Toys n Playthings January 2024

Page 1 Helping Helpingeveryone everyonesell sellmore more

Soft-grip handles Folds for easy storage

y 2024 Januar o. 4 N Vol. 42

Playhouse Tent

Deluxe Tri-Scooter Anti-slip character footplate

Folding In-Line Scooter Soft-grip handles

Bobble Ride-On with Plaque

Converts from pedal to balance mode

2-in-1 10” Training Bike

Aloha! Join the Stitch ohana and make waves JAN 2024 Cover - Stitch V1.indd 1

15/12/2023 13:10:16



CONTENTS jb )b Regulars ~åčƚĬ°ųŸƉ 5 Leader with Tim Murray


24 aryF2I0V 3JSaZnIuQ

(LEMVQER Chairman


Managing Director 2EREKMRK )MVIGXSV


The month in numbers a snapshot of the industry [MXL 8MQ 2YVVE] in figures

News 8LI QSRXL MR RYQFIVW 14 the latest from the industry



People News the latest movers and shakers in the LS[ 3I[W industry XLI PEXIWX SR 8S] +EMV TMIP[EVIRQIWWI ERH '1*


Retail News the latest from the retail landscape


20 Media news from TV, online and more 20 Licensing News licensed products and what brands 7IXEMP 3I[W are up to XLI PEXIWX JVSQ XLI VIXEMP PERHWGETI


26 Ambassadors Our young testers try out 5ISTPI 3I[W Wilton Bradley’s offerings, including scooters XLI PEXIWX QSZIVW ERH WLEOIVW MR XLI MRHYWXV] and go-karts

2IHME EPIW 2EREKIV Media & Sales Manager (PEMVI 3EMWL

Trade 2IHME RI[W 30 Talk Key industry figures look back on JVSQ 8: SRPMRI ERH QSVI 2023 and forward to 2024’s trade shows



Assistant Editor Naomi MacKay 7IXEMP *HMXSV (PEVI 8YVRIV 01442 289930 GPEVI%PIQETYFPMWLMRK GS YO


Clare Turner 5EYP 3EMWL TEYP%PIQETYFPMWLMRK GS YO 01442 289930



Circulation Manager Robert Thomas 01442 289930

Talking 1MGIRWMRK 3I[W 32 Retail retailers around the country talk PMGIRWIH TVSHYGXW ERH [LEX FVERHW EVI YT XS about Toy Fair What’s 8EPOMRK 7IXEMP 98 New new products that you need to get VIXEMPIVW EVSYRH XLI GSYRXV] XEPO (LVMWXQEW your hands on

100 Miss must-stock items for retail Don’t 8VEHI 8EPO WYTTPMIVW HMWGYWW XLI XS] FYWMRIWW PERHWGETI

Previews ;LEXƶW 3I[ 35


RI[ TVSHYGXW XLEX ]SY RIIH XS KIX ]SYV LERHW SR Toy Fair Preview Our in-depth guide to the 2024

which is celebrating its 70th year show, )SRƶX 2MWW QYWX WXSGO MXIQW JSV VIXEMP 40 Product preview a sneak peek at what you can expect to see on exhibitors’ stands at Toy Fair



88 Spring Fair Preview We find out what’s new at February’s 6 XS]W show at the NEC Birmingham TVSHYGXW XS FVMRK MR GYWXSQIVW EJXIV (LVMWXQEW

7MHI SRW Report Special



MV Sports & Leisure MD Phil Ratcliffe talks to TnP about /MKWE[ TY^^PIW the company’s MoVe branding



Doug Putman The owner of hmv, DKB and the Canadian Toys “R” Us chain, talks in an exclusive interview about his businesses



3I[ =SVO 8S] +EMV

Phil Hooper The Epoch Making Toys MD reflectsp34 on 8MQ 2YVVE] VITSVXW JVSQ XLI WLS[ his first few months at the helm


28 Company profile Premier Decorations on its 7SF ;IWX XEPOW EFSYX XLI KVS[XL SJ LMW XLVII WXSVI Halloween range 1IQE 5YFPMWLMRK 1XH (LYVGLKEXIW 8LI ;MPHIVRIWW 'IVOLEQWXIH -IVXW -5 9' Lema Publishing Ltd 8IPITLSRI 1 Churchgates, The Wilderness, Berkhamsted, Herts, HP4 2UB Telephone: 01442 289930



At the heart of retail




Retail Interview Nick Arran, MD of GAME, chats to

7IXEMP .RXIVZMI[ Clare Turner about his plans to build the gaming (IPME 1IIWSR (S\ SJ =EVRXSR -SQI ,EVHIR MR and entertainment company’s toy category 4\JSVHWLMVI SR MXW VIHIZIPSTIH XS] WLST

94 Retail Interview Alan Wright at John Lewis & Partners, talks about his aim to make toys available more shops across both John Lewis and Waitrose in4TMRMSR


Flip Cover Special! Turn over your copy of TnP for our guide to Nuremberg Fair 2024 – Europe’s biggest toy trade event

96 Retail Interview Clare Turner talks to husband-and8R5 ERH 1IQE W 2EVO 3EMWL YTHEXIW SR XLI -]ZI ERH (SRRIGX HIFEGPI wife team Brendan and Ellen Will, of Will’s Toy Shop p48 Scotland in.RHMI STMRMSR 2EKKMI 8MFFIRLEQ SR [LEX LEW FIIR ER


22 opinion Insights Family experts on how Consumer (SRWYQIV STMRMSR 8LI .RWMKLXW +EQMP]ƶW 3MGO 7MGLEVHWSR SR classic IPs are being introduced to a new generation

The content of Toys ‘n’ Playthings (TNP) Magazine (and website) does not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or publishers and are the views of its contributors and advertisers. All rights reserved.

XS]W R TPE]XLMRKW Contents Jannm.indd 1




0MHW .RHYWXVMIW JSYRHIV ,EV] 5STI Indie opinion Manchester retailer Amanda XEPOW PMGIRWIH TVSHYGX Alexander looks forward to Toy Fair

Retail Opinion John Ryan suggests retailers get to basics in 2024 back 7IXEMP STMRMSR



XS] R TPE]XLMRKW 22/12/2023 11:28


Tim Murray


At the heart of retail Also by Lema Publishing

t some point in the spring a few pals increase footfall and to use toys as a loss of mine got massively into walking leader, was making it harder for independents to and started using an app (Pacer) earn a crust. to track their daily steps; somehow they It’s a cruel fact of life and ‘twas ever thus – I dragged me in too, and I’ve since spent remember when supermarkets and mass market every day trying to reach 10,000 steps. You retailers really got into VHS in the early 90s and how get the odd sofa day, but I’m currently on they used big Disney releases such as Fantasia to a 180-plus day streak. And, sadly, this has drive sales and footfall - and the damage it did to become something of an obsession for me; independents and even specialist retailers, who all I’ll often nip out for a stroll late at night just got dragged into a price war. to make up my steps quota. As the owner of hmv, as well as thriving UK toy Sadly, I wasn’t doing this in January 2023, distributor DKB and the Canadian Toys ‘‘R’’ Us chain when I did my first full Toy Fair in my role Doug Putman says in our exclusive interview in this as editor of Toys n Playthings. I’d attended issue: “It’s an interesting industry, where you get into plenty of times before, purely as an that one time of the year when you finally observer and usually just for the day, ditto make money and then you discount the sh*t out with shows such as Brand Licensing Europe. of everything.” What bowled me over was the sheer It’s a truism certainly and one that is hard to fight scale when, as any seasoned veteran will against. Putman says that it’s about redoubling know, you’re trying to get from your efforts and focusing Toy Fair is shaping up on the things that won’t be a meeting at one end of the giant Olympia in west London discounted and trying to nicely, as you can see in through to the other side. It’s this latest packed issue of find areas where you can vast. My step count would have make money. TnP. We’ve got loads of gone through the roof in 2023, Putman is a fascinating so I’m wondering what I’ll make previews, with acres interview subject, as he it to in 2024. My biggest step devoted to exhibitors and straddles so many different count of the year came from worlds – from toy distributor, more, and there looks like where he made his name in New York Toy Fair and a day traipsing through the halls, so there’ll be plenty to see at his native Canada, to retailer it’s clear that industry events, Olympia. I’m sure too there in north America and, now, not weekend rambles outside of on these shores, a retailer too will be interesting the capital, are where it’s at for and back to toy distribution. fitness purposes. He’s a canny operator, with discussions about the Toy Fair is shaping up nicely, as state of the market as the his comments making for a you can see from our preview in fascinating read. industry enters a new year this latest packed issue of TnP. And it’s worth noting his We’ve got loads of previews, words about toys as an and looks ahead with acres devoted to exhibitors industry. He quite clearly and more, and there looks like there’ll be loves the business, but, as he notes, if you can make plenty to see at Olympia. it here, you can make it anywhere. “The toy business I’m sure too there will be interesting is a tough business,” he laughs. “If you can make it discussions about the state of the market as a distributor in the toy business, you can probably as the industry enters a new year and looks do anything.” ahead to what will happen throughout Given the discounting in the tail-end of 2023, the 2024. This year, according to some of the same could apply to toy retailers too. feedback we were getting as Christmas All we can say is let’s hope that the majors see the was fast approaching, saw some Christmas error of their ways in 2024 and don’t discount the cheer evaporating due to discounting from hell out of the kind of big products that will be on multiples and major retailers. It blighted show at Toy Fair and released later in the year. the Christmas feel-good retail factor. These And let’s hope I break my daily record for steps in big companies’ insistence on using price to Olympia too…





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toy 'n' playthings



4.7 million

the amount of profit before tax, in pounds, achieved by Character Options in its financial year ending August 31 2023. This comes on a turnover of more than £122 million, and, the company said, despite the challenges of “adverse conditions at retail, caused by the reduction in consumer spending and cost-of-living crisis”. Pointing to the ongoing success of the likes of Goo Jit Zu, Chill Factor, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fingerlings, Lankey Box and Aphmau, group marketing director Jerry Healy said: –

“Trading conditions continue to be challenging in the lead up to Christmas 2023 but, going into 2024, the Group has a number of further exciting new brand concepts, additions and extensions which it will be previewing to the trade during the London Toy Fair. Previews and presentations of our 2024 ranges and new additions in Los Angeles in September were very well received and we expect Domestic International sales to grow.”

The month in Two more

numbers Some of the past month’s news highlights as offered up by the Toys n Playthings newsflash and more. To sign up for daily bulletins, go to


the height in metres of the UK’s tallest Gravitrax marble run, created by Ravensburger with awardwinning science presenter Greg Foot, Unveiled at the the EUREKA! National Children’s Museum in Halifax, it highlighted the “gravity-defying…. openended nature” of the system. Families also had a go at building their own Gravitrax runs at the event, which secured nationwide press coverage and was part of ongoing, year-round marketing support for the brand; this also includes TV, digital and PR. Elaine Connell, product marketing manager at Ravensburger said: “Throughout the day we saw children, and plenty of adults too, totally absorbed in GraviTrax. Greg Foot was an engaging and inspiring host whose passion for the system was clear in his discussions with visitors.

“There was also some incredibly creative construction going on in our Build Beyond the Usual free-play zone that really brought to life the fun and discovery to be had.’’ 6

In its ongoing mission to “make everything Mini” Zuru is launching another two ranges under the Mini Brands banner. Mini Brands Sneakers and Mini Brands Books feature footwear brands and bestselling novels with the former featuring some 30 brands taking in Skechers, Reebok, Airwalk, and Prince; the latter join such big names such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid, A Christmas Carol, Stranger Things and Roald Dahl favourites. Mini Brands Sneakers come in real shoe boxes, with the collectible range including Ultra-Rare Gold Reeboks, while the Mini Books offers a glow-in-the-dark Goosebumps, and each copy has readable pages and bookmarks and a mini-magnifying glass. The range is the most-liked collectible toy on TikTok, cutting across all groups, taking in children, teens, kidults, retro collectors, and self-confessed Miniacs. It’s the number one miscellaneous toy property according to Circana.

37 million views Things are looking good for Spin Master’s big IP launch Unicorn Academy after the series racked up huge figures and amassed views following its launch at the start of November. The series made its debut on Netflix on November 2 with a 72-minute feature length outing as well as a further eight shorter episodes. And things are looking good for the series, with more than 15 million hours being viewed in the first four days globally and the series hitting the streaming service’s global top 10. It racked up a further 25 million or so hours viewed over the next two weeks, staying in the top 10, Moreover, outside of Netflix, Spin Master activity saw in-game activations on Roblox and short-form videos on TikTok and YouTube helping the series amass 37 million views on the Unicorn Academy YouTube channel. Toys and more – including a digital game and licensed consumer products programme - are due across multiple categories in 2024 as part of Spin Master’s biggest-ever IP launch. A plethora of licensing deals have been signed in the UK and US.

“We put our audiences at the heart of everything we create and it’s the biggest reward for our team to see this overwhelmingly positive response to Unicorn Academy,” said Jennifer Dodge, Spin Master President, Entertainment.


Out and about

with MV

MV’s Phil Ratcliffe updates on the new MoVe branding and why Toy Fair is the perfect place to showcase the company and its new products…


MoVe is something we’re going to focus on at Toy Fair, it’s a great forum to do it in. People can see it up close and personal

Last time TnP chatted with MV Sports supremo Phil Ratcliffe he was talking to us about the new branding to the MoVe logo for many of its wheeled toys brands. Back in the late summer/early autumn, he was just unveiling the plans but now, as we chat again in December ahead of Toy Fair, and the full launch of the new look and logo, plans are far more advanced and Ratcliffe and team are looking forward to showcasing the brands at Olympia in January. “We’ve not gone out big time with it yet,” he says, “but it’s created a lot of interest. We’ve been talking to customers about it and we wanted to make sure everyone was on board with it, licensors and so on. “But it’s something we’re going to focus on at Toy Fair. It’s a great forum to do it in. People can see it up close and personal.”

He says the reaction so far has been strong. “Everybody we’ve spoken to gets why we’re doing it and understands the rationale behind it. Bringing everything together as a brand that relates to the product is a positive move.” Move, or rather MoVe, of course, being the operative word. “It’s quite fortuitous,” laughs Ratcliffe, offering it as a logical step and one that, again laughing, he now says he’s surprised they didn’t think of before. This is, he adds, just the first phase in the evolution of the brand and the logo, introducing it to the relevant parties and the industry, while it will move into the next phase, post-Toy Fair. “With MoVe, how we see it is that first we want to establish it so our trade customers and licensors can see how it’s developed and then we can excite our consumers.” Ratcliffe further adds that there are “certain brands we won’t be changing”, Stunted, for example, and skateboards will remain under the Bored banner, as will Kickmaster and Hedstrom. Another positive element is the company will be bringing new

products bearing the MoVe branding to market. “Bringing the brands under one roof has enabled us to launch some innovative new products under the MoVe banner,” says Ratcliffe. These include Squishles, essentially wheeled toys that come with squishy pouches and backpacks, tying in with the trend for all things squishy. There’s more too: “We’ve branded all our new kids’ electric scooters under the MoVe banner and these are new, innovative products,” says Ratcliffe. “We’re showcasing a series of lightup scooters and the tech for lights has really moved on a long way. They’ve got loads of different functions; we’ve got one with 24 different light modes.” These kinds of innovations, he adds, will sit well with the new MoVe branding. Meanwhile, as well as the name change, MoVe is heading into 2024 with the Hollywood production machine now moving again after the settlement of separate ongoing strikes, which should mean a firmer line-up in place for the year and more

London Toy Fair Stand: E75


“There’s a few anniversaries too - Barbie Barbie has had a and Peppa - which will come good year because through during the year, and our classic licences are of the movie. Bluey performing really well.” and CoComelon There are still more announcements of new are still strong. A lot licences (“I’ve got my eye of our licences are on one in particular; I’m very evergreens such as hopeful for it and it will be a big one”) and MoVe is also Peppa and Disney getting back into the Star Wars world: “I can’t go into too much detail, but we’re developing product for this too.” Ratcliffe is still eager for something big to come along too. “I do think there’s space

new product coming through. But there are a couple of licences that, he predicts, will be even bigger in the coming year, as a brace “are now really starting to get traction for us”. First of the two is Stitch – now a mainstay of the market but one that continues to outdo expectations. The mischievous character and star of Lilo & Stitch has shown longevity despite not even being an obvious licensed product kind of character. Stitch stock is flying out of the door as soon as the company can get its hands on it. “Consumers are really buying into it,” he notes. “The reaction we’re getting at retail from our customers is very strong.” And the other? “We’re very excited about Batwheels,” he enthuses. The younger version of Batman is currently on TV, with a wider consumer product launch due next year. “We’ve seen a real success with Spidey and His Amazing Friends, the younger preschool version of Spider-Man – it’s been massive for us this year. “Not only does Batwheels offer a similar younger version of a superhero like Spidey, but it’s focused on wheeled products too. It plays right into our category.” While these two may provide some of the focus for 2024, there’s plenty of other brands that are still performing for MoVe. “We’ve got Sonic the Hedgehog,” Ratcliffe explains, “for us that’s grown this year and there’s activity around it in 2024 too, including a new movie. “Barbie has had a good year because of the movie,” he continues, “Bluey and CoComelon are still strong. A lot of our licences are evergreens such as Peppa and Disney.

for a big new stellar property to come through. There’s nothing like a Ben10, In The Night Garden or Teletubbies - something that grabs the industry by the throat, a toy that everyone had to go out and get.” But as 2023 ends, despite the miserable summer, MV is finishing in a strong position. “We had a wet summer, with slow consumer demand, but looking at our figures for September and October, they’re actually very positive. “There are signs that things are starting to accelerate,” he concludes. Things really are on the MoVe…

MV SPORTS 0121 7488000 | | 9



From distribution to retail and back again A Canadian toy distributor who started out as a teenager has become the unlikely saviour of retail, not just in the UK, but in his native country too, as Doug Putman has shifted effortlessly from distribution, to retail and back again. Here the owner of hmv and DKB stores in the UK – the former now with an increased toy and collectible angle – as well as the Canadian Toys “R” Us chain, talks in an exclusive interview about his businesses, his philosophy and how, if you can make it in the toy industry, you can make it anywhere… If, to paraphrase Ghostbusters, there’s something wrong, with your neighbourhood retailer, who you gonna call? Doug Putman! The Canadian has arguably become the saviour of retail, moving from toy distribution into stores, first with Canada’s Sunrise Records, then hmv on these shores, then Toys ‘‘R’’ Us in Canada. His name crops up regularly when it comes to failed or failing retailers – he was close to a deal to save Wilko (something he still bitterly regrets not doing). He’s not just the saviour of retail though, as he has many fingers in different pies. And many of them intersect with the toy business – from his Everest company he started his career with as a teenager, through to hmv’s move into pop culture, toys, collectibles, plush and more, his launching of UK toy distributor DKB and, subsequently, taking over the reins, and saving, Toys “R” Us in Canada. It’s a heck of a toy-related CV. “I started in the toy business,” he says at the start of a near-hour-long chat with TnP. “It’s a really, really tough business – if you can make it as a distributor in the toy business you can probably do anything.” From distribution, he’s branched out into retailing and believes that the juggling and plate-spinning he’s doing is not only manageable, but also helps him to a greater understanding of his assorted businesses. “Someone once told me your success is dictated by the stress you can handle,: he smiles. “But now our business has grown, which is great, and we’ve branched into a lot


It helps me “understand the pressures a retailer faces versus a distributor versus a manufacturer. These are things I probably wouldn’t have appreciated when I was just a distributor

of different areas. I think it actually helps me; having all these different areas enables me to understand industries better. “It helps me understand the pressures a retailer faces versus a distributor versus a manufacturer. These are things I probably wouldn’t have appreciated when I was just a distributor.” His flagship UK business is hmv. Since taking it over in 2019, he’s had a steep learning curve, but the retailer is now recognised as being resurgent – no longer is mention of the UK’s laststanding nationwide entertainment retailer preceded by the prefix “troubled”, “The first year I bought it, that December we saw a lot of erosion on sales, which we could have expected because of the bankruptcy, But if I look at my hmv-owning career, that was probably my low point; I had to question myself the most – ‘Can I do this? Can we do this? Is this possible?’ “Everyone goes through those phases. But then we had Covid and that actually allowed us time to reflect on what the business should be and how we should change it, and in some ways that helped. Now it’s rebounded and done really well.” This year has seen new store openings; there’s one in London, returning to the centre of the capital for the first time in a few years, and it is also expanding into Europe. “hmv has done really well – business continues to grow, we’ll have growth this year. CD sales grew, which is shocking, vinyl grew which is not shocking, our pop culture business is obviously growing, which is good to see.

“I think they’ve done an awesome job. We’ve opened some new stores, which is also great, obviously the big one on Oxford Street, but other ones as well which, is really good. I’m super happy with where hmv is at.” He’s fulsome in his praise for the team there for sticking with the retailer, and is genuinely in love with the brand. “I love owning hmv, I love the business, I love the people. I love our head office… I love being in the UK – and not just because this is a UK interview!” When Covid happened, he reappraised the business and turned to his love of toys and pop culture to reframe its offering. “The benefit I have is that I came from the pop culture world, through being a distributor,” he explains. “I was selling Funko, Neca and so on. Luckily, I bought Sunrise Records a few years before, and hmv had gone bankrupt in Canada so I took that over. I had a head start of two years in Canada of putting together these products I felt the customer would like. There was a lot of pushback from managers and customers. The hardest thing to do is to keep it authentic while doing that, so you don’t lose your record customer, you don’t lose your visual customer. hmv has done a really good job though. We knew pretty quickly doing these things was right because the customers were speaking with their wallets. “In every business you have to evolve. It doesn’t matter what business we own, they all keep evolving. When you don’t evolve for a couple of years, that third year is when you get smacked for not evolving.” He says Funko and Neca, alongside plush product from Kenji, are among the most important suppliers, all tapping in to the

kidult trend, one that hmv and Putman’s other businesses have recognised. “We don’t see the kidult thing going anywhere,” he says. “People like to collect. This is going to be here for a long time.” He says key to working in the pop culture world is staying on top of trends. “It comes down to the buying team, making sure you have the right team, and hmv has a phenomenal one. You have to be on the pulse, looking on social media, following and seeing what’s trending, what’s working, what’s hitting. Sometimes it’s simply having a culture that’s willing to take risks.” Putman firmly believes in taking risks and, as he notes, as long as you succeed more than you fail, then you’ll be moving the business forward and not stagnating. But, he adds, he is always keeping an eye on the balance between the different sections in hmv. “I think the balance is still something we struggle with every year. We’re constantly re evaluating – Is it too much? Too little? Too much plush? Too much vinyl?. You have to be constantly evolving. But plush, toys, kidult product – it’s not going anywhere.” Next in Putman’s UK journey was his move into distribution with the launch of DKB. “The first thing I ever had when I started was a distribution company called Everest in Canada. We would represent companies such as Hasbro and Mattel – we would take their product and resell it to a bunch of stores. After hmv I had a lot of people in the US and Canada saying ‘we need a distributor in the UK can you do something?’. “We opened up DKB, found a great guy to run it [Chris Lohmeyer]; that business keeps growing every year. He’s picking up more new lines, more customers. He’s done an exceptional job with it.” Having a retail outlet alongside distribution works a treat, as Putman explains: “[DKB] is a huge value add for us. We can work with a new inventor, a new company and we can get some learnings on a product within a weekend. You can get some good feedback very quickly.” New customers and new lines is key to keeping DKB fresh, but with some big names already on board, Putman is pleased with the progress. “We’ve got Crazy Aaron’s and our number one product is Crazy Forts. There’s an an added benefit from having exclusive distribution, but you have to deliver to get that. You have to make sure you’re doing all the right things for your customers, otherwise they’re not going to buy it. Being exclusive for something that doesn’t sell is no good.” And now another feather has been added in his cap in the shape of the Canadian Toys “R” Us business. “Toys ‘‘R’’ Us has got 80 stores and the average store is 40,000 sq ft. It’s a monster of a business. The people who owned it before, I reached out to them and it was just the power of an email. I didn’t know them, they didn’t know me, I was persevering, pushed and pushed, got a meeting and we realised very quickly there was some good synergy here for us to buy it. It was a very exciting time.” Acknowledging again how tough the toy business is, he has plans for the business beyond traditional toy retailing. “Toys “R” Us has been through its glory


days, they were in a tough spot. It was our job to buy it and try to stabilise it, we did a good job. We never expected this year to be as tough as it is. We’ve got to spend time and stabilise the business again. “We’re all facing the same cost-of-living crisis. Food is crazy expensive, interest rates are high. People don’t have a lot of disposable income. If the fight is between toys or food on the table, the toy loses out.’’ He continues: “The toy industry has done a good job in looking at lower price points, being more affordable. And my view is next year we’ll have easing interest rates, it won’t be massive, but every penny will count. “I’m hoping this is the worst of it, what 2023 has brought. And I’m hoping that while 2024 might be a little worse, we’re prepared for it. The hard thing about this year is no one was really prepared to have such a tough year.’’ Putman says there are things they can change to improve the business from next year, such as managing inventory and costs. And beyond this, there are plenty more ‘‘very exciting’’ plans. “Last year we implemented a great kids’ book section, that’s a $25m business for us now.’’ Next is looking at pop culture, apparel and more. “The really interesting thing is half the time you come into a store, it’s a parent with a kid, the other half, it’s just a parent. Typically in December, it is just the parent because you’re shopping for your kids. “We’ve not done a good job if a customer comes in and they buy something for their kids and buy nothing for themselves. Why? Because we have nothing in our store for them. We’re a 40,000 sq ft store, we have the room to find products that appeal to the adult. Think about that opportunity for us, if each person

In every “business you have to evolve. It doesn’t matter what business we own, they all keep evolving. When you don’t evolve for a couple of years, that third year is when you get smacked for not evolving

who came in the store - even half of them, even 10 per cent of them - bought one extra thing that was focused on them… “It’s really interesting where we’re going with Toys “R” Us, when you look at adult books, vinyl, home products, pop culture merchandise. I think it’s similar to hmv when people at first were scratching their heads: ‘You’re a toy store, you’re a baby store, how can you sell adult books or vinyl or licensed apparel?’, I think it’s going to segue in quite nicely.” One thing’s for sure - Putman will bring an independent ethos to what has traditionally been seen as big chain businesses. hmv drew fire in its PLC days for squeezing out indie record stores, but is now, once again, viewed more as an indie. Toys “R” Us was the enemy for mom n pop stores in Canada, but now has a similar worldview. As he notes: “There is a difference between being a big corporation and us. With us you still have one owner. I’m involved in the business I’m doing the same things an indie does. The only thing is they’ve got one, two, three, four or five stores, we’ve got a hundred. By having an owner, what you see is what you get – I’m in a hoodie, I’m a down to earth guy, I don’t hide my feelings. I’m not corporate, I’m not polished. “I want to take everything that’s great about an indie and everything great about a big company and put it together. The great thing about a big company is the ability to have great resources, the ability to market, all those things are great, but you need to be able to move fast, try different things, have great customer service. Those are the great things about an indie. How do you meld those two together? It’s very tough, but we want to.” So where next for Putman? Well, after missing out on a deal to revive Wilko, he’s still interested in UK businesses. Could, TnP asks, this include more traditional UK toy retail too? ‘‘I think my speciality is turning around businesses that are struggling,” he says. “It doesn’t have to be in administration, it might be just before. “Could it be a toy retailer? Sure if one of them wanted to do a deal we’d be totally open to it. We’ll keep our ear to the ground and if someone is interested in working with us, we’ll look at it and try to find a way to make it work.”



Dawning of a new Epoch Now firmly ensconced in the managing director’s chair at Epoch Making Toys, Phil Hooper reflects on his first few months at the helm, talks Sylvanian Families, the importance of Toy Fair and the rest of 2024 going forward… How have your first few months as MD at Epoch been? Joining just before the final quarter of the year was always going to be demanding, but I’ve loved getting under the skin of the Epoch brands and meeting many of our valued retailers. The focus now is very much about how we drive continued growth, supporting our retailers and implementing new processes to further facilitate smooth operations throughout 2024. How was 2023 for Epoch and what were the highlights for the company? One of the highlights for Sylvanian Families was launching the first-ever books published by Pan Macmillan. Partnerships like this take a long time to execute so it was wonderful for the team to finally see them on shelf.


Phil Hooper

They also led to the appearance of our very own Freya Rabbit at the muchtalked about St Pancras International Christmas Tree. The books are just one example of how we are increasingly seeing Sylvanian Families within a wider set of cultural touchpoints. Sylvanian Families has become part of the millennial parent zeitgeist. The brand features in the newly refurbished Museum of Childhood, which reopened its doors in July; was on Channel 4’s Task Master; and is frequently spotted in Buzzfeed threads. We featured in ITV’s This Morning feature on retro toys for Christmas and even made it on to the red carpet at the Oscar’s thanks to Bill Nighy’s granddaughter.

What trends are you noticing in the wider business and how is Epoch reacting to these? The popularity of collectibles continues unabated, and we’ve just launched our 14th volume of our Baby Collectibles Series. Our blind bag performance has picked up significantly during the year and we expect to drive further growth in 2024. Aquabeads has seen huge success

London Toy Fair Stand: N7

What will be the highlights of Toy Fair 2024? As well as introducing our collection of eight new Minions and Jurassic World licensed tabletop games, we are excited to launch a new arts and crafts brand. Unveiling the new themes for Sylvanian Families is always a highlight, and this year, we are looking forward to starting conversations with retailers about our year of celebrations for the brand’s 40th anniversary in 2025. Why is Toy Fair important to Epoch? Toy Fair provides us with an invaluable opportunity to meet as many retailers as possible to showcase our new launches. The feedback we get during the week is invaluable and will help us to further finesse our plans. Apart from that, it’s a great way to kick-start the year! What are your hopes for Epoch Making Toys in 2024? We’re very much hoping that our two new games licences will enable us to further grow our share of the children’s games market, which has seen 12% YoY growth since launch, while we also hope that our new arts & crafts brand is well received.


What will be happening with Toy Fair Sylvanian Families in 2024? provides us with Babies have been incredibly strong for us over the past few an invaluable years and so we’re continuing to opportunity focus upon that offering with the launch of the newly refreshed to meet as Nursery range, which will many retailers provide even more play value. We’ll also be introducing a new as possible to Forest theme with two new sets showcase our available from July, tapping into the key brand pillars of nature new launches. and the characters exploring the The feedback outdoors. The Amusement Park we get during will also remain a key area in the Sylvanian Families world with the week is new concessions – a Hamburger invaluable and will Stand and Baby Mermaid Shop - launching to complement the help us to further existing range, enabling fans to finesse our plans. further grow their collections. Outside of our product offering, Apart from that, it’s 2024 will see Sylvanian Families form part of the upcoming CUTE a great way to kickexhibition at Somerset House, start the year! Kennedy Publishing will publish our second standalone magazine, our second wave of book publishing will arrive on shelves in 2024 and a feature-length film will be released in the autumn. We’re also very excited to start building momentum around the brand’s 40th anniversary in 2025 with lots of developments already under way!

with it’s various licensed sets including Disney Princess, and we are thrilled to be launching two exciting and iconic new licences within our Games portfolio – Minions and Jurassic World. We are continuing to see demand for products that offer value as well as longevity of play. For example, the new Sylvanian Families Sunny Castle Nursery features multi-use furniture to inspire different play scenarios, while the Secret Forest Falls launching in July offers 16 different adventures for fans to enjoy. Similarly, the characters within our Super Mario range of tabletop games can by interchanged, keeping play fresh and fun.

What would be your top tip for visitors to Toy Fair? Without a doubt, my top tip for people visiting London Toy Fair would be don’t miss the costume character parade on day one. It’s always a vibrant kick-start to proceedings and, of course, the best time to meet legends like our very own Freya the Sylvanian Families rabbit!

EPOCH 0208 049 1377 | 13

NEWS Fence Club raises more charity cash at Xmas bash The Fence Club annual Christmas Ball, seen by many in the industry as heralding the start of Christmas, has raised more than £75,000 for charity. The event, held at a new venue of the Hilton Metropole in the capital, was attended by more than 140 industry executives, taking in both suppliers and retailers. A live band, a marching band and a Frank Sinatra-like provided the entertainment, with the cash raised via raffle, auction and generous donations Intertoy’s Jon Gregory, this year’s club chairman, said:

“The Fence Club Christmas Ball has always been a high point of the toy industry calendar and it was my honour to be Chairman this year, presiding over an evening which generated such a significant amount for children’s charities. I would like to thank all members of the Fence Club and their guests that made it a night to remember!”

Ravensburger heads

Into The Inklands Ravensburger has unveiled the release dates and details of the third instalment of its trading card game Disney Lorcana. The third wave is entitled Into The Inklands, and will follow the now familiar path of releasing first into specialist stores – on February 23 2024 – followed on March 8 by trade-wide distribution to all retailers. Into The Inklands will, for the first time, feature “beloved Disney story settings and offer players special abilities and interactions”. It will also feature new in-game mini-stories, as well as expanding featured characters. New locations will include the likes of Motonui from Disney’s Moana or the Jolly Roger from Disney’s Peter Pan. The location cards will. Ravensburger said, open up new strategies for players. There will be more than 200 new cards in all, with additional narratives as well as

popular Disney characters making their first appearance in Disney Lorcana. These include fan-favourite good dogs such as Disney’s Pluto and 101 Dalmatian’s Perdita, as well as characters such as Scrooge McDuck from DuckTales, Kit Cloudkicker from TaleSpin, and Jim Hawkins and the RLS Legacy crew from Treasure Planet, bringing late-90’s nostalgia to the game. “With each new release, enthusiasm and excitement for the Disney Lorcana TCG grows in magnitude,” said Filip Francke, global head of games at Ravensburger. “Watching this community grow and become more diverse tells us that we are getting it just right with Disney fans who are completely charmed by the art and stories, TCG die-hards who appreciate the strategic gameplay, and even new players who have tried their very first TCG and now play every weekend.”

Celine receives Golden Teddy The British Toy & Hobby Association (BTHA) has presented a Golden Teddy Award to Celine McConnell of Mashal Toy Agencies. The award was presented to Celine by Alan Simpson on behalf of the BTHA at a special event surrounded by colleagues and friends past and present. Celine is described by her proposer and seconder as someone who is always polite, efficient, loyal and, most importantly, totally dedicated to whatever task she undertakes. The relationships she has built are a real credit to her passion for toys and her love of the people she has worked with. Having worked with loyalty ‘‘CELINE IS THE and distinction ESSENCE OF over the past WHAT A GOLDEN 28 years in the TEDDY AWARD toy industry, she WINNER SHOULD has diligently BE; SOMEONE supported WHO IS LOYAL, customers and colleagues to the RESPECTED very best of her AND HAS ability. Over the SERVED WITH past 12 months DEDICATION she has also OVER A passed on her SUSTAINED many years of customer service PERIOD IN THE TOY INDUSTRY” experience and expertise, leaving the team who she will now hand over to well-equipped on the eve of her retirement Outgoing BTHA Chairman Simon Pilkington said: “Celine is the essence of what a Golden Teddy Award winner should be; someone who is loyal, respected and has served with dedication over a sustained period in the toy industry – often behind the scenes - but someone who is a true unsung hero. I am thrilled that this special BTHA award has been presented to Celine and my huge congratulations go to her for this recognition.”


Peter Rabbit heads to the Orchard Orchard Toys is set to unveil its eagerly awaited entry into The World Of Peter Rabbit with a new range of games and puzzles. The range, which features six different products, is the first fruits of a deal with Penguin Ventures, which looks after Frederick Warne & Co, the home of the bunny and friends created by Beatrix Potter. Among the items on offer are board games, four-in-a-box puzzles, a number and counting game, matching and memory games and a lotto game. All bring the evergreen franchise to life for today’s children and

see The World Of Peter Rabbit combining with Orchard’s gameplay skills. Orchard Toys sales director Simon Prest said: “2024 is going to be a really exciting year for us, we have a much-loved character for our first brand licence and some brilliant new games and jigsaws. There’s lots for children, parents and retailers to get excited about. “From Orchard Toys it’s a strong proposition for the preschooler and educational games categories, an attractive price point for shoppers and a great sales opportunity for retailers.’’

As the global toy industry gears up for a promising year ahead, the US Toy Association is set to roll out an array of impactful initiatives for 2024, as Jennifer Lynch from the organisation explains. Business-Building Opportunities Building upon the success of Toy Fair 2023, renewals for Toy Fair 2025 (March 1 to 4, 2025 in New York City) will kick off with a bang in Q1 2024. Early renewals, beginning in January, will be incentivised, offering exclusive benefits and opportunities for those who commit early, setting the stage for a Toy Fair that promises to surpass expectations. Plans are also underway for a Toy Association-hosted activity in Los Angeles for autumn 2024. While details are still forthcoming, this activity aims to establish extra touchpoints for networking, collaboration, and product showcase in a place and time that have growing importance to the global industry.

Committed to Creativity In 2024, The Toy Association will emphasise its commitment to fostering creativity by offering more resources to support the designer and inventor community. Following a successful event at Toy Fair 2023, where 24 selected inventors pitched their playthings to companies including Jazwares, Melissa & Doug, Spin Master, Crayola, Basic Fun!, Fat Brain Toys, and more, The Toy Association will host its first virtual 2024 Creative Factor Inventor Day on March 4. Creative Factor Inventor Days have become a critical component to the Association’s year-round work in bridging connections between emerging talents and seasoned toys and games professionals, exchanging ideas, and, most importantly, serving as a catalyst for new partnerships and the realisation of untapped toy concepts.

Educational Expertise

Big crowd for Board Games Club The resurgent Board Games Club enjoyed its biggest crowd of the year as more than 80 guests turned up to get stuck into its Boxing Day Boredom Busters night. Held at its regular home of the Century Club in London’s West End on Tuesday December 5, it was supported by Bezzerwizzer Studio, which handed out its HINT Pocket game to the first 50 people through the door; Big Potato, unveiling its new Cards Vs Gravity and Mattel with its Pictionary Vs AI outing. VR Distribution gave out copies of its party games to the best Christmas jumper wearers, too. The Club’s Mary Bobroff said: “What a night! We welcomed so many enthusiastic and happy new faces, all keen to try out the latest releases from trivia to silliness. And we’re delighted to have drawn such generous support from Bezzerwizzer, Big Potato, Mattel and VR Distribution.’’


The Toy Association will expand its educational resources in 2024 to provide toy professionals with even more valuable knowledge to navigate the complexities of the industry with greater success. Building on its library of webinars, research, and other resources, which are free for members, The Toy Association will serve up free recordings of all Toy Fair University educational sessions and offer new trend insights for 2024 with its annual Toy Trends Briefing on February 8. Unveiling the hottest toy and play trends of 2024, it will provide global media and the toy community with an in-depth look at how larger cultural trends are impacting the way families shop and kids play. “In a rapidly evolving market, staying attuned to consumer preferences is crucial for success,” said The Toy Association’s Adrienne Appell, executive vice president of marketing communications. “We are dedicated to providing our members with these critical insights, which are also designed to empower toy manufacturers to align their product offerings with evolving consumer demands.’’




A Plus for Lois Plus-Plus has announced the appointment of former Spin Master and Toys R Us buyer Lois Stewart as national account manager. Stewart joined at the end of November, and will be overseeing all major retailers, with a brief of maintaining long-term relationships with them, co-ordinating retailer marketing plans and looking after inventory management. After joining Spin Master from Toys R Us, Stewart spent five and a half years working with national level toy specialists, grocery and omni-channel retailers, as well as pure play operators. In her most recent role as key account manager, Lois had been overseeing multiple toy categories on Amazon UK and EU. She said: “I’m thrilled to be taking on this new role at Plus-Plus at such an exciting time for the company as we head into 2024. It’s wonderful to be working with such a creative and inspiring brand that values open play and has received a number of prestigious accolades and awards this year. There is plenty of opportunity to build upon and I look forward to expanding our retail activations further into the UK & ROI markets”. Plus-Plus commercial director Claire Coekin added:

“We are so excited to have Lois join Plus-Plus, she’s going to be a terrific asset to the sales team and we know that she will bring fresh insights and great contributions. Lois brings a wealth of toy industry sales experience that will serve our clients well. We look forward to many successes together.”

Spin Master appoints Voss as new global design and development chief

David Voss

“It’s been an absolute privilege and a once in a lifetime opportunity to have worked at Spin Master alongside so many talented people” 16

Spin Master has signalled its intention to “reinvigorate” toy innovation by appointing David Voss to the newlycreated role of executive vice president, global toy design and development. As well as showing its plans for the new boost to innovation, the company said it showed its commitment to “creating disruptive play” and its plans to lift its design skills to further boost growth. Reporting to Spin Master global president and CEO Max Rangel, Voss will oversee product development and manufacturing as well as relations with inventors and talent, concepts, design, engineering, visual branding and packaging,

Pasierb to step down from Toy Association US Toy Association president and chief executive officer Steve Pasierb is to step down from his role at the organisation in the spring of 2024 after almost 10 years at the helm. He will exit when his contract expires in April and the Toy Association is now embarking on a wide search for a replacement. Pasierb said: “It has been an honour and privilege to serve as President & CEO of The Toy Association and I count myself fortunate to be among those over the past 107 years to hold this position. It has been a wonderful journey of strategic actions, change management, legislative wins, and accomplishments.’’

Wow! Stuff

appoints two

Wow! Stuff has made two key appointments to bolster its sales team ahead of the company’s appearance at Spielwarenmesse. Former Character Options and most recently Moose Toys staffer Tony White has joined as general sales manager, while Valerie Leuzy Tony White has joined as head of European sales reporting into White. Tony White started in the industry at World’s Apart after stints outside the toy business at Adidas, Mizuno and Wella. He lives in Hull, where he’s a season ticket holder at the local football team and lives with his spouse and son. Leuzy has been in the nursery Valerie Leuzy and toy industries for more than 20 years, with experience at the likes of Mamas and Papas, Summer Infant, Silver Cross and latterly as European sales manager for Plumplay. The mum of two said she was a a fan of “Wow! Stuff product and innovation, and can’t wait to share it”. Wow! Stuff MD Dawn Lavalette said: “We’re excited to welcome Tony and Valerie and expand our distribution. They are real professionals and bring a wealth of experience to Wow! Stuff.”

Fitzharris goes global at PlayMonster PlayMonster has appointed industry stalwart Brian Fitzharris as chief commercial officer at the company. PlayMonster Group LLC said Fitzharris will be driving growth and success in North America, the UK and international markets, and will “strengthen PlayMonster’s global market position and enhance both client and vendor relationships”. As CCO, the former Mattel staffer will also be overseeing marketing and e-commerce and drive global sales growth at the same time as “optimising revenue and profitability”. Fitzharris said: “In this dynamic era of play and innovation, the PlayMonster portfolio stands as a cornerstone in the arts & crafts, toys and games categories. I am excited to join such a strong team of knowledgeable, talented and dedicated people. Between the strong items and brands we have in the portfolio and the best-in-class partnerships that the team has established, PlayMonster has the ingredients required to elevate the business to new heights of creativity and market prominence.” 17



Pioneering London mum opens doll shop A shopping trip with her four-year-old daughter led to a new career for Lola Ogundele, who now runs one of the UK’s first black dolls shops – Lola Love Dolls - off London’s Portobello Road, which opened this summer. Lola said: ‘‘My daughter Isabella was four - we went looking for a doll for her - at that time I didn’t know that they weren’t available in the shops. We looked everywhere. We wanted a black doll, with Afro hair – nothing looked right, they all had straight hair.’’ So, Lola started researching online, and ‘‘in three weeks’ time I had two boxes of dolls’’. Lola took those two boxes to Portobello market in the winter of 2018. She explained: ‘‘When I took them to the market I had crowds around my table. Surprisingly enough - the majority of my customers are white. I really thought that most of my customers were going to be black but it’s not the case.’’ This year, Lola took the plunge, opening the shop and quitting her job. The shop is ‘‘really small but I’ve had to make the most of the space. We stock fashion dolls wearing the African print clothing, then we’ve got the small 12in baby style doll and then the 18in bigger doll.’’ A lot of customers asked for boy dolls, and they arrived in time for the Christmas rush. Lola also plans to stock more clothes and accessories, including shoes and sunglasses, and already has plans to move to a bigger shop.

Smyths goes local Smyths Toys Superstores has joined the local Town & City Gift Card initiative and is now accepting the local cards in stores in Scotland and Ireland. The Miconex initiative is live in 80 towns and cities in the UK and Ireland, with local and national retailers – the latter including M&S, Sainsbury’s, Primark and New Look – accepting the card aimed at boosting local shopping and high street business. Swiped at the till like a debit or credit card, the cards are now accepted at Smyths outlets in Aberdeen, East Ayrshire, Falkirk and Inverness and in Sligo and Drogheda in Ireland. Smyths has signed up for the similar Scotland Loves Local gift cards scheme too, accepting cards at Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Highlands, West Dunbartonshire, Falkirk and West Lothian. Mark Dinkin, head of finance at Smyths Toys, said: “What better time to join the Town & City Gift Card initiative than Christmas, giving people the chance to spend their local gift cards on toys and gifts during the festive season and beyond.”

Sales Agent Required Great Gizmos have been supplying educational, science and craft kits to toy and gift retailers for over 25 years and need a sales agent with excellent contacts and proven sales experience to cover the South West. To find out more Contact:


All aboard for the Orient Express LEGO launched its new Ideas set of the Orient Express with departures from its flagship Leicester Square, London, store. Press, influencers and more were in attendance as the train was given its official send-off into retail at the store. Those attending included two LEGO experts in the shape of senior designer Ollie Gregory and Thomas Lajon of LEGO Ideas who dreamed up the project. The director of culture, art and heritage from Orient Express, Arthur Mettetal, was on hand to talk about the train’s history.

Toymaster 2024 show sells out

Retail nominees


Toymaster has confirmed that its 2024 trade show has sold out, with more than 100 suppliers now signed up to the May event. The show will be taking place at its traditional Harrogate home from Tuesday May 21 to Thursday May 23, with the sold out signs going up well before Christmas. In its statement, the organisation thanks suppliers for their “continued support”, adding: “We have over 100 Suppliers exhibiting, offering all independent retailers attending a wide range of options to select the best ranges and products for their stores. “We look forward to welcoming everyone back to Harrogate for another fantastic show.”

The BTHA has unveiled the finalists for the Toy Retailer of the Year awards with the presentation and winners due to be announced at the returning awards function at Toy Fair. The evening, on Tuesday January 23, will see gongs handed out to the five retail award-winners alongside other recipients from across the industry. BTHA Chairman Simon Pilkington said: “Congratulations to all this year’s Toy Retailer of the Year finalists, all of whom have demonstrated outstanding commitment, excellent collaboration with suppliers and dedication in difficult trading conditions over the past 12 months. They are all very deserving of our shortlist for 2023. We look forward to announcing this year’s winners during Toy Fair 2024 alongside the TRA who will announce the Toy and Supplier of the Year winners for 2023.’’ The nominees are:

Independent Toy Retailer of the Year (single store) Fagan Toys, County Mullingar, Ireland Toytastik, Chepstow Toys N Tuck, Southend on Sea

Independent Toy Retailer of the Year (multi store) David Rogers Toymaster Toy Barnhaus MIDCO Toys

Multiple Toy Retailer of the Year

Bandai Namco opens three more stores After its first store opened in London’s Camden Market in the summer, with a second following in the capital this autumn, Bandai Namco is set to expand its estate even further with new openings. December will see a trio of further shops opening under the Bandai Namco banner, with new outlets in Ealing, west London, Sheffield and Brighton. And the retailer has promised more to follow in 2024. In a statement announcing the new openings – Ealing is on December 7, with Brighton and Sheffield following on from the 12th of the month – the company said: “The positive appearance of stores in the UK has strengthened the love of Bandai Namco’s popular brands in the physical space. This will also expand into 2024 with plans for larger stores,


tours and other brand appearances reaching out to fans nationally.” All the stores will feature “collectible Gashapon, Ichibankuji, Sun-Star stationery, arcade experiences and more”, the company added. At the time of the second opening, in London’s Victoria Place, Bandai Namco Amusement Europe MD John McKenzie said: “Once again, the Bandai Namco Group is expanding its physical experiences outside of Japan, allowing our well-known brands to embrace UK communities, celebrating more fun and collections, which continue to build passionate fans “As Japanese culture becomes more loved in the UK market with food, art, anime, gaming and collectibles, we continue to embrace this, listen to our fans and deliver rich products as we expand into further parts of the UK.”

SMF Toytown ASDA Smyths

Omnichannel Toy Retailer of the Year Smyths Argos/Sainsburys The Entertainer

Online Excellence Award Argos The VERY Group Amazon

New member for Toymaster Toymaster has announced a new member – Fitzgerald’s Homevalue, Dingle, Co. Kerry Fitzgerald’s Homevalue Dingle is a family-run business that has been serving the community of West Kerry and beyond for over 50 years. The business was founded in 1968 by Paudie Fitzgerald with his brother Tom. Toymaster said: “We would like to welcome Fitzgerald’s Homevalue to the Toymaster family and wish Eileen, Thomas and the team the best of luck.”




Screen deals Spin Master has signed a raft of deals for its product in assorted territories, which will see it furthering international reach for the likes of Vida The Vet, Bakugan and Unicorn Academy. Preschool series Vida The Vet is heading to France on France 5 and streamer Okoo, as well as Sweden, joining the likes of the UK, where it will air on CBeebies from January. Unicorn Academy, which has debuted across territories via Netflix, is also heading to other countries, including streaming in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and Canada. And a returning Bakugan, featured with an all-new anime style, will be appearing on Pop in the UK as well as other European countries and Latin America and Australia. “We have a passion for telling stories that kids around the world can identify, connect and engage with,” said Jennifer Dodge, Spin Master Entertainment’s President. “From epic brawling adventures to caring for forest creatures to unlocking magical worlds, we’re thrilled to expand the reach of our entertainment properties. With the help of our international broadcast partners, we can entertain and inspire a new group of fans.”

Heathside inks a monster deal With Godzilla returning to cinemas last December with a new Japanese iteration, and more to come from Warner’s ongoing monster movies, Heathside Trading Ltd has inked a deal to become a Godzilla licensee. The deal between Heathside and Toho International Ltd, brokered by Rocket Licensing and KJG, takes in Godzilla’s classic form as well as the TV library, and will kick off with a range of product in the spring of 2024. Product on offer will include 3D keychains, squishes, mini stickees and slime based on the Godzilla library. Darren Epstein from Heathside commented: ‘‘We are so thrilled to be working with Toho International Inc and Rocket on this series of pop culture and gifting products. As big fans of the films and TV series, we are excited to offer new ranges of product under our Khadou brand!” 20

Moonbug and Toikido partner for new series Fledgling creative outfit Toikido and animation experts at Moonbug are joining forces to launch a new series, PeaKeeBoo. The animated series for preschoolers and their families will debut on Moonbug’s YouTube channel in 2024 and the pair are hoping it will follow in the footsteps of their previous outings, notably Moonbug’s Blippi and CoComelon, as well as Toikido’s first big IP launch, Pinata Smashlings. PeaKeeBoo will be accompanied by a comprehensive 360 marketing strategy, including a range of ancillary products such as toys, playsets, physical games, apparel and books. Toikido founder and CEO Darran Garnham said: ‘‘There’s no hiding

how thrilled we are to be partnering with Moonbug Entertainment, who have a spectacular ability to understand a brilliant and original concept and bring it to life onscreen. We are proud to be part of their outstanding portfolio of award-winning shows. PeaKeeBoo will be no exception and we’re all looking forward to the smiles and laughter that it will bring in 2024.’’ “Working with Toikido has been a pleasure and we’re excited to share this new series that we know will resonate with families across the world,” said Moonbug head of global partnerships Dan’l Hewitt, “We look forward to further exploring the PeaKeeBoo world, and working with Tokido.”

Freddy’s goes to Fanattik Pop culture expert Fanattik has signed a deal that will see it bringing Five Nights at Freddy’s gifts, homewares, and collectibles to market. The multi-territory, multi-year deal for the current phenomenon was signed with Scottgames LLC International and brokered by its international licensing agent Striker Entertainment. Fanattik MD Anthony Marks, who recently won a Creative Entrepreneur of the Year Award at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards, said: “We are super excited to be releasing unique product early in 2024 and supplying both gift, toy and video game retailers.” CEO of Striker Entertainment Russell Binder said: “Striker admires the creativity and product execution that Fanattik brings to the IP they license, and we have been looking to find a way into business with them. We are confident that they will bring unique and highly desirable collectibles to markets that are growing at a fast clip.’’

In the Mood for licensing Dragons’ Den winner Mood Bears has reached the next stage in its growth after inking a licensing deal that will see the cute bears, which show human emotions ,appearing on publishing, apparel, fashion accessories and arts & crafts product. The deal for UK licensing was signed with Lisle Licensing and follows the TV success of the brand – with all five investors offering up cash to support the fledgling business – as well as its recent signing of a global manufacturing and sales and distribution deal with TOMY. Lisle Licensing MD Francesca Lisle said: “I fell in love with with the Mood Bears the minute I first heard about them; as a mum with two young children I appreciate the sentimental and emotional value of this brand, particularly one which resonates with strong human feelings. We are delighted to be a part of the Mood Bears’ special journey into licensing.’’

23 RD - 25 TH JANUARY 2024 OLYMPIA LONDON ˃˥˘ʠ˥˘˚˜˦˧˘˥ ˙ˢ˥ ˬˢ˨˥ ʹ˅ʸʸ ˩˜˦˜˧ˢ˥ ˕˔˗˚˘ ˔˧ ˧ˢˬ˙˔˜˥ʡ˖ˢʡ˨˞



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More classic IP to come

back to life

I In the latest column from the experts at the Insights Family, the organisation reports on what it is hearing, seeing and sensing from its intelligence, focusing on enduring characters and how reboots are introducing them to a whole new generation – with parents’ approval…

n an age where AI redefines creativity, the licensing industry is witnessing a renaissance of classic characters, capturing the hearts of a new generation. The post-pandemic era has marked the resurgence of beloved IPs, affirming that timeless characters can rival the allure of constantly evolving brands. A deep dive into British kids’ (ages six to nine) favourite characters reveals a fascinating blend of nostalgia and contemporary appeal. Harry Potter, first introduced in 1997, tops the list, followed by long-standing icons such as Super Mario (1985), Barbie (1959), and Spider-Man (1962). Notably, these characters, cherished by the children’s parents, demonstrate the enduring influence of parental preferences and the remarkable ability of these IPs to stay relevant and appealing to today’s youth. The re-emergence of these characters is predominantly seen on the big screen. Films such as Barbie and Super Mario Bros. Movie have not only topped box office charts but also significantly boosted these characters’ popularity among young audiences. Our data shows a striking increase in Super Mario’s popularity post-film release, and a similar trend for Barbie. This resurgence in cinemas, coupled with an increase in cinema visits among kids aged six to nine, suggests that the silver screen is becoming a pivotal platform for revitalising classic characters. With a reported 38% increase in cinema visits since Aug-Oct 2021, it’s evident that the cinema is a catalyst for bringing historical IPs back into the spotlight. These revived characters also offer young audiences a gateway to a rich legacy of content, through user-generated content or parental guidance. Reboots, therefore, serve as a bridge between generations, winning the hearts of children and the endorsement of their parents.

As the industry leans into this trend, we anticipate the re-emergence of more classic characters. Announcements of remakes such as Hercules and Twilight are just the beginning. In 2023, the cinema has proven to be not just a place for entertainment, but a launchpad for the resurgence of beloved characters, signalling a vibrant future for classic IPs in the realm of children’s entertainment. Future Forecast 2024 As we continue to delve into the fascinating world of family market dynamics, The Insights Family is thrilled to give you a sneak peek into our upcoming Future Forecast 2024 report. This groundbreaking report, a culmination of our innovative insight methodology, promises to reveal 12 critical trends that are set to shape the lives of kids, teens, parents, and families in the coming year. Drawing from an expansive dataset collected from more than 700,000 family members across 22 countries, this report is poised to offer a comprehensive, real-time understanding of the evolving attitudes, behaviours, and consumption patterns on a global scale.

Prepare to immerse yourself in insights covering a range of topics from the advent of Mixed Reality (XR) Technology in entertainment and education, the growing impact of influencer-owned brands, the increasing influence of Asian culture in global entertainment and fashion, to the paramount importance of inclusivity in content creation. Additionally, the report will explore the resurgence of youth activism, the return of classic intellectual properties, and the peaks of personalisation through generative AI. These key predictions for 2024 are not just trends, but signposts guiding us towards a future where the voices of kids, teens, parents, and families resonate louder than ever. Stay tuned for the full release of Future Forecast 2024 – an essential guide for anyone looking to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world, where understanding the family landscape is key to success. Sign up to receive our latest Industry Knowledge report discussing the growing influence that British kids have over family spending here: https://go.theinsightsfamily. com/kids-influence

The Insights Family is the global leader in kids, parents, and family market intelligence, providing real-time data on their attitudes, behaviours and consumption patterns. Download your free copy here:




2024. What is to be done? A

press release that appears on retail journalists’ screens intermittently is “***** opens a store of the future”. It’s a (hoped for) call to action that will result in the retailer in question welcoming the shopper horde, which in turn has read the column inches about the new emporium and is willing to give it the once over. Well, maybe. Yet consider what the phrase means. If it really is a thing that will come to pass at some undetermined point in the future, then why are its doors open and how did the retailer manage to read the runes and bring something into being that isn’t anywhere else currently? In truth, stores of the future don’t exist. For shoppers, all that’s on view is what’s possible now, on the basis of what’s around and where we seem to be headed. Don’t feel you’re missing out by not having a ‘future store’, because you’re probably not. That said, what does seem likely to happen as we plunge into the middle years of the 20s? Uncertainty, that’s what. We’d all like to know what the result of the election that will almost certainly take place this year will be and what the effect on the economy is likely to be. But as the post-Covid UK economy has shown, shoppers have carried on shopping, it’s just that they have been selective about where they do so, meaning that there have been risers and fallers. At the top of the tree are Primark and M&S, both of which have flourished, while Debenhams and Wilko (in spite of the fact that a Lazarus act is being attempted with the latter) have gone the way of all flesh. The first two have probably seen their fortunes rising simply through good retailing – fine-looking stores, operational excellence and a healthy regard for their customers. For others, complacency has taken its toll and finally, it is the consumer who decides. Yet those who are thinking that the best way of ploughing ahead is to “do an M&S” might be disappointed. It’s a work in progress. One of the characteristics of an effective retail leader is to be relentlessly disappointed. Where others may see a wonderful shop, this kind of person picks holes, finds faults and looks to move on. Which is perhaps why alongside ‘store of the future’, ‘rollout’ is an equally meaningless term. If a store group starts rolling out a store design template, the inference has to be that it has got everything right, as the scale of investment involved is such that things can’t be got wrong. In this lies the seeds of poor performance as good retailing and stores of the future, if you really want to use the term, should mean iteration, with every new store being an improvement on what went before. This, then, is what the better retailers look set to do in 2024 and, while this may be a little tricky when looking at toy stores, there’s a lot that could still be learned from what’s happening at Marks & Spencer currently. Never be happy. The best retailers are aware of their imperfections and seek ways of overcoming them.

But beware of false prophets. For 2024 there is a sense that if you don’t catch up with AI and all that it involves you may be left behind. Try this, however. Ask anybody who professes to know about how AI works in a retail context and you may find a fair bit of fluff being presented to you. In truth, other than those who use computer programmes to work out what shoppers are likely to want, based on age, history and current trends, and to present them with something that approximates to this, then what AI actually encompasses is not very clear…and that’s the way that it’s been for some time. A favour, therefore, for yourself. Ignore AI, for the moment at least. Focus instead on making your store the kind of place that shoppers will pause outside, look at and then enter. This probably means little more than a bit of decent visual merchandising and making it appropriate to those who are seeking toys, whether it’s kids or the adults buying for them. What might be useful is to do a visual audit of your store lighting, as this is one of the things that continues to progress very rapidly. A pretty well-known store designer once commented to your correspondent: “Let me light the store and you can forget the rest.” That was a few years back, but for 2024 it holds true more than ever. A few spotlights are no longer enough, and the cost of digital graphics and lighting has come down to the price at which it is broadly accessible, so do something about it. The other useful thing that can be done, and which will help to keep the bank manager at bay, is to work out whether your shop is actually shoppable. Toy retailers do have a habit of using every square centimetre in a store and the outcome is an environment that is over-busy. Trim back, if you want people to shop your wares, and don’t use your store as a forward reserve: it’s not. All of which is simple stuff, but so frequently overlooked. The economy may be in a bit of a spot at the moment and politicians are doing little to alleviate this, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t thrive. Get back to basics as we start 2024 and as for digital, it has a place, but don’t allow it to overwhelm and distract. Oh, and Happy New Year, if it’s not too late to say it.

Our retail correspondent John Ryan looks at what retailers can do heading into the new year, and suggests that instead of fixating on AI, it might be time to get back to basics…

John Ryan is Stores Editor at Retail Week. He has worked for the magazine for more than a decade covering store design, visual merchandising and what makes things sell in-store. In a previous life he was a buyer.

JANUARY 2024 John Ryannm.indd 1


22/12/2023 11:18



Teamwork pays off

at Toy Fair Our regular retail columnist Amanda Alexander from Giddy Goat Toys in the north west of the country on why meeting suppliers with fellow retailers at Toy Fair might be a good thing, why 2023 was challenging, and her thoughts on Royal Mail issues…


self to go easy on the wine this year as starting Toy Fair feeling jaded isn’t the best plan of action). Like last year I will be doing Wednesday and Thursday this year and I’ve already got loads of appointments booked - in fact I’m wondering if I have overbooked, as wandering around and checking out new potential suppliers is just as important as meeting with existing suppliers to look at their new lines. Last year I crashed someone else’s appointment which I’m sure is probably a terrible faux pas of a thing to do, but I just to bob on to the Jura I’d certainly happened stand as Lisa from Armadillo Toys be more in Leeds was talking to Adrian the rep who I deal with too and I asked inclined to try lines that were if I could join them as I didn't have appointment with him. Lisa recommended an graciously agreed and I have to say by other similar I found it really useful hearing her shops to mine feedback on what worked in her shop and I got some ideas for new lines from her and personally I’d be interested in purposely organising that again – for the reps who only have a few days to see a whole lot of people it would make their job easier and I’d certainly be more inclined to try lines that were recommended by other similar shops to mine. I appreciate that approach wouldn’t be for everyone – reps and retailers alike – and that if I wanted to be part of a buying group I could join Toymaster,which I appreciate does a fantastic job and is a great community, but by and large I’m quite happy to do my own thing, but on some of the bigger stands – and Jura is the perfect example of this as its range is so extensive – I think it’s definitely something I’d consider. So what else for 2024? Well of course I’m looking forward to seeing the

I remember going into 2023 with such a sense of optimism as we moved out of the Covid era back into ‘normality’ and, although sales-wise the year started off well, things started to dip in April as the cost-of-living crisis really kicked in and many people’s disposable incomes dipped. Anecdotally I know from friends, family and customers that anyone who was unfortunate enough to have to renew their mortgage last year faced a big hike in their payments and, while many people will point out that really we just had it good before and these interest rates are much more normal, it’s still tough to find out you’re now paying more than you were previously and will be for some time yet. So, for my little Manchester shop, 2023 was challenging. I was too slow to rein in my spending and am just grateful I don’t sell foodstuffs or fashion as I’d have a stockroom full of mouldy food and unseasonal, unfashionable clothes, and while toy trends do come and go, by and large most of my stock is good for the future and anything I do think is not shifting can be reduced rather than thrown away. Thank goodness I stumbled into the world of toy retail then, as well as for the fantastic products I get to showcase and the unfailingly lovely people who work in the industry. Speaking of which, I'm very much looking forward to Toy Fair. My hotel was booked months ago, my train in November and my old uni friend who lives in Wanstead prewarned that I’d be rocking up the night before Toy Fair again for a catch up over some beers and a night in her spare room (with a note to

new ranges that are out at Toy Fair and I’ll be focusing on the under £20 retail price points as that’s what’s working for me – it’s the party presents and pocket money lines that I need. Ebay is a key sales channel for me and that tends to be under a tenner average basket plus, as a number of my suppliers prohibit selling on third-party websites, that has a bearing on which suppliers to use. It’s frustrating as I am very much opposed to the ‘race to the bottom’ and ‘being a busy fool’ mentality but I appreciate some retailers have very much taken that approach and suppliers don’t want their brands cheapened by them being practically given away on the large marketplace websites (others just want to hog the B2C market themselves to make a better margin), but that has a bearing on my buying decisions now. I think a full review of costs is also in order. Having switched from using couriers to the Royal Mail a couple of years ago due to the unreliability of the courier, I am now considering splitting how I send mail out as the Royal Mail is more expensive on the under 2kg small parcels - and as it also managed to lose six parcels during November amounting to almost £500 of stock – my loyalty to them is not what it was. I don’t feel as optimistic as I did this time last year that’s for sure, but I reckon a trundle round Toy Fair is just what I need to get my toy shop mojo back and I hope that the year ahead proves to be a good one for everyone in this lovely, crazy, colourful and fun industry.



s e c e pi

10 years o t e v fi ging from ilton Bradley, n a r s e g W ha . Here’s onth wit uct from e d r m o o r is p m h r t d o n do five o-karts a r AND in adors – g s o , s s o r a d e t b t u o m o o f fa lks on sc lection o t team o a e is s l w y ia a c d h e d it p w mu Our s t to grips ging indoors to o g e v a og old – h Bradley… g and vl n o in t b il u T W Xootz Scooter u st from from Yo e b e e h t ik Sp Spike and Rémy, 9 w on their vie y rd stu

d n a z Bit

“Big, ing and amaz fun”

Mum Marie-Claire, Any toy which encourages my children to go outside and play will get my vote. It was a cold wintry day and they were racing about for around 90 minutes without tiring or getting bored. They were ruddycheeked and ready for hot chocolates afterwards. Spike thought it was a good combination of a bike and scooter. Rémy liked the bike and scooter being merged together – he says it’s much better off-roading than his normal scooter, which makes it more fun, and he could take it when we go on long muddy walks. They were fairly easy to set up, all the instructions were clear and it didn’t take very long The boys thought it looked a bit like their dad’s electric scooter, and were therefore very eager to try them out. I thought they looked safer than their bikes and more sturdy than their scooters, which was pleasing. Not so much need for helmets etc but they wore them anyway. They liked the big centreboard with a place to rest their ‘push-off’ foot. The handlebars were nice and wide and felt big but easy to control Rémy has decided he no longer needs to go on long muddy walks anymore! But yes, for a fun way to get them out in the fresh air for a few hours this was a great choice.

rides, and at for short re g ’s it , is will love th car park” Rémy “Kids in an empty d n u ro a g n whizzi

Viper & Venom Go Karts Spike & Rémy, 9

Rém y “I wo uld t ake t go-k h a mum rts next ese time m say w y and d addy e’re mud going on dy w alk” a

Dad Paul, I liked the fact that they’re not as speedy as their bikes, so there’s less likelihood of injury and we could keep up with them! They enjoyed racing against each other; it’s the first time they’ve tried pedal go-karts and they had a lot of fun on a leafy, wet Sunday afternoon in the fresh air The Viper was easier to turn around small corners. It’s a little on the small size for our nine-year-olds. The boys much preferred the Venom and argued over whose turn it was, leaving the Viper parked up. Size-wise it was a good fit for them with the seat in its furthest back position. The seat has two positions, but like the Viper it requires five minutes with a spanner and screwdriver to adjust for different heights. The gears are a nice touch, it makes it seem a bit more grown up, and they loved the colours and decals, which they thought were very cool. They’d absolutely use it again – they enjoyed going up and down the path with them.

Spike races oing go-karting d d e lik lly a re “I te” was my favouri and the Venom

Mi-Mic Live Wireless Vlogging Kit Esther, 10; Daniel 8. Dad Chris: The Mi-Mic gave the children a chance to be independent and creative. Our children don’t have their own phones yet, so some of the appeal was being able to use our phones! But it gave them an amazing sense of independence Esther: and made them ''It was so easy feel really grown up, to use, and mimicking the style of their made me feel favourite TV presenters and YouTubers. It like I could be a was delightful to see the vlogs they made. It Youuber like some would be a terrific gift for older children. of my favourites'' It was an instant set-up and fully charged too! The older kids were really excited by the kit – they thought that it looked fun, exciting and grown up. Daniel announced: “It’s YouTuber time!” The ring light has a range of light colours, which they really liked, and the mic is detachable. Otherwise this is a simple toy with few features. However, it encourages the children to use the features of the phone and to communicate effectively. It’s inspired them to create video content and perhaps even start their own channel. They haven’t put it down since we got it.

Xootz Quad Skates Felix, aged 5 Mum Cate: The skates were really easy to get on and off and done up: easy enough for our five-year-old to do it himself. He was so excited at being able to skate in them; they felt really stable and robust. I was nervous at first but by the end of 30 minutes he was flying and it was just gorgeous to see how excited he was. He was totally thrilled to have a pair of roller skates of his own and desperate to skate on his own. He got the hang of it in 10 minutes and the sense of accomplishment he got from being able to master them quickly was really good for his confidence. The skates came straight out of the box and were ready to go. His first impressions were “wow!” And then “can we put them on and go to the park?”. We had to wrestle them off him at the end of the day. Our older kids have got skates, so we’ve seen other pairs; these seemed particularly robust and stable, and the lights were a big plus for Felix. We’ve had to stop them wearing them to school and the shops, so they definitely want to use them all the time! At age five though, children need adult supervision, and ideally knee and elbow pads.

Felix: “I loved the light-up wheels and I was really excited that I could skate on them so easily without a grown up.”

Xootz Wild Rider Pink Leopard LED Scooter / Xootz Wild Rider Pink Leopard LED Scooter Esther, 10; Daniel, 8 Mum Cate: The colours and design were gorgeous and really fun. They seemed like really high-quality pieces of kit, that were safe but also exciting for the children. The children have wanted light-up scooters for a while and they were really thrilled by these designs. They came pre-charged so they could take them straight out, and were named after animals, which was a huge plus for them! They were a doddle to set up as they came charged so were ready to ride right out of the box. They were so excited about the colours and cool light-up wheels! Practically, they’re foldable and easy to carry. Aesthetically, they’re a beautiful design and the lights were really appealing to the children. The eight-year-old also pointed out that they’re a big plus safety-wise at night. He also made me (his mum) test it and I can testify it’s much more stable

Contact: To find out more about these products contact Wilton Bradley at: 01626 835400 27



Full speed

ahead… The past three years have been nothing if not challenging in every possible way for everyone in our industry and beyond. Seasonal trade, while occasionally shielded from major moves in market conditions has been no exception, this time. On the contrary, it has probably been one of the most challenged sectors


Pumpkins, perhaps the most iconic he team at Premier Halloween are all symbol of Halloween, become the canvas looking forward to 2024 and are full for intricate carvings and imaginative of expectation and excitement. As the designs, made possible by a vast array of air turns crisp and leaves transform carving tools that always sell well. These into a vibrant array of reds and golds, the designs can be illuminated safely and easily arrival of October will once again signal the with the addition of one Premier’s many commencement of Halloween preparations. LED candle options. They also feature in Beyond the costumes and confectionery, large statement products such as animation one of the most delightful aspects of this and inflatables, in standing and hanging spooky season is the artful array of Halloween plaques, and appear as the smallest detail decorations that transforms towns and included in tinsel and tinsel characters, villages into enchanting realms of mystery web, candy baskets and jars, lights and and magic. stakes as well as in an array of indoor With that in mind, the Premier Decorations harvest scenery display products for Halloween 2024 range draws upon the every corner of the house, contributing creativity displayed by individuals with their to a perfect mythical and mysterious families and contributes to a collective night. Premier decorations offer the most sense of wonder with its massively intriguing ranges, which tickle all senses expanded offer being once again full of new and create unforgettable experiences. and exciting products. Amazingly fun activities that can be Halloween decorations have evolved from shared have been included in the 2024 simple jack-o’-lanterns to now elaborate Halloween Premier Decorations range by displays as complex as haunted houses. The way of a variety of arts and craft kits. The charm lies not only in the variety of products artistry of creation is further strengthened we see in use but also in the collective by the communal joy created by families enthusiasm of people coming together to and their DIY Halloween decoration celebrate the spirit of the season. endeavours facilitated by innovations such Premier’s bright and lively colours sprinkled as these. throughout their offer bring oomph and Ultimately, Halloween decorations are a excitement into old favourites from candles testament to the creativity and communal to decorative pumpkins. Light strings with spirit that define this beloved holiday. new colourways specifically designed for Whether modest or extravagant, traditional Halloween provide bright mixed colour LEDs or contemporary, they contribute to the on a flexible flat string that can easily adapt to tapestry of memories that make Halloween any surface, leading to less tangles. a cherished tradition for families and This Flexibright light string has also been communities. So, as the witching hour utilised to create a new outdoor twinkling approaches, let us embrace the spooky silhouettes range that offers a spooky, yet charm of Halloween decorations, revelling bright and exciting visual to any house or in the magic they bring to our lives. Halloween display with minimum effort in a variety of shapes such as frowny eyes, incredibly effective spiders, scary For more information visit: pumpkins, floating ghosts and decorative-looking skulls. | 020 08624 5555


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Trade talk

If you wo uld like t o tak in Trade Talk, we’d e part love to hear from you. Plea se email tim@lem apublishin

Libby Everett

Hannah Mason

Sales and marketing Thames and Kosmos

Marketing manager – hobby & independent Asmodee

How has 2023 been for you?

What are the successes out there for you at the minute?

''We will also have a representative at Spielwarenmesse as this show is equally as important to touch base with suppliers to support new releases''

I would say one of the biggest successes at the moment on the Hobby side is the growth and success of TCGs (Trading Card Games). Pokemon continues to go to from strength to strength and we are very excited to introduce Star Wars Unlimited, the new TCG release form Fantasy Flight Games, which already has the industry buzzing with excitement. We look forward to seeing the success of Star Wars Unlimited as it grows in the UK marketplace.

Are you looking forward to Toy Fair/Spielwarenmesse?

We are very much looking forward to Toy Fair 2023. Each year Toy Fair allows us the platform to connect and interact with our existing supplier and retailer base and of course build new connections. This year, Asmodee has a brand new, redesigned stand, which we are very excited to unveil!

Will you be going to the show(s)? Which ones and why? Yes, we will be attending London Toy Fair. This show is critically important to us to set us up for the rest of the year. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase new releases for 2024 and connect with retailers and suppliers. We will also have a representative at Spielwarenmesse as this show is equally as important to touch base with suppliers to support new releases.

With Toy Fair looming and Spielwarenmesse not far behind it, our panel of key trade figures looks at the shows, what 2023 has brought and what they’re hoping the next year will mean for their business and the wider industry too…

2023 has been very busy. We’ve managed to close the year (just) above our forecasted figures with good sales in both Q3 & Q4, but it’s taken a lot of work this year. We’ve changed warehouse, which has been an experience that I hope I don’t have to repeat in the near future, and we’ve accumulated two new office dogs, which has been lovely.

What are the successes out there for you at the minute? Of course, our EXiT advent calendars are by far our best-selling item and continue to be hugely popular, but we are also delighted with the success of KAI (Kosmos Artificial Intelligence robot). KAI won awards in both New York and Nuremberg TOTY and several other domestic awards, such as Blog On and Made for Mums. Our STEM advent calendar sold very well, too.

Are you looking forward to Toy Fair/Spielwarenmesse? We are so excited to show off several really great new ranges, particularly Gecko Run, a vertical marble run, which we know is going to be really popular! We are also looking forward to taking part in the Toy Fair mascot parade for the first time; watch out for our very colourful Dodo! Spielwaremesse is always a favourite show for us because our HO is responsible for the stand, so we just have to turn up!

Will you be going to the show(s)? Which ones and why? We feel being present at shows and having the opportunity to meet with existing and new customers is key to building great working relationships. This is particularly important at the beginning of the year when we have new products lines, as it gives our customers the opportunity to see and feel the products. For that reason, we will have stands at Toy Fair, Spring Fair and Spielwarenmesse.

Phil Ratcliffe MD

MV Sports How has 2023 been for you?

Despite challenging summer weather, increased inflation, rising living costs and consumer caution, MV has maintained its position at the forefront of the children's wheeled and outdoor toy market. Our licensed business is dynamic and ever-changing, with new properties sitting alongside classic evergreen licences. We see a much better outlook for 2024 as confidence returns.

Are you looking forward to Toy Fair?

Yes, we are super excited for Toy Fair to meet all our valuable customers face to face. We are eager to showcase our new brand MoVe, as well as the new products we have both in licensed and non-licensed ranges. It’s a great opportunity for us to exhibit top products to our clients both existing and new. 30

Looking ahead to 2024, what will be the key issues? 2024 looks promising, it will be an exciting year as we there are many numerous opportunities to engage with our customers and our consumers. We will also be creating a lot more fun content surrounding our products, highlighting their superior quality and features.

Sarah Dayus Sales director Great Gizmos

How has 2023 been for you? 2023 has been a year of ups and downs, but overall the feeling is that the market is still strong and Christmas has been good for us. We have some great new product coming for 2024, which we are excited about, and hope our customers are too!

What are the successes out there for you at the minute?

Christine Lawson Managing director Eduk8

We have had good stocks all year and have been able to keep on top of supply. The end of the year is always a challenging time of year for this so we are happy. Our warehouse has been brilliant at keeping on top of orders and ensuring goods are delivered on time.

How has 2023 been for you? Up and down. I say that because there have been a number of highs, but also some lows. The highs have been that we have taken on board a number of new trade accounts, and expanded some of our popular ranges with the addition of new products. Demand for outdoor play products continues to grow, along with our science/nature range. The lows were the continuing poor exchange rate for the majority of this year, although this does appear to be improving - long may it last!

Are you looking forward to Toy Fair/Spielwarenmesse?

Playmats! Our multi awardwinning mats have a wide range of designs ideal for both home What are the successes out there and learning for you at the minute? environments, they Playmats! Our multi award-winning mats continue to be an have a wide range of designs ideal for both all year-round home and learning environments, they continue to be an all year-round bestseller. bestseller

Last year we launched Dinosaur and Zoo Colour ‘n’ Wipe mats, with six easy-grip triangular colouring markers. They not only have been a huge success, but they have won an award for 2023.

Are you looking forward to Toy Fair/Spielwarenmesse? Very much so. It’s a great opportunity to catch up with existing customers and have face-to-face meetings, which are so important. Toy Fair also affords the opportunity to showcase the latest additions to our range.

Will you be going to the show(s)? Which ones and why? We will be exhibiting at Toy Fair in the Grand Hall, Stand F1. Although we won’t be exhibiting at Nuremberg, we will still visit and will be arranging meetings with existing customers.

Obi Enyi Marketing manager Zimpli Kids How has 2023 been for you?

We are so looking forward to exhibiting at Toy Fair and visiting Spielwarenmesse. It is always such a great start to the year. We love seeing our customers and being able to showcase our ranges in all their glory.

Will you be going to the show(s)? Which ones and why? Toy Fair is a really important show for us as we see all our customers, and also meet new buyers too. It is a great opportunity for retailers to view the ranges in full and see what product looks like on shelf. We always visit Nuremberg to see our suppliers and to look for any new potential ranges and products.

What are your hopes and fears for your company in 2024? We hope to be able to open some new accounts in 2024 that we haven’t supplied before. No fears at the moment...

What are your hopes and fears for the wider industry in 2024? We hope the market and economy recovers somewhat and people start spending more freely again.

Looking ahead to 2024, what will be the key issues for the business? Keeping on top of orders and stock needs. We also see a big demand for environmentally friendly product and packaging so this is something we are working towards.

Are you looking forward to Toy Fair? Absolutely! We're eagerly anticipating Toy Fair. It's a fantastic opportunity to showcase our line, connect with industry peers, and explore potential collaborations. Will you be going to the show(s)? Which ones and why?

2023 was a fantastic year for us. We experienced significant growth, launched exciting new products, and strengthened partnerships with key collaborators.

Yes, we'll be at London and Nuremberg Toy Fairs. These shows are pivotal for networking, gaining exposure, and staying ahead of industry trends. It's where the magic happens!

What are the successes out there for you at the minute?

What are your hopes and fears for your company in 2024?

Right now, our biggest success is the positive reception of our latest products, Baff Bombz Magic Brush and Baff Bombz Surprise, which we have had a hard time keeping in stock, after going viral on TikTok.

We’re hoping to have an improved state of the economy, which will in turn affect consumer spending and bring us continued growth, into 2024.





Talking retail

If you wo uld like t o take pa in Toy Tal rt k, we’d lo ve to hea from you r . Please e mail tim@lem apublishin

This month we ask retailers about their Toy Fair experiences

Brian Simpson Head of Buying Toytown

What product/brand are you most looking forward to seeing ‘in the flesh’ at this year’s Toy Fair – and why? I’m really looking forward to seeing three things: Lights Alive by Tomy because it is the first product I have seen being re-launched since I started working in the toy industry that immediately brought me right back to my childhood. When I saw the prototype in Tomy’s offices, all of a sudden I was transported back to my living room when I was about eight; a lovely feeling. Next is seeing if anything is done with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – this happens to be another of my childhood favourites, but it’s great to see the action figures aisle performing strongly and I’m keen to see what else they can achieve to increase the longevity of this brand. Finally, I really loved the Miniverse range from MGA, and can see the opportunities here for brand expansion. ''London is the

key Fair to attend Which other stands will be on your mustsee list this year – and why? to make sure you are fully up I have my set list of suppliers that I have to see at the Fair, each of them is important in its own way to speed with in order to maximise our sales, but I always love all the newness seeing Character Options, Moose Toys, Ty and Simba Smoby – all of these are important suppliers for us that is on offer and I get on great with the teams there, so it makes to stock in the doing business that little bit easier. coming year'' What has been your favourite Toy Fair ‘discovery’?

All of our top suppliers bring new development to the table every year, and each is exciting in its own way, but from 2023 I was particularly delighted at being able to trade well with Simba Smoby. We have created a strong relationship and it is working well for both parties.

What’s your favourite memory from Toy Fair Like a lot of my favourite memories, it involves alcohol. Kerry Walgrove, who worked for LEGO at the time, was my partner in crime at the Toy Awards dinner and we snuck in a load of extra beers! I could hardly stand by the end of the night – but it goes down as one of my favourite times in London.

Toy Fair is celebrating its 70th birthday this year – how long have you been going, and how important is it to you? This will be my 14th London Toy Fair – feels like about 100 that I have done. For me it is the most important Fair of the year, although I also have Hong Kong and Nuremberg to attend at the same time. London is the key Fair to attend to make sure you are fully up to speed with all the newness that is on offer to stock in the coming year, and with us being located in Northern Ireland it gives us a jam-packed three days of toy madness to network, make decisions and progress the business into the best possible version it can be for the coming year.


Antonia Visiers Toy buyer Jarrolds, Norwich What product/brand are you most looking forward to seeing ‘in the flesh’ at this year’s Toy Fair – and why? I am most looking forward to seeing all the exciting new LEGO lines for AW; this is a big part of our business and they always continue to think of great lines year on year!

Which other stands will be on your must-see list this year – and why?

''This will be my first year on my own at Toy Fair and it is a huge part of our buying year. We use this time to get a lot of our Christmas grotto presents and also do a lot of our SS24 orders’’

All the stands will be great to see but another one I am looking forward to is Hippychick; we have started to develop our range further with this supplier and it has been proving very successful, so I’m excited to build our SS24 range while I’m there.

What’s your favourite memory from Toy Fair? As it was my first year last year, I loved seeing all the characters on the stairs for a picture. I had never seen that before and it just brought me great joy and reminded me of my childhood playing with and watching all these characters.

Toy Fair is celebrating its 70th birthday this year – how long have you been going, and how important is it in your buying year? My first year was last year, when I was taking over from our previous buyer and shadowing for the day! This will be my first year on my own and it is a huge part of our buying year. We use this time to get a lot of our Christmas grotto presents and do a lot of our SS24 orders.

Anything else you are looking forward to at this year’s Toy Fair? I am looking forward to having a few days away from the shop to focus purely on product and to see everything in the flesh – it can be hard when in the office to decide products based off images, so it’s great to be able to see scale and the material in person.

Peter Allinson

Debbie Maloney Austins Department Store Newton Abbot, Devon What product/brand are you most looking forward to seeing ‘in the flesh’ at this year’s Toy Fair? We always look forward to seeing LEGO and the exciting new launches they have for the year.

Which other stands will be on your must-see list this year – and why? Character Options, Hasbro, Epoch and Bandai. Their products have performed well for us this year and we are excited to see what new launches they have.

What has been your favourite Toy Fair ‘discovery’ - a brand or toy that you didn’t know you needed until you visited? Big Potato Games. We dealt with them a long time ago but revisited this year, and have rediscovered what a great range or games they have. The support ''It is always great to meet they offer is second to none.

other retailers and discuss the trade’’

Toy Fair is celebrating its 70th birthday this year – how long have you been going, and how important is it in your buying year? Have you noticed any changes? I have been attending Toy Fair for 40 years. It is important to us – especially now, with fewer reps/agents and more B2B portals – to see and discuss new products. The show has got smaller over the years, with fewer suppliers, but is still something we look forward to as we prepare for a fresh new year.

Anything else you are looking forward to at this year’s Toy Fair ? It is always great to meet other retailers and discuss the trade.

Julia Wingate The Trading Post Kingsbridge, South Devon What product/brand are you most looking forward to seeing ‘in the flesh’ at this year’s Toy Fair – and why? I’m looking forward to finding new exciting toys, especially for 10- to 14-yearolds. Creative, craft, building and inventing, anything to engage the older kids. Summer lines too, to get the whole family active outside.

Which other stands will be on your must-see list this year? I love the Greenhouse area where you can find new and innovative products that the bigger stores might not stock. I am always on the lookout for products that make us stand out from the crowd!

What has been your favourite Toy Fair ‘discovery’ ?

''I’m looking forward to finding new exciting toys, especially for 10- to 14-yearolds. Creative, craft, building and inventing, anything to engage the older kids’’

I remember the first time I visited Big Potato Games, played a game and now we are hooked. They are a regular supplier for us. Funrise is also a new supplier after seeing their products last year.

Toy Fair is celebrating its 70th birthday this year – how long have you been going, and how important is it in your buying year? I’ve been attending for over 25 years. I missed one year, due to pregnancy, and felt out of touch with the industry all year. I prefer Olympia over ExCel. It’s easier to get to after my train journey and there’s more hotels nearby. You walk a long way during a show; having it at ExCel took your step count to another level!


Whirligig Toys Brighton, Canterbury, Chichester, Tunbridge Wells, Worthing What product/ brand are you most looking forward to seeing ‘in the flesh’ at this year’s Toy Fair – and why? We always make a beeline for the Greenhouse area of the show to see the new and emerging companies. As a large independent, we enjoy working with smaller companies and this is a great area to meet and explore their products. We haven’t seen any products that we are really excited about yet – Toy Fair is our opportunity to be surprised and excited by what is coming, so we find it best not to do too much research beforehand.

Which other stands will be on your must-see list this year – and why? We love the stands in the far corners, tucked away places and upstairs rather than the large showcases in the middle. Catching up ''We love the with favourite companies such as Smart stands in the Games and Paper Engine is always fun as far corners, we know that we are going to get a great welcome and that they will always have tucked away something new to show us. places and

What has been your favourite Toy Fair ‘discovery’ - a brand or toy that you didn’t know you needed until you visited?

upstairs rather than the large showcases in the middle’’

Last year, we discovered a new company called Commotion, which primarily works with the schools market but which had some terrific products. It has now become a mainstay in our business.

What’s your favourite memory from Toy Fair? Toy Fair is a great team day for us and all our managers come from our stores and get involved in the buying process. As they don’t see each other that often, this is a great opportunity for them to get together and I love watching them interact with the characters who walk around the show. One of my managers was so excited to meet his son’s favourite character and their selfie together was perfect.

Toy Fair is celebrating its 70th birthday this year – how long have you been going, and how important is it in your buying year? Have you noticed any changes? This will be our 12th year attending Toy Fair and it is always important to attend and we usually buy a great deal at the show. The biggest change was the establishment of the Greenhouse and we love this aspect of the show.

Anything else you are looking forward to at this year’s Toy Fair? Last year we combined Toy Fair with a management treat, taking our team out for dinner and a show the night before and then staying nearby overnight so that we all arrived fresh. It’s going to be tough to top that one this year, but if Christmas goes well, it will be worth it. 33



Talking retail Jonathan Amphlett Owner /director Toytastik, Chepstow, Wales

“Our enthusiasm for new toys and playing the many new games can sometimes get the better of us and ‘best-laid plans’ can get thrown out of the window after day one”

What product/brand are you most looking forward to seeing ‘in the flesh’ at this year’s Toy Fair – and why? There are many brands and products that my wife, Liz, our daughter Olivia and I are looking forward to seeing this year. However, if we must choose one, then we would probably have to say we are excited to catch up with the team at Floss and Rock and see ‘firsthand’ their latest range of gifts and toys. Floss and Rock is an independent UK brand that shares the same values as us in offering wherever possible eco-friendly gifts and toys while trying to avoid any tech and plastics, plus, we find everyone at Floss and Rock so great to work with. It would also be remiss not to mention at this point, that we’re certainly looking forward to playing games with the wonderful gang at Big Potato Games. To be honest, their games do so well for us throughout the year and are another illustration of the importance of face-to-face contact and building positive relations with our suppliers and seeing firsthand the games and toys on offer.

Which other stands will be on your must-see list this year – and why? We're planning to visit as many stands as possible during our twoday visit, but we also want to make sure we have time to meet with our existing suppliers and learn about their new products. This can be a challenge, as our enthusiasm for new toys and playing the many new games can sometimes get the better of us and ‘bestlaid plans’ can get thrown out of the window after day one. We plan to diary meetings with Bigjigs, Epoch, The Puppet Company, Hippychick, Magformers, Smart Toys, Mojo, University Games and Brainstorm to name a few. We’re confident that we'll be able to strike a balance between exploring new products and maintaining our relationships with our existing suppliers. After all, it's important to stay up to date on the latest innovations, but it's also important to maintain relationships with the companies that have been providing us with quality products for years.

What has been your favourite Toy Fair ‘discovery’ - a brand or toy that you didn’t know you needed until you visited? It would be totally unfair to highlight just ‘one discovery’ as there have been many brands and products that we’ve come across at Toy Fair, which have gone on to be very popular with us, along with long and lasting relations. However, the one that springs to mind is the fact that for many years, we foolishly walked past the Galt stand, don’t ask why, as we really don’t know why. That said, after taking a closer look, we realised that their products were a perfect fit for our birthday gift range.


What’s your favourite memory from Toy Fair? Liz and I would have to say, our first ever visit in 2015, when we took our initial step into the halls of Olympia and into the toy industry. The sheer magnitude of the exhibition and industry itself felt a far cry from our previous work in the more let’s say “subdued world” of local government; it left us excited to develop our little toy shop in Chepstow. Since then, our daughter Olivia has joined us in the business, with the view of pushing her old mum and dad out and taking on the reins herself. So, it’s been nice over the past couple of years, to have her join us at Toy Fair and meet our existing suppliers and continue the positive relations we have with them, but also push us towards maybe some other company stands that we may well have walked by in the past.

Toy Fair is celebrating its 70th birthday this year – how long have you been going, and how important is it to you? As a loyal attendee of London Toy Fair since 2015, we've always found it to be an invaluable platform for reconnecting with existing suppliers and exploring new partnerships. However, we've observed a decline in the presence of smaller independent manufacturers and suppliers in recent years. While we understand that factors like the pandemic and economic climate may have contributed to this trend, we believe that the loss of these valuable contributors diminishes the overall vibrancy and diversity of the toy industry. We encourage both existing and new toy brands to support smaller independent manufacturers and suppliers by actively seeking out their innovative products and engaging in mutually beneficial collaborations. These partnerships not only strengthen the toy industry's ecosystem but also foster creativity, innovation, and a more inclusive market.

Anything else you are looking forward to at this year’s Toy Fair? I guess it's safe to say that we’re looking forward to getting away from the shop for a while and enjoying the atmosphere of Toy Fair. The show is always abuzz with excitement, and we love being surrounded by so many people who are as passionate about toys as we are. It's a great way to recharge our batteries and get inspired for the year ahead. Although we have to be careful not to overindulge in ‘post work’ drinks in the Hand and Flower Pub opposite, before venturing into one of the many restaurants en route back to our hotel in Chiswick.



2024 preview

70 years and still going strong Almost 70 years ago, in February 1954, the nascent British Toy and Hobby Association launched its first-ever trade show. And decades later, it’s far from retirement age and, in a post-pandemic world, more important than ever. TnP looks at this year’s event and Toy Fair’s longevity… What: Toy Fair | Where: London Olympia | When: 23-25 January |


1954. The Cold War is in full flow, with the US and Soviet Union, led by Eisenhower and Nikita Kruschev respectively, at loggerheads, with the rumblings of war in Vietnam beginning to make themselves

heard globally, while tops the box office in the Senator McCarthy US – in the UK the first is beginning his Doctor In The House investigations into US film is the biggest citizens suspected of earner. Rock n roll being communists. is on the way – Bill Churchill Haley and his Comets is still have released Rock Rebecca Deeming prime Around The Clock and minister in a young Memphis boy, Toy Fair is a fantastic opportunity to meet with new the UK. At cinemas, On Elvis Presley, has just released his customers and of course catch up with existing ones. The Waterfront is on first single, That’s Alright Mama. As the show is held at the beginning of the its way to winning And, some 10 years after its year it is always exciting to have lots of new Oscars, while formation, the British Toy And products to showcase for the upcoming Westerns Hobby Association is planning its year. Our customers definitely look reign first-ever Toy Fair. forward to having a first look at these supreme The event was eventually new products and of course placing prein terms of hosted in Brighton, as buyers orders for the year to come. star power from around the UK flocked to the (John Wayne south coast to see what was on Libby Everett is Hollywood’s offer for retailers. Sales & Marketing highest-paid star) Held in February, there was no Thames and Kosmos and White Christmas single venue to accommodate it,

Why we're at Toy Fair

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2024 preview

Why we're at Toy Fair

and puzzles company, it’s a noinstead a Toy Fair has become an brainer to attend. number of important opportunity As the company’s Kate Gibson hotels and platform on which to says: “Toy Fair always has a real venues – the showcase new products buzz and it’s such a great way Metropole, and licences while Grosvenor, to start the year. It’s the first securing important Grand, opportunity to showcase feedback from all our Queens, Bedford, our products, meet customers. There are Adelpi, Pier and Palace our opportunities and deals to Hotels and the Corn customers be had right across the product Exchange – played host. and join portfolio. In particular, we are looking And since then, the together forward to unveiling our new MoVe show has run almost again as an branding strategy. uninterrupted. industry.” Phil Ratcliffe The company Sure, it’s shifted around MV/MoVe – from Brighton to London keeps coming (and back and back year after Character Options forth between the year, with numerous by the BTHA and gives members incentives, Kate Gibson says, to two) as well as shuttling from west reasons to keep coming back, such return, not just for the sales and in the capital (first Earls Court then as the PR generation and BTHA business opportunities it brings. Olympia) to east (ExCel, where it lounge. We love that the show is There's also the social aspects and spent a decade including its 50th at Olympia too – it’s such a great a chance not just to meet retailers anniversary) before settling back but other chief contacts too. Oh, into Olympia in 2010. We will also venue with loads of character.” At the other end of the and there’s always the idea of It’s a long and storied history, be bringing spectrum, first-time exhibitor seeing what your contemporaries but remains as popular as ever back our Maped Creativ, part of stationery are up to as well. – 2024’s event sees it selling out giant Maped Helix, is making its Toy Industry “What keeps you coming exhibition space again and looks show debut at Toy Fair. Launched back year after year is probably set to be as busy as ever. Awards just four years ago, it says the Moreover, it will be marking its the opportunity to meet both ceremony, show is the perfect way to 70th year – it’s as old as Denzel key accounts and independent showcase its products to the right Washington, Jackie Chan and retailers as well as networking taking place people. on the evening John Travolta – with some with colleagues in the “We launched Maped Creativ special celebrations, as industry,” she explains. of Tuesday, in 2019, a range of fun and attendees will discover “We love to see what the January 23 innovative creative activities when the show opens rest of the industry is up at the Hilton and toys for children,” says the on Tuesday January 23 (it to as well, and talk to Olympia's company’s Lianne Butler. “As a runs until the 25th). our licensors and puzzle world leader in school supplies “Toy Fair 2024 also artists too.” Westminster and stationery, we are passionate And what the Suite marks our 70th anniversary,” about giving children the tools says Rebecca Deeming, BTHA has Rebecca to be creative and flourish, and communications done well, using our expertise we have Deeming, and events she adds, created a diverse and awardmanager at the and a reason communication winning range of products that BTHA. “and you can for its longevity, is & events we are excited to launch at expect a blend not just the location, manager, BTHA the show for the first time. In a of nostalgia and but also the fact that world where more and more is innovation as the Association has going digital, we understand the we celebrate managed to keep up importance 70 years and with the times and of children’s development through pay tribute to adapt to changes creativity. Maped develops Toy Fair's rich in the business. products that are more sustainable, history, with Its nod to nurture imagination, inspire a couple of surprise influencers and creativity and encourage children elements on the way.” public relations to learn new skills. Gibsons is one of the opportunities is “We had a successful 2023, oldest toy companies around and chief among them. winning the Business Excellence has been a regular fixture at the As Gibson says: Stationery and Creative Toy show for many years, one of its “The show is really Manufacturer of the year award, first-ever exhibitors. For the games well organised and the Gold Medal at the


Toy Fair London Intronm.indd 2

Rubies 21/12/2023 19:19

1981 Toy Fair Earls Court

Why we're at Toy Fair UK Toy Fair is the show of the year for us! It really has bounced back brilliantly from the pandemic hiatus and we absolutely love being there and seeing everyone. We are putting a huge effort into making Toy Fair 2024 our best yet for Trends UK. Stand H42. Lindsay Hardy

marketing director Trends UK

Independent Toy Awards in the Creative category, for the Maped Creativ Dino Factory. We also have our new Maped Creativ Animaker Studio range launching this year, which are brand new concepts and exciting new additions to our range for 2024. So, we thought it was the perfect time to showcase this exciting collection of products to a wider audience.” And, what’s more, Great Gizmos the company is looking forward to its first appearance at the show. As Butler says: “We cannot wait to showcase our range of Maped Creativ products. We

Why we're at Toy Fair With Toy Fair right before Book Day (March 7 2024), it comes at the perfect time for retailers of all sizes, both e-commerce and bricks and mortar, to build their unique selection of dress-up for the big day! Not only will you be able to discuss marketing partnerships and brand new POS solutions, but you’ll also be able to browse Rubies' enviable portfolio of licenses and products to stock up for Book Day and all year round. Fran Hales,

Head of portfolio, Rubies

JANUARY 2024 Toy Fair London Intronm.indd 3

have had really positive feedback so far and are looking forward to showcasing the products to a new audience. We hope everyone is as excited to see them as we are to show them. We will have live demonstrations on our stand throughout the show days so please come and visit us on stand N2.” It’s fitting that in its 70th year, the 2024 edition of Toy Fair sees the awards ceremony returning in full, after a pared-down version in the first show back after the pandemic in 2023. As Deeming notes: “We will also be bringing back our Toy Industry Awards ceremony, taking place on the evening of Tuesday, January 23 at the Hilton Olympia's Westminster Suite. At this event we gather to celebrate the 2023 achievements from both toy manufacturers and retailers.” It’s worth noting, incidentally, that, as the BTHA points out, limited tickets are available due to venue capacity [to secure a ticket contact]. So what else can visitors expect in 2024? Well, proceedings are certainly buoyed by the celebrations, with the longevity of the show once again highlighted by the sold out signs going up at the event for exhibitors months before January 2024.

As Deeming explains: “The main attractions at our show are our vast range of exhibitors who are showcasing thousands of exciting, brand-new products that aren’t to be missed. From tech toys, plush toys and arts and crafts, to licensed toys, STEM toys and building sets, there’s so many exciting toys and products to get hands-on with.” And there’s more too for some regular sights in recent years – not least one that wouldn’t have even been thought possible in 1954 – are also going to be in full flight. Deeming continues: “Additionally, Toy Fair TV is back, adding to the buzz of the show. There will be live camera crews filming toy demonstrations on exhibitors' stands, as well as interviews, and a look back over the history of the show. “There’s also the highly anticipated Toy Fair’s Hero Toys showcase, located outside the Press Office on the National Gallery, which is always a must-see display, highlighting some of the best and most innovative toys from the show floor.” It’s not all for retailers and media however – for the licensing and creator sectors (the latter being inventors, not content creators) are also being catered for. “Lastly,” Deeming explains, “for exclusive experiences, the final day will feature offerings for the licensing and inventor communities. This is an invitation-only event, providing valuable connections and networking opportunities.” 37

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2024 preview Meanwhile, as noted previously, the event is now a sellout and exhibitors are packing out the giant Olympia venue in Kensington across numerous vast halls and areas. So, with 70 years under its belt from the BTHA, what’s its best advice to the exhibitors? Well, the organisation says, you need to make an impression to cut through and stand out from the rest, notably as you’ll be going up against scores of other exhibitors. Oh, and make sure you’re not leaving anything to chance and use the tools the BTHA has provided you with. “We encourage exhibitors to create stands that are creative and memorable, making a strong first impression on the show floor to help you stand out,” explains Deeming. “It's also important not to rely on foot traffic alone, and to try to make connections and book meetings ahead of time. To facilitate this process, we have created a new function on our website's exhibitor portal. As a Toy Fair exhibitor, you can use this feature to request meetings with visitors.” Retailers, the BTHA adds, can also make use of the tools to help work out plans and to organise meetings, all through its website. Failure to plan, as the old saying

Why we're at Toy Fair We’re so excited to be part of Toy Fair, especially in it’s remarkable 70th year! It’s not just about showing off our awesome products to customers (and they really are awesome, if we do say so ourselves); the London Toy Fair is also a chance to connect with peers, see and hear what everyone has been up to, and share the joy of play. For us at Zimpli Kids, being at Toy Fair is like joining a big, fun family of toy enthusiasts. A successful show means making new friends, sparking smiles, and finding new partners to bring more playfulness into the world. So, let’s make this Toy Fair a blast together!” Obi Enyi,

marketing manager, Zimpli Kids

Why we're at Toy Fair “We’re at Toy Fair to launch our new collections for 2024, meet our retail customers and get orders signed. It will be a successful show if retailers take our new Peter Rabbit collection – it’s a muchloved character, our first brand licence, and with brilliant new games and jigsaws, there’s lots for retailers to get excited about, it’s got potential to be a bestseller!” Simon Prest,

sales director, Orchard Toys

goes, is planning to fail. As Deeming explains: “To help plan your visit to the show we recommend you take the time to study the floor plan and exhibitor list in advance, both of which can be found on the Toy Fair website – there are a lot of stands to get round! We also recommend reaching out to exhibitors in advance to schedule meetings and to help maximise your networking opportunities.” As ever, it’s not just about the big guys though. Any seasoned retail veteran will tell you there’s gold in them thar hills, but you need to sift through and search for it. It’s easy to be swayed and seduced by the big names, but you need to look beyond the bright lights and excitement of the big companies and, after doing the business for the regulars, look for independent innovators too. Over its 70 years some great ideas have come from almost nowhere – small stands at Toy Fair – and become overnight sensations after starting their journey at the event. “Don't forget to explore the Greenhouse, located towards the back of the Grand Hall, where Toy Fair London Intronm.indd 4

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Why we're at Toy Fair Other than showing new lines to our existing customers, the objective is always to meet new customers, with a particular focus this year on increasing our exports with overseas distributors and customers to start replicating our £10 million UK sales overseas. SEAN BYRNE, Wild Card Games

1981 Toy Fair Earls Court

you can connect with smaller and start-up companies,” says Deeming. “These emerging exhibitors, some of whom are making their debut, are eager to leave their mark on the industry by showcasing their talent and innovation. If you haven’t yet registered for your free visitor pass, you can do so by visiting” And, given its pre-opening success, with the sell-out and space being taken, it’s hard not to speculate on the future of the show and wonder where it is going, not just for 2025 but the next 70 years too. Part of the secret of success of the first 70 years has been a willingness to listen to visitors and exhibitors, to hear them out when they outline what they need from a trade show and

what they’d like to see happening. One thing is certain however – the BTHA will be looking to take the event further than its current capacity and to take over even more of Olympia if the demand keeps growing. Deeming concludes: “As always, we will await feedback once Toy Fair 2024 has taken place, to help us shape the next show. It is incredibly important for us to gain feedback to help the show evolve and to ensure that we are putting on a dynamic and relevant platform to meet the industry’s needs. With the expansion into the Upper West Hall for 2024, we will again consider an extended footprint for 2025 dependent on demand and also the space available to us.”

Why we're at Toy Fair We’re exhibiting at Toy Fair for the first time in a number of years to showcase our new licensed puppets collections. We’re delighted to be showing our Elmer Puppets as we join in the celebrations for Elmer’s 35th anniversary in 2024, alongside launching a very exciting new licence that we can’t wait to introduce. For us, a successful show is meeting both new and existing customers, we love introducing people to our products, showing how our puppets bring imagination to life and finding the right fit for their customers. Katy Rugman

product and marketing director The Puppet Company


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At the forefront of

sustainability KEEL TOYS LIMITED

01233 506363 | Step into the world of Keel Toys in 2024, the home of Keeleco, a remarkable range crafted from 100% recycled materials. Keel Toys has been at the forefront of design innovation within the gift market for many years, and its sustainability journey has been no different. The goal was to create sustainable fabrics and products that were softer, and even more beautiful than before, and in the Keeleco range Keel Toys more than succeeded; Each and every Keeleco soft toy is manufactured and filled with 100% recycled polyester made from plastic waste. Keel Toys has announced that in just the four years after launching Keeleco it has recycled the incredible figure of more than 250 million water bottles in the manufacture of the range (figures correct to the end of 2023 stock production). With more than 450 products and counting, Keel Toys remains committed to expanding this eco-collection, and in January and February it is offering customers an exclusive opportunity to preview and pre-order more than 100 new items from the 2024 range including allnew Halloween and Christmas ranges. Get ready to embark on an eco-friendly adventure as you explore the Wild, Farm, Sealife, Dinosaurs, Teddy Bears, Puppies, Kittens, Nursery, Seasonal, and Keeleco Adoptable World collections. The whimsical Keeleco Pink range continues the enchantment with beautifully designed, textured toys. Exclusive fabrics and embroideries bring Unicorns, Seahorses, Mermaids, Starfish, Octopuses and even a Clam Shell to life, complete with eye-catching gold crowns and pink tutus. Keeleco Baby, which launched in 2021, welcomes new friends in Squish Starfish and Percy Penguin to add to the super-cute natural range of Marcel Monkey and Ezra Elephant. All come complete with a variety of retail solutions and POS. But the surprises don't end there with Keeleco, experience the playful magic of Wild, Farm, and Dinosaur hand puppets, accompanied by a striking multi-sided floor standing display unit. There is also a new collection of standing and sitting Keeleco Puppies all come

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complete with fashion-focused dog outfits all made from 100% recycled materials. Indulge your senses with the Bakery range, an exquisitely designed collection of scented cupcake character Sloths, Leopards, and Mice that will steal your heart. The theme is carried on with soft stretchy cake and patisserie characters that are so cute you’ll have to collect them all. The beloved Bobballs range receives an adorable makeover, featuring cute and collectible food and plant-themed Bobballs. And let's not forget the irresistible Motsu collection, where six charming new characters join the family, along with the fresh and fruity scents of Mango Monkey and Strawbunny. If that wasn't enough to delight you, prepare to be captivated by Keel Toys' new collection: the iconic laying Signature Forever Puppies. These timeless treasures have been cherished and passed down from generation to generation, becoming a symbol of enduring love. Keel Toys’ commitment to building a sustainable future doesn’t end with our products, it is the core that underpins its entire business operation. The company have just installed more than 300 solar panels (making it self-sufficient during the summer months), LED warehouse lighting and electric charging points at its Ashford office and distribution centre. It has even moved its company fleet of vehicles over to fully electric and hybrid cars, making Keel Toys the perfect eco-centric business partner. Make sure to visit Keel Toys in 2024 for a warm welcome and a fantastic selection of beautiful sustainable products.

million water bottles recycled since the lauch of Keeleco

2024 preview

Roll into 2024 with MoVe:

unveiling innovative wheeled wonders MV SPORTS & LEISURE 01217488000


E 75

At Toy Fair 2024 MV Sports & Leisure will unveil its new aptly named wheeled toy brand MoVe, which brings together all its kids wheeled ranges under one umbrella. MoVe will be the new logo, which graces of all MV’s ranges across both licensed and non-licensed wheeled toys to create one powerful brand. Prioritising quality and variety, MoVe aims to enhance brand awareness and affinity, offering meticulously crafted products that meet the highest industry standards. The emergence of MoVe consolidates MV’s position as a one-stop shop for wheeled toys, with an unparalleled range of ride-ons, scooters, bikes, and more. Innovation will also feature prominently in the MoVe aesthetic with the introduction of scooters and bikes incorporating soft squishy purses and mini-backpacks. Imagine the joy of having a stylish plush character seamlessly integrated with a scooter, doubling as a detachable wrist purse - an exciting new feature across both licensed and non-licensed wheels. Look out for exciting new licences alongside timeless classics. Latest trends and innovation combine with great design and value for money. Many of MV's products have been upgraded to include additional features such as lights and plaques to make active play more fun than ever. In the dynamic world of licensed wheels, MV has expanded its portfolio with six new licencses. In preschool there's the addition 42

of Batwheels, with its growing popularity boasting more than 32 million views on YouTube. Walt Disney's beloved character, Stitch, is experiencing an unprecedented resurgence in demand, and MV has carefully crafted a line of products to meet this growing popularity. Stitch's enduring charm and appeal has captured the hearts of generations, and MV is thrilled to introduce an extensive and captivating range of scooters, ride-ons, and outdoor play items, all paying homage to this endearing character. The company has carefully crafted a line of bespoke wheeled designs based on Disney’s latest blockbuster release Wish, which will sit alongside existing evergreens such as Disney Princess and Frozen. Be sure to get a slice of the action with the hot new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles products, with their striking designs and exciting character graphics. The Sonic the Hedgehog range has a lightning-fast appeal, with its sleek design and cool prints ahead of the much-anticipated third movie in 2024. And to top it all, the Spider-Man range continues to grow and can only expand further with the highly anticipated release of the next movie instalment.

Did you know? The third Sonic The Hedgehog film lands in cinemas in December 2024, with the third instalment of the Spider-verse trilogy, Beyond the Spider-verse, on its way too…

Barbie... MV's Barbie range will be undergoing a complete makeover, as well as additional products added within the range! The Dreamhouse tent is the ultimate haven for Barbie fans When it comes to evergreen properties for preschoolers, MoVe has got it covered. Spidey & His Amazing Friends, Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol, Bluey and CoComelon are already firm favourites and, with expanded ranges and enhanced products it will deliver further growth in 2024. The addition of light-up wheels and additional functionality will enhance consumer value and will increase sales accordingly. MV's Barbie range will be undergoing a complete makeover, as well as additional products added within the range. The Dreamhouse tent is the ultimate haven for Barbie fans. Look out for our new bumper cars with LED lights, new Roll-a-Cases and much more. Hedstrom, Stunted and Kickmaster brands are established category leaders and continue to deliver. There will be exciting newness to discover as we head into the warmer summer season. MV is thrilled to be showcasing its new line-up for 2024; join the MV team as latest trends and innovation collide, promising a captivating line-up that caters for all!

Stand F66

For Ireland enquiries please contact: Banaghan & Co. Ltd Tel: 067 63800


For UK enquiries please contact Alpha Toys Ltd Tel: 00 353 67 63800


2024 preview


thinks Ink for 2024 RAVENSBURGER 01869 363800



2024 brings a raft of new launches for Ravensburger, including the celebration of 50 years of the Blue Triangle. 2023 was an outstanding launch year for Disney Lorcana. The enthusiasm received from retailers and consumers alike has exceeded expectations on every level. Disney Lorcana players take on the role of Illumineers and wield magic ink to summon a team of Disney characters known as glimmers, who appear in both familiar and fantastical ways. The game was designed to be easy to learn for TCG newcomers while still offering strategic depth for experienced players. Featuring hundreds of original pieces of Disney art, the game is already a winner with beginners, expert TCG players, and Disney fans. As a result of its overwhelming popularity, the first two chapters have been reprinted and future print forecasts starting with Chapter Three from February have been increased. Into The Inklands is the title given to the third instalment and brings further excitement for all fans: from location cards featuring Disney story 44

settings, to new in-game mini stories and 200plus more cards, it gets Disney Lorcana off to a great start in 2024. The year will also see a widened approach targeting families, children and Disney fans, reaching beyond the initial TCG audiencebase. A return to UK Games Expo, Comic Cons and additional consumer events are also on the cards, as is the introduction of tournaments and local events in partnership with retailers. Among the nine new Ravensburger games launching this spring is Mycelia, a beautifully illustrated game introducing players from nine years old to deckbuilding. In this enchanting adventure game players will collect leaves and befriend mushrooms to help them clear their board of dewdrops. New introductions complement the portfolio of core game brands that continue to inspire and engage games fans, including Labyrinth, Scotland Yard and memory. More newness comes from logic game brand ThinkFun, with the Flip n’ Go series of handy, take-along games delivering classic challenge-based play in flip-open cases. And things get distinctly wild with Goats’ Day Out. Goats are on the loose and rampaging around the town. Which player is the best at applying their

problem-solving skills to help their goat eat everything in sight? The 50th anniversary of the blue triangle logo has provided the perfect backdrop to re-present and celebrate some classic bestsellers from the Ravensburger puzzle portfolio. 3D puzzle fans will welcome the anniversary-edition Glow-in-the-Dark Eiffel

Did you know? Into The Inklands will, for the first time, feature “beloved Disney story settings and offer players special abilities and interactions”. It will also feature new in-game mini-stories, as well as expanding featured characters. New locations will include the likes of Motonui from Disney’s Moana or the Jolly Roger from Disney’s Peter Pan. There will be more than 200 new cards in all, with additional narratives as well as popular Disney characters making their first appearance in Disney Lorcana. These include fan-favourite good dogs such as Disney’s Pluto and 101 Dalmatian’s Perdita, as well as characters such as Scrooge McDuck from DuckTales, Kit Cloudkicker from TaleSpin, and Jim Hawkins and the RLS Legacy crew from Treasure Planet, bringing late-90’s nostalgia to the game.

Creativity that sticks CONNETIX

Tower with 216 pieces, and for those who love to enjoy a classic puzzle as part of their festivities, the anniversary will be marked with a very special Christmas puzzle launch. With the UK puzzle team continuing to foster collaborations with UK illustrators, there will be a wealth of vibrant and captivating puzzles on display at the show while in children's puzzles, new licences include Batwheels, Despicable Me 4, Disney's Stitch and Spidey & His Amazing Friends. The GraviTrax interactive marble run construction system extends its reach this autumn with GraviTrax Junior. Ideal for children aged three and up, this range has been developed to provide an age-appropriate entry to the GraviTrax universe, introducing fun theming for dynamic building and imaginative play opportunities. Also new for GraviTrax this spring are two GraviTrax GO sets, offering a perfect ‘try-me’ entry point to the system or take-along fun for existing fans. These compact sets each contain more than 35 components, including an action element enabling children to create mini marble run tracks and experience


the flexibility of the system. Toy Fair will provide a first look at new infant/preschool brand launch, Play+. Developed following extensive research among parents, this range of infant toys and books applies Ravensburger know-how and quality to deliver engaging play experiences for the youngest of children – true to the brand name in offering plentiful developmental benefits through playful discoveries. Items in the range include activity toys, interactive toys, activity books and more with a range of price points. From BRIO, a fitting addition to the Trains of the World series is the London Underground train. Including a tunnel and sign with iconic underground logo to set the scene, this battery-powered train featuring lights and sounds is complete with wagons and two figures. And this year things are set to turn prehistoric in BRIO World with the launch of a Dinosaurs-themed range. The range includes playsets and accessories such as the fun smoking volcano with safe-to-touch steam.


Connetix are high-quality, innovative, UN 68 open-ended products that promote learning through play. With a huge range of award-winning, STEAM accredited packs, Connetix is quickly becoming recognised as a leading educational STEAM toy globally. Magnetic tiles are brimming with potential for learning and skill development. Featuring a unique bevel design and strong magnets, Connetix offers clearer refractions, durability plus increased play versatility. Meeting global safety standards and testing, the magnetic tiles are made from nontoxic, food grade ABS plastic, include ultrasonic welding and rivets for extra safety. Stocked in more than 1,300 quality retailers across 75 countries, Connetix is rapidly establishing itself as a leading magnetic toy among retailers, parents, educators and allied health professionals . Available in three colour ranges - bright Rainbow, earthy Pastel, and dazzling Clear – the Connetix catalogue spans from introductory Mini Packs for the ideal gift, Starter Packs to develop confidence with magnetic tile play, Creative Packs perfect for big builds or sibling play, all the way through to Mega Packs for even bigger builds and family play. The fun doesn’t end there! The Connetix range also includes speciality and expansion packs designed to extend Connetix play in different ways - from Transport Packs for vehicle enthusiasts and those wanting to explore force-and motion, Geometry packs for shape exploration or mandala play, to the exclusive Ball Run packs featuring clear fluted tubes.Sparking imaginations and creativity to bring ideas to life, children can explore learning in a hands-on way with Connetix, which effortlessly encourages creativity and imagination.


2024 preview

Crazy stuff

from DKB

Fun fact Silly putty was invented in 1957, but it wasn’t until 30 years later that lifelong fan Crazy Aaron decided to investigate the technology and improve on the original formula. He said;



DKB will kick start 2024 with two epic shows, London Toy Fair and Spring Fair, where it will be showcasing fantastic brands and some exciting, innovative newness, as we look forward to a new year. Crazy Aaron’s continues to grow in exciting ways with incredible support from industry and customers alike. Everyone from the amazing indies and some incredible nationals have all got behind this fantastic product. In the past 18 months the brand has broken some incredible milestones with the biggest being that DKB has now sold more than 300,000 units in the UK. There will be an even bigger selection at shows this year, with tons of newness. The Monogram collectibles range grew in 2023; the new Disney lines included the adorable Stitch range, which sold out very quickly. 2024 sees DKB adding to the incredibly popular blind bags and super cute money banks with exciting anime and other hot iconic pop culture licences. Uncanny Brands' highly anticipated Warner Bros. Appliances launched exclusively in the UK in 2023 with the Harry Potter and DC Comics appliances, and there is more innovation coming in 2024. Crazy Forts continues to grow, as the award-winning, original fort builder saw two new lines in the form of the multi-coloured and Camo sets arrive this year to much success and 2024 will see another two huge sets added to the range. DKB has two new brands coming in 2024 in the form of the award-winning WOW! Stuff, which has an amazing range of toys and collectibles, pulling in fabulous licences from Wednesday and the Wizarding World. DKB will also be the exclusive distributor for Stor and its catalogue of high-quality tableware and drinkware, available in a variety of hot licences such as Pokèmon, Bluey, Barbie, Marvel and Sonic. 46

“I taught myself chemistry. I learned a bit about physics. And after a whole lot of experimenting, my first batch of Thinking Putty was born. I quickly realized that this product was so unique and the creation process so sensitive, I was going to have to build my own factory to make it. So that’s just what I did. And as my business grew, so did my desire to give back to my community.”

Secret launch for



Sylvanian Families EPOCH MAKING TOYS 0208 049 1377 |

Fun fact.... An evergreen heritage brand spanning multi-generations of collectors, Sylvanian Families has been delighting fans for 38 years


Toy Fair 2024 will see Sylvanian Families unveil its new forest theme for Autumn/Winter, building on the brand’s key pillar of nature. Launching in July, the hero product within the range is the Secret Forest Falls featuring 16 different adventures and secrets to uncover and a Husky baby figure. The set can be connected with the new Exciting Exploration Set and historical Family Adventure Sets. Available from January will be the collectible Baby Forest Costume Series, featuring eight different characters each in a unique woodland themed outfit. Also launching in January will be the reimagined nursery range with a new, bright, fresh finish. Sets include the Sunny Castle Nursery featuring multi-use furniture and a weather window, which can be changed from rainy to sunny to night-time to inspire play scenarios; the Rainbow Fun Nursery Bus seating 28 babies; Nursery Swing; Nursery Sandbox and Pool; and four complimentary Nursery Friends Sets. In addition, new families include the Latte Cat Family and Flora Rabbit Family, both launching in January, plus the Seal Family, available from summer. The Amusement Park range will also be extended with the addition of Hamburger Stand and Baby Mermaid Shop, both available from July. Aquabeads will have a number of new sets on display including Ocean Splash Scene and the Pretty Pets Craft Kit, both launching in the new year. In addition, following the successful launch of the Aquabeads Nail Studio subline in 2023, several new sets will join the range in July, including Aquabeads Nails Design ‘n’ Display Set, Disney Princess Nail Designer Kit and two new Refill Kits. Epoch Games will be showcasing several new additions for the new year including three new Junior Games for spring. Plus, following huge growth in the Children’s Games sub-category, Epoch will be launching two exciting new licences – Minions and Jurassic World, with eight action-packed games. Finally, Epoch will also be launching a new arts and crafts brand later in the year with more exciting details to come. 47

2024 preview

A second-to-none

showcase from Character CHARACTER OPTIONS 0161 633 9800 Character Options’ Toy Fair stand will be a hive of excitement as it ticks the box for cross-category appeal, with new IPs like Smooshzees and Terror Fried, exciting innovation for its existing Heroes of Goo Jit Zu and Stay Active ranges, the sweetest treat for young foodies, and the hottest new interactive pet on the block: Teksta Purro!


N16 No preview from Character would be complete without the latest from Heroes of Goo Jit Zu. The brand is a cornerstone property of the portfolio and with an impressive all-new Stretch Strikers product line-up for AW24 the team has also revealed an extra-special launch coming later in the year… The Heroes of Goo Jit Zu Hero Creator Pack is based on the huge TikTok trend whereby people challenge themselves to see how far they can inflate their GJZ toys. These super-cool kits come with all fans need to create their very own Goo Jit Zu Hero straight from the pack. Included is a dispenser unit, a Blazagon or Thrash skin, removable head and three different compound-fillings to create

your unique hero with. The fun doesn’t stop there though... not only can your Goo Jit Zu character be emptied and re-filled, but kids can also get creative with their fillings, adding their own liquids, compounds and slime to customise their heroes again and again. From AW24, Character’s portfolio will also be home to Teksta Purro. This interactive kitten has incredible functionality. Without the need for apps, WiFi or Bluetooth, this kitty will become the purr-fect BFF! Not only can she move around avoiding obstacles, she dances, raises her head and chases after her mouse. Kids will always know how she feels with emotive eyes and 100-plus sounds including purrs, laughs and burps. With haptic touch sensors, Purro responds The TikTok trend for inflating The Heroes of Goo Jit Zu as far as fans can – to petting, and watch her ears which provided the inspiration for the new Hero Creator Pack on show at wiggle and react to music and voices. She’ll respond to yes/no Toy Fair – has generated over 100M+ views to date. Character says its under £20 price point offers monster play value and top value for money… questions, eat, sing back songs

Did you know?


Marketing muscle Character Options’ portfolio of brands for 2024 will be supported with substantial PR and marketing campaigns…

in 'meows', and so much more! She also comes with accessories to further extend play value. Then, say Hello to Smooshzees! These adorable, squeezable, stretchy characters are super-cute, highly collectable, and softer than a cloud! Smooshzees are based on trending and exotic characters, each with its own colourful personality to stimulate kids’ imagination through play. The combination of super-soft filling covered with a velvety stretchy outer skin means there’s nothing softer than a hug with a Smooshzee! There are so many different characters to collect, across three fun sizes. At the smaller end of the scale there’s the 3.5in Cutezees. At 4.5in, the mid-sized Luvees are that extra bit smooshier – with an adorable axolotl in the mix! While the Snugzees come in at almost 8in – perfect for a full-sized snuggle. Each scale includes two chasezee characters – and all pets come housed in stackable try-me packaging to feel the softness and see the characters cute little faces peeping out of the pack. Next on the menu is a thing of fast-food nightmares! Terror Fried is a horrifyingly fun range that delivers unsavoury compounds and collectability by the bargain bucket load. Packed with repulsion, it’s filled with appeal for kids who love gross stuff. Terror Fried’s food-themed lineup includes the Nasty Nibbles, Horror Burger, and Slimy Box as well as the all-encompassing Gross Bucket. With each set, kids will discover horrifying critters and creatures as collectible figures - hidden among foul compounds! Crispy cockroaches, battered rats and more will be found within slimes, gloops, and lumpy foams. Kids can drop 'burgers' and 'nuggets' into the fry bucket to enjoy the fizz‘n’fry dissolving effect; rip open foul and stinking milkshakes to splat-out lumpy foam slime; crack open packs of 'fries'


to reveal the slimy squelch within; and peel-and-reveal smelly, oozing condiment sachets – as well as so much more. Step right up! From autumn-winter, families can use the 1-Minute Cotton Candy Machine to create all the spun sugar fun of the carnival at home, with standard table sugar. Children will delight in the magic of making their own cotton candy in just 60 seconds. This portable, handheld machine is the perfect size to take to parties and sleepovers for tasty take-along fun. Any normal day can be turned into the sweetest of holidays; simply keep the rechargeable battery charged up and the fun will never end. Meanwhile, Character’s Stay Active collection will remain a go-to and trusted brand for fun active toys that can be enjoyed by all the family - and played with indoors and out. The new Stay Active Get Low Balance Board is a full-body workout and fun challenge game in one. Launching late spring, the aim of the game is simple – follow the instructions accurately and do it in good time. When a colour is called, angle the board in the direction of the colour. Hear '360' and roll the entire board in a complete circle. When asked to 'Get Low', bend down and press the button without any wobbling! There are three modes of play: Challenge, Lightening and Chill. 9

2024 preview

Edx: first time

at Toy Fair Edx Education 01949 844 117

Edx Education is looking forward to exhibiting at Toy Fair for the very first time and is extremely honoured to be part of the 70th anniversary celebrations of the UK’s largest toy show, which has become an unmissable event on the trade show calendar. Edx Education's learning through play toys are designed to spark a love of learning, and have been carefully crafted to ignite children's imagination and cultivate creative thinking. The ranges not only instil collaboration, problem-solving, and creativity but also foster confidence in key areas of STEAM education. Encouraging exploration and experimentation, they provide a dynamic platform for learning a wide range of concepts through play. The Edx Education team is very excited to unveil its sustainable Green-n-Learn and Green-n-Play ranges, alongside the new Junior String Art, Maths Cubes, Empathy Pet Counters and My Gears construction toy ranges. Visitors can also discover the expanded awardwinning Rainbow Pebbles, Geostix, and construction kit ranges, elevating Edx Education’s STEAM offerings. Edx Education’s STEAM accredited My Gears collection marks an exciting new chapter for the brand in the construction toy category. The range teaches children the early principles of gears, movement and force, with each set including an easy-to-follow instruction booklet for hours of fun and learning. The range is ideal for nurturing early engineering skills, stimulating creative thinking, curiosity, and problemsolving while enhancing fine motor skills. The sets can



also be paired with Edx Education’s 2cm linking cubes, extending play potential and creative learning. The new sustainable Green-n-Learn and Green-nPlay ranges are another exciting new move for Edx Education, offering buyers eco-friendly options for their customers. Made from high-quality recycled plastics and using FSC certified paper, the collections include sand and water play collections, maths manipulatives and educational ranges designed to educate children on the importance of looking after our planet. For over 25 years, Edx Education has been a trailblazer in designing and producing innovative educational products. In collaboration with educational experts from around the world, the brand creates 'learning through play' ranges that support children and caregivers across all aspects of play-based learning and development, from early years active play to mathematics. Meet the Edx Education team at Stand B36. To schedule an appointment during the event, contact / 020 7097 5173. Don't miss this opportunity to explore and embrace the future of play-based learning with Edx Education.

Did you know? Edx Education spent the summer at festivals, working with regional events under the TOTFest banner to highlight its new My Gears launch as well as the rest of its range. The company had a branded Edx Education tent for preschoolers and toddlers to sample its wares… 50

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2024 preview

I-spy a great range

with Great Gizmos Great Gizmos 01293 543221



The range features a diverse assortment of products that inspire creativity, critical thinking, and exploration. From captivating science kits to interactive coding games and craft activity kits that allow for artistic expression and creativity. For 2024, Great Gizmos is particularly thrilled to introduce new additions to the popular KidzLabs range. that includes an art scroller machine and These include the Spy Science Night Mission Spylite, an eight-metre roll of paper to create lots of unicorn themed pictures by Night Vision Monocular and the ldentikit Projector, which are all exciting spy rubbing the colourful crayons on the textured plates. kits that will captivate children’s interest and imaginations. Kids will have so Kids will love creating flawless silk screen designs with Easy to do Screen much fun making the different spying contraptions and playing detective. Printing; choose from six different designs, and using the colourful paints, The fantastic Pocket Money Range is also expanding with three new print on a variety of materials for perfect pictures. Paint Your Own Hot Air science kits. Table Top Volcano is ideal for young geologists who will enjoy Balloons has everything needed to make and decorate a brightly coloured enjoy exploring the volcanoes structure and performing eruptions. Mystery mobile to hang in any room. Puzzle Chest is the ultimate brain teasing maze, with no seams, hinges or This is a taster of some of the new things Great Gizmos has to offer in 2024. visible openings, to try and retrieve the gold treasure. Mould & Paint continues to be one of Great Gizmos' most popular craft ranges. New for 2024 is Mould & Paint Reptile & Amphibian; kids will have loads of fun moulding and painting six cute designs. Also new is Mould & Paint Googly Eyes Animals, the set includes everything needed to mould and decorate six different animals with fun Great Gizmos is continuing to phase out shrink wrap and single-use googly eyes. Glowing T-Rex Skeleton glows in the dark plastic, including plastic glitter, from its products and ranges. Singleand is perfect for display, as well as educational. use plastic is being replaced with recyclable packaging materials Mould & Paint Wishing Well is a lovely addition to the range and perfect for artistic flair and roleplay too. Children and the glitter used is now fully biodegradable. will have fun moulding and painting the wishing well and The popular 4M range from Great Gizmos is expanding once again then playing with the pop up cardboard figures. with new additions to the popular Science and Craft categories. Popular craft range KidzMaker has some brilliant new introductions for 2024. Unicorn Rub Art is a fantastic art kit

Going green


Stand F66

For Ireland enquiries please contact: Banaghan & Co. Ltd Tel: 067 63800

For UK enquiries please contact Alpha Toys Ltd Tel: 00 353 67 63800

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2024 preview


Cyclone blows


into Toy Fair Wilton Bradley sales director Ross Bradley on Toy Fair 2024 and what the company will have on show at this year’s event…

WILTON BRADLEY 01626 835400 | At Wilton Bradley, we are thrilled to kick off the Show Season at this year's Toy Fair in London, an event that never fails to ignite the passion and creativity in the toy industry. It is a time for meeting existing partners, reconnecting with old friends, and forging new alliances that promise to shape the future of play. At this year's Toy Fair, we’ll be proudly showcasing our Main Toy Stand, a reflection of our commitment to quality and innovation, and a separate Xootz Stand, dedicated to commemorating our 54

10th anniversary with a range of exclusive competitions and giveaways. The Toy Fair stage provides us with the perfect platform to introduce the world to some thrilling new developments. Our new products for Spring/Summer 2024 and beyond are not just about toys; they are about creating memorable experiences and fostering the boundless imagination of the next generation. Wilton Bradley's journey has been one of continuous growth and development, evolving alongside the industry's ever-

changing landscape. As we expand our horizons and explore new avenues, we are committed to remaining true to our core values of fun, innovation, and quality. With a passion for bringing joy to children and adults alike, we look forward to many more years of crafting toys and products that spark laughter, learning, and creativity. As we look back on previous Toy Fairs, we are reminded of memories that have shaped our journey. Each year, the fair has been an opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces, discover the latest trends, and witness the

excitement of the toy industry in full swing. These memories fuel our drive to innovate, keeping us inspired to craft products that resonate with children and families worldwide. The key trends we predict for this year's Toy Fair reflect the industry's evolution. We anticipate a continued focus on sustainability, with environmentally conscious toys taking centre stage. Educational and STEM-based toys will remain popular, encouraging the growth of young minds. The fusion of technology and traditional play will also be a hallmark of the year, as interactive toys and tech-driven experiences capture the imagination of young and old alike. As we head towards this year's Toy Fair, Wilton Bradley is brimming with anticipation. The opportunity to connect with partners, share our exciting developments, and embrace the latest industry trends is a prospect that fills us with enthusiasm. This year, as always, we look forward to the joy of play, the thrill of innovation, and the promise of creating memories that will last a lifetime. Join us on this remarkable journey as we embark on a future filled with fun and imaginative new products.

Wilton Bradley's journey has been one of continuous growth and development, evolving alongside the industry's ever-changing landscape

Xootz Cyclone Drifter Electric Trike Get ready for a thrilling ride with the new Xootz Cyclone Drifter Electric 3 wheel Go Kart An updated version of the bestselling Typhoon, the Cyclone comes complete with a striking new blue & black colour scheme and improved power. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 16km/h, the Cyclone is powered by a 36V Lithium-Ion battery for quick charging and increased run time. The frame now extends from 103cm to 115cm so the fun doesn't stop as kids age, meaning they can enjoy 360 spins and drifting fun for years to come. The Cyclone is easy to use and provides hours of entertainment; simply twist the throttle, and go - no pedalling needed. The low centre of gravity makes this go kart stable, safe, and fun and the built-in LCD screen displays the battery charge level. The moulded plastic seat offers full support while you are speeding and drifting. This together with the fold-down foot supports, rubber front tyre, front hand-operated brake and rubber handlebar grips make the Cyclone an easy and comfortable electric trike to ride on any surface.



2024 preview

SPIN MASTER 01628 535000



Spin Master opens doors to the Academy Spin Master is returning to Toy Fair with a host of launches from hugely popular brands such as PAW Patrol and Kinetic Sand, as well as showcasing debut toy ranges for new preschool property Rubble & Crew and new Netflix hit, Unicorn Academy, which ranked number one in Children’s TV Programmes on Netflix in the first week of launch. Spin Master has launched a full range of toys dedicated to Unicorn Academy, including its product Rainbow Light Up Wildstar – a perfect replica of main character Sophia’s trusty righthand unicorn, Wildstar. Rainbow Light Up Wildstar responds to your touch with magical lights and unicorn sounds. Kids can recreate iconic moments from the show such as when Sophia and Wildstar ‘bond’, which then showcases the full range of rainbow lights in her body and horn and unlocks two songs from the show, Hot off the back of the Christmas bestsellers list, Bitzee, the first digital interactive pet that you

can really touch, is back with a bang for 2024. This Autumn will see the launch of the new Disney-themed pet with 30 characters to unlock. Also new for 2024, from the UK’s number-one preschool property, PAW Patrol introduces two new themes. Spring/Summer spotlights Jungle Pups with a toy line launching January 2024, featuring vehicles with unique animal designs, transformations and a deluxe scale Marshall elephant vehicle, perfect for wild rescues at home. With PAW Patrol’s Autumn/Winter theme, Rescue Wheels, the pups take on immense missions with their mighty-sized wheels. The PAW Patrol Rescue Wheels tower stands at over 3ft tall, with lights and sounds, a Chase Rescue Wheels figure and vehicle, and an impressive loop-the-loop vehicle launcher.

Fun fact

Unicorn Academy made its debut on Netflix at the start of November. The series, based on writer Julie Sykes’ book series, follows the adventures of Academy pupils on Unicorn Island, who must bond with their mythical creatures and protect the island and its magic – as well as coping with the ups and downs of school life. Spin Master's president of entertainment, Jennifer Dodge, said: "Kids are going to fall in love with the magical series. We are building out a complete franchise ecosystem, that will dive deeper into the lore of the world through ancillary content, toy play and consumer products." 56 playthings

The PAW Patrol fun doesn’t stop there, as fan favourite Rubble now has his own spin-off series, Rubble & Crew. now streaming on Paramount+, with accompanying toy range launching in AW24. Spin Master’s Rubble & Crew Barkyard Tower is the ultimate playset for preschoolers to recreate construction adventures seen in the show. With lights, sounds, a working crane, and a unique way to play with kinetic build-it compound, it’s packed full of exciting features. From the ever-popular Kinetic Sand, comes the fantastically fun Kinetic Sand Squishmotion playset. New for AW 2024, the Squishmotion playset is a totally new way to play, taking sensory play to a whole new level.



KidzLabs Spy Science Night Vision Monocular 403462

KidzLabs Spy Science Night Mission Spylite 403463

KidzLabs Spy Science Identikit Projector 403468 call us on 01293 543221 or email

2024 preview

Dress-up takes a

new direction RUBIES 01491 826500 Join Rubies at stand N25 at London Toy Fair and discover the exciting new direction the company is taking in the world of dress-up for 2024. At the stand, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about its focus on fostering play value throughout the year with its extensive range of 365 roleplay products, upcoming retail solutions, and new product lines. As a leading costume and accessory company, Rubies is dedicated to providing endless possibilities for imaginative roleplay. The Rubies team is thrilled to announce the debut of new licences, including the highly anticipated David Walliams range, exclusively launching in 2024. In addition, they’ll be showcasing an impressive 365 and seasonal range of products for the upcoming year. Be sure to visit the stand for exclusive previews of lead characters from upcoming theatrical releases, such as Deadpool and Wolverine. Book an appointment to explore the full scope of the



captivating upcoming range and be among the first to experience these exciting new additions. For Rubies’ valued retail partners, from national chains to independent shops, the team will be presenting innovative and cutting-edge POS solutions to elevate your in-store offering. Get a sneak peek at the plans and designs, including captivating FSDUs and refreshed packaging, all aimed at enhancing your product offering and providing an exceptional shopping experience for your customers. In 2024, Rubies is also offering marketing partner packages to support consumer campaigns for all occasions. Whether it's through affiliate collaborations or social media inquiries, the team is here to help you tap into Rubies' large and passionate fan base, driving traffic to your sales avenue.

Did you know? Rubies is introducing the highly anticipated David Walliams range, including Gangsta Granny and Billionaire Boy, at Toy Fair 58

KidzMaker Glitter Rainbow Snowdomes 404795

KidzMaker Hot Air Balloons Mobile 404791


Mould & Pa Paint a Amphibian Reptile & Am mp 40479 798 404798





KidzMaker Screen Printing 404797 call us on 01293 543221 or email

Mould & Paint Fairy Wishing Well 404792

2024 preview



Dodo makes surprise Toy Fair appearance!


Thames and Kosmos has been exhibiting at London Toy Fair for 13 years, but 2024 will bring its mascot’s debut appearance. The bright and colourful (and slightly cheeky) Dodo will be making an appearance as a celebration of the success of the children’s game of the same name. Dodo is a wonderful game for families, it has fantastic table presence and the ‘wibbly wobbly egg’ always has both children and adults enthralled. Visitors are encouraged to pop by the stand, and have a slice of ‘Dodo’ cake while you peruse the exciting new science kits and board games on offer for 2024. Thames and Kosmos will also launch a new vertical marble run. Gecko Run can be placed over obstacles, on doors, tiles, or even Toy

Fair exhibition walls! With flexible units, each track can be created with fast curves, and the clever connecting units make each marble run completely unique. The use of residuefree nano technology is perfect for any home as there is no sticky residue and, best of all, the tracks can be rearranged countless times. Visitors at Toy Fair will be invited to create their own Gecko Run and test how well the marbles whizz down their design. The Gecko Run range includes a starter kit, and four expansion packs, each with a special unit, including a trampoline, whirlpool, and a loop-the-loop. After the success of KAI (Kosmos Artificial Intelligence robot) winning both Nuremberg and New York TOTY awards, there will be another robotic friend joining this range in 2024. Hero, a sound sensing robot has four modes of play, all of which help children learn about sound waves and spatial hearing. Children have the task of assembling Hero from more than 100 pieces, then the fun really starts. The robot can be programmed to be controlled by sound and even dances in time to music. Children can also play games of sound tug-of-war or hide and seek. Spy Labs, a range that provides an exciting way for kids to explore the world of spycraft and investigation, will also feature on the stand. Product lines for Spy Labs have expanded, including Forensic Investigation Kit, Night Vision Goggles and a Voice Changer, which perfectly complement the bestselling Master Detective Toolkit. Spy Labs will continue to grow as a range throughout 2024. Stop by stand F15 for a first look at more ways for children to solve mysteries and conduct surveillance.

The lizard king This innovative marble run Gecko Run is a fun new challenge for both beginners and experts. With its flexibility and vertical placement it requires no support structure, and therefore takes up very little space within the home. Components are individually attached to any vertical, smooth surface with residue-free nano technology adhesive pads which hold firm, but can still be moved


or finely adjusted in seconds. The flexibility of the placement along with the tracks, with their fast curves and clever connecting units, means each track that is designed can be completely unique! Gecko Run is perfect for anyone aged eight and over, as tracks can be built to suit various skill levels, and users can experiment with freefall and gravity once the basics have been mastered.


Toy Fair Stand G20

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2024 preview

Leave it to

Beavers Asmodee 01420 593593



Games inventor and Radio1 DJ Matt Edmondson will also be on the Asmodee stand showcasing his latest game inventions and challenging everyone to have a go at playing a game

Star Wars Unlimited... from TCG operator Fantasy Flight Games, which has worked with LucasFilm on the game, features characters, locations and craft from the across the Star Wars franchise, taking in films, TV, comics, games and all other points of the Empire. The cards will all feature never-before-seen artwork. “Ensuring this game was accessible to all players was key for us, so whether you are a casual player, competitor, or collector, there’s something for everyone in this game,” said Jim Cartwright, product strategy director for Fantasy Flight Games. “Straightforward mechanics are the driving force behind the design. It’s clean and concise with no gimmicks – a card game in its purest form.” 62

It is always exciting at Asmodee in terms of new games coming but the team is especially excited about showcasing everything at the start of 2024. First up there's Dobble Super Mario. Yes, Asmodee is adding more incredible Dobbles into the family. It's launching in April 2024 and is set to fly off the shelves. It's based on the ever-popular Dobble game play and this Super Mario edition includes many symbols from the iconic Super Mario video games that fans will recognise easily and enjoy. The small tin box makes it the perfect game to bring along and play anywhere. The Asmodee team has

no doubt this one will be in high demand and a collectible. This launch will be supported by marketing and PR, including targeted Influencer outreach alongside games demonstrations and event attendance. And get ready for the newest game from Radio One DJ Matt Edmondson’s company Format Games; 13 Beavers. Launching in June 2024, this game is set for success. Building on the huge success of Format Games' Toodles, Noggin, Karen and many more – 13 Beavers is set to go down a storm as well, Asmodee has no doubt. The game play is simple, yet exciting. This will be the wildest beaver ride of your life! Legend has it that only 13 beavers have ever made the perilous journey to paradise and survived, but now it’s your turn. Guess if the next card will be higher or lower to move your beaver along the river, but a wrong prediction will sweep you back to your dam. Bursting with bonus fun including fishing, rapids, lava, wolves and more, this game is totally different every time you play. This launch will be supported by marketing and PR alongside games demonstrations and event attendance. Games inventor Matt Edmondson will also be on the Asmodee stand showcasing his latest game inventions and challenging everyone to have a go at playing a game. And to add more into the mix – Toy Fair visitors will get to play an exclusive giant version of the new DobbleGo app and enter into a competitor prize draw; not one to be missed. Visitors will also be able to see a demonstration of Asmodee’s upcoming Star Wars Unlimited TCG game – again another one Asmodee is sure people are going to be really excited about.

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01626 835400

2024 preview


High jinks with STAND



up pages and more than 300 sticker sheets of forest animals, wildlife, and more. New to the Magic Water Painting range is Magic Water Painting & Origami, available in four different designs; Garden, Pets, Dinos and Under the Sea. Simply wet the brush and gently take the colour from the paint of your choice for mess free painting. Once dry, kids will have fun creating origami shapes. KidAntics has taken on the distribution for Haku Yoka, a crayon and colouring brand. The crayons are made from natural beeswax and organic mineral powder. They are completely mess free and come in different shapes and sizes, making them easy to grip for young children. My First Colouring is available in three designs; Unicorn Friends, Sea Friends and Dino Friends. It is a fantastic on-the-go kit with 35 illustrated colouring pages, and also includes six crayons that are super durable and easy to grip. Colouring Roll Kit is for lots of colouring fun! Available in Dino World and Unicorn Fantasy theme, each kit includes a 3m colouring roll full of illustrations and 12 spiral crayons that little hands can easily hold and get creative with. As a business, Kidantics aims to be as environmentally conscious as possible and is committed to reducing its environmental footprint through eco-friendly initiatives right through the supply chain. It has removed The company says: “We carefully select all single-use plastic from its amazing toys and kits from around the world to product ranges, and is replacing provide our customers with the best range of with biodegradable paper bags products available for younger children. We are or reusable bags. It has also committed to bringing exciting, innovative and removed all plastic glitter from its ranges and is transitioning to all imaginative children's products to market.” FSC packaging where possible.

KidAntics sources imaginative arts and crafts kits that inspire creativity in little ones. It has an extensive range of high-quality toys and kits, that parents and grandparents will want to buy, and kids will love to get creative with. It offers a range of appealing and educational kits from DIY Sewing to Scratch Art sets in all kinds of fun animal designs. Whether parents are looking to occupy their young ones for a couple of hours or with a full day of exciting crafts, the company offers plenty of engrossing challenges for all ages. New for 2024, the Scratch range is expanding again with the addition of Scratch with Stencils, available in four different designs; Unicorns, Transportation, Space and Dinos. Kids will love this easy-to-do activity that combines scratch with stencils to create brilliant shapes. There are some fantastic Sticker Books joining the range. Dress Up Fun is the perfect book for young fashionistas. It includes 12 model illustrations to dress up, background sheets, face paints and more than 250 stickers. For the outdoorsy kids, there’s Life in the Forest. The book includes lots of background scenes, pop-

Mission statement


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2024 preview

A year of

celebrations… Rainbow Designs

01327 227300



Don’t miss Rainbow Designs’ best-selling licensed character ranges of inspiring toys, on display at Toy Fair this year. The muchloved collections include: Peter Rabbit, Paddington, Disney’s Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse, and Rainbow has many new product additions to these collections to announce, as well as a number of important anniversaries to celebrate in 2024. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Disney’s The Lion King, in February Rainbow will welcome its new Disney Baby Lion King range, which will include the My First Soft Toy, Comforter and Ring Rattle, as well as the adorable and stimulating Lion King Sensory Play Mat, with peek-a-boo flap and baby safe mirror. There will also be new On the Go Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Activity Toys, to celebrate Donald Duck’s 90th anniversary in June, and joining Rainbow’s well-received Bedtime Cuddles Nightlights range for autumn/winter, will be the adorable Bedtime Cuddles with Winnie the Pooh Nightlight Soft Toy. Rainbow Designs will also be celebrating the 35th anniversary of Elmer, a key sponsor at Toy Fair this year, with a visit from both Elmer and Mama G on Press Day, to show off its complete nursery toy collection, which includes the everpopular Elmer Soft Toy, Unfold and Discover Activity Toy and the new Play and Go Squares. 2024 is set to be an exciting and colourful year for Elmer with a host

Guess what… The colourful patchwork elephant Elmer will visit Toy Fair on Press Day, with lots of activity planned across 2024, his 35th anniversary year. Elmer and the Patchwork Story has also been selected as a £1 title for World Book Day in March 66

of activations planned across the year and the new Elmer and the Patchwork Story selected as a £1 title for the renowned World Book Day in March. Paddington is the nation’s favourite bear, and 2024 is set to be a huge year for this adored character, with the highly anticipated release of a new movie, Paddington in Peru, and the third series of the award-winning TV preschool show, The Adventures of Paddington. This year will also see new product launches across all three of Rainbow’s bestselling Paddington ranges, Paddington for Baby, The Adventures of Paddington and Rainbow’s Classic Collection. Joining The Adventures of Paddington toy range there will be fun-packed mini play sets including Paddington’s Favourite Foods, Paddington’s Letter to Aunt Lucy and Paddington’s Football Fun. New to the Classic Paddington collection will be the Cuddly Paddington wearing a Union Jack Scarf, Paddington in Boots presented in the classic Phone Box-style packaging and the Classic Collector Paddington, in a keepsake box, decorated with the classic Peggy Fortnum illustrations. 2024 also marks the 30th anniversary of Guess How Much I Love You and the 55th birthday of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Rainbow will be celebrating with exciting new lines in both ranges.

2024 preview

Happy bunnies ORCHARD TOYS 01953 859539

Guess what… Orchard Toys Buzz Words offers plenty of fun, with four games to play, to encourage literacy skills for children aged five-plus, and offer great value for money



Orchard Toys will unveil its new range for young children featuring The World Of Peter Rabbit, its first licensed collaboration with Penguin Ventures on behalf of Frederick Warne & Co. It will also announce new products in its expanding portfolio of best-selling, fun, educational games and puzzles loved by parents, teachers and children. Orchard Toys World of Peter Rabbit collection features six stunning games and jigsaws for children from age three, with one sku for little ones aged from 18 months. This fun range blends the educational and engaging gameplay of Orchard Toys with the iconic characters from

one of the world’s most beloved brands, to bring Peter Rabbit to life. The new collection of educational games and jigsaws is a creative hybrid of The World Of Peter Rabbit and Orchard Toys, representing the very best of both brands and their shared values of quality, learning and fun. It includes: ■ ■


Peter Rabbit Fish and Count – a charming number and counting game Peter Rabbit Don’t Wake Mr. McGregor – a board game, where players race to collect vegetables Peter Rabbit 4-in-a-box puzzles – charming progressive puzzles to help learn about the seasons Peter Rabbit Rabbit Race – a fun matching and memory game where Peter Rabbit and friends race through the burrow

Peter Rabbit Veg Patch Lotto – a fun lotto game, in which players race to fill their board before Mr. McGregor builds his scarecrow Peter Rabbit Heads and Tails – a first matching activity and game in one featuring Peter Rabbit and friends.

Orchard Toys Giant Alphabet is an extra-long 1.7m floor jigsaw puzzle. For ages three-plus, it’s a wonderful introduction to the alphabet to help learn the ABCs in a fun and engaging way. Each letter features a beautifully colourful fun design – goose playing a guitar, hippo wearing a hat, king flying a kite - giving children lots to discover and talk about. It comes with 26 chunky letter pieces to assemble in alphabetical order, plus extra cut-out letter tiles to use interactively, and a giant wall-poster. Orchard Toys Buzz Words is buzzing with fun, with four games to play, perfect to encourage literacy skills for children aged five-plus, and offers shoppers great value for money. Enjoy a literacy game, word lotto, grab the words and pairs. In the fast-paced literacy game, players race against the timer to make the most words, turning over the friendly bees to find the letters to spell three, four and five letter words.

2024 preview

Into the forest




01661 831 080 | Eduk8 Worldwide is a leading provider of award-winning educational toys and resources, catering to children of all ages and diverse learning needs. With a passion for fostering creativity, curiosity, and cognitive development, Eduk8 Worldwide offers a wide range of engaging and innovative educational toys that inspire learning through play, with the Eduk8 ‘N’ Play range. Eduk8 has exhibited at London Toy Fair for more than a decade, and as a trusted name in the industry, is dedicated to curating a carefully selected collection of toys that align with the latest educational principles and pedagogies. From multi award-winning play mats (Dino colour n wipe) to hands-on STEM resources (Mini Scoopers) to outdoor inclusive play, (snakes and ladders), its diverse inventory ensures there's something to captivate and challenge every young mind. The latest offerings focus on the increased awareness of nature and outdoor learning toys due to the popularity and growth of Scandinavianinspired Forest Schools. Eduk8 will be showcasing its new Forest School range, which contains many new products, at London Toy Fair. It's ideal

for those parents wishing to develop their children’s knowledge of nature and all things outdoors. Eduk8 is also expanding its popular Science range, and will feature product launches, highlighting an array of nature-exploring items such as magnifiers, binoculars, bug collectors and mini scoopers. Eduk8 continues to develop and launch something fresh to the toy market and its extensive range is bound to be of interest to those searching for something different. With an emphasis on quality and safety, Eduk8’s commitment to excellence is evident in each product's detailed description, complete with carefully curated images and videos to provide customers with a comprehensive understanding of the items on offer. Eduk8 Worldwide takes pride in its user-friendly website, featuring informative blogs and comprehensive resources to assist parents in making informed choices for their children's development. Discover the joy of learning through play with Eduk8 Worldwide, a trusted destination where education and fun merge seamlessly to shape bright minds and pave the way for a brighter future. Do ensure you pop by the stand to gain an insight into some exciting new products.

Did you know?

Forest Schools arrived in the UK from Scandinavia, where they are a common fixture, some 30 years ago. The concept is aimed at forging closer links between children and the natural world through learning and play. Forest schools are growing in popularity and this new range contains many new products ideal for those parents wishing to develop their children’s knowledge of nature and all things outdoors. In addition, several new products have been added to EDUK8's Science range.


2024 preview

Zimpli Kids

drops more Baff Bombz ZIMPLI KIDS


0845 459 1818


Zimpli Kids maintains its leading position in the children's bathtime category with its distinctive 'Just Add Water' range of products. After years of constantly receiving positive feedback for Gelli Baff and Gelli Play’s remarkable sensory benefits, the brand is extremely proud to announce official approval for Gelli Play, by the National Autistic Society. This approval further solidifies Zimpli Kids' commitment to quality and inclusivity and is one that we are very proud of. Now get ready to be wowed at Toy Fair 2024, because we're putting the spotlight on:

Zimpli’s products...

■ Baff Bombz Magic Brush – TikTok’s viral sensation, Baff Bombz Magic Brush lets you magically paint your bath water with colour-changing bath bombs. With a £9.99 RRP, Baff Bombz Magic Brush lets kids unleash their inner artist, inspiring creativity, even at bathtime!

■ Baff Bombz Surprise – Make bathtime, fun time with new Baff Bombz surprise! Available in unicorn and dino variants, with hidden collectible figures in each colourful bath bomb, will you find the rare golden dino or the gemstone mermicorn?

■ Doodle N Dip - In keeping with Zimpli’s ‘Just Add Water’ theme, the brand-new Doodle N Dip is one to watch! Doodle N Dip allows you to create colourful pictures, dip in water to make them dance, then tattoo! Doodle N Dip is guaranteed to keep the kids entertained for hours and at £9.99 RRP, what’s not to love?

■ Whether you're into sensory, messy or educational play, and with RRPs from £1 - £14.99, Zimpli has something for everyone. So, why not stop by Stand D2, where the team will be showcasing its new and existing range of products.


have earned plaudits from autism experts, As well as its Gelli Play getting the seal of approval from the National Autistic Society, its Mega Play Pack, which includes Gelli Play, was rated the best tactile substance toy in’s best sensory toys for kids with autism listing. As the site noted: “Each substance is designed to be easy to clean, safe for the drain and safe for skin. It’s made in the UK and meets all European safety standards. It’s also vegan-friendly and biodegradable. It can be used on a table top, or in a bowl or container. These substances may benefit a child’s creativity, cognitive and social skills as well as physical development.”

Simba Ring Rattle

Come and see us at:

Toy Fair

23rd to 25th Jan Stand n. B21/B25 and find us at

Simba Comforter

Simba Activity Toy Simba Sensory Play Mat

Spring Fair

4th to 7th Feb Cardgains stand Halls 2, 3+3a Stand: 3M10-N11

© Disney.

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2024 preview



Next top models…


For UK enquiries 00 353 67 63800 |

For Ireland enquiries Banaghan & Co. Ltd. | 067 Siku is a high-quality German range of die-cast vehicles covering many categories from farm and construction to emergency services and recreational. While traditionally best known for its 1:32 models, particularly in the farm category, there is now tremendous interest in the pocket money blister models range. With retail prices ranging from £3.99 to £9.99 and with a wide array of models and lots of new launches, the Siku blister models range has become a staple for many stores and has fans eagerly awaiting the newest models at affordable prices. The optimal way of displaying the Siku blister range is on a robust Siku branded spinner stand. Siku spinner stands come in different sizes so retailers are encouraged to talk to the team so they can recommend the best solution for you. The Siku boxed range stirs up as much excitement for Siku enthusiasts with die-cast models available in three scales - 1:87, 1:50 and 1:32. Whether customers are looking for a pocket money pick-up or to spend a little more on a gift, there will be something in the Siku range for everyone. New releases, limited-edition lines and combination gift sets feature across the year so there is always something new for collectors to look out for. There’s a spread of vehicles covered – cars, trucks, planes, trains, buses, diggers and tractors - and all the main licences are included: Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, Bentley, Range Rover and Jaguar in cars, New Holland, John Deere, Massey Ferguson and Fendt in tractors, along with construction favourites such as JCB, Liebherr and Volvo. Finally, there’s good news on the farm model front for 2024. Some new and limitededition models will be launched next year with some due to be available in the first quarter…… this space! And the team is really looking forward to the relaunch of some previous favourites in the 1:32 Class licence accessories category.

Just like the real thing… BRUDER



The Bruder company slogan, ‘Just like the real thing’, is reflected in all categories across the Bruder range where products are developed as ‘model-like toys’, encouraging roleplay while simulating real-life environments For Ireland enquiries and focusing on valuable playtime. Bruder’s superior-grade plastic toys are all designed Banaghan & Co 067 63800 | and manufactured in Germany. In the main, products are showcased in open display boxes, which feature details of other compatible products from the range such as vehicles, accessories and figures, which all work together to create the perfect playtime scene ‘Just like the real thing’. Exciting news for 2024 is the recently launched versions of the Range Rover ‘Velar’ by Bruder for children aged four and up in scale 1:16 - a leisure version in elegant blue, an emergency vehicle and a police vehicle. With its all-terrain sprung axles, the ‘Velar’ is equipped for all playtime missions of little adventurers. The newly developed rims stand out visually. The front axle can be turned thanks to the typical Bruder steering wheel extension. All four doors and the tailgate can be opened and offer plenty of space for passengers and equipment. The rear seat can even be folded down for additional storage space in the vehicle. In fact, these key features are typical of most vehicles across the There are three recently launched versions of Bruder range. The emergency vehicle the Range Rover ‘Velar’ in Bruder’s offering; a and the police vehicle each come with leisure version in elegant blue, an emergency a thematically matching bworld figure, a bworld paramedic and a bworld vehicle and a police vehicle policeman as part of the set.

For UK enquiries Alpha Toys | 00 353 67 63800 |

Did you know?


2024 preview

Get in a spin JAMES GALT & CO

(PART OF THE JUMBO GROUP) 0161 428 9111 | Visit Galt Toys at London Toy Fair on stand E9, where everything buyers and retailers have come to expect from the toys, puzzle, and games giant will be found - and much more, including adult party games, creative jigsaw puzzles, award-winning baby toys, marketleading science kits, bestselling arts and crafts sets and some new ranges too. First, take a spin on the jukebox time machine. Hitster, the global hit music party game, returns in 2024 with ‘not



your granny’s’ Hitster Bingo. This is the game that challenges players to order songs through time by spinning the disco ball. Where the light lands will indicate the category to use. Then players must guess the year, decade, artist, or song title. Scan the top card to hear the song and mark off colours on your bingo card. The first to complete a full line... BINGO! There’s another fun party game in the pipeline: Party & Co - Shock You, which promises a dynamic party experience, as two teams go head-to-head, racing

Did you know? The original version of Hitster made its debut in 2023 after proving to be a smash hit across European territories. The game, which, like its new Hitster Bingo launch, focuses on players getting decades’ worth of music in the right chronological order, was launched on these shores by Galt with a campaign aimed at building a buzz around the game. Influencers and celebrities were recruited to show off the game, while Galt also toured music festivals to show it to gig-goers and music fans… 76

to complete assignments. To play, each player takes turns to hold the Shocknut and complete challenges before time runs out, or... they’re in for a literal shock. This is a game that’s guaranteed to send hearts racing! Cute things are coming for AW24… introducing Racing Rabbits Super Slides. This offers an interactive marble track with wow moments that will appeal to younger children. Easily constructed, kids aged three-plus can build their track and send their rabbits racing into this fun and imaginative play space. There’s a Speed and a Deluxe Set to collect to make an even bigger Racing Rabbits world. Step into magic school with Fabulus Magix. The first in the line of Fabulus items, this is a race between two. Little witches and wizards in training can create experiments and master spellcasting. They’ll need to study the grimoire, learn to pronounce incantations accurately, and practise moving the magnetic wand with an integrated UV lamp for visually impressive ‘magic’ infused with cool science. Will they be first to achieve Wizard glory? Only time will tell… New for SS24 is the Natural History Museum Let’s Learn collection. There are three kits to discover: Dinosaurs, Tiny Creatures, and NHM Animals. Every set

encourages early STEAM learning with six projects to complete. From building a model of Tyrannosaurus to learning about the world’s animals, there’s so much to learn and discover in these beautiful kits. The eye-catching boxes, created from FSC certified materials, will stand out on the shelf, while the NHM branding will give parents confidence in their kit’s ability to deliver on its educational promise. Launching in AW24, the Jumbo, I Learn educational preschool range includes I Learn, Maths, Reading, Writing and Music. All four lines come in a perfect take-along briefcase, which cleverly transforms into an interactive tutor, supporting children as they learn through play. Little ones can practise at home what they’re learning at school in a fun and engaging way. Each item in the range has been developed in collaboration with educational professionals and is in line with the school curriculum and learning needs of children. How about having some INFINI FUN… Electronic keys, remote control and a steering wheel provide evergreen sellers and adding the all new INFINI FUN Home Office Set, youngsters can now join in working from home. Perfect for budding business professionals, this fun Home Office Set nurtures the imagination and encourages learning through play for


tomorrow’s great minds. Little ones can place play calls with their pretend headset, enjoy makebelieve video calls or tap away at their keyboard – all while having tons of fun learning about colours, numbers and letters, using the play laptop’s five game modes. Explore the evergreen GALT range. For the littlest ones, the farm-themed Playnest & Gym is an absolute must-have. This best-loved soft and supportive, multi-sensory environment for baby provides plenty of visual stimulation. Baby can lay within the fun and vibrant farm scene, looking up at the Gym that forms the sky above, with four different hanging toys to enjoy. The adorable wooden Pop-Up Toy, with its four colourful figures that bob up and down on hidden springs, is also unmissable. As too is the award-winning Flower Stacker set, which encourages little ones to learn, stack and play, building brightly coloured flowers with the chunky wooden parts. Charm Bracelets, Monster Magnets, Paint-a-Tea Set, First Sewing and Water Magic kits are among the real

There’s something extra special coming later in the year: fans can count down to Christmas with the firstever Wasgij Advent Calendar!

gems in the arts and crafts portfolio. Creative children will enjoy hours of entertainment with each project – be it bracelet making, creating monstershaped magnets from soft air-drying clay, decorating a miniature tea set with ceramic paints, stitching together awesome fashion accessories and more, or revealing hidden pictures with just water! Lastly, not forgetting the unmissable Wasgij unique number-one puzzle brand that keeps growing year on year. 2024’s Wasgij collection will bring new puzzles to solve and piece together. Plus, there’s something extra special coming later in the year: fans can count down to Christmas with the first-ever Wasgij Advent Calendar! There’s all this and more waiting to be explored on Jumbo Galt UK’s E9 Stand. Visitors will get a peek at all the new lines, and a reminder of all the existing highlights from across the portfolio, which now includes an extensive and high-quality offering of sustainable products.


2024 preview

The power of





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Toy Fair 2024 sees Bandai UK showcasing a host of new licensed, own IP, and distribution ranges for the year ahead. The show will provide the backdrop for the relaunch of collectible range, Littlest Pet Shop. Following Bandai’s recent appointment as distributor for the UK and key EU markets, the company brings a new range of collectible pets and playsets to the legacy toy collection, appealing to a new generation. There are 60 characters to collect in series 1. From blind Single Pet Packs, to Pet Pairs, and Pet Trio Collector Tubes through to the Pets Got Talent and Fun Factory Playsets. As master toy licensee for popular preschool property Pip and Posy, Bandai’s initial collection of plush lines and articulated figures, includes Clip-On Plush, 23cm Plush, collectible figure packs, and Pip and Posy Feature Plush complete with sounds, phrases, and a clip of a theme from the show. As the home of anime action figures, Bandai’s Anime Heroes line of 15cm figures also includes Naruto, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Bleach, while its Ultimate Legends action figures provide 12.5cm character versions of fan-favourite series Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden. Entry price-point collectibles range, Chibi Masters will showcase existing anime lines, Dragon Ball, and Demon Slayer, alongside the introduction of new Spy X Family, and Chainsaw Man waves planned for 2024. 78

Möbi is known for its quirky, unique products that are thoughtfully crafted and designed by a team of doctors, therapists, parents and children. The team at Möbi ‘’long to inspire creativity and curiosity and believe in the power of play as a basis for learning. We are a company that is passionate about fun. Parents who never want to ‘grow up’ ... with little ones who make that rather easy!’’

Get the party started…



JOKING HAZARD | Cyanide & Happiness’ (C&H) games division Joking Hazard will be at London Toy Fair this year. You can find its hilarious party games Joking Hazard, Master Dater, their expansions, and more at stand N9 with VR Distribution. Stewart Middleton at VR Distribution commented: "We have seen a big increase in demand for Joking Hazard during 2023; we have seen year on year growth of almost 40% which exceeds the current market significantly. With the launch of Master Dater, the guaranteed to be ridiculous ‘messed up dating game’ in Summer 2023, this has helped us in the UK to grow consumer awareness of the Cyanide & Happiness brand and portfolio of games.” Joking Hazard will also have its new pocket-sized family-friendly strategy game Sosig available to demo. Sosig boasts palm-sized portability, quick playtime and the universally beloved theme of sausages. Finally, be sure to swing by and request an exclusive preview for an upcoming unannounced project from Joking Hazard!

0745'4; 61&#; #&8'46 KPFF

2024 preview Captivating collection JUST PLAY

STAND Just Play is set to captivate audiences of all ages at Toy Fair 2024 with its ever-expanding selection of toy ranges. From the beloved Disney Stitch-inspired collection to the all-new Disney Junior Ariel toys, along with the exciting Disney’s Munchlings and refreshed FurReal pets ranges, there's something for everyone at the Just Play stand. FurReal is unleashed at Toy Fair with the launch of a new line of interactive pets from the beloved FurReal brand. Under licence by leading toy and game company Hasbro, the range features old favourites as well as fresh innovations to continue the legacy of pet and nurture play. The lifelike animals inspire little ones to care for and nurture their plush pets by providing magical interactions to develop an emotional bond between children and their furry friends.


Just Play presents the highly-anticipated Disney’s Munchlings toy range. Inspired by the beloved treats found in Disney Parks, Munchlings are adorable characters that have taken TikTok by storm, amassing more than 60 million views since their launch in September 2022. With the official launch set for Autumn 2024, Just Play has an exciting campaign in store that aims to engage superfans and broaden reach through TikTok, engaging social content, and influencer partnerships. Stitch has become a global phenomenon. Just Play sold more than 650,000 units of the Stitch Capsule, and the brand is set to expand in 2024. The range includes the That's So Stitch Blind Capsule Figures, That's So Stitch Large Figure, and the Stitch Mystery Capsule. Crack Me Up Stitch feature plush will debut in Autumn/Winter.

VTech’s Zoom meeting

Pop! idols


01235 555545 Spring 2024 will see some great new additions to the VTech STAND range, with new products joining N19 the Kidizoom and Marble Rush ranges, plus much more. Introducing the Kidizoom Duo FX. Capture memorable moments with dual 8-megapixel cameras, perfect for videos, selfies, and group shots. Transform yourself into a playful cartoon with Cartoon Me effects. Have fun with the new Chin Puppet Show mode, and unleash your creativity with My Avatar Creation. Dive into a world of fun with Live AR filters and explore more than 20 entertaining games and activities. Elevate your photos and videos with 75 effects, filters and frames using the built-in photo editor. Record your voice and add a touch of humour with funny effects. Challenge family and friends to some red vs blue head-to-head gaming action with the Marble Rush Game Zone by VTech. This exciting colour-coded play set features all the pieces you need to create a Marble Rush play set ready for multiplayer gaming. The two marble catapults allow for players to launch marbles and hone their targeting skills. With 12 marbles included and 62 building pieces. LeapFrog’s Spring Summer 2024 season launches some exciting new baby toys to add to the range; packed with developmental features. Stack up learning with the Nest & Count Turtle Tower. Turtle introduces children to emotions and nurturing while introducing colours, shapes, and numbers through fun nesting play. Bundled with five turtle shell babies, these turtle shells all feature different colours, numbers and shapes and show different emotions on their faces. 80



FUNKO Funko has once again captured the attention of enthusiasts and collectors alike as it gears up to showcase its latest releases. Funko, the pop culture collectibles company known for its Pop! figures, is set to exhibit an eclectic array of products across various lines and categories, including Funko Pop!, Bitty Pop!, Loungefly, and the newest additions from the recently acquired pop culture brand, Mondo. Attendees at the 2024 Toy Fairs will also get a further look at Bitty Pop!, a newer line from Funko that takes the charm of Funko Pop and condenses it into microsized collectibles. Funko has established itself as a force in the world of fashion accessories with Loungefly. The brand is renowned for its stylish Mini-Backpacks, wallets, crossbodies and accessories. Show attendees can explore the latest evolution of Loungefly with the Pets range featuring harnesses, collars, leashes and treat bags.

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2024 preview STAND


Shine on and stick…



MAGFORMERS UK 01270 446250

Do the Shuffle CARTAMUNDI

01268 511522 Cartamundi announces an exciting line-up of games and products set to debut at the London Toy Fair 2024. With a refreshed approach to the Shuffle gaming brand, Cartamundi continues to push the boundaries of fun and engagement for all ages. The revitalisation of Shuffle is more than just a facelift; it's a reimagining of what a gaming brand can represent. Shuffle, already known for its engaging licensed games, is evolving to embody the very essence of joy, laughter, and communal play through the introduction of new original titles. At the heart of this relaunch is an overarching commitment to crafting experiences that bring people together. Shuffle is set to become synonymous with spontaneous fun, light-hearted entertainment, and inclusive play. Whether it's a family game night, a gathering of friends, or a casual play session, Shuffle is there to add an extra spark of excitement. One of these new Shuffle brand titles being introduced into the range is Surrounded by Idiots, a game that turns wordplay into a race against time. Players quickly find opposite words and construct sentences in an action-packed race of wit and association, perfect for parties and gatherings. In addition, Cartamundi is reintroducing bestsellers from previous years with refreshed new editions. Twisted History, an award-winning, hilariously macabre game, takes players through bizarre historical events. For those who dare, a new Twisted History: After Dark edition (for ages 14-plus) brings to life some of the truly weird, often bizarre but always twisted facts from the past. Colour Addict tests colour-word associations in a fast-paced, visually tricky card game. This addictive game is now more accessible than ever with its new packaging designed for on-the-go play. With clear, dedicated support and a strong future focus, Colour Addict is set to become a staple in game collections for 2024. The company is excited to showcase its new Disney range within the established Bicycle Playing Cards collection. Perfect for Disney fans and card collectors alike, these decks feature enchanting designs inspired by the iconic characters and stories that have captured hearts around the world. 82

Magnetic construction toy giant Magformers heads to London Toy Fair with four amazing new sets all featuring never-seen-before pieces – from luminous, holographic and see-through geometric shapes, to mini-wheel train/bus wheels, roleplay characters and a transforming vehicle seat. The exciting product development builds on Magformers’ reputation as the leading magnetic construction toy while introducing incredible new levels of creativity, fun and roleplay into its line-up. The award-winning brand will showcase its first-ever luminous pieces in 2024 with the glow-in-the-dark Magformers Glowing Craft Set. It comprises 20 pieces and features 13 magnetic squares and triangles, a special seat square, mini play character and accessories, which all glow in the dark after exposure to direct light. Suggested fun models to make include a rocket, flowerpot, airplane, house and tropical fish.

Cracking kits, Gromit! BUILD YOUR OWN - PAPER ENGINE 023 8062 5855 or 07484 543387


UL 195

Paper Engine is the creator of Build Your Own, an award-winning range of eco-friendly children’s toys you can build yourself (loved by big kids too!). Made from sustainable cardboard, these STEM-inspired kits are great fun to build, and provide hours of entertainment. Assembled using simple slot-together techniques, there’s no glue, no mess, no fuss. Everything you need is provided in the kit. New licensed kits will be showcased at Toy Fair, launching in March 2024. These have been developed in partnership with Aardman, building on the success of the first range of Wallace & Gromit kits. There are two kits joining the range – Wallace’s much-loved loyal sidekick, Gromit, and criminal mastermind, Feathers McGraw. The mechanics of these innovative kits are cracking fun. Gromit has a rotating head, expressive moving ears, and tail wagging mechanism for a walking legs action. And with clever mechanics for walking legs and blinking eye action, Feathers’ expressive body language speaks volumes.

2024 preview Wooden it be good… MELISSA & DOUG 0800 731 0578



Melissa & Doug, the UK's number one wooden toy brand (Circana UK POS Data 2021 and 2022) will be previewingits toys that promote open-ended play. This year, the brand will unveil a new space-efficient puzzle spinner for in-store merchandising, and is spotlighting refreshes to its puzzle range, which from A/W will show wooden elements and Melissa & Doug branding far more prominently. The new Sticker WOW! range will also be demonstrated on its stand. The new character-themed surprise sticker stampers bring together creativity, collectability, and fun in a uniquely satisfying way. Having made its debut in Toymaster stores, this range is poised for a wider distribution in early 2024 with additional character themes being added throughout the year. Also, on the stand this year, Melissa & Doug will showcase new additions to the award-winning pretend play range. Starting with the lower price point, portable Play to Go Ice Cream and Cake & Cookies Play Sets (RRP £9.99) which are perfect for on-the-

Shredding up sales FUNRISE

go imaginative play. The pretend play food collection also welcomes the Candy Conveyor Chocolate Factory (RRP £59.99). Offering children the chance to manage a chocolate production line, the set comes with more than 30 pieces. This year, the developmental toy selection grows with the Match & Push Spinning Tops (RRP £19.99), promoting fine motor skills and cause-and-effect learning, alongside the Daily Routines Chart at (RRP £14.99), which will act as a fun aid in establishing healthy habits through play. For infants, Spring/Summer 2024 introduces the Peek-A-Boo Berry Take Along Toy (RRP £9.99). This toy, suitable from birth, features ‘slices’ with varied textures for sensory engagement, and is easily attachable to strollers and more. The Tummy Time Triangle – Ocean (RRP £14.99) provides a multi-sensory experience for babies with graphics suitable for different developmental stages. Come Autumn/ Winter 2024, the Ocean Easy-Fold Play Gym will launch (RRP £89.99).

Clementoni increases focus on infant and STAND N14 preschool CLEMENTONI 0203 226 1101 |

STAND Funrise is gearing up to unveil four new brands G90 at London Toy Fair, one of which is a fantastic robotic plushie girls’ toy, which has wowed retailers during the September LA show and recent UK previews. Following the success of consumer products at retail, aided by the Mutant Mayhem movie, Funrise will be showcasing new extensions to its TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) range at the show. The hero item from the range is the Sewer Shredders, pull back TMNT figure on a skateboard. These come in the classic style as well as the Mutant Mayhem stylisation, featuring all four turtles in both versions. Sewer Shredders will now come in a slim CDU and lower retail price point, driving volume for retailers and will be supported with a TV spot. 84

Clementoni is showcasing a host of new products, with increased focus on the infant and preschool category from Soft Clemmy and Baby Clementoni, plus exciting launches in Arts & Crafts and Robotics. Clementoni has delighted children with its fun and educational robot collection, allowing children to experiment with STEM principles in a direct engaging way. AiRo is new for 2024 and is equipped with artificial intelligence that allows it to recognise gestures and voice commands. Six motors work independently to perform any type of movement and a Bluetooth connection interacts with the APP which is equipped with an algorithm for recognising the child's language and gestures.

2024 preview Cheatwell: nearly 200 new products CHEATWELL GAMES



Cheatwell Games has nearly 200 new items to present to its customers at LTF 2024. Here are just a few of the newbies: Walk Like a Chicken is a kids’ game that’s a cross between hide and seek and charades! Players search for character discs hidden around the house… but there’s a twist. If it's the chicken you looking for, then walk like a chicken; if it's the robot, start doing your best robot dance. How Do You Doodle? is the drawing game with a difference! Can you draw a plane? Of course, you can! But what if some players are drawing a jet, while others are drawing a glider? Will you guess what the other players have doodled from the choices on the card? In Inter-Galactic Plumber the galaxy has become gridlocked with hazardous asteroid fields. Players are tasked with de-clogging the space lanes. As they jaunt from rock to rock using their plungers to remove asteroids, they gain points along the way. Do you know your song lyrics? Next5Words is a quick-fire lyric guessing game for all the family. Appoint a DJ, open a streaming service, choose the genre and off you go. The DJ stops the music at a random point, and then it's a race to roll a musical note and sing, or say, the Next5Words correctly. Thinking caps on for Guesstimation: Jupiter has more moons than any other planet in our solar system, how many moons does it have? All answers in the game are numeric, so it’s up to you to get your guesstimate as close to the answer as possible, so you don’t have to know the answer you just have to be closer than anyone else. Cheatwell is now the distributor of the Opoly range of games. Similar to the trading game we all know and love each Opoly covers a different interest. From dogs to dinosaurs, wines to zombies, cats to Christmas… the choice is endless. Each Opoly comes complete with a themed playing board and cards, oodles of cash and the obligatory themed metal playing pieces.


Playthings with Purpose BIGJIGS TOYS 01303 250400



Throughout the 2024 toy fair season, family-run Bigjigs Toys will be putting the planet first with a collection of new sustainably made wooden train sets, roleplay toys, ride-ons, puzzles, mini vehicles, creative stackers, shape sorters, arts & crafts, educational playsets and sensory toys. These new products have been crafted from eco-friendly materials, such as FSC Certified wood and food-grade silicone, and are designed to get little brains buzzing through immersive, unplugged play. A big favourite in the new range is the super-stylish Simply Scandi Kitchen. Fusing soft pastel tones with natural wood, this contemporary play kitchen will look gorgeous in every child’s bedroom or playroom. Bigjigs will also be showcasing two new railway themes as part of the Bigjigs Rail collection: Wild West and Fun Fair. Each train set comes packed with play pieces, from a cowboy ranch to a helterskelter bridge, creating a canvas for imaginative storytelling. Kids can tailor these sets with new themed accessories, including a Wild West Saloon with swinging doors and an interactive Ferris Wheel Tunnel. Then there’s the new range of wooden ride-on toys, featuring a Ride On Sheep and Ride On Cow with friendly faces and fluffy seats. For more farmyard fun, the Ride On Tractor is built with a beeping horn and moveable gear stick. These new ride-on toys are designed to help youngsters work on their balance, stability, coordination and gross motor skills. The toy fair season is a big deal for Bigjigs Toys. Beyond launching its new products and connecting with customers, these events give the company an opportunity to discover new trends and technologies in the toy market. They are incredibly inspiring spaces, and the Bigjigs team can’t wait to see what the shows of 2024 will bring.


ning gniwith

2024 2024 preview preview Toy Fair promises the sweetest arrivals from Janod



JURA/JANOD 020 8563 2888 Adored French toy brand Janod is excited to share a sneak preview of its upcoming launches across the STAND much-loved Sweet N2 Cocoon Collection at Toy Fair 2024. Ideal for keeping young minds active and senses engaged, while encouraging learning and discovery through play, the truly charming new products being unveiled at the show will delight both children and adults alike. The stylish collection promises a contemporary twist alongside the charm that traditional wooden toys offer. Featuring 12 new toys, suitable from ages 12 months up to two years. Set to be a favourite from the collection, the colourful Activity Leaf with five fun activities is ready to offer hours of play, while developing fine motor skills in the process. It features turning cogs and gears, mirrors, a magnifying glass and a spiral loop with movable beads. Another multifunctional item from the collection, the Multi Activity Board, will not only look stunning hung in a nursery, but will keep little hands busy exploring its many activities and functions. With everything from an abacus to mirrors and flower-shaped gears, it certainly is a toy that little ones will love as they grow and develop. A totally unique game that is sure to be popular with toddlers, the Ant Balance Game is a fun way to learn about balance, developing little ones' dexterity and concentration. The charming ant is ready to stack as many leaves as possible on their back, but how many can be added before it falls? With 20 coloured leaves to stack and play with, it’s a great game to include not only older siblings, but other family members with too. Other new items iinclude the Caterpillar Music Stand, the Stackable Ducks and a Sensory Stackable Snail, Pull Along Ducks and Pull Along Snail Cube Trolley, a Multi Activity Table and Giant Multi-Activity Cube, a Bird House Shape Sorter, Bird Beads as well as natureinspired furniture.


Picture perfect CANAL TOYS Canal Toys is set to make waves at Toy Fair as it unveils the thrilling expansions to the Photo Creator lineup. The original Photo Creator is a pocket-sized instant camera that comes with up to 1,000 prints in each pack. Perfect for scrap booking, school projects or fun with friends. Budding photographers can personalise and edit shots on the camera with filters and fun effects. A fresh wave of creativity and imaginative exploration for young minds sees the junior range estimated to hit shelves in Spring/Summer 2024, followed closely by the teen range later in the summer, ensuring an engaging and artistic experience for a wide audience.

A Magical preview MAGICBOX 01293 222500



Magicbox’s Toy Fair stand continues to deliver that fun point of difference, with exciting new themes and cool new playsets for its bestselling ranges SuperThings, Kookyloos and T-Racers. SuperThings enters 2024 off the back of a solid year, and early Spring will see the latest Evolution series hit shelves. But it’s Toy Fair where visitors will be given a first look at the Autumn/Winter Legends series. Fans have long been asking to get their hands on original SuperThings from previous series and Magicbox has listened. The new Legends series offers them exactly that opportunity, with amazing value packs, bundle packs, and endless inspiration.

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16/11/2023 11:20:58

2024 preview Wilberry Toys/ The Puppet Company

Wilton Bradley

Spring into action TnP catches up with Spring Fair event director Soraya Gadelrab ahead of the show in February… What: Spring Fair | When: February 4-7 2024 | Where: NEC Birmingham | Web:


Our popular New Product Showcase returns, presenting a curated edit championing new product, and the Gift Of The Year live judging takes place during the show with a Finalists Showcase on display. We’re excited to have the opportunity to bring the retail community together, to let the products be the stars while also shining a light on the people behind them to find out what inspired them to create their designs.

and Rock, Gibsons, Candy Toys, Wilton Bradley, Whitehouse Leisure, Padgett Bros, Brown Watson, Tiny Victories, Mai Clothing, Lanka, Blade & Rose, Plus Plus, and PODS with their innovative sensory play spaces, audiobooks and eBooks. Newness abounds in this sector with an exciting selection of brands making their Spring Fair debut including The Gift Scholars, Floss and Rock, BTL Diffusion with CloudB, Baby to Love, and Big Little Friends, I See Me, Cryptic Killers, Reyon Sports, and Tiny Tickers.

An efficient show layout designed around What can toy retailers look forward to and what should they buyers’ needs look out for? will mean less A host of newness from Kids First time spent finding exhibitors, plus all the key toy exhibitors and their new ranges. suppliers and Kids First champions newly products and more launched brands, and buyers will discover Priya & Peanut, Reuben Doll, time experiencing Just Right Products, and Walkies the Board Game. them

How has the interest been from toy exhibitors and the likes and show is the area shaping up? The interest from toy exhibitors has been great; a real eclectic mix of toy exhibitors looking to meet buyers. Toys are very much a focus at Spring Fair. Home to the finest, most magical children’s toys, gifts and gadgets, buyers can tap into the hottest play trends and those captivating Christmas hits in the Kids, Toys & Play sector. Check out Aurora World, Keel Toys, The Puppet Company, Nature’s Planet, Funstickers, Giant Microbes, Wild Republic, Hippychick, Mudlit, Inside Out Toys, BigJig Toys, Orange Tree Toys, House of Marbles, Floss

How is Spring Fair 2024 shaping up? 2024 is all about the magic of discovery, putting the products and their creators at the heart of the show. There’s a real buzz of anticipation for the show. We’re also upping the bar with our onsite experience, delivering more education, trends, inspiration, networking, and fun. The Inspiring Retail Stage will host industry icons and fashion pioneers sharing their experiences, stories and advocacy. It will be a hub for thought-provoking keynotes, progressive panel discussions and the much-loved and crowd-drawing Moda catwalks. Trend Talks in partnership with The Future Collective will be the goto stage for discovering the latest retail trends and product innovations from future forecasters and creators. And finally, the Masterclass Studio in partnership with TikTok will offer free business solution masterclasses dedicated to helping retailers grow their business and discover TikTok’s latest retail benefits. Leading agencies and consultants will present their expertise in TEDstyle talks on an array of topics; from new social media skills, buying best practice, radical retail technology and conscious consumerism. With these three new feature stages, we are confident that Spring Fair will elevate the retail industry.

At Spring Fair we love to support new up-and-coming businesses and creators as they’re always a great source of innovative and unique products. Kids First, and all the other First features across other sectors, provide a really lovely community space for these newcomers; many make friends for life during the fourday show.

Fizz Creations

next bestsellers for 2024 and beyond. Make sure The show has brought the industry you allow together for over 70 years and it looks set to continue to be an enough time inspirational, product-led experience with the 2024 show dedicated to the for the journey magic of discovery. Buyers will see, of discovery touch and experience thousands of across the the latest products across four key destinations - Home, Gift, Moda, and show, to see Everyday - and 13 definitive sectors. the New An efficient show layout designed Product and around buyers’ needs will mean less time spent finding suppliers Gift Of The Year and products and more time Showcases, to experiencing them. With an impressive 90% of watch the trend floorspace already filled and an talks and make abundance of exclusives, buyers will encounter a vibrant and bustling the most of all showcase of new and returning the experts on exhibitors offering the opportunity to source from British, international, hand to help sustainable, and licensed brands. There are some toy retailers who still favour Spring Fair as the

you with your business


Are there any sections beyond toys that our readers should keep an eye on? The whole show has a variety of exciting products, and the crossbuying opportunities are endless. We have revealed a thrilling snapshot of what buyers can discover at the next show and the variety of products from big brands through to artisan makers at Spring Fair is unmatched. From gifts and greeting cards, socks and stationery to furniture and textiles and cookware and candles, as well as an enormous array of licensed products, Spring Fair is the launchpad for new collections offering endless opportunities for sourcing the newest, most innovative products and retail’s

Rainbow Designs

essential show to visit, why do you think it is so popular among some? First off, Spring Fair has the longest history and heritage in the industry. It is a well trusted show that delivers quality exhibitors across an extensive range of sectors, offering inspiration, newness, creativity, trends, insight, networking, all under one easy-tonavigate roof. How are you keeping it exciting for retailers and exhibitors? With lots of new activations and experiences. We are focusing heavily on delivering an even better visitor experience. From more seating areas, free refreshments and parking to inspirational new trend-led showcases and curated displays. What would be your message to toy retailers thinking about visiting? Do not miss Spring Fair - it is ‘the’ place to see and meet with new suppliers, and discover.

What is your advice for any retailers visiting?

Please ensure you walk all the aisles in Hall 5. Seek out the newness at the show and allow enough time to spend at the show and enjoy the experiences. Plus, set aside some time for pre-planning. Use our website to discover and identify suppliers and products you’re keen to find, and check out our handy Product Trails to search for Sustainable, British and New brands/products. Back by popular demand is the Little Black Book, an invaluable pre-show resource tool – keep an eye out for the launch of Little Black Book Week to register for your limited-edition copy. At Spring Fair, the Show Guide provides the most up-to-date information, with exhibitor listings, content schedule times, and everything else you can discover at the event. And, make sure you allow enough time for the journey of discovery across the show, to see the New Product and Gift Of The Year Showcases, to watch the trend talks and make the most of all the experts on hand to help you with your business.



2024 preview

Making a stand or two – at Spring Fair WILTON BRADLEY 01626 835400

Stand 5F32-G33/5G30-H32

Classic collections Rainbow Designs

01329 277300

Stand 3M10-N11 Rainbow Designs will showcase many of its beautiful licensed character ranges of high-quality forever toys and gifts at Spring Fair. Bestselling nursery gift ranges on display will include: Peter Rabbit Once Upon a Time and Deluxe Signature Peter Rabbit collections, Classic Paddington and Paddington for Baby, and Disney’s Winnie the Pooh Hundred Acre Wood and Always and Forever ranges, alongside the luxury Mickey Mouse Memories collection.


Did you know?

At this year’s Spring Fair, Wilton Bradley will be Alongside its Main Toy Stand, Wilton Bradley will showcase its showcasing its Main Toy watersports products on a separate stand – showcasing brands Stand, a reflection of the such as Osprey, Yello, Urban Beach, Bestway and official Volkswacompany’s commitment to gen Licensed products quality and innovation, and a separate Watersports Stand, dedicated to its Beach & passion for bringing joy to children and adults alike, Watersports Brands: Osprey, Yello, Urban Beach, Wilton Bradley looks forward to many more years Bestway and official Volkswagen Licensed products. of crafting products that spark laughter, learning, and The Spring Fair stage provides Wilton Bradley creativity. with the perfect platform to introduce the world to As it heads towards this year’s Spring Fair, the some thrilling new developments. Its new products Wilton Bradley team is brimming with anticipation. for Spring/Summer 2024 and beyond are about The opportunity to connect with partners, share creating memorable experiences and fostering the exciting developments, and embrace the latest boundless imagination of the next generation. industry trends is a prospect that fills the company Wilton Bradley’s journey has been one of with enthusiasm. This year, as always, it is looking continuous growth and development, evolving forward to the joy of play, the thrill of innovation, alongside the industry’s ever-changing landscape. and the promise of creating memories that will last As it expands its horizons and explores new avenues, a lifetime. Join Wilton Bradley on this remarkable the company is committed to remaining true to the journey as the team embark on a future filled with core values of fun, innovation, and quality. With a fun and imaginative new products.

Rainbow has many exciting new launches, as well as a number of important character anniversaries to celebrate in 2024! To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Lion King, in February Rainbow will welcome its new Disney Baby Lion King range. Rainbow Designs will also be celebrating the 35th anniversary of Elmer, showcasing the everpopular Elmer Soft Toy, Unfold and Discover Activity Toy and new Play and Go Squares. 2024 is set to be a huge year for Paddington, with the release of a new movie and the third series of TV preschool show, The Adventures of Paddington. This year will also see exciting new product launches across all three of Rainbow’s best-selling Paddington ranges. Rainbow will also be adding to its well-received Bedtime Cuddles Nightlights range, which includes Paddington and Peter Rabbit, with the adorable Bedtime Cuddles with Winnie the Pooh, which will be available for Autumn/Winter.

Double the fun! DKB

Let’s get Fizz-ical

STAND 5F02 (Toys) 8A63 (Homewares) DKB will be at Spring Fair with two exciting stands, one showcasing fantastic toys while the other will display an exciting homeware range. Uncanny Brands’ highly anticipated Warner Bros. Appliances launched exclusively in the UK in 2023 with the Harry Potter and DC Comics appliances, and there is more innovation coming in 2024. There are two new brands coming in 2024 in the form of the award-winning WOW! Stuf and its amazing range of toys and collectables, pulling in licences from Wednesday and the Wizarding World. DKB will be the exclusive distributor for the brilliant Stor, and its catalogue of high-quality tableware and drinkware will join Uncanny Brands at the Homeware stand. The Stor range is available in a variety of hot licences such as Pokémon, Bluey, Barbie, Marvel and Sonic. Crazy Aaron’s continues to grow in exciting ways with incredible support from industry and customers alike. In the past 18 months it has broken some incredible milestones - the biggest being that DKB has now sold more than 300,000 units in the UK. An even bigger selection will be on show this year, with tons of newness. Monogram collectibles range grew in 2023; the new Disney lines included the adorable Stitch range, which sold out very quickly, 2024 sees additions to the blind bags and money banks with anime and other hot iconic pop culture licences. Crazy Forts continues to grow, as the award-winning, original fort builder saw two new lines in the form of the Multi-coloured and Camo sets arrive this year to much success and 2024 will see another two huge sets added to the range.

Puppet masters The Puppet Company 01462 446040

STAND 5G10-H11 There are some really exciting projects and charity collaborations under way, which will be introduced at the fair, showcasing a new iconic licensed collection of puppets that are the perfect addition to the offering. Spring Fair will see the launch of new Pride puppets, a collection of beautiful, interactive creations in the signature rainbow colourway. It will also be launching the new Black and White puppets baby collection of visually stimulating, easy-to-use puppets, suitable from birth. The stand at Spring Fair will feature the new Wilberry Canopy Climbers, beautiful miniature creations with Velcro on both the hands and feet so they can hang upside down, hang onto things and even cuddle up with some other puppets and soft toys. Also on show will be the newest additions to the much-loved Wilberry Collectables range of beautiful mini dressed animals with their signature intricate outfits and detailing for extraspecial gifts.


FIZZ CREATIONS 01903 327006

STAND 4D30 Fizz Creations is thrilled to be returning to Spring Fair, an event that stands as a testament to the company’s ever-evolving journey in the world of novelty gifts and games. This year, Fizz is not just returning; it’s redefining the essence of fun and creativity with its showcase. At the heart of the exhibit is the new SLUSH PUPPiE machine, a product that embodies Fizz’s commitment to innovation and nostalgia. It’s not just a novelty item; it’s a symbol of the fun experiences the team strive to create. But that’s just the start. The stand will be a treasure trove of entertainment, featuring a wide array of games that promise to engage and amuse. Games that bring people together, sparking laughter and creating memorable moments. The lighting collection, always a beacon of Fizz’s inventive spirit, will shine brightly at the fair. From vibrant designs to licensed masterpieces, each piece is crafted to add a touch of Fizz Creations’ magic to any space. In addition, it will be showcasing a variety of novelty products that showcase its unique blend of fun and functionality. Each item in the diverse range is designed with the aim of bringing a smile to the face of every customer. Returning to Spring Fair is not just an opportunity for Fizz Creations to display its products; it’s a chance to reconnect with its community, to share latest creations, and to continue spreading the joy and light-heartedness that Fizz Creations is known for. The team is excited to show the world what they have been working on!



Game on! Nick Arran, managing director of GAME at Frasers Group, chats to Clare Turner about his plans to build the gaming and entertainment company’s toy category What’s your background? Video games and retail are both passions of mine, and I’ve been working in this sector for most of my professional career. Gaming has always been good to me. I worked for various companies including hmv, Blockbuster, Amazon and Sainsbury’s in a wide range of senior roles, before making my way to GAME in the early part of 2011. I temporarily left GAME to head up Business Development for but the allure of GAME was hard to resist, and I headed back in August 2017, working my way up until I became managing director in 2021. I’ve never looked back, and I love working for this vibrant and ever-changing business.

Tell us a bit about GAME.

Gaming enthusiasts look to us to offer an experience and product range that they cannot find online

GAME Retail Ltd is a leading gaming and entertainment company, providing a range of gaming, toys, and entertainment products, as well as services to its customers. GAME's UK retail businesses are spread over 270 standalone stores and concessions within Sports Direct and House of Fraser. GAME offers a fully integrated omnichannel reaching more than 18 million consumers across its reward programmes, and it partners with Belong Gaming Arenas to provide unparalleled customer gaming experiences. How would you describe your range? GAME is known first and foremost for video games: that’s our foundation, our core, and our passion. Gaming

What sets you apart from other toy retailers? We strive to be unique and we approach each of our core sectors with an eye to innovate beyond the products we sell. Building and nurturing a community is important to us, and we’ve enjoyed continued success with our GAME Reward and Elite Reward schemes, which offer customers superb discounts, offers, and money-back to spend in store or online. Be it GAME exclusives, the newest software releases, pre-owned alternatives, or our exciting range of toys and collectables, GAME is able to stand out from other toy retailers and drive passionate fans in-store and online. 92

enthusiasts look to us to offer an experience and product range that they cannot find online, and we are able to help through our continued popularity of pre-owned games and trade-in, which saves the customer money. In recent years, our strategy has grown to encompass adjacent product lines including toys, collectibles, pop culture product and tech, with our much-expanded range proving popular. What are your key categories? Gaming will always be our foundation, but we have also built our range to include toys, tech, and pop culture collectibles. By providing an ever-changing mix of eye-catching product, we’re able to excite and engage with our customers as they visit our stores to see what’s new. When did you start stocking toys, and why? It’s been an organic process but one that we feel makes sense. We see an ever-blurring line between gaming, collecting and toys, and it was therefore an important strategic decision for us to expand our offering and attract existing and new customers alike. For example, the ‘kidult’ audience is growing, with franchises such as Transformers remaining remarkably

popular among adults who are driven by nostalgia and authenticity. How many toy brands do you deal with and who are the key names? We work with many brands including Hasbro, Mattel, LEGO, Pokémon, Robosen, Epic and so many more. We’re pleased to say that we have a broad range of excellent partners who continue to work with us to achieve success in this sector. What’s next for your board games, trading cards, and toys: are you looking at expanding into new categories? We plan on building our toy category - but in an organic and strategic manner, with products which we know will resonate with our audience,


We strive to be unique and we approach each of our core sectors with an eye to innovate beyond the products we sell

and offer a strong incentive to bring customers to our online platform, as well as in-store. We’re always looking for new categories and ways to expand our offering. What’s next for GAME: do you have any exciting news or plans that you would like to share? We have a number of exciting incentives for our customers heading into 2024. We worked with the Pokémon Company to launch an innovative popup store, which ran from November

17 until December 4 at St David’s Shopping Centre in Cardiff, providing enthusiasts with a one-stop-shop and exclusives that couldn’t be purchased elsewhere. We also continue to offer amazing value to families and gamers alike. In the run-up to Christmas we had a two for £20 offer across a selection of games and toys, as well as value offers with as much as 50% off some of our range. Is there anything else you would like to add? We offer a vibrant and appealing retail experience with a great selection of product and friendly, knowledgeable staff. If you never grow old, you’ll love what we have to offer at GAME!




Exciting plans Alan Wright Wright, toys & kids books buyer John Lewis & Partners Partners, talks to Clare Turner about his aim to make toys available in more shops across both the John Lewis and Waitrose brands this year What’s your background? I've been at John Lewis for almost 19 years working across multiple categories. I started out as the buyer for Christmas Shop & Gift Food, but the majority of my career has been spent as the buyer for Beauty, where we introduced our first concessions and doubled the size of the business in eight years.

I love the dynamism of this category and how every supplier I meet is keen to give something a go

I was appointed the buyer for Toys and Kids Books in August 2021 and it's fair to say it’s been non-stop ever since! Tell us a bit about John Lewis & Partners. We sell toys in 32 John Lewis shops and 150 Waitrose shops, with exciting plans to make toys available in more shops across both brands this year. How would you describe your range? We carefully curate our collections to ensure we have a mix of the most popular toys, as well as exclusives that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Our toy offering appeals to the whole family, making it easy for those who have wish lists to fulfill and fun for the kids (who write the lists!). How many brands do you carry? We sell more than 120 brands in our shops and on


How many suppliers do you deal with? I'm pleased to say that we have longstanding relationships with all of the largest toy suppliers. I'm also very proud to see how some of those relationships have developed over time, moving from us taking just a few lines in selected shops to them being some of our largest suppliers. How do you find products? We always attend the Toy Fair in London and Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg each year - it’s truly the most exhilarating and exhausting time of the year! In advance of the fairs, we meet with our largest suppliers for a sneak peek of the biggest launches. In addition, we keep an eye on Google trends, data from Circana [formerly NPD, Circana provides sales data and analysis to the toy industry], and I like to know what my friends' kids are playing with. What’s proving popular at the moment? We’re seeing growth in many product categories: constructions, vehicles, soft toys, and preschool, to name a few.

Can you tell us about the ‘Top 10 Toys For Christmas 2023’ initiative? What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?

What lines have you started stocking recently? We have recently doubled the size of our soft toy range, and the response from our customers has been amazing. We have also refocused our preschool range to allow for a wider range of products from the top five licences, which is also seeing a good reaction. And I’m really pleased with the expansion of the John Lewis wooden roleplay lines. The John Lewis Wooden Coffee Shop for all the wannabebaristas is a personal favourite!

We always attend the Toy Fair in London and Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg it’s truly the most exhilarating and exhausting time of the year!



I love the dynamism of this category and how every supplier I meet is keen to give something a go. My team and I are all relative newcomers to toys, and it's been great to build on what we've learned in our previous categories to help this area develop. What’s your current favourite toy or game on your shelves? My favourite game is easy: Uno. I absolutely love to play it with my nephews and niece, although I’m regularly defeated thanks to their unique interpretation of the rules! What’s your favourite toy or game of all time? I’m a child of the ’80s so I had a huge number of Matchbox cars, Transformers and LEGO’s Space range. I really wish I’d kept them, as the originals are worth a fortune now! As an adult, I wouldn't have said that I had a favourite toy prior to joining this category…However, I do now own a few LEGO items.

■ L EGO Land Rover Defender ■ L EGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle ■ Tonies Toniebox Starter Sets ■ J ohn Lewis Luxe Wooden Play Kitchen ■ M icro Scooters Maxi Deluxe LED Scooter All images supplied by John Lewis Partnership



This was the third year we’ve enrolled a group of kids to pick our top 10 toys. We like to work this way as we think it’s really important to let the experts decide! I was so impressed with the kids’ thoroughness in testing every single line, and it’s great to see that we ended up with a list that featured favourite brands such as LEGO and Barbie, new products from Little Live Pets, and an ownbrand product too. John Lewis & Partners enlisted the help of a panel of tiny testers, who ranged from five to 10 years old, to give their verdict on the best toys for Christmas. They spent hours playing, evaluating and competing in order to approve the final list of 10 must-haves. Number one was Gabby’s Dollhouse Girl Doll, followed by the Barbie Convertible Doll Car; LeMieux Puppy, Cockapoo; Melissa & Doug Barber Role Play Set; John Lewis Wooden Coffee Shop (exclusive to John Lewis), FisherPrice Mix and Learn Music Table, Little Live Pets Mama Surprise, Hasbro Furby, LEGO Icons Holiday Main Street, and Scalextric John Lewis vs Waitrose Car Racing Set (exclusive to John Lewis).


Staying power Clare Turner chats to husband-and-wife team Brendan and Ellen Will, director and toy buyer/merchandiser respectively of Will’s Toy Shop in Scotland, which celebrated a milestone anniversary last year Tell us about Will’s Toy Shop Brendan: Our family business has a rich history dating back to 1898 when my great-great-grandfather, Alexander Riddell Will, founded We are the company as a plumbing planning to engineering and bell hanging introduce venture in the picturesque village of Cults, near Aberdeen City. more In the 1930s, we relocated to our current address at 335 North engaging and Deeside Road in Cults. Over interactive the years, we have established experiences ourselves as a trusted presence, building meaningful relationships for children with our valued customers. of all ages, Recognising the need to adapt including and expand our offerings in special the late 1970s and early 1980s, my grandmother Dorothy Will events and introduced toys to our business. activities that This allowed us to cater to the growing demand for toys among encourage families in our community and imaginative diversify our offerings. play In 2016, we expanded our business by incorporating the local Post Office, and the following year, we took another significant step by joining Toymaster. This partnership further strengthens our position as a trusted and knowledgeable retailer, allowing us to curate the finest selection of toys.


Our passion for quality, customer satisfaction, and community engagement drives us forward as we continue to evolve and bring joy to families through our extensive range of toys and unwavering commitment to outstanding service. Last year we were thrilled to celebrate the 125th anniversary of A.R. Will, the original firm that later became Will's Toy Shop. Throughout 2023, we hosted themed days that celebrated our legacy. In October, the month when A.R. Will was founded, we had a small party and offered special deals and promotions. We also invited customers and the local community to share their cherished memories and stories of the business, which we then displayed in-store. What do you offer that other toy shops don’t? Ellen: A key factor is the exceptional customer service and engaging interactions provided by Brendan. Customers often praise him for his friendly personality and ability to connect with both children and adults. His interactions with customers

go beyond just making a sale. He takes the time to understand their preferences, recommends suitable toys, and creates a welcoming atmosphere. His dedication to providing personalised attention and building relationships with customers makes the shopping experience truly memorable. And he adds an element of entertainment: he can be found demonstrating products, showcasing their features, and engaging children in playful activities. Whether it's handing out balloon swords or demonstrating KandyToys’ Super Glider, Brendan's aim is to keep kids entertained while their parents attend to other matters, such as waiting in the queue at the Post Office. By creating unexpected moments of fun and excitement, he adds an extra layer of enjoyment. How would you describe your range? We offer an extensive range of toys and games that cater to a wide variety of interests and age groups. While we carry approximately 20 toy brands at any given time, our key suppliers include renowned names such as Warhammer,

Asmodee, Hippychick (a new addition for 2023), Steiff, Ravensburger, Hasbro, Top Model, Brainstorm (with Eugy as one of our top lines), LEGO, Charlie Bears, Funko, and many others. We understand that toys have no age limit, and we strive to provide options that engage and entertain all ages.


What's your selection criteria?

How do you find products? We attend the Toymaster May Show to stay current with the latest trends, Our passion discover a wide range of for quality, suppliers, and explore their offerings. customer While we also attend satisfaction, other trade exhibitions, and community the Toymaster May Show holds a special place in engagement our calendar. It allows drives us forward us to connect with as we continue suppliers, see their new products firsthand, and to evolve and gain valuable insights into bring joy to emerging trends. For example, during families through an evening meal at our extensive the May show, we had range of toys a conversation with a fellow toy shop owner and unwavering who introduced us to the commitment Deddy Bears brand. This to outstanding chance encounter led us to meet a new supplier. service While it can be challenging for reps to make the trip to Aberdeen, we appreciate the efforts of those who visit. We value face-to-face interactions with suppliers as they provide us with direct knowledge of new lines and allow us to evaluate product suitability. Engaging with other independent toy shop owners and industry professionals is another valuable resource for us.

There are four key considerations. Firstly, personal preference and passion: it’s important to us that we have a genuine liking for the products we offer. Secondly, customer demand: customer requests and feedback play a significant role in shaping our product selection. Thirdly, uniqueness and exclusivity: we strive to offer a unique shopping experience by providing brands and products that may not be readily available in other stores in the area. We seek out exclusive or lesser-known brands to give our customers a diverse range of options and introduce them to new and exciting play possibilities. Finally, quality and safety: before adding a brand or product to our selection, we conduct thorough research and due diligence to ensure it meets rigorous safety standards and offers a high-quality play experience. How do you market the business? We leverage social media platforms to connect with our customers, share updates about new products, announce special promotions or discounts, and showcase the fun and excitement of visiting our store, building a community of toy enthusiasts. Our website serves as a central hub for information about our store, products, and upcoming events. We ensure that it’s user-friendly, visually appealing, and regularly updated with the latest news and offerings. We use in-store point of sale displays and signage to highlight featured products, special offers, or upcoming events. They capture the attention of customers, encouraging them to explore and discover new toys. We ensure that our displays are eye-catching, informative, and relevant to the interests of our target audience.

Sellers ■ Disney Lorcana ■ Pokémon ■ Warhammer ■ Deddy Bears ■ LEGO Also, we recognise the growing demand for event-based activities in-store. We recently hosted our first Pokémon Day, which was a great success. We plan to organise more events that cater to specific interests or themes. We engage in community events too. For example, we attended the village Christmas Lights Switch-On to play some games with kids and hand out goodie bags. What’s next? We are actively working on expanding our range of toys and activities specifically designed for younger children. Our aim is to create a dedicated section in-store that offers ageappropriate toys, including educational and developmental toys, sensory playsets, soft and cuddly plush toys, and more. What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job? Ellen: It’s the opportunity to curate the toy selection and merchandise the shop. After a long week, unpacking new arrivals from brands like Steiff or LEGO brings me joy. On a Friday night, with some takeaway, music playing, and the shop to myself, I can create a visually appealing display that I can be proud of. Brendan: It’s knowing what makes our customers happy and being able to meet their needs. Whether it's recommending the perfect toy, assisting with a purchase decision, or resolving any concerns, seeing the trust and satisfaction in our customers' eyes brings me immense joy.

What's your all-time - and current favourite toy or game? Brendan: Digimon - and Kluster, distributed by Big Potato Games. Ellen: Baby Annabell - and Hippychick balls (I love the prints).



WHAT’S WH Forest fire Eduk8 Worldwide 01661831080 In response to the growing demand from parents for outdoor toys, particularly science/nature toys, Eduk8 will be launching its new Forest School range at London Toy Fair. Forest schools are growing in popularity and this new range contains many new products ideal for those parents wishing to develop their children’s knowledge of nature and all things outdoors. The range includes Forest Schools Starter Pack, Binoculars and Bug Collectors. In addition, several new products have been added to Eduk8’s popular Science range.

A Stitch in time… MV SPORTS & LEISURE 01217488000

Walt Disney’s Stitch is making a remarkable comeback, and MV is unveiling a tailored line of products to meet surging demand. The new deluxe tri-scooter has a fully printed anti-slip foot plate, which not only ensures safety but features iconic Stitch graphics. The adjustable handlebar height ensures comfortable


riding as the child grows. Puncture-proof wheels and safety features such as covered forks and rear axles ensure a secure scooting experience. The folding inline scooter is festooned with a pastel palette of colour and detailed graphics. Inspired by the Hawaiian Islands, the scooter has a patterned, fully decorated stem and a printed anti-slip footplate of Stitch on the Island. This scooter helps children develop core coordination and balance in style and comes ready with softtouch grips. A reactive rear footbrake and the fully printed anti-slip footplate provide additional safety. The bobble ride-on is perfect

for little ones. It’s not only designed for comfort with its moulded seat and soft handlebar grips, but also for safety with its sturdy steel frame and double rear wheel design, which provides extra stability and strengthens the anti-tip. The 2-in-1 10in training bike features thrilling graphics and a convertible design for both training and balance modes. The wide EVA moulded wheels, adjustable saddle, and handlebars ensure a comfortable and stable ride. Enhance safety with the Stitch safety helmet, equipped with a ventilated shell, adjustable size dial, and lightweight EPS inner.

S NEW Trends UK gets the Stomp of authority TRENDS UK 01295 768078 | |

The loveliest of all is the Unicorn WILTON BRADLEY 01626 835400

Wilton Bradley is feeding kids’ love of the mythical creature with its Unicorn Ride-On, due in the spring of 2024…

Trends UK has signed a distribution deal for the Original Stomp Rocket in a move that will see a portfolio of related products stomping all over the shelves from March 2024. The long-running rocket, with more than 30 years behind it, will feature in a range of kid-powered products that will famously fire missiles up to 400ft in the air. Graham Spark, sales director, Trends UK, commented: “We are very excited to introduce the market-leading Official Stomp Rocket range into our portfolio. The well-known and high-quality Official Stomp Rocket collection will be a fantastic addition to our popular creative play, ELA and science ranges. It’s a fantastic toy for kids to utilise their energy to run, jump and STOMP, sending rockets high into the air, and who hasn’t dreamt of that!“

Funslinger launches trade-wide SWAG Distribution 01213891092 | Funslinger achieved roaring success with an exclusive retailer, selling more than 150,000 units in 18 months. SWAG distribution is now offering this product to a wider retail network. Start the fun and launch the Whissile projectile over 200ft away and up to 60ft high. The launching claw – combined with the arched grip – has been designed to provide maximum energy transfer and consistency to your throws.


LEGO’s flower show LEGO 0800 066 8536 LEGO is getting romantic ahead of Valentine’s Day with the launch of a set that features a dozen roses. The LEGO Icons Bouquet Of Roses includes four roses in full bloom, four that are blooming and four in bud alongside a scattering of white flowers. It launches in January 2024, ahead of Valentine’s Day on February 14.


DON’T MISS… Here’s a quick peek at some of the hottest and newest products. Buyers and retailers, get in touch with your sales contact now!

Product: Mini Bug Sc oopers Company: Eduk8 Wo rldwide Tel: 01661831080 Email: enquiries@ed Web: www.eduk8w

Product: Spidey And His Amazing Friends Tri Scooter Company: MV Sporst & Leisure Tel: 01217488000 Email: Web:

o Dino Product: Creatt es and Kosmos am Company: Th 0 Tel: 0158071300 amesandkosm th s@ le sa l: ai Em os m os esandk Web: www.tham

per OTZ Big Bum Product: XO y le d ra B on ilt Company: W 5400 Tel: 01626 83 m ilt .w w Web: w

Product: D octor Who figurine c Company: ollection Master Re plicas/ Heathside Trading Tel: 01282 7 75 7 7 8 Web: www .heathside .biz

Nuremberg Toy Fair Preview

y 2024 Januar o. 4 N Vol. 42


LEADER Tim Murray


At the heart of retail Also by Lema Publishing




J Nuremberg Leadernm.indd 1

elcome to the Spielwarenmesse there, making me feel like one of those heroin addicts on part of our January issue, where, government-backed TV ads in the 1980s; “yeah, I like toys, after focusing on the London events it’s not a problem, I can handle it” etc. At New York Toy Fair, in the ‘other’ magazine (turn this upside down I spent my last few hours touring the kidult section, both and go to the front page to see what we mean) for work and, I will admit, my own personal edification too. we’re now turning our attention to events at the I was positively salivating at some of the hip-hop and punk very tail end of January and into February in figures from Super 7 series. Nuremberg. As the experts in the US said during the Toy Association’s Like Toy Fair itself – both the New York and latest trends report, kidult is not a phenomenon that is London iterations – Spielwarenmesse has going to go away, it really is here to stay. made a triumphant post-Covid and lockdown As Putman notes in his exclusive interview with TnP in comeback and, as we went to press, organisers the other part of this magazine, not only is it more than a were certain that with a passing fad and not going to disappear, but returning Chinese presence only going to grow in prominence too. As the experts it’sHis further boosting the Toys “R” Us stores in Canada are looking in the US said numbers, this year’s event to increase their kidult product in store, in a would be as good as prebid to woo in grown-ups, not just to buy toys during the Toy pandemic, and just as, if not kids, either as presents or with them, but Association’s latest for even bigger, and a lot more. for themselves too. trends report, Like Toy Fair in New York, So I’ll be paying close attention to the kidult kidults are a key focus activity in Nuremberg, which is featured in our kidult is not a for Spielwarenmesse in here within these very pages. phenomenon that preview Nuremberg and in the other It shows how Spielwarenmesse has, like the is going to go part of the magazine, you best shows, tried to stay not just in tune with can see hmv and Canadian what is happening for its exhibitors and visitors away, it really is Toys R Us owner Doug but also to look beyond what is currently here to stay Putman, who, just to have doing well; to be ahead of the curve and to his toes dipped in all parts spot trends and encourage more attendees to of the business, owns distributor DKB too, talks follow these trends. about the phenomenon, one that has helped the We’ve got words from the organisers on these trends, entertainment retailer hmv back on its feet after and we’ve also previewed some of the exhibitors and Putman stepped in to save it when it last slipped what they’re showing there, as well as words on why, for into administration. UK and wider toy companies, Spielwarenmesse is still the I’m not necessarily an early adopter in the gateway to Europe. classic sense, but from some unspecified time in A full complement of attendees is expected this year, the 90s onwards, as a fully grown adult (kind of), as regulations and restrictions that followed as part of I have amassed a fair amount of action figures, the Covid hangover, prevented some attendees, notably collectibles and the like, many based around from Asia, from coming last year. Those same factors film or comic book franchises (I have a penchant prevented me from making it to Germany this year, but for Planet Of The Apes figures, for my sins), so I all is ready for 2024, so I’m looking forward not just to my can testify to the lure of toys and collectibles as first show, but also to seeing lots of TnP readers out there an adult, not necessarily to play with, but just to too. If you see a slightly lost and forlorn bloke wandering have sitting on shelves (dust collectors or dust around looking overawed and bewildered at the sheer traps, as one close friend refers to them as). scale of it, and, possibly hanging around near the kidult It wasn’t even particularly a set ambition or aim toys too, come and say hello… – I just got a couple and it mushroomed from

21/12/2023 22:37

2024 preview

Nuremberg eyes the kidult factor

With a successful return under its belt in 2023, Spielwarenmesse is preparing to make an even bigger splash in 2024, with a focus on the thriving kidult sector. We preview what’s in store at Nuremberg


t’s October 2023 and executives from Spielwarenmesse are hosting an event for UK press and media in London, and the organisers of the Nuremberg toy fair are feeling somewhat upbeat, even if they are entering the final, punishing home strait that leads up to the big 2024 event. “We’re entering the hot phase now,” says Christian Ulrich,

Why We’re At Nuremberg

Christian Ulrich

“We’re excited to reveal a brand new look, meet with our customers, both new and returning, and licensors alike to discuss new trends and key dates for the year ahead. On top of this, we’ll be showcasing our new FSDU solutions and offering marketing packages for our customers, both of which are fresh and innovative to the industry, so don’t forget to stop by either of Rubies’ two stands at Hall 9 D04 and Hall 12.2 P24 to find out more.” Fran Hales, head of portfolio, Rubies spokesperson for the executive board at Spielwarenmesse, “it’s exciting to see how it develops.” The show is on the up and up following a strong return to major events in the post-pandemic world. “This year [2023] was a restart and actually more successful for us than we expected. “And we’re back again in 2024, with even more exhibitors and even more space.” The one thing they can’t predict is the number of visitors, but given 2023’s

numbers and the likely return of Asian visitors, coupled with more relaxed border controls from that region, there’s a feel that these too will be as strong as the exhibitor numbers. The arguments for attending Spielwarenmesse are as compelling as ever, says Ulrich: the attendance of well-known key players and the appearance of ontrend start-ups; the fact all relevant decision-makers are attending, the opening up of new markets; the ability it offers to maintain business relationships and the Inspiration it provides Nuremberg Intronm.indd 1

21/12/2023 19:07

Why We’re At Nuremberg “As Fizz Creations’ export manager, I’m excited for us to exhibit at the Spielwarenmesse Toy Show. This event is crucial for expanding our reach in Europe and showcasing our innovative range, from the SLUSH PUPPiE machine to our licensed products. A successful show will significantly boost our European presence, aligning perfectly with our mission to spread joy and creativity.” Nick Jenkins, export manager, Fizz Creations for range selection. Coming as the US was busy juggling the dates for its shows – as the Spielwarenmesse team presents to UK press Toy Fair across the Atlantic is still in the throes of moving away from (and back to) New York and switching timings and more – Nuremberg is, they say, more settled than its American counterpart. “We are rock solid,” says Ulrich, “we keep our venues, we keep our dates.” Having noted that, there are some minor changes – 2024’s show will start on a Tuesday and end on a Saturday and, as Ulrich adds, “Sunday is not a strong day any more.” The executive board of the show is keen to highlight its credentials as being more than just toys on offer there – the vast 160,000 square metres plus trade halls are not just for toy exhibitors. Ulrich can reel off the list of other companies, services and offerings on show: “It’s much more than toys,” he says, citing lifestyle products, festive articles, services for trade and industry, service companies, testing and inspecting institutes, marketing companies and all kinds of specialists. One of the key focuses for the show this year will be the kidult business, one that Spielwarenmesse is keen to highlight for attendees. It’s coming under the banner of Life’s A Playground and, pointing to US figures, which suggest that with toy sales for those over the age of 12 being worth $9 billion a year, this is a business that everyone should be involved with, Ulrich says: “We’re trying to give some ideas for the industry of how big this market is and how big it could be.” Circana global industry analyst Frederique Tutt concurs. In a filmed presentation made for Nuremberg organisers looking at the state of the market and current trends, she says: “We have spoken a lot publicly about the growth of kidults. Most of the European increasing sales over the last three years has come from

JANUARY 2024 Nuremberg Intronm.indd 2

the age group of 12-plus. Now, with the economic crisis, we think it might slow down and in the US they also expect that to decline in 2023. I’m thinking more about the mid term and long term, and with an average spend per head off 15 euros in 2022. I still think there’s some huge growth opportunities for that target group and for you to realise.” Breaking down the kidult market into distinct sectors – collectibles (“Toys as pieces in a collection… from model vehicles and retro toys to action figures and collectible figures”); premium collectibles (“Particularly exclusive and/or limited edition toys… you buy them but don’t play with them…”); table-top games (“Endless variety of games played on the tabletop… played in pairs or larger groups…”); creative fantasy (“table top games, but more creativity… roleplaying games, miniature games and trading card games… Dungeons and Dragons, Disney Lorcana, Marvel Crisis Protocol…”) – you will, Ulrich notes, “find this topic in different places” throughout the show. Chief among this will be looking at best practice retail in this area, offering tips and advice. “There will be specialist stores from all over the world with best practice examples,: he says, with advice and assorted workshops. The organisers can point to other elements too – a new License Lounge area, with “talks, presentations for beginners and professionals”; an Open Day for model railway and model

Spielwarenmesse in numbers 2,142 – the number of exhibitors 69 – the number of countries represented by those exhibitors 79 – the percentage of exhibitors from international territories 21 – the percentage of exhibitors from Germany 369 – the number of new exhibitors 165,000 – the area of the show halls in square metres 58,000 – the number of trade visitors at the show 128 – the number of countries visitors to the show came from 66 – the percentage of international visitors to the

construction consumers offering sales for the first time following a trial in 2023; a Toys Go Green area looking at sustainable packaging and toys as well as those which “explain climate change in a playful way’’; an Insights-X area for stationery; a new product area; a start-up area; awards; events and the Toy Business Forum too.


21/12/2023 19:07

2024 preview

Wilton Bradley’s bumper package


Hall 7 Stand B-11,C12

Wilton Bradley’s head of international sales Laetitia Westerman on the company’s line-up for Spielwarenmesse 2024 and what’s on offer at the show… WILTON BRADLEY 01626 835400 | With over 25 years of expertise, Wilton Bradley specialises in the design, development, distribution and marketing of quality consumer products in the toy, sports and outdoor leisure markets. We supply our many own brands and products to a broad range of customers, from independent and multinational retailers to distributors in more than 40 countries around the globe. With a portfolio of more than 4,000 products, we also design, develop and manufacture OEM products for an array of other brand owners. It is that breadth of business, as well as continual investment, which has enabled us to trade well throughout these current challenging and volatile times. We pride ourselves on being highly flexible and able to adapt quickly, focusing on continuous improvement and sustainability. Nuremberg Toy Fair will see us unveil exciting new developments under several of our key brands for AW24, carefully developed under our core values of fun, innovation and quality. Xootz, our leading wheeled toy brand, already delivers a full range of superb specifications and features for all ages, as well as competitive pricing and a host of Toy awards. Our Xootz Bumper Car ride-on has claimed the top spot as the number-one item in the BatteryOperated Ride-Ons category in the UK (August YTD value sales), while the Viper Pedal Go Kart secured the number-one

position in this category throughout 2022 and from January to August 2023 (Source - Circana UK Retail Tracker). With proven success in Go Karts and Electric Ride-ons, the new Cyclone Drifter will be showcased at Nuremberg – with a 36V battery, and speeds of up to 16km/h, this really packs a punch for our little adrenaline junkies. Playhouse, an indoor and outdoor creative play brand, provides hours of wholesome fun. A beautifully crafted range of wooden mud kitchens and indoor role play lines now also hosts Waterwall – a superb STEM item with limitless combinations that teaches kids about gravity, angles and waterflow and encourages their problem-solving skills to come to life. For AW24, it now also proudly includes Play Tray and Pop Up Playtown, bringing even more creativity, messy play and roleplay magic to the range. Power Play continues to deliver competitive fun with a range of table games across different sizes. With the new additions of a 3ft table across Air Hockey, Pool and Table Football, the whole family can join the league. With other brands such as MiMic, Sew Amazing, Little Roots, and Grasshopper Games among many more, we cover a wide array of product categories and draw on the trends in technology while also encouraging traditional play patterns.

Company comment Head of international sales Laetitia Westerman said: “Wilton Bradley has something for everyone – from social media streamers, to thrill seekers and craft addicts, we continue to develop ranges that make every moment magical.’’ 6

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Origin al and Z are al ero Sugar Sy so ava rups ilable a nd sold sep arately. 01903 327006 6 Commerce Way, Lancing Business Park, BN15 8TA

2024 preview Stand

Hall 12 Stand E-05-1

Eco-friendly learning EDX EDUCATION

020 7097 5173 EDX Education will reveal its new collections for 2024, which include the Green-n-Learn and Greenn-Play collections made from recycled plastics and packaged in FSC certified paper, which embrace circular economy practices for a more sustainable future. The new eco collections include a wide range of sand and water play toys for wonderful play opportunities in the early years. Buyers will be introduced to the new Green-n-Learn Whales Story Counter Set, which includes a set of recycled plastic whale counters for maths learning, imaginative play and fine motor skill development. The counters are accompanied by a picture-led book made from FSC paper, which teaches little learners valuable lessons about the effects of plastic waste in our oceans and aquatic life. The construction toy offering has been expanded with the STEAM

accredited My Gears range, which is tailored for both home and classroom learning. Perfect for nurturing early engineering skills, the kits ignite creative thinking, curiosity, and problem-solving, while refining fine motor skills. Children can seamlessly link gears with chains to create unique machines - moving cars, bikes, tractors, and more. As junior engineers embark on building fun models using easy-to-follow instruction booklets, they gain insights into the fundamental principles of gears, movement, and force. Compatible with the 2cm linking cube sets, the possibilities for construction are boundless. EDX has also expanded its awardwinning Rainbow Pebbles collection with exciting new colourways, introduced new maths cubes sets and counters, including Empathy Pet Counters for additional socioemotional learning while improving early The latest collections from EDX are created from maths skills. recycled plastics and packed in FSC certified paper

Did you know? 8

Bandai opens Pet Shop


Bandai UK

Hall 4A Stand B-10, C-09

020 8324 6160 Following its recent appointment as distributor for the UK and key EU markets for the iconic collectible range, The Littlest Pet Shop, Bandai supports the brand relaunch by bringing a new range of collectible pets and playsets to the legacy toy collection, appealing to a new generation of collectors and superfans. With classic bobblehead motion, and personalised accessories, there are 60 cute characters to collect in series one. From the blind Single Pet Packs to Pet Pairs, and Pet Trio Collector Tubes through to the Pets Got Talent and Fun Factory Playsets, the range offers pocketmoney purchase options and affordable gifting. Hero lines include the Beach Besties Collectors 5 Pack, and Barnyard Fun Collectors 5 Pack. As the home of anime action figures, Bandai’s Anime Heroes line of 15cm figures includes Naruto, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Bleach, while its Ultimate Legends action figures provide 12.5cm character versions of fan-favourite series Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Dragon Ball remains a staple of the business portfolio with action figures spanning appeal from mass playability to display collector pieces. The highly detailed and posable 15cm Dragon Stars continue to introduce new character waves with an always-in-stock strategy for the most popular figures. Standing at 12.5cm tall, the Dragon Ball Evolve action figures are more suited to younger audiences and act as the perfect entry into Dragon Ball play.

2024 preview

Get a piece of

the action TREFL SA

07850 779797 | Trefl SA is the biggest company that manufactures puzzles and games in Stand the CEE region and one of the biggest Hall 10.1, manufacturers in Europe. A family Stand company, since it was founded in C-09 1985, the company consistently builds on its position and constantly expands its offer and production capabilities. Trefl’s products are targeted at adults as well as children and are based on well-known and popular characters. It holds most of the major licences for children’s puzzles including Disney, Warner, Hasbro, Mattel and Viacom. The company also has a wide portfolio of licensed games with a strong focus for the UK. Its Polish factory offers a number of advantages: large production possibilities, variety of offered products, high quality of materials and a fully controlled production process. In 2020, Trefl opened its new Research & Development Centre, where it started to improve ideas for new products, mainly puzzles and games. What’s more, considerable investment was put into the amount of top-class machinery that it had, to increase production capabilities,

and attempt to further meet the supply demand worldwide. The past three years since the pandemic have shown that there is a need and desire for traditional games and puzzles in the modern world of technology, where puzzles are a very popular pastime for families and people of all ages. In 2021 Trefl was working on creating new puzzle lines: Wood Craft Origin (wooden puzzles) and Trefl Prime Unlimited Fit Technology. The Trefl Prime series was created for true jigsaw puzzle lovers. The special technology allows you to put together any number of images into one large composition. In its offering you can find 9,000 and 13,500 elements. In addition, thanks to the use of the thickest paperboard, unique shapes of puzzle pieces and special cutting method, you can easily carry the entire jigsaw puzzle around. The wooden puzzles are a unique product of the highest quality. Choose your favourite picture – from famous cities, colourful animals, collages and the shapes of your favourite characters. Unique, irregular shapes, precise printing process, intense colours, the back side of the puzzles covered with a decorative pattern – these are the details that every puzzle lover will appreciate. The latest collectible series of wooden shape puzzles has been prepared for fans of iconic movies and animation. In the collection you will find Star Wars, Star Wars The Mandalorian, Marvel Avengers

patterns, along with Disney classics Mickey & Minnie Mouse. Wood Craft Junior is a series of wooden puzzles for children. Each jigsaw is divided into 50 irregularly shaped pieces. But that’s not all! You can find a surprise hidden in each product – 10 out of 50 puzzle pieces represent heroes, symbols and shapes dedicated to a given licence. Trefl prides itself on being flexible and making sure it listens to its customers. As a result of this, the company is open to understanding customers’ needs and expectations regarding its puzzles and games, so that it can improve them and create even more exciting products.

Guess what… Wood Craft Junior is a series of wooden puzzles created for children. Each jigsaw is divided into 50 irregularly shaped pieces – and look out for a surprise hidden in each product! 10


Hall 4A Stand A-40/D-40

New characters make debut

with Spin Master Spin Master 01628 535000 |

Spin Master debuts toy ranges for new preschool property Rubble & Crew and new Netflix hit, Unicorn Academy, which ranked number one in Children’s TV Programmes on Netflix in the first week of launch. It will also be showcasing a host of new launches from hugely popular brands such as PAW Patrol and Kinetic Sand. New for 2024, from the UK’s number-one preschool property, PAW Patrol introduces two new themes for PAWsome rescues. Spring/Summer spotlights Jungle Pups with a themed toy line launching January 2024, featuring vehicles with unique animal designs, transformations and a deluxe scale Marshall elephant vehicle perfect for wild rescues at home. With PAW Patrol’s Autumn/Winter theme, Rescue Wheels, the pups take on immense missions with their mighty-sized wheels. Perfect for ultimate Rescue Wheels action, the PAW Patrol Rescue Wheels tower stands at over 3ft tall, with lights and sounds, a Chase Rescue Wheels figure and vehicle, and an impressive loop-the-loop vehicle launcher, providing endless fun and adventure. The PAW Patrol fun doesn’t stop there, as fan favourite Rubble now has his own spin-off series with his family, Rubble & Crew. Now streaming on Paramount+, with accompanying toy range launching in AW24. Spin Master’s Rubble & Crew Barkyard Tower is the ultimate playset for preschoolers to recreate construction adventures seen in the show. With lights, sounds, a working crane, and a unique way to play with kinetic buildit compound, it’s packed full of exciting features to light up little ones’ imaginations. From the ever-popular Kinetic Sand, comes the fantastically fun Kinetic Sand Squishmotion playset. New for AW 2024, and great for some hands-on fun, the Squishmotion playset is a totally new way to play with Kinetic Sand. Kids can experience the magical moving


sand in a whole new way with the new Squishmotion set and the new Squish pad taking sensory play to a whole new level. Perfect for fans of the Netflix show, Spin Master has launched a full range of toys dedicated to Unicorn Academy including its hero product Rainbow Light Up Wildstar – a perfect replica of main character Sophia’s trusty right-hand unicorn, Wildstar. Rainbow Light Up Wildstar responds to your touch with magical lights and unicorn sounds. Kids can recreate iconic moments from the show such as when Sophia and Wildstar ‘bond’, which then showcases the full range of rainbow lights in her body and horn and unlocks two songs from the show, Follow Your Heart, and -There is a Light. Hot off the back of the Christmas bestsellers list, Bitzee, the first digital interactive pet that you can really touch, is back with a bang for 2024. This Autumn will see the launch of the new Disney-themed pet with 30 characters to unlock, meaning the magic and fun never stops.

Did you know? New for 2024, PAW Patrol introduces two new themes for PAWsome rescues. Spring/Summer spotlights Jungle Pups with a themed toy line launching January 2024, featuring vehicles with unique animal designs, transformations and a deluxe scale Marshall elephant vehicle perfect for wild rescues at home. With PAW Patrol’s Autumn/Winter theme, Rescue Wheels, the pups take on immense missions with their mighty-sized wheels. 11

2024 preview

Fresh approach

to dress-up


Hall 9 D04 and Hall 12.2 P24


01491 826500 (UK) (Germany and Northern Europe)

Visit Rubies’ stand at Spielwarenmesse, Nuremberg, for a fresh new look and approach to dress-up for 2024. The Rubies team welcomes you to the stand to find out more on the focus of encouraging play value all year round through 365 roleplay product, upcoming retail solutions, new product lines, and plenty more from the world-leading costume and accessory company. Rubies announces the showcase of its new licences, including Care Bears and Young Jedi Adventures ranges, all new for 2024. On top of new licences, Rubies is delighted to showcase its 365 and seasonal range product for 2024. The team will have exclusive previews of exclusive product for lead characters from upcoming theatrical releases including Deadpool and Wolverine. Make sure to book an appointment at the permanent stand to experience the full scope of this impressive upcoming range. For retail partners from national chains down to independent shops, Rubies will be presenting new and innovative POS solutions; for the first time you’ll be able to preview the plans and designs to take the retailers’ in-store offering to new heights. From FSDUs to new packaging, the design refresh is planned to enhance your product offering and elevate consumers shopping experience. Rubies will be offering marketing partner packages in 2024 to support consumer campaigns for all occasions. From affiliate collaborations to social media enquiries, Rubies is introducing licences including why not drop into their stand to see what they can do Care Bears and Young Jedi Adventures to draw their large fanbase to your sales avenue?

New for 2024

Models mark D-Day anniversary COBI 07584858978 | The 80th anniversary of D-Day is coming up in June 2024. Major international commemorative events on both sides of the STAND Channel will mark the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. D-Day 80 will be a large-scale celebration and COBI Hall 4, STAND B79 will be marking this occasion with a collection of six scaled models. One of the key products to be launched is: & C80 COBI-4849 – Higgins Boat (Landing Craft): The Higgins Boat (LCVP – Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel Carrier) is a landing craft used during World War II on a massive scale in Operation Overlord and during D-Day (June 6, 1944), where they were used to transport and land supplies, small vehicles and soldiers from the sea to the beaches. The landing craft, which was designed by Andrew Higgins, and


built mainly of wooden plywood, was cheap to manufacture, extremely light but could also hold up to 3.6 tonnes of cargo and could reach speeds off up to 12 knots (14mph). More than 20,000 of these units were manufactured. The COBI model faithfully replicates its historical prototype, in 1:35 scale. It has movable elements such as two machine guns with covers and a mechanism for lowering and raising the front ramp. A strategic range being launched at Spielwarenmesse and London are the entry-level scaled aircraft and tank models. These have been specifically designed to encourage new modellers into the military modelling/construction market. A range of planes in 1:48 scale include Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero; Yakovlev YAK 3, and Hawker Typhoon Mk.IB.

Look out for… New launches from Bigjigs’ partner brands, including Green Toys’ 100% recycled OceanBound collection and Tiger Tribe’s ECO arts and crafts sets


Hall 10 stand C28

The names of the games CHEATWELL GAMES 02392 524098


Hall 3 Stand A35B42

Cooking up

sustainable play BIGJIGS TOYS 01303 250400 Trailblazing Bigjigs Toys is set to return to Nuremberg’s international trade show, Spielwarenmesse, with a collection of thoughtfully crafted new toys. At the 2024 show, sustainability will take centre stage for the family-run brand, with the growth of its award-winning Simply Scandi range. Made from ethically harvested FSC Certified wood and food-grade silicone, the new collection will feature creative stacking toys, shape sorters, chunky puzzles, sensory activities and bath toys. But the superstar of the stand will be its new Simply Scandi Kitchen, stylishly designed in natural wood and pastel tones. Alongside its new Simply Scandi products, Bigjigs Toys will also showcase a range of new themed train sets, animal ride-on toys, educational games, roleplay sets, outdoor activities and much more. Additionally, visitors to the stand can expect new launches from its partner brands, including Green Toys’ 100% recycled OceanBound collection and Tiger Tribe’s ECO arts and crafts sets.


Cheatwell Games has an impressive new range to present to customers at Nuremberg. The new titles are designed to appeal to all ages and interests. Crown The Unicorn is a fun search and find game for children aged four and above. The lion and the unicorn were fighting for the crown. The unicorn won the crown, but the lion chased her into the forest where she lost it. Players want to return her crown, but can they find the unicorn? Can they avoid the angry lion? It’s easy to set up and simple to play. Crown The Unicorn is a perfect way for kids to improve their observation and memory skills… while having bags of fun! In the game of Stink Bug everyone is playing in a pile of leaves… including some funny little bugs. Choose a leaf on your turn and try to make a matched pair... but beware of the stinky Stink Bugs! If they show up you’ll lose all the unmatched leaves in your collection. Stink Bug is a fun and educational matching game for children of all ages. Avast, ye me hearties, prepare to play Skullduggery! It’s time to divide the plundered booty in this cunning card game of treasure and treachery. Skullduggery is the game of piratical pilfering that separates the seasoned sea dogs from the listless landlubbers. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! In Inter-Galactic Plumber the galaxy has become gridlocked with hazardous asteroid fields. Players are tasked with de-clogging the space lanes. As they jaunt from rock to rock using their plungers to remove asteroids they gain points along the way. It’s simply stellar fun! It Fits… is the game where players dream up answers to given statements. The aim is to choose an answer that fits your card and Three new images are as many face-up cards as possible. Can being introduced to you convince your opponents that your the popular World’s answer truly fits… or fails? Smallest Jigsaws Three new images are being introduced range. Each puzzle to the popular World’s Smallest Jigsaws range. Each puzzle comprises 1,000 pieces comprises 1,000 pieces but is just A3 in size. Highly challenging but is just A3 in size and hugely collectable.



2024 preview Stand

Hall 12.2 Stand P15



Hall 12 Stand F-20, G-17

brings the Bing


Play is the Way for Mattel in 2024 Mattel 01628 500000

Fun fact

Barbie will be Mattel’s iconic portfolio of brands celebrating her 65th has an action-packed year ahead. anniversary at London’s Barbie, the world’s number-one fashion doll, celebrates her 65th prestigious Design anniversary, Hot Wheels continues Museum, with an to drive excitement and innovation exhibition charting the plus exciting brand campaigns and life and times of the innovative toys across Fisher-Price, doll brand since 1959. Thomas & Friends plus exciting partner brands bring unique The venue has been experiences and excitement. given exclusive access Since 1959, Barbie has inspired to Mattel’s vast Barbie girls to be anything and in 2024 the archives in the US… brand will have a full year of exciting birthday activity to celebrate the icon. Look out for even more purposeful campaigns and product, new category launches and more fun with fashion. Hot Wheels diecast car is the number-one selling toy in the world and the brand continues to ignite the Challenge Spirit in kids and adults alike. With its brand campaign ‘Challenge Accepted’ plus exciting new category launches including Skate, Hot Wheels will continue to drive engagement with fans of all ages. After an exciting anniversary year Matchbox continues to add newness with new product introductions. Fisher-Price continues to build on its Smilestones brand campaign helping parents celebrate the little victories and that development happens naturally when fun leads the way. Supported with new product introductions to suit each Smilestone, as well as new category launches. Thomas & Friends’ exciting brand campaign ‘laying tracks to success’ continues in 2024 driving the purposeful message exploring the benefits of train play on children’s development. New toy launches will bring added excitement, helping kids create their own adventures. The Mattel dolls portfolio continues to drive success with Polly Pocket celebrating her 35th anniversary with new themed compacts. Monster High success continues expanding with new dolls and unboxing fun. The successful introduction of the Mattel Disney Princess range continues with new Frozen dolls and the launch of the WISH range. 14

Global toy supplier Sambro International will return to Nuremberg to showcase its extensive range of licensed and own-brand toys, with new ranges and licenses to be unveiled. The award-winning innovator, which holds strong partnerships with key global licensors including Disney, Marvel, Hasbro and Paramount, will also share news and updates on some of its most recent licensed contracts, including Universal, Acamar Films and Toikido. New for 2024, Sambro will launch a range of products from popular children’s TV show and franchise Bing as part of its three-year contract with Acamar Films. The range, being rolled out across UK and EU retailers, includes toys that encourage self-expression, exploration, and sensory, creative and imaginative play. Messy play sand sets, My First art sets, along with make, mould and paint figures, will form part of the arts and crafts range, while outdoor play items include waterfall sets, bubbles and inflatables. Sambro further strengthens its licensed offering with a range of collectible toys featuring Gabby’s Dollhouse, Trolls and Minions in partnership with Universal. Further newness comes from the extensive range of arts & crafts, stationery, bags, and novelty toys themed around gaming studio Toikido’s Smashlings, which will be widely available across EMEA territories. 2024 will be a year of anniversaries and celebrations for some of the world’s biggest brands, including Barbie, who turns 65, SpongeBob with a 25th anniversary; Teenage Mutant Ninja Hero Turtles and Transformers, who both celebrate a 40th anniversary milestone; and last but by no means least, Peppa Pig with her big 20th celebration bash! Hero products from these anniversary ranges include Peppa Pig arts & crafts ranges and glitter plush, SpongeBob Puzzle Palz, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles novelty ‘Ooze’ playset and novelty lines, plus Transformers plush and Puzzle Palz.

Adding Fizz to Slush Puppie

Stand Hall 12 H-15


01903 327006 | is a particular highlight, casting a glow on the inventive flair of Fizz Creations. These lights, featuring iconic characters and themes from Sonic the Hedgehog, Harry Potter, Care Bears and NASA, are more than mere illuminations; they’re conversation starters! But the innovation doesn’t stop there. Fizz Creations presents a diverse array of licensed products that cater to a wide audience. Fans of Minions, The Grinch, and The Gruffalo will find delightful items that bring their favourite characters to life in unique and engaging ways. For those drawn to the charm of nostalgia, the Back to the Future, NASA, and E.T. products offer a blend of retro allure and contemporary design. Attending the Spielwarenmesse toy show is not just about exhibiting products; it’s an opportunity for Fizz Creations to connect with its audience and industry peers, to share its vision of a world where fun, positivity, and creativity reign supreme. Its booth is set to be a testament to its friendly, optimistic, and light-hearted approach, was created by inviting visitors to step into the world of Will Radcliff after trying a similar drink at a trade Fizz Creations, where fair. Working with his family, it was dreamed up on innovation meets joy a porch at their Cincinatti, Ohio, home. The name is and imagination knows derived as a play on words on Hush Puppies shoes no bounds.

Fizz Creations is all set to illuminate the Spielwarenmesse toy show with a unique blend of innovation, cheerfulness, and collaborative spirit. As a brand synonymous with creativity and fun, the team is excited to showcase its eclectic mix of products that perfectly encapsulate its ethos. The stand will be a vibrant hub, demonstrating not just the products but the joy and connectivity they bring. At the forefront, Fizz Creations is thrilled to introduce the new SLUSH PUPPiE machine. This isn’t just a product; it’s a nostalgia-infused, innovative creation that’s set to be a showstopper. It’s a tangible representation of the company’s commitment to blending fond memories with contemporary design, a principle that resonates through its entire range. The collection of licensed lighting




Hall 4, Stand F54 Stand: Hall 4, Stand F54 Connetix are high-quality, innovative, open-ended products that promote learning through play. With a huge range of award-winning, STEAM accredited packs, Connetix is quickly becoming recognised as a leading educational STEAM toy globally. Last year saw an amazing period of growth for the brand as it brought on hundreds of new retailers and expanded into new territories. Releasing a total of 10 new packs in 2023, the Connetix team is looking forward to announcing new innovations within their product line, displaying some of these on their stand in Nuremberg. Returning visitors to Nuremberg can expect the Connetix stand to be bigger and better than last year, with guests treated to epic magnetic tile builds, the newest shapes, and even experience hands-on fun by sending wooden balls shooting through impressive ball run designs. Magnetic tiles are brimming with potential for learning and skill development. Featuring a unique bevel design and strong magnets, Connetix offesr clearer refractions and durability plus increased play versatility. Meeting global safety standards


and testing, the magnetic tiles are made from non-toxic, food-grade ABS plastic, and include ultrasonic welding and rivets for extra safety. Stocked in more than 1,300 quality retailers across 75 countries, Connetix is rapidly establishing itself as a leading magnetic toy among retailers, parents, educators and allied health professionals across the globe. Available in three colour ranges - bright Rainbow, earthy Pastel, and dazzling Clear – the Connetix catalogue spans from introductory Mini Packs for the ideal gift, Starter Packs to develop confidence with magnetic tile play, Creative Packs perfect for big builds or sibling play, all the way through to Mega Packs for even bigger builds and family play. The fun doesn’t end there! The Connetix range also includes speciality and expansion packs designed to extend Connetix play in different ways - from Transport Packs for vehicle enthusiasts and those wanting to explore force-and motion, Geometry packs for shape exploration or mandala play, to the exclusive Ball Run packs featuring clear fluted tubes so you can track the zooming action and fun.


2024 preview

Small wonders


Hall 12.2, Stand P-16/ P-19/P-22

ZURU Nuremberg will see award-winning manufacturer Zuru unveil new lines for its best-selling IPs and latest licensed ranges for the year ahead. With Zuru’s new permanent exhibition stands situated at the International Toy Fair, the company will showcase newness across major brands including Mini Brands, 5 Surprise, XSHOT, Rainbocorns, Smashers, Snackles, Robo Alive, alongside seasonal ranges for Bunch O Balloons, and XSHOT Water. Mini Brands, the number-one most-liked collectible brand on TikTok, continues to dominate the miniature collectibles space. The show will highlight major launches for the year ahead including the upcoming Mini Sneakers, Books, Fashion, and new licensed ‘Make and Create’ lines. With #sneakerstok and #BookTok trending across the platform, Mini Brands further taps into this space through its own brand channel. The Minis have been given a new look with fresh branding and a host of new inspirational licence partners adding to the increased appeal among all ages and interests. Intricate detailing has been applied to each of the collectibles, which include the likes of Reebok, Sketchers, Airwalk, and Prince trainers for the Sneakers line, complete with real laces and shoeboxes for storage. While Mini Brands Books include tiny, readable versions of classics by Dickens, CS Lewis, and Roald Dahl, alongside modern literary hits such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Dog Man. Fresh packaging design has also been applied to 5 Surprise, plus a new brand platform for the 2024 range provides a streamlined approach for the themed pocket-money priced evergreen surprise collectibles. XSHOT, the most-liked blaster brand on TikTok, will present its move

A sweet treat from Fingerlings WOWEE 14-941-3813


Unlock friendship at your fingertips and share secret messages with Hall 7, Fingerlings Sweet Tweets Bird. Stand Available Spring 2024, this cute, E-51 interactive bird really knows when it’s on your finger, and features 40-plus sounds and reactions. On your finger, record and play back secret messages and see the heart on its head light up. Off your finger, the bird listens and repeats everything you say! Press your bird’s wings to hear more tweets, songs and cute sounds. The feet clip easily to your finger, so you can take your birdie on the go. Available in two colours: pink and blue. For ages five-plus. You can also see Fingerlings Sweet Tweets Bird at Character Options Booth at London Toy Fair.


into the girls’ market, introduce newly themed skins, and an all-new combo range, tapping into the success of the recent XSHOT Insanity launch. The patented fast-fill technology enables users to refill each blaster in just one second, allowing more time to play and waterblasting action long before their opponents. The Smashers Dino Island Mini T-Rex Battles debuts a new battlingplay and surprise collectibles unboxing experience for the longstanding Smashers IP, while the show provides a platform for the launch of the new Smashers Junior sub-range.

2024 Carat gold… THE CARAT SHOP 01279 442 528


Hall 1, stand F-05

The Carat Shop has announced the expansion of its brand portfolio with the launch of Barbie, Pusheen, and Lord of the Rings jewellery and accessories for 2024. This exciting move marks a significant step forward for the company as it continues to diversify its offerings and cater to a wider range of customers. Barbie, the iconic fashion doll that has captivated generations of children, will be brought to life in a collection of stylish and playful jewellery and accessories. The collection will capture the essence of Barbie’s fun and vibrant personality, offering a range of pieces that are perfect for everyday wear and special occasions. Pusheen, the adorable and internet-famous cartoon cat, will also be joining The Carat Shop’s family of brands. The Pusheen collection will feature a variety of charming and whimsical jewellery and accessories that are sure to delight fans of all ages. Lord of the Rings, the epic fantasy trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien, will be honoured with a collection of intricate and detailed jewellery and accessories. The collection will capture the magic and wonder of Middle-earth.

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