Hamed Al Halawani

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Improving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model BY: HAMED MOHAMMED AL-HALAWANI

instructor: Dr.MOUSTAFA SABBAGH Advanced Design Studio (AR602) KAUARCH | LESS Studio Architecture and Planning Faculty

King Abdulaziz University


Contents 1.introduction -Research problem -Research problem -Research Objectives -hypothesis -Limitation 2. background -Light definition -daylight importance -Units -difference between daylight and artificial lighting -Glare -Materials & Reflectance -solar altitude -sun path diagram -horizontal shadow angle -vertical shadow angle 3. methodology -work flew -Location & Dimensions -analysis grid & task area -Simulation tools -Weather data & occupancy -Dirt and maintenance factor -Materials & Reflectance -daylight metrics. -illuminance standers -LEED guidelines - Shadow angle calculations 1

4. Result -Shadow and radiation analysis -Initial glare Analysis -south orientation -East orientation -north orientation -west orientation -south oreintation/ first alternative -south oreintation/ second and the third alternative -south oreintation/ alternatives analysis -south oreintation/ optimization -east oreintation/ first alternative -east oreintation/ second alternative -east oreintation/ third alternative -east oreintation/ alternatives analysis -East oreintation/ optimization -west oreintation/ first alternative - west oreintation/ second alternative -west oreintation/ third alternative -west oreintation/ alternatives analysis -west oreintation/ optimization 5. Recommendations

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

1. introduction Schools are an important institution. in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia thay serving more than 6 million students, according to the Saudi Ministry of Education, 82.7% of them are in government schools. This shows the importance of studying the of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in schools, especially the classrooms where students spend most of the time in the school day, (IEQ) has a direct impact on the health and performance of students due to the long hours of study and student’s age stage which is growth. that will be reflected in the general health gf saudi community where Students constitute 18% of the total population, and some of these negative effects are visible in society. (IEQ) is related to lighting, heat, ventilation, pollution and acoustics. Natural lighting was studied in the classroom in one of the frequent models in Saudi Arabia. A case study was in Jeddah by evaluating the availability of daylight and visual comfort deu to glare, and improving facade elements by installing solar control devices. Several models of the device have been tested in each facade in each orientation which receiving high solar radiation levels, which were designed based performance as well as the dynamic shading test. The Diva program in Rhino has been used to make digital simulation to evaluate current facade elements and proposed devices, through dynamic lighting metrics and climate-based analysis. 2

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

1. introduction Research problem - schools faรงade locally do not providing the appropriate amount of daylight. -glare caused by solar radiation pushes occupants to cover windows by inappropriate ways, which completely block or almost of daylight. that will increase dependence on artificial light.


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

1. introduction Research Objectives


- Provide guidance to improve daylight in the classroom in each orientation based on previous studies

-Due to the conditions of the home stone, field studies are limited, some values such as the reflectivity of materials, the transmetance ratio of glaze, and the dirt factor determinated throgh literature review.

- Genatic solutions can be applied widely within the geographical study area, and its parameters can be modified to suit other geographical locations according to a simplified study with the same methodology.

hypothesis -Fixed sunbreakers can be used to provide a performance that balances between amount of daylight and glare.


-Determining the amount of daylight emitted from windows overlooking the corridors requires simulation of the atrium with the introduction of the artificial lights factor in the corridors, and through initial visits illumination value appeared small, and to reduce the amount of calculations and limited field measurements due to the closure of schools, so it was dispensed of corridors windows. - Summer and winter time in Saudi Arabia is not precisely defined and varies from year to year according to the local administration of the Ministry of Education in the region, so the two times were combined in one period that includes all working hours in the two times.

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

2. background Light definition

Wavelength [m]

Light is that part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is perceived by our eyes. The wavelength range is between380 and 780 nm between the Ultraviolet at one end and the Infrared . Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes p29

Gamma rays X-rays Ultraviolet Light

- Daylight varies in level and spectral composition with time and therefore provides variability within an interior. en

-Daylighting: Daylighting is the controlled admission of natural light (i.e. direct sunlight and diffuse skylight) into a building to reduce electric lighting and save energy. Daylight Optimization: A Parametric Study of Atrium Design

- Daylight scorces: 1- direct light received from the Sun (sunlight). 2- diffuse light from the sky vault after scattering 3- inter reflection within the atmosphere as well as reflected diffuse light. Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 176


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

Infrared Terahertz Microwaves Television, VSW Medium wave Radio waves

2. background daylight importance Vitamin D

office workers

-In Jeddah, a survey of 1172 healthy Saudi females found that 80% of them had a vitamin D deficiency.

Melatonin balance Suppressing melatonin in the morning helps keep you awake during the day.

-Edwards and Torcellini(2002) present several researches showing increased productivity of office workers in spaces with natural light or view through a window.



student achievement

students' growth

- USA with performance data from a total 21,000 students students with the most daylighting in their classrooms progressed 20% faster in math tests and 26% on reading tests in one year than those with the least. Similarly, students in classrooms with the largest window areas were found to progress 15% faster in math and 23% faster in reading than those with the least.

A relationship between lighting systems and elementary school students' dental health, attendance, growth , development, vision.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

- a sub-type of depression defined by recurring symptoms related to a specific time of year but not present throughout the rest of the year, most common in the winter months. -Research suggests that 5% of the US population suffer with SAD and a further 10-15% with sub-syndromal symptoms.


- study published in 2003 (Heschong Mahone Group Inc, 2003a) analysed the performance data of over 8000 students in maths and reading. - windows and therefore the lighting quality were a key factor in learning having both positive and negative impacts on performance.

Daylight benefits

reinforce circadian rhythms

Energy saving

- artificial lighting represents almost 20% of global electricity consumption. - Traditional building consumes 40% of the energy in developed countries.

sense of orientation, time, weather



waste reduction

artificial lighting systems come with a great deal of waste.


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

Visual quality

- A literature review of over 60 studies undertaken in this area between 1965 and 2004 provided a good summary of the outcomes of much of the investigation into occupant preference and satisfaction with lighting environments at work (Galasiu & Veitch, 2006). -one survey showing that 86% of respondents preferred daylight as a source of light (Cuttle, 1983) and another showing approximately 70% of respondents endorsing statements of the superiority of natural light (Veitch, Hine, & Gifford, 1993).

2. background Units Luminance Luminance is the only basic lighting parameter that is perceived by the eye. It describes on the one hand a light source’s impression of brightness, and on the other, a surface and therefore depends to a large extent on the degree of reflection (colour and surface). Abbreviation: L Unit: cd/m2

Basic parameters used in lighting






The Lighting Handbook

Lumen [lm]

Illuminance describes the quantity of luminous flux falling on a surface. Relevant standards specify the required illuminance (e.g. EN 12464 “Lighting of indoor workplaces”). Illuminance: E(lx) = luminous flux (lm) / area (m2) Unit: lx Lux

Luminous intensity Ι

Illuminance E

Lux [lm/m²

Luminance L

The Lighting Handbook

The illuminance have a great impact on how quicly,safely and comfortably a person perceives and carries out the visual task.


EN 12464


[lm/sr*m ²

Ω A AL · cos ρ TT *


Ι AL · cos

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model


E · ρ* TT

2. background difference between daylight and artificial lighting - artificial lamps produced by manufacturers generally look to maximize light energy output around the part of the spectrum which is known to be most potent to the visual system. - none of these lamps produce much energy in the 460-480nm range which is suggested to be important for the non-visual system. -higher overall lighting levels would be required from artificial lights to achieve the same impact as daylight on the non-visual system. -a reliance on artificial sources to light interior spaces could be detrimental to the health and well being of the occupants. Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 175


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

2. background Glare Glare - Glare is the sensation produced by bright areas within the field of view . - Glare caused by reflections in specular surfaces is usually known as veiling reflections or reflected glare. - It is important to limit the glare to avoid errors, fatigue and accidents.. -If discomfort glare limits are met, disability glare is not usually a major problem. - Discomfort glare from windows is still a topic of research. There is currently no suitable glare rating method available. en


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

2. background glare -Glare sources: it is important to understand the different potential glare sources before the analysis. 1. Direct sun 2. Bright cloudy sky 3. Glare reflected from walkway 4. Glare reflected from surrounding buildings Ludde Gölén 27

- Daylight and visual comfort will be analysed in perspective of: 1- windows, positioning. 2- blind options. 3- glare location. 4- glare direction. 5- reflectance. 6-luminance ratio. 7 daylight glare probability. 8- sense in time of day. Ludde Gölén p 3


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

2. background Materials & Reflectance Reflectance and transmittance - When light strikes a surface it is either reflected, transmitted or absorbed. - The reflectance factor is given in the range of 0 to 1 and it defined as the "ratio of reflected flux to incident flux". It determines how much of the light is reflected. - while the transmittance gives a measure of the fraction of light that passes through surface. - light absorbency of a surface gives a measure of how much light is absorbed by a surface. - The absorbed light is generally transferred into heat. - The surface characteristic will determine how the light is reflected. For example, a very smooth polished surface will produce secular reflections, while matte surfaces will scatter the light to produce diffuse reflections.

Light source 0 30 60

60 reflect




Daylight Optimization: A Parametric Study of Atrium Design

-transmittance of glazing falls below 25% a significant proportion of people find the view out unacceptable. Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 42

-table have been produced from data derived from glazing simulation software, Optics6. To improve the thermal performance of glazing systems Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 220



mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

60 30

30 0

Scattered Absorbed

2. background solar altitude - Solar altitude, or vertical angle of the sun from the horizon, has the most impact on the intensity of available daylight; the higher the sun in the sky the greater the illuminance due to the shorter path of solar radiation to the given location. Solar altitude is affected by global location, specifically latitude or distance from the equator. Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 177

Effect of solar altitude. 1- Global Location. 2- Time of year/day. 3- The effect of atmospheric turbidity. 4- The effect of cloud cover. 5- Spectral Power Distribution of Daylight.


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

2. background sun path diagram -sun path diagram: is a graph showing the path of the sun in a specific geographical area. It shows the paths of the sun in different seasons according to the angle of sunrise and sunset and the path of the sun from sunrise to sunset at the time. altitude (ALT)—measured in the vertical plane, between the sun’s direction and the horizon plane; in some texts this is referred to as “elevation.” azimuth (AZI)—the direction of the sun measured in the horizontal plane from north in a clockwise direction (thus east = 90°, south = 180°, west = 270°, whilst north can be 0° or 360°)


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

2. background horizontal shadow angle

horizontal shadow angle: HSA -The performance of vertical shading devices is measured by the horizontal shadow angle: HSA . - Defined as the difference between the azimuth angle of the sun and the orientation azimuth (ORI) of the building face (sometimes referred to as the azimuth difference): HSA = AZI - ORI This will be positive if the sun is clockwise from the orientation, but negative when the sun is anticlockwise.


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

2. background vertical shadow angle

vertical shadow angle (VSA): - The performance of horizontal shading devices is measured by the vertical shadow angle (VSA), sometimes referred to as “profile angle.” - measured as the sun’s position projected parallel with the building face onto a vertical plane normal to that building face, and it can be found from the expression: VSA = arctan(tanALT/cosHSA)


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

3. methodology work flew

appropriate daylight level

Research objective and criteria

Identification of standard classrooms



for each orientation

inappropriate daylight level

shading device generating

for overlit orientations






HSA & VSA claculation

materiel properties

Solar altitude & azimuth


Determine the shading angle


Generate several models

Occupancy schedule

Climate data


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model



3. methodology Location & Dimensions

standerd classroom plan


standerd classroom elevation Dimensions 8.9 m * 5.75 m

height foor area 3m 51.175 m2

facade area windows glaze area total glass Area WWR 51.2 m2 1.31 m2 *4 units 5.24 m2 0.20

model in rhino 6 17

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

WFR 0.10

3. methodology analysis grid & task area task area - partial area in the work place in which the visual task is carried out. -For places where the size and/or location of the task area is unknown, the area where the task may occur shall be taken as the task area. EN 12464-1

The analysis grid dimensions are 45 cm * 45 cm and they provide good accuracy and exceed LEED requirements

analysis grid dimensions

- task area = analysis grid - grid dimensions = 45 cm * 45 cm .

Radiance parameters and the quality of daylight simulation as defined in the Honeybee software. Depending on the level of detail desired, specific values are chosen for ambient bounces (-ab), ambient divisions (-ad),ambient super-samples (-as), ambient resolution (-ar), and ambient accuracy (-aa).

Simulation quality Low quality (initial simulation) Medium quality High quality (final simulation) research parameter


R ADIANCE -ab -ad 2 512 3 2048 6 4096 7 4096

- parameters -as -ar -aa 128 16 0.25 2048 64 0.20 4096 128 0.10 1024 512 0.10

simulation setting

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

3. methodology Simulation tools

RADIANCE and DAYSIM use light-backward ray tracing, which traces rays from sensor locations through multiple-bounce paths until either reaching a light source or being extinguished.

Rhinoceros 6 (platform)

for geometry and modelling


Speedup Potential of Climate-Based Daylight Modelling on GPUs Conference Paper ¡ August 2017


graphical algorithm editor which serves as a parametric modelling

DIVA 4 (plugin)

Daylight and energy simulation program in buildings and urban areas


( simulation engine)

building energy simulation engine



( simulation engine) ray-tracing algorithm

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model


( simulation engine) algorithm annual daylight simulation

3. methodology Weather data & occupancy Typical Meteorological Year 3 (TMY3) -The TMY3s are data sets of hourly values of solar radiation and meteorological elements for a 1-year period. -Their intended use is for computer simulations of solar energy conversion systems. -Common in the USA. -It represent typical rather than extreme conditions. Climate data



1295 houres / year (7:00AM - 2:00PM) weekdays

glazing proper�es Window Double glazing

Visible Transmission (VT) %

7 AM school day

79 %

Material proper�es


Ceiling (flat)


Internal wall (white)

2 PM

Reflectance %



short vacation

30 Furniture


Space between simula�on points simula�on points hight

First semester

Second semester

0.45* 0.45 meters 0.76 meters

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jon Jul school year


summer vacation

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model


3. methodology Dirt and maintenance factor The Building Research Establishment UK (1986) put a table of maintenance factors , taking into consideration: 1- inclination of the glass 2- work that takes place in the building. Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 237

- Through field visits, note that windows are not cleaned, especially on the upper floors. - Dirt and maintenance factor value assumed as 10.

dust accumulation in the skylight

dust accumulation on classroom window


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

3. methodology Materials & Reflectance -Through Field visit it became clear that the glaze used in classrooms windows is a clear single panel . - In a local research on the same school model of in Saudi Arabia, which concerned of optimum of window-to-wall ratio, the researcher stated that the transmittance of the glaze is 0.7. - The transmittance value was reviewed by several resources, including ASHRAE . The author did not refer to any details or source of information about the transmittance of the glaze, since the number is not logical, especially some studies have found that if the transmittance of glazing falls below 25% a significant proportion of people find the view out unacceptable.

- Transmittance is the measured ratio of light at normal incidence, whereas transmissivity is the ratio of the total light that passes through the glass. - The Radiance glazing parameters require transmissivity and glazing manufacturers often quote transmittance.

Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 42

-table have been produced from data derived from glazing simulation software, Optics6. Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 220


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

3. methodology daylight metrics Daylight autonomy (DA) - is a simulation method which evaluates the daylight quantity associated with any given hour, geographic location, and sky condition on an annual basis. - DA is annual daylight metrics, referred to as dynamic daylight metrics. - It is presented as a percentage of annual daytime hours that a given point in a space is above a specified illumination level. Daylight Optimization: A Parametric Study of Atrium Design 26-27


climate-based daylight modelling ASE Annual Sunlight Exposure


Daylight Autonomy


Spatial Daylight Autonomy


Useful Daylight Illuminance


Daylight Glare Probability


Spacial aylight autonomy (sDA300lux/50%) - measures the area of the work surface that receives 300 lux or more in a period of not less than 50% during the occupancy time only in one year. Annual Light Exposure; (ASE1000/250h) - measures the area of the work surface that receives 1000 lux or more much than 250 hour in the year during the occupancy time only.


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

3. methodology

illuminance and visual tasks due to EN 12464-1

illuminance standers -Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) suggest range from 300-500lux for desktop tasks such as reading and detail work . -They are driven by a range a factors including health and safety and productivity. Daylight and glazing specification: The impact on non-visual processes 33

-EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 12464-1 set the table on the right wich discribe illuminance levels due to visual tasks.

(CIBSE) criteria:

Characteristic visual tasks

Illuminance Illuminance category

(CIBSE 1994)


(IESNA 2000)


A Public spaces

Confined to movement and casual seeing without perception of detail.


B Simple orientation for short visits

Movement and casual seeing with only limited perception of detail.


C Working spaces where simple visual tasks are performed

Involving some risk to people, equipment or product. Requiring some perception of detail


Moderately easy: i.e. large detail, high contrast


D Performance of visual tasks of high contrast and large size

Moderately difficult: i.e. moderate size, may be of low contrast. Colour judgement may be required.


E Performance of visual tasks of high contrast and small size, or low contrast and large size


Difficult: details to be seen are 750 small and of low contrast. Colour judgements may be important.


Very difficult: very small details which may be of very low contrast. Accurate colour judgements required.


Extremely difficult: details are extremely small and of low contrast. Optical aids may be


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

F Performance of visual tasks of low contrast and small size

3. methodology LEED guidlines

LEED/v4 daylight credits

Option 1. Simulation: Spatial Daylight Autonomy (2–3 points - Use regularly occupied floor area -calculation grids should be no more than 2 feet (600 millimeters) square - laid out across the regularly occupied area at a work plane height of 30 inches (760 millimeters) above finished floor - Use an hourly time-step analysis based on typical meteorological year data, or an equivalent, for the nearest available weather station. Include any permanent interior obstructions. Movable furniture and partitions may be excluded.


metric sDA300/50%>55% Op�on:1 ASE 1000/250 h < 10% sDA300/50%>55% Op�on:1 ASE 1000/250 h < 10% Op�on:2 Illuminance (lux) Op�on:2 Illuminance (lux) Op�on:3 Illuminance (lux)

Op�on:4 Illuminance (lux)

threshold 75%




LEED v2 2004

75% area minimum 2% daylight factor

LEED v3 2008

75% area between 25 and 500 fc (270e5400 lux)

LEED v3 2009

75% area between 10 and 500 fc (108e5400 lux)



Annual 2

Less than 10% 90 % area between 300 3000 lux 75 % area between 300 3000 lux 90 % area between 300 3000 lux






mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

one day within 15 days of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., both on a clear-sky day at the equinox,

any hour between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m in any regularly Measurement occupied month, and take a second as indicated in usgbc website

75 % area between 300 3000 lux

September 21 at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 1

points 3

Less than 10%

previous LEED daylight credits version




2 1 3


3. methodology Shadow angle calculations

altitude (ALT)

Height of shaded zone by wall depth

device depth

=(wall depth*SIN(VSA) SIN((angleX))


angle x : opposite angle of VSA

(h) tan(VSA)

h : (distance between diffuser height and the window sill) - Height of shaded zone by wall depth

device width = window width + ((device depth * tan (HSA))*2)


7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 average


10 8 4 0 1 6 12 16 6 E

Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

24 38 51 21 34 46 17 28 38 12 24 34 11 23 33 14 27 39 20 34 47 26 40 54 30 43 57 20 32 44 ESEESE ESE

63 54 46 41 42 49 58 67 71 55 SE

70 59 49 45 47 55 66 78 85 61 SSE

68 58 56 48 47 41 44 39 47 43 56 51 66 59 76 64 80 66 60 52 SSW SW

48 41 34 30 31 37 45 52 56 41 SE

opposite angle of VSA VSA angle

wall depth Height of shaded zone by wall depth

azimuth (AZI) time

7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 average


92 104 113 115 103 94 83 75 87 E

Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position


98 106 116 111 119 132 119 128 140 122 130 141 118 125 136 109 117 127 99 107 116 88 94 102 79 83 87 105 112 122 ESEESE ESE

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

134 150 157 155 150 142 132 115 93 136 SE

167 176 177 174 168 164 160 152 113 161 SSE

209 235 203 224 198 216 193 210 189 208 190 213 198 227 221 249 259 270 207 228 SSW SW

145 152 156 155 137 146 142 138 132 145 SE

4. Result

7 am


Shadow and radiation analysis Generate seasonal solar exposure renderings

south 655




east 690











12 pm





13 pm West 195

14 pm





225 E



N 315

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model




north 200







N 315




11 am






10 am

N 315




9 am




top avr 955

8 am


N 315





225 E

4. Result Initial glare Analysis Through studies of the path of the sun and shade. An initial visualization of the areas affected by the direct sun East


Direct sun 8-10 Direct sun 10 -11 Direct sun 11 -14 28

21 Dec

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

4. Result south oreintation





> 5 % > 3000 lux)

DA (% time > 300 lux)


UDI (% time 100-2000 lux) 500


sDA300/50% = 100% ASE1000/250h = 10.8% LEED points = 0


Illuminance (lux)




Illuminance (lux)

8 am



11 am

13 pm

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

4. Result East oreintation

8 am

11 am

13 pm 500



Illuminance (lux)




DA (% time > 300 lux)


> 5 % > 3000 lux)




Illuminance (lux)

sDA300/50% = 100% ASE1000/250h = 13.1% LEED points = 0




UDI (% time 100-2000 lux)

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

4. Result north oreintation





> 5 % > 3000 lux) 500

DA (% time > 300 lux)



Illuminance (lux)






Illuminance (lux)

UDI (% time 100-2000 lux)

sDA300/50% = 63.1% ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 2 8 am


11 am

13 pm

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

4. Result west oreintation

8 am

11 am

13 pm 500



Illuminance (lux)




DA (% time > 300 lux)


> 5 % > 3000 lux)




Illuminance (lux)

sDA300/50% = 63.1% ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 2




UDI (% time 100-2000 lux)

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

4. Result south oreintation/ first alternative wndow width wndow height vsa has wall depth angle

1.08 1.22 34.00 50.00 0.30 56.00

Height of shaded area by depth of wall total depth extra width for one side diffusers num diffuser depth vertical distance between diffusers diffuser length

0.20 1.50 1.79 3.00 0.50 0.34 4.66

device profile Dec 9am HSA time Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

VSA= 34 HSA= 51 33

VSA 8:00

-82 -69 -61 -58 -62 -71 -81

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 #### 14:00 average

-74 -61 -52 -50 -55 -63 -73 -86

-64 -48 -40 -39 -44 -53 -64 -78

-46 -13 29 55 -19 -30 -4 23 44 -13 -23 -3 18 36 -11 -25 -6 13 30 -13 -30 -12 9 28 -17 -38 -16 10 33 -21 -48 -20 18 47 -23 -65 -28 41 69 -24 -87 -67 79 90 -28 -74 -67 -58 -44 -19 27 48 -19 ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SSWSW

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

time Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position


73 48 32 23 23 38 66

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 #### 14:00 average

71 54 41 34 36 49 67 85

70 57 46 40 43 53 67 82

70 70 58 59 48 49 44 45 46 48 56 57 67 67 80 79 89 88 69 66 69 62 62 ESE ESE ESE SE SSE

70 70 60 58 57 49 49 47 40 45 43 36 48 46 38 57 56 47 67 67 58 79 80 69 88 90 76 62 62 53 SSWSW

4. Result south oreintation/ second and the third alternative VSA

time Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

VSA= 34 HSA= 59 34


-82 -69 -61 -58 -62 -71 -81


9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 #### 14:00 average

-74 -61 -52 -50 -55 -63 -73 -86

-64 -48 -40 -39 -44 -53 -64 -78

-46 -13 29 55 -19 -30 -4 23 44 -13 -23 -3 18 36 -11 -25 -6 13 30 -13 -30 -12 9 28 -17 -38 -16 10 33 -21 -48 -20 18 47 -23 -65 -28 41 69 -24 -87 -67 79 90 -28 -74 -67 -58 -44 -19 27 48 -19 ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SSWSW

time Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

VSA= 34 HSA= 66 mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model


-82 -69 -61 -58 -62 -71 -81

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 #### 14:00 average

-74 -61 -52 -50 -55 -63 -73 -86

-64 -48 -40 -39 -44 -53 -64 -78

-46 -13 29 55 -19 -30 -4 23 44 -13 -23 -3 18 36 -11 -25 -6 13 30 -13 -30 -12 9 28 -17 -38 -16 10 33 -21 -48 -20 18 47 -23 -65 -28 41 69 -24 -87 -67 79 90 -28 -74 -67 -58 -44 -19 27 48 -19 ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SSWSW

4. Result south oreintation/ alternatives analysis

sDA300/50% = 48.8 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 0




sDA300/50% = 61.2 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 2

sDA300/50% = 71.9 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 2

> 5 % > 3000 lux)

DA (% time > 300 lux)


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

4. Result south oreintation/ optimization Proposal

Proposal 500



Illuminance (lux)

current Proposal 0



Illuminance (lux)

current 8 am

current: sDA300/50% = 100 % ASE1000/250h = 10.8 % LEED points = 0


0 DA (% time > 300 lux)




11 am

proposal: sDA300/50% = 71.9 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 2

> 5 % > 3000 lux)

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

13 pm

4. Result east oreintation/ first alternative

VSA= 43 HSA= 46




7:00 8:00


10 25 39 54 70 85 47 8 23 38 54 70 88 47 4 19 34 51 69 87 44 0 14 30 46 64 84 40 0 12 27 43 61 79 37 1 15 30 45 62 79 39 6 20 35 50 65 82 43 12 26 40 55 69 84 48 16 30 44 57 71 85 51 6 21 35 51 67 84 44 E ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SE

Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 averag e


7:00 8:00

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position


2 14 23 25

13 4 -7 -15 -3 E

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 averag e

8 16 26 44 77 21 29 42 60 86 29 38 50 67 87 32 40 51 65 84 28 35 46 60 78 19 27 37 52 74 9 17 26 42 70 -2 4 12 25 62 -11 -7 -3 3 23 15 22 32 46 71 ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SE

wndow width wndow height vsa has wall depth angle Height of shaded area by depth of wall total depth extra width for one side diffusers num diffuser depth vertical distance between diffusers diffuser length

device profile 37

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

29 42 49 49 49 37 28 16 -2 30

1.08 1.22 43.00 46.00 0.30 47.00 0.28 1.00 1.04 5.00 0.20 0.19 3.16

4. Result east oreintation/ second alternative VSA= 27 HSA= 35

VSA time

7:00 8:00


10 25 39 54 70 85 47 8 23 38 54 70 88 47 4 19 34 51 69 87 44 0 14 30 46 64 84 40 0 12 27 43 61 79 37 1 15 30 45 62 79 39 6 20 35 50 65 82 43 12 26 40 55 69 84 48 16 30 44 57 71 85 51 6 21 35 51 67 84 44 E ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SE

Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 averag e

HSA time

7:00 8:00

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position


2 14 23 25

13 4 -7 -15 -3 E

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 averag e

8 16 26 44 77 21 29 42 60 86 29 38 50 67 87 32 40 51 65 84 28 35 46 60 78 19 27 37 52 74 9 17 26 42 70 -2 4 12 25 62 -11 -7 -3 3 23 15 22 32 46 71 ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SE

wndow width wndow height vsa has wall depth angle Height of shaded area by depth of wall total depth extra width for one side diffusers num diffuser depth vertical distance between diffusers diffuser length

device profile 40

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

29 42 49 49 49 37 28 16 -2 30

1.08 1.22 27.00 35.00 0.30 63.00 0.15 2.08 1.46 9.00 0.23 0.12 4.00

4. Result east oreintation/ third alternative HSA= 35 VSA= 66 VSA



7:00 8:00


10 25 39 54 70 85 47 8 23 38 54 70 88 47 4 19 34 51 69 87 44 0 14 30 46 64 84 40 0 12 27 43 61 79 37 1 15 30 45 62 79 39 6 20 35 50 65 82 43 12 26 40 55 69 84 48 16 30 44 57 71 85 51 6 21 35 51 67 84 44 E ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SE

Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 averag e


7:00 8:00


2 8 16 26 44 77 14 21 29 42 60 86 23 29 38 50 67 87 25 32 40 51 65 84 28 35 46 60 78 13 19 27 37 52 74 4 9 17 26 42 70 -7 -2 4 12 25 62 -15 -11 -7 -3 3 23 -3 15 22 32 46 71 E ESE ESE ESE SE SSE SE

Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May

average sun position

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 averag e

wndow height wndow width has wall depth angle Height of shaded area by depth of wall total depth extra width for one side diffusers num diffuser depth vertical distance between diffusers diffuser length

device profile


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

29 42 49 49 49 37 28 16 -2 30

1.22 1.08 35.00 0.00 0.30 55.00 0.21 1.24 0.00 5.00 0.25 0.17 1.22

4. Result east oreintation/ alternatives analysis

sDA300/50% = 96.9 % ASE1000/250h = 2.7 % LEED points = 3


sDA300/50% = 58.8 % ASE1000/250h = 0.8 % LEED points = 2

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

sDA300/50% = 63.1 % ASE1000/250h = 4.2 % LEED points = 2

4. Result East oreintation/ optimization

8 am

11 am

13 pm

Proposal current 500


Illuminance (lux)






> 5 % > 3000 lux)

Proposal current 0



Illuminance (lux)


current: sDA300/50% = 100 % ASE1000/250h = 10.8 % LEED points = 0

DA (% time > 300 lux)


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

proposal: sDA300/50% = 58.8 % ASE1000/250h = 0.8 % LEED points = 2

4. Result west oreintation/ first alternative VSA time

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May


13:00 14:00 average

79 75 74 77 82 83 82 81 81 79

63 58 56 58 63 66 66 66 66 63

71 67 65 68 72 75 74 73 74 71

HSA time

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May


13:00 14:00 average

-61 -67 -72 -77 -81 -80 -72 -49 -11 -63

wndow width wndow height vsa has wall depth angle Height of shaded area by depth of wall total depth extra width for one side diffusers num diffuser depth vertical distance between diffusers diffuser length

device profile 44

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

-35 -46 -54 -60 -62 -57 -43 -21 0 -42

-48 -56 -63 -69 -71 -68 -58 -35 -5 -53

1.08 1.22 63.00 35.00 0.30 27.00 0.59 0.32 0.22 1.00 0.32 0.63 1.53

4. Result west oreintation/ second alternative VSA time

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May


13:00 14:00 average

79 75 74 77 82 83 82 81 81 79

63 58 56 58 63 66 66 66 66 63

71 67 65 68 72 75 74 73 74 71

HSA time

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May


13:00 14:00 average

-61 -67 -72 -77 -81 -80 -72 -49 -11 -63

-35 -46 -54 -60 -62 -57 -43 -21 0 -42

wndow width wndow height vsa has wall depth angle Height of shaded area by depth of wall total depth extra width for one side diffusers num diffuser depth vertical distance between diffusers diffuser length

device profile 45

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

-48 -56 -63 -69 -71 -68 -58 -35 -5 -53

1.08 1.22 63.00 35.00 0.30 27.00 0.59 0.32 0.22 2.00 0.16 0.31 1.53

4. Result west oreintation/ third alternative

VSA time

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May


HSA 13:00 14:00 average

79 75 74 77 82 83 82 81 81 79

63 58 56 58 63 66 66 66 66 63

71 67 65 68 72 75 74 73 74 71

time Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fib Mar Apr May


13:00 14:00 average

-61 -67 -72 -77 -81 -80 -72 -49 -11 -63

wndow width wndow height vsa has wall depth angle Height of shaded area by depth of wall total depth extra width for one side diffusers num diffuser depth vertical distance between diffusers diffuser length

device profile 46

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

-35 -46 -54 -60 -62 -57 -43 -21 0 -42

-48 -56 -63 -69 -71 -68 -58 -35 -5 -53

1.08 1.22 63.00 35.00 0.30 27.00 0.59 0.32 0.22 2.00 0.16 0.31 1.53

4. Result west oreintation/ alternatives analysis

sDA300/50% = 51.5 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 0 47

sDA300/50% = 53.1 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 0

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

sDA300/50% = 52.7 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 0

4. Result west oreintation/ optimization

8 am

11 am

13 pm

Proposal current 500


Illuminance (lux)






> 5 % > 3000 lux)

Proposal current 0



Illuminance (lux)


current: sDA300/50% = 63.1 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 2

DA (% time > 300 lux) 48

mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

proposal: sDA300/50% = 53.1 % ASE1000/250h = 0 % LEED points = 0

5. Recommendations

- Fixed shading devices can be relied upon to protect against glare in the classroom. - Tests have proven that the fixed shading device works efficiently in the southern faรงade. - Additional solutions may be required for the eastern facade as the fixed shading device may not function efficiently in the early morning. - Reducing the width of the device helps provide more daylight -The western facade needs shading at 1:00 pm VSA angles. -The northern facade may require a light shelf to improve the efficiency of light distribution.


mproving daylight levels in schools using fixed shading device: jeddah classrooms as a model

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