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presidency of PBTS

TAT henreligion division chairman Woodrow Kroll, came toLBC five and one-half years ago,the division could have held itsmeetings in theback ofaVolkswagen bus,according toKroll

Today the division has' nineteen members minus one The missing member isDr Kroll

In January Kroll took apositionas President ofthe Practical BibleTraining School in Binghamton, N.Y

When Kroll first came to LBC, C. Sumner Wemp was thedivision chairman. All the present teachers have come since Kroll'sarrival.

Before accepting his position at LBC, Kroll had three different offers from other schools. One school wanted him tohead their division of religion.LBC wanted him tobean assistant professor

"Ihadnever visited LBC before and I didn't know what toexpect," Kroll said. "All I saw were students one mile wide and one-quarter inch deep There wasalotofenthusiasm and no soil."

According to Kroll, the Lord worked out hisdecision when the two other offers fell through There was only one choice left—LBC

Since coming to Liberty, Kroll found thatthis decision was"definitely thebest."Along with histeaching in the college, he was assigned to teach the Couples Bible Class onSunday mornings at TRBC

When Kroll left, the class had grown from 26 people toabout 1,000. Kroll said hewanted theclass members tohave adeeper study inthe Bible as well as fellowship. The class, which had met intheInstitute Room since itsbegining, moved to the old sanctuary last January because of its tremendous growth

Along with hisregular teachingand theSunday school class, Kroll had invested histime instudents inthe Foreign Studies Program.

Kroll's leaving was one regretted by administration and thestudent body alike. Here, Dr. and Mrs. Krollareshown appreciation ata faculty reception

"I think there are two things my students will remember me for,"Kroll said "The first ismy consistencyand the second ismy simplicity Ifeel my gift from God is my ability to take what iscomplicated andmake it simple."

In regard tohis leaving the college, Kroll said, "It isn't easy and I wouldn't leave except that the Lord has guided this way."

John Schlesinger •

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