You are such a blessing... thank you
Whenever I talk to supporters like you, I’m humbled by your kindness and compassion. You have a kindness of heart and spirit of generosity that inspires me. Thank you for all you do to care for people with leprosy through The Leprosy Mission Australia. You are living out the words of 1 John 3:18, ‘Let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.’
Your acts of love reach people around the world who are hurt by leprosy. This includes Nepal, where a group of supporters like you travelled to this past September. They saw firsthand your love in action and met some of the people you have provided care for. In this edition, they share the impact you have made in their lives through the life-changing work you have made possible.
When challenges and disasters strike, God uses the love and kindness of generous people like you to step in and help. Thank you for standing with the team at Anandaban Hospital and providing disaster relief! I am so thankful for your gifts –your help has arrived which will assist with the immediate needs to restore the site and facilities.
We report to you about the recent floods and landslide which caused so much devastation at Anandaban Hospital, including damage to the newly-built Self-Care Unit. It’s a devastating time for the team in Nepal, where one colleague died in the landslide. Please pray for his family, the staff at Anandaban, and for everyone affected by the disaster.
Thankfully, you have stepped in for the team in Nepal and the patients at Anandaban. Your love has upheld them in their time of crisis, in the name of Jesus. You act of love and kindness is making sure Anandaban Hospital, the team and their precious patients are protected.
Without you, this would not have been possible. Thank you for not giving up on people in great need.
God Bless you!

Dr Greg Clarke CEO, The Leprosy Mission Australia

From ‘curse’ to thanks to your
Thank you for the care you’re giving to children in Nepal like Kamal. Here is his story—I hope you’re inspired by the change in his life.
“As I visited Anandaban Hospital, it broke my heart to see Kamal sitting with his head in his hands, with his face covered in patches and lumps,” says Gillian from The Leprosy Mission New Zealand.
“This 8-year-old boy was simply covered head to toe in the signs and symptoms of leprosy.”
Kamal was very sad about how leprosy had affected him... but he did not know a far more terrible truth. We had caught him on the brink of a fate much, much worse – a lifetime of severe disabilities and deformities. That is what leprosy can cause if it’s left too long without treatment.
Living in a tiny hut, malnourished, with low resistance, Kamal was vulnerable to leprosy infection. His young face swelled
cure … care

with disfiguring patches and lesions.
Fear gripped the family. His mum took him straight to a traditional healer, which is the local custom in rural Nepal when someone is sick.
But the healer had only bad news. He told the family Kamal had been cursed – by the snake god. Imagine the fear and confusion his mother must have felt … let alone how scared her young son would have been.
The family have little to survive on. They love their son but could barely afford the expensive offerings they made to the snake god to lift the curse. But the family only plunged further into poverty... and sadly Kamal got worse.
Kamal is a brave little boy. But because he was so malnourished, Kamal’s body struggled to fight the disease. More lesions spread over his face. His eyes were swollen shut. And as his neck,
tongue, and throat also swelled, he had trouble breathing. And in their community, ‘leprosy’ is still shrouded in myth and misunderstanding. Kamal’s mum shares the fear of Kamal’s relatives: ‘They don’t want us because of leprosy. They’ve disowned us. We’re not family to them anymore.’
With your love and support, children like Kamal won’t suffer the lifelong disability and stigma leprosy can bring. Thank you!
Treatment made possible... because of your love and support
But Kamal’s dad wouldn’t give up. He knew his son needed urgent treatment. He insisted the family take the 5-hour journey to The Leprosy Mission’s Anandaban Hospital campus, which runs thanks to the care and compassion of supporters like you. There, Kamal and his family learned the truth.
Kamal’s illness was not a curse but a treatable disease.
Because of your kindness, Kamal began the treatment he needed immediately—three steroid medications and MultiDrug Therapy. The caring hospital staff also worked hard to improve his overall health, feeding him nutritious meals with love and compassion.
Kamal’s mum wants to share her gratitude with you. Without your support, Kamal would still be untreated for leprosy. “I’m so thankful. I couldn’t help my son. We have no money. If treatment wasn’t free for us, I don’t know what we would do.”

You can take Action
We must not let leprosy steal the future from children like Kamal. You can take action now and make sure that others like Kamal are screened for leprosy.
$15 is all it costs in Nepal, to screen three children for leprosy – so the disease can then be cured early with Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT), and lifelong disability prevented. Fill out the form on the back page and send it back or scan the QR code.
Seeing firsthand your love and care in Nepal
In September, eight compassionate Leprosy Mission supporters —people like you with a heart for the ministry—travelled to Nepal. They saw for themselves the life-changing work you make possible – and returned inspired and encouraged. Here, they share with you stories of the blessings you bring.
Like you, all of us who travelled to Nepal are passionate supporters of The Leprosy Mission.
We’ve all seen the photos and heard from those whose lives have been changed. Yet it’s another thing to actually be there. To be warmly welcomed by people who have suffered so much. To sit with them as they share their stories of heartache and healing. To hear how thankful they are for the care and kindness they’ve received.
As you know, the work in Nepal is focused around Anandaban Hospital, just outside Kathmandu. We were excited to visit places where we are all making an impact and changing lives:

● the self-care unit (newly built – see pages 6 and 7)
● the research laboratory (for better understanding and treatment of the disease)
● the physiotherapy unit (for essential rehab)
● an operating theatre to view reconstructive surgery (not for the faint-hearted!)
● and the orthotics and prosthetics unit (the skills and care of the technicians was incredible).
Wherever we went, we were inspired by the expertise, love and commitment of the Anandaban team.

“I was so excited to meet Dr Indra Napit who performs the reconstructive surgery,” said young Adelaide doctor Olivia. “Mum and Dad went on the 2019 Nepal tour and met him and told me that I just had to meet him.”

Awesome women we met!
A chat with the patients in the women’s ward turned into a party. They put on sunnies and hats and then the dancing began. “Lots of laughter and all of their pain is surrendered to our heavenly Father,” shared Board member Angeline.

Photos supplied by Olivia
While some of our group returned home after the first week, the rest of us travelled on to Jhapa district in eastern Nepal. And the breadth of The Leprosy Mission work there was truly life-changing. Here are some of the things we saw:
Diagnosing leprosy on the ground
We visited a health post to learn how patients are screened, tested and diagnosed with leprosy. The earlier we can catch leprosy, the more disabilities we can prevent.

Leprosy screening at primary school
We saw our partner team from Nepal Leprosy Fellowship providing information about leprosy to the children, teachers and even some of the parents. You see, $5 is all it costs in Jhapa, Nepal, to screen a child for leprosy – so the disease can then be cured early with Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT) and lifelong disability prevented.

Teaching communities that leprosy is curable not a curse
Here’s a three-wheeler Safari we saw driving through a village. It played music and made announcements about leprosy and skin screenings. We learned that teams travel from house to house to trace contacts of known cases. We also got a chance to visit a Self Help Group where we met people affected by leprosy who are now cured. They’re living happy, healthy lives, supported with livelihood skills.
From screening to diagnosis, from awareness-raising to reducing stigma, from livelihoods to self-help groups, we saw your love in action … in powerful, life-changing ways.
Photos by Rama Rusman
Photo by Paul Andrews
Photo taken from footage by Paul Andrews

“ The staff that you and I support embody Christ-like compassion and put their faith into action to transform lives.”
Written by Julie (pictured above), who was part of the team who travelled to Nepal. She shares how she saw lives transformed by your faith in action…
I’ve been a supporter of The Leprosy Mission ministry for more than 10 years.
The suffering of people with leprosy has always deeply affected me, especially knowing that this is a curable disease.
It’s not only the physical pain and unnecessary disability – but much like in Jesus’ time, people living with the impact of leprosy continue to face horrendous discrimination and exclusion.
That’s why, when the opportunity came to go to Nepal and visit the Self-Care Unit at Anandaban Hospital, which we Australians support, I was keen to go.
What an experience! Seeing with my own eyes what you and I do for people through our donations ... it’s so much more than what can be shared in newsletters and updates.
At Anandaban, people affected by leprosy find healing, acceptance and love. The staff that you and I support through The Leprosy Mission embody Christ-like compassion and put their faith into action to transform lives. I felt this very powerfully. And so do the patients. You could see that in the way they respond. There are smiles, optimism, even joy. They couldn’t wait to thank us and The Leprosy Mission and tell us how much their lives had changed. The
gratitude expressed by patients, and staff, was so humbling. They asked us to pass on thanks to the people of Australia, and that’s why I’m happy to write this note.
Our gifts may seem small to us, but to the people who are helped, it’s huge.
You are a blessing in their lives. I pray you continue to reach out through The Leprosy Mission, so together we can get rid of this disease forever, as we care for those whose lives are hurt by leprosy now.”
Thank you!

Take Action
If you want to be notified about upcoming Supporter Tours, send your details to: engage@leprosymission.org.au and we’ll keep you updated!
Photos by Rama Rusman Julie
As we were preparing to leave, the hot sunny weather suddenly turned. Rain bucketed down. Little did we know this would have such a devastating impact on the people we’d met…
As we all now know, around 24cm of rain in just 24 hours led to flooding across Kathmandu and the surrounding valleys. More than 200 people died.
Anandaban Hospital, where we had been only days earlier, was badly affected. The torrential rain caused devastating landslides at and around the hospital.
Electricity was cut. Borewells that supply the hospital were damaged. Roads nearby were blocked, so clean water and food was unable to reach the hospital. And buildings were covered, inside and out, with mud.
Tragically, one staff member who we’d recently met, died in the landslide. As you can imagine, it came as great shock. We had only just met him a few days earlier.
Yet we know our feelings pale in comparison to what the team, patients and their families are feeling and experiencing at Anandaban and are still going through.
We trust God has a plan. We’re inspired by the resilience of the Nepalese people and encouraged by the generosity of our Leprosy Mission family here in Australia.
God bless you all!

Photos courtesy of The Leprosy Mission Nepal
Anandaban holds a special place in our hearts, like we’re sure it does for you.
Celebratory joy...
What a builder you are!
When I told you about The Leprosy Mission’s bold plan to build a new Self Care Unit at Anandaban Hospital in Nepal ...
... you didn’t hesitate! You stepped up to give your hands-on help to lay bricks, and pour concrete, and erect walls, and install doors and windows, and paint inside and out, all with your wonderful support.
What a joy it is to see this building before our eyes!
The patients told us that you have built a welcoming home for them at Anandaban.
Your work on the Self-Care Unit has given patients with leprosy a place they can recover with the best care, and in the kind of simple comfort that can speed healing.
This is vital because untreated leprosy can lead to preventable disfigurement, amputation and needless lifelong disability.
Thank you for being brave enough to join this bold plan that will serve hundreds of leprosy patients.
Your courage and kindness are why we call you a Hospital Hero

Your gifts at work –seeing it firsthand

Old self-care unit
You might remember the old Self-Care unit with it’s leaking roof, dim, dark interior and uneven flooring. It’s a critical part of the work you do at Anandaban, but damage from the 2015 earthquake meant it was no longer safe to use. So, we were excited to visit the new 10-bed Unit we built together…

Exterior of self-care unit
It’s amazing what can be achieved in a few short months with your love and generosity! Here, the team you support will care for people recovering from surgery, such as clawed hands or drop foot. The Unit also provides vital care and rehabilitation for patients who need amputations and prosthetics.
Interior of self-care unit
Your Self-Care Unit includes: a 4-bed female dormitory, a 6-bed male dormitory, separate bathrooms, a kitchen and dining area, a staff desk area, and a meeting hall for patient activities. The team members showing us around were all smiles, as you can see!

On your behalf, we were honoured to attend a special thanksgiving ceremony to bless the new Unit. While you may not have joined us on the tour, you were there in the hearts of those you care for. And you’ll continue to be there every day as, just like Jesus, you reach out and show love to people hurt by leprosy.
For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.
Hebrews 3:4
Grief in disaster Damaged but not destroyed...
and grateful to incredible people like you who cared, prayed and stood with the Anandaban team.
On the day of our return to Australia, torrential rains caused a landslide that damaged much of Anandaban Hospital. We were delayed at the airport for another day, but that was nothing compared with what unfolding as we were waiting.
Our heart is breaking for the team in Nepal. And we’re sure yours is too. Anandaban Hospital is such a special place. For decades it has been a beacon of hope to so many patients affected by leprosy.
Tragically, the new Self-Care Unit you built has been badly damaged.
But praise God the structure stood firm in the siege and is essentially intact. Built on a strong foundation you can see from the photos that it is sitting firm like an island amongst the mud and sludge. All thanks to you for providing the means to build a quality structure.
Windows are broken, and the hallways have filled with earth. The wards have been flooded with sludge, and the mud has covered the roof. Frontline teams are now undertaking a massive cleanup and evaluating whether the building suffered any structural damage.
After all your kindness, after all the excitement of the opening, nothing could prepare any of us
for this. Yet, amidst the mud and flood waters, there is hope.

When a group of Aussies set out on a trip to see the work of The Leprosy Mission in Nepal last September, we had no idea we would narrowly miss a major landslide where were staying. It was heartbreaking to see pictures of Vivek’s house swept away, someone I had met only days before.
Even more tragic was the news we received later that Vivek had died in the landslide.
But the thing about Leprosy Mission supporters is that we help when help is needed. Even when we can’t physically be there. I met many of the people that will benefit from the donations that everyone made to the emergency appeal. You’re providing hope and practical help to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Nepal. — Ian, part of the team that visited Nepal

Praise God for His provision through your kindness
We give thanks to God for:
● The outpouring of love from Australians like you. Your commitment to supporting the team in Nepal through this disaster was such an encouragement. You responded so quickly and generously to the landslide appeal that self-care services will be able to start again soon. Some activities will move to an in-patient ward of the hospital, while others will be delivered in an old nutrition ward.
● The safe recovery of the only two patients admitted at the Self-Care Unit when the landslides hit. They were both successfully rescued and moved to a safe ward... praise God.
● The dedication of the Nepal staff in continuing to care for people affected by leprosy and replant the campus. What a beautiful reflection of God’s heart!

“I know Anandaban has a special place in your heart, and I’m so grateful that you are praying. It gives such comfort and encouragement to the hospital team to know that you care.
Thank you standing shoulder to shoulder with the team at Anandaban. Thank you, and God bless you.”
Dr Greg Clarke, CEO, The Leprosy Mission Australia
Landslide destruction: Just days before, we stood at this very spot outside the Self-Care Unit. Your gift today can help with urgent cleaning and repair.
One way you show thoughtfulness and compassion for people affected by leprosy is by buying gifts from The Leprosy Mission Shop. The Nepal tour team met with some of the artisans who create the products you buy…
The stigma of leprosy still exists in many countries including Nepal. That means people with leprosy may stay ‘hidden’ in their community, as families are often too fearful to seek help. Even if they receive treatment, they may not be able to return to their families. That’s what happened to people like Evangeline and Sanjali, who we met at the New SADLE artisan workshop during our visit to Nepal.

Take Action
You don’t have to go to Nepal to support artisans like Evangeline and Sanjali. Their beautiful handicrafts are available for you to buy online at the Leprosy Mission Shop right now! shop.leprosymission.org.au

Sanjali’s story: such a blessing to speak to her Sanjali was diagnosed with leprosy when she was just 12, but her family didn’t seek treatment for two years. Eventually, doctors at her local hospital referred her to Anandaban Hospital, where she was treated and cured.
Sanjali has been left with permanent scarring on her face and body. Sadly, that means she still faces stigma and discrimination, even though she is now leprosy free.
That’s why your support for Sanjali and other artisans is such a blessing. You give people who would struggle to find other work the chance to earn an income.
Sanjali paints the Batik cards you can buy through The Leprosy Mission Shop. She’s proud of her skills and her work. She’s proud of being able to provide
for her family. She’s proud that she can support the education of her children—Sanjali’s oldest daughter dreams of becoming a nurse. Your continued kindness and care, plus Sanjali’s hard work, can help make these dreams—a reality. Thank you!

Ian, supporter tour team member made a batik card design with the artisans.
Sanjalli painting the Batik cards for The Leprosy Mission Shop.
What struck me in Nepal was the warmth and gratitude of people like Evangeline.
On the tour, we were excited to meet four of the tertiary students you support through The Leprosy Mission’s TLC Tertiary Education program. We heard how education is highly prized in Nepal so they can get a stable, reliable job to support their family... and overcome the stigma that still surrounds leprosy. Here they are:

Manisha, age 22. Her father had leprosy since age 7. She is now in her third year of a Bachelor of Business Management and hopes to open a café.
Anjali, age 19. She suffered severe burns when leprosy caused the loss of sensation in her hands. She is now in her second year of a Bachelor of Social Work and is passionate about helping others when she becomes a social worker herself.
Ram, age 22. His grandfather was affected by leprosy and he lost his father in a road accident. He is in his first year of a Bachelor of Public Health and his dream is to work closely with members of the community and be part of innovative changes within the community.
Suman,age21.Isadependentof amarginalisedfamily.Hisfather usedtoworkforTheLeprosy MissionNepal,butunfortunately passedawayin2024,afew monthsafterSumanwasenrolled intheTertiaryEducationProject. Heisexcitedaboutarchitecture andspendshisdayssurveying someofthehistoricalarchitectural buildingsandtheirrelevanceon themodern-dayarchitecture.
After spending time with these passionate young people over lunch, we learned some Nepali words and phrases and then played bingo to review how much we remembered.
We then had a fun session where we split into two teams with Australians facing off again the Nepalese. Each had to guess the teams’ ‘True’ or ‘False’ Statements. Each student did a presentation using PowerPoint, where we learned a lot about their individual personalities. It was such a blessing to learn about their lives and experiences. The students did some great presentations, exposing them to new people and new experiences as well as giving them a chance to practice their English.
Thank you for supporting tertiary students’ scholarships – you help these bright young people with:
Tuition fees
Essential travel
Living allowance
Mentoring program
Well-being support
Health Insurance
“Meeting the students was a wonderful time of laughter and connection.
One of the students I had the privilege of talking to was Ram (pictured). We instantly clicked, laughing over the coincidence that our names were so similar! Ram has a parent with leprosy, and is so grateful for the scholarship he received through Leprosy Mission. Ram is currently studying in his first year of a Bachelor of Public Health. I left our meeting feeling hopeful and excited for Ram’s future. I have no doubt he will go on to achieve great things, and I look forward to following his journey.”
— Rama, supporter tour team member
We wanted to pass on the love and care from all Australian supporters like you. So we presented the students, like Manisha (above left), with small kangaroo pins. Manisha’s father is Kashi, the beautiful soul who heads the self-care unit. Sadly, we learned only a few days later that Manisha and her family were badly affected by the landslide that hit Anandaban. While they are safe, they lost their house, scooter, and everything they own. Please remember them in your prayers.
Your around the world wrap-up report
by TLMA International Programs
Due to changes occurring with our Leprosy Mission partner in India, we have shifted our focus from the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) Vadathorasalur, to partnering with the VTC Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh, Northern India. VTC Faizabad offers free trade courses to people affected by leprosy, disability and those from marginalised families aged between 16-40 years old. Residential courses include diesel mechanic, computer operator, welder, refrigeration and air conditioning technician and community-based courses include tailoring, mobile electrician, beautician and candle making. The VTC currently provides education to approximately 150 students.
Another recently established project, providing rehabilitation services and artificial limbs in Tamil Nadu commenced work with a new team of 10 staff members. The team immediately got to work training occupational therapy students on leprosy awareness and demonstrating customised footwear to government staff. In addition, purchasing new equipment is underway to outfit the life and limbs workshop.
The new project office was inaugurated by longtime, dedicated Australian leprosy advocacy champions Joe and Maria Bast who travelled to India to see the progress firsthand.
Your projects in Indonesia, Nigeria and
are also supported by

The Urban Leprosy and Leprosy Friendly Villages projects continue their advocacy efforts to local governments and training of doctors.
Under the Urban Leprosy project, the team have made headway in improving leprosy interest amongst private doctors. The inclusion of a leprosy control training module within the medical association in Indonesia has increased participation and enthusiasm amongst doctors as they now receive professional development points for their participation. This increased interest resulted in the expansion of the project to new locations. The establishment of Leprosy Friendly Villages in Kuningan continues to receive positive feedback from local governments with most villages now allocating
budget to conducting leprosy detection activities. Recently, the use of chemoprophylaxis or PEP, a single dose of Rifampicin given to reduce risk of transmission in close contacts of new leprosy cases was introduced and several public health centres now provide this to close contacts of identified cases.

Photo courtesy of The Leprosy Mission Trust India
Photo courtesy of NLR Indonesia
A new project started in July 2024, expanding our work to not only cover Zamfara, but also Benue and Nasawara states.
Leprosy and other Neglected Tropical Diseases are high in these states. The project has a particular focus on improving local health services to treat leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis and Buruli Ulcers in addition to other neglected tropical skin conditions found through detection activities.
To improve access to health services in the community, the project is currently outfitting motorized tricycles to use as mobile medical clinics. Equipped with medical supplies and a trained worker, the trikes can travel to remote and hard to reach villages to bring basic health services to the local communities. These trikes are funded by Australian supporters through the 150-year Jubilee gift collection.
The team in Nigeria have also been working hard to bring mental health illnesses and the need for appropriate health services to the attention of local governments. Earlier this year The Leprosy Mission office in Nigeria established a Wellness Centre, where community members can call a toll-free telephone hotline to receive free over the phone counselling. The project continues to support the running of this hotline and its promotion.
Meetings with officials from national and state levels to introduce the project and obtain their support and agreement to work in the three states have commenced.
Andrew Newmarch, our International Program’s Manager, was in Nigeria meeting officials at the official project opening ceremony. He had the privilege of handing over two newly built mobile clinic trikes to government officials.

Our partners in Timor-Leste have been busy setting up the new project in Oecusse. One of their initial activities was to establish a map of the locations of existing leprosy cases, schools, churches, institutions and other nongovernment organisations. This map will play an important role in identifying the available services for people affected by leprosy and will allow the team to establish strategic partnerships with local organisations to improve leprosy services. This comprehensive mapping is the first of its kind within the region.
As part of establishing improved leprosy knowledge in
the health system in Oecusse, doctors needed to receive specialist leprosy training outside of the country. The support of Australian donors allowed for 11 medical doctors from Oecusse to be sent to Anandaban Hospital, Nepal, to receive specialised leprosy training. For many of these doctors, it was the first time they travelled outside the country and was a new and exciting experience for them. Unfortunately, the team was at Anandaban Hospital at the time of the landslide. Fortunately, no injuries were sustained and all 11 participants returned safely to Timor-Leste.

Take Action
Have a heart for a specific country? Provide your ongoing TLC to its people for $45 a month.
FREECALL 1800 537 767 or use the reply-paid envelope to make your commitment TODAY!
Photo courtesy of The Leprosy Mission Nigeria
Photo courtesy of The Leprosy Mission Nepal
Bless you for being such a generous and faithful partner in the ministry in Nepal. It’s a privilege to work alongside you in following the call of Jesus to care for people affected by leprosy.
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