Diversity in the fashion industry is all about broadening the body images depicted in catwalks and ad campaigns to become more reflective of real people of different sizes, ages and races. Diversity in the fashion industry aims to challenge the existing notions of beauty in the fashion industry to be more inclusive and more varied. The diversity agenda is really in response to what many view as the damaging fixation of the fashion industry on unrealistic body images as well as the hyper sexualisation of woman and men. At All Walks beyond the Catwalk Debra Bourne, Erin O’Connor and Caryn Franklin together with their team, campaign to “challenge the fashion industry’s dependence on unachievable and
limited body and beauty ideals by respecting diversity. Through its founders the organization has challenged the fashion industry to “recognize the psychological impact of its messaging upon the minds of young women and men, together with the unprecedented amount of imagery we receive via digital platforms.” The organization broaches the topic from a holistic standpoint challenging the industry from three main angles:
The first being Press Campaigns such as 2012 Body Confidence Awards highlighting efforts made by certain section sections of the industry to take work towards promoting responsible images of health and beauty. The second is from an advocacy stance by parliamentarian campaigns highlighting the importance of body imagery from a wider cultural perspective. All walks have taken on the role as a government expert advisory committee dealing specifically with body confidence issues and the damaging impacts of negative body imagery on self-esteem and general wellbeing.
The third channel used to drive home the All walks message is through Education the Diversity Network aims to attack the ongoing diversity issue at grass roots level by starting with student designers by encouraging to challenge the mind-set of the industry and rather see themselves and a force for change in the industry rather than perpetuating the same negative imagery. Through lectures and specific diversity modules undergraduate students are empowered to understand the following among others ideals: 1. The influence and responsibility they have in fashion and other creative image industries to communicate to women and men positively regarding body image issues by embracing more multicultural and varied images of beauty. 2. By challenging students “To see diversity as a starting point for creativity, not an obstacle to impede it.� 3. By promoting the commercial and creative opportunities opened up by diversity and individuality.
Diversity in the fashion industry opens up new opportunities for a wider range of people, as well as econimically empowering the less considered in the industry. The whole concept makes fashion more interesting, and realistic, and also inspire designers to be more creative considering a diverse market. The Diversity Campaign in the industry enlightens people in various ways, which does not necessarily have to involve fashion, because their are numerous works of life that are stereotypical with regards to the image they portray, but fashion is highly influencial in the society and it is a credible starting point for changes in other works of life that is suffering from this. It is quiet interesting designing for a diverse market, because quiet a lot of people that do no fall into the bracket of the acceptable fashion image, would love to appear gorgeous, or at least have a sense of belonging in the design world, when garments or outfits are design contemporarily for these class of people, which ordinarily they wouldnt find a size or choice on
the high street. In the course of my research, i discovered that most designers havnt tapped into the diversed market as much as they should, which invariably increases sales, because these class of people desperately want to be catered for in the most contemporary way possible.
Designers like Antonio Berardi, Betty Jackson , Giles Deacon, Vivienne Westwood amongst many have embraced the concept of diversity, and it is evident in their works. “All Walks is about women, every kind of woman, and that’s what makes it beautiful. My job is to embrace every aspect of femininity, to address them, to respect them and to embolden them. Conformity is a thing of the past, diversity however is what we as people have always, and will always strive for.” (Antonio Berardi). As diversed as we are as humans, everyone deserves the opportunity to be represented in the fashion context. Age, gender, size, or race should not determine what we wear or how we choose to represent ourselves, rather people should be encouraged to celebrate their diversed personilty regardless of what condition or circumstances they find themselves. Diversity actually celebrates life in general, which everyone deserves to be happy and c elebrate their life through how they choose to appear or represent themselves. Life is Beautiful.
BIBLIOGRAPHY (http://www.allwalks.org/who-are-all-walks/) (http://www.allwalks.org/who-are-all-walks/) http://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/intelligence/between-the-catwalk-and-the-consumer-fashions-growing-diversity-gap-2 https://i-d.vice.com/en_gb/topic/diversity-now http://www.artsthread.com/competitions/diversitynow2016/