The truth about white tigers —
A white tigress named 'Joella' rescued from a closing facility in Arkansas and moved to the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge. Photo IFAW
As a Global Ambassador for the International Fund for
Their practices, claims, and sadly, the messages they
Animal Welfare (IFAW), I’ve known for years that there are
deliver to the public day in and day out, are fraught
more tigers in captivity in the United States than remain
with dangerous messages that only continues the cycle
free in the wild today. Hearing this stunning fact never
of suffering for these captive animals. A true sanctuary
fails to shock me.
values the well-being of the animal and ensures its
I’ve had the privilege of seeing two white tigers up close during my time with IFAW. Upon my first encounter, I was
complete separation from the public and often from the animal’s keepers as well.
struck by their beauty and recall thinking these were the
Let me be clear. The tiger cubs you see on Instagram
most magnificent animals I had ever seen. When I learned
often being fed from a bottle or posing for a photo
the truth, I was both heartbroken and infuriated. White
were not “rescued from the wild”—rather, they are likely
tigers are not a distinct subspecies at all, nor are they
products of speed-breeding, where animals are bred in
actually found in the wild.
unnaturally short periods of time to maximise profit and
These tigers are specifically the result of inbreeding and are often born with severe deformities and health conditions that lead to a lifetime of chronic pain and suffering. The reason you don’t often see them on
cub numbers. Atop that, they are constantly mistreated in other ways as well, including being deprived of food or ‘formula’ to ensure they will suckle at the right moment. In short, it is reprehensible.
popular big cat Instagram accounts is because they are
IFAW continues to rescue big cats in need across the
often euthanised or hidden away.
United States and is working to rein in the United States
If you visit a facility or animal display that is marketed as a “sanctuary,” but which allows you to physically interact in some way with a tiger, lion or other dangerous feline – that is not a true sanctuary. These businesses will claim close ties to conservation. The reality however is that they do nothing to assist in that conservation—they do
trade in captive exotic felines by advancing the Big Cat Public Safety Act - federal legislation that would end the private ownership of big cats. We’re also asking people across the globe to pledge to take safe selfies that respect animals, not endanger them. MINKA KELLY / Actress and IFAW Global Ambassador
nothing to help their animals’ counterparts in the wild.
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