Little Fashion Book vol.7 - autumn/winter 2011

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by Marie Soudré-Richard, founder Editor in chief Marie Soudré-Richard Artistic & editorial director Clara Dayet Publishing committee MARIE SOUDRÉ-RICHARD CLARA DAYET VIOLAINE BELLE-CROIX Production director ÉMILIE PAPELOUX Production assistant PAULINE WASQUIEZ Public relations & advertising MARIE ALGOUD Press contact CLAIRE BLANDIN



Pins and needles in my hands? I’m always keen on searching, digging, making experiences– the world of children is rich, multi-facetted and therefore this very eclecticism is to be celebrated so as not to be locked in a single style pattern.


My Ladybird? My children… in the morning when they’re laughing and sharing with me so much. The very Ladybird that got stuck on the ceiling of Clara, our artistic director!


Butterfly effect? Rather a style effect! When you tie around your neck one of Little Fashion Gallery’s seasonal exclusive products: the Zef scarf, definitely a must-have. My favorite insect? Insecte, the novel by my best friend Claire Castillon. I think that a happy insect is nothing but an insect that feels good within its microcosm. Look how happy the butterflies look on page 80! A collection pined onto the wall? No but in 10 years I may answer: yes I’m collecting the Little Fashion Books! In our bookstore the books are classified by use. The use of this Little Fashion Book is manifold: to learn, to dream, to tell a story. Let’s read this 7th volume like a photo-story in which the children, airy-like, freely move forward on their long and lean paws! Am I flying away? I just didn’t want to be down-to-earth... A cobweb? Certainly a website: not to lose track– the track of the story. So let’s talk about it once, let’s talk about it twice and choose our favorite passage! Get a free delivery with the code:


– Publicité –

Always close to you.™


Le modèle Stokke® Bounce ‘n’ Sleep est le résultat d’un nouveau concept unique et flexible alliant lit de jour et transat. Il change ainsi de fonction selon les besoins du moment de votre bébé.

Design: Tore Mortvedt, Ksenia Stanishevski

STOKKE® BOUNCE ‘N’ SLEEP Flexibilité. Mobilité. Confort.




*Toujours plus proche de vous. // **Grandir avec Stokke®.

Que votre bébé dorme, qu’il soit d’humeur joueuse, qu’il ait faim ou encore qu’il s’apprête à faire une bonne sieste, utilisez le nouveau Stokke® Bounce ‘n’ Sleep pour répondre à ses besoins du moment. En permettant à votre bébé d’être en permanence à proximité de vous, le concept offre à ce dernier le confort et la sécurité. Utilisez la confortable balancelle pour jouer avec votre enfant lorsque celui-ci est éveillé. Puis lorsque votre enfant souhaite dormir, inclinez simplement la balancelle en position sommeil sans avoir besoin de déranger celui-ci le moins du monde. La balancelle est équipée d’un matelas intégré se transformant ainsi facilement en lit de jour. Des journées calmes et sans stress s’offrent ainsi à votre bébé et à vous-même!


Voyage Extraordinaire dans un Coléoptère INVENTORY



Flying over the head of an insect CHAPTER I 12 PORTRAITS 14


tcesni na fo daeh eht revo gniylF 21 I RETPCHA 41 STIARTROP aretpoeloc eht fo eye ehT 81 II RETPCHA 02 SEIROSSEACC

Exploring the thorax CHAPTER III 28 FASHION 30 SHOPPING 44

xaroht eht gnirolpxE 82 III RETPCHA 03 NOIHSAF 44 GNIPPOHS

The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum CHAPTER VI 46 FASHION FOR BABIES 48 SHOPPING FOR BABIES 56 ACCESSORIES FOR BABIES 58

The fluttering of wings CHAPTER VI 74 DESIGN 76 SHOPPING DESIGN 86 REPORT 88 LIBRARY 90


The eye of the coleoptera CHAPTER II 18 ACCESSORIES 20

Inside the paws of the insect CHAPTER V 60 FASHION 62

FASHION page 30


From abdomen to farewell CHAPTER VII 98 LIBRARY 100 EVENT 106

mulletucs eht fo y revocsid eht ro egdab elttil ehT 64 IV RETPCHA 84 SEIBAB ROF NOIHSAF 65 SEIBAB ROF GNIPPOHS 85 SEIBAB ROF SEIROSSEACC

DESIGN page 76

tcesni eht fo swap eht edisnI 06 V RETPCHA 26 NOIHSAF sgniw fo gnirettufl ehT 47 IV RETPCHA 67 NGISED 68 NGISED GNIPPOHS 88 TROPER 09 YRARBIL lleweraf ot nemodba morF 89 IIV RETPCHA 001 YRARBIL 601


LIBRARY page 100


Atlas: Today the Atlas is not to be folded – but pleated ! You put it on, read it from you knee to your neck and it shows you the way. You lost your way? You’re must be naked! Dress, Maan, 124 €.

1. An atlas

2. A bright candle

3. A jump rope

Bright candle: the best parade against black holes, it’ll enlighten you. Sweet-scented, very good to fight the smell of formalin or to threaten mosquitoes. Candle, LFG éditions, 28 €.

Climbing rope: the necessary accessory to escape or to bind an enemy. Also useful to take the plunge. Jump rope, Green Toys, 12 €.

Drawing kit: this drawing kit is the ideal set to make scientific drawings. Do it carefully and you may be on the cover! Drawing kit, Kicokids, 23 €.

4. A drawing kit

Equipment clothing ~: if you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can judge an adventurer by his tools. Barbour coat for the globe-trotter who wants to fight bad weather conditions… and what about pants in every pocket? Weekly pants set, Stella McCartney Kids, 90 €. Coat, Barbour, 240 €.

Fancy scarf: the can’t-live-without item to gag, dress, bind, cover or recover. Or just to adorn yourself in a colorful milky way. Scarf, exclusive 5 a. Weekly pants set

5 b. A Barbour coat

6. A fancy scarf

by Zef for Little Fashion Gallery, 25 €.

Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Text, Paola Cagnacci. Translated by Marie Algoud.


Globe 3D ~ : superposition of these layers hanging in the air makes it the ideal tool not to get lost. Globe to color and build, GG géographia, 15,50 €.

Hidden bean: ultra-compact, to be used in case of emergency. The necessary tool to escape from an unfriendly place or to climb up an unusually high mountain. Chair, Casalino, 103 €.

7. A 3D globe

8. An hidden bean

Indestructible pair of shoes: adventurer, just pace yourself! Once you put them on, there’s no turning back. These are the right shoes! Ankle boots, exclusive by Finger in the nose at Little Fashion Gallery, 130 €.

Jules’ binoculars: carefully stay in your hideout with your binoculars. These are your best allies to scrutinize, spy and watch the surrounding fauna.

9. An indestructible pair of shoes

10. Jules’ binoculars

Soft toys, Lucky Boy Sunday, 39 €.

Kilogram  one ~ of food: gives you four hundred energy points for every snack. Can also serve to lure a victim. Wooden vegetables, Plan Toys, 24 €.

Light torch ~: no matches left? Then forget the candle. Opt for a click on the button of the lamp and things will light up! Aluminium lamp, Tsé & Tsé, 128 €. 9

11. A kilogram of food

12. A torch light


Majestic balloon: the swollen stomach of this balloon will help you save time to travel long distance. Once up in the air, don’t forget to take pictures! Soft toy, Lucky Boy Sunday, 38 €. Nanometer: let’s put some colorful patches from your treasure inside the machine and watch the infinitely small. Kaleidoscope, Plan Toys, 9 €.

13. A majetic balloon

14. A nanometer

15. A tool box

Obviously essential: it’s our belief that an adventurer knows enough not to leave without his tool box. No need to highlight the mandatory character of this object. Tool box, Green Toys, 27 €.

Pendulum: its peculiar shape allows it to oscillate around a fixed point without turning around. When carried as a necklace it looks like a beautiful piece of jewelry.

16. A pendulum

Necklace, April Showers, 38 €.

Quintessential grid: turns a child toy into a strategic game. Pave the way and don’t forget that “the best defence is a good offense!”. City magnet set, Kiko, 32 €.

Ribbon meter-~ : its sticky surface will allow amazing accuracy to show how long is the way to go. Masking tape, Masks, à partir de 6 €. 17. A grid

18. A meter-ribbon



Smart bag: like the snail you’ll carry your house on your back. This beautiful bag contains the whole Inventory and exists in various sizes depending on the duration of the expedition. Backpack, Zoom, 120 €. THE first-aid kit: will help you in case of a bite, prick, scratch, and any other pain that can threaten the adventurer that you are. First-aid kit, Egmont Toys, 29 €.

Ultraviolet lamp: peculiar object that allows you to perceive an extraordinary spectrum of ultraviolet rays. Lynx-eyed? Rather ant-eyed!

19 a. A smart backpack

19 b. ...with a rain flap

20. A first-aid kit

Cardboard night lamp, À dondé ?, 36 €.

Voyage notebook: to write about the epic episodes of your journey when it’s time for you to write your memoirs. Just pick up this one: its pleated format makes it easy to carry. Notebook, Piqpoq, 14 €.

21. An ultraviolet lamp

22. A voyage notebook

Yurt: this little transportable house turns within a few seconds into a comfortable cocoon. Very spacious and fully-equipped. Knitted house, Lucky Boy Sunday, 288 €.

Zygotes  samples of ~: these samples of zygotes are your post-expedition trophy– a proof for science, your experiment under glass and the endpoint of your epic adventure! Butterfly frame, Œuf NYC, 62 €.


25. A yurt

26. Samples of zygotes

CHAPTER I Flying over the head of an insect


I. Flying over the head of an insect October 18th, 8:05am, note by Jules S., the reporter in charge of Professor Ernest Lombricked’s expedition. Professor Lombricked, standing on a box, is listing every object on a blasting voice. I’m ticking the list before putting the bags into the gondola. He doesn’t want to forget anything. Making the inventory of the material just took several days and got him stuck in his office, making models, listing hypotheses, getting carried away with endless calculations and microscopic scales. I recall his thundering voice that I heard through the door and made my whole body shudder with fear. 7:42pm Lombricked tries hard to keep his glasses on the tip of his nose. His long lock of hair which is most of the time carefully plastered high onto his head is now vertically floating like a flag. His sharp little teeth appear behind his smirk, giving a pleased, thrilled yet mad look. He’s been smiling this way ever since the hot-air balloon took off. It’s been eleven hours now since we started to fly up in the sky and the professor hasn’t moved an inch. Clinging to the vantage point he’s staring at the sky line looking through his binoculars. Raising my head to the clouds I suddenly feel dizzy. They seem so far way. I’m on the lookout, watching out for the smallest bird which could kill us even while brushing past the balloon. Actually we’re only a couple of millimeters tall like a piece of dust in the sky. The darker the sky the most worried I feel.

Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Text, Clara Dayet. Translated by Marie Algoud. Portraits photoshoot “Flying over the head of an insect” Photos, Luca Piras. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet. Hair & make-up, Bruno Le Roux.


A piercing cry suddenly breaks the silence: “Insects, insects coming our way!” Lombricked yells– he had the bad habit of repeating the same thing twice. “I can see 4 of them! Four insects Jules, can you hear me?” He’s yelling while stamping his feet. He cranes his neck forward, bends over and nearly falls overboard. I grab his coat. “Look, a bee there on that leave”, he points. “And a ladybug! And that gruff coleoptera which is making big steps forwards. My gosh if only you could see that coleoptera! And look at that one? Good Lord, it’s…” He suffocates with excitement and joyfully yells: “That’s the one Jules!” I can see the threatening shadow of two antennas standing in the air. The balloon heads for that direction.

PORTRAITS Flying over the head of an insect


Flying over the head of an insect PORTRAITS


PORTRAITS Flying over the head of an insect

Right page, fig 1. et 2. Coleoptera, seen from front and behind. « And look at that one! Good lord, it’s... (...] That the one, Jules! »

Headbands, Le Tour de Force for Little Fashion Gallery, 75 €. Trenchcoat, Kid by Phillip Lim, 325 €. 16

Flying over the head of an insect PORTRAITS


CHAPTER II The eye of the coleoptera


II. The eye of the coleoptera Observations by Ernest Lombricked, entomology professor, natural sciences doctor, specialist in coleoptera-logy. Second day, Friday October 19th, 8:32am. The balloon lands on the skin of the insect in a thud. I put one of my shivering feet onto the rigid epidermis and maintain my eyeglasses close to my eyes. The light is dazzling. It’s chilly: the thermometer says four Celsius degrees. The relief is irregular and the hair of the insect looks like huge roots. I squat down and touch the ground. On all fours like a truffle-hunter dog, I inspect the surface with my magnifying glass. The lamellar composition of the cuticle corresponds to my calculation. Right in front of us stands a huge half-circle: the eye of the coleoptera. I’m so thrilled; the ocular globe, metal grey, is perfectly lined and smooth as if it was drawn with a compass. Jules walks first. I follow him as fast as I can and stumble since I walk without paying attention to the ground. Measurements and scientific denominations bustle in my head and make my walking difficult and confused.

Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Text, Clara Dayet. Translated by Marie Algoud. Accessories shooting “The eye of the coleoptera” photos shot in Bergen, Norway. Photos, Carl-Oskar Linné. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet assisted by Magdeleine Tyrode. Products photos, Mary-Swann de Oliveira.


The surface of the eye looks like ice. I give Jules protective glasses because the glare of the sun light is unbearable. We start to climb up. Our feet sink by a few inches with every pressure on the cornea of the insect. I plunge a sounding lead into the cold and sticky material, scribble a couple of numbers in my notebook then take a sample. Right before our eyes appears a patch of perfectly regular hexagons which seems endless: these are the cells composing the eye of the coleoptera. Suddenly, Jules yells and disappears. I jump inside the dark alveolus right behind him. What an fantastic fall! I firmly hold my eyeglasses not to miss the slightest glimpse of what surrounds me: right before my eyes there are a million of spots like a pointillist painting! Could that be the pigment cells? And what for this colorful round outgrowth? The retinal cells! I laugh and press my legs against my chest while I can feel my body dropping down... My glasses shatter with the air pressure and I faint.

On the back

Schoolbags & backpacks

Finger in the nose, 45 €.

Zoom, 120 €.

Paul Smith Junior, 188 €.

Miniseri, 91 €.

Miniseri, 89 €.

Coq en pâte, 52 €.

Bobo Choses, 69 €.

Little Marc Jacobs,

Zowie, 79 €.

Zef, 20 €.

Zowie, 79 €.

April Showers, 95 €.


62,5 €.

Fig 1. Ocular globe of the coleoptera, profile view. “Right in front of us stands a huge half-circle: the eye of the coleoptera.”

On the head Hats & scarfs

Finger in the nose, 45 €.

Maan, 44 €.

Zef, 25 €.

Paul Smith Junior, 48 €.

Œuf NYC, 64 €.

Œuf NYC, 80 €.

Bobo Choses, 29 €.

Little Paul & Joe, 35 €.


Gloves & mittens

Œuf NYC, 36 €.

Paul Smith Junior, 33 €.


à partir de 30 €.

Fäfä Tokyo, 50 €.

April Showers, 63 €. Little Paul & Joe, 50 €.

On the hands

Fig 2. Surface of the eye. “Our feet sink by a few inches with every pressure on the cornea of the insect.”

ACCESSORIES The eye of the coleoptera

Start-rite, 48 €.

Finger in the nose,

125 €.

Zef, 150 €.

Feiyue, 130 €.

Finger in the nose,

130 €.

Pom d’Api, 60 €. 24

On the feet All the shoes

Mini Melissa, 43 €.

Pèpè, 100 €.

Petite Maloles, 120 €.

Pèpè, 120 €.

Petite Maloles, 118 €.

Veja, 65 €.

Pèpè, 109 €.

Anniel, 78 €.

Pèpè, 114 €.

Spring Court, 97 €.

Little Marc Jacobs, 163 €.

Pèpè, 118 €.


Fig 3. Pigmentary cells. “Right before my eyes there are a million of spots like a pointillist painting.”

Fig 4. Retinal cells. “And what for this colourful round outgrowth? The retinal cells!�

On the legs Tights

Petit Bateau, 13 €.

Bobo Choses, 22 €.

Petit Bateau, from 13 €.

Little Marc Jacobs,

from 38 €.

Bobo Choses, 22 €.

Little Marc Jacobs,

from 38 €.


CHAPTER III Exploring the thorax


III. Exploring the thorax October 19th, 3:15pm, note by Jules S., the reporter in charge of Professor Ernest Lombricked’s expedition. I can feel Lombricked’s short-sighted look. He removes his hand from mine and grabs his bag that has burst because of the fall. A large wrinkle appears in the middle of his forehead while he pulls himself together. “My dear, it seems that this alveolus, this ommatidia to use a more accurate word –and what a lovely word!– has led us into the heart of the coleoptera! I hold the torch light vertically. What a weird space! The inner walls of the thorax of the insect are of an ochre hue and sway while it breathes. I breathe in and suffocate. My lungs get filled with humid air and I get a lump in my throat. Keep your head, I say to myself. We’re inside the insect, therefore it can’t eat us! Lombricked gives me a flask and puts his bag onto his back. Around us dozens of branches form an amazing network. I prick up my ear: there seems to be an echo coming up from the deepest cavity. We grope our way for at least twenty minutes heading to that direction when suddenly Lombricked abruptly blocks me with the back of his arm. He points straight ahead with the light and the white light unveils quite a strange ballet:

Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Texte, Clara Dayet. Translated by Marie Algoud. Fashion shooting “Exploring the thorax” Photos, Gaëtan Bernard. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet. Hair & make-up, Bruno Le Roux. Products photos, Mary-Swann de Oliveira.


In single file gracious apparitions come and go along a golden path. In a perfect line they come from the back of the thorax and head towards us by strings of three segments. Sometimes when two of them bump into each other we hear a sudden explosion. The professor takes his notebook and hastily scribbles all kinds of sketches. “Insects have no blood to carry the oxygen”, he highlights while pointing at his drawing of the section of a thorax. “These air molecules move along a path called the trachea, look! It’s this golden line. It runs along the entire body of the insect.” I sit down for a few minutes and admiringly stare at these molecular dancers with their airy tutu.

FASHION Exploring the thorax

Fig 1. Thorax of the coleoptera, cross view. “Insects have no blood to carry the oxygen (...) This air molecules move long a path called the trachea. It’s this golden line. It runs along the entire body of the insect.”


Exploring the thorax FASHION

Parka-coat, Bellerose, from 153 €. T-shirt, Soft Gallery, 40 €. Skirt, Tuss, from 65 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.


Turtle-neck top, Lili & the funky boys, 32 €. Sweatshirt, Tuss, 45 €. Shorts, Fäfä Tokyo, 55 €. Tights, Troizenfants, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 83 €.

Blouse, Caramel Baby & Child, 75 €. Cardigan, Bellerose, from 115 €. Trousers, Caramel Baby & Child, from 75 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.

FASHION Exploring the thorax


Exploring the thorax FASHION

T-shirt, Popupshop, 40 € the set. Coat, Zef, from 163 €. Trousers, Finger in the nose, 75 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 73 €.


Dress, Caramel Baby & Child, 87 €. Cardigan, Caramel Baby & Child, 100 €. Tights, Bobo Choses, 29 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.

Dress, Troizenfants, from 80 €. Cardigan, American Outfitters, from 84 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 83 €.

FASHION Exploring the thorax

Shirt, Caramel Baby & Child, 63 €. Sweater, Caramel Baby & Child, 100 €. Trousers, Caramel Baby & Child, 75 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 73 €.

Dress, Caramel Baby & Child, 78 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.

Dress, Caramel Baby & Child, 93 €. Brooch, Bellerose, 13 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.


Exploring the thorax FASHION


FASHION Exploring the thorax

Dress, Tuss, 58 €. Scarf, Lili & the funky boys, 57 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.

Sweatshirt, Popupshop, 34 €. Skirt, Caramel Baby & Child, from 78 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 83 €.

Coat, Fäfä Tokyo, 145 €. Dress, Muchacha, 133 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Rainboots, Zoom, 38 €.


Exploring the thorax FASHION

Sweater, Zef, from 95 €. Coat, Bobo Choses, 69 €. Trousers, Little Marc Jacobs, from 32 €. Rainboots, Zoom, 38 €.


Scarf, Lili & the funky boys, 57 €. Cardigan, Tuss, from 90 €. Shorts, Caramel Baby & Child, 57 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.

FASHION Exploring the thorax


Exploring the thorax FASHION

Sweatshirt, Tuss, from 57 €. Skirt, Troizenfants, from 57 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 83 €.


Cardigan, American Outfitters, from 41 €. Dress, Caramel Baby & Child, from 113 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.

Sailor top, Petit Bateau, from 30 €. Coat, Finger in the nose, from 150 €. Trousers, Finger in the nose, 75 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 75 €.

FASHION Exploring the thorax

Sweater, Little Marc Jacobs, from 80 €. Jacket, Little Marc Jacobs, from 188 €. Jeans, Finger in the nose, 75 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 73 €.

Raincoat, Agnès b., 165 €. Dress, Agnès b., 125 €. Tights, Little Marc Jacobs, from 38 €. Rainboots, Zoom, from 38 €.

Sweatshirt, Tuss, from 57 €. Skirt, Zef, 75 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.


Exploring the thorax FASHION


FASHION Exploring the thorax

Coat, Little Marc Jacobs, from 162 €. Dress, Little Marc Jacobs, from 130 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Boots, Zef, from 150 €.

Polo shirt, Little Marc Jacobs, from 62 €. Cardigan, Little Marc Jacobs, from 85 €. Trousers, Little Marc Jacobs, from 95 €. Shoes Anniel, from 63 €.

Paul: Sweatshirt, Tuss, from 57 €. Mittens, Mini Rodini, 25 €. Leggingss, Popupshop, 40 € the set. Shoes, Anniel, from 73 €.


Exploring the thorax FASHION

Noémie: t-shirt, American Outfitters, from 42 €. Jacket, Finger in the nose, 180 €. Skirt, Mini Rodini, 46 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.


SHOPPING Perfect insect

Coleoptera in the twilight, soon there will be light Only the most beautiful parts of the insect are examined. Its costume the color of which goes from golden nougat to military green is perfectly in keeping with this winter’s trend. To this range can be added oxidized grey, matching its two antennas. The texture of the elytron is epitomized by dots and stripes on the fabrics– the six-pawed animal has it all.

April Showers, 38 €.

Kicokids, 30 €.

Kicokids, 105 €.

Finger in the nose, 155 €.

Maan, from71 €.

Petit Bateau, 45 €.

Soft Gallery, 40 €.

Fig 1. Photos: Naturhistorisk Museum Bergen, Carl-Oskar Linné. Details: dress, Antik Batik, 88 €. Coat, Mini Rodini, 73 €.

Agnès b., 45 €.

Finger in the nose,

from 75 €.


Perfect insect SHOPPING

Paul Smith Junior,

Paul Smith Junior,


Fäfä Tokyo, 80 €.

Max & Lola,

Zef, 98 €.

from 210 €.

from 200 €.

from 50 €.

from 80 €.

Fig 2. Photos: Naturhistorisk Museum Bergen, Carl-Oskar Linné. Details: skirt, Hucklebones, 58 €. Dress, Max & Lola, 160 €.

Morning butterfly, party in the sky The prince of insects shall set the tone. Removed from its comfortable woven cocoon it gets a pair of emerald green wings– this season’s color. It shyly simpers. How graceful it is right from the first flutter! It unveils its outfit: we all want to look like it dressed in a tulle dress. It wears its orange antennas like a crown.

Maan, from 57 €.

Petit Bateau,

from 39 €.

Finger in the nose, 75 €.

CHAPTER IV The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum


IV. The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum Observations by Ernest Lombricked, entomology professor, natural sciences doctor, specialist in coleoptera-logy. Second day, Friday October 19th, 8pm. We need to take a break. Exploring the thorax just made us exhausted. A little triangular recess draws my attention. And for a good reason! Here is the badge, also known as scutellum. This pale pink lady finger is an essential body part of the coleoptera because the shape and place allow the identification. We’re so lucky! Not only is the place a great deal of interest for science but it’s also very welcoming. Lying on a hairy part Jules quickly falls asleep. I’m so thrilled by the discovery that I grab my test tube and make a series of samples.

Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Text, Clara Dayet. Translated by Marie Algoud. Fashion shooting “The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum” Photos, Luca Piras. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet. Products photos, Mary-Swann de Oliveira.


A bunch of test tubes and other lamellas cover the ground. Squatting down I admire this wonderful treasure and carefully classify it by type and color. I lay the little bars one next to the other, thus forming a perfect grid line. All these cells, this amazing microcosm under glass make me wonder. My thoughts drift away and I close my eyes too. ~ I’m dreaming. I’m in my laboratory. I can feel the pressure of the lens of the microscope against my eye. I automatically rub my head with both hands, frowning and bending over the machine. Expectations. Excitement. I press my head closely against the microscope, carefully watching every inch of glass. My brain only focuses on an obsessive idea: what if I was about to make a thrilling discovery? What if the inner part of this insect unveiled a unique molecule? This idea turns into a tiny bean yearning for the potential scientific revelation that would bring light and salvation. Therefore I water it, I let it grow and take root. I’m searching, making experiences, scratching my chin. My microscope starts to shake! There, its’ moving! ~ Third day, Saturday October 20th, 5:18am. The earth is rising up like an earthquake. A powerful impulse throws Jules away while I’m sent hurtling to the opposite direction. The coleoptera has started to walk and shakes us violently with every single step.

FASHION FOR BABIES The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum


Fig 1. The scutellum, inner view. “This pale pink ladie finger is an essential body part of the coleoptera because the shape and place allow the identification.”

The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum FASHION FOR BABIES

Above: cardigan, 50 €. Trousers, 60 €. All products, Agnès b., Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Blanket, Album di Famiglia, 100 €. Left page: dress, 78 €. Tights, 23 €. Scarf, 57 €.

All products, Lili & the funky boys. Shoes, Petite Maloles, 65 €.


FASHION FOR BABIES The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum

Above: leggings, Lili & the funky boys, from 28 €. Blanket, Album di Famiglia, 180 €. Right page: bodysuit, 52 €. Dress, 93 €. Tights, 40 €. Coat, 430 €. Cover, 123 €. All products, Chloé. Shoes, Petite Maloles, from 65 €. 50

The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum FASHION FOR BABIES


FASHION FOR BABIES The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum


The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum FASHION FOR BABIES

Above: t-shirt, 38 €. Leggingss, 28 €. Socks, 11 €. Sleeping bag, 93 €.

All products, Lili & the funky boys. Blanket, Album di Famiglia, 100 €.

Left page: t-shirt, 40 €. Sweater, 77 €. Trousers, 60 €. Socks, 11 €. Scarf, 57 €.

All products, Lili & the funky boys.


FASHION FOR BABIES The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum

Fig 2. The coleoptera in motion. « The earth is rising up like an earth quake. A powerful impulse throws Jules away while I’m sent hurtling to the opposite direction. »

Above: playsuit, 85 €. Booties, 60 €. Blanket, 100 €. All products, Album di Famiglia. Scarf, Lili & the funky boys, 57 €. Right page: playsuit, 123 €. Cardigan, 160 €. All products, Oscar et Valentine. Blanket, Album di Famiglia, 100 €. 54

The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum FASHION FOR BABIES


SHOPPING FOR BABIES Microcosm Rocky microcosm In the babies’ wardrobe the clothes show up like various layers: soft, furry, warm, felted, hooded and thin, in flecked jersey. With a grey basis, following the geology option, it’s time to classify: asphalt blue, pebble pink, chalk ecru. And with tiny tubers used like socks for a swift pirouette on the soft lithosphere. T-shirt and leggings, 73 €, Imps & Elfs.

Booties, Pèpè, 70 €.

Cot, Œuf NYC, from 740 €.

Blouse, 82 €. Knickers, 58 €. All products, La Petite Luce. Socks, Tuss, 17 €.

Playsuit, 178 €. Booties, 60 €. All products, Album di Famiglia.

Coat, 188 €. Dress, 72 €. Bodysuit, 53 €. Dress, 95 €. Tights, 38 €. All products, Caramel Baby & Child. All products , Little Marc Jacobs. Shoes, Petite Maloles, 65 €.

Dress, Caramel Baby & Child, 72 €. Tights, La Petite Luce, 30 €.

Fig 1. Photos: Naturhistorisk Museum Bergen, Carl-Oskar Linné. Details: shoe, Petite Maloles, 68 €. Jacket, Album di Famiglia, 68 €.

Adaptable and foldable stroller, Stokke, 899 €.

Bodysuit, 62 €. Dress, 113 €. Tights, 43 €. All products, Chloé.



Evolutive high chair,

Stokke, from 179 €.

Hat, 55 €. Playsuit, 133 €. All products, Oscar et Valentine. Booties, Pèpè, 70 €.

Blouse, 67 €. Jeans, 82 €. All products, Chloé. Shoes, Petite Maloles, 65 €.

Sailor top, 26 €. Jeans, 30 €. All products, Petit Bateau. Shoes, Pèpè, 100 €.

Playsuit, Album di Famiglia, 85 €. Socks, Tuss, 17 €.

Turtle-neck top, 42 €. Cardigan, 85 €. Trousers, 60 €. Socks, 12 €. All products, Lili & the funky boys.

Fig 2. Photos: Naturhistorisk Museum Bergen, Carl-Oskar Linné. Details: playsuit, Petit Bateau, 36 €. Dress, La Petite Luce, 98 €.

Aquatic microcosm In the sea the baby cells are merged into the waves. The most scared stay at the surface like blue sugared almonds. Deep into the sea it’s the reign of elegant dark petroleum blue. Chameleon fish and polka dots are to be copied: this print follows the season’s hues. Like a butterfly fish stripes are to be worn.

Transat, Bloom, from 180 €.

Cardigan, Caramel Baby & Child, 75 €. Playsuit, La Petite Luce, 90 €. Shoes, Petite Maloles, 65 €.

T-shirt, 37 €. Blouse, 55 €. Leggings, 28 €. Socks, 12 €. All products, Lili & the funky boys.

ACCESSORIES FOR BABIES The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum

Tights, Lili & the funky boys, 23 €. Booties, April Showers, 25 €.

Tights, Lili & the funky boys, 23 €. Shoes, Petite Maloles, 68 €.

Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Shoes, Start-rite, from 72 €.


The little badge or the discovery of the scutellum ACCESSORIES FOR BABIES

Booties, Tip Toey Joey, from 40 €.


Tights, Lili & the funky boys, 23 €. Booties, Tip Toey Joey, from 45 €.

Socks, Tuss, 17 €. Booties, Pèpè, from 70 €.

CHAPTER V Inside the paws of the insect


V. Inside the paws of the insect October 20th, 7:25am, note by Jules S., the reporter in charge of Professor Ernest Lombricked’s expedition. “Professor ? Professor, please answer !” All I hear is a grunt. I massage my hips before painfully standing up and I rub my eyes. I don’t see stars but thousands of little bubbles that spatter around my face! It’s a festival of colors just like fireworks. Here come blue, red and yellow ones. They whirl around then hit the walls of the two long tunnels that stretch in front of us. This looks like the two legs of the insect. The little bubbles bounce against my stomach. It’s like confettis, I can hardly believe in what I see! The professor also stands up and hangs around me. Forgetting his pain he gives me a test tube and tries to catch a bubble as if using a butterfly net. “There it is ! ”, he shouts. “A blue one! A fantastic blue one.” He presses his face against the tube and, with his mouth distorted by the glass, starts to explain the phenomenon: “These are tiny carbon dioxide bubbles, Jules. When the coleoptera is walking they are created by the rubbing of the muscles. These are the same that produce the cracking of our fingers when we stretch them”, he adds while moving the right hand fingers. Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Text, Clara Dayet. Translated by Marie Algoud. Fashion shooting “Inside the paws of the insect” Photos, Luca Piras. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet. Hair & make-up, Bruno Le Roux.


The professor is vigorously walking to the junction of the two legs. We choose to enter the right leg. The tunnel is very tight and I have to bend my head not to hit the irregular ceiling. My feet swiftly skip along to avoid the holes that cover the ground. The air bubbles gradually disappear when we move forward and I now walk bending down since the paw gets even smaller. At the turn of a curve the professor suddenly sees a light hole. He puts his hand through the hole... and gets sucked away!

Acne x Tuss T-shirt, 48 €. Bag, 48 €. All products, Acne x Tuss. Jeans, Finger in the nose, from 85 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 55 €.

Fig 1. Junction of the paws, cross view. “I don’t see stars but thousands of little bubbles that spatter around my face! It’s a festival of colours just like fireworks.”

Max & Lola Printed blue dress, 155 €. Golden dress, 160 €. Printed orange dress, 160 €. Tights, 33 €. All products, Max & Lola. White tights, Doré Doré, 12 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €.

Hucklebones T-shirt, 26 €. Jacket, 120 €. Shorts, 60 €. All products, Hucklebones. Tights, Doré Doré, 12 €. Ballet pumps, Anniel, from 88 €.

Paul Smith Junior T-shirt, from 58 €. Cardigan, from 100 €. Jacket, from 188 €. Trousers, from 95 €. Green leggings, from 68 €. All products, Paul Smith Junior. Loafers, Start-rite, from 94 €.

Antik Batik Cardigan, from 85 €. Top, from 43 €. Skirt, from 110 €. Dress, from 99 €. All products, Antik Batik. Tights, Doré Doré, 24 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 55 €.

FASHION Inside the paws of the insect

Little Paul & Joe Dress, Little Paul & Joe, 135 €. Tights, Doré Doré, 24 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 55 €.

Chloé Shirt, from 88 €. Coat, from 318 €. Trousers, from 87 €. All products, Chloé. Ballet pumps, Anniel, from 80 €.

Stella McCartney Kids Dress, Stella McCartney Kids, from 70 €. Tights, Chloé, from 43 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 55 €.

Little Marc Jacobs Dress, Little Marc Jacobs, 130 €. Tights, Little Marc Jacobs, 38 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 55 €.




Butterflies & Coleopteras 3


4 5



1. Dragonfly

2. Lycène Adonis

3. Tropical butterfly

4. Erycina Morice

5. Duponchel butterfly

6. Morpho Merelaus

7. Limenitis Jadera

8. Ottoman Polyommata

9. Néméobia Lucine





13 10. Bee

11. Ladybird

15 14

12. Prickly Enoplocena

14. Hyllus Coleoptera

13. Goliath Cacicus

15. Brindle Stellognatha


Kicokids Round dress, from 122 €. Square Sweatshirt, from 104 €. All products, Kicokids. On the left: t-shirt, Max & Lola, 53 €. Tights, Max & Lola, 33 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 63 €. On the right: jumpsuit, Chloé, from 123 €. Shoes, Anniel, from 55 €.

CHAPTER VI The fluttering of wings


VI. The fluttering of wings Observations by Ernest Lombricked, entomology professor, natural sciences doctor, specialist in coleoptera-logy. Third day, Saturday October 20th, 4:40pm. The powerful aspiration throws me out of the insect! I grab the first thing I can hold on to. With my hands firmly clinging to what I think must be the back wing of the coleoptera, I call Jules and ask him to follow me. “Come on boy! Grab my leg!” He obeys and we are now clinging to each other, our bodies swaying in the air. All of a sudden I feel the elytron twitching beneath my fingers– I shiver. “It’s taking flight, it’s taking off, hold on Jules!” A great breath of air lashes our face and hushes up my last words. Our tiny bodies, as light as feathers, rise up in the air and float horizontally. I’m flying! Shoulders hunched up, head well down, I hear the deafening sound of the whistling in my ears. My arms are shaking. Jules’ yelling is covered by the airy racket. The flight only lasts for a few seconds which seem endless to us. When it lands at last we climb onto the elytron.

Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Texte, Clara Dayet. Translated by Marie Algoud. Design shooting “The fluttering of wings” Photos, Luca Piras. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet. Products photos, Mary-Swann de Oliveira. Books shooting “The fluttering of wings” Photos and post-production, Luca Piras. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet.


What a show! A light breath of air tickles our nostrils, I have goose pimples. Like a colorful patch the wing is made of multicolored scales intertwined one with the other. The afternoon sun provides a soft reflection which gives colors iridescent shimmers. I take off the only shoe left. My foot is now in direct contact with the wing- what an amazing experience! I analyze every single move I make and write down all my feelings. On my notebook can be read: “noise of crumpled paper”, followed by an arrow and the rough sketch of a sectional scale on quite a relevant scale. I stop for a few seconds to watch this organic setting. I suggest to Jules that we could climb up the bloodswollen nervure to get a better view. We hardly have time to discover the extraordinary geometric pattern of the wings of the insect that a wind blow sweeps us away. We fall on our bottom down to the long lines of the wing, carried away by the breath while laughing heartily!

High chair, Stokke, from 179 €. Tray, Rice, 9,50 €. Baby plate, Rice, 12 €. Poster, LFG éditions, 29 €. Striped soft toy, Lucky Boy Sunday, 86 €. Mountain print cushion, Donna Wilson, 85 €. Sheep-shaped cushion, Bomb Design, 48 €. Striped blanket, Stokke, 59 €. Pastel blanket, Lucky Boy Sunday, 195 €. Cardboard cot, Kids Gallery, 79 €. Furry carpet, Peau d’agneau, 58 €. Wooden alphabet cubes, Uncle Goose, 25 €. Bear nightlamp, Egmont, 45 €. Incroyables animaux , Bruno Munari, Seuil, 21 €. Candle, LFG éditions, 28 €. Alphabet cards, éditions Critiques Livres, 16,80 €. Cardboard suitcases, Egmont Toys, 25 €. Playsuit, April Showers, 55 €. Sophie the girafe, Vulli, 12,50 €. Eames chair, stylist owned. Storage cubes, My Little Home, 188 €. Sheep-shaped cushions, Les Petites Emplettes, 48 €. Jamais contents,  Bruno Munari, Seuil, 13 €. Ant printed cubes, Uncle Goose, 17 €.

Fig 1. Elytron, cross view.


Fig 2. Elytron, seen from above. “Like a colourful patch, the wing is made of multicoloured scales intertwined one with the other.”

Superman poster, MyFace, 35 €. Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €. Blue soft toy, Lucky Boy Sunday, 87 €. Head-shaped cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 88 €. Bed linen, Zef, 140 €. Max et les maximonstres,  Maurice Sendak, L’École des loisirs, 12,50 €. Rubber tiger, Bullyland, 35 €. Cardboard set of wolves, Kidsonroof, 13,50 €. Wooden puzzle, Kid O, 58 €. ABC leçon d’anglais, Bruno Munari, Critiques Livres, 45 €. Canvas carpet, Bobo Choses 95 €. Green Lantern poster, MyFace, 35 €. Rubber elephant, Bullyland, 35 €. Candle, LFG éditions, 28 €. Cardboard rocket, Kidsonroof, 42 €. Star nightlamp, The Snowroom, 85 €. Mustach-shaped cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 87 €. Dollhouse accessories, Momoll, 37 €. Felt storage cubes, Les Petites Emplettes, 55 €. Owl-shaped soft toy, Bobo Choses, 24 €. Knitted garland, Œuf NYC, 75 €.


Fig 3. View of the elytron. “The perspective is weird and in motion.”

Frame of three butterflies, Œuf NYC, 65 €. Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €. Wonder Woman poster, MyFace, 35 €. Cardboard kitchen, Kidsonroof, 19,90 €. Wooden vegetable set, Plan Toys, 24 €. Bamboo tea party set, Funfam, 20 €. Bear paw flip-flop, Kiko, from 23 €. Dollhouse accessories, Momoll, 37 €. Knitted teddy bear, Bobo Choses, 36 €. Canvas carpet, Bobo Choses, 95 €. Rubber elephant, Bullyland, 35 €. Rubber tiger, Bullyland, 35 €. Felt storage cubes, Les Petites Emplettes, 55 €. Three-coloured cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 60 €. Striped soft toy, Lucky Boy Sunday, 87 €. Owl-shaped soft toy, Bobo Choses, 24 €. Polka-dot print cushion, April Showers, 17,50 €. Bed linen, April Showers, 93 €. ABC leçon d’anglais , Bruno Munari, Seuil, 45 €. Animaux extraordinaires, Bruno Munari, Seuil, 21 €. Colouring book, Rosie Flo, 10,90 €. Frame of two butterflies, Œuf NYC, 50 €. Cardboard butterfly, Kidsonroof, 10,90 €. Candle, LFG éditions, 28 €. Eames chair, stylist owned. Felt and wood chair, Sirch, 107 €.


Fig 4 et 5. Spread elytron. “We harldy have time to discover the extraodinary geometric pattern of the wings of the insect that a wind blow sweeps us away.”

Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €. Chair, Casalino, 103 €. Sheep-shaped cushion, Les Petites Emplettes, 48 €. Cardboard dollhouse, Kidsonroof, 14,90 €. Knitted baby toy, Lucky Boy Sunday, 45 €. Wooden house, GG*, 90 €. Knitted key hanger, Lucky Boy Sunday, 30 €. City magnet set, Kiko, 32 €. Cardboard loft house, Kidsonroof, 45 €. Mustach-shaped cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 35 €. Wooden cubes, Uncle Goose, 25 €. Wooden alphabet cubes, Uncle Goose, 25 €. Candle, LFG éditions, 28 €. Knitted garland, Lucky Boy Sunday, 30 €. Light garland, Tsé & Tsé, 175 €. Bird-shaped cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 35 €. Race car, Brio, 22 €. Knitted house cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 150 €. Ant-printed wooden cubes, Uncle Goose, 17 €. Fox-shaped cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 95 €. Cardboard nightlamp, À dondé ?, 36 €. Knitted christmas tree-shaped soft toy, Lucky Boy Sunday, 42 €. Library print wallpaper, The Collection, 75 €. Pastel blanket, Lucky Boy Sunday, 195 €. Cat head-shaped cushion, Donna Wilson, 55 €. Bed linen, Les Petites Emplettes, 130 €. Star-shaped dominos, Kiko, 43 €.


Fig 6. Elytron, seen from above. “The afternoon sun provides a soft reflection which gives colours iridescent shimmers.”

Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €. Rocking horse, Sirch, 132 €. Teddy bear, Egmont Toys, 42 €. Wooden tree, Kiko, 38 €. Knitted snowman, Lucky Boy Sunday, 19 €. Knitted christmas tree-shaped cushion, Lucky Boy Sunday, 42 €. Bambi nightlamp, Egmont Toys, 90 €. Painting, stylist owned. Knitted garland, Lucky Boy Sunday, 30 €. Cardboard house storage, Kids Gallery, 20 €. Cardboard deer, Kidsonroof, 13,50 €. Blue wood sticks, Kapla, 45 € la boîte. Orange wood sticks, Kapla, 45 € la boîte. Book printed wallpaper, The Collection, 50 € le lé. Cardboard tree, Kidsonroof, 39 €. Fox-shaped cushion, Donna Wilson, 55 €. Beard-shaped cushion , Donna Wilson, 55 €. Bed linen, Les Petites Emplettes, 130 €. Elf soft toy, Lucky Boy Sunday, 95 €. Apple-shaped cushion, Œuf NYC, 34 €. Pastel blanket, Lucky Boy Sunday, 195 €.


Fig 7 et 8. Elytron, seen from above. “I stop for a few second to watch this organic setting.”

SHOPPING Scandinavian setting

Little Red Stuga, 175 €.

Corraini, 21 €.

Kidsonroof, 29,90 €.

Lucky Boy Sunday, 85 €.

The Snowroom, 85 €.

Donna Wilson, 55 €.

Lucky Boy Sunday, 55 €.

My Little Home, 80 €.

Œuf NYC, 613 €.

Les Petites Emplettes, 90 €.

Œuf NYC, 490 €.

My Little Home, 188 €.

Sentou, 220 €.

Lalé, 45 €.

Œuf NYC, 522 €.


Scandinavian setting Inspiration coming from the fjords directly to your house. The mountain offers its dark, mineral, refined grey and its abrupt yet uncluttered volumes– so Scandinavian! There’s a wolf on a cushion! Walk in the woods, forest green and Bambi from the snowy woods... Let’s get warm under woven blankets with cinnamon rolls!

Lucky Boy Sunday, 45 €.

Deyrolles, exclusive for Little Fashion Gallery, 18 €.

Egmont Toys, 95 €.

Sirch, 144 €.

Donna Wilson, 29 €.

Sirch, 100 €.

Tsé & Tsé, 175 €.

BB +++, 699 €.

LikeaBike, 198 €.


Photos : air balloon in the André-Citröen park in Paris, Luca Piras. Mount Ulriken in Bergen, Carl-Oscar Linné. Details: wallpaper, Aimée Wilder, 69 €. Poster, LFG éditions, 29 €.

REPORTAGE The Montessori school 3

The Montessori experience: the school of autonomy I’m sitting behind my desk in a Montessori school with my legs nearly touching my ears, and I’m watching the children “work”. Actually according to Montessori’s pedagogy it’s not about “playing” but “working”. Here a child is trying hard to pour water from a little pot into a china cup. Another one is seriously playing –sorry, working– with pink cubes. It’s peaceful, the children seem focused, the setting is very nice and the material very pleasant. Maria Montessori was a doctor– actually the first female doctor in Italy, she was an anthropologist and had a passion for pedagogy. She’s worked for fifty years with children having blatant learning difficulties, coming from social and cultural underprivileged backgrounds in Rome poor suburbs. Relying on this experience she created a pedagogy based on scientific, philosophical and educational principles. She used material designed for all the sensitive periods of childhood. This material indeed makes for the development of the child’s intellect and hand motivity, allowing the child to distinguish, to specify, to generalize, and to go from concrete things to conceptual matters and from conceptual matters to abstract entities. Anyway let’s get to the point with some meaningful examples. 1




1 & 2. The pink tower: this serie of cubes develops the visual acuity of the child. Age : 3 years. Available at Little Fashion Gallery

3, 4, 5. The binomial cube: this cube is the concret representation of the mathematical formular (a+b) ³. Age: 4 years. Available at Little Fashion Gallery


A child at Montessori school doesn’t learn by heart 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…, but he/she rather understands that 1 is a unity; when added to another that makes 2. Montessori material –red and blue numerical bars– helps him/her understand and see in real-life the concept of unity. The child even when very young gets familiar with daily life objects. He/she learns for instance how to lace his/her shoes or how to use china or glass containers. Since they break when falling –contrary to plastic products– the child therefore learns to be careful when pouring otherwise he/she may get wet! Another example is the day schedule. There are no “we-have-to-reckon” or “we-have-to-read” periods. Montessori schools are divided into four spaces dedicated to the four sensitive periods of the child: practical life, senses, mathematics and language. It’s indeed thanks to this “prepared” space that the children “work” nearly silently. The child goes from one space to the other according to his/her learning rhythm. He/she can’t use an item if he/she’s not ready. Every activity which is started shall of course be ended and can also be done several times– as many times as wanted. Thus it highlights the notion of respect towards the other and their work– the starting point to be part of a coded society. Montessori teachers accompany the child but never try to influence him/her. As a consequence the “Montessori child” gains great autonomy because everything is at his/her disposal and he/she’s the one who makes a choice. And I can guarantee that there is no mess.


the consequence of our educational system and maybe also of the lack of collaboration between the government and Montessori association. Even though it’s not always possible to have our children work at a Montessori school, it’s however relevant to use some of the principles at home– like avoiding to give our children only unbreakable items and allowing them to bring a small china plate to the table. It’s also to be noted that leaving things easily accessible enables the child to touch, pick up and look. Here are a few tips to adopt for your child to get familiar with real life rather than with a pastel, plastic and meaningless version. Text, Violaine Belle-Croix. Translated by Marie Algoud. Photos, Luca Piras.

6. The second box of colours: the sticks develop the visual acuity of the child. Age: 3 years.

A big thanks to the Montessori school “Les Oursons ”, to Maryline Maugin and Laure Petit.

Available at Little Fashion Gallery

Even though this pedagogy immediately attracted me and obviously has many advantages, it also has drawbacks. First of all –and it’s not in keeping with Maria Montessori’s will– it’s mainly for a certain elite. Since Montessori schools are not under state contract, registration fees are very high. Moreover Montessori schools result from individual initiatives and thus are very rare and hardly ever located right around the corner. However efficient this pedagogy might be, it’s not high enough a motivation to go through a daily half-an-hour metro trip to take a two-year-old child to school, is it? But this reluctance is actually

Discover the Montessori method with the iPhone & iPad application Au pays des chiffres avec Tam et Tao – Compte avec Montessori , available at Little Fashion Gallery. To download the application, scan the code on the right.

Fig 8. Coleoptera flying, profil view. “It’s taking flight, it’s taking off, hold on Jules!”

LIBRARY The fluttering of wings

Alice au pays des merveilles,  pop-up book adapted from Lewis Carroll and illustrated by Robert Sabuda, Seuil Jeunesse, 30 €. Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €.


LIBRARY The fluttering of wings

EncycloDino, Les Monstres marins & EncycloDino, Un pop-up monstrueux,  Robert Sabuda & Matthew Reinhart, Seuil Jeunesse, 30 €. Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €.


LIBRARY The fluttering of wings

Fables de La Fontaine, illustrated by Thomas Baas, Tourbillon, 11,90 €. Les Fables de La Fontaine, adapted by Dedieu, Seuil, 30 €. Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €.


LIBRARY The fluttering of wings

Un point rouge  & Carré jaune, pop-up books by David A. Carter,

Gallimard Jeunesse, 17 & 18 €. Masking tape, Masks, from 6 €.


CHAPTER VII From abdomen to farewell


VII. From abdomen to farewell October 20th, 9pm. Note by Jules S., the reporter in charge of Professor Ernest Lombricked’s expedition. It’s soon the end of our slide. I catch my breath while Lombricked giggles and automatically arranges his lock of hair. We’ve reached the junction between the wing and the abdomen of the coleoptera. I watch the threatening grey maze while the professor jots down a few comments on his notebook: the abdomen seems much less attractive than our slide wing! A large gap marks the beginning of the abdomen. We rope up to each other and start getting down. It’s soon night time and I yawn when I see the hilly relief of the abdomen: we’ll have to climb up then go down every cylinder– they are endlessly stretching before our eyes. Lombricked checks the knots one last time and puts one foot into the hole. We’re lucky since there are many holds, so we start our voyage quite easily. I eat a couple of dry fruits while Lombricked makes the food inventory. We don’t have that much. I anxiously think about the return. The professor who nearly forgot to eat during our adventure exclaims: “The extremity of the abdomen foreshadows the end of the trip! Once we’ve reached the end, let’s turn round and walk up to the head to go back to our balloon. The coleoptera seems to be asleep, let’s take advantage of its motionlessness. We can’t weaken Jules! We’ve nearly reached the goal!” Illustrations, Marina Vandel. Text, Clara Dayet. Translated by Marie Algoud. Book shooting“ From abdomen to farewell” Photos, Luca Piras. Artistic direction, Clara Dayet. Products photos, Mary-Swann de Oliveira.


After two hours of unexpected climbing, my attention is drawn to a circular shadow in the sky. It’s our balloon! The gondola stands stiff like a post on the sting of the insect! I scream with joy. The professor, his eyes wide open, justifies its unbelievable presence by some sort of sharp calculation… then turns speechless. Paler than white linen under the moonlight, Lombricked looks at the foot of the balloon. “Standing on the sting? he slowly articulates. But Jules, coleopteras have no sting!”


Maze or cobweb?

Fig 1. Abdomen of the coleoptera. “The abdomen seems much less attractive than our slide wing!”

The game of intertwined pathes

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse, 13,95 €.

Seuil, 25 €.

Seuil Jeunesse, 13,95 €.

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

13,95 €.

8,50 €.

8,50 €.

8,50 €.

8,50 €.

8,50 €.

8,50 €.

8,50 €.

8,50 €.


Bird or scissors? Spot the difference game

Les Trois Ourses,

Seuil Jeunesse,

Corraini, 39 €.

Seuil Jeunesse,

Seuil Jeunesse,

L’École des loisirs,

12 €.

22 €.

Les Trois Ourses,

16 €.

Corraini, 27 €.

Corraini, 33 €.


7,50 €.

21 €.

11 €.

Monochromes or Mondrian? Look-a-like game

L’École des loisirs,

L’École des loisirs,

L’École des loisirs,

L’École des loisirs,

Gallimard Jeunesse,

Les Trois Ourses,

Corraini, 14 €.

L’École des loisirs,

11,90 €.

12,50 €

16 €.

L’École des loisirs,

13 €.

12,50 €.

19,80 €.

55 €.

13 €.

Coq en Pâte,

36,80 €.


Oger hunger

Game for the gourmets

Seuil Jeunesse,

15 €.

Corraini, 18 €.

L’École des loisirs, 11 €.

Superéditions, 6 €.


9 21 12 6 23

1. Uncle Goose,

33 € per box.

2. Egmont Toys,

11 € each.

3. Green Toys, 27 €.

4. Plan Toys, 52 €.

18 15 22

5. Bullyland, 35 €.

6. Uncle Goose,

9. Mama K, 24 €.

10. Janod, 40 €.

11. Vilac, 23 €.

12. Uncle Goose,

13. Momoll, 319 €.

14. Vilac, 65 €.

15. Janod, 24 €.

16. Janod, 15 €.

17. Janod, 78 €.

18. Lucky Boy Sunday,

19. Miller Goodman, 98 €

21. Vulli, 12,50 €.

22. Egmont Toys, 31 €.

33 € per box.

42 €.

7. Kidsonroof, 29,90 €.

la boîte.

23. Vilac, 30 €.

8. Anorak, 10 €.

33 € per box.

20. Plan Toys, 63 €.

24. Uncle Goose, 33 € per box.









16 2



13 3

7 20


Christmas calendar SURPRISE

9 1

21 12 19

6 23


25 24

16 2







13 15 22


7 20

4 Wooden house, GG*, 90 â‚Ź.


Happy Anorak Party! 1




Wednesday April 27th The LFG team is thrilled and excited. Endless comings and goings, colorful decorations, bright-colored round balloons… A party is about to be thrown. What are the ingredients of the perfect LFG party? First of all let’s start with a magazine which is at once off-the-wall and funny, educational and artistic: Anorak. Launched by Cathy Olmedillas in the UnitedKingdom, Anorak mixes drawings, articles and games, done by and for the children who are turned into major contributors. With its crazy drawings and original contents, Anorak has become nothing but a It-magazine that has even crossed the border to reach our country! And it’s this very birth that Little Fashion Gallery is celebrating today: the launching of Anorak in French. To celebrate the event, we had to invite a group of hip Mums: about thirty “happy few”, some bloggers and some journalists, with their children. Little Fashion Gallery showroom has thus dressed in its party outfit: colorful balloons, a marked path leading to the various learning activities workshops





admiringly animated by Montessori, hundreds of confettis and a tantalizing buffet adorned by the talented founders of My Little Day– loads of candies and cakes and a very beautiful Bogato especially made for the occasion! Creation was indeed in the limelight since the artist Supermundane indulged in a wall drawing session, admired by the audience who was thrilled to be authorized at last to violate this sacred taboo– being able to write and draw freely on the wall! An original and creative magazine, funny and smart animations, it-Mums and thrilled children, a rainbow of colors and delicious treats, the whole LFG team… that was the perfect recipe for a successful party!

1. The Anorak birthday cake by Bogato. 2. Decoration and ornaments designed by My Little Day. 3. Cathy Olmedillas, the founder of Anorak Magazine, Supermundane and Lewis Smith, the magazine illustrators. 4. Children playing with the iPhone Montessori application Au pays des chiffres avec Tam et Tao - Compte avec Montessori.

Text, Marie Algoud. Photos, Mary-Swann de Oliveira.

5. Children gathered around the Bogato cake! 6. On the wall, the artist Supermundane had drawn a huge colour pattern. 7. The journalists and bloggers’ children were invited to the party! Confettis, candies and cake, The children were as happy as Anorak! 106

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