3 minute read
Ten years growing
LBC takes a look back at a decade ofprogress
-John Schlesinger With Carole Smith
Allwho know JerryFalwellknow that young peopleareespeciallyimportantto him. Countless times he has remarked, "Iloveyoung people. They are the hope of our nation and our world."
It is no wonder then thatJerryFalwell has invested his life in training young people to be champions for God
"Years ago,"he says, "Idecided that if I wanted to make my life countforeternity, I would do astheLord did andas the ApostlePauldid reproduce myself inothersand teach them the same reproductiveprinciples.
LBC students are deeplygrateful to God thatHe hasgiven Jerry Falwell such avision.
"As I think aboutLiberty BaptistCollege and its miraculous campus," reminisces Dr.Falwell, "my heart isdeeply grateful to God. It was not long ago that we conducted classes inthecorridorsofThomas Road BaptistChurch and in old, vacant buildings around the city Students lived everywhere on Treasure Island, in the Hotel, inan abandoned hospital, and in hundreds of homes graciously opened to us by Thomas Road Baptist Church members. Rundown buses transported students around town
Today we walk on amulti-million dollarcampus that we claimed for God when just a barren mountainside."
During thelastseveralyears, Dr.Falwell'sinfluence and ministryhasexpanded nationallyand internationally. With his complex schedule and the illimitable demands on his time, Dr. Falwell stillremains a personal friend to thestudentsofLiberty BaptistSchools. Students can always count on Dr Falwelltobe present formany oftheiractivities He attendseverygame hepossiblecanand is alwaysthe loudest fanpresent. Dr. Falwellenvisionstheday when auniversity with schoolsoflaw, medicine, thearts, and religionwillbe housed on Liberty Mountain's wooded slopes
"Although the schools multiply in number greatly each year," Dr.Falwell says, "Iknow we will always be unitedin spirit, working toward one common goal:that of reaching outtoaworld offourand ahalfbillionpeoplewho desperately need JesusChrist."
Wearing theoriginal school colors ofgreen yellowand white, LBC cheerleaders cheer on ayounger version ofthe LBC football team. When Lynchburg Baptist College officially became Liberty Baptist College, the school colors werechanged tored, whiteand blue.
•TaWLmX' aaaaaaaaaaaai the ministry of Jerry Falwell, he had no idea that hewould eventually bethe co-founder ofacollege begun by that same church
While writing the book, Towns was the president of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School inIllinois. He has been considering leaving Trinity,yetwasn't sure ofwhere God wanted him to go
"Iwas doing some meetings attheCanton Baptist Temple and I shared my desire for change to the pastor, Harold Henninger," he said "He told me to get in touch with Jerry."
Strange as it may seem, at the same time Towns was talking with Pastor Henninger, Dr. Falwell was talking to Mrs Towns, letting herknow that he wanted totalk with her husband about starting acollege Sowhen Towns finally got through to Dr. Falwell, Dr. Falwell thought that Towns was just answering his call
"We had never discussed it previously,"hesaid. "When I finally gotthrough tomy wife all she told me was to call Jerry Itold herIalready had and then sheasked me ifwe were going toLynchburg andI told her thatwewere Apparently shehad been in prayer fortheprevious twohours."
When his contract with Trinity was completed, Towns and Falwell setthegears in motion tostart a college They wrote that year's catalogue and by thetime school opened on Sept 8,1971,there were 154students
"It was, Ithink, thegreatest year we had," Towns said "In fact I call them the glory years There were verylittle discipline problems and we were like one big happy family."
Looking back,Towns realizes that thegrowth ofthe college up tonow was even more than he or Dr Falwell had anticipated
"The school hasbecome sophisticated and the true image ofa university,"hesaid."When itstarted out it wasaBible college,yetthat isnotwhere we had intended ittobe W e had always planned for it tobealiberalartscollegewiththe emphasis on academic excellance that we have today. In 10 years we have seen a miracle—something far beyond my expectations."
^kmmmmt K^"^-™ and enjoy its recent accomplishments. He is already leading hisadministrative team in planning for university status forthe college
Dr. Guillermin might be one of the very few who can really appreciate the giant strides made by the college in only its firstdecade
Ten years ago,LBC wasadream inthe mind ofDr.Jerry Falwell. Thenewcollegehadonly ahandful ofstudents and just a few faculty members
Guillermin, president of a South Carolina college, resigned his position in 1967and came to Lynchburg after Falwell presented tohim hiseducational concept ofa kindergarten-to-university system centered around the local church.
Even though thecollege hasgrown ata rapid 20 percent yearly growth rate, Guillermin believes thebasic founding principles have stayed thesame and area main reasonfor the school's success.
"We must continue tofollow ourbasic principles tobe a successful school," Guillermin said
Guillermin also said that while most majorcolleges have lettheir discipline structure decline,LBC hasmaintained a strong discipline system.
"Ibelieveinastrong, realisticdiscipline system",hesaid "Our rules and regulations arethesame, but ourapplications and theway we handle problems have changed,"
Ten yearsago many people thought LBCwas justa dream in Jerry Falwell's mind—a mere vision
Today LBCis more thanjustadream people called impossible—it's the firstaccredited, fundamental, separatist, local church related college in America.
No one will besurprised ifinthe next fiveyears Dr. A.P. Guillermin is called the president ofLiberty Baptist University