Toys n Playthings December 2023

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23 ber 20 m e c De No. 3 Vol. 42

Synchronized light projection

Original audio stories

Stories in 2 languages

Soothing melodies Custom recordings

Sounds of nature (white noises)

CloudBox™ is a unique storyteller and musical nightlight which can be enjoyed by children from age 0-8. Contact: Graeme Hargreaves | 07399 511290 | Front Cover BTL Cloud B.indd 1

30/11/2023 11:57

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30/11/2023 20:22

BTHA Christmas advert 2023.indd 2

30/11/2023 20:22

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Managing Director 2EREKMRK )MVIGXSV


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Assistant Editor Naomi MacKay 7IXEMP *HMXSV (PEVI 8YVRIV 01442 289930 GPEVI%PIQETYFPMWLMRK GS YO


Clare Turner 5EYP 3EMWL TEYP%PIQETYFPMWLMRK GS YO 01442 289930




8 The month in numbers a snapshot of the LS[ 3I[W industry in figures XLI PEXIWX SR 8S] +EMV TMIP[EVIRQIWWI ERH '1* 16

News the latest from the industry


Retail News the latest from the retail XLI PEXIWX JVSQ XLI MRHYWXV] landscape



20 People News the latest movers and XLI PEXIWX JVSQ XLI VIXEMP PERHWGETI shakers in the industry

5ISTPI 3I[W 22 MXLI PEXIWX QSZIVW ERH WLEOIVW MR XLI MRHYWXV] edia News from TV, online and more

22 Licensing News licensed products and 2IHME RI[W what brands are up to JVSQ 8: SRPMRI ERH QSVI 34

Talking Retail retailers around the country


40 What’s New new products that you need 8EPOMRK 7IXEMP to get your hands on 42


Don’t Miss must-stock items for retail


Features ;LEXƶW 3I[ 14

RI[ TVSHYGXW XLEX ]SY RIIH XS KIX ]SYV LERHW SR T oy safety BTHA head of compliance Jerry Burnie discusses the changes and challenges )SRƶX 2MWW of the toy safety landscape p10 QYWX WXSGO MXIQW JSV VIXEMP

30 S cience and Nature Toys that encourage young scientists to explore chemistry, physics and more


Special Report 7MHI SRW

Circulation Manager


Robert Thomas 01442 289930

1IQE 5YFPMWLMRK 1XH (LYVGLKEXIW 8LI ;MPHIVRIWW 'IVOLEQWXIH -IVXW -5 9' Lema Publishing Ltd 8IPITLSRI 1 Churchgates, The Wilderness, Berkhamsted, Herts, HP4 2UB Telephone: 01442 289930



At the heart of retail







DFMOIW WGSSXIVW ERH QSVI isney Lorcana Tim Murray reports on the launch of the Second Chapter of Ravensburger’s /MKWE[ TY^^PIW hit TCG TMIGMRK XSKIXLIV [LEXƶW LSX MR XLI GEXIKSV]

Dream Toys reporting on this year’s Christmas must-haves


35 M3I[ =SVO 8S] +EMV eet the PRs the experts in getting your news and products out there 8MQ 2YVVE] VITSVXW JVSQ XLI WLS[


p38 36 Retail Interview Jarrolds toy buyer 7IXEMP .RXIVZMI[ Antonia Visiers on the Norwich department 7SF ;IWX XEPOW EFSYX XLI KVS[XL SJ LMW XLVII WXSVI store’s sales strategies +MVIWXSVQ ,EQIW STIVEXMSR 38 Retail Interview Clare Turner talks to 7IXEMP .RXIVZMI[ Armadillo Toys’ Lisa Clay, as the store (IPME 1IIWSR (S\ SJ =EVRXSR -SQI ,EVHIR MR celebrates its 20th anniversary 4\JSVHWLMVI SR MXW VIHIZIPSTIH XS] WLST

ŅĬƚĵĹĜŸƋŸƉƉ Columnists C4TMRMSR 24 onsumer opinion The Insights Family on 8R5 ERH 1IQE W 2EVO 3EMWL YTHEXIW SR XLI -]ZI the rise of video game characters

ERH (SRRIGX HIFEGPI 26 Retail Opinion John Ryan considers the p36 p48 best .RHMI STMRMSR Christmas sales strategies 2EKKMI 8MFFIRLEQ SR [LEX LEW FIIR ER

27 Indie Opinion Hazel McCarthy gets ready YRTVIHMGXEFPI ]IEV for Christmas (SRWYQIV STMRMSR 28 Industry comment Jerome Mazandarani 8LI .RWMKLXW +EQMP]ƶW 3MGO 7MGLEVHWSR SR discusses the growth of anime and manga TVIWGLSSPIVWƶ MRǼ YIRGI in the toy arena

XS]W R TPE]XLMRKW Contentsnm.indd 1




XS] R TPE]XLMRKW 30/11/2023 20:12


Tim Murray


At the heart of retail Also by Lema Publishing

rriving at the Disney Store in We’ve covered it in the current issue London’s Oxford Street on a of the magazine, with an on-the-spot November Friday, a good half an report and comment from those there and others hour or more before it was due to allow around the country. Disney Lorcana customers in, the queue The success of the TCG shows the continued was already well round the block and you influence of the kidult sector and its importance could almost feel the palpable sense of to the business. And this month we’ve also excitement from those patiently waiting. got a feature by an old friend of mine, Jerome Nipping off for a quick cuppa and Mazandarani. He’s forgotten more about anime coming back 10 minutes before the than I’ll ever know and after bumping into him at allotted kick-off time for sales and more a Crunchyroll presentation at BLE, where Funko for the Ravensburger TCG, the queue highlighted the ongoing buoyancy of this sector, was stretching around the building – you he’s penned a piece for us about the crossover couldn’t see an end to it. between the toy business and the anime and Ravensburger executives there were manga market and, crucially, where it’s headed. already keenly aware of how the second I’ve had another few big days out these past few chapter of Disney Lorcana was doing – weeks – more at retail too, after spending a good they’d been getting updates from midnight few hours at Hamleys seeing the unveiling of the openings at specialist hobby stores around Christmas window (an event that was neatly timed the country the night before. with the turning on of the Christmas lights in Regent Those reports – and the rest from other Street, where the flagship toy store is located, and retailers, which TnP sent out in a newsflash we’ve covered that in these pages too. on the Monday morning and which we’ve And, of course, there’s DreamToys, where I spent the covered in this issue in an best part of the day milling What was heartening around the different stands extensive report on the ongoing phenomenon – show just how from those selected and to see in the queue was big Disney Lorcana has become getting an up-close-andjust how diverse it was, in in a matter of months. The fact personal demonstration of terms of ages and that the number of midnight literally everything the list had openings had pretty much to offer. everything else. Everyone, doubled between the first and It was interesting to from kids upwards, loves second chapters again shows note that many experts Disney Lorcana. The how the buzz has really built. at DreamToys said that What was heartening to see Christmas could be late anecdotal evidence of in the queue – and as, after this year and, as TnP went punters flying halfway the doors opened, they came to press, early Black Friday round the world to get flooding in to the Disney Store reports suggest that might to pick up their cards, as well as their hands on the soughtbe the case, as business getting to meet one of the artists after cards is compelling in was solid on the day and – was just how diverse it was, in weekend after, although itself, but seeing it in action indies were perhaps not terms of ages and everything else. Everyone, from kids able to offer some of the was amazing upwards, loves Disney Lorcana. mad discounts the big guys The anecdotal evidence of punters could. Early comment notes that it was perhaps flying halfway round the world to get slightly up on last year, but more skewed towards their hands on the sought-after cards is online. Big retailer discounts on what are already compelling in itself, but seeing it in action going to be big sellers this Q4 won’t have helped was amazing. And Ravensburger, as the indies, even if worked for others – John Lewis outlined in this issue, is in it for the long chiefs suggested that toys were one of the hero haul, building Disney Lorcana into performers for the retail giant over the Black Friday something that will run and run and run. weekend. It has given a fillip to retailers across More on that next month, and if you thought this the board, from the grocers to the month was busy, wait until our January issue, where independents, from the specialist TCG and we’ll preview Toy Fair, Spielwarenmesse and more. hobby sector to outlets such as the Disney See you next month and until then, happy retailing Store. and a merry Christmas…





toys n playthings Leadernm.indd 1



toy 'n' playthings 30/11/2023 20:08


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15/11/2023 13:09:28




the number of toys on this year’s DreamToys list, unveiled to great fanfare at the start of November. It was expanded to offer more scope and variety and, as retailer Alan Simpson from Toytown told TnP:

“Twenty gives you more scope to be more affordable.” Even then, it was a tough call to whittle it down. Chair of the selection committee Paul Reader said: “It was still a struggle to get it down to 20.”

The month in Six

numbers Some of the past month’s news highlights as offered up by the Toys n Playthings newsflash and more. To sign up for daily bulletins, go to


the percentage by which Geek Retreat outdid its daily sales record on the day of the launch of Disney Lorcana Chapter 2. In a statement, the retailer said: “Reports indicate that stores experienced a surge in sales, with some stores achieving thousands of pounds in sales within the first 10 minutes of opening. The new daily sales record was an astonishing 36% higher than the previous record.” The company added that among the records shattered were average sales per store, single store sales, total weekend sales and sales for a single product release. CEO Peter Dobson said:

“I am blown away by these numbers, but this has come as a result of a huge, coordinated effort that has touched every part of this business across both the head office and the franchisees. I am incredibly proud of what has been achieved here.” More on Disney Lorcana overleaf.


Traitors, the reality game show sensation of the past 12 months or more, is set to return to the BBC for a third series. Applications for series three contestants are now being encouraged. It comes as Goliath Games continues to enjoy success with its board game. Marketing controller Chloe Burrowes, said:

‘‘We’re sure that both forthcoming series will delight existing fans as well as recruiting new ones, and our ambition is to firmly place the board game as an all-year round family favourite. Since the game launched, sales have ramped up and it’s been great to see more people getting the chance to have the immersive The Traitors experience around their own Round Table; although dining tables are accepted!”


Numbersnm.indd 1

the number of presentations at the Toy Business Forum at Spielwarenmesse that will look at one of the conference’s key themes – Life’s a Playground – Toys for Kidsters, Kidults & Co. Among these, which take place at the Toy Business Forum between 1pm and 4pm at the show in Nuremberg held between January 30 and February 3. As organisers noted: “In the keynote speech on Wednesday, Toan Nguyen, founder of Jung von Matt NERD in Hamburg, will speak about the Kidults target group and offer an introduction to the pop culture of a new generation.” There are also talks and more on AI, digitalisation and online marketing and future trends. More on Spielwarenmesse on page 16.


the number of years that Squishmallows has now won the overall Toy of the Year award from the Toy Foundation in the US, alongside a People’s Choice award. The announcement also saw the Monster High Skullector Line win a People’s Choice award based on consumer votes. The announcements were made in November following the initial product category awards in September.

“Congratulations Jazwares and Mattel, your winning products are outstanding examples of the creativity and imagination advancing the world of play,” said Pamela Mastrota, executive director of The Toy Foundation. “In addition to celebrating the toy industry, the TOTY Awards support The Toy Foundation’s work delivering joy to children in need and we are grateful for the toy industry’s continued commitment to philanthropy.” toysnplaythings 30/11/2023 19:27

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16/11/2023 11:20:58


RAVENSBURGER - Disney Lorcana

Success on the cards

As Disney Lorcana Chapter 2 launched around the country to specialist and hobby stores, in a special report TnP chats to Ravensburger, artist Matt Davies and retailers about where the TCG came from and plans for 2024…


Ravenburgernm CORR.indd 1

When we first saw it announced at D23, we knew it was going to be big. It speaks to everyone, from seasoned players to collectors and beyond


t’s just before 11am in the Disney Store and artist Matt Davies is ready for another lengthy session of signing cards and artwork in support of the trading card game he has created some of the artwork for, Disney Lorcana. It’s the latest round of signings and promotion for Disney Lorcana, as, on November 17, at the Disney Store in London’s West End, where TnP is meeting him and representatives from Ravensburger, and at specialist and hobby stores around the country, Chapter Two of the TCG is being unleashed. Given that he’ll be signing hundreds of items – and with queues stretching around the block – Davies is remarkably calm ahead of the launch. His stint is slightly shorter than that for the first game, but as the queues suggest, and sales figures from the first day of the second chapter going on sale, demand for Chapter Two is higher than the first. He’s chatting amiably to TnP about the response from the fans and the pull and power of the game and the branding. He’s attended events in the UK and also been further afield with the game; at the same time as

Giuseppe Insogna

meeting people from far flung corners of the world who’ve travelled to the UK (and Florida, where he also promoted Disney Lorcana to fans) to be among the first to get involved with the TCG. “The best part of this job,” he adds, “is speaking to the fans about it.” Davies was at UK Games Expo this summer where Ravensburger first previewed Disney Lorcana to games enthusiasts, and it was here it first dawned on him just how big the new TCG could be.

It was the same for Lea Dillenseger, Ravensburger’s product marketing manager for the UK games category, who was tasked with showcasing the gameplay and demo cards for the first time to the public, alongside the company’s other popular games in a unique dual-branded large stand. “We could clearly see the attraction on the stand, with demos and giveaways. We could see the engagement from people, that’s when I knew we were on to a winner.” Ravensburger national account manager Giuseppe Insogna says: “When we first saw Disney Lorcana announced at D23, we knew it was going to be big, but we didn’t know how big. It speaks to everyone, from seasoned players to collectors and beyond, and those wanting to try a TCG for the first time. It’s so diverse, particularly with the Disney appeal. Lorcana speaks to all genders and all ages.” Dillenseger and Insogna are speaking to TnP just after the doors had been flung open to customers at London’s Disney Store, with queues starting from midnight for the 11am launch. Insogna is full of praise for the retailers who have supported Ravensburger with 30/11/2023 20:26

DECEMBER 2023 Ravenburgernm CORR.indd 2

Disney Lorcana, from the specialists to the grocers and beyond. “We wouldn’t be where we are without the hobby shops across the country, and numerous retailers including Geek Retreat, Tesco, Asda, Argos, Sainsbury’s and GAME to name just a few. Smyths Toys, who understand TCG’s, have done a great job as well.” Ravensburger’s existing output, from games and puzzles, through to the popular BRIO pre-school range and the GraviTrax construction game, gave retailers confidence the global business would come up with the goods, but, as it was the company’s first TCG, it was a major learning curve. “It’s a new sector for us, but with a team of global experts working on Disney Lorcana team we have confidence and continue to learn. Stores such as Toys and Games of Worcester, plus others, played a big part in helping us this time last year and in early 2023. We listened to the retailers and hobby shops.” It was somewhere between midnight and midday after the summer specialist store launch – both Chapter 1 and 2 of Disney Lorcana have gone out to specialists and the Disney Store first, then mainstream outlets – that Insogna said he knew that Ravensburger was delivering on the massive expectation. “When we launched and people started selling out – some stores in 25 minutes – and got such fantastic feedback from the midnight launches, we knew we really had something special here.” Chapter 2, from the opening day, was quite clearly going to be even bigger. As 11am approached ever nearer, the queues were extending right round the block off Oxford Street, as Insogna notes: “The queue is three or four times what it was for the first one and people keep joining.” You could see the beaming smiles on Disney Store staff’s faces as the punters flocked in after the 11am opening, while around the country, it was a similar story. Reports were filtering in about successful midnight openings at selected outlets and hefty sales from these and stores that opened in the morning. Midco Toymaster in Burton was one of those and Joe Green from the store says: “We had them queuing up outside the

shop from early and most of the stock was gone after half an hour. “We were having a great day after only 30 minutes. And our other stores have seen similar to us too.” Tim Evans from Toys and Games Worcester says: “It’s been an absolutely spectacular launch. We had a midnight opening – it’s the second one we’ve done for Disney Lorcana and it was twice as busy as the first. We had food, pizzas, chocolate and drinks as well as fancy dress. We had a tournament timed to end just before midnight and gave virtual queue tickets to those queuing outside as it was cold and wet. “We finished at about 10 to one, then reopened again at 9am. The first hour then was non-stop.” Rob West from Firestorm Games in the west and Wales adds: “Disney Lorcana Chapter 2 was amazing, queues outside the doors at 10am at all three Establishing stores.” Geek Retreat said he second release closer was “even more spectacular” than relationships the debut, with queues with outside its stores before the 10am Ravensburger opening on Friday has been November 17. In a statement, pivotal in our Geek Retreat successful notes: “Reports indicate that stores experienced a surge in sales, with central buying some stores achieving thousands strategy of pounds in sales within the first 10 Peter Dobson, CEO of minutes of opening. The new daily Geek Retreat sales record was an astonishing 36% higher than the previous record.” The company added that among the records shattered were average sales per store, single store sales, total weekend sales and sales for a single product release. It attributes its success not just to the “overwhelming interest” in the game, but also its stores’ efforts to foster and develop Disney Lorcana communities and its creation of a central buying team for the retailer. The buying team enables it to secure “a smooth supply chain and meet the forecasted demand” and resulted in better availability and terms. Peter Dobson, CEO of Geek Retreat says: “Establishing closer relationships with Ravensburger has been pivotal in our successful central buying strategy. We receive excellent support, open communication, and stock allocations that align with our sales forecasting. This has resulted in a record-breaking weekend, and most importantly, Geek Retreat customers have been able to readily access and play with the products that they enjoy in our friendly and inclusive environments. “I am blown away by these numbers, but this has come as a result of a huge,

coordinated effort that has touched every part of this business across both the head office and the franchisees. I am incredibly proud of what has been achieved here.” Now Ravensburger is already looking ahead to 2024. First up comes the reprints of the first two chapters, scheduled for launch this month (December) across the UK. The marketing will be widened too, as Ravensburger aims to keep the fans entranced and introduce an even broader audience to the game. There’ll be more shows – comic conventions, UK Games Expo, a first visit to AireCon in Harrogate and plenty of local events at hobby stores. “We need people to play,” says Dillenseger, “and we want to build the community in stores, to organise even more play opportunities in the hobby stores. In 2024 we want to be more localised and accessible to all ages.” Part of what Ravensburger says in “taking Lorcana to a broader audience” will be elements such as a partnership with GAME with play areas and demo space in the Trafford Centre in December. She adds: “Engaging PR and the local media outside of London is really important too for 2024.” While the tabletop gaming press and more has been covered, Ravensburger has, it believes, only just scratched the surface with the media, and will be further targeting family and kids’ titles, as well as working with gaming and Disney influencers and content producers. This will include store card reveals too through a dedicated and extended PR plan. The marketing is, Dillenseger notes, about “supporting the consumer, the retailers and the overall brand.” “It’s a great success story to be part of and the audience will get bigger. We have to focusing on that and serving our whole community.” One thing’s for sure though, there will also be more signings in 2024, particularly as the eagerly awaited (and yet to be announced) Chapter 3 drops and there are more Britbased artists working on the game. As Dillenseger concludes “There’s plenty of excitement in store for Disney Lorcana next year!”


30/11/2023 20:26



e h t g Livin

s y o T m a Dre

In a hall in the heart of London’s university district, the great and the good of the toy industry are receiving numerous journalists alongside the now ubiquitous influencers and content creators. Songs from Twister Air are playing loudly as adults try out the new interactive take on the classic, while over there electronic dog MINTiD Dog-E is barking and wooing the media, as in another corner L.O.L. Surprise Magic Flyers are taking off and heading up to the ceiling with regularity. Those present can take a break on a Squishmallows sofa or de-stress by cuddling and pulling at a Fluffie Stuffiez. Meanwhile, children are running around trying out scores of different toys on offer, giving each a good going over. Welcome to the DreamToys launch. The event is, as most acknowledge, the true start of Christmas for the toy industry and many from the business are on hand as the collective minds and experts unveil the top 20 toys for Christmas on the expanding list. “There’s a real festive buzz about it,” says Paul Reader, the chair of the DreamToys selection committee at the event. “It’s a new location, a bigger scale and more product.” The new expanded list sees 20 toys


Dream Toysnm.indd 1

“There’s a real festive buzz about it. It’s a new location, a bigger scale and more product’’ Paul Reader, chair of the DreamToys selection committee

being revealed as the hot properties for the year-end and acts as a pointer to parents, but even adding numbers didn’t help when whittling it down. “It was still a struggle to get it down to 20,” says Reader. But, says another key retailer, Alan Simpson, from Toytown, the expansion does allow for more varied product to go on there. “Twenty gives you more scope to be more affordable,” he explains. The list this year also reflects changes in the industry, as Melissa Symonds, executive director at Circana explains. She’s on hand to discuss where the list fits into the business and the current state of the industry. While noting that the entire industry is down over 2023 to the end of September (down 4% overall), signs are that Christmas will be big, albeit later than in some previous years. She is confident that the year will turn round, adding: “Even last year December was a quarter of the year’s sales, a third were between November and December.” The list, she says, reflects some of

the year’s biggest trends. Two areas in particular are driving growth, the first being the huge growth in the licensed film and movies side of the toy market. It now accounts’ for 31% of sales, a rise of 4%. “It’s a really strong performance,” she says, highlighting Barbie, PAW Patrol, a resurgent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and mainstays Star Wars and Harry Potter. “All of these are part of the list and having their moment in the sun,” she further notes. And, she adds: “Interaction toys have definitely been a growth area,” she explains, pointing to many of those in the list, from the aforementioned Dog-E and Twister Air to Pictionary Vs AI, and Moose Toys’ selection on offer. “There’s something to interact with, rather than just being a standard toy.” All of the above mentioned are keen to point out how the cost-of-living crisis was taken into account, stressing that many of the titles on offer are part of ranges that take in all prices. Meanwhile the toy companies are all 01/12/2023 06:20


MGA happy with how the day is going. Richard Dickson, general manager UK and ROI at Spin Master, says: “We’re over the moon to have not just one, but two toys listed in this year’s Dream Toys list, the official must-have toys for Christmas 2023! Spin Master’s winning products, Bitzee and PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie Skye Jet Deluxe Vehicle, are two of our most exciting launches of the year and we’re delighted to have received this recognition. “Bitzee’s technology, and collectability feature, which allows users to collect up to 15 characters all in one pod, certainly seems to have made it a hit with consumers and we’ve seen a fantastic response to the product since its launch. “But Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without some PAW Patrol goodies under the tree so we’re thrilled to see Skye’s Deluxe Jet has also been recognised in the Dream Toys list. The jet is a replica of the one seen in the hit movie PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie and we’re thrilled to be able to bring the magic of the big screen to children’s toy boxes this festive season.’’ Mattel has a trio of titles, taking in Barbie POP Reveal, Pictionary Vs AI and Hot Wheels City Ultimate Garage Hauler. Kelly Philip, senior director marketing Mattel UK, says: “We are proud to be named as part of DreamToys and their panel of retail experts top toys of the year.’’ MGA and Moose Toys both had a trio each, with the former including the L.O.L. Surprise Magic Flyers, which were hovering over the proceedings, as well as Fluffie Stuffiez and Miniverse brands, while

DECEMBER 2023 Dream Toysnm.indd 2

“This gives a lift to everything. Christmas is coming”

Alan Simpson, managing director, Toytown

Moose Toys

Spin Master

Character Options

Spin Master

the latter had Cookeez Makery, Beast lab and Little Live Pets: My Puppy Home. Sara Taylor, senior vice president (UK, FT, IT and ES) of MGA Entertainment, says: “We are honoured to have been awarded three places in the DreamToys Top 20 list this year – and are particularly thrilled for two of our newest brands, MGA’s Miniverse and Fluffie Stuffiez, to have been recognised, having only launched this year!” Maddi Tiscoe, head of UK marketing at Moose Toys, says: “A hattrick of accolades

from Dream Toys is a real honour for the whole Moose Team and is testament to the company’s vision to make the most innovative toys for children.’’ As the day draws to a close and the kids present select their favourites to take home, it’s time to sit and wait to see how the coverage turns out. As Alan Simpson concludes: “We expect to see a chunk in the next few days, but it goes into next week too, as local papers catch on. “This gives a lift to everything. Christmas is coming.”

Product Name


Barbie Pop Reveal


Beast Lab


Bitzee Interactive Pet

Spin Master

Cookeez Makery Oven Playset


Fingerlings Monkey

Character Options

Fluffie Stuffiez Large Plush


Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle & Grounds


Hot Wheels City Ultimate Hauler


L.O.L. Surprise! Magic Flyers


Little Live Pets My Puppy’s Home


Miniverse - Make It Mini Kitchen



Character Options

PAW Patrol Mighty Movie - Skye Deluxe Vehicle

Spin Master

Pictionary vs AI


Pokémon 151 Elite Trainer

Asmodee UK

Squishmallows 7.5”


Star Wars Ahsoka Starship


Super Mario Movie 7” Feature Bowser Figure

Jakks Pacific

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Pizza Fire Van Character Options Twister Air

Hasbro 13

01/12/2023 06:20



A safe space for toys… The freshly-honoured British Toy & Hobby Association (BTHA)’s head of compliance Jerry Burnie OBE on the current toy safety landscape, why it’s challenging and how the post-Brexit world means plenty of changes – and challenges… Toys n Playthings: What is your view on current movements and developments in toy safety? Jerry Burnie: The current landscape in toy safety is very challenging. There are numerous changes in the EU plus new changes being applied in the UK. The approaches by government departments in the UK are often different from the EU, which makes it more difficult for toy compliance. The volume of EU regulatory changes is at a higher level than ever. Where businesses are operating in both UK and EU markets, technical teams are under increased pressure to keep up with the volume and speed of the changes. It is probably the most challenging time for technical colleagues across the toy industry.


Safetynm.indd 1

The key problem regarding toy safety is the scale of unsafe toys sold on online marketplaces from third-party sellers, which is damaging to the reputable toy industry. This is an issue which continues to not be sufficiently addressed by regulators

TnP: What do you view as being the key developments over the past year or so? JB: The volume of changes in the EU and the challenges over Brexit continue. We are experiencing changes even a few years on with implementation deadlines being pushed back or changing completely, such as the UK government announcement regarding the extension of CE mark recognition this summer. In many cases, toy companies have spent money complying with new regulation only to find that the requirement gets pushed back. The other key development has been the increasing need to monitor divergence on behalf of BTHA members as the UK government has started to consider implementing their own changes and ways of doing things. The BTHA has several regulatory trackers to help its full members keep on top of developments.

TnP: How is the UK coping with toy safety in a post-Brexit world? JB: To date, not much has changed between the EU and the UK. However, as time goes on the UK is wanting to be more proactive, and divergence between the EU and UK safety regimes will be inevitable. The key problem regarding toy safety is the scale of unsafe toys sold on online marketplaces from third-party sellers, which is damaging to the reputable toy industry. This is an issue which continues to not be sufficiently addressed by regulators. TnP: As Europe moves on with new regulation, where does the UK sit? JB: It is not yet clear how the UK will react to a major change to the current Toy Safety Directive in the EU. It seems unlikely the UK government will adopt or copy it for the GB market but there have been no indications to confirm this to date. When the new EU Toy Safety Regulation is finalised and in force, we can expect greater divergence between the two separate territories.

TnP: Is there an intersection between toy safety and sustainability concerns, and what is happening within that? JB: Yes, many of the regulations sit between product safety and sustainability requirements. There has been an increase in the number of new warnings and labels that need to be applied to packaging in the UK and across different European countries, but at the same time there is a need to reduce packaging space, so the two can sometimes be in conflict. The BTHA advocates that toy safety must always take precedent over new environmental requirements. There are increasing numbers of toy companies trying recycled materials in their products. The use of recycled materials can be difficult to manage and therefore we have seen an increase in testing to ensure compliance against the toy safety standards. TnP: What are your hopes and fears for the year ahead in this area? JB: Trading is hard and the growing number of UK and EU regulation is increasing costs for toy companies. 30/11/2023 20:28

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01/12/2023 05:37

NEWS TOMY heads to Drumond Park

Big numbers for Spielwarenmesse After the “restart” that was the post-pandemic Spielwarenmesse earlier in 2023, show organisers are getting ready for the 2024 edition. Christian Ulrich, a member of the Spielwarenmesse executive board) and media manager Sebastian Wendl talked to TnP about the show, due to take place in Nuremberg from January 30 to February 3. Ulrich said: “We are now “We’re entering the ‘hot phase’ for trying to 2024, it’s exciting to see how it develops. give some “This year was a restart ideas for and it was actually more the industry, successful for us than we expected, We’ll be back how big this next year with even more exhibitors and more space,” market is The numbers from 2023 and how big certainly look impressive – 2,142 exhibitors from 69 it can be” countries, with 369 new exhibitors among them, a figure organisers hope to best this year, and 58,000 visitors. And it’s a buoyant mood that organisers take into the key build-up to next year’s show. Ulrich said: “We are rock solid, we are keeping our venue and keeping our dates.” (Well, marginally, as next year’s show is eschewing a Sunday opening, instead going from Tuesday to Saturday.) He also outlined some of its plans for 2024, including the planned focus on toys for adults, kidults, kidsters and so on, under the banner of Life’s A Playground: “We’re trying to give some ideas for the industry, how big this market is and how big it can be.” He also noted how 25% of toy sales in the US are for those deemed to be adults – those over the age of 12 – and is worth $9 billion. It will break the kidult world down into four groups – collectibles, premium collectibles, tabletop games and creative fantasy (trading card games, Dungeons and Dragons and the like). 16

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TOMY has cemented its standing in the board games category after acquiring the UK games portfolio of indie board game developer Drumond Park. The completed deal sees TOMY bringing Drumond Park perennial bestsellers The Logo Board Game and Articulate! into its fold, as well as a number of other Drumond Park games. TOMY UK and Germany MD Mary Wood said: “We have a clear long-term growth strategy, and games are an important category for us. Articulate! and The Logo Board Game are the number one and two best-selling adult board games in the UK market. This acquisition will now ensure their long-term home in our growing portfolio of top-selling games. “The acquisition solidifies TOMY’s position as a Top 5 manufacturer in the UK board games market and positions the business for future growth in the category. We will continue to invest in these best-selling game brands, as we do all of the games products in our portfolio, and seek to accelerate their growth.”

Fanattik founder

wins gong

Pop culture company Fanattik’s founder Anthony Marks triumphed at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards, picking up a gong that a previous winner described as being “better than winning the World Cup” for entrepreneurs. Marks collected the Creative Entrepreneur of the Year for the North West at The Allica Bank Great British Entrepreneur Awards, beating off some 5,000 other applications at the prestigious ceremony. Previous winner James Watt, founder of BrewDog, was the one who compared it to a World Cup win, while Dragon’s Den dragon and entrepreneur Steven Bartlett described it as “the Grammys of entrepreneurship”, highlighting the glamour and prestige associated with the event.

World’s Smallest thinks big AB Gee is thinking big with its World’s Smallest range and is aiming to get its products into the hands of some of the largest celebrities around. The World’s Smallest collection has been selected to be placed in the VIP goodie bags for the Jingle Bell Ball, Capital FM’s huge Christmas event, as part of AB Gee’s sampling campaign. It comes as part of Norton PR’s ongoing influencer outreach programme targeting big names on TikTok and Instagram. AB Gee marketing manager Anna Vaughan commented: “The last month has seen the launch of our high-profile influencer outreach programme designed to get World’s Smallest into the hands of TikTok and Instagram creators, which has delivered some amazing content for us to adapt on our own social platforms.’’ 30/11/2023 19:26


Triple success

for Rubies From Barbie as a mermaid to superheroes from the Marvel stable, Rubies, the leading provider of dress-up costumes and accessories, picked up not one, not two, but three prestigious awards at the 2023 Dads Choice Awards. Rubies’ triple success saw it being recognised for its “commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction”, scooping three of the top gongs. The three were for Marvel’s

Guardians of The Galaxy Star Lord costume, for its Mattel Barbie Mermaid UV Colour Changing Dress and Marvel’s Spidey & His Amazing Friends – Spider-Man. Fran Hales, head of portfolio and marketing at Rubies, said: “We are delighted to receive these accolades from the Dads Choice Awards. Winning three awards in the key dress-up category is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing children with the highest-quality costumes that inspire creativity and fun.”

A slice of fun Young pizza lovers got a slice of the action after taking part in the launch of Leapfrog’s Build-a-Slice Pizza Cart, which saw the company opening the world’s first pop-up pizza restaurant run by kids. The company rebranded the Pappa Ciccia in Fulham, London for one day only, Seven would-be young chefs, including a lucky competition winner, chosen on the brand’s social media channels, gained all the practice they needed to put their skills to the test in honour of the launch of the miniature roleplay pizzeria, which is set to fly off the shelves this Christmas. Leapfrog also held a design the menu contest, while video content made on the day will be used across social media. UK marketing manager of LeapFrog and VTech, Rebecca Lazarus, said: “From the initial planning stages of ‘A Slice of Fun’ we have loved the idea of creating a ‘worlds-first’ to really bring the Build-a-Slice Pizza Cart to life.’’

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The Toy Association’s Jennifer Lynch looks at toy safety and the need to remind parents that holiday gifts are safe… Toy shopping is top of mind for families everywhere right now. The holidays also serve as a great time for the industry to remind parents and caregivers about toy safety to ensure a safe holiday season for all. On the heels of The Toy Association’s third annual Toy Safety Awareness Month,, the Association is continuing to encourage toy professionals to take advantage of its resources and share tips with their consumers on safe shopping (online and in stores), making age-appropriate toy selections, and how to ensure safe play once the toys are unwrapped. Toy Safety Awareness Month is just one component of the Association’s year-round advocacy promoting toy safety. On behalf of the industry, The Toy Association also works 365 days a year on safety and compliance issues, ranging from updates to the mandatory ASTM F963 toy safety standard; participating in international discussions to share intel on toy safety, including the recent ISO Annual Meeting held in Melbourne, Australia; to monitoring the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI). Helping to ensure all toy professionals are up to date on the latest safety standards and regulations for compliance, The Toy Association holds educational sessions throughout the year and has just released a new version of its online Safety Education Program last month. Free for all Toy Association members, the digital, on-demand programme now features updated state and federal safety guidance. (Updates to the programme’s international modules and more about changes to the ASTM F963 standard will be forthcoming.) In Q4, The Toy Association’s consumer-focused efforts concentrated on sharing the latest research on US parents’ shifting attitudes about toy safety; partnerships with influencers to help steer consumers to the Association’s safety resources; and media interviews on relevant safety topics such as the dangers of counterfeit toys lurking online. The Association has also been proactively and rapidly responding to ‘dangerous toy’ lists promoted by certain activist organisations and self-appointed experts, and helping members who may be the target of such misinformation and false attacks on their safe products. “Legitimate toys adhere to more than 100 stringent federal regulations and are among the safest consumer products at home,” said Joan Lawrence, The Association’s ‘Toy Safety Mom’ and senior vice president of standards and regulatory affairs. “These facts, combined with our proactive year-round safety messaging, are why coverage of these false and sensationalised reports have continued to decline in recent years.” The Toy Association’s consumer website,, continues to be a trusted resource.


30/11/2023 19:26



Hamleys opens its windows on the world

Disney kicks off Christmas with a Wish The Disney Store and its shopDisney sister marked the start of the Christmas shopping season with an event for the official opening of the festive season at the Disney Store on Oxford Street in the heart of London’s shopping centre. A host of celebrities including the likes of Alex Jones, Sam Faiers, Binky Felstead, Steph McGovern, Louise Roe, and Michelle Heaton, along with assorted family members, were on hand to see what the Disney Store said were its key seasonal offerings, including product from the forthcoming film Wish as well as from perennial favourite Frozen, now celebrating its 10th anniversary. Rob Wypyski, acting senior marketing manager, UK & EMEA, shopDisney and The Disney Store, said: “The Disney Store and shopDisney truly embodies the spirit of the holiday season and today’s special festive event was a tremendous success, allowing us to showcase our fantastic range of products and bring the magic of Disney to life in a truly immersive and memorable way. We’re dedicated to making the holiday season special for all families, and we’re thrilled to extend the magic in the days ahead, offering an array of wonderful gift ideas for the whole family that are certain to fill hearts with happiness and create lasting memories.” Alex Jones commented: “Being


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here today at the Disney Store event has been an absolutely incredible experience. The magic, the lights, and the festive spirit are truly something special. The enthusiasm and joy in the air is infectious, and it’s heart-warming to see families and friends come together to celebrate the holiday season in such a magical way.” Binky Felstead said: “I have just had the most amazing time at the Disney Store and shopDisney event – it truly got me into the Christmas spirit! My favourite part of the morning was seeing the kids’ joy when they met the Disney characters. It was heart-warming to see the magic of Disney come alive for them, reminding me of the joy that the holiday season brings to all of us.’’ Sam Faiers added: “Attending the Disney Store and shopDisney event was like stepping into a winter wonderland filled with magic and joy. It was the perfect way to kickstart the festive season. The highlight for my family and me was the Disney Choir singing carols and Disney songs. It made us feel so warm and joyful and captured the true spirit of Christmas perfectly. It was a moment we’ll always treasure. The festive treats and holiday-themed goodies made the day even more special. When it comes to getting the festive season started, no one knows how to do it quite like Disney does!”

As the Christmas lights were turned on in London’s busy Regent Street shopping thoroughfare, in a parallel event, Hamleys unveiled its Christmas window to the world. Shoppers and holiday-makers were treated to elves, singers and Hamleys’ own bear outside the store as a slow reveal highlighted its windows full of Harry Potter and Minecraft-related products festooned on Christmas trees. Two of the windows feature the former, and product for the popular online game is in the other. The store’s general manager Keane Herman told TnP. “It’s the first day of Christmas in some ways, but we’ve already had some really busy weeks these past few weeks and you can feel the energy, feel the change in the people.’’

Smyths Christmas ad comes alive

As Christmas draws nearer. Smyths Toys Superstores has unveiled its Christmas TV ad for 2023, which forms part of the the retailer’s 360 marketing campaign. Smyths has joined the likes of John Lewis, M&S and other major high street retailers in revealing its spot for the run-up to Christmas. The ad features four friends who arrive at a superstore one evening and see the shop magically opening up and coming to life. It sees the quartet, as Smyths noted, “greeted by Furby’s on the shelf, a WWE Monster Truck zooming by and around the corner a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pizza party is underway and interrupted by a Jurassic World Colossal Indoraptor who would like some pizza too’’, There’s more highlights from Q4 product too, as the announcement noted: “The ad also features some choppy waters with the LEGO arctic ship and minifigures, Ken and Barbies having a pool party, Stitch up to mischief, a sea of Squishmallows and Rainbow High and L.O.L. Surprise toys with Queen Poppy performing the Smyths Toys song.’’ 30/11/2023 19:39

LEGO kicks off Christmas at flagship store Kimberley Walsh, Joe Swash, Binky Felstead, Roxy Horner, Nadiya Bychkova and their families alongside numerous other celebrities, influencers and more, joined the LEGO Group in its flagship store for a Christmas launch. Neil Jones and Chyna Mills, who brought along their month-old daughter Havana, Greg Rutherford and Hannah Spearritt were also at the event, held in partnership with Save The Children, which also featured the world’s first transatlantic snow throw. The LEGO Snow Throw is a digital game pitting shoppers in London and in the equivalent LEGO store in New York against each other to throw the most digitised snowballs via an interactive screen. Millie Mackintosh and family were

the first to throw them at the event in the LEGO store in London’s Leicester Square. She said: ““Even if snow doesn’t fall in London this year, then the LEGO Snow Throw is an amazing way for families to experience that magical sense of fun, with your snowballs racking up points in our competition with New York.” Guests also took part in the LEGO Group’s annual Build to Give initiative - where LEGO fans from anywhere in the world can build a heart from LEGO bricks and upload it to social media with the hashtag #BuildtoGive. For each creation shared, the LEGO Group will donate a set of bricks to a child in need through charity partners including Save the Children. This year’s ambition is to donate more than two million sets worldwide.

Worcester sauce Retailer Tim Evans opened a pop-up store next to his Toys and Games Worcester shop to help launch the local edition of Monopoly. The Worcester Edition of the popular board game had been off the shelves for some 16 years and, after discussions with Winning Moves, a decision was made to bring it back. And the launch day, with a pop-up shop – and more similar initiatives to come – helped shift more than 200 or so copies of the game. Evans told TnP: “After thinking over the terms we decided to go for it and we got the artwork and content all agreed in May ready for a mid-November launch. We have an exclusive on the set so the benefits to our business are far above the sales figures it brings. The publicity, word of mouth and recognition the business gets from such a high-profile product and launch in the Worcester area cannot be underestimated, especially at Christmas. Also, it’s a legacy moment for us, and for what still is, a small family business. “We were really pleased with the pre-orders we got, just short of 200, driven by our social media and instore promotion. Launch weekend was excellent; another 200 units. We had a pop-up store just for the launch next door to our normal shop on Saturday and sales were still good on Sunday and Monday. We had to allocate a full day on Tuesday, delivering out to local households who paid for local delivery. We’re looking forward to continued strong sales going into Christmas.”

The Entertainer’s Big Toy Appeal returns The Entertainer is continuing its annual support for The Salvation Army, with the month-long The Big Toy Appeal now in its second week after returning for a fifth year. The appeal encourages customers in stores and online to get involved by donating an extra toy to the appeal. And for each one customers give, The Entertainer will also match the donation, effectively doubling the charity giveaway. The appeal has seen some 110,000 toys go to The Salvation Army and needy and desperate families around the UK, and this year, the partners are aiming for 120,000 toys to be donated. Gary and Catherine Grant, founders of The Entertainer said: “The Entertainer is proud to be supporting the Big Toy Appeal once again this year. An effective and efficient way to pass on joy and delight to children, with around 110,000 toys donated since 2018. “In partnering with The Salvation Army, we are enabling generosity amongst our staff, our customers, and our communities, so that families can be supported in a very real and practical way during these times of extreme financial hardship. “Every child deserves the gift of play, and the Big Toy Appeal encourages us to work together to bring moments of delight to children on Christmas Morning.”

DECEMBER 2023 News Retailnm.indd 2

Mermaid joins

Toymaster Toymaster has added another new member to the everexpanding roster with the news that Mermaid Gift Shop has joined the buying group. The store, in Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire, is run by Dan Eddison. In its statement announcing the move, Toymaster said: “We would like to welcome Mermaid Gift Shop to the Toymaster family and wish Dan and the team the best of luck.” 19

30/11/2023 19:39



Wilton Bradley promotes two to senior roles Wilton Bradley has promoted two of its current team to the role of senior national account manager, with both Pete Minch and Mike Gascoigne being upped at the company. The former joined in 2020, the latter in 2014, and both have extensive backgrounds in strategic account management. Wilton Bradley said both “will continue to bring a wealth of expertise to the forefront, reinforcing Pete Minch Mike Gascoigne Wilton Bradley’s commitment to innovation and leadership”. “Join us in market In its statement, the company added that both will congratulating Pete play an important part in driving continued growth at the and Mike as they company in line with its ambitions. The statement continued: “With a wealth of embark on their new experience, Pete and Mike have a proven track record of roles, steering Wilton cultivating successful partnerships and driving revenue Bradley towards growth. Their industry acumen aligns seamlessly with new heights in the Wilton Bradley’s vision for continued expansion and dynamic landscape excellence in the consumer leisure goods sector. “Join us in congratulating Pete and Mike as they of consumer embark on their new roles, steering Wilton Bradley leisure goods” towards new heights in the dynamic landscape of consumer leisure goods.”

Beardall to retire from Spin Master Spin Master has announced that its president, toys and chief commercial officer Chris Beardall will be retiring from the company from the end of 2023. The long-standing Spin Master stalwart Chris Beardall will be succeeded by the company’s current head of global toy brands, Doug Wadleigh, as president, toys, and reporting to the global president and CEO Max Rangel. Beardall was appointed as VP for product development back in 2000, a role in which he oversaw the toy creative centre with direct accountability for product development, design, packaging, licensing, product marketing and global sales. Wadleigh has been at the company since Doug Wadleigh last year but has worked in and around the toy industry for many years, with stints at Mattel, Warner Bros., Baby Box. Co. and Loot Crate. He was most recently at Goliath. Max Rangel said: “During Chris’s illustrious 23-year career with Spin Master he has been a driving force behind the introduction of thousands of toys to the market while also deepening and diversifying our portfolio and expanding our global footprint. Chris leaves a legacy of amazing innovation that will forever be imprinted on the toy industry, and we wish him health and happiness in his next chapter. We’re grateful to have Chris’s support as we transition our toy creative centre leadership to Doug, a seasoned toy industry executive. Doug has already made a meaningful impact at Spin Master, helping to strengthen our global toy brands and acquire new licensed partnerships. Under his leadership we will continue to unlock future growth within our toy business.”


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Tonies founders step back, as Wann joins The co-founders and co-chief executives of tonies are to step back from the day-to-day business and a new CEO has been appointed at the audio platform. Both Patrick Faßbender and Marcus Stahl will still be involved in the company they created as both senior advisors and second-largest shareholders, as Tobias Wann steps in to take over the helm. The move comes some 10 years and more than 5 million Tonieboxes sold worldwide later, and will see tonies, already a presence in every second child’s home in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, further enhancing its reputation internationally. Patric Faßbender said: “After a decade of imagining, building, and scaling tonies from our first idea to the largest interactive audio platform for children, Marcus and I believe the time has come for us to hand over the reins of management. We are happy to be able to initiate this process at this stage in tonies’ journey: We are at our strongest point yet and believe that the structures we have established will benefit from the valuable insights and skills of Tobias Wann.’’

Gong for BTHA director

The BTHA has praised its own Majen Immink after she picked up an Outstanding Achievement Award at the Progressive Preschool Awards. The BTHA’s director of fairs and special events picked up the prestigious gong in recognition of her outstanding work in leading the organisation of Toy Fair since 2014. In a statement, the BTHA said: “The award is hugely welldeserved; she has led the team – both internally and across the plethora of suppliers and contributors – all that time superbly, not least in the years of Covid.

“Majen was quick to thank everyone involved in the Toy Fair and events in her acceptance speech – from the BTHA wider team to the show’s suppliers, exhibitors, visitors and attendees. Congratulations once again Majen!” 17

30/11/2023 19:40








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Spin Master signs global Ms. Rachel deal Spin Master has inked a deal with the creators of the baby and toddler YouTube channel Ms Rachel that will see a whole range of developmental and early learning toys coming to the market. The global master toy licensee deal, signed between creators Rachel Griffin-Accurso and Aron Accurso and the toy giant and brokered by CAA, will see product hitting the shelves for Ms Rachel’s 50 million unique monthly viewers in the autumn of 2024. It sees Spin Master further expanding its footprint into early childhood development play following the summer acquisition of Melissa & Doug, and will take in plush, puzzles, playsets, vehicles, roleplay toys, and learning aides. Spin Master’s EVP and head of global toy brands Doug Wadleigh said: “We are thrilled to be Ms. Rachel’s partner in play. As a progressive and trusted voice in early childhood learning, Ms. Rachel is a wonderful fit for our toy portfolio and will support Spin Master’s expansion into early childhood and developmental play.” Spin Master’s EVP, M&A and special projects Laura Henderson added: “Ms. Rachel has become a trusted resource for today’s parents; loved for her inclusive and engaging approach, providing tools and inspiration for parents to help their young children learn and develop through play. Now with Spin Master’s signature creative innovation and expertise in early childhood play, Ms. Rachel’s companion toy collection will help deepen children’s learning as families bond and re-create the play they see in her videos at home.” Rachel Griffin-Accurso commented: “Play is the most powerful way a child can learn. We have a big responsibility to fulfil the trust parents have in us, and together with Spin Master, we’re excited to deliver the high-quality toys our aud ience has been asking for, to help them learn, bond, and thrive.”

Powerpuff celebration The Powerpuff Girls will mark their silver jubilee in 2024 with a year-long celebration of the anniversary. It will include consumer products, including apparel and accessories, as well as programming through the Cartoon Network. “For 25 years, The Powerpuff Girls have inspired women and girls across the globe, representing relatable, strong role models who use their intelligence, teamwork and resilience to fight for what is right,” says Josh Hackbarth, senior vice president, brands, franchises and experiences, Warner Bros. Discovery Global. 22

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JAKKS set for Sonic boom JAKKS and its sister costume division Disguise have signed on the dotted line for a multi-year partnership with SEGA for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 ahead of the third film in the series’ release at the end of 2024. The deal will see JAKKS designing, developing, and manufacturing a range of products including action figures, plush, playsets, costumes, and costume accessories. Kevin Feely, VP of marketing at JAKKS Pacific, said: “Sonic the Hedgehog 3 promises to be an exciting addition, with the Blue Blur embarking on his next thrilling journey. The Sonic movie product has been a resounding success among retailers, audiences,

kids, and the enthusiastic collector community. We eagerly anticipate the return of Sonic and his beloved companions and look forwarding to bringing them back in a big way in 2024.” “JAKKS Pacific has consistently delivered innovative, top-quality merchandise for the Sonic the Hedgehog brand,” said Michael Cisneros, associate director of licensing at SEGA of America. “This is our third toy partnership with JAKKS for the Sonic movie franchise, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 will be the best yet. We cannot wait to share the incredible line of toys and costumes to complement the release of the film.”

Fanattik signs up for Netflix Stranger Things, One Piece and The Witcher will be among the Netflix brands appearing on gifts and collectibles from Fanattik after the pop culture company signed a deal with the streaming giant. The multi-territory, multi-year deal will take in some of the biggest shows on Netflix and products will start arriving in stores in the second quarter of 2024. It sees Netflix joining the likes of Paramount, Studio Toho and Universal among those signing on the dotted line with Fanattik. Fanattik MD Anthony Marks said: “Both Fanattik and Netflix focus on the fans; we have been creating fan-favourite products for over 15 years and with so much synergy between us, this agreement feels like the natural partnership for both companies.”

PAW Patrol Calms down The PAW Patrol pups have done it again – they’re now moving on to sleep, meditation and relaxation app Calm as part of their ongoing plan for world domination. The pups will appear in an original audio series as well as a trio of meditations on the app, rated number one in its sector and part of a mental health brand. Senior director of retail & new business, consumer products, Paramount UK, Rebecca Jenkins said: “This first collaboration between PAW Patrol and Calm marks the beginning of a special partnership, which aims to help ease the wind-down routine at bedtime, while providing young children with valuable tools to navigate their worries and empower them to embrace daily adventures with joy and ease.” Calm chief content officer Greg Justice added: “We are thrilled to partner with Paramount Consumer Products and the pups of PAW Patrol to help more families benefit from the transformative power of mindfulness and a great night’s sleep.’’ 30/11/2023 19:41


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Just add water to create realistic, fluffy snow!









Game changer: when video game characters take over the real world Video game characters have broken free form the arcade, living room and bedroom and onto cinema and TV screens and, increasingly, toy stores too. In a year when licensed characters, including those from video games, are enjoying growth, the Insights Family reports on kids’ growing interest in video game-related products…


he ability to put kids in the driver’s seat and let them control their favourite character’s next move, and the interactivity that characterises gaming, make for a profoundly memorable experience. In turn, it’s not surprising that 88% of tweens play video games. By the age of 10-12 years old, kids in the UK spend one hour 23 minutes daily playing video games; that’s more than they spend playing outside (one hour nine minutes) or watching TV (one hour eight minutes). Gaming has become a staple in kids’ lives and often constitutes a joint activity for families. Naturally, we are seeing a large number of gaming IPs comfortably exploring new touchpoints, expanding their reach and brand territory by engaging with fans in new ways. For example, on top of being well-known video-game protagonists, legendary gaming characters including Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario, will be known by adults of the future as movie stars. These characters’ strong ability to create fandom and bonds, has also let IP owners explore the physical world and, more specifically, merchandise, such as toys, apparel, and other accessories. According to Kids Insights, 62% of tweens surveyed during Aug-Oct 2023 have bought at least one item related to their favourite video game, with the most popular video-game licensed items with this age group being toys (17%), clothes (17%), books (15%) and magazines (13%). What’s especially worth highlighting is that year-on-year, the number of kids buying licensed toys grew by a quarter (+25%). During the same period, collectable purchases related to a video game more than doubled (+102% at 10%). Looking into the top video games with these kids, we see that Roblox (13%),

Minecraft (13%), and Fortnite (13%) rank joint first. These popular games share certain characteristics, which not only make them so popular but also enable them to sustain a strong licensing power in the digital, as well as the offline space: ■

First, they allow a very high degree of flexibility and creativity, where the user can create new assets and customise their characters and overall experience. Second, they allow users to engage with one another, build communities that can extend in the offline space, leading to real-world friendships based on common interests. And third, they are open-world, which means that they can be immersive, allowing players to make each gaming experience unique and captivating.

In a nutshell, these characteristics lead to a highly memorable experience which, especially at a young age, can lead to long-lasting bonds and the desire to cherish them for as long as possible. For kids and

adults alike, toys; whether they are meant to be played with, or simply kept on a shelf, can cater to just this. Indicative of the offline impact of digital gaming experiences is the fact that when asked about their interactions with favourite characters, fans of Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite combined, were +32% more likely than the average to have bought licensed toys. The potential for growth in this market is immense, and those who can capture the hearts and imaginations of gamers will undoubtedly find themselves at the forefront of this exciting industry. Gamingrelated licences are a major force in the kids’ entertainment industry, and they are expected to become more popular in the years to come. Companies that can develop and produce innovative and engaging gaming-related merchandise will be well-positioned for success in this growing market. Sign up to receive our latest Industry Knowledge case study to learn how our data and insights helped make Ryan’s World one of YouTube’s biggest stars:

The Insights Family is the global leader in kids, parents, and family market intelligence, providing real-time data on their attitudes, behaviours and consumption patterns. Download your free copy here:


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30/11/2023 19:42



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Slash and burn? With Christmas approaching and the shelves still full of stock, when is the right time to start reducing prices? Hold your nerve. All (may) be well, says John Ryan


nflation’s been halved we were informed recently, meaning that the Government has met the target it announced at the beginning of this year. The fact that this is in large measure due to falling energy prices rather than anything more economically proactive is by the by; people should begin to feel the pinch less, or so the theory goes. The fact of the matter, however, is that we remain in an inflationary cycle and, given all that has gone up until this month, will shoppers really feel like digging deep as the Season of Goodwill sets in? Doubtless there will be those who take the view that it will be a busy Black Friday, as consumers endeavour to make ends meet and to mark the arrival of the festive season. Yet it is interesting how relatively little noise there has been about the event when compared with previous years. Could it be that retailers of all kinds are banking on Christmas spending taken place over a more condensed period than usual - late November to Christmas Eve perhaps - rather than the traditional three-month ‘Golden Quarter’. It is also worth noting that customer hope springs eternal. There will be a significant number of shoppers who will be banking on the big chains not being able to hold their nerve until after December 25 and that the red pen will be wielded ahead of the Christmas pudding being doused in brandy: a last-ditch effort to clear excess stock. It’s a waiting game for both retailers and shoppers then, with both sides of the equation looking for something to tip the scales. At Christmas, shoppers really do have to shop and retailers have to be ready for the onslaught, reduced or otherwise. The question for those in the business of shifting toys, a category that is far more sensitive to time-of-year than almost any other, is what is to be done? There will, of course, be items that are this year’s must-haves and it’s not much of a gamble to keep them at full price right up until the big day as there will always be last-minute shoppers who have been given their buying orders per Santa’s list. Such products will be in the minority, however, and the bulk of what’s on the shelves and mid-shop equipment will be in the hands of the gods as far as finding customers prepared to pay the price on the ticket is concerned. And it’s a fair bet that the biggest retailers will slash and burn well before Christmas Day. Yet currently, many pundits are predicting a ‘late Christmas’. No, Santa will not be enduring a work-torule by his reindeer resulting in late deliveries. Instead, shoppers will hold fire until the last possible moment when they absolutely have to part with cash and still be sure of getting what’s wanted. Conventional wisdom has it that

spending on presents for children is one of the very last things that is subject to cutbacks. It would seem unwise, therefore, to follow the example of the high street giants where the Christmas sales tend to begin from December 16 onwards (the penultimate Saturday before Christmas). If anything, the bellwether to keep an eye on is Next. This is a retailer that has consistently called it right when it comes to launching a sale, meaning that when the red banners appear in the windows it really does mean reduction time and shoppers will seek it out. For many others, it’s a case of phased reductions from mid-December onwards, with the aim being to get some margin on a product while there are still shoppers in the stores. And there’s the rub. A week after Christmas it’s difficult to give stuff away, no matter how urgent the money-off graphics on the windows and in-store. That said, if things have been kept more or less at the original selling price throughout the period and then come Boxing Day the reduction doors are flung wide, a la Next, it’s a fair bet your store will be sought out and you will have preserved margin. For many, Boxing Day is a matter of new season stock (which at the end of December really is unwanted/ unneeded) and Yuletide remnants waiting to be boxed up in the (vain) hope that they will command a better price at some point during 2024. A word of advice then. Ignore the siren call of retail watchers. They base their predictions on last year and, at best, the year before that. A lot has happened in the interim and the pinch has become more of a stranglehold for some. Money will be spent, but not necessarily in the same way, on the same things and following the same pattern as in previous years – there will be the small matters of heating the house and putting (Christmas) food on the table. It seems probable that given this backdrop, lastminute spending will indeed be a characteristic of the next few weeks. Sacrificing profit by ‘going early’ is not the name of the game however, and if there is one thing that will usher in 2024 with something of a sour note, it will be seeing whatever profit might have been made disappearing in the final three weeks of the year. So you need calm nerves, a steady hand on the tiller and to make sure those shelves are kept filled and looking good, even if some judicious remerchandising is required. Who knows, it might yet be a happy Christmas, with luck and a basic understanding of shopper needs.

John Ryan is Stores Editor at Retail Week. He has worked for the magazine for more than a decade covering store design, visual merchandising and what makes things sell in-store. In a previous life he was a buyer. 1

John Ryannm.indd 1 30/11/2023 19:44




the web

Business has been good for retail columnist Hazel McCarthy and her Toy Corner store in Ireland, but website issues are the biggest problem heading into Q4. In her latest missive, she outlines some of the ongoing problems and updates on business in 2023…

Hello fellow independent toy shop owners! Can you believe we're finally in the 'golden quarter' again? This year, This year, with no Covid protocols to worry about it seems the and no newborn baby, it's all systems magic might go, for me, right? be in the little Well, almost. There's one thing holding me back – things, with my website! plenty of Over the past few months, I've been exciting dealing with consistent issues on my mid-range website, making even the simplest of tasks feel like climbing a mountain. options such It's not just the time it's consuming; as Bitzee and it's also taking attention away from Cookeez my marketing efforts, and despite the enormous amount of stock in the shop I Makery and am probably falling behind on my orders the Pokémon as well. 151 range It’s a personal pain too, because I initially built the website myself and never had any issues with it, and it’s almost as if the more professionals that have got involved the more expensive and useless it has become. I’ve recently found a new provider however, and he is already making me feel as though we’re on the verge of cracking

DECEMBER 2023 Diary of a Toy Shop Ownernm.indd 1

the case. So, despite these digital hurdles, I’m turning my attention towards my store's upcoming fourth birthday celebrations. Four years - I can hardly believe it myself. Experiences and events in-store are a wonderful way to connect with the community and give something back to them, as well as generating a bit of buzz around the shop. It’s something the independents can do really well, and relatively easily. Suppliers are generally happy to support in some way too, so it is a really nice way of developing the relationship with them as well, and an opportunity to highlight some of the brands that aren’t so heavily marketed on television or social media but still deserve some real attention. Another event I will definitely put some real time and attention into creating again this year is an Adult Shopping Night, which was a resounding success last year. This time, I'm confident it will be even better with a wellplanned advertising campaign in the lead-up - I just have to make the time to prioritise the marketing side, the age-old story. So what's hot right now? Our Usborne Books have been flying off the shelves, and Ty Beanies, especially the key-clips and puffies, are consistent crowd-pleasers. Of course, it doesn't

hurt that we've given them a prime spot in our shop, but their undeniable charm keeps customers coming back for more. Jigsaw sales have been strong this October, which is great news, as when I received such an enormous delivery in September I was a bit anxious that I had overdone it… On the contrary I think I’ll be re-ordering. I absolutely love all of my new products from Moose Toys, from Snowie the Lamb to Mini Mama Surprise, to the new series of Magic Mixies; they've truly outdone themselves. And let's not forget those teeny-tiny backpacks – you know the ones – they're just SO CUTE! This year, it seems the magic might be in the little things, with plenty of exciting midrange options such as Bitzee and Cookeez Makery and the Pokémon 151 range. This Christmas, with so much to choose from, I feel like the trend might be towards several smaller presents rather than one big, expensive one… Though maybe that is just wishful thinking because that is what would suit me. Only time will tell… If you have any tips or advice, for me, or just want to vent about some issues you’re facing, you can reach out to me on Instagram @toycornermoycullen; I am always all ears! So, toy shop owners, let's tackle those website issues, get our marketing game on point, and fill our shelves with wonder and delight. Here's to a fantastic holiday season filled with cherished memories and many, many happy customers!


30/11/2023 19:57



Thames & Kosmos

Blinding them

with science! Interest in science and nature themed toys continues to increase, as parents encourage children to embrace the concepts of STEM. This offers a host of opportunities to retailers, as suppliers increase their ranges and follow new trends, as TnP discovers…


ccording to a recent debate in Parliament, more than 400 secondary state schools in the UK have no specialist physics teachers – add to that the general shortage of teachers of maths and other sciences in the education system and it seems unsurprising that parents are keen to give children a helping hand, by encouraging them to explore scientific topics outside of school. And the market for science toys appears to uphold that. Libby Everett, sales and marketing, Thames and Kosmos, tells us: ‘‘The market for products in Science and Nature looks very strong; there continues to be an increasing demand for products that explore the subject of the environment and green energy. One of our STEM kits, Wind Power, has long been a bestseller and it continues to sell incredibly well. In


Feature Science and Nature (M)nm.indd 1

2024 we will release Weather and Climate, which we expect to be equally popular.’’ Sarah Dayus, sales director at Great Gizmos, agrees: ‘‘The market for this sector is strong and stable. Kids love scientific projects and exploring nature, and parents and grandparents also really enjoy doing these types of kits with their children. Our kits are in line with the National Curriculum, which is great because children easily make the connection between doing a fun hands-on kit at home, with what they have been learning about in school. We are always looking for new and exciting products for this category to keep things fresh and exciting for our customers and end users too!’’ Interest in the available predicts has definitely risen, according to Christine Lawson, MD at Eduk8:

As more families look for toys that teach, the appetite for our STEM toys in general continues to grow. Children of all ages are naturally curious about the world around them and this helps fuel demand for our science educational toys

Chris Beardmore, UK sales manager, Learning Resources

‘‘Demand for outdoor science/nature products has certainly increased, with parents notably looking for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) toys.’’ Chris Beardmore, UK sales manager at Learning Resources, agrees that parents are looking to toys to do more than entertain, adding: ‘‘As more families look for toys that teach, the appetite for our STEM toys in general continues to grow. Children of all ages are naturally curious about the world around them and this helps fuel demand for our science educational toys in homes and in schools.’’ And it’s a year-round sales opportunity says Great Gizmos’ Sarah Dayus: ‘‘We see sales for our naturethemed kits pick up over the summer and warmer months, and sales for science kits are generally very consistent all year round. Our customers are always looking for new products in the category 01/12/2023 05:49

and we have seen a trend towards spythemed kits recently. We have three new Spy Kits launching for 2024, which we are very excited about.’’

Trends in STEM Of course, sustainability is never far away, and Libby Everett says it’s high on their customers’ agenda: ‘‘Consumers have long been looking for products to be more sustainable and ecofriendly. The throwaway society is finally becoming a thing of the past! Our products have far less single-use plastic and the design focus has been to ensure longevity of use. Parents are keen to ensure that they are getting value for money and we expect that this will continue. We believe that our upcoming bestsellers will be those products that have the perfect balance between the cost and the hours of time spent interacting with the product’’ Christine Lawson agrees that sustainability is an ongoing trend and that we can also look forward to ‘‘innovative recyclable packaging and inclusivity focused designs’’. The robots are another trend taking over at Thames and Kosmos, says Libby Everett: ‘‘Robotic toys are a huge trend! With so many areas of science to discover with their help, we have several hitting the shelves. This year saw the release of KAI, the award-winning robot that explores the world of AI, and in 2024 we will launch Hero. Like many of our STEM kits, the fun begins with an engineering task in order to build the product. Hero will then focus on sound technology, with four different soundbased games in the programming and of course, like KAI, there is hours and hours of open-ended exploration and play. ‘’ Another fascinating trend, according to Chris Beardmore, taps into the growing interest in mental health: ‘‘With the increased awareness of children’s mental and emotional wellbeing, we’ll see more social and emotional learning aspects

The throwaway society is finally becoming a thing of the past! Our products have far less single-use plastic and the design focus has been to ensure longevity of use. Parents are keen to ensure that they are getting value for money and we expect that this will continue

Libby Everett, sales and marketing, Thames and Kosmos

Feature Science and Nature (M)nm.indd 2

Age ranges The age range for science-based toys is also changing, says Chris Beardmore, with demand for children aged three and over to be introduced to scientific concepts in ‘‘this exciting area of learning through purposeful and fun hands-on play. Learning Resources always has been a leader in this category, and we continue to grow our offering of preschool science toys and kits, with even more new options launching in 2024.’’ Thames and Kosmos also starts learning young, and rises through the teenage years, says Libby Everett: ‘‘We see a demand in all age ranges for our Science and Nature products. Our current range starts from three-plus through to 14-plus (which of course includes adults too!). We plan to continue this broad range, with many kits offering a ‘with help’ age guide along with ‘I got this’, which increases the scope of each individual product.’’ Eduk8’s products range up to the age of 13, and at Great Gizmos, the range is similar, with kits targeting ages five to 12. ‘’We have a wide range of products suitable for younger kids (five-plus) and some slightly more advanced kits for older children (eight-plus). We find these two age categories work really well for us and cater for a large part of the market,’’ adds Sarah Dayus.

Retailer support

Learning Resources


incorporated into science play, to encourage collaboration, teamwork, and friendships.’’

With so many interesting products to choose from, support for retailers is key. At Learning Resources, Chris Beardmore says sales teams work with its trade customers to ensure that they have the right product mix to suit their customer base. Trade customers also have access to the online Marketing Resource Centre where they can get the latest marketing assets to support their instore and online retail activity. Thames and Kosmos also believes that keeping retailers up to date is vital: ‘‘We make sure that we communicate well with our retailers so they are aware of any news we may have that will help them with sales. For example, this year has been very successful in terms of awards, KAI in particular has been awarded best in category for almost everything that it was entered into! This is fantastic in raising awareness of our products, and at the same time it is reassuring to both the retailer and the customer when they

Great Gizmos

are deciding which product to purchase,’’ explains Libby Everett. Regular communication, marketing support, incentives and exclusive promotions combined with feedback and evaluation are all on the table for Eduk8 customers, while Great Gizmos puts promotional deals together throughout the year for retailers to take advantage of.

Marketing to consumers Finally, it is important to spread the word to consumers. Thames and Kosmos is targeting online and socials, says Libby Everett: ‘‘We have recently increased our team of social influencers and opened a Tik Tok account! This has dramatically broadened our reach and increases familiarity of the brand and our products. Our launch of the first Science Advent Calendar certainly made a splash, and we plan to continue to support product launches in this way throughout 2024.’’ Online is high on the agenda for Eduk8 too, says Christine Lawson: ‘‘Our marketing team uses a combination of strategies to generate awareness. We are also exploring exciting new avenues with online influencers.’’ Sarah Dayus says that Great Gizmos enlists retailers in the promotions: “We have regular adverts in trade press and manage our own social media campaign. All of our products have fantastic images and videos, which we send to all our customers to assist with their own marketing campaigns.’’ Finally, Learning Resources has a variety of strategies. Chris Beardmore explains: ‘We invest in digital advertising, social media, influencer collaborations, PR, and email marketing year-round. We also focus on adding fresh new added value content in the form of blog posts as well as printable science activity sheets, which are available on our website, where anyone can download and use them for free. Our trade customers also use these for their own instore and online marketing activities.‘’


01/12/2023 05:47



Purple Cow makes the right moo-ves UNIVERSITY GAMES AND LAGOON GAMES 020 7254 0100

Take your battle to next level with Gel Blaster Surge PAPER ENGINE

The bestselling The Purple Cow STEAM range from Lagoon is a brilliant, educational range of science sets to help youngsters explore and learn about the world around them. The Crazy Scientist Lab range is a series of eight science tins focusing on Optical Illusions, Water Gel Science, Static Electricity, Glowing Science, Bubbles and Foam, and Crystal Craze, as well as Young Detective and Young Survivor Kits. These kits help budding young scientists with exploration and discovery, problem solving, cause and effect, and abstract thinking. The kits also include everything children need to become real researchers in their own private laboratory and perform cool science experiments, engaging them in hours of creativity and scientific exploration. Also available in The Purple Cow range is a series of eight Science Activity Card Tins - a collection of science tricks. Titles include The Five Senses, The Magic of Science, Indoor Science, Young Researchers, Material Adventure, Nature Phenomena, Forces and Energy, and Kitchen Science, and each tin contains the instructions for 20 science experiments and a simple, yet clever, scientific explanation. No specialist equipment is required and all the experiments can be completed with objects you can find at home. These Science Activity Card tins, which come in two assorted CDUs, are a perfect pocket money pick-up. 02380 625855 The award-winning Gel Blaster takes you to the next level in awesome outdoor fun with the exciting new Gel Blaster Surge. Adrenalinfilled, competitive play doesn’t need to be messy. The Gel Blaster Surge is a fun-filled blaster with barely any mess or clean-up. Unbox the Gel Blaster and get blasting. The rechargeable Gel Blaster Surge shoots water-based beads or ‘Gellets’, which burst on impact. This blaster is ready to blast straight out of the box – fully charged with a hopper full of hydrated Gellets. Think airsoft but with no pain, stain or clean up; bring the battle to the garden, park or anywhere else you can think of. Gel Blasters’ water-based Gellets are eco-friendly, nontoxic, non-irritating and burst on contact. All you need to do is soak them in water for two hours and watch your ammo grow.

Perfect product partners PO BANDAI UK

020 8324 6160

S support

Bandai UK has int roduced new POS display oppo rtunities for the Q4 period an d beyond, to further support th eatre at retail

Continuing its longterm licensed partnership with one of the world’s most recognised and trusted science brands, Bandai UK’s National Geographic range holds the #3 property by value position, and the top six item for the Volcano Science Kit (NPD September 2023), within the Explorative Toys category. In addition, its new award-winning Cool Reactions Chemistry Kit is bringing fun to the world of ph science and chemical reactions at an affordable price point. This focused range of Dig, Crystal,


Feature Science and Nature (M)nm.indd 3

Sand, Science & Chemistry Kits offers children aged eight-plus the opportunity to engage and experiment with reallife specimens while learning through hands-on edutainment. With a commitment to give back 27% of all licensing proceeds to the National Geographic Trust, manufacturer, Blue Marble, and Bandai are committed to supporting work within the areas of Science, Exploration, Conservation, and Education.

Product features • Semi to full auto action: Features two Blast Modes for enhanced combat strategy. Choose between semi automatic (one Gellet per trigger pull) or Full Automatic (eight Gellets per second when holding down the trigger) and get ready to dominate your battlefield. • Adjustable velocity: You’re in control of the power! Two barrels are included to adjust your velocity (White: Maximum, Orange, Minimum). If you’re battling a newbie and want less sting, you can drop the velocity to as low as 90 feet per second with the Orange barrel. For more intensity, you can increase your velocity up to 170 feet per second and shoot over 100 feet using the White barrel (pre-installed). • Battle-ready kit: This kit contains everything you need for your first epic battle! One fully charged Surge blaster, one fast-charging cable that supports up to four hours of play, a preloaded, gravity-fed hopper that holds up to 800 Gellets, x2 barrels for adjustable velocity, one pair of safety glasses, and one pack of 10,000 Gellets. 30/11/2023 19:53

Chemistry made happier THAMES AND KOSMOS 01580713000 Chemistry is the science of materials, their properties, and how they react with each other. All materials e are made of atoms. Why oms Complet At py ap H e Th atom 50 of t se do some atoms combine a Set includes can be ch with each other while hi w s, el mod te thousands ea other atoms do not? cr to ed bl assem els Because atoms just want olecular mod m t en er ff di of to be happy! Of course, atoms don’t really have feelings. But they do have observable behaviours. Atoms tend to be more stable, or ‘happy’, when they have certain numbers of electrons whizzing around their cores. Where do they find extra electrons if they need more to be happy? From other atoms that have too many electrons, of course! When atoms share or exchange electrons to be happy, they stick together. Happy atoms form molecules. With this revolutionary approach to teaching chemistry, you can make your own happy atoms with the Happy Atoms Complete Set. This physical and digital system lets you discover the world of molecules in an intuitive, hands-on way. Using a set of 50 atom models representing 16 different elements, you can assemble thousands of different molecular models. The atoms connect easily with magnets: metal tips on the ends of rubbery arms. The digital component takes this molecular modelling system to the next level. Using the Happy Atoms app and the camera on a tablet or smartphone running iOS or Android, you can scan molecules you build. The app then uses state-of-the-art image recognition technology to identify the molecules and present information about it. The app is a fun and interactive chemistry curriculum. It takes the user on guided quests to discover new molecules and learn about them. You can track your progress with the app, collecting sets of molecules that you have built and explored Many people think of chemistry as complicated and hard to grasp. New technology now enables us to take this innovative approach to teaching chemistry, making it more tangible and instinctive than ever before.

? Did you know

DECEMBER 2023 Feature Science and Nature (M)nm.indd 4

Al fresco learning EDUK8

01661 831 080 Science is the study of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Studies have shown that children spending more time outdoors studying nature gain a whole host of benefits. These include a boost to the immune system, improved mental health and wellbeing, physical fitness leading to lower obesity rates, better sleep, Eduk8 is focusing on promotes self-esteem and increased developing its hands-o n confidence and so much more. science outdoor range , which Demand for outdoor exploration offers a host of benefi ts in resources have significantly addition to academic learning, increased due to the importance of including a boost to the bringing children closer to nature. immune system, and improved New trends such as Forest Schools mental health and we llbeing are expanding, which have created


an increased awareness in parents of the importance and benefits of nature and outdoor learning for children. Eduk8 is focused on developing and expanding its hands-on science outdoor range, which has, more recently, resulted in the creation of a Forest school range. In 2023 so far, the company has seen a significant growth in sales in its science range. Encompassing everything for exploring local parks, woodlands, back gardens, school playgrounds, the range is sure to fulfil the needs of young budding scientists and nature detectives. With technology as extensive as ever, the Eduk8 team believes that the approach to encourage children to play outdoors using tangible items is particularly important to grow and nurture the future generation. Eduk8’s Science and Nature range is suitable for children of all abilities to get involved with outdoor play. As always, the range is fully inclusive and encourages creativity and boosts confidence. Look out for New Forest Schools/Science products being launched at London Toy Fair.


30/11/2023 19:54



Lab learning LEARNING RESOURCES 01553 762276 Learning Resources’ preschool lab sets are science kits Learning Resources’ Pri mary Science range and realistic can introduce children as young as three to laboratory the fascinating world of chemistry equipment made especially for young children to introduce them to learning about science and chemistry through fun experiments and activities. The Primary Science range is ideal for introducing children aged three and up to the fascinating world of chemistry through easy experiments that can be done at home or in a preschool environment. There are three chemistry lab sets in this range including the bestselling original Primary Science Lab Set, which allow little ones to set up their own laboratory at home or in a classroom. This year Learning Resources also launched two themed lab sets for children aged four and up, which have become bestsellers. The Rainbow Reactions Preschool Science Lab is focused on the science behind colour, and the Fizzy Volcano Preschool Science Lab is all about fun fizzing reactions. This set also has mini dinosaur toys to encourage young imaginations through small world play. Made from durable materials and with chunky design features that make it easy for little hands to hold and use, this preschool science range offers lab sets and toy scientific equipment that is easy for little hands to hold and use. Lab sets come with Activity Cards, which have step-by-step instructions for child-friendly repeatable experiments, which use familiar ingredients that are either found at home or are easy to buy at the shops. The sets’ bright colours and fun features also make them ideal for science-themed imaginative play.

Guess what...


Feature Science and Nature (M)nm.indd 5

Trends’ machines work… TRENDS UK

01295 768078

w? Did you knotin g its

Trends UK has exciting new be suppor Trends UK will launches featuring innovation ith YouTube STEM lines w for its popular ranges of awardsupport and campaigns, PR tivity winning STEM toys, launching influencer ac social media/ AW 2023. Machine Works Robotic Arm won in the Dad’s Choice Awards. Robotics fans can now construct a fully functioning motorised robotic arm with a wireless control unit. Follow the fully illustrated step-by-step instructions to build your own robotic arm from 175 parts. All components needed are included in the set. Discover how a robotic arm can be used to perform a variety of useful functions. With five motors to power its five joints, the stem robot has an extensive range of motion through all pivot points for optimal control, movement, and fun. The wireless-controlled Robotic Arm can rotate, grab objects, and even move them. A great way to learn about basic robotic technology. With gold awards from MadeForMums, Creative Play and Dad’s Choice Awards, Trends UK’s Science Mad range provides fun learning with cool experiments and STEM-themed projects. Including scientific equipment with real working features, the lineup is supported with a very strong brand presence at retail, offering chemistry sets, crystal growing kits, telescopes, microscopes, digital metal detector and walkie talkies, electronics and more. The Early Skills Science Lab is a new initiative. This is a simple laboratory set specially designed for younger children aged four-plus, with 10 simple experiments to awaken an early interest in science. Study colours, plants, liquids, and solids by creating soap bubbles, coloured icebergs and much more. Children will gain basic laboratory skills while learning about colours, plants, crystals and much more. Also new is a Discovery Mini Globe with AR App. Compact enough to fit on any desk, the globe interacts with an additional interactive augmented reality (AR) function, enhancing the experience of looking at our planet. For ages six-plus. As well as the earth’s surface, the app shows its structure, magnetic field, climate zones, continents, and the wider solar system. 01/12/2023 05:42



Getting animated about anime Former MD of the UK’s largest anime distributor, Manga Entertainment, Jerome Mazandarani has been at the forefront of the UK anime industry for 18 years. Here he looks at current trends and why the sector is growing When I first started in my role as junior marketing executive at Manga Entertainment in early 2005, I brought with me an in-built curiosity and love for Japanese animation (anime), comics (manga) and toys. As a child of the 1980s, growing up in Australia I was exposed to a lot of Japanese animated TV series. I was fortunate that Australian toy stores stocked action figures for many of my favourite shows, and ROBOTECH in particular, which at the time was licensed by Harmony Gold exclusively to Matchbox, then owned by Lesney Products. The toys were beautifully designed and crafted, often with die cast parts. In many ways, they were the precursor to what many kids, teens and adult hobbyists and fans now refer to as “anime collectibles”, a huge part of the burgeoning kidult segment of the global toy industry. It’s estimated that the kidult category (consumers aged 12-plus) accounts for up to 25% of annual toy sales in North America. This trend is consistent in Europe, as sales of toys for kidults are outpacing sales to children. As the toy industry faces fragmentation of the kids and preschool media ecosystem and evolving patterns of play with video games and screen time taking up as much as 50% of children’s play-time, one could argue that the kidult sector will become vital to the survival of many toy companies and toy retailers. There are a number of important factors that are powering the astronomical growth of the kidult toys sector: ■

■ ■

Nostalgia and how it attracts older adult consumers The power of social media and Influencers A renewed interest

DECEMBER 2023 Jerome Mazandaraninm.indd 1

in consumers aged 12-18 who were previously underserved ■ The phenomenal popularity of anime, manga and video games. In 2023 the global anime industry is estimated to be worth $31bn. This number is projected to double by 2030, of which consumer products will make up 19%. Grandview Research estimates that EMEA will make up 18% of this market. There is growing demand for anime merchandise including t-shirts, posters, key chain, stationery, backpacks and collectible figurines in the traditional kids market and the kidult sector. One of the relatively new players on the block in the UK is ABYstyle Studio (part of Abysse Corp, owners of GB Eye and operating across EMEA and beyond), which owns an enviable library of key anime licences including Naruto, My Hero Academia, Death Note and Hunter X Hunter, along with nostalgia-powered pop-culture licenses such as Avatar The Last Airbender, Gremlins and Back to the Future. Its range of ABYstyle figurines are priced from £29.99, and it has enjoyed a widening retail distribution footprint including big box stores like Asda. ABYstyle’s rapid growth in the UK kidult market since 2018 mirrors the rapid growth of anime over the same period. When it launched here, demand was driven by Gen-X consumers wanting nostalgia IP products from Back To The Future and Gremlins. However, the emerging force in the kidult market is now Gen Z, and the EPOS data shows anime dwarfing all other genres in the kidult sector. So what does the UK retail map look like for kidult toys and collectibles? Traditional, kid-focused retailers now have more awareness of what potential there is with the kidult market. Invariably, TCG is the easiest entry-level product for those retailers who are new to market, with Pokèmon being a key driver. It will be

interesting to see how deeply Bandai Namco’s One Piece Card Game can penetrate the TCG market as it is currently one of the biggest pop-culture brands in the world. TCG is definitely one way collectible figurines will break into traditional toy stores. What is particularly interesting about the collectible anime figurine market in the UK is the way brands such as ABYstyle and BanPresto have followed in the slipstream of Funko and its incredibly popular POP range. A trip to my local high street in Bromley shows a wide range of retailers such as Asda, Smyths Toys, WHSmith, hmv, Game, Waterstones, Rymans and specialist retailers such as Forbidden Planet International and Menkind all stocking anime figurines and collectibles. Of the big box retailers, Asda has been the quickest to react to the rise of the kidult market. ABYstyle has seen its anime range enjoy some prominence in select stores over the past few years. Traditionally the big box retailers have always played it very safe in their licensing portfolio, but even they cannot deny the data that now shows the spending power of the kidult market. My advice to retailers in particular is to resist the urge to regard anime as a bubble that is about to burst. It isn’t. Treat anime as a medium like liveaction TV or video games. It’s a medium used to tell stories to a diverse range of age-groups and audiences across a multiplicity of different genres. • Jerome Mazandarani is a London-based global pop culture professional specialising in anime and adult animation. His consultancy offers strategic advice and management services. Contact: Email


30/11/2023 19:58



Talking retail

If you wo uld like t o take pa in Toy Tal rt k, we’d lo ve to hea from you r . Please e mail tim@lem apublishin

Dan Lovett

The Toy Box Beccles, Suffolk How would you sum up the year? This year has been, let's say, up and down. But as a whole, it’s been a good year so far; let’s see how the last few weeks pan out!

What have been your bestsellers of 2023? Our bestselling items this year have been Squishmallows, Ty, Top Model, LEGO and Pokémon.

This month we ask retailers about 2023 and look ahead to 2024

Matthew Brady Game On Toymaster Saffron Walden, Essex How would you sum up the year? 2023 has been holding steady with some growth compared with 2022 which, given the current climate, we’re pleased with.

What have been your bestsellers of 2023? The Pokémon TCG is still very strong for us. Ravensburger’s Disney Lorcana has been very popular, if you can get hold of the stock. And LEGO of course continues to be a backbone to our business.

What has been your surprise success?

What has been your surprise success?

The biggest surprise success has been Ravensburger’s Disney Lorcana, I wasn't sure just how well it would go. But it has been fantastic since its release.

We were pleased that the initial demand and interest for Disney Lorcana translated into sales, and Rise of the Floodborn is only increasing the customer base further.

How are you feeling about business going into 2024 - and has that changed from how you felt this time last year?

How are you feeling about business going into 2024 - and has that changed from how you felt this time last year?

I’m feeling good for next year – we have lots of thing planned, with more events in store and out coming up. However, price points and customer spend have certainly been different compared with last year.

What toy would you like to find under the tree on Christmas Day? I would love to find a LEGO Technic Lamborghini under the tree for me.

Matthew Crawford, After Noah Islington, London

We are hoping to continue to grow, though I feel the cost of living will bite deeper, certainly in the early part of the year.

Alan Wright, Toys & Books Buyer John Lewis What are you looking forward to seeing/stocking for Christmas? The team has been working incredibly hard all year to make this Christmas season the best it can be. I’m so excited to see customers’ reactions to our top 10 toys, the Snapper merchandise [the character in this year’s Christmas advert] and our exclusive lines ,too.

Tell us a bit about the shop. After Noah was established in 1990. It expanded over the years to 4,000sq ft. It’s small but perfectly formed on the outside, and Tardislike on the inside. We’re on Upper Street in Islington, central London: equidistant between Angel and Highbury & Islington tube stations.

What have been your bestsellers for 2023? Maileg Mice, Jellycat Amuseable Croissants, LEGO Ninjago, Little Dutch Evi Medium Soft Cuddle Doll, and Djeco Squirt & Spread Easy Clean Painting Set

How has trading been for you so far this year? Incredibly busy. November’s been really good, which hopefully is a good indicator that December’s going to be a good one!

How are you feeling about business going into 2024?

Bryony Taylor-Edwards Yarnton Garden Centre Kidlington, Oxfordshire What can you not keep on your shelves? Stocking filler and pocket money toys. They just sell like hot cakes at this time of year.

Have you got any special plans for Xmas? We have a magical photo booth with Santa where the family can come and have a picture they can keep for years to come.

Very positive – this has been our best year ever. And that beat last year, which had been our best year so far, we we’re feeling pretty buoyant at the moment.

It’s not technically a toy, but tutus are selling so well.

What’s your all-time favourite toy or game?

What was your favourite Christmas gift/toy as a child?

The Amazing Magic Robot from Merit.

My till, I used to love playing shops.


Retail Talknm.indd 1

What toy has been the biggest surprise this year? 30/11/2023 20:28



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Clients can take advantage of Azaria’s comprehensive influencer database, which combines data-driven insights and innovative tactics to produce meaningful relationships between brands and creators. Whilst its digital marketing service includes Facebook Retargeting, Google Shopping, Search and SEO, to deliver fully-rounded campaigns that drive web traffic and product sales. The Agency’s annual Family Report reveals current UK trends and market insight, confirming Azaria has the knowledge behind its expertise to deliver truly excellent results. Find out more at |

DECEMBER 2023 Meet the PRsnm.indd 1

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30/11/2023 20:00


“Traditional with a modern twist” Clare Turner talks to Antonia Visiers, toy buyer at Norwich department store group Jarrolds, which celebrated 200 years of trading in September What’s your background? I graduated from The University of Manchester back in 2018 with a degree in fashion buying and merchandising, and started my career as a merchandising assistant on menswear for an athleisure company. I then progressed to buying homewares and furniture. Why did you decide to move into toy buying? I started my role in furniture at Jarrolds at the end of last year and shortly afterwards, a position in toys opened up. I was keen to take on a new category and step into an area I had never tried before and so far, I’m loving it! There is something very exciting about toys; it makes me feel like I can be a kid again.

What sets you apart from other department stores? I think what sets us apart is the fact we are a family-run business which has been passed down through generations. There is definitely a family feel throughout the store, and it shows in our staff. When customers step into the store they feel instantly welcomed and looked after, and everyone is willing to go above and beyond.

Trade has been really strong on toys so far this year, and we can only Tell us a bit about Jarrolds. hope this Jarrolds started trading in 1770, and success opened its flagship department store in Norwich in 1823, so we celebrated continues in our 200-year anniversary of the store in the run-up to September - which is something we’re extremely proud of as a company. Christmas! We have five stores in total: our flagship department store in Norwich, our Stationery Shop in Norwich, The Granary furniture store in Norwich, our home and furniture store in Wymondham, and our books, toys and stationery store in Cromer. Two of these stock toys: our department store and Cromer.


Retail Interview Jarroldsnm.indd 1

How would you describe your range? Traditional lines with a modern twist. How many suppliers do you deal with? We work with 56 suppliers across the whole of toys such as LEGO, Jellycat, Mattel, Character Options, Epoch Making Toys, Playmobil, Orange Tree Toys, and Hasbro, to name a few. How do you find products? I’m always on the lookout for new products, and I tend to look for these in suppliers’ and reps’ visits, along with trade shows. Toy Fair is the biggest opportunity for me to find most of my new products, as well as the INDX Toy & Gift show, organised by AIS (Associated Independent Stores). I love being able to see the physical products to get a sense of the scale and quality.

What's your selection criteria? When choosing products, I like to think about the other collections we already have in the range and if the new product will go with these, and where it will sit on our floor. I normally have a plan of potential gaps and areas that I want to expand or condense, which really helps me create the most cohesive and profitable range for us. How has trading been for you? Trade has been really strong on toys so far this year, and we can only hope this success continues in the run-up to Christmas! What categories are selling well? Soft toys and construction have been the biggest areas for us, with Jellycat lines continuing to grow and grow. What’s proving particularly popular? Our Disney products are doing well at the minute. Disney100 has massively helped 30/11/2023 20:02


Sellers ■ Jellycat/That’s Mine Skipper Jarrolds Jellycat bear ■ LEGO Marvel Minifigures ■ Kidicraft ‘Jarrold Through the Years’ jigsaw puzzle ■ Asmodee Pokémon Scarlet/Violet 151 Booster Bundle ■ J ellycat Amuseable Birthday Cake

with this. We recently launched a Stitch collection in-store which has had a great start, and we’ve had some exciting new products land for the new Wish film, which I think will be a big hit!

Our Disney products are doing well at What lines have you started the minute. stocking recently? In celebration of our 200-year anniversary, Disney100 has we’ve rebranded and brought in some massively exciting own-brand product. For toys, this includes Skipper: helped with an own-brand teddy bear wearing this. We a Jarrolds top that we created in recently partnership with Jellycat and That’s Mine. We proposed the idea to Jellycat launched a who were keen to help. However, they Stitch did not have the capacity to complete collection inthis all at their end, so they suggested that Jellycat provide the bears and store which That’s Mine produce the jumpers. has had a It’s been great working with one great start, of our biggest suppliers to bring this to life. When we launched Skipper, and we’ve had we ran a competition to name the some exciting bear, which had a great reaction, and we called the bear Skipper after the new products architect who built our flagship store. land for the We’ve also worked with Kidicraft to new Wish create an exclusive ‘Jarrold Through The Years’ 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, film, which I which has also been incredibly popular think will be a with customers. big hit How do you maintain the interest of existing customers and attract new ones? As part of our rebrand, we had a revamp. We came to a decision on the ongoing question of whether we are ‘Jarrold’ or ‘Jarrolds’, and we added back

DECEMBER 2023 Retail Interview Jarroldsnm.indd 2

the infamous ‘s’ to our name. We’ve also updated our logo, colour palette, in-store displays and POS, along with a new website. We thought the 200year anniversary was the perfect time to do this, and to make a big celebration of the new branding. As part of this, we’ve launched our loyalty membership and in-store loyalty offers such as money off or gift with purchase. So far this has really helped maintain the interest of our existing customer base - and has enticed new customers to the store. Do you offer any additional services? We often have loyalty customer events when we stay open late and customers can enjoy great discounts across the whole store. These evenings often include some toy demos. What are you most excited about for the festive season? I’m looking forward to the opening of our Christmas grotto. This runs through the whole of December and brings lots of families up to the toy floor, where there is just a buzz that is unmatched. Because I only took on toys in March, this will be my first year of experiencing this as the buyer for the department, and I loved being involved in deciding what toys the children can get as gifts from Father Christmas. We always try to cater for all ages and genders with a mix of different types of toys and puzzles, and this year is the first time we’ve also added some children’s books into the mix for any keen young readers!

What are you looking forward to stocking for Christmas? All the great family games. My family always plays a few different games on Christmas Day, so I loved choosing which games to stock this year. The classic family games such as Monopoly, Twister and Pictionary always do well for us, so we’ve stocked up on these. But I’ve also included some new games that children and adults may enjoy together. One game that I think will do really well is Electronic Bingo from John Adams. We get asked about bingo a lot throughout the year, so it was top of my list to add into the range. What’s the most challenging and rewarding aspect of your job? Knowing when to buy into new ranges and when not to. When it comes to a new collection, I have to go with my gut instinct - and that may mean I’m wrong, and end up missing out on the initial craze and having to buy into it late - or even not at all. But when I do take the risk and it pays off, that is probably the most rewarding part of the job. I’ve seen this with some of the new adult puzzles I’ve brought in. Our typical puzzle range is quite traditional, and although these do really well for us, I wanted to try out some younger, more quirky styles. So I added a small range in and so far, they’ve had a great reaction. This has given me the confidence to branch out further in this style for spring. What’s your all-time favourite toy or game? Uno. I’ve played this ever since I was young, and have all the different variations like Uno Flip and Uno All Wild. I play it every time I go away.


30/11/2023 20:02


Armadillo Toys

turns 20

Clare Turner chats to Lisa Clay, owner of Armadillo Toys in Leeds, who is in celebratory mood as her business commemorates two decades of trading What’s your background? I studied fashion at college and then did a BA Hons textiles degree. Unfortunately, I graduated during the 1991 recession. Jobs in the fashion and textiles industry were so hard to find, but I did get a technician’s role in the fashion department at Leeds Polytechnic. Fashion was always a big part of my life: I had a market stall in Camden Market for two years selling my own clothes, and I always enjoyed making my own. Fast forward a few years and I’m married with two children, the fashion department is closing, and I’m facing redundancy. The university offers me a role in health and safety and I retrain. I did this for several years but it was not really for me. Why did you decide to move into toy retailing? Having two children, I hated the amount of plastic toys we had accumulated. I knew there must be more wooden and educational toys, but they were not in the shops I visited. That’s why I decided to open Armadillo Toys way back in 2003. Tell us about your business. A post office was closing down in Chapel Allerton [a suburb of north38

Retail Interview Armadillonm.indd 1

east Leeds in West Yorkshire]. We took on the lease with all the existing post office fittings still in place, and had the huge task of ripping out and refitting the shop ourselves. It's hard to believe that this was almost 20 years ago! We got our keys at the end of July 2003, and opened our doors on November 1 2003.

We’ve seen many of our customers buying early for Christmas

How would you describe your range? The range leans towards educational and wooden toys but not exclusively. I like to be able to sell a toy with the conviction that it’s good value for money. And it must have a good play value for me to believe in it. We have almost 100 suppliers. Our top names are Djeco, Depesche, Schleich, Bigjigs Toys, Orchard Toys, Galt, Juratoys, The Puppet Company, and Hape. How do you find products? Trade shows are very important. Our reps and agents offer valuable insights into what will suit our shop too. We also find products through customer recommendations. What's your selection criteria? We’re always looking for eco and sustainable products, but trends are important too. I’m not strongly

influenced by licences, as I feel the larger stores can do these lower-margin lines better than we can. What’s proving popular? Our best-selling brand is Djeco: our customers love the quality of the product and its artistic designs are very stylish. Djeco toys are gifts that our customers love to give and receive. What are your top sellers? Our top sellers have been Ty Beanies, Top Model and Djeco this year but, by volume and value, it’s greeting cards and balloons. What lines have you started stocking recently? Having visited Toy Fair, Spring Fair and the Toymaster May Show, I did seek out some of the more mainstream brands. We have enjoyed having Cry Babies in-store and are looking to bring more new lines very soon. How has trading been for you so far this year? Since reopening after Covid, we’re doing better than ever. I put a huge amount of effort into keeping the business going and this has paid off. There are always a few slow days but on the whole we are good. 30/11/2023 20:04

However, I think customers understand everything is going up. If anyone has visited my shop, you will know that we are packed full. Shortages may have left some items off the shelf, but we never usually have a spare inch. Following your 2021 achievement of being crowned as the winner of the inaugural Ultimate Superhero in the BTHA's Retailer of the Year Awards, which was introduced to recognise staff within retail who had gone above and beyond normal service during 2020’s Covid lockdown, what are your thoughts when you reflect on that challenging time? Looking back, I think that like most people - we have erased this period from our memory. I worked myself into the ground trying to keep my business going. I didn't sit back and wait for it to be over. I fought hard and worked hard every day. Every sale, however small, was appreciated. I delivered to local customers, and took orders over the phone, and via email, social media, and online. I did click-and-collect when it was allowed. I did everything possible to not throw away the years of hard work that preceded Covid.

How was the summer for you? I don't usually go into seasonal stock too much, as I hate being left with the usual paddling pools if the summer is bad, or sledges if it doesn't snow. We always sell a lot of kites, and one brand that our customers particularly like is Kalid Medieval from Barcelona. It specialises in medieval reenactment toys and we sell its catapults, mini crossbows, and bow and arrow sets. How was the autumn season? It’s always far better for us when the children go back to school; a large part of our trade is party presents, especially on a Saturday. We’ve seen many of our customers buying early for Christmas too. Magic Tenner has just finished. This is a new initiative from Totally Locally (a free marketing campaign to help independent businesses, high streets and towns) which usually runs Fiver Fest, and many of our customers use these events to stock up on early Christmas presents. Have you been affected by price rises and stock shortages - and if so, how have you dealt with that? Price rises are an issue. Where we can, we have not raised prices. Supplier discounts have enabled us to keep some prices down too.

DECEMBER 2023 Retail Interview Armadillonm.indd 2

The best way we can celebrate our 20th anniversary is to give back to our fabulous customers, without whom we would not be here

What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job? I’ve loved my job since I first opened 99.9% of customers are a delight. We enjoy helping customers and giving great service, and sending them and their children out happy. It's fabulous meeting new babies and seeing them grow up. Chapel Allerton is a fantastic community of independent shops, and we are very well-supported locally. What’s the most challenging aspect of your job? Retail is not always easy. We do have


Sellers ■ Ty Beanies ■ Top Model ■ Djeco ■ Greeting cards ■ Balloons shoplifters - recently a man who came into the shop with his toddler son managed to steal - from right under my nose - one and a half packs of Pokémon cards, estimated between £120 and £150 at cost. How have you celebrated your anniversary? The best way we can celebrate is to give back to our fabulous customers, without whom we would not be here. We gave away over £1,500 in toys in competition prizes, goodie bags, and raffle prizes. There was an Orchard Toys colouring competition, and 100 bags to give away, which were stuffed with toys and goodies. To claim a bag, children could either take part in our Treasure Hunt, or come in wearing one of our Armadillo Toys’ wristbands. First prize was £50, second prize £25, third prize £15, and fourth prize £10. Winners coud choose toys instore up to the value of their prize. We also offered vouchers to customers who spent £10 or more instore during October. Vouchers spent in November were entered in a draw to win even more prizes. What's your favourite toy or game of all time? Classic games such as Orchard Toys’ Shopping List are always a favourite. What's your favourite toy or game on your shelves? One of our favourite ranges in-store at the moment is Orange Tree Toys’ Woodland range. The colours and designs are amazing. We love how they look on the shelves.

And finally… I would like to say hello and give a shout-out to all small independent toy shops. We are important to our local communities. Children will remember visiting you - they will not remember ordering toys online. Keep strong, keep going, and let's support each other! 39

30/11/2023 20:04


Jumper fundraiser The Puppet Company | 01462 446 040 The Puppet Company is teaming up with Save The Children to raise cash for the charity’s annual Christmas Jumper Day. The family-run puppets and soft toy business is launching a range of Christmas Jumper Bear & Friends Puppets, with £1 for each sold going to the charity’s annual fundraiser, further adding to the £35 million the event has raised over the past 10 years or so. The puppets, led by Christmas Jumper Bear and including pals Dog, Cat, Unicorn, Crocodile, Elephant and Lion, each wear a Save The Children-branded jumper, made from 100% recycled plastic. The jumpers are removable, giving the range year-round appeal. In a further boost to the charity’s coffers, The Puppet Company and sister company Wilberry Toys have also created a specially selected Christmas Collection of beautiful puppets and soft toys

perfect for stocking fillers and gifts, with £1 from each item being donated to the charity. It includes Father Christmas, Snowmen and Reindeers through to Dolls, Unicorns, Penguins and more Director and co-founder of The Puppet Company and Wilberry Toys, Sue Lockey added: “Our charitable

work is an integral part of who we are, and we are thrilled to be working with this amazing charity.’’

World’s Smallest CoComelon crafts thinks big AB Gee a new range 01773 570444 |

AB Gee is thinking big with its World’s Smallest range and is aiming to get its products into the hands of some of the largest celebrities around as part of its ongoing efforts. The World’s Smallest collection has been selected to be placed in the VIP goodie bags for the Jingle Bell Ball, Capital FM’s huge Christmas event. AB Gee marketing manager Anna Vaughan said: “The last month has

seen the launch of our high profile influencer outreach program designed to get World’s Smallest into the hands of TikTok and Instagram creators which has delivered some amazing content for us to adapt on our own social platforms. This next phase of our campaign plays into the quirky, retro appeal of the collection and is designed to sample the key range items at targeted events as we head towards the holiday season.” Increased demand for the product has also seen AB Gee produce FSDUs for retailers to help showcase the product.


Curious Universe 01225 614 310

Curious Universe is taking CoComelon into the arts and crafts world with new licensed products due for the preschool brand this Q4, “designed to engage and develop young minds with immersive, fun and tactile activity formats”. The range includes Finger Print Art, Magic Painting, a Wipe Clean Activity Book, Colour-changing Bath Book and Baby Mirror Board Book. “This collaboration allows us to combine our expertise in creating educational and entertaining products with CoComelon’s beloved characters and content,’’ said Curious Universe’s CEO, John Styring.

S NEW Bubble-Go Trike Wilton Bradley 01626 835400 | The Bubble Go Trike is a new way for kids to have fun. Watch little faces light up as they cycle along on their tricycle leaving a cloud of bubble magic behind them. Add the included bubble solution to the front-mounted Bubble Go machine and watch as hundreds of bubbles blow away in the wind. With an easy clip assembly, the Bubble Go Trike can be put together in a matter of minutes and the sturdy, lightweight frame offers durability. Complete with 100ml of bubble solution, the Bubble Go Trike is the perfect gift for active kids.

Uno gets

design-friendly as Mattel collaborates

Dressed for winter

Smart Toys & Games 01903 885669 |

With the weather turning and the big coats and winter gear coming out of mothballs. SmartGames has reminded everyone to layer up with its new game Dress Code. Billed as the perfect puzzle game for toddlers, it celebrates the changing seasons and encourages toddlers to learn about colours, shapes and more, while preparing for all kinds of different weather. It follows other SmartGames Colour Code titles and commenting on the launch, Karen Clarke, UK brand director at Smart Toys and Games, said: “We are so excited to launch Dress Code, just in time for Christmas. We are certain it will be just as popular as Colour Code, but with the added fun of dressing up! It is such a fun game for preschoolers, keeping them engaged, whilst also being incredibly fun – the whole family will want to get involved.”


Mattel 01628 500000 Art and play are set to collide in a new limited edition from Mattel’s Mattel Creations arm in conjunction with design company Kartell. The collaboration mixes the former’s Uno card game and the latter’s Componibili brand and, as well as an interior design collection, there is also a special deck of Uno featuring Componibili designs. Kim Culmone, SVP and head of design, Mattel added: “The Mattel Creations collaboration with Kartell brings together the magic of design and play. The special edition Componibili and UNO playing cards are more than just collectibles; they’re a celebration of creativity and style and we’re thrilled to expand our offerings into the interior design space with Kartell.” 41

DON’T MISS… Here’s a quick peek at some of the hottest and newest products. Buyers and retailers, get in touch with your sales contact now!

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Don't Missnm.indd 1

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30/11/2023 20:06


And we’re all getting ready for the new year highs of the major shows, London and Nuremberg Toy Fairs – our red hot January issue will give you a head start on everything including Spring Fair.

Copy deadlines

We’ll be having our usual prominent stand at London Toy Fair where you can pick up the January issue, which will also be distributed at the Nuremberg Toy Fair.

Editorial copy (and high res picture) 11 December 2023 Ad copy - 15 December 2023

We’ll have the latest product, news and toy trade moves. All this plus our insightful analysis is set to inspire the industry, buyers, retailers, the online horizon and beyond.

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