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Their slogan was "One for Christ" and that was their goal

The girls of Dorm One,with RAs Rhonda Hewittand Ramona Coggins, had many activities: aHalloween party, a car wash that raised enough money to have a barbeque with the r brotherdorm, Dorm Five, and a talent show with their second semester brother dorm,Dorm 18-2

Occasionally athallmeetings there were also visitors like the "Bag Sisters"and the "Do-Right Family."

Not only were there activities for fun, but they also had activities for socialand spiritual uplift

The first semester thedorm wasinvolved with a children's home,Faith House, inNorth Carolina Each girl in the dorm was responsible for one childto writeletters to and send gifts On weekends some ofthegirls would go down to the home.

Ramona and Rhonda also held a weekly discipleship group for the girls in the dorm, and they collected money for a poor Japanese family in Lynchburg

Erin Jach said, "The greatestthing about Dorm One iswe had unity."

Let it also go on record that Dorm One won theBattleof the Dorms. D

Karen Burcham-Fr.

MelanieJohnson-Jr., JoyceClark-So., Debra Glatfelter-So., Lori DeHart-Fr., Sheri Larson- Fr., Lesa Riddle-Fr., Wanda Martinez-Jr. (back row) Linda Miller-So., Nancy Harrison-Jr., GailKeith-So., Christine Boyer-So., Joy Cross-So., Deronne Culley-So., BethAnn Lemmen-Fr., Denita Robinson-Fr.

FrontRow: Mary Palladino-Fr., Kim Jenkins-Fr., Terrie Fisher-Fr., Brooker-Fr., Ruth DeVerna-Fr.,Joanne Good-Sr., CarolKeenan-Sr. (second row)Robin Goshorn-So., Lucretia Huggins-Fr., Petrina Houts-Fr., Doris McCaskill-Sr., Cindy Tweedy-Jr., Lisa Freel-Fr., Diane Hayes- Fr., Lauren Gregory-Sr. (back row)Donna Jefferies- So., Cheryl Gossard-Fr., Roylene Ellis-So., Wendy Grubb-Fr., Phyllis Watson-Fr., Kim Galbraith-Jr., Lynn Torchio-Fr., Ramona Coggins-Sr.

RAs havea toughjobmaintainig order aswell as organizing activities. Here, Cloa Shamblin, RA ofDorm Two, takes some time totalk to herfolks in West Virginia.

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