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John tries toparticipate in as manyactivities as he possibly can. He jogs frequently and alsoattends Friday night late skates

John Reeves listens to a professor lecture in a freshman English class. John has had many poems published in his high school publicationsand plans to write devotionas and music directedto the handicapped in the write poetry," Reeves said. "It is the outlet Ineed to get out my feelings of rejection,despair,and loneliness 1 use the energy that cries out for companionship, and Ichannel it into positive energy that will help me."

John has had many of his poems published in his high school publications. He plans to use this talent in the future to write devotionals and music directed to young people,especially the handicapped Reeves feels the key to overcoming any limitation isto channel the negative to the positive I am only handicapped when I think Iam," Reeves said "The key to all true overcoming for me is to realize that my limitations only make the task more rewarding, and itserves God all the more, for when I am weak, He is strong."

John Schlesinger

John pu-hc* lor »t hievement in spite ol limitations My only handicap is when others limit m<- he says

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