The Bell February 2020

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Sophomores Amara Ansell and Isabelle Porter, among other members of West Coast Swing Dance club grab their dancing partner’s hands as they begin rehearsing a swing dance during one of their club meetings. Photo by Pearl Pritchard

A closer look at some of the sports clubs around the school.

Reported by Derek Katzer and Lucas Kilgore Design by Emma Stauffer LHS is flourishing with clubs and activities in every corner of the school. Looking for them is key. Some of the unofficial sports around the school have been growing and have caught on with real traction among the student body. Trapshooting, west coast swing dance, spikeball and ultimate frisbee are all options that students can enjoy.

West Coast Swing Dance Club

West Coast Swing Dance

West coast swing dance club teaches new and experienced members alike. Through work and sweat, an aspiring group of dancers practice furiously while still having fun. West Coast Swing is a dance that has evolved through the years to take on a modern twist. “West Coast Swing is just a dance group we formed on the whim, but it seems to really taken off and for the most part it’s gotten a lot of popularity for a one on one leader and follower dance group,” junior Cameron Eldridge said. The club caters to both beginners and experienced dancers. “Most of the dance moves are very basic. Sometimes, for people who have been in the club since semester one like myself and maybe four or five others, we are all considered level two’s. We learn harder dances and we do a lot

New members welcome. When? Every Wednesday and Thursday during Liberty Hour Where? Room 203

more complicated footwork on our own. The level ones that are coming in are very talented at dancing,” Eldrige said. The club has rich origins in other types of dances from the 1920’s and 30’s. “It’s a derivative of lindy hop which was created during the 1920’s and 30’s,” club sponsor Brad Gallow said. “It’s the dance that you can kind of imagine being done to big band music. People are jumping around and

throwing people in the air. We don’t really do that in west coast swing, it’s evolved a lot to be mostly on the ground and done mostly to pop music. It’s still called a swing dance because there is a very clear swing action in the dancers movement. It’s also done to a swung rhythm.” West coast swing dance club wants to make sure everybody who wants to participate can. “Just drop by if you have any questions,” Gallow said. “We always try to accept new people and we are going to teach from the very bottom.”

Ultimate Frisbee

As the floating frisbee sails through the air, all are watching. One student jumps into the air, arms seemingly reaching for the sky. Alas, the frisbee continues its path unscathed, towards its intended target. Will they catch it? Will they drop it? Scenes like this happen often Thursday mornings for the members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The game they enjoy: ultimate frisbee. In ultimate frisbee, the game only requires minimum equipment, a frisbee and some players. Students throw the frisbee towards their end zone while only being able to pivot one foot when in possession of the frisbee while



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