Jiangling Liao & Hanting Hong 683672 & 648462 Rosie Gunzburg Thursday Tutorial 1-3pm
Sketch Design Development
Micro behaviors are the specific ways that individuals react physically to surrounding environments. Some micro-behaviors are expected when stranger gets into or involves with the their personal space. However, these behaviors are hard to notice, since these normal reactions occur rapidly without premonitions and the spatial movements of them are relatively short. To exaggerate these micro-behaviors from difficult perceived to clearly identified, make invisible emotional changes to visible physical movements become our main starting points. From the observation outcome, moveable joints (mainly pin joints and roller joints) can create flexibility of the bone structure which can be used to exaggerate the micro-behaviors. The fabrics move and shape with the bone folding and spreading which express the emotional adjustments behind the micro-behaviors.
Refined Sketch Model
Basically, the four bracing subsystems in two-dimensianl axis consisit of this universal bone system.For each subsystem, pin joints stay at the middle of the bracing, which create the fold and unfold movements in two-dimensional axis. The roller joints exsit at the bottom of each angle, acted as a connection between two near bracing subsystems. These functional connections allow two-dimensional movements transfer to three-dimensional. These flexiable bone system tends to lead fabric shaped quite randomly and form a transformable surface.
2nd Skin proposed design V.1
Since the expression of Micro-behaviours is our design strategy, specific experiments have been made, following micro-behaviours were discovered from sample individuals throught our test when people get close to them without reminders : chin withdrawing, neck rotating, shoulder hunching and crouching,body twisting and retreating and arms retreating. The raw datas are classified by the body regions and create the left personal space mapping diagram. In this position, neck, shoulder and the upper part of the body seems mkae more respond to the invasion of personal space. It is therefore, a dynamic bone system are designed to shape and adjust these movemnets in those regions. Since these behaviours are wispy and hard to noticed by others. A floating superior surface are placed above the bone system. Accroding to lever principle, longer distance tends to transfer and exaggerate these wispy shiftings to a larger scale adjustments.
2nd Skin proposed design V.2
The distance is the most obviously physical representation of personal space. A test to record the distances that individuals can be aware of stranger gets close and have the sense of intervention are taken by us. The results of this test are illustrated by the left mapping. Our design is to express this invisable distance diagram boundary to a visual liquid volum. The triangular form bone system are used by us. A serise of triangular mobilizable volumes are arrayied, rotated and joined together to simulate the shape of personal space distance diagram. The transfoemation of postive and negative space gained from this design which give user a sense of transformation of “out” and “in” for persoanl space. The fabrics functionally acted as tension force to hold the volume back from spreading. They also form the semi-closed space which prevent strangers get too close but not stop them commnicate with users.
Precedent Research California stage set / John jasperse
Transformation/Movability/Controllable / Adaptaion
Description of precedent The main material in this precedent is polycarbonate, which contains the characteristics of translucency and reflectivity. The light can be absorbed, reflected and refracted by this material surface. Unfold individual segments of panel are used to create a transformable surface.These groups of panels are jointed by the “Zip Ties” system, which maximizing the movability of segments in three-dimensional axis and create a geometrical and spatial adaptation to the users’ movements. Easy to construct and broke down are also taking into considerations.
Precedent applied to design
Transformation/Movability/Controllable / Adaptaion
How can you use this precedent to influence your design ? Since Zip Ties can create the joints both flexible and controllable, a similar technology are applied to our bone system with the line pass through the holes on the bone surface.
Design development - Version #1
Design development - Version #2
The developments of our design are mainly focus on create a performative and controllable bone and skin system and also fabrication stages. Using paneling tools to unify and flatten the bone and skin system which tends to reach the requirments of laser-cutting but not to change our geometrical and flexibale bone and skin system. In order to adapt the personal space and express the emotional change more exaggerative and easier catched, larger scale of bone and skin are introduced to our design compered to previous design. New connections which allow maximum flexibility and esay controlled and fabricate for bone to bone, bone to skin and skin to skin are designed in this stage. Both laser-cutting and 3D priting drawing details are discussed and provied above.
In order to test our design‘s physical movement circulation , visual effect and workability. A small scale model are attained. Since hand have relatively small surface which is easy to coverd and multiple movable joints which help us to test design flexibility of bone and transformation of skin. From the elevation and top view located above, we can clearly find that the bone system are well adapt to the hand skin and all the joints on the hand, which shapes and simulates the boundaries of hand’s personal space. We use hand’s spread out-clenched shifting process to simulates the micro-behavious movements. A series of process photos are put in next page, these photos clearly display the adjustments of bone to the change of hand state which lead to shifting of personal space. With the movements of personal space, the skin pinned on the bone system create the transformation surface. In this stage, the personal space are clearly boundaried and the micro-behaviours linked to the invasions of personal space are successfully enlarged .
Testing Effects