LFUCG Divisional Input Summary The Division of Planning emailed LFUCG Division Directors on March 29, 2022 to request written feedback on the Goals and Objectives portion of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. It was explained that feedback will be used to update the Goals and Objectives that will be crafted by the Planning Commission over the summer and presented to the Urban County Council for adoption later this year. We also stated that we would reach out again at a later date to gather feedback on more detailed portions of the plan including policies and implementation items recommendations. A summary of divisional input follows.
Traffic Engineering Jim Woods, P.E., PLS, Deputy Director, Division of Traffic Engineering Deputy Director Woods posed a general question about how the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives are quantified, measured, and tracked. He stated that being able to show that objectives have been achieved is very important. He also stated that it is very important that acceptable roadway capacity is provided where new travel demand is placed upon the roadway system. New/Re-development and more population without additional roadway capacity results in added traffic congestion, lost time, and more air pollution. Mr. Woods provided suggestions to several Objectives related directly to Traffic Engineering: Under Theme A Growing Successful Neighborhoods / Goal 4 / Address Community Facilities at a Neighborhood Scale, Mr. Woods provided the following suggested objective: Protect the character and future residential neighborhoods by maintaining the integrity of the city’s transportation infrastructure. Under Theme B Protecting the Environment / Goal 2 / Reduce Lexington-Fayette County’s carbon footprint, Mr. Woods suggested setting an objective to reduce certain emission pollutants by “X%” by a certain date. He asked if there is an objective to increase percentage of mass transit riders in Lexington, and if so, what percentage increase in ridership might be achieved. He asked the same with regards to cycling and walking, and would like to know if there are metrics to measure effectiveness of goals/objectives. Under Theme D Improving a Desirable Community / Goal 1 / Work to achieve an effective and comprehensive transportation system Under Objective A / Support the Complete Streets concept, prioritizing a pedestrian-first design that also accommodates the needs of bicycle, transit and other vehicles, Mr. Woods was unsure how to measure the complete street concept other than considering the number of complete street projects added to the roadway system during a given period of time. He noted that complete streets projects often overlap