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Dor m Three

Unde r RAsLes Long andRonSnavely, Dorm Three's activity schedule was highlighted by a trip to King's Dominion taken at the end of April

Along with this, thedorm sponsoreda late skate and was noted for being the firstdorm to popularize thewell-attended late moves attheGeneral Store

The dorm also remained active in the areaofsportswith anintramuralbasketball and Softball team.

Yet the activities the dorm wasinvolved inwere notonly geared to social life According to Les Long, the dorm also had a weekly discipleship program for freshmen which, Long claims, was very successful. •

As a resident assistant in thedorm, Les Long hashad to budget his timecarefully, planning his dorm ministry and activities.

To Ron Snaveley, a resident assistant along with Les Long, administering discipline isa majorfacet ofhisjob. Here, Andy Ticklegoofs offand begsformercy.

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Frank Baer-Fr. (second


KirkA.Huggins-Fr., GregoryH. Blazs-Fr., Mark BassieSr., Andy Caviness-So., Mark Atwood-Fr., Brian Caviness-Fr. (thirdrow)Terry Larsen-So., Marvin Long II-Jr., David McNeill-Fr., Randy Rapp-So., Lester Long-Sr., Billy Hudson-Jr., Daniel Blank-Fr. (back row) Thomas Godfrey-Jr., Jim Agens-So., WilliamBurrows-So., Bob Albee-Fr., Robbie Cobb-Jr., Tim McCrory-Jr., Jeffrey S. Woodard-Jr.

Douglas A. Campbell-Fr., DarrylBrown-Fr., Mike Bitonti-Fr., BrettLane-Fr., Mark Lewis-Fr., Dave DeWitt-Fr. (thirdrow) Dyer-Fr., RobertWendel-Fr., John Rowles-So., Mark Hilton-Jr., John Sigman-Fr., ChrisWalker-Fr., Kevin Blazs-Jr., Darrel Lee-So. (back row) chie S. Kelley-Jr., David Hamel-So., David Bibb-Sr., Tracy Figley-Fr., Gillette-Fr., Leornad Diggs,Jr.-So., Stephen T. Lizzio-Sr., Everette chan-So.

Bill Vassiliou and JeffJack, RAs in Dorm Four feel they had a more unified dorm during the 1980-81 year thanthey didinprevious years. Both Vassiliou and Jack arefrom Austrailia.

Dor m Four

Dorm Four, the "kangaroo dorm," with RAs Bill Vassiliouand Jeff Jack from Austrialia, was amore unified dorm this year,according toVassiliou

The dorm had regular activities such as combined hall meetings with their sister dorm and late skates.Dorm Four alsohadthesell-outlatemovie oftheyear with "Gone With the Wind."

"We had a lot offun atour outing atCamp Hide-away with Dorm Two," Vassiliou said "We had a pizza party, games and canoeing."

Dorm Two wasnot their sisterdorm, though Dorm Four had a secret brother and sister relationship with Dorm 12.

Vassiliou attributes the unified nature ofthe dorm to the activitiesthey hadtogether, yet it wasmostly aresult of the dorm discipleship program they conducted. Vassiliou said that theaverage attendance was about50

"Steve Rae, our activities director for SGA,did a great job,"Vassiliou said, "along with Dwight Marzolf and Randy Warden, who were our other SGA representatives."

Vassiliou said that there were quite afewchanges for the residents ofhisdorm.

"This past year we had a mature dorm," he said. •

(backrow) Curt Motsinger-Fr., John Broch-Fr., Michael Bond-So, Duane Coe-So.. Brian Hammond-Sr., Dave Hendricks-Sr, Brian Chappell-Fr., Bill Vassiliou-Sr

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