Nursery Today December 2024

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A Rearward-Facing Revolution from Britax Römer

AIR LITE A little fresh air to the Sleeptime Range.

Offering even more comfort, closeness and reassurance in a new lightweight and compact design with two beautiful colourways to choose from.

Launching early 2024

Contact: or visit for further information.

contents Re g ul a r s

News 6 file Retailer Pro 14 inion Supplier Op 34 s New Product 59 ducts The Baby Pro 62 Association


Contributors 10

Pramland’s John Barker this month is talking Black Friday sales, Christmas and a nod to the New Year!

the team 47

Editor Penny Franks


Christine Contreras

Production Director Paul Naish Rick Vickers

Retail Matters Online4baby’s Managing Director reflects back on trading during 2023.

Ad Manager


Barking Mad


22 36 48 54

Cover Story 18

Managing Director

Car Seats Mother & Baby Awards Pacifiers & Soothers London Toy Fair Preview


The NEW SAFE-WAY M from Britax Römer is one of the most affordable extended rearward-facing seats up to 7 years (125 cm / 36 kg) on the market, designed and made in Germany. Turn to our Cover Story starting on page 18 to find out more.

Mark Naish

Chairman Malcolm Naish

Circulation Robert Thomas

Lema Publishing Ltd 1 Churchgates, The Wilderness, Berkhamsted, Herts, HP4 2UB Telephone: 01442 289930


ContentsDec.indd 1


11/12/2023 18:00

editor’s letter | Instagram: nurserytoday | LinkedIn: Nursery Today


Whilst on the subject of exhibitions, if you are looking ahead to the start of 2024, why not pop a visit to Toy Fair into your diary. The 2024 event is marked to celebrate its 70th-year celebration and is poised for unprecedented success as exhibition spaces have been completely sold out. Renowned as a cornerstone event in the realm of toys and child-centric merchandise, this fair promises an extravaganza of innovation and creativity in the world of playthings. Scheduled to be held at Olympia London from the 23rd-25th January 2024, visitors to Toy Fair will experience more than 200 exhibiting companies who will be occupying the Grand and National halls on both levels - and now also part of the Upper West Hall, where you will find Tomy return as an exhibitor and who are also celebrating a milestone with their 100th anniversary! If you are an exhibiting company and would like to discuss how to be a part of Nursery Today’s Welcome to the wonderful world of car seats sister publication, Toys n Playthings, get in contact with Claire Naish on 01442 289937 or via email at claire@ You can find our Toy Fair Preview starting over on page 54. We have also recently seen the winners announced of the coveted Mother&Baby 2024 Awards, which we highlight within the pages of this issue (turn to page 36 to find out more). A huge congratulations to all those who successfully

elcome to the final issue of 2023, it’s hard to believe we’re nearing 2024! The year has shown great strength for so many in the industry, for example, Jolly Tots opened the doors to their new store, other independents also looked at their current floor space – this is demonstrated by our Retailer Profile this month, where we had the pleasure to catch up with Shannon Harris, Bambinos and Beyond’s Director to find out more about their business based in Burton on Trent and their recent store expansion. This year we also experienced two great Nursery Trade Events, with Kind + Jugend showing growth in both visitor levels and the number of exhibitors, while here in the UK, yet again the Harrogate International Nursery Fair demonstrated its strength as the place to be!

Smiles all round at the Mother&Baby 2024 Awards


made the shortlist and of course, to all those who won! This month we not only take a look at the Mother&Baby Awards, but also feature Car Seats, Pacifiers & Soothers and shine the light on toys. Our car seats feature, starting over on page 22, illustrates that this category continues to be a great staple product for many retailers and this year we have seen new products and innovation coming through, while keeping safety at the fore. Over on page 20 of this issue we also had the opportunity to catch up with Cybex’s General Manager, Luke Burns regarding the recent change to UN Regulations, the impact of Brexit, ADAC test scores and of course current and future innovation that is on the horizon by this established and known brand. You can also find an article within this issue (starting over on page 12) where you will see it has been an exceptionally busy year for the team at Joie, which was rounded off nicely with a clutch of prizes at the Mother & Baby Awards. Scooping a Gold, two Silvers and a Bronze, Joie has once again gained recognition for its car seats, building on its reputation as the go to brand for safety and innovation, while our Cover Star this month, Britax Römer, introduce you to their new SAFE-WAY M, which they state is one of the most affordable extended rearwardfacing seats up to 7 years (125 cm / 36 kg) on the market, designed and made in Germany. Simply turn to page 18 to find out more. Finally, everyone here at the Nursery Today team would like to wish everyone a fantastic Christmas, festive break and prosperous New Year.

nursery today

Editors letter Dec.indd 1

11/12/2023 20:03

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Retail success goes Natural success far beyond bricks Natural Baby Shower has grown sales by 75% to £28 million as more parents seek eco-friendly nursery goods. & mortar Green Sheep Group’s Head of Sales Carey Devine Discusses How to Nurture Effective Retail Presence.

I firmly believe that great retail success is not just about securing the listing – it goes far beyond that. It is important for brands to consistently work with and support retailers to bring their products to life, especially in store, but this can also translate online too. We are finding more and more that consumers are looking for immersive in-store experiences so ensuring your brand stands out in store will undoubtedly resonate more powerfully with shoppers - this is never more relevant as we embark on the Christmas period. I truly think if you can give the customer all the magical festive feels it could be the difference between them engaging with the product in store – or not, which is especially important when competition is fierce. However, this approach should not just be isolated to Christmas, brands can also make an impact at other points in the year depending on when their product is most relevant. Around Easter for example or instilling summer vibes during the months of June – August can be effective. There are lots of ways to do this, whether this be through visual merchandising updates - creating seasonally relevant displays, product hierarchy – bringing more giftable items to the forefront, as well as using the shopper flow through store to create those ‘pick me up’ moments. And it should absolutely go beyond in-store as the retailers marketing activity online and particularly social media is integral as well. As part of our retailer partnership programme here at GSG, we focus on providing seasonally relevant content throughout the whole year so that retailers can connect our brands and products with the hot topics of the moment. Ahead of the New Year I advise brands look ahead as a whole team from sales to marketeers, and plan when their products can have some stand out moments throughout the year. It might be around Mother’s Day, Earth Day or Easter… or simply as the seasons change and families start getting out and about a bit more. It will very much depend on the product what time of year to enhance presence. It is imperative that our retail partners are always looking for creative ways to work with us to showcase our brands, to engage with customers on our behalf and most importantly be our band guardians. Working in partnership with us, retailers need to be doing all they can to showcase brands and products in the best and most engaging way. 6

Business is booming for the Surrey-based family firm founded by Clifton Vaughan and his partner Victoria Hampson who have three children together. The couple set up Natural Baby Shower 18 years ago because they could not source the sustainable natural baby products they wanted for their children in the UK. Staff numbers have more than doubled from 35 to 75 at their Bracknell headquarters to cope with the sales rush. Turn-over has shot up from £16 million in 2020 to £28 million last year and it is expected to exceed £30 million this year. Vaughan said: “We got the idea for the business after we had our first child Dylan and could not find the natural, sustainable baby products in the UK which were readily available in New Zealand where we had been living before when Dylan was born. “We wanted to house the very best products for parents, babies and the planet all under one roof. We have grown from just the two of us at the kitchen table at home to a team of over 75 employees and have just moved into a new warehouse in Bracknell that is big enough for us to triple our sales and still not move.” They strive to create work patterns that are as family-friendly as possible for the majority of their staff, with most employees working three days in the office and two days from home. Customer service is open to 8pm each night because they found they got a glut of calls between 6.30pm and 8pm after the baby has gone to bed. A key part of their success has been bringing in software automation for their ordering and stock control from specialists Brightpearl and Inventory Planner. Vaughan explained: “We have a pick-and-pack warehouse which uses Brightpearl software to handle all our orders. It is so efficient that we can deliver most items the next day if they are ordered by up to 4pm. I am really pleased with our warehouse and distribution - it is top notch and we have lots of capability. “I have been with Brightpearl for ten years and it is right in the middle of my tech stack giving me accurate figures on my orders, financials and stock. “We then push all that data into the Inventory Planner software so that we can generate accurate information on the stock we require in future. It means our whole sales process is automated through these two key pieces of software. Running a business and bringing up three children has been a struggle at times. Vaughan said: “Our journey into parenthood not only led us to discover some of the best products, but also having our kids at home kept our energy levels high!”

Tututis Appoint bébélephant Lithuania based stroller manufacturer Tututis has appointed bébélephant as their UK distributor. The company started as a small family concern, and through long term experience, research and development, have managed to establish a successful stroller brand and a wide variety of products to become the only stroller manufacturer in the Baltic States and one of a few in Europe. Commenting on their appointment, Elliot Bishop, Managing Director of bébélephant noted, “This is a really premium and gorgeous brand that we can’t wait to start working with. We were particularly struck the stand out USPs of this range, notably the Thermocot technology that adapts to any weather conditions, as well as gives the carrycot standout lightweight and durability and also the All-Road technology wheels, which ensures comfort on any terrain for everyone involved. For us, that is the amazing innovation that we always look for in cutting edge newness.” Tututis employ over 200 staff at their factory, which is powered by 300 solar panels as evidence of their environmental credentials. The range is already a success in over 32 markets worldwide.

nursery today

News Dec.indd 1

11/12/2023 18:07


Snüz Announce Brand Partnership with The

JMDA Features in Modern Midwife Snüz, the brand behind the UK’s bestselling bedside crib, the SnüzPod, is thrilled to announce its brand partnership with The Modern Midwife. The two brands are joining forces to bring together expertise in midwifery and sleep, with a common goal to support parents-to-be. With over 12 years’ experience in midwifery, Marie Louise, The Modern Midwife, has already supported Snüz with the development of its groundbreaking pregnancy pillow, the SnüzCurve, which launched last year and was uniquely designed by a collective of experts. In addition to this, Marie Louise is a huge supporter of the brand and has provided helpful content and guidance to Snüz customers over the years. Now thanks to this official brand partnership, Snüz and The Modern Midwife are delighted to combine their expertise to continue to support parents as they navigate pregnancy and parenting. This partnership will see The Modern Midwife be an official ambassador for the Snüz brand, and Marie Louise will continue to support Snüz by providing content for its digital audiences, but also be on hand to support at Baby shows and will have a vital role as an extended member of the internal team, sharing her knowledge and expertise, thus feeding into the brand’s value of ‘informed innovation’.

Commemorative Album The King Charles III book that launched on the monarch’s 75th birthday, features JMDA Design, the cutting-edge product design consultancy and winners of the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2019. Publisher St James’s House and royal biographer Robert Jobson are delighted to announce the launch of a new book entitled His Majesty at 75: The Leadership and Vision of King Charles III at Claridge’s in central London on His Majesty’s 75th Left to right: Chris Carter – JMDA Managing Director, Cherril Barker – Co Founder JMDA, birthday – 14th November 2023. Being part of this commemorative Walter Mosca – Industrial Design Director, Derrick Barker – Co Founder JMDA, Chris album is a proud moment in the Raynor – Operations Director history of JMDA which spans 32 years. Widely acclaimed for their dedication to child car seat safety globally, JMDA continues to build on their legacy for excellence within the nursery industry with further award wins this year to complement their achievements. “Being part of the commemorative album, ‘His Majesty at 75’ by royal author Robert Jobson and featuring the work of royal photographer Arthur Edwards, is a great honour for JMDA” said Chris Raynor, Operations Director of JMDA Design. “This prestigious project marks an important landmark in history, and we are proud to be an Official Partner of the album.”



nursery today

News Dec.indd 2


11/12/2023 18:08

news Priority booking now open!

Multi-show offer

with The Baby Show

The Baby Show with Lidl GB is preparing for its 2024 series, commencing with their highly anticipated event at ExCeL London from 1-3 March! The UK’s largest & best loved pregnancy, baby and parenting event, consistently offers an outstanding opportunity for brands in the nursery, baby, lifestyle, and maternity sectors to engage with consumers and enhance B2C sales. They are running a multi-show offer, which you do not want to miss: • Save 5% when booking 2 shows • Save 10% when booking 3 shows • Exclusive rates for their new Manchester Central event from 7-9 June! If you’re considering exhibiting at this event and would like further details, please reach out to You can also visit their website for more information:

Harrogate International Nursery Fair – which takes place from Sunday 13th to Tuesday 15th October 2024 at the Harrogate Convention Centre – has announced that its priority booking is now open for a limited period only. Exhibitors who attended this year have until Tuesday 30th January 2024 to secure their preferred stand before space goes onto general sale. The 2023 event was once again outstanding with positive feedback from numerous exhibitors including Andy Crane of BabyStyle who said: “The show was a great success and we met nearly all of the customers expected – both nationals and independents. We will definitely be back next year as it’s our celebratory 25th year and we plan something very special!” Whilst it seems early to be planning ahead for the show next October, space was almost sold out for the 2023 event in April, so those companies who know that they wish to attend are advised to secure their positions as early as possible. Adrian Sneyd, show organiser, advises: “We always give priority to previous exhibitors, but have a list of companies who have already expressed an interest in attending in 2024. Once the priority deadline has passed, these will be offered space available, so if previous exhibitors haven’t taken advantage of the priority booking, they could lose their preferred space.” Booking is quick and easy, go to and the ‘pointing baby’ will show you the way! Rates are listed for each stand type and the same page also has the link to the booking form. A deposit of 25% will secure your location and be required to be paid no later than February 2024. Should you need more information or wish to discuss options then email or call Adrian on 01902 880906/07904 838963.

Dedicated suspension

Introducing Venicci Vero, an all-terrain compact and lightweight stroller with dedicated suspension on all four wheels for optimal comfort. Its solid, puncture-free wheels, slightly larger than in traditional strollers, ensure a smooth ride. Designed with ease of use in mind, the stroller effortlessly folds and operates using one hand, while the adjustable hood grows with a child and provides UV 50 protection. With high-quality water-repellent fabrics, the stroller accommodates a weight of up to 22 kg. The magnetic harness buckle adds a touch of luxury, and a convenient carry strap facilitates transportation. Each set includes a colourcoordinated apron and a rain cover. 8

nursery today

News Dec.indd 3

11/12/2023 18:57

nursery matters JOHN BARKER



Pramland’s John Barker this month is talking Black Friday sales, Christmas and a nod to the New Year!


ello everyone and welcome to the last quarter of the year. It’s that odd time of the year when trade slowly starts to wind down in preparation for Christmas. We’ve all been doing this for years now, so it comes as no surprise anymore. Just remember as soon as the fat man has cleared off, we can get back to business as usual in January! Before we get there we do have to get through the most hated day in retail. . . .Black Friday! Yes people it’s that time for me to have my annual moan about Black Friday and the need for us all to team up and stop it. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a good clear out at the end of November. You can’t beat bringing loads of old stock out of the warehouse, banging a sale ticket on it and seeing it turn in to cash. The only problem is when we get silly discounts on products that are either not supported as a Black Friday deal by the brands or sell well enough without the discounts. So, what’s the big issue with Black Friday? To put it simply, it can damage sales for an entire month. If consumers expect it to be cheaper at the end of the month, why would they buy now? The truth, as we all know is that 10

invariably it won’t be cheaper – but that doesn’t help when your sales have dipped due to a lack of customers. In order to combat this, you have to offer promotions during the course of the month (at your own expense) in order to stimulate sales. This year I’ve run weekly promotions in store on a sliding scale. The best deals happened at the beginning of the month and it allowed us to maintain a level of orders we’d expect – it didn’t increase sales as some customers thought they knew better and came back the following weekend. They expected the deal to be better as it was closer to Black Friday. Guess what? It wasn’t! In fact, it was worse. And we did the same again throughout the month. The result was that although we gave away a little bit too much margin at the beginning of the month, we managed to maintain sales and as the deals got worse our return to better (notice I didn’t say “good”) margins was inevitable. As an industry I think we can all agree if Black Friday was limited to discontinued stock, or items we all simply want to clear, life would be far better. However, it isn’t, and I believe this comes down to brands selling direct. Without naming names (we Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a good clear out at the end of November. You can’t beat bringing loads of old stock out of the warehouse, banging a sale ticket on it and seeing it turn in to cash. The only problem is when we get silly discounts on products that are either not supported as a Black Friday deal by the brands or sell well enough without the discounts. don’t do that around here!) there is a certain brand with a change of their own stores – this brand offers Black Friday deals on current products in order to drive revenue in to their multiple direct and indirect channels. There are also a number of other brands that sell direct to the consumer via their own websites – low and behold, they too offer Black Friday deals on their current ranges. On the flip side of the coin there are various brands that simply sell via a network of independent stores, you’ve said it before I even have to – they don’t have any Black Friday deals at all! I know all our stores are different and what we all sell varies greatly but I still find that the brands that continue to sell

throughout sales are the ones that are not discounted. Oyster 3 is by far my best-selling pram. Scratch that, my best-selling product. Do BabyStyle ever run a Black Friday sale? Not at all, but I can guarantee that come the Black Friday weekend I will see more sales on the Oyster 3 than any other travel system in the store. If the product is priced correctly for its value and features, it will sell regardless. Best of all it will be sold at full margin and with the confidence that the consumer won’t find it cheaper online! Now that’s what we call supporting the independents and I for one applaud it. I applaud it so much that’s why we have more BabyStyle stock on display than any

nursery today

Barking Mad.indd 1

11/12/2023 18:09

other brand – and I’ll continue in this manner until either BabyStyle fall in line with the rapidly growing “norm” in the industry (I think Andy will confirm that hell will freeze over before this happens) or the industry realises the value we independents represent, and it changes to support us better. After the recent budget announcement from the chancellor, 2024 looks set to be another challenging year for our industry and its insistence on giving margin away for zero reason. With the national living wage rising by almost 10% all our staffing costs are going to see a significant jump, especially when you add in the additional costs of NI, tax and pensions contributions. The need to maintain and earn a margin will be more important than ever. Unfortunately, it would appear to me (a simple fat metal head from Hull) that the ability to build a large multi-millionpound pram empire doesn’t go hand in hand with being able to use a calculator to work out earning next to nothing on everything isn’t sustainable. Right, that’s me done for another month. I’m off on my holidays next week and then it’s Christmas so that

means my working year is coming to a close very soon. Just want to say a huge thank you to all the brands we work with here at Pramland. Thank you for another successful year and let’s hope 2024 is even better. Another shout out to all you lovely retailers. . .thank you for all the support and laughs over the past twelve months, you’ve made working in this industry something I never thought I’d enjoy! This especially applies to Adeel, Shehzad and the rest of the AINR massive! Next up thank you to Penny and the Nursery Today team, thanks for such a wonderful magazine, we all appreciate your efforts. Don’t worry only two more thanks to go. Thank you to Team Pramland! I moan about you all every day and you all drive me mental, but I wouldn’t be able to it without you all! Finally, a BIG SHOUT OUT to my brother from another mother. . .Mr David Brown at BabyStyle – you sir are an absolute legend (even for a Spurs supporter) thanks for everything pal! Wishing you all a fabulous Christmas, happy New Year and here’s to a successful and prosperous year ahead. I’ll see you all in 2024.

After the recent budget announcement from the chancellor, 2024 looks set to be another challenging year for our industry and its insistence on giving margin away for zero reason. With the national living wage rising by almost 10% all our staffing costs are going to see a significant jump, especially when you add in the additional costs of NI, tax and pensions contributions. The need to maintain and earn a margin will be more important than ever.

The doona you love, made even better. Doona i now available to order at

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Barking Mad.indd 2

nursery today


11/12/2023 18:10

Profile JOIE

Joie scores top of the table in 2023

It has been an especially busy year for the team at Joie – rounding off nicely with a clutch of prizes at the Mother & Baby Awards. Scooping a Gold, two Silvers and a Bronze, Joie has once again gained recognition for its car seats, building on its reputation as the go to brand for safety and innovation.


inning Gold and Silver in the Best Multi Stage Car Seat Category for its elevate R129 and the dynamic i-Spin XL, and Silver in the Best Newborn Car Seat for the i-Level Recline with the i-Base Encore, these three very different seats clearly showcase the vast range of variety on offer in the Joie portfolio. Also bagging a Bronze in the Best Pushchair category for the Litetrax Pro, Joie is also proving that its wheeled products are up there with the best. Joie have had a busy year away from the awards circuit as well, launching an array of new products into their range, most notably the i-Spin XL which is suitable all the way from birth to 12 years, and the Cycle Collection, a range of products that feature 100% recycled fabrics. But perhaps the most biggest moment of the Joie year, was the announcement of its partnership with Manchester City Women’s Football Club. In September it was announced that Joie was the Official Stadium Naming Partner of the Academy Stadium, making it the first club in the Women’s Super League to secure a commercial agreement for its stadium naming rights. The whole Manchester City Women’s team, including captain Steph Houghton, Chloe Kelly and Demi Stokes, marked this huge milestone as they cut a giant orange Joie bow that wrapped the newly-named stadium. Gavin Makel, former Managing Director of Manchester City Women, and David Welsh, Senior Managing Director of Joie, were also in attendance. The event marked the next phase of the multi-year partnership between, Joie and Manchester City as, together, they pledged to introduce and improve family friendly services at the stadium, building on City’s commitment to delivering the


best possible matchday experience for fans of all ages across all stadium facilities. Opened in 2014 as part of the Club’s continued investment into East Manchester and the Etihad Campus, the 7,000 capacity stadium is the only purpose-built stadium in the Women’s Super League and is the home of Manchester City Women. In addition, many of City’s Elite Development Squad and youth team matches also take place in the stadium.

“A Women’s team partner since March 2023, Joie shares our commitment to family values and high standards, and we’re delighted the brand has chosen to extend its current relationship” Charlotte O’Neill, Managing Director - Manchester City Women Charlotte O’Neill, Managing Director - Manchester City Women, said: “This is a significant moment for Manchester City, as we welcome Joie as Official Stadium Naming Partner. Not only is this a huge moment for Manchester City Women but also for the wider club as the stadium changes name for the first time since its opening in 2014. “A Women’s team partner since March 2023, Joie shares our commitment to family values and high standards, and we’re delighted the brand has chosen to

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extend its current relationship. It is a further reflection of the importance, growth and commercial value of Manchester City Women and the wider women’s game and we are looking forward to working together with Joie to maximise opportunities for families at our matches.” David Welsh, Senior Managing Director, Joie, said: “Joie is a family-first brand committed to making childhood and family days out as joyful as possible. “We believe that football offers an unforgettable experience for families and by partnering with Manchester City Women and becoming the Official Stadium Naming Partner, we aim to make it truly accessible for all – whether that’s families with babies or parents of older children who will love playing in the Fan Zone. “We’re incredibly proud of the steps we are making to help provide an allinclusive experience and are committed to further developing our offer and ensuring that the Joie Stadium is one of the most family-friendly in the Women’s Super League.” Further internal and external branding featuring the Joie logo will appear across stadium assets, with Joie continuing to activate at every Women’s team fixture, offering exclusive prizes and experiences, and creating bespoke content with the Manchester City Women’s first team. 2024 looks set to be another busy year for Joie as it continues to build on its brand reputation for innovation. A slew of new launches have been scheduled to hit the shelves throughout the year, most significantly the sprint, Joie’s baseless infant carrier that makes it easier than ever to get out and about with baby. Sprint has integral ISOFIX connectors but also sits on the highly popular i-Base Encore, giving it a spinning edge over similar products on the market. This dual usability makes sprint a great option for busy parents who need to switch between vehicles easily.

2024 looks set to be another busy year for Joie as it continues to build on its brand reputation for innovation. A slew of new launches have been scheduled to hit the shelves throughout the year. Joie will also be introducing a number of new toddler car seats into the range, further expanding their offering to meet all needs and budgets. Alongside these new launches, Joie will continue to build on the solid relationships it has with its many national and independent retailers, providing support throughout the year via its dedicated marketing and sales departments ensuring it continues to bring the very best to its customers and the consumer. There’s plenty to look forward to from this brand so make sure you watch this space.

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Room to grow This month Nursery Today caught up with Shannon Harris, Bambinos and Beyond’s Director to find out more about their business based in Burton on Trent and their recent store expansion.

Can you tell our readers a little about Bambinos and Beyond, what was the inspiration behind opening your doors? Since opening our doors in 2014 as a family run business selling only children’s toys, we have since taken baby steps within the nursery industry moving from strength to strength to ensure we provide the best brands at affordable prices. Our goal is to ensure every parent, grandparent, friend and family member are able to find their dream baby items to suit each individual budget. We are a family only team at the moment so it’s a lovely working environment.

You operate from a large 4,500sq foot showroom based in Burton on Trent. What was the decision behind your location? Burton is our hometown and with a gap in the area for nursery products we felt it was the perfect place to open, our nearest stores are around 12 miles away so didn’t feel the need to venture far from our doorstep.

We’ve heard that this year you have announced great news by expanding into a further 1,500sq feet, how will you manage this new space within your showroom? 14

We noticed that a lot of customers coming into store mentioned there isn’t many places to visit with a wide range of nursery furniture and this is where the idea came from to open Bambinos Home.

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We noticed that a lot of customers coming into store mentioned there isn’t many places to visit with a wide range of nursery furniture and this is where the idea came from to open Bambinos Home, We now have 12 beautifully laid out 3 piece sets on display individually decorated to look like a nursery inside a real home, We never really focused on furniture previously and only had a small display so we are really looking forward to seeing how it progresses!

You have also moved your warehouse into a separate unit to facilitate this. What benefits will the new warehouse bring to the business? Opening the new warehouse to store customer orders, payment plans and keep up with online demand has been amazing, it’s allowing us to grow like we never have before minimising customers delivery times as we can keep a lot more brands in stock, its nice to improve the customer experience.

Since opening what has been your largest challenge and also what has been your biggest success to date? Lockdown was our biggest challenge and our biggest success. It forced us online which was the best thing we ever did but it does come with its challenges. Keeping up with orders and the constant battle with online pricing has been difficult, I’m sure everyone in the nursery trade will agree that price matching is an issue in this industry.

You started the business only selling toys, how has this changed over time and what was the decision behind this? When we initially started selling toys we soon realised there was a gap in our area for nursery products and more parents that were visiting the shop were also asking for these items. We then

ventured into pre loved prams and evolved from there.

As an established independent retailer, how important are brand names to the business? Brand names are massively important, in most cases it’s the brand names that drive people to store Now social media plays such a big part in everyday life, it seems we are all guilty of being influenced to sway towards certain brands so its important to keep up with the current trends.

Lockdown was our biggest challenge and our biggest success. It forced us online which was the best thing we ever did but it does come with its challenges. You stock a multitude of leading nursery brands across a variety of categories – do you offer the same products in-store as you do online? A lot of the products we have available on our website we also have on display in store however there are some brands we keep online only due to the demand in store not being there. We find customers looking for a travel system, especially for a first baby, like to test the products in store rather than ordering online as it’s a big buy!

You also offer a ‘pre-loved’ section to your customers – can you give our readers a little more information on this. How successful is this to your business? Pre loved has always been our bread and butter! Unlike most nursery retailers we specialise in both new and pre loved items, this allows our customers to choose from a wide selection of low and high branded at a fraction of the cost of new. All of our pre loved items are carefully selected and sent to our professional team of cleaners who then fully strip all fabrics, steam clean, restore any wear and tear and

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once it’s had a new lease of life we then offer to our customers that may want a high end item but don’t want to pay full retail price.

How do you keep up with current consumer trends and new products that enter the nursery arena? We love to get feedback from our customers and

hear what they would like to see on the shop floor to make sure we are keeping up with current trends. Customer feedback is super important, we are always switching up shop floor displays to keep the best sellers on display.

How important is your website and social media platforms, do these have a positive impact on Bambinos and Beyond? Social media to our business has been a huge help, we are super active on our socials and have been from the start, we feel this is what has helped us grow so much over the years. With a distinctive photo wall for our customers to have pictures in front of we find people travelling from all over the country to visit which is amazing.

As we operate in an extremely emotive industry, how important is customer service to you. Is this at the heart of the business? As a family run business, we do everything from shop floor to cleaning and customer service. We want everyone that walks through our door or places an online order to have a pleasant experience. Pregnancy and parenthood can be super stressful for a lot of parents so making the journey with us enjoyable is super important.

You have an extremely strong Trust Pilot score, how has this been achieved? We ask our customers to leave reviews whether they have had an enjoyable experience or in some cases not, this keeps the reviews honest and realistic, we have various posters in store with a QR code to our trust pilot page, we find the more reviews you get the more people feel comfortable knowing you’re a reputable business.

Social media to our business has been a huge help, we are super active on our socials and have been from the start, we feel this is what has helped us grow so much over the years. from the brands that you stock, or is there anything more they could offer you? Brand support across the board has been positive this year, there are some brands that go above and beyond to support us and its always appreciated.

Have you experienced a growth in demand within a particular product category? Wheels have been huge for us in 2023, we find most of our customers are expecting parents looking for travel systems, bundles in particular, putting together packages are what our customers are loving at the moment. We hope this time next year furniture will match the demand of wheels for us.

Do you feel you have a category where you consider yourselves as a specialist retailer? Pre loved is our niche, I don’t think we would ever be able to let this side of the business go as its where we started and there is still so much demand for it.

Finally, are there any other exciting plans on the horizon that you would like to share with Nursery Today readers? There is lots to look forward to in 2024 with plans being made already to grow further, the only way is up in our warehouse showroom so a second floor is currently being planned!

During 2023 did you receive adequate support 16

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profile MAXI-COSI

Setting the standard

Maxi-Cosi embraces both heritage and innovation. They invented the car seat category in Europe over 40 years ago and have earned the trust of parents worldwide, safely carrying over 60 million baby’s home from the hospital. They are known to set the standards and lead the way.


eading the way is pivotal to the Maxi-Cosi brand and at the start of 2023 they proudly launched SlideTech, a world first that has elevated the industry standard for comfort and ease of use for parents and

babies. With the unrivalled success of Pebble 360 Pro, Pearl 360 Pro and the FamilyFix 360 Pro base, Maxi-Cosi continued to innovate and expand upon the SlideTech range. First showcased at Harrogate International Nursery Fair in October, the Mica 360 Pro is the newest addition to the SlideTech family offering best-inclass comfort from 0-4 years old, thanks to their revolutionary sliding technology. Designed to the highest i-Size safety standards, Mica 360 Pro also offers FlexiSpin rotation, 5 comfortable recline positions and an easy-in harness. Maxi-Cosi believes that sustainably is an important responsibility, not just to brands but also consumers. Eco-friendly shopping habits accelerated in 2023 as consumers become even more conscious of what products are made from and the wider impact on the environment. As a brand, Maxi-Cosi are proud to have designed their Eco Care fabrics which are made from 100% recycled plastic bottles and are used across all their new car seats, pushchairs, and home equipment. As Maxi-Cosi progress into 2024, Eco Care will be included on all their new products, leading to a complete range of sustainable products in the future as standard. Whilst their product range is growing, so is their Marketing team and in September 2023 Dorel UKI welcomed Laura Buchanan (Nèe Aldridge) into the Dorel Juvenile family as a Trade Marketeer for UKI. Bringing with her almost 6 years of experience from Artsana UK and a wealth of knowledge and passion for the industry, they are already seeing the positive impact of Laura joining an already successful team. Laura Buchanan is working alongside Nicola Coletti, Senior Field Marketeer and Debbie Wakefield, Trade Marketing Manager to execute the exciting marketing plans for 2024. 2023 has been a phenomenal year for Maxi-Cosi and they

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2023 has been a phenomenal year for MaxiCosi and they will continue to reach even higher heights in 2024, to meet and surpass the needs and demands of parents and babies.

From Left: Laura Buchanan, Nicola Coletti, Debbie Wakefield will continue to reach even higher heights in 2024, to meet and surpass the needs and demands of parents and babies. 2024 also marks a special milestone for Maxi-Cosi as it’s their 40th Anniversary. We can’t wait to see how Maxi-Cosi celebrate with their amazing team and of course their loyal retailers who embody Maxi-Cosi’s brand values and deliver exceptional service and support to all Maxi-Cosi consumers. The Dorel UKI team would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

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Cover Story

Britax Römer


A Rearward-Facing Revolution The NEW SAFE-WAY M from Britax Römer is one of the most affordable extended rearward-facing seats up to 7 years (125 cm / 36 kg) on the market, designed and made in Germany.


mbarking on a journey with little ones has taken a significant leap in safety and style with the latest product release from Britax Römer. It introduces a precious experience for your customers, emphasising the paramount importance of safety and comfort for their children. The SAFE-WAY M car seat emerges as a steadfast companion, purposefully designed to prioritise the security and well-being of every child. Extended rearward facing has never looked so safe and good! From extended rearward-facing capabilities to innovative safety features and German engineering, this car seat offers a holistic solution for parents seeking the best for their little travel buddies as well as being the most affordable extended rearwardfacing seat on the market. The NEW SAFE-WAY M is approved to the latest UN R129 regulations and what’s more, it passed the new Swedish Plus Test so you know that little ones are safe on every journey.

for providing optimal protection in the event of a frontal collision. With the ability to accommodate children up to 7 years (125 cm / 36 kg), this car seat ensures that every little one enjoys the benefits of rearward-facing driving for an extended period, promising a safer and more secure ride.

The SAFE-WAY M sets itself apart by promoting extended rearward-facing travel, a feature recognised

Ensuring a secure installation in the car is vital, and the SAFE-WAY M addresses this concern with its

Extended Rearward-Facing Travel 18

Effortless Installation with ClickTight

The hassle of installing car seats is a concern for many parents, but the SAFE-WAY M addresses this with its ClickTight technology. This intuitive system ensures easy installation – no manual tightening of belts required. Simply operate the handle, and the ClickTight mechanism selftightens, leaving behind the worries of incorrect setups in the past.

Stability and Ease: Height Adjustable Support Leg

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The SAFE-WAY M car seat is more than just a mode of transportation for children; it’s a commitment to their safety, comfort, and future adventures. With its innovative features, thoughtful design, and German engineering, this car seat stands as a beacon for parents seeking a reliable and secure solution for their precious passengers. Investing in the SAFE-WAY M means parents can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that their little sunshine is traveling in the safest way possible. height-adjustable support leg. This leg, with an easy-to-read indicator, firmly attaches to the car’s floor, minimizing tilting and movement of the car seat, contributing to a stable and secure ride.

Versatile Installation Options: Belted with Support Leg and Lower Tethers

The SAFE-WAY M offers flexibility in installation, accommodating various car types with the option to use the car’s 3-point seat belt. This feature is particularly convenient when transferring the car seat between vehicles that may not have ISOFIX anchorage points. The seat belt guides on the car seat facilitate correct installation, ensuring consistent safety regardless of the car model.

Infant-Friendly Design: Special Protection for Newborns

For infants, the SAFE-WAY M goes the extra mile with an included infant insert. This thoughtful addition allows your precious newborn to lie in a more reclined position (up to 87 cm), creating a warm and secure nest-like environment. The soft padding adds an extra layer of security and comfort, making every journey a delightful experience for little ones.

Cocoon of Safety: Deep, Secure Side Wings

Safety is at the core of the SAFE-WAY M design, evident in its soft, padded side wings that creates a protective cocoon for children. These wings play a crucial role in safeguarding little ones from impact during a collision, offering peace of mind to parents as they embark on every journey.

Advanced 5-Point Harness System

The car seat’s extra-safe 5-point harness system is a key feature in protecting children from serious injury during an impact. By distributing the force across the shoulders, hips, and between the legs, the harness ensures that the energy is absorbed efficiently, minimizing the impact on the seat’s protective shell.

Comfort Meets Security: Adjustable Headrest

The V-shaped headrest of the SAFE-WAY M is not only designed for comfort but also serves as a protective

measure inside collisions. This innovative feature limits the movement of the child’s head and adjusts simultaneously, providing ample space for your child to grow while maintaining a high level of safety.

Convenience at its Best: QuickRemove Washable Cover and Comfort Chest Pads

Parents will appreciate the quick-remove washable cover of the SAFE-WAY M, which can be easily detached without removing the harness. This time-saving feature ensures that they can get back on the road quickly, even after unexpected spills or messes. Additionally, the comfort chest pads enhance the 5-point harness, providing both comfort and reducing the child’s movement in the event of a collision.

Speak to the Britax Römer team today! IG @britaxromer_uk nursery today

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11/12/2023 18:18

Interview CYBEX

Clarity with Cybex Nursery Today caught up with Cybex’s General Manager, Luke Burns regarding the recent change to UN Regulations, the impact of Brexit, ADAC test scores and of course current and future innovation that is on the horizon by this established and known brand. Regarding the recent change in UN Regulations for child car seats from September 2023, in what way has it impacted the UK and Ireland? Has Cybex made any changes to product or business strategy? And finally, what do you feel are the key changes everyone should be aware of? Firstly, we have to start with a breakdown of the UK, splitting out Great Britain (England/Scotland/Wales), Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland as regulations vary in each region Due to Brexit, the UN R44 regulation will remain valid in Great Britain. Northern Ireland will follow the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the EU due to the BREXIT protocol. The EU & Northern Ireland have already stopped manufacturing R44 seats and retailers must sell through stock by September 2024. Cybex was already ahead of the game and most of our seats were already designed to the latest R129 regulation. We will not as a brand continue to manufacture R44 seats. ADAC test results often influence parental decisions. Could you explain why these results hold significant weight in the industry, and how Cybex incorporates this feedback into product development? ADAC is Europe’s largest and most respected 20

independent testing body, crash testing over and above the regulation. These tests are in addition to the legal requirements and have a focus on potential misuse. The ADAC results are often used to form part of the rating of other independent testing institutes, such as Stiftung Warentest and Which?. To emerge as the safest product in such a test, products must meet stringent requirements in a variety of different categories. Independent tests are key to giving customers unbiased confidence as all seats must pass the regulation but not all seats offer the same level of safety. Safety scores can support why one seat would be chosen over another. The fact that the test is under constant review, means that CYBEX’s research and design teams are always pushed to focus on continuous safety improvement and technologies. With Brexit’s impact on trade and regulations, how is Cybex navigating the changes in the infant car seat sector, particularly in terms of supply chains, and of course any potential increasing costs? Very simply put, Brexit has resulted in a situation that has made it commercially viable for us to open a UK Warehouse. Opening in early 2024 the warehouse

will not only help to save recent additional costs that we had to absorb but also will make us more efficient and offer a better service to our retail partners. Can you give us an insight into any sustainability initiatives within the manufacturing process of Cybex car seats, considering the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products? This is a hot topic for the team in the HQ in Bayreuth. Sustainable materials are a focus and we will continue to develop. We are also exploring new sustainable manufacturing options and how this can be applied to freight, transportation and logistics. What innovative safety features does Cybex plan

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to introduce or enhance in its car seats to remain ahead in the market and ensure child safety? At the heart of all CYBEX products is our D.S.F. Innovation Principle. This stands for a product line that combines clear, unique Design with unsurpassed Safety and intelligent Functionality. Our spirit of innovation leads to groundbreaking products, which combine sophisticated technology with maximum attention to detail. We do have something exciting happening in early 2024 which will see safety meet total uncompromised functionality in perfect harmony – but I can’t say too much right now on that! In the realm of technology integration, what advancements or integrations might we expect from Cybex in future car seat models to enhance convenience and safety for parents and children? Our experts draw on years of experience to develop new innovations and patented technologies. Consumer convenience and understanding real life parenting decisions is critical. I believe the Cloud G i-Size that has just launched will be a real game changer for parents. We are always looking to make parenting more convenient, so the NEW auto release function gives parents the freedom of simply rotating the seat and having two hands free to lift the car seat from the base. This is sure to be a big hit with parents in the real world. One of our sales team who recently had a baby can testify to this in his early trials, he could not believe how much easier it was to remove the seat and how little stress it placed on his and his wife’s backs. With the increasing digital landscape, how is Cybex leveraging technology or online platforms to educate both retailers and consumers about

Our experts draw on years of experience to develop new innovations and patented technologies. Consumer convenience and understanding real life parenting decisions is critical. car seat safety, installation, and proper usage? Cybex created the SensorSafe Chest Clip as a way of monitoring children whilst they are in their car seat. Once attached to the harness system of your child’s car seat, the SensorSafe 4-in-1 Safety Kit connects to your smartphone and provides essential alerts in potentially dangerous situations – high or low temperature warning, child still in car, safety harness monitor and the take a beak notifications. Outside of product technology and now thinking about the education of consumers on safety and installation misuse that you mention, Cybex will be using the digital landscape even more in 2024. Social media, plus, some key partnerships and our valued customers websites and channels will be part of the plan to continue to reach as many customers as possible. This education will include more training, more

demo’s and simple explanations to help parents navigate the confusing world of car seats. We will cover topics such as; when do you need to change your car seat and which car seat is the safest for their little one’s direction of travel preference. What about the future – can we expect to see any new initiatives or product launches coming through in 2024? Of course, from Cybex there is a continual flow of innovation and new products but as I’ve said you will have to wait until 2024…

2X ADAC TEST WINNER Cybex is proud to announce that Cloud T i-Size + Base T and Solution T i-Fix have been awarded TEST WINNER in ADAC (10/2023), along with the Sirona T i-Size which received the best result in the category of child seats from birth to 4 years.

The products have achieved the following results: Cloud T + Base T TEST WINNER, with an overall result of “GOOD” (1.7) - including an extraordinary safety grade “VERY GOOD” (1.3). Solution T i-Fix TEST WINNER in the category from approx. 4 to 12 years with an overall score of “GOOD” (2.0). Sirona T i-Size + Base T awarded in the category up to approx. 4 years with an overall score of “GOOD” (2.3) and best result in the category of child seats from birth to 4 years. This latest success follows the notable result of the Anoris T i-Size, awarded TEST WINNER by ADAC in 2022 with “VERY GOOD” (1.5). The Anoris T i-Size has the world’s first integrated full-body airbag, providing approx. 50% higher safety levels than a forward facing harness child seat in a frontal crash****. “Ever since CYBEX was founded it has been our heartfelt ambition to

contribute to the safety of our children. We are therefore delighted with our T-Line’s ratings in the latest ADAC tests as they underline our commitment to the highest quality and safety standards. Achieving over 500 awards fills us with pride and motivates us to push the boundaries further and our products even safer.”, said Johannes Schlamminger, CEO CYBEX. nursery today

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Picture courtesy of Joie



The realm of infant car seats stands as a paramount pillar in ensuring the safety and security of our youngest passengers. Here in the United Kingdom, the significance of these seats is not only underscored by their mandatory requirement under law but also by the constant innovation witnessed within the sector from established car seat brands.


he UK law mandates the use of appropriate car seats for children until they reach either 12 years old or a height of 135cm, whichever comes first. This legal requirement reflects an acknowledgment of the vulnerability of infants and young children in vehicles. However, many first-time parents can feel bewildered with what is required, so how do brands convey requirements in an easy to digest way? “Car seat legislations and standards can be a lot to absorb, even for those who are experienced in the sector. Here at Maxi-Cosi, we always share insightful articles to guide parents and retailers, aiming to cut through the jargon and deliver in a way that is clear for all.” Commented Dorel’s Senior Field Marketeer Nicola Colletti, with Joie’s Head of Product Management Damon Marriott adding “It’s a confusing topic for those who are outside of the industry, so we have done our best to try and simplify the message as much as possible. To make it easier to digest we have created a suit of comparison charts and infographics so both retailers and consumers can see the differences at a glance.” This industry sector is notably a leader when it comes to brand names who play a significant role within this product category. “As brands, we are all responsible for making sure that we go above and beyond when we test our seats. It’s also very important to proficiently train our retailers to a high standard. These high standards of testing and training are a core part of our business.” Said Axkid’s Managing Director, Jayne Caul, adding “This eventually filters down to the consumer who can make good choices based upon what they have learnt. This massive role for brands within this sector also includes trust and reputation. These are key, because consumers are more likely to purchase from brands they trust especially when it comes to car seat safety. Consumers should have 100% confidence in the safety of the product they buy. As a Swedish brand, with Sweden having a reputation as a safety conscious country, we endeavor to make sure we are constantly evolving with the latest technology and testing so that we are known as a brand who take safety very seriously.” Established brands within the nursery retail sector continuously raise the bar through innovation, while always keeping safety at its core. They are known to invest in research and development, integrating cutting-edge technologies and materials to enhance the safety and comfort of infant car seats. An area that has experienced significant growth and demand by the consumer is perhaps, as an example, the popularity among parents for 360 swivel seats together with car seats which also feature ERF and lie flat capabilities. As this is clearly a sector that is continuously evolving, we asked Jayne if she felt there were specific trends forming. “In the dynamic landscape of child car safety, several notable trends are shaping the evolution of car seat designs. One prominent trend is the surging popularity of 360 swivel car seats. These seats offer a comprehensive solution, allowing parents and caregivers to effortlessly rotate the seat to face the car door for easy and convenient child placement and buckling.” Says Jayne. “Furthermore, a growing emphasis on extended rear-facing seating, backed by research highlighting its superior safety benefits, has led to an increased demand for car seats that accommodate older children in this position. In line with environmental concerns, eco-friendly and sustainable materials are gaining traction in car seat manufacturing, providing parents with options that align with


their values. Additionally, technology integration is on the rise, with smart features like sensors, app connectivity, and enhanced impact protection systems becoming more prevalent, ensuring that car seats not only provide safety but also offer a seamless and modern experience for families on the go. As the industry continues to evolve, these trends underscore the commitment to child safety, comfort, and innovation, ultimately offering a broader array of choices for discerning parents in search of the best car seat solutions.” For nursery retailers, the demand for high-quality, innovative infant car seats presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Parents and caregivers increasingly prioritise safety and comfort when selecting car seats for their infants. This demand places a premium on retailers to stock a diverse range of reliable and

“In the dynamic landscape of child car safety, several notable trends are shaping the evolution of car seat designs. One prominent trend is the surging popularity of 360 swivel car seats.” Jayne Caul, Axkid technologically advanced car seats. Retailers play a crucial role in educating consumers about the importance of complying with legal requirements and choosing the right car seat for their child’s specific needs. However, with many parents and caregivers turning to online to research and gain information, can this sometimes add to their confusion with social media posts by bloggers, etc. who are perhaps sending out misinformation? Damon feels that yes, this can lead to further confusion stating: “It can be a really useful portal to convey information and education – however, it can sometimes lead to confusing and incorrect information being shared as users post comments with their limited knowledge. We always do our best to guide and inform users to prevent this from happening.” Nicola would agree adding: “Social media is a powerful tool and we know incorrect information can be shared freely by consumers. As a brand, we take the responsibility of social media very seriously and only support and share content showing correct use and installation of car seats.” The evolution of infant car seats in the UK marketplace signifies a concerted effort by established brands to not only meet legal requirements but also exceed safety standards through innovative design and technology, with nursery retailers playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between these advancements and consumer awareness, ensuring that every journey for an infant is as safe and secure as possible. By understanding the legal mandates, embracing innovation, and aligning with consumer preferences, the nursery retail sector can continue to be a significant advocate for child safety, providing families with the peace of mind they deserve. You will find a host of car seats across the following pages, all of which meet or indeed exceed safety standards, which are all available to order now.

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One seat. All ages. spins 360°

i-Spin™ XL


360° multi-age car seat 40-150 cm (birth to approx. 12 years)

This one-seat wonder grows along with your child all the way from birth to approx. 12 years old. A 360°




spin makes it easy to buckle your child in, whether you have an infant or a wriggly toddler.

For more information and all sale enquiries, please contact Joie on 01889 808 900 or email:

big kid

Introducing our

SlideTech Family


Setting an ergonomic precedent, SlideTech® allows Maxi-Cosi car seats to both rotate and slide towards parents when getting their child in and out of the car. No more bending and reaching into the car, and no more backaches and banged heads. Breaking new ground in car seat innovation, SlideTech® is now available in even more Maxi-Cosi car seats. Always looking to the future, Maxi-Cosi is now launching the new Mica 360 Pro. Its integrated base, featuring SlideTech® technology, offers unrivalled comfort for parents’ backs. Both the Maxi-Cosi 360 Pro Family and the Mica 360 Pro are approved and endorsed by independent healthcare professionals and have received the Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR) Seal of Approval for products that protect against back pain. SlideTech® is a true game-changer for parents when it comes to comfort and convenience. * AGR seal of approval: accredited as a back-friendly product by independent health professionals.


FamilyFix 360 Pro

Pebble 360 Pro

RRP: £219.99

RRP: £259.99

The FamilyFix 360 Pro is the only car seat base that rotates and slides towards parents using Maxi-Cosi’s patented SlideTech® technology. Our Pebble 360 Pro and Pearl 360 Pro car sets are compatible with the FamilyFix360 Pro base, ensuring ultimate ease for parents and maximum comfort for little ones from birth up to 4 years old.

The Pebble 360 Pro delivers maximum sleep comfort for baby, from birth up to 15 months. The seat features three recline positions including a full lie-flat position which can be used in the car or attached to a pushchair. When used with the rotating FamilyFix 360 Pro slideout base, parents can effortlessly rotate and slide their child towards them. The easy-in harness adds even more convenience, allowing parents to fasten their baby in with minimum fuss. On the road, Maxi-Cosi’s integrated G-CELL Side Impact Protection provides superior safety. Available in Essential Black, Essential Grey, Essential Graphite and Essential Green

Mica 360 Pro

Pearl 360 Pro

RRP: £349.99

RRP: £299.99

Mica 360 Pro offers best-in-class comfort from birth up to 4 years old, thanks to Maxi-Cosi’s SlideTech® technology, FlexiSpin 360° rotation, 5 comfortable recline positions and an easy-in harness. Designed to the highest i-Size safety standards, the seat’s integrated base features sliding technology, so it’s easier to get children in and out of the car. Plus, our integrated G-CELL Side Impact Protection offers even more safety. Simply slide, spin and go!

Pearl 360 Pro offers superior comfort for toddlers. The seat has 5 recline positions so parents can select the best angle for their child from birth (using the Newborn Inlay, sold separately) up to 4 years old. When used with the rotating FamilyFix 360 Pro slide out base featuring SlideTech® technology, Pearl 360 Pro is the only toddler car seat available that both rotates and slides towards you. The easy-in harness adds even more convenience, and our integrated G-CELL Side Impact Protection offers superior safety.

Available in Authentic Black, Authentic Grey, Authentic Graphite, Authentic Blue, and Authentic Green.

Available in Authentic Black, Authentic Grey, Authentic Graphite, Authentic Cognac, Authentic Blue, and Authentic Green

Mica 360 Pro and 360 Pro Family Mica 360 Pro and 360 Pro Family car seats are made with premium, high-quality materials that are easy to keep clean. They all feature Eco Care, an innovative planet-friendly, premium 100% recycled fabric, while ClimaFlow ventilation panels enhance air circulation and keep children at the right temperature. To find out more, contact your sales representative at


Pain Grows free with child

Say farewell to backaches, head bangs or car seat struggles. Maxi-Cosi’s new Mica 360 Pro for 0–4-year olds offers next-level convenience thanks to SlideTech technology,

FlexiSpin rotation, five recline positions and an easy-in harness that stays open and out of the way. The sliding technology makes it easy to get a child in and out of the car – simply slide, spin, and go. The seat is designed to the highest i-Size safety standards, featuring integrated G-CELL Side Impact Protection, and patented AirProtect safety cushions in the headrest. The anti-misuse button makes sure that the child always travels in the rearward facing position up to 15 months. Afterwards parents can choose travelling in the safest rearward-facing position or switch to forward-facing.

Compact for


Joie have created a car seat parents can count on to stay steady through every outing from birth all the way to 12. The i-Spin XL grows along with your child, making it the only car seat they will ever need – and with the highest safety certifications, all of Joie’s premium convenience features and timeless Signature styling, i-Spin XL is the smart and economic choice that will provide you with peace of mind for years to come.

The 360o spin makes it easy to buckle your child in, whether you have a delicate newborn or a wriggly toddler. The 5-position recline is usable in both rearward and forward-facing positions, so you can make sure your little, or big, traveller is set up for a comfy and cosy ride. You can also adjust their seat on the go to make sure you maximise every nap time.

Whether travelling by taxi, renting a car to visit the grandparents, or jetting off for summer holidays, ensure its hassle-free with Maxi-Cosi’s Nomad Plus.

At only 4.26kg, this travel car seat is one-third of the weight of a regular toddler seat, folds compactly into its own shoulder bag and takes less than 30 seconds to install using any seat belt. It has a built-in handle so it’s easy to pick up, too. Designed for children between 15 months and 4 years old, this premium product also has reinforced Side Impact Protection, super soft fabrics, and a padded seat for added comfort. The Nomad Plus is also cabin approved by most airlines, ensuring parents avoid any last-minute stresses at the airport.


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Decades of experience

German child seat manufacturer AVOVA started from scratch in 2018 and currently offer a full range of child seats for children from birth through to 150cm including infant carriers, rotation, evolutive combination and booster seats. The AVOVA team brings together decades of experience in child safety and founded AVOVA to create faultless car seats, 100% fit for purpose, without any bling‐bling, with the single purpose to do the one job these products are developed for: to protect children in cars in the best possible way. Latest model: the new Swan-Fix i-size (40-125cm).


soundly Coming soon - New iSize

Booster seat range My Babiie introduces their new iSize Compact Group 23 Car Seat, a pinnacle of safety and style for growing children.

I-Harbour will keep little one snug and safe from birth to four years, thanks to the Tri-Protect headrest, padded with Intelli-Fit memory foam for optimal head and neck security. Tiny travellers can snooze soundly thanks to the 5-position recline for comfort that’s both luxurious and fuss free, while the Grow-Together headrest and harness system adjust simultaneously making those on-the-go alterations a breeze. I-Harbour has a lightweight shell, making it easy to transfer from vehicle to vehicle, but with reinforced steel at its core, this is a super strong seat crafted for utmost resilience. I-harbour pairs with the i-Base Encore to create a spinning solution that will make loading and unloading a breeze. i-Base Encore sold separately.

Designed with precision to meet the latest iSize standards, this car seat ensures optimal protection during every journey. The foldable seat, with carry handle accommodates children from 3 to 12 years, providing a secure and comfortable ride. With an adjustable backrest, plush padding, and a sleek aesthetic, My Babiie’s iSize Compact Car Seat combines cutting-edge safety with modern design for peace of mind on the road. Coming Early 2024 in 3 fashions. 28

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Collection 2024

Pushchairs Mercedes-Benz and Mercedes-AMG Collection Made M ade in in G ermany Germany

Distributed by

Come C ome tto o ssee ee u uss iin nH Hong ong K Kong ong Baby Baby Products Products Fair Fair 2 2024 024 Booth No. No. :3F :3F - E28 E28 iin n 8-11 8-11 January January 2 024 Booth 2024 Contact us us at at 0190 0190 2 49 4905 4905 or or Email Email to to enq@cozynsafe.c Contact 249


A Christmas list must-have

– Doona i

Available exclusively from CuddleCo, the latest Car Seat & Stroller from Doona is available to pre-order now and boasts several upgraded features, making it R129 certified and i-Size compliant with the Isofix Base. The new addition has all the great features Doona is known for, including the highest safety and quality standards. Featuring an integrated 5-point harness that’s connected to the adjustable headrest, making them easy to adjust depending on baby’s height, and an upgraded Doona i infant insert, this latest offering from Doona ticks all the boxes. Available in 3 stylish colours including the new on-trend Sahara Sand which we predict to be a hit.

Lie flat

Calmi R129 is a luxurious lie flat car cot from Joie will let little ones’ travel in the height of safety and sophistication. Tested against the tough R129 standards, the calmi R129 provides increased side impact protection by positioning baby’s head at the safest point in the vehicle. Calmi R129 keeps baby in the safest, 180o ‘lie flat’ position and has a cosy insert to keep newborns properly positioned at all times, supporting little necks and spines so you can journey for longer whether you are in the car or out for a stroll. Calmi R129 pairs easily with Joie’s aeria and finiti pushchairs using adapters. Just pop calmi R129 off the base and on to your pushchair frame and off you stroll. Calmi R129 pairs with Joie’s i-Base Encore, sold separately.

Revolutionise Safety with

Apollo i-Size

Discover the Ultimate Protection for Your Child’s Journey Welcome to the revolutionary Apollo i-Size, a car seat designed to elevate safety and comfort for a child’s entire journey from birth to 12 years old. Engineered with an innovative 360° one-touch rotation feature, this seat ensures seamless transitions between rear and forwardfacing positions, offering utmost convenience. Its adaptable nature accommodates heights from 40 to 150cm, making it a steadfast companion through a child’s growth. Experience extended rear-facing up to 105cm (approximately 4 years old), promoting enhanced safety. The Quick Release Top Tether facilitates easy rotation, complemented by a Buckle Release Alarm for added security. This seat is fitted using Isofix, top tether, and/or vehicle 3-point belt, ensuring a robust installation. Safety is paramount with side impact protection and an ECE R129 Safety Certification. Enjoy easy adjustments with a 5-point harness, multiple headrest positions, and five forward-facing recline positions. The newborn insert and super deep, soft padding guarantee optimal comfort. Trust in its quality, reliability, and commitment to safety on every ride. 30

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C LOUD G i - S IZ E UN R129/03, 40 - 87 cm, from birth to approx. 24 months, ma x. 13 kg

/ Ergonomic lie-flat position / 180° rotation & One-click release system / All-round air ventilation / 15% more side-impact protection * CYBEX-ONLINE.COM

*compared to the same seat without L.S.P. in a side-impact test according to ADAC criteria.



Recline for comfort The new i-Level Recline looks every inch the fashion statement with its plush and luxurious fabrics, cosy quilted details and vegan leather accents – but it’s not just a pretty face.

Introducing G-line modular system

from Cybex

Partner the i-Level Recline with the i-Base Encore for a spinning system with laid back luxury. Parents can rest assured that their precious cargo is in safe hands with the exclusive Tri-Protect headrest featuring Intelli-Fit memory foam that has been specially engineered for optimal head and neck security. Alterations on the go are effortless with the i-Level Recline, thanks to the headrest and harness that adjust simultaneously, while the easy to remove, full body insert keeps tiny travellers nestled in safety.

Cloud G i-size and Sirona G i-size embark in the G-line family journey

CYBEX introduces CLOUD G i-SIZE and SIRONA G i-SIZE, the newest additions to its Gold G-Line car seats which now accompany families throughout all stages of growth, from birth to teen, with the highest standards of safety and comfort.

Cloud G i-Size: Lie-Flat Comfort & Safety The Cloud G i-Size is the perfect ally for those function-driven parents always on the go to guarantee the most comfortable, smooth on and off boarding. With its newly developed one-click release system and 180° rotation function, it makes parents´ everyday lives easier. With its ability to lie flat in an ergonomic position, it can help a child’s posture and growth. The all-round air ventilation system ensures optimal breathability, resulting in serene road trips even on the hottest days, allowing parents to fully concentrate on the road ahead. Safety is further guaranteed with the innovative Linear Side-Impact Protection Plus (L.S.P. Plus), which keeps children up to 15% safer* when it comes to side impacts. Extremely lightweight, Cloud G i-Size becomes the perfect flying companion as it has been certified to be used as a seat on an airplane.

Sirona G i-Size: 360° Comfort & Safety The CYBEX Sirona G i-Size toddler car seat delivers comfort and protection, unparalleled in the on-or-off-boarding of your child. Its intuitive 360° swivel function places children in the best position, a wonderful aid to parents in their daily lives. Rear-facing travel, where the CYBEX Sirona G i-Size provides 50% higher** safety levels, has become the cornerstone of toddler car seats in recent years, and five separate recline settings allow parents to find their child’s perfect ergonomic traveling position, with the invaluable protection of the integrated L.S.P. All-round air ventilation promises a more enjoyable travel experience for toddlers, especially on hot days.

Base G: G-Line Modular System The practical and versatile Base G is a safe and secure foundation for the CYBEX G-Line Modular System, providing safety and support for the first 4 years of life. The CYBEX Modular G base combines safety and comfort from the very start, engineered to fit both the Cloud G and the Sirona G, it provides a secure, flexible and long-term foundation. With the base, extra stability and safety in the car is ensured, with the load leg preventing forward rotation in the event of an accident and ISOFIX-Release buttons to make installation easier and secure. Cloud G i-Size, Sirona G i-Size and Base G are now welcomed into the family, joining Pallas G i-Size and Solution G i-Fix. 32

Premium product,

affordable price The i-Jemini is the most affordable premium baby car seat in the Encore Spinning System.

I-Jemini pairs with the i-Base Encore to instantly transform into a 90 spinning car seat – an ultra-smooth, one hand motion turns the seat towards you to make buckling up a breeze. When it’s time for tiny travellers to graduate to the next seat, you can up-grade to i-Harbour which works with i-Base Encore to give you years of easy ins and outs. I-Jemini meets the newest and most advanced R129 safety approval standard, with side impact testing and i-Size certification for a guaranteed backseat fit.

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Minikid 4: Safety and Comfort


The Axkid Minikid 4 stands as a testament to cutting-edge child car safety. Tailored for rear-facing travel, the Axkid MiniKid 4 epitomises both security and comfort. Seamlessly accommodating toddlers up to seven years old, its impressive design ensures protection while your child grows. Easy installation and adaptable features cater to the needs of busy parents, prioritising ease without compromising safety. The Minikid 4’s advanced side-impact safeguarding system and energy-absorbing materials underscore its commitment to minimising potential hazards. Soft cushioning and a thoughtful layout guarantee a comfortable journey, making it an ideal choice for both short commutes and lengthy trips. With the Axkid Minikid 4, parents can confidently navigate the road, knowing their child’s safety takes precedence. Axkid continues be a leader in child car seat technology, and the Minikid 4 is a testament to their commitment to your child’s safety. Coming this December is the launch of Movekid, expanding Axkid’s range and enhancing child car safety and comfort.

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supplier snapshot Nursery Today caught up with Axkid’s Managing Director, Jayne Caul to find out her thoughts on car seats within our industry sector. Do you feel as an industry we provide ample information to both the retailer and the consumer to give a good understanding of the current legal requirements for car seats?

At Axkid, we believe that the child car seat industry has made significant strides in providing information to both retailers and consumers regarding current legal requirements for car seats. However, there is always room for improvement in ensuring that parents, retailers and manufacturers have a comprehensive understanding of these regulations. As a manufacturer, we strive to provide clear and accurate information to retailers and consumers about the legal requirements for child car seats. This includes information about weight and height limits, installation guidelines, and any specific regulations. Retailers play a crucial role in educating consumers about the appropriate car seat for their child’s age, weight, and height, as well as the specific legal requirements that apply. This involves ensuring that consumers are aware of the importance of using the correct car seat and installing it properly. We also provide extensive training to all our retailers to ensure they know how to use car seats and fit them.

As a car seat brand, how do you convey safety messages to the consumer?

We have various avenues we use in order to promote the safety message to consumers. We have a number of educational blogs and content on our website to help customers understand the extent our products are tested and regulated too, providing statistics on the importance of car seat safety, this is then echoed on to our social media channels. For customers who have purchased our product we provide extensive product guide and labels on our products so they are always aware of how to use the product correctly as their child grows to maximise safety.

Does social media assist or can this give incorrect information by way of vloggers, bloggers or influencers that might be not be aligned with a known car seat brand?

Parents often turn to social media for quick advice. The rise of the influencers in the last 10 years means that often, parents will listen to their recommendations. This comes with its pros and cons. Some influencers are clued up when it comes to car seat safety and others are definitely not. However, we believe it’s important to work alongside influencers and arm them with the knowledge they need to talk confidently about car seats and safety. There are also many online communities that raise awareness of car seat safety. We work along with a number of these groups to help educate consumers. More recently we have been growing our own TikTok account to help spread the word of rearward facing.

With the current continued cost of living situation are consumers focussed on price vs. function/safety features? During this cost of living crisis, it’s natural for families to try and cut costs where they can. As we know, having a baby comes with some big ticket item costs. However, car seat safety should never be compromised. Arming


consumers with all the right questions will help them to understand the legislation of R44 and R129/i-Size, ADAC testing and the ultimate Swedish Plus tests. Helping them to see that price should never compromise safety. Every Axkid car seat is built to last and we have developed a range of car seats including the ONE + 2 and Minikid 4 and MiniKid 2 that adapt and grow with the child. These car seats offer maximum support, security and comfort from birth all the way up to around 7 years, giving parents great value for money. Our range starts from £200 with our award winning Modukid car seat system.

Do you work with any associations or have award wins aligned to your products and if so, does this provide additional credibility to your range and confidence in the brand?

We are proud to Swedish Plus test all of our rearward facing car seats. The Swedish Plus test stands as one of the most rigorous crash tests today, ensuring your child’s safety during frontal collisions by minimizing neck strain. To earn the coveted Plus Test mark, a car seat must endure an arduous crash test that assesses seat strength and robustness, while also safeguarding the crash test dummy’s neck to a specific limit. This test’s exceptional difficulty arises from factors like higher impact speeds compared to European standards, a brief braking distance leading to more intense impacts, and meticulous neck measurements using sensors. Notably, forward-facing seats often struggle to pass this test due to excessive neck forces. Unlike the European standard R129, which doesn’t address neck forces, the Swedish Plus Test’s stringent criteria prioritize safety. While manufacturers choose whether to undergo Plus Testing, Axkid has subjected all its rear-facing car seats to this scrutiny due to the profound impact neck forces can have on collision outcomes. Opting for a Plus-tested car seat guarantees top-tier safety, reassuring parents about their child’s protected travel. We are also proud to have won numerous awards in the last 12 months including Gold Best multi-stage car seat in Made For Mums 2023 awards, Best Rearward Facing Car Seat Platinum in the 2023 Loved By Parents awards.

What type of support do you give retailers who stock your ranges?

We offer first-class training and support to all of our retailers in order to ensure they can fully demonstrate our car seats, and educate their customers in the importance of rearward facing. Our expert team of sales and support staff travel across the country to fully equip Axkid stockists with all of the information and skills they need to understand the products and how to fit them.

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Nursery Today caught up with Joie’s Head of Product Management Damon Marriott and Dorel’s Senior Field Marketeer (UK) Nicola Coletti to find out their thoughts on car seats within our industry sector.

Damon Marriott - Joie What recent innovations have been incorporated into your car seats to enhance safety and comfort?

Joie is always at the heart of safety innovation – and our new designs are at the cutting edge. We have integrated our swivel base, the i-Base Encore into our full infant carrier line up, which includes the innovative new sprint infant carrier. This allows parents the maximum level of convenience and gives little ones the very best in comfort though one of the most widely varied and versatile product portfolios on the market for the newborn stage. With maximum occupant comfort offered from the lie flat i-Level Recline, and the maximum parent comfort provided by the ultra-lightweight design of the i-Snug 2, we really have covered all the bases.

How does your company ensure that the information provided about your car seats is clear and easily understandable for nursery retailers to effectively pass on to their customers?

We have the full range of assets available to our retail partners through our marketing team, also via direct online support through our website. We always try to work with our retail partners to provide bespoke support, depending on their requirements.

What online resources or platforms does your company offer to educate consumers about the proper installation, usage, and safety guidelines? We have a full and comprehensive range of online content that is available on our website, as well as a dedicated YouTube channel. Our excellent Customer Service team are always on hand as well to offer help and advice.

What kind of point-of-sale materials or support do you provide to nursery retailers to assist them in effectively communicating the features and benefits of your car seats to their customers?

It depends on the requirements of the retailer – we like to tailor our offering to each retailer to provide them with a bespoke POS package. If necessary, we can expand that offering to suit whenever needed.

Can you share any upcoming plans or developments in your car seat ranges, or your current information resources that would benefit both the retailer and consumer in 2024?

The biggest new launch for us in 2024 will be the addition of sprint into our portfolio which will expand the choice for both retailers and consumers, giving a wider variety of options in travel systems and through all the options available.

Nicola Coletti - Dorel

What recent innovations have been incorporated into your car seats to enhance safety and comfort? Everything we do at Maxi-Cosi is with both safety and comfort in mind, so innovating in this area is top of the list for us. Earlier this year, we launched our latest innovation, SlideTech, offering the ultimate comfort for parents and babies whilst on/off boarding from the car. Alongside SlideTech, we have incorporated our patented AirProtect technology into even more of our products. First launched within RodiFix AirProtect, the safety cushion system which provides extra protection of the child’s head has now been integrated into our exciting new launch, Mica 360 Pro.

How does your company ensure that the information provided about your car seats is clear and easily understandable for nursery retailers to effectively pass on to their customers?

Safety is the highest priority to us here at Maxi-Cosi, so we ensure that our partners are well equipped with the information they need. We provide retailer catalogues and products sheets throughout the year as well as informative POS. We also have a fantastic training team completing regular stores visits and the Dorel Xpert training app is always on hand for additional support.

What online resources or platforms does your company offer to educate consumers about the proper installation, usage, and safety guidelines? Education on correct usage of products is vital so we like to ensure that we maximise platforms such as social media and the Maxi-Cosi YouTube channel to share instructional videos. Offline, you can find QR codes on the product labels of our products directing consumers to online guides for further support.

Do you feel that social media assists or hinders in

communicating a clear guideline as to which car seat a parent will need to focus on during the various stages together with safety and car seat usage?

Through our branded social channels and branded content, we are able to reach a huge audience and help educate parents-to-be on safe car seat usage from birth and beyond. Social media is a powerful tool and we know incorrect information can be shared freely by consumers. As a brand, we take the responsibility of social media very seriously and only support and share content showing correct use and installation of car seats.

What kind of point-of-sale materials or support do you provide to nursery retailers to assist them in effectively communicating the features and benefits of your car seats to their customers? The launch of SlideTech saw our POS reach new heights, with intelligent screens and demo cars to help project yourself into the real-life side of parenting. In addition, we also like to provide detailed product leaflets showing the key features and benefits of our products.

Can you share any upcoming plans or developments in your car seat ranges, or your current information resources that would benefit both the retailer and consumer in 2024? Maxi-Cosi will continue to champion sustainability into 2024. We have worked hard to ensure our current product range contains our Eco Care fabrics as standard rather than as a premium option. Aside from sustainability, the innovation never stops for team Maxi-Cosi and there is certainly lots to look forward to in 2024!

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The winners are... Mother&Baby Awards 2024 winners revealed!


t was with excitement that Mother&Baby revealed the winners for this year’s 2024 Mother&Baby Awards, supported by George at ASDA. Proudly celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Mother&Baby Awards, the coveted Gold and Silver awards which everyone wants to win, are voted for by real parents who have tried and tested the products, to help out fellow new mums and dads when deciding on the best products for their little ones. As a recognised symbol that gains consumer confidence, parents look out for a Mother&Baby Awards rosette when choosing what to buy. Huge congratulations to all the brilliant products that made this year’s shortlists and of course to the winners! This year the winning Gold & Silver Award winning products are: Best Product For A Newborn 0-4 months GOLD: Mamia size 1 Nappy SILVER: Mamia size 2 Nappy

Best Toddler Toy GOLD: Ladybird Ten Minutes to Bed – Little Dragon Board Book SILVER: Mookie Skuttlebug SILVER: Orchard Toys Shopping List

Best Baby Carrier/ Sling or Back Carrier GOLD: LittleLife Freedom S4 Child Carrier SILVER: RYLOOBABY Sling Best Baby Monitor GOLD: Vtech RM7766HD SILVER: Babymoov YOO Go Plus 5” Video Monitor Best Teething Product GOLD: Bibado Dawn The Dinosaur Teether SILVER: Matchstick Monkey Teddy Tiger Teether Best Baby Toy GOLD: Playgro Sensory Friend Lupe Llama SILVER: Playgro Clip Clop Activity Rattle

Best Safety Product GOLD: Mini First Aid Family First Aid Kit SILVER: Onco Baby Car Mirror

Green Sheep Group arriving at M&B Awards evening

Best Sleep Product GOLD: CuddleCo Lullaby Hypo-Allergenic Bamboo Foam Cot Bed Mattress SILVER: Nala’s Baby Nighttime Oil Best Cot, Crib or Moses Basket GOLD: Graco Sweet2Sleep SILVER: John Lewis Charlotte Cot Bed Best Bedding GOLD: Tinkaly Piddle Pads SILVER: Love To Dream Swaddle Up Warm Best Bathtime Product GOLD: Mamia Bedtime Bath SILVER: brush-baby BabySonic

Hauck Helen Robinson accepting their Gold Award

Best Baby Skincare Range/ Product GOLD: Nala’s Baby Full Range Bundle SILVER: Childs Farm Baby Skincare Range Best Baby Wipe GOLD: Mamia Fragranced Baby Wipes SILVER: ASDA Little Angels Plastic Free Sensitive 60 Baby Wipes 36

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Team CuddleCo accepting their Gold Award win in the Sleeptime category Best Nappy Cream GOLD: Childs Farm Nappy Cream Fragrance Free SILVER: Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment Best Reusable Nappy GOLD: Kit & Kin Reusable Cloth Nappy SILVER: TotsBots Bamboozle System Best Performance Disposable Nappy GOLD: Pampers Premium Protection Taped Nappies SILVER: Kit & Kin Eco Nappy Best Value Disposable Nappy GOLD: Sainsbury’s Little Ones Pants SILVER: ASDA Little Angels Comfort & Protect Nappies Best Pregnancy Product GOLD: BABYGO Birthing Ball SILVER: Babycare Elle TENS Plus Best New Mum/ Postnatal Product GOLD: iL Tutto SILVER: Bumbles & Boo New Mum Gift Hampers Best New Mum/ Maternity Skincare Product GOLD: Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks SILVER: Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Nipple Cream

Best Potty Training Product (excluding disposable nappies) GOLD: My Carry Potty SILVER: Pourty Eco Pourty Potty Best Newborn Car Seat (Stage 0/0+) GOLD: Nuna PIPA urbn SILVER: Joie i-Level Recline and i-Base Encore Best Baby/Toddler Car Seat (Stage 1/2) GOLD: Nuna TODL next and BASE next SILVER: Maxi-Cosi Pearl 360 and FamilyFix 360 Pro Base Best Multi Stage Car Seat GOLD: Joie elevate R129 SILVER: Joie i-Spin XL Best Travel System GOLD: Nuna TRIV next URBN Bundle SILVER: Venicci Upline 3-in1 Isofix Base Travel System Best Pushchair GOLD: Nuna TRIV next SILVER: Silver Cross Tide Best Lightweight Buggy/Stroller GOLD: Hauck Travel N Care Stroller SILVER: John Lewis ANYDAY Everyday Stroller

Best Breast Pump GOLD: Lola&Lykke Smart Electric Breast Pump SILVER: Pippeta Compact LED

Best Multiple, Twin or Tandem Pushchair GOLD: Out’n’About Nipper Double SILVER: Out’n’About GT Double

Best Product for Breast Feeding (excluding Breast Pumps) GOLD: Natal Active Cosy Nursing and Maternity Hoodie SILVER: BABYGO Nursing Pillow

Best Changing Bag GOLD: Luxe (2.0) Changing Backpack

Best Product for Bottle Feeding GOLD: MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic Bottles 260ml SILVER: Tommee Tippee Ultimate Formula Feeding Kit Best Steriliser/ Sterilising Product GOLD: MAM Easy Start Bottle & Microwave Steriliser Set SILVER: Vital Baby NURTURE Advanced pro UV Steriliser & Dryer Best Feeding Product for Weaning GOLD: Aldi Mamia Organic Apples, Carrots and Parsnips Fruit Pouch SILVER: How to Feed Your Toddler by Charlotte Stirling-Reed Best Baby Food Range/ Product GOLD: Little Dish Fresh Kids Meals SILVER: Aldi Oaty Bars – Carrot Best Toddler (12 months+) Food Range/ Product GOLD: Nuby Earth First Tableware SILVER: Little Dish Fresh Kids Meals Best Highchair GOLD: Munchkin 360 Cloud Baby High Chair SILVER: Hauck Sit N Relax 3-in-1 Highchair

Best Swimming Product GOLD: Pampers Splashers Swim Pants SILVER: Mamia Swim Pants Best Sun Protection Cream GOLD: Childs Farm 50+ Roll-on Sun Lotion Fragrance Free Best Travel Product Over £30 GOLD: Nuby RapidCool Kit SILVER: The Blinky Company BlinkyWarm All Seasons Buggy Cover Best Travel Product Under £30 GOLD: Splash About Happy Nappy Sunsuit SILVER: LittleLife Family First Aid Kit Best Eco-friendly Product GOLD: Baa Baby Original Sheepskin Footmuff SILVER: Mini Humans Baby Personal Care Collection Innovation of the Year GOLD: Nuna PIPA urbn SILVER: Maxi-Cosi 360 Pro Family

For the full list of winners visit: nursery today

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11/12/2023 18:31

Recently awarded SILVER in the Mother & Baby Awards 2023!

hauck wins

Gold & Silver Anniversary year brings double success at Mother & Baby Awards debut Made to care, designed for love

In the year hauck is celebrating its 100th anniversary, we achieved a remarkable feat by receiving two prestigious awards at the esteemed Mother & Baby Awards. This double triumph underscores hauck‘s enduring commitment to delivering top-notch products for first-time parents.

A Debut to Remember: Double Win at Mother & Baby Awards The outstanding success comes as hauck makes its debut at the Mother & Baby Awards, crowning this event with an impressive double win. The Travel N Care stroller has been honoured with the illustrious Mother & Baby Gold Award in the fiercely competitive category of Best Lightweight Buggy/Stroller, while the Sit N Relax 3in1 highchair secures the Silver Award in the category of Best Highchair.

Gold Glory for Travel N Care Stroller The Gold Award for the Travel N Care stroller is a testament to the outstanding design, functionality, and suitability of the product for the needs of first-time parents. Navigating the demands of parenthood with ease is no small challenge, and the Travel N Care stroller has proven to be an invaluable companion for families on the go. In particular, it impresses with its lightweight one-handed folding mechanism and practical shoulder strap, allowing the lightweight travel buggy to be easily carried over the shoulder.

Silver Shine for Sit N Relax 3in1 Highchair The Silver Award for the Sit N Relax 3in1 highchair underscores hauck‘s expertise in developing innovative solutions for the nurture and care of

infants. This highchair combo is a true multitasker; the height-adjustable frame can be used both for the snuggly new-born module and the comfortable toddler seat with spacious tray. A rocking frame is also included making the new-born module into a rocker bouncer. The tilt-resistant Sit N Relax 3in1 highchair can be easily folded and moved back and forth thanks to the integrated wheels.

A Victory for Every Parent: Hauck‘s Trusted Solutions The Mother & Baby Awards are one of the most prestigious parenting awards in the industry. They are recognized everywhere and highly regarded because they are chosen and voted for by real parents. Winning not only in one but in two categories underscores hauck‘s consistent dedication to meeting and exceeding the expectations of parents.The recognition at the Mother & Baby Awards is not just a triumph for hauck but a victory for parents who rely on their products every day. It reaffirms the brand‘s position as a trusted partner in the incredible journey of parenthood, providing reliable and innovative solutions to make the adventure of raising a child a little bit easier.

Sales enquiries contact: Website: Find us on social media:

Travel N Care Compact and light hauck travel pushchair One-hand fold and practical shoulder strap Out and about in the mountains, at the sea or on a trip to the city Comfortable and safe travel thanks to agile wheels and sun protection

e e e d y e s g e e s

t . y d t e e h n s e d f

Made to care, designed for love Sales enquiries contact: Website: Find us on social media:

Recently awarded GOLD in the Mother & Baby Awards 2023!


CuddleCo wins gold for best sleep product 2 years running! The CuddleCo Lullaby Hypo-Allergenic Bamboo Foam Cot Bed Mattress was awarded Gold for the Best Sleep Product at the Mother & Baby Awards for the second year in a row. This double award-winning cot bed mattress is made with natural bamboo fibre, which has hypo-allergenic and antimicrobial properties, so parents can rest easy knowing their baby has a clean and healthy sleep environment. With tonnes of glowing reviews, it offers baby a firm and supportive base to sleep on, while promoting airflow. Designed to be the only mattress parents need as their baby grows. The mattress features an easy-clean, waterproof training side.

Elevated Monkey’s new teether with gold It’s a win for Matchstick

Matchstick Monkey’s latest animal teether, Teddy Tiger, has recently won Silver at the Mother&Baby Awards 2024 in the category ‘Best Teething’.

Just like all much-loved Matchstick Monkey teethers, the bumps on the back of the animal’s head gently massage baby’s gums and enable teething gel to get straight to the source of the pain. Providing ultimate reassurance, the teethers BioCote Anti-microbial protection, which kills up to 99.9% of microbes and prevents bacteria growth. Made from FDA approved, BPA free, non-toxic food grade silicone, Teddy Tiger is a bright and fun animal that also encourages early fine motor skill development. 40

Scoring Gold in the Best Multi Stage Car Seat Category was the elevate R129 from Joie.

Elevate R129 proved a great option for parents who are looking for a high-backed booster for their growing travellers. Suitable from 76cm – 150 cm (that’s approximately 15 months to 12 years), it has a well-marked, coloured installation path and dual lock offs making it easy to install with the vehicle’s 3-point seat belt. From 76 cm to 105 cm (about 15 months to 3.5 years) elevate R129 has a soft padded harness to keep little one comfortable and safe, and from 100-150 cm (about 3.5-12 years) they can move to the vehicles seat belt.

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Golden sleep The team at Graco is thrilled to have been recognised at the Mother & Baby awards with a Gold for Sweet2Sleep in the Best Cot, Crib or Moses basket category, and Bronze for the Turn2Me i-Size R129 in the Best Baby/Toddler car seat (Stage 1 / 2).

Commenting on the awards Luisa Rollins-Svensson said: “We are thrilled to have been recognised by parents in these categories. We are dedicated to making great quality products at the very best price and Sweet2Sleep is no exception. Being praised by parents on all counts, for ease-of-use, quality and the soothing colourway means a great deal to the team. We’re excited to bring more award winning products to UK consumers over the next 12 months.” Turn2Me i-Size R129 brings unbeatable value to the 360 spin category and we are incredibly proud that it has been recognised against such stiff competition.

Better protected New to the Mother & Baby scene, Tinkaly has received their first ever Mother and Baby award with their must have Piddle Pad Waterproof Mattress Protectors.

The Gold award winning Piddle Pads provide the ultimate protection against bedwetting for recently potty trained and fresh out of nappy children. They are easy to fit and remove with their handy tuckable wings, making them ideal for regular bedwetters & busy families. Rhianne, founder of Tinkaly says ‘I have always been confident in and proud of the quality of our products but winning a Gold award affirms this and the acknowledgement is amazing!” Piddle Pads come in packs of two and retail at £35.99. 42

Officially the Best Kit in the Reusable Nappy Category!

Kit & Kin’s reusable cloth nappy is one of this year’s Mother & Baby Gold award winners for good reason! Made from sustainable & plant-based materials, each nappy rescues two plastic bottles from landfill. Suitable from birth the thoughtful one size fits all design includes handy poppers and adjustable waist to create the perfect fit as baby’s grow. The all-in-one style, with double gusset and super absorbent 100% naturally derived core, keeps baby’s bottom dry and comfy for up to 12 hours. Not only does the nappy provide premium performance, but it also offers a choice of three of the brand’s stylish and signature animal designs. Parents can choose between fox, tiger and zebra – all making little ones’ bottoms even more adorable. Even better, every Kit & Kin reusable cloth nappy sold helps fund the purchase and protection of precious rainforest.

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LittleLife takes Gold and Silver LittleLife is delighted to announce that the Freedom S4 Child Carrier has been awarded Gold in the Best Baby Carrier/Sling category in the Mother & Baby Awards 2024, and the Family First Aid Kit took home Silver in Best Travel Products Under £30. Director of LittleLife, Richard White, commented: “It’s incredibly rewarding for our LittleLife products to be recognised by parents as the best of the best and that our hard work and dedication is recognised in this way. These wins take our overall tally with Mother & Baby over the years to 14 awards! Such an achievement and full steam ahead into 2024 with exciting new products and more announcements.” The Freedom S4 Child Carrier is tailored for families who love exploring the great outdoors together. The Mother & Baby testers were particularly

impressed with the hard-wearing fabric and many pockets contained within the carrier. The Family First Aid Kit contains 21 first aid items ranging from essentials such as plasters and antiseptic wipes, to handy items often forgotten, such as vinyl gloves, burn gel, eyewash and tweezers.

Tel: 0118 981 1433

The Self-Sterilising Bottle from MAM!! MAM’s Easy Start Anti-Colic Bottle

Breast milk is best for babies. However, when Mums want to be a bit more flexible there’s the MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic bottle. The Easy Start is the ideal choice for switching between breast and bottle thanks to the symmetrical SkinSoft™ silicone teat, which feels familiar and allows a latch that is just like Mum. This is confirmed by babies, with 94%* accepting the MAM SkinSoft™ teat. The MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic bottle also takes care of little tummies. With MAM’s unique vented base, babies can feed undisturbed and in comfort as the pressure in the bottle remains even. This allows babies to swallow less air and helps reduce 80%** of colic symptoms. This clever bottle can self-sterilise in the microwave in as little as 3 minutes, just add water! With no need for a separate steriliser, the Easy Start bottle helps make everyday baby life that little bit easier. (*Market research 2009-2023, tested with 1,808 babies). (**Field study, Austria 2011, tested with 73 mothers of babies with colic, Market research, USA 2010, tested with 35 mothers of babies with colic).

Self-sterilising in 3 easy steps: 1. Fill with 20ml of water

2. Put the bottle parts together

3. Heat in the microwave for 3 minutes


nursery today

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Nuna Go For Gold Nuna win GOLD for 5 essential categories at the 2023 Mother & Baby awards including for Best Newborn Car Seat and Best Pushchair.

The Game Changing

PIPA urbn

Nuna’s ultralight PIPA urbn is the Gold award winning Best Newborn Car Seat and the world’s first baseless infant car seat with a built-in ISOFIX system that is seamlessly integrated into the car seat.

The sleek and sophisticated TODL next

The sleek and sophisticated TODL next is the Gold award winning Best Baby / Toddler Carseat that sees your little one through all stages of growth from newborn to 18.5kg alongside the BASE next – the foundation of the modular NEXT system.


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The Everyday Travel Companion

The compact TRIV next is the Gold award winning Best Pushchair – a natural city dweller, engineered for convenience and comfort. All wheel-suspension, one-touch braking system and large rear wheels make the TRIV next the perfect everyday companion.

The Ultimate Travel System

A Gold award winning Best Travel System – the TRIV next pushchair and PIPA urbn car seat come together in an ultra convenient bundle to create the ultimate travel system that meets every need.

A World


The game changing PIPA urbn wins Innovation Of The Year as the world’s first infant car seat with integrated ISOFIX connectors, enabling it to install in seconds into taxis and cars, raising the bar in the car seat category and changing the way you travel. 11/12/2023 18:35

Travel Gold for Splash About with its unique Happy Nappy Sunsuit

For the third consecutive year Splash About’s Happy Nappy Sunsuit scooped gold in the Best Travel Product under £30 category, at the Mother & Baby 2024 Awards. A travel essential, the Happy Nappy Sunsuit is a unique combination of lightweight, stretchy Nylon Lycra body with UPF50+ sun protection and a leak-proof swim nappy. Scoring highly by parent judges because it protected baby’s delicate skin from the sun’s harmful rays, it was easy to take off when wet and best of all Splash About’s flagship Happy Nappy swim nappy could be relied upon to prevent any unwelcome leaks and negated the need for disposables – a bonus on holiday or at home! Suitable from 3-24months.

Signature silver styling Bagging the Silver Award for Best Multi Stage Car Seat was the i-Spinm XL from Joie.

Built to grow along with your child, i-Spin XL is the only car seat they will ever need – and with the highest safety certifications, all of Joie’s premium convenience features and timeless Signature styling, i-Spin XL is the smart and economic choice that will provide you with peace of mind for years to come. The 360o spin makes it easy to buckle your child in, whether you have a delicate newborn or a wriggly toddler. The 5-position recline is usable in both rearward and forward-facing positions, so you can make sure your little, or big, traveller is set up for a comfy and cosy ride. You can also adjust their seat on the go to make sure you maximise every nap time. |

Four gongs for


Maxi-Cosi were amongst the big winners at the Mother & Baby Awards 2024, picking up four prestigious accolades, which were voted for by real parents who have tried and tested the products. Maxi-Cosi won the Silver Award for the highly-sought-after ‘Innovation of the Year’ for its revolutionary sliding car seat solution with 360 Pro Family featuring SlideTech technology. The Pearl 360 Pro and FamilyFix 360 Pro base secured another Silver Award for ‘Best Baby/Toddler Car Seat’. Maxi-Cosi also won Bronze Awards for ‘Best Newborn Car Seat’ for the Pebble 360 Pro and FamilyFix 360 Pro base, and ‘Best Cot, Crib or Moses Basket’ for the premium Iora Air co-sleeper. nursery today

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MAM Proudly Win


3 Awards! strike for MAM are delighted to have won 3 awards, including 2 Golds for their popular Easy Start Anti Colic Bottles and Easy Start Bottle & Microwave Steriliser Set.

Vital Baby The parenting essential brand strikes again in 2024, obtaining Silver for Best Steriliser.

MAM are incredibly honoured to have won 3 Awards specially voted for by Parents. For the second year running - MAM’s Easy Start Anti-Colic Bottles won Gold for the Best Product in the Bottle Feeding category. The bottles are much loved by parents and babies as they compliment the switch between breast feeding and expressed milk, their SkinSoft teat provides a familiar feeling for babies. The bottles features an efficient 3 minute self-sterilising function and a unique vented base, which allows babies to feed comfortably whilst reducing colic symptoms. MAM’s Easy Start Bottle & Microwave Steriliser won Gold in the Best Steriliser category. In the Best Travel Product under £30, MAM’s Easy Start Anti Colic Bottle won Bronze. For further information, please email the below.

It’s been an exciting week for Vital Baby as they acquired a Silver award from the prestigious Mother & Baby Awards 2024. The brand was awarded the honour at the allindustry ceremony held at Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster Bridge on 21st November 2023. The iconic NURTURE advanced pro UV steriliser and dryer was awarded Silver for Best Steriliser, impressing the parent testers with simplicity of use and super speedy cycles. This speedy steriliser was praised for the range of things it can blast from bacteria and viruses – to not just bottles and pumps, but toys, keys, and even mobile phones, too. Brand Development Manager of Vital Baby, Hannah Juniper said: “We are approaching an exciting time for the brand in 2024, it’s great to be going into such an important year on a high. We have a broad portfolio which expands into many categories, so to be recognised for our NURTURE advanced pro UV steriliser & dryer is testament to the design and quality of our products. To have won Silver for the NURTURE advanced pro UV steriliser and dryer really cements its position as a hero in our range. An endorsement of this calibre is invaluable, especially because the awards are judged by parents. All our products are designed to make the lives of parents easier every step of the way, so we are delighted to have received such high commendations for this product.”


Introducing the new

Olive Green Collection Leclercbaby is proud to introduce the new Olive Green colourway to the Influencer Air Stroller and coordinating accessories to echo the latest fashion trends set for 2024. Championing Fashion-Inspired Baby Design With fashion at the heart of every design decision, the Leclercbaby Olive Green Collection takes baby products to a whole new level of style. The sumptuous Olive Green colour may remind you of cosy winter weather, however, this colour will start to be incorporated into 2024 spring and summer trends as well.

Enhancing Style and Practicality This Olive Green colourway is now featured on the Influencer Air and coordinating accessories including theFootmuff Teddy, Luxury Changing Bag and Luxury Organiser. These products seamlessly blend fashion-forward aesthetics with the innovative features and durability that parents have come to trust from the Leclercbaby brand.

Award Winning Style Leclercbaby are no strangers when it comes to receiving awards for their strollers, and 2023 sees this success continue. The Influencer Air has been recently awarded GOLD in the Dadsnet Awards - a testament to the quality, innovation and style of their strollers. 46

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Online4baby’s Managing Director, Christy Foster, reflects back on trading during 2023. The year also brought its share of challenges, particularly in terms of consumer confidence and spending patterns. Despite facing challenging trading conditions in the first half of the year, we witnessed a positive shift in the latter half, indicating a turning point in consumer sentiment and market dynamics.

Christy Foster, Managing Director


eflecting on the past year, it’s heartening to see the strides we’ve made at Online4baby, especially after a strong November season which, I hope, was equally successful for everyone in our industry. This year marked a significant shift in the competitive landscape, with big-box retailers becoming more aggressive in their pricing strategies. In response, we focused on offering unparalleled value to our customers, not just in terms of price but in the overall shopping experience. This approach has proven to be pivotal in distinguishing us from our competitors and reinforcing our market position. A key factor in our success this year has been our investment in enhancing customer service. By increasing our customer service capacity and making more personnel available for sales enquiries, we’ve significantly improved our customer relationships. This strategic move has been central to our success, helping us navigate through the year’s challenges with confidence and resilience. In addition to a strong November, Christmas is shaping up to be a particularly exciting period for us. We’ve broadened our selection of toys this year, catering to a wider range of preferences and ages. Moreover, we anticipate a robust New Year sale period, especially in our core categories featuring larger ticket items like room sets and travel systems.

One of the most exciting highlights of the year was the recognition our own brand, Puggle, received at the Mother & Baby awards. Receiving four nominations and winning two awards is not just an honour but a testament to the quality and innovation that Puggle embodies. The awards ceremony was a fantastic opportunity to meet with suppliers and other brands, celebrating our collective achievements and the resilience of our industry. The year also brought its share of challenges, particularly in terms of consumer confidence and spending patterns. Despite facing challenging trading conditions in the first half of the year, we witnessed a positive shift in the latter half, indicating a turning point in consumer sentiment and market dynamics. This journey through a year of ups and downs has reinforced the importance of our team. The dedication, expertise, and adaptability of our staff have been the cornerstone of our success, helping us navigate market complexities and deliver exceptional service to our customers. Looking to the future, I am particularly excited about the development and marketing initiatives we have lined up. These aren’t just plans; they are transformational projects that promise to

elevate our presence and market share significantly. I’m eager to see our team bring these initiatives to life next year, as we continue to grow and innovate in our sector. As we round out the year, I want to extend my warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas to everyone. It’s a time to be

with friends and family, to rejuvenate, and to reflect on the year that’s been and the one that’s coming. Let’s embrace the new year with renewed energy and optimism, ready to tackle the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Puggle, an exclusive award winning range designed by Online4baby experts

Online4baby are delighted to be a Which? Recommended Provider for Baby & Child Retailers 2021. nursery today

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Nursery Today caught up with BIBS Country Manager UK & Ireland Brett Capon to find out his views on the pacifier and soother industry sector. Would you say that consumers are aware of potential orthodontic problems that could be caused by the use of a pacifier and how are your pacifiers designed to assist alleviate parental concerns? Consumer awareness regarding potential orthodontic issues related to pacifier use is growing. It is important to point out that no pacifier is dangerous for the development of the mouth but more the intensity of how a pacifier is used and for how long. Knowing the importance of education, we want to guide parents to make informed choices. The baby’s safety is vital for parents, and we address concerns by creating educational content, collaborating with dental professionals, and offering a diverse range of nipple shapes to accommodate every baby’s preference.



In the bustling world of parenting, infant pacifiers and soothers have emerged as indispensable tools for soothing babies and providing comfort. Their significance extends beyond the household and can prove to be a recurring asset for nursery retailers.


acifiers and soothers by their very design offer babies a sense of security and comfort. These items are instrumental in calming fussy infants, aiding in their sleep routines, and pacifying them during teething discomfort. Parents seek these products for their pacifying effect, which can assist in the overall well-being of their little ones. For nursery retailers, the allure of infant pacifiers and soothers lies in their nature as consumable products. Their frequent usage and the need for replacements due to wear and tear, the often loss when out and about, or different developmental stages make these items an essential part of the parenting ‘toolkit’ and can ensure a steady flow of repeat sales. Modern pacifiers and soothers have evolved significantly, incorporating cutting-edge design and innovative features. One such aspect is the emphasis on orthodontic designs, focusing on the proper alignment of teeth and jaw development. Manufacturers are now also focussed on the integration of breathability aspects into these products, ensuring optimal airflow to minimise skin irritations and maximise comfort. Retailers stocking these products can reap several advantages. Firstly, they enhance customer satisfaction by providing a comprehensive range of options catering to various preferences and needs. Secondly, the consistent demand ensures a steady revenue stream, contributing to the financial stability of the retail business. Moreover, the association with these essential baby items could bolster a retailer’s reputation as a one-stop-shop for all infant care needs, thus potentially attracting more customers in-store of via visits to websites. 48

Is breathability and the type of materials used in manufacture also an area that might be considered? Absolutely, breathability and material selection are important considerations. The design of the shield is crucial to ensure proper air circulation. Our pacifiers feature shields with vent holes, promoting breathability and preventing any irritation on the baby’s delicate skin. Material choice is also a top priority for both parents and us. We offer two materials—natural rubber latex and silicone. Latex, being a soft and natural material, can adapt its shape over time. Silicone, on the other hand, is more robust and hypoallergenic, thus accepted by many babies.

What about nipple confusion. Is this also perhaps a concern that parents might have when selecting a pacifier? Absolutely, nipple confusion is a valid concern for parents, particularly with newborns. Choosing a pacifier with a teat shape resembling the mother’s nipple during breastfeeding can be beneficial to mitigate this issue. At BIBS, we address this concern by offering pacifiers with round or flat teats, mirroring the natural breast, ensuring a smoother transition for both baby and parents. We also try to be consistent throughout our product range and feature a round nipple on our award-winning baby bottle to help avoid nipple confusion when you bottle feed your baby.

Do you know what the general UK sales figures are for pacifiers? Each year an incredible 23 million pacifiers are sold in the UK.

What benefits do you feel nursery retailers can gain by stocking these products? There are many reasons nursery retailers could benefit from our products. Since babies have diverse needs, it’s crucial to offer a wide range, and at BIBS, we have different nipple shapes to cater to every baby’s preference. Our minimalistic yet colourful design, appealing to fashion-conscious parents for example, sets us apart. Additionally, our pacifiers, positioned in a more premium section, allow stockists to cater to a target group seeking high-quality and premium design products with a higher purchasing value. Baby accessories are increasingly important to retailers and unlike many single purchase categories, pacifiers generate repeat custom. In our established markets, BIBS brings parents back in to stores multiple times from newborn until toddler.

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Pure soothing

One of the most soothing things for a baby to do is suck. It is a powerful instinct they are born with. MAM’s ‘Soothment Movement’ aims to debunk myths about soothers and offer advice on how to soothe baby at night. Research showed that 87% of parents believe a soother helped improve their child’s ability to self soothe2. Continuing supporting parents in every aspect of parenthood; MAM is introducing the Original Pure Soother. This is their first carbon neutral soother using bio renewable materials, that helps parents make baby steps towards being more eco-conscious. *One Poll survey commissioned by MAM in April 2022 of 1,000 UK parents aged 26-41

Matchstick Monkey’s teethers have antimicrobial protection All of Matchstick Monkey’s teething, bathtime and mealtime products have integrated BioCote antimicrobial protection. How does it work? Microbes such as bacteria and mould can cause odour, staining or material failure. BioCote reduces the growth of microbes by up to 99.9%. It is invisible to the eye and not a coat that wears off and is certified safe for food contact. With the added protection, Matchstick Monkey teethers stay hygienic for longer and make it easier to clean babies favourite teething toy.

Germ-Repellent Silicone

Baby Soother Innovative GRSR patented technology on Borrn soother to stop microbes from adsorbing and colonising on the surfaces and avoid formation of biofilm.

Normally a soother repeatedly falls off and sucked by baby with bacteria risk. Borrn helps to fight bacteria without adding any biocides and coatings. The Borrn soother, instead of the traditional bactericidal, with unique bacteria-repellent patented technology, bounce away 99% harmful bacteria, retain 100% beneficial bacteria.


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teething Australia’s Original Natural Teething Toy, Mizzie the Kangaroo is made out of 100% natural rubber and is designed for infants’ sensory development and sore gums.

On trend teether

Drax is the enchanting green dragon who will capture hearts with his spelling-binding presence. The teether rattle with exquisite details, super soft, and pale green colour is on trend and sure to be a hit with all.

Stimulating babies’ sense of sight, touch, smell and hearing. And of course, she squeaks! • Made from 100% natural rubber from the Havea tree • Soothes on gums • Water-based non-toxic dyes • Free from PVC, BPA, nitrosamines and phthalates • Made for little hands • Designed by parents

Comforting babies for 90 years.


Our new carbon neutral soother made from bio-renewable materials* & developed with medical experts. Reach out to your local Mary Meyer agent or contact us at

Read more: *The soother button, shield and steriliser box material is 100% linked to ISCC PLUS certified bio-circular raw materials.

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Licensed to soothe

Rainbow Designs’ range of licensed nursery and preschool collections include an array of comforters and soothers featuring some of the most adored playtime characters including Peter Rabbit, Disney’s Winnie the Pooh, Paddington Bear, Guess How Much I Love You, Elmer and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. New to the best-selling Once Upon a Time Peter Rabbit collection, and available now, are the new Peter Rabbit and Flopsy Bunny Developmental Comforters. Suitable from birth, lightweight and easy for little hands to grasp, the super soft plush textures, knotted corners and colourful tags, encourage sensory play. The comforters also feature a detachable, 100% silicone rabbit-shaped teether with soft and safe teething bumps, and can be put in the fridge to help soothe sore gums. An exciting recent arrival to the ever-popular The Very Hungry Caterpillar range is the new baby soft Tiny and Very Hungry Caterpillar Comfort Blanket. Based on Eric Carle’s wonderful and hugely successful picture books, the Caterpillar Comfort Blanket is bright and colourful and features a rainbow pattern on the reverse, as well as an array of sensory play features including its velvety antennae, silky rainbow patch, soft rainbow trim and tactile textures. The Comforter also features knotted corners and colourful tags to encourage sensory play.

Tel: 01329 227300

A pacifier for

every baby At BIBS they have round, symmetrical, anatomical shapes, natural rubber latex and silicone models, to suit all needs and preferences.

The BIBS Colour pacifier is the original BIBS pacifier and has been on the market for over 40 years. Famous for its signature round three vent hole shield and BIBS engraved handle ring. The nipple is made of natural rubber latex and available in all shapes. Further, BIBS are proud to offer an extensive pacifier range of different designs and colours that truly has a pacifier for every baby. Babies may prefer one kind over another, and some are quite choosy about the shape or texture. It is a good idea to be prepared to test out a few to see which one passes the baby-approved test. BIBS offers Try-it Collections that feature several pacifier shapes and materials to test and find your ideal BIBS pacifier. To make the pacifier journey complete, they offer a variety of accessories including clips, cuddle cloths, and boxes to keep them clean and safe. If you would like to become a stockist, please contact them via the below. 52

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COFFEE BREAK Nursery Today caught up with MAM UK’s Junior Product Manager Sanam Sangha to find out more about this established brand and also gain insights from market research within the pacifier and soother sector. What do you feel are the main attributes parents are looking for when looking at pacifiers & soothers? An internal MAM brand tracking study showed that the most important aspect for first time parents brand choice was calming the baby, followed by easy teat acceptance, quality and design. Thanks to MAM’s Skinsoft Teat symmetrical shape, it is easily accepted by babies with a proud 94% acceptance rate.* To add, MAM soothers are designed with medical professionals to ensure the safety of babies and to support healthy development. *Market Research 2010-2013, tested with 1,588 babies.

Would you say that consumers are aware of potential orthodontic problems that could be caused by the use of a pacifier and how are your pacifiers designed to assist alleviate parental concerns? Consumers may lack knowledge surrounding potential orthodontic problems that can be caused by soothers. MAM’s Soothers are designed with Dentists and medical experts to alleviate parents’ concerns. The Soothers feature flat, symmetrical shape teats that mimic Mum’s nipples, to ensure they always fit correctly in baby’s mouths so there is no impact on their oral development.

Is breathability and the type of materials used in manufacture also an area that might be considered? The breathability of soothers and their materials is another aspect parents consider. MAM Soothers are made from silicone which is synthetically manufactured, free from allergens and meets the highest quality and safety requirements. MAM Air soothers are designed to see your baby’s smile and allow extra air flow to baby’s skin thanks to the large air holes which are kind to the baby’s skin.

Do you know what the general UK sales figures are for pacifiers? September 2023 GFK data values the Soother market at £26m, with 51% of sales deriving from online sales. MAM currently hold a 50% market share in Soothers.* *GFK Data, September 2023.

What benefits do you feel nursery retailers can gain by stocking these products? Nursery Retailers who stock soothers can gain the benefit of repeat customers as Soothers are a staple product in babies first few years of life. Additionally, they would be partnering with trustworthy and credible brands like MAM, who also consider consumer preferences. MAM soothers feature cute and fun designs which are aligned with market trends. 20% of Mums shop at Nursery outlets for equipment, however everyday products like soothers are being dominated by Grocery shops.* so there is an opportunity to capitalise on Soothers. *Baby centre research 2023.

Do you have any recent MAM research or survey results that you could share with Nursery Today readers? MAM commissioned a study with Mumsnet coinciding with the launch of its carbon-neutral Soother range – MAM Original Pure (2023), which will be known as MAM Original in 2024. The study shows 75% of parents believe sustainability is important and 70% of parents are willing to make sacrifices where possible to be eco-friendly.

BABY CARE INDUSTRY STRATEGIC MAP Do you want to be visible on foreign markets? We recommend those with whom you can talk business. Get in touch with the representatives of the best nursery trade magazines.


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toys! London Toy Fair 2024 - Celebrating 70 Years of Success with a Sold-Out Show


he London Toy Fair gears up for its highly anticipated 70th-year celebration, poised for unprecedented success as exhibition spaces have been completely sold out. Renowned as a cornerstone event in the realm of toys and child-centric merchandise, this fair promises an extravaganza of innovation and creativity in the world of playthings. Scheduled to be held at Olympia London from the 23rd-25th January 2024, visitors will experience more than 200 exhibiting companies who will be occupying the Grand and National halls on both levels - and now also part of the Upper West Hall, where you will find Tomy return as an exhibitor and who are also celebrating a milestone with their 100th anniversary! Mary Wood, Managing Director, TOMY, said: “With Tomy’s 100th anniversary being celebrated in 2024, what better way to do that than being back at London Toy Fair! Our team have been working with incredible passion to bring an immense amount of new ranges and new product to the market. We can’t wait to show customers what we think is going to be our most stunning collection in years!” This year’s event is set to captivate industry insiders, exhibitors, and eager attendees. What’s particularly enticing about this milestone edition is the vast array of exhibitors converging to showcase products tailored for nursery retailers. This focus is poised to transform the landscape for retailers catering to the needs of little ones. Examples of exhibitors who will be showcasing products targeted towards the 0-5 year age group are Bigjigs, BTL Diffusion, Casdon Toys, Galt, Golden Bear, Great Gizmos, Halilit, Hippychick, Juratoys, Keel Toys, Mookie, Orchard Toys, Playmobil, Rainbow Designs, Tomy, Toynamics, VTech and many more! Having spoken to Majen Immink, Director of Fairs & Special Events at BTHA last month, Majen explained why Toy Fair is a not to be missed event by Nursery Retailers. “At Toy Fair 2024, nursery retailers and buyers will have the first opportunity of the year in the UK to get hands-on with thousands of brand-new product launches and ranges. This event is a fantastic chance to meet face to face with suppliers, stay ahead of the latest trends and be inspired by the creativity showcased under one roof.” Said Majen, adding: “Two big companies with strong nursery and pre-school offerings, TOMY and Spin Master Toys are returning to the show after a period


away, as well as many other exhibitors showcasing their nursery ranges including Golden Bear Toys, EDUK8 Worldwide Ltd, Halilit, Melissa & Doug and Just Play, plus many more. Visitors will be privy to a vast array of products at Toy Fair 2024, including many exclusive launches, spanning various categories including arts and crafts, tech toys, plush, STEM toys, and exciting licensed toys. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, it is a must-attend event for nursery retailers and buyers.” Longstanding exhibitor Jura Toys are looking forward to the event, with Neil Montgomery, UK Commercial Director stating: “Without question the Toy Fair is the most important trade show for Juratoys and we are really looking forward to exhibiting again in January. It’s an excellent show which provides a great environment for us to meet all our existing customers and present the new products for the year. A great opportunity to start working with new customers too, it really does set the tone for the rest of the year.” The emphasis on infant toys couldn’t be timelier. In an age dominated by screens and digital gadgets, the appeal of tangible, age-appropriate toys for babies is continually on the rise. These toys not only foster critical developmental skills but also drive foot traffic to nursery retailers. Unlike apps and digital mediums, infant toys offer a tactile, engaging experience perfectly suited to a child’s developmental stage. Moreover, the demand for such toys isn’t solely confined to parents; gift-givers and relatives seek out items that align with a baby’s developmental milestones. Toy Fair 2024 aims to cater precisely to this demand, showcasing among the array of exhibitors an extensive range of toys that are not just entertaining but also support cognitive and physical development in infants. For nursery retailers, this event serves as a goldmine, presenting an unparalleled opportunity to explore and acquire a diverse range of products that cater specifically to their target demographic. By visiting the event, nursery retailers can add value to their existing offerings, while also positioning themselves as trendsetters in curating ageappropriate, educational, and stimulating toys for infants. To pre-book your attendance or for further information simply visit:


Nursery Today caught up with Halilit’s Sales & Marketing Director, Amy Wildman to find out why this event is so important to their yearly exhibition diary. Why is Toy Fair important to you as a business? Toy Fair is a critical touch point in our annual calendar. Not only is it a great time of year to review the Christmas season just gone and to look ahead to the upcoming Autumn/Winter season, it also offers a dedicated space to talk toys with a concentrated and usually eager audience! Toy Fair 2024 is where we will be unveiling our new brand Buki to the market in full and in person for the first time, and we look forward each year to showcasing our newest products to our customers and prospects at the show.

Do you feel this is a good exhibition that Nursery retailers should attend? Over the past few years we have definitely seen an increase in retailers diversifying their portfolios, and whilst historically we might have been told by some nursery retailers that toys are a bit too periphery to their core business, many have now started stocking some of our baby and toddler toys and gifts and are finding these actually complement their existing ranges, particularly our stylish Taf Toys brand and Jellystone Designs sensory offering. London Toy Fair is a great place to see a variety of these younger age toy brands, in a fun and entertaining environment!

Would you say that Toy Fair also represents a good span of brands that offer products suitable for the 0-5 age group? I would say so. Without heading over to Germany, London Toy Fair is the core exhibition of the year for toy brands, where all the main preschool players can be seen. Play is so important for these early years and so being able to see and compare so many brands under one roof can only be a good thing.

What benefits can Nursery retailers gain by stocking infant/preschool toys? Whether it is parents to be shopping for themselves or grandparents gifting, who can resist cute toys for little ones! They make for easy incremental purchases on top of core ranges and sit so well alongside clothes, furniture, and equipment. A good supplier should be able to direct retailers towards the kind of toys that might work best for them, for example, we often suggest our Taf Toys baby books to nursery retailers who want to start bridging the gap into toys – they make perfect developmentally appropriate ‘learning’ toys, with great price points and lovely gift led packaging.

nursery today

preview London Toy Fair.indd 1

11/12/2023 18:52

All New


Snuggly soft Simba

Inspired Collection A beautiful baby collection full of sensory features

Simba Play Mat

Simba Ring Rattle

Lots of taggies for snuggly texture

Peekaboo flap and mirror Simba Activity Toy


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Simba Comforterr

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Toy Fair Promises the Sweetest Arrivals from

Janod with Juratoys Stand: N2

Orchard Toys welcomes

Peter Rabbit Stand: E10

Orchard Toys to unveil its brand-new collection for young children featuring THE WORLD OF PETER RABBIT, its first licensed collaboration with Penguin Ventures on behalf of Frederick Warne & Co.

Adored French toy brand, Janod is excited to share a sneak preview of its upcoming launches across the much-loved Sweet Cocoon Collection.

The new range features six stunning games and jigsaws for children from 3yrs+, with one game for younger children from 18mths+. This fun range blends the educational and engaging gameplay of Orchard Toys with the iconic characters from one of the world’s most beloved brands, to bring Peter Rabbit to life. The new collection of educational games and jigsaws is a creative hybrid of THE WORLD OF PETER RABBIT and Orchard Toys, representing the very best of both brands and their shared values of quality, learning and fun. The beautifully designed range evolves the narrative of Beatrix Potter’s original Tale of Peter Rabbit, with its garden setting, and creates a new way for families to engage with the story through imaginative play.

Ideal for keeping young minds active and senses engaged, whilst encouraging learning and discovery through play, the truly charming new products, being unveiled at Toy Fair 2024, will delight both children and adults alike. The stylish collection promises a contemporary twist alongside the charm that traditional Wooden toys offer. Featuring 12 brand new toys, suitable from ages 12 months up to 2 years, there is so much to choose. From the fabulous and colourful Activity Leaf with 5 activities to excite little ones, to the stunning and playful MultiActivity Board which can be hung in the nursery or playroom for non-stop play, and not forgetting the Ant Balance Game, promising hours of fun and a laughter guarantee! For sales enquiries please contact the below. |

Orchard Toys will also announce innovative new products in its expanding portfolio of best-selling, fun, educational games and puzzles loved by parents, teachers and children.


Four brands, one stand Stand: UL190

BTL Diffusion are specialists in the distribution of brands within the children’s market. The BTL Diffusion team are looking forward to welcoming you to their stand where they will be showcasing four amazing brands. Make sure you pop over and say ‘hi’ to the friendly team. Brands on display will include: Cloud B who are the pioneers in the creation of products designed for children’s well-being and good sleep, The Little Big Friends range are adorable soft animals made from vegan leather, Flipetz - the next (R) evolution in plush toys with a unique 2-in-1 concept of a fruit or vegetable turning into a soft plush animal and finally Les Ptipotos - a collection of beautiful soft stuffed animals in monochrome tones.

Tel: 07399 511290 |


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Love, learn, play Stand: E46

Toynamics UK & Ireland have a variety of brands that have unique and inspiring preschool and educational toys for all age ranges and price points. Hape, with their ethos of ‘Love play, learn’ education and learning is the centre of all of their products, designed with this in mind classic products are developed to have an educational advantage, as well as new and innovative products that inspire children through the love of play, naturally leading them to learn through this process. A stand out toy that combines fun and learning in one fantastic package is the Hape Air Stacker, taking children’s playtime to soaring new heights, this innovative and engaging toy is perfect for kids aged 12 months and older. With the 7 numbered tubes the Rocket Air Stacker children stack the numbered tubes as high as they can and then watch the ball float to the top using clever aerodynamics, who knew rocket science could be this simple! Plus, the near-silent fan means your child can still have fun even if younger siblings are napping. To explore the hundreds of preschool and educational items we have across all of our sensational brands get in touch with the team today or visit the team at Toy Fair 2024 to see all Toynamics has to offer.

Tel: 0116 478 5230 |


range of brands Stand F20

Hippychick have an increasingly impressive stable of fabulous toy brands, designed to last and be handed down through the generations. One of the latest additions to the Hippychick family is Crocodile Creek, who specialise in beautifully illustrated puzzles, playballs and creative art sets, that are specifically designed to encourage young minds to take an active interest in the world around them. Discover award winning toys & gifts with Hippychick at London Toy Fair!

Tel: 01278 434440 |

Award winning sensory range Stand: E16

Halilit are excited to showcase Jellystone Designs - the award-winning tactile sensory range – at Toy Fair. Perfect for gifting, lines like the Moon Teethers and Rainbow Stackers are made predominantly from silicone and come in gorgeous colour options including pastel, ocean and earth. Suitable from 3 upwards, the Calm Down Bottles provide a visual calming experience with a variety of themes – the unicorn and dinosaurs versions are proving particularly popular and Halilit are excited to showcase these alongside their trusted Taf Toys and Halilit music ranges. Furthermore, Edushape have expanded their sensory range with the stylish ‘Boho Chic’ collection – a must see on Halilit’s stand E16!

Full of character

Stand: B21-B25

Don’t miss all the beautiful licensed character ranges of nursery toys and playtime essentials from Rainbow Designs, on display at the London Toy Fair this January! The adored collections, that include: Peter Rabbit, Paddington, Disney’s Winnie the Pooh, Guess how Much I Love You and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, are full of infant toys such as My First plush, comforters, ring rattles, activity toys and much more. Rainbow have many exciting new launches, as well as a number of important character anniversaries to celebrate in 2024! To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Lion King, in February we will welcome our new Disney Baby Lion King range, that will include the My First Soft Toy, Comforter and Ring Rattle as well as the adorable and stimulating Lion King Sensory Play Mat. As part of Disney’s Donald Duck 90th Anniversary celebrations, Rainbow will be launching the new fun-packed On the Go Donald Duck Activity Toy. There will also be new On the Go Disney Mickey Mouse and Peter Rabbit Activity Toys available in 2024. Rainbow will also be adding to their well-received Bedtime Cuddles Nightlights range, with the adorable Bedtime Cuddles with Winnie the Pooh, that will be available for autumn/winter.

In addition, Rainbow will also be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Guess How Much I Love You, the 35th Anniversary of Elmer and the 55th Birthday of The Very Hungry Caterpillar next year with exciting new product releases! Paddington truly is the nation’s favourite bear and you really are never to young to fall in love with Paddington! 2024 is set to be yet another big year for this adorable bear, with the release of a new movie and the third series of the award-winning TV preschool show, The Adventures of Paddington. Nursery retailers can help introduce this much-loved bear to little ones with the Paddington For Baby range, that includes: My First Paddington, the new Activity Spiral, On the Go Activity Toy, and Play and Go Squares, as well as the best-selling Bedtime Cuddles with Paddington Night Light. Don’t miss all these beautiful licensed character ranges of nursery toys and essentials from Rainbow Designs, on display at the London Toy Fair.

Tel: 01329 227300 nursery today

preview London Toy Fair.indd 3


11/12/2023 18:53

Spotlight Toys

We shine the light on toys suitable for infants and pre-schoolers that are available to order now.

Family favourite with Orchard Toys Farmyard

Wooden it be


Halilit are excited to release some great toddler and preschool toys from Taf Toys. The newness from Taf Toys includes the wooden ‘My First Bunny Bingo’ allowing little ones to match up recognisable images such as shapes and fruit, advancing to include early counting skills. The ‘Peek-a-Boo What’s Inside’ fabric toy includes a number of organza tissues and silicone fastenings combining motor skill development with the excitement of finding soft toys hidden within the colourful layers, while ‘My First Busy Book’ and the ‘Activity Buckles Board’ both offer engaging toys for little ones to develop their life skills through a variety of fun finger activities.


Launched in 2023, this very first matching and posting game is a great introduction to turn taking. It features 30 chunky cards, perfect for little hands, and helps preschoolers develop their matching and memory skills, as they match the friendly farm animals to their babies and post them into the 3D barn posting box. Players are also encouraged to make the noise of the animals! For very young players it can be played as a simple pairs game (parent to parent animal card). With four different ways to play, this game can progress with your child as they further their development. Age: 2yrs+.

Tel: 01953 859539

Made to stack The Simply Silicone Stacking Cups from Mary Meyer are available to order now. Six embossed character flexible silicone cups in subtle colours that nest. Perfect for imagination and playtime. 58

nursery today

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11/12/2023 18:54

Sponsored by

The brand that parents trust


Iconic Sleep Brand Debut its Style Edit

Collection Introducing Snüz Style Edits; Created for Baby, Designed for Parent.

The team at Snüz, the sleep experts behind the original bedside crib, is thrilled to unveil a brand-new concept, set to elevate two of its best-selling signature products, SnüzPod and SnüzKot. Introducing Snüz Style Edits – beautiful collections inspired by interior and fashion trends that will empower parents to combine their personal style with the practical must haves that a newborn requires. November saw the arrival of the first Snüz Style Edit; the Natural Edit, a stunning collection inspired by wooden accents that echo throughout our interiors and connect modern style with timeless influences. Boasting warm, natural tones, the first instalment in the brands exciting Style Edits, encapsulates modern day and contemporary interiors, whether consumers want to create a rich, earthy space or a soft, calming aesthetic… this edit of Walnut, Oak, Ebony and Silver Birch, has what they need. The very first Style Edit will launch across the brands flagship SnüzPod4 bedside crib, as well as the iconic Scandi inspired SnüzKot cot bed. Ensuring parents can achieve seamless style as little ones grow, the Natural Edit is also offered across the SnüzKot Cot Bed. Loved for its dynamic, adaptable design and Scandinavian accents the SnüzKot truly stands the test of time. Snuz look forward to continuation of its limited edition style edits, with more to follow. This announcement further solidifies the brands position as style leaders and echoes the brands purpose to make parenting easier through a great night’s sleep – and to do it in style! Tel: 01789 734022

Coming soon - Quilted Sand MB51 Stroller Explore the chic quilted sand stroller from Dani Dyer’s “Cherish” collection at My Babiie.

This stylish and functional piece, designed by a super-talented mum, is perfect for everyday use. The lightweight aluminium umbrella fold stroller is suitable from birth, offering a reclining seat with adjustable leg support for ultimate comfort. Little ones are shielded from the sun with the large extendable 3-position UPF canopy. With suspension all around and single front wheels, the ride is super smooth. Adjustable handles add to the comfort, making this stroller a versatile and trendy choice for parents and their little ones on the go.

Keep it clean

Minimalist and modern in design, the Maxi-Cosi Clean 3-in-1 Air Purifier removes 99.97% of dust, pollen and airborne particles ensuring that the air little ones breathe indoors remains clean day and night. The Clean has an adjustable night light and four soothing sounds to create a calming atmosphere ahead of bedtime. Other functions include three fan speeds, filter change notification, remote control, timers, night mode, and, of course, a child lock mechanism. The Clean is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google support. It also interacts with all of the Maxi-Cosi Connected Home collection, which offers stylish smart technology nursery products that can be controlled via the easy-to-use Maxi-Cosi Connected Home app. nursery today

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11/12/2023 18:55


Sponsored by The brand that parents trust

Embrace your style

moment with Ickle Bubba

Stylish and affordable nursery brand, Ickle Bubba, are offering parents the chance to personalise their pushchair with a choice of on-trend printed footmuffs. Designs include a floral, check and leopard print – each of which are reversible, giving you the option of either the print design or black fleece, so whatever your set up you’ll be riding in style. Compatible with all Ickle Bubba travel systems, this statement travel accessory is perfect for all seasons. Keep bubba cosy and warm in the winter months with a fleece lined footmuff or use the patterned liner on its own for a pop of colour in the summer. For sales enquiries, contact Sam Tyack on the below.

Glow Sleep Easy has officially launched into the UK Glow Sleep Easy is the 5-in-1 sleep aid from Glow Dreaming that is backed by science and engineered for sleep. It is the creation of one desperate parent who struggled with their daughter’s inability to fall asleep.

The device, which can be controlled via an App; combines light therapy, aromatherapy, pink noise and a humidifier, which work together to relax and calm babies and children and help them fall asleep. And when things don’t quite go to plan, there is 24hr sleep support via the App and a team of experts on hand to help. Erin Povey UK Sales Director comments ‘We have had a fantastic reception to the launch of the Glow Sleep Easy in the last month and are thrilled to have new retailers onboard. We are working closely with our new partners providing instore displays and full instore training of the products. As we are relatively new to the UK we are continuing to invest in brand awareness with continuous PR campaigns and influencer activity across social media.” For further information contact Erin Povey on the below.


Get connected Deciphering a baby’s cry can be stressful. Are they overtired? Hungry? Or gassy? Now parents can eliminate the guesswork with Maxi-Cosi’s See Pro Baby Monitor featuring CryAssist technology.

Powered by Zoundream, See Pro not only detects a baby’s cries, it also automatically translates their cries to help parents understand if their baby is sleepy, fussy, hungry, gassy, or agitated. See Pro even offers tips on how best to soothe them. Parents can keep an eye on their baby in Ultra HD via a phone app or the 5-inch parenting unit. Functions include a pinch and zoom screen, night vision, remote pan tilt and zoom, soothing white noise and lullabies, room temperature alerts, and two-way audio, plus a six-month subscription to CryAssist. The See Pro also interacts with all of the Maxi-Cosi Connected Home collection, which offers stylish smart technology nursery products that can be controlled via the easy-to-use MaxiCosi Connected Home app.

Festive collaboration My Babiie release two new festive highchair covers in ongoing collaboration with Save the Children.

My Babiie is delighted to announce the launch of two new festive highchair covers as part of an ongoing collaboration with international children’s charity Save the Children. For each Festive Premium Highchair Seat Cover sold (RRP £29.99), £3 will be directly donated to Save the Children’s much-needed work. The highchair covers have been designed to bring joy and a touch of Christmas spirit to children’s mealtimes, as well as making a meaningful impact on children’s lives globally. All funds raised will help some of the most disadvantaged children across the world, get access to food, healthcare and education. That includes here in the UK where the cost-of-living crisis is pushing many families into food poverty.

nursery today

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11/12/2023 18:55

Axkid wraps up 2023 on a Value driven high note stroller The unveiling of Movekid promises to transform family journeys with its unparalleled blend of safety, adaptability, and comfort. Axkid Movekid stands as a testament to Swedish innovation, combining top-tier safety standards with thoughtful design, ensuring a seamless fit into the lives of families on the move. Crafted to grow alongside your family, this compact car seat is more than just a safety solution—it’s a peace-of-mind companion for every adventure. What sets Movekid apart is its unwavering commitment to safety. Engineered in compliance with safety standard R129 and endorsed by the prestigious Swedish Plus Test certification, this car seat meets the highest safety benchmarks within the Axkid range. From its infancy support inlays to its adaptable design catering to children up to 125 cm or 36 kg, Movekid guarantees a secure and comfortable ride through every stage of childhood. The comfort and practicality embedded in Movekid redefine the standard for car seats. Its

13-position headrest, cosy insert, and washable, durable fabrics ensure not only safety but also an unparalleled level of comfort for your little ones. Hassle-free cleaning and happy, smiling faces become the norm on every journey.

Key Features:

• Extended Usability: Suitable up to 125cm, accommodating children up to 6-7 years and 36 kg. • Space & Design: Spacious seating area in a compact, adaptable design for various car models. • ASIP – Side Impact Protection: Premium protection during side-impact collisions, crafted in partnership with a renowned German crash institute. • Two Recline Positions: Flexibility for the perfect fit in both child and car, ensuring a snug and customised setup.


Graco launches value-driven lightweight stroller for today’s family

EZLite is the latest lightweight and compact stroller from Graco, perfect for families looking for a reliable and convenient solution that won’t cost the earth. At a budget-friendly price of just £50, families get peace of mind from the reliable Graco quality, in stylish Midnight, Dusty Rose or Stormy colourways. Suitable from birth up to approximately 3 years old, EZLite is the ultimate easy-to-use stroller for young families operating on a budget. At just 6.6kg, it’s super portable, quick, and simple to fold. The canopy protects from the sun, the adjustable calf support and two position recline keeps little one comfortable and the front swivel-lock wheels and one-stop braking system make the EZLite easy to manoeuvre. For newborn babies up to approx. 3 years old, EZLite from Graco is available now.

My Babiie MB200i Travel Systems Creating memories, one step at a time with the iSize Travel System from My Babiie Introducing the My Babiie MB200i iSize Travel System – a revolution in convenience and safety for modern parents. This modern and affordable travel system seamlessly combines

style with functionality, meeting the demands of today’s discerning parents. The MB200i boasts an iSize-compliant infant carrier, ensuring optimal protection for your customers’ little ones during every journey. Its sleek design, paired with premium materials, enhances the overall aesthetic, appealing to fashion-forward parents. This travel system is engineered to simplify the retail experience. Retailers can emphasise its user-friendly features, such as a simple fold and a compact design for easy storage. With compatibility for both newborns and toddlers, the MB200i is a versatile solution for parents seeking longevity in their purchases. Promote the convenience of the travel system’s adaptable features, making it an ideal choice for families on the go. By offering the My Babiie MB200i iSize Travel System, retailers position themselves as providers of cutting-edge, safety-conscious, and stylish solutions, meeting the evolving needs of the modern UK parent. nursery today

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11/12/2023 18:55

BPA notice board Join forces to make a difference

in 2024

Robert Anslow M anaging Director

If you r company is a me mb er of the Bab y Pro duc ts Ass ocia tion and you are not cur rently receivin g me mb ers ’ e-bulletins wit h industry upd ates , but would like to, ple ase em ail juli e@ b-p -a. org wh o will add you to the databa se.


As another year comes to a close, we reflect on the highlights and challenges of 2023 and we prepare for what will hopefully be a prosperous new year. The covid pandemic was a damaging time for many businesses, and the Baby Products Association is no exception. When money is tight, the first thing we tend to cut back on are the things which are not considered essential and consequentially many companies decided not to renew their membership in 2022 whilst getting finances and priorities back on track. However, we urge those lapsed members and other companies in the nursery industry to support their trade association and join forces with numerous organisations to retain the safety of baby products and to ensure that our businesses have a wider voice. Did you know that it was primarily due to the efforts and lobbying of the government by the Baby Products Association that VAT on Isofix bases was reduced to 5%? Did you also know that the Baby Products Association has been lobbying tirelessly for more than 10 years to have baby and nursery goods removed from the scope of the new Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations – the result of which is really close to coming to fruition, to the benefit of many manufacturers in the UK? This is just a small part of the work that goes on behind the scenes to the benefit of the industry. The Baby Products Association has its own Technical Committee to discuss safety standards for baby products. Participants of this also sit on committees for working groups in CEN BSI and more recently ISO. As a member of the Association, members’ employees with relevant experience and expertise can be nominated to participate in this committee. Members can also nominate people to join the Association’s Executive committee, which makes important decisions and drives lobbying activity to support members and industry challenges faced. As a member, you have a number of great benefits available to you including discounted legal and IP advice from Brabners; discounted rates with SGS and Intertek China on testing services; discounted insurance specific to the nursery industry with Ethos Broking; and up to 20% discount on Dell computer products. You will also receive a

preferential rate when exhibiting at Harrogate International Nursery Fair and can participate in International UK Pavillions (these have been on hold during covid, but expect to reinstate for 2024). You will also have full access to the Association’s technical team, so if you have queries regarding safety standards, or need help and support with product recalls or similar challenges, they are on hand. In addition, the Baby Products Association and Nottinghamshire Trading Standards have a longstanding Primary Authority Coordinated Partnership within which we work together to support members. This is a nationally recognised partnership administered by the Office for Product Safety and Standards. As member, if you require advice relating to a matter which is specific to your business and/or is commercially sensitive we would be able to support you. Full details of membership benefits can be found on the website at Wishing you all a very merry Christmas & a happy and prosperous new year!

Import and export statistics for 2022/2023 The Department for Business and Trade has just released three publications giving import and export statistics and information for the past year. These are: Trade and investment core statistics book; Trade and investment factsheets: latest update; and UK trade in numbers. Key facts from these documents show that the total value of UK export trade to the 12 months to the end of September 2023 was £1,774.2 billion – up 7.6% on the previous 12 months. Until the end of June 2023, UK exports to the EU were valued at £362.4 million whilst exports to non-EU countries was valued at £526.9 million. The documents state that the top 10 emerging export countries are: United States (£174.2 billion); Germany (£57.4 billion); Netherlands (£56.6 billion); Ireland (£54.7 billion); France (£43.4 billion); China (£39.2 billion); Switzerland (£34 billion); Belgium (£25.1 billion); Hong Kong (£18.6 billion) and Spain (£18 billion). The top 10 goods exports for 2022 are: Precious metals; cars; crude

oil; mechanical power generators; medicinal & pharmaceutical products; refined oil; non-ferrous metals; beverages & tobacco; scientific instruments; and aircraft. These documents include a wealth of information about importing and exporting including fact sheets for each county. For more information visit the website:

nursery today

BPA Notice Board.indd 1

11/12/2023 18:56

Buyersdirectory Coordinated Bedding


Nappies Bedding Blankets Shawls Hodded Robes Towels Changing Bags Booties Bibs Body Suits Hats Mittens....

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Outdoor Toys

Ambassador Textiles are a major supplier to the nursery manufacturing industry, stocking an extensive range of top-quality baby care fabrics in popular pastel colours:• • • • •

Soft & Cuddly Velboa and Dimple Cotton Waffle & Cotton Interlock Moisture Absorbing Bamboo Towelling and Woven Towelling Lightweight Polycotton Walm & Versatile Anti-Pil Fleece

Our Anti-Pil Fleece range boasts over 50 colourways in pastels and brights. We can manufacture to order Fleece Blankets in cot, pram & picnic basket sizes View the full range or contact a member of our sales team +44 (0)161 624 4167


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