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The Lloyds leave alegacyofChristiandrama

in 1972 Dr and Mrs Mark Lloyd retired from teaching college in Kentucky Then last year—after nine years of teaching at LBC-they retired again.

The years that stand between their firstand second retirement representalmost a decade of life-investing work in thedevelopment ofChristian drama and theDivision ofCommunications atLBC

When the Lloyds retired from Kentucky, they toured the United States in their motor home. Lynchburg, where their son,Mark Lewis Lloyd,was working for the Old-Time Gospel Hour television program, happened to be one of theirstops

When they saw the need for facultyat LBC, then in itsinfant stages,Dr Lloyd gave up his retirement to join the LBC administration He worked as the college'sbusiness manager,but was soon to find out that the classroom was hisfirst love, and in1974he accepted theposition of chairman of the Division of Communications.

At that time the division had fewer than 10 faculty members and only two subject areas,English and Speech Now the division has almost 30 faculty mem- bers and offers eight majors and sixminors in such disciplines as art,drama, French, journalism,Spanish and speech

Dr Lloyd insists that he has neverregreted giving up his retirement toinvest his life in helping build a college

"I'veenjoyed teaching everywhere I've been," he said, "but I never worked harder or enjoyed it more than in my years at LBC."

Along with retirement, the Lloyds are celebrating their 55th year of marriage and their 55th year of college teaching. Along with teaching,Dr. Lloyd's experience ranges from the pastorate to work as ajunior high principal and thepresidency of a Bible college in California.

Even now the Lloyd's retirements are only from their full-time positions on the LBC faculty They will still be on campus next year, directing the drama ministry of the Kings Players.

When the Lloyds first came to LBC, thecollegewas only begining to develop the program that today is beginning to blossom into a tight, competitive program. Those who have followed the development of the college will remember the Lloyds and their contribution to make LBC agreatChristian university •

Dr.Lloyd, who has been teaching college for 55 years, started at LBC asthe business manager and then took the positon of chairman of the Division of Communications.

More than students

T n 1958, Mrs. Helen Richie Lloyd founded the Kings *• Playersdrama group atAshbury College in Wilmore, Ky. That group consisted of 14 students who toured one play called "A Mighty Fortress."

Today Mrs. Lloyd isan associate professor of drama at Liberty,and a director of the Kings Players drama group

The A team,directed by Mrs Lloyd, tours five different plays, and the B team,directed by Mr David Allison,tours threeplays

The main purpose of theKings Players istospread the gospel through drama and towinsouls.

"We've had many people saved and rededicated tothe Lord," Mrs. Lloyd said.

Not only does Mrs Lloyd invest insouls, but she personally invests ineach one of the players

"The Kings Players are not just students," Mrs Lloyd said,"They aremy children. Ipray for them."

Mrs Lloyd feelsgood when "her kids" accomplish something Shehashad former Kings Players tobecome ministers and missionaries all over theworld

Mrs. Lloyd islooking for thedaywhen the Kings Players form afullroad team Shefeels thiswill besoon becauseof the rapid growth of thedrama department at the college

-Elaine Ethridge

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