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YOU CAN TRANSFORM LIVES TODAY! SPECIAL ISSUE Your TLC brings tears of JOY! Nigeria's big win in Australia! New trades and New livesbecause of you. Thank you for fulfilling dreams for people affected by leprosy! Your love inAction!

A big thank you to you for your hearts!

Thank you for taking ACTION in seeking ‘the outcast’. No one is outcast in the kingdom of God. – Dr Greg

The Leprosy Mission Australia

ABN 52 354 004 543

ACN 067 616 193

PO Box 293 Box Hill VIC 3128

Fax 03 9890 0550

Phone 03 9890 0577

Tollfree 1800 LEPROSY (1800 537 767)


In my new role, as CEO, I want to get the good news out far and wide that Australians can help knock leprosy on the head in places like Nepal and Nigeria within a generation – zero transmission, zero disability, zero stigma.

The Christian principle of seeking the outcast is a big principle of The Leprosy Mission – no one is outcast in the kingdom of God. And you, together through The Leprosy Mission Australia, really put that into action. It’s the expression of that theological principle with our sleeves rolled up: we get on and seek the people who are outcast and care for them like Jesus would have cared for them.”

With The Leprosy Mission worldwide turning 150 in 2024, we are looking at ways of raising more awareness of the work that still needs to be done. We still need to mark what’s been achieved and keep working on the discrimination issues.

We don’t have many cases of leprosy in Australia. Praise God for that. But our role is to find the right projects to support, to help build the capacity of those projects, offering expertise sometimes, but generally offering monetary support. This mission is a great expression of gospel truths that Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and that’s spiritual and physical. As we care for those who are the most rejected and outcast, we are Christ-like.

Thank you for your partnership. Together we are walking alongside people affected by leprosy and disability on their healing journey AND defeating leprosy.

God Bless you!

The Leprosy Mission Australia ABN 52 354 004 543 (TLMA) is a member of the Australian Council for International Development and is a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct. The Code requires members to meet high standards of corporate governance, public accountability, and financial management. TLMA is committed to full adherence to the ACFID Code of Conduct. More information about the ACFID Code of Conduct may be obtained from The Leprosy Mission Australia website: or ACFID’s website:

The Leprosy Mission Australia is an international organisation that works in partnership with governments, public health officials, non-government organisations, the World Health Organisation, churches, Christian partners and others to achieve its vision of a world without leprosy. The Leprosy Mission is the oldest and largest leprosy-focused organisation in the world today.

The Leprosy Mission Australia complies with the Voluntary Code of Practice for Public Fundraising in Western Australia.


Here’s how to get your gifting and shopping done, bless more people affected by leprosy and love your neighbour all at the same time! Get all your gear from The Leprosy Mission Shop! Here you’re buying gifts with meaning and changing the life of a person affected by leprosy. You can get greeting cards, homewares, toys, and books – including the autobiography of Australian surgeon Dr Grace Warren titled Doctor Number 49.

Dr Warren’s innovative work in hand, foot and facial surgery helped change the stigma around leprosy and restored patients to a useful functional life. Dr Warren recently welcomed me (Greg) to her home in New South Wales. She shared about the many challenges of fighting leprosy over the years.

“In1959,itwaswidelybelievedthatyounevercameoffthebooksonceyouhad leprosy,” she says. “Youstayedontreatmentfortherestofyourlife.Yourfeet had certain problems. The experts said nothing could be done about it. They would slowly get worse until the foot had to be amputated. Well, you see, we disproved all that.”

As we move through the 150th year of The Leprosy Mission globally, we will continue to celebrate more of our ‘giants of leprosy’ like Dr Grace – please stay tuned!


You can buy Doctor Number 49 and other gifts:

2 You can transform lives today! CEO'S MESSAGE TO YOU

Namaste! A friendly word of Nepalese thanks for your kind TLC…

Anjali wants to tell you how your compassion is making her dreams possible.

Anjali is so grateful for your kindness … and your caring monthly gift towards a TLC Tertiary Scholarship. A big thank you to you for your caring hearts!

Because life hasn’t been easy for this hardworking university student. As a loving daughter, Anjali spent her helping her family who lived in poverty.

“My siblings and I would go to different people’s houses to do work,” she recalls, “in return, they would provide our school fees or

But life got even harder for this devoted young girl when she was diagnosed with leprosy. Although Anjali started treatment in time to prevent severe disability, the disease permanent nerve damage.

“I live most days with a hurting, swollen leg and pain in my body,” she says. “It’s hard to walk. I can’t keep up with other people. But worst of all, I feel emotional pain and hurt when people discriminate against for having leprosy.”

That’s why Anjali dreams of becoming a social worker. She has a beautiful heart for others. But she can’t finish her studies without supporters like you who are so committed and caring.

That’s why your commitment to TLC for tertiary students is so important. You’ll help with:


university education… and the good work opportunities it leads to.

LOVING MENTORSHIP & COUNSELLING – expert wellbeing support to help girls like Anjali adjust from rural to city life and succeed in their studies.

CURES THAT INSPIRE – raising up girls like Anjali as leprosy achievers to fight stigma and demonstrate that people with leprosy CAN live flourishing lives.

“I can’t see your face or know who you are,” she says to you. “But I do know that you have helped me without any reason. You have so much humanity. You are so kind and helpful. Namaste and thank you for your assistance.”

Anjali lives with leprosy. But thanks to the kind TLC of people like you… she can still achieve her dreams of a university education. Thank you.

TAKE ACTION with a Tertiary Support today!

If you are not already, you can still TAKE ACTION with a monthly TLC gift today. Or why not encourage a friend to take action too?

Your caring monthly gift can make sure girls like Anjali who are living with leprosy don’t miss out on the quality education she deserves.

–all study expenses paid so girls like Anjali don’t miss out on a quality

FREECall 1800 LEPROSY (1800 537 767), /tlc-tertiary-Nepal or tick the box on the back page and mail the form to us!

International Programs Officer, Eva Lee, visiting with Anjali on a recent monitoring trip in Nepal
“For the first time in my life I felt a sense of dignity and self-worth to know I was part of something very important.”

Fighting stigma and discrimination in Nigeria on Australian soil

Thank you for helping Pius and his team as they continue to influence electoral reform.

Recently, we welcomed Pius Ogbu Sunday, Head of Programmes and Operations with TLM-Nigeria, as he visited Australia to give thanks for supporting the electoral reform campaign which has changed government policy and practice in Nigeria. Together we are making headway in breaking through the stigma of leprosy across the world.

“That extension of love (from Australia) has made a meaningful impact,” Mr Sunday said. “It has given people affected by leprosy and disability in Nigeria a sense of dignity and a sense of inclusion in society again.

“This investment has resulted in the outcome we are celebrating: a victory to humanity, that has brought smiles

to the faces of persons with disability and persons affected by leprosy.”

Here also as keynote speaker at the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) National Conference 2023 in Sydney, Pius shared the life-altering changes being achieved in Nigeria through perseverance and strategic collaboration, particularly with Australia.

For Pius, the ACFID conference theme ‘Global Development 2.0 – disruptive dynamics, inspired ideas’ resonated with the disruptive change they are making to improve the lives and protect the rights of people affected by leprosy in Nigeria.

During his visit, Pius was also able

Photo: Nic Roberts Pius visits staff at The Leprosy Mission Head Office in Box Hill, Victoria. Photo: Nic Roberts
4 You can transform lives today! FIGHTING SHAME AND STIGMA
Proudly also supported by Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

to witness the referendum. A great example of how our Australian electoral system works. Not only can everyone vote but we are all required to vote. He watched as voters queued up calmly and even ate barbequed sausages in bread!

In Nigeria, while people affected by leprosy have the same right to vote as any other citizen, they have been disenfranchised by previously inflexible voter registration systems and stigma. The registration system required fingerprint identification which meant those whose hands were physically effected were excluded from exercising this basic human right.

That’s all been changing thanks to your support of our partnership between The Leprosy Mission Nigeria (TLM-Nigeria) and The Leprosy Mission Australia, together with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Australian High Commission in Nigeria.

The multi-layered campaign has involved building the capacity and capability of people affected by leprosy to advocate on their own

behalf and has been addressing stigma and misinformation among electoral commission staff. Ongoing advocacy has been required.

Across many communities, people affected by leprosy with no fingers have been registered to vote with facial recognition. The machines have been adjusted to accept facial recognition as well as ‘fingerprints’. For the first time in their life, even though they have no fingers, they have their voter’s card now.

In the 2023 February election of the Presidential, the House of Representatives and Senate elections, they were able to vote for the first time.

Amina, along with tens of thousands of persons with disabilities across the country participated to vote.

“ForthefirsttimeinmylifeIfelta sense of dignity and self-worth to know I was part of something very important.” – Amina

On behalf of those people and The Leprosy Mission Nigeria, Mr Sunday expresses heartfelt thanks.

“ThankyoutothepeopleofAustralia,to the Government of Australia, who have stood with vulnerable people thousands of kilometres away, who they may never know their name, they may never see them face-to-face, for yet have made a tremendous impact,” Pius said.

“An impact that has brought change that will resonate not only with those who have benefited directly, but for many people for years from now who may suffer one form of disability or another that results in the loss of their limbs or hands, yet they will still be able to exercise their rights.”

Thank you!


To continue walking alongside people affected by leprosy in Nigeria, you can choose to give your monthly TLC with a Country Sponsorship – simply tick Nigeria on the response form and send it back to us reply-paid or FREECALL 1800 537 767

Above: Your International Programs Manager, Andrew Newmarch, shows Pius the sights of Sydney while in town for the ACFID 2023 Conference. Left: Pius delivering they keynote speech at the ACFID 2023 Conference.

You give more than just a job

More than 90% of the graduates you support find a job after training. But your kindness means even more than that:

Education about fair labour and disability rights to protect students from worker exploitation.

Advocacy and disability education with businesses in Tamil Nadu, opening up more job opportunities for hardworking graduates affected by leprosy and disability.

Reliable livelihoods and safe work so people affected by leprosy can lift themselves out of poverty.

Short, off-site skills courses for students who cannot leave their community, so they don’t miss out on these same opportunities.

Thank you

Meet hardworking individuals like Mohanraj and his peers at the Vocational Training Centre in India! Your generous heart of compassion is giving them a precious lifelong gift – a trade that will provide the independence of an income and the joy of providing for family.

Your compassionate support means new livelihoods for people affected by leprosy like Mohanraj… thank you!

for giving the blessing of new livelihoods!

It’s a sad reality that leprosy limits your job options. Whether it’s due to disability or discrimination (or both), the result is the same. Nobody wants to employ you.

If not for your generosity and compassion, this would sentence young men like Mohanraj, 19, to a lifetime of poverty.

Instead, Mohanraj was delighted to join other people affected by leprosy like him at the Vocational Training Centre in Tamil Nadu. The region is home to many manufacturing industries, making it the perfect location in India for a training centre. Teachers can monitor what skills and trades are the most in demand.

After training is complete, students like Mohanraj have an abundance of job options!

That’s what you make possible with your kindness. Mohanraj has no idea where he first caught leprosy. But he does know that leprosy has stopped him from being able to work. His childhood was a series of one hospital visit after another.

Now thanks to your God-inspired generosity, Mohanraj is studying to be an electrician, learning new skills and making friends. Best of all, he now knows he’s capable of working and making his own living... thanks to God and thanks to kind people like you.

6 You can transform lives today! NEW LIVELIHOODS IN INDIA – BECAUSE OF YOU
Photo: Daniel Christiansz Photography

New trade and new life... because of your love and care

Today, Vijiyakumar is training to be a tailor and has big plans for the future. Once his leprosy treatment is over and he starts his own business, he hopes to get married. What a great blessing you help give!

This is a far cry from where Vijiyakumar was five years ago. Back then, he started getting sores on his hands and feet. At a private hospital, they gave him medicine that didn’t work. This is where your love made such a huge difference...

Because his ulcers worsened. They were painful, especially at night. Bedridden, Vijiyakumar couldn’t walk or even eat properly. He and

TAKE ACTION to support lifechanging livelihoods!

his mother only survived because the government gave out emergency food rations. Then his aunt advised him to visit The Leprosy Mission Hospital, funded by wonderful supporters like you.

Here he began Multi-Drug Therapy treatment. Here he learned how to care for his ulcers and sores. And it was here that he was referred to The Leprosy Mission Vocational Training Centre so he could learn a trade. Vijiyakumar chose tailoring and wants to set up his own shop one day. Now he’s fighting for a better future for himself and the family he wants to have one day. Thank you for making this possible!

You could support a bright leprosy-affected young person like Mohanjar or Vijiyakumar. Or help a dad who wants to educate his children. FREECall 1800 LEPROSY (1800 537 767), visit projects/vocational-training-centre-project or tick the box on the back page and mail the form to us!

A son’s future secured... with thanks from Raja, a caring dad

Without the help of The Leprosy Mission, I could not have given my son any form of further education. But thanks to your kindness, he is learning a trade for free at The Leprosy Mission Vocational Centre.

Leprosy is an enormous financial burden on me and my family. Since 2021, I have lost a lot of money because I have spent thousands of rupees on tests that yielded no results.

I am living from hand to mouth and borrowing from my relatives. My current job at a clothing factory pays a lower salary than average, because one of my hands is not fully functional. But if I told them I have leprosy, I wouldn’t have a job at all.

When I found out I had leprosy, I thought,“ThankGod,Icanfinally recover,” because I had been in so much pain.



Bless you for fulfilling God’s plans and purposes in so many lives. Thank you for being a faithful prayer partner, a kind ministry supporter and following the call of Jesus to care for people affected by leprosy.

Please tick any statement below that is true for you.

I am committed to helping prevent pain and promote health wherever I can. Yes it is important to me those suffering with leprosy can feel God's love.

Please tick the areas that interest you below and send it back to us. I would like to:

1 2 3 4


My kind gift of $ to love my neighbours affected by leprosy all over the world! I want to Cure One person of leprosy now (12 months of treatment) for $432

TLC – Tertiary Student Sponsorship $36 $60 $136 a month

Country Sponsorship – $45 a month towards a country-wide approach to fighting leprosy Nepal Nigeria India Indonesia Timor Leste

Cheque / Money Order: payable to The Leprosy Mission Australia – OR –Credit Card: (My monthly gift processed on the of the month)

Card Number:

Name on Card:

Signat ure: Expiry Date: /

Direct Deposit / Online Banking:

The Leprosy Mission Overseas Relief Fund account: BSB: 013225 No: 297114729

In the reference field enter: SURNAME 24ACTIONBMBC

Please email notification of payment to:


Gift in Will – FREE guide How to include TLMA in my Will Gift Catalogues – FREE catalogue on how to shop to stop leprosy PARTNER


Keep in Touch – FREE monthly KIT with Australian prayer notes and news ASK 2024 Diary – FREE international prayer guide (when available)

My Contact Details: Mr Mrs Ms Miss

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Thank you

We are so truly blessed to have supporters like you who honour the heart of God with your generosity.

Send back your completed form to: The Leprosy Mission Australia, Reply Paid 83988, Box Hill, VIC 3128. Donations $2 and over are tax deductible.

Privacy Statement — Your personal details will be stored on our secure database and will not be passed onto a third party. See If the area of need becomes funded, your gift will go where it’s needed most.
Ways to take ACTION!
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