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Off-Campus Students cont

Front row: Kathryn Honey-So.,Bobby Fowler-Sr., Donnie Norman-So., Thomas Oatman-Fr., Keven Combs-Fr., David Fleury-Fr., David Wood-So.. Donald Witham-Jr. Debbie Newman-Fr. Deborah Reynolds-Fr Dianne Martin-So., Karen Yingling-Fr. (second row) Stephen Crandstaff-Jr., Mark Hoffman-So.. Mark Hopkins-Sr., Ruth Waltz-So., Carol ^lzey-Jr Larry Tatum-Jr., James Montgomery-Jr., Sybil Frey-So., Deborah White-So., Lorraine Harris-So.. RobertLightfoot-Fr.. Kathy LeePerrino-Sr, Donna Turpin-Jr., Donna Barstead-So., Cheryl White-So.. Ken Martin-Jr., Alan Davis-So. (third row) WilliamThomas-Jr.. Stephen Pfau-Jr., Patricia Guy-Jr., Michael Racanelli-So., Bruce Edward-Sr.. Ronald Swann-Jr Steven DillieSo., Randy Stadel-Jr, BrendaFlocco-Jr., Matthew Carnett-Fr.. HarleyMmnick-Sr.. Jay Rising-Sr. Timothy Amon-Jr.,Bob Hippey-Jr. (fourth row) Deborah Caines-Fr. Carlton Jackson-Fr.. Roy Morgan-Jr.. Kitty Sayre-Sr., Dean Lamphere-So. John Willis-So., Mark Clark-Sr., Gene ThomassonSo., Karen Hobert-Jr. Dana Joiner-So.. RobertDavis-Fr. Steve Younts-Jr., DavidMercado-So., Alan Cousins-)r, Debra Markert-Jr. LeanneBrunnerSo. (fifth row) Kimberly Criffith-Jr, Diane Price-Jr.. James Fox-So., Bryan Mason-Sr. Terry Young-Jr.. Lowell Thomas-Jr. Brad< Schaaf-Fr.. John Hail-So, Richard Vance-Fr,Barry Cray-Jr.. Michael Garner-So. Debra Eure-Sr.. Kenneth Crahl-So.. Richard Wilkins-Fr, Steve H,nton-So.

During the 1970s,while 129 private colleges were closing their doors forever,Liberty Baptist College experienced a 15 percent growth rate

While the reasons for the decline in America's 1,500 private colleges during the'70swere making many educators and economists feel that the '80s would continue the downward trend in enrollment and the spiraling costs in tuition, administrators atLBC were optimistic about the future and were already planning for increased enrollment through the '80s.

A Carnegie study predicts that as many as 300 institutions will vanish in the '80sand many educators expect even a greater number of colleges to

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