parents lead busy lives and are well informed about the plethora of products available to them. “Technology based innovations in baby products help provide solutions to parents, making their life that bit little easier, be it helping baby be safer, healthier or even sleep better, we all know the struggles of sleep deprived parenting.” Whether it’s an intelligent digital baby monitor, a soothing product, for example a baby swing or cot mobile or a tech savvy toy, there’s no getting away from the simple fact we live in a tech world.
le p i t l u M a rd a w in g w in n uc t p ro d
Matter of choice
Lighting the way PLAYBULB zoocoro is a set of wireless Bluetooth smart speaker lights, inspired by adorable animals that kids will love. Brightness, colour, lighting effects and timers can all be adjusted via the PLAYBULB X App that gives you access to over 16 million colours. The range features built-in high quality Bluetooth speakers and recharging is easy via the wireless charging dock. Tel: 020 8202 1467 Email: Web:
nursery today
With innovations in technology, the number of features available with monitors is increasing meaning there’s plenty of choice for the consumer to find something that suits their individual preference on monitoring their baby. Some parents are reassured by sound monitoring, other’s like to see baby on the screen and monitor movements with a patented Angelcare Sensor Pad, alerting them when movement isn’t detected after 20 seconds. Angelcare is the global number one in movement monitors, sold in over 70 countries worldwide and has provided peace of mind to millions of parents. The monitor collection has been awarded an impressive set of consumer and industry awards and offers parents Digital and Analogue monitors with the options of Movement, Video and or Sound monitoring. Both parents and retailers can enjoy the choice offered at price points which suit a variety of budgets but never compromise on quality. 2017 has also seen a number of new monitors launched in the Angelcare range, two of which feature new wireless technology and can monitor movement using a new wireless Sensor Pad, the only one currently available in the market! In addition to the wireless Sensor Pad, Angelcare monitors now come complete with a reporting and tracking feature, allowing parents to better respond to baby’s needs based on their sleep patterns and reactions to temperature and movement. Tel: 01785 503305 Web:
Safe and nd sou VTech Safe & Sound
The WiFi Video & Audio Baby Monitor BM6000 allows you to keep an eye on your little one remotely via WiFi from your iOS or Android smartphone or tablet. The motorised pan, tilt and 10x digital zoom feature lets you see all details as you watch live HD footage of your baby’s room. Automatic infrared night vision also allows you to see your baby clearly at night. From the tablet or smartphone you can also control the monitor’s volume and receive alerts if your baby cries or moves. You can also soothe baby from afar via the Talk-Back communication feature and capture photos and video memories by using a Mirco SD card. (not included).
Fully focussed The sleek new range of digital video monitors from Summer Infant will compliment any nursery interior and provides modern functionality to suit varying consumer needs and budgets. Each of the new digital video monitors now offers premium features as standard and provides a really easy to use interface with leading edge technology. Summer Infant’s ethos when it comes to baby monitors is about focusing on form, function and value – avoiding gimmicky features that only act to distract consumers and make the monitors more difficult to intuitively navigate. There are four new digital video monitors in the range, with an opening price point of £79.99 RRP up to £179.99. Web:
Tel: 01235 546810 Web:
Soothing on the go Keep baby calm with the VTech Safe & Sound Myla the Monkey Portable Soother. This portable soother attaches almost anywhere and lets you choose from five gentle lullabies and five soothing sounds including white noise to relax your little one while on the go. The flexible tail on this monkey-shaped soother hooks onto door handles, pushchair handles and even car seats. The VTech Safe & Sound Myla the Monkey Portable Soother’s cheeks light up as a soft-glow nightlight to soothe your little one after dark. Plus, a rechargeable battery means no matter how many times you use the soother, you won’t have to worry about replacing the batteries. All items will be available at all good toy retailers in Autumn/ Winter.
Smooth mover Parents don’t vibrate like bouncyy seats or swingg like swings, g , theyy bounce and sway, y, and that’s what the mamaRoo does: it moves like you do. m The 4moms team used motion sensors too measure the movements of real mums and dads as they soothed their d babies and replicated those motions in the mamaRoo. It’s the only infant seat that has five unique motions to choose from as well as being Bluetooth enabled – allowing you to control both the motion and sound of your mamaRoo remotely from a smart device. It also features built-in nature sounds and an MP3 plug in.
o rk e w d C anlon gs i a rt a sm e a evi c d
Tel: 0161 335 2500 Web: www.4momsuk.
Tel: 01235 546810 Web: nursery today
The breast of times We all have to eat, but for the majority of babies, this means being breastfed by their mothers. We take a closer look. reastfeeding is a time of bonding but can also be an area that causes huge anxiety for new mothers. These anxieties can vary for a number of reasons: is baby getting enough milk, a feeling of perhaps awkwardness when out in public spaces, sourcing a comfortable nursing bra and of course, which breast pump, bottles and teats to use. Charlotte Price, Medela UK’s marketing manager understands this level of anxiety. “A mother-to-be preparing to breastfeed will have a plethora of questions to research, but one thing is for sure, they will be keen to know what kit they need to support the experience.” Breast milk is naturally what’s best for baby, but our modern day society and lifestyle choices dictate that for some mums it may be time to go back to the workplace by the time their little one is as young as three months old. This of course can bring other problems and dilemmas. One will be the transition from breast to bottle. For this reason, products are required for both the expressing of milk and also bottles with teats that make this a smooth transition. We asked Nuk’s marketing manager, Chris Clarke what difficulties mums may experience when transitioning from breast to bottle? “Babies can struggle to adapt to the feel of a teat as in the majority of cases these are made of silicone which isn’t as soft or pliable as a nipple during natural breastfeeding,” commented omment
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The Lanc et journa l sh ow ed th at th e U K ha s th e lo w est brea st feed in g ld . ” ra te in th e rkew, or NUK Chris Cla
nursery today
Chris. “The shape of the teat can also negatively impact the transition from breast to bottle as some teats don’t necessarily mimic the shape of the nipple.” So with this in mind, how to manufacturers assist and offer support to help ease any concerns? “Within the nursery industry generally it is clear there is a commitment to share knowledge and provide a supportive community to guide parents through this all important period,” said Charlotte. Of course, it’s not just about returning to work when we look at expressing milk. Mothers will express for a variety of reasons, for example, giving dad the opportunity to bottle feed baby or to enable both parents to spend time together perhaps on a night out. Or indeed, it may just be that mum doesn’t relish the thought of breastfeeding in public. So if we are looking at expressing milk, we asked Charlotte her thoughts as to why mums turn to the use of breastpumps? “There are many reasons why a family will choose to use a breastpump, it might be to have a night out, attend a wedding, return to work, or it might be if their baby is poorly, or born too soon. “Also some mums with multiples may need to increase their supply by expressing. Just like breastfeeding, expressing is a personal choice, but when a woman chooses to do so it is imperative they are using an effective pump that does the job well – a good pump will undoubtedly support a mum to achieve their breastfeeding goals and feed for as long as they choose to do so. A bad breastpump may well stop the experience right away.” How does technology play a role when looking at breastpumps? Charlotte responded. “As a brand that researches breastfeeding tirelessly Medela is at the forefront of the most technologically advanced products to support breastfeeding. “The development of our 2-phase expression technology has seen us advance a pump that cleverly mimics the way a baby naturally feeds at the breast, promising the most natural and efficient pumping experience. It is no surprise Medela is trusted by health professionals around the world.” Birth rates were reportedly up during 2015 (697,852 live births in England and Wales, up 0.4% from 2014, information released 13th July 2016 by the Office of National Statistics) and although we have to wait until midway through 2017 for the 2016
Th ere are any re as on s w h y a m w ill c h oo se to fausem ilay b re astpu mp , it m ig to h ave a n ig h t ouhtt b e atten d a w e dd in g, re , to w o rk , o r it m ig h tu rn if t h ei r b ab y is p oot b e r o r b o rn too soon ly, Charlo
tte Price, Med ela UK
rates to be announced, that’s an awful lot of mouths all crying for attention and breastmilk, or so you would think. Chris told us that we are actually experiencing a decline in the number of new mothers who are breastfeeding in the UK, which is also increasing the use in bottles and teats. “A 2016 study by The Lancet medical journal showed that the UK has the lowest breastfeeding rate in the world with just 1 in 200 babies breastfeed up to the age of 12 months in the UK, this statistic demonstrates that for whatever reason UK mums are turning to bottles and teats as a means of feeding their child.” This could be why many suppliers and manufacturers in this category are experiencing a continued growth in not only bottles and breast pumps, but also within the general accessories that are associated to this sector. Breastfeeding bra’s and tops are a superb example. We asked Liz Morana, Director of Mumba Designs whether there any particular trends at present with regard to nursing bras? “The focus is still around multi-sizing; offering a bra that can fit many different sizes and reduce the retailer’s SKU holding.” Said Liz. “This obviously is also a plus for mums too, as this type of bra is good value, taking mums from maternity through to nursing.” But what about style? Is this considered more important than perhaps function? Liz feels that there is more demand for all-day comfort. “Many mums, particularly young mums, won’t forfeit style over function. Within the industry we have seen much development to combine both fashion and function, with brands such as ourselves combining our patented multi-functional features with comfort and style.” So get on the breastfeeding express – take a look at the following pages for products that are currently available.
The survey says‌ The nursery marketing specialists, FanFinders surveyed 2998 consumers via their platform Your Baby Club focusing on breastpumps and breastfeeding. Here’s the results. Did you breast feed?
Yes, exclusively: 1010 Combination: 1022 No: 966 How does the breast feeding issue make you feel?
Guilty because I struggled: 892 I was largely unaffected emotionally by feeding choices: 787 Proud, because I did it: 1319 Did you use a breast pump?
Yes: 1528 No: 1470 When making a purchase do you seek recommendations?
Yes, I like to research thoroughly: 2049 A little, maybe read a few reviews: 908 No: 41
nursery today
M a nu f a c t u r e d in t h e U K
Being discrete
Lotus Maternity is proud to launch its new, UK manufactured, nursing tops this summer. The tops, designed ‘by midwives for mothers,’ allow women to feel at ease while breastfeeding in public. Their lightweight design offers complete discretion, without compromising functionality of ensuring correct positioning and attachment. The exclusive collection offers a combination of style and purpose. The equally exquisite fabrics also mean they are the kind of pieces that you’ll love wearing now and long after you’ve finished feeding. To see the full range like them @lotusmaternity on twitter, facebook and instagram. Or register on their website to sign up to their mailing list. Web:
Grab your limited edition An essential for every breastfeeding mum is a comfortable, supportive and stylish nursing bra and the luxiourously soft body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra from Bravado Designs is now available in Limited Edition, Dove Heather. Featuring convertible criss-cross straps, this nursing bra provides the ultimate support. Designed with patented Silverbreeze technology to support low impact activity such as yoga, pilates and walking, as well as everyday activity this pioneering bra features an anti-microbial finish that is applied to its fabric, helping to control the growth of odour that causes bacteria. With Bravado Designs, mums will be odour free and supported all day long! Web:
milk e s i m i x a M ce ctileoctrin e ultimate choi produ ast Pump is th re B c e th E gether with -1 Double
in ility to Lansinoh’s 2fort and flexib ho want com pression. ex le ub do for women w e customisable er single or th ei of e , featuring thre nc ty ie ili ab each st ju conven ad ed ilk production, enhanc to maximise m Designed with d re n. io ilo at ta is be om e cust that can vels for ultimat k suction pumping styles ght suction le ei display to trac s D ha C e L yl e st rg la a s ha ch is also pumping hi so w al t design east pump br e us to e pl The lightweigh ilk is a sim teed against m ing, making th system, guaran and phase sett ed os cl ic en a hygi designed with be. tu e th ng enteri ns Web:
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& 'M Y U S F Y B JCM F
Support in more ways than one
Expressing in harmony Medela have been supporting breastfeeding mothers for over 50 years, and thanks to their extensive research into the science of breastfeeding they have developed the most technologically advanced breastpumps and breastfeeding accessories that are trusted and loved by parents, celebrities and healthcare professionals across the globe. Their breastpumps have won countless awards, including a Which? Best Buy and Mother & Baby Gold on more than one occasion, and are found in 94% of UK hospitals. The brands collection of breastpumps will support every mother, whether choosing their much loved Harmony manual bump, the iconic Swing electric breastpump or the Freestyle double electric which has been cited the Rolls Royce of pumps – they have something for everyone!
Mumba Bra is a unique all-in-one pregnancy and nursing bra. A great value product for mums, combining supreme comfort, support and unique features to support mums on their pregnancy and breastfeeding journey. Made using luxuriously soft advance 4-way stretch fabric, one size adjusts with a mum as she grows. This is combined with innovative features to put mums at ease as they embark on their breastfeeding experience. -Unique Mumba clasp - helps mums track which breast to feed from next. -Original BabyFocus print - helps calm and focus baby’s whist feeding. -Innovative discretion panel - allows for discreet feeding in public. With the simple sizing of Small, Medium and Large, the Mumba Bra is the only bra a mum will need. Web:
Tel: 0161 776 0400 Web:
Just bag it!
launch of NUK has recently extended its breastfeeding accessories range with the way of hygienic and l practica a offer bags al individu x Breast Milk Bags. The 25 milk in the store and pump breast or hand via express Simply milk. breast storing months. six the fridge for up to five days or the freezer for up to space They are made of hard wearing freezer safe material, which takes up less double proof leak a with sterilised ready come and rs, containe than plastic storage seal. Available now with an RSP of £6.99. Email:
nursery today
or f b r e S up t m ilk b re a s a g e st o r
Modern way to nightfeed Thanks to the modern, sleek and innovative Meelight from Meemoobaby nightfeeds are about to change forever! The ingenious Meelight cleverly attaches to clothing, making the nightshift that little bit easier, especially during those late-night feeds and nappy changes! The unique feeding and care Meelight is portable and with no stimulating blue light, parents will be able to see using the innovative Meelight but little ones won’t be disturbed, supporting parents during those late night wake up calls, but also helping little ones drift back to a peaceful sleep.
Tel: 01730 895761 Web:
Warm it up NUK has recently launched a brand new bottle warmer designed to make life easier for parents. New parents know the problem: repeatedly checking the thermometer – is the bottle now too hot or too cold? What is the ideal temperature for the milk? Well with the new NUK Thermo Express Bottle Warmer these concerns are a thing of the past; in just 90 seconds milk is gently warmed to the right temperature which ensures that all the important nutrients and vitamins are retained and mum and dad have peace of mind. Email:
Ameda has a passion After a staggering 70 years, Ameda’s passion for breastfeeding and quality of products continues to grow. Recognised by a number of industry awards, the Ameda brand puts breastfeeding mums in charge whilst representing true value for money.
The Ameda Difference Hospital-approved Piston Technology allows mum to mimic her baby’s sucking technique using independent ‘Speed’ and ‘Suction’ dials for total customisation during her pumping experience. This Dual-Adjustability provides up to 32 settings that mum can select to optimise her milk flow and comfort and can create a multi-phase pumping experience. Ameda’s Unique Features include:
CustomControl Independent ‘Speed’ and ‘Suction’ dials allow every mum to tailor the
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pump’s performance to her own unique personal needs.
CustomFit Seven breast flange sizes that adapt to all Ameda pumps allows for a more comfortable and customised fit.
Airlock Protection The world’s only breast pump kit with proven anti-viral protection barrier protects the breast pump and breastmilk from bacteria, mould and viruses - keeping mum’s milk pure. The Purely Yours range includes the Lactaline Double and the Una Single Electric Breast Pumps. Both have proven to be extremely reliable and represents excellent value for money; optimising comfort, convenience and therefore better milk flow in less time. Tel: 01785 503 305 Web:
NEW pric lowe r e £4 9.99
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Six Cheeky Solutions
Cheeky Chompers, the multi award-winning brand behind the iconic and original dribble bib, the Neckerchew, is proud to present its latest innovation. Introducing the MultiMuslin, from the brands highly anticipated muslin collection, yet another ingenious product with a cheeky twist to make parenting a little easier. The MultiMuslin is one beautiful organic muslin, with six clever uses. Thanks to its truly thoughtful design, this innovative product cleverly brings together six baby essentials in one, incorporating a nursing cover, burp cloth, attachable shade for pushchairs, blanket, swaddle and two soft silicon teething rings attached, for your little one to chew on. With muslin fabric being very much on trend and showing no signs of slowing down, the Cheeky Chompers team wanted to create a collection using 100% organic super soft muslin, but adding their cheeky innovative twists that parents have come to know and love! Key to these new designs are the premium quality, stylish designs, innovative edge and attachability that the Cheeky Chompers brand is known for. A fantastic innovation, the MultiMuslin eliminates the need for six different products in your changing bag as it brings together six solutions in one essential product. The MultiMuslin is made in the UK and is set to be another huge hit as it seamlessly makes everyday parenting easier.
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Tel: 07739 390 100 Email: Web:
Get boppy
Pillow from Chicco is a versatile four-in-one aid to help both mum and o Boppy Bo he B The T Th much needed support. The pillow has an exclusive ergonomic receive y by b a baby b ba ap that provides a snug and secure fit for every mum, making it an ideal shape shap sh for breastfeeding. The internal padding provides support for the baby, solution sol so exclusive insert allows the Boppy pillow to adapt to the shape of the h while wh w mum without losing its original shape or being too tight. every ev ev After feeding, Boppy continues to play a crucial role in supporting a development as the pillow becomes a cosy nest which allows babies baby’s b two months to relax with their head slightly raised, assisting digestion from frr and a avoiding regurgitation. g From six months, Boppy helps encourage movement training by providin a ccomfortable cushion that facilitates the development of motor pe entation and coordination. Finally, from nine months, the pillow helps experim eexxpe expe ppo the baby to maintain their balance, training them to gradually remain upp support su d oon their own. seated sseeaatted Web: ww
Express on the go! st Pump provides a
Lansinoh’s Manual Brea portable and convenient option for ess breastfeeding women who want to expr e. mov the on st whil fort discreetly and in com h switc le simp a use, of ease for gned Desi to you at the top of the handle enables switch between the ‘let down’ and ‘expression’ phases. The ‘let down’ style at the start of phase mimics baby’s natural sucking phase replicates on’ ressi ‘exp the feeding process. The ng duri es mak baby s draw er the longer, slow . ding stfee brea st Pump can The ergonomic handle means this Brea strain on any ing plac out with hand be used with one your wrist. Web:
nursery today
Supporting Nursing Mums Carriwell has been designing and developing comfortable, supportive underwear for both expectant and nursing mums since 1996. At Carriwell, their core focus and passion is supporting the miracle of childbirth and breastfeeding. Their aim is to enhance the skin-to-skin contact and nursing experience between Mum and baby That is why Carriwell was extremely proud to receive the BANTA award for the New Innovative Carriwell Padded GelWire Support Nursing Bra. Designed for fuller breasts and curves, this patented “seamless� nursing bra combines unique GelWire support with light removable moulded pads to create exceptional support and beautiful shape. The unique Gelwire has been recommended by numerous midwives and lactation consulates as the healthy alternative too underwire bras when breast-feeding. Carriwell creates AND manufactures a range seamless, comfortable and functional nursing bras that all follow its simple four size concept with is both simple for shops and mums alike. Tel: 0203 637 6385 Email: Web: www.carriwell.coom
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social media ROSS HEWITT
1997 - a big year for media births! Well, well, well‌Nursery Today is 20 years old. It has come of age and is a bairn no more as teenage life slowly disappears in the rear-view mirror. ongratulations to the current team and to all who have sailed in her over the years. Coincidentally, social media is also 20 2 years old this year, or so it can be argued. In my opinion it all began a when w AOL launched their Instant Messenger service in 1997. Members M of o this service could create a personal profi p le which included a biography and a they could share information about them themselves and send messages to other peo people on the network.
C in g t , M an a g an d it w e H s s Ro Pi e o f S ec ret l M e d i a ’. r o t c e ir D ia ‘S avvy S oc in g a ut h o r o f h is d ig ita l m a rket st r n R o s s b e g a 9 8 an d h a d h is fi y tr 19 c a reer in t h e nu r sery in dus o t & fo r a y in M a rket in g o s s in f o d a e H r as ver C c e fo r S il ec ret Pi e in r e m m o c E S e set up g 2 0 0 8 . H d h a s b een h e lp in n a d e lo v 2 0 10 foun d an d t e g s t n e . c li r s in c e on lin e eve i e .c o .uk etp w w w.sec r etp i e .c o .uk ec r | R o s s @ s 4 10 0 2 7 | 0 1 9 0 4 ec ret _ Pi e @S | Tw itter :
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Profiles were also searchable which was a brand-new concept at the time. In the same year was born and followed the theory that there are only six degrees of separation between you and anyone else on the planet. This site, which is now dead and buried, also allowed members to create profiles, share updates and search for other users and it also introduced the ability to invite friends to join and to create groups. You can see how those two
services established the framework and familiarity of functionality that we enjoy/hate today in the mainstream services that we use. The only thing holding back the boom of social media was access to cheaper home computers and affordable and reliable internet access at home. This all began to shift gears as we approached the millennium. Remember those annoying AOL CDs
that used to be stuck in magazines and how many of you were Freeserve customers around the turn of the century? We were always, and still are, a few years behind America when it comes to connectivity and digital initiatives but the dramatic uptake of home internet access in the US from 1998 onwards saw more and more investment of time and money into how the internet could be exploited and social media was soon to become one of the booming categories. The launch of Friendster in 2002 was the next major milestone and this introduced ‘circles of friends’ and managed to recruit over 3 million members before it was a year old. Friendster is important because it focused on the reality that a strong and engaging community is likely to be created by people who either already know each other or who have many crossovers of interest. Compare that to that seemed to want to connect as many ‘strangers’ together as it could. The following year Myspace was launched and this was top dog for a
few years as it resonated with younger people and allowed them to have a much more personal online profile than any that had predated it. The integration with music and entertainment was also key to its success as it stitched in areas of commonality that had existed between people for thousands of years already. 2003 was also a landmark year as that is when LinkedIn was launched, veering away from people’s personal interests and carving a very large niche for business use and still going strong today. Some of you may have heard of Facebook? This was launched in 2004 but was initially a closed-circuit service for Harvard students but opened its doors to the world in 2006. The rest is history (and future) with this particular platform. There are many theories as to why Facebook has surged ahead of all others. It may be down to the ‘Like’ button, which is still a main feature today and one of the metrics that businesses judge post success by. That ‘Like’ button was the first social media feature to burst outside of its own
S oc ia l med ia is also 2 0 ye ar s old th is ye ar, or so it can be argued . In my op in ion it all be gan w hen A O L la un ch ed th ei r In stant M es seng er servic e in 19 9 7 platform and start appearing across the internet by letting website owners add it to their own content for people to quickly share back on Facebook with their friends. A trick that Twitter quickly cottoned on to. Despite its many faults and evils, Facebook’s success is largely due to it being the first platform that was easy to use that seemed to inspire people to properly share their thoughts and feelings in a ‘safe’ environment. This feels like the key to success for a social media service…technology has changed but people haven’t. Humans want to be ‘heard’ and want to know that people know they exist. The reason baby ducks swimming behind their mother quack all the time
is to let mum know that they are still there and that they are OK. I think a similar need drives the vast majority of social media posts…” I’m still here!”. As for the future, take heed of visual services. Instagram and Pinterest lead the charge here and Facebook has adapted itself strongly with video and live streaming. Our next big online behaviour is personal broadcasting and augmented reality. Both bring many a customer service headache for our industry balanced with many rich cinematic opportunities for marketing communications. Anyway, enough of tomorrow… Happy Birthday Nursery Today… cheers *clink*.
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Changing world
arents have so much to carry when leaving the house, often including nappies, nappy cream, nappy sacks, wipes, bottles, burp cloths, pacifiers, change of clothing and toys for entertaining. But what about mum or dad? These bags also need to carry their bits and bobs! We are now fortunate that manufacturers are focussed on the function of the bag to ensure there is also room for all those other essential items, for example, mobile phone, keys, purse or wallet! We asked Ergobaby’s Amanda Loveday her thoughts on how changing bags have evolved over the years? “Change bags have historically been known as a big bulky bag to carry all of baby’s gear, but years on change bags have become more of a fashion item for most, combining all of the baby gear with a handbag.” The team at OiOi have noted many changes over the years, Lisa Bennetts has seen it adapt and change as a product category, with perhaps the most notable being the shift in attitude towards style and price points. “The OiOi team has seen baby changing bags come full circle. When OiOi started all that was available for new parents were simple and inexpensive, not well thought through designs, that didn’t blend with modern lifestyles. There was nothing available for a parent who was looking for an extension of everyday life, both in style and functionality and the offer was limited back in the 90’s! “Today there is a wide offer, both in design and price, with a big shift back towards middle and lower priced bags, as the market becomes more competitive again. OiOi has created its new range with this in mind, to fully meet today’s parents’ needs. A functional well priced bag, without compromise on the original OiOi design, style, finish and quality.”
nursery today
Talking of trends, we saw the introduction of oversized handbags which quickly became a fashion statement for many and also one that followed by design into changing bags – what is on trend at present? “Backpack shape options are definitely in fashion, as are those for dad to carry too!” Said Amanda. “Brands designing change bags closer to a handbag trend-led style are also very popular.” The changing dynamic of this sector has always been followed closely by manufacturers, with one notable being the need to produce bags that are able to be considered a fashionable handbag and OiOi are a brand that followed these trends this over the years. “The market was ready for a more sophisticated stylish look. What OiOi did was to create an everyday changing bag using fabrications and detail found in mainstream, upmarket handbags. For example: leather, quality microfibre, prints, texture and plains, adding an easy care finish and essential accessories.” We asked the founder of Kerikit, Keri Jamieson, who as a mother herself and a designer of fashionable and on trend changing bags, what she considers the main attributes of a good changing bag? “Firstly you need to make sure it’s going to big enough. It’s amazing how much you need for a day out with your baby and you don’t want to be carrying two bags if possible. Secondly have a good look at the internal layout, you want a good opening at the top so you can see everything easily and as many external pockets as possible enabling you to grab urgent items quickly. “The bag should work for you and your baby, not just baby. You need space for your own items and really importantly your own water. It’s so easy to become dehydrated when you’re rushing about and dealing with your little one. Backpacks are a great idea when your children are a bit older as when you
Picture courtesy of OiOi
A changing bag is no longer viewed as an essential baby product, it’s far more than that – it’s a trend setting accessory that has evolved to become a strong follower of fashion.
Tod a y t h ere is a “ w ide o ffer,
b ot h an d p ri ce , w it hin adbes ign sh ift b ac k to w ard s ig m idd le an d lo w er p b ags, as t h e m arkeritce d b ec o mes mo re co mp et it ive ag a in . Lisa Bennetts, OiOi
don’t have the be glad have b both d ’ h h pram you will ill b l d you h h hands free – especially if you have more than one child.” With changing bags now clearly a fashion accessory, what are mums seeking – is it function or style? Amanda feels that it is both! “Functionality is still key for mum’s looking at change bags and therefore making sure there is enough pockets for organisation and other necessities, such as thermal pockets and a changing mat included are now an essential feature. However, they look for this in combination with style and fashion!” What about brands, how important are they to this sector? Keri feels that although they clearly have their place in the category, it’s more about personal choice. “The issue with brands is that generally you are paying for the brand name and not the quality. A baby changing bag by one of the top designers will set you back over £800 but the functionality will often be less than that of a nylon bag for £75. However, it’s all about what the customer wants.” Whether you customers are looking to spend £30 or £300 – changing bag suppliers and manufactured have it ‘all in the bag’ for you.
tion Total organisa ISOKI offers 13 pockets -
The best-selling, Double Zip Satchel from main organising everything mums need! Available in five colourways, the two toys, clothes, nappies, hold to inner compartments have numerous pockets fabric wipes and creams. Each section is lined with beautiful Isoki waterproof front down, drop outside The secure. ng everythi keeps closing zip the and tidy. pocket allows easy access to keys, wallet, and phone and keeps everything insulated mat, change large a purse, a with Each award-winning bag comes bottle carrier, shoulder strap and removable stroller clips. RRP £69.95 Tel: 01992 440 293 Web:
Style, Function & Money Great Value for bags, offers style and Summer Infant’s comprehensive range of changing great functionality but at affordable prices. The range consists of ten bags, each with their own distinctive design and colourways to suit a range of different consumers’ tastes. Summer Infant understands how important it is for Mums to have a changing bag they love - that’s why each style of bag has been thoughtfully designed, with lots of pockets and a separate external ‘secure’ pocket for keeping keys or purses safe and to hand. They all come with both carry handles and a carry strap as well as really useful universal buggy straps so the bag can be hung from the pushchair, so avoiding the need to purchase separate buggy hooks. Each bag also contains a handy changing pad that folds neatly away. Web:
nursery today
A bag is more than an accessory
Co-ordinate to the pram Bebecar supply changing bags to match all their fabric colours, to provide the stylish finishing touch to a customer’s new pram. The Carre bag is a messenger-style, featuring a large internal mesh pocket, two internal elasticated bottle straps, two external side pockets, and including a washable changing mat. Selected fabrics from the Prive fabric collection are also available in the SPE shape – a rounded, bowling-bag style with short handles and a shoulder strap. Ideal as a matching add-on item to a new pram, or for those who fall in love with one of Bebecar’s gorgeous fabrics and want to accessorise a plainer pushchair.
Multi-award-winning and hand-crafted in her own atelier, these covetable pieces are for women who seek quality, fashion and functionality; for those who seek effortless style and substance. Whether for nappies and wipes or lipgloss and laptops, KeriKit bags are designed for life – your life. Tel: 0161 818 9038 Email: Web:
Tel: 01692 408801 Web:
b ri c s a f l a c i t u na Fa bulous
Practical end and on tr handbags to does not mean throwing all your best
These days having a baby the very basic of accessories. one side and resigning yourself to only ticality as well as coming in the The Sodbury changing bag offers prac the extra strength in both strap and nts, acce on-trend nautical stripe and leather out compromising on style. lining keeps the bags functionality with bag comes with both pram straps and So as not to skimp on accessories this babies needs at any moment. changing mat preparing you for your pram changing bag available with pockets, ol Brist Redkite also offer the new a on style listic simp this bag gives you straps and changing mat as standard budget! Tel: 01454 326555 Web:
nursery today
Parenting ierhas been to make parenting maaddecaede, Eergobaabs ging y’s mission They are brin baby carriers.
For over mfortable EW range of innovative, co sign to their N de t ar sm easier through d an . l of comfort herever you go y that same leve u organised w yo organised ever u ep yo ke ep at ke th to ed ne ll u’ k change bags ackpac everything yo I Go (Slim) B Designed with the Anywhere , , along with 13 or ng do ili e ta th t de ou aterials and m time you walk nt lle pe re ium water features prem h storage. of easy to reac ts lo r fo uk o. pockets .c baby e@ergo Email: servic er w. w w Web:
H an d y itno ke e p ! the bag
Grab and go The Angelcare On-The-Go Refill Bags Pack offer 50 On-The-Go Smell-Free disposable bags for use with your Angelcare Dispenser. Each On-TheGo bag offers the same Odour Control Technology and Protection found in the Angelcare Refill Cassettes. Tried and tested against millions of nappies around the world, while you’re out and about with your little ones Each individual bag also uses the Angelcare Easy Knot to ensure those bad smells are locked away tight while you find the proper place to dispose of the bag. Tel: 01785 503 305 Web:
OiOi release latest range The first of its kind, OiOi was born in 1997 with a desire to provide parents with a baby bag that reflected their style and not their baby’s. Twenty years later, OiOi continues to be one step ahead of trends. New season fashion meets functional and innovative designs and they are excited to release their latest range. The Instagram community worldwide has responded enthusiastically to these new designs, with many mums sharing photos of themselves enjoying their OiOi bag. @oioibabybags Stylish and practical, OiOi Baby Bags are known for their superb quality and reliability. Loved for their spectacular designs. Web:
p! It’s a wugglra offers big e is a clever little changing ‘wrap’ that
The BumGo from Shn about or travelling. convenience – when at home, out and padded mat included, BumGo’s tly Lots of storage pockets and a sligh the s dispenser. Pop a pack of wipes into innovation lies in its ‘always ready’ wipe and spills ups, spit for ed need grab when pocket on the top of BumGo and just e -no more rummaging! ssibl acce ntly insta are they s, quick clean from a stroller for quick wipes access ing hang for BumGo has a stroller loop bag can fit neatly inside a larger changing and grab and go changing, or BumGo or in the stroller basket. ance save on valuable hand luggage allow BumGo is perfect for airline travel to and is handy enough to keep in car seat back or door pockets, meaning BumGo is great for car journeys too! Versatile and stylish, BumGo really is a little wrap of essential innovation Email: Web:
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Sponsored by
new! Outsmart bad odours
Prince Lionheart is proud to debut their patented Twist’R Nappy Disposal System that truly does not smell, is easy to use and looks good! Twist’R does what other nappy bins claim to do: OUTSMARTS ODOURS. No kneeling, bending, cutting or tying required. It comes fully assembled and ready to use. Simply drop the dirty nappy, step on the foot pedal, and the nappy and smells disappear! Twist’R OUTSMARTS ODOURS in four ways: Self-Sealing Doors that isolate dirty nappies, Activated Charcoal that adsorbs odours, patented Twist Technology that seals in odours, and a 7-Layer Bag that traps odour molecules. Tel: 020 8997 7054 Email:
Six Cheeky Solutions rs is
Cheeky Chompe proud to present its latest innovation. Introducing the MultiMuslin, from the brands highly anticipated muslin collection, yet another ingenious product with a cheeky twist to make parenting a little easier. The MultiMuslin is one beautiful organic vative product to its truly thoughtful design, this inno muslin, with six clever uses. Thanks cover, burp tials in one, incorporating a nursing cleverly brings together six baby essen teething n silico soft rs, blanket, swaddle and two cloth, attachable shade for pushchai on. rings attached, for your little one to chew down, trend and showing no signs of slowing on h muc very g bein ic fabr lin With mus r soft supe nic orga to create a collection using 100% the Cheeky Chompers team wanted and know to e com have nts vative twists that pare muslin, but adding their cheeky inno vative edge premium quality, stylish designs, inno the are ns desig new e love! Key to thes mpers brand is known for. and attachability that the Cheeky Cho products slin eliminates the need for six different tiMu Mul the A fantastic innovation, uct. prod tial essen one in tions ther six solu in your changing bag as it brings toge seamlessly and is set to be another huge hit as it UK the in e mad is slin tiMu Mul The makes everyday parenting easier. m Email: Web:
Take a turn
MAM spoons have it covered
The MAM feeding spoons and cover now have a new heat sensitive feature and come in two sizes to help ease the transition to self-feeding. These spoons have also recently received an upgrade and are now heat sensitive so they will change colour if the food temperature is too hot for baby. The spoons also feature soft, pliable scoops that are gentle on baby’s gums. Structured handles incorporate an innovative rubber grip that is placed exactly where needed most – at the end of the long handle for adult hands; in the middle of the shorter spoon for baby’s small hands. The small, protective cover conveniently stores both spoons for on-the-go meals and easily tucks into mom’s diaper bag without taking up precious space. Its functional design also allows parents to store each spoon separately, so one spoon remains clean, even if the other is dirty. Web:
nursery today
Introducing the RECARO Zero.1 Elite, an innovative i-Size child safety seat which provides a versatile solution for in the car, on a stroller and even into the home. Suitable for use from birth, the smaller, removable infant carrier secures inside the main seat with colour indicators to confirm the safe installation. The carrier can be used up to 76cm (maximum 9kg) and it can be removed from the seat for use on a stroller, or easily taken into the home without causing any disruption to a sleeping baby. The lightweight carrier has three height settings, a three-point harness and a flexible insert cushion for smaller babies. The carrier is compatible with the RECARO Citylife, Easylife as well as other manufacturer’s strollers. The Zero.1 Elite i-Size can remain in the extended rear facing position up to the maximum height of 105cm; alternatively the seat can be used in the forward facing position once the child reaches 15months. The 360̊ rotating function ensures ease of use when securing or removing the child as well as when the direction of travel is changed. The permanently integrated isofix base features colour indicators which provide peace of mind that the seat is correctly installed. Web:
All about teamwork Venicci has been established and introduced to the UK’s market in 2011. Since then it has been successfully growing and fast becoming one of the leading suppliers for pushchairs and prams. Here we find out a bit more about this expanding company and their brand values. enicci work closely with a number of factories and designers from different parts of the world to ensure the products they deliver are original, stylish and inventive but also conventional and simple to o use. It is vital that their customers are provided with high quality products at an affordable price, which does not have an impact on the remarkably high level of safety. An area that Venicci are proud of is their ability to deliver top-quality products and a fantastic service. They love hearing what people think hink of them. They understand
that behind the greatest awards there needs to be an even greater team. All orders are processed on a regular basis, which result in fast delivery of goods. Moreover, Venicci provide all of their existing customers with information regarding special in ooffers on their products. Their hardworking and dedicated tteam ensures they deliver not oonly the highest level of service but also satisfaction with the bu pa partnership between Venicci and their clients. the They are pleased to also state that they are available at any time tha to eensure they provide all the nec necessary information about their pro products and to answer any que queries. The team feel that it is vital that their customers are up-to-date with important information and changes regarding their products. On a regular basis they answer any queries from existing and potential customers, whether it is over the phone, e-mail, website, Facebook page or other social media channels, where they also organise contests and promote their partners. Venicci strongly believe in trade shows. Every year, Venicci attend industry related events, including the International Nursery Fair in Harrogate. This allows their existing and potential new customers to view the products they have on offer and to see what they have prepared for the upcoming season. This year, for example, they introduced six new Travel Systems, including Venicci Pure Stone Grey, which is exactly the same as their Venicci Pure Denim Grey, just in a
A n a a t h at V en ic c i a re re p t h eir a b il ity troo udde o f is top - qu a lity p ro duliver an d a fanta st ic c ts ser vic e .
much lighter shade of grey. Their new Venicci Shadow in two colours Denim Grey and Midnight Blue, which is similar to their Venicci Pure, but instead of white chassis and white leatherette parts, they replaced it with black. Last but not least, Venicci Gusto in three classic colours: Cream, Navy and Black. The brown finish including leatherette handle and black gloss chassis, give the Travel System a luxury and stylish look. Due to the wide range of products they can offer, they believe that you will be able to find the ideal Travel System to meet your customers ever demanding requirements. Tel: 01302 953872 Email: Web:
nursery today
Brick by brick Helston Baby Centre first launched as an online only retailer, how things have changed over the years. We spoke with director, Triston Allerton to find out more. You first launched online in 2011, then your first showroom in 2012 - what was the driving force behind this?
We always intended to be a bricks and mortar business, but with limited funds we first launched as an online only business. We quickly realised that there wasn’t a future in being only an online commodity and that we needed to also have a showroom. It was extremely evident that in the nursery sector this is a necessity not only to gain the key brands, but to be able to demonstrate to our customers the product ranges that we focus on. This turned into a very successful move for us and subsequently we have now moved to a second longer location.
Would you say that you are a specialist in a particular nursery category?
We are totally focussed on wheeled goods and car seats. We tend to stock very limited ranges of the smaller items. Our customers visit us purely to look at wheels and cars seats and we experience a very limited interest in products outside of these two categories. One of the advantages for us is that we have car parking facilities outside our showroom, so we are able to offer a car seat fitting service and space to demonstrate how these products work within the vehicle.
Does this give you an ‘edge’ over your competition?
Yes, most definitely. We have a small branch of a multiple retailer close by and our advantage is that we are able to provide a much more comprehensive range of products within our chosen field of expertise. We also have the ability to fit seats for our customers, which is something they sometimes struggle with.
nursery today
As a specialist independent car seat and pushchair retailer, how important are brands to you?
Brands are extremely important and here in Cornwall we are a little bit behind the times with trends. Our customers are brand aware though and they tend to have an idea of their specific requirements before entering the store.
Have you got a particular brand that parents just can’t get enough of at the moment?
There are two brands at present that our customers just can’t get enough of. iCandy (Peach and Peach All Terrain, which consistently sell well for us), the other being Mamas & Papas Ocarro, which is flying out of the door at the moment!
Have you experienced ced any y particular consumer trends recently?
brochures that we seem to receive. Of course, these are absolutely vital as they are key to converting the sale and keeping the customers coming back to us, but we need them to be fully up to date and relevant. The other area that we require from our suppliers is a quick turnaround service on repairs – again this is vitally important.
Have you expanded your product offering recently to include other ranges?
We have recently started to offer a limited range of nursery furniture. It’s early days though and we will see how that goes.
As we work in such an emotive industry, how do you manage your customer service expectations in store?
Yes, grey is still the main trend. Basically anything providing it’s grey! A big well done to BabyStyle who gave us independents an exclusive with the Egg in Quantum Grey.
Do you feel you receive adequate support from your suppliers? Is there anymore they could offer?
Most of our suppliers are pretty good and we have solid relationships with them. One thing that does concern me however is the climbing numbers of
BabyStyle Egg Quantum Grey
We always try to keep customers happy. Although naturally everyone appreciates that we can’t please everyone all of the time – this is where strong supplier back up comes in. We do know though that if you go that extra mile it is extremely appreciated.
How has the internet affected you over the years? To begin with it was our lifeline but it is something that we now have mixed feelings about. Of course, it is great as a tool to promote your business, but you have to be extremely vigilant with regard online discounting, etc.
Would you say you have a strong online presence - both via your website and also through Social Media? How important are these to your business?
Again, this if very important. Social Media we are finding is a good resource that we have experienced a success with. We intend to use this more in the future and strengthen this tool to communicate with customers.
aware, or do you find there is still confusion out there?
There is a massive amount of confusion out there and this is an area that I am extremely concerned about. At the moment there is so much conflicting information circulating and our customers are completely bewildered. Some people for example come in asking if they can still use their existing car seat – the majority of the time the answer is yes, although sometimes looking at some of the seats they have, it may be better that they did. A huge area of concern is the misinformation that midwives, etc. seem to be sending out. That’s always a worry. There needs to be a better push by everyone (manufacturers/suppliers/ associations) to ensure as an industry we are all working from and giving the same information.
We are currently celebrating our 20th anniversary, what would you consider for you since opening has been the most important and challenging change during this time?
Do you find that your customers research more online than previously? Are For us it has to be the opening of our they brand focussed? new store. It is three times the size of
Yes, they are totally brand focussed and more often than not they know what they want before they come in. However, via the use of the web, they also know the price they are prepared to pay. We price match where possible, but sometimes it does get to silly levels making it impossible to compete. If there is a particular product that constantly reaches this point then we will remove it from our product selections.
What about car seat safety - are your customers more
the old store and in a better location. This though obviously meant we had a huge increase with regard our overheads, etc. The first 12 months were difficult however, there is good news - we are now starting to reap the rewards.
Finally, do you have any exciting plans on the horizon that you would like to share? We always have plans. Too many to list. The main thing for us will be to improve our online presence.
nursery today
Just charming Created by Mandy Sutcliffe, Belle & Boo is cherished throughout the world for its charming, nostalgic storybook illustration, which have successfully been captured in a series of Wall Art for the nursery. We questioned Director, Kate Shafe to find out a little more about current nursery décor trends.
Creating a safe haven
What trends have you noticed when it comes to nursery décor?
Talking directly to parents that browse our art and wall sticker ranges, they will refer to the blank canvas or natural and calming wall colours. They then decorate with art and wall stickers to create spaces which offer innovative play spaces and calming sleeping areas. How do wall stickers assist with this?
They are a flexible medium that can very simply and effectively create imaginative spaces and landscapes for children to explore. The result is a stimulating surrounding that aid their child’s development and curiosity. What type of colours/tones would you say are on trend at present?
Natural colours and a nod towards blues/greens that are indicative of nature. Where do you get your inspiration from?
The books from Mandy’s childhood inspire her the most – and the golden age of illustration! They were such great draftsmen and that is usually what Mandy looks for – the line work and the sweetness of the pose. Mandy is fascinated by children and the way their minds work. They have such great imagination and ease with which they exist in the world; the freedom to just be. Aesthetically Mandy is drawn to cute poses of children with big hair and turned in toes. Now that she has two of her own little models around the house, it is a joy to watch the way they stand and play and express themselves. That is her inspiration. How often do you refresh your ranges?
We launch around four new wall stickers per year. Why are wall stickers becoming more popular with regard to décor in the nursery?
There are less new home owners so decorating has become a larger focus whether that be on rental or upgrade. Pinterest has a greater influence in creating ‘buying a lifestyle’. The wall stickers enable parents to create temporary scenes at low cost and as we would describe Belle & Boo as the antithesis of a trend based brand. The design and the style of Belle and Boo is such that it can tie into a lot of different trends and interiors. Web:
nursery today
Decorating and furnishing the nursery is a pleasurable time for many new parents. lthough the nursery is often allocated to the smallest room in many homes, it doesn’t make it any less important. From furniture through to décor, families start to turn their attention to this precious room quite early into pregnancy – it’s an exciting time. With many homes now looking at a minimalistic environment, with décor reflecting this with many choosing muted and pastel tones for their walls – it is only natural that this will be carried through to the nursery. However, by the way of wall art – whether this be through the use of framed images or wall art stickers, the nursery will reflect all things baby, which can also be created through the use of bedding and plush toys. Solutions for the nursery with regard to accessories and décor can be a great additional footfall generator. For example customers who enter your store that want that complete look will also often decide to purchase the bedding and accessories that are displayed with the room set. Having a range of these available to compliment the furniture could provide you with excellent sales opportunities to enable
good ell g Fee with art
Create a welcoming environment for babies and tots with nursery décor from Little Helper’s Feel Good Art range, proudly designed and manufactured in Britain. Feel Good Art features a vast range of artwork on a variety of mediums, sizes and colours, designed to delight and amuse all. With designs for newborns, babies and the more grown up toddler, there is something to suit all budgets, décor and space. So whether you’re looking for a gift or simply want to bring personality to the home and nursery, there is something for every little bundle of joy. Tel: 01909 561155 Email: Web:
you to offer your customers a co-ordinated and well-designed nursery. Of course, apart from the larger items needed for the nursery, the ‘wish list’ by parents looking for items to complement their décor of choice will also more than likely include a baby changing table, a storage cupboard for clothes, a book case to store toys, lighting solutions, baby monitors, cot mobiles, oh and a good nappy disposal bin to ensure those nasty whiffs stay at bay… the list could go on, with each item secured hoping to compliment the previous!
a rt Fanta st ic w a ll
A sustainable nursery
Inspiration at its finest Belle & Boo is cherished for its charming, nostalgic story-book illustrations. The artwork, loved by parents and children alike, inspires a range of treasured gifts. From wall décor to homewares to stationery and picture books, Belle & Boo will transform any nursery or playroom into a childhood wonderland. The newest art range is called Toy Box and is both playful and nostalgic. With illustrations of a beautiful wooden rocking horse to a well-loved teddy bear. Toy Box reimagines our fondest childhood toys, come out to platy once again and is perfect for both boys and girls. Web:
For customers who want something a little different for their nursery furniture, the Cuba collection from East Coast combines white and a mid-toned wood with a rounded, mid-century shape. The cot bed includes an under-bed drawer, while the dresser has three large drawers providing plenty of storage space. The dresser has an integral changing area on top, designed to fit a standard changing mat. The cot bed has three base heights and two teething rails, and converts to a toddler bed with an additional footboard. The Cuba collection is solidly made with sustainably-sourced wood. Tel: 01692 408802 Web:
t Keeping i swetivee, teco-friendly and
The innova are ll nappy bins hygienic Korbe w ne e in thre now available int s; Soft Pink, M ur lo co ul beautif stel Blue. Green and Pa enient to use, d Easy an conv only y bins are the Korbell napp e th ppy bins on hands-free na ppies na ng for trappi market, ideal ns bi ll be or ells. K and nasty sm homes nurseries and ep ke to help ith d tidy. W a clean, fresh an n and discreet smart, moder ish bins are a styl design, these e and m y family ho addition to an and c si as cl w soft, with three ne re su e ar ey th s, calming colour y décor. to fit in with an 61
57 Tel: 01730 89 eekyrascals. Web:
rs kepttheakindtthatbcomaesbwithyfull nappies. This Nappy Bad adou l is sweet and wonderful – like
Not every new baby smel t lingering around baby’s locks away baby odours we don’t wan bag ier barr er i-lay mult with em Disposal Syst hygienic way of disposing of dirty Disposal System is a convenient and py Nap e elcar Ang The . table ging chan this simple-to-use system makes a gy designed to keep bad smells at bay, nappies. Featuring Air-Seal technolo happier, more fragrant home. Tel: 01785 503 305 Web:
nursery today
Little Chick NT quarter page - May 17 draft.indd 1
12/05/2017 13:40:56
Focussed Category Names for eCommerce Trying to optimise a website for organic search results can sometimes be likened to playing a game of cards for high stakes, where nobody will tell you the rules or indeed what you forfeit if you lose. oogle especially love to
David Fairhurst Head of Creative Online Marketing - Intelligent Retail
come out with half-truths, innuendo and contradiction with their ever changing policies for both organic and paid search programmes… it’s sometimes hard for even seasoned Online Marketing professionals to know who to believe. It’s no wonder that the majority of new eCommerce retailers that I speak to are nervous about online marketing; especially those who have been convinced by some of the ‘shadier’ members of our profession that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is some kind of voodoo that only those who have spent years in meditation (probably at the top of a mountain, cross-legged and surrounded by chanting monks) can perform. Whilst it’s true that working in the Online Marketing industry can be ‘challenging’ (read: ‘mind-bendingly frustrating’) at times, I’m here to tell you today that SEO is common sense. Anybody can optimise and promote a website (assuming a willingness to learn and the time to do it). There I’ve said it! No mystic Ninja throwing star skills required. There is a quite HUGE caveat to the above statement when you are optimising an eCommerce website. You have to think, not like a retailer, but like
ng a lot Despite there bei evel L more TLD (Top s sion Domains) exten here as t available in 2016 .com ago, were 20 years choice est still offers the b if you ses for most busines riate p can get an appro is domain using th extension.
David Fairhurst Head of eCommerce, Intelligent Retail, David has been involved with Search Engine Optimisation and web development since 1999 and has spoken at many different retail and SEO conferences including Spring Fair and SES London
nursery today
a consumer at every point in the optimisation and promotion process. A very large portion of planning SEO strategy involves finding out what people are searching for and actually want, because there is no point in ranking for what nobody is looking for!
Keyphrase Research Categorising product content requires a logical approach and a definite focus on what people actually want to buy. For SEO purposes, it’s important to cover all of the keyphrases in any trading vertical that could possibly bring in useful traffic that may convert into a sale. I always try to get into the planning of an eCommerce website early if possible, before category structure has been decided. This ensures that the right categories can be created. Doing this gives the maximum potential for success in any on-going promotion for each website we work on. Planning category names requires keyphrase research to be undertaken, this way you can name categories based on projected keyphrase traffic estimates and competitiveness data. In a way, a good online marketer can see the potential revenue and chances of success for any website before the website is created, just by knowing the trading vertical, product ranges and the brands that are going to be stocked. All good keyphrase research tools are based on solid, real-world data. There are many paid tools out there on the ‘web to help with research, however Google AdWords still allow you to use their Keyphrase Research
Image source,
tool to find historical search data and competitiveness. You need a Google AdWords account for this, however this is free.
Method For promotion of a brand new website on a brand new domain, things are all a bit ‘manual’ and involve getting lists of brands, product lines and maybe even products together before any research can be carried out, however once you have this data it’s fairly easy to start extrapolating the available data into an initial list you can put through keyphrase research tools in order to get an idea of search volumes and competitiveness. Getting an initial list together is important and can be made easier by using keyphrase suggestion tools like and even Google’s own suggestion tool which is integrated into Google search. Just start typing and you should get a list of suggestions to expand your initial lists. To streamline the process (with less than optimal results) you can actually use Google AdWords’ own keyphrase suggestion tool https://goo. gl/oJ5HXX , this will suggest keyphrases that have been seen relating to your base set of keyphrases in AdWords campaigns previously. Capture these suggestions and then you can proceed to competition and search volume research. This should give you not only an idea of optimal category names, but a really solid foundation for creating content for those pages. You’re going to need this for your category pages in order to have any chance of ranking well for
more competitive keyphrases! The whole aim of this research is to choose category names which reflect what you are offering and have a worthwhile amount of search volume. If you can choose names which also have lower than expected volumes of competition then even better. This puts the new eCommerce website on the best possible footing going forward.
Avoiding Duplication Avoiding category duplication is important in an eCommerce website because having more than one page within a website targeting the same set of keyphrases will lead to leaching of page effectiveness. Ideally, each page in the website should be optimised for one set of very closely related keyphrases and this set should not be reflected on any other page. This is important to remember when adding brands and product types into the mix. As an example, if you are selling ‘sports watches’ and wish to categorise by gender (Men’s, Ladies, Boys, Girls) it makes sense to have ‘mens sports watches’ category alongside sports watch categories for ladies, girls, boys and then segment by brand as well, but not to be tempted to then be dragged into duplication by adding a separate ‘Brands’ top level category, which could dilute your optimisation efforts. With planning, your freshly created website category structure should be totally focussed on keyphrases which are popular search terms and have a history of promoting conversions. nursery today
focus PLUSH
Products in the plush category can be great footfall drivers. We bring you a selection of products that are currently available – go on, give your customers the ahhh factor! Picture courtesy of Silvercloud
Feeling Plush W
hether bought as a gift by well-wishers to celebrate a new arrival or by a parent as a baby keepsake, the plush category continues to boom. A first soft toy or comforter can quickly become a favourite item with babies and toddlers and one that is cherished sometimes also into adulthood. This is also a category where licensed products play an important role. Who can possibly resist the nostalgia elements of Winnie the Pooh and Peter Rabbit – but remember to offer a mix – why not also include Guess How Much I Love you, The Hungary Catterpillar and Peppa Pig for example.
Keep baby engaged
Home of character
Lamaze will be expanding its popular gifting and activity toy segments in July with a range of new releases including Cosimo Concerto. Parent and baby will love to make music together with the musical Lamaze Cosimo Concerto. This soft plush zebra doubles as a piano for baby to begin playing songs and developing musical skills. Each of the coloured stripes plays a different musical note when pressed. Young infants will love the bright colours and big friendly face, and older babies will enjoy exploring and learning that each stripe plays a different sound. Cosimo also plays a special musical tune of his own when you switch to a different mode. Keep baby engaged with surprise crinkles, contrast patterns, and multiple textures to explore.
Rainbow Designs, the home of Classic Character has a host of gorgeous feature plush toys in their collection this year. The super soft feature plush are perfect infant toys that encourage exploration and engagement as well as help to hone fine motor skills. New for 2017 is the endearing new Elmer for Baby Collection that stars the little patchwork elephant from David Mckee’s timeless storybook. The collection includes a brightly coloured feature plush Trumpeting Elmer toy. The Super Soft 21cm elephant, with his distinctive long trunk and big ears, trumpets when you press his trunk! The hugely popular Activity Thomas Toy from the My First Thomas & Friends collection features multiple textures, a peek-a-boo mirror and shaped teether as well as saying phrases that include ‘Peep Peep!’ and ‘I’m the number one blue engine!’ Little ones also love playing peek-a-boo with Big Nutbrown Hare from the Guess How Much I Love You Story, this entertaining feature plush giggles away as it peeks out from behind its paws. Rainbow’s feature plush nursery collection also includes Peppa Pig and George Pig Activity Toys from the Peppa Big for Baby range along with an exciting new Paddington for Baby Activity plush that will be available this autumn.
Tel: 01392 281 928 Email:
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focus PLUSH
Counting sheep
Feeling sassy
c Sassy’s unique approach to baby toys is focused on stimulating four specifi along h, approac This developmental areas during baby’s first year of life. with insightful designs, bright colours and superior quality makes these products stand out in the infant toy category. Toys fast become parent’s favourites along with their babies too! Sassy toys have an award-winning product range and their innovative features are built with a purpose! Product design starts with a clear and in depth understanding of developmental stages and all toys are created to A provide a sensory experience that will engage and stimulate baby’s senses. and ion explorat stimulate to used are s material variety of textural finished the discovery and the use of bold, high contrast colors are key to enhancing developmental experience. 2017 has seen a number of plush toys launch from Sassy, all with age appropriate features and benefits. Plush toys boast multiple textures for baby to touch and have high-contrast colours to help develop visual skills.
With a voice recorder function, parents can record their voice and with a special sound sensor, which is automatically activated when it detects certain sounds, such as a baby crying. Complete with lights and 30 minutes of soothing nature sounds and white noise, Lullaby Sheep is the perfect toy to accompany a baby to sleep. It is machine washable and available in both pink and blue. Web:
Tel: 01785 503 305 Web:
Hearts and stars Baby’s very first comfort toy is often a firm favourite in the first few years of life and Little Chick London’s gorgeous plush Twinkle Lights Bedtime Soother is both cuddly and reassuring at the same time. Available as a star – or new for 2017, a beautiful plush heart – the Twinkle Lights Bedtime Soother is soft to the touch whilst spreading an array of comforting lights and sounds from lullabies to reassuring heartbeats and cute birdsongs. The Twinkle Lights Bedtime Soother can also be placed on a flat surface or hung using the hook and loop strap provided. Available in pure white or soft grey, the plush star or heart is removable and machine washable; whilst the projector is operated with AAA batteries. Rachelle Harel of Little Chick London, explains: “I have trialled the Twinkle Lights Bed-time Soother first hand with my new granddaughter Evie. It’s amazing, as soon as its switched on she settles and watches and listens intently.” Email: Web:
nursery today
Book of love to books. Mum will love
It’s never too early to introduce your baby watching her baby interact with Taggies Soft Books from Mary Meyer Stuffed Toys. With crinkle sounds and a squeaker inside, each book features eight Taggies ribbons. Four styles, each depicting a popular Taggies soft toy character. Velcro closure and applique plush on the cover help make these soft books mum’s and baby’s favourite. Available in four styles: Sherbet Lamb, Dazzle Dots Monkey, Buddy Dog and Oodles Owl. Machine wash, air dry. Safe for zero and up. Email: Web:
Made With Love from Silvercloud The Made With Love range of little plush bears and bunnies are made in luxurious huggable fabrics and dreamy colours, making them perfect gifts for newborns. Some of the lovable bear and rabbit characters hold soft comforters, while others are little chime rattles – perfect for tiny hands to grab and shake. One large plush bear holds an embroidered muslin square, and a chain of three baby bears are linked across the Travel Charm. Every item is beautifully packaged, and the Bunny and Bear Chime Rattles and Comforters are supplied in CDUs and priced to make them irresistible. Tel: 01692 408802 Web: y g
On trend with unicorns little ones down we
When it comes to bed time and winding those can offer a hand that shall work like magic! Introducing the Unicorn musical nightlight. These sweet little ponies are made of extra soft plush perfect for offering a cuddle before bedtime and a comforting sight to wake up to. With press button musical light playing a soft lullaby as they watch the rainbow of colour change they are sure to drift off into dreamland. The unicorn night light is just one part of the full Unicorn range brand new to Red Kite Baby. Tel: 01454 326555 Email: Web:
the t u o b a I t ’s a ll n o i se
Cuddly companions ant from SummernewInf soft and cuddly yet very
Summer Infant will soon be launching two clever companions to join its already hugely successful Slumber Buddy and Slumber Melodies products. Coming in June / July will be the Soothing Turtle and Cuddle Bug. The Soothing Turtle has been developed using the concept of by scientifically proven noise frequencies to help babies fall and stay asleep and masking sound blocking out other noises around the house through cancellation. The Soothing Turtle includes six different colours of noise are projected through starry lights and sounds. The different colour choices important, because each baby responds to the varying noise colours in unique ways. For example, pink noise offers a more subdued sound than white noise, like the soft roar of a rainstorm, which can help soothe babies and young children, achieve deeper sleep and alleviate headaches. Similar to pink noise, brown noise focuses on a low frequency and sounds similar to a deep hum or buzz to help relaxation and in turn sleep improvement. Alternatively, green noise looks to simulate the ambient noise of nature the and is used in meditation for its healing and strengthening properties At higher a at noises out block helps noise purple spectrum the other end of to frequency and sounds similar to water being sprayed. Blue noise is similar y. purple noise but at a less intense frequenc Then there’s the Cuddle Bug - a soft, cuddly and soothing companion that provides a gentle, comforting glow and comes with three soothing sound modes to ease baby to sleep. Web:
Co-ordinated collection Since 1988, Nattou has been designing and producing playful little friends for the most special little people. Not only does Nattou supply soft toys and comforters that little ones love, the collections also bring nurseries to life with room sets made up of plush accessories such as growth charts, play mats and sofas featuring a cast of cuddly characters. Providing a wide selection of colour ranges, Nattou’s constantly evolving collections range from soft cream and beige hues, to modern silver and teal. The latest collections Alex & Bibou and Nina, Jade & Lilli bring a contemporary feel to a room with striking Navy Blue and Magenta tones. Tel: 01278 434440 Web:
nursery today
The first bite Oral care in babies is now a hot subject – with manufacturers and suppliers recognising the need to develop products that assist. s adults we all know the benefits of a good daily dental routine and as we become better educated it is clear that this is now top of the list for many parents who recognise the importance also in young infants. Although that said, naturally you wouldn’t give a baby a toothbrush, but fortunately baby brushes have been developed to meet this very specific need. As a routine, this activity can also bring fun, encouraging babies and toddlers all the way. Through clever design, manufacturers and suppliers have worked hard on innovation to bring fun, yet practical brushes to market. As a growing category, there are clear benefits for retailers who chose to stock these products. The excitement that the glimpse of the ‘first tooth’ brings, babies will need some routine coupled with products that can help sooth them through the teething process.
Gummee Youngsters Have Happy Hands
The little cup for big oral health! Babycup First Cups - “The little cup that’s kind to baby teeth”- support oral and dental health by encouraging open cup sipping and is the ‘go-to’ brand for health experts for recommendations on best form of weaning cup. Claire Stevens, Vice President, British Society of Paediatric Dentistry says: “Paediatric Dentists recommend the introduction of an open or free-flowing cup from six months. Open cups reduce the risk of dental decay by minimising the time that drinks are in contact with teeth. I love Babycup and so did my children. They are perfectly designed for small hands and great for establishing good dental habits from an early age.” With an association with the All Party Parliamentary Group for a fit and healthy childhood, Babycup is a trusted brand that continually receives 5-star rave reviews from consumers “Fantastic little cup. I’ve started offering my five month old a little bit of water today he accepted the cup instantly and sipped water without any encouragement. Perfect weaning tool” (Karen, Babycup customer February 2017). Babycup First Cups are a multi-award winning product, with new accolades in 2017 including Made for Mums in the UK and Mom’s Choice in the US. Increasingly in demand and recognised by leading retailers such as Ocado and Waitrose as a weaning essential, Babycup’s mini open cup is the first cup on everyone’s lips. Email: Web:
Gummee Ltd is excited to announce the launch of its new Happy Hands Mouthing Glove, a sensory mitten for youngsters with additional needs. The mitten comes in three sizes: Small, Medium and Large, ranging from 8cm x 10cm to 11cm x 12.5cm. The Happy Hands Mouthing Glove has been designed and developed by Gummee Ltd, the UK company behind the globally successful Gummee Glove teething mitten for babies. The three new Gloves were designed in response to the numerous messages that the Gummee team received, asking for a larger, stronger glove to be made available to help youngsters with additional needs. The chewable tabs and ring are all attached to the Glove, enabling youngsters to bite on these without hurting their hand or the hand of their carer. The Happy Hands Mouthing Glove is available to buy direct from Gummee Ltd The website also includes a useful size guide that can be printed out to ensure that the Glove will fit. Web:
Dental hygiene made easier
Summer Infant understands the importance of good dental hygiene, but recognise that it’s not always easy for parents to get their little ones to comply at brush time! That’s why they’ve got two really useful Oral Care sets that make taking care of baby’s gums and teeth easy. The six piece set includes a waterfilled teether that can be used from birth to help soothe aching gums; a gum stimulator which is good for the hard to reach areas at the back of the mouth; a finger toothbrush which is perfect to clean first teeth as it gives more control; an angled mirror to help detect any new Picture courtesy of Britax teeth as they appear and a toddler toothbrush that is the perfect size for a first toothbrush. The set comes complete with a stand, making it easy to keep all of the pieces of the kit together and easily accessible and at a guide retail of only £6.99 this set offers exceptional value for money. Additionally, Summer Infant also have a three piece set which comprises of the finger toothbrush, gum stimulator and a soft bristled toddler toothbrush and has a guide retail of £3.99. Web:
nursery today
Going banana’s Baby Banana revolutionised infant oral healthcare by inventing one of the world’s first bendable infant toothbrushes! Crafted from 100% food-grade silicone, the best material to serve the “flexible” needs, the Baby Banana toothbrushes are not only adorable, but they are also durable enough to help tackle the toughest teething troubles. Through using the Baby Banana products, babies and toddlers develop life-long oral care habits during the vital teething phase. Multiple award winning Baby Banana Brush is taking the US market by storm and Prince Lionheart is excited to be able to bring it to you. Tel: 020 8997 7054 Email:
p Bridging the ga its clever
Litecup improves oral health in toddlers with 360 degree drinking valve, the drink flows freely, so there is no need to suck. This simple feature can have a positive effect on development of children’s teeth. ‘It’s been rather alarming to see the increasing number of toddlers coming into my surgery because of tooth decay, the main reason – sugary drinks, and sucking on teats and spouts can make the situation worse as liquid stays around the teeth for longer, I recommend Litecup to my patients without hesitation,’ Dr Stewart R. Hicks BDS. Litecup bridges the gap between bottle and open cup, its clever design means the flow of liquid is unrestricted - teaching children to drink naturally. Tel: 01278 434440 Web:
nursery today
BPA notice board Beware of non-compliancy!
Robert Anslow M anaging Director If you r company is a me mb er of the Bab y Pro duc ts Ass ocia tion and you are not cur rently receivin g me mb ers ’ e-bulletins wit h industry upd ates , but would like to, ple ase em ail juli e@ b-p -a. org wh o will add you to the databa se.
nursery today
The Baby Products Association warns manufacturers of baby products to be vigilant and ensure that their products are compliant with relevant safety standards as PROSAFE (Product Safety Forum of Europe) is on the lookout for dangerous and sub-standard goods throughout Europe. PROSAFE is a non-profit organisation for market surveillance authorities and officers throughout the EEA with the primary objective to improve the safety for users of products and services in Europe. It co-ordinates Joint Market Surveillance Actions (JAs) primarily funded by the European Commission since 2005. PROSAFE has embarked on a range of projects and childcare articles have been an on-going commitment since 2011. The latest JA focussed on safety barriers and products were purchased from retail stores across Europe. These products were chosen for various reasons and not least because an EU Injury Database (IDB) indicated that there were approximately 75 injuries each year between 2004 and 2014 to children aged 0-4 involving child gates / safety barriers which were serious enough to require a visit to the emergency department. During this JA, 112 products were purchased and independently tested for claims of compliance with relevant safety standards. The results may appear shocking at first glance, but many products were selected because they were expected to fail. 60 samples failed because of mechanical hazards, nine samples failed owing to chemical hazards and a high number failed because of lack of product information. Repercussions for companies manufacturing or
distributing products which have proven to fail this testing can be extremely damaging and a high proportion will find their products subject to the Rapid Alert System (RAPEX) listing. This enables the quick exchange of information between 31 European countries and the European Commission regarding dangerous non-food products posing a risk to the health and safety of consumers. This latest JA sees 23 RAPEX reports made or planned, with nine product recalls, 12 withdrawn from sale, 14 notices distributed to economic operators, 11 sales bans, seven ranges being adapted and two awaiting further testing. In 2016, the European Nursery Products Confederation (ENPC) became a PROSAFE stakeholder and as a founding member of this organisation, the Baby Products Association has representation at meetings and early sight of the latest relevant report. With future JAs affecting the nursery industry, being a member of the trade association, which has an open line of communication with PROSAFE through the ENPC, can help companies should their product be found to be non-compliant. It is not unknown for tests to be conducted incorrectly or for the test house to interpret the standard incorrectly and the Association can help identify these errors and work the company and its local authority to help prevent a RAPEX listing. For more information about this and about joining the Baby Products Association, contact Julie James –
Working at European level Robert Anslow, managing director of the Baby Products Association, was re-elected as president of the European Nursery Products Confederation (ENPC) for a further two-year period at the organisations recent AGM which took place in Italy in April. The Baby Products Association is a founding member of the ENPC which now has seven country members including: Austria (ARGE), Assogiocattoli (Italy), Germany (BDKH), Belgium (Febab), France (FJP) and Netherlands (VBKV). The full committee elected at the AGM includes: Roberto Marelli (vice president) and Paolo Taverna (treasurer) of Assogiocattoli; Peter Roehrig of ARGE; Robert Anslow (president) and Andrew Ratcliffe of the Baby Products Association; Stefan Aerts of Febab; Michel Moggio (secretary general) and Charles de Kervénoaël (vice president) of FJP; Alessandro Zanini of BDKH; and Albert Vallejo of VBKV. The ENPC continues to focus on child safety aiming to build relationships with policy makers at a European level. The organisation already has a significant involvement with PROSAFE which offers members important networking platforms and in the future, hopes to recruit new trade associations from other European countries to give further strength to its working
initiatives. For more information about the ENPC visit
Grants available for China and Germany Trade Access Programme (TAP) grants are available for companies wishing to exhibit at CBME Shanghai in July; and Kind und Jugend in Cologne in September, advises the Baby Products Association. The trade association, which acts as a Trade Challenge Partner (TCP) for the Department of International Trade (DIT), has been apportioned a limited number of grants of £2,500 for the trade show in China and £1,500 for that in Germany and these will be allocated in line with DIT’s eligibility criteria to encourage new exporting. Full information can be found on the website at under the Depart for International Trading tab.
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