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Dor m Eight
j • orm Eight hadanobviouslyactiveyear under RAsLee Karnes and Dave Earley
Among the activities was a Super Conference with the dorm's prayer leaders.
Along with this, the dorm had a pizza pizza party with Dr.DonGarlock, a talent show with agirls' dorm and adorm picnicatBlackwater Creek Park. A progam was also established for Saturday soul-winning and fora Champions for Christ discipleship meeting
According to Karnes, the prayer leaders'trip toHoly Land U.S.A was great.Thegroup toured thepark and later had devotions with Dan Mitch- ell,who spoke on leadership
Dorm Eight also boasts of being champions, and from their leadership's point ofview, this is correct.
Karnes won thedoubles tennisintramural with Brian Macon and Earley won the wrestling intramural in his weight class
Earley was also given the RA of the Year Award by the Student Affairs Office.
The SGA dorm representitives were: Rod Dempsey, spiritual director; Brian Robinson, activities director;and Steve Sisler,student services director Together, they worked for a positive dorm experience forall •
John Marchetti-Jr., Ray Haley-Fr., Steve Sisler-Jr., Phil Kelly-Jr., Lester Maycock-So., Jeff Bennett-Fr., Roger Smith-Fr. (second row)Anthony Holloman-Fr., Rick Carmickle-Fr., Jim Miller-Sr, Rick Cummins-So., TheophilusClaridge-Fr., David Snyder-Sr., Alan Beck-So., Rocky Erickson-Jr., Tim Kramer-Jr., MichaelBorgg-So. (back row) Craig Landfair-Fr., Lee Karnes-Jr.. Kenneth Tunnell-Fr., Max Adams-Fr., Bob Barner-Fr. Bruce Horne-Fr., David Black-So., Anson McDaniel-Fr., Steve Coffey-Jr.
Front row: KeithJones-Jr., Tony Navaro-Jr., James Siegel-Jr., Gregory Miller-So.. Steve House-Sr., John Johnson-So., Clark Robbins-Fr., Keith Wendland-Fr., Dave Earley-Sr. (second row) DaleShedd-So., Brian Robertson-So., Linwood Brown-Jr., Victor Nas-Fr., Steven Thompson-Fr.,John Garber-So., Jim Olsen-Jr:, JackLandis-Jr., Stephen Dorton-Jr., Mitch LeeFr., Frank Durham, Jr.-So. (back row)Jimmy Adame-Fr, Rodney DempseySr., Alan Myers-Fr., Alan Jackson-So., GilbertHarrison-Fr., Robert Garber-So, John Zivojinovic-Fr, Rick Wells-Jr., Chuck Bowers-Sr.