1 minute read

The Athletic Dorm s

U etween the two floorsof Dorm

•** Five combined, one finds the baseball team, basketball team and the football team

The first floor, with RAs Harry Walls and Chuck Myers, has the baseball team and the basketball team Although theteamsare oftenon theroad with games, therehas been a unity in the dorm, according to the RAs

The second floor of Dorm Five houses the LBC Flames football team RAs Rick Vasquez and Mark

Hardy maintained discipleship in the dorm and had occasionalactivities

The main activity for both floors was participation in the Men ofArmour For most of the athletes this was their Christianservice

Another activitythatwas notedfor thedorm was participationinthe National HeartAssociationjump-a-thon. Athletes took pledges from students for the amount of time they jumped rope. The rope-jumping athletes raised $950 for heart research and treatment •

Maintaining thespiritual candor of thedorm is oneofthe RA's main jobs. The bestplacefordoing this, inmost cases, is atthe dorm's hall meeting. Here, Chuck Myers, RA on the first floor, shares his thoughts during a combined meeting with Dorm 5's sister dorm in theDorm 2 lounge.

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