Outdoor Oasis - Summer 2014

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Firewood FAQ

What is that dead patch in my lawn?

Tangible Value

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Director of Sales & Advertising Patrick Nault Account Executive Marty Nault Art Director Liam Marsch

Got Sod?

Pools Q&A

Index to Advertisers

Editorial Contributors Paul van Gils Tim Muys Julien Cloutier Jason Lawrence Ryan Kindret

Gregory Funk Jennifer Gobeil Clint Pinder

©Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. The Contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, whithout prior written consent of Pulse Media Group.

The editors and contributors who write for Pulse Media Group attempt to provide accurate information and content. However, the editors, contributors and Pulse Media Group assumes no responsibilty for any actions or decisions taken by any readers based on the information provided herein.

Lawn ‘N’ Order.................................................2 Firewood Manitoba..........................................4 VANGILS Landscaping......................................6 Kindret Landscaping......................................12 Deck Boyz.......................................................13 Windsor Plywood...........................................14 Haven..............................................................23 Silverfox Enterprises......................................24 IntelCrete........................................................24 Jas Landscaping.............................................25 Green Blade Lawn Care.................................26 Wild Birds Unlimited.......................................28 The Lawn Salon..............................................31 Target Construction........................................32 Samborski Garden Supplies...........................32 Synthetic Turf.................................................33 Oasis Leisure Centre......................................35 SUMMER 2014






Firewood FAQ

-FIrewood Manitoba

Firepit season is upon us! Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions: What is the best firewood? It does not matter what kind of wood you burn: as long as it is really, truly seasoned. In the case of hardwoods, especially oak, they must be seasoned for over one full year! That means last year’s wood – NOT this year’s wood! If you’re wondering about which wood is really the best, or what causes the least creosote to build up, the answer is the same! Properly seasoned wood produces the most heat, and produces the least creosote! It’s not the kind of wood you burn that makes the difference, but whether or not the wood is seasoned. Firewood that hasn’t been split for over a year isn’t worth a darn! On the other hand, dry, well seasoned wood is just great! Seasoned wood burns hot and clean! How long is firewood good for? To make sure your firewood stays dry once delivered, stack it outdoors and raised on a platform or planks (this will keep it off the ground away from the moisture there). To provide maximum air circulation, crisscross the logs: Put four on the platform parallel to each other; then place four more on top of them at right angles. Continue stacking in this way. Remember that air will circulate more freely if the wood is not piled against a wall. If possible, stack it so the prevailing wind blows through the long axis. If you follow these steps your firewood will be good for at least 2 years if not more. Can I have a firepit on my deck? Yes, but as with any product that produces heat, make sure it is insulated from the deck itself, made of fireproof materials (brick, steel etc.) and is supervised at all times. Please remember to always adhere to the provincial fire bans and bylaws. Enjoy your summer!




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Visit our website! You’ll find videos, articles, tips, and advice for your next landscaping project.


KNOW BEFORE YOU GROW! Ah, summer has finally arrived! Now the planning starts. You already know that this summer is going to be shorter than usual. Your home is your castle. You enjoy your landscape and spending time in your yard and on the deck. You’ve fired up the barbeque and dusted off the patio furniture. The last thing nagging you are the dead patches in your lawn that are blemishing your otherwise tidy, green landscape. For some colour, you’ve planted some flowers. They distract the eye for a moment, but you can’t help but look back at those dead spots in your lawn again. A wise landscaper once said, “The lawn is the canvas upon which we paint.” How very true. In my travels I have visited many great lawns and gardens. While I certainly respect those with a botanical thumb, whenever I stand before a forest of trees, shrubs, and flowers, the absence of any lawn at all makes the scene almost gluttonous. Even a small patch of lawn in an ocean of dripping colour, offers some balance. For homeowners, the lawn is the outdoor focal point, occupying the vast majority of the property in most cases. It is, for all intents and purposes, the giant ‘welcome mat’ for your home. What does your ‘welcome mat’ say? If you’ve got a herd of kids trampling the lawn all day long, perhaps it says ‘practicality’. If it is a manicured piece of perfection in an otherwise wild, natural world perhaps it says ‘sophistication’, ‘money’, or simply ‘neat and tidy’. Your landscape is a reflection of who you are. What does your landscape say about you? Real estate agents are often very good judges of character. They know all too well that the outward appearance of your property is a good indication of what type of person you are. It’s almost a given that the condition of your landscape is usually indicative of the way you look after the inside of your home as well. I suppose then, that dead patches in your lawn would be like having company over when you have a giant wine stain in the middle of your white living room carpet. It’s the elephant in the room that you can’t help but look every couple minutes. Time to call in a carpet cleaner for a deep cleaning and stain removal. When it comes to the problem to solve. You know the wine stain on your carpet is wine but you have no idea what caused the dead




patch in your lawn, it’s time to get your hands dirty or call in someone to do the job for you. Before you even start, you have a unique problem to solve. You know the wine stain on your carpet is wine but you have no idea what caused the dead patches in your lawn. The most critical step in dealing with dead patches in the lawn, the step all too many skip in their anxious bid to beat the Jones’ next door to having a beautiful lawn, is determining the cause. Without knowing the cause, you could very well be doomed to a lifetime of lawn repair and lawn misery. There are many things that can cause dead patches to form in the lawn. The usual suspects are diseases or insects. Sometimes the problem can be manmade as well. A gasoline spill, fertilizer burn from last fall perhaps? Hopefully you can eliminate these possibilities instantly. If it was a disease or an insect, you’re dealing with a pretty broad category.

Diseases are common, but virtually

all strike in the spring. Diseases occur when broad swings in conditions occur. Significant cold to hot, or hot to cold temperature swings within just a few days; excess water or rain or extended periods of moisture. The most common disease problems in Manitoba are winterkill, summer patch, necrotic ring spot, and fairy ring. Winterkill (snow mold) is the result of rapid snow melt. Winterkill is a fungus that looks like streams of cotton, like a giant spider web on the lawn. This cotton or web looking fungus only appears on the lawn for just a few days and then disappears fairly quickly. It almost always appears while snow is still on your lawn, but receding. As the surface of the lawn dries, the damage from the fungus becomes immediately visible. There is no way to know exactly when or even if winterkill will occur from spring to spring. The fungus does occur most frequently on south or west facing lawns where snow melts quickest. While there is a fungicide available to prevent winterkill, it is extremely expensive and not practical for homeowner use. Golf courses commonly apply a preventative fungicide to avoid winterkill on their greens and tee boxes.

Summer Patch most often occurs when a wet spring is followed by a dry summer. The fungal damage actually occurs in the spring. The fungus, and the damage remain completely invisible to the naked eye until and unless conditions become dry. As the lawn dries out, random dead patches occur in full sun areas of the lawn. There is no way to know when or where summer patch will strike, but the damage is only temporary, affecting only the upper portions of the blade. When damage becomes noticeable, apply deep, infrequent watering to encourage rapid growth. The damaged blades will eventually be removed during regular mowing and the lawn will recover. Necrotic Ring Spot looks almost identical to summer patch. The most obvious sign that you are dealing with Necrotic Ring Spot is the exceptionally obvious ‘frog eyes’ that appear in the lawn. Large circles of dead grass circling a patch of healthy green grass. Necrotic Ring Spot usually occurs in mid-summer and, like Summer Patch, the damage, while unsightly, is temporary. Apply deep, infrequent watering to encourage rapid growth. The damaged blades will eventually be removed during regular mowing and the lawn will recover.

-Necrotic Ring Spot Fairy Ring occurs during summer months when periods of significant rain occur. Fairy Ring occurs when moisture reaches a piece of rotting wood beneath the surface of the lawn. The moisture increases the rate of decomposition which in turn, causes the release of fungal spores. These spores rise to the surface of the lawn through cracks in the soil and manifest themselves in your lawn as mushrooms which grow in a crescent shape of dark green grass. The piece of rotting wood can be the rotting roots of old tree that died or was cut down. It may have even been a neighbour’s tree whose roots extended into your yard. It may also be a scrap of wood left behind when your home was built. There is no treatment for Fairy Ring. The problem is always temporary and dissipates as conditions dry. The mushrooms can be removed by hand. The dark crescent in the lawn can be blended into the lawn by fertilizing the rest of the lawn to match it.


cause exceptionally more damage in Manitoba than all diseases put together. The two main lawn damaging insects in Manitoba are Chinch Bugs and Sod Webworm. Sod Webworm occurs in mid and late summer. Sod Webworm moths are often called ‘paper moths’ as they appear like tiny fragments of tissue fluttering through the air. The moths drop their eggs in early summer while flying over the lawn. If the moth drops its eggs over a large area, which is usually the case, the sod webworms will be sparse enough that damage will not likely be noticeable. Damage becomes visible in areas where the moth dropped many eggs in a small area. Seeing paper moths all over your lawn does not by any means indicate that damage is imminent. The moths drop very few eggs. Sod Webworm damage is fairly rare in Manitoba. Eggs in the lawn hatch into the Sod Webworm, a white caterpillar, about 2cm in length, with an orange head. The webworm feeds on the roots of the grass just below the surface. Small dead patches form. Upon closer inspection, the sod can literally be pulled back just like a loose carpet, exposing the Sod Webworm underneath. An insecticide treatment should be performed immediately to stop further damage. The damaged areas can take considerable time to fill back in. In severe cases, seeding or resodding the damaged area may be required. Once mature, the Sod Webworms cocoon on the crown of the grass plant and fly away as a moth. The Sod Webworm itself, does not lay eggs in the lawn and a second case of Sod Webworm damage would be mere coincidence. Chinch Bugs are the nastiest enemy of any Manitoba lawn. Chinch Bugs have been in the headlines for over a year now, having caused millions of dollars in damage to lawns across Manitoba in the past two years. This summer, the problem will continue. Chinch Bugs are small insects, about the same size as a garden ant. They are egg shaped and appear brown in colour with a white triangle on their backs.

-Damage caused by Chinch Bugs




Young Chinch Bugs are Indian red in colour with a white stripe across their back. Chinch Bugs do not fly but can explode in numbers and walk quickly from lawn to lawn. They suck the juice out of grass blades. Their saliva contains a toxin that quickly kills the grass plant over a week to 10 days. The damage appears as small, tennis ball sized dead patches of matted down, dark brown grass. Small, dead patches eventually grow larger and coalesce into large dead areas. The damage is permanent. Dead sod will need to be removed and replaced. The soil remains unaffected. Only the sod needs replacing. Chinch Bugs hibernate through the winter and usually emerge in early summer. Chinch bugs lay hundreds of eggs. Egg laying begins in the early summer. The first generation of eggs usually hatches about one month into the summer. A second generation hatches in late summer. The current Chinch Bug explosion began in the spring of 2012. As you may recall, Winnipegger were golfing at the end of March in 2012. Chinch Bugs emerged early and enjoyed a hot, dry summer. Chinch Bugs do exceptionally well in dry conditions. We enjoyed a long summer in 2012 that extended into a full fall, which allowed the already large Chinch Bug population to lay a huge third generation of eggs. This massive army of Chinch Bugs emerged very early last summer (2013) and caused unprecedented damage last summer. Once again, the Chinch Bugs enjoyed another dry season. This summer, while their numbers will fall, the population is still large. Damage from last summer is staggering. They are present to some extent in all lawns. Your lawn is usually able to repair the damage they cause as long as the Chinch Bug population remains stable. When damage becomes evident and the presence of Chinch Bugs is confirmed, an insecticide should be applied immediately before thousands of dollars in damage occurs. An insecticide treatment will reduce the Chinch Bug population in your lawn for the time being, but you should remain vigilant, as they may return if populations remain high for more than one season. The only way to avoid Chinch Bug damage is to keep your lawn well watered. Chinch Bug damage usually appears in the highest and driest, full sun areas of the lawn. Chinch Bugs detest moisture. While they may still be present in the lawn, a well-watered lawn will have fewer Chinch Bugs and




a well-watered lawn can better keep up with repairing the damage caused by Chinch Bugs. Mowing at 3”-4” is also a helpful deterrent. So before you go making all your summer landscaping plans, be sure to do some homework that could save you time and money down the road! For more information on diseases, insects, and any other questions you might have, visit www.greenbladewinnipeg.ca where you can find vast resources to help you develop and maintain a lusher lawn.

WEED CONTROL BAN COMING! Will your lawn be overrun with weeds next summer? The short answer to that is “NO.” The NDP government has proposed a new bylaw (Bill 55) that would see the sale and use of specific weed control products restricted. Strictly speaking, the new bylaw will not necessarily be an outright BAN. Traditional weed control is still available and is currently legal to use. It is expected that the new restrictions on certain weed control products will come into effect for 2015. The bylaw will restrict the use of Par 3, as well as many other weed control products. Par 3 (aka 3-Way Turf) is the most common, most effective, and most cost efficient method of weed control currently in use. The bylaw will still allow provisions for the use of other weed control products. Weed control for your lawn will continue to be available. Weed control will continue to performed following the new bylaw. Certain weed control products (herbicides) will be exempt from the restrictions. The new weed control product that will be permitted to control weeds is a product called Fiesta. Fiesta is an iron based product. While it is a naturally based product, it will still be classified and characterized as a pesticide. The term ‘pesticide’ does not refer to the chemical make-up of a product, but describes its’ function. The term ‘pesticide’ refers to any product, synthetic or natural, chemical, solid, or gas, that is designed to protect human health or the environment by eliminating a pest. ‘Pesticide’ is an umbrella term under which there are specific categories that are defined by their target pest. Herbicides are products designed to eliminate weeds. Algaecides are designed to eliminate algae in pools, for example. Insecticides are designed to

control insect pests. Rodenticides are designed to control rodent problems. Fiesta is not Par 3. The easiest way to compare Fiesta to Par 3, and the current expectations that most homeowners have regarding weed control, is to address the ways Fiesta is better than Par 3, and how Fiesta is worse than Par 3. Fiesta will be more expensive. Current speculation is that most lawn care providers will be charging anywhere between 33-50% more in 2015. If similar bylaws passed elsewhere in Canada are any indication, smaller lawn care providers that cannot afford to purchase large volumes of Fiesta at a discounted rate, will not be able to compete, and will eventually cease providing weed control services. Fiesta does not control all weeds and will not come with a 100% guarantee that many traditional lawn care program come with today. While the manufacturer claims that Fiesta controls a wide variety of weeds, testing and trials in Manitoba have revealed that Fiesta will not adequately control many lawn invading weeds including thistle, clover, pineapple weed, and plantain. Fiesta does control dandelions. Fiesta can be applied as a full blanket treatment over the entire lawn only twice in one season. It must be applied in either spring or fall. Two applications may be done in the spring and early summer, or a spring and fall application may be made. While Fiesta may not completely eliminate every single dandelion in the lawn with one or even two treatments, Fiesta will most certainly keep dandelions from blooming. You will not see any yellow dandelion heads and that will become the new guarantee made by the lawn care industry. Obviously, if the dandelion cannot bloom, it will not go to seed on your lawn. In relatively healthy lawns, 100% weed control will certainly be possible. In poorly maintained lawns with many weeds, complete elimination of dandelions may not be possible. Current testing indicates that in lawns severely infested with dandelions, approximately 70-90% control and elimination of dandelions is achievable in one season. Aside from two blanket treatments Fiesta works extremely fast! Fiesta turns dandelions black within hours. The dandelion shrivels and dies extremely fast. Where spot treatments on weeds are made, a direct application of Fiesta in the summer will also cause the lawn near the weed to turn black as well. While the weed will die, the

lawn will return to its natural colour within days. Blanket treatments of Fiesta will make your lawn dark green. Fiesta is an iron-based product. In grass plants, iron assists in breaking down nitrogen. Nitrogen is what provides your lawn with dark green colour, thus, the introduction of iron, enhances the uptake of nitrogen in the lawn, particularly when it is combined with a nitrogen fertilizer. The effect can be quite amazing. Testing has shown that just 24 hours after a blanket treatment of Fiesta, many lawns were incredibly darker, much to the amazement of the homeowners. Most lawn care providers have never offered a direct iron treatment before due to the higher cost that would have attracted few customers. With the introduction of the new bylaw on weed control products, the only way to control dandelions next year will be with use of iron, which will have the added side effect of producing rich colour in the lawn. The dark green effect does diminish to a more naturally green colour over the course of 30-45 days. Where weeds are concerned, Fiesta kills the weeds in two ways. Fiesta makes so much nitrogen available to the weed that it effectively overdoses the weed. The iron in Fiesta is also absorbed by the weed in liquid form during application. Once inside the plant, the iron oxidizes as the plant dries out, essentially exploding the plant from the inside out on a cellular level. In short; YES, you will still be able to control dandelions on your lawn though that control may not be as much as 100% elimination. NO, you will not see any dandelions blooming on your lawn with a comprehensive weed control program. It will be more expensive, but you will also be getting that dark green effect with your spring application of Fiesta that will certainly make your lawn a stand out on the block. YES, it will be more expensive, though you can rest assured, every lawn care provider in town will be working hard to keep the price lower than the competition. For more information on Fiesta, and any other questions you might have, visit www.greenbladewinnipeg.ca where you can find vast resources to help you develop and maintain a lusher lawn than the Jones’! -Tim Muys Owner of Green Blade Lawn Care. Over 23 years’ experience in the lawn care industry.




Tangible Value

by Ryan Kindret, B. SC. CLP

It is easy to see why there have been numerous investments in property enhancements in the past few years as condominium, industrial and housing prices have been continuously on the rise. The landscaping trade has seen a residual effect of this as it is a $14 billion industry in Canada and growing fast. (http://landscapeontario.com/green-industry-booming-in-canada) Tangible value can be found in carefully planned and well executed landscaping. Landscaping is a proven equity builder (http://landscapeontario.com/landscaping-builds-equity) and according to the Wall St. Journal a well landscaped project can add an immediate increase on property value by 20 percent, with the homeowners likely to recoup anywhere from 100-200 percent of the investment cost. These facts show the importance of not only landscaping in terms of equity building, but also the importance of hiring landscape professionals for your yard renovation or project. On a more abstract level, there is also intangible value added through landscaping. A landscape design can increase the quality of life of an individual, family or work environment. Apart from the feeling of having a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing property some of the gains can also include blocking unsightly views, reducing noise pollution, natural barriers/fencing and even reducing crime. Even a small project such as a pond or herb garden can create greater well-being, as well as functionality. In any case, communication is essential with customers on how a space will be used and enjoyed is crucial to a successful landscaping experience.

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ummer is a perfect time to tackle those home improvement projects you keep meaning to do. If you’re looking for a store that carries everything you need to enhance your home, as well as friendly, knowledgeable & helpful staff, look no further than Windsor Plywood. With three locally owned & operated Winnipeg stores located at 2634 Pembina Highway, 3176 Main Street & 551 Century. Windsor Plywood will be celebrating their 45th anniversary in 2014 and the three Winnipeg stores have been serving local customers for over 30 years. “We’re here to serve the community,” says Jeff Johner, who with his brother Ed owns both the Main Street and Century Street store, which was originally opened by their father in 1979. The Johners also work closely with Jim Lothian, who owns the Pembina Highway location. “We’re a locally owned business,” says Jim. “but the three stores in Winnipeg make decisions and work together.” That sense of devotion and teamwork has also led Windsor Plywood to becoming actively involved with many local charities, most notably Motorcycle Ride for Dad, an annual event that raises money for prostate cancer research, of which Ed, Jeff and Jim are all founding members. “We’re just three guys that live and work here. We’re proud of our accomplishments and our community.” Customers are increasingly knowledgeable about home-improvement projects and better prepared to do work themselves. For those without the time or inclination to complete projects on their own, Windsor Plywood offers installation services, such as building decks and they’ll also cut your lumber and plywood orders to your specifications. They even have instore door shops with full-time carpenters and staff to help with custom sizing and




matching for hinges and locks. Bring in your old measurements, construction plans or your old door - they will measure the exact spots for the hinges and door knob using your old door as a template, then drill and mortise it for a custom fit. Check out Ed and Jim on Windsor Plywood’s Youtube channel as they talk about decking, doors and flooring options at www.youtube.com/user/WindsorPlywood, “We are very proud of the program we have developed for decks and fences,” says Jim Lothian, owner of the Pembina Highway store. “Our product comes directly from the mills or manufacturers, allowing us to source high quality material very competitively. This is very important with our Cedartone and green treated ACQ lumber, but really makes an even bigger difference on our composite deck and cedar products. Our product quality here is absolutely the best available and at Winnipeg’s best price!” Windsor Plywood service has become synonymous with dependability. “Other stores can’t provide the personal attention that we do,” says Ed. “When someone helps you inside the store, chances are that person is also the one helping you load up your order. When it comes to staff, we look for good, hardworking individuals with loyalty and common sense. We have great respect for the people who work for us.” The secret to Windsor Plywood’s successand the feature that sets them apart from other home-improvement stores is an emphasis on “good old-fashioned customer service.” Of the 75 employees working at the three stores, there are lots of longterm staff members, and all three owner are frequently helping customers personally. For all your home improvement needs visit Windsor Plywood or check out their website for more information at www.windsorplywood.com



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Gregory Funk is a landscape consultant/ designer at Lawn ‘N’ Order Landscaping.

Q: What are some tips on choosing a landscape designer? A: Honestly, find someone who listens and asks questions about your needs and style. Find someone that knows plants. Bad planting design leads to messy, unattractive plantings that need to be replaced. A good sense of style and an interesting website can be useful to be aware of as well. Q: Should a customer look at experience, recent work, or reputation when selecting a landscape company? A: My response would be: “Yes” to all three. Most companies that do design will have their experience, as well as their work, available for your perusal online. Reputation, by friend, co-worker, or reviews give you an insight into what working with a given company will be like.

Q: Water gardening seems to be a popular trend recently. Are ponds and waterfalls expensive to operate? Are there cost effective ways to add such feature to your home? A: Properly built, ponds and waterfalls cost little, to nothing to maintain. Be particularity selective in whom you choose to build your water feature as rock choice, placement, and methodologies vary widely. There are many sizes and forms a beautiful, bubbling water feature can take in your yard, and the costs vary from a few hundred dollars, to thousands for a gushing waterfall!

Q: How can landscape lighting improve a home’s security?

Q: Recent landscaping trends seem to involve a lot of maintenance. Any tips on caring for the yards once the work has been done?

A: Landscape lighting is valuable for multiple reasons. It is known that ne’er-do-wells are less likely to vandalize or steal in well-lit areas. But did you know that proper use of uplighting, and pathway lighting can turn a yard into a nighttime splendor as well? Not to mention the safety from trips and falls that they provide!

A: Here’s an important tip: ALWAYS have a conversation with your designer about what to expect for maintenance. If you’re not willing or able to meet the needs of your yard, you should be looking at something more low-maintenance, or be prepared to hire someone to maintain it!




n October of 2011, Duston Dehart, owner of Dehart Construction, received a call from a man inquiring about an intricate deck project. The two arranged a meeting to discuss the project. Wayne, the homeowner was referred to Duston and after over 20 hours of consultation and preparation they were ready to put their plans to action once spring came around. Wayne, an exceptionally creative man, has experience in architectural drafting and design. He had conceptualized the project in his mind and it was just a matter of having someone bring it to life for him. In this case, Duston really stood by one of his mottos: “If you can imagine it, or draw it, we can build it.” “I wanted the deck to essentially become an extension of my home,’ explains Wayne. What started as a 1,200 sq.ft. deck has been transformed into a 3,000 sq.ft. deck that backs out onto the Seine River. The project has been ongoing for three years, with its completion looming early this fall. The deck is extremely unique as there’s really nothing else like it in Winnipeg. Pergolas, bridges, and benches make for a really extravagant project. Wayne even managed to get his hands on refurbished forged iron railings from a 100-year-old church to add to the already elaborate deck. SUMMER 2014








Dehart Construction completes approximately 65 decks per summer and this is by far their biggest project, in regards to time and material used. The deck boasts about 50 groundhogs anchors for structural support. “I not only wanted to build what he had designed, I wanted to make the deck convenient and functional. I wanted it to be aesthetically pleasing and also a space where Wayne can host and entertain his family and friends, “ claims Dehart. This type of project would most definitely worry most homeowners but Wayne’s mind was set at ease from the get-go. “Duston and I have been in constant communication over the course of the last three years. He has been consistent with the plans and deadlines and his attention to detail is bar none. Thus far, the project has been virtually stress-free, “ adds Wayne. “This deck has been a lot of fun and it goes to show that there really isn’t a project that is too big or too complicated to take on,” says Duston. Stay tuned for the fall issue of Outdoor Oasis where we will reveal the finished project! SUMMER 2014



Curb Appeal


hen it comes to adding value to your home, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is to update the kitchen and bathroom. While those are great places to put your money, one place that most people forget about is the curb appeal. The way your house presents itself to the public can have a powerful effect on how potential buyers react before they even step foot inside. Sprucing up your curb appeal doesn’t have to be expensive, there are many inexpensive ways that you can create a more inviting home and add value at the same time. Here are a few upgrades that can really make an impact: Upgrading the Front Door Replacing the front door has an immediate impact on how the public views your home. Add some Landscaping Don’t go overboard, but nice, clean and symmetrical landscaping can add a lot of value to your home. It’s best to do this at least a year before selling since it takes a while for the foliage to fill in. Install some Outdoor Lighting Adding outdoor lighting, whether it’s along the walkway or shining down on the door, makes a big difference. Buyers will feel safer with proper lighting and it allows you to really show off your house at all times of day. Replace those old shingles Even though this might seem like a big cost upfront, you are actually losing much more money by not doing it since buyers always tend to double the cost of repair and will deduct that from their offer. By having shingles falling apart, you are also taking the risk of damaging the actual roof which can cost you even more money. Update your Hardware Simply changing the house numbers or updating the mailbox can have a subtle, yet powerful impact on your home.




Paint/Upgrade your siding If the budget allows, upgrade to a low/no maintenance siding. Buyers will appreciate it since it’s one less thing that they anticipate having to do. If not, a fresh coat of paint does the trick, keeping the colors neutral. Fencing your backyard People like privacy, especially in their own home, so adding a fence is a big plus on the buyer’s’ checklist. Adding a patio/deck Our summers in Winnipeg are so short that as soon as the weather breaks, out come the bbqs and patio sets. Adding an outdoor space to enjoy the summer evenings can give you a great return on investment. It doesn’t take much to spend beyond your budget but a good rule of thumb to go by is to spend 5%- ­ 15% of your home’s value and to also make sure that it is clean, symmetrical and appeals to the masses. Keep in mind that when potential buyers drive around looking for a house, they rate what they see based on curb appeal, and most assume that if the exterior isn’t well maintained, then the interior must be the same. If you are in a rush to sell, and don’t have time to do things mentioned above, then I recommend the least you do is to clean the exterior of your house, make sure the grass is kept cut, remove any debris from the yard and to trim the bushes and trees.If you are selling in the winter, make sure to always keep the driveway and walkway clean from snow and ice. My last word of advice is to plan, plan, plan! A really good way to make sure you don’t get a good return of investment is to rush without proper planning. Next time you are out driving around, take note of what others have done to the exterior of their home and see if you can implement some of it into yours.

Written by: Julien Cloutier Local Winnipeg Realtor www.JulienCloutier.remax.ca



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(4 VISITS) • SPRING FERTILIZER • SPRING WEED CONTROL • EARLY SUMMER FERTILIZER • EARLY SUMMER WEED CONTROL • LATE SUMMER FERTILIZER • LATE SUMMER WEED CONTROL • FALL FERTILIZER • FALL WEED CONTROL • FREE INSECT CONTROL** • FREE IRON SUPPLEMENT • PHOSPHATE FREE • NO WATERING IN Our most popular program containing all the necessary nutrients for a guaranteed beautiful lawn. It provides your lawn with a quick green-up. Additional feedings at regular intervals will create a thicker, healthier, stronger lawn with a deep green colour throughout the season. The free iron supplement will give your lawn a sustained darker and richer colour. Weeds are completely eliminated quickly and permanently. With free insect control, your lawn receives additional protection. The “deluxe” program encourages strong root growth and creates a mass of healthy and thick top growth that will deter any stress. 100% guaranteed green and weed free!




Manitoba’s most complete lawn care program features all of the benefits of the deluxe program, plus a fall application of winter fertilizer as well as our exclusive weed suppressant. The winter fertilizer continues to feed your lawn right into next spring to give your lawn the fastest green-up on the block next year, again. Our exclusive weed suppressant insures that next spring, you won’t see a single weed. Receiving monthly feedings designed to enrich both your lawn and the soil, the “ultimate” program encourages incredible microbial activity. The “ultimate” program is unsurpassed in its’ ability to produce a rich, deep green, thick lawn with long-lasting results. 100% guaranteed green and weed free!





Our most economical program provides your lawn with all the essentials producing a quick green-up, plus healthy growth and colour throughout the season. Your lawn will receive regular feeding in the spring, when it begins active growth, in the summer, to keep it lush through the summer heat, and in the late summer, to keep it green into the fall. You get weed control treatments with every visit to virtually eliminate both the visible and undeveloped weeds. You will see visible weed control results on your dandelions within 24 hours of your first treatment! 100% guaranteed to improve the health and appearance of your lawn and eliminate weeds for up to 30 days after each treatment.


One of the keys to maintaining a lush, green lawn is core aeration. This process loosens compacted soil and reduces unhealthy thatch buildup, which stops nutrients, water and air from reaching the root structure. By aerating your lawn, you’re helping to open the earth and allow fertilizers and weed control solutions to truly work for your lawn.



Overseeding is an inexpensive way to bring new life to your lawn. The process involves planting grass directly into your turf without causing damage to your existing lawn. An overseeder is used to slice tiny rows into the turf while dropping seeds into the slits, ensuring a high level of seed-to-soil contact and improving seed germination. If your lawn is looking old or worn out, or if your lawn is developing bare patches, it may be time to overseed. WHAT BENEFITS DOES OVERSEEDING OFFER? Overseeding provides your lawn with thicker growth and better colour. New grass cultivars can be introduced that offer greater resistance to drought, diseases and insects. These new cultivars are also designed to depend on less water, less fertilizer and less pesticides. As a result, the entire process will save you money. HOW MUCH DOES OVERSEEDING COST? The cost of overseeding depends primarily on the volume of seed required. An application rate of five pounds per 1,000 square feet of lawn is recommended. Overseeding a typical 4,000 square foot lawn will cost $99 plus tax and will take 15-30 minutes to perform.


Is your lawn in need of some minor repairs? Has it suffered from some winter or chinch bug damage? Then it’s time to call Green Blade Lawn Care. Our lawn health experts will visit your property, diagnose your situation and provide solutions to your lawn problem. Whether you need just a small patch or your lawn needs to be completely ripped out and redone, our team of lawn technicians has all the tools to do the job quickly, cleanly and affordably. Don’t spend hours sweating under the sun, repairing dead patches in your lawn that keep recurring year after year. Get to the root of your problem.


Chinch bugs are small, oval shaped, brown insects. They have a black patch on their back that contains a white triangle or diamond and damage lawns by sucking the juice out of grass


Top dressing is the application of topsoil, compost, manure, peat moss or sand to your lawn. These top dressing products can be applied individually or as a mixture. Because Manitoba’s soil has a high clay content and doesn’t retain high moisture levels, compaction is a constant challenge. Combining aeration and top dressing provides dramatic, long-term results. HOW IS TOP DRESSING APPLIED? Aeration removes plugs from the soil to reduce compaction and opens up the soil to better use water, air and lawn care products. Filling those holes with compost improves water retention right at the roots, while the nutrient rich compost immediately begins to feed your lawn. Once you’ve met with our lawn technician and have chosen your desired mixture and the amount of top dressing you’d like to have applied to your lawn, our crew will arrive at your property with all of the products necessary to do the job. Application time depends on how much product you have ordered, but a typical application of four cubic yards of top dressing on a 4,000 square foot lawn takes about 60 minutes.

blades. When they remove their mouth from the plant, their saliva infects the plant, causing the grass plant to die within 10 days to two weeks. The damage is permanent and the dead lawn will need to be removed and replaced. WHAT DOES CHINCH BUG DAMAGE LOOK LIKE? At first, small tennis ball sized dead patches emerge. Left unchecked, these grow into larger patches. The dead grass is light brown in colour and matted down. It’s often very easy to find chinch bugs in your lawn in these damaged areas. On a hot, sunny day, get down on the lawn and brush the lawn vigorously with your hand. Within seconds, you will likely see several chinch bugs scurrying across your dead lawn. Chinch bugs prefer, and are most active, during hot dry weather. Damage to the lawn usually occurs in higher, drier areas of the lawn first. Gullies and full shade areas rarely see damage.


HOW MUCH DOES TOP DRESSING COST? The answer depends on the type and volume of top dressing you have requested. A typical application would include 40 per cent topsoil, 40 per cent compost, 10 per cent sand and 10 per cent peat at a rate of one cubic yard per 1,000 square feet. A 4,000 square foot lawn would cost in the neighbourhood of $299 plus tax.

COMBO DEAL Overseeding

$99+gst for an average 4,000 sq. ft. lawn.

Top Dressing

$299+gst for an average 4,000 sq. ft. lawn.* Assuming 1 cubic yard of product per 1,000 sq. ft.


Overseeding / Top Dressing Combo

$349+gst for an average 4,000 sq. ft. lawn.* * Assuming 1 cubic yard of product per 1,000 sq. ft.

WHAT CAN I DO? Chinch bugs are always present in our lawns, though their numbers are usually low enough that your lawn is able to repair itself as quickly as it is being damaged, so you don’t normally notice them. When their numbers explode, the lawn can’t keep up, and the damage quickly becomes apparent. If you are beginning to see new damage in your lawn, and suspect you may have a chinch bug problem, you should contact your lawn health experts as soon as possible. If your lawn has already been extensively damaged, your only option is to start over. Any damage that is smaller than a dinner plate should be left to fill in naturally. Anything larger should be cut out and replaced. It’s important to note that chinch bugs do not infect the soil. Only the sod needs replacing. The sod should first be cut away and removed from the property. The remaining dead roots and soil should be thoroughly rototilled. A layer of fresh topsoil may be added to replace the soil removed with the dead sod. The soil should be levelled and rolled, and new sod can then be laid down.


Bird feeding….It’s the second largest hobby in North America next to gardening. The average backyard may be visited regularly by 15 to 20 different bird species. However, a bird-friendly yard can attract up to 100 or more different species. To attract the greatest number of bird species, just provide at least one of each of these habitat elements: Food Source: Giving the birds a reliable food source will encourage them to visit on a daily basis. Simply by providing one or more of the following, black oil sunflower seeds, peanuts, nyjer, mealworms, nectar and suet will help to attract a greater variety of birds to your yard on a regular basis. Water: All birds need water. You can significantly increase the number of birds visiting your yard by providing a source of water such as a birdbath. Place a birdbath in a location where it will receive no more than four to five hours of sun a day. Birds like bathing and drinking in different water depths so consider placing a piece of stone in one end of the bird bath so smaller birds can access the water. Cover: Birds need protective cover for times of rest, social interaction and as a retreat from foul weather and predators. Birds find cover from the elements and protection from predators in the form of trees and bushes. A Place to raise their young: The same plantings that provide shelter can provide safe areas for many bird species to mate, build nests and raise their families. But with the increased loss of natural habitat, cavity-nesting birds lack appropriate sites to nest. By providing birdhouses, you will encourage birds to raise their young in your backyard. Like any hobby, bird feeding is fun and educational. Identifying and discovering what birds enjoy is part of the fun. Incorporating bird feeding into your backyard brings out the nature lover in all of us. The sounds and sight of birds in your yard can bring peace to any mind.


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Got Sod? C

ongratulations on your new sod! Your yard now has that little facelift that it needed. Let’s try to make sure that your new sod, or seed, has the best chance possible to get well-established.

Another often overlooked component of using sprinklers, is that you need to be very careful to ensure that all of your new lawn has received water, including corners and hard-to-reach spots.

Watering instructions are quite simple, there’s no magic formula or secrets with this process. All you have to do is pay a little bit of attention for the first month or so. This does not mean that you have to be stuck at home babysitting your new lawn, it’s just to say that not paying attention, for even a day, can be very damaging to your new lawn.

After the initial soaking of your lawn, you then need to make sure that the correct amount of moisture is maintained. You can stress your grass with over-watering, just the same as stressing your grass with under-watering. Here’s the trick: use your foot! Think of what it feels like underfoot when you’re walking on cement compared to what it feels like when you’re walking on a plush carpet with the proper underlay. If your grass feels like cement when you walk on it; it is too dry, if your grass feels like a plush carpet; it’s perfect. If your new lawn feels like you’re walking on a wet sponge, and the grass is moving; it has too much water. This is where you have to pay a little bit of attention, you have to watch the weather. It is important to be aware of which areas of your property are more susceptible to drying out under the constant sun, and which areas are not drying out at all due to the shade. The areas that endure more sun and heat require more water. If your lawn has a slope to it or obvious grade, it will need more water than a perfectly leveled area where water may be absorbed much better.

The first few hours with your new lawn are probably the most critical, unless your sod was unrolled in the rain, the ground will be dry as well as the sod. An established lawn can easily handle being dry, but new sod that just had all of its roots cut in half by being cut off of the field that it came from, cannot withstand being dry. When the sod is cut off of the fields the roots of the plant are essentially cut in half horizontally. Grass is a very strong plant and can handle this with ease, as long as it has moisture. Those roots will regrow in no time. But for the first month or so, they will need your help. As soon as you can you should essentially soak your new lawn. One thing to be careful about when soaking your lawn is that you don’t use too much water in too little time, that will cause the water to run off, and not soak in. You need to be careful and water your lawn slowly. A good quality sprinkler will do this automatically, but you still need to watch and make sure that you’re not overwatering one area, where the water is basically going into the sewer.




If your new sod was installed properly and properly watered, and Mother Nature was having a normal season, there should be no need to aerate, or power rake for at least the first two years. Paul van Gils, owner/designer - VANGILS Landscaping

4050 Waverley Street Winnipeg, MB R3V 1W8 Web: www.thelawnsalon.ca Phone: (204)-255-7319 Cell: (204) 791-9482 Email: info@thelawnsalon.ca

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One Call, Get it All


andscaping is an oft-discussed topic in Manitoba, where we’re seeing a rapid increase in new homes and new developments. As people are willing to part with increasingly more money to create their ideal outdoor living spaces, local landscaping companies are broadening their services to answer the ever-growing list of demands. These companies can now offer anything from low maintenance gardens, to fence and deck repairs, to more complex projects such as swimming pool removals. This versatility often allows the prospective customer to employ one single company to complete the varying projects.

Rob Bourbonnais, owner at The Lawn Salon has identified this trend and since its inception in 1994, it has become one of Winnipeg’s most diverse landscaping contractors and building companies. Whether it’s new a construction, retrofitting or refurbishing of an outdoor living space, they strive to create a memorable and pleasurable experience with its customers. Barbeques and get-togethers with family and friends are things we all look forward to during the summer. Entertaining is more enjoyable when we are equipped with the right space . “When the party spills out onto the deck this summer, you’ll be the envy of your friends with a landscaping plan that can cover all of your needs. If you can imagine it, we can make it happen”, explains Rod.




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Let’s face it: we are living in an increasingly busy world and most of us could do without yard work. With the hustle and bustle of our every day lives, it can be disheartening to part with our down time to dedicate it to chores. The recent trend of synthetic turf has helped alleviate some of the chores around the yard. Starting at just $7.49/ sq ft you can have a beautiful, synthetic lawn installed. Pool surroundings, putting greens, dog runs and even sports turf are all possibilities and common uses for synthetic grass. Synthetic grass for lawns and landscaping has become a popular choice as it is virtually maintenance free. It requires no water, never needs mowing or chemicals and is pet friendly. With an 8 year warranty and the UV protection, you are provided with peace of mind and can rest assured that your grass will be nothing short of spectacular.

Pools Q&A

By Jason Lawrence -operatIons manager for Oasis Leisure Centre. 23 Years in the Pool and Spa Industry.


we have all seen the easy setup pools at the chain stores for about $500. They are a great option to see if your kids will use it and they are really inexpensive. Once the kids have the pool, you will realize they can’t live without it so you will likely look for a more permanent solution. Permanent aboveground pools start at around $3,000 and can be professionally installed for an extra cost. They come in round and oval shapes. Typically homeowners do the installation themselves for the smaller round pools and have the larger pools and oval shapes professionally built. The top options for aboveground pools are heaters to extend the season, Saltwater Systems to automatically keep the water sanitized, and cartridge filters and automatic pool vacuums to help make maintenance a breeze. Some clients spend as much as $15,000 to $20,000 for a large oval aboveground pool which includes all the options and complete installation. If you are getting close to about $20,000 and realize that you will want a $10,000 wooden deck around the pool, then you might consider a smaller inground pool.




A: The builders in Winnipeg

offer complete installations with excavation, all permits necessary, and a complete concrete deck around the pool plus chemicals to start up and a full complete orientation of how your pool works. In Winnipeg we see inground pools start at about $40,000. This gets you a smaller pool with everything you need to enjoy swimming in your backyard, but you probably want some features that make your pool more attractive, easy to maintain and fun. Therefore we see clients add these items bringing the average price for a pool to about $60,000. The most popular options are Saltwater Systems, large slides, decorative stamped concrete, robotic cleaners, automatic controls, led lighting and rock waterfalls. We also are seeing exciting unique features that can push the price up over the $100,000 range with automatic retractable covers, massive grottos and caves and vinyl over steel steps and benches that give your pool a seamless look. Most builders can quote you on any options you desire and will guide you on the products they offer. After you choose your options then a complete

quotation is prepared for you with the exact options you want, to give you a firm price. Remember that some options can be added later with proper planning such as slides and waterfalls so you don’t need to blow the budget to get into an inground pool.

Q: ARE POOLS VERY HARD TO MAINTAIN? A: Absolutely not. Today’s

pool are the easiest to maintain. When you get a new pool today ask for three things that make your life easier; a cartridge filter, a saltwater sanitizer and an automatic pool vacuum. Old pools have sand filters which require weekly cleaning. This can be eliminated by a new large cartridge filter. Saltwater Systems keep your pool sanitized without you having to add pucks. Saltwater pools are almost carefree with less chemical usage and the pH doesn’t drop, causing balancing issues. Although vacuuming your pool is very easy, it can be accomplished by an automatic pool vacuum to save you time. By the way all these features can be purchased and installed on older pools so you can spend less time on maintenance and more time swimming.





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