9.5.23 Meeting Packet

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Urban Growth Management Master Plan Advisory Committee AGENDA


1) Welcome Planning Commission Chair Larry Forester

2) Approval of previous meeting summary

3) Building the Map

4) Other business

5) Questions and comments from the Committee

6) Adjourn

5, 2023
5 10:00 A.M. 101 E. Vine St., Third Floor

Urban Growth Management Master Plan Advisory Committee

Summary: Meeting #3

August 22, 2023

10:00 A.M.

Phoenix Building

101 E. Vine Street, Lexington KY

Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee Members in attendance: Larry Forester (Chair), James Brown, Todd Clark, Chuck Ellinger, Larry Forester, Andi Johnson, Todd Johnson, PG Peeples, John Phillips, Kathy Plomin, William Wilson, Zach Worsham, Judy Worth, and Dan Wu.

Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee Members absent: Alison Davis.

Staff in attendance: Commissioner Keith Horn, Division of Planning Director Jim Duncan, Division of Water Quality Director Charlie Martin, Attorney Senior Tracy Jones, Attorney Senior Brittany Smith, Water Quality Sanitary Sewer Section Manager Chris Dent, Geographic Information System Manager Chris Doerge, Purchase of Development Rights Director Beth Overman, Interim Manager Chris Taylor, Planner Senior Hal Baillie, Planner Senior Valerie Friedmann, Planner Senior Boyd Sewe, Digital Content Administrator SB Stroh.

Chair Larry Forester called the meeting to order at 10:00am.

Chair Forester began the meeting by welcoming the committee and the visitors. He then called for the previous meeting’s (Meeting 2: August 15, 2023) summary to be approved.

Vice Mayor Dan Wu made the motion to approve the previous meeting’s summary, and was seconded by Judy Worth. The motion passed with no dissent.

Division of Planning Director Jim Duncan presented the Advisory Committee information on the developable areas. These areas were based on factors such as flood plains, parks, and PDR inputs. Other considerations that Director Duncan mentioned were areas of sewerability, roadway frontage, parcels that are contiguous to the Urban Service Area, PDR impact, specialized areas, Lexington Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) participation, and parcel size. With each category Director Duncan outlined the scores for the area and explained process of how they were assessed. Division of Water Quality Director Charlie Martin spoke about three locations that were highlighted on the LFUCG participation slide of the presentation, he spoke about areas number two, number six, and number 14, and explained that they were highlighted in the presentation

due to LFUCG participation in those areas. Additionally, areas seven and eight were presented with asterisks because those areas would be impacted by decisions that are made in area six.

Director Duncan reminded the committee that these areas address what the council directed as far as looking at transportation corridors, agriculture integrity, and infrastructure. The presentation outlined the study area’s total scores are as followed; Area 3: Man O’War RSA has a total score of 12, Area 10: Athens-Boonesboro RSA has a total score of 12, Area 2: Mint Lane RSA has a total score of 11, Area 6: Royster Road RSA has a total score of 10, Area 9: ChilesburgWalnut Hill RSA has a total score of 8, Area 12: Boonesboro Manor RSA has a total score of 8, Area 14: Blue Sky RSA has a total score of 8, Area 13: Canebrake RSA has a total score of 7, Area 1: Lower South Elkhorn RSA has a total score of 4, Area 11: Lower East Hickman RSA has a total score of 4, Area 7: Avon/I-64 RSA has a total score of 3, Area 5: Iron Works Pike has a total score of 2, Area 8: Avon/I-64 (Extension) RSA has a total score of 2, and Area 4: Old Frankfort Pike RSA has a total score of 1. Director Duncan informed the committee that in the event that multiple areas have a tie score, that they are listed chronologically by their area number not their ranking.

Chair Forester then opened the floor for discussion.

Director Duncan discussed the study areas of consideration, and other areas of interest to the committee. The committee had further conversation of what other circumstances should be considered in regards to expansion.

Then the advisory committee discussed the LFUCG participation with Director Martin and Director Duncan. Outside of sewerability, some elements such as community amenities will be discussed later in the Master Plan process.

The advisory committee then discussed gross vs net area. Director Martin defined gross area as the total acreage within an area that has been drawn based on contour lines. Director Duncan advised the committee that if they are choosing to stay near 2,700 acres that they should consider as much of that acreage as possible be developable land. Regarding the development capability of the land the committee should recommend no more than 5,000 acres.

The advisory committee discussed that they were unsure if each identified parcel would have a property owner that is willing to sell for development. Director Duncan informed the advisory committee that from the original USA in 1958 and expansion in 1996, there is still land that is not being used for development and some land that is still agriculture use.

The advisory committee then discussed the process of how the Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee’s recommended map will go through the Planning Commission first, then to the consultant, but it would ultimately end with the Planning Commission making the final decision.

The advisory committee started looking at different study areas that were presented Geographic Information System Manager Chris Doerge presented the advisory committee with the map that focused on study Areas 6 and 7. Chris Doerge applied different data layers to show the committee different layers such as the PDR layer, the rural settlement layer, and the flood plain layer. There were questions on what the guidelines are within a flood plain area that were

addressed by Director Duncan. Director Duncan informed the committee that in regards to net vs gross acreage that the flood plains were removed for net purposes.

The committee spoke about buffers and the guidelines that accompany them.

Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Director Beth Overman spoke about PDR farms that were shown on the map.

There were inquiries regarding the rural settlement and if it was part of the gross acreage or the net acreage. Director Martin stated that he believed that it was deducted from the gross and not reflected as developable. Director Duncan informed the committee that staff would recommend that the rural settlements not be brought into the Urban Service Area.

Vice Mayor Dan Wu asked about percentage of developable land per area be added to the chart that outlines the scores of each study area.

Councilmember Kathy Plomin asked about the total number of the rural settlements in the Rural Service Area.

Director Duncan informed the committee that this is the starting point of the building the map process, and that the committee could make adjustments as the process advances

Chair Forester asked the committee if they wanted to focus on the top 5 study areas, since they were the topic of discussion. The top 5 study areas include Area 3: Man O’War RSA, Area 10: Athens-Boonesboro RSA, Area 2: Mint Lane RSA, Area 6: Royster Road RSA and Area 12: Boonesboro Manor. Committee member Andi Johnson requested to look at Areas 13: Canebrake RSA and 14: Blue Sky RSA as well

Long Range Planning Manager Chris Taylor informed the committee that they would get the information posted on the website as soon as possible for the committee and the public to review. Chair Forester adjourned the meeting.

The next meeting will take place Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 10:00am in the 3rd floor Conference Room of the Phoenix Building.

All information for subsequent and past meetings (including meeting packets, presentations, videos, and public comments) can be found here: https://imaginelexington.com/ugm

Urban Growth Management Master Plan Advisory Committee

Summary: Meeting #4

August 29, 2023

10:00 A.M.

Phoenix Building

101 E. Vine Street, Lexington KY

Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee Members in attendance: Larry Forester (Chair), James Brown, Todd Clark, Alison Davis, Chuck Ellinger, Andi Johnson, Todd Johnson, PG Peeples, John Phillips, Kathy Plomin, William Wilson, Zach Worsham, Judy Worth, and Dan Wu.

Staff in attendance: Commissioner Keith Horn, Director Jim Duncan, Director Charlie Martin, Purchase of Development Rights Director Beth Overman, Attorney Senior Tracy Jones, Attorney Senior Brittany Smith, Sanitary Sewer Section Manager Chris Dent, Geographic Information System Manager Chris Doerge, Long Range Planning Manager Chris Taylor, Planner Senior Valerie Friedmann, Planner Senior Boyd Sewe, Digital Content Administrator SB Stroh, and Administrative Specialist Rachael Lay.

Chair Larry Forester called the meeting to order at 10:00am.

Chair Forester welcomed the committee and attendees to the fourth Urban Growth 1Management Advisory Committee meeting.

Division of Planning Director Jim Duncan presented the Urban Growth Management Advisory 1Committee the study areas and provided the committee draft maps that were1requested at 1their previous meeting, (meeting 3, on August 22, 2023). The draft maps focused on sewerability 1areas two, three, six, seven, ten, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen.

During the presentation there were discussions on the total acreage shown on the draft map. 1There were 4,847 gross acres and 4,511 net acres depicted. There was further discussion on the 1Council’s intent on net versus gross area. Chair Forester invited the councilmembers that are on 1the Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee to give their view.

Additionally, the committee discussed potential costs and funding for items, such as roads and 1community centers. Vice Mayor Dan Wu questioned the need for a cost of service study. Director 1Duncan informed the committee that some of this information will be looked at more diligently 1in the Master Plan process.

1The committee discussed making a motion to clarify if they should focus more on gross acreage 1or net acreage.

Councilmember James Brown made an amendment to the proposed motion that the net be 1equal to or greater than 2,700 acres, the motion was seconded by William Wilson and passed zz9- 4, with one committee member not voting.

Judy Worth moved to accept gross acres for the entirety of the 2,700 – 5,000 acres, with the 1understanding that 2,700 of those acres must yield a total of 2,700 net developable acres. The 1motion was seconded by John Phillips and passed 11-3.

The committee then requested clarity on infrastructure and easements, entreating more 1information regarding public infrastructure and if it was permissible on PDR property or property

1outside of the Urban Service Area

Throughout the meeting, the committee discussed affordable housing and the criteria for it.

1Committee members Zach Worsham and PG Peeples offered their knowledge from their 1experience on working with affordable housing

Director Duncan reminded the committee on their adopted meeting schedule, which instructs 1the committee to complete the draft map on September 5, 2023 to ensure that a draft map 1would be made available to the public at the Public Input Meeting on September 12, 2023.

The committee then expressed their concerns moving forward with focusing on building the map. 1Some committee members expressed their desire for more information.

1Councilmember Kathy Plomin requested additional meeting weeks for the committee. Director 1Duncan informed the committee that it is necessary to give the consultant a year to work on the 1project. Chair Forester advised the committee that it may be more beneficial to add a day to the 1scheduled meeting weeks and not add an extra week to the meeting schedule. The committee 1decided to maintain the meeting schedule as presented If the committee must change the 1meeting schedule, then that decision will be made at the following meeting on September 5, 12023.

Director Duncan then outlined how the Public Input Meeting would occur.

Committee member Todd Johnson requested that areas along Todd’s Road be reviewed as well.

1Director Martin explained that the 2006 study was the benchmark for looking at the study areas. 1Director Martin then informed the committee that the areas were modified to better reflect 1contour lines and consent decree issues. Director Martin communicated to the committee that 1defined areas, such as Todd’s Road, were not in that study.

Director Duncan informed the committee of an opportunity to take a tour to view the study areas 1on September 12, 2023 at 10:00am. Additionally, Director Duncan reminded the committee that 1the public input meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 12, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Council 1Chambers. To conclude, Director Duncan informed the committee that the Sewerability Study is 1on the Imagine Lexington website, along with all other meeting materials and information.


The next meeting will take place Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 10:00am in the 3rd floor Conference Room of the Phoenix Building.

All information for subsequent and past meetings (including meeting packets, presentations, videos, and public comments) can be found here: https://imaginelexington.com/ugm

LibertyRd AlumniDr ArmstrongMillRd WilsonDowningRd ClaysMill Rd CitationBlvd Russell Cave Rd BryanStationRd ManchesterSt WNewCircleRd ManOWarBlvd Nicholasville Rd E High St Versailles Rd HarrodsburgRd Newtown Pike SBroadway WMainSt OldFrankfortPike RichmondRd Georgetown Rd E New Circle Rd NBroadway AthensBoonesboroRd WinchesterRd LeestownRd ParisPike Old Richmond Rd ManOWarBlvd ENew CircleRd Parkers Mill Rd Rice Rd Elkchester Rd VanMeter Rd N Cl evela nd R d MilitaryPike ToddsRd BriarHillRd Delong Rd TatesCre ek Rd ! ! ! ! I t I t I I I I I I I I Q Q JessamineCounty 2 3 6 & 7 10 & 12 13 This product is produced and distributed by: Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government GIS Section 101 E Vine St, 5th Floor Lexington, KY 40507. Not for resale. All information on this product is believed accurate, but is not guaranteed without error. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without written permission from LFUCG. © 2023 LFUCG 8/31/2023 ¯ T:\Projects\Planning\Expansion Advisory Committee\Priority Areas\Priority Areasrev5.aprx UGM Advisory Committee Prioritized Areas Overview September 5, 2023, Advisory Committee Version Two Prioritized Area - Revision 1b Urban Service Area DRAFT StudyAreaGrossAcresNetAcres 2515482 3393372 6and73,0412,798 10and12641602 13497486 Total:5,0874,740
2401 Parkers Mill Rd 2850 Parkers Mill Rd 2851 Parkers Mill Rd 1201 Man O War Blvd 1401 Man O War Blvd 3401 Parkers Mill Rd 2850 Parkers Mill Rd 1397 Pine Needles Ln 1501 Beaumont Centre Ln 3750 Bowman Mill Rd 1397 Pine Needles Ln 2601 Old Cave Hill Ln 2555 Old Cave Hill Ln 3676 Bowman Mill Rd 2590 Old Cave Hill Ln 2250 Old Cave Hill Ln Cardinal Run Park North Cardinal Run Park South Dunbar High PDR 22-2002 Urban Service Area Blue Grass Airport Cave Creek ManOWarBlvd ParkersMillRd Bowman Mill Rd Man O War Blvd 2 3 BeaumontCentreLn FtHarrodsDr S S Q This product is produced and distributed by: Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government GIS Section 101 E Vine St, 5th Floor Lexington, KY 40507. Not for resale. All information on this product is believed accurate, but is not guaranteed without error. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without written permission from LFUCG. © 2023 LFUCG 8/31/2023 Prioritized Area - Revision 1b Parcels Urban Service Area 1 % Annual Chance Flood Hazard Regulatory Floodway LFUCG & FCPS Owned Property PDR (Protected and Under Contract) Park Public School Blue Grass Airport Property Sewerability Study Areas ¯ T:\Projects\Planning\Expansion Advisory Committee\Priority Areas\Priority Areasrev5.aprx UGM Advisory Committee Prioritized Areas Study Areas 2 and 3 September 5, 2023, Advisory Committee Version Two Area 2 • Gross Acres: 515 • Net Acres: 482 Acre 3 • Gross Acres: 393 • Net Acres: 372 0 1,500 3,000 750 Feet DRAFT

UGM Advisory Committee

3131 Winchester Rd 2741 Winchester Rd 2675 Winchester Rd 2176 Royster Rd 1941 Hume Rd 2601 Winchester Rd 1900 Hume Rd 3469 Winchester Rd 3321 Winchester Rd 3301 Winchester Rd 2575 2701 2801 2821 2851 2124 2311 2525 2170 3879 3913 4007 4051 4200 Winchester Rd 4092 Winchester Rd Proposed School Site PDR 66-2002 Urban Service Area PDR 29-2007 PDR 01-2011 PDR 25-2006 PDR 18-2006 PDR 08-2005 PDR 06-2018 PDR 13-2002 PDR 08-2013 PDR 85-2002 PDR 10-2013 Crawford Middle Frederick Douglass High ! ! ! Winchester Rd RoysterRd I I HumeRd Utingertown Columbus N Cleveland Rd S Ä S 6 7 7 7 7 WalnutGroveLn David Creek DavisFork Nor th E lkhorn Cr eek BryanStationCreek This product is produced and distributed by: Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government GIS Section 101 E Vine St, 5th Floor Lexington, KY 40507. Not for resale. All information on this product is believed accurate, but is not guaranteed without error. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without written permission from LFUCG. © 2023 LFUCG 8/31/2023 Prioritized Area - Revision 1b Parcels Urban Service Area Regulatory Floodway 1 % Annual Chance Flood Hazard LFUCG & FCPS Owned Property State Owned Property PDR (Protected and Under Contract) Park Public School Rural Settlement Sewerability Study Areas ¯ T:\Projects\Planning\Expansion Advisory Committee\Priority Areas\Priority Areasrev5.aprx
Prioritized Areas Study Areas 6 and 7 September 5, 2023, Advisory Committee Version Two Gross Acres: 3,041 Net Acres: 2,798 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 Feet DRAFT
4050 Todds Rd 4610 Willman Way 5085 Athens Boonesboro Rd 4861 Athens Boonesboro Rd 260 Richardson Pl 4601 Athens Boonesboro Rd Edythe J Hayes Middle Urban Service Area AthensBoonesboroRd 10 12 Brenda Cowan Elementary Q Q Blue Sky HaysBlvd ! ! This product is produced and distributed by: Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government GIS Section 101 E Vine St, 5th Floor Lexington, KY 40507. Not for resale. All information on this product is believed accurate, but is not guaranteed without error. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without written permission from LFUCG. © 2023 LFUCG 8/31/2023 Prioritized Area - Revision 1b Parcels Urban Service Area Regulatory Floodway 1 % Annual Chance Flood Hazard LFUCG & FCPS Owned Property Easement By Others PDR (Protected and Under Contract) Park Public School Sewerability Study Areas Rural Activity Center ¯ T:\Projects\Planning\Expansion Advisory Committee\Priority Areas\Priority Areasrev5.aprx UGM Advisory Committee Prioritized Areas Study Areas 10 and 12 September 5, 2023, Advisory Committee Version Two Gross Acres: 641 Net Acres: 602 0 1,300 2,600 650 Feet DRAFT
4200 Todds Rd 4582 Todds Rd 601 551 501 451 401 351 301 251 250 AthensBoonesboroRd 13 Q Blue Sky ! ! BlueSkyPkwy 201 200 ToddsRd CanebrakeCt Canebrake D r Nihizertown Pricetown This product is produced and distributed by: Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government GIS Section 101 E Vine St, 5th Floor Lexington, KY 40507. Not for resale. All information on this product is believed accurate, but is not guaranteed without error. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without written permission from LFUCG. © 2023 LFUCG 8/31/2023 Prioritized Area - Revision 1b Parcels Urban Service Area 1 % Annual Chance Flood Hazard Regulatory Floodway LFUCG & FCPS Owned Property PDR (Protected and Under Contract) Park Public School Rural Settlement Sewerability Study Areas Rural Activity Center ¯ T:\Projects\Planning\Expansion Advisory Committee\Priority Areas\Priority Areasrev5.aprx UGM Advisory Committee Prioritized Areas Study Areas 13 September 5, 2023, Advisory Committee Version Two Gross Acres: 497 Net Acres: 486 0 1,800 3,600 900 Feet DRAFT

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