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Dorm JS-ineteen-One
Th e begining of the second semester brought ashock to many female stuents that were living at LBC's downtown campus,TheHotel When the girls returned they found that their home had been changed to thenewtwo-story dorm onthe mountain.
The move left many ofthegirls disappointed and disillusioned, butas the year took its course, the girls found that they still maintained the familyatmosphere they hadat the hotel the only thing they missed were the guys.
The first floor of Dorm Nineteen, formally the fifth floor of the hotel, was headed by RAs Donna Rouzie and Trudy Goff Together with the restofthe dorm they organized many activities including Donkey Football and a late movie.
Along with these,there was also a scavenger hunt organized,which was arranged so that they could getto know their new neighbors on the mountain
There was also a pizza party with the sixth floor of the Hotel (Dorm Nineteen-Two)andthey hada special hall meeting with Dr Don Garlock speaking.
The year ended with a "Pig Out" party where the girls had their last chance to socialize with one another before leaving forthe year.
"We hadahallfullofgivinggirls," RA Donna Rouzie said. "They hadactivelyshown thatthey loveeachother and theLord Jesus." •
Dorothy Lockwood and Ruth Graybill sport a bigsmileforthe camera. Lockwood and Graybill were the only two who showed up for Dorm Nineteen-Two's picture retake.
Dor m KTineteen-Two
Formally the sixth floor of the Hotel, the girls on the second floor of Dorm Nineteen showed that theywereafamilyeven away fromthe Hotel
Together the girls went to Williamsburg,Va.twice and they battled together in theBattle of the Dorms.
"We are a family," said RA J.J. Yelvington,"that'swhat keeps us going.We had a real care and closeness at the Hotel that carried over to our new home."
Other ways thegirls showed their involvement waswith an open house fortheguys at the Hotel,alate movie and a scavenger hunt with Dorm Eighteen Along with J.J was RA Vicky Bradley.
Vicky said,"The love that isshed abroad intheheartsoftheseladies has overwhelmed me." •
Front row:Julie Ware-Jr, Julie Weir-Fr., Dee Willis-Fr, Pamela Eason-Fr., Lisa West-Fr., Kim Davidson-Sr., Kim Wilson-Fr., Brenda Wolff-Fr., Denise Steele-Fr. (second row) Cynthia King-Jr., Dawn Sluti-Fr., Althea SmithFr., Cris Oesterling-Fr., Anne Scott-Fr., Debbie Harrison-So., Debbie Curwin-Sr, Debbie Harvey-Sr., Julie Williams-So., Karen Millison-Fr., Nancy Garnett-So.. Joanne Palmer-Jr.. RebeccaOrr-Fr (third row)Rhoda Sandoval-Fr., Laurie Makeeff-So., GlendaSibbick-Fr.. Shawna Stimson-Fr., Mary Renaud-Fr. Deborah Roberts-Fr.. Rebecca Pruett-So., Gail Anderson-Jr., Jennie Mach-So., Laurie Mellott-So, Kathcrine McLean-Fr:, Donna Robinson-Fr.. Lisa Schuh-Fr., Connie Sprague-Fr. (back row) PamPhipps-So., Rachel Smith-Fr., Nancy Lorenz-Fr., Patty Goodenough-So, Maggie CaveSo.. Deanna Spatz-Fr., Susan Nicholls-Fr., Sherry Parrott-Fr. Melanie Vennes-So. Vickley Bradley-Sr.. J.J. Yelvington-Sr, Peggy Roe-Sr.
The oldStewartArms Hotel has aged somewhat since the dayofits opening in 1913, but todayitmeans home for anumber ofLBCstudents.