LEO A DALY Commissioning

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Commissioning Qualifications 2022


Complex building systems are not one-size-fits-all.

Integrated Design Excellence

Commissioning: An essential factor in building quality and performance In a study of 1,500 buildings in North America, Retro-Commissioning has a median simple payback of 1.7 years and New Building Commissioning has a simple payback of 4.2 years.*

LEO A DALY is an internationally recognized leader in integrated design. For more than 100 years, our dedication to design excellence has produced exceptional spaces that enhance and enrich the human experience. Our success is rooted in our “whole project” approach, which combines experts from each design discipline into collaborative teams at the outset of each project. This singular blend of creative and technical expertise allows us to push the limits of high-performance design and deliver excellence to every client. Foundation of Experience All of the LEO A DALY commissioning professionals have a design or construction background prior to becoming commissioning agents. With this experience our team is able to offer solutions and feedback in the best interest of the Owner. Desire to Collaborate LEO A DALY commissioning agents strive to collaborate with all team members from the Owner, Design Team, and the Contractor. We are able to understand entire building systems and can assist the Owner in assuring the end product is operating based on their requirements and the design intent.

*Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2020

Bridging the Gap The LEO A DALY Commissioning Team bridges the gap between the various teammates throughout the course of the project life. With the life cycle going from Owner to Design Team to Contractor and back to Owner the Commissioning Agent is an integral part of the project able to provide continuity and avoid gaps in communication and coordination.






Commissioning Benefits The value of a whole building commissioning process is realized by the owner, project designers, contractors and ultimately occupants of the building. Owners benefit from having an advocate and fewer delays. Early on, commissioning agents identify and document Owner Project Requirements (OPR). Throughout design and construction, they continually ensure the building fulfills the owner’s performance expectations. Designers benefit from verification of design intent as well as reduced time troubleshooting installation issues. Commissioning agents capture installation deficiencies during functional performance testing. Contractors save on time and labor from the discovery and resolution of issues, which can range from operational oversights, installation errors, incorrect programming or manufacturing defects. Building End Users experience the built environment as it was designed — one that is comfortable, healthy, maintainable and sustainable.

A Path to High Performance Buildings Carefully designed building systems focused on maximum energy performance and efficient operations can save facility owners and operators significant dollars over the life of the building, but only if these systems are built, operated and maintained to design specifications. Commissioning is a critical process toward achieving the highest performance outcomes for a building. Complex building systems are not one-size-fits all. They are tailored to meet each building’s unique performance requirements, driven by location, energy impact, resiliency requirements, operational and maintenance goals and many other design factors. The commissioning agent evaluates all building systems as a complete operational unit, thus confirming performance and bringing assurance to the client the final building performs as designed.

“Commissioning was a security blanket for us. I work in the financial world, not the design and construction world. Commissioning ensured everything operated as designed, and it kept us from having to babysit.” - Robin Larson, Cobalt Credit Union Chief Operating Officer LEO A DALY



Our Commissioning Services Commissioning Approach •

We facilitate the process of identifying and documentating Owner Performance Requirements (OPR) in collaboration with owners and stakeholders, achieving buy-in and understanding across all parties for performance expectations.

We provide design reviews focused on value-added feedback at the right time to influence design and construction decisions related to building operations, maintenance and performance.

We set performance and process expectations with the contractor and sub-contractors early in the construction phase. This establishes clear lines of communication and understanding of the commissioning process goals.

We develop detailed functional testing procedures to put all commissioned systems through the full range of anticipated operational requirements from a wholebuilding-system perspective.

We work with our design and construction partners to find solutions to operational issues discovered through the functional performance testing, respecting project costs and schedules while still supporting the identified owner requirements.

Post-construction, we serve as a trusted advisor and resource to the owner, operator and occupants by providing warranty walk through visits and confirmation of building performance.


Commissioning Retro-Commissioning Recommissioning Continuous Commissioning Building Enclosure Commissioning



Commissioning is a systematic process of ensuring all building systems perform interactively according to the design intent and the owner’s operational needs. The process evaluates building equipment, subsystems, operation and maintenance procedures, measuring performance of all building components individually and as a system. Retro-Commissioning is a systematic process for improving and optimizing an existing building’s performance. Recommissioning is commissioning of an existing building that has already gone through the commissioning process to address issues that may have arisen since the original commissioning. It provides additional opportunities to improve efficiency and performance.


Years Engineering Expertise

Continuous Commissioning is an ongoing process for existing buildings to resolve operating problems, improve building comfort and safety, optimize energy use and identify retrofits. Data is continually gathered and compared against energy benchmarks to measure efficiency and ensure equipment and systems operate as designed throughout their useful lives. Building Enclosure Commissioning is a qualitybased process for evaluating the performance of a facility envelope to determine if a project is meeting the defined objectives, standards, and requirements of the owner. Working with the project team it is a collaboration to discuss challenging building enclosure detailing, specifications, and other components.




Our team of experienced commissioning profess

Denise Allacher

Colin Malloy

Marc Roberts

Commissioning Practice Lead

Commissioning Agent

Senior Construction Administrator

Denise is a Certified Building Commissioning Professional (CBCP). As leader of the commissioning practice she oversees the commissioning process, staff resources, and overall approach to projects. Denise spent the first 17 years of her career as a mechanical design engineer giving her the ability to solve complex problems and speak the language of the design team. She authors commissioning plans and is responsible for the QA/QC of all commissioning documentation. She is most passionate about ensuring the owner receives the facility they were expecting and that their staff is fully equipped to operate the facility.

Colin is a Qualified Commissioning Process Provider (QCxP) with over 16 years industry experience. This experience includes leading multiple commissioning projects focused in health care, commercial, and educational facilities. Additionally he spent six years on site working as an MEP engineer for a general contractor and four years working as a mechanical design engineer. This background gives Colin a unique perspective on the commissioning process and how it integrates into the overall project. As a Commissioning Authority Colin is responsible for writing the commissioning plan which includes all tests to be used by the contractor during construction.

Marc is a Certified Commissioning Authority (BECxP) with a focus on building enclosures. In his over 20 years of experience in the industry including time spent as a project manager for a general contractor he brings insight into construction quality control, project schedules, cost estimating, contractor coordination and the “Means and Methods” contractors use to complete projects. From building envelope design review, mock-up and field performance testing and quality control field review, he will work with the contractor, owner and design team to help mitigate costly damage of envelope failures across all six sides of building enclosure - walls, roof, and slab.






sionals know what to look for. LEO A DALY Commissioning Professionals, Engineers & Architects




Professional Engineers

Certified Building Enclosure Agents

The commissioning team at LEO A DALY brings a wealth of knowledge from both design and construction across multiple building markets, providing insight and integrated solutions throughout the commissioning process. Their experience covers all engineering systems, construction phases, code compliance and highperformance design for system of all types.



Our Work





Cobalt Credit Union, Headquarters

Cost $24,900,000

LEO A DALY provided commissioning services of the corporate headquarters for Cobalt Credit Union. The project was designed with high performance energy use goals and occupant comfort as primary owner project requirements while providing the appropriate ventilation to the four-story atrium that was open to all of the building floors. The high-efficiency mechanical HVAC systems included a chilled beam system coupled to a geothermal well field with dedicated outside air systems. The commissioning process ensured the building operations met the design potential of this high performance system. A focus on functional performance testing, building control verification and owner training was of great importance to ensure the unique system designs were understood by facility personnel and operating per design requirements at project turnover.

Scope MEP Commissioning

Commissioning benefits identified during the course of the project included:

Project Highlights Complex HVAC Systems Focus on Energy Conservation Control System Verification

A dirty airflow sensor caused an air handling unit to supply only 50% of its total design capacity. Discovery and subsequent cleaning of the airflow sensor during commissioning testing resulted in preventing occupant thermal comfort issues and multiple facility maintenance calls.

Many issues with the building control system were easily remedied by calibration or setting changes. This included the discovery that the server rooms lacked programming connections to the building automation system which meant if temperatures spiked in the server alarms were not known to the facility staff.

Papillion, Nebraska

Owner Cobalt Credit Union Size 95,000 SF



International Harvester Mississippi Valley Credit Union Headquarters Moline, Illinois

Owner International Harvester Mississippi Valley Credit Union

The owner’s primary goals for the new headquarters building for the IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union headquarters was to provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment as employee satisfaction and recruiting are part of the culture. The commissioning process provided value through confirmation of building operations on space conditions. Commissioning Benefits identified during the course of this project included: •

During system testing it was identified that the supply air temperature reset schedule to increase air temperatures during cold weather conditions was not programmed into the building automation system. The discovery of this oversight prevented occupant thermal comfort issues during occupancy of the building and potential cold calls to facility maintenance staff.

Lighting control system occupancy sensor testing uncovered several space occupancy sensors not operating properly and failing to turn on light fixtures. The correction of these lighting controls during commissioning prevented frustration from occupants and ensured a well-lit, safe environment was provided.

Size 80,000 SF Cost $23,500,000 Scope MEP Commissioning Project Highlights Complex HVAC Systems Control System Verification



W.T. Sampson School, Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Owner Department of Defense Education Activity Size 157,500 SF Cost $63,000,000 Scope MEP Commissioning Building Envelope Commissioning

The new WT Sampson School provides K - 12 educational opportunities for children of military and civilian staff stationed at Guantanamo Bay. This multi-level school consisted of neighborhood learning studios and hubs; information and computer centers; science labs: gymnasium and performance spaces; commons/dining and food service; art, music, and band rooms; learning impaired spaces; career technical education, counseling areas: and administrative and staff offices. Commissioning efforts for buildings in this tropic environment are critical to ensuring proper moisture control and healthy, comfortable indoor environments. Commissioning benefits provided during the course of the project included: •

Building envelope commissioning construction site visits discovered multiple examples of air leakage points at building expansion joint terminations. The discovery during the commissioning process resulted in correction of potential moisture infiltration issues which could have resulted in mold and an unhealthy building environment due to the extreme temperature and humidity conditions typical to the area.

During equipment functional testing it was discovered the building chiller was not operating during the second stage of cooling due to circuit board malfunctions. Discovering this issue prior to operation prevented comfort issues during occupancy as well as maintenance troubleshooting expenses.

Project Highlights Complex HVAC Systems Focus on Energy Conservation Control System Verification


US Department of Veterans Affairs, Biloxi VA Medical Center, Campus Commissioning Projects Biloxi, Mississippi

Owner US Department of Veterans Affairs

The Gulf Coast VA Medical Center Campus has undergone considerable transformation with multiple new projects and renovations in recent years. Commissioning services were provided for multiple projects across the campus focusing on meeting the high design requirements of new construction work and optimizing the performance of existing building facilities. Commissioning benefits provided by throughout the course of the projects: •

Hot water recirculating line valves were found to be closed at the time of testing. If these valves had remained close following the occupancy of the facility each of the fixtures would not provide hot water in a reasonable length of time.

During generator testing it was discovered that while power transferred correctly from normal power to emergency it did not transfer from emergency power back to normal power as designed and code-required.

As a part of air-handling unit testing the dampers were found to not be working as designed, but instead were fighting each other making building pressurization control unachievable. Reprogramming of these dampers allowed for proper building pressurization and aiding to ensure and occupant safety.

Size Multiple Buildings Cost Various Scope MEP Commissioning Renewable Systems Commissioning Project Highlights Phased Construction Existing System Infrastructure Connections



Syracuse Area Health, Critical Access Replacement Hospital Syracuse, Nebraska

Owner Syracuse Area Health


Syracuse Area Health Replacement Hospital was constructed to provide the local community with an updated health care facility. Commissioning ensured the performance of the new building provided the efficiency, savings, and maintenance reliability that were a focus of the project design. Commissioning benefits provided during the course of the project: •

Multiple piping and conduit routing issues were identified. If left uncorrected these issues would have limited the ability to adequately maintain equipment above the ceilings.

The chilled water pumping system was designed with pressure reset controls to optimize energy consumption. During commissioning it was found that these pressure resets were not included in the building automation system programming. Correction of the oversight resulted in increased energy savings for the life of the building operation.

Functional performance testing uncovered a number of the reheat coil valves on terminal units had been wired incorrectly and did not provide the appropriate amount of water for heating the spaces. Rectifying this wiring will aid in occupant comfort during the heating season.

Size 66,000 SF Cost $23,100,000 Scope MEP Commissioning Services Project Highlights Complex HVAC Systems Focus on Energy Conservation Control System Verification



UnityPoint Health, Trinity Regional Medical Center, Emergency Department Fort Dodge, Iowa

Owner UnityPoint Health Size 18,000 SF Cost $6,600,000


LEO A DALY was retained to provide design, construction, and warranty phase commissioning services for the Trinity Regional Medical Center Emergency Department addition and renovation. The primary function of the facility requires an environment that is safe, comfortable, and facilitated the critical care of the community. The project was phased construction and the commissioning efforts focused on the operation of new equipment in the facility and its integration with the areas of renovation. Commissioning benefits provided during the course of the project included: •

Damper configuration issues in the construction of the new custom air-handling unit resulted in inaccurate outside airflow measurements. These discrepancies were discovered prior to occupancy resulting in the correction of the issue prior to occupancy which assured proper ventilation rates for provided to ensure occupant health and safety.

Lighting levels in the medication room were discovered to be too low based on code requirements. The lighting levels in the space were corrected providing a safer environment for staff distribution of critical medications to patients.

Scope MEP Commissioning Services Project Highlights Phased Construction Partial Occupancy During Construction



Fort Knox Medical Clinic Replacement Fort Knox, Kentucky

Owner USACE - Huntsville District Size 101,000 SF Cost $80,000,000 Scope MEP Commissioning Services Building Envelope Commissioning Continuous Commissioning Project Highlights Post Occupancy Systems Monitoring Owner Training Updates Existing System Infrastructure Connections


LEO A DALY was retained to provide the design, construction and warranty phase commissioning on the Fort Knox Medical Clinic Replacement project. The project not only included the new clinical facility but also extensive renovation to the central chiller plant MEP systems. Commissioning provided verification of the new system operations as well as the operation of the existing system infrastructure which served the new facility. Confirmation of post occupancy facility operation and emphasis on facility personnel training was of importance in the Owner’s Project Requirements. Continuous commissioning efforts were provided through system trend evaluations during occupancy for a period of 12 months. Owner training confirmation and follow up training sessions were confirmed during project turnover. Commissioning benefits provided during the course of the project included: •

Through post occupancy chilled water commissioning trend analysis it was discover occupant temperature overrides were limiting the energy saving potential of chilled water pumping reset strategies design for the project. Space user education was provided resulting in continued energy cost savings for the building operations.

Through functional performance testing it was discovered during certain modes of operation the air handling units were not properly shut down by the fire alarm system in a smoke detection event. This potential life safety issue was the able to be corrected prior to occupancy.



Denise Allacher PE, CBCP, LEED AP, WELL AP Commissioning Practice Lead DLAllacher@leoadaly.com 402.390.4254

8600 Indian Hills Drive Omaha, NE 68114 402.391.8111 leoadaly.com

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