2022 ISSUE 3
Christmas and Missions
In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world. ~ John 17:18 (MSG)
25 December – a day we celebrate the birth of Jesus - is around the corner. Christians and non-Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas. Many people may celebrate Christmas with fanfare without knowing the real reason. With all the hustle and bustle going on before Christmas, perhaps it is important for us to quieten down and take a moment to pause and contemplate on the real gift of a Saviour for this world.
God sent Jesus into the world to save the lost and broken world. Christmas has become a pattern for missions: Jesus is the greatest example of a cross-cultural missionary. He came from His heavenly throne to be placed in a lowly manger. He came to seek and save the lost.
In the same way, we too are to go cross-culturally as He did for us. We must also bring the good news to the lost. And bring people from every tribe, language, and nation to Jesus. Christmas is a time for us to focus on Jesus’ Great Commission.
How do we celebrate Christmas in our mission fields? Read from page 8 the various celebrations in our fields. And please pray alongside us for the opportunities to sow the seeds of the Gospel in the hearts of those who are participating in the celebrations this Christmas. Bishop Dr Gordon Wong suggests on page 32 that God prefers to work quietly and in small, often unnoticed ways. And on page 2, Rev Derrick Lau invites you to reflect on the Saviour and pray for our mission fields. May we seek God’s heartbeat for the world, and reach the last, the least, and the lost for Christ.
The fields are ready for harvest; the world is lost and in dire need of the Saviour. Missions is a mirror of Christmas. As Jesus was sent, so are we.
If you need the magazine to be printed in larger font size, please let us know by emailing to mms@methodist.org.sg.
We apologise for a typo error on page 43 of HF 2022 issue 2. Timothy Tan became the new principal of the Methodist School of Cambodia (Main School) on 1 May 2022 (not 1 April).
Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the missions agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. MMS is given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across this region where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is published three times annually and distributed free. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. Work in Creative Access Nations is not published; please email mms@methodist.org.sg for more information and engagement. All information published is correct at time of writing and may be subject to change. All Scripture quoted is based on the English Standard Version, unless otherwise stated.
PERMIT NUMBER MCI (P) 029/01/2022
Rev Derrick Lau
Goh Tuan Gee
Henry Wang, Thng Pheng Soon
2022 ISSUE 03
g Christmas Refreshed!
g Country Information
g Opportunities to Serve
Daniel Loo, Hazel Mui, Ho Pang Lin, Jessie Chen, Joseph Mannar, Juliette Arulrajah, Leslie Lim, Noel Tam, Vincent Lim
Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, Tan Poh Ling & Volunteers
5stones Pte Ltd
Print & Print Pte Ltd
Rev Derrick Lau
70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936
Tel: 6478 4818
Connect with us and never miss an update mms@methodist.org.sg
g The Christmas Light!
g The Unchanging Christmas Hope!
g Christmas Celebration in Nepal
g Christmas Celebration in Thailand
g Home away from home: Christmas in Timor-Leste
g Christmas Celebration in Vietnam
Our Gifts For Missions
g MMS Family
g Kids Missions Adventures 2022
g DIY “Joy to the World” Ornament
COVER The fundamental focus of Christmas shall be on the worship of Christ as our Saviour.
Stock library image
g Small, but not small at all!
He enjoys photography.
Christmas is typically a season of celebration where people from all over the world would immerse themselves in social gatherings over food and exchange of gifts and wishes. And for the people of faith, it is a time of renewal of commitment to the Holy Child of Bethlehem, the Saviour of the world. For the past three years, there were lockdowns and restricted gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, while I pen this message, I am feeling optimistic that we will have a refreshing Christmas where church bells and [audio] speakers in the malls will “blast” off the carols that we miss so much alongside the colourful Christmas trees and decorative lights. And I also pray and hope that this Christmas, the war in Ukraine would have ceased and peace be restored to the land and the people.
Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27) As Christ has promised, let us embrace His peace, and demonstrate an unflinching commitment to share His love that may require us to brave through the storms that often cross our path from time to time.
Christmas 2022 brings renewal of hope for those surrounded by injury (bodily and mental), insults (from those whom the message of Christ might be perceived as illogical, and an outright contradiction to their understanding of salvation), and indifference (particularly for those who embrace a secular worldview and might at the same time be experiencing some sort of disillusion with organised religion).
As I had written last year that if the COVID-19 pandemic remained unabated, the season will see
congregations gathering in smaller scale, there will be fewer street lightings, decorations, parties, etc. And it should not be incomprehensible that the mood will be quiet, sombre, and uneventful. Whatever the scale of the celebrations might be, every opportunity to share the message of Christ’s love should be treasured.
Christmas 2022 draws the people of faith to rekindle the message of love, joy, and peace to the world. The message remains unchanged while the environment might require new ways and forms of sharing the message. The fundamental focus shall be on the worship of Christ as SAVIOUR.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
At MMS, we continue to strive towards deeper engagement with missionaries and their sending churches and Conferences. We have resumed our visits to our mission fields where we re-connected with the National leaders and members and shared our prayers, resources, and encouragement.
We are deeply thankful to the Lord for the opportunities to witness lives transformed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ via church planting and community development. We are immensely grateful to you, readers for your prayers and generous contributions to the missions. We continue to covet your prayers as we seek to remain relevant to the mission heartbeat that brought us in partnership with you in reaching the vast unreached peoples in the region (approx. 2.4 billion who have not heard the Gospel).
刘作丰牧师 Executive Director of MMS.The message remains unchanged while the environment might require new ways and forms of sharing the message. The fundamental focus shall be on the worship of Christ as SAVIOUR.
This Christmas, I invite you to reflect on the acronym S.A.V.I.O.U.R., and pause for a prayer for our mission fields:
SAVIOUR is always ready to welcome all who would put their trust in Him. Let us reach out to those in our community and nations with the message of peace and reconciliation.
The tender for the St Paul Methodist School building project was awarded in August, and we look forward to its completion within a calendar year subject to weather conditions, availability of building materials as well as design adjustments in relation to the actual ground conditions. Pray for the preparations of the commencement of the school operations in Metinaro (over 500 students) and that the Lord will provide the balance of the funds needed for the project.
SPIRIT is essential to every mission endeavour. Let us be filled with the Spirit as we minister His grace.
Praise God for the Annual Meeting that was held in early November. Though there was only one elder who was ordained, the team of elders, deacons, and leaders is highly motivated and eagerly preparing Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN) to transit into a Mission Conference within the next few years.
GROUPS are in our region. Let us pray that the Lord of the harvest will raise more workers for the mission.
Praise God for testimonies of lives transformed by God’s grace
(cf. https://www.mms.org.sg/ projectmetamorphosis.) Pray for wisdom as we continue to deepen our engagement with churches and individuals in supporting COSI, COSY, Hope House, Methodist and Joy Hostels, The Third Place, and Methodist School of Cambodia.
DISCIPLESHIP continues to be developed in the fields. While new converts are raised, let us pray that they will be nurtured into disciples of Christ.
East Asia
Pray for the contact persons who are actively engaged in discipleship, and counselling sessions. Pray for new initiatives in migrant mission.
OASIS is necessary for those who are serving tirelessly in the vineyard of the Lord. Let us pray for adequate rest and delicate balance of ministry be developed for all our staff, missionaries, and stewards. Oasis was one of the sub-themes for the Missionary Retreat 2022 that was held in August.
Praise God for Mettakij Church Association (MCA) and the strategy of nurturing young believers, training pastors and lay leaders, and developing Self Sustainability Protocol. Praise God that the Little Candles School building project in Phrao is progressing according
to schedule, funds have been raised, and pray that the project be completed by mid-next year.
UNCEASING PRAYERS are offered as we seek God’s blessing for the mission.
Pray also for opportunities to bless the community and nation through education.
in the nations that the Lord has opened doors for us to serve.
Praise God for the International Christian Fellowship (ICF). Pray for opportunities to touch lives both at ICF and the community projects that we are supporting.
May this Christmas draw us closer to Christ our Saviour as we continue to seek God’s heartbeat for the world and develop new creative avenues to reach the last, the least, and the lost for Christ!
Be connected with MMS (www.mms. org.sg/sign-up). On behalf of the MMS Executive Committee, staff, and their families, I wish you a Blessed Christmas where Christ connects you with someone who would be blessed with this wonderful message: “A SAVIOUR is born!”
圣诞节是典型的普天同庆节期,人们与亲朋好友欢聚一堂, 沉浸在美食佳肴、互换礼物和互相祝福的温馨中。然而对于 信靠上帝的信徒而言,圣诞节是我们对救世主、伯利恒的圣 子重新献上心志的时刻。过去三年冠疫肆虐,为了控制疫情 采取封锁和限制群聚等措施。今年,我执笔写这篇文章的时 候,对今年的圣诞节抱持乐观的态度,我们会有一个令人耳 目一新的圣诞节。教堂的钟声和大型购物商场将响起久违的 圣诞颂歌,还有装饰得五彩缤纷的圣诞树和圣诞节彩灯。我 也祈祷并盼望乌克兰的战事在这个圣诞节会偃旗息鼓,国家 恢复和平,人民得到安宁。
主耶稣在约翰福音14:27说,“我留下平安给你们,我将我的 平安赐给你们。我所赐的不像世人所赐的,你们心里不要忧 愁,也不要胆怯。”主基督既如此应许我们,我们该拥抱祂恩 赐的平安,坚强地分享神的大爱。即使人生中多次面临突如 其来的风暴,都能勇敢面对,勇往直前。
2022年的圣诞节让身心灵饱受伤害的群体、被排斥耶稣福 音的人施加各种辱骂的信徒、受尽世人和无神论者嘲讽讥笑 的信徒,接受世俗世界观又对个别信仰团体差强人意的表现 感到灰心失望的人,带来新的盼望。
去年我曾提到,如果冠疫无休无止继续扩散,外出的人群也 必然大大减少,街头巷尾的灯饰与圣诞装饰也稀稀落落,不 难想象佳节的气氛必然变得冷清。
2022年的圣诞节重燃信徒心中的火热,向世人传讲基督的 大爱、喜乐和平安的佳音。真理永恒不变,但环境的改变就需 要因时制宜,透过创意的方式传扬好消息,并要以敬拜耶稣 基督是救主为基本的聚焦点。
“因有一婴孩为我们而生;有一子赐给我们。政权必担在他 的肩头上。他名称为奇妙、策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的 君。”(以赛亚书 9:6)
卫理宣教会将继续竭力与宣教士及差派的堂会和年会有更 深的联系。我们已经重返宣教禾场探望,联系当地国家领袖 和会友,一起祷告,分享资源,激励士气!
感谢主耶稣,让我们有机会见证许多人的生命,因着主的恩 典,通过教会的植立和社区发展从而得到翻转。我们也感激 身为读者的您为我们恒切祷告,并慷慨捐助支持宣教事工。 在我们力求继续维持及发展现有的宣教工作时,渴望您持续 以祷告托住我们的事工,一起携手把福音传给本区域广大的 未得之民(约24亿人尚未听闻福音)。
S A V I.O U R , 并请稍停片刻,拨出一点时间为我们在禾场 的宣教事工祷告。
救主(Saviour)随时伸出双臂欢迎所有信靠祂的人。让我们 向我们的社区及万国万民传递平安、与神重归和好的信息。
圣保罗卫理学校建筑工程的招标预审已结束,并在八月委 任了承包商。我们期待工程能在一年内竣工,请为坐落于梅 蒂纳罗(Metinaro)的圣保罗卫理学校(可容纳超过500名学 生)开学前的预备工作祷告,祈求神提供足够的款项支付余 款。
圣灵的恩膏(Anointing)对每项宣教事工都至关重要,愿我 们在传扬祂救赎的恩典时满有圣灵的充满。
为十一月初召开的年议会感谢赞美神。尽管今年仅有一名牧 者被按立,所有长牧、副牧及领袖们仍受到很大的激励,积极 地筹备在未来几年内让尼泊尔卫理公会晋升为宣教议会。
本区域内有数目庞大(Vast)的未得之民。让我们同心祷 告,祈求庄稼的主兴起更多工人到禾场。
我们持续(Unceasing)向神呼求祷告,祈求祂祝福我们手 上的宣教事工。
恩典而翻转。(参阅 https://www.mms.org.sg/ projectmetamorphosis.) ,谢谢支持以马内利儿童村、青 年宿舍、希望之家、卫理宿舍、喜乐宿舍、The Third Place 及柬埔寨卫理学校等事工的本地教会及个体,在我们继续 深化与支持者的联系时,祈求主赐下智慧。
我们继续在禾场上精心(Intentional)塑造门徒。在领人 归信主的同时,请为他们能被培育成为基督的门徒祷告。
为积极参与门徒训练和辅导课程的当地联络人祷告;也在 祷告中纪念新开发的移民宣教事工。
在主的葡萄园孜孜不倦服事的工人,需要一片绿洲 (Oasis)歇息、蓄养精力。请为我们的同工、宣教士、执事
们在事奉中能有充分的休息,并在休息与服事当中取得微 妙的平衡祷告。“绿洲”是2022年8月宣教士退修会的分主 题之一。
感谢赞美主,恩慈教会协会制定了青少信徒的培育及牧 者、平信徒领袖的培训策略,以及可持续性的自立自足规 程。赞美主,在帕劳(Phrao)的小蜡烛学校的建筑工程已按 计划进度进行,建筑费也筹足了。请为这个项目能在明年 中如期竣工祷告。
祈求主施恩,让我们有机会透过教育祝福这个国家和当地 社区。
主已经为我们开啟福音的大门,让我们能在这个国家中散播 (Radiate)基督之爱。
为国际基督徒团契 (ICF)感谢赞美神!愿祂施恩,让国际基督 徒团契及我们所支援的社区项目,能有机会触及更多人的 生命。
祝愿这圣诞佳节,在我们继续寻求上帝的宣教心意时,会与 祂更加亲近,同时也满有祂所赐的智慧,能开发创意的途径 去为主接触那些最被忽略、最卑微和失丧的人!
敬请和卫理宣教会保持联系(www.mms.org.sg/sign-up) 。 在此我谨代表卫理宣教会执行委员会、全体同工暨他们的家 人,恭祝您圣诞蒙恩。祈愿基督赐您机会在这个圣诞佳节与 人分享“救主诞生”的佳音,让你们彼此都因此蒙福。
真理永恒不变,但环境的改变就 需要因时制宜,透过创意的方式 传扬好消息,并要以敬拜耶稣基 督是救主为基本的聚焦点。
The fields are ready for harvesting – but there are so few labourers. In the seven countries that MMS serves, we continue to be in need of the following:
• Full-time missionaries. We are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, ministry workers, mentors, and teachers.
• Short-term workers who are able to spend between two weeks and six months there to help our missionaries. They would need to raise their own financial support.
• Prayer partners to pray for our ministries and missionaries.
• Speak with your pastor and ask him/her to help examine your calling to missions.
• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling and are prepared to support you – praise the Lord! Call MMS straight away at 64784818.
• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling but are unable to provide full financial support for you – call MMS anyway! Some of our missionaries are supported by the combined efforts of multiple Methodist churches, agencies, and individuals.
To find out more about the different fields, please email these persons at their respective email addresses:
Cambodia mms@methodist.org.sg
East Asia mms@methodist.org.sg
Laos jularul.ps84@gmail.com
Nepal noel.tam@methodist.org.sg
Thailand jeremy.choo@methodist.org.sg
Timor-Leste cheryl.chen@methodist.org.sg
Vietnam koheng.quek@methodist.org.sg
g Missionaries needed (whatever talents, skills, experience, age, etc.) to empower local Cambodians especially children, youth, young adults in varied ways including disciple-making in our different ministries (COSI, COSY, Hope House, different Hostels, etc.)
g Secondary and primary school teachers to teach as well as empower teachers at the Methodist School of Cambodia especially in English, IT, Science, Mathematics, etc.
g Financial Support for more than 200 underprivileged children (about a quarter of enrolment) studying at the Methodist School of Cambodia through the SSS programme.
g Online ministries to teach, befriend and empower local Cambodians
g Prayer and financial supporters for pastors of the Methodist Church of Cambodia, whose income is below the national minimum wage.
g Trainers to conduct enrichment, leadership development, and young adult counselling courses.
g Partners to support social services, especially medical services, and community development projects.
g A missionary with a burden and commitment to serve in our Diaspora Ministry to reach out to Chinese tertiary students. (华侨 & 华裔). One who loves the Lord and has a passion to engage tertiary students and initiate outreach activities to bring them the good news and to disciple believers. The missionary will be based in Bangkok, Thailand (at least for the initial phase).
g Experienced current or former Singapore Principal, Vice-Principal, or Head of Department to serve as Principal of the Singapore Mission School from third quarter of 2023.
g Fulltime personnel to serve in Singapore Mission School (SMS) and develop partnerships.
g Kindergarten and Primary teachers familiar with the Singapore curriculum to teach at SMS. Teachers can opt to serve a one-year term or longer.
g Donors and sponsors for the Sophia’s Home girls who are continuing their studies in the various disciplines in the local university in Kathmandu. This enables them to complete their professional studies, be financially independent, serve their communities and MCN, and be a blessing to many.
g Trainers to conduct online training on Discipleship, Financial Stewardships and Spiritual Leadership.
g A missionary to serve in Nepal.
g Short-term helpers to organise programmes and activities for BB, GB, and Children’s Ministry at Rangsit and Song-Roi Phee tuition centres.
g Qualified Kindergarten and Primary levels teachers to conduct teachers’ training at Vineyard Methodist School and Little Candles School.
g Mission teams to conduct evangelistic events, community services, etc with our Methodist churches.
g St Paul Methodist School (SPMS): Short-term missioners to run BB/GB camps, and skills and enrichment training programme (eg IT, art, study skills, etc). Volunteers willing to teach in SPMS for a month to a year; experienced teachers to mentor local teachers in basic curriculum design and instructional strategies for at least a month.
g Sundermeier Home: Short-term missioners to provide English, Science, or Mathematics coaching for Grade 10-12 hostelites.
g Dunamis House: Volunteers skilled in business management, supply chain, logistics, or other business expertise to offer training courses, coaching, or mentoring to tertiary/vocational students over Zoom.
g Seeking volunteers to serve as house parents for Sundermeier Home and Dunamis House for a year or more. Retired couples willing to be “re-fired” to serve God in the mission field are welcome!
g A tentmaker (with at least a Diploma in Bible and Christian Ministries) to be a pastoral assistant or a small group leader. Or a tentmaker (without theological training) to lead a small group. A business entrepreneur, social entrepreneur, qualified TEFL/ TESOL teachers, or someone with a willing heart to learn and understudy at International Christian Fellowship and MMS-International NGO.
g Volunteers to provide short-term relief teaching or organise learning camps for private school and home for children (kindergarten/primary level). A team to consist no more than four people.
g Teach English at Sunrise Girls Shelter and Sunlight Boys Shelter.
g Urgently looking for business-minded Christians to set up businesses like tuition centre, Christian crematorium, etc. and bring in ministry staff under their umbrella.
g MMS is exploring collaborative partnerships with local Methodist churches in countries such as Indonesia and Myanmar.
g If the Lord is leading you to serve in places beyond the seven countries where MMS has some form of ministry, please get in touch with us.
For more information about these opportunities, kindly contact us via email at mms@methodist.org.sg. Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise our Methodist community to serve Christ.
Christmas has always been celebrated all over the world and in Cambodia by Christians as the dawn of a new day with light breaking into the darkness and gloominess of the environment, of daily toil and struggles, injustice as well as broken relationships with the joy of the birth of Jesus!
In Cambodia, the COVID-19 pandemic most certainly seemed to accentuate the darknesses of life - loneliness, matter of life and death, loss of livelihood, rising of poverty, etc. And the celebration of Christmas was very difficult in 2020 especially as many were not able to go online as Wi-Fi in various parts of Cambodia was not strong so several local churches had very few worshippers at online Christmas services. Hence, Christmas was more of a family affair. At some of our MMS entities like COSI or COSY, they went deep into the meaning of Christmas with the residents in the midst of celebrating with food, singing, storytelling, etc. This was done with safety measures and masks in place!
Indeed, the light of Christmas dawned bright and clear in 2021 as COVID-19 cases were low in the last quarter of 2021. Hence, churches and MMS entities / ministries were able to celebrate Christmas in a more robust way with enthusiastic children outreaches and adult worship services throughout Cambodia. Krang Svay Methodist Church had their little children share the message of Christmas through dances and drama for the village children who turned up at their church. They went home with a Christmas family care pack each but more importantly, the message of hope that Jesus brings. Antioch Methodist Church, on the other hand, had a group of adults, youth, and children to visit village homes especially those with children, blessing them with concern, songs, prayer, gifts, etc. Glory Trinity Methodist Church, Prek Omperl Methodist Church, Upper Room and The Third Place (Odem) shared the message of Christmas with pre-believing family and friends through carols and songs, dramatisation of the Christmas story, and the relevance of Jesus’ coming
The star and light of Christmas is Jesus for He brings love, hope, peace, and joy into every situation of darkness.
to bring light, love, hope, and peace in the midst of challenging situations not only when he was born 2000 years ago but now in contemporary times dispelling the darknesses of pandemic affected Cambodia.
At COSI, COSY, Methodist and Joy Hostels, the young people were full of life celebrating Christmas through worship, carols, dances, fun-filled activities, competitions, outings as a group, etc. They presented the Christmas message in realistic and personal ways to one another and their other friends. Praise God for some pre-believing hostelites who responded and received Jesus as their Saviour! At Hope House, Christmas celebrations were conducted onsite with the slum children coming to have fun with songs, stories, and games led by their enrichment programme teachers who helped to bring the light, reassurance, joy, and peace of Christmas to them! Christmas celebrations at the Methodist School of Cambodia, including our ever-
growing Kindergarten and at Prek Tual Kindergarten, brought the truth, warmth, and love of Jesus in very age-appropriate ways to the children and youth as well as to some of the parents in creative ways!
Undoubtedly the star and light of Christmas is Jesus for He brings love, hope, peace, and joy into every situation of darkness, brightening the context and lives of those He touches! This coming Christmas is one which all our ministries and local partner churches in Cambodia are beginning preparations to be the heralds of the good news of Christmas with the healing, wholeness, reconciliation, and restoration of identity which Jesus, the Light the World, ushers into each of our worlds.
Merry Christmas! Soursdey Noel!
“Laos is primarily a Buddhist country with only 2% of its population Christian. However, Christmas is celebrated in a unique way for unlike other countries that have commercialised the festival, the real essence of the festival is still preserved in Laos.” (Laotian Times on 18 November 2021)
It underscored the personal and relational aspects of celebrating Christmas through gift-giving, virtual gatherings despite COVID-19, spending time with family, or even going on outdoor activities, etc.
At the Singapore Mission School (SMS), Christmas is celebrated annually both within and outside the school. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions last year, it had to be more subdued. Typically, and even in 2020, the children and staff have a great fun-filled time in school where they come together to sing carols and exchange gifts by candlelight some time before Christmas.
In the days before Christmas, the vibrant group of children from SMS brilliantly dressed in greens, reds, and whites also bring Christmas joy and cheer to others around in the community as they visit neighbouring schools to bless the children and staff there both with songs of joy and hope as well as small gifts highlighting the beautiful message of giving to and loving others. In a similar fashion, the SMS Carollers led by the principal and teachers also bring hope and love to adults at other institutions including the Ambassador and staff at the Singapore embassy in Vientiane, Laos.
When due to COVID-19, the SMS Carollers could not venture out of the school to bless others, they creatively produced a short video of carols with a message of positivity and hope and sent it out to bring the warmth of love to others around them. Gifts with messages of encouragement from SMS leadership were also a hallmark of Christmas 2021.
A special Christmas gift arrived in the midst of challenging circumstances in December 2021 when a key staff of the school who was pregnant developed COVID-19 and her little baby boy was born on Christmas Day without COVID-19. He was looked after by a relative as he had to be separated from both his COVID-19-ridden parents for days. Filled with the Christmas peace and love during this difficult time for the family, this Christmas miracle baby and his parents are all doing very well now as they continue to enjoy lovely family times together.
Circumstances and world events change but the gift and message of love, joy, and hope of Christmas is always constant and unchanging though it may be packaged creatively and differently to suit the ever-changing situation around us. This coming Christmas is one which SMS leadership hope will continue to overflow with the beautiful message of love and giving as children and staff gear themselves to be messengers and ambassadors of love, peace, and joy!
Merry Christmas! Suksan Van Khrismad!
The gift and message of love, joy, and hope of Christmas is always constant and unchanging.
More than 50 festivals are celebrated yearly in Nepal. But even most of the educated classes still consider Christmas as a foreign festival, so it is not very well accepted. Christmas celebration has faced extreme discriminatory behaviour by the state. The main cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara have accepted it as a festival for its commercial value whilst other small towns and cities do not celebrate it at all.
The Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN) celebrates Christmas openly, and it does not matter if the state does not celebrate it. The churches in Nepal celebrate Christmas in different ways. MCN churches celebrate in the following manner:
In the case of decorating the house, it has not yet become widespread among members because of the lack of availability of decorating materials, partly due to the cost. Over the last few years, our members have started putting up Christmas trees and other decorations to remind us of the Christmas season.
Our churches conduct carolling mainly for the purpose of evangelism and to declare our faith and beliefs. All members of our families are involved in carolling. Our children and adults sing carols in Nepali and dance in true Nepali style, creating a party-like atmosphere. We go to the houses of our church members, and they invite the surrounding neighbourhood, and we share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Rev Singa Tamang Pastor-in-charge of Abhishek MC, West District Superintendent of the Methodist Church in Nepal.Christmas is an excellent opportunity to share the love of Christ.
Celebration in the Church
25 December is the most important date in our church calendar. Our church members invite their close friends and families to attend church, worship with us, and have a time of fellowship with a good meal. Some of our churches conduct baptisms during their Christmas service.
The church worship programme includes our youth and Sunday School children performing dances, singing songs, and even re-enacting the birth of Jesus Christ. Everyone enjoys these activities. We convey the message that Christmas is not only a religious festival but also a cultural festival. Because dancing, singing, and having fun on any especial occasion is a fundamental characteristic of Nepali culture.
Feasting is also a very important part of the day. Without a feast, our Christmas celebration would be incomplete. Feast in church varies in each church according to geographical deference. In villages, people contribute goods like grains, lentils, vegetables, and chicken for the feast. In the city, people donate money as love gifts to help families who may be financially burdened. When we give love gifts to help these families in need, we encourage the
practice and discipline of giving voluntarily. Afterall, Christmas is a time of giving and God’s greatest gift is His Son Jesus Christ.
Celebrating with Family
Christians are a minority community, and we get only one day off on Christmas Day. Even if we want to have family gatherings, it is very difficult to gather from different places, due to geographical limitations. Therefore, during Christmas time, meeting with family members and going on vacation is not the norm but exchanging Christmas greetings with each other is always preferred and done with great fervour.
For our MCN churches, Christmas is an excellent opportunity to share the love of Christ. We view Christmas celebration as an opportunity to share with our families and friends who are non-believers the message of God giving His Son for the people of the world.
A Blessed Christmas to you!!! Immanuel, God with us! Merry Christmas!
He is from Faith Methodist Church, serving in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand together with his wife, Phyllis, and their three children. He does not like to watch series because if he starts, he cannot stop.
Christmas has always been one of the most important events in Thai churches to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to share the good news of Christ to families, friends and neighbours who lives around the church neighbourhood. Therefore, a big celebration is almost a surety. However, due to the COVID-19 situation over the last two years, these celebrations in our Methodist churches were either cancelled, scaled down, or switched to online mode. Nevertheless, with the gradual removal of COVID-19 restrictions, our churches are hopeful to once again resume large scale celebrations in 2022.
Little Candles School led by Ps Daniel Loo did a Christmas drama of the nativity story in the school premises in 2020. The event was well attended by many people including leaders in the local community. Even though it was not possible in 2021, the school persevered with a recording of the Christmas Nativity drama which was then sent to the parents. This year, Ps Daniel hopes to once again hold a big onsite Christmas celebration in school. Pray for his team to have wisdom from God. And pray for positive receptivity from the community to participate in the event.
Vineyard Methodist School, chaplained by Ps Seeda, saw it impossible to organise a big Christmas event in 2021 due to the COVID-19 restriction. Instead, several home visitations were made to share the love of God through Christmas. However, a small party with
food, testimony, thanksgiving, and the gospel message was done to share the love message of Christmas to the teachers in the school. This year, with the return to normalcy, a big scale school event will be held, incorporating the Christmas message. Parents and students will attend the event which includes testimony, performances, food, and a message on the meaning of Christmas. Pray for wisdom upon Ps Seeda and the team to share the message of Christmas in the most effective way despite the large crowd.
Shineforth Methodist Church, led by Ps Chinnakorn and Ps Seeda, still managed to organised a Christmas party in 2021 despite the COVID-19 situation. However, the scale of the party was reduced by only inviting close friends and families of church members to the party, and of course, communal food sharing arrangement was changed to bento sets instead! Nevertheless, the church was thankful that the seed of the Christmas gospel message was planted in those who came and the spirit of the Christmas celebration filled the air! In addition,
Christmas has always been one of the most important events in Thai churches to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to share the good news of Christ.
we also held a combined baptism from four different Methodist churches on that day. This year, the church plans to resume pre- COVID-19 big-scale celebration where local community will be invited to the Christmas party! This also means fun and delicious communal food sharing arrangement, performances and activities, and also the traditional Christmas blessed draw! Pray for Ps Chinnakorn, Ps Seeda, and the team to be strengthened by the Lord to do His will faithfully. Pray also for the community to be receptive to the message of the gospel.
Pre-COVID-19 Christmas celebration for Klong 8 Methodist Church led by Ps Kuk in 2020 was quite an event. Tentage was set up around the church compound. Friends and neighbours were invited to participate in the Christmas celebration service where activities were separately organised for the children. Although parents and children participated in separate events, the gospel seed were planted in their hearts. And to add icing to the cake, the church gave out a fabulous goodie bag to all visitors thanks to the partnership from Christ Methodist Church, Singapore! In 2021, COVID situation made it hard for any physical gathering. However, the church still decided to hold a small-scale Christmas service. This year, Ps Kuk hopes to have a Christmas celebration similar to the scale as that of 2020. Pray that church members will respond positively to faithful service after a long hiatus due to COVID-19. Pray that God will increase the workers in the church to reap the harvest in Thailand.
Christ Methodist Church, Khon Kaen, led by Ps Mook organised a ‘family’ Christmas celebration in 2021. Families of our church members and our children from Little Sheep Childcare Centre, and families in the church neighbourhood were invited to come and celebrate Christmas together. The turnout was bigger than expected! The celebration was held like a carnival where there were games, gifts to be given out, a second-hand clothes stall where the community were free to come
and take them, and of course the message of the gospel. We thank Faith Methodist Church, Singapore, for their partnership with us that made it possible for the carnival to be held successfully!
This year, Ps Mook hopes to do a similar event as that of 2021. However, with a bigger church congregation and new addition of children from the childcare centre, we hope to see a greater number of people having the chance to hear the gospel. Pray for the church to reap a bountiful harvest for the Lord through the seeds of the gospel on that day.
Payakkaphumphisai Methodist Church, led by Ps Ping and Mildred, had seen much disruption to the church service over the COVID-19 period. However, Christmas was such an important event for the church such that it cannot be missed! So, in 2020 and 2021, Christmas were held as usual with Sunday Service in the morning and a celebration in the afternoon.
They include activities such as a short Christmas message, Christmas dress up, games, and their traditional Christmas blessings dip. The Christmas event in church helped to lift up the otherwise gloomy atmosphere in the village due to COVID-19 and also an opportunity for church members to bring along their friends and families to hear the gospel message. In addition, in year 2021, Mildred gave out Christmas gift packs to children in two other villages in which a potential satellite church may be born in one of the villages. Newcomers from both villages also came to celebrate Christmas with them! Pray for the leaders and members of the church to be able to hold the Christmas celebration this year. May more disciples be made for Jesus.
The above are just some examples among the many Christmas celebrations from various Methodist churches
in Thailand. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Charis Methodist Church, Toa Payoh Methodist Church, Barker Road Methodist Church, Wesley Methodist Church, Paya Lebar Methodist Church, Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, Kampong Kapor Methodist Church, Holland Village Methodist Church, Living Hope Methodist Church, Faith Methodist Church, and Christ Methodist Church for their unwavering support to God’s kingdom work in Thailand.
Pray for us that the Spirit of God that is on us will anoint us to proclaim Good News to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour during Christmas 2022. (cf. Luke 4:18-19) To God be the glory!
Merry Christmas! Suk San Wan Christmas!
For Christians all over the world, Christmas is a special time of the year where we remember the greatest Gift God has given and celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Christmas is usually spent with family and friends over good food and much laughter. For some of us, Christmas is also a time of reaching out as we have an opportunity to share the reason behind the season with pre-believers, and give gifts to demonstrate the love of God in tangible ways.
How then, do missionaries who serve in the mission field celebrate Christmas? What is it like to be away from home and loved ones as they serve God and His people in another nation? We hear from Grace Mannar, a missionary serving as house parent in Sundermeier Home in Gleno, TimorLeste; and the Chan children who serve with their parents, David and Jessie, in St Paul Methodist School in Timor-Leste.
She worships at Aldersgate Methodist Church with her husband, Rudy, who is also an MMS home-based missionary. With no green thumb (having murdered even succulents and air plants), Cheryl now has some success cultivating kefir, and is currently enjoying the homemade probiotic fizzy drink.
Grace and her husband, Joseph, are sent as missionaries to Timor-Leste by Bedok Methodist Church. They have been the house parents of Sundermeier Home since the hostel was established by MMS in 2016. They have three sons, and are the proud grandparents to two girls. She reveals how they celebrate Christmas in the field:
Joseph and I have been serving as missionaries for nine years. I think we only returned to Singapore once for Christmas in the second year we were here. With our three adult children having their own families and programmes, we have spent every Christmas in Timor-Leste.
Christmas is also a time of reaching out as we have an opportunity to share the reason behind the season with pre-believers, and give gifts to demonstrate the love of God in tangible ways.
Our Christmas celebration is usually held on the first week of December as the hostelites will return home to their villages during the school holidays. Before the pandemic happened, we had a cell group from Bedok Methodist Church that would visit us every year on the first week of December to run programmes for the hostelites. Their visits would end with a big outdoor BBQ celebration that the students really enjoyed. We are thankful that the cell group is able to visit us once again this year, and we look forward to more mission teams coming in with the easing of travel restrictions and availability of flights to Timor-Leste.
In Timor-Leste, a predominantly Roman Catholic nation, Christmas is celebrated
for a week and often with a loud bang! Fireworks are legal here so you will see many families setting off fireworks and children playing with sparklers from Christmas Eve to the New Year. There is one advantage to being high up in the mountains, the fireworks are beautiful against the dark night sky with no light pollution at all.
Although most hostelites will return home to their villages during the December school holidays, there would always be a few who stay back for some time to celebrate Christmas with their “Papa Joe” and “Mama Grace”. We would have a simple dinner and thanksgiving service in our hostel to remember all that God has done for us.
Together with their children (Isaac, Joy, and Isaiah), David and Jessie Chan are missionaries sent by Aldersgate Methodist Church since 2015. David is MMS Country Director for Timor-Leste, and Principal of St Paul Methodist School (SPMS). The Chan children love playing OverCook, board games, and PUBG with their friends in Singapore and Timor-Leste. Joy, in particular, loves drinking unique bubble tea flavours.
We praise God that our missionaries are able to celebrate Christmas with their family, both biological and the wider church community, in their adopted home of Timor-Leste. We are inspired by their heart of service. This Christmas, we offer our prayers for all the missionaries we know. Pray that they would always find a home away from home in Jesus wherever He calls. Pray that they would be filled anew with God’s love and compassion for the last, the least, and the lost as they obey God’s call.
Merry Christmas! Boas Festas do Natal!
How do you normally spend Christmas in Singapore?
All: We would go for church service, and spend time with friends.
What is special about spending Christmas in Timor?
All: We get to celebrate with fireworks!
What is the best part of Christmas to you?
Isaiah: Spending time with family.
Joy: The food!
Isaac: All these, and opening presents!
How are you celebrating Christmas this year?
Isaac: We’re not too sure yet. But there is always one thing needed for Christmas, and that is to be with family.
What do you miss about spending Christmas in Singapore?
Isaiah: Friends and FOOOOOOOOOD!
Joy: Having sleepovers at friends’ house.
Isaac: Hanging out with my cell group, family, and friends.
How did you spend Christmas when you weren’t able to return to Singapore because of the pandemic?
Joy: We did a Christmas outreach programme at a poorer neighbourhood. We sang songs, did a skit, and gave small gifts to the children.
Isaiah: We had a staycation too!
Christmas is the most celebrated festival in the world. Yet in some parts of the world, Christmas Day isn’t a holiday. Many do not celebrate Christmas and that is the why International Christian Fellowship (ICF) celebrates Christmas each year with various groups of people - spreading Christ’s love and joy to our friends and neighbours, and especially remembering those in need.
There are so many people who need to hear the love and joy of our dear Saviour. It is so heart-breaking when people have not heard of the glad tidings of Christmas lest celebrating this joyous event. ICF not only celebrates Christmas but reaches out with our love and gifts for people who have yet heard of the amazing love of Jesus Christ.
Rev Leslie Lim Missionary Pastor and Country Director for Vietnam.He enjoys his daily cup of coffee!
Please join us with prayers and supports to spread the love and joy of Christ to people around us especially during the Christmas festivity.
Merry Christmas!
Presenting Christmas carols. Fun and games. ICF Celebrating Christmas at an orphanageICF celebrates Christmas each year with various groups of people - spreading Christ’s love and joy to our friends and neighbours, and especially remembering those in need.
All praise and thanks be to the Lord for the many children of God who have answered the Lord’s call to shepherd His flock and undergo training to be equipped through the Cambodia Methodist Bible School (CMBS) to build and grow the family of God in Cambodia through the sharing of the gospel and disciple-making.
CMBS was started in November 1997 by Rev Dr Song Jin Sup, a missionary from South Korea. He saw and recognised the crucial need to equip elders and pastors “for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12) With support from South Korea, a plot of land was purchased to build the school. Construction was completed in November 1999, after which it was officially inaugurated and recognised by the Ministry of Cults and Religion in August 2000. From then on, the school, with Rev Dr Song as her first principal, has been receiving students from all over Cambodia.
With her most recent graduation of students on 19 August 2022 unhindered by the pandemic as teaching continued online, 19 cohorts of about 200 students have passed through CMBS’s gates over the years and gone on to serve in the areas of evangelism, missions, discipleship, shepherding, and teaching both in the Methodist churches as well as in other denominational churches and organisations. This would not
He has blessed and used CMBS as His instrument of empowerment to grow the Body of Christ and fulfil His purposes for Cambodia!
have been possible without the generous support of the five partner agencies that started the Methodist Church of Cambodia (MCC) namely the United Methodist Church (USA), Korea Methodist Church, Methodist Missions Society (Singapore), Connexio (Switzerland), and the World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches as well as local and international donors. Indeed, it is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord that His Kingdom’s work of empowering new labourers in the harvest fields has been carried out.
CMBS currently runs training courses for full-time as well as part-time students through the Diploma of Theology, Bachelor of Theology, and Bachelor of Divinity programmes. Besides the daily lectures, students are put into family groups led by student leaders where they share and learn from one another even as they are mentored by parent-figure lecturers to guide them in
their spiritual formation on their journey to becoming godly leaders. Students are given the opportunity to do weekend ministry with local churches to put into practice in what they have learnt as well as learn firsthand from experienced ministers. All the above-mentioned collectively amounts to an all-rounded training for students who are empowered to experience ministry in the Body of Christ and to replicate the ministry in the local churches they will be posted to serve in the future.
The Certificate of Ministry programme equips lay leaders and part-time students over a period of two years! Conducted originally for students living faraway in provinces such as Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey, due to demand it has most recently in the last two years been carried out in the Phnom Penh and Kandal districts too! Despite the challenges of COVID-19 which prevented students from gathering
onsite, online lessons were conducted as God’s work of equipping young ladies and gentlemen to be His spiritual leaders must continue! MMS has had the privilege of partnering CMBS in this programme through provision of resources for this work of empowering the ministers of God!
Good faculties are essential in inspiring theological students to arise to and fulfil their calling as they are prepared wisely by faithful servants of God. In this endeavour, MMS has sought to play our part by either seconding missionaries full time to CMBS or to teach certain weekly courses part-time. Doris Chan from Faith Methodist Church, taught from 2004 to 2013, sharing her knowledge in subjects such as Christian Education, Counselling, NT Survey, OT Survey, OT Historical Books, and the Life of Christ.
Suzanna Lee from Covenant Community Methodist Church, was yet another woman of God who taught at CMBS from 2016 to 2022, in the areas of English and Music (Piano and Choir). Former MMS Country Directors, Jacob Cheng (2015 to 2018) and Benjamin Lee (2019 to 2022) also helped by teaching parttime certain subjects like Comparative World Religions and Church History.
Students are also taught to respond to contemporary community needs so that they could be relevant to those around them as they hold out the beacon of grace to others in need. During the height of the pandemic, some faculty and students with Principal Rev Prak Vuthy at the helm, reached out to the poor and underprivileged in the area surrounding CMBS. Blessed by resources from Singapore’s TRAC WSCS leadership, CMBS personnel were the human hands and feet of Jesus to bless 25 families with COVID-19 care packs of rice, medical supplies, and basic necessities, helping to transform challenging situations to ones of hope!
CMBS is deeply appreciative of partner churches and agencies who had not only supplied lecturers and funding but also given resources and scholarships to support the equipping of students for His ministry! Indeed, all glory to God that He has blessed and used CMBS as His instrument of empowerment to grow the Body of Christ and fulfil His purposes for Cambodia!
We would like to support MMS so that the Good News of Jesus Christ can be proclaimed to the ethnic Cambodians, Lahus, Laotians, Nepalese, Thais, Timorese and Vietnamese, by giving to:
General Donation (where it is most needed)
Crisis Relief Fund (General)
Rev Dr Clarence Lim Missionary Development Fund
Student Sponsorship Scheme (Non-Residential)* General @ S$45 per month
Cambodia / Laos / Nepal / Thailand / Timor-Leste
Student Sponsorship Scheme (Residential)* General @ S$110 per month
[ ] COSI (Cambodia)
[ ] COSY (Cambodia)
[ ] Sophia’s Home (Nepal)
[ ] Mettakij Hostel (Thailand)
[ ] Term Fun Home (Thailand)
[ ] Sundermeier Home (Timor-Leste)
Cambodia Church Planting Ministry
Staff & Ministry Support
Methodist School of Cambodia COSI
East Asia Ministry Support
Staff & Ministry Support
Community Development
Community Development Staff & Ministry Support
Sponsorship and donations of tertiary studies for:
- Sophia’s Home girls
- Pastors’ children
Thailand Staff & Ministry Support
Little Candles School Building Fund
Students Bursary Fund for VMS & LCS
Ministry Vehicle for Payakapum Methodist Church
Staff & Ministry Support
St Paul Methodist School Building Fund
Vietnam Children’s Fund
Community Support Fund
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We thank Tan Li Diang, Loh Han Chew, Low Wee Teck, Joy Chen Qiuluan, Benjamin Lee, and Serene Lee for their wonderful and faithful service in Cambodia. They ended their service as MMS Missionaries on 31 July 2022. We appreciate their dedication to serve and touch the lives of the many Cambodians and people around them. We thank God for their glowing examples of being called and used mightily by God.
We welcome our latest MMS Missionary, Ho Pang Lin. She was appointed from 1 August 2022 to serve in Chiang Rai, Thailand. She is from Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church.
Greeting from Pang Lin: Hello everyone! Greetings from Chiang Rai. Here’s a little introduction about myself. I was a pioneer Chinese teacher at Fairfield Methodist Church Kindergarten for about 25 years. I love Japanese and Chinese cuisine. And I enjoy listening to music and being outdoors. Here in Chiang Rai, I hope to build friendly relationship with people and have the opportunity to share the gospel. I am serving as a missionary in North Thailand since 2012. I enjoy teaching the children here. Besides teaching Chinese, I lead in children worship and teach bible story. In addition, on Sundays, I preach at Mei Meng He Church once a month and at Liujiacun Church every two months. Also, I lead worship and share at prayer meetings on 1st and 3rd Saturday night of the month.
Dear Lord, we thank You for sending Pang Lin to Thailand. We pray for Your strength and grace as she reaches out to the people in Chiang Rai. May You protect her as she goes about doing her ministry. May she be a blessing wherever she serves. Amen.
A children’s missions engagement programme “Kids Missions Adventures 2022” was organised for two hours online on 21 May (10am - 12noon) for primary school children, in conjunction with the related Boards from the three Annual Conferences. The focus of the programme was to promote caring for children in other nations besides appreciating the cultural aspects of those living in different environments.
Stories from Hope House (HH), a MMS ministry among the poor living in the slums of Phnom Penh, the Methodist School of Cambodia Kindergarten (MSCK) as well as the vibrant children and youth ministries at Nong Bua Lamphu Methodist Church (NBLPMC) were featured. Three impactful video testimonies were shared by a 5-year-old boy from MSCK, an 8-year-old girl from HH, and a 13-year-old girl from NBLPMC besides cultural dances and greetings.
Hazel Mui MMS home-based missionary.She worships at Bedok Methodist Church. And she loves to play Bananagrams - a word building game.
Very positive feedback was received about the interesting programme of testimonies, videos, dances and engaging interactions, etc. They enabled children to “travel” to two different countries of Cambodia and Thailand, with reflection questions and cultural/language-based activities facilitated by 14 facilitators. The facilitators themselves were blessed by the testimonies from the fields.
Praise God that we had 74 children who participated in KMA 2022. There were 40 lower primary and 34 upper primary participants from 20 Methodist and three non-Methodist churches. The responsiveness of the children both in the main room and even more so in the breakout rooms were very encouraging as they not only shared their views on what they saw and heard on the videos but they also very enthusiastically danced and sang along in other languages.
Our Singaporean children saw how God provided for and protected the children in Cambodia and Thailand. They wanted to share God’s love by helping children in these two countries too by praying for them, writing encouragement letters, giving money through their parents, visiting, sharing the gospel, giving toys, etc. They wanted to bless because they had been blessed by Jesus!
The children were so touched that many volunteered to pray for the children in Cambodia and Thailand.Learning simple Cambodian dance.
Print out your template correspondent to your ornament size and cut them out along the dotted lines. The spikes are what allow the paper to go around the ornament. 1
Cut the template into thirds along the dotted lines. This will make it easier to paste onto the ornament.
Paint the Mod Podge onto the ornament. Align the “equator” with the centre of the ornament and smooth the top and bottom of the first spike to the “north pole” and “south pole.” Repeat with each spike, smoothing out bumps the best you can as you go.
[Pro tip: Work quickly and paint the Mod Podge one section at a time because it dries fast!]
3 4
Once your template is pasted, coat the ornament with one layer of Mod Podge and let it dry for one hour.
When your ornament is dry, choose a marker and write “Joy to the World!”
Hey there! This is a new segment to connect with our children and engage them in missions. We hope that our parents and teachers will find the materials useful. If you have other helpful resources to share, please let us know.
Christmas is more than a holiday. It’s a time when we remember that Christ came to earth so the whole world could experience true joy and lasting relationship with Him. This year, we want to help you create a tangible reminder of why we celebrate. This ornament is also a great reminder to pray for those all over the world who have yet to hear the Good News — and the missionaries sharing it. Ready? Let’s get started!
For some extra joy, add a light coat of glitter paint as your last step! 6 7
Hang on your tree and enjoy for years to come.
* You can download the templates here: https://www.mms.org.sg/ globetemplate or scan the QR code. (Available templates: Light blue, Dark blue, Colour-your-own)
Prep time: 30 min
Dry time: 30 min - 1 hour
Finishing touches: 10 min
• Clear plastic ornament [2.5 inches (6 cm), 3 inches (7.5 cm), or 3.25 inches (8 cm)]
• Globe template* (correspondent to the size of your ornament)
• Mod Podge
• Paint brush
• Scissors
• Sharpies/paint pens (black, silver, or gold)
• Optional: glitter paint
• Let your kids pick their favourite colours for the colour-your-own template!
• Use this as an opportunity to talk to your kids about how people around the world have yet to hear the Gospel.
• Pray together as you’re making the ornament. Pray that God will be with those who are sharing the Good News. And pray for those who have yet to hear it, that their hearts and eyes will be opened so they can experience true joy.
This craft is perfect for the whole family, ages 6 and up.
That’s my way of summarizing the rhetorical paraphrase that Matthew 2:6 adopts by quoting Micah 5:1. Some might accuse Matthew of misquoting Micah since Micah 5:2 states that Bethlehem is “small among the clans of Judah” whereas Matthew quotes Micah as saying that Bethlehem is “by no means least” in Judah!
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel.” (Micah 5:2, NIV)
“But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.” (Matthew 2:6, NIV)
But Matthew hasn’t mangled Micah’s point, he has magnified it! Micah marvels that a ruler of Israel would appear in one of the smallest towns in Judah, the little town of Bethlehem. Matthew, who knows that the Christmas Child Jesus was born in this little town, expresses the same wonder conveyed in Micah’s prophecy. Bethlehem, though you may be small, you are by no means small, for in you was born Jesus the Christ.
How surprising! Why didn’t God choose a bigger city like Jerusalem? Or Rome? And why so little fanfare announcing His birth? Yes, there was an angel choir, but only a few unnamed shepherds in an unknown field somewhere near little Bethlehem heard them sing. No newspaper headlines appeared the next morning declaring the birth of this Saviour of the world.
What an unusual God! Why appear in such a small and low-key town like Bethlehem?
Perhaps God prefers to work quietly and in small, often unnoticed ways. Perhaps the God of the Bible prefers to walk around as an unassuming Clarke Kent rather than burst spectacularly out of the dark skies like a Batman or Superman.
O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep, the silent stars go by. Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting Light. The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
Christmas is celebrated the world over with bright lights, loud music, and both Christian and commercial fanfare. But perhaps it will be in the smallness and stillness of our lives where the Christ Child will be born.
How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given; so God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heaven. No ear may hear his coming, but in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive him, still the dear Christ enters in.
Are any of us feeling small this Christmas season? Do we know someone feeling small in a world that seems to admire only the big? Pray for him or her. Bethlehem was small, but not small at all! And perhaps this Christmas God will choose to appear most clearly in the life of your friend, who although feeling small, is not small at all.
Rev Dr Gordon Wong (黄昌荣牧师(博士) 新加坡卫理公会会督 )Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore. Bishop has started travelling overseas to the mission fields as travel restrictions have eased.
Bethlehem was small, but not small at all!
我引用弥迦书5:1的修辞释义来统概马太福音2:6的真 理。有些人可能会指责马太错误地引用弥迦书,因为弥 迦书5:2说伯利恒“在犹大的宗族中很小”,而马太引用 弥迦的说辞,说伯利恒在犹大宗族中“绝不是最微不足 道的”!
伯利恒啊,以法他阿,你在犹大诸族中虽为小,但将来必 有一位从你那里出来,为我作以色列的君。(弥迦书5:2)
犹大地的伯利恒,你在犹大诸国中并不是最小的。因为 必有一位君王,要从你那里诞生,牧养我民以色列。 (马太福音2:6)
的城镇伯利恒。马太知道神子耶稣诞生于就这小镇,与 弥迦发出的预言同感一灵。伯利恒啊,你看似很小,却并 非微不足道,因为耶稣基督就在这里诞生。
为什么耶稣的诞生如此低调?,没有吹号宣告?有!确实 有天使的诗班高声欢唱,可惜只有几个不知名的牧羊
人,在离开伯利恒不远的一片不知名的田野上听到天使 嘹亮的歌声。第二天早上,也没有在报纸头版新闻宣告
救主的诞生。何等非凡无比的神啊!为什么祂要在伯利 恒这样一个不起眼的小镇诞生呢?
也许上帝更喜欢用一种不惹人注目的方式悄悄地、卑 微地工作。
也许《圣经》中所表述的上帝更喜欢像谦逊的克拉克肯 特那样随意走动,而不是像蝙蝠侠或超人那样突然从 黝黑的天空中降下。
无夢无惊,深深睡著,群星悄然运行; 在你漆黑的街道,永遠的光照耀;
向来,全世界无不高调欢腾迎庆圣诞佳节,那五彩缤纷 的灯饰,那强劲快感的音乐,不论来自信徒的欢庆或非 信徒的商业炒作,皆大同小异,然而,基督则选择诞生 在我们心中那卑微而宁静的生命里!
何等安靜,何等平靜,奇妙救恩降临, 神将各样属天福氣,注入千万人心。
世界正恶贯满盈,主降无人听闻, 谁肯谦卑打开心门,主也來作嘉宾。
在这个圣诞佳节,我们当中有没有人感觉自己很渺小 很卑微?我们是否知道,有人在一个似乎只崇拜大人物 的世界里觉得自己很卑微? 让我们为他或她祷告。伯利 恒很小,但却非微不足道!或许这个圣诞节,神会刻意 清晰地出现在你那自觉卑微的朋友生命中。