Lgl biblioteka informaciniai leidiniai apie renginius

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Copy of LGL biblioteka - Informaciniai leidiniai apie renginius

Informaciniai leidiniai apie renginius Pavadinimas "Expressing our differences, challenging our prejudices, developing our alliances." 14th ILGA-Europe's Annual conference. 28-31 October 2010. The Hague, The Netherlands "Family matters! Reaching out to hearts and minds." 17th ILGA-Europe's annual conference. 24-26 October 2013, Zagreb. Delegate Pack "United i diversity." 27th ILGA's European Annual Conference. 26-30 October 2005 Delegate Pack 3rd International GLBT business leader forum. GLBT diversity as a growth business factor in emerging markets. Warsaw, July 15-16 2010











Conference "LGBT and Education" 17 November 2010, Brussels

Equal Opportunities in Flanders


Equality and justice. LGBTI rights in the XXI century - Florence, 12-13 Equal Jus Project May 2011. Conference book EuroPride 2008. Swedish Sin breaking borders. Stockholm Find Your Story. Framiline 36. San Fracisco International. LGBT film IGLTA festival June 14-24, 2012 Fundamental rights conference 2013. Combating hate crime in the EU. Giving victims a face and a voice. Vilnius, Lithuania, 12-13 Movember FRA 2013 gay events 97. Your Gay Times official guide to gay summer events Gay Times & Diva. Official guide to the 15th London Lesbian + Gay Film British Film Institute Festival Identities. Queer film festival 2-12 Juni 2011. Gartenbua, Filmcasino, Top Kino International Day against homophobia and transphobia. Learning and IDAHO committee strategising in Asia International Day against homophobia and transphobia. Strategizing in IDAHO committee Latin America and the Caribbean LGBT Rights are human rights - respect, recognition and responsibilities. Delegate Pack. 11th ILGA-Europe's annual conference. 25-28 October ILGA-Europe, LGL 2007, VIlnius, Lithuania Lytis ir kinas. Įvaizdžiai, rakursai, auditorijos. Tarptautinis tarpdisciplininis seminaras apie šiuolaikinį kiną lytiškumo požiūriu

Lygių galimybių plėtros centras

2011 2008 2012 2013 1997 2001 2011


Copy of LGL biblioteka - Informaciniai leidiniai apie renginius

Informaciniai leidiniai apie renginius Pavadinimas New York Pride Guide. Commemorating Stonewall 1969-1994 Pride in sport. Preventing and fighting homophobic violence and discriminations in sport Programme. Buildig Bridges Conference "Pride in Sport" and General Assembly


Metai 1994

Roma Euro Pride magazine

PrideSports. LGBT sports and equality European gay and lesbian sport federation European pride organisers association

San Francisco LGBT community center. 2008-2010 Biennial report

The charles m. holmes campus of the center

Scotland's lesbian, gay and bisexual Pride march and festival. 1996 programme Tackling Homophobis and transphobis bullying: challenged and effective responses. The international day against homophobia and transphobia "IDAHOMay 17th" Annual report 2012 Towards a European Roadmap for LGBT Equality. 26 July 2013. Conference program/Europos politikos gairės LGBT teisių apsaugos srityje. Transgender Europe. 5th European Transgender Council. Budapest 2014. Programme Towards New Democratic Milestones. International conference / Naujų demokratinių pergalių link. Tarptautinė konferencija Vienna pride 2011 magazine. Show Your Face

Gay Scotland




IDAHO committee








Vienna pride 2012 magazine. Born this way We are family: Our families in European family. Delegate Pack. 10th Bulgarian Gay Organisation ILGA-Europe's annual conference. 26-29 October 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria Gemini КВИР ФЕСТ. Искусство быть собой. Санкт-Петербуг, 20-29 Сентября

2013 2014 2011

2011 2012 2006 2012

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