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Shattered records andAll-Americans declare A season of improvement
¥ n their fourth year representing
•*• LBC, themen's cross country team showed continued improvement as they placed second in the NCCAA Nations.
The team compiled a 6-2 record in dual meets which included victories over St Augustineand Campbell University
The team opened the season with victoriesover Radford and HampdenSydney beforelosingtoVirginiaMilitary Institute. After defeating St. Augustine and Campbell,they prepared for the NCAA Division II and III State meet. The runnersplacedfirst in the state event ahead of Roanoke, Radford,Virginia State and Norfolk State
The team was defeated by James Madison University, but rebounded with victories over Bridgewater and EasternMennonite inaquad meet At theEMC meet, Rick Wilson broke 25 minutes on thefivemile course to set a new school record; Wilson's time was 24:41 The besttime prior to this was 26:24setby Ail-American Marty Frisk two years ago.In 1980 the top nine times were faster than thispre- vious record. The team also lowered theircumulative fiveman times from 135:03 to 127:33 to establish a new LBC mark.
Aftercapturingfirst inthe NCCAA DistrictIImeet, theteam advanced to the National competition held atCedraville College in Ohio
"We wanted to beat the team that tookfirst last year(Cedarville) and we did,"Coach Jake Matthes said "But Anderson was stronger than we expected."
The runnersfinished strong among the25 teams involved placing second only toAnderson College who was a newcomer to the nationalmeet.
"The top seven runners' timeswere faster than the firstplace finisher of lastyear,"Coach Matthes said Sophomore Rick Wilson placed fourth in the national meet and was chosen as an NCCAA Ail-American. Seniors Bob Bracken and Rick Horn placed11thand 12threspectively, also
Ail-Americansenior Bob Bracken strides throughthe last part of the LBCcourse. Bracken finished seventh in themeet consisting of15 teams.
qualifying for All-Americanstatus
"Rick Horn and Bob Bracken were both surprises,"Coach Matthessaid "They couldn't make the top seven lastyear and thiswas their first time running in a nationalcompetition."
Coach Matthesspoke optimistically about 1981,citing Ivan Solero,Tim Black, Mike Phillips and John LaVergne as hopeful standouts
"There won't be any problemfilling inspacesnextyear We havea lot ofdepth on theteam and itshouldbe a strong team net year,"hesaid
Rick Wilson was chosen as the most valuablerunner, Bob Bracken as themost improved and RussBoone as the most inspirational
"This year everybody took up the slackwhen needed,"Matthes said. "It was one of those seasons we never made any major mistakes."
Rick Wilson starts outstrong against the Campbell University Camels.Wilson went on to finish secondintheearly season meet.
MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY TEAM: (front row)Doug Monohan, Roger Richards, Don Smith, Steve Caswell, Rick Horn, (second row)Bob Bracken, Mike Phillips, Bill Blackford, Ricky Wilson, Bob Holier, (back row)Coach JakeMatthes, Scott Young, Russ Boone,ClayBullock, John La Vergne,Dave Nelson, Ray Tyson, mgr.
At the halfway point in the race Sue Andrews sets thepace withRenee Reimer, Elaine Fisher and Julie Smiley close behind.
A runner from from Mary Washington College gets off to anearly lead in theregional meet. The Lady Flamesplaced3rdinthemeetfinishingfive runnersinthetop 20.