SECTION spotlight
Social Security Section:
Social Security in the Age of a Pandemic
The Houston Lawyer
By James Passamano
ighty-five years ago, President Roosevelt signed the Soto follow. cial Security Act of 1935. It created the familiar retireSecond, the Section is committed to improving the qualment benefit program and also the federal unemployity of representation in Social Security and has for many years ment insurance prowanted to bring officials from gram, which during the Social Security Administhe current pandemic serves tration from Washington and as an important source of ecoBaltimore to Houston for an nomic and social security to in-person CLE program for our millions of Americans. Social members. However, schedulSecurity has since expanded to ing, timing, and transportation meet the needs of an expanding of the officials all precluded nation. For more than 50 years, such an event. With the ubiqthe Social Security Disability uitous use of internet-based Insurance benefit program has conferencing, this long-desired protected workers and families Section goal is now possible. who are unable to work because The Section has the goal of orof a disabling illness or injury. ganizing a web-based program Similarly, the Social Security Social Security Section members heard a presentation from U.S. Magistrate for our members and the HBA Administration’s Supplemental Judge Peter Bray at a section luncheon at Tony’s prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. that includes appearances from Security Income benefit program has protected indigent chilthe Social Security Administration leadership. The program will dren and adults with severe disabilities. address how the agency is processing and hearing claims with Members of the Houston Bar Association’s Social Security a Social Security Administration workforce that is working reSection work in this highly focused administrative litigation motely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, how the recent change practice, which involves marshaling medical evidence, presentin the federal administration will affect the Social Security Ading evidence before administrative law judges, and appealing to ministration, and how the pandemic has affected applications the Administration’s Office of Hearing & Appeals and to United for benefits and program financing, among other issues. States District Courts and Circuit Courts of Appeal. Finally, the Section continues to pursue its ongoing goal of inThe Section has developed several goals for the upcoming creasing section membership. We hope to attract newly licensed 2021-22 bar year. attorneys to this challenging practice as well as attract attorneys First, because the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a reducin other areas of practice that have a connection to Social Securition in the number of Section meetings, the Section’s most imty law – such as employee benefits, personal injury settlements, mediate goal is to resume regular section meetings with CLE guardianship, and estate planning. programming through web-based conferencing. The Section will also plan to resume in-person meetings whenever it is safe James Passamano has practiced Social Security law and health and practical to do so. The Section is small in number, but its law at Sufian & Passamano, L.L.P. since 1997. He is a former members have rich experience. The regular Section meetings are senior trial attorney for the United States EEOC and a former judian important aspect of professional development and collegiality cial clerk for the United States District Court. He received degrees for the Social Security Bar. The Section has two meetings with in law from the University of Cambridge in England and South CLE programming planned for the upcoming months with more Texas College of Law – Houston. 36 March/April 2021