LING3 - Functions - Valorization

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Functions and valorization of language in Puerto Rico INTRODUCTION


Quest editor


ILINGUALISM AND LANGUAGE CONTACT (primarily between Spanish and English) are topics of great interest and controversy in Puerto Rico, linked as they are to the burning issues of cultural identity, political status, pedagogy, and economic development. However, while there is a wealth of written opinion (both journalistic and academic) regarding the dynamics of bilingualism and numerous accounts of the rather bizarre history of chaotic language policies in the public school system, there is a much more limited body of work that examines the roles that Spanish, English, and other languages play on the island, their discourse structures and functions, and the values attached to each. The current issue of the CENTRO jfouma/presents some of the most recent additions to this fund of knowledge. The contributions cover a wide range of genres, including interview, poetry, discourse analysis, short story, text analysis, ethnography, Internet language, legal discourse, historical analysis, and biography. Most of the contributors currently live in Puerto Rico or have only recently moved to the U.S. A few live in the U.S. but have intimate ties to the island. Some are veteran researchers or writers, while others are only beginning their careers. The issue begins with two pieces dedicated to Luz MarĂ­a Umpierre, Puerto Rican poet, literary critic, and social activist, born in Santurce, Puerto Rico, and presently residing in Lewiston, Maine. The first is an interview with Dr. Umpierre by Carmen HaydĂŠe Rivera, professor of literature at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Rio Piedras. The second is a discourse analysis of Luzma's poetry by UPR, Rio Piedras linguistics professor. Alma Simounet.


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